QRraAUHEAPOASHSTOp ToucMna k Great Sale and k ! UNttEltWEA It ! Do not purcihrise your underwear until you have seen our stock nnd lenvned our prices. Our stock consists of the fol lowing : For Men. three grades of Gray Mixed, four grades of I tr.l-x. i 1 r i ..1 Hair, two grades of Natural Wool and three grades of Scarlet. For Ladies, three erodes of White.not including the Ribhed, also, a large assortment of Scar let: Misses', Boys' and Chil dren's Underwear in white, gray mixed and scarlet ; our Under wear this season leads the past n Values and Priced. Comforts & Blankets Our stock this season, in this line, surpasses that of any previ ous season, and the prices are considerably lower than ever. ilorse Blankets in endless variety at the lowest prices. J. T. NUSBAUM, nut Street, between Smith unit t'lum Streets, LelillUitou, I'll. 8PICILYJTOLD. The Nc of 11 Liwlylcin Tnlil 111 Few Word liv u HiMtling ttvliiirtor. Full lmo of liiL-iimi Rinl liuiN'l oarpetH at lieu i Krhu-iirl '. . -Lowest prVo . ii'id newel imni:. in millinory euVi s ut Mis. "1 tvlla tlie Rtory r Tlio Week In null Alinnt IN A FEW WORDS. A Lively irrllr Hniipenlnsra or 11 Carbon Woatutirly i i ' till minus its lire company. The liustliiiK iowu of Wont lierly is Ijiulles sUouKl sen Mrs. (.'niton's' naltl to liavo only u baker's dozen of The Carbon Advocate SATURDAY OCTOBER 10, 1891. A 11KI EAIlt. The Carbon County Imlustrlnl Society Sur passes Itself nntl Surprises lSverjbody. The Sovontcenth Annual exhibition of tho Carbon County Industrial Society opened on their spacious and much improved grounds in this city on Tuosday. All day Monday tho enorgo tio socrotary,Mr, Elwon E. Uauer, with clerks Whittinghatn and McDaniel were kept busy entering exhibits which up to Tuosday night numbered in tho neighborhood of 12500 soparato articles surpassing in variety and oxclusivcnoss tho exhibits of any previous year in the history of tho society. The cold weather and rain on Wednesday pre vented attendance at tho fair, but tho energetics ofllcors contiuued to ontor exhibits and keep in order tho muchly over-crowded fnir building. Our spaco is too much limited to enter into moro than a brief account of tho exhibits, lot It sufllce that tho products of agricul ture tho farmers of tho county hnvo ro spondod in a most glorious manner, and their oxhibits aro par oxcollont, in tho mechanical departments aro al&o many now and oxcollont tilings; in fancy bric-a-brao tho ladies of tho county havo oven surpassod themselves, while the showing of live stock was novor equal to tho prosent. In tho matter of oxhibits wo desiro to causu ally refer to tho clothing display by Jonas Sondhoim; tho exhibit of nueons warebyj. J. Hummel; the handsomo lino of iluo furniture by Henry Schwartz: tho pianos and organs bv 0. A. Philips; Davis sowing machines by G. W. Nusbaum; machines and organs by Aaron Snyder; portrats by Photo grapher Rishol; stovos and ranges by James Walp, and others, hardware by tho Lohigh Coal & Hardwaro Co. In conclusion wo congratulate tho officers and directors of tho society on. tho success of soventoonth annual exhibition. SECItKT SOCIETY OOSSll , Tho postponed observance of tho sixth anniversary of Lehigh Council, 101, Jr. O. U. A. M., will bo hold somo timo this month. y After working indofatigbly for somo tlmo tho gonial I'liaon Strauss has succeeded in working up sufficient onthusiasai among tho boys to organ ize a Camp, of tho Sons of Veterans. A mooting will bo hold in Rober's Hall, tjiis Friday ovouing to olect officers ana ported tho organization. At a rocont meeting of tho Ten tonia Veriue, tho only Gorman secret organization in this town, tho following efficient officers woro elected for tho ensuing -term: 'President, Valentino Schwartz: vieo nrosidont. Michael Stubor; socrotary, Ed Schmidt, assist ant secretary, B. Koch; treasurer, Potor lloiinjtrustoos, Julius Komatusky and i'. a. Koouoror, V Tho first annual parado of tho Sohuylkill District Association of tho Knights of tho Golden Eaglfl will bo hold in Asnlawl, on Thursday, ucto bor 15th. 1891. Parado will form nt 1 p. itL at K. G. E., headquarters, 11th and Centre streots, nnd will movo promptly at 1.30 p. m. Tho Association will moot in Poppor's Hall, corner 6f mn ana ueutro streets, at u..iu p. m Liberal prizes will bo offered. Graud ball in Metropolitan Rink, in tho oven. ing. Maj. Klolz Commandory, No. '23, of tins city, win participate. ItAII.ltOAI) ItlJMIIMNdS. t Lehigh Lodgo. 292, B. of R. R. T., of town, are preparing for o grand fuir and fostivul on tho 11th and 12th of Dccembor. t Tho proposed ball uudor the nuspi- cos of tho Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, of this town has beon post ponetl iiiueiiniteiy. tTho Lohigh Vnlloy Company will build six now coachos at tho South East on shops. Work has been com moncad on two coaches. Alandus Rehrig, of Socond streot, who has beon "braklnir" on the Packer- ton pushor for somo tlmo, has beon transferred to Jack MoKolvoy as extra lireman, now millinery before making purchases olsewhero. I Hire your teams at Jtikey Kistloi's livery on North street. Prlers lows as the lowest. --Photographer Rishel has Improved his s"Hry by the addition of a large show window. Work at the Lehlghton Hosiery Mill is suspended pending the repair of tho knitting maohlnos. Miller's planing ntlll hai beon painted a deop rod the same color rs the town was painted this week. Tho mombers of the Qerraania Saugorbund spent last Sunday very pleasantly on Pine Run, In Towameus Inn. A flno lot of singlo and double bar rel brooch loading shot guns just ro oelved by the Lehigh Coal & Hardware Co. 4w Tho porsonal property of the, lato Lewis Marsteluor will bo disposed of nt public auction on Saturday after noon. Mrs. Jonas A. Horn, of north First street, sulTorod u paralytic stroke ono day this week and is now quite serious ly ill. Tho people continue to niako pur chases at Luckonbach's Mnuoh Chunk. Largest lino of wall paper in I he county. A fashionable city trimmer enables Mrs. Culton to furnish the prettiest affects In millinery to tho ladles here abouts. When you rldo for pleasure you in variably want a good rig. Here's a pointer, go to Ebbort'a. Livery on Nprth streot. All tho noat, now and pretty effects in fall and whiter millinory can bo had at Mrs. Halpin's on Baukway. A city trimmer Is in attendance Troxlor & Kroidler lmvo beon im proving and "llxiu" up their works this week ana Uio establishment iooks n full hundred por cont bettor, The Advocate regrets to chronicle tho sovoro illness of Miss Jennie, tho ostimablo daughter of Owen Grosscup, or tno nortn cuu, wno is connnea with typuoia tover. Charloy Moore, of Second street, who fought in a dozen battles during tho war, is tho proud "dad" of a bounc ing baby boy. Shako, old boy, wo know just how you feel ! Andy Deibort will build a cottage in Jumostown. Messrs. Knutss & Krum aro tho contractors and you can bot your oyo teeth tho job will bo a good ono, Loster Rohrig, who knows how to hang paper and decorate, placed tho twontv-two window nanes in Bower's storo front, ono day this week, in just two ana a hall hours. "Less" don't think this record can bo beaten. At Jamestown on last Sunday Emory Eckhard, of that village, wus marriod to Miss Ulalah J. Daubort, of Boorsvillo, Northampton county, by Rov. J. H. Kudor, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church. Tho stockholders of tho Lohightou Hosiery Mill havo olectod tho follow ing officers and directors: President, Joseph Obort; secretary, H. B. Konnoll; treasurer, J. T. Semmel; directors, Joseph Obort, P. J. Kistler, M. O. Kuntz, v. iucuormici anu ur. j. u. zorn. Our public schools, wo are gratified to stato, aro improving rapidly under 'rof. Werner and his corns of nblo assistants, and as a result, tho patrons or tno sonoois aro loua m their ex pression of praiso, in other words, thoy are mny satisnoawith all tho teachers, Manacor Hatrormau nrnsnnt.s In to tho amusemout going people of this community to-night (Friday) tho popu lar Arlington Mlnistrels. Tho press of tho country spoalc in highost terms of tins company ana our pooplo should not fail to oxtond a liberal patronage. The porsonal nronerfcv of Georoo Rapp, dee'd, will bo olferod for salo on tho promises m Weissport, at 1 o'clock p. m., on Saturday, October 17. Tho property consists of Butcher's tools, horses, wagons, nnd a variety of farm- lug implements, hay, straw, and other articios. v. j. ivistior, Administrator, Tho CatholioTemnerauco Societies of Wilkosbarro, Scranton and adjoin ing towns, will hold their annual parado and mooting at Lansford on October 10. This society, while on its way homo from a similar meeting several years Prohibitionists, Tho Eagle Hotel ut Pleasant Corner opened tho amusement season with a lug dance on Thursday oveulnir. A babe born on the blah way and then deserted is now, according to an xchango, an inmate of Luurvtowii poor house. James McDaniel. of Pleasant Cornor, is turning out a couple of milos of his patent picket fence every month. Jim In a hustlor. Stephen Hushes, of Beaver Meadow and Margaret Jones, of Lansford, are students from Carbon county, in the State Normal School nt West Chester. The sporting fraternity of Weath- erly aro anxious to arrange a shooting match with George Freed, of that town, nudltob. Clayton; of Tamaqun, for iBOO sine. It is unlawful to hunt with mm or dog, on Sunday. To be found in tho fields or woods on Sunday with a gun Ir prima facie evidence. Penalty $25 lor each and every ohenso. The milieu of Pniul Hrpnk nonr Albrlghtsvlilo havo shut down at last. Tho last car of coal was hoisted hero on Tuesday. There is nothing doing horo now but tearing out rails and silts and In a few days all the machinery will bo tukbn out. Roadors of this paper will roniem- bcr the drowning of Mrs. Downs at Penn Haven Junction somo weeks ago. Her body was recovered through tho earnest efforts- of tho Valley Railroad Company, which institution is now bo ing suod lor 810,000 dmnugos by tho five sons ot tho dead woman. Somo of tho weather prophets aro in tho field already withn prediction of "cold, hard, tough winter." Thoy baso it on tho areat ubundanco of nuts and the thickness of tho corn husks, both of which signs, to peoplo who are notwoathcr prophets, means simply that this is a year of great fertility. --The. Hunsrnriaus and Italians in many of tho coal mining towns of this county aro malting themselves unusu ally objectionable to natives bv their uruuKen, urutal actions nndnsaconso- tiuonco tho mino operators havo issued strict orders prohibiting tho salo of boor or liquiors to this clnf s. A vory sensiuio move. It is reported that tho Methodist Episcopal church ediflco on East Bertsch street, Lansford, is in danger of collapsing. Tho building was erected my auout two years ago, and tho roof has recently sagged somo ten inches, auo to tno laet iho outsluo walls aro prcading. Tho-building was either faulty in its construction or its timbers wero too weak. ago, mot with a disastrous railroad accident on tho Lehigh Valloy road at iuuu win, ll.VSi: 1IALI, NOTUH. Hugh Jennings who has mule suoh a wonderful record, as a short-stop with tho Loulsvlllo club, will vory likely be hero and play with Lehlghtou against Ontasouqua on Saturday. All of Hugh's adtnirerb will likely bo on hand to see him. Jonnssvillo olub defeated the Cata wuinua club at the lattor nhioe on Sat urday aiternoon in a six, inning game by a score of 0 to 3. Hayes and Sim mons were in the points for Joauesvllle and proved very effective, Catasauqua having only three hits to their credit, "Uatisauqua is dying to get even witli Lehlghton for the fearful defeat of a week ngo, so they will come to town Saturday prepared to do up the home team. Everybody who takes an interest in tho national sport should make it point to bo on hand and see this great tuseel or honors. Wo clip this paragraph from the Allentown CrUio, and It goes to show that Catosautiua is getting ready for Saturday's tussel: "Manager Albert, ot the looal baw ball cJnb. wanted "Jaok" StlvetU. of Ashland, to nltoh against Lehlghton at the latter plaoo on BBiuruay. lie teiegrapnea "Jack QB Ejunuay lor terms ana Tuesday came the answer: "Will come for 930 am dally expenses." It Is needless to say mat auveiis win not twin the spur nt Lehlflhton." l'lMiT.i: ox this on. lusll IMclures of Familiar X'uccs Coming niul Colmr. riiotocraphor Rishel was nt Allen town last Friday. Tho gonial Cant. Olivor Rlnkcr. of Hazleton, gavo us a ploasant call on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. II. V. ltforthimnr. Hr. spent Saturday and Sunday with Tromout friends. II. E. Sweeny and wifo. of Drifton Luzorno county, wero in town for a low days this weoK. Misses Mary Koons and Annio Lackey, of Allontowu, aro visiting tho Ausses itoioiiaras on u'hira street. Miss Sehriber. of Allentown. has accepted n position in Mrs. Culton's millinery emporium in this cltv. Miss E. A. GllmorO. of New Yorli City, Is tho fashionable city trimmornt Airs, iiaipurs millinery storo on Unnk way. Miss rsora Ilartman. ono of Allon- town's most ostimablo ladles, is visiting .aiisses Alia anu r ioy uinuss, on Klrst street. Miss Sarah Fuehro. of Sclmvlkill Post-Oflloe, Chester county, is enjoy ing a pieasant, sojourn with nor parents in town, The jovial Tom Imuran, while in town this week with his faintly, made our sauotum-sauctorium a brief but pleasant oall. - Uur young friend Harry Frev. the tailor, left Thursday night for Chicairo ultimately, where he will in the future reside. Yn e wish him luck. --mounts stooicer. wile una win Harry, of town, and Mrs. Otto Feist, of White Haven, wero visiting relatives In isoruiamplon county this week. i nomas J. inusduuui ana wlte, of Lansford, spent Sunday very pleasantly in town. air. i usuaum is one or laus ford s progressive merchants. James Moore and family, of Read ing, spent this week with M. C. Trexler, on Muhoning street. Mr. Moore hat, charge of the U. S. express offices in tho above olty, and, by the way, was 'the nrst messenger to take express over the Jersey Central railroad a doeen years ago. Ti:oiusiiuita coNi-KitiiNt'i:. Itu ltcgular Dcmocraey Xomlltata llusli J. Slinrpoof X.anfordagn Constitutional Delcsato. Tho Autl-Esscrltca ISolt Iho Convention anil Nominate Jolin A.Qulnn, of I.ansforu' nntl 11. H. I.ee, of blrourisliurK as Constitutional Delecutcs. Tho Democratic Conference of tho Senatorial Distrlct,comprising Monroe, uaroon anu vuso counties mot at Stroudsburg on tho 24th ult., tho regular Conf erroes wero F. P. Sharkey. Jos. S. Fisher nnd William Borbst, tho kickers or irregular Conferrees wore Michael Cassldy, Thomas Arnor and E. R. Enbody, both sides clnimcd ad mission and the credentials wero ro- ferred to a coinmltteo of two from Monroo and ono from Plko, who after malting tuoir report rorusoa to sent Cassidy, Arnbr nnd Enbody tho Anti- Ji.ssor Uonterrees. Mr. Lattimoro. of Piko county, thon moved that inasmuch ns thoro wero six uncontested dolegatos prosent and tho Carbon County Conforrcos not ad mitted that tho Conference proceed to uommation this motion was lost by tho Monroo county delegation voting against it, which convinced ovoryono present that tho Monroo Conforroes woro set up lor but ono purnoso. that of admitting tho Autl-Esser dolegatos trom uaruou or thoy would havo pro ceeded in n regular nnd parliamentary manner. Tho rulings of Mr. Wostbrook. tno uuairman or tno uoniorence, wero entiroly new and throw Rood comploto- ln tno shade as nil procodonts and parliamentary ruios woro entirely dis regarded. Tho Monroo county delecates then bolted, adjourning to another room, talcing with them tho Antl-Ksser (Jon, l'orroes and with them nominated John A. Ouinn and D. S. Lee. as their candl dates to tho Constitutional Convention; tho regular Conference thon admitted tho regular delegation from Carbon, namely. F. P. Sharkoy, Jos. S. Fishor and William Brobst (Essor substituted) nua nominatoa joun A. ivipp, or l'mo county, and Hugh J. Sharpo, of Carbon county, ns tho regular nominees or tho Conference, Mr. Kipp decliued tho nomination and pledged the support of Piko county to Hugh J. Sharpo. Many prominent Democrats of Monroo county plodjjod their support to Mr. Sharpo, who will bo elected by a large majority. l'ACKIJKTON. The Nens of Iho Comlns llorough llrletly Chroulcleil. Miss Belle Connor, of Columbia. is with friends hero. Joseph Bennett Jr., and bride, will loavo for Now York City on Saturday whero they will visit for a fow days. -William Long, for sometime telo- graph operator here, has been pro moted to chier olerk under Thomas Harleman. Wo regret very muoh to note the illness of Miss Aunabol McDaniel and hope, along with her many friends, for a rapid convalescence. Mrs. Kidd, wife of the principal of the I'aeKerton schools, uiea on wed uesdny evening. The body will be taken to Oxford, Pa., for interment. Benuett Council, No. 90, National Provident Union, will oelebrate their llrst anniversary by taking a 'bus ride to lislta's In Towameusing on tho 17th, where they will eat all the good things you can tuinK or. WEW8Y W5ISSFORT. Tli llnlnRSnrnT.ivrlr Town llr!en Clminl t'letf In Hhort Hnl-Rtinf Order 1v tlin Nl roller nml Clmm.' Tho Snyder pinning mill l- being pushed rapidly '.Squire Henry Caripboll is s.iiil to be very seriously ill, -Renben Zimmerman is visiting friends at Seipstown, in Lehigh Co. Many of our merchauts are again agitating the enrly closing movement. J. a nk KnvdiT and wife, of Mountain Top. are visiting friends in town. Vniun Dreisbach has gathered his second crop ot strawberries for this year. Win. Snyder, of Delano, wan circl ing among old friends liereti bouts oVor Sunday. - Tho enthusiasm over tho organiza tion of nu Order of Iron Hall has sub sided somewhat. Seager's Hall is ready for occu pancy. The room will be rented to societies ohoaply. 8w Dr. P. A. Andrews has n slraw- bdrry plant that is bearing fruit, for the second time this year. Wo rogrot vory much to note the continued Illness of Mrs. Josiah Rucl'i who is again seriously indisposed. -Charles Fritz, of Lehlghton. has moved into tho Olewlne property on tho Frnuklin road, over the canal bridge. Miss Gertie, tho ostimablo dauuh- ter of Contractor Horn, has returned from ti pleasant visit to Allentown friends. Joseph Ruch will be tho lender of tho now 1aml to bo organised by Polio Pooo Tribo of Red Men. Joe can blow good "music. A A. Hoigenfus and Sylvester Snyder alone with thoir wives enioved a plensuro rido last Sunday through the picturorge Long Kun, - -Vvreissriort voiltirr inmi will irnt. Its social club. Thoro are eighteen of the blue blood on tho list nnd they have a tuna or stw to start out with. Dr. W. L. Kutz will be Carbon county's noxt Coroner if tho oxpro.-sion of tho peoplo go for anything. Tho doctor is just tho man for tho office Ml tho bonds, to tho amount of S0000, of tho Frnuklin Independent School District havo been disnosod of. Tho bonds boar interest ut tho rate of four per cont. Reuben Rohrig has opened a fish and oyster houso near Heller's stovo storo, whoroyoucan get tho best in his lino at tho vory lowest prices. Give Reuben n call. It seems to bo tho general impres sion in Franklin township that many oi our nepnuncans will vote the ro gulnr Democratic tickot not tho ono superintended by Mickoy Cassldy. Arner & Slovor. contractors, lire building a largo framo dwelling houso in Towamonsing, for Paul Buck. This firm has built quite a number of hand somo residencos during tho past sum mer. All persons dosiriug to connect themselves with the now Council Jr. O. U. A. M., to bo organized in Franklin will please attend a meetingat Seager's Hall on noxt Wodnosday evening at 7 o'clock, when otDcors will be elected and other business transacted. Rov. T. A. Huber. tho Rotormod pastor of this town, has received a call to Graco Reformod church, at Hazle ton, to fill tho vacancy caused by tho resignation of Rov. A. G. Aszaman. Wo havo not learned whother or not tho reverond gentleman will accept tho call. Tho following lottors remain un called for in tho Wolssport post offico for tho month of Soptcmbor: Lcny Philip, Josoph Richards, Ephriam Schnoll, Jos. Fink, William Hunsickor, N. R. Doppo and Jacob Koiser. If your namo is on tho list, call for your lotter. Contractors Horn & Krum. who built tho now brick school house for tho Franklin Independent School Dis trict, will entertain tho directors of tho township at a turkoy suppor at the i' raukllu Hotel .on (Saturday ovomnc noxt. Tho affair' will ' bo toney and don't you forget it. Elias Minor is dead at tho ago of 70 years. Dissolution took placo on Monday ovoniug at about seven o'clock and resulted from genoral debility con sequent to old ago. lutormont was mado Thursday afternoon in tho Union cemotory, Rov. G.W.Duugan.of tho M. E. church, Lohightou, officiat ing at tho last sad rites. Deceased was born In Hamburg, Borks county, on May 30, 1815, and was yet a boy of tonaor years when his parents moved to Mnuck Chunk, whero, during tho war of the robolllon he was associatod with tho lato Gon. Charlos Albright in tho manufacture of shot and shell for tho government. In 18G3 ho was as sociated with Fatziugcr, Roberts & Collins as superintendent of their foundries in tho same placo. From Mauch Chunk ho moved with his family on a largo farm in Franklin, and a year later wont to Catasauqua whoro ho had chargo of the Union foundry. He was nt tho latter placo but a short timo when ho removed to Weissport whero ho resided contiuue- ousiy until tho tlmo ot Ills death. In tho interim he was connected with tho Lohigh Stovo Foundry, Lehlghton, and was mnnagor and suporintoudont of Minor Bros., foundry, in this placo. Mr. Minor was ono of the originators of the Lehlghton M. E. church and pro minent in tho circle of Mothodistism, Deceased leaves three sons nnd ono daughter. William, of Philadelphia: Frnuk, of Atlantic City; C. D., of town, and Mrs. Kato Wiutormuto, of Mauch uiiutiK, nis wuo uaviug proceeded him to the great beyond a little moro than a year ngo. FROM MAUCH CHUNK. The County Cnpl'al Spiritedly Fpltomljeil by n Rpeclnl Correspondent. 1'crsonnl nml Otherwise. Nelson Bauer, of Darlington, Wis., was a guest of his brother Rlwen Bauer, in Bast Munch ( 'hunk, last Sunday. -The Kt.'Aloyf.ius Society, of this city, will partlcipnto In the graud parade at Lansford on October 10th - f ather Matthew Day. A charter has been granted at ITarrisburg to tho E. It. Wilholm Build ing & Loan Association of Mauch Chunk, capital :,tock P200.000. In to-day's Cbbon Am Of ate von will find the now faU announcement of Rex's Bon Marche. It contains muclr that Is of vital intorost to tho economi cal house-wife and should bo carefully persnen. 1ioiAi ..r itr.w.t. rt. came to town on Thursday, to attend tne rrico-Hiiiiman nuptials, bhortlv after arriving in Hazleton, Mr. Bertsoh was taken seriously ill, and several physicians were summoned to nttond ltu at Ills hotel. Monday it was stated that Mr. Bertsch is slightly better. Ills sisters, Mrs. E. L. Polk and Mrs. u. pneo are in constant attendance at the bedside of the sufferer. Hazle ton Plain Speaker. -Mr. James J. Bovle. a popular Justice of tho Peace, accompanied by his sister, Miss E. Boyle, of Mauch Chunk, Pa., paid a visit to Mr. II. W. Cortrlght and family nt Lako Hopat- cong from Saturday to Monday, nftor which they oamo to Dovor, and Mr. Boyle gave Tho Index office a call. Wo were glad to see "Jimmy." as he Is ono of the old friends of our boyhood. They also wont down to Convonl Station to soe Miss Sharkey, also of Mauch Chunk, who 1ms been attending school there for some yoars past. plalut.catarrh.rheutnattsm.ctc. lie butq to get Hood's SorsaparlUa, which Is peculiar to itself. hood's SArsapaTUia sola uy druggists. 81 1 six forfls. rreparedby U.I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar 0 TO FliS. rtODEltElt, under the Kxchar.itc iiu-i. j.auiv ai.i-ci, "i iv ninutiui aiuiin ui. isblonatile lialr cut. ZW Closed on Sunday's oedcr's Hiir tonic, elites Dandruff. Yvo eairy t stoek a full lino of fancv toilet nrtlcles nt low est lirlecs, and wo aro tho only place In town neru you can uuy neuuer s i. renin lortno lace. llsuullful Wllllnsry. The place to buy, is at Mrs. HulpiuV already very popvlar millinery htoie on Iiankway, where the assortment nl seasonable goods Mupas-- t. thing i or shown in t Is i . tw ii Y Rise to Apolojglto t The Carbon Advocate is "fearfully" crowded with local and legal advertis. ing, causing us to greatly ourtU our usual melange of looal news. We hope the people will bear with us just for ft few weeks when we will again give theui a Bio paper ohook full of all the very latest local ana general news. Will Vuu Do it I L te the Am. rill .lint, am! pnlnt hit on, it. hi a Iuiik lit-rtuil. or use MimetmiiK ",inL ' to tie u- uikkI, uud u'lKiiut 1 1 )t.il oi mo? Aerlll rami is m- i,, m it i-, me lmn,l-ui,i,-si , im ulhei has so hum. ult n t' Uis. li i, cheaper tlutli Uliv otlui nt iin trli lii't .lu-,0 It out iw ji all ntlii l. n l.i-.tt il jyi jc.irs ut) tile tuins- f V.. H. J hi In -,. lu.-litti'l. N II . 1 J Sl:.ii s .Hi houses ul W. 1'. lii- unlils. t'lotmi UiUu X. Y.; n roars uu ln.ui, oi Aim. h. Dole, Mt Vernuu, N. Y. An-illl I'ulut has been In use 2ft year ami Is gu.trnuii'i d If miu :ne uimil to buy other luiilils duliuliii litunl ul tht-ll Uiliiihll. IJ. Thf mu'atiail l mil li.it IS tlir 111 ,t I'oat" ' imi, 11 , lo.irf nui it i.isi n.'diitiiui -.unni,. l ihl, 1 1 1 1 1 In I 1 1 II I, ii I ,, i The Carbon Co. fair will be continued on Saturday, Oct. 10th. Races, &c. Clienn CiotliluK. Don't fall to read Sondheim's new advertisement to be found ou the top of our second page. Tills popular mer chant tailoring hall Is the leading plaoe in the Lehigh Valley for fine aud medium clothing, and you should not fail to call and see htru before making i Ail anu wiuir puronases, WEATIIISltr.Y. A llrlclil Correspondent Write Pertinent ly on I.lr Topics. Two children, one a ohlld of Levi Metzker, living on Third street, and tho other a child or rump uoodhale, both died on xuosdny morning. - Our machine shops havo orders ahead for a number of locomotives, und the report ooines to us that Rood machinists could find work hero by applying to u. w. uewitt, M, M. Elmer Warner, of Tannersville, who lately bought the stoek of stoie goods of David Kintz, opened the store again on luonaay. ut. w comes this town with a successful business exporlenoo In Monroe ooimtv whlcli. will aid him to uater to the wishes of bis new customers in this place. F. P. Semmol, the genial proprietor of the Gilbert House; has Just become the proud owner of two very fine horses of uniqueness in color. The odduess of their color will draw tho attention of horsemen wherever Mr. chances to drive them, and it is this pecularity in color tliat induced him to puroiiase them. fc-uiif vrlmml ()ftUti'ti. At a late meeting of the popular liermauia Saugerbuud, of this city, the following new officers were elected: President, t'liristiuu Hagordorn; vice president, Leonard l'Vederick; ht-cre tiiry, Henry Zeigli'r, assistant secretary, John Hchatl'i-ir; ti wisuror, Tobias Buss; trustees, Ferdinand Spellbuuin und Ed Xilh'i ; musical dirii-tor, Wm. Snmllni. r ,7. "T.-r.rJ Hood'aSar- nB, , i , saparllla ...Z.ZZ...l I merit and 1 ' y&v " wonder- COMPOUND EXTWGTyvb. cnroi . ,m i yyiv. siT. won tho con. A F' rsVV lideneo of V ' Jttf&rt&S&y th0 v Mmf -r5 LStk?' popular lvVW i ulood pu PV&V i A rlflcr and ii8sr A strengthen. yS&$f a Ing ruodl. ffVKSS A olne. It ii U 1 cures BCrot alft salt 1 TjV s-.fh, -a j r h o u m , I S&lZVjXXGitnSSi' 1 aypepii y7 S9Wfl J7 hoadaoho, tggitt kidney and iiyor com. STUllliU'S SHAVING BAI.OON, opposite, the ADVOfiATK Ofkipp!- 1 helulnuarteis for sli.iviuK, lialrcuttlng and shampooing. Call. TI!I'.MAN, tho barber, opposite the Opera i llou.se, cut! hair, Bhaves and does eery. tiiiK iii uiiiL class stvio in op in mm sec iiuu- enliimUi.lnn. tVntinl of of territory! work all the year round. You tan eoinmenco at once. Write J. AUSTIN MiAW, Nurseryman, lJrookin, n. y. s-m To Wiioni It Concerns. Two heifers aro on mv nronerty whither tho strayed come nooks ago. The owners can havo tno same ny canine-, proving; property ami pay ing all expenses of tho same. W. S. KOOII, Oct. 10 3t. Lehlghton, Pa. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! The nntierlcrned. nasta-noes of KflT.OMOX WALCK and his wife. ANNA 1!VE. of Waleks- vllle, I'ranklln township, Uarhon county, l'n., wiitieiiHt puiiua sine, nu tue iireuuses aioie aid, on Satnrflay, October M 1891, ut Ono o'o'ock 11. nh, tho follow Iiik described real main, to wn : All null ceiiaiu tract or neee oi land, known us iho Solomon uultk "iirni, coiitaliilng 07 acres, upon which Is erected inn auuy ntuiio ifneuiuu. ihcw iiauic nam. It Ii floors, about 40xCO iect. und other out- buildings. The land Is under a lino stato of cul tivation, with plenty or 1'iuit, plenty oi never fallliiKpuio water, aud t'lnoltim Oreek Hows through tho land. Terms and conditions will be made known nt time and piaeo ot bale, ny J. K. r.IOKEKT. KHWAkD ItUDKlt. SeptlC-td Anslmieo. Executor's Sale OF VALUArif.E ?enl Estnto ttPersonnl Property. The underslxned. Kxeeutor of the Estate of the niarateiner, deceased, late ottne late IJidwlc Carbon couuty, l'a., ou Itoioiuth of l.eliliiliton, will expose tn-l'iiblle sale ou tne premises, L'liestnut Alley, l.elilitntoii. Saturday, October 10th, 1891, at TWO o'clock p.m., all that certain iiaitof Lot uumuereii in uie narougli 1 Ian, No. 10, hav ing am ik a front of 03 feet, 3 inches on Chestnut Alley ill extending at that dentil nlonir Annie Allev 86 feet, on wtfleli Is erected a 1'ltAMH OWUi.U l'nl,,.l,1a ,lAun..n1 ,1 ... t.l...l... AIW, , ailLBUtV J DIWIIUI J IVIVIVJ. IIIUIUUIIL Kitchen Utensils. Tables. Chairs, lleds and IW dluK, lot of Shoemaker Tools, a Stoves. Shoe- liWI ers Pindlnm ami KuDnllea. and other ar ticles too numerous to mention, but to be further described ou day of sale. Terms and conditions will be made known at tune and placo of sale by iii;.ki v. yjSAiii., Kxeeutor 8ept. 19, laoi. Lehighton Water Co LKUIUllTON, l'A.. Sept 7, IBM There will be a meeting of tho BtoekholderB of Tuk Lkiiiubtom WAxgit Comi'ahv iu (label's Hah, In the llorough of Lehlgbton, l'a., at 8:00 u'otoekr. M.. ou SATORTIAT, NOV. HUl, 1W1, for the puriiose ot votlag on an Ikcrkahb ok T11K HAVVXAli OIUi'H or JIUS tOHPAHY. lly order of the Board of Directors, Mm. li. Aau, Preshlcut. llg .vuu SiiAuoi.iir, Seeietaij. Estate Notice! Estate of Li'mriu Ma uijr in ru, deceased, late of the Borough of Lehlghtou, Carbon eonuty, ntate ot lVunsylTanla. All iersous Indebted to said estate are request ed to inako iiaymenl within Ki Weeks, and tboae havliig local claims aualust the same will presmit them mthout'delay in six Weeks-dull auuieeticniul for ttlemcut to id nl I t-ii i .1 11 ii, i-i- im, in H. Had 1.. AMoelallou Kew hHe. TUe Eutcrpris Building and Loan Association No. 'J. or ;.blghton, Pa., at it weeUugon Monduy eTeaiturepteai ber 21st, decided by the uoanimoaa vote of the Bourd of Directors to is&uo a new horiob of btix-k. All iiersous deiiriutj sburot. slmuld upuly at unco t.i the tollowiuK ollicurn uutf uiroctors ot the Association, wno nri uutUori.oil to rotmivo subscriptions for stock l'hilip Miller, president: V. P. Liouk, vitv-presiileut. T. A. Suy ler, se.retury, W If Mout, treasurei . "s: J. F. Moulthrop, A. W. Raudeubush, Don't I'oruet u. j H. J. Bretnoy, R. L. Kooiis, John Peters, t)n and after uet Thursday nil , D. 11. Straup, Charles Smith, LohiKh bakers, hui-ksteis, tmtcliern. Ac. must ton, Alviu T Koch. J. A Kenuer. Weiss pay ii itaih licon .i m this Inn nut;li, , purl, uml m il Inin. Paekertoii, llnii'i tuitfcl il liinecti'i . si i.t 'j; m 1 HEN U Y W. 88PI.U7. ltSHiW. VKA1IL, Execuloi , Lehlghton, 1'. -AT. Seiclel's Bakery, First!r rl, I.elilsthton, mhi will .iln.n-. i ml 1 leI.est and P. t BREAD AND CAKES. ltyc, Ylni;it and Vienna Bitnul I-1 1 I Sill i-i.lj. I'l.i it till 1,1 1 .id , .uitiol be excelled. We respectfully solicit your pation ago. Watch lor I he Wai;ou. Soidel's V ienna Huktr)-, Election Proclamation Pusuaut to nu Aot of Assembly of Pennsylvania, untitled an Act relatin'; to the Klections in Urn Commonweal' ii, nnproved tho 2nd day of July A. IJ., J8a, nnd a further supplement thereto approved January :ju. A.U. 1874,1, IHram P. Levnu, Sheriff of the County of Car bon, Peun'a, do hereby make known and give notice lo tho electors of tho county aforesaid that on tlio first Tuos day after tho first Monday in Novem ber, being the 3rd DAY OF NOVEM BER, A. D., 1891, at which time the following officers are to bo elected: ONE PERSON for Auditor General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, UiNiii llilSU lor Treasurer of tlm Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. UiNiii riiiittiu for I'rothonotarv of tho Court of Common Pleas. Clerk nf the Court of Oyer and Terminer, Clerk of the Court of Quarter Soaslons of tho Peaco nnd Genoral Jail Dellvory nnd Clerk of tho Orphan's Court of tho County of Carbon. ONE PERSON forthooilloe of Sheriff of the County of Cnrbou. UiSti VMimVN lor the otHoe of Cor oner of tho County of Carbon. TWO i'JSUHUNS for Jurv Comtnis. siouers of the Couuty of Carbon, Office op SacnBTAnr on-tub j UuKUOHWBAI.TH( llARRISnClUI, l'KNKA,, j Sbttkmiier Tlt, 1891. To the Slittlff o Carbon Oounly: In comnllanee rrlth tho nrovlstons ornn Act nf tho General Assembly, entitled "An act to pro. vldo lor a Convention to Amend tho t!nntltuttnn and tho election ofdelegates theroto," approved inu nineieeniu nay oi June, &nno uomint one thnuniLnd nhrlit. lillnflrml nml TilnAtv.nnn Ihhilttlv qualified olcctoVs of this Commonwealth shall, aiitie general election to bo held on tho Tuseday next following tho llrst Monday of November, next, rote for or against holding a convention to amend the Constitution, and for members of said convention, If tho majority or the voters In the Commonwealth rarore such convention, accord ing to tho regulations provided In the several sections of said act as hereafter sot forth, to-w It : Section 1. Be il tnacled lu Iht Smalt and Home of llcvrcscntaltvri cthe CommonwealIt of Pennivlvanta in General Auemblu met. and U it hereby enacted by the authority of the tame. That at tho general election to ho hold on tho Tuesday next following tho first Monday of November next, tho duly qualified electors or this Common, wealth shall vole for or against holding a eon- vennon to amcnu mo constitution according to the regulations provided In tho subsequent sec tions ot ths act. Section 2. 11 at tho said trcneral election to lis held aB aforosalil, a majority ot tho electors ef this Commonwealth Bhall dcclaro In favor of a convention to amend tho Constitution, tho said conucntton shall ho composed of delegates dnly elected, and shall assemMo as hereinafter pro- viucu. Section 3. Atthoaeucral election to ho hold on the Tuet Jay next lollowlng tho first Monday of November next, thore shall ho elected by tho quanucu electors oi una uommonwoaiin, ueie gates to a convention to rcvlso and amend tho Constitution of this State. Tho said convention shall consist of ono hundred and sorenty.soven members, to be elected in tho manner lollowlng Twenty-seven members shall he elected In the Stato at large. Mach voter ottho State shall volo for not more than eighteen cnndldatos, and tho twenty-soven highest In vote shall bo de clared clcotcd. Cno hundred and fifty delegatos shall bo apportioned to and elected lroni tho dif ferent Senatorial districts of tho State, thrco delegates to be elected for each Senator there from t and In choosing said delegates, each voter shall he entitled to veto for not moro than two of tho members to ho chosen from each Senator ial district, and tho thrco candidates highest In 'Oto shall bo doclarod eloctcd. and salddcleirntes shall possess tho qualifications at present re quired for members ol tho Stato Senate. DKCTioN . mo lonowing regulations snail rnlv to tho aforesaid election to bo held on the Tuesday lollowlng tho first Monday of Novetn. ber noxt, and to tho return ot the same. First Tho said election shall bo held and con ducted by tho proper election officers of tho sov. cral election dlstrfctsof tho Commonwealth, and shall bo governed and regulated In all rrsjiccts uy tno general election jaws oi tne uommon. wealth, so far as tho sarao bo annllcablo thereto and not Inconsistent with tho provisions ofihls act. Second. Too tickets to ho vetted for or ntrainst a convention shall havo on tho Inside, "For a Constitutional Convention," and "Against a Constitutional Convention." ond no other in scriptions thereon, Third. Tito tickets to bo voted for members at lnruro shall have on tho outsldo tho wotds "Dele gates at large," and on tho tnsldo tho names of tho candidates to he voted for not exceeding clahtocn In number. l ouatli. Tho tlcltcts to bo voted for d strict members shall havo on tho outsldo tho words District ueieo-ates." and on tho Iniido tho name or names ot tho candidate) voted lor not exceed ing tho nroncr number llmitod as aforesaid, but any ticket that Bhall contain a greater number of names than thenumber for which tho voter snau bo entitled to voto shall ho rclcctoil Fifth. Tho return Judges shall moot at the samo places and at the samo tlmo alter said election, and shall niako out tho returns thereof or tho votes cast for delegates at largo and for district delegatos to ho members of tho said con vention In the several counties of tho Common, wealth, and shall follow the samo lonn In mak ing out their returns ns prescribed lor return Judges In tho caso of an election lor Governor, except, mat tno said returns snau bo transmitted to tho Socrotary ol tho Commonwealth and shall bo addrossed to that oiilccr nlono. Now. thereforo. In obodlcnco to tho renulro. mcntsof tho Act of tho General Aseombly afore said, you aro hcrobv rcnulred to nublish this notice with your proclamation for tho holding oi sain general election. WILtilAM 1 HAltltlTY, Secretary of tho Commonwealth. I also make known and trire notlco that tho nlacoof holdlmr tho aforesaid elections In the -several Townships and lloroughs of the said uounir, win do respectively ai ino places ncre lnaller designated, viz: Banks town3liln, Audonrierl district . at tho school houso in Auilenrjetlj Beaver Meadow district at tho school houso at Levistou, In said township; Jenuesvilla district, at the public school l)ou(i in said district. East Tenn towniliin. nt tho nublic house of Penrose George, in said township. Loner Tuwamenslnc township. Millport district, at the nublic house of George D. SchilTert, in said il'istrlct. Litllo Uati diiln'cl. at the public house of Robert Henry, in said district. Bowmanstown election district, at tho pub lie house of James T. llonser iu said district. Fratiklln township, at tho public house of John lleurig, in said township. LehieUton boroueb. at the public houso of Jonathan Kistler, in si id borough. Lausauuo township, at the female school house, Buck Mountain, in said township. Lohish township, at tho school houw at Ilockport, in said towuhip. Weatberly borough, at the public house of t . 1'. Eomniei, in said Doroun First Ward of the borough ol Mauch Chunk, at the ofllec of the County Commissioners. Been ml Ward of Ilia boroulh ofMaucb Chunk, at the public houso nf Peter BUbl, in saul borough. East Mauch Chunk Kleetinn district, at tbo public boua e ol Bartholil Seller, in said borough. Mahoning township, at tho public house of Thompson MoDaniel, in said township. Packertou District, at the publlo mhool house In said District. Penn Forest Township, at the public house of JJnos uooo, in Mid Townsuip, Towamensing Township, at the public house of F. F. Beikerling, in Hid Township. Packer Township, at tba public houso known ae HarU'BTavoru, In said Township Mauoh Chunk Township, Neaquehnning District, at the public bouse of llenjamia Uxlsy, in KMquenonm;;. Maach Chunk Township, llaeklebarnie District, at the public school house, In the Hid District, llloomiurfaleDlstrlot.it tho public school bout la I he village of Bloominfdale, in said district. Buuimit Hill election district, at tba Town Hall, in said Borough. Kidder Township, North District, atlae boose formerly ol (Jaorn It, Sliaton. now known Streoter's office, at IXiigh Tannery. K idder South District, at the public house of Freeman (Jets, in said District. Weissport Borough, at the public house o f Henry Chmunau, hi said Borough. Lansford borouatb. East Ward, nt tba public school house; Middle Ward, at tba publlo bouse ol Jaruas Ua lather, and west want at the public housa of John F. Maloy, in said borough. I make known and give notice, as In and by the 12th section or tho aforesaid Act of Assembly. 1 am directed, that '-every iwrson, excepting jus tices or the peace, who shall hold any office of prom or trust uuuer tua uoreromsni oi me United Stales, or of this Stato, or of any city or tneorpurateit district, whether a commissioned oliioer or otherwise, a tuuortilnaieomosr or agent, pay double Price buy poor goods put up with annoyances take anything you get not look our creat stock over it lieed our tot uroises not at least come in not? If not. why not ? 2 iJ Opera House, Leliigh.ton. The Eye Flas Not Seen, Nor Has the Ear Heard, Neither has it entered into the hearts of the men and women of the community what vc have in store lor them. Have You Seen our elegant assortment of Furniture. Nothing like it was ever put on exhibition in this town before. Have You Heard "that we are offering this graud assortment of goods at prices way down, the very mention of which will make you think that we must hae made a mistake. It's .a F act. IFc've got the goods. You have the money. TTo wont to exchanqe with you, and if you will call at our store we will offer such inducements that it will be a pleasure for you to make your purchases from us. Come and Inspect our stock and buy whatever you need at our very low prices. Schwartz, The Fur uiture Man The ladies of this city and vicinity arc invited to call and see the most fashionable line of new and seasonable millinery goods ever exhibited in this town now on display in our Bazaar of style and lashion. Careful attention will be paid to the wants of our patrons and satisfaction will be guaranteed in every par ticular. TPhile our prices arc very low you will find our goodt. to be the very best and we will merit your confidence and pat onagc by always furnishing the most fashionable millinery at the very lowest prices. nuots, or shall he era ployed under the legisla tive, executive or ludlelary department or Bute, or of the Uulted States, or of any olty or Handsome New Effects in Fall Millinery ! are now on exhibition in our stores, and the ladies are kind ly invited to all and inspect both prices and styles. Our as sortment is larger than ever and includes the. most stylish and most fashionable things the very cream of style. Come and see us. We have three City Trimmers which enables us to promptly accommodate our pa trons. Delay purchasing until you have first called on us. ultoifs WEISSPORT, PA. Branch Stort?, Lehighton. Respectfully, Wiea nil's Building, Baukway, Lehighton. ICE CREAM, SODA WATER, MILK SHAKE, CON FECTIONS AND FRUITS. VK AltE now nicely locsted in our new storo room anil with Increased facilities anil convenances aro better tban crer pre pared to cater to tlio public. We extend an earnest Invitation to lite peoplo to call and Bee ns at our bandsoino new store. T. -i -sr4.;-,,-. Iu acta lor Whiiiesaia lots, ricme ami les lCe Cream ailCl UOnteCtlOnS, urnt committees and neddlue nartles wilt bo promptly supplied at the ery lowest price. Don't buy elsewhere until you call andSsarn our prices. Wo furnish all fuuors of Cream In any 'luanllty at shoit notice. FINE SILVERWARE, WATCHES AND BEAUTY FUL JEWELRY. WK CARUV as duo and as completo a lino of the above ceods as can be found In any Jewelry Store In Carbon county. We have all tbe newest novelties and tlio prices aie the very lew set. t'ouie and see us before you buy. All the Very Latest Novelties in Toys Ohas. H. Musbaum, BRIDGE STREET, WEISSPORT, PA. l)pp (J il , I Ilih'I I I'tiji. H 1 1 1 n rv lnooi unrated district, and also that everr mem her of Ouiigre, and tho State Legislature, and ul tno Beiei i or uointaun council oi uor hit, i i 'ummlssluufirs ot anv tneorrxiratod dfstrlot is t l.iiv lm'di'uhlo ol huliliiig or exerulslng. at the euaie time, tho ulnce or apiiuitilment of judge, liisnti-r nr clerlt of any eleotlon ol this I'oui luunwi ullli , ami Out no intipei tor, judge or other udici r ol un ii'li eleuiuu, i-hull ho eltglulo to .mi i lluo u. l.e limn oted (or ' - At nil oli-utoua horeaitor hi Id under tliL ljugtllii t'omiuonwoaltli, the polls shall thi open ot seven o'cloolt a. in., and elose at ! son en o'clock u. ui Qlven under uiy baud at Mauch Chunk, the nrst day ot Ootolier, Anno Doiultil, one thousand I olgtii huDilred aiKl nltietvono, und ofthelude wouiioueo ol tiio I iiiiv.l btutea tho ouo huudreu an. I lourteentl' II i' l.!. N SUcrlit You will find us In tbe lead wltb more Fresh Styles and Ueautlful Goods tbau ever. Large oppoitunltles to buy your Fall and H'lnter Uoods aro offered. Our enormous stock of Seasonable Styles la opened and ready . l'rlcea wlthtu tlio reach of all. and now Is the time to buy. NOTIONS Wo have looked well to tbo needs of our Notion and Fancy Goods DeDuttment In selecting tlio stock for this season, aside from the staple articles in daily use we have made special efforts to secure little novelties, that aio always useful as well as ornamental. UOSIKItY, UNDEKW1SAU AND UI.0VKS The best selections and popular styles prevail in this department, as the scope of choice is large. Wo of course carry all grade of goods, which are sold ou their merits. We lead the trade In these lines, because we sell the Host Goods at the most liberal prices. COllSKTS, andMUSUX UNDEUWK Alt This department Is fully up to the standard at all timeo. DKRSS GOODS, 11LACK UOOIW and hILKS-We are determined to make this department win, aud you cannot fail to he pleased with onr stock. The assort ment Is large and so varied In price as lo meet the purse ol all. FLANNELS, COMFOltTS und ULANKBTS This is a department that appeals to the necessliles, consequently o are showtnir. a stoiik that will delight every house keeper, by offering generous Inducements in prices for thoroughly first-class coods. LINENS and DOMESTICS -Our showing In this department of Staples will be appreciated by every shrewd buver, as we carry an immense assortment of everything pertaining lu tbe lines and are alwats up to tho times, qualities and prices combined. SECIONll FLOOli. t'AKI-KTS, UU OS and CUltTAINS- Our assortment In Nutiinghuin fui i al n. iMi.iioi ln cxrelli'i! in lifting and qualities for the very low price at which they an- off. ie l . iv Fall putii uis iu Jifoquett and Extra Fine Smyrna Itugs at litflu puivo Vou i I h ivi- ! tue our carpels U get any sort of an Idea of viliat w carry Ni n fit, 1 1- in iv .a, i r ioi uis, embracing all makes anu quau lU'i .inil ulwajs Hi bu vii'i. TUK ASM S cunuiu - mri i .10. i y 1 . iiiuiout, which has no equal In this sec tion. Choice stocks ol uvoijthiua that Is necessary lo make it first-class has been carefully looked after. A trial order will convince Juu that wc are leaders in this line. As to qualities ami ptices, tin y an' alwavs right BROADAVAY, Mauoh Ohunk, Fa, Go A..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers