"tather ;Abraham." CIRCULATION OVER 5000 E. H. RAUCH, EDITORS & PUBLISHERS, THOS. B. COCHRAN, LANCASTER, PA FRIDAY, JULY 2-1, IS6S. "I shalt hare no policy of mg aim to en force against the will of the people."—G NT. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. " MATCH 'EM." PPP \ 1 VI f 11 411 4 I't m ,al - • ,-„_ - _,-.._--. k 4., • e , - - ,:_,- _, , r 4) op, " 1 1 itied ,, ,. - ' - - - --- , 7 -..sm -,- ---- NATI 0 .VA L TICKET. Gen. ULYSSES S. GRANT, OF THE UNITED STATES Flee President: SCHUYLER COLFAX, OF INDIANA STATE TICKET. Auditor Genera[: Gen. JNO. F. HARTRAN.Vr, OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY Surveyor General: Gen. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, OF CAMBRIA COUNTY TERMS OF FATHER ABRAHAM. Invariably' in Advance: One copy to OH e othicoss Five copies 4, ECM _Fifteen 'Twenty 10.00 And 50 rents for every mid subseriber over twenty. larOne espy extra to the p'tter up rf a Club of Twen- ty or more. Address, RA UCH & COCHRAN, Editors and Publishers, Lancaster, Pa .Refiflialg Our Reading branch office is at No. 606 Court Street, opposite the Court House, where subscriptions will be re ceived for FATHER ABRAHAM. Republican, Primary Election The Republican voters of the several election districts of Lancaster county, are requested to meet at the places where the last primary meetings were held on Saturday, March 7th, 1868, (except in the district hereinafter named,) on SATURDAY, AUGUST 15th, 1868, and hold their primary elections, subject to the rules adopted by the Union Re publican County Committee, to settle candidates, as follows : ONE person for Member of Congress, ONE person for Associate Judge, FOUR persons for Members of Assembly, ONE person for District Attorney, ONE person for County Commissioner, Two persons for Prison Inspectors, Two persons for Directors of the Poor, ONE person for County Auditor, To be supported by the Republican voters at the ensuing election. ALso to elect one person from each district to serve on the County Committee. In Manheim township, at the public house of Isaac B. Miller, at Landis Val ley. The polls will open at 3 o'clock and close at 7 o'clock, P. M. By order of the County Committee. MARTIN S. FRY, Chairman Amos H. MYLIN, t Secretaries J. I. HARTMAN, Why does not the County Committee publish the rules regulating the primary elections ? Up and at Them! Republicans, Loyal men everywhere ! you who desire peace and prosperity, now that the sword has settled all questions at issue in the war ; the Democratic party, so called, have placed themselves just where we wanted them; now then, "UP AND AT THEM." Drive them, as a party organization, not only to the verge, but over and beyond; and they'll give the country no more trouble with their seces sion rebel dogmas hereafter. Seymour Wide Awake. A very intimate and confidential friend I of Horatio Seymour informed us a few days ago that he accepted the nomination with Blair for Vice only upon the condi tion that in the event of his election, he is to board at Washington with the Blair family, and they (the Blairs) to eat of the "vittles" first every time. Seymour un derstands the Blain THADD E STE A number of Republicans of this city and county appear to be somewhat exer cised about the remarks made by Mr. Stevens in the House of Ptepresentatives last Friday, during the consideration of the National finances. Upon this subject we fully agree with the following extract from au article in the Lancaster Exam iner of Wednesday: ..It is w e ll kn,twn that Mr. Stevet(s on finan cial questions. as connected with the gOlOlll - holds views antagonistic to those held I,y tile great majority otitis enlist ituents. They are his individual views however. and ..vhether right or wrong. the Rcpublican party cannot .justly be held uccounLthle hit them. Any at tempt. therefore, to hold the party responsible is neither right nor proper. Mr. Stevens is too earnest and honest a man to withhold or even modify his views upon any of the great national questions (,r t 1 .! (lay. Further, he has rendered too important a service to the country. espe cially (luring the dark days of the rebellion, to be assailed with impimity now. It is hut natu ral and proper for rebels awl Copperheads to malign and traduce him, but it ill becomes pron.ssing Republicans to (to so. lie may be wrong in his financial schemes—he may err in his denunciation Of melt who have the confi dence Of the Repul(lican party—hut notwith standing. he is still a ;great leaner or the ho,,ts th;At have varri..,l ti...oitutry Con v.::h its .21Vtil - peril, (Old for this, it' other reason. lit will he liehl in v,ratertil remeruhrance by the loyal Atneriean potpie. - Whether Mr. Stevens is right or wrong, his remarks referred to are precisely the same views which he expressed about a year ago in a letter to JOHN GYGER, Esq., President of the First National Bank, of this city. They are substan tially the same views which he has ex pressed on various occasions on the pres ent state of our national finances. Fortunately, the Republican party, be ing composed of intelligent, self-thinking men, can well aflbrd to tolerate differen ces of opinion upon questions of this kind. That Copperheads would exult over a conflict of views between Mr. Ste vens and his constituents, is natural. And the eyident wish on the part of pro fessing Republicans in this community. that Mr. Stevens would take a position outside of the Republican part•, is father to the thought. $ .75 EEO IMEI MEM In a word, we can see no cause of un easiness on account of Mr. Stevens' re marks referred to. We have confided in him, and admired his patriotism, his hu manity, his wisdom, his unquestionable honesty and manly independence for over a quarter of a century, and no mere ques tion of money—gold or greenbacks—can make him less than THADDEUS 'l ,- I:EN'ENS, the great Commoner and leading cham pion of LIBERTY AND EQAUAL EIGHTS. Democrat lc Fri nciples. Below we give a few choice extracts from Democratic speeelies'and editorials in support of Seymour and Blair: - What the Confederacy ling.:lit for during the war will be won by the election of Seymour and Illair. - -Ex-Gou I Lun nipee qf _A -0;1h t'aeoliao. " I give my hearty support to Se_ymuiu• and 131 air, because the latter is pledged in favor tff the cause of the South by military power, whilst Gov. Seymour is too well known as an uncompromising champion of our rights to re quire endorsement from any quarter."—.Speech of Ex-Governor Henry A. Wise, of Virginia. "The spirit of Wilkes Booth still lives, thank God! Therefore, take courage! Seymour, Blair, and the revival of the great cause is the motto of every true man !"—Pine Bluff (Ark.) Vindicator. The Montgomery (Confederate) constitu tion is better than ours" (United States).— Horatio 'Seymour to Judge Ruggles, in IM6I. " The Fourth of July has ceased to be of the slightest interest to the Demoeracy—partie ularly of the South."—Richmond Examiner. While our soldiers were chasing the defeated rebels from the field of Gettys burg, on the 4th of July, 1863, Horatio Seymour was making a speech in New York, and threatening the loyal people of the North with mobs and revolutions. This is an extract from his address : 4, Do you not create revolution when you say that your persons may be rightfully seized, your property confiscated, yourhomes entered? Are you not exposing yourselves, your own in terests, to as great a peril as that with which you threaten us ? Remember this : that the bloody, and treasonable, and revolutionary doctrine of public necessity can be proclaimed by a mob as well as by a government." [Ap plause.] " Well, the mob heard him, and a few days afterwards his " friends" were burning orphan asylums, murdering in offensive persons, and filling New York with the horrors of riot, arson, and assas sination. A Perfect Profile The published intention of Brick Pom eroy to issue a daily paper in New York brings out the Tribune in a note of welcome. It says : " Mr. Pomeroy—coming among us as the representative of the village grocery and tavern corner of the Democracy of the West, of the true, pure Democracy who drink their whiskey straight, do not believe in free schools, think Wilkes Booth a gentleman and a martyr, and have conscientious scruples against clean shirts —will be heartily welcomed." That is a very perfect profile of the men who support the La Crosse Democrat in Lancaster and Reading. FA_THEIZ A_I3.IIA_HA.A2. Seymour. IS IT POLITICAL? After all, 01(1 Berks is a decidedly in teresting locality during a political cam paign. In regard to free schools, the old hard-shell loco-foco bald-head and cop per-lined Democracy appears disposed to "accept the situation," provided school " don't keep" over four months in a year, and the wages of der shoolineashder is kept below eighteen dollars and three quarters per month. The death of General Jack son is now gverally considered a tixed fact among the Berks county Democrats, except in Alhawney, Moxidawney and lleadlebarrick. The old United States Bank question is settled in favor of green backs, and all Democrats who have con sidered the subject agree that we must have either a tariff for revenue with inci dental protection, or a tariff for protec tion with incidental revenue. Among the new questions now pending, and considered as of vital importance to the Berks county Democracy are : Ist. Will Saltpeter explode' 2d. Is the Whiskey tax constitutional? 3d. Does Lager intoxicate ? These questions have for a long time worried the brain of the editor of the Reading Eagle, and in order to have them satisfactorily answered, they have just been referred—the first one to the Ku Klux Klan ; the second to the Fenians; and the third to the Reading tiaengerfest. But, the question upon which the future existence of the Democracy depends is, whether the G. A. R. is or is not a poll- Heal organization? The discussion of this question appears to be confined to the Eagle aforesaid, on the one side, and a political " what is it," labeled Repub lican (recently hired by the head centre of the Reading whiskey ring, for thirty five dollars to keep shady) on the other side. The editor of the Eagle quotes Brick Pomeroy to prove that the G. A. R. is a political organization, and as " what is it " doesn't know what to say, it may be hiir to presume that the five hundred thousand members of the G. A. R. do incline, very, stron[dy, towards Grant and Colfax. Indeed, we venture to guess, very emphatically, that they will all vote for Grant and Colfax, Hartranft and Campbell, and for'` rich and skit'' only. The G. A. R. is a loyal and a patriotic institution. Copperheads have no busi ness within the lines of the GRAND Aum 1 - !OF THE REPUBLIC, unless they come washed and combed clean, and for the express purpose of getting themselves decently reconstructed. Is the G. A. IL a political organiza tion ?“ _No«• that's a pretty que , tion to ask, isn't it =MI= l' he ClJppe rh fl 1)e1 oerflC No political organization ever existed in this or any other country which has been guilty of as many infamoits crimes and misdemeanors as the so-called Dem ocratic party. Within the last ten years this party has openly and boldly com mitted itself in favor of slavery, and for the purpose of nationalizing this system of inhumanity and barbarism, it has in augurated the late rebellion for the over throw of the Republic. Its treason cost the nation five hundred thousand lives, and five thousand millions in money. It was the wickedness of this same party which entailed a debt upon the people amounting to twenty-five hundred mil lions. It has filled the land with mourn ing widows and orphans. It has covered the Southern States with battle-fields and grave-yards. It instigated the organiza tion of secret oath-bound associations in support of the traitors who endeavored to destroy the Republic. It rejoiced over our defeats and mourned over our victories. It opposed reinforcement of our armies, and encouraged thousands of deserters and bounty jumpers. It de nounced our brave soldiers who defended our flag as cut-throats, thieves and hire lings. It murdered the great and good Lincoln, because he was true to the prin ciples of the declaration of independence. It has deliberately starved to death ten thousand Union soldiers at Anderson vine. It made the hellish attempt to import yellow fever and small-pox into our large cities, from the pest houses of other countries. It instigated mobs and caused the burning of Asylums for poor orphans in the city of New York, and its candidate and standard bearer pub licly addressed the perpetrators of these brutish acts in the most endearing and affectionate manner as his friends! This party, guilty of these and many other hellish crimes, now appeals to the good and intelligent people of the coun try for votes ! Its aim is to revive and re-establish human slavery ; to bestow honor and give power to the traitors, butchers, assassins, importers of disease and burners of churches, school-houses and orphan asylums, and to insult the living and dishonor the dead heroes who successfully defended the Republic and its glorious old flag! Reader, can you vote for such a party? The "Strooge Reports." Our correspondent Sadsbury," gives some facts and figures, which will interest the people of Lancaster county. That a man who was not elected, but absolutely rejected, as an officer of the House of Representatives, and who never perform ed an hour's service, should draw pay from the State Treasury, is simply outra geous. The question is, through whose instrumentality was this outrage con summated, and who shared the spoils? The question of "mileage," too, is one of interest, and is not confined to mem_ hers of the Legislature. Some other officers of the county are implicated in transactions of this kind, and a little ven tilation will not be disadvantageous to the people. —Since the above was in type, Mr. Ilyus called upon us for the purpose of explaining the matter, and putting the responsibility where he thinks it right fully belongs. He stated that he was promised a position in the House by Mr. Armstrong, and after the election of the Speaker, by the latter also. Upon the failure of the passage of the resolution which Mr. Armstrong had offered, to ap point him an additional clerk, he returned home. A day or two before final ad journment, he received a dispatch from Mr. Armstrong, requesting him to come to Harrisburg forthwith and draw his pay, and he went and received it. This is Mr. Ilyus' statement. The fact still remains that lie drew salary as an officer after having been rejected by a vote of the House. ,S'eymou r's Popularity. In answer to Seymour's alleged popu larity, we need only present a few facts and figures to show that every time he has been before the people of New York for office, he ran behind his ticket. In 1850. lie received 3,657 vote less for Gov ernor than were cast for Church, who ran on the same ticket for Lieutenant Governor. In 1862, he received 2,026 votes less than Church, who was again on the same ticket. lie also received 667 votes less than Skinner for Canal Commissioner, on the same ticket.— lle is unquestionably the most unpopular man that could have been nominated, Blair only excepted. A GENTLEMAN of ability and experi ence, being out of business, would accept a situation as editor of a live Republican paper during the present campaign. For particulars. address FATHER ABRAHAM. [(:(q111111111it•ato , 1.] MR. EDITOR : In retard to certain "strange reports'' in circulation concern ing salaries drawn by sonic individuals from this county at ilarrisburg, last win ter, who were never appointed as officers, and who never served. I here give you a few facts Which you called for in your last issue. The figures are official—ex tracts from the records of the State Trea surer and Auditor General : ( C opy . ) Cmmoonmeolth Pennsylrania '.1 . 0 A. C. li.vus, Dr., To Salary as Paster and Folder, Session of 1868 ....$lOO.OO To Mileage, (80 miles circular) 12.00 By reference to the Legislative record session of 1868, page 171, it will be seen that Mr. Armstrong endeavored to pass a resolution appointing Mr. Ilyus an ex tra clerk, according to a certain "arrange ment," which was opposed by Air. Reinoehl, and voted down by 25 to 35. As Mr. I was not appointed an officer, the question is, by what "arrangement " did he get his pay? And who was the en gineer in this transaction ? But, here is another fact. The lawful pay of each senator and Representative is one thousand dollars salary, which was drawn by each member from Lancaster county, with the following mileage : E. Billingfelt, Sen., (60 miles) $lB.OO J. W. Fisher, " (37 " ) 11.10 A. Armstrong, Rep.,(306 " ) 91.80 D. G. Steacy, " (60 " ) 18.00 A. C. Reinoehl, " (37 " ) 11.10 A. Godshalk, 6 ' (66 " ) 19.80 As Mr. Armstrong resides near Mount Joy—about twenty-five miles from Har risburg—it is supposed he took the route by way of Allentown, Easton, Great Bend, Elmira, Williamsport and ialifax. SADSBURY. atipr sl2ralprn's THE nigger is no more to be damned by the Democracy—that is, when he is on the Democratic side. Who can doubt this after it is known that the New York Democratic Empire Club held a meeting on Monday evening, and was addressed by " Mr. Quickly, a colored gentleman from Georgia, and an attendant from that State on the Tammany Hall Na tional Convention." THE Northern " Democrat" cannot conceal his horror of the "carpet-bagger" who invades the South with such Yan kee notions of school books and manu factories, nor his love for the rebel brother who returns to the North with his pockets full of secession resolutions ready to fire off at any Abolitionist who dares to speak of the " onpleasantness." MR. HENDRICKS said in the Senate the other day that he had intended to show the Democratic platform was so plain, distinct, and direct that nobody could misunderstand its meaning; "But, sir," he continued, "it would likely take more time than I am able to occupy." No man did more than Horatio Sey mour to encourage and inspire the rebel army. No man did more than Seymour to depress the Union ranks. Seymour prolonged the rebellion by fanning hope in the breasts of its leaders. MicHAF.A. DL NN was before Alderman Jones of Philadelphia, on Saturday, charged with the larcency of a gold watch from the jewelry store of A. B. Warden, at Fifth and Chestnut Streets. Dunn is a very active Democratic ward WITH Seymour's friends burning negro Orphan Asylums, and Blair's friends dispersing the " State Governments" of the South, we are promised lively times in the event of the election of the Dem ocratic candidates. THE Bite Tavern was the first institu in Boston to hoist the Seymour and Blair flag. The State constables made a raid upon the place subsequently, and captured a lot of gambling instruments. AN old soldier who had lost an arm says : "I am waiting to see if the people of this country are going to elect Hora tio Seymour, and if they do I will swear that I lost my arm in a threshing-ma chine, not in defense of my country." THE fact that the soldiers in 1864 gave 121,041 votes for Abraham Lincoln, and only 35,050 for McClellan, may give some idea of how the same soldiers will be likely to vote this year. SOME of the Democratic papers are trying hard to explain why Mr. Seymour addressed the New York rioters as " My friends." But the reason is plain enough : they were his friends. AN exchange says: "Gen. Grant and the Democracy have done a great deal of business together within the past few years. Gen. Grant has done the tan ning, and the Democrats have furnished the hides! THERE is sonic danger that the Demo crats will withdraw Blair from their ticket. Seymour is a nauseating dose for honest and patriotic men, but the other man is more than American freemen can stomach. IF ;rant and Colfax had held a friendly consultation to pick out their adversaries, they could not have been more successful than the rebel Copperheads in the nomi nation of Seymour and Blair. EVERY man the rebels relied upon in the North when they drew the sword of treason against their country, and raised their banner, red with blood, is a Demo cratic leader to-day. IT took the Democratic National Con vention three days to nominate a candi date, but only three minutes to pass a resolution requesting President Johnson to pardon Jeff Davis ! WE are expecting every day to hear some enthusiastic Democrat give as a reason for Colfax's unfitness for the Vice Presidency, that he never was drunk in his life. MANY of the delegates and visitors at the Democratic Convention in New York, complained bitterly because the price of whisky was put up to 15 cents a drink during the Convention. AT Malley, Pa., on Saturday, Thomas Dehuff, captain of a canal boat, a Demo crat and a notorious ruffian—attacked the captain of another boat who shot him dead, thus adding one to Grant's ma jority in Pennsylvania. $712.00 THE fact that the soldiers in 1864 gave 121,042 votes for Abraham Lincoln and only 35,051 for M'Clellan may give some idea of how the same soldiers will be likely to vote this year. JOHN WOODWARD, (Democrat,) was on Sunday last arrested at Front and Noble Streets, Philadelphia, on a charge of picking John Turner's pocket. HENRY McPeak, (Democrat,) was ar rested on Saturday last, at Fourth and Vine Streets, Philadelphia, for beating another mule on the head with a brick. HORATIO SEYMOUR has always run be hind his ticket. He has one consolation, however, this time. He and Blair will receive the same number of votes, for they cannot be voted for separately. THE Louisville Journal says that when two or three Democrats are gathered to bether, there will the spirit of Democracy e also. That's true, no matter what the tax is. THE Cleveland Herald says of Seymour's backer, Vallandigham, "He was a con victed traitor s banished for seeking to kindle a fire in the rear of the Union army." THE Republican choice for the Presi dency and Vice Presidency—Grant and Colfax. The Republican choice for the Democratic National nominations—Sey mour and Blair. IT is significant that Seymour and Blair have the support of but a single member of the Cabinet. The others are either for Grant or take no part. SEirmotat said, "I should be dishonor ed if I accepted your nomination." And this before he knew Frank Blair was to go on the ticket with him!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers