AMI FMporhM bean enured at the l ton roitnmw smi Clnu Mutter. The Carbon Advocate tKaioHTON. rr.NN . ltates for Ifral ArtvertiKluv : Charter Notice! no Auditor's Notices - oo Commissioner's Notloes t no Divorce Notices - i 00 Administrator's Jfotlee s no liiecutor'a Notions - imio SATURDAY, MAY 9,1891; Bona Flile Circulation Larger than that oC nny Weekly Newspaper In tlio County. ADVOCAT13 EXniBSSIWfS- at&Lohlghton won't progress until it Soouros moro industries depending on tho Lohlgh Valloy shops nt Pabkertbii for oxistonco Is pretty nearly playod ant. Don't jou think so? ' tho assessor rates proporty in this town at what tho owners Valuo it, thero will be consldorablo growling and kicking, but it would only bo right. Wouldn't itt - f&.Tho liohightou Hose Company havo tholr hoso stored in a cellar. In caso of flro thoy will bo hnndioapped. Council should considor tho hoso and market house quostion. Don't you think sot Sa.It don't show much enterprise for business men, who live off tho poo pie, to go out of town for jobs of print ing that can bo had at home. Some do it, and then growl and kick bocause business is dull thoy aro tho follows that hamper improvements. They make poople tired. tSTThe Court should handle the L. C. A N. Co., without glovos. Thoirold canal bridge at Weissport has been con demned, liut they don't seem to oare, it still stands as a death trap. Judge Drehor wants to draw 'em over tho coalf Don't you think so? -Weatherly is talking about- a military company; Summit H1U is talk ing about a memorial monument; Weissport is talking about water and light; Mauoh Chunk is talking about onelectrlo railway; but -Lehighton is dead. Why is It? tSTBankway is two "foot above grade, but tho Road .Commissioner keeps on filling up with dirt. It won't bo long before they will dig off tho material they are now piling on. It's expensive fun, but -tho peoplo pay for it. Don't they? tSTThe poople In some of Iho town ships understand tho law very poorly, or thoy would have sign boards on tht various cross roads. Isn't it so? B3k.The assessors in the upper end of tho county will soon be tackling their old elephant the coal lands. Judging from past experience it doesn't make much difference whether thoy are very particular about the ratings .or not. Tho corporations and the Court .will attend to that? Won't they? ESTCouncil should stop bicycle rid ing on the payments before thoy have a big bill for damagos to pay. Don't you think so? EfSomobody, vested with unusual authority, has allowed the ownef s oi horsos to graze them in tho Park. Did you eveijhoar the like? It's time this old fogyism was thrown off it's not only disgusting but well, wo can't find an expression strong enough. O0B people should get ready for the proper observance of Memorial Day. May 30th. The veterans will do their sharo of tho work. The new Valley dopot at Mauch Chunk is a beauty. r Tho Valley depot at Lohigkton Is e disgrace to the business Interests ol tho town. LEmnnTOfj keeds nothing of this time, now that we have light, more than ft hose house.' At present GOO or nibrt. feot of hose is kept stored in a cellar- Wo hopo our worthy town counoil wib understand the "question as it ought tc be and give ius a Suitable building foi this purpose. Slatlngton, with no more population than this town, has Such a building, why should wo not have? The Brooks wholesale license bill as amended passed the House last Friday, by a vote of 117 to 50. Tho bill requires wholesalers, brewers, and distillers to pay in citlos of tho first and second class a license "fee of 8100O. In third class cities a license foo of 8500. -.Othor cities, boroughB and townships nr,c graded downward. Applicants othei than brewers, and dlstlllors aro roqulrod to show that tho place applied for U necessary for tho accommodation oi tho public. In sentencing; a Philadelphia saloon keeper the other day who was found guilty of selling liquor to minors Judge Gordon aptly said: "Tho very worst effects of tho solo of liquors are realized when Bold to minors. That s debauch tog life at Its spring. It is making baC men, drunkards, and criminals nude Judge cannot but look upon such ac offenBO with abhorence as tho law alsc stamp It. The maximum punishment Is light enough for such an offense. ) Tho saloon keeper was then flnod 810C and costs, and sentenced to ninoty days. The people of Nazareth and Bath arc generally regarded as bolng "slow and sleepy," yet the former town has a successful knitting mill In operation. and is building another to employ two hundred additional hands. One day last week the citizens of Bath subscribed llo.OOO towards establishing a oandy factory in that town. Those people realize that tho only way to make a town thrive and prosper is for tho citizens to get together and "push things." This Is a lesson that Lehigh ton people must learn, and the sooner they appreciate it and act on it tho better. The old Presbytorian Church at Beaver Meadow was erected In 1637 and the old hotel at that place in 1KB. A fire on Brush Mountain, near At toona, extends from the base to the summit and is burning usrceiy. Five prelates and fifty priests will bo present at tho consecration of St. Mary's Cathollo Church, in Wllkes barre, next Sunday. A Honesdale lady has a full set of caroenter's tools, which she uses with remarkable skl)l lit making useful and ornamental articles lor tier nome, t full sot of chairs being among the pro ducUons of Iter moclianteai genius. SAbout 100 persons attended tho annual re-union of Catholic Beneficial Union No. 417 at Greensburg. Artesian well drillers sunk a well, to the depth of 170 feet on a Laasdale pro gafty without flndlaa water. 1MM.OT KT1M Cnrlfou's Stnt- S"nntr, H -n. V M. RhpsIipi, of Miiui'Ii Cliniil . i 'loi fij? hum-' lll're low m ii '"Minn I ill i' PC fin in mill 1 1 i"mi ill ii, ii 'i i! c .niiiiitl' fur this St "to. in w 'I I'ci.'imi r i Ifinjn tbo iiiUowaiK !i.f in;." Ik hi i s'lurnti ii State inpe s. Tile most niliTi'iMiii; li.iliiimt !,rn itf i pfoecvdlUlfa la&t IilKllt Was the dlsi iMsiim olil) resolution Inl rilin't'rt b jMi. Knpliii, ii"iii'tl lit the Committee on Elections to Ii form ti e Senate when tho linker ballot reform lull will I c repoitcd. This rcfoliillon was rerrircil to.llie Commnu .-on Mrcttoos by a msjojlt V"te, Mt IIkmHui resolution olTi'icd by tile same .O'lt'le. man, 1'iotl'lliiK fur ilin taking up of the constl tutlcOHl Convention lull n-i n orJor to. morrow, euuiml trie trouble. Hoimtor ltoblnson made a speech alleging Dial tills resolution was dolDX-violence to (lie ajtrce- tni'iit between Hie tno puilies ju tliohoilile, and ho mo I'd to lay lion trie table. Mr. Uunaher reolied titiaril to Iho rcmnikaof the Sena'oi from Delaware and flcciared' that Hie Benate had no means or Knowing Wflcn tliH bill woulu be railed up. lie wild the peop r of Hie Mac were more interested In thlrneaiur j limn any before tho Legislature. Senator Uublnaun finally mid the bill wonld be called up Wedueadaynor Thursday aud wm,. drew hit motion tq lay on the table, air. Har sher tUm withdrew his resolution-Hart isbunt (Ml. i : " A HUle proOHIiift from HMiatnt tla'ftsher to night, elii ited the. information that tlie'7lWtisoii ConsIltdtlonfltL'onveittteti bill. vUJl t Jsnth-d ui. for float passage olther on Wedaendny orThurM day, mi rt that tlio IUkeiv Ballot ltetorm bill vt II come out of coiwnuteo on, Wednesday, It ts sold with a favorable report. Itapsher'a tesoliitlous J(ft JfowDed down lo, the Senate to-nlelit, but they (succeeded in brtng tng oen statemeuti from the Kcimhllcai'S aa to when they would act on the bills, Pi'itladelDlila ltecord. - t : t. - Air. liapjher onertil ji twolutlon calling on the OommllteBou teoUon$tf9tM(vwUu Jlotur bill Ko. 1, the linger llollot lipi iu lull, will be revolted to tlltj (ptenite Jtcforrul falM .Otinv lnlttee on Elections. . . air. Itapaher ftlo oOefeil a rwolution urovld log a"soectar order toHnarniw for tho Cohsliti.-' tlonal Convention um. ' Mr. ltoblnson anldlwftas surpflSea at' this resolution, as liawftstAso ht tliebiheTtesamtloii um ho attributed tothe lrrorHhee tor lndiud- ence oi tno Senator from Onrbon fMr.-ltaiislier the Impertinence lie displays to these rpsolu. Hons, to characterlttla of (Msoourtesy to tht committees, and iolltoctlytviirlanop with the agreement arrived at between the lwait!su the chamber as to tho. time, (bis bill would le oalledup. IK tnoAed to lay(ttje rusojutlgij on Mr. Hupshcr said lho aever clalmtd' to lm in. imart as ihe Senator fi-om'l)e!!iwure, nnr'tft hold Hi manyonicfsrliutbe did know'tllat lli'a bll .w.js of Importance to the ficftpfb bp thetitnte tho time of the session was passtng rnj I lly.' nnd no one knew when this bill v. ould 4)d called up uo mougnt any senator, Jiml tlio right tootfei ;icn u resolution as hln. and sald.honvm ni quite ns Ignoraut as the Senator f ravn polawan. tmr. ivvuiusutij tiiousui ne was. L . ilr. liobtnson disclaimed :111V Intonllnn Beet on the feenator person'ally. When he nii plled tho word "Ignorant" lo tho Senator from Carbon prr. napsheri, notnttint h. Ignorance of the agreement that had been tfindo ni to the time of calling up thoblll. It Is Ills lntrtilloi. to call it up 011-Thursdav. according to ineht with'the otlicr side.-, 1 ' Jlr. Hoblnson then nltudrowilils motion, to lav on the fable, und Jllr, liitpsher Itndrcw hit rciolutioii. llarrisburg 1'ati lot. TOLD IN TEltSJPTBnMR. Pittston'a debt stops at 880,000. Babf filfow at ScyantonMny-ll. SThe Pennsvlvania Itallroad svstem employes 7,071 onginffors!' 1 . SMonaBoId KfiMndi'ScUitel tradfitns a class of ninety this spring. i-utsourg aeatu rato lor a. mouth pttst was fully egual to .010. Du Bois-Iethodlsts'numb'or 580 and worshiR In; ti now SlCWchurch. ' ' SPrico bf bitrk in Tioca eount'v has advanced from $-1 to SO'.OO and S7 u cbrd. SNorlK AVhloa nnlilln Knlinnl Titinlla have 8180.50 In thoir savings, bank. gHatboro Noiidnal Bank . paid. S2,000 tntorost to depositors ' during "tho, last sixmonth. ' , V " ' SSince the 'lost assessin'ont tivenlv new hous'os hnvo been built in pno ward inSunbury. ' . . ' t'ard" of fUnnUs. ' Bernlco Dccr6oLbdtf&'l24. D. ofK.. leslro to returiMBttiiks to tho' fflendh inl patrontvof theIr''r'Uitr)or daWed losday oveninB Jasb lor-manv favort! . DACqitTunatprlHiEKAnt U 5 '1 : Cleans f :rM;6st' Administrator's ' Sale OF VJVUJAWiB Dy ylrtiie of an OriU'rISf lli60i,plmii''V)urt ol he County if UarlHiH.4lM'iUKli'liiual wll K wat llllc sale, jm JJiejueua at LUJLl MAX t VUIUVU LViBlir. H,,.U Friday,. Kay. 2tli, 191, , ! 'ommenelne at ONE odloMi n. in. tlif'fnlkmrfhn Valuable Ileal IWalclHte Die VMfeiiy.til Kjli n a. iieiiry.ut'feiiaea.tivaH: aii timl certain 'arcel or Tract uf Ijtiul 'shti.if i at little CMn. Ixiwer Tnwmeinlrui TGAimliuvCnrbon coinaj" .'eimsylvuiila, lioupded by uiula.of AUrtrtw U, ii-r, Qt-nrice M. irenry. jilnlil Menrkani, GiianesBiinea-wuiiTiMrtaaigComaimiia . 20 AcrfV.-AltS. 18$ Eciicljes, more or less, Uie same being' ttnttMfy andnt uie ueeu recoraru 103. In the 1Umi r mict w Maek;Chuik. The aald premiiea Xmiw autitect to a certiUu lowerofKareu ItnurtrWViifVlttv W700) flnltbrs ttelatlou belnil mRtAtlll mot full.aMt Ht appear. The Lroviata UtrW are a Itelallou belnil IHRtMlll triors full. ami Ht large Thrcc-Stqry Brjtk Hotel, ae by 40 feet a lante Hi fy wWiSfdriyfa.aU fl?good' anu oiner neveaaui ivtndttlaa. TmiMD of BALE. One llilrd cJi, qiif-thirrt In 1il months, and the reanlulna omMhlidtn one 1 ear, Willi interest, uie piirenaiu't loC (or urawlug deed aad uoeaaary.leiU iaiera. J. C. KHKAMBS, Administrator oi Kvbert A, Heury, dae'd. r East Wei5sp.ort, Pa. WIIOLESALB DEALBli IK . Green Oroceries.Fruits Oysters, Oranges,. Lemons, Pea nuts, Apples, Sweet Potatoes, Confections, Ciprttrs," &c , &c. Our prices .Qn all good arc an low ft8 oily- prices and you Wve nf rnr atnra lite irL-igui. nui ui before butiig oliowhorw! Oscar i,Seege A FINE PIECE OF to IS INDEED A LUXUr FlNZER'S . COMES AS. NEARBEIHQ A FINE piEdE OF , PLUG TOBACCO AMONG DEALERS THESE GOODS' ARE ON THE MARKET IH ONLY ONE SHAPE, . 3x12 FULLI6 OZ. PLUG-THE MOST CONVENIENT JO CUT IN . POCKET PIECES OR .CARRY WHOLE. OBO. FIBZER a BROS,, LoulSille, Ky. Koch:- & ,-ShankwsiIer TnK ,1A.IlG tSST AKI .USABINO . . :Geits' Furnishing H ouse - IN THE LEHIGH VALLEY.' Men's Boys' &CMlfirsClcllite. ' .1 Hi. , Jlfeiv's 33usinimshnd Dress Suits. Our Sunns line uf j'len's and Youths Fine Clfilhilii? excels flmlhrnv erp'r'fdiriu'i to our..c,ust(imeis lr Ucad'y tnatle Ulndiine iimuinRilt a fact'uevtincl tltsjintp, tliat out uuf rooJ 9i.n43 Uio Quest beyond quesloo. Ytidh's'thtd Bois' VUtliing- llcilltv.. tllirhlllM. At rpnol Ii Ai,l nnnlif v. all In one suli. Ue guaraiitco our sunt not tOTip. ." Hew values evef abuvy'u, ' J3i snie to liifpect bur Hi?3. 't Spring Ovevcqats, ' Elecant.o-nd Faililanabla .Overcoats In 1 flllt anil dark ftluitles. Jt num. i.ers, but. nil freeji ttIfa. ,Gel at jtuliu ainpies oi t'opuiar uopus at ropiuai I'rlcos. i '' ' 1 ' ! VljiUD-ijn's plo'thvig, ' ; Wo arc foremost In tlio- mtuluction of Ilovs' .SllfrlA. Mftnv AllrMnitvn imL'nlt Inn. Ubftu'rc'n'B'yanty and Ju'iltatlon VsslShIib. .Jers"ey Baits Kills atfd' Hecfers. Eoya Knee Tanis. ' '' 1 'ihiitciloOns. Ouv" jlde-toouis :ara resolendonl wltli. Men's Ilrjys' and Youths' k Medium and Klne'nahl. Yoa mefl'tlon prices' vujdy tho rissw Find TYousers Our Specially. D fisejellent tSte and judBrjiejil hns been lyilaitsd In fe)ec,liip mirI)' SpritiK and utntner Keclt-wear. Tlio .m-illfesL Huh Ever siiifwh. ust 'be spen to bo appreci ated. 8pfltrs I'uff tlio l'ago. . jCid Gloves and Half Jlqsc. IKpate jiot out of slalit In our great and choice assortment of lho ,n,orld's firynlesi nAltei of Kid (JloU'l. JD'ent' own uuiki and Jhdob Adlers. Catch H'nulck! - 'Halt bote to suit all, , ' - Shirts'.' IdrRpstTitirt chnleB-asanrtmtirft (ifTnnl lllccle. ntlllnff'and limtner Sbtrtft. t'nfT llosolii Hlilfl, tie 'btagwt Strive of the season. ' uiat, virititvioi meui itubesanil '-' ' -. 'Undar-ioear. Ottt'ltne of Under wear t he town talk. MwaAtliUnllneior bartalnsand nntalilea. PMiiuhro Luinmlnc. Wo art rlahl Id Umi 8Wlm.ntl trutDft!) luvvjirlcea. ' Vhe Custovv Deftartment. Our1, 'fme fur Hen QmxU and New Slylrt'U bnwdfMt,: iJ.iainlue pur atuck and rrflcrf. before buviun. Leading ifPWllviirM in.Ueti s Fssiilouablo Aurure.1 Kd'dh ShhkwQiler,, ' HJI . LliAUIKa OI-OTHIHIlfl,, i ANGLER To et a full Una of Split Bam boo Wood Fly.ind'Bait Hods, Brass and JCiehle Itwlee,- Sdk and Linen lute,all Kinds of looks. Bait boxes, Ilnnd Xtts, Trout Baskets, JJoaksanu Out. J Fall line of Flies, Fcrvults mmmitigat 4,4, & to T. U : w s - I J. nomas- urusamre, nuiiMin. AND 5 4JJ J T0 KNOWN AS A tjj NAl Ataistratrii Notice. : Kt 'Iff Itt .1 .Mf I) HKN vividKH, flPf'd, )!" of i '" K'MM,mhni lispor(, ( omtty uft'jiiton 1 I Tit m of nrtniiiilstratlnn I.Af,nir torn rnmed : Hf lie iimli'mtjrtu il, wkluw of tlie lute .1. 1. Hen ! nttitft i , a 1 1 pt'Mniji kuovitiiK tht'in selves to h iini'iit'O to s'.hi t'stiitA v-Hi timkc hiiiiicdmip rm'iit nn I't'iotiH having otHitn will pronent lUf Hami: In pinpci lui m or sultle intuit. ADDILA V. nf.XNINl JERt Administratrix. WelnioTt, AnrH ttft, 1891 A. Estate Notice. Ktnto of Frctlrr tr)t Hrlnknmii, dprenspd, late of Knhtulit(it liotoinMi, -uunt of i urbon und aUHu of I'ennlVMtitii. AH ihtsmii unit-bled to Kltl rsttttc Hr ii ouentt rt to inak t iiuiiifdUte im metit unit llitmu Imvinti It gHl uIhIiiis ucMiiMt the will iMTSfrtt them without deUT In proper order for m-utf nif ni. Wm. 11 JtHl.NUMAN, UllAN K. lifil S KMAff, Tt'lilpliton, I'h t aim 75, oi m, AdmlnlAtmtont. - TuWliuDiItMayCoflCBra. All pernom hit) hereby forbid iflli)jr my Min, i fundi! W. Dmniboir, any Rouda by writu-li nnlriirolbfrmem my aiwunt, aa I will not iiay iir be rvaii!iliilv fui any dabta eoutnictrd by lili aftrr tills daw . Mlia .IrWKMt DBVHBOtUt. Uhlshtnn, rn., April 17, 1801. Executor's Notice. K.tataot Makt Ahn ZtMHKBMAH, dewaijrt, Iklv ni l'mnklln Townbip, Onrbon coynly.I'a. IjIpm tii.tnlnntiittirv nf tild laat Will and Will and teatanient of Hie late ilvy Ann Zimmerman. H'cnuieri. nf 1 he oniintv and tiitr iilorrwid. lix B been uninied to the audeislsiinl. Alt tiersons knnwiim lhemseivesti ue indented tnainirt leatti If lia will muko f.tllenieiit at noee. and uemoMa liar- ma elmins will praaeut the aame duly airttieulW cuir4 iui pitiiieiiif. AUSTIN llOYBn. Execulor. April 11, lmi-vro Welaspott, Assisnces' Notice. N'otlcB l hnwhy Biven. tit Hofomon Wile;. of Franklin To iiTilK'Hrbon eotmty, n.. and KvwAnn tils wife, tu need oi- voluntary assiiw- ment, have iisslirneif all the Mal. real and per sonal, mine tuiiu rcuomgn aitK, in uumiiu Knuer and .1. K UlcHert. of l'ntnklln Township. firlmn romitv. fa., for the Item-flt nf the ereui ton, of the km Id Hnloinon Wulok. All uarsmi. ilierefnre, Indebted In the said Hnlamon Wnlrk. ,ii Mouke ivtvmeiit to tne sulci Assignees, nno ihose li:ivinitclaiiiHir ileipanJs will make known I lie same wituout delay. rmvAnn itABisn, J. K. KICKlillT, prll JO, Kit. Assignee of Holnmon tValck. Auditor's Notice. Estate ol Kimell It. Klrliy, Uecoased. The tinderKliineil, iipnolnted by tho Orphan "onrmf Caiboti lonniv Auditor to mnke ills- illiutUiii ni the moneys In tlio linniNofine riiuli,ltrulni-. In s.ild AKlute. and rennrt tu 11'Xt tenn, win meet all tmilles Interestid, for lie ittM-nnihesni 111 nipoiDiineiu, tu uisnuu-e 111 mitten 1 IlllllK. 1.1., oil o (ninny, wn; aiiii. 01. at It o'clock A M., when and wlieieflll .allies ImthiK claims on nld fund are leqnlird o present lliem, or be forcvi-r debarred from 0m'"B maUW AKKr.SlIAllKEY. Auditor. Aflmioistrairix Holies. Estate of Keilbcn l'enstermncher, dee'd, late of the Itci cnftli o ieuiKiiion.tnuiHy oi uaiuun State of l'eutiM Ivaula. Letters of admiidsti ntlon having bren crantfd S the undersigned "Mow nf the late ltetihen feuyvrniaeher nil peisnns kimwliiR themselves O U IIKK'lMru rn,.,. ,nn,iy ..... , . ,., r, v ,' .,, tiiiin aodn s lr urn the date hereof, and rer- ni liiivlns claims will present the same In plupcr xoilll lor fitiiit-iiirni. LEV IN A I'EXSTEnjIAOIIEIl, Administratrix. Lvhlghton, Vn May 1, 1601-wtl' ' To Whom It May Goncern. All persons aro hereby cnntioned not to trust ny wife Mary. ho liavlni? left my bod arid loard without wist cause or prnvisaiinii and 1 Mill un ! Iim ri'H nnsllile for debts con- racted by her. all of wlilclt you now have othe. MiillllISlllilN, -.(iiiiiiton, rn., may s. iwi, ai Notice. Scaled proposals will bo received by either of lltt ulHiei'l:nen, wneve sin-ciiu.iuoon luii ,,r .mm until tvvH-n nVlnclc noon IMav ltlh. 1C0I. .or bulldliiRtwi! largo dinning stands on the fair urounus at j-enii: iiou. U. flAUKR.Herrctary, V. bCHWAltTZ.Tieas. ' "PENSIONS. lVrnmn detlrluir Tension fllanks and Infnr nation under Act of .lime 1800, can obtain the ame from the undersigned, GEO. W. EfaHEIt. Trothonotary, ioait , (lauvli Chunk. I'a EAST WEISSPORT, DRALRR 1H Heaters anil Hanges, Tinware and Pais At Very lowest Prices. Pattlculaj- attention paid lo General Jobbing, Furnace and I'limp Work. UST1MATES cheerfully furnished lor House hrat(Dg with Hot Air, steam or Hot Water Cticulathm. All work Guaranteed ! During the year ltdl You will find -AT- SWEENY'S "Corner Store" JUST THE PLACE TO HUY l)iy (?oods Croceaiap, Notions, Glassware, Orang?6, Bnnnns, Grans, Lemons, Apples, IfttW, Cb&iHes and overythinfr Usuny fuunein a thoroughly first-class general store. . We solicit a call and guarantee satisfaction. . REMEMBER THE Corner Store, LEHIGHTON PA. ROOFINC 1 T (jrM-EUASTIC llOOFINti Fl-XT costs only .90 tier uw Mpure led. Makes a good iuoI twi years, and uMouecutiirt Itou. Seudaiup fur sain 1 !. mid full particulars. (.I'M CutxTiL Ki.onxu Co., Ml 4 41 WuiT IlKiitnw&v, New Vobk. Lm1 Agent Wantel. mr 21. loi no -HALLE KY, , rcriuaueorv Kmw near vaiwy I w ' 7. no to Gns. Miller's Poplar Betanrant, ron FEES IT LAGER BEER, Finest Hranclt of I.liruon. suoh a Qibson'8 Pure Rye, Dougherty's Pure Bye, Genuine Silver Brook, Imported Gin and Brandies, Finest Cigars. First-class Free Lunch nlways on the liar. To Contractors and Builders. The unileralenpd annmineaa In Contractors ilnd Hiillilera tb 11 he lian now onaui'd lib atone quarry, hi nearer kuu. hiiu la preiHtreu ui supply Bnilcliiig Stones In anv quantity at rentonablo ratM, lie nbo ,h"P supply ' ni. remuenre on tL.vvri ITHRKT. to supply Immediate demand. IIAtlLINUotevsrvdiwcrintlou. oromntlv at- tended to. Also, eonstantlyon hand a full supply, of tlM best Drawls of Flour aud Feed, which he will sell nt lowest Market Trices, CHARLES TRAINER. SECOND 8TIIHBT, I.BIIKIllTON, PA Stop Paying Big Prices! Save from 10 to 25 per cent ! buy youh Wnll 7iper and Decorntions, Window bhades and lMinges, Curtain Poles, tJlmins, Sash and Stair Rods, Brushes, Taints, Oils, Varnishes, (ilas9, Putty, and all kinds ci btationery, at First street, Lehighfon. We have tho largest assortment at lowest prices. Call and he convinced. mar.'H, l14m m Works, FIRST STREET, - - LEUIGnTOJT, Oppo<o Ilia Patk. Is tlip place lo Ret your Carpet Wove oj uiir rags exclianceil for either lias. In train or JJnissc-l Carpet. Prices to suit uvervuody. N. B. I alio keep the oOlce for "Tho Singer Mniiiiraci tiring Company," and neep fur salo a full :f:e of iiuclilno sup Piles and attachments, such as Oils. Cans, Needles, (for lolhodandnew tnauliliier) blititllea. Belts, Hell Hooks, bprlugs, Kubbets, etc., etc, Instructions lo opperate machines glad ly Blyvu auviluie bv lady operator, Give me a call and, be convinced that I sell at the very lowest figure. First street, next to Dr. norm's Central Drug Sioro. D. J. KI5TLEF? flesectfullv announces to the public that he has opened a li KV LI V EKV S I'A 111.1!, and that ho Is ow iireiuicd to furnish Teams fur Funerals, Wedd'ngs or llnslness Trips on the shortlist no- leeaua most nuerui lenus. uiuers icii. ai. lue Caroou ttouso" otii reteive proininaueuuou. . STABLES ON SOUTH 8THEET, lexttliolIc.tet.LeMchton. UnntA- AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS, Mrs. E. FATH, respectfully anoonocen to her Lndy Friends that sue has just returned troni trie city where Btia Has eeenred eu en tirely new and fasblouabla stock of all lho latest style in Millinery Goods, cotupristog Hats, Bonnets, Trimmings, Flowers, Ribbons, &c, m wblob she Invitee the attention other friends and tbe Indies iu general. P1U0E3 AS LOW AS THE LOWEST I Mns. E. FATH, Soalh First 8treet, 2nd' door below II. E, O iarsb, jjebiKbtsD, Pa. marsh Jl, lsoi-ani. H. M. BETZ, Watcbos, Dicimonds, Jewelry. --Silvertvure.Bronzcs, Plooks, J3icycles,Piano Lamps, '' Furniture, Parlor . Qrgand, and almost every kind. of mcr cliaudiM; sold upon thc.Tontine Plan which is now so favorably known as applied tp life insur ance. Certificates are issued to members entitling them to $40 worth of Mer chandise for $17! The certificates are guaranteed to mature in 17 weeks upon conditions ; clubs now forming. If you wish to get nny of the above goods, at greatly reduced pi ices, and on easy payments, call on or drop a postal 10 FRANK GERMAN, USXBUAX AGENT, MVisport. - - - AHn'a. Siil 18, lOI UIll All the very latest news will be found in the Caubon 4dvo- QAZ0. ito stales Directory. I l'OK A SMOOII! IT I.KUS 1HEM BA8Y - BUAVJ3, l Al.;. is NEWH AKO A I The .1 Sttmsu IIaik Cut, OO TO IV. F. ESHAXO THR MAnBICK. Over tho (Janal Bridge. lUu'lIj I . CLEAN, If.'UErKr.DliNT. Read lll- KA8T WKIHsroilT, l'ENN'A, This bouse oflin I rsWass sceommodatlons to ho permanent boarder and transient guest. Panic prices, only One Dollar ier day. Mi(r7-iy John I'.kiibio, 1'rnprleU.r. Oscar Cliristman, WKIS8P0RT, PA. Livery and Exchange Siables. fiasy riding carriage and aato drlrtntt horses. Bestaocoinmoilatlonsto agents and travellers. Mall aud telegraph ordor promptly attended lo. (live me a trial. nwval-ly The - WoisspBrt - Bakory, O. W. I.AUKY. 1'EOrKIKTOH. Delivers Fresh Ilread and Cakos in Weissport, muiaitwo ami vioiuiioneTei uay. In the store, I have a Fine Une ot Confectionery Or tlio Holiday Trade. Sunday schools and font; anu losb dectt-.-ui vuia sLppuea ai tovwi prices, Over Canal Bine E. Weisspt .UNDERTAKER AND DKAT.KIt Vt FURNITURE. PARLOR SUITP:S, BED ROOM SUITES, ., c Trtco the very lowest. Quality of goods the beat. Satisfaction guaranteed In avery particular. Caskfets, Coffins and Shrouds, We have a full linn which we will furnish a tne lowest possible prices. Flour, Feed, &c., the choicest quality at very reasonableprleo3. uiumuu uo vuuii!cea. JOSEPH P. REX, AprH-lv EAST WEISSrortT. Stoves, Tinware. Heaters and Ranges In Great Variety at Samuel Graver's Topulnr Store, Bank Street, Roofing and Spouting a special ty. Stove repairs furnished on sbort notice Reasonable! Xiohighton, Pa DKAIXlt in iXUU A UI UUUUUJ U1UU UUUUIUj From 43 to 100 Pounds In Weight. Prices Lower than the Lowest. These are not liuffnlo Stock, aud are Guaranteed. J3?r 'Call and see before buying olsewhere, leD.T.iu am AL. CAMPBELL, Jeweler and Waictoaler, Bank Street, Lehighton, fenna Respcctfnlly Invites tho attention of his friends auuine cmzens generally rn nis unmeuse new stock of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewely, at Prices that defy competition. It will pay you o call and Inspect my stock before purchasing eisewueiu. REPAIRING Promptly done at lowest charge, and all work guaranteed. Don't Forset tie Place. SIGN OP THE BIG WATOH, Bank St Lehighton. Decisiw: Prof. ALEXANDER BOUDROU, era CO I am now 71 yeraa of age. Was a student ol Meilleliif and Surgery '"r seven yem under the faiiious Dr. Nelann. and alter ten years' hard study and In eousnltatUin Kith seven ol the moat eminent pli)telans In the city of FluliKlelphla sinee1H7l. I have discovered the cure ol many stMWlled Inniralile dlseaw. It can uo louver Ue doubted that the snlne can beeured; that paralyzed limbs can he restored to their natural use. aud Keiieral debility euied. Coiiinution uf the hrnln. apoplexy, results of sun stroke ai d the worst cases or rheumatism, sci atica, nruialala. liter complaint, HiIkIiI' 1ih eaae of the klduess, bin and bone disease, ea Utrh. bronchitis, chronic dysentery, and so cillrd lu art ilUease aud dlphterla. all entirely cured nith pure uiedli-loesof nn own prepara rum, tl used property direoted. Iiurlim nine ears over te.ouu persons in mis rilv alone luve used these medicines and are iiftnir witnesses of their worth. All their names u. n In- obtained by ralUuir al the nISce and lab oiuu rv of l'rolewor noudrou. No. 17-J7 North t. ulh' Street, rhiladvlplila. I was myseir In jured in the spine aud naralzed fur seven jeaa and irouniini-t-d iiit-uralile by tu-veu ol the moat able plitsti-laiis aud hiiii:-iiuh ul tbiscl y. I am now well uuil he.ilth, Iiuviuk eared uiyself wltli my omu nii-ilk-lii- lo rut llieii in thone nrcjuiilced aKalnst Im provement In medicine and die, when you cau I will nut (co lulu practice myself, being over ' ii'.iri of un , l"it HI sell my medic. nes, I hu"- l ) i-iuliicui pliyahdaus connected wllh nit- lo .iii.-iul tn ealUoK at tbe resldducc of the sli k If require. Come mie, come all saSerers and be reatored ta hMilth, cured by these pure medlrlurs aud thus see experience and believe lor vonrselvea. OStos and fjiboratory open ally liofll 1A.M., aio P. M. oall r writy AUOUlNit tml imp. n. rwiwiwiT1 Sinats ICE CREAM, SODA WATER, MILK SHAKE, CON FECTIONS WM AllE now nlflely loesled In our new store room and with 1 Increased facilities and cnnvenhiees are batter than ever pro- pared to cater to ilia public. We extend an earnest Invl atlon to tbe people to call and see us Tea Croatia nntl CrmfpfiHfms i" ntaii or yyhoiewiie lots, momcandfea AwO WftjaiH ilUR UUmtJUUUUS, tlvalenininltteeaaiid wedding nsrtirswlll oi- promptly supplied at me very mnest price, prices. Wo furnish all Savors of Urcain tu any FINF Q WCRWARF WA niL uiLiuiifiniiU) un 1 uiiuu 1 1 1 u ULflUII" FUL JEWELRY. WK C HUY as fine and as complete a line of the above rooA as can be found In anv Jewelry Si ore In Carbon county. ve liaveall the newest novelties and the prices ate the very low set. J2Coino and seo ns Iwfore 3011 buy. All tbe Very Latest . Olias. H. Nusbaum, BRIDGE STREET, WEISSPORT, PA. Ladies and Misses In all the 634 Hamilton Eierfljoif is Cuing Prices; Our' s Remain the Same ! Don't Buy Until You See Our Goods and Compare Prices ! One day lime clocks, 60c 75c, and up to $2.50. One day alarm clocks, 80c., $1.00 and up to $3.50. Eight day clocks from 3.00 up to $10.00. , American Lever TFatches from 5.00 up to 50 and $60 We don't make a " blow " about low prices and we have no need to " cut " for the simple reason that our prices ore now as low if not lower than those of other Jewelers in this town or in the county. Wo repent our invitation : Come and see us and examine our goods and learn prices before buying elsewhere. AGENT. The Reliable Jeweler, The Warm weather Makes it Quite Seasonable for Kick Ice Cream, Fresh Soda Water & Good Milk Shake. Parties, l'icnics and Festivals supplied with Ice Cream at the very lowest prices. Confections, Fruits and Groceries. Toys, Games and the New Novelties. In this line wo have everything that is new. Our prices are al ways tho rery lowest. S1LYERWARE AND JEWELRY. We can't bo boat in a fine line of silverwaro and jewelry. We have all the new effects at the lowest prices. BEN K. CTJLTON, JOBWORK THE POLICEGAZETTE Is the only Illustrated paper In tos world containing all the latest enaatlonal and (port Ion news. No saloon keeper, barber or rhib 7.n ean afford lo be without II. It alw makes irlcoda wherever u t'ix IiafMdtoauv addiesn In tin- Carted Statn securely wrapped, 13 e t h i $i. Head Ave cants lor sampW oupy. Eichard K. Fox, jUUNsm, Nw Twk AND FRUITS. at out handsome new store. ixin i imiv eisewnere until you call and learn our quantity at slwrt notice. ITNFQ AWn RTAIITI Novelties in Toys. Fashionable Millineky. We have the tnreest and most Stylish 1 Effects In Seasonable Millinery at the Lowest Prices. In the trimming de partment we have Two Olty Milliners to create happiest fancies in effects for our customers. Wraps -AND.- Coats, In ihe newest'styles and of the very best materials and make at lowest prlcss. Don't ro to the city when yon can buy cheaper at home. WEISSPORT PA. Branch Store, Lehighton. izers and Reefers! New Shades. St., Allentown. sr of all kinds nicely executed at this office. Prices low. For Sale A Very Vulunble Farm ! The uiuteraiahad o8tn for sale bis farm ef .is Arras, mora or less, teutbar iirt b House, frfaiii.iuid idher nrvemary ImprMemrnts, thi) pmprrtv is Im ated In UabOBluc TowosUln. four iinlea fioiii lj hliililoii. aud has a never falunf ipiUig ol wlei. Api4) to JAMES HFIlnlO. Banknay, Lebl)(bieo, Pa, or, Cuu&y ATOCi.t Ofte. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers