S3FAre you tt&ertor to the paper yenarenoxoreadimlt If not, it Kill ml you tut 1. for 83 teeeki tohteomtone.and then tottcan (JI your nelpMor tost y tUt neither ttfrew nor lend. Dr. Gi Ti BORIC AT TUB - ifliM.-ol IsT-lin" StiOrft- I orr. thc public square flank Street. Lehighton, Pa., IS UHADQUABTBnS FOR Puro Drugs and Medicines, Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c, &c, choice Wines and Liquors, Wall Paper and Decorations! Spectacles ! When you buy a pair of Kliott you want a good fit. But II you need SPECTACLES It Is much more Important that the EYE should bo accommodated with correct lenses and a proper T fitting framo which will brtnir the lenses di rectly before the centre of the eye. If you buy your spectacles at Dr. Horn's vou will find the above points properly attended to. PERSGRIPTIOHS CaeMlY .ComMed Octl5-t88I NOBIS 71BST STEEET, LEHIQETOU. IS THE PLACE FOR Fine Suitings and PantalooniEgs at tho lowest prices which are 10 to 20 per ont. lower thirt, elsewhere. A perfect fit and best workmanship guaranteed In every nitance. Before purchaslnpc elsewhere rail and see us. -31-ly I Heify Miller 9 LEKIG-HTON. PLANINa - MILL. MANDFAOTUBEB OF Window akd Doob Fbahes, Doors, Shutters, window wishes, Mouldings, Brackets, AND DBALEB IN Ml Kimls of Shingles, Pailings, Hemlock Lumber, &o., &c. Very Lowest Prices. WALL PAPER, DeOOratlOnS, Picture KOdS, . Covo TFindow Shades, Spring Rollers, li'ringes, Carpet Lining. , BOOKS, STATIONERY Blank Books, Easels, Games, J31ocks,Fancy Cards, Etc., etc., PAINTS, (4ils, Glass, Putty, Brushes, Colors, Artist's Materials. ' General Painter' Supplies, LF.Luckenba Ho. 61 BroatwaT Manc Cliniil. Pa. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE V & VA " IS & I ag 5. W 00 H"4 Adam Mehrkam &on, Agents, LEiuarrroN. All the very latest news will Ta found in tho Cabbok -4dto i . yj.n.. m l 1 J, 'f,i"jiwu..m.-j-a.. i. ufcjwrawa hc. . .t,r , i,n j, .uHH.rJnff T"niii-,rar.:, "V, "i" .a. .' , im, ,,i,"r""r"",'a'"ol"T:".ljc,. mHUBBI'a n ml 'Hi T HI 'It " " ' 1 ,1 n i in i ii i - - i ii im . - ir - i 1 1 i i - i -i- t 1 i $1.00 a Year in Advance. VOL. XIX.. No 26 Professional & Business Cards. W. M. Rapsher, ITTOHNET tt COUNBELTjOR AT l."w, VrA iloor above the Mansion House, unntr rnrrJNK TENH'A. KM' Kitato and Collection Agency. Will I Buy Decadents specially. tty be consulted In KMllsh and German noy.2.-vl O. A. CLAUSS, Offlee with Clams Eros., First street, LehlxMou Fire, Lifb ad Accident 'INSURANCE. ol Vmt-elass Coinpaiiien "are reprcstnted Information cheertultyfurulshed. 4-ly Ex-Sheriff Rabenold, 34 W. 11th St AIXT5NTOWN DENTISTRY, In all Its branches. Fresh Ras always on hand. The patronage of the People Is solicited. Satisfaction gnarontced.4-5 003. DR. J. P. BROWN, Sla'ington, Penna. Special Treatment given In Diseases of Women. Specialist In Diseases of Eye. TIlMVlt. Ear, Nose and Catarrh Permanently Cured. Pine Frnrneless Eye Glasses and Spectacles ad-Justed-my own patent. augo-iy DR.G.T, FOX, 172 Main Street, Bath, Pa. 4T BANOOa. BBOADWAY IIOH8K, MONDATS. iT KABTON, SWAN HOIFX, 1UKSOAVS. AT llKTHLErtBM, 8UJf HOTEI, WWINRSI'ATS AT AI.LKSTOWN, KAOLB nOTKL, THUBSUAY VT BATIT, FBIUAVB ANU SAl'UltDATS. Office Uours-From 0 a. m. to 4 p. m. Practice limited to diseases of the Eye,Ear, Nose Throat mt-AIso. Refraction of the Eyes ortbeadjust- I ment of glasses. , IF. I. SMITH, D. D. S., OIBce opposite the Opera nouse. Bank Street, Zeh ton, Pa. IIRHTISTRY IN ALL ITS DltANCUES. ITilllnR and making artillclal dentures a special ly. lAHJiU llilCOiUClla uai,u. rTTt Jas administered and Teeth Fxtracted WITH OUT PAIN. )FFICE HOURS : From 8 . m to 12 m., from 1 p. m., to S p. m., irom i y. in., tu o i. m. Consultations In English or Oerraan omce Hours at nazleton-firery oaiuruay, I Oct l-87 IV br.w.f.danzee, No. SO NortU WyomlnBlSt.. HAZLETON, PENNA. Snectallst In Diseases of the EYE. NOSE AND THKUAX. Dr. Dauzer win be at tne Exchange Hotel, Lehigh ton, I Spectacles and Eye Glasses accurately fitted at tarconsultatlon In German d jlfc A. S. Rabenold, DnASira DiTTOa s Oyer J. W. BaudeBbBsh' Ue.ner Store, BANK STREET. LEHIQnTON. Dentistry la all Its branches. Teeth Extracted rUhontValn. Ga administered when requested. Office Days WEDNESDAY of each week. P.O. address, ILLENTOWN, a-yt , keumn couniy, -y DENTISTRY. Dr. J. A, Mayer &Son. Tr. GEORGE H. MAYER, a GradaaU from the Dental Department of tho I University of Pennsylvania, has opened an offlce In the same building with i ms lamer, socunu nuui- in vo 't "un, SO BROADWAY. MAUCH 1 1 I 1 PA., I J . n,...n.nn I. MM I bVsUims cental service. - n ln3M I I Lehigh Valley R. R. Co. Arrangrement ef Pnsi?nr Trains, Ik Effect Feb. 16th, 1891. LKAVI! IBHIOIITON Fer Newark and New York 62. T.30, .ST, and U.12 a.m. s 3 ea, 8.29 ft .oi p. m. For Manunka Chunk and ISelvldere 0.22, 7.30. 9.00, a.m. s n.U p m. For Larabertvllle and Trenton S.22, 9.00 and 11.12 a.m.; and 12.12 p.m. fnr shitlnirton. Causauoua. Alltntown. ISetli- lehem, aud Easton, B.22, 7.07, 7.30, 1) M, .57. 11.12 a.m , I2.4i. 3.08, 5.23 and 8.01 p m. For Phlladelphlaano points south at s.22, 7.07, 7.30, 9.00 and 11.12 a. in.; 3.06, s.29 and s.oi p. m. I'orltedlnnnilllarnstiurg7.D9. andll.l2a,m a. in.; 3.00, C.29 and S.01 pjn. For Uownans, Iehlgh Gap, Cherryford, 1-iu rv a, White mil. uoviay, ana iioKenaauqiia 6.22. 7.07, .M 9.67 is 1 1.12 a. m. ; 12.42, and 6.20 p. Ill For Mauch Chunk 6.52,7.13,9.36 and ll.4Sa.ni.. I. 22, 3.1B, 6.23, 7.23, S.16 and 9.3 p. m For Weatherly aud Iliuteton 6.62, 7.43 9.M and II. 4$ a.111. 1, 10.23 p.m. . For Maliauoy City, HUenandoah and Ashland 6.62, 7.43, 9J6 and 11,41 a m. 3.15. 6,25 r 7.23 p m Fer Mt. curme) and Hhamoklu c.62, 7.43 and 11.48 a. m.; 26 p. m. For PottsvlllBa.52. 7-10.7.43,836 11.12 and 11.4 ... n, i.4a ..ott. 5.15. and 7.23. 8.01 n.m. 'For White Haven, Wllkesbarre and Scranton Son, 7.43, 9.36 and 11.4S a.m.; 3,16, 6J4, 7.23 and in a n ,n For Plttston and L. ft D. Jnnct., 052, 7.43. 9,36, nil 1 1, a ..m. i 6.23. 7.2S and 103 p. m. For Tunkbannock 11.41 a. m.; 6.23 7.M and hnfln.M. IFor Oweco, Auburn, Ithaca and Geneva 11.48 intra, Itochester, Buffalo, N'asara Falls and the West 11-48 ajn.; anu T.a anu iu.za p.m. SUNDAY TUAINS. For New York 4.11, 0.42 and 10.07a.m. ; B.Sfl p.m l'or Philadelphia 4.11, 8.02 a. m.i 2.5? and 5.2a 'Fur Eatton and Intermediate Stations 4.11. M2. 8.1". 10 07 a.111. ; 12 62, 22. 5.20 and ?.34 p. Ill For Mauch Chunk 8.14,96,10.23 a-m.; 126, S.I5, 5.13 and 9-18 p.m. f or KeuuiUK hi o,w a. in., ana i.ra p. m. For llazlftmi 9.00 tt.ln. : 12 20, 3.10 Ss 10.28 p.m. For Maliauoy City and Sbanando&h 12.20 and 3.15 p.m. l'nr Willie Haven. Wllkes-Parre. ntUton. lunKnannocK, towauua, sayvr, iiuaoa, tieuevii, AuDurn, f.imira, uoenesu-r, uuiuio, Niagara Ku.ff.T.',E:Sft,,i.i ....... . - Time line Tables. E- B. IiYlNQTON. Gen'I Pass. Aernt. Maytl.'M. y South Ilethlehem, Penna. Pil.es! .P!et?les! Frey's Universal Pile suposltory. A sure cure for every form of Piles, Internal or external, ltehlng or bleeding, and loou standing ease. Mas never ueu. iiy , ctcu ii uu iiare f Ail mi llh everv other remedy. This Suirnoa tory is eoneahaped, easy to apply, safe, neat and clean, and posesses every advantage over omt mant.nd salves. Phvslcans use in their nraet- Glve It a trial and you will be relieved and nnv1nAd. if vour drtnntlat does not keeD It or cet it for you, send for U by mall. Price, 60 Cents a Box. Addra AirOBXW t. FBT. M Coal & Hardware Co,, L1M1TKI), Seller's Corner, Ijohighton, Pa. Articles of Special Merit. Reasonable Articles, as such we name : King Philip Guano, A good and cheap PhosphaU Unicorn A very good Fertilizer. BAY STAX3S, 'Ihe very best general Fertilizer 1'lnnct A und.K Fertilizer ! The Boss Fertilizers for Gardeners- All of the above have been used for years around here and are thoroughly reliable. Also, several other Brands ol Fertilizers ! 1 to S3 C o s a H: IT lie SaVS; It tvills liuES ! ana 1' tV does ! Hammond's Grape :: Dust, kills mildew on Hoses,' Gooseberries and Grapes A line of Belting, Hose and T?i,KW Plntli ItUUUUl vu baa The "American Rouud." The "Anrhony Wayne, and "The Miller" Washers. Any kind FROM TI1K 46 Cheapest to Tim -Best!- CD C- vltfrHiUirrB-) -awvyr. I i 1 nwjLrf.. O 5 p tjarden, Field, Grass and FloV' 'B or Sionrlc Hardware, Oils, Glass. Paints. The Largest Line of Machine. JPmnp and Tool i -m . ncuau a IX) the Lehigh .PCr 11 otr ! J I Coal, Slate, Cement, Sand. 5 If jou need anything in these lines don t mil to call, Coal & Hardware Co, LIMITED. I Cl Vhrqjjlrtam v nra (tea I III ., Uj mm UU.UU INDEPENDENT " Lehighton. Carbon Oonnty, KISLOV: THE VAMPIBE. In thayoitr 18S0 apartroanta autrolil- omo wore tokan in uia noun no. iu Ruo St. Honor. Parb, by a eoupla tt ho had Austrian passports and csto their riamea oa Jaaa Ktelor aal vrtf a. IClslor pretended to bo a mtulclaa, in part teacher and part Mpnttur oompassBi Ho was a parson T0f trail informed, linughy and artstocratfa In mAhner, and muwunlly unucins in iisparanoa. He Itad a gpaotral has aet in a nraraa of thlok black bair, cod out by a long mustacko wbloh buns fc h!s breast. Hti fves, tnaly Uack thrllllnsly bril liant, flashed aa if tbay baloasad any where raUier Utan to tutt (jBsauy wnito fnce. oilier wIm immobile, tad th pallor of which woa htightenad by bright ar mine lips. He tvaa oraaclatsd to a singular degree, bat thera wm nothing of tho languor and dttllnen of dieoaaa nfcout him; an the contrary, a flr and intensity which gave a sort f pasnlon to all that he W or did. ne dretaoa an tlrely in black with a aumptuousntes of tone which was of itself impreniTa, Mme, Kislov wag a lona diatinguishea petson, a fair and florid blonde, with white oyebrowa aritl a pinklih stripo above them. She vras piemp, and tho way in whieh the rova bloom vpw laid on hor gilsterjlng white iStia sava ha the nppeATKSoa of a 'wax dolL TVlin HJslev bad bM llvlns in tho Rne St Honere sThoat four month sev eral crrourmbun opmbha to bring him under tho (gimillaaoa of the polios. Sirring in a d& errt day in the Boule vard Montraartre, be was Bat upon by a worhman, who assaultsd bin with a knlfc and would kav kiitod him but for tho prompt intorjoafvien of a ear geant de vine. The man was, arrMtod, but Kislov porsietcntly refused to eprwar against him, and the warknan, whose name v&ts Jaez, an Hungnriaa, was Anally discharged. He would soy bo mere titan that he knew KtBlev, and that Uo was a mon Btar. The singular refusal tf Kislov to fee tify against an asreati tirected the attention of tho authorities to the man, and urovoked inauirles Uto bis ante codent. Two ttSaji were &und out immediately that 1& nam was not Kislov, and that he hod bought areenio in contderqblo queaMtrtaat pharmaclea tiear where t lived. A 1 ! ..1 A..ri.u served to sot Uia polios curiosity it rest Asternlnir ElshrV. Tlie Austrian am IfiHy. which vfsfced Kislov passport. n&sured the authorltfca that tiny knew him well and were satisfied with tho reasons he gave for living incognita, He was an Hungarian nobleman of high rank and great ostotto which fie had left to oomo to Parts ander an assumed name, because the ignorant and brutal Itoaeanbry by wbem be was surrovnded hod got a arm beiBsc into tnerr stupia ads thAt no vrta a vunpiro who uvea sucafhe blood. This would explain tho attempt made on bia life by Jas-, who was probably an enifixant from lib neiahborhood. Aa for tho tfrecnlo. Madams Kislov was rrirm who bail the reputation of being arsenic cater, Kislov's musio teach fib'g was merely an amlnhle eccentricity, as Do was very rich, but a great en ibndast in rfattets pertaining to ts tanonft An agent of the oollea bureau. however, not t$tlsSod with what wasro- porteu conceratfu- Jtalov, determined to faaflv a private Inaulry of bia own. This agent, Bylyain by name, and a man of groat astutonem mueu trustoa uy ins aaureritlce, hunted up Jasz, and ascer tained from Mm that the suspicions of which lay ngaintt Kislov had in ciroumst&noes Intimately vrfth this reputed musio ma n; there were some parts of the which were exceedingly pus- business zllrra. Sylvara set to work ta invostlrata con cern irtg Kidors various pupils in rarifl. ue found that the man a cltases ware oompqsojl of girls and young women Umt ho gave bis Instructions r nny which was purely nominal, but in rStum esactod tile raoet arbitrary conditions, and was indeed exercising over bia pupils n dospotlsa. wbtsh vrta as hteSrro as it was imperious, He dis missed them at rdeasura and without oauee, assuming a right of arbitrary eeldctlah which he would nsrmit no one to dispnte. Ho would have none but bandsome girls and wouysu, and thsso must bo bleadas--llie fairer they were the more llkeiy to be feisUned. He sMjcted his prj-jUs Ogm all grades of secloby, but only in tara qasas did be give private instruoUoas to person ef the higher social classes. To offset all tkU, It must M eonf sssad that Kbslov was an tmraordiaary teacher. He was thaougUy aooom nllabod in his art and verr eacable af imparting to othem bt enthusiasm. wbgn a pupil was oamplataly to his taste, be inmred no time aor sains to m-inr- Der ramdlv nrrwara. He wna a tavorite with bis punas, ta His convematlooal powers were vary groat, and there was aomenhlng ot a ma&netto btjsU In bis prosnnoa, in the somber inyaufryof lira bewildering eyes, and tlie render courtosyer ha peculiarly sympftthetlo manners, wbleh made his pupils odvonoe most charmingly aaa thoroughly under his guidance. Bnt. as fiylvaln presently discovered, tliero waa always a onlmlnating period ta this progrlBft and the relations of master trad rmml eamo ta aa abrupt end. The pnptl, after almest oanoaenual friendship with tho tatsr, would be startled by a sudden coldness ea his part and a dismissal as rude and peremp tory as to admit of no qualifica tion; or else she would ba invited to go to Madame Kislov's apart ments to practice some unique musio upon his own plane; the tone of which was incomparable. In the first cose the pupil was never taught again; in the second case the pupil never re turned to the apartments to practice a aecoud time, Bylrain po-Bonally Inves tigated four or five ot tho coses ot the favorite pupils who had been invited to practice at Kislov's house and found that Highest of all in Leavening I I Live and Let Live." Penna., May 9 1891. the main circumstances in each case were the same. Take, for instance, tho caso of Mile. Snartz, daughter ot on Alsatian con olergo. Sho was a brilliant blonde aged 17, with a very pretty voice, and was preparing to go upon tho stage in opera bouffe. She was a plump, pleasant creature, with a good deal of archness in her manners and a frank insouolant grace which promised to help her ma terially in ber profession. She was tho picture of joyous, rosy health a laugh ing now of Saxon descant, witn tuo blue eyes of Franconia and the fair hair of an English girl, una, Bwartz was received in KisloVa house with distinguished courtesy by the teacher, and easy quiet by mad ame. The room was shaded by curtains which threw a crimson color upon all objocts, and there was a strong tropical odor of perfumo which was rather oppressive. Mile. Bwartz had an unbounded faith in and revet ence for her teacher, who hod mode hor advance most rapidly, but this was tinctured with not a little awe, and she felt rather contused and dizzy when, after a period of conversation, Kislov advanced to hand her to the piano. This confusion did not wear off, but rather increased as sho began to play the pro liminary bars of a piece ot strange music, Kislov accompanying her on his flute, and Mme. Kislov striking a few notes on tho guitar. Suddenly there waa a blank, and she was aroused to find herself at an open window, and Mme. luslov bonding over her with Kind solicitude. Do you feel hotter now?" sho was asked. "Do not be alarmed, my dear; the room was too warm it mode you taint. " Then Kislov, in his deep, mysterious tone, said: "Starosta, you had better ao company Mile. Swartz to her home in a carriage. " All this while Mile. Swartz scarcely noticed anything, owing to the dizziness ana strange languor which possessed hor. All she thought of, all she spoke of, was her desire to be takon homo, and that was speedily done. Mile. Swart g appearance caused ber friends the greatest alarm when she was brought home. Mme. Kislov explained that her frightful pallor was tho result of a tainting lit, and that she would Da quits well again on the morrow. This, however, was not tho cose. Mile. Bwartz kept her bed for 10 days, and It was more than three months before the pallor left her. Meantime a note came from Kislov Btating his regrets that ow ing to unavoidable circumstances, otc, no would not be able to permit Mile, Bwartz to resume her 'studies under his direction a thing which she had no In' tentlon ot doing, for her awe and rever once were now supplanted by an in vincible repugnance. BUvaln found, not less than four of Kislov's pupils whose experience wore almost identical with those of Mile, Swartz. 'While the detective was brood- ing over the mystery, he heard of still another which was exciting inquiry In n different direction. A Mile. Uoljoux. Enchuysen, daughter of a wealthy banker, tho representative of a Hatch family that had been in business In Paris since 1808, was also taking musio lessons from Kislov. Mile. Ool joux-Euchuysen, as perfect a blonde as Mile. Bwartz, was more spirituelle, less robust, and moro nervous. She re turned from ber single visit to Kislov's house in a deep swoon, that was sua ceeded by fever and delirium. In en deavorlng to subduo her restless toss- Ings the nurse noticed that the pillow she was lying upon hod become stained with blood, and that tliero was a wound upon the back part ot tho girl's neck from which blood oozed with some rapidity. The attending surgeon was eummoaed at once and found that the hemorrhage, though not violent, was very persistent; and it was only subdued by use of the most powerful styptics. He could not ascertain anything in regard to tho wound nor how it was caused, and ho was much puzzled about it, since its character and those of the attending hemorrhage was singularly like an ex eggerated leech bite. In tbs pursuit of his Inquiries he called upon Kislov, who, however, denied peremptorily that she had been hurt while with him; and the surgeon could not dispute this eince he de tected no sign ot such a hurt In his pre liminary examination of the patient. He thought it worth his while, how ever, to moke Bomo inquiries of tho police concerning kjsiov, ana it was thus that the case of Mile. Goijoux-En chuysen came to tho ears of the de tective. IL Bylvaln colled at once to see tho surgeon, and after a long conversation with him induced him to visit Mlio. Bwartz and the other pupils of Kislov who were similarly affected. About three weeka later Jean Kislov and wife were cited to appear before the judge d instruction. Bylvaln had made out his case. The accused, on being examined, at first hauirhtily refused to Be interrogated, but finally admitted that his name was not Jeari Kislov, but tbe Count Hadnaji Jotlntzo; that bia wife was the Countess Starosta and that he lived in Hungary, his estate bordering on the Teiss near the town dt Madriega. He denied peremptorily that he was guilty of any of tbe practices attributed to him, and said that he did not think it possible for the authorities of the elegant city ot Paris to be tinctured with the ignoble superstitions which disgraced the rude boors of Bohemia, Hungary, and Wallachia. He said, moreover, that it was no new thing for members ot his family to bo accused of being vroucolacas and stTigoe it was part ot the price they paid for their ancient patent ot nobility. An ancestor of kjs had been murdered by the Vehmgerlcht upon a very similar charge to the one now broucbt against him; but be had no fear before an open tribunal and In the broad daylight of the nineteenth century. The four punlls and Mile. Swartz testified to the line ot facta already stated, but Mile, Goljoux-Enchuyean Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report $1 .0 wfwn wej as yet iotf bUhtt renn. hnvra-fcr. trntlflati -ft hsr: CeSar condition, and.tM character ox Bak - .- - e mr"v. z-T.r i wound upon hor neq-V which,, though the probe rave'aledlt kjb8upeiat was very unusual in oprwKiaSi.ewd; ha was almost wHlltig muWf festlonal reputation tWtiebaM.tsp euoDod there, or.thit t&e.2W41-4 been sucked; Ttyh&&, uxatalaltlic.. necks or ,tne..pravipua wwosaor.anqja each caoa thara. wet'o MespttsnW' cicatrix in or about ( ,amd, part where his patient was vdnndedv A new wiressVas called t&r&t of Mile. Leojiia Saumalrk tSli&W' blonde wltb.a molute facMlt-yhloh had the pillor x) oct 'UJVfliw strut tions plied inula. He object was; tS Bad o-Vfer kid iiuoTmaBqaQi, mo ponpn, jtno ot the practices attributed to him. "VL Bvlvain vaeia annrlsed of her move ments, wm ibsae At hand for duty in rami hie eAr--fnm'eltcm7i1 Hit farrnhred. and ehe herself wis TfjsdS'ltU arE$a$ and sUmulanto ljEnablo feer" 'to wU the insensibility WEJci- naa overBOiSfl all tho. othdS! witnesses Shd? briefer. had yielded fec!SidY 'rest,. and hod recovered tml&eiyne6p to find herself paloindlehMld.itf it ibst fted copiously. Instead, however, oXj'dJcfer ing herself tdv m Xakm Rome, BE gone IiruneJUtVwlth.HBriva the surOTon! w ho. e-toe-l-ntr Xbere was no psln and. at , pearance of anwourJd bnVthe scope rovoaled ( fVf4ViTbicn a nun oi aruntas, .memDTanOi.caui deftly adiustid. Thla w&carttul! moved anl iihd'er Uwiinrellgat? wound, tha,Wesiiina.pot!nv been checked W arao co.Ter; nnd the incision closed with die most consummate art At this etegn-of tbs mroceedlBsa tho examination was discontinued for the day, with the undaratanolnf that It was to be resumed on tne morrow. Count Jotintzo and hii wife, after Riving heavy bendsjfor their recpiiearance, wen per mittea to go home. SI Sylvain, now over, was determined not to loss sight of the;cotiple. He armed, txlmtelt with o provisional warrant and went to room in tho malson sarnie which be had Hired fer the purpose of witeniDs uism. This room was immediately below tbe elesnliiir room of the count sJEtd ooontecs. Toward midnight. BylyfMBtaf tied uj a single -wi'eaaws, ment above him. flsllowed Tf a heavy fall. . Witheuis tief4'tIoi lia rushed up tho stairs and bunt into tna room. Here he witnessed a scene never, tone forgotten. The gas jighta-Jrere flaalng:higl, tuo air was ulled'.wttk is ceefsMtra odor. and an. the" floor, is tier nlgBt , dessV with her face eaba .a. sweet w e la- fant's Bleen. lav thecooa ten. full UBCta; witu tne oouni; on au ameee .ceeiae so, bis lins slued to her neck. As Sylvslr4 burst In the door he looked up. clarlnz at tho Intruder with a man iacal fire in bia ayes, blood flecks all over his white face, and bis mouth, and chin fairly dripping with gore, Bylvaln, old agent and'oool officer as he wap, was pexalyted by the elgn. The ro'nster, pvea as SylT-Jn looked, dropped hta, bead cgtla, seized the throat ;in hie teeth, and snarled like a tiger throttling its vlcUm. Sylvain, reoovetin bimself, drtjw a pistol and advanced to6 Mlse him, but the count, wtth o wild cry and front! a agility, bounded to meet him, thrust hftn out oC his way with two powerfe) hands; and darted 6it irom the room, Bylvalri firing at'er mm in vain, Tho alaT'wasglvori, a surges calied, but the unfortunate woman never recov ered cdnsclousnasa, Hor throat and neck were frightfully torn end mangled, nad she died during the' night. Count Jptintzo was abver titrated. His dead-body was'found, five days later in me woous on viocennes, bdu a put mortoiri revealed that bis death was taused by arsenical potioning. ilia wire's biooa naa nuiea mra. cui die nrefatitlons ohe hid taken to cro- eerve hr own llfo were tnautBcl'snt) " Examination of tbe room.ebpwea that the count bad produced insensibility in his victims by mlns an ethereal prep aration, the email of whieh was dis guised by heavy perfumes. This prep aration was dlSused by means of the piano keys. Doubtless, wnen tna pupu was once overcome, be repeated the' doses as long as tbe effect wis needed. An apparatus of caoutchous' was found which might well serve for sack ing a vein in the neck without injuring tbe integuments, ana tuesa tmegs, tmn an ointment possestlmj great, gtyptjcsA virtue, and a box ox carefully preptroa leaf fat skin showed that this monster was deliberately equipped for the grati fication ot bis terrible appetite, 4Ua to evade detection. Patient inaulry in HttneurT elicited the further facts that Count Jotintxo's vampirism was known to tbs members of his family. He had "unauestlaaably destroyed tho lives of hi two previous wives by indulging' ms mamscai tnint for blood, and bis famlljr compelled him to marry this Styrlan arsenio eater. thinking bo would be safew Bbs was ft woman of low origin tmo knew wheat ehe wa marrying; indeed bad compro mised with him and bis fatnljy, agree In j- to take care of mm ana Keep nun.irom doing murder, but at tbe earns time let blm have a moderate In dulgence of bis infernal appetite whenever he could contrive it safely. on the express condition that she was to approve the patient be present at every operation, and regnlato the quantity of blood taken. Under such circumstances ens was not entitled to much pity in tbe terrible death that bad coma to btr. Parisian Police Ks cords. Bilk from nacer nolo is made smooth and brilliant, and baa about tbe same elasticity as ordinary silk, and is about tvro-thirds as strong. Fences are an annual tax that tends to hamper successful stock raising. Tbe introduction of barbed wire) lessened tbe difflcnlty. but It will be (bund in the future that less f euoing wilt be required. Old bones that can not. be conven iently broken, leather scraps, dead ani mals, etc., should be burled near large grapevines, whieh Utan excellent mode of putting them, to a, good ese. Jay Gould's daughter NeUlIe is said to be so afraid of fortune husWa that the bai decided nerero msrry,' tn tin .X mH'KM- k fafl taught slnglrig, aafl iWi been re celved tnto.okxisW wfLBitil4y In vited uto bit haute sttacihe raeuluriar, tut. Mieur bwbei ,W0ft,lvaa tol styptic, not paid in Advance. Single Copies 5 Cento SIAQIO IiANTMBN vTOttDEB. MOrae Cnrlea TMac DetetepeA by a DleeoVe-y ra opcus. The mseto lantern was Invented lone before photography gave It a practical value. Its discovery ts credited to Athanaslua Klrohor. who died fa 16S0, though assertions havo been made that Roger Bacon, four centuries earlier. was familiar wltn It, loero Is no doubt, however, that for a long time after its invention tne magio lantern waa recorded almost tmreiT aad titariy aa. e tor. Utouirh mremts callloe tliani- solves wizards employed the apparattrs to rammon ghosts fsnaaa otoer tricw qt tho deception ot tho ignorant. Even to mis oar tna mode lantern remains a most popolar toy, and slides for the .entertainment of children- are mnhfactnred by whalssab Iri many large cities, both bera ead e broad. Beariyau of tnom are painbsd. oa tiw cVpe, often in water colors, ttiousti .transparent oU cote re are beat for tbe purpose yv uu snioa anuuai iui 10101 ot f unby pictures are proOucetl, which, thrown upon a white saeet, are cai- culated to give amusement to a youth- ftsudienoo. It ts easy enough to give "the fnnnv iknire action br etrlrilovlrat wo elides; one, rapraentiag tbe. baek 'jMLyMleael VAemat-sVsaa aSaltVvea l it Ma utvuuwf (viuw-ue u lantem, while ihe otii is inerved across. BklUtully managed the dramatis par eooiB in this sheet play mey jbe msdV t? act their parte most eatsctotetngly. However, Photos ra pay has discovered a much mora serious and important me fdr tho magio ten torn, uy its aid the lecturer b able ta show the most beatKt- ful photographs, marts tiled to big OJ- pensions, for tbe benefit of large au dlencea. In the same war mane are pttjjoctcd gigantically upon the screen wrucQ wouia require great laoor to en targe witn exjonraoy. Mario lanurn slides for such purpoees. are made 17 photography in this way; A class negative is otrtainea rrom an 1 actual eoene. a DbotolrraDh. or other oh-- ject, arid from this negative a photo irraph is talten oa glass. This latter photograph is tho magio lantern slMe & "pceltlve, like an ordinary photo graph. on interesting ana ramuuu appiioa tion of !tha masta lantern is made or re volving two gl'eas dishes with coneao trio pamKa panons m on laniero. working tho two to cwito ays by a simple .wheel contrivance, st ttort e pattomB are mingled in a DeaOBnu kaleldotoopio faahlon. SMlv more curious OJUi. -tjSanil -V sue exhibited upon tho sot-Ben alive sxtoaUy , for-the study of tho b no wins and te lft process, ta sqpwo ta a ,ssciii way, W J, R7 5 mthod practiced with tb Sid of r sa actio lantern of oarMfia; ssreji, qBOst u,. K -UmJHi 'Aavlm tn W, " "'. """"." J. . . v grow to be giants .AM threaten to b four the Gtwctators, Wfewngton Br, rod m ChaJuiMCBSl rr1mh:ra. "TUffauqoea of m ;cJskmjpiaffne Jabel I pasters, " said the proprietor. & 'fc gres j wine hduse In Beaver street Row Tort I "shows exactly what tb condition cf the champagne market .faro this, coun try, We have been in the tnitlneee fur 70 vesrs and we have never yet suM bottle of champagne, tye qever wui..i A good, red or white wbe pf smy of the i gtaaaara, liquors npfuoart ecu cuitureapaironags. timv it,ft.,.nmt: nf rwl. in HW Vortt who mn nnt hn dnoelved In the aca' JSI wm and whose ient U toodrf us and no into thewhque&m t- ougbly we are sure of retsmtqa; thear cu,toii while J staple, brand. Out, thp waffipfrr drinkers 4gfeSf uuuva ( ...w wig, mp w ww"."wii aeritanus wnai gopa carunrugrrs iv sun. he, can! not drink it steadily fer throe years without having his health biSasd tooiom. It Is a peculiarity of BrJrS that any one brand of champagne) nafls on a man. After 0 time he jofcaSKO about coatlnuaHyv .Tsto .Oheitee Dw monlco; for Iristaie. &tatt&n too lie drank a dry champanft A dry casta im-nt now will BstlhltBT on adie. Be drinks lypeews TMs fa a common IrAtancaiw -gtett JcasiisJ chans vsaime drinkers. The majority ef people take It because it b at cold as ica, bet after wine has teen frozen tea aataBBTli almost unable to ydetect tfer CavR Henee sweetenea jsyser Btsr&eaxiojar, and Bhlne wine mixed with brandy and soda water and tbe many other imita tions of champagne era frozen sod palmed off on the public wits entire im-. ipunllyv Not like Bonrlox a S-oeJ tola. Jan. I1 was call ad to attend tiiofuairsl of Use wlfo Ct a well to farmer m. ww Hampshire. The stress, mso ftst ea Wlteriy, and wss so ovatw sutctprenurs ei tne wwii! an response h was atle to male, to Oft, nrcacheYe ward ef csmfste. . AlMUwia riot ev member of .rjpy,tlf--Jt. trriets&wnsd so detissAXraeMtt P my trury to ytsii nun,,, w sj about a weak after the fuMiai -yi a&GoforaUvsrr. tha dtae. Wis! tnileo. I bad made speelal psoifRtlilto that I might be tblfl tofWfoJ tte n man in hb lonely estate AIWpaifl- ful pause I said, "Js friMoVU ib s (rrlet to lose a wui. - -xm.- ssi yesbut tbsa si ts bos ukv Ueod rslatiea- ur that I beat a hasty: mv watted bsuf dejy SasS Bfci unan the evident tmXL QuA S weep and weep and cot feel very ! after au liiomuetto m rw ,,, y, i 1 Anxious Wife Doctor, bow is my husband f Doctor He will coma around all right What be needs now Is quiet, I have here a couple of optates. When shall I give tfeia to hlral" Give them to blmt They n fer you, madams) your Itebsad seed rot. " -Texas flirtings. Jfcl Pint Yale Btlldtnt EUVQ SOU tele- crsphed to the old sihor ooney t bacona Yaie urnaenv an "aotenanswart Ye, j tsls graphed the ' fitd man Where Is that money X wroto fori' and bis aniwer reads In my instds ocV" Texas Biftlnga, Benttor Woleott ef PUatade. has st talneda new dlstlacHcB. Os btt had the first well dsvelopad esse tfgotjuV that baa occurred to t uanea, 1 Beaate for a quarter ot a c6Auy timers like Bdmuaas sea fw Vest ana voor&ees, wbo Bare wined thsmHlves ror years, as turn , Vflft dm wont a that ! and isn't afraid to Utt the news; that belieui in pv&Ui morality, and tht enforctment Vf tki Jaws againtt tnaltfactw; Mt ha$ opiton$, and isn't afrnii to erprett tr,tm,g$t TUB GdJtMQlT ADYOOSTM. At twenty high sho holds her head; For men eho doesn't care; She vows that sho will never wed Aught save a millionaire. At thirty youth has takon wing; She vows that If eho can She'll marry any living thing That wears tho shapo of man. "Tired All the Time." Say many poor men and women, who seem overworked, or urn ilnhllltjirjvl Iir change of season, climate or life. If you oouia reoa tne hundreds or letters praising Hood's SarsapariUtt whtoh oomo from people whom It has restored to health, you would bo convinced ot Its mrelts. As this is impossible, why not try Hood's Sar&aparllla yourself and thus realize Its benefltf It will tone and build up your system, clve Sraa good appetite, overcome that red feeling and make you feel, aa one woman oxprossed it, "like a new crea ture." Mr. Younirlovn An vnn iV. Allcet ' Mra-Tonnglove Yes, dear. Mr. Younslove Ah. I am nnrrr vnn havo dlstuobed my reverie. As'you ley there I waa drinking In the calm parity of your angello features, and thinking how hippy should be the man who can aWakeh In the bright sunshine ot the moralng- and find such a fair and raaiant young creature by bis side. And I I Mrs.,Younglov Go on, Georgeiyon do tali so beautlf oily. Mr. Younirlbvo I vrmilrl Ilka fni tint Ifoel ,so sleepy that I think III take another nap. You won't mind getting up arid lighting the flro vill you, darllngx Kyery.IIeEie SkanlS Have ft. It 111 not AlWATa r AnTn1i.nt fji -.11 fer every little ailment. Havlns BeC i iQeipaiise you nave a jrayuenuLainye osi raises and ail Aches and rains. Alee si elf There Mr few thlna inllfa Af-rhl.hnMZ k certain, bnt this 1 en of them. ru-TO& QfXiWM e mew at lusira'prng liters. j ..An r 'w yourself, the rest ef 11 You should not fear, nor vet' ahonld you wifb,f or your last day. Howj delightful, are tho beauties of abnegation In tho retrospect I -jm 1 in ' Ssae Te-aWek tTevptts Alloiv aconsh to run uhtil it trite iT .e.t, tf mImn. TT,- fl ' ma-w nt, ii'-;n .... v.... ' t weaWth.m away, ConbJ they Vel ' Jduced to try tke tticousfal medicise slte(t. I Kemp's Balsam, which is sold ob a ptlv I guarantee to cars, they would Imaedkletsr' I "" uir umi-a. .urn uiw wumi imm tmm cose, nice 60 ana ei.w. Trial stee ml At all druggiste. A good man Is kinder to his enemy than bad men are to their friends. Some men are fated to see no further 1 " Surfer. rr.n.S&.e-. cosghi and Colds will try Fan-Tina Cos aM I Ccnsuaptlon Cure, they will tod eulckreflsr I and permanent benefit. .The medical declare it a remedy I the highest lit. rticiss and so cents. Trim bet vmime. . ttfiT betilea free. A laree nronortlen of the diseases whlsh etna-. I nomas suffering result from derantesaeal e flt (stomach; bowels and liver. Dr. Lee's I4sr Beiulator removes all these treuklee. I twitlM free at Thomas' Drue store. No rrian ever oiTended hla own con- sclenc'but first or last It was revenged upon him for It. Hp who receives a good turn, should never forget It; he who does not, should 1 never remember it. , , . ik, ripH an thefsta&M 1 B, f. ehrcet, Faster Dniui ISrtt&E 1 yairau.juioi umu, ..d., -iitv 1 4rA.ll ".-!: Sr'J.'? 1 dlieMedl aaS mv culihltoiri tkeeeht 1 1 K'tt c,ArftVrTliVt;irf end MnVip-ing; etueaee, I at jetafcaiiBb,. W&W&A t EM'UstiiiiaMs.lsw.io-iyiBM-isiwa., kiiiiU!n a nseeega,aaf i All the while thou livost 111 thou hast thetrouble, distraction', lnooi.venien.oes at lire, put not tne sweets ana true use otit Transact buslnesa wtth the. men ot the world, like a person, In a shower of rain, staying no longer than Is Indis pensably' necessary. The sisT aalye la" the world fer.euM. I eeres, cirrr.. .-1, idhid, 1 ..-! -ehasBed.rhanda. ehUslaJas 'corns o as .i ensttloni and positively tares nUeas.er.si reqolrtdT It ts guaranteed to give perfee taetlea, er rneney refundtS. rrlee w eeerl eeertqevr O., aerme Dyeuui.ara-jiia. Deatti Is the unforgetablo. We are to ourselves like a elesed book. Two Tears Acel I was a Ucht to behold sad was 'naabU,- to enjej lite at all. Hew I am the pleUr cf health ahd.can eat anVthlag. rTkat 1 lr Bslphnr Blttars cured tne oiDyicwpeia ana Ufr Complaint, after tuiTsring twe'jtss. 'Vfi p.. Bowman, Manchester, ST, M. Musib first; after that, take your choice.! The beautiful hidden virturee are the meet lprely. , The, flowers, tno grass ana tne naves; what would nature be without themf Tke Vf e rids ra4r. Tha ereftement caused br this sreaf Wimt ' leuir-elv ean'tlled by thatprodueed WylM treat dbwyerj of Dr. Mil the e-ftesa , presirtH!Bj '",r"?i rw. lead cenlrBien In head, fife, sleeple ,!& the blot, neuralgU. palpluties. am.Wf Kins, ele, ti TV. enow s uo., 01 oyramsa, , Y.. Talbott and Moss, of GreeaebaK, Ind., aril A. W. Blackburn, of Wooster, V, on the Nerve and Heart and trial kettle freest Jr. P. Thomas and W. 5". Stety, Drag Store. Batchelor Why on earth Is a new male baby always referred to ss bounolnsboyj ... , , Beuedlot Muess tta Because nier so muoh bowl about him, lipid It tq Use, rJ(kt. the rsan who tells you eetutdebUtlH what will cure your cold is preserlblys X- Balsam this. year. Ia the pretiareUaa l, Femarkabli Kedjclne f or congfi f a4 ocl4g ... ...... , 1 Mr. nnlT IB purest uifreoieiiia. nam baliam to tbe light and look threugbtt norest tefredlents. Hold a. bottle satf a to tbe light ana 100 msiui; Ijulclearlpok: then eomrreirttlae-jer ftS. Large UoJtle at all drraett. 9 aad(L Ample pottle free. toe on. ramedl eaata and (l I By new devioe piece? of metal mar w be shaped with rapidity by being torcea Vk uiideiSles.wbUe rondorfd soft or plas- Uo by an aieoirloxmrrent. !l' ,i.uj the- nnilaanivt tin nlataa 'Itfei miW giro an olectrlo current In commott Jj.'water t?bea one Is exposed to the light trad tae ea screeueu touch nf it- I jrutuo. lix. - - ? ' '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers