Itunc of til Months. Tha Latin name of January, Jsnuarius, U derived from Janus, a heathen god, tyorshlpcd .by the Bomana on Now Tear's Day. The Idol had two faces one youthful, looking forward wiUihopo; the other old and ugly, looking back with fegret. In ancient times, in England, this season was called wolf month, it being tho time when the wolves were florcoet. In the secend month tho Romans held a feast called Februalia, when they sacri ficed to their idols in tho hope that their ins for thewholo year would bo forgiven. The month was, therefore, called Fcbrua, or February. The Saxons called it Sol monath, or pancake month, and during this month cakes baked in n pan wore Herod to Sol, tho sun. March comes from tho Latin Martins, a some given by tha Romans In honor of Mara, the god of war. Tho early inhabi tants of Britain named it Hlyd monath. tha loud month, because of its stormy winds. It was also called tho spring month, as tho spring quarter commenced in this division of tho year. April comes from tho Latin Aperire, to open, because at this season tho buds of trees and ilowcrs begin to expand. Tho Romans called this month Aprilis; our Saxon forefathers gave it the namo of Eostcr, or ostor month, in honor of their goddess Eoetro. (It corresponds to the Jewish month Ijar, or Zif.) The name given to May is from tho Latin Maius. The Saxons called it Tri milki monath, or threo milk month, be cause at this season cows were milked thrico a day. In ancient times May games wore held in honor of Flora, called by tho heathen Romans tho goddess of flowers. June was so named from Juno, one of tho fabled goddesses of the heathen. It was called by our forefathers in Britain Word monath, or meadow month, when the cattle did weyd, or feed in tho meadows: also Sere monath, or tho dry month. Tho name Julius was given to this month by Mark Antony, in honor of Julius Casar, who was born at that time. The Saxons called it Aef teralitha monath, or latter mild month ; also Moed monath. the meadows being all in bloom. St. Bwithin's Day is on the 15th of this month. August received its namo in honor of the Roman emperor Augustus. It wa.- called Arh monath, or barn month, by tho Saxons, as it was tho season for stor ing the harvest. Tho rainfall in August is usually about half that of July. Tho atmosphere also is generally purer, and tho nights are" much clearer. September is now tho ninth, but was in ancient times the seventh, henco the name, derived from the Latin word Boptcm, or "seven." Our Saxon fore fathers called it Oris monath, or barley month, as barley was the chief grain sown by them, and they harvested it about this month. The autumnal equi nox occurs during this month. October derives its name from the Latin Octo, which signifies "eight," be cause it was tho eighth month in the Roman year, though tho tenth with us. The Saxons called it winter tyllith, or "winter beginning." It is often knowu fo us as "the fall of the leaf. " November is named from tho Latin Novom, or "nine," as it was tho ninth month among the Romans. The ancient Britons called it Wind monath, and also Blot monath, or "blood month," on ac count of the number of cattle killed at tins time, both for winter store and sac rifices to their idols. Tho month of December dorives its name from the Latin word Decern, or "ten," as in the Roman year it was tho tenth month. By the Saxons it waj called tho Haligh monath, or "holy month," from Christmas Day falling wiuun it. " I Arsenical Poisoning. Many green goods are dangerous. A young city man is doomed to wear eve- .tUsscs all his life by having manipu lated opera house tickets of a green hue, and then rubbed his eyes in amaze ment at the way in whicli tho public paid the prices demanded. Tho green that was upon tho pasteboards and tinted his hands got into his optics, weakening them forever. A lady brought to a dressmaker a pattern having a green shade. . The seamstress worked very hard and long upon it j her eyes became tired and ached; she rubbed the left one often, tho result being that it was inflamed and poisoned. But Bhe kept at work, nut n shade over it, this having tho effect of .straining and weakening tho other eye, until she became nearly blind. Both cases are probably due to arsenical poisoning. Instances liavo been men tioned where members of households were poisoned by the green in fancy printed labels upon canned goods and in wall paper. It would seem better to dis card such sliades of printed matter, wall paper, dress patterns, and opera house tickets, even though fasldon suggest them, than to run such risks. The Sliver Dollar. V The story goes that tho head of Liberty on tie Bland dollar was modelled from tho head of a fair Philadelphia, tho contour or whoso features aro purely Grecian. Before the pattern was finally decided upon, Georgo Morgan, tho en graver, sent it to tho academy to get the opinion or some artists as to its artistic merits. Mho promo was criticised m several particulars, chief among which was regarded as a too prominent chin. But the authorities at the mint thought it one of the most beautiful types of faces that was ever submitted for the head of a coin, and it was adopted. Mr. Morgan, by the way, is an Englishman, and some peopio insist that ho has man aged to declare his origin In the "Bland dollar. By holding tho coin with the date uppermost, and covering the figure with the finger on a line across the eye to the hair, the profile develops a likeness oi ning ueorge, the chin being his nose, Holding the coin in the same position, and covering the medallion on a line from the chin to the base of the cap, the curl of the hair develops a Hon with its nose facing left ' Mrs. Bunker, of Boston (to her brother, Alkali Ike, who is vinitlng her The J waiter is very slow. Perhaps you had Utter Up him a trifle, Isaac. Alkali Iko . (after standing the waiter on his head) I iiuri win mat ao, J una r lklnsliue him plumb out into the kitchen jest as wall as not, it you think it will hurry Sim any. iMunseya weekly. ' Thty talk of compelling the Mlohigan , tnunp to work, America is fast ceasing ' to M a rrto country. Boston Post. f A sUrtllne Astronomical Fact. Professor Charles A. Youne. the em! V.ent Princeton astronomer, recently sat chatting in the court of the Palace. One f his listeners could not refrain from esklng mm in an offhand way : "What is to you the most wonderful end startling fact of astronomy ?" "The fact that your great Lick tele teoe reveals about 100,000,000 of stars. Mid that every one of them Is a sun theutettcally, and by analogy giving light and heat to his planets. You know tha Uok telaaoope reveals stars so small that it would require 80,000 of them to be visible to the caked eye. "ban Fmu uwo ETtmiaar. norm in thus sky. YVIiy Pishes unit Frogs Come Down In Showers. A writer In Nature's Realm says that little fishes may be hatched in the clouds: What lie says about It -is so interesting that his whole letter is herewith given : "I observo a reference niado In the American Angler touching upon showers of fishes, in which it states that science has not yet fully explained the phenom ena. Tills Is perhaps slightly incorrect. Several causes havo been suggested. Might it not very probably be that fish nml frogs which fall apparently from the skies aro really bred there ? "Water is known, very fre quently carry eggs of flh to great dis tances, having swallowed them, and in their flight disgorging the same unhnrmed where they can and do fructify and ma ture in water over which these birds pass. The eggs of many old flsli aro very gluti nous, and readily adhere to substances broucht in contact with thorn during particular times of their incubation. Is it not very probable that not only do thcie birds convey ovn upon thelrwingsos w ell as In their croj, and when nymg nt great heights tho ova, becoming detached from tho wings, may remain suspended in tho moist atmosphere, which is quite possible under certain conditions or at mospherical pressure, and that when under development they become too heavy and naturally fall to tho earth, as frequently witnessed?" TUB GltKAT OUXS. Wlint Tliey Cost lo Jtalte mul Keep In Working Order. The forging of tho immense guns is a most interesting process. The rifled guns of the present are made by reinforcing the tube with rings and repeated layers of steel called jackets, which are titled ono over tho other over tho original tube or barrel of tho gun. Tho jackets or hoops must fit as closely to the gun as if forming an integral part ot its compo sition. Tho only way to get them on is, of course, by heating, nnd thus enlarging them. When they cool, tliey lit snugly. It is ovident that tho exact size of the jacket and ring when heated so tliat it can be put In its place must bo n matter of tho nicest mathematical calculation. The coarso powder now used makes such havoc with tho rifling of tho largest guns that 10(1 charges aro about all that can be oxpected from them. Tho jackets and rings can then bo removed nnd fitted to another tubo. Tho various parts of a gun nro not put together at Bethlehem, but arc f.ent to Washington, to a department of the arsenal called the assembling room, wliero tho tube is rilled, and tho guu is finally completed. A steel gun of tho largest caliber costs abou t $1 00,000. Tho ordnance of our modern navy is there fore ono of tho most costly item3 for which Congress is expected to display a patriotic generosity. Harper's Weekly, lie Veil on IIli Fctt. Trip an Irishman and ho will fall on his feet ; corner him nnd he will jump over your head; question him upon a subject of which ho is Ignorant, nnd his answer, though it is not a reply, will cn- ablo him to retreat witli his' flag flying. An Irishman, who wished for a position as letter carrier in ono of our largo cities, went beforo tho civil servico board for examination. He appeared, wearing n careless air, as one about to go through a mero formality. "What is tho distanco between Boston and Constantinople, Mr. Mahonev? asked the chairman. "What's tho distanco between Boston and that halthen city?" said Pat. "Well, Bur, if that's to bo my route I withdraw my application. " One of Fats countrymen, having served in the Cliarlestown navy yard in a subordinate position, asked to bo pro moted, hinting that he would not object to going to sea, if ho could be assured of a good berth on a man of war. Ho, too, was invited to appear before the oxamin ing board. "Mr. Mulhone." Bald the chairman, "if you wore in the Chinn Sea, and tho ship under full sail was going 10 knots an hour, and a man should fall overboard, what would you do? Promptly enmo the answer, without a shadow of perplexity appearing on Mul hone's faco "If I was lu the China Sea, under tha circumstances yo namo, nnd a man should fall ovciboird, I think I should write to his friends that ho was drowned. " ISconomy In IJee lEcepliio;. A rigid economy is demanded in beo keeping, as in most other occupations. Nothing must bo allowed to go to waste indeed, we may go so far as to say tho proiits any limited by tho savings. All f ragraeuta must bo utilized ; pieces of wax comb, lumber, refuto honey, etc., must be taken care of and used. Scraps oi time are also important items, and should be devotod to this work of utilizing and saving. A little common senso and good judgment goes a good way in managing bees. The times of tho present day de mand close economy. Margins aro small nud profits deviating; so that judicious anil careful expenditure is a prime requisite to success in this as in other callings. IVlien Bachelors Jinny. Wo allot us are acquainted with tho bachelor who declares over and over ogam that nothing will over induce him to marry, and that were an angel to oomo and offer herself lie would promptly re fuse the proposal. Sometimes tliis celi bate believes what ho says ; at others ho only ventilates this sentiment, which he does assiduously, as a kind of safeguard from the attacks ho dreads will be mado upon him. He thinks that he has never yet found the right woman for him, and as he objects to other people selecting and pushing their choice upon him, that his announcement that he will never many makes him quite safe. However, in either case he may rest quite assured that very few people do believe him, least of nil the mammas with daughters to dispose of, and tlio (laughters themselves. As an elderly or old man it often amuses him to note how very kindly those who wish him to marry select ex actly the woman he would never dream of taking for a wife. Tliey choose Ida contemporarioi, or women but a few yean younger, whom tliey nut in Ida way, and try and indicate to him what excellent wives they would make. Now age is very much a relative matter, and some people retain a "green heart" even to old age. Others are old in their actual spring tide, but, take It all round, women are older for their age than men, though, as a somewhat contradictory fact, thev live longer. To a man his woman con temporaries seem muoh older tlian he is, and it will often be noticed that when this individual takes to liimself a wife he marries some one 90 yeais, or thereabouts, lib iuninr Dr. David Starr Jonl m, president elect of the Lel.nid tnnt.inl Uimer&itv. ix an athlete ami -1 rt.,n, m, us mil u . .i i hu at and parse n !! -.,iw hwi,-.-!f " feet one and one-litiU iulIi.--, Inli, I u. iH 21. pounds, but I can swim, play base ball, and talk Norwegian;" and you ctiu nut tell him much, if anything, that ho dos not ulready kuu about liout, rodi, and ioL. I A SonslblpMnn Would iisp Ki'iiutN nttlnni for the Throat and Htlnnn, HimichllK frotip nnd nil I lireat anil Lung Tronblt't Hum lltty titliei liirll'lin. The liropiietor n.n mituori7Mi Hiiy iliiiKKHMoglvt' on u niimini' jwiiiio r ree pi convince ou 01 inr ncrlt of this luuiih. I .lime I .titles HOC Hill 91. Sunt) men are llko blotting-paper; tlioy may bnr tho impioss of a hun dred different things and yotlhoynro worthies. Nerve nml Liver l'llls. All diwiivorv. Thcv net on he liver, Moiiincli end lmel.i through the erves. A new lirincip c. Thev specdly ure bilimisiicBS, bud tnsie, torpid liver, pile n l eonetipntlon filcndid fur men, wonitn nd children. Smallest, mildest, surest, tin, oses for 25 cents. Baronies free at T. I) I'hoinas and V, F. Biorvs Drinj Store. What goes most against a farmer's gmin? His mowing maohlno. JJJ If slander did not hurt its victims .here would be no particular ploasuro ,n It for the slanderer. A Oreat Battle In eonitanttv coinir on In the human system vheoyou suffer villi consumption, coughs or OKlSiluey Birive uirinn neniin mm iirnK v Imato the tiffttre. Take tlmelv warntnir nnd isa I'an-Tlna Cough and Consumption Cure. rioe so ana ou cents. Ilr'9 I Jvr Iteeulntor Is a sure eure for lytlieiwta. biliousness, heartburn, tlidia-estlon, ind nil kidney cotnnhtints. Trial bottles tree at Thomas' Drue (Store. If it gags a man to kiss a man, why does it riot gag a woman to kiss a man? Womon are much nicer than mon. It is having the wind blow them up that make tho waves so wild. Epoch. Tim transition frnm lunir. Ilnlrerlnir and naln. rut sickness to robust health marks tin epoch tn no lllo 01 mo iniuviuuai. auon n reiuurKnuie .rent Is treasured in the lneraorv end the autticv (hereby the itooil health tins been attained Is rratelnily blessed. Henco It ts that so much Is Heard In praise of Eltctrlo Hitters. So many .eel they oito their restoration lo health, to the use of the Oreat Alterative and Tonle. II you ire troubled with any disease oi Kidneys, itrer irslnmnch. OF lonn or sliorl standlnir VOU -wltl urely find relief nv uso of Eltctrlo Jilttcrs. Sold a. 800, and $1.00 per bottlo at HUliMfti Drug Store. Tho laborer with tho crowbar gener ally takes pried in his businoss. It requires no solf-donial for a pawn broker to keep tho plodgc. Uupepsy. This Is what vcu ouulit to have. Inflict, vou must havo It, to lully enjoy hie. Thousands utc searching lor It dally, and moumlnit because mey nuu u not, liioutanas upon luousanus oi lollars are spent annually by our peo loin ihc nope mai mey may auiuu mis ooon. win jm it mav bo had bv nil. We uuarantce that Eleo trie Hitters, tinted nccordlnit to directions and ho uso persisted In, will bring you (food dlges tlon and oust ho demon dyspepsia and Install insieau eupepey. ivo recuiniiicuu ,iiiiiu mi, tcra fordvsieiisla and all diseases of the liver, stomach and kidneys. Sold at two. nnd S1.00 per Dome ny iteocr, urucKist. A man who is a poor liar.flndB it con venient to stick to tho truth. Thoro aro n thousand and ono ways to mako monoy; thoro is only ono way to savo it. TnkoAYnrnlnK. And don't let tho- conns of that vile disease, Catnrrli, tnko root nnd flourish in your system. Kuipnur uittcrs win provout this nnd will mnko you strong and healthy. itiuitor wcoitiy i'ross, If dolays arc dangerous, tho legal profession contains tho pluckiost mon in tho world. Tnslo dopontls Upon thoso finer emotions whloli make tho organization of tho soul. A l'ulill ailsttllcc. Physicians muko no moro fatal mls tako than whou thoy inform patients that uorvous heart troubles como from tho stomnch and nro of llttlo conso quonco. Dr. Franklin Milos, tho noted Indiana specialist, has proven tho con trary in his now book on "Heart Dis easo," which may behad f rco at Thomas, Loliighton nnd Biory, Wolssport who guaranteos nnd recommonds l)r. Miles' uucqualod Now Heart Curo, which has tho largost sale of any heart remedy in tho world. It euros nervous and or ganic heart disease, short broath, flut tering, pain or tendornosslu tho side, arm or shoulder, irregular pulso, faint ing, smothoring, dropsy, oto. Ills Ilo storativo Nervino euros headache, fits, etc. Tho best uatured man down town is tho mnn-who has women folks at homo to grumblo at. It is oasior to suppress tho first dosiro than to satisfy all that fol low it. I was a sufforor from catarrh for flftoou years, with distressing pain over my oyos. I used Ely's Cream Balm With gratifying results. Am ap parently cured. Z. C. Warren, Rut land, Vt. I suITorod from u sevoro cold in my head for months nnd could get no re lief. Was advised to uso Ely's Cream Balm, I am froe from my cold aftor using tho Balm ono wcok, and I bollovo it is tho Lost romody known. Samuel .1. Horris. Wholosalo Qrooer, 119 Prout St., New York. Fred "I am disappointed in you. It novor occurod to mo that you'd ask for tho hand of Miss Giddyhed." Joo "Why, there's a $10,000 diamond ring on that hand, oltl fellow." Watte-"Thero is nothing like travol to develop" a man." Potts "I don't know about that. It seoins to havo made a perfect idiot out of Cadby." Watte-"Well I suppose it would deve lop on Idiot, too." Mr. Bookmaker "How do you like living on the top floor? Isn't it tire some?" Mr. Betting Wrlnge "No, not at all. I usually ride up In, the elevator nnd walk down." Mr. Bookmaker Thero must be a raee-trsok on the roof." A Plain Dealer A seller of pmlrlo real estate. The fro does not wear his suspen der too tight, but he looks that way. Why are oolts like rioh men's gone? Because they won't work until they are broke. There is a single vine iu Santa Bar barn, Cal that is a whole vineyard In itself. It was planted by a Mexican woman seventy-two years ago. It lias a diameter of twelve inches a little above the ground, its branches cover an area of 12,000 feet, and it produces each year from 10,000 to 12,000 pounds of mission grapes that go to make wine to cheer tho hoart of man, and woman, as well. Figure up what such a grape tree is worth that will yield such a crop. Arrou the Deep, to the Far West, (in sitjinboats, ears and 9tugeoaches, Hoa iiii : Mton.uch llltteis is cai rleU ua tho oiott imiiortuut Item In tho iimterla of Die traveling public. It deprites Mttaled, water oi Its hurtful proK'rUt' uud ijet-t utK- tt.mir, eouiiu-rucH and pirmuou-i oUnii upon the tl oi oi liullri stlblc foid, uluedus CLilnps, hyutlniin nml u mil u on tliL stomach It N i lim di . h i .i i u., diaoliirrs in. Mini's tin ti I 'I mis. ,. ,i ii, cold and it 1 1 1 1 . i. I..-M , i, !., .i.i.i, h,- ii ii i, an Incom- I' U ll It , ,1 l 1 I - uslh, III Ss .ill.l I'llllOUSIU'SH. 1! i Liu.,,, in it im I i.ti, n u Is iulMdlsaMroiMl upon lutuiidsund eonviiltMcuih, occunou.illy i siifli nn extent as to Jiuwruii lite. Persons in teeble laullo, apjirch, imivl -I t'flnU limn UavcI, lll, If plot. dud with the inner ! I.i s t.j i j li i . . i i,. , fciu rc.ilU- t I Spring, GLAUSS BROTHER, IT And we Have 'Em! In great assortment and at all prices. We can't tell you all about them, but they arc perfect in style, workmansliip and price. Come and see and also take a look at Our Carpets and Furniture. In. whicli lines are included everything worth be ing Everything is new style, price and Don't buy until you see our stock ot'goods. Kemerer &c- Swartz NORTH FIRST STREET, T I -IS HEADQUARTERS FOIt- (.1 1?1J1-?T? A 5 TLX A T3TYW A O 3? J ALL KIND. OF GOAL, & OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, ank treet, gOPrOSITE J.. FIRST STREET, - Mm lias just opened an entire new line of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Comprising all the very latest styles in WJiito Goods, Sa teens, Prints, Ginghams, MaKGillCS, Seersuckers anc Fancy Dress Patterns of the very best qualities'at exceed ing low prices. Groceries, Provisions, Vood and Willowware ot Cloths Cassimers, Hats. made Clothing in great variety and at prices with the read. ol all purchasers prices fully as nought lor at any other general Oarpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures in great variety and of best quality at Itock Bottom Prices. Best quality of Flour and Feed at prices lully as low as the same articles can bo purchased elsewhere. A car load of coarse salt has just been received tho price y been marked down to the very lowest notch. All goods of the very best quality and are beinpc 6old at prices equally as low as the same goods in inis section, uau ana uo convinced. .tfespectlully, July 823-71 AMOS REIPEL. We are Special Prices iiij a, mm a souk 634 Hamilton St., Allentown. THE POSITIVE CURE. I ELY BROTHERS, se Warwn 6U tin York. fttooooeUi IflDUfflDif f a ki'"Is i-ifHy executed JUO Vf UElal at this oilh e. Prices low. 1891. Cassiinores, Worsteds, Corkscrews, Cheviots, &c., &c. These nro scnsonruilo lab rics nntl wo linyo ihem in nil the newest stylos mul effects. Tho markets were searched for tho beat and hero the)' arc in great array at all prices. Our reputation as merchant tailors is established. We make the best fitting clothing at the lowest ftii two important facts lo be borne in mind when you think of getting measured for new clothing. Wo would like you to call and sec us before you leave your mcauiro elsewhere. Jf. It.-Only one word mote. t)on't forget that we litre unpacked new thing In season able Footwear for Men.1 Wonienranrt Children, also OcntA llinilslillift. IS TIME TO TALK" ABOUT 5 Lehig'liton, Pa & S. DEPOT,S2Qr - LEHIGHTON, Pa Crockeryware, Glassware the best makes at low figures. Boots; Shoes and Heady low as the same goods can be store m this vicinity. can bought at any general store Offering 9. ARB WB Right or Wrong? A Shoe Drssslne tnutt restore the bril. llancy of a worn shoe, and at the tame time prtitrve tht uflnia of the leather. LADIES will tho Drawing yau aro uslsg do both 1 "Try It I Pour a dessert spoonful of your Dressing into a saucer or butter plate, set it aside for a iw oays, ana it will dry to a substance as hard and brittle as crushed rtlmn. Can such a Dressing be good for leather? Wolff's ACME Blaeti'ii! Will tlflnd IM tNf inr! .1m ma 1.t .. ..... J U. M VLUU, VliJT film which U as flexiblo as rubber. 25 Dollars worth of New Furniture for 25 Cents. HOW? Bv nnlntmn 25 square feet of Old Furniture with M AS WWS.'ff.'A rur 7. WOLFF 4. RANDOLPH, 037 HortH front rntLADBLpniA. AX n a nrnTiTiT t Jeweler anil Watchmaker, Bank. Street, Lehiglllon, Ponna etpeetlnlly invites the attention ot his f rte irfs anil the citizens gaaerally to hi Immense new stock of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewely, jt Prices that defy competition. It will pay you o call and Inspect my slock iwtoreimrcliiwmig elsewhere. REPAIRING Promptly done at lowest eliarirf, nud nil work juaranteed. Don't Forget tUe Place. SIGN OF THE BIG "WATOH, Bank St Lehighton. DCC191667 ics.wiy.vsrv l'l!lLAliE4'Hl.l'V. Ja-i-mw iinnptTatton orliKiidf lliimfroi'i Iiu.1iiF'. C im'i i ii m.ctl lo cvtrab'tjbj' utl. nvta . i. . u ' i'i 'iur, CURE OUARAflftELt. ,,': .:SLVi SCHIFFMAHN'S ASTHMA CURE forubl. iWp. KO WAUIhti for BiIdi ! by ichJlion, IU action li imtnHUlB, direct and COrtQln suid s car Ii th nalt la fell cnntbl cuh. A sititp roDvlnen ibi nott tkpUcl, Pric, rc. and $1.00 of 107 dr. rt. 8CHIFPMANN, surj,iunn. If vmipllttl rma ahrmU ttt tAknn TH.ICHT with llembrn. cmi Croan,wbat would you dof Wht vLjilcUn could av Beldin's I Remedy If a tiuteleii.hannloM powUer.and Is tho onlyiafegainl. In to rein It has ner ralwil. Order NOW from ymr dragsltt Or from as. rrice, uc A niirapio pawuar dj rami ror iuc TKt OR. BUDIH FROPRIETARI CO., JAMAICA, N.T Prof. ALEXANDER BODBROD I am now 71 yeras of ago. Was n student oi siedlolnaand burgery for seven yuai s under the fnntrma ITp. Vitl.nn and Mtnf tftn vmh' liant ttuily and In oonsultatloii with seve ol Iho most eminent physicians In the city ot 1'lulodelpliln since 1H71. 1 liave discovered the eure of many SQOBiieu nivumuiti uiMjMge. It can no loiuier be doubted that the snlue can be cured; that paralysed limbs can be restored ui iiieir uavurai use, anu genenii ueuuuy cureu. Congestion ut the brain, apoplexy, results of sun' stroke aed the uorst oaieaof rheumatism, sol- atlea, ueurahda, liver complaint, HrlBlita' dis ease of the kidneys, hip and bone disease, ea turrb. bronchitis, clironle ilysentery. and so called heart disease and dlpbterla, all entirely cured with pure medlelues or my own prepant- riou, u usoo fiTvfnuj sw nutuwu. Durlnx niue years orer 16,000 persona in this cltv alone hare used these medicines and are living witnesses ot their worth. All their uaroes asm So obtalued by caiyuK at the office and lab oratory Ot Professor BoMdrou. No. 1W North Tenth Btreet, PliUadelphla. I was myself In jured lo the spine and paralyied for seven yeais and proROunced Incurable by seven of the most able physicians and suigeooa of this ehy, 1 am now well ana healthy, lutriOK cured myself with ray own medicines Do not listen to those prejudiced against Im- Stovement In medicine and die, when you can e saved. I will uot go Into practice myself, lielug over SO years of age, but will sell my iiiedieiues. I have two eminent physlchms connected llh me to attend to calling at tin- residences ottbe siek If required, Uonie oue, come all sufferers and be restored to health, cured by these pure medicines and thus see experience and believe tor Yourselves. Ofaos and Laboratory open ally from 7 A, lit tn no P. MTrall or write BOUDUOU. 1T27 N. 10th St., l'lilladelphla. Pa. fort Anirc I 7'iUOYs s ft I W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE uMwlr.1 tUin fur UeDtk-tiit u famed, aud wUuiMa ttt bot'oni v.uti Adam Mo1 k;u;i&on. 1 rr I.KtIKlIilii ll the wiy latest nt'u - ill lt fouinl in the Caubon Idvo CATli. i TiloiisRims liuvrt iK-t' ' pemiru'iitl '. uwl by Mir rase-, vanriss "K. A pamphlet of Information and &-IM iwstractof iho laKStSltuwlnj. llcttr toHf (aB Obtain Patents, l arcnti, TradMf&v JM,slBrks, Copyrlcht!, ur.t 1'U.MKHKf II V IhsbHIbMsbIIHKJHMsHD I onus p Ko4. 1 liis n Ii . 1,oo".i'ftlmilcof telr i, h to i inch 40 tlrnea J'l.lpll ill- . ! i .n-Minil tli" -I. lhf. A Imi'ii mill nnd print works wil pruliiililv Im iKtnhlisliprl by 'Hto Mlldnor, nt (Antliinna, Kj . Inexhaustible Mipplies of rery piiro uphr lnvp boon found in the grout S.ihuia doscrt by drilling artesian Wollx. Some day this di sert may be ft blooming garden. Thirty-sK -'wot" counties In Georgia havi one rimvict to ovrrv 800 people. One hundred and one "dry " counties In Hie same Stato have one or- ixdrt to every 1,828 peopl . Thecoloied people of the United StM"' in 1700 were onc-llflU'or tlm entire po,. i lotion, in 18H0 thoy weiv haw than on -sixth, and in I two the pro;xttlim was but allttlo more tlinsi one-eighth. The snviir.; hnnki rlejusits of Ne- England. Hew York. New Jersey, nnd Pannsylvnni.i in 10() aggregated tho enormous sum ot C-l .2 1 0,000,000, beinrt an increase of some 15,(TJO,000 over 1889. It Is claimed that the largest lumber mill hi the world is located nt Tort lJlakely, 12 miles from Seattle, Wash. It gives employment to about 80p men, beside those at work in the woods and other ways. The republic of Jlexlco i advancing In oiviliraUon and humanity, uun fighting has been abolished in the City of V.yinA ariA tlm nrmtn wl'lpre tlln ilfflltn took place has been out up Into building lota and sold to speculators. In Africa the following summaries of ftiuore miles are claimed by different countries: Spain, 210,000; Italy, ww.uw; Portugal, 774,993; Congo Free State, 1.000.000: Oerrannv, 1.035.720 : OrmH Britain, 1,009,445: France, 3.800,248. The ocoentric Wall '.treet opsin Mrs; Hetty Green, who u popularly im puted to !e xvorth ?10,0!M).WW ium daughter who is now n!mt IK j-ear.i o! ! fhere is also a son to whom Mrs. Ore" declares she will lenvo the bull: of Ik fortune. New York Continent. A Girl's llonkhrrplng. All the cirla in town havo become smitten with a new fad, and tint is the keeping of books to show exactly what they epeml, sniil n man on 'clmiiKP. 1 trot mr tvifoto brine my ilnunhter's book to mo for ipspectton. I tell you, that girl should ha teaching bookkeeping in a business college instead of spending my "hard earned" money on Uuropean novelties and ceminns. Some of tho entries are eo interesting I copied them, Ilro aro three or four which will glvo you an idea of tho rest of tho entries "One pair kid gloves, undressed and just tho proper sliado for my ISastor suit, $8.80;" "ono lios of caramels, mixed, most of them perfectly lovely. 1 ; "one silver button hook, just tho sweetest tiling in tho world, with my name en gravedupou It, $C.C0 ; " "gavo to n beggar woman, she was awfully dirty and had n baby with her, 11c. ;" "a wholo lot of things I can't remember, $81.40;" "bat anco on hand only $13.23, nnd papamus' give mo some moro money right away. '' There, if that is not systematic boo!?. keeping I'd like to know what you'd call it. Globe-Democrat. How Tliey ntlmbiirseil lliin. A few years ago an old and trusted cashier of ono of tho Rothschilds' estab lishments went to his employers and told them that during the 80 yoara of his Bervico with thorn ho had managed to savo ino sum ox BoO.OOO franca, and de sired to go into business for himself. While the firm rogretted to loso so faith ful a man, tliey bado him cood luck. Tho cashier began to speculate, and In a very snort time returned to lus old em ployers nsking for reinstatement, nnd telling thorn ho had been "wipod out." Ho was given his old position nnd was auvanccu one years salary. Ono day ono of the Itothschilils took their old servantusidoand told him to invest what ho had in certain securitiag. The old man did so, nnd the stooUs went boom ing upward. The banker had Instructed the brokers to send prioss skyward. Finally the old cashier was told to sell. Ho sold, and his profits were exnetly tho 850,000 francos he had lost. Prices set tled down to thoir old point and tho RotIi3childs charged up a loss of that amount to themselves. Tliey knew their employee was too proud to accept n gift, and thoy took this means to reimburse him. Cilobe Democrat Had "fill" the Messenger, John Gilbert is a character. In his peculiar lino he is very funny, and he is Aill of quaint mannerisms and stories. In the language of the profession, John "originates all of his own stuff, " and ho lias had experienoe in almost every line of the business. In the old days he played in one of tho many queer stock ro:n nanics which supported the "ktan." ho jamo along, nud he ivus liable to b ( .ut for any thing from a "my lord thei iiimo walto" iirt to a lending heaiy. Very aftou, toe, ho was obliged, like I he ren of tho company, to go on ith a titriii;;o star without ft rehearsal. On one oc casion a tragedienne was to open an eu jagement at tho theater in "Mach"th. " One of tho company was sic k, mid John was cost for Duncan, lluue was nn re hearsal, the star having anived in town at a late hour, and John novel' saw her antil ho faced her on tho stii',-o u-i Iuly Macbeth. A messenger wu to come on. and I-ady Macbeth says: "What arc your tidings?" to which tho m. r);cr replies: "The king comes lien- t,i night. " Well, John went on and wan Awr .1 to hear her oak. "What are our tidm ' But ho, quickly recoveihnr hiiuie ''. hoarse ly whjicrod : " We're short hand-d aud we've cut out tho messenger. l ie Duncan; go on. Play hall!" The play proceeded, but John never forsavo the star for mistaking him for a messenger. Chicago Herald. Ilootk Ailhercd to Irccilul Thus spoke the old "Iteforee" tJus fl morning while taking a late breakfuat with a number of Bohemian friends at a moderate priced chop house. "I will tell you a gpod story about Ben DeBar and Edwin Booth, apropos of management now and when the elder Booth lived. He and Ben were great friends, and often acted together. In later years, when DeBar owned his own theater in St. Louis, be wanted Edwin Booth to pkiy with him as a matter of sentiment. Edwin agreed, and fresh I from his famous run of 100 nights of 'Hamlet' In New York city, went to St. 1 Louis to open with his father's old friend, During the morning's rehearsal, Mr Bootli said to the Btge carpenter : "'In the grave digger's scene I shall want a oaloium light.' "Ohl vou will liava tn UU llr riaTlnr about that, was the nieelianio's meek) reply. )t. Deliur 9 as at once sent for, ami very soon appeared upon the stage with "'What is it, Edinf '' 'I want a calcium light to illumlnal mo grave digging scene, lie answered "'Oh, Lordl' exclaimed DeBar: 'whrt Edwin, your father never needed a calf oium light when he played Hamlet,' 1 "'Never mind tho light,' said th& younger Booth, as he walked away froict u uiu ujuo iruiuu auu WWII VTiLU rehsaraal, .rhl.idclphu. Tuu, bonuinex til e,J,, Is and will ever be tho best Bomody lor m utunwiw.... - - - - l TMsftffn Tlnnirnnria. i rin n Hm Htrtn. nhont anal I Joints, a ouraigiu, oiiruuiB, iw Bsforo yon mca t ttyi octsia -. r-rrr or? rUAtCE6a ktbe valnabls oocli "8nWe to ne endorsements cf premuisiit jaysislaoa, k aiioksh: J.AD.RICHTER&Bt 310 Broadway, NEW TUKR.. 28 PrbnMn.rlals Awarded! rnropoanHonseslBnaolstBtndon, ' Vienna, Prague, Bottsrdam, qltenf 50 Cents a bottlo, For Salo byl . ii.U Kelier. ('. T. II ril auJ X. I) The .nui'. srd other Cn agists. Would rather be without broad Daaop'a EiamESCE, lIarlottt:olIleh.88J,, ' Th TIat. 7. Rntiblol ef above class mitsa I I havo Buffered a great deal, and Trhenover I feel now a nervous attack coming I tako a does at raster lioenig s nervo inuo ana sees Hmevoa. 1 think a creat deal of it end weald rather ba without bread than without the Tonlo. Curod entirely after 12 years I TojUvriNDi, Emb Co., V. T., Febr. 1889. My daughter had fits from frtcht sines U years, sometimes 8 to 4 attaoks within 21 hours without any warning ; during theio spells her thumbs would be or sniped toward tha Inside ot her bands, her mouth ba drawn sideways, her neck would swell up, and ber face assumed a bluelsh oolor, this would last from 10 to IS mi nutes after that she slept, was drousy for about 3 hours. We tried many remedies without any Improvement, but 0 bottles of Pastor Eoentgs Nervo Tonlo oured her at last; ws therettroro-oomawad- tWi remedy to U suflerers. at JOHN ED1N. uur Pnmphlet for suflerers ut nervous dl looseswill bo snt frco to ony address, and loor patients can also obtain this medicine roo of chargofroin us. ThU remedy hai tcn prepared by the HeTOren J 'astor Kccnlg, of fort Wayne, Inu . for theps&t n years, and la now prepared under bis drrco llon by tho KOENIQ KCDICINS 00., 10 L'll!l33, ear. Olstsa Ct, ClliriSO, XtU SOLD GV PRUCGI8T3. ?rico SI Per Rotllo. a ISnttles for iS. Dr. 0. T. Horn, agt.,'Lchighton o more cf this. nubitor uDle.-a won uaionifnrfAWy tlht vl i utt-u sny .1 tha fret. t:e:j "caLCiiESTnt" iji'UBeu fo. ,. t (t;t f.'itk. o lint'J vttt'i nit'i. r ... Hi.?- au4 ViVarnt tii ri.'Wi r.'l nT I'll. M, r ' . c ,.-ii;tro JOHN E. LENTZ, Wholesale Agent. ALLENTOWN, I'A. AT RETAIL BY Itetall dealers can havo their names Inserted Jieroonappllcation. mnTlT.leN-yi r 1 . . ft ij i: 1 -i - t (. Mo niutlt . 1 -4 t J I. I aJt. lie it-. Ken id,''' X I ' 'I MP 1 u-ii, i!o . .i .i t' t ;fJi la Ja i-rjjtctri.llv. Wt'l. uT? v. ln I) i iKar Spavt i ror hi1. i . . u-ui-, -i i, . r o n. urn tmii to 1 1. , or?'- I. I Da. h .1 r . ir. Or,, ha1 ttvM ht' . ' . 't i . K i-tu'J , i 'I. "iff with in r.- i L'alujiU' ni.1 mare i .. m i ..n .f tir i iiiit UOKBOE, tO., HUT S)m B. J. BTnroAu, Co., WW, ll mv amy n enw ,M uo food, l pwHAaiiMl Car miiraourid her In four ii Prkta Al tmr Lotlle. or ilv bHlli ts All Ji "ft tan. use. ii. Js ndi:' i t n Mtf A I B 8 c" Utsu.nd rJKWllinofw. rkt altmB 9 Wr-i'IJr "J "tot, r "" B IfU Ga W riilirr vt, imtitr or oU, mud In tin ir B S 11! I H 0olo.lttir,lifrfTsjf they if Vk7 If M 0 ona da ibc nurk t.e lu Uanu irsan ui. So riak 1 "U im dft o t 1J jfiHif tlm t th h it - l iirr "oatlirful kuiv-fsaiuavftryvkuikef tr.u Mi to IFIV ptr wk mud uimaia, , rimer W ti fUmUlt yon Ih ri n I HKav. Ho fiMCvlu .Uln btra t-uH iUL'K .V CO.. Altilhli. JUlkK. Oil H.t iwl l"-Ji at HI" V Imt ( f.t' f It day ol itr tori, td mw stjto o mi A , H ! any wrt Iiik H "t 1 r wHta iMuy tu IIm w it. All ! n brti j M KsTftw : V ' l Uh-i- Ahrrr.ri (tty tlte I stlU ' ' ' . I d xila HI i. al a I ' . ''!' .s...., . ... IBiMMt . 1. K&:W Hit I tt. I , t , ... IK f.t t ' l.i'. V I.I.I S ikwkv 4. Aii.t-Klu, Uuta' I asm t i ii ll ! r tern..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers