ORIGIN A1j CHEAP CASH STORE SPICILY TOLD. IN A FEW WORDS. The Now of n 1-tvoly Town Told In Tew Worils bv Hustling lieportrr. - Friday evening Inst Mrs. Cftthariiv Each, of Bankway, sulTord! a stroko o f nTTurvoWABTl 1 paralysis. She had been tecliiu? well Mfi"""' ill da Queens ware Wo opened this week nil day but complainod lale mine tllO evening, and just before retiring was I . . .11 1 1 .. I .l Tl, ,..!, tlIH Largest Assortment ol ijueons- wook Bho lia8 oonsidernbly improved .ii . .,,. ,! nr nnd It is tho hope of many friends that ware that was over open eii oi will soon recover. Mrs. Esoh is nlintvn in this rouiltv. ndvancod in years and is tho widow of SllOWn in Ullb wuiuj. ii,alD niutnmMi. for maiiv vonrs TU- fr.llnw.no- nvn a low 01 proprietor or uto wou-unowa vnney uouso. the many New Sets at tno ex tremely low prices : 49 Pleco Sots of Bost White Granito at t -i 4 Bi.yX. I - r-ti T- 70 Piece Set of Best White Granito at 00 87.11. rhlladolphla, dollvored thochargoto 80 Piece Sots of Best Whito Granito at tho pastor, and Kev. J. II. Kudor, of Last Sunday, Juno 28, 1801, Kev. Charles D. Clauss, olio of Lehighton's sons, was formally installed its pastor of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Rov. I. A, llim - Trlnitv nhurch this oltv. tho chartro to IBaThoso goods aro warranteu nor, to tlio congregation, xuo norni cieeora- crazo. tlons on tho occasion wore very beauti- 10 Ploco Docoratod Toilet Sots at only ful. J2.05. Tho many friends of Miss Cora J3?The samo aro selling olsowhoro at Rhoads, of Noffsville, Lohigh county, $3.25 and considered choap. a Vory ostimablo young lady, who como "We have a lew of the low years ago taught ono of of our primary T:it- Qofo .;tl, alnr mils schools, is n complete invalid and vory ipnec Toilet bets with slop pans, soldom'loovosuof homo-hor lower ox- .also some very fine Decorated tromotios boing paralyzed. This will n i i. o ...: 1 1. oUn nnila bo sad news to many old friends who Toilet Sets With Slop pails. romomu0r Miss Rhoads with tho kind- 5nmP nsnver we are head- t feelings of friendship. fcame a" ever we are ni.au WUgon Dwiuart has about com- quartcrs for the best malccs oi lotod nn lnvontlon tuot suouid mako Silverware. We aro snowing him a WOalthy man. Itisanautomatio rl nnvv nnl.trrna with rich motive attachment for sewincmachinos, , . 1 and tho model exhibited to tho editor uiiusuis. of this rmpor, workB liko a charm Annlication has boon made for a patent. Mr. Douhart has had several oiforsfor this wondorful llttlo piece of mechanism. Wo statod last wook that L. M, ThoParhnn AHunpatP Beldlor had boon an applicant for tho I IIW ' LA I NSWII I i v v w v fl ,,l,,il J. T. rrUSBAUM, r list Ntrei't, between South and Plum Streets, Lolilitliton. Pa. SATURDAY, JUYL 4, 1891. A GOOD SOLUIKU 111!. The Excellent Kecord of Moses ltelirlc In the I.ate War. A Bravo Soulier ond n Heroic Sufferer. For every emergency God provides. Tho echo of tho first gun shot had scarcoly died oro tho North roso al most in solid phalanx ready to offor t.linmsalves for tho preservation of a tatton so mucn to jwinnt.rv that had " " . , i r . . it I laiiliDU Xltil UklUbll 1U1 buu dui establish. xno men iobu' ; candios. lomonado and ice cream, crrnnt war of tho Revolution left be hind a love of country, a purity of patriotism that had boon engrafted Into tho generation that followed and which lives to day in tho hearts of overy loyal American from Mainoto Callfornia-and from tho Atlantic to the Grammar BchooJ. Wo erred. Mr. Beidler writos us that ho would not oxchango his prosont oongenial and luorativo position with tno JJryn Mawr Ico Company for that of teach- in?. Ho also holds an oxcollont test! monial from tho Lohighton school board. Tho festival undor tho auspicos of Washington Camp, Gil, P. O. S. of A., in Gabel's Hall is now in full blast. Tho interior of tho hall is beautifully decorated with bunting an d nicely ar ranged with booths for tho safe of Tell the Story or The i Week In and Abont A Lively Writer Happenings of Old Carbon. - George Sacherer, of Faekorton, whh employed in the repair of a brakr- chain on a coal car in tho Packet-ton ynrd, Wednesday morning, whon his loft arm was crushed from Hie hand to tho elbow. With his right band bo was repairing tho chain, while he usod his left for support, having his hand on the bumpers, whon a Kliiftin' mpine backed against tho cars with tho roitilt stated. Sacherer is in tit. Luke's Hospital, Bethlohem. It will bo well for merchants to ro iflombor that unless they take out a moronnlllo Uoonse during the month of Juno, they will bo required to pay two dollars per month or 921 for the whole year. Tho bounty Treasurer is rotjulred to bring milt against persons who do not lift tholr mercantile license by July 1st. --Julius Kngleman wants a race with any man in Carbon, Luisorne, Colum bia or Schuylkill counties. The dis tance to be a half mile, and tho purse 9250or300. Hero is a chanco for tho sprinters of theso four counties, and also a good chance for Eugleman's backers to loose money on him. Tho othor day In Franklin there was nn oxhibitlon of binding machinos. Wm. Rober had tho Wldoly binder; Aaron Snydor tho Doering; J. L.Gabol tho Buckoyo nnd a man namod Boyor tho Adrian. Rebor won tho contest. Tho champion word thus far coined, looKlngat it longitudinally or horizon THK nl.OltlOUS FOURTH. It will lr ratriotlrallT tlbnerred In till, lownbv All Oar People. Tlio weather being favorable on tho irifttt and irlorious Fourth of July LeliiKhton will have a grand gala day, under tho auspices of Washington C'ainp. 541, P. O. 8. of A., who have been making arrangements for some months past lor tlio irrand colouration On tho day in question nil the business places, private residences, Ac, should be handsomely decorated with the national colors and the town wear Its patriotic clothes from ono ond to tho other. The committee havo arranged tno following order of parauo: Chief Marshal and Assistants. (1. A. It., Drum Corps, John 1). Jimolelte l'ost, 484. (I. A. It. (Inauen llutten Castle, 310, K. O. li tlnadcn llutten 1-oilge, MO, I. O. O. I'. Lehigh Council, 101, ,lr. U. U. A. M. Unk Oiovo Council, 307, Jr. O. U. A. M. .'oltitnbusCoiincll, Jr. O. U. A. M. MontzvlUe Cornet Jlantl. Washington Cnnit), 41 V. 0. 8. of A. Washington Oftmp, 407, r. O. S. or A. Washington CnniD, all, 1'. 0. H. or A. Washlncton Canip. 47, v. O. B. uf A. WRShliijtton Oani, III. 1". O. B. ol A. flllllport Cornet Itsml. WashriiRton Camp, aoe, 1'. U. S. of A. WashlnEton Oamp, 1M, 1. O. H. oi A. Arlon Cornet nancl. Washington Camp, 611. 1'. 0. 8, of A. folio roco Tribe. 171. lmn.. O. It. M. Carrlasea with llurveea. mmberi of Omihcil nnd speakero. FROM MAUCH CHUNK. PliurtiK ON Til 12 ao. Vlash Pictures of Familiar races Coming and floing. Miss Acrdo llnuk. of town, and Miss Annlo Kslin.'of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Thos. Arnor. of Franklin, eniovod tally, is doubtless quiuolinoparamot- h,9 lsln8 oxercisos of tho Millors honylbouzenylazo.imoparacb.rboxyllck o ptato Normal School this week, aoid. Ask for it at our apothocarlos. i'rlor to roturning Miss Hauk visited -Levi Frovman. of Nis Hollow, was "urg wnero sno lias menus. driving a mowing maohino Monday, Harry, Harloman and Charlos when the horses run away and Mr. Mortis wont as far as Buffalo, N. Y this Feyman was thrown under tho machine. weoK wuoro tuey met uort uurllng, who Ho was badly injurod, but will rocovor. was on "is return from Ohio, af tor J. W. Maloy. of Lansford. has been Y"," appointed a Trustoo of tho Miners' V" r u 1110 mml uown lu" Hospital at this place, to fill tho va- v , , , , cancy causod by tho death of tho lato William Censor, n student in S. H. Hollingor. TJrslnus College, Collegovlllo. is homo m, n -. . . . 1 mi Lull witrm Niiiiiiiif'r innuT.il iiiti. Tnos.uorwaru.01 i'acKorton, lost tT wmi iHT Tr. i , intnm.finn ., ,in..!,i.. J maly William will bo aRoformod . i,astor. Wo wish liim by death Sunday. mane at uig ureon, Interment was pastor. Wo wish him suocoss. Mayor Bon Kuntz. J. W. Raudeiv bush, M. II, Hunsickor, Thos. Sell, -Jacob Peters, of Parrjille, has a B"' "sl us- cherry treo in his orchard which li iwL iSnAJi? Lohigh county on Sunday. yioiuou seven this season, bushols and 12 quarts J. E. Kern, of tho Jeanosvillo store. hSJ?: united in marriago this week. and old frlonda w(Jr0 ploased to ioarrJ Tho Jeanosvillo Machine Shops aro of his prosperity to bo enlarged. ,,, T.., Knln nnn nf w,,lf -Woathorly Methodists will build a Haven's estimable young ladies, was at all possible you should find time to visit tho hall and help the boys along. Tho proposed meeting of tho mom- bors of tho Lohigh Coal & Hardware Company on last Friday for tho pur poso of organizing tho prosont firm parsonage. Pacific, and in all tho by-ways that fato a stock company did not material span tho space in tho curltous route. iz0 owinir to tho absonco of Mr. Borlin, Thus It was that when tho porpotuity The Lohigh Hardwaro Company is ono of tho United Statos was throatenod by oi tho most successful businoasvhouses the southoran secessionists anu an m this town or valley. attompt maao to osmou a Kovern- -Lohighton has. without quostfi mentof their own inatino youngest butchor In the Lohigh 10 tuo wswuiub "i" , "rV tXri.,t Valloy, possibly tho state. Tho young body, and with President Lincoln's follo fg R gn of butobor Cuarie? earnest appoiu, uuum mDuiomtua iu fight out the battles and undergo tho hardships and sufferings that tho SUMMIT HILL. Eddio Boylo this weok bought tho uoublo block or houses in this town uo longing to tho old John Davis estate. A real estate sale this week was tho Morgan property which was sold to John Mow onus for SSUO Banks Township Teachers. Tho school directors of Banks town ship mot on Saturday ovoninc nnd an- Jtyjitoa teacnors lor tho ensuing year. oxceoting two vacancies which resulted in a tie voto. The following aro tho oniovinc a pleasant soiourn with Thomas Stockor and family, on First street this week. Bert Durlinir. who for ton months past was a studont in Oberlin College, Oborlin, Ohio, Is homo for a two months vacation. Bert is looking quito woll. L. S. Houser. wlfo nnd dauchtor. of First stroot, attended tho commence ment exercises of tho Bothlohom High School, on last Monday ovonlng. Miss Eleanor Jonninrrs. of Wllkos- barro, and Miss Ella Groason, of Brooklyn, aro guests at the Ebbort residonco on North stroot. Mrs. J. W. Raudonbush and little Frank woro visitors at tho homo of Mrs. Alox Bowman, Allentown, this Kipp and lives with his fathor in tho teacners appointou ana tno salaries to on.ifl, nnrl lTn la nrrnii 17 Vfinrn nnrl U0 PttlU thCmi has a routo in town and surroundings SI,Audonrlod-Ml-J- Mulhall, principal, wcoi or which many an older ono might do wu,. Lehightou was favored with a visit justly prouu. "x::.r-"m"'"rj Saturday from D. G. McLaud. of crand old stars.and stripos might con- nt .,Mr,h , nn niri. nlln mirrht. ho 805 por month: A primary, Maggie Mo- UllllU LW " " territory of the then threatened union. In tho history of the civil war no state has and considered. the number of soldiers furnished, for Two familiar peoplo In town Mon- the number of soldiers lurnisnoa, ior "i" "TJ I'll ' ':?," v :ifXr Tresckow Janies S. Boyle, principal, and w. W. Uowman, of Slatiugton, bravery, for patient suuorings, T""'"g"rwarm Broslln, MOM -Mrs. Conrad Walters, ofEaston, fortltudo in aU the trials consequent fhlspaporo S(1n.v vnrv nlcoinntlv with' i i . i Xl.-i. J- .li.t-, in I 1H1. WINIII1H IiriLIIIlUIlV 111 1,11 1 M. I -r ' ' n n i 'i tr . ; " V X " IAJ LUU UIUUU ttl w m i 0 eUHUaVlllU JTULI J.U110V. IJIlIlUl I IHT$L WtTl. ISIT.IOr. OTl I Inn I Rt.rfttt. 1 . T .1 nnrvn nt 1 1 of rtTT T Alir T-l Tir f ...t . 1 I i i . 1 ri-Vi. I . A.,tn KT..111 Oin I ' own numuio vrny wo wm uuu Kisuors Uappio trray - - . 1. n rtP lMi. enmn nf i 11 rauuui mo otuijr u ngo, nas successmuy penormou mo euu; luiuriuuuiuiu, oaniu num. p n Millar nv, Rn,ilnrr iman wlinm vn Itnnw foucht and I nQran tn rv,,nr,i krimnra fSnoln tufinlnn RIO i . luiiiBr o or Duuuuy. suffered and suffer still, broken in spoken of as "norvinc" on tho animal. Beaver Meadow Principal, undo- L Prof. F. J. Stottler and wife, of health, crippled and deformed, tuat Hndav the horse wns nxerelsed nnd ho elded. Diroctors Weir. Kooimn and t lj9"hon, lormeriy OI town, will Visit tho United States might romoin m ctves ovorp nromiso of boinir thorour-h- Monachan votins for J. M. Stauffor. irionus in iNew uampsmer. tact. Tho first person to form tho sub- hy cured of lameness, &o. and Mulligan, Gallnghor, and Ferrj', Prof. J. M. Roberts nnd wife, of Tlrinkmnn Broi . will Inv n flnir ior rntricK uoyio; a primary, Mary isetnienem, called on mauy iiOhlghton stono pavoment alone tholr property "rady, WO; u primary, busie Lolo, SMU; on Iron and Fourth streets, and somo- primary, uolla U' uonnell, wu. timnln thn fntilrA IhAV nun ijit.OTliI tn 1,1,11,1 11, h,,co. p thn mnlAm Elected to a Political and Social Science Vliifl wlilnh ihnv will fit. ,in will, nil tin- Wall. provoments and rent to cood tenants. Hon. W. M. Rapsher, of Mauch The ConnlT CnpDnl Spiritedly Kpltmnlsed by a Special Correspondent Personal and Otherwise. Tho c.ommenrement exercises of tho , Mauch Chunk High School on Tuesday evening was a very Interesting event in our looal history. A class of eight graduates Emily Sensluger, uouert Hlgman, Mary Kel&er, Eva Collins, Joseph Fngn, Charles Culvor, Arabella Harris and Annlo Kolley, ro olted an interesting program, Prof. James Bevan. nrlnolnal nf the schools Is to bo congratulated on tho succoss of tno 010.88. Miss Luoy L. Bretz and William Dean woro happily mado ono In St. John's Cliapol, across tho river, Thurs day ovoning, by Rov. M. A. Tolman, In tho prosonco of close frlonds of tho contracting parties. Mrs. II. E. Paokor, Mrs. Dr. J. 8. Wonts:, and tlio lnttors throo sons sailed Saturday on tho steamor "Umbria" from Now York for Europe Wo wish thorn bon voyago. Noll Miller, of Allontown, and Miss Sophia Stritmattor, of this city, woro marriod Thursday, Rov. Lindon struth officiating. The Rauch's securod tho job to Srint-tho now registry books from tho ounty Commissioners. AN MNaiNK EXPLOU1SS. ject of those sketches is M03E3 KEimia. Efery man nnd boy In Ichlghton nnu the community ourroundlni; nnd cveryold soldier In the Lehigh Valley, knws Moses Kehrlg,Uut few or the former know the trials and sufferlliBS which he endured with patient roitltndo while n soldier In tho late civil war. On the 25th a: of June. In the year of our lord 1801, Just years ago. he enlisted In Company 15., Iteslment, 88, Captlaned by L. F. Chapman and Gen. W. Qearv in clwrKe. The regiment numbered nearly or quite lCCOand was soon afterwards I twolvo persons woro present. dlrlded into the 28th and HT-Col. Ario Pardee Lost, near tho tolephono shanty, 25 commandlnRtho 117. rrlvato Itehrlg rollowcd cents and n doublo penny by John A. destiny of the 28th doing guard duty on the Peter. Liberal roward will be paid to Maryland side or the rotanilc Hirer between the finder. John tolophoned his loss -,, i - , i .1 i i .i -Tho directors of our public schools .V"""."""?. .u"u", "" .U'S" " will nasnml.ln In mnntln r,.,vt Mnnrlnv "Vi ui i""UJ'" " i "- oveninK for tho purpose "of electing r.?ia . . rmtt -,tS- tirwiilo promoting tho political and social friends this wook, Miss Ella Hoberllnir. of Philadel phia, is enjoying a pleasant sojourn at homo. Tho genial Jonathan Kistler circled among old friends in Reading Mon day. Miss Mamio Gomerr. of north First street, is visiting Eoston friends. Mrs. Gcorco B. M. Stockor. of Easton, is visiting relatives in town, Four Men Horribly Mnnsted bythe Boiler of Central lihifrlne 235 Exploding, Botwoon 11 and 12 o'clock Monday night tho boiler of cnglno 235 oxploded while tho engines was standing opposito the coal schutos in the Jersey Contral yard at Coalport Tho oxplosion oc curred without tho slightost warning and tho enginoor, llroman and two brakoman wero sent into eternity horribly mangled. They worec Albert Tripp, John Brobst, John Gallngor and William Smith. Tho ongiho was ono of tho old Cook pattorn and had boon in almost continuous sorvico sinco 1807. Whon an Advocate reprosontativo visited tho scono tho following morn ing thero was not much remaining of tho oxplosion to show what awful death work had been dono, but enough to show with what torrifDo forco tho fragmouts of tho exploded engine woro scattered. Sovoral tolegraph polos wore cut as through by n knifo, and tho wires wero scattorod in all direc tions. Largo pieces of boiler iron woro found several hundred foot away, and treos in tho woods on tho sldo of the mountain woro torn as if by a tornado. What was intact of tho locomotive had been pulled into tho round house and thero was little of it to show that it was once a powerful pioco of mach inery. John Gallagher, brukeman, 20 yoars old, was not on tho engino but had gone Up from tho switch to give tlio engineer somo information con corning tho shifting of coal. His head less body was taken out of tho rivor sovoral rods from tho shoro by Super intendent Twining early Wednosday morning. Tho body of Alfred Trip, agod 30, who loaves a wife and four children was picked up in fragmonts against tho mountain side after having ploughed its way through the trees and shrubbery, Trip had lost a leg by bo ing run ovor by an engine sovoral yoars ago. John Brobst, CO years of age loaves a 'wife and sovoral grown up childron. Wm. "Smith, 20 yoars old, was a son of an onginoor on tho Lehigh Valloy" Railroad. They all lived in Mauch Chunk and vicinity. District Attorney Fisher immediately com menced investigation as to the cause, Ac., of tho oxplosion,and acting coroner Boylo ompanollod tho following jury: John O'Brian, Herman Stolo, Ed Kolley, Joseph Smith, Georgo Rox and J. F. Broslin. Encino No. 235. which exploded, has been running night and day for years, and is said to havo been in bad shape lor somo time. It Is also stated that engineer Tripp made frequent com plaints about its unsafo condition. This is a matter of tho greatest concern to tho omployeos of tho railroad and peoplo at largo, and If it is shown that the officials wero cognizant of tho fact that tho locomotive was unfit for sor vico, they will bo placed in on unenvi able position, and may probably havo lu uiipear m n criminal prosecution. sciencos, and that tho first list of mem bers now includes tho names of nearly all tho prominont thinkers and writers on Political, Economic and Social SECRET SOCIETY GOSSIP. VVTho followinc nowelv elected of ficers of Gnadcn Hutten Castlo, 310, , - , ... , . . . - - 5 " lull x uuiitxii, uwuuujiu uiiu uuuui TV. . . , I: . ' . ' ' Harper's Ferry ond rolnt of Kocks. In tho from Mnhoning yard, but tho boys tonics in tho United Statos and Canada. K- G- E- wil1 ho installed by District vuriy opting ui ui iu HB". uuuiu uui, uuu liiu uuuuiu. and many In x.uropo. M. C JJaUyl v , iuuiiuiuut, ur,t nnu river into Virginia niter wnicn tuenm rem jmoa Th-obst. of Ashflold. who Timos. June. 20 1801. stall on veanesuay evening, July Hth: lighting commepced w tu the notea wosuy lgM ono of our schools last term, uuurmiHs miuusn uio nuW..w v wilj bo a capdidato for ro'Clection, I.ondpnVallf5s. While charKlng over a fence jom all accounts Mr. Brobst gavo on the town ot Mlddleburg ho km seriously comploto satisfaction, and accordingly injured and soon after was promoted to 4th 8n0Um 00 ro-olectod. sergeant and honorably discharged on surgeon's Tosonh Obort on Mondov shinned certlllcato oi disability while at Duufrles. Va. 10ObarOls m OM Kds oCffi lr m.v .Mm a .trance coincidence, but Tllvate 1W OOrrolS, or jy.UUU POUUCIS OI meal to " v . . mifiMmiipB. 'rnis 18 run nicrcrnRr, snin. RAILROAD OOSSIP. Past Chlof , Thomas S wartz; noblo chief, uustas ivunow; vice cmoi, John Soidol; high priost, Charles Kipp; von- erauio ucrmit, uoorgo schnellojKeopor of oxchequor, Samuol Seller; clerk of exchequer, C. T. Hagordorn; mastor of tThe larcost compound onttino over uutit at tno ijonign vauoy snopstiazio t 1-1,1.... i iuu, ua luunuouju muaj, uuix is nun oxcuequor, u. x. iiagoraorn; mastor or ready to bo shippod to tho Lehigh rocords, Houry W. Holtor; sir herald, "Valloy Company's mino at York Farm, p. p. Hoil: worthy bard, Georgo Enzian: Schuylkill county, its weight is iuu, worthy chamborlain, Chas. Schaolfor; i. ti,t 1. 1- ;u cuoitju, xjuiLio, usuuire, oamuei DUU"3 uu""" i'1' od cost to the company is tuiiu. it Graver: flrf,t cuardsmnn. A. 1 Tnlv has powor to rniso water 450 foot per- socond guardsman, A. J. Litzonborcor: .1. .1..,. hi. .tihr.,i.A.. .. A.t nA auy Uiucr illtusu Ilia Itiutuuiucas auu ftuw vvii- I Jn- qprovemenU to his properties in that fork into Wow England via thol'ougli- Relohard; inside sentinel, Wm. Koons; ace, io ' , , " ouiiuesouunoi,imiioniiauK;trusteos, lie Advocate is glad to noto that "' tnirT c dosopn iionnet and uwen Kohrig; ford, or illrmingliam, Alabama, OnMarehS5.ie,Mr.neUrlgro-cnllstedi bo-1 ueorgo isoyer, pi juaucu uuunK, pontncuiar, anu wm m a coupio oi trustees, A. J. Lltzonborgor, II. W. ing In Tennessee, he cnteredtho servlcoasad' "."y""" "w,uu"' mmwu iut w piu m mil um u iui uonor, ueorgo ACKornouse, jutanfs clerk to Oapt. Wellington Jones. Com- moio ior tins town, ii , wm no uouut, rarm mmo, wmu w umy u ibw niuos M Ul0 rogmar racotlnB 0f -TUgh i,myO,HS)li, Irish Brigade, then In command "u," i ti,i l.i.cio ,, ,i "" Council No. 101, Jr. O. U. A. M., next r i ). Uulholl&nq. For we l)wt lew moiiinsni """' . " " . Tlmrsday tlio following nowoly elected u.anndeMiaiied dutv. roiioinir which he went liivorroodv hlros teams ot David rrno dorsoy uontrai itauroau mana- nlllnnrs w 11 lm instnlln,!- Pntt ni,. (nrecitotherront WhenGeneralOrantmoTed Ebbort, tho North street llvoryniau, gers havo on foot a project to build a clllor, I. Sehoch; Councillor. Elmer ou rci. inburg, Itchris saw. elshteen days or when tlioy want to enjoy tho pleasure railroad from KowarK along tho wost Kemaley;vico councillor, WmSchalfor; mtinuous aud hard flrttini: and partlcliated oi a nuo turougn our vaiioys. uo tuoro unoro itaurotui, on tno wost panic pi recording secretary. Joseph N. Bennett: intnreertesperaUK'uarges on the lorUfloatlons and do llkowlse, the Hudson Itiver, to I'oughKoepsie. assistant recording secretary, lYnnk la one day. Tho history of the Irish Brigade Is Dr. F. I. Smith, our woll-known The object of tho Contral people in Acker; financial secretary, Harvey a goounue, the boys knew not what fear meant dentist, will bo absent at Groat Bond, making this oxtentlon is to got an out- O. Koons; troasuror, Henry Nicholas; ami were always wnero tho flghtins was me ja., all ot noxt wook, suporintonaing !VV ul. v"u s i. oonuuetor, xm. j, ivuntz; waruon, Kd, uiii kent ani aanger tne most desperado,. reney, now pi weaTDeiry, wm aiw li faioeusinsli BriRude. In this i Mi Relink received n shell wound 1H1 , ni.l HUnMl day he also carries a robel ball " ii" HtuneleB. Oitue and day of-JOne, iee n M,(iutatr his re-enlistment, thnlilsli i.iiuUo was led Into ambush near Williams' i arm, on tho Orange mid Alexaudrla Railway, io rioutol Petersburg, and the entire brigade ws cither killed, wounded or taken prisoners. lifth,' latter, Mr. Itehrlg was one. llewaslu I, ,v l'rimti ,nr nimnt tivn wml-b d,,u i,a ..... i i! wlUi many others, taken to thr fatal Bell ml. Sometime later the prisoners were -M otted by railway In box ears from Bell i io Andersonvllle, as many as nluety to treq oeuptng a sinsle oar, with the i lat every day of the eighteen days which a touii tu make the Journey, saw the death of some poor fellow who hail heroically Uarodthe fates or war a bitter carnage. It Is bejoud the pnwerotpen to tell the sudertnRs entailed on llil.lMirn.v nft.n ullhiuil furi it....... ... , Inir. packed closely together In almost air tight cars on a long Journey through Southern swamps with the hot sun or summer pouilng down on tne cars as they siied on awl ou, each revolution nf the wheels taking the prlsouers farther and farther away from hope and life. Wo must leave it to the Imagination la paint a picture strong enough to show what they must have endured. But the sufferings on tha fah'ful ride passonger trallio, representative to 6tato council session Jit Is reported that the Lehigh valley at unlontown lu Koptembor, George uoal uompany will open yards m tho w . Mortuimer. large toVns along the line nnd go into The offioers of the Grand Castlo tno uusmenH oi retailing ooai. ne nU(i chairmon of tho various Commit- formation of the btandard l'-uel Com- tees held an enthusiastic meeting on pany In Philadelphia lends color to juuo 27th to perfect arrancoments to this statement, iho incorporators of erect a K. G. E. hall in Phila, Sub this ooncorn are all Lehigh Valloy men, Commltteos wero appointed to procure iAnot Jir naw viar passenger en- information irom arcniteots and others, cine is ualtuf unlit at tne Liehlgh Valley it is proposed to ereot a uuildinc. cost shops IImbwuI U Is nenring the ing not lees than SSO.OOO, suitable for point of completion, and will be ready the Grand Castlo olllcori. sossion.com for the road tho latter part of July at mlttee and banqueting rooms. Tho the least, It Is not yet numbered or prevailing sentiment Is in favor of named, issuing 60,000 shares of stock at 91.00 tThe Fullorton car works havo turn- oaoii. ed out up to date 105 of the box oars Charles Goth, of Welssport, is tho Who" S(iroported quito soriously 111 a er tfp& nS. la - K. again, The members of Trinity Lutheran and Zlou's Reformed Sunday schools will, somotimo in the near futuro, pio- nio on Ualypso isiauu, uotuiouom. Buvors havo tho larcost stook to itelect from in tho lino of wall paper, orders and decorations when they go to Owen Rehrig's on Hecond street. Tho stock holders of the Lohigh ton Water Company will meot in iGabel's Hall ou Monday ovonlng, 13th Unstant to olect new directors. Charles Hauk, who graduated from IMtllnrsvillo this weok was no npnlloant U ' . , 7. , i OU UUk UU 1U UUIV 1W 111 UUA WIO ft 1UUU4TO WU1U, Ul H UlOf UVt I, ID iUV J for tho Grammar school In this town as 0f the big order given them by the Deputy Saohem. of the Imp, O. of R. Lehgh Valley Railroad, were nothing compared to uhst they had yet to starved, f eurrently reported. - Martin Lonard, of town, is able to jPennsylvania railroad company em uniuuutumi iii i i .i l l t pieys uo,uuu men, UIVUl 1 1 L 11 u UtlUlJ 111 J 111 jlDUIll appendage. Unlttlnc Paetory nt Kmaus. or bale A urst-ciass mowing Now at last Kmaus is to havo a inachlno in good condition. See B."K. hosiery faotory. The capital has been vmton, iehigniou, ior price, so. piaoed at ir,wu, in shares or you each. endure in the prison at AnUPrsouvllle. Georgia, t v, here thousands and thoosands oi poor fellowi! aud without hope fell aud died, far I irom nonie. iar irom inenas ana aiu. siunv n hero was dumped Into the nit vtUhjeerfug oarseuess. there was no display or pomu, no t .dlev nf artillery to nrnclatm the deatli os koihh . noble fellow, but everv day was funeral day audi , l,n i,ltf!lA1 Ilia llnnrf ln.tlu Hn.l.a anH.,,, bi-youd recognition with intense sugerinss were under ground 'he better. It WMlld take too in ich siKtre'to tell ot the lite In that prison pen, l.'t it sulTlee that not one ray of aoiht but misery, dark aud drear was with thost, who nllcd the vertlble ln-11 ou earth. Here soldier Ki'inut wasaprisouerunuivIUiln a few days of the close ol the war almost one vear. Krm A strong, hearty robust mau, full ol life, couruK und vuror weliblng almost two pouuds h wiw seduoeq to a tall. Ruaut skeleton of lets tbiui l-'u Douuqs, oroKen in nesiiu aua fun ot ditea,e. iiv was released lust tn turn, to hi- saved from MIowtng those who ha 1 , uvi r the great Soldier Itehrlg was born In Emrum l.ran nillfi, vvuuij, iu 1WPO, DUU O I lilt r in iut moiiiii oi Charles Seifert Is handsomely 1m- Mr. Thompson, of Schuylkill Haven, has rmblio Interest . . . , , . . . i . i .i 1 1. ii. i.nn i.n.i i proving his tjoutii street resiuence uy unjuuii"" 'u" wuiimu,. uu uw the addition of a French roof. large experience In the business, having .Hnnrllnn nniiila nil bl.wlu In I Startl greatest variety and at lowest prices at jAieicenuacn s, luuucn utii)UK, M.. in this district. Charley Is one of the hustling members of Poho Poco Trlue, of tho buovo town LehlHh Counoll No. 101, elected five new members and received seven propositions at their last meoting. .Seoretarles of secret societies will favor the editor by sending Itonis of ou this papor. i;ib day , eptloll of tne motltll 01 February. lived lu this county roiitlnuusly with tin He I. feu year in the went uiul w iLhueiit to war lie mi reu-iilin.fi portion of luriner vigor tnoutfU en ai umes. ne la fir he still n liritulrlle Post, , 11. A II. oltowi staited live kulttimr mllU. all of whioh BUteen.rs- Annual neunion are doing well. Ite agrees to act as The Eleventh Annual Reunion of the BBnt for the Sale of all the mill oau Graduates of the d liferent Soldiers' molra A Imtlrlinrv liaa n 1 md .1 it Iiha.i I rS fnli n n t RilinAlc uilll 4 irc nlnna nt Florian Sella and famllv will leave I on,..X,i ti,n ovnuioiinT,. ra ti,t I Di.n.ir. tu in.i ia in 'vi iant . , . - rr .. . . , ... 1, I V ... ' I ,.jr',..,l ""H. -t --t. ' oniuruuj iuivjiwkiiu, wuwb " n start will Ue made with ou or ou These reunions are very onjovanie at future thev will reside. i....io n.n.t I i.u o iimi tn,, A wtti. - 1 UM11U. I'Ullllll U b, ( lall.I I.Ul. 11. U .WDHW 1V1HI11U W " V delight ny mxteeners, uotn maie ana proving me interior oi tne vanayi mu wuuoin i leiuaie, ail over tne tstate. xue uu- Uouse sample room, u,e the Averill Paint, and paint hi t oncv, ferent committees are hard at work Full line of Incraln and Brussel "' a i"0"- ' use soiiiciniiiK "Baia to ue and nave mapped our a very enioyauie carpets at Henry SohwarU's. f tfutTs the rESL' it U' thl- T,.lmi;;.,neV. no programme, uaviug eniisiea uie ser otner nas so nruu.im a m"-. u ii rni'iipvi thau ruiv oIIut at any inkM. he aiit.e It mu wears all otherd. It lastt-u 20 Murh on t lu lioui-otli 11, rmlll-4. Inrlli M. 1. N 11 , la ,-ari on linUM-sof W K. lt- noiiN, t 'inton l-ikf. K. .( 11 year, on house, oi Mis. K. Cole, Ml. Vernon, N. Y. Avertll Paint has been lu n Si tears and Is guaranteed. If you are urged to uy other paints demand proof of thfli durabll Ity. The question Isuot "what I. the first iotv" but, "llou lonj; will it hut?'' Beautiful sample i-aulof tashlonablt' tints lit'i' I.Kllli.ll I'uAl 6. 11. HUM AlteCo.. IJCIIIiiUIIIN For the best makes ot Dloveles eo to E. G. Zero, Lehlghton. Base Balls at Luokeobaoh's, Mauch Chunk. If Fire wood I Firewood 1 you need ure-wooo, leave your orders ut this otlloe for H. J. Dimzer, if B a Pi' Kuu. vices of the U. A. R. Posts, the Veteran Legion, Sons of Veterans' Camps, and sume of the prominent oltlaens of the t'ity of Reading. Th,ey expect to make this reunion the grandest of them all. Fall information can be had of Jacob A. (iranim. Box 517. Harrisburii. Pa. or of the Local Committee, Isaac W Hull, ChaiiiiiuD, -ill Oley Street Read Inn, IJu. HASIS 1IAI.1. GOSSIP. Since tho oncninir of tho base baU season Catasauqua havo beon puffing and blowing about tho strength of their club, tho grand achievements they would accomplish and how oasily they could and would lascorato Lo highton whon nn opportunity offered itself. Last Saturday tho rivals of tho diamond mot on tho grounds at .Cata sauqua and, lo, tho result: ljolilgnton 5. Catasauqua i. Thoro Is no ocho from tho iron town, all is still as tho gravo, tho bag of wind who was doing tho scriuming ror tno untie is silent as a statue. Wo give tho scoro by innings: 123450780 Catasauqua 1 0001010 1-i Lehighton 101003000-5 Pnsmnl nun T siit nil nn 1 Tntn hat-A hit, Wilson. SacriOco hits, Samuels, Malono, Bush, Bartholomew, Wilson. Bases on balls, Catasauqna 5. Struck out, Catasauqua 8, Lehighton 8. Loft on bases. Catasauqua 10. Lchichton 1 Passod balls, Maroh 2, Gilbort 1, Wild pltchos, Gormley 1. Timo. 2.10. Um pires, tiwoency and Kelchard. Of all tho base ball f akos. the f omalo club is certainly entitled to the cake. They played tho Woissport Grays, Wednosday, scoro, 12 to 11 for tho dear girls. Tnoy only piay ono gamo in a town, which In part accounts for their existence They had their own umpire, an automatlo affair with a vcrdent knowlcdgo of base ball and a super abundance of stylo; ho only livos to savo funeral oxponsos.andtko ctrlstry to play ball because, ovidontly, thoy aro too tired to do anything elso. Tho dlbbandlnc of tho Drlfton Baso Ball Club must havo been broucht about by too ruuoh prosperity. Out of tho sovon games they played this sea son, they came off victorious in flvo. All xue piayors wno ueiong to tne ciud havo gone-to their respective homes excepting Martin O'Hara NJo has a good position in tho plumbingwipart mont of Coxo. Bros, & Co. Theasvcro a good club but prosperity was too much for them. Plain Speaker. Tho Oriental club, of town, and tho Welsspore nine played a very laughable came Saturday, ltesuit u to 12 in favor of tho home club. Tho features ot tho frame were Gomorv's pitching, Weston's suit, and the umpiring of NEWSY WSISSPORT. TneDolngearaldrelyTownllrleflr Chroni cled In Short Snip-Snnp Order by tlio Stroller nnd Chum." A boatman named Victor Flexor. 011 the Lehigh Coal t Navigation Co's., canal, was kicked lnjthe face by a mulo Monday morning at Hough's lock. Ills law bone was brokon and tin wna otherwise badly Injured. He was token to his home near Bowmanstown. This reminds us of tho old song: "If you don't want to be kicked into sovon toon hundred kinds of lightning, novor monkoy with the hind part of a mule." Botween tho Central railrond tracks and the canal for mauy years has been n noud of statrnatotl wntnr. With mniiv it has been tho contention that this was tho sourco of tho typhoid epidemic lu franklin a year or tnoro nco. Now. bo- fore wo aro allllctod In a similar wav. why not compol tho railroad company to drain tho pond. It should bo dono, and tho qulckor tho bettor. Forco this mattor. Children's day. nboautlful custom. now almost universal, was hannllv ob- sorvod by tho Luthoran and Roformod nnd tho Evangollcal Sunday schools on last aunuay. Tho interior or tho schools were handsomely decorated with floral ofiorings and excellent pro grams woro mtorostingiy recited. Tho collections woro largo. Noxt Mondnv evonlnir nounell will moot and lotus bono that thowator question will be discussod with ap proval by them. Wo havo no water supply, and consequently no protection in caso of flro. Lot us havo wator. Rov. Morcnn Potors. tho nowelv oloctcd pastor of tho Reformed conirro- gation wiU fill the pulpit at Sunday's services. Tho usual hours of commen cement. All are cordially invited" to bo present. -Mahlon Christmau and wifo. ac companied by Miss Mamlo Oswald, ono of Franklin's succossful lady teachers, is on a visit or a lew days to tno latter's parents at Hornolsvlllo, N. Y. Tho unexpected arrival of an orphan in a neighboring town, put ono or two of our sports on tho anxious bonch this wook. It is said that tholr norvousnoss has subsidod. Tho Evancelical Choral Sociotv have almost perfected tho preliminary arrangements for thoir first annual picnic In Franklin Park on tho 18th instant. Adam Small, of Monroo county, has not beon arrested for stealing a cushlonod seat from ono of my wagone, all report to the' contrary being false in overy particular. WM. XjEIkel, Franklin. For Sale A uico Houso and Lot in East Woissport, flvo minutes' walk from L & S Depot. Apply to O. J. Schmoyor, 13-4t J. A. PhilllnS. of Scranton. has leased Mrs. M. Culton's lower Whlto stroot property, and will tako possession. Josonh Rox nnd sons eniovod tho pleasuro of a trip to Hcldolberg tho sceno of Joo's boyhood last Sunday. Jowolor Curtis and family aro spending a delightful season with Ban gor friends. Weissport luxuriated in a conuino dog show this weok. A. D. Hawk and wifo spent Sunday in Monroo county. Teachers Examinations, Tho Carbon County Teachers' Examinations for 1891 will be held as follows 1 Furnaco School Houso ror Franklin TownshlD. Thursday, Aug, 0. uuasonuaio tor racKer rownsmp, Maturaay, Aug. 8. Hockport for Lehigh and Lausanno Twps. Monday, Aug. 10. Lehigh Tannery for Kidder Township, Wed nesday, Aug. 12. Ashilold for East I'cnn Township, Thursday, Aug. 20. Millport ror Lower Towamenslng Twp. Sat urday, Aug. 22. Fleasant Corner ror Mahoning Twp. Tuesday, Aug. 23. Sienilersvillo for Upper Towamenslng Twp. Thursday. Aug. 27. Stony Creek School Houso for renn Forest Township, Saturday, Aug. 29. LclilEhton, Special Kxamlnatlon Saturday, Sept. 10. All applicants must be examined In the District lu which they Intend to teach, unless written permission lo do otherwise bo granted by the Hoard of Plrectors desiring to employ sucn teacners. ivo ccriiucaie win ue granted to applicants under 17 years of use, nor to ap plicants who uavo not rouuo a careiui siuuy ui several of the best works on teaching. All ap plicants having a full ono (1) in any of the branches on last year's certlllcate need not be examined In such branches this vear. Itefer- enco as to character will be required of all ap plicants not Known to 1110 superimenuenc jji rectors are respectfully rcauested to bo nresent at the examinations. X. A. SNYDKU, CO. bupt Xanders. Rohrlc and Yenser. The club may play again if they can work up onougn enthusiasm ana nn umpire. The Catasauqua Base Ball Club re leased Kiernan, pitcher and Sattello, lleldor, and signed Cutler, the well known twirlor. The latter will pitch In tho gamo on Saturday afternoon. Klernan's arm is vet in vory bad con dition and it is probablo that ho will be unable to do any work in the box for 6ome time yet. Larksville will play hero on July 4. Morning name at 9.30 and aftornoon came at 3.15. A special train will run to Mauch Chunk alter tho afternoon game leaving Lehighton at 0 o'clock sham. Lukens, who plays with Jennosvillo, made a three bagger last Saturday. The pitcher must have been oil his cuard. Wilson is oertalnly a dandy. He made three out of the five runs at Cat asauqua on Saturday. The Paokerton club trounced Rick ertsville last Sunday mornlnc i to 21 Simons, who oaught for Lehighton, plays second has for Jeanosvillo. Gonnely will pitch one game for Lehishton on the 4th. Last Saturday Jeanesville did Ma hanov City 13 to 12. Jennings now plays third base for lymisville I "Catakauqua plays here on the 18th Switch-Pack Tlmo Tucle. Cars lcavo Switch-Hack Depot, Mauch Chunk' at t.3u, iu.iu anu ilct u. m.; l.w, tf.ir nndsssn.m. Cars leave Summit Hill at 9,10 nnd u.io a. m; 12.33, i.bu, 3.2U, 4.3d anu 0.10 J). 111. SUNDAY. ,enve Mauch Chunk nt 1.60 and 2.25 d. 111. Lcavo Summit Hill at 3.23 and 4.00 p. m. Hood's Sarsaparilia Is a peculiar medicine. It Is carefully prepared from Sarsaparilia, Pandellon, Mandrake, Dock, Flpslssewa, Juniper Perries, and other wtu known and valuablo vegetable remedies, by a. peculiar combln&Uon. proportion and process, giving to Hood's Sansparllla curaUre power not possessed by othor medicines. It effects remark able cares where otner preparauons x&u. Hood's Sarsaparilia Is the best blood purifier before the public. It eradicates every Impurity, and cures Scrotals, Salt Iiheum, polls, Flmples, all Unmors, Dys pepsia, Blllouineii, Sick Iteadache, Indlgeitlon, General Detuuty, uatarrn, uneomauim, iumj aud Liver Complaints, overcomes that tired feel ing, creates an appeUte, and builds uptbesystem. Hood's Sarsaparilia Has met peculiar and unparalleled success at home. Such has become Its popularity la Lowell, Mm., where It is made, that whole neighbor hoods are tsklng It at the same time. Lowell druggists sell more of nood's Barsspsrula than ot all other sartaparuuu or uiooa puiiucu. Sold by druggists. Jl slxforJ. Prepared only by L HOOD & CO., Apotnecanes, ixiwcu, juu. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar EASONABLE FOOTWEAR For Everybody. Canvas Balmoral, Bicycle cut. with loni? Brown Goat fox ing, making a shoo easily adjusted to a High or Low instep, and toajcsarrowor Wide loot, thus giving a very Desirable ana a much more Comfortable shoe than the ordinary Canvas Balmoral The Eye Has Not Seen, Nor Has the Ear Heard, Neither has it entered into tho hearts of the men and women of the community what we. have in store for them. lave You Seen our elegant assortment of Furniture. Nothing like it was ever put on exhibition in this town before. Have You Heard that we are offering this grand assortment of goods at prices way down, the very mention of which will make you think that we must hayo made a mistake, t's a Fact. We've got the goods. You have the money. We want to exchange with you, and H you will call at our itoro we will offer such inducements that it will be a pleasure for you to make your purchases from us. Come and Inspect our stock and buy whatever you need at out very low prices. Schwartz, The Fur aiture Man 0 TO 1'ItS. ltOllUltlllt, under the Eichanxc IT ,!.,., 11...... . t ... ,. .. .. .Mn.th ah... fir IIUUtlMUKBllCCllUI U DIIIUUll, O..U1V V. w fashionable hair cut. tST Closed on Sunday's uoeuers unir uiiiio. cuios u-ituutuii, iidwhij In stock a full line of fancy toilet articles at low est prices, and we nre the only place In town wuere you can uuy iieuuer s itouii lurmo uw,. STUllKlt'S SUA VINO SALOON, opposite the Advocate Oficr, Is headquarters for sbavniE, hair cuttlns and shampooing. Oau. T.TUKMAN, XJ- I louse. thing in UrsUslass style the barber, opposite the Opera cuts uair, suavee auu UU99 uYCTje Drop In and see him. F OK SHERIFF Jonathan Kistler, Of Lehighton, I'a. Subject to the Carbon county Democratic nomi nation eouvviiiiuii. FOU SHERIFF, John Brighton, Of Coalport, Maueh Chunk township. Subject to the ltulea ot the Democratic Noml- Ihllllig uwmriiHMHi POK FROTHONOTAUY, Oliver A. Clauss, Of Lebightiui, Ia. Subject to the rules governing tho Carbon eoun ly neiuov alio iiuiuiiMiiiig winvuinm. FOR rrtOTONOTAKV, TbH iiniipAlnnAft offers himself as a aandld ate for l'rotbonotary and Clerk of Court, and respectfully solid u tne IMuoeraile twninatlon and the support of bis fellow ettueus. Mauch Chunk. TllO. V. IIOYD. For protuonotahy, George W. Esser, Of sisvuch Chunk, Carbon county, I'a. Subject to Uie Rules ol the Democratic Nomina mm Men's, $1.25. Boys $1.10. Opera House. Lehighton. We have just opened a orate of brand now imported china ware which we are celling for $3.50 up to $8 and $10 for Dinner Setts complete. These are good goods tho very best on the market, and can't be had at the same figure elietrhere in this town. ummers Queensware Bazaar, FIRST STREET, LEHIGHTON. THE ONLY BOOT AND SHOE STORE IN WEISSPORT. WHEN wo tell you that ourstoie is the very best place in town to buy FOOTT7BA.B, of all kinds, you can just make up your mind that we mean it. Our exhibit of Shoes, Slippers, and Footwear in general is the newest, the most stylish and the most substan tial in town. We give you only the very best Footwear at the very lowest prices. These are a few points in our favor and it will pay you to give us your patronage, in return you get the best results for your money. U. S. KRESGE, WEISSPORT'S LEADING BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. ' OSCAR J0 SEAOEH9 Over the Canal Bridge, East Weissport, WHOLESALE DEALER IN All Kinds of Fruits and Vegetables in Season. Peas, Beans, New Potatoes, Cabbage, Bananas, Oranges, Lem ons, Peaches, Apricots, Pine Apples, C'ooanuts, c. Confectionery end Cigars Supplied to the Trade at Very Low Prices, Goods Delivered Free! Store keepers will save money on all things bought from us nnd we deliver goods free of charge. MARGHL New Dress Fabrics, FOR THIS AND WARMER WEATHER. 8HANTONG PONGEES, are Entirely New, all those pretty nevr tlnta whhh at so desirable Ibis season are represented In silk deslsns and finish on am Extra Fine Quality Clotb. Oil IN A CLOTH, another Wash Fabric Just out tbls season, beautiful patterns on Steel, Tan. Grey, Ulue, Mode. White and Black Grounds, 81 Inch wide only lJH'Zper yard. .Tt . T .., , , . j..., , .. i. . Yllua uUAljlillO un llgut sruuuus, -now uuuus jua iu, uiiiy o ccuiq pes aiu, A small lot of New Satteens to atO cents per yard. A largo lot of new DI1ESS GINGHAM in Stripes and plaids at popular prices. Original Outing Clotbs, best eoods at 10 cents per yard. A Fine Line of Dress Goods In tho New Shades and Weaves. Black Goods suitable for Summer Wear, such as ll'ool Nun's Veiling, Balls Tamise, Glorlosa, Ac, at guaranteed prices for first-class Goods, Ilie lot Ladles Ribbed Vests for Summer only 8 cents each. V.Ttra Value In Gauze Shirts and Drawers for Men at 25 cents each. linos of better Goods for Ladies, Gents and Children. Iiemember wo are Kztra Qualities in Ladles' Muslin Underwear at special prices. 900 Doz. Scalloped Edge, Bordered, Ladies' Handkerchiefs at 5 cents each. Black Silk Drapery Netts, Large Variety of Styles, from 66c to $2.60 a yard. Swiss Flouncing for Ladles and Children. Fast Black and Colored Hosiery a specialty. Our Carpet Department will Interest everybody that Is In need ofCABPKTfl. First, because our stock Is the largest aud everything new. Second because e (wee are lower than those asked elsewhere for the Same Class eToods. to ng BROADWAT, Mauch Chunk, Fa,
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