PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, RAUCH & COCHRAN, Wtieet, taisistei. TERME OP 801119ORIPTION 1 Copy, o*e par,— • • 5 copka, (tack Hosea • ia - 44 le Copts& _ " • And 0.10 for each adsl4tional suOsOrlber. KM 01.17118 2 IN IPAIIIKAGIN. 1 1 1 migelt aan. (VW!. duttralls), . ,x 9.9 5 9 eitgie ' /0. : ..... 16.99 im 00 n 'WAG ad_ftionalsuoriperiber. • 42,411 inbaoriptioae lutist invariiii in tidvaNle. JCB la It 1•NIVIN Of emery dtill; doiserligdion' neatly —d ; prom 45 —e eutio Own liellesq o tag " ' realono ol .:SFPX". •. .1 .Prt4fesso4n44. PiciKzir s , r. A'IVO Irrf A. A . • Ornaa OONTiglignalFN 8111"14r Mamba 116 /• " '<Penton Plot' ' j se rif B. atiVINGWAIN . • A . . . • y 44w. , i2 l l ,cititi. It 1117” in* ads, dimaesifier,; Psi ••. :4Y l 44oftiladiririr 'A .4 . LAIC' •• .4)mmese AN a MOTH Mai MlletVian e. , ' .joauf 0 . 000 4 4„„ iev , etpoitm Nom LttriWaiidAla+s. =Or 494±04144 0itthet , liglacnk we si SOVM 11106BNArasit,is.,.. • Zrarilvrtik A. tat eirVilialimairtal A Cs BEINOEHL, • • OCIAT&VISekI4ZI6 0 K .1W PP. 14 E. ATTOIIiNET AT LAW. .7! 17th Maitre, IWO SOUTH XXX ,LIMMIINer, IIARTIN or ill'', latelEV lr A i LAW. it tosth amem st, na ti r t iv 8211IVIINS, A MOS 11. litYLllf • ATToRNIST AT LAW. annum No, 8 SOUTH QUE.SN ST" Lianoootor lrK. itirrTtit_, , AICTQUDIST IT LAW. in gszniiriih =f r t W. virgin% $OllO'H F. /WM, . A t rr A :'B ohices ewe ; ONO7 a WW ET M T e LW a & I‘'Atliag Advertiseak426. MALTZBEitatit_ , LAo• • ' ATToRMET AT 'LAW. Ng. YI.NOIATB 5LXT61,61 . ., itordlng, rah, IMIOWIE SELTZER,- v • . 41,TTORNNY AN_I) AT AW:" 11r& IN 0017111 STRHlSTilirpilesUe tbe Comet igouBo 4 ) UOIMUNL /* • 1 • : ; IErtNANCIS M. BANKS, -• r , 111111flr ..AT LAW' ANA *MUM t Nik, la i IiOATIE SLITH ST., seumni, Boot, and Shoes. MAM447:I, & SON'S .SOOT A2iD SHOD EITORZ, citifirits *ltem, tAttcAttrint, A*lNlViLtrArtietio A elm.. onyitritribr *HA restignilia 4 tiork r • 04-4101,UA.LL'13,, beilseadhe lowest sad best assort- WAN 4 1 4 4,0 4 11 4. 119 Y, • • BOOTS 4i,ND 611.0211 iik a beibaglit le OW 4031. UMW., IE~ end ' atton Mit *OM , We% Ilidwaude , 11111111 BMW XllllDywltiob nest la 1111=nrffrr ; """ 4" Xte „ , • • ST*W 1414 .11.7 8 T Q'P N E.D! 3 Fg. VA*Axe' t i a or NOX,TR (N 44.7.0 +orstist:,s".. ' 9frttOor. to:prarti , to*ir, iios4 1 .40 Y 1 '94.0 -APO* AND gsOAe. 14 a/In M e aUrt i ttfee t tnrir areklaaa • beet sehrlied 414AgiNgh . Agisattqati: Agin with; woe" delealehmea Neu- ea Lena Migigi r glant r ialprZer ib the .. - .lloolheie hue =soft saseima seem Om f, twatariiew Mar t ii V , V im l: !v:r• ~*: .as ara, , o t : .LDr t •-: "#:a - witerwripprerwmemeprme del 11414 • lgoterraPha. •ifiew GQ144 1 4W 41,7%** Parks, to "Rif* /Whirr it ,; • 9116fier *tbs. coneritxxx To tunic ~.. t vurvf, idsvr--- 4 -• ,,, ,, : aximmeii.. -ie aloft . . • .J4tr.P .7 ! - Icb, „.,r,'4lF. - , i i T if,7, ' i 00. BRUSIUMMOUPACPUMIIw „., • . .. :• ~ • " 5i p a. ,„„,..„,,,, I , lke. 0 0 /13 1. H - Ago 1 4,414 1 0. We $ 7 . ... :. • ; 3 1% U. =Mr , .: : : • .111 1.50 , 7.00 13.00 • 18.00 VOL. IL OR* ,411iielikeVa JAMES 13,LAOC,'' AT LAW, AID MILITARY 2arli WAVAI; CLAIM AREN'T, No. 513 East leirripse., Lancastdr, Sting Mtlylidemeed se a Mint Agent,' and 401:44r 1 % C l NWlTagrara t elertr. liowirT semi PAT ihreillaehaaged soldiers ilia: BA l M e illaiditkaill) tit abliiiett Who ettlitdied sv i a gorArcrguortower , Lawn- TY. limeaktignat) tlr Widows; Chlideerwar te of SOlelinli who died from wonnda so. , At ditilluilimiatiatie to WM tiehdrie. PigN ern and dailors i f or le tegletrAVAINE . • . 41 12Pattroe=olatiser 4 = weitearlent4 , PANBIO and Git=t4atfai l act Illptit II ~titan ruTtlit, 4roonnotoi* Artittoort col t.MI eint. Timm nannortnctiii. Viand Aititea 011ARGIS8.--dryde fair Via y antl roodpstoSn no ease •oiTtellargen be nada until fisoollioolod:- . • „ , I. &die TIM OLD PENN murcrit, '.; LIFE INSURANCE .dtoll 4 .4ltlt • la . QV PHILATALTMIA. ACCIMILATJED CAPITAL, SSA% ,4300 After owl" , Loom to the mount of PAWL CHASM= PIIIIPICTUAL. • 411 the awlyz a rkkail esmogst thqViiics , olgz:Vrtvii l a erv Oni V AL &latrzytix • TUX NTTON SWAM rar turthe ' r Vartitaiti rr • AN,. Attts lIGNMC • 4 1 . 092 _!fit A. ,e. . • • • ', 1 1 ' • mg- .•' '- . .•'i ' . lii: .: ir. k :'.•• ..;!-.;;;;• 7': 12 ,..; 14 :"!!!:11;(171! 1 . , '. .41 •;,I•4'. • , 1 .. ..asoill ."'.- - t . t.) 44''' • ' e: to l' ' t i i .! 1 , • EM4.. 4 ..p., „... 4 , '2 i i .'. I . : ) ; ' ' All. 0. V • , g 't I i 14 . l.. ~i. .. iii 1 0 1 4 I 01 SI ' 4 14 0 a. Eli . f :1 1 1)Ft P 4 it WI i ~,,-,. I. :••• ' . R , •'. 5 , ; 14,, 11 , 7 • r ..••• . ~ ••i;:. Alt , •• 6 : 4 .0 . • a : ..1., Imo •:, „ .‘ : ' . c t ..11 . ., 1 • , 1 • ..E . ... - - .:. - ',-,. : .1 .: Ll 1 . : @'. •' . I -• • •' vr , . a 1.1 NVOMOVII7fraItv,Pn Wf,.',ca . ifsw TORE' tN,O. Um BROADWAY. , 01 3. p• itantAr i tt GOMMO 1 ,4 .14 ibr 14411. itOsik War". come .11, IR• lay &fan% Drug MRAM); , in isei g=in t LlßßAviii to ttrigna n lUAL Con Detlimeig illi th; , I r DWA MS ..., ' - an, • ... . *MOW .Mocht lona, : , 'llooYrtigO *M OE, . , tt. ) , •, (, .1 808 VIM, • 4114 0 10 1. 2 a 'Osier, 11BRO***41, ' Tbe Ilhawaswooft Dar bloißamay. , , .Tho 3 41‘04 1 640# *Oa WOW* : . ARILAR= illigkelli wattle mete L igi alli ga l *r.... =61 4 11341 , PP NV i i li( I t agrgtrZMllii" wllt 111111141111111. Sit llllo o l4 * * 4 l4ollll o* Ralf yxr. = ~, t . . *Wm wilikselmo •., I /, . , - ; AA.. is 1 WT'" . , • ,akook 20*difile. . . , 41 Amy 44404i.ND . it et sqi s •-ttilliOn . t 111 0. 1 Vgi—C i rMin t, 0;0001* r,A, • on' ovirec " usipmeatoom„ii, saes*" shin .04444411 r, to see the right, ttttti *Mrs WS' to AVIA Ws *wrk ive ars is tto todia Ms 7Olilsidoi do l. 91 , ntlitY 4 llolU 10.01STS1t,"T`t.; rt144',',?P.1tV4fq....,.. plidirill . ' ..., . 1 , 1. h ;.: -1 :• .: ri /i INK 1141;440311't r !IF , ?O' LE R,9/544. 1 Fr o,l4lasetkommosibballisivilitillesi4Josert ktt :0 1 111.111 Mite lE geor nor blointed i vtellii i pant . • 7 7- 7 st , i lt 1.4 . 1.11TIPII) It Tam It lise . ISlZ i st a n wai le3; m ie nwaid "Tway ] ~rrii~rl6 biledmparldi, akrrot thr 7 4 a rre; bit ,Wing Pe.44 1,4 0 , 41, 01 P0rdx*P7 Pet ,Irettirlemmas* similimumhy glom illusettee, t v.l"l ls 4" ' t i taTtagZhiaitli et ey we 1-; F.., ~,;/ • i M ilti° =htrWi g =llo l M a ry 'or ifpeut hem Sot 'setae Oriette, Tt .fie IMO sis Artttestdi bk any • When time spring is meg, 014 the 'does Me • wet With dewdrops* es* soft buooW. 111 "4u ; i rtft " y o hr .N, r 4 yd g lent ke , •'Tirasia aiilws mild milt* %pea,' f'l Rvoile the isupiere o t :Lilt to eon nue Eire i a ltweedte With isy kvyoueludesimi psi. Tlidl trier I dream With your lips and your eyes and yowled; In'the ll iartflifoiskesolate yes* ma& Are mr test* bit Witiltirli_Wir-thiVilkelP • • Thai sovesessurrifeliolt 61 1 411 1 7,PP0s 7 it, • 4 HINEMU 11WWW' 1= I, -:r .h i'l .. ir irLuot ); ,:11It 4 `. ' • 'I . ( 7 •.' A . 01 1 01,11 r lOM Ai UMW* 061 . 31174, . A, :keeaii .„ l , u „„ i i ft . , i ! v ia ; o r' . O i s e . itOlibitioulli iiiiiNWll Welke ihrowit.- I tile , Mid bfltiessei adoontormat: spkito Um . . . ' • '*UP V • fico., 4 ,- -.-., vii • eir ,P' ' • i • t . * 9 '." l , . 9 i • et.. . ...4 , thitti. . tat . .. • , ' ,Ikitlitimosoottir become aide soll more ~ adOkli- .A 51 4 19 0 14141 11 Hill*. ' ' - gi bwre i Z e ' l WA l Vritetitll:. u ' rt l ' &mice *V the libielliNite or' . . L' iri ri rk til ; *bon bo•otilkid-LeatoraLltfb,irsie i .thili *ad tboAdokaUber - (I :Ho. Ipat!.., r& ears 9 '•rs o Z, ' km •. u ' ti a 4 1 $ 1 10 riikt• . 0 ' '• 1 sr4Lt ( ifil l ifitati lige' , - difirTliki • mitivbrovi tuiii) MN* ON own - Impthisitortiocistettz MA . ASA the . AillAbley4 , , shicbmt, . . - wild sa l tea ll' ' ". I I 7 ' • • ''' a TrTr the would! .. • a, . , 'ow oventhil.morobw., by• •ao- luoitt :/wt. ,thromigittbOVlßMool34: Ansioi she WWI, Vtil‘uhiCinullit& e 0 !wok. • • 1 41 , x..„• 45 ... V iiiitliet• 6641 itgiiraety' Oa t 'ulieir:' '' t blowing bar pstdbeklyilmothlithootorik to lassoed o k boat u tt room fotioy * • • • -.. ' ~n ; : n.; Wrs; r ittil i i e i:r7.' , - I" : ' . l 'ilerre thevaitb tl4 l iptitrr ,- ~ • . brat*. • -' I ' '' '. .. • Thiebto-paii.- thither I -11ovo# tbs. tide., of • elgo*lo l 9loSAt •• - • NS W ' • •t ' fol e i r op tiiini t cps %le ~-1 11 10 16 ';,, • - of ciq * _ t ' rev* . • . A ., . ' 99. dedt, .. 9 net idler B • '.(rAt :• • •. , ;WA , foido•diedi - . Limon , trito thowilbolloete IRA. - • atAll 7 1- 11. _ i rk,' o ~ o s tork,whos, i.' . ititiii : :triAitel 4iii.6 4 it ~ ootoommO•to; • • iltolooddimiloilkoll ht l 1 thgtlistittthl; 4• . ' iiitOP • - ' ' • ili& li gelt i allt • : ' ' a . ti ' : ' . licit i* ' : :ii" , _ L . -ret iiiokie Silt ' - iheyoutii , . , .. , A''' 4- g ' vim's* relee*MC 'a livnitUhr, • ; •of so bi INA nor War% YeaxiAlien. figondill DS , altit ist tio , ,_ . n _ he g ot ieatiwirte — , ' - t ullielite iiit loran; - ompe got ntolue. ,t , : i; .: : , .;. • ; - or ui t : "Tio l IMO irtleadittes Os yiees !low hohli% . llMMlthelv semiategnfteehefillioon'• 116.1.. Andit , Miley pa l emelt laths . week Maier e DIMS deseillhatt Ow sham ow i her liisekojet the • yaw thiglyourieely ipt ups Ma; unighoreenwel -aubleen• Then Ilbe cri weillhei um le *ski phe“, sultillor timpani welehl impthelemudiernirele. :., t /, • Whib lidis.klailly 4fdpielt 1101411Pur, yeelsolbe:sikko 4trieel iikeltdoolllol l o' 1 NM Mg OW& "Ms..* wily aieleiag. end sheet pembrie suers the Op. stable" i 111M1 IM=MM ,~ c rc it 1 ease for him 'rho Mall hams borne Ike batik ) and fbr his Isidro, and his orphan, to de all whiith may crehiaos and cherish a just aad a tailing 'cam ammo ourselves and 'Avith all aalima{."-4. L. , . . ... , . u . *jig p i er lover an fa thert were hard at work, on the new house. Watson had •~ l e-liek as' a present front 'St; Paul a . algid: :sled handsome terolying • rifle, of • whkb she was inimonergy fond, and with bichetis became so uxpert that she could ... • t a duck or • prairie chicken .on th e "• *taw 'Eatnost atwatite certainty. I 6 - _,, Worthing as she was • etrolling orowadderlolos, rideht hodid4 eke noticed three ! canoe IPSdll Pt badialg paddling . . wspeNtir • the oppoti er ) aide of the writer '-__,. •'• • and stain . ly approach 'WOO' •• it ' • -re' 'her fa and :Rorer • Isteceiel • , t She 'dal wit immediately approb i ead ony.leregedy hut In s ome wow- I " t VWII i l l r lttoMrlcTal n ' able*Zievielthehletthe tap of a fallen . ihree; and ohiertedtbeireervonwnto i sighteh view aunt Nod wow thespithiens. - There , . t *fa . . iemteb mince, and alter Af, '; • • if et ' - ip' b i. tOM°Pte wile ft, 'haft oir -1. •• • i. , ieb ' •ittleetaLtedwcwil ment for t•'. ; eatitherg they • ' , soderriPbatretalVeed, • ' - - ' •,'- Alone' . i '.. 4ry7ll o ,l2 ri rit, '; .. 0 44 9f Irrre o une m n, 'ere chcpp ng. ' ll . .. , . ";" wit "'ICY that" .., •; e the lbr rats "hag, aced , which eased sad reechoed . Iliergatellaa •bre•A, still Joe,. they . swung : upat th eir, victiwevei bore them to the w,_, . • '' Leothorit trembled': With excitement and • appielkotholos; expecting nothing km than . 1 to , Naltoola the , boariblo butchery .of her Art w ' tr . * Rte. il _. nut t.l n ot own. to lie the, pur pose of the Indians, for tying the aims of their diptiveili ilehtiid • them; they 'took _ them to the canoes, witerellibiog the, old . waft Mato one • and - the,yonag, . man into , .-seethe., they should.boidly into:the lake, •and Diddled . ly down tinewed where 1 * 'SO* '' .' T.welore ' &Moat their e lm mull ..f ., , .. . , , 1 ,,, A e t a to beitheit,'"theydeillln ; • ~ • • • 1. 14 , , i T e p te dgew thet an t y il . • • .'',- if! ii l ites ;lashed l ad ;' • • ' li r. • 1 "Hee I ItbsitWislailikeieth •Ciuma, . lib• they no rdoftbk llllPPooft•Wilikoporry me. . This ril . , iffOls, , Mre, n on ,i l ..icuistpd; r f a, 41 ,0. „.. I you, we We - ' I gfri t islithif tecardrit liroirn boil 'teen , leigtiehmoo thisigethie to cook . th tenissierteleho . ON, deat, iliac father, - , ' ' • ••.' : : 100.4.. 8 09* -,4 ol ll,frktt hew : • i• OMIIIIcppr yo , u, en d pow your ' , ', • , ~, It. - mil th e . hie or Ws t'ldi has 'Melee ' . ,; . • dity. ' And yeti, too did- . ithgi ; . , Watson, ha', 'woe . a r /0004 Ofilone '• , . 116 , 191,, tAtiVt "P , riving tWorITE._ .„ 1 . 5 ,1. f, „, ,ik" ,litisil one of 'in I 'Oh; if tHebiltit • ' t MO ittly 'beret Igo, Loosomsl , you oak sab.44/048004, alas one (iiii *MN.% . ,; it ii >-: &. , ir • ' ;ir r C ..: Thl? : : ' ' i Airk ' nt = 44 4 be t V ,: r ' ' ' 1 to pre 1 , • _ ._ - 1 •" 4 ‘.. • _..-thit to mkt the home ;eke miaow ;Woad ;ham Wiper* , it'• *mad :fed Add,: Abeam Abase was no shelter for . iMtatrit- . 1.44 .9 p *dk .tty lo ~ 44,.0 , having . , thoy Would hardly et pite 1 , •,,, ''! -- 7 - • . 'from :11 • siegith gated. About t . .• softie the right of the,path . ,rs , oaths •oorthipirsid been erected Illy • her ' distheri. and: Ai. ides , isserseei ;of. the ham: 1 stood • salilooneasa 'elms tree: Inside •of. Jai& relinsfaaawasi, And behind the : ktkis Allot.' . - - .4esself.. "W. :,,J il r ,' •, ee ~‘she was lig" in '•-• i , - •• . trid4fis, ' 'belief ~ •:• ' • Went . ' woe ' • thenigs OlOwee: She:ghee' of their- prisoners; laid litheattlecen , lit the hOtt p ora , of their canoes, es, Ng. hr 'A ward gly !kni ilt , 'itieardthe', house; With- ' 'Wit any • f eicieetilinent. • :1 • tiodorkkow .greitr la bard semitone; .4134 Joni ethreothrherhisk ; *atom& w,ll4tle " tg io l i r es Weß l s!As i ttp! l _r_.' , ss .'!"!.oftkifitifi,l 7 4 ,-a4s. the •me taw Valli of i the *oat ; : she 'wow a sharp* head oPoia•the beamed.' emit, bet as Mier 1 1111° i -.4. . ,s, msup,44o,.tdir she i , c ;, urill,T. oceum4 to a ,voice , Atha . • olidt liben,to if by inspire- - alibtid # 1 ( 0 . mbelf: i*wfiAt taltit hsf: • a t -. f .. Shothboyelleboitlipprossinei and Mathew . • •' Wileth ~.,_ eilaretki- f.h*Whlythe '• , • i Athee, 7 ~ r' ~-,- ',' • - ' .. , :* ... M.' ''''. 'f'. -t' *- • '': ' ' . -1 do . ' 7.,k4oCiniosteialie. • 11 14 P take. ly i odiho-cboolVollhoodonsoisti , ladloo for la ' Kellatehadr theft .., - , •• • , , • ' 1 . 'The bithetepedtrue to ithintieic WWI the burly Indian merely threw up his arms Mid lidlAiihd thie rltittoll having gone . . :three/ = h e , imiet. -, -• ~ • ~A,-. , ,g i f r.froin Ai gieer 47 1, 2 .. ~,, . 4=tortriptonloftea *olio I. • ... k ..., _W, I toOked .id ! ' ' l, ,:. • ••' SO See 'what* tame the. ledid thee.; Blithe Mkt Mutant, bane went 1 loththeraNk thills•solw, sad saisther of their Parr tbay PktiPif. l 4 - 4 0 00. • • ' t wi d ths smoke of the last shot 'th ir ti lpsO of the 'bootee. At . alliae • *banded *slit peril. They , mild liedo, end their only • show for life. ;. e l e i tioiStgpoth ro e trerend tomahawk.. , us fee the ar-hoop on the opot. In- E itz", w, they b ound bill lsalettlik the solos hsif utter. issh , stisidiareftbabothenberlesped into the , * • . • • . ,to rime nomore. Leonora . • - • 4 , .• .. , . , .. , - ...ft - •' ' •, • rushed on but 1 si gri b rs ilia meg kW% "he alall 'et ea la Borth savage Pitebed ' • l .- 'i1t,1,4" ~, ' ; , ~.41 '.* it .i4,4 l ' if- two rig snort. ll' ' ' ( -" * ' Llb - ' •ii the • UMW timellid setsaws;'disotomookr their" tides it the tree is the wiklestand stoat unavailing manner , -Hut again the relent less ride biased, and anther of this ,re suniaing -two Sunk to the ground as the bullet went crashing through his brain. Immediately the one left threw down his rifle and cried out: ' • "No shoot mei . No Shoot met • Mogive npilt ' • ' o f iie° l / 4 ?ra lAA 0110% aso bead oh Onr, but RMS they aligned pato:eat in her power she lowered her Atte, and stepping from behind the tree, climbed , the • Since briskly, and mannieneed appirsaebitir the savage. The fumble s,nd tn4i tid Of CU In tU: of,,tho - gla 104. thUullet torgeitkiNg eta, *et hid hand henna hint and drew 10fM11 Iris tomahawk to throw a* her. LeotevitVey* was lard*" assn s, She Ow OA treatliatotla Mute, ssiti ,11114 as she brishit ) 0,1041s WA he hes tchet gleamed thm - tWniii, she as and shot the fitithless scoundrel ead in his taaaka. With, the speed. of the doer she 'now bounded forward told* Lake. If Watson shouted , " Glory hallelu jah! it was Leonoraly Anti the hear abed for , jt u • her Mee Sinn ap p3ared on the Wag rills In hand. Quickly she &mended Nethe camoemand unbound the two: men., who embraced her and cried overher In the meet extravagant manner. . • Bat they felt they had no• time tq lase; and; hastily gearing up their teams and loading ap their valualehs,they set out for Idinneapolis, where they arrived sathly, snot where nova and. Hatry Watson were intnishitately made oneiifl. Old Walter Brown and Harry. Watson both di* good service in the Indian battles which folketred; and;• when the savages were extelnekineitedi dew all, went hack to 'Obeli old , home en Goan -Fite, where they now live. Theihaviana• of the r lateens stook thrms in t SWAN) and Inancirsi thongh a hemppyr4v anketesth ivy to hstraminWat eavolving she, occasionally mai it 'to bee* tier ! . f • , b4o r r antlo4 IWO th, eiMliiacterr *i =Moe tb j at tea , Mang bisgaike: 44 81allamo sae grab. sadism , . Vara Xorthern Cestish Pliddlaay , said !Mt% ;e t* . 44Ightad 111614,;4-1611ra' A tiiii * E 0 6 died h i ehkilit week lefois last,. IM log beim , pos*chie , by oat- I n . , 661 P , re11 , 84/4 . 240 •nr i , .. • it ,' ' '1: , ' it ovr+ ,irt ya A LIN .pc _ ,c 4 ois tit gime/540A WS 41 *, on edilanny week • :.i i . A FikeThitY girl•st. Fiovideaea. WI., lately received $13,000 damages for•beach of promise of mastiage. t••• •i • • Noflantwril iireluthimteibir ett *At 'to r preenre thitpoo_nortt,o, iiii -1, qonr#ted of thieenstaar 91;•1411. UM. . •• •• • Tna tan paid on llonentUdliknore t*at ou' le! Chfeagn. was It INR,rIP. 1n'1657 VOe at oust Ida s 6B4, sh. Tsui number of eattle,_ • ht 'Tana hi esti mated. se >5,4100000, -and the annual 'n evem* inat•knet 1;4100,000o • ' - BSIOH,Mit YOultp has , i t,:wehty-frtiine actual wives Ana nfV-ofie l', 4 9 l rAtugo." Annie Folsom IS the rayerite i A pow botch of moll 40itoutool °mutter fait arty lent notes bay. junta bemplit, Auto oiroydatike. ,Look qwt liaP tiietp. ; Tx" question " the I Logisiatare , kill thou Itopubliosa • patttl 4l 4 n , going tbroingli lib entire Ropubliesoi press of the !•;, • , • • MIX e eine -Who, if a moniker( lof the 'Legishitexe, awl in the habit (ladling hhr v +„+10 holii•vad oath , ;* e enatt of jpottoof „ , koil4ompe pot of Sete hop been r edited( tO. Mi. Abraham throhs'b the adtehenrof her husband at a= the-lithin, • ' • .` Waal is tbs Mimics tetweeareAtitte Wireeoury robber mei 4 U. L Mgt clobber?. Thfl ll,l 14 * 8014 thief anti . thos othey a. iNtOd Ste* Owe. i k Ait Yaw ries in the rife of sheep is la before "loft, ott itecontit of the - Jeassashtig Mititil he nnition ht all *el , maretio, , 1 ', ' , TVA balleat i M asti tf prise kW* are pithliebsd In the e newspapere., The eaters n that such =Mrs, are nabbed by their read*. , _ NEARLY fifty ineranero of Foe linalln Howe of Ilepreeenintline are reports $o be willing torntinenhergueetion of female awenei to! WM* the people elfin- A 111A,C1M116 has been invented frornhi which is said to haVe citt4httphod, cleaned and sacked the wheat from twspty acres in ten hours, with only there urn to work it. . Tarr world moves. An irishman, a Fenian and a Democrut--poftebtons bti max--has nominated a negm for Aisle tent Tinoritseper to the New York Assem bly at Albany. GOT411112401101;:t i boo gliZ e the death warrants of and , for the murder 'Of Theikßroadhead, in Monroe Waite. They aril to he hung on Friday, February SM.. GAL Merida* swans to have finished op the Whoa war speedily and efilettively. It is uatienittied that he wly, be. spat OW; to New Oshmuta, whole *I will MIO" uP the Ma-kkiii_ A la sheet estato.. Moms is equal in *alias with; tom" w or yellow. • • CASH ' ATM OF . i YERTISINU Ton lingo of Non ; a„ ) TIME. X , itw. 1 — L - iw04..... 70 $l4O $ 2 151$ q''4 PP • 6 Qts 11 01) 2 Week"... i : 110 - 110 9 1. , ' 41S , s'99 il4 OD II weeks.. ' 1 50j 990 680 600 10 00 01 li xf 1 inon_ l th ;I 175 ! 960' 390' 7 ee' it Er in. suel. 976. 400 600., 10, 90 00 SO n 361 n ' -.,.:'°' ' .. '''.4 , '• f II ' al 1 year . ';F - . ,L,„ le , GO 00 12 0 00 ~.. ..:_,.. . ---- ---"-__ Execute . . ' .e. .a $2 Ad ‘411"1 2 ilo • •01 , oo.p. • f r1h..., 2 ID Assignees M ' Notice Auditors' NOtiee 110 BPRCIAL NOTIONS—Ten cents a line for the first himerti insertiont t isite, assign Use for reek subsequent 118TAt1ll aileirritseinente, Ten mite s line for the 11 et We end rive cents a line leffeekildaPlPillt fi• • y f aw• 110.13,g. ilAwssix has isPilfintliclAimgroppetputerip Wreata, on /4 Merl* - ItAisdall innocena imtmlidgt of ihei roan's enlor whew he initiOhited him. -*WOULD you-trust your poelettheelg or matey dower- *a man who you knew to be iptilty of rig Annular out of the publifor c tmusury thout any value in re , . tuft the mita) A. %Alta of irrotbootolud thieves hateke *nay beenweating With success" on the ears et the Marini *Whet (Phliadelpiiia) passenger railways', and several pewit's have met with heatzlosees. Tan Assiehalseessora will soon call upon our -41tlikint Mar Ilk& income and medal taxes for WA, spat be made' by the let day of 11, under a peralltf &fifty pet' emit. A NeierettY 16e iti earmwseab itielosofthe ok, to Um:imbed. deaters bay* not seemed any, 1 1F4 the leteltitteof: the, *Age rise to fears that, therwill have to import -P. Gray its* the 'editor 'of the rosin Plrahlinuas 4 pia binekgand co iei` bead he* oder the Style ofthelancader Intell s igencer, has been made to pod .41410, for 161%01 on tbsWilliamsPort Female Seminary. . • Grow letenhighi Gann* Gmnt, it said aegsant otlieepseebn. the other night Present eget. "I have not iee you, 'General elede 'efeetion.” '‘Pk.nty basisp raid. Ghost; " Pre not Ileca • Timm Ast on N7 *oar Dubigise, lova, On night of last. week ',W6 WM" SNAP e the Inotikai of *riot kiMhstitilprodtreittg these and the odor latur.;:sams. et bhp ems bad a vat; sr posrjusbd a Whey of swentoes pigs; sad 4 , wife mooted him with two bouncing , s. 1.• ow. bailie) , D. t.ratt hos been elected U. S. Senator from bidiatut---11oir. Oten back, the caamia-memainee, having with drawn from_Aiplip*-4. Mr. Pratt like John Scott, NW Ifeeitidgd architect or his own fortone+-is'a lawyer of dish ed ability-4s sis.fisk e foor 'inches 4likeight, and: weighs 270 ponds. A, good. spec i men! Tatatitara in Milted Mabee 542 daily; 4,43 a weekly; tboWiyly rthaw ireakiag n totak of y 4; • and if ts , book NA ipt, visitors. , tTzt to *a t ah( Ll Ckhre are ; tri - w 113 , 45 semi- ntbly, litenthly,_' bi; atift2ecinetWrlne, making the total Nuaftor 4/111periodiehla 5,734. Tun "liadelphis Awning i'ad Wafter .1: Rom ihecroden 'lender Prothonotary of that:kora/tie 4 rir4 tinder Whose anspieos isatatießrAthni friends were 'eaktemitted kit WE The" roof p hi upon this Su its grqme,S p t:-111 eta is flaky no might to be diem —if noe s . the Wart ought to y soy MB Roomy Batumi Convoy tl" ,90: 00 h tut ntrid a9d all the reeds' betwviiin•Pittsburik old Coltinibus apii.neder they control irthe , lhfineyleanis ,Onnpany, Mime. nicm an unbreloen .liioe , to pTevy York. pe number,ornittei se e thuo united not flag fnun tyro then .' • • ' ' A 'STATE -- AWIRTCVnurviIAL CONVEN TION is to_, NOW bef I,Liftrisburg on the 17th of Mitch "to composed of dela gates bent notaty sekilettes t 'treatees Of the agricultural college; • the Alommittees en user of. let 1.494fe5,,0t Pgits tature, and thip e mzecutive umgassittee or the' Side Noddy; "kit *Ma - Secoh"E. Kreybill ie the member from tide county. Aa'.Readlag•9t'makes'Very Stile dirlbr esce he* s rums treats hisominty. Last Tee& Weri4e44s, man lirstnewlrimpsd , mother an ta t o rts nod one t ont . Thatidaj , Ofonsilly di s charged a pietellit of-ids etatipstildlis and Was .ilsed die Altar; ampliiin , Pride, sum& 7_95 11 • " • artt ilreepiabh cask was ,cato - . • 9 r. " volt pays yeur Money staY ' • • Fe your eberce:', US- Wilt% e l Status t t t ires the , . anutunt Vero red and blurs ilsrl Anus ef *panting- mer tot emstplelli ibe ddriquitircal.slo99lll6*am t ot •rm , auttf l 7 .. a z ie in. len Minh n' LN- T er pia or a et peelers fortydarit hvaidred strong, leach ten*w irautircd pow' The edition eausteut of *SAO volume+ • ••• 1 A young man et Consetterilki, in Gees c unty, Tennessee, on Thursday eveninm while standbirlin the floor in the act of • ummertok was elvd doeWa by tbs . , -rabic bride. He all into the, arms at , :dtftoind girl, H e assisted by Mende, voivieyed NM to .a bid when, at tier request, them orcumony . was . iiiheelggieink atie hoid rather o mourq dead bus men t s dead lacer. In a fd* Minutes the newly-Made husband aspired. The murderer moped. Tim New York Tribune thinks that Cofibeipot Wallace should !Wait& sash at his "Bapinders" in Philadelphia, and nisewham, with a Tekicipede in ordes to pass more as peditrously !roil .1)011 to, poll. It Is In evidence' that a whole ga of Democrats voted in no less Wm Vaillety wards in PhiltdalPhie holt ADekohiwtiond were bug OW tifetIODIP *aft Us UV itweed until ;hey closed. It a l. is dew &mid vote wenV time* i y without help' `in tim way of looksmeSbeis they soil is eidissirs ikEir by Ale mot Ow sOmth. Mob. . rs 7, 11 eonstitutio a &mote. ,/ ; g 0. Pm =I BE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers