AN EXHIBITION -OF FBI RBSR'n A HI Attn llnnVAl1 rail mm wmici There is not a desirable weave, shading or style made by the most famous makers of the world that will be found miss ing in this interesting display. 634 Hamilton SPEGIAL Worthy the attention of Buyers. Early Fall Announcements. T Brand New Fall Stock Now Ready. lli olimtr Mm Inrrrnflf nn1 nlinnnnef linn nP T?nl 1 SllltinrrQ nTlfl Trouserings in tho latest styles and newest colorings ever shown before. The materials used in the manufacture of our Custom rrnrmpnts linvn nil lirnn rnrpfnl v and most desirable foreign and domestic makes. Boys' School Suits in an enormous assortment. Children's Fine Jersey and Double Breasted iS'iuts in endless variety. Per- fionf in -ftf n n rl lifnrVmn n at rt iv iu jiv mm iiwiHiuinwuif-, Our 1 no ol Fall Overcoats popular prices, surpass all former be appreciated. A' ... Furnishing Goods, vrc are Men's Neckwear. Collars. Cuffs. Hose, and a complete line of Underwear. Agents for Zr. J aegers Trorld Kenowned Sanitary woolen &e on nnnlirntinn. Onen TlVfirv Koch & Shankweiler Clothms Specialists anil Fashion Leaflers of the Valley. Centre Square-Hotel Mien BulldlngAllontown. IS COMPLETE IN EYEEY PARTICULAR. IT INCLUDES Bed Room and Parlor Suites, Tables, Chairs, Book Cases, Couches, Sec. Our prices are positively as low anywhere m the county. Don't making your purchases as we can positively save you some money UNDERTAKING in all its Branches. This lin of business receives our special attention. . Flour, Peed, &d., . The very choicest brands at lowest prices, o Over the Canal Bridge, East Weissport. Over the Canal Bridge, East Weissport, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Watermelons Peas, Beans, New Potatoes, Cabbage, Bananas, Oranges, Lem ons, Peaches, Apricots, Pine Apples, Cfocoanuts, &c. Melons and Peaches in Car Load Lots. Confectionery and Gig Supplied to the Trade viuuno iunrciuu x' i i I Store Keepers Will Save money 011 ail tilings DOUgllt irom US and we deliver goods free of charge. " A Feat to Properly Fit Feet." But it is successfully, satisfactorily, cheaply and properly .1 - L. fWl 1 . TP a. 1 Ml . . PP . uunu ill -JL'iie VJniy JOOOE ana where you can havo fitted to your feet at a moment's notice nl most any make or quality shoe positively lower than the same purchased elsewhere. We have do not carry on an adjunct or Bide show busineis to occupy oin space or time. Come and see us, learn our prices and be con vinced that it is to your advantage to deal with us. WEISSPORT'S LEADING BOOT & SHOE Dealer Lehigh Goal & Hardware Co., LIMITED. Specialties. Myer's Pumps A complete line, including repairs for tho'Bamp, Cucumber Pumps A complete lino including repairs for the same. Coal Oil At wholesale and retail. Usual line of Hardware, Oils. m Rll 1 Iteseclfully announces to mo nubile that no naa EHPftinfl iBfiftfflff4 UncnednHEWUVHUYSTABIXandtnathetg pi bo uuuudi tizxi St., Allentown. Hplpntpil nnrl Tnnrpsfnt tho Intest I in carefully selected fabrics at exhibitsAand must be seen to - . ... ...- making a leading specialty l 01 Dress Shirts. Susnenders. Half underwear. Latalogue mailed Evfininfr. and terms as good as you can get! lail to call and see us belore an at Very Low Prices, noe OEOre in WeiSSpOrt at prices which have been proved quality, style and finish can be a full line to select from, for we Ooal, Sand, Ceuieat, Plaster, &e ipr Where Shall I and Peaches Livery Stables D. J. KISTLER Ice and most liberal terms. Orders lctt at the Carbon House" will rccelre prompt attention. STABLES ON NOrtTIT BTHBET, toienoiet.ihiinon. iantA- A.S.Rabeuolcl, nruNCii Offioh i Over J. W. ltaudcnbusli' Liquor Store, BANK BTREUT, LEHIQIITON. uentlstry In all Its branches. Teeth Extracted without rain. .Oas administered when requested. Office Dayj WEDNESDAY of each week. V 0. address, .VM.KNTOWN, s-yl lllighcounty.ra. The chanoin? Seai ons Once moro - " . . . ln-illrra iinnlr thn fa I gBSHiC WffiVZfflfi1 I to every man, yourself included. Of coutso vou are going 10 fix nn rt Jittin. fts fiVerv one else does. Nothing extravagant A New Suit 11 iT I P ,i- J i I UIU W1U """" u'"ul . worm weather and at the same ,mc cmDrac? ' nl.,n of!- frtrwnf lint unfit n ""l' a" D' " ww 01 tne noooy arucies irom our extensive . nrnichinrr Mpnarrmpnt 'Ul HlblllHg UtJJdl UIICIIl is perhaps all that will be re- l.1. r.11 n :ll quireu uy yuu. ouu iticiu win be no dodsrinf' The Same Old Question, Where Shall 1 Buy My Clothes? And it must be decided before you make your purchose Let Us Answer the Ques tion fox You this Time, And we will give you 1st A Square Deal. 2nd. A savinc of several dollars on each Suit of Clothes we maice you. 3rd. The newest and best styles in fabric, best workman ship and very lowest prices. Give Us a Call. You shall have the most careful attention, unlimited opportunity for satisfactory selection, a per fect fit, and the fairest prices. uss Lehighton, Pa tThe usual large assortment ot JTats and I Caps, Boots, Shoes, ltiibbers, Slippers, t-c. QO TO- Gns. Miller's Popular Marat, FOK FRESH LAGER BEER, Finest Brands of Liquors, such as Gibson's Pure Rye, Dougherty's Pure Rye, Genuine Silver Brook, Imported Gin and Brandies, Finest Cigars. Fir9t-class Free Lunch always on the liar. HAVE YOUR L'nn?rrl.f Dnrrrrnrrn nnrl Dnnnnln mm "mm "1W raiMtt DKI.lVKKlil) AY John F. Hottenstein. Careful attention paid to tho Delivery of Freight, Baggage and Parcel! to all parts ot town at tbo lowest prices. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited I " tarUavo orders at Sweeny's, Koch's TUDCCUIMP MACHINES 1"""' feet In use. Wastes no grain ; Cleans It ready sur marxer,. Threshins Engines ani Horse Powers, Rntv 1illoand Standard Implements ecu OUW AllUSmnyi send for ill Cauilogue. A. B, Farquhar & Co., rennsrlraula Agricultural Works, York, fa. AT r A TVyTT)TT?T 1 .V I i. ViLltJLJT J J JliJUJU, Jeweler anu Watchmaker. Bank Street, Lehighton, fenna espeettnlly Invites the attention ot Ills friends and the citizens severally to his Immense new stock of Watches, Olocka, Silverware, Jewoly, at Prices that defy compttltlon. It will pay you o call and Inspect my stock before purchasing elsewhere. BEPAIRINGr Promptly dose at lowest charge, and all work guaranteed, Don't Forget the Place, Mo SIGN OP THE BIO WATOH, Bank St Lehighton. DeotMMt flgSTRead the Advocate. HuyMyuioines. Cla & Bro this i.KOti.tu of nmw ntvnn. UoiT Water Came In tlte Desert After n Chtld'i Prayer. A rionccr of 1319 in tho Hartford Courant bavs t In tho early fifties a party of emigrants on ihclr way to tho gold fields of California by the southern route, via tho Gila River, crossed tho Colorado hy tha ferry left by Graha.n in 1818 "and struck ont on tho desert for the laud of promise. The trail was woll defined by abandoned wagons and tho bonea of horses, mules, and human beings. Strug gllng through the yielding sand, tho titer momotcr at 120 degrees, " wheels falling npart, animals dying from heat and thirst, they on the second niglit out halted some 10 milts from Coolto's Well, with tho water in their kcg3 exhausted. Tradition states that a little 10 year old girl was heard praying, in ono of tho wagons, for wnt jr. It states Iliac In her childlike faith she said : " Oh, good Heav enly Father, I know that I havo been a very naughty, naughty girl; hut, oh! dear, I am so very thirsty aud mamma, papa, and the baby all want to drink go much. Do, good God, glvo us water and I will never, never bo naughty again, " Tho gaunt, half starved, uesperato men gathered around tho wagon?, dis cussing how and what movement to save their lives and their dear ones, with no thought of gold now, nnd listened to tho humble petition. Ono voiced tho rest nnd said, "May God grant it!" Soon the voico sounded clear in tho silent night. "Oh, mother, mother, get me water oh, I can hear it running; oh, do get some for baby and me." They thought her delirious from her sufferings, when sud' JI..L.II.I , UDUIV u UUUVI BUUUU3 urOKO IOSTll irom tho oxen and mules, all frantic and en deavoring to break loos from tho wngoe poles. A rustling noiso called their at wagoTs,andonGinvesmHngnthrcauM they found water gushing out of tho san.u, sweot, ctear, nut warm. Theirsuf' fcriwjs wera over, nnd they readied tho mines, better ami wiser for this interpo sition, as they firmly believe, of Divino Providence This spring continued to flow, runninir duo north for 20 miles, then was lost in uuu uuitii iur u 1111119, Ultrli Wu3 1031 1U the sand, m places it was over two miles Ua, caused by a sand Gar belov Yuma I 1 . . . ' wui onguo romemuorea uy survivors or r .lB oene..K, y KU iwn. The Um ma Poi,m,r -'-Hen ouco Overheard her Mastor lsillgtI Song o( tho Nightingale in "10 "? firfrnvagant Manner and say Mug to his "Wife s "If wo only had a Bird which could Ship; llko that I would Admiro him from Daylight to Dark." "That's n Pointor for mo, Old Huckle berry, " chuckled tho lien as she Snatched .mother Potato Bug, "and you'll hear liomethhifr Drop boforo long." Next Evening, as tho Farmer and his Wifo sat on the Doorstep and hoped the Nightlugalo would coma again, tho Hen (low iuto a Treo and made a Heroic At tempt to Warble as she had heard tho Bird do. "Good Lauds 1 But what in Goshen ails that 'cro Hen ?" exclaimed tho Farmor as lie jumped up. The Hon Posed anew nud sent forth a fresh clack, clack, clack. "Tho Infernal Idiot is neither a Hen nor a Bird, and therefore of no good ox- copt la a rot Tie," growled tho Farmer. and, bringing out his Shotgun, ho put on ena to ncr LAie. MORAL, Many a good Farmer has been spoiled oy trying to become a .Legislator. Recent experience in cold storag shows that different articles of food ro quiro different degreos of tomperaturo for their preservation, varying from S3 degrees Fahrenheit for eggs to from IB to 20 degrees for poultry and various kinds of game. In January last a surgeon transplanted four cat ribs In the broken nose of -Mrs, Addio Ii. Davis, of Decatur, III. Tha bones of tho nose had decayed, leaving that member in a condition mortifying to tho otherwise handsome lady. The bones wero taken out by the surgeon anil tho cat's ribs inserted, Tho bridgo of Mrs. Davis's nose is now solid aud straight, and she is tho happiest woman in Decatur. Photographs aro being made in Austria by tho aid of aluminium, the powdered metal being burnt in the flame of on alcohol lamp in a manner similar to mag nesium. It burns more slowly than magnesium, and in combination with elements that give off oxygon it ptoducod an extremoly actinic llgnt without smoke. Great interest is being manifested in tho results, and experiments are to be contin ued. Plagiarism nf Sermons. Hie itev, Beptlmus smitu mado no secret at all of his habit of buying ready made sermons, nny moro than his fond new for old port, and of whist playing with leading parishioners until miduiclit of every Saturday, Ho was a kindly nab ured, easy going man, and was popular among his equally easy going Hock. Ono Sunday morning, on going into the vestry after service, ho found his old olerk in tears. 'Why, what's tho matter, Jones?" in quired the vicar. "Oh, sir," replied the clerk, "tbU is painful surpriso for us all!" "Surprise, Jones? What do you mean?" "Your sermon this morning, sir. We are all very Borry, and you gavo us no warning. 'Sermon, Jones? Sermon? what do you mean, man?" Why, sir, your farewell sermon, wo aro all dreadfully cut.up." Ana It is quite truo that that morn ing the Rev. Septimus had actually read an old rarowoll sermon withouteithorlu- tending or knowing it. No Escape They were noaring an ico cream palace on tlieir evening stroll, ana Just as the young man saw his danger he heard the friction of the two pennies In lila vest pocket. "Have you heard," he asked in a voice of settled gloom, "of the poisoning of a whole family by eating ice cream?" "Yes,1' she said qiilckly. "they used poison tor iiavonng, 'lust cgmes pf nomemaae ico cream. Th. Clialr of Idrls. On the very summit of Cader-Idrls. mountain peak in Merionethshire. Wales is an excavation in the solid rock, resent' bllng a couch. It is said to be tho chair pf Idrls the giant, after whom the mount ain wa named. Tradition says that wnoever rests lor a Wsut in this seat will bo found tho next morning tither dead or a raving maniac, or endowed with sur pernatural powers. This excavation probably tho "Clialr of Idris," to which Tennyson refers in "Bnld." where Or raint sayst 'lit felt, vara sh lb Brits of bodllr farca. Illmxlf beyond tb rut pushing could uioy 'luisnuroi rani, - as it Is situated in what is supposed to nave been King Arthur's territory, and ueraint was knight ol ms court. The ChlgneoUs side railway will not bo completed as toon as was expected. Tha company lias asked the Canadian parlia ment for an extension of tho .time until I July 1, 18W. t Among the thirty-seven labor men elect ed to tho Now South Wales Parliament Is Arthur Ilae, the delegate of ' the striking shearers, who was tent to prison for con- piracy. If you to know how to keep a l)0lol, aiIc some, ono who never trlod to keep one, Moro men have tiled and are burled on tho Isthmus of Panama, along the lino of tho lino of the proposed canal than on any equal territory In tho world. A deceased Vienna car driver turns out to havo been tno Baton Erwln Schousteln formerly a millionaire vnd tho last tnem bcr of a distinguished family. Eupepsy. This Is What von omht to linvn. In fit. tnn must hare It, to roily enjoy life. Thousands are searching- (or It dally, and mourning; because mey ouu it not. -i nousanas upon inouiands ol ollari ire spent annually by our people In the yw m.k .uoj UMJ UU1U tllll UOUD. 1DU y,l mar be had bT ill. Wa trio Illtters, II used according to directions and the use persisted In, will bring you good diges tion and oust the demon dyspepsia and Install lu.ivHu vu(wiiaj. tv d recomrnona .iecmo Ull. ters for dysiwpsla and all diseases ofthollrer. siomaeu ana manors, sola at too. and SI. 00 per bottle by Iieber, Lehighton and Illery, weiss- purt. The Countess of Dudley whs a shop girl, "Ilon't Caro to Hat." It Is with the greatest confidence that llnml a Sarsaparllla Is recommended tor loss of a ppc tile, iiuiKcsuuii, eitiv iiuauncue, uuu siiiuiHnrouuies. This medicine gently tonos tho stomach, nsilsts digestion, and makes one "real liunery." Per- sons In delicate health, nfter taking Hood's B.irsapanua a lew nays, nna ineinseires longing for nnd eating the plainest food with linexpect- en renin. There are seven cotton mills In Greece, The Good Old Times. "Then times neregood, Merchants cared not a rush Kor any other fare. Than .fnhnnv rakp nml imiali Hut now times have chauireil. ml thn nlnln and slnmle faro of the forefathcra U rinnn ,wnv with, J'alcnt flour, mm high seasoned food, and strom; drinks, have taken Its place, and, ntn (C3uu, uspt;jii;i, impure uiooa, anu diseases 01 uie sumiai-ii, nver ann lungs aro numerous, lhis izreat chamro has led nn of thn innt. .vui. fut physicians of the age to study out a remedy for these modern diseases, which ho has named his "Golden Medical Discovery." l)r. l'lerce In this remedy has found a cure for Dyspepsia, uiuui-iiiiia. '13UIIHU, v.uii?uuipiiuii, 111 us eany stages, anil "I.lver Complaints." Liverpool IiasCO.oOO dock laboiert. . A Great Unttlo Is constantly notnir on In till lnimrm vtam nlleuvou sillier ultn rrmtninnllnn. pnitirliQ nr colds; they strive to ruin licaltliand dracvle. tlmS in thn frnvn Tillrn Mmalv un.nlmp nnH uso I'an TInn Cough and Consumption Cure. Prlco 21 and K) cents. ur. Jo's I.lver ltegulator Is n sure euro for dyspepsia, biliousness, heartburn. Indnreatlou. and all kidney complaints. Trial bottles freo at uumnv if rug store. The average ballet dancer Is like the brook. Sho "goes on" forever. Just how a altcratlvo medlcino cleanses the system is an open question; bnt that Avcr's Harsaparllla does produco n radical change In tho blood Is well attested on all sides. II Is cverjTf hero considered the best Kmedj for blood disorders. Boiler makers want eight hours next year. I Was n Fool. Yes. tbev said I wan a fool not in trv Rtiliriinr Bitters for llhoumatlsin, from which I had sull ered over two vearsi but I bad tried so manv doctors and medicines without getting relief maw wasuiscourageu. i Hiuiiow on my iounn bot le aud almost cured. I was a fool that I did noitry mat wonacriui remedy beforo. u. u rrait, Manchester, n. n. Alwajs hope for the best. You will never get It, to there will be no excuse for abandoning hope. A Safe Investment. Is one which Is miarantepd In hrlnrr vnn satis. factory results, or in ease of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy irom our uavertiseu uruggisc n uouio or ur. Klnir's New Discover? for Consumption. It Is guarameea to urine reuet in every case, when useri ror any niiecuon ot Throat, Lungs or Jliest, such as Consumption, Inflammation of Lungs, iiruuciiHis. Asiuinu.w nooning uouen. uroup.c. It Is uleasaut nnd acreeablo to tasto. rjerfectlv safe, and can always bo depended upon. Trial unities ireo ui rteuer, i.eniguion, nnu uicry a ticisauun. Promises mado In time of aflllctlon ro quire a better memory than most people possess. With Ely's Oream Balm a child can bo treated unnoui pain wun ticrrccr, saiety. it cures ca tarrh, hay fever and cold In the head. It Is easily applied Into tho nostrils and gives linmo- oiaieiy reuoi. itico ooc. Mv catarrh was verv bad. For tblrtv rears 1 nave neen irouuieu wun it naro triea a uunv berof remedies without relief. A drucclst nd rise" lily's urcam uaim. i nave used only one bottle nnd I can sav I feci like a new mau. I make this voluntary statement that others may kqow or 1110 iiaifn. , v, iiiuncwsou iiiwjer; rkmucnci, ii.i. If there Is any thing that makes a very poor man feel sarcastic It Is to read advice to rich men on how to secure a good appe tite Nerve nnd Liver Fills. An important discovery. They act on the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speedily cure biliousness, had taste, torpid liver, pilet and constipation ftpicmiui lor men, women and children. Smallest, mildest, surest. Co doses for 2a cents, bamples free at T. D Thomas and . K Iliervs Druir Store. Jay uould says io has not read a news paper during the last three months. He little knows what ho has missed, llticklen'a Arnica flnlve. Tbo best Salve In the world for Cuts. Bruises. Mores. Ulcers. Bait Kheum. Fever Bores. Tetter. Uhapued Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin eruptions, anu poimvsiy cures rues, or no pay requimu,. if is guaranu'eu to kivo ioriect satis' faction, or moRer refunded, l'rire 23 cents per box. For salo br N. II, lii:il:ij, ehlghfon Uen. Lew Irallace is at work on a new story, but as ho Is an extremely careful and pains-taking author, It Is not likely to bo published for some tlmn. A SepjIbleJIiui Would use Kemn'a Balsam for tho Throat nnd Lungs. It Is curing more cases of Coughs, Colds Asthma, Bronchitis. Croup unit all Throat and Lung Troubles than any other medicine. '1 lie Drotirleliir lias authorized nnv ilriurelat tn irlvo you n Sample Bottle Free to convince you ol the merit ot this gieat leinedy. iJirge Bottles t0c anil 31, A Western observer has ascertained that Olianncy M.Depetv was simply enchanted to find one of his latest stories chiselled upon tha wall of a house In Pompeii. A Mystery Kxplalned, The papers contain frequent notices of rich pretty and educated girls eloping with negroes, altlst, Ur. Ffinkllh Miles, says al such girls are more or less hysterical, nervous, vtrv liupul slve, unbalanced ; usually subject to headache, neurnlffla. Bleeulesiuess linnioderate or lauch- Ing, These show a weak nervotis ssteu for which there Is no remedy rannl U ltestorutlve iiuitiuci anal uuiiica hiu n 11110 fix., ulnlng many marvelous cures, tree at Thomas Lehlstiton: and lllerv. Welssnortt who nlso sel and guarantee Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart Cure, the finest of heait tonics. Oures flutter ing, snoii oreatu, etc. A Missouri preacher drlres a street car on week days. lie is a conscientious man but it has been remarked that hp &pfP 10 be near-sighted and liard of bearing when close-fisted members of his congregatlou hall his par. To be idle s the ultimata obloot of the pusy. It is a green tuitle that will gel into the soup. Uncle Sam has 40.C0O oil wells. The South has 360 cotton mills. Uutter Is made from cocotnuti. Cleveland has 26,000 Bohemians. Borne Falls, Mich., has no doctor. San Francisco has Chinese coopers, Vermont Ia4 is maple sugar production Wolfl'sAGMEBIacking UeM br men women and ebildren. rmdiftr Mimi tmfc And let ma f,m liulila. Will mv f ms aod tundu be rl too ? Of oonno they will elotcr. boeouN Papa palntM tbt wlndoTt with tOc A DOTTMB 10c. WOLFF h BAttpOLPII, rhlladelnul. Ayer's Pills May always be relied npon as a certain cure for liver troubles, constipation, sick headache, biliousness, dyspepsia, Jaundice, and rheumatism. Unlike most cathartics, Ayer's rills strengthen the stomach, liver, and bowels, and restoro to these organs their normal and regular notion. Taken la season, they check tho progress of colds, foyers, and malaria. Being purely vegetable and sugar-coated, Ayer's rills aro The Favorite family medicine, while travelers, both by Bea and land, find them to be Indispensable. "We sell more ot Ayer's rills than of all other kinds put together, and they give per fect satisfaction." Chrlstensen & Haarlow, Druggists, Baldwin, Wis. "I havo used Ayer's rills for tho past thirty years, and consider them an Invaluable Family EVaedicine I know of no belter remedy for liver troubles) and dyspopsla." James Qulnn, nartford, Ct. Capt. Chas. Mueller, of tho steamship "Felicia," says: "For several years I have relied more upon Ayer's nils than anything else In tho medlcino chest, to regulate my bowels, and those of the ship's crew. These rills arc not scvero In their action, but do their work thoroughly. I have used them, and with good effect, for tho cure ot rheu matism, kidney troubles, aud dyspepsia." er3s Pills rnCTAnan nv Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers In Uedlclne. SDHIFFUANN'S ASTHMA CURE TaiUnUr rUrt tin tnl violent attntk ud Intom roto forUbUtlMp. XO ITirTnit for BISCLT9. DUff Btt bv and ft cur la th rtnlt In U1 nrnbU cut. A singla trial tnarucM let noil kpurtu. iTIet, ffoc ud i.w w uj DR. R. SCHIPKMANN, Eh fid, Mbi. If: lltl rma ihAnU ba UkAn Tfl-aiBHT with Mmbrtt am wwip.wuai luliftt KOHC, p, watt wouia you our jyunwu suum Beldin's Remedy It tscUlMf ,bnnleii powder.mnd U tho oolyifciegtmrd. , In tOTritneriftuo. uraur ui irom r uruW cwrraaat. Prto,oc. AMmpiopowdarby roiuror loc THE DB ttitm f ROPRIEf AST CO., JAMAICA, N.T mm V A pamphlet of Information and ab AUDtaia vaYHiii, irwj xuaru, tpriTi". " !!"'A xHUJ. uroaawnv. litHt SECURITIES MUNICIPAL BONDS INDUSTRIAL STOCKS CORPORATION BONDS APPROVED BANK STOCKS OARGFULLY SELECTED, TRIED, SAFE, PAJ QQPP IMTERESTi ALSO DBSIrtABUO INVB3TMRNT PnOPnRTB8 in pnooEROua CKIBS FOR FULL PAnTlCULAR3 AND nEFERENCES WRITE EQOHBACH, MoDOHALD Si CO, 10 tj 38 Whllahall Ct Maw York. TllOUbttlltlM (U.V. ,) ti:i t...ittilsv i u:et by- I'iUI.AUKl.i'IKA.rA. I-k i .it one .n operatic CURF. GUARANTEED, oawiiiuistoj. .sii t (ututii i.l nur HFn Minuf work bis'. 1)1 ;, j t.uue ur ultt, imI tn tholi ills! Lt.'Tirlhr)rliv ABJ Vim riimihh antrt ttilur tairl m rt No risk ) ou rttt tlT01l .i nil juiir MUM lO lb IWtl'M i rit siQttit.rful iti-c(iuy woiktr t iiniilo t W prch Bad upiirii tis-tkileo tUran furtst.h Jw lit m 1 1 any. Na sinac m nUhi ber. l-'ol f OUin.M 1T U Ilng Hm4 k Jhn B .j (.. i...vT. ,.i t.nik f..r u. llr.d.i ycu -ii i. Ml inikr i. niucll, I.HI 1 1 tcicli yiiuiiili!ly l triru IWui Sfc l ilu.d.iill.. 1'irt. lud uium illrou ri ,.m ii.. ii. mrtr.. mil ra. iu hi Nn. IntrU u nn uiDHii-ug. II Ii,mi,i,bW ... .ii ur Hiu. .. r itrfl niuniMiu Mir U tin. M,.ik AilUiiiiv limit y Ml.fc TM r.rr. v .rtrr We lUrl voa, lumliUtil ...vil Int.- l'AhlLV,HI'gb.niLV leTfttif AiUrau It UWf MI.'MJN h 10., ItUIUlU, I11II J 1lU 1- f. i no, lis Antia 1'i'B. Aitnn CHI .11" IH'llll, ItlSMIU, Xf'U i "H p),i inrcil"lf nwll. Mijr i m7 ft ru, l.,brt,lDU.64l a M.i 1, t.i, ,Uu ibu Mlt u. live t It ills', m t ii an itini, i. r -alii rainlitC fiitlu 1 1 It tfplailtii All tjr iIim utoW fjatl Mm i n I mi rl. Iti jittm tint i it ll,-Mini 111 U'(iir) TiMMork rr. ftllt.n u'.hniM-11 nti i'0f tti-W M'.W i. I ia..n4a.ful I'stril. nlitra tn II.IIn11-U.l- ii..1IkWO rtirtiuuiI.Mulue A I r. X It f I u...Uyt.kc to faHt Mail-1 17 lilrtjr iBUllljti-ut irii.uor1lb Ml. vliu 1 Jit riaii ftLtl saHI. fuid b Ar In t-IitlctitMi. will WUtk lutllMlriskiialf 1 kw l, un. Ibru ItaahSkJlitHan car In Ihntr n llil brftjckr t (! I will aUo fnUl lb ftsMlloU -r mpii III. ltll W jri4 CtH tf ftfMPMt1 Noinoitrr nrniuuulrMkUhTrtanilafiiliw r-st-Jljr mtU uuUh Ifdnvrd. 1 ilrklti I'Hl ult uurkw IVuns rh tUAinVI 11 travsiif . DiuklMr. wbwara mUtf IttOU iiurrtcn. ara tmaUsf rrr $UQf 1 prw4 Il iJVJ a4 MII.I ine. All the very latest news will Ijo found in the Carbon Idto cato. mm jour ipni-a ui iti atlnly t r i i it III' A tCW2J THE POLICEGAZETTE l;lhe oujy Illustrated paper In the world containing all (lie latest ensailonal and apori Ing news- No talooa keeper, barber or elm room ean atlord to be without it. it always makes friend wherever It goes Mailed to any addicts In the United flutes securely wrapped. 13 weeks for si tlend five crniH for sample i-opy Rirhard K. Fox, Friuikiin Stiuwe, nr ,,it 1 u rjETTKR TIIAff PORTIA. Che Altougii the Cabinets So That lie?' I.over Will Ufak Ua Mlslnkr. '.Vltli n iresture eixpresaivs of firm reso lution, ni if the affair was quite settled, th Coimttns Mailelluo po!ntU to her i.v;querel Jnnansee cabinet that sltlm moied in tho lampllsht, and sld very fcravely : Open one of thoso three drawers, Vnl- rnline, and lie sura that you choose tlio right ono. Krtch drawer contains nu an- wer to tho prayer which you havo nd- diecd to mo for the last six mouths. If you open that drawer which contains tho unswer 'Yeo' I will bo yours, and nfll marry you ns soon ns you please. Uut tnko care that you do not get tho wronir answer, for it you do you will never seo me agnin." "Alas!" Bald Valentino, "there aro two clmueea to one against mo. How ortttil you are, my darling!" "Well, said tho counter, "If I manv vou I can at least lay the blame ou tnte. " Tis young man lifHltatod a long time. Ilia baud wandered from drawer to drawer, not venturing to touch nny, and lus heart sank with the fear of choosing wrongly. At last ho Bhut his eyes and up.-nod a .'.rawer at hazard. Oh, raytuMl Ihellttla pleco of tiina paicr. !un unfolded, disclosed to his ail eyes th.- cxouMtu word, Mes." In l'i iViUrr ho olaajieU blushiug Jtadelins in lilj uni nnd covered her face with kis, n. .h'hs ci'tild Hut deny him now i.i it a dlvraccful violation of her jliulelitie was an upright . ', Ii i nlwuyc kept her wowl, and . . .-... soon able to call her his wife, ill, rvoi pinong the raptures of tho j . icon, Valentino was not entirely , y. At times a ;looniy expression ,iicd on his brow nud in hii oyen. ! uilcful man!" sighed Madeline, j .ie not vi t snlisfled. What Is tho tri V" ' am Iruubled about something.'' Ucut hatr" ' owe my wlfo to chance, not to her 1,... I 1110111101100." lie remained peusivo for a time, whllo alio loo'tod smilingly at him. Suddenly sin- Sinki" into a merry laugh. ttipul man!" sho cried. " Don t yon rev i!:at I put tha s.tmo answer iu ail tiuve dr.iein." Tid Bits. A Comedy In n Sleeping Cir. r. and Mrs. Wldmu were 011 theirwr.y Ca th- Hot Springs, where ho intended to tret relief from his lheumatisin 111 tho baths. At a way station a drunken trav llnir 111.n1 bbarded tho train nud wnri nui to bed in tho berth next to Jfr. and Mrs. W. by the poller. Shoitly after Mr. VT. woic up with a dreadful stitch in lib side. Liko a good, dutiful wife Mrs. W, nroso and went to tho lavatory to make a strong, extra strong mustard plaster with which to relievo the pain of her Hego lord, Ou her roturn alio pulled tho wronjr curtain aside aud placed tho plaster irnon, the etomncli of tno Eerrseicss, Uruuiten drummer. Then Bho went to tho l.lTn' tory, wathsd her hands, and rctrysed to uer berth, geltlna into the rlRht sacifoa, and imding MV. w. asleep. Fiuully a loud groan was hoard, then theso words, "Oh, my Btomnch, my s-t-o-iii-a-c-h, oh-b-h." This was followed hy "I'll never touch nuelher drop as long I live. Oh, its burning a hole iu mo, oh-li-h!" .Uy this timo heads wero pecpiug oui from behind cuitaiu3 and the poiter was ou his way to the traveling man's berth, Of a sudden out enmo tho bed clothes from the T, M.'s berth, and aery of "Oh, my, there is my stomaohl Fru deadj" The oxclainatlon was t6ppod,oTf by tho mustard plaster being thrown, out on-fho aisle of the car. The porter thon grabbed the drummer and shook him una! awake. During tho first stages of sensibility ho muttered: "Oh, my stomach is gone, gone I "St. Paul Pioneer Press. Anotlitr IJuuco Story, Senator John W. Daniol, of Virginia, tells this story of his experience with a bunco man : "I was walking up from the Desbrossea street ferry when a mau whom I had never een bsfpre stopped iu front of mo, and, calling me by' my nnme, xvejtt through the regular bunco tali' about persons I knew in Washington and Lynchburg. Be mads a bettor showing than the average man of his class. Cto was not only very respectable in appear ance, but waa well posted on the persons and places he mentioned. I did not care to havo him arrested, but 1 told him plainly that it was no use to try the con fidence business on me. "Was he disconcerted? Not a bit. Only on expression rjt deep sadness camo over his faco. Then with 'a sigh ho said : 'What's things coming to, anyhow ? Tha Connecticut farmer got dead on to us tongago. Tha hayseed Jersoyman can recognize a member ot the profession a quarter qf fi mile off, and tho Western man is getting as Hy as a Now Yorker. And now you Southerners aro catching on. Yes, sir; what's things coming to? Why, sir, If this keeps UP, nfter a whllo we'll havo to go out of business alto gether. There is something wrong with the republican form of government. However, as you have treated mo liko a gentleman, and 1 nscd to bo 11 Southern gentleman royaolf, I don'f inlnd standlai; treat.'" Earned Ills Pee, "My charge for taking out a toctli, madam, is flvo shillings." "Ilut, doctor, Isn't that rather dear? Other dentists only ask one. " "Ah, but you must remember, ma'am, they Intrry over their tyoTi, while some times I spend ou hour or so drawing a tooth." Wlllliie to Economize. Uncle I'm afraid you'ro an extrava gant fellow, Jack. IIow much did that cigar cost? Nephew Tvonty:llve cout. Unclo Too much! You ought to be gin to economize. Nephew Woll, if you will proniino to buy better cigars than you do I'll sniQkq yours, and (hat wil nave pia a good deal. Muusey's Weeky. Country Houses, Many of tho abandoned farms of New Hampshire have been disjiosed of to city people, who soon transform barren hill aides into attractivosunimer homesteads. Our fathers made farms for them selves on hill tops that auswerod thoir purpose very yell for a fiiw generations, but did not retain their, fertility. Their da icendants liave now removed to lower Ground, nnd reclaimed the swamps and jutorvnleu. The farms that wore aban. douod ought to havo been left to nature Jong beforo they wero. No better use can bo made of them than to let forest trees over them again. And let sum mer homes of city people occupy tha moro sightly locations, beautifying tbs Undutipe, etui furnishing a market for country' produoe of all kinds. Tho superstition which builds is moro tolerable than that which demolishes that which adorns a country than that which deforms (t that which endows than that which plunders that which disposes to mistaken beneficences tjjuu that which stimulates to real injuatice. The true rewaid of work ell dune is fisr JSk "It tnalees me tired People ask mo Is marriago a fail ure? Of courso Vaint; n'poBo I don't know hit Viz what am I hero for?" If tbo vromon only koerj healthy they koop in good spirits anu oupiu ia iu uvuiaiiu. uiv every enfeebled woman know this there's a remedy that'll cure her, tho proof's positive. Here's tne proot it it doesn't, no you good vitutn rc&souaoie timo. report the faot to its muKora ana get your monoy baek without a word bnt you -won't do it 1 Tlio remedy 13 ur. i'lsrce u arer ito Prescription and it has proved itself the right remedy in nearly every cneo of female weakness. It is not x miracle. It won't cure every thing but it has dona more to build rip enfeebled and broken-down wo men tha any other nedicino known. Abk my naents Tar W. I,. Donalds 9hiit-.. If not tor nitlo tn sour plnoe ask yopi denier to neml fnr cnlnlosuo, aeouro Ih.t nscucy, und act Iliom lor you. CTTAKI1 NO Ki;il8TlTUTE. -fit $3 SHOE OENfegviEfs THE BE8T SHOE IN THE WORLD FDR THE MONEY? It U a neamlesa iboo, with no tacks or thread to hurt the feet: niada of tbe best floe calf, ttrllnh and easy, and boraute ic5 max more thots of tht Oracle than anu nlhtr manufacturer. It equals baud ittc(1 shoe costing from $3.00 to $3.00. tCC UUUennlno llnnil-otrd, tbofloestcalf isi shoe ever ocTercd for $.vuui equals French ImnortM ihoci which cost from CJtl to C13.W. fcS 00 IlnnilSeircil H olt KIiop, fine calf. iP'B itjltsh, comfortable and durable. Tho best hoe crr offered at toll price t tame grade u custom-made Rhoen cotttns from So-OU to tJX). mo SU Jfollco Hhoot Farm era. liallroad Men ?Oi andlettorCarriersalt wrartheim tlnvralf, u amles, artiootU inside, hear? tiirce soles, exteu Ion odffft. One pair wl 1 1 wear a 3 ear. C) 30 fin enlfj uo better shoo over oiTcretWt SftSHm this. pr(cl ono trial will cmiytqca hoi who want a shoo for pom forf nnd aorvlce. CJO ami Worltliiffinnii'B shoes (ilbi aro very Btroug nnd durable Thoso who havo given them a trial will wonr no otbar mate OniiC t'J.(M) mid t1.75 school shoen aro sCtfUyo worn by tho boys everywhere; theyscll on their merits, as tbo Increasing sales bhotv. I IstiG $3e00 Ilmul-iioroil shoe, best tmt U 1 Dongula. very styiuhi onunla fCVVU Imported shoes costing from cl.u) to ftHJKL I.ndlen 'J..10, SJ.OO nnd 61.75 shoe for Ulflscs are the best flue Dongola. Ktymh and durable. Cautlou. seo that W. 1. Douglas' name and price aro stamped on the bottom of each shoe. W. I. IXJUOLAS, Brockton, Mass. Mehrkam&Son, Agonts, Adam Lehiciuop.ra. ITTLE IVEft JCURE fade Headaehe and nllove all th trrmblta inef. flenl to abUlon sutaof the system, saoh ul Blnlnns, Itsnsea, Drawslrwes, Dlstrog aftw rating. Fain in tbe Bide, to. walls their moat jopuittiljla sxcooss lia Woea siwa la, osutoa i UTeraaaregoUtetaebowtll. SrenlXtUeyoall ' ' HEAD lAelia they wonlabo almost priceless to tnoMvaa len'.r from tWs distressing oomplslnt; tratfortiM citaly IhelrcMxlneu does notenil heM.snd tboM ,talioonC9tl7tn4mwUinndtriM0liUlspllUTlq M !a M many vsts tbat they will not txi .UogtoiJoTfittionttuem. Bat after allalckbeaa ACHE Is the bass ot so many lives that hen Is srhtri netasliiionrgreatboast. Oat puis oar ltwWl Sthnsao'nob- l' Otrlor'a Little Liror Pllln are vry smsll sail verycMy toUke, DnaortiroplUamiltSiiJoia; uney are ainotiy tscisdia anis ao nos grip ey pprpa, bat by tbslrsenueacuiui plooMall wbi itiotmm. lavUIaatSIosatsi fly for It. BoU 1 liy drogglaU ererywheze, cr seat by mat. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York! SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE ron b alz nrpEALEna oeneiullt. lyy Vlto Moat fiucccasful Ucmtdy evmUbevw ired, as It Is certain In JU effect end docs uot UUUr. Read proof bcltvr KENDALL'S SPAVIH CUBE. Bcu'Kuaox, Pa., Kor. Si, 9a UUm U. iV kuau uo. : 0ent-I would like to ire aLiaosi pru(1rl (he foci (bsAttilnk It t t I have uied Uon u Dto-Vt to uuU;e known to those ho to u K'tndall's Mvlh Xr tf mot t;5tfetlDf MOiatftrfi Tu. The how went three leg for Hire yearV wld 1 CP tue your Kendall's'BitavIn Ouiv, 1 u. Ueaoothe bono ana hava Horkeahl wmraei i&l ten GJ irttars siac wii hai not Ueu Iwx. W iruly, WM. A. CUIO. Owxiwwn, K. Ya Kot t, 1&L hltu rnrihrtid uatbuh Falls. Vt. Gents I In praise of Kendall's Spavlu Cure I will ty. that a year uo 1 had a aluabls foum? Loru h. eoiue very lame, bock enlarged and swolWu. The wiuw v j wv,iiiv;b vumjw tUlUBWVItrU. IDS norsMnea about beref we have uo Veterinary Bur- t eou i nere) prououucod lameness Uloodflpavta or Thorough i1d, tbuy all told ma there was na 1WSJ IVI IH" WIUIIO UU14I UVIH,IHI A uuu- lit row! iJoughte iiia annoa wai-iMeM. A frtf tj toU ine at ihwim vi, juur Aauucusi o patio V la ut tour KrlAlla Knavfn Citit ah a j imnrovementsimmedJatiJv rntmitaUsW.&iuitii the bottle was cied up 1 wsetUned tba ts wd doing ultQ a jrrftut iIm of nood. I bought a seooml irom 1 1 a u se,&aa oeroi tot tie, and before it waa uaed up Buy horse wai cqrrd and has been n thfl Uim doing heavy orC all tbe season elm taa April, shoKlqg nomori j4Moftt. I aonafder yuur Kendan'a nivio cure ivsww (uoupvifaw wiu IUM1IJ UH Ul fJVrX WHY 13 THE W. L. DOUGLAS w (KB SICK ttea&uaio, Ttt Oariet'g TJtfla Href MU are cqoilly valutiM la Qonatipatloi!, ettrtM aail imji venting this annoylaaeomrlalatwmla rtheT usi MrraRk .11 dlsnrdar. of tl!a lamAebtlmtllAU ttllt TlFJWT TV WVK TVifXTtW T ItswMrlagqualltUsftieurumrp&asiiuallp ontlaattner two boxna or nny other brand, Tfol Aaffns-tA hwtitmt Jf rf"! B"n 'rill1 fl TV W Prloa tl tier botuc. or Hi bottles for ax AU tlru flu hava U or can got u for vou. or u will ba mqi to any o!divs on receipt or irtco by the propria 'ri lilt. U. J. Ki:Nl)ALl, CO.. EusunU Falls, Vermau sou) xt lmruoisTs. tbe tuivirt ouue it.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers