fentoigkeodowk‘4titoth. IRIT TOR AN MAW. (full prr scuwarnmuuramEß.) My orrignhiecht Oct so welt, hut mich sheer gorly Am der notion gebracht for heirs. Ich war any how &Weiland das warm ich mer net an krahteadkille un a really haw kreeya konn, don do ieh ohna entirely, un bleib an batcbelOr. Zs war emiy, doh ha shteddle, sally hab ink g'wle4, le an &marts un rechtshaffs meadle, un swat, on m hab ich of course net drakk himuit,'fbr heirs, weil es yusht de Becky &tanker war ; so war olsfert yusht so Boot 'das derheam in =sum house. IMe i 8 Wilma un is widder gongs maw bit hut walla, un se war olsfort ' Se war aw about goot-gneidch, un so &smart nu shtick des mer se hut missa respinfin Se-hut uatea tasty 11181110n8 On sick ghat, saner yusht plain, wohlfeal, awer doch shtick, un somehow—ich wefts aelwer net exactly we ich sawyer soli—net we an grandy lady hut se geguckt, awer doch fine, sauwer, shtick un ivver ous stun art un fbrehtendich. De fact is, de Barley hut rshofft for ears living—is noes Irma neaya, un shpinna, un aw horty serWOrt sham. Se but no kea cent un neatich ous gevva, un a deal leit hen be hat* se war witzich, awer se hut oh fraawt se het tin min geauuk tau hrdeens in ears ytmgy drtwya for sich tau erneara wannse-amoitiolt is. liEljw—asommy but ale so orrig fed fun der 'Whey gedenkt ; se hut, ale behawpt dhar . tot nosh so an shmarts meadle *we a 3 Becks, tau firma, is im gonsa • %teat. Se hut aw uft g'aawt das mer beast der Becky ennich ebbas in der welt tsu Aw are,. Aweri as Berkey war Irma doch yoftitilhawrem, common, unhort shoal& Somehow, nob 41601 dos kit disappoint bin warra mit caner noch der miner, hob ich awfonga tau mer selwer denka, wenn now yusht de odder telly so fershtendich weer we de Beckey—so shmart, un sich salvors° ivver-ens neat, un plain un sim ple awes macho, donn wet Joh my mind OWN& rshwin6 uf macha for eany odder de caner. Awer, ich hab on kenny den ioa de hock genuuk shiest for my fission germ, to so feel guter thrshtond hulAse de Bexley. Un we meaner des ichlo In meim mind de Berkey ferglieha hob mit onnery armed, we meaner koryose is rifts ibrekturima this mit all ears, hocha an fashionable awshtells, hut om end ken eantsiche inn eana halwer der fershtond wu 46 Reeks" hut. Amohl is owet war ich us do mommy olleanich Wilton= in der shtulirhuakt, an donn hab ich aw l sic fan der Beckey awfonga, tau shwetta, us, hob cam g'sawt dam ich an mono wiat deer ich suspect het en , hoiwy notion sick aw tau macho bei der linckey,' walla) is furor ous shack un ohndirt'l6; i : mommy hut who walla WrerAir, "soft in, awer ich hab gosirwt ich hat nix ton nemond uswytt Aare& "rep, secht de mommy, so Petkey yeamohls heiert OW" Ora flioehtsich doh bet tins lan housetops: - Awer, ich glawb net das se yeamohls an moon Weil*, for se is na net of in de fashions, zinelnenehow, es dinkt with se gebt nix um de menner. Wenn' awer de Bear doFh hoira set, mat de mommy, donnlcrickt any how ea noun a shmarty un a guty bow. Der mommy ears opinion inn der Beckey hut awfonga, an impression of my mind btu makhi. Denk lob, wann now de Becke e y so onlg shmart warum set ich net nei gut for in? Ss is any how kea counterfeit ; se weas we tau shwetza mit Srshtond i seneitht ha yacht im house iler we an grosser hundosit ma tea kessel *la ; is ken AIM ; 414 0 14,1pilkille 00 shea un 40tranich Onollb 4111' nockber. E w asama bow , bolt, esht,. part, us. isw 'we mer koosor ltiabler to/ die sane se'l do lea lecher is de shtris i np hat. 6 ' 'ken midi erdli ntit t ok in) "Plow= e g Os key edenkt hob WO boor hat se mer And& esrl eintilog WS der Ports Long hand bat ass ghtuppt hut, an we ser tin dkuslty left in de r kOrich sin, 16 de Beckey, WI for reateel 4euneest fors middog ego:oohs * ata 4 aw derheam ge anima We d o W . Sid* om krumbeera ilea& war hut Mich g'froked we's iltwount das ich net aw in de karrich bin, en baker Oust idit wmr tau de con doles kamma eon helfa middog easa aucha. Bell, of course, hut se yusht igleachert. Donn hab ich se amohl glikoked silVe kumint dis se net Wert P Ei, secht se, weil de t ferahten4iehe inenecAparrig rahr utiteightendiehec &dung ichTuti!tititgiNiAomVhihielleglivitelt, was .0e an leirehtindiaer amen heaial "Ei," ieeht se "eaner aver lbiliehteati. genurdt hut et elayeve living tett nalkelloat eaner deer net, tan hochnkeedbeh tan shorn"; caner (her nix shtserrk3ker arinkt das waster; caner deer net thleht—so easereonsider Whim ferahtendieber mono" Becht se. "Bo about we loh--deukeht net?" fieg ich. "Oh, of course," ache se—" ich weae well die du ea ferehtendicher mom bisht,--awer de meaner slit eirya net all we du. Awer, 'now • eog enkohl, we lgeoleede dai du der ices Www trlekebett "El," sog iek, " wail de frrsideadiehe mad so orrig rainy slu, un an untbishbms dielse ferkong net.” Doan but so with aw Oohed was lob an linishten dick 'Nadia bass? "El," sog ich, "espy de ibrshtond go null* hot ears eayene living teu =chit; 4anj , is aseasa bochoseedish is tau sixda, un aw Nit ill net sauft, an set Audit, 'an n e t ali l ollll.oPler 4.4 1 k mad" um kW ket totemellp. *Wimp but." "8o altout easy we ich—denksht net, secht se, so kaihme brinn"— " Yoh," aeg ich, " lawkeY, grawd eany we du, un Smieibealted wilt ich el wenn ich net glawb dawn isich yieht exactly ants deataitt." Now, wog ich, " Beckey, was Is di *links della?" "Oh, out,"_ secht ee—" ich bab alleweil kea teelt so lobbich shtuft tau bob- Awer, Beckey es la nor *night— un now, es is rat derweert das ich wi du long korriaseza derweapi--du kensbt match un ich ken dich, un now, was sagsht —yah odder nea—nemmaht mich odder net?" “ Ei Sam,” eecht se—" we shwetaht don du!" "Nix wart," eog ich—yusht rouse mit der forrab—yah odder nea"— "Un is dors wserklish now sernsht?" " Uf course is users terusht.lt " Wann denksht donn das user heirs setts?" "ICI deer very dog—grawd fore em mid dog ma—so ball das der porra kummt." "El Sam, was meansht du donn, 77 Becht Be. "Ei ich• mean now das ich un du teomma shponass--un das mer net long ram foeks derweaya. Un now, sog ich, bights agreed odder net?" " Well, done," Becht se, " wenn es donn obeolut so mug, donn go ahead— ich bins agreed. ''s Don hen mer aw agreed uns reedy macha for tsu heirs ohna waddler fuss. De Hockey is graved ob un ivver de felder on ears hous e — so about an tiaras mile ob,' tut but ears brown **Wailer dress aw gedu; un in wennicher das tswanstch min nulls war se widder tsuriek, un deweil das se fort war hab ich acbt geiva das es tleash im WM net feehrennt. lyvet a while sin de alty leit under Porra hame kumma un hen sick onna g'huckt in de fuddera shtub, iur de mom my is noose in de kick for gucka we's middog essa awkummt. "Now") 'edit de Berkey, "Now Sam —now musht du's dqr mommy ewer aw sawya. " Very well," sog ich. "Un now, mommy, doh der onuer dog husht mer g'saws das warm de. heiert mus se de hochtsich doh im house hawa, un for dich under dawdy un 'de gone householtung tsu accommadata hen mer den morya ous g'macht dos des house doh about goot genunk is, un weil der Form yetz yusht urn de weg is kenna mer uns yuelOPea goot grewd tsomma shwease tuna." Immer un eawich, was war awer de mommy gepleas'd, under dawdy aw, un in wennicher das tint minnutta noch dem das ich es der mommy g'sawt hab, war de Beckey my trawl Tin of der heitich dog considder ich mich an glicklicher monn das ich se grickt hob, for so is noch so rhea un so shtick un fershtendich das amohl. —Mr. Shepherd, of Everton, Indiana, having bad- -the misfortune to lose' tds wife by eleperaenty thus describes the hir runaway : She is five feet in height, rather heavy, having very de* hair and eyes,. a short concave nose, dark skin, a little mousbiebe, thick lips, no front teeth, all the teeth in her head decayed, and not much of them left except roots, round r et shoulders, subjettlw Mak, a scar on her colar lboormi by a burn, one or two scars on he zukone croo ked rib. II —The Gloucester Neu:latells a story of a boy in one of the schools of that town Who is an inveterate rhymster, and who laughed one morning, Vg 1M4Y0 ,8 9 at the sight of a rat. ' Imbed why Le laughed, he replied : "I saw a rat epos the stairs, Coming up to hear oar prayers." Being told that be must immediately make another rhyme or be flogged, be quickly answered : " Herel stand before Any 11 _ She's going to strike, aid I WSW— ibell dodge it. —A prise of two dollars was recently offered to any member of the Connecticut . Teachers' Institute who would write and spell correctly the words in the Mowing sentence : "It is an mreeabk sight to wit ness the unparalleled eashaleseemsee of a harmed peddler atiesepting tomN& the symmetry of a peeled onion whkli isT sibyl has stabbed with a poniard, regardless of the innuendoes of the lilies of - amebas hue." Thirty-eight teachers competed for the prize, but not one was successibi. 't -f OR IA B t:4. sTil -.atiK L ' Danis at Heelipt -41 low Ms WNW Pentads Iliad by 1110- 44 1,1064 iimpleviasat." Limns IsmArre„ Verret ref HILL, December IS, MM. MMTIIIIR EDDITM7III:—Itts tack to me shanty an' me Judy an' the byes I am, but the divil rewire me if it's metielf that's delited wid the fact. It's a warrum reap shan an' a cowid wan besides I got. Whin Illput me head in the cabin wid "Save all here," it was Judy that shtnek o her tlahts on her hips, an' sea she. •"So back yez are! Faix yer carver's warrum Sir yes, ye murdherinl villin. Shure there's niver a bit av mate in the pot, or a handful av male in the bag, or a purtaty in the car ner, an' is it the tanneey yea have to get. dinner wid lbr yersetf an' yer family, I'd like to know?" "Judy Aga," see I. "None av yermulvather*ill red she ; " have yea the intmney for the mate ?" "Dlvii a cint,” sea I. " Thin gitout,yezdhrtink.en gammoch,” sez she, "an' never put yer ugly 'phis in side the dhure till yes bring .in mate or money," an' wid that she etan .aithur me wid the brum, an' meat 41461 shtay to see what she wanthid. - Its to the ould place and t he i earner I wint fast for consolayshun. Fax, its, a dhrap ov the raal shtuff lull go Any com fortinl this cowld marnin', " fez , whin I intered. "Any have yea the mammy fdr that same 41) sea me ould friend as runs the shebeen house. "Divil a tint," sez I, "but we'll take a dhrink on the ould party," sez . " That's played out; irl sae he. " The ould party isn't in the sicker bizneas so much as it wuz, an' the sphondnlioks I'm train now fur me W'hishlty," see he. • "An' where'll Ibe gettin' them see L " Wuritdr.!" sez he. " the airlier ye go at it, my bye, the betthur fbr yes." The curse av the crows on the tight skinned timed; to be thratin' me so °War cint whin it's meself had bin dbrinichil be the wake in his place at the.lzpinse av the party 1 But it wuz fur wurruk I wint, and a weary tramp I had, an' it's hot it I'll be flndin , it. It's too busy the girdle min all wuz to sm me, though it wiz willin' an' friendly enuff they wee before illikshun. I wuz powerfully tired and discouraged, whin I seen a 'gintieman av me ackwintanoe sthandin be his dhure. " The tap av the =main' to yer(hanner!" sez I. "Its matey glad I am to see yer good lukin' phis wanst more." s • "d es in tte spz ha Ar.,_41,141. an' az, ha ak. " Shure an' its a real comfort to see a friendly doe," sex "Wat the dh4l7doryee t, many" sez he *Malvin , like a ledi "Shure," see •I,: "its w , ' yer harm er, that I ne4F urndt jpol `ice' flea jurtaties fur the ould w dher." "I've get no for yez," sed he. -riu 101,41-,fibbvia l yer Nape of coal " itwus ehtandin' lukin at the 1 11111 r s it "i r dat 44 he e °Aortic') hired a' Ave chit "An' 9 ull hire good Di "Ay wurruki "An' towid ui poor mat before I wanted "BLitt thur give see I, ful bur." "Div' is the rui advizin that the shun gm Mistho mo h. Untied art Ms ruk I can dhrink watin' shtick an aisalrintil bye Owen, me? 4 WANT= BMPLOYMNINT—By Nan neowitonait work and basii r odo.Can Mb! for to sti hia a and worinons in those WU* mom* Pan/ nialften; lIVI no fairekor am Air kip services, Shey g gone out of business: Apply to as Lilt et Mote of reeesytesaile. 1 O'Flabarty, Little Ireland, under the VDII, or by letter to this ones. doodle ' Plane Laski this for poor disthrened bye an' send me tinny letters, yes = d r me; an' the hkeein ev the sole» and sorrowful be upon yes. DINNIS 09FLAIIIIIRTY. A writer in the Galaxy gives the follow ing account of the sale of a . slave girl at Charleston, S. C., twenty-five years ago: Passing through the crowd in the direc tion the driver had pointed, I found, seat ed behind a board partition that screened her from notice, a . girl of some eighteen years, engaged in sewing. To say that she was beautiful would be faint praise. An octoroon, under whose transparso skin the veins radiated in lines of blue, and whose cheeks showed that tint which in contrast with dark..ll444l.eye ,s make the race most beantictt _ • pf slight figure, tapering ha 'ils and !het, and full developed neck andniseulders, ever which jet black tressesifiill in luxuriance—she was indeed tropical in, her loveliness. She rose from her seat as I spwl within the screen, and bade me good morning. There was no shrinking. A. slight blush seemed to lighten the col or of her cheeks, but it instantly disappeared, or was forgotten in the graceful good breeding of her manner. In dress—the simple morning calico of that day—in air, bearing, and self-reliance, as well as in tones of voice and powers of conversation, she was a gentlewoman. Indeed, she had been educated in schools at the North under the expectation of freedom and wealth but the will of her father had been denied probate, and her half-brother, in fact, though not in name, held himself aloof from all recognition of relationship. She knew that she was to be sold, and had evidently made up her mind to her fate. Many of the young bloods of both town and couphy had been drawn together by the advertisement, and by the knowledge of her history. Her apartmenthad been a general rendezvous during the clay, and the city was fttl:l of rumors of her beauty. The auctioneer stated briedy the facts already narrated of the girl ' s history, and then sent far her to came out. The build ing was thronged with men. As she as cended the platform, assisted by the auc-, tioneer, and walked toward the centre, a murmur of surprise, mingled perbapaiyith pity, ran through the crowd... A chair was, placed for her to sit by the side df the aue-. tioneer, who at once commenced the sale. He gave ne description, She needed none. As the bidding, begging at a thousand dollars advanced. to three thousand or more, I watched her fem. There were no tears, no Ittrectation of grief, no shrink ing from the ramie gamer in* her-eyes turned from bidder to bidder trlth a* id= tensitr The ce sand hamm4 her. fa y vent drew amen. CAS I MIM be a public swindler, and t private stakeble4 swi yet ? be an honest an in hie A FIMPIAL in Chicago recently, cost $557. An Rasters newspaper saps; *at is more then the Feat de, divcres.. rylTT;Twqrr'77nmig MEE •111101111 I • • • E I= F,-- • r. ---- a. 7 7-1 . 7 - 1 - 7" - ' r ; own Isla s.begc mod timentrht hatleaktinost etrikinlleilure of* " he ever b e h e i nd . . r , 'v' . . . f) F. —Spouse'. ennui across ateasethaother day who is ao easservadvaehalwia refines to take a partlealqr niediellealloileanes t it promisee in tin**, „ —Some orie r- ;Ookinguf agatitadic Yankee la4ent. to open a letow emit house, said ho ;red they latfi l linto "to view the nd' where theritist t shortly Ile." "; —The wort D-F.-IXT, is oompeeed of the initials of "Dun Every limey Twits. The Word' C-11618-IM-T, ft Inrmed of the initial letters of "Calt Regularly every day—lll Trust. —"lin SW* I Wish to speak to you privately. Permit me to take you apart a lbw minutes." Smith, (Who wasn't the least nightteep-- , vatithan sib if you'll promise to Pot me together Waft" —Josh Billhigs - osys: I vOleeki as soon be a studied *t up in is show Win dow, or a tin weather oock, .ridge pile or a few& oesibuiry, as loam= the land. chelor, jeered at by awl-the virginity ors —An editor becalne sad was created Captain. Initistior 'Ora pares in ikont—ndvaaaa be. ancawksisly bawled t out, "Cash—two donate& yenr— advnuos —A eboymen advertises that alma hie ether euriceities is the colebrokel " difference'? which has been no often split by bargein4nakere. He says he had both hahme of it. —A Vermont paper says an old lambs lor on learning that numerous additions ha& lately been made to the male peptise tion of displace, and the ether sex, said it was the inauguration of the new. Grant doctrine, "Let us have pone." fellow in an.oblivious state took up hislodgings on the sidewalk. He woks next mornlag, and straightened himself up, looked on the ground upon which he had made his couch, and said: " Well, if I had a pick-axe I would take up my bed." —Are you a skillful mechanic ?" "Yes, sir." "What can you make ?" "Oh, almost anything in my line." "Can you make a devil "Certainly, Just put up your foot, and .I will split it in three sec onds. I never saw a chap in my life that required less alteratkm." —An exchange to is a story of a discon solate widower, `Who, 'on wing the ...re mains of hie late wife lowered - into the grave, exclaimedwith Gears in hie eyes: " Well, I've loot gloves— l've lost umbrei las ; yes even cows and homes; but I never—no, never—had anything,to cut me like this." —A clergyman was rebuked by a broth er of the cloth, a few days ago, ihr smok ing. The culprit repined that he used the weed in moderation. " What do you call moderation ?" in quired ths other. "y,sir," said the offender, "ono cigar at a time." —An Irish gentleman, residing in Co mmis, was desirous to 'persuade bis sons to work as backwoodsmen, histesd of drink ing champagne at something more than a dollar a bottle. Whenever this old gen tleman sow his eons so engaged, he used to exclaim: "AhOny Ixryit there gees an acre of land, trees and all." —A certain justice was called to the jail to liberate a worthless debtor, by re ceiving his oath that he Was not worth twenty, dollars. " Well, 3'oTniny," said the justice, "san you swear that you aro not worth twenty tiollars, and that you :Weer will be?" " Why 'I answered the other, rather Chagrined at the queetien, I can swab tha I am not IWO that at present' , " Well, well," retulfled the justice, "I can swear to• the 'rest, so go along Johnny." And the man was sworn and discharged. —A SClumber, h t r. giving one bf his pupils a sound, , drubbing!, for spealdng bad grammar, meet him to the pther end of the room:to inform another bojithat he wished to speak to him, Med at the me tiF u t t promised to repeat the dose he to hjm ungrunatically. The ymtng s r, being quite satisfied with , what he timissatiolatebnined to be exact, and thus a his fellow " el#llllloll ' of OW Pit4cruiliAlt: ' 3ll ' ' bef P 307 411 Ye',ease, malt an an • auK4l l ,that s i ts peached upon. the em !tenet at the ether end cd , the 'Ecioni4' rhea to mirth:nista a fitersent!inoes tof7ou th e teese. ” T 4 when plantern ware he. the for the spiritual than for tae .011'. ' health oL the .14, 1 ' cPI. • , *X, • 9971 f *V) r: • ' ' ngWabigr " t° • wing thab.Dan, was ,riet , strong literary preelitvitins,"the , I said: " W at t IWO * PM dbliktifith,that *Me, te44,ltr , • A NO. 441611411 h ,04411 qy read 7inu,, but rein wall 'on oodritis." " Moils the oss' ofspoiling it one 1 1 You cann- tinderiettiof 14. any *IT ' 4l l l llO Bible, ter instinyi thee" the, Terl hairs oeyodielidiit liernheted." IiToW you' any ' ' hair on your 41104,-- . nothijoginst wool. Whatdo yew saygda that 7" " , lks;amisaiLLPsple," *lib V' but oat Souriewommnorrolaten dela, day de sham U t go on one side and de Veda se de Now de lutift e 7l . l4l4 jot hwy . , ' _as sew , an' 'spec' dey a n't gwine to soy --404 what tl" Jewel. MIN & JACOON, Ilig44 l ts / 1 ,c' CL,00.4:5, JEWELRY, SIL V lt A - kti Sit "Entlitirgt• SPIICTAGLiS FAxcr GOoDa, N 0.1.5 N'!YETH (amp( STREET, LANCAMIIia, rAr no rrisifinti 11."I‘Dlip 'WALT , OPlES!'wairons_ • CLOCKS, CLOCKS, "LOOKS. The naderaliarmek eetuattatly of hand a tweed tot to to the GEM= ANZIIIKAPh WATOBIIB, of t ol hrt t two, to sou allothlsli pima aleortmeat of Call and IMlNE l2l llol4lparobaatag elsewhere. Thanhtal tottiriat Apromasitiok ti aeattan aloe *Me ease. NW= F. ANDRIBIAre, 311 1 4•41,N 74-ttleffirsi_t_ll4lt rrie OLD-PlEfir MUTUAL . Low arsuAtANos 'dOMP ANY caP rierwassuim. AccumwriutnoC4PlTAT., .11,000,000, After mini /mete t. lakemiasid at o.llNlik CHART= 4 PIOVPIIMIAL. All the Surplus imam! "woo (As AMOS Holden year. THIS. ONLYA e IkaXPANY IN Peg feetiar fahroadea mart° JOHN J. COMM^ M. ma/4n P. 0., LLEMMIAT i Pa. . • ; el l i ti. la i i • E.+ 0 iII . .k 4. t A b 1 14'.' •.i ; al 04 1 ° tf 1 1 — w 4 I N I 4 tOig II i ?4 IS bra` lal i er .., :f1 11 i 4 , i !: g 1 imircOß.s gt ..1 i 1 A I 2 I a i R "ii ill -4 tz Z V l4 4 14 .4 il ' 0 4 5.• 1 A .1 S WqR,LD MITTiT.AL LIP'S INS. Cll. .111741, YOBX, NO. 160 BROADWAY J. P. YRUEAVFP, Gene* Agent fdr Penn'. NORTE* QUZION STREET, (Above A. W. Ion& & Sou' Drug store.) Tr im =l4/01,ere finite SOX.DP and REAL ind it arty other Life Incarnate Compaq in the country. Sea* Marra limenter. Aouve woo tentale t .wanted ia every to he Sta . tant" 3ftsictil instrumeiits, &c. J • ,. KEVINSICI, /041,111/ IN SOW MUSIC, PIANOE;; ORGANS, • 31101LODIDOIREk. As ,4 Muskat liaartonente Generally. • ' ; sole ikajaat for . SONS' WORLD RENOWNED PIANOS. , • t car! , ammo* apcoottlitn n a sae ottiobsolts. ""4ttuV.VALlitAIM'iM iL GOOK AFL HOK 1 • .. B. RTIVENIFICR iE NtrEgfiettrOßE. Kutiv . ' aUe ao r t a 3, - IT. -- Dot "". besesiatir OW* via r I " I met se ardeltelk. riE7 ,, , f ilOWN'll IWYNIENE, ~ , . .1 ti 1 irviwomo — ;a'. ;i,LtP . N, A 4 meow Or Friend, The Ornsee wises it for ramify the Dalfa NO, 4 Vet' $ • , . TlVXltegaltr basun ati week ill " I r s 44:054401:mpt1i4k1 It to be the EN wAobrThe .0* Virul("lau, "fir .1r over7P o 47 will have th• ^Mier 10 0 1bemilawariss . lot Itirysie be the poseasideeteseot= we eOrr o go W '"r" , INN "b r ill"iller et Irs i# ~ -, • , 0--- - 6 w it •• •._ 2_ _ ' lO . r" • , , • PAM Agg ik. lee Rho - aos *Seth Queen WATOSINS I MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers