'7,,., t, -• c' . u s ,r4 r -=_,__l I! , i . . i_-_.7 ~._. r i ti A 1 ...". __= . 1:31 • _ A \ N A . _ • -'-:-. _.,.. L. , : 17 - :! - - -i-------- / • E - '.— ' - i ____l f - --- . _Y i . , ~-------- f " 7riM ntalice towards none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God 17 iY CS US ~.4...,.. ;:: __ __,,, r ~• , , 1.. , , ~. i:, ' " '.. ' :-. 1 1 ',. 'h , t , I -- ' 1:"` - ' .7 44' \ -I t \ =,- 7 -- ' ,:- ; i: ' _, - • ,- 1 ,; _, , ,: . --,„ , - ii l.„ ;',.. " • '... 7 , , %, ..,,;, , ... 7 ;•!...:. '.,.':;;I:1, . __:-- . ice.. \ -,,_L , •,, _ \ . . - care for hinz who shall hare borne the lattle, and ib r leis n• l 'don, and Xs oriohan, 10 do all which may ,-,,- .._ s _, •.''..'• '' '''' to see the right, let us stripe on to iinish the wort. ~ ...':4',V* 1 ° tech /ere and cherish cc just (tied a lastingng peace 4.::' , ' 4'. • we are in ; to bind ey /he nations wounds; to . 1 ' :?Ck ., % -"•.,.` ‘ among ourselves and with an n cell nations."—.7.l. Z. ..,,' ti,,. ,, ,'% m VOL 1. "FATHER ABRAHAM" IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY =MI FIFTY CENTS, IN ADVANCE, FOR THE CAMPAIGN. -BI E. H. IZAIJCII RAUCH & COCIIRAN, NORTHEAST ANGLE CENTRE SQUARE, Adjoining IV. G. 8a1, , r',5 Drug ,Store and J. Marshall di Sons,Shoe Store, PL NA SINGLE COPIES ADVERTISEMENTS A limited number of advert isements will be taken at the following rates Fifteen cents per line for the first insertion, and ten cents per line for each subsequent insertion Those advertising for the Campaign of six months will be charged as follows ONE SQUARE (Olt,•11 Two SQUA OE!, TH iaa tigt - A I: Es Larger a,lvertisements by cuutract Bills foe a , !ta is , ' ' , vat s ctdle c table of V?. the first in- MEM _ . P It ()FESS! ),Nr _I L. JOITN B. GOOD, A'l"l'‘ .Vl' LAW, Ete-t Ding Street, Lancaster, Pn. CI . ICKE: . :\'1"I'(NI V Al' LAW, .;( 11' T Street, SI•1 . 1 , 1111 11011 Se beil)W lilt` .• 1'01110:till)! 111,. • Laiwaster, Pa. B. LI Nri," - GSTON, !ft • ATTOUN EV AT LAW, ,i . eu - r—No. 11 Nt)PTII HUN E west sh!o. north or the Court lionse, o l.aneaster, Pa. p D. BAKE Arrt ill NEI" AT LAW. tpvirg-- - Witli .1. 11. Livingston, II DUICE Street, Laneaster, I'a. B1)t C. K E A - 1) , . . .Arr, YRNEV AT LAW, 4.)FricE—With I. E. Mester, Ni DUKE Street, near the Court House, Lancaster, Pa. CHARLES DENuEs, ATToItNEY AT LAW', Oirritc—No.3 SOUTH DUKE Street, Lancaster, Pa. F. 13 AEIt , I_s . ArDIRNEY . AT LAW, oarica—No. 19 NORTH DUKE Street, Lamas ter, Pa. WM. LEA M. N , Al"r N El" AT LAW, Dssacc—No. 5 :•.:ORTFI DUKE Street, Lancas ter, Pa. Jli . 11 TT It ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ovslcm—With General .1. W. Fisher, NORTH DUKE Street, Lancaster, Pa. EDGAR C. REED, ATTOP,NEY AT LAW, OrFicE—No. 1G NORTH 'DUKE Street, Lancas ter, Pa. j B. AMW AKE , ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE-No. 4 SOUTH QUEEN Street, Lancas ter, Pa. JW. JOHNSON, • ATToRNEY AT LAW, OFFICE.-NO. 25 SOUTH QUEEN Street, Lan caster, Pa. T W. FISHER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFIcE—No. 30 NORTH DUKE Street, Lancas ter, Pa. AMOS 11. MYLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFIcE.—No. 8 SOUTH QUEEN Street, Lancas ter, Pa. li'. HOPKINS, WATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE—NO. 28 NORTH DUKE Street, Lancas ter, Pa. JOHN H. SELTZER, ATTORNEY LAW, No. 135 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia READING AD VER TISEM' TS. TT MALTZBERGER, JAL.. ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 4C North Sixth Street, Reading, Pa J.GEORGE SELTZER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. GO4 COURT Street, (opposite tho Court House) Reading, Pa. HORACE A. YUNDT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 28 NORTH SIXTH Street, Reading, Pa FRANCIS M. BANKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, No. 27 NORTH SIXTH Street, Read ing, Pa. TAR. WILLIAM HARGREAVES_, ECLECTIC PHYSICAN AND SURGEON, No. 134 SOUTH FIFTH Street, Reading, Pa. IN Washington Congressional circles a member from Ohio asked a Democratic member 'from Indiana how they came to nominate so unpopular a tlcket. "H-s-s-h 1" said the Indianian--" Don't ! you are treading on a new-made grave !" TIIOS. B. COCHRAN THREE CENTS $8 00 MEM 20 00 * * I wish I could justly close these words without retiTence to I loratio Seymour. But fidelity alike to history and to my old comrades in the army, living and dead, compel that I should speak of one passage in his history. On the Fourth of July, 1863, when Governor of the State, he stood at the Academy of Music, in New York, and in a most elaborate address apologized alike for slavery, the South and the Rebellion. Ile had no word of cheer for the patient man who was bearing the nation's sorrow (cheers) in the Capitol at Washington. Ile had no word of encouragement for our gallant soldiers, who that very hour were grappling with Lee in a life and death struggle among the hills in Penn sylvania (cheers and cries of " You're right") ; nothing but icy slicers, but cold calculations, and but illy concealed sympathy with treason. Thank God, at that same hour Meade gave the lie to his eloquent sophistry as he hurled Lee back in terrible) defeat from j Cemetery Hill and Round Top at Gettysburg, and Grant's cannon made strange echo to his cowardly but concealed appeals for compromise and sur render as Vicksburg fell and Pemberton's host cast down their flags in defeat. " A few short days passed, mid on July 13 of that same year the terrible draft riots broke out in New York city. I charge that these riots were the natural, logical and almost necessary re sults of his speeches, his teachings, and his public official acts. And then when the storm had gathered, he addressed those maddened, brutalized rioters as his "friends," and besought their patience by the plea that he had sent his Adjutant-General to Washington to beg that the draft might be suspended. (Laughter, hisses and cheers.) When the tidings of these riots and of Seymour's conduct and speech reached me, with my regiment, I was toiling along a dusty road of Maryland in pursuit of the retreating rebels. Fainting under the ter 'Able heat, some falling . and even dying by the wayside, our men were still pres Sing on. "The loyal arms had been victorious at Gettysburg, and we bad heard the glad news from Vicksburg. We were weary, but still we could see the end and the victory drawing nigh. Like thunder from a clear sky fell the tidings of this cowardly uprising at our own homes against the government and the flag. Strong men wept with shame and rage. Firm lips closed in a fiercer wrath as they whispered the news down the ranks, and muskets were gripped with a venge ful feeling such as we had not known betbre in skirmish and battle. Could we have filed that day into Broadway there would have been a bloody reckoning, and short work would have been made with Ills Excellency's special friends." [A sudden movement was here visible through the whole:audience ; an instant afterwards an electrical cheer burst from every part of the building ; many people stood up, and handker chiefs and hats were waved at the speaker.] We bad left home to tight your battles, and we felt that you were bound to tax yourselves, if need be, to your last dollar to pension our widows, to succor our wounded, and feed our little ones. We were there just as much for your sake as for our own, and we felt that when our ranks grew thin we had a right to reinforce ments; that you were bound in honor to send us your young men and your strong men, even if your old men and boys had to work your iitisctliantous. Campaiffit SO)ty--Grant. Allt-IZED, WHITE AND 131,'P I Tail to Grant, the victorious ehh , ttain, The choice of the loyal and true, The hero. the soldier, and statesman, Whom treason could never subdue; Thy faine is enshrouded in glory, As dear as our own native land, And freedom's proud page of history, Points to Union, Victory and Grant. 'filen bring old the flag of our - Union, That we wrested front Bait trous hands; We have borne it in peace and thro' battle, And NVell bear it to victory with (irtutt. Though partizan bands may endeavor To slander aml sully thy mune, The cohorts of treason can never Tear the wreath from the warrior's fame Fairest, star in the Iwight constellation Of heroes thy victory made, While the sun sheds its rays o'er our nation Thy memory never will 11010. 11 7 11 en the treat berous hand Of disunion (Ter mountains, o'er 'allies and flood, And assassins iu banded communion, Ilan tlarkenotl our nvers with blood; In this night of our great tribulation, \Viten hope filled the warrior's breast, _ meteor of livedom's salvation, the sky of the West. The orb) thundpi., . Ilrought visions hop. , to Hie tvorld, And millions in joy filled 1V1(11 ‘V()lltier Sa\V (Mt' Nt117 , ,0r I)4'r I:irinxunti uutiu (t ti Whiii` (IcOttn 1(1 \V(.11( III) in (MO glorious chant, linz,za for II:0 hero irl: , l)iirg, • I:nion, i(tory anil (:rant. am. - - - • TOIL" A LHOST A SOLDIER ON SEYMOI•IL-SPEECII OF GE N. WOODFoRD At the Academy of Music, in Brooklyn, the other evening, Gen. Woodford, who was evidently suffering from a recent sickness, was received with enthusiastic cheering, and notwithstanding his weak bodily condition, spoke with intense en ei7y and lire. We regret that our limits exclude the whole speech. We make some extracts: ER, PA:, FRIDAY, JULY 31, 180 LANCASI factories . :11111 your \comet! Lad to till 11i fields. AVe 1% ere terrihly in earne , t. lv,. were lichi iii rebels. W 0 meant to stand up to our work, told we very solemnly into that you shotrld stand squarely up to yours. (('heers,) Hm; reverently we thanked God. when the good Lincoln and the lion - hearted Stanton said the draft shall he enforced. And how we cheered the soldiers Who were sent frm), onr rot-lot. to enforce the law and uphold the 1101101 of our flag against the Northern molt. - You can now understand how we soldiers feel towards his Excellency, Ilurttio Seymour. In the hour of out. sorrow :Intl wearint . ss he had no encouragement for tts. uo faith 10 our emir_ a" - e, and no faith in the final victory. Now in our triumph, when the flag steams out on every breeze and all our land is one again, we have no need for thee, 1 foralio Seymour. Let Southern Rebels shout thy praise; let the hom ers Cl otphan asylums. and the deserter. and the skulker from the draft. twilit,. laurels for thy brows' we will stand by the old flag. all battle scarred, but glorious in victory, Min e we lid low the great captain of our ;Irndes, our own Ulysses avant. At the battle of Lookout Mountain, as, following the hue of fire, 0111* SiirgeeliS climbed up the hilly steep, they met four M , ldiers coin ing down and carrying in a blanket a shapeless mass. Laying their lwrden tenderly down, they asked the doctor to look at I hair wounded color sergeant. His shoulder and forearm had been torn away by a The surgeon knelt, au,t putting the hair lm(k front his fluffily brut;. asked. brave rellow, where were you hit this 1.y1., 1111- il)r a 1111111le111, :IN Lc filint)Y alISNV(.11.11: .‘IIIO , SI at Ili(' OIL" no, my man, whereahmits are you w0 , .md0,1?" A.4aM Lis (lying eye opened, main pale lips moved, aml he ‘viri,pervil: -1 • almost at the hp, hearing, ihe !lag, Is sL, ll Stril(li (1111' 1110111e:a 11101 . 0 aml 1 sht,uhl have lwen cle:P. tip." 110 L . :lve 11111 . I I tsar , ' Spirit I\ :!S iii)rl'rPr. I ENCLIIII;Lii,IIM.I "..\ 114,0. &ill' I . l'll'lllk. it it Its tl,-,lay. l‘r'e :II OW faith a n al lovi• 'XI' LaVe CalTiOf I tile P . MS Or rug ; t:i, , , until law: ‘N.,, n S ;11,,,v,, Ilv vlttluls• 11 !-til int! fought ia the cletlr sultry/ill or absuluto justic , . ;Ind ( tidy caul. 111 ,, r0 clus,' , lp the ra,,l;s. ‘.1, , , ttuar press up ti, tuutututin ',lupe. and Nvi , shail 1 ,1;1,11 ~ 1 1,.da.;;;.,,1,1 ItaL;ol.•;,1 - litunnutin tup of a filial viraury I:)l•lil,, , Tty and the rights <,f num.- Let any f u soldier, orsoldier's friend, or lover of his country, read the above, and then vote for Horatio Seymour, if he EMI The London I\Tc/essays of Grant's nom ination : " There are some circumstances which render the nomination of General Grant singularly opportune. Ile is not a politician, and the nation is tired of poli ticians. He is it soldier, with a soldier's I ideas of duty, but with a civilian's re spect for legislative authority and the na tional will. Ile has probably no definite policy of his own ; but it is of a President with a policy that the Republic is suffer ing. He is accustomed to obey, as well as to rule ; and it is a President who will do its work, obey its behests, whom the nation needs. The very fact that after by turns exciting the suspicion he has won the confidence of all parties, proves his fitness for the highest post in the Conunonwealth. A President should be a practical statesman, not a theorist ; man of deeds rather than of words ; the executive of the national will, not the apostle of his own self will. lle has no right to a policy which is not the policy of the nation, and in his office he belongs neither to his party nor himself, but to the nation which has elected him to its temporary headship. It is the best re commendation of General Grant that he ' will probably make a national rather than a party President ; and should his election once more lift the office ever so little above the self-assertion of Mr. Johnson's administration, or the party narrowness of so many of his predeces sors, it may restore the waning influence of the Presidency and begin an era of peace and reconciliation to the nation." We hear agreat deal, from Democratic journals, of the " carpet-baggers" of the Southern States, a name derisively ap plied to Northern men who have settled in the lately seceded Skates, and who are aiding, by their industry, energy, enter prise and wealth, in raising up that ener vated region to a state of prosperity which it never before enjoyed. These men have gone South, perhaps, with tio other baggap than a "carpet-Iw , ;" but they took with them brains and energv and capital, and were welcomed by the people of that section. If some of them have been sent back North as members of Congress, this fact is only a proof that their good qualities and abilities are appreciated at their new-found homes. But, while Copperhead journals abuse Republican" carpet-baggers," they studi ously avoid saying anything of their own "bundlers." Northern Democrats have gone South, and the only reason we don't see them in Congress is that they haven't the requisite brains, or that the Southern people have had so much of Democratic misrule as to not be willing to trust them again. Occasionally one of them "works his passage" North, carry ing all his worldly goods on his back, or in a "bundle," not being able to rise to the dignity of a "carpet-bag." A FoPeign Opinion of Grinf. "Carpet-Baggers." A Jlissoari Paper on Blair. General Grotto's Way. The Democrats scent to be disgusted A letter of Gov. Yates, of Illinois, with their nomination for President, and j pointedly contradicting the assertion that satisfied that the ~a me was lost, for no- the colonelcy of a regiment of volunteers, dy wanted to he Vice-President but j which hq (Yates) conferred on the Galena Gen. Blair, and the whole convention tanner, was ever sought by the latter, in was willing to •` let the tail go with the vites attention to la phase of Gen. Grant's hide." It must be confessed they could character which is (pdte unlike that of not have done a better thing—for the sonic other officers of our late War. Radicals. if we cannot beat Blair, the From the beginning to the end of that revolutionist, with his proposal to dis- struggle, 'Ulysses S. Grant rose through perf . e State Governments by armed force every grade known to our service. A fresh in mind, we cannot beat anybody. pool, obscure, friendless citizen, he voi la this State his nomination will add five unteered at the outset, and was chosen thousand to our majority. Perhaps it captain of a company. He was soon may help the ticket in Kentucky or Mary- made Adjutant ; then Colonel ; then laud, but we doubt it. j Brigadier General ; then Major General ; General Blair was once an honored then Lieutenant General; finally General name in this State. Greater credit is in-Chief. Yet nobody ever heard of his given him elsewhere, it is true, for the asking for a better post. In every case c•ourse of Missouri in the early years of of his promotion, he took the position the struggle, than he really deserves, and wherein lie was wanted—no one ever yet, in km* recollection of his admitted heard of his wanting a better one than services, the Radicals of this State have he already had. Friend, come up never wished to lessen the respect which hi , rher," was the mandate addressed to others might feel for him, and have re- this lowly servant of the Republic—not gretted to see it lessened by his own con- that die wanted promotion, but that the duct. Perhaps it is enough to point to country sorely needed the right man in the record. Ilow much influence Gen. the right place. Blair ever exerted is perhaps sufficiently Again :We had officers perpetually shown by the tact that after lie and hi quarreling, grumbling, fretting, in view friends, the Blair faction or Claybanks, of their treatment by their superiors. chose to desert the Radical party, that They were not promoted so fast as they party, nevertheless. moved on with solid deserved to be—or they had fewer men front to more complete victories over the than they needed—or they were not put Democrats and Blair than it had ever in command of divisions or corps that won, with his aid, over the Democrats should have been confuted to them. One alone. What the Radicals in this State General assumed to lecture the President have accomplished, they have done, with i on the civil or political policy that should General Blair, hacked by the wholeg(overn the cotultu of the war :on another 4 . power of die Federal Administration, , occasion. he complained at Washington fighting them with all the desperation of ; that part of his men - broke discredit a ruined political gamester. For lie is a General Braa.. - , when utterly political gambler, as reckless, and now routed by Grant at Mission lithLe, coin in his ruin as desperate, as can be 'dallied that his ran and left their f 41111141 in the land. Siilwr men at the cannon to 14. captured, \\ lien they should East have asked with \Yonder whether have root ht and saved limn. Several the revolutionary letter recently printed professed a willingness to fi-in it the could possibly have come from Frank war was conducted in accordance with Blair. But those who know ldm better their notions; if' not, they wouldn't. b u y, l ong ago ~eased to h e surprised a t Grant, on the oth e r hand, never corns the inanifestat ions of a desperation which rlainutl of ill usage by the Government borders on political insanity. , or bad behavior on the part of l:is men By his letter and his nomination, Gen- ! —always seems to be satisfied with both ; era' Blair renders the only service now and, if ever dissatisfied, is silent. Ale in hi power to the party which he has so long tried to destroy. Long ago he learned that the proud boast, I made it; I can crush it'." was not easy of ful fillment. To-day, he has reached the point, that, in Missouri at least, he can help any party by being a candidate against it. For that last service to the Radicals of Missouri, and for a letter which will tell the whole country what manner of man the Democrats have nom- hatted for Vice President, we heartily thank him.—St. Louis Democrat. Grant's Way of Eriwessing Great Truths. Gen. Grant, though not a politician, has a parenthical way of stating great truths and sententious facts which is re markable. As early as the second year of the war, in a letter to Mr. Washburne, he writes : " I never was an abolitionist—not even what could be called anti-slavery—but I tried to judge fairly and honestly, and it became patent to my mind early in the rebellion that the North and South could never live hi peace with each other except as one nation, and that without slavery." And again : " As anxious as I am to see peace established, I would not there fore be willing to see any settlement un til this question is settled." In his correspondence with President Johnson in reference to the removal of General Sheridan from the district of Louisiana, he says: " This is a republic where the will of the people is the law of the land. I beg that their voice may be heard." In his speech to the committee ap pointed to inform him of his nomination, he said: "If chosen President, I shall have no policy of my own to enforce against the will of the people." In his letter accepting the Republican nomination, he says : "Purely- adminis trative officers should always be left to execute the will of the people. I have always respected that will and always These are only samples of General Grant's manner of expressing great truth, culled at random from our files ; but they are " apples of gold in pictures of silver„" and show to the people the manner of man he is. • In his general order to his soldiers, after the capture of General Lee, in re ferring to the enforcement of the eman cipation proclamation, he calls "Sloven , the cause and pretext of the rebellion.;' In his famous letter to the President, while acting as Secretary of War ad in terim, he says : " I stated that the law was binding upon me, constitutional or not, until set aside by the proper tribu nal," a doctrine that will do to stand by. In his testimony before the impeach ment committee, he says : " I have always been attentive to my own duties, and tried not to interfere with other peo ple's." And again, " I never was in favor of a general amnesty until the time should come when it would be safe to give it." favOred no "policy but the crushing out of the rebellion. lie had no concep tion of duty that led him to regard the Federal Executive with distrust or dis favor. In short, Grant quietly received his orders, and to the extent of his ability, executed them. It will be the fault of the people if this species of gen eralship is not more common hereafter. —,Tribone. ---....0,, , -41111..--.411■•••••--.-- THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE : For the benefit of those who may not already know, we give the following statement of the votes in the Electoral College, and the number of votes necessary to a choice : STATES ADMITTED. , i! , l Massachusetts .. . 5' Michigan . 5 1 11innesota I;lMissouri 3 Nebraska 3tNevada ...... ..• q New Ilampshire lii New Jersey 13 New York 8 Ohio 3 Oregon ... 11 Pennsylvania... - Rhode Island... Tennessee Vermont West Virginia... WiSCOll.4i II Alabama A rkansas California Connecticut Delaware... Florida Georgia lIIITIOIS ..... Indiana .... lowa. ..... . Kansas..... Kentucky.., Louisiana North Carolina South Carolina . Maine 7 Maryland 7 Necessary to a choice STATES NOT ADMITTED MiSSiSSipri Texas Virgil ia Whole number Necessary to a choice THE value of the dog for watch pur poses was recently presented in a new light. According to the Richmond Dis patch, Jirp Patterson, a venerable mul latto, in discussing the important ques tion, " which is most dangerous dogs or guns ?" before a negro debating society at White Sulphur, spoke as follows : " Mr. President—Dose gentlemen what has spoken differ from me on dis subject. I think dogs, is much more dangerous dim guns.— Spos'n you set loaded guns all around Dry (*;•00k, der ain't gwine oil sep'n somebody pull de trigger; but da i s Mars Ed. Caldwell's Cesar, lie gwine off whetter you pull him or riot; and no nigger ain't gwine dar• while lie's dar. Dat, in my mind, settles de question." THE CLE RGY IN VA en:rill - INT.—The following notice in a Brooklyn paper in dicates a bad spell as well as a hot spell : NOTISS.—This 'ere plais is klosed for repairs onto the preacher. His voice is gin eout, and we've sent him to Sarytogy to recooper it on full pay. Sitters under konvicshun is respectfully requested to adjourn to Sarytogy, of tha hez the stamps. Ef not, to hold their hosses till the fall term. Ef tha konklude to die in the meantime, eour preecher will make it awl rite with 'im in the next world. THE Democracy really have no hope of defeating Grant. After their four years of failure" to beat him on the field of battle, they knoW perfectly well it is useless to try it at the ballot-box. NO. 9. 23.... 23
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers