Bvety Ren Bhetttld It It net always conrenwot o for rrtry lutl ailment. Sa U Ihn fimaA ma hlA by PtMltm hand: It kills 'Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bjrus.1 Bruises tt4 au Aenes ana rains, i iters xa cw. mwrMo teWWliat la lite St whlcflwa wi Mora womoa In proportion 14 popn lsUoox are itsploved In industrial coca- ?tUnd than to f-r ireM. country, wut. u. the Industrial classes are females. Oh, What a Oongh. Will yon heed the warning. The signal perhapa of tbesure approach of that more stlTeftit you can afford for tho sake of sa'v I In mil. to run the risk and do noth. terrible disease, uonsumptlon. ask. your raff, for it. We know front experience that Bhiloh'a dure will cure yonr cough. Jl never fall. This explains why mors than a Million BolUoS were told the past tear. It relieves croup and whooping couch at once. Mothers do (rot be without it. For lame back, aide, or chest, , uss Bhtloh's Porous Flatter. Sold at Ulerr's or Thomas' drug store. prslsa does well. you wife for everything the Something to th New. Year. , The world renowriM sucoess ot lloJtetter's Stomach DUtera, and their cootluued popularity tor oiaro,Ulnt tin. ooatury as astomachlc. Is uftsilv mart. wnndnrrul man the welcome that' aw. Almanac- f his' Tsluabio medical tresusa Is puoUlbed ty thi HostetterOompany, I'lttsbuf i, KT, under their own Immediate iuperrlslen, employing eo nandsln that ; department Jhny eets toe aanasi spporanco os. nmiwrai aBWanaa-yiS? fwiil b." more tban tea millions, printed lath KnslUli, mu liefer ton copy Tot Ittorvalusble ana interon- li a, read ins oowerMU newta, flay uoewi tMtlmonlala aa ito tha efflcacY of IlostettCl Stomach Bitters, amusement, varied Inform- j linn. astronomical calculations aad ebronolosl- eal Items, &c. which canba depended pater correctness. The Almanao (or lsai can be ob tained tree ot eot, from druntlsts and general oantrT dealer tn au pans ot tne coustry. l 1111 m ii i i n - Frabeyooi husband for evrrTthlngbe docs'frallt wr i The ntost obstinate esses of catarrh are I curedby the use of Ely's Crean&alsa.hel,bgurd example) and in our own time, only agreeable remeey. It U cot a llqud. or snufl .is easily applied lnttlienoatrUls For cofdjnth.. It Ilsgical. It gives relief si once. Price 60c. gives When a steamer paae'6vef the Fori Huron (Mloh.) tnnel tbe nolsa of the wheel can be readily heard in the bole, which Is at least forty feet under tha water. Stn Foolish sTeopto Allowacongh to run-sntii it gcla beyond uie reacn ot meaicinc iney otien hi It thm .nr. Could ther b in. I AnA mtrv ih MnftMiful mtdlclna cslled Kemp's Balsam", wjiich is sold on a positive I guxrsjatca.tCt Cirv msy wouia immeaiaieiyi iOM. Prlc 60c and S1.00. TrliT bIm free, I Aft kll rlniiwUtai I Swico iheep tfxt introdawd Into I KoBland bv Qeoree III. in 1166. but they iiever became popalu there. The demand tn thstconnfry for mutton a too crest. If rfnffersr from Consnmptloa CohgS; ahd (Solas will try Fari-Tlna Cough xnd Consumption Cure, they will, and quick relief and permanent benefit. The medical profession declare It a remedy ot the hlsnest value. Try IS.. rrlca S3 and bo cents. Trial bottles tree. A large proportion ot tbe diseases wwett cause I. intolerable hunaMerlEVresnltfromderaniemearottaefgw toacKl)jirils 'aEd llrer.'Dr" Lee's Liver tocracy Wl uetrsuaior restores au mesa iroaDtes. boules free at Thomas' Drag Utore. Trial j A dnek with focr fut la a enrlosttu -r, v,w ymM Rurf. nf th. T,k Rori.. AnMttji, Oniidfarj. KrL Whm swtmtainB itiasos one of luu'aaarud-lunderthe dtt. i , . ssupepsjr, i , This li wlist ioa odsktto hare, la tact, yon ssast bars It, ta tally snjoy Ufs. TesMsis are ssrstilnrf tat It Ctfly, aad jnearalBg pseaoss tUty Oli It Bot.' TiAasiads'ttpoatboassads st wrMt thriasr: s" ula. xiw iviati; ; Asa yet UisasspsrilrtM In, will bring ye jiWa dUtes. tloa and oast ins dsnoa drtpspsls and Instill Wi tMOBUisd Elssirle lilt. I Mrs tor la and au ausatss -et tas uvst. hcqu: itfand kldnsrs. Bold at Wa. ad SLO nsr lettl by frr, Dmnftiu Tbe materisl known to Jmercsns as I eautoa flannel is In England called swan's down, and American muslin U knowoTn ju I Baeklca'a Arnica Balo. The BRST Hairs In the world for rats, bruses. sorearmeers, san rneura, isver sores, toiler. Lapped bands, chilblains corns and all skm eruptlonfjamtipiMltlTely reauirea.'siK la tmaranteo ret faoUaa"or moner refunded. box. rot sals byaBKU drugxlst,, - tr.', . asm v A chair 120 years old Is la use in an oJBns is Snrino TJitr. Vma.. an! it U raid tr. An (n.t .'ftA a .h.r, it .a. B Wat la the tjao Of buying worthless medicines, and soeud-1 lag money on (quaes: doctors whose only ides is to cull the public? Is it not betUr to buy rsllab! madidne like Sulphur Bit- terst I thlnTcso. as they cured me cca- si t-K ss fsii :siMfTsii4nv ttv4a sum W T Clark, .-""a The Inventor and founder of the venal fstgtUke Yolapnk Is Jlv. Johann jMsttin- Sobeyier. uai -Wj raitoMsuidtw Mrs. ;Mary .1 Baker, of Ovid, Mloh., has reaon, ld.b$ very thankful. She was s neat saaerar from hsart disesss for rears Was ah oil of breath, had hungry epslls. pain, flutUrinx, falntnees, etc; Atter tajtinj two bottles olVt. Miles' Kew nearifsf shs says, "I am better than for 30 years. -Mr mind sad eyesight have im pravedooderfully, I advise all persons thus afflicted to use this great remedy,", T, D. TitOHM and W. F. Biery, druMuHs recommends and guarantees it. Dr. Miles, work en Heart Disease, containing marvel, ous testlooolals, free. Ths St. Oothsrd tunnel, in the lips. Is twice as long as ths IloosJte oyer nine miles. sMiyicolasaresliBhtatnrst,bottbeIr UciJeacy is ta sg lower the yUm that the sufferer tscomte a ready victim to any tire - vaisat disease. The use of AverB Ch Pectorsljla tiabeglnnlnj of s cold sjuasa jsgainat imsaanrcr, Thjword bostv.comts. from ihsjos; DBloh, nd' nss the' asms meaning as la BoBliah. . , Tbsr'SDstbins vsry pleat ant sbsat kswklas aad spittles, those setisns asan ssiarraa ana esll for the asset old Seal's estarrsh care, a valnablsreaedyr fries eoau ) bottt. 3eld TbsrSafnjtdelrs H&k I sty tftabt as 6ueb caadlalBS as 11'Vs Samstblnsr 9Sans ihJareaarO renommeadad! 'J&TSK iK't aaovm rsaisdv Iter the ailments of vena children. St Or. Jlsll's Boby Syrsp. rrtss only as cants a fcettls. H Edreia. Osi, , boo of ths misers has a pet sheop Ibat YpllovrtsMai-sll thnogh saavlas, . , -I W ea.fl st sce of ,h. lre st thr tasef, Moaat Tass, Wwhlngtoo, are osu taw sau. sifcs JtstftssogUt of Ssw.stssy says tbssoMtsf that Wats. U stoking tt tjerst pf at least two ft Ina osatary, Oihetep' ssrvsri hold that ths rats Is much mors 11 ' Mi she! 4traja'(Jr wfwrylsg JXsJviM Toassttv kUd ibiiok saaks tfcVwsiiwrl tsa 'tSC&i sevsn ,4. as (SojiW. kt that ass besa kilUd oava ssr vvsytalag lasbss. Tbia yi. -Vifi , Vi ' EOUOATION AND BEAUTY. Ther Arm Natural Knemles-TIi Ugll- litu of Royalty. t may even ba doubted, strange aa many will deoin tlio assertion, whethet oohtmuous education will produce beauty, whether the growth ot Intolllgonce will even In. ages ylold the physical result whichvjrenolloe the authors ot Utopias aa it it wore a u union. MMUenoa of tha ne BOoloty. The moat beautiful blaok raco In Africa, a trlbo In Nyassaland, on whose looks) even mleslonarios grow eloquent, .who an really as perfect as bronze statue, are aa Ignorant as fishes, and, though they have dlsoovorod the use ot 'fire, havn never risen to tho concoction fire, havn novor risen to tho conception I ot clothes ot any kind. The Otaueltan, when discovered, was aa unculturod aa the .Papuan now is, yet the former ap proached as nearly to poslllvo beauty as the latter does to positive deformity. The keenest raoo In Asia, and, as all who, know them assort, the strongost in character, the Chlnoeo, is decidedly tho ugliest of mankind i while tho Hindoo, It sufficiently fed, is, even wh6n as Ignorant as an animal, almost Invariably bund. so tnp.. Jio modern men ot oulture would pre-1 tend, in mora perfeotnoss ot form, to rival the old Greek athletes, who Intel lectually wore probably animals, or tho Berserkars, who were for the most part mi, i, j jj.h.. Ui. rri, ,i only hard-drinking soldiers. The royal csste. whloh has boon cultivated for a thousand years, seldom produces boautl. tul men, and still seldomer bonullful I Princesses, though some times dignified, having boon marked, as fa f-.turna bv a oortaln ordlnarlnefia often wonting In the poor, and especially the poor ot certain districts, Uko Devon in England, and Aries and Marseilles In Fnuoe. Devon Is no better taught than Suffolk, but mark tho difference In peas ant forms. In the last century the ablest men Id Europe wore remarkable . i n..M . it I. 1. 1 jor oonou Bupuruuiby oi uetsu, oi wiiiou uibbon's taoe Is tho best known and most intellect, .even hereditary Intoltoot, is eonstantly found dissociated from good looks.-and even from distinction, some th. M.f h.,n tJrni, of the ablest men being externally heavy and gross, and Bomo of the ablest women marked by an lndeflnlteness of cheek and chin as if they had been carved by the Angers. In putty. No strangor ever saw .Tennyson without turning round, but Browning would have passod un- notiood In any English or Austrian m(j, The air of physical refinement, which is what continuous culture should give, Is precisely the air which Is oflea lacking among rns outuvaiea, as it is aiso in though casta must mean moro or Ibm I j.s , . .....v4..i i is. I bottBM, and in any regiment, though an It does not In the royal officer or two will probably stand first, the proportion of splendid men will be found greater among tho non-commls tuonea man tno commissioned omcors. An entire race like Alexander, tho Great, the man in whom, of all mankind, brain power and physique wero united in thotr highest pQrtectness, would soon be more HO wan uie Venetian" aris-i Whom Mr. Disraeli derided, de I nounoed, and worshipped. te1 J1"'' Guilty men are often shielded by the extremely tcohnloal rulings allowable law. Justice may be evaded by the finding of a legal daw In the form ot ihe accusation, even though the crlmU 1,01 may be plainly guilty. This has led ceruun duud loyisiiiiuroa iu uociare on hidlctment to be sufidolent which " oon tsira a statement ot tbe acts constituting I, Uie offdnoe In ordinary and concise lan. know what Is intended." Wo give two extremely technical rulings ; Au Indict ment! charged that the accused murdered 'tno deofiosed with a double-barellcd shot-gun loaded with gun powder and lewen Duiieta. ina proot snowed that tt Jf910 'l,' T,a" m thwllh double-barrelled shot-gun under clr- mnrder, and the Jury1 convicted tho de fendant. Hut the Supreme Court quashed tho conviction and set the defendant free curesptles. or no pay on the ground that the indictment did (fi'PSf'..661.".11; pot Inform the defendant how he used d. racsMoeatspcrir,.- .v".. u,. I ''whether it was used as a fl re-arm. or a bludgeon, or to frighten blm to death I" Precedents oan be found to support tie decision. In another case a I defendant was convicted of murder by I stabbing his victim to death " in tho left breast," and a court set the defendant I free because the word "breast" was spelled " brest " in the Indlotment. The decision puts an end forovor to pbouetlo .peUmg and the disuse of mute letters I . . . . . ' . i in ludlolal Drooeedlntie. raasy Catenas Birds With Halt. A Waterville feline has a creat fond. oecs for the flash ot birds, and In order so mako her quest for tho some surouss rcl employs a stratagem. Evidently understanding the bird's toodness tor angle w6rms, she collects a number of the earns and buries them In the ground. on tun taxes nor place in a con venient ambush t and when the birds slight to secure their coveted morsel she springs from her concealment and pounoos upon them. Many a bird thus talis s prsy to pussy's shrewdness. "Jtlnji Zans" Partial. " Zing Zangs " are very popular with the colored citizens.. A "Zing Zans" Is ons otthe most unique entertainments ot ths sgs, Every vestige of furniture la ths room where one Is to take place Is removed before the " Zing Zang " be gins. Tallow oandlca are then stuck In Ha aamlla anrl avaevtKlnr, ta vnarl.. A dark skinned son ot Africa then leads I the girl whom be loves best out tn tbe 1 middle cf the room and the assembled guests form a circle around them. ail Sal llwistilti Ml I aal I a tkA si f AOAno I 4 "IpmipHng ot the Dark Continent, At I A trxmiiuiA BASsa vvs v utto ua uiutvoaii. too sams tune ns ana nis partner begin an animated double ahuf&e, keeping time toTKe patting and stamping ot the hands snd, feet ot the crowd that surrounds thjffii Qtjjd times s single couple will keep this peculiar danoe up tor a half an hour without once pausing during that tlroe la tact, they become so excited that; they, seldom ston until both are wringing wat with perspiration and V7 to faU to the floor with sheer siBMauoa. una ovupia xto sooner Wiu draws than another takes Its place, and jtha. seAs U repeated. Industry. JRt? PP P" ooenpatlon, sr be rdlsersble. Toll Is the price ot sleep e wbTci oeT our I fotix la a blessing. The whole waTCTHv? K neaith ana enjoyment. i wono ooes noi contain a briar or a wwoh divine meroy could have scared. We are happier with the steril- try, Whleh W can overcome by Industry. Aan ws oouia nsvs tjeen witn spentan. souseiswv and unbounded nrofnsion. "tf bodan4 tho mind are Improved by tha toil thai tatiiruoji tha no. Tha tail la a t4iasfiljtlmss rewarded by the pleae urswhlee It bestows. Its enjoyments arsk peculiar. Mo wealth can purob&so i can East saeaa. th vcuHvp WlW ... - aaa iS. IfcU -m 8? a Wa-osw V I fatiiAaTi.T..TI I WSJ WT- kaM Cares Iilvor Complaint, Bilious Aft. MOM, JJOSS 01 Appetite, Siek ileadaoheiox Stomach, Old. Kldnevtroubls JHHH and all delicate Female Com plaints, bom every wncre. race so oeata. DREXEimCOLOGNE Fragrant I msm Lasting 1 The LeadlngPerfume FortheTolletand HandtarrMpf. . . . j, Sold by all doalors. PriOO 20 CtS. IALVATION Oil ' Price only 25 eti . Sold bl alUniglitl, Will nliovo Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings,Bi'uisestLumbago,Sprain, Headache, Toothache, ioret,uumt, Wounds, Cuts, Scalds, Backache, Frostbites. Chapped Hands and Face, Gout, or any bodily pain or ailment. nuntfLAmC S PLC03. Tht Orttt itbattoAM iitlttr tldof.PrlM JO Ctt. At all tfrv?tu. PACKAGE a r PROF.HARRIS' ma Minnii es M5T18 9 P B BKm9 B i bLr&a FOR THE CUftE OF AKMEN (VITALLY WEAK). W.JaiofcjtM eitu WitnlUs l bu.ln,,, or atcdrl iera ucaul tuala or (rltft 8IXD1E. KXCKSHKSln nlidleliro,r Tletoa, habft, mrnel,l Uvutb. Vir.HV SJIRU AIIK TICIIX9TO .IKIUOlflDKCtLlTIor YOl l.Vf B IX)r.8lIli fcAKLY DtlAI la VOCSH BID- DLKiGVOt luck of vim. Tlftor.ebd ilrvDKtS.wtlbaiteal ornna WHEH WE SAY CUnE.VffirtTr'rf In many thntKnufl trailed and eared I a pnai twtl, jae.rt. Jl snn ATHfn;eotiirraiia la Prof. Harril 1 IS SSOWBIE MEDI0ATED PASTlTJ.Ea. arn a we onr ent.t aj irmi aiwu.u 1 1 lag rusts, I men. yoon r ld, tafferlst from Ifclt quot tona to b noiwreJ, thut tatf kno tkt trat MOlllot, tltt3"o" atftr nthneBtobeirM hf 1helrntM nMllllTflfa, THE HARRIS REMEDY CO., frtf. Chemists, 83 21KEKDIAM HA'KBi.'Aj flaw XQttri. This Trade Mark Is on fatemroor Coat In tha world. lafjffniorlratMCiilwri,SVij Tho Most Successful Wevir ever dltoo. ered, M it Is certain In Its n " and does not blister. Head proot bolovr i Do. n. J. ItMDAU. Co.: CIrsi-Listaunmierl cn red sCnrbtrpontny horse with your celebrated Kendall's BpsTln Cure and tt was the best job I ever saw done. 1 hare a doaett empty bottles, litiin ated It with perfect snoeess. cm tug every laiagiineuivoa. ni usiitiiuvr ahorsorlthSTery bad Spavin tLat made him lame. Ho a&ked me how to cure It. I recommended Kendall'a BTjavin care, lie cured the SrrsTla la Just tliree week. ivunrainKHiUi Wouxjtt Wrrra. fJoumiTL Ohio. ATJrll L 10. DB. IT. J. KSXDAU. CO.S . 17&ar hir, : 1 nave oeen semnz more ox jkenoau-e Spavlu Oure aad Hint's Condition Powders than mver hnfnri. rtna man Kftld to (na. It waa tbe tMVal Powder I ever kept and the Imt he ever used. Ono t Ho mux. CrrrrTEBAjfao. N. T.. Ust 29. B0l Da. n. J. Kejdaix Co., 132HT rjinil 1 ll (i v tj ubo.1 H.ora4 uviumui vur Epudnll's Spavin Cure with perfect sacceu, on a valuable and blooded mare that was qolte lame wltn a uonoupain. -.nomareunowenumyiree trom lamone ss and ahowa no bunoh on th joint. lieapecuiiuy, i . u. axoTcmaa. BULL'S SPAVIN CUBE. If ono. Lav. ITav S. HQ. Dn. a J. Eetdall Co. Ocutt r-I think It my duty to render too. my thanks for your far famed Kendall's Spavin Care. I had a four year old Ally which I prised vary hlshly. ahohadaverysevereawollenlex. tttied about eight different kinds of medicines which dU no (rood. 1 purchased a bottle of your Kendall's Spavin Cure whlsh cored her In four days, f .i.UMUiJwn.. ujlsios Dowssa. Price SI rwr bottle, or tlx bottle for SJ. AIldrns stats have It or can set It for you. or It mil be seat to any addroat on receipt of price by the propris- tort. JJK It. J. lLftnilAl4l tAJ., Unoaburzn lalla. vera on l. 1'iULAUEI.PIIIA.l'A. Ea.aestonc&nooiwrsuoa or loMpf time from baslnett. Cues prbnouaced In- curaie4 y timers wauteo. ceuu tor virciueu. CURE GUARANTEED. omc.nourY.wi. Prof. ALEXANDER BOUDRQU, . - I am now Tl yerat ofaro. Tfas a student ot Medicine and rfurcery tor seven years under the famous Dr. Nelson, and alter tsu vears' bard study and In consultation with seven of tbe most eminent plivilclans la tbe city ot ftiilodelobla since mi. 1 bavo discovered the cure of many eo-cauea incuravie aisease. It can no ioniser be doubted that the spine can be cured ; that paralyzed limbs can be restored to tneir natural use, arm general ucDiuty enrcu. t'onge suon )i tue cntin, appiexy.Tesuits oisun. stroke and tbe wont casesrtt Tiieutnstltm, set' atica, neuraiEin, ursr compiaim. tinnnw-ott risc 91 ujc Kiuucys, nip nuu puua uiseaso. utrrn, oroncnitis. corai v"""'.','"' .""'.U.,."i..'".i'.'',l ""J.i . u- n.MW ...... ... ' cured with pure medicines of i own prepara.' rlon, It used properly as dirsated, , DurlnK nine years over 18.000 persons In this rltv alone hare used these medicines and are living witnesses of tbelr worth. All their namse oratory of Professor lioudrou. Ho. lilt North Tenth Street, .rbtlsdHphia. I was wli to- indpron able physicians and suiReoni ot this dir. I am 1X01 my own medicines IK tvrovi not listen to these nrelndlaeS ssslntt ita- rovemrnt lu medicine and die, wTjsu yooeaa' be ssvrd. s ssvea. I will not so Into Drastics mvisll-. batns over SO years of age, but will sell my rudkuus. t nave two eaiiueut pnyswuios CHHteeewt wita I me to attend to esillnit at the ltonn& of ths eicax u naaiutreu. roe one. come an softerers aaa be restored' to beKb, cured by Ureas pore medletase sad- ibus see eipeneuce ana eeaovs tor vonrssiTas. Otoe aad laboratorv anon as . ajoii or wrrw I S 4W7 Jl . laHtt H, Cares l,lor uompiaint, lAXADORj lAXADQRi vmrnhl 7 iMMTSm Awivy (Matt t Mm lorVtos It w mf good fortes t 4atpMjr - plonW" mmgtA by "UaeU ti4M" to Mexico. ThU " plcaJo"! recorded In history u th "Hsxlca n ant uu sxcor- (tonlata Uft Ten Croa on taornlflg for a vlait to til Ca; ttel Ctt?, errlTlng that atUrtioon m Uls luvrr Xc Joatt, whore we cemped tor the eight. AAer slaking the buraicg thrist that had possessed me for hours I lay dowa beneath a tree In the grovo that shir tod the river, with sny knapsack for a pillow. I wm acaroe ly settled for good rest, when a parrot, with labored flUkt oroartd the atresia end alighted on limb above ta. It Instantly oorarred to mo that the bird would b aa aooeptabU addition to the blU ot Care for supper. To think I wa to act, and ore the bird had time I fairly to scan tha Intruder ot hi haunts, I be cua to t&a ground tola us nis neaa. I eoon had him plucked ana could but 1 admire his plump form, and my mouth watered at tha thought ot "quail on toast," m It wore, for the menu, regular ly served oo&fil&Ud principally ot bean soup, vomy aide bacon and mouldy hardtack. How, whether it was because lam moto.tslflsh than the aver age man, or the demoralising Influence lot surroundings xnVi to blame, I let others Judge but I candidly confess", that Instead cf taking my prize to the camp fire, where the company oook was making eoSee, wbaro peruana I would b asked to share tha bird with other, I sneaked off to a thick oovert to ban quet alona. I found plenty ot dry twlga and limb bandy, and With whlttllngs, a bit ot cotton from the lining of my nun Twtwtl fromi & -rfHf5ff ft and th(l Outlook ot my musket, l eootr hu an good Are, end, cplttlng the bird with my ramrod, I diet him to turn. ana 1&. membered It as a rare Ud-blt. ' ' ' Thm XatM aatt BTsUbsj. I have divided the cuocoss with which an angler may mast Into the best, me dium, and poor, and .care discovered a corresponding phase, ot the moon for each. The various phases, together with their degree ot success, are follows I The teat eucoeas will be met with n those days between the first quarter 'of the moon and four or Are days after this period. Medium socoesa will be mot with two or' three days before the first quarter and that period t time. Intervening be tween the tour or five days following the first quarter and two or throe days be fore the last quarter. Focr auooes will be met with from; the two or three days preceding tho first quarter. , Evidently there la a cycle, beginning at or aeon after the first quarter ot the moon, when we have tbe best Ashing. this passing into fair fishing, this into poor, then fair again, and finally getting back to the Starting point This cycle occupies s period ot about four weeks, In two weeks ot which we have good, Including the beat fishing, end this is aucooeded by two weeks ot oomparatlvely poor tuning. . The fishes sown to Increase in number from. the Mwinpon up to. the first quar. tsr then they remain about stationery tn number, for tour or five das and then begin to decrees, until they eem to be fewest two sr torse days previous the new moos. Initlurree Jssw. It is not svsrybody who knows where to Joke,.or whoivor howi and whoever Is Ignorant ot thsMosqditloashsd better not icke at ail. AirwUeraan never au tempts to be huanorous .st- ths expense of poople with whois hs is .but slightly acquainted. H would as soon board st their cost or request .them to frank him at their tsiror. la fact, It Is neither good manasro, or wl policy .to Joke anybody's sxpsnssi that Is to say, make anybody oscomfortahla merely rslss a laugh, Old JStop, who was doubtless ths Sub set of many a gibs account of his humped be, tells the whols story la Us tabts ot "Ths Boys and ths Frogs." What was Jolly tor ths youngsters wss taatt to ths aosksrs. A, Jest may cut dsooer tnsn s ourse.' 8otatmsaBrs so ocostttatcd- that they cannot tfes jvoa Bj trVsadly pka U good part, and. Ins teas, at rspaylng It In same light coin, will requite It .with con tumely sad insult Never bsntsr ons ot rthls elsss, for bs will brood over your badinage long 'after 'you have forgotten it, and it Is not prudent tcr Incur -any one's enmity torus asks of uttering smart sarcasm or a tssrt reparte. Rid!. ouls, st best, is .a perilous wsspon. Satire, howeTer.iWhca Jevalsd .at social follies and poUtlo&l evils, Is not only legitimate, but commendable. It , has. shamed dowa mors abuses than wars ever abolished by toros or logic i Tno World's gewoloUaa. 1.Thers are about l:809.tX.COO lnhabl. tsntsoothsnlobs. m-iiiad ,039,039 4io svery yes. War '5,a lan. gusges, and over cs'osd religions professed by ths poopie. Ths number ct erica end females is about sqssl and their average. Uf ta about thirty-three years pus-fourth of the Inhabitants die before they reach their fifteenth year. To 1,000 people only one reach'es the age Of 100 years i to every 100 only iis reach ths sgs of go, ana not mors than, one in 099 lives to cos ths -slgbttsth year &B,G63,0S3 dying ftvsry yser. makes i grand total tot 01,39 par day, 8,780 per boar, sixty a minute, or ons svery time t&6 clock ticks t Married persons Uvs longsr than sin fllo ones, aad ths tall hava a battar onsnos for long Uff thsn. those, of i&orj, Biurs. Tvomsn nave mors -eXLsnocs or lira a tnetr ravor previous to 03 ywkts ot sg thsn msa oars, but fswer sits.' Then6Abercfmarr!Te4lsIn ore nor. Uon ot 73 Vo.svsry 1,000 persons .borq the uuro vfuou aos greaee aumDsr or msr riages takes place la In June and Deoem ber about ths tlsns ot ths summer and tha winter solsttess. IHtk-hsired per. sons bars a better isans In ths great gtrucgle foy extitcsce than thoss ot ths 1 cppoatte oomplexlcn. axoeErt ta cotstaif. I lm,a .41.. ..u 1 Vl-.riu vvm wieiaaMina,. waavav. AJWeaMauo aww wu. paraUvsly extmpt- A perse a, born la hot weather .RtsMs the heat great deal betUr thn ous bosu in the cold ssoaths ot wintar t ot eorirss, ths role works vies vers. ThssTorn Otitis spring are us. uUy of a mors rc4jr, oonitltaUoo than U bora U any ottos? ttats at ths year. Births are raotrs frsqfte&t by night than cy-oay I aascsuu. I i . . bAttmtamatlMmmr ssesetlo iua. tuptt an irtlalo y Bshrand. a TSah tfivslnr aaktiM ,.- vy.v!. i'oc,aor Hor, fSJAljag to Uts l,brw method at butesaotsw a&4 iRspsctlna na&el tawMa law'anaat au,...a is'-wcm aspsswsu sa a saeaas of mrsroioat, aa- sdarsalag I MtaUs sltmttlgllrtft atst .aMcttlSaala tha MStW BySS-i IrW" ' rSSSS, Ws quota a fswaf vtssajkjsats, "Of 11,118 be vw sUflrttsfcd Jot tUHsbrstr WW la vosb n mx sfioatas, only C.97I WMdtgtasa it ft Jewish ass." " mIssMsm far vs Tsars iYe boss tO pat osat. Sat thses reioo. AvS3ass;sM t tha OsaHlM Jar awM a Ths Greatest Blood Purijien ivnuwn, b Thlar.reatn6rmAn lfwl!r!nn ta thrtCT chca pest and best. 12Sdosesof SVL-ff JIUKUIlTEltSforJl.OO.lcssUinnA' 3 one cent a dose. It will euro-the, worst cases ot skin dlscnso, from. E3 n commoD pimuie on ino lace. to tnst swrui nisesKO Bcroruia. best medicine to una In cases of euon stnbbom Bndyotlr jfifl. M not ever toko ffnt r . 1 1 DLUB PILLS siJLiMiUKFa ly. rlacejrour trust In 'yousro HULI'llUll BITTEltS, tha nurrat nml h,ti 'matter what alls 'you, use mouiclne over made. Aylhni 11 I eriins veuowaticirreVAJon'c WAit nr. in mn m substance? Isyoaryfraro unalilo to wnlk, or fl breath foul and if are flat on your bock, I 8 ofrenslro? Yotu-Jrbntgetsomeat once.ltl 1 stomach Is outiywlll cure you. Buliihurf g ot order. TJseSVBlUcrs la 19 BULl'liUIl BITTERS fTho Inrolid's Friend. lmmeillatilyjTheyonn;,thangeilnnil tot 's your vr'a terimj are soon maiio wen uy lne thIck,jBlts use. llcmcmlicr wliatyon ropy, clo-read here, It may snvo your uuy, orsyiife, It has saved hundreds. out Trait unni to-morrow, Try a Bottlo To-day 1 ArA ou lmr.sulr.tcd And xrenk. or ButTerlnc from the excesses nffi rouini' 11 bo. ouioi'aLun uii.xx.ius vriu euro yuu ltoetonMaia.i'or beat raeiUcnhvortiiu&iletica? Saje Your, Hair Bx" a timely use of Ayors Hair Vigor. This preparation has no equal as a dressing, . It keeps the scalp clean, cool, and healthy, and preservos tho color, fullness1, and beauty of the hair. "I was rapidly becoming bald and gray; but alter using two or three bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair grew thick and glossy and the original color was restored." Melvln Aldrlch, Canaan Centre, N. H. " Borne time ago I lost all my hair in consequence of measles. Alter duo waiting, no new growth, appeared. I then nsed Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair grew Thick and Strong. It has apparently como to stay. Tho Vigor is evidently aereat aid to naturo." J. B. 'Williams, Jf lores ville, Texas. "I havo used Ayer's Hair Vigor for the past four or five years and find' it a 'most satisfactory dressing for the hair. It is all I could desire, being harmless, causing the hair to retain its natural color, and requiring but a small quantity to render the hair easy to arrange." Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles street, Haverhill, Moss, " I have been using Ayer's Hnlr Vigor tor-several years, and believe that it has caused my hair to retain Its natural color." Mrs. H. J. King, Dealer in Dry Goods, fitc, Blshopville, Md. Ayer's Hair Vigor, O rniPABiD sy o Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. bold bv Urneslata and Terf nmara. r stsrs eostlveues (he modlclne mtisf more than at pnrsnttvo. To bo per Saaatssant, it must contain Tonic. Alterative and catnamc Pronert es-. Tint's Pills posses these qnatliUos la ) eminent d.ffreo, and Speedily IRestore SS ttso bOWOl tliolr iiatnal ne.rl.ti.Ktn eaotlom, oosontlal to res;ulorlty. 7 Bold xivorirwlioro. Stoves. Tinware. f , Heaters and Ranges, , ; --In Great Variety at SeAJVlTIEL GbAVEK'S Popular Store, Bank Stieet. Roofing and fcjpouting a special f' tv. StoVfi TfinnirR fiiTnifiViorl . r on short notice Reasonable! ;j Purely local iu our aim. un sr i UWAOQtJAIrlTDD WITH THE oeoohaput or THE corjitTnT, wru, OBTAIW unaa valtjaslb nrronMATion pbom & study of this map or THE CHIOAQO, ROCK 1SU0 & PACIFIC RAILWAY. Including main lines, branches and oxtenslons Koat and West of ths Missouri Elver. Tbe Direct Bouts to and from Chicago, Jollet. Ottawa, Psorls, Ia Salle. Uollne, Book Island, in ILLINOIS Davenport, Mueoatlno, Ottumwa, Oslcaloosa, Dos Molnoa.Vintorsot, AudubonJEIarlcin, and Council Bluff, in IOWA Minneapolis and gid Bloux trails, In DAKOTA Cameron, St. Joaqph, and Kansas City, lit ISSOURI-OmaJha,Fuirbury,and Nelson, In NEBRASKA Horton, Topelca, utchlnson, Wloblta, BeUevlUo, Abileno, Caldwell, In KANSAS-Pond Creek, KlnsHehor, Fort Bono, In the INDIAN TBRBlTOBT and Colorado rjpnriffs, uenvor, ruenio, in uoluiiauu. ftusa ttecuninsr onair cars to stud from Chicago, Caldwell, HutohtnBon. and Dodge City, andPalaco Bleep, lntr Cars between Chicago, Wichita, and Hutchinson, Traverses new sod vast are so of rich farmlnar and crazing lands, affording the best tkollltlas cf Intercommunication to all towns and cities oast and west, northwest sad southwest of Chicago, and Pacino and transoceanic Seaports. MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRE88 TRAINS, tassdlngall competitors In splendor of equipment, cool, well ventilated, and froe from dust, Through Oooohes, Pullman Sleepers, FREW Bacltnlng Chair Cars, and (east of Missouri Blver) Diutnar Care 00117 between Chicago, pea Moines, OounoU Bluffs, and Omaha, with Free Bocllnlng Chair Car to North Platte, Nob., and between Chicago and Colorado Springs, Denver, and Pueblo, via. St. Joseph, or Kansas city and Topeka. Splendid Dining Hotel (furnishing tnpale at seasonable hours) west of Missouri Blver: California Bxoursions dally, with CHOICE OF EOUTES. to and trom BsJt LaBJte, Ogden, Portland, Los Angeles, and San Franclsoo. Ths DIBXOT , cmd Sosnlo Orandeurs of Colorado. VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE, BcVld8iprss Trains dally between Chicago and Minneapolis and He. PsvuL vlth TTTROUaH Becltnlgg Chair Curs (Pit BE) to and from those ipolnt and Ksnaas City. Through Choir Car and Sleeper between Peoria, SplrltLsko, swd Bloux Falls, via Boole Island. The Favorite Lino to Pipestone, water VJwn. Sioux. Falls, .and the Summer Resorts and Busting sad Fishing ewounds of tho Northwest. THS SHORT LINE VIA SBIIBOA rsvvel .between CJinatnnatl, IndianApoU, Laiayette, and Council Bluffs, sH oiaaotmaKunsoii, jvaeaveoworui, Kansas iaty, Minneapous, ana bs. s-kui. . .ror Tlokoljs, tlsps, Foldors, or desired lnfonnatlon, apply to any Ttaisss 0tSsa tss ututsa aKatss or cantos E. ST. JOHN, ssU45AOO, U-L. r rsJr If ty tha nss of WolfTsAGMEBlKking you sat ono pair of bhoaa yar, ooaI a bottle at 19 cento lasts throe moo the. for how many roars blMklna- will oso year's aavlntf In oho tesusr pay f Mh in &rvg. raM oaf if owe tmUMm$ BIMmfwr Ftk.Bon. kS ami. Stain Old ahim rusiMTUKo tvlLLBTAIN QLAao ANO CMINAWAMS WILkSTAIrl TlNWASK WILL 8TAIN YOUR OLD SASKSTO TarnUto StSAS will Stain Basra Coach and wour bandolph. rwiafisipata. SCOTT'S CONSUMPTION SCROFULA DROIMCHITIS COUCH3 COLDS Wasting Slseaa! CURES Wonderful Flesh Producer. 2Iany hava gained ons pound por day by ita uso. Scott's Emulsion ia not a seorst remedy. It contains tho stimulat ing properties of tho Hypophosv , phites nnd puro Norwegian Cod Livor Oil, tno potonoy of both, b'oinrr largely increased. It is uaod by Physicians all over tho world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Druggists. 8COTT&BOWNR.Chmiote,H.Ye THEPOLICE GAZETTE Is the only Illustrated paper In tho world containing all the latest sensational and sport lug news. No saloon keeper, barber or club room can afford to be without It. It always makes friends wherever It goes. Mailed to any address In the Called States securely wrapped. 13 weeks lor $1. send five cents for sample copy. - Richard K. Fox, Franklin Square, New York City. PENSIONS. Tcrsons desiring Pension Blanks and Infor mation under Act of June 1890, can obtain the same trum tue uuaersigneu, QliO. V. ESSEll. Prothonoury, aue23tf Msucb Chunk, Pa. liftrrrnrnxv w, I. D SaslB. , and Hkoes aro baH his nnme nudTprise stnmped on tf till L 11111 nanaala, ovary pair oust. 1 L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE Floe Calf and Laced Waterproof Grata. The excellence and wearl&ff qnalltlesor this shoo cannot ba better shown than by tha strons sndono mentsof lu thousands of constant vrsarers. SE-00 Genuine Ilnndewed, aa elecant and styllali dress Shoe which eommenda Itself. .CO Hand-sewed W land.sewed welt, a nao cau bsos nnnn.llMl fn. itvla anil durability. SO. SO Ooodyear Welt Is the standard dress ihoo, at a popular prlte. ollcemnn'a (shoe U especially adapted IQrrauroau men, laxmera, aw. All made In Congress, Button and $3&$2 SHOES A have been most favorably received since In trod need w wiuiag. and the recent improvements maai ke them sussrkw to any shoes sold at tnesa pncei Ask your Dealer, and If ba ca direct to factory enclosing at t toeao pneea. , and If ns cannot supply yoa ssad encloslns aulrtrtlaaa prtca, or a W. L. IlOUULAa, Brocktoa, Ussa, Adam Mohrkam &on, Afjents, LKU10UI0N. Read the Advocate. St. Paul. In M I NNRaOTA .WatflrtriTim AND KANKAKHB offers fttotUW to or aaaress WHAT a 11 SBBK I m . ,y(UU9U w, wyua. Miwiami aiaja w- JOHN SEBASTIAN, rtsst'J stjipsj4 yRsA sjfsPVs A $30,000 FAN. 1 AN INTERESTING HISTORY OF TH PALM LEAF ANO ITS CHILDREN. Marl AatotsiotU' Waving vrossdoewnv Oldest Ottlnoo Faat ta Xatlstoiseo Ttso Tapeutoss Qoneroi Dtrocta Us atoTeotent of hi TraMsrts wlUi his, .tut Throw tl Is tit Air st th Rlgaa. for Attack. Tha origin of the fan Is oonooaled la the dim beginnings of history. The Hebrerrs knew ot the fan and used it not only to cool themselves, but to winnow tholr corn. It Is said that there is cot single early tombstone In ntndostan which Is not decorated with the cfirvlngs of a tan, s fly brow and a parasol, three articles peculiarly the products ot a torrid climate. In India gradations In rank are lndL catod by the more or less luxurianoe ot these throe, and from the simple palm leaf to the richest ivory aad silk might be traced the ascent trom passant to prince. In Egypt the fan seems to hays boon an emblem of authority, for we see it on all representations ot royal personages, where It is borne before ths monarch. Monarch and tan seera to be Inseparable. Of course, China Is held by many to be the original home ot the fan, as it is ot everything else. The Peruvians and Mexicans well understood ths virtues of the fan and devoted considerable talent to Its adornment. The oldest Chinese tan in extstenoe is preserved in one of ths museums in Europe. It is made ot bamboo teat, ornamented with buirushea. Later oa the Chinese used silk with elaborate embroidery. In Japan the fan seems to be ot equal antiquity. It is there a part of the national costume and seems to be a'neoessary adjunct to every ceremony ot Japanese life. Tho Japanese student takes his notes on it, the condemned criminal goes to the block with s fsa in his hand, the signal is given with a fan to the executioner, who holds the soma article while dealing ths fatal blow. With the Asiatics, as with ths old Egyptians, the fan seems to bs assocls. ted with the ides ot authority. The Japanese general directs the movements qt his troops with the fsn and throws it tn the sir as a signal for attack. Among the Japanese ths fan was greatly Im proved In form and loving nttentisn was given to Its decoration. It grew from a loaf ot tall.llke form through various changes to its present common quadrant shape. Bronte," ivory, sandal-wood, tortoise-shell, sliver and gold have been applied to the manufact ure of Japanese ribs ; paper, linen, silk and foa there have all been used aS cover. Ing, while the Japanese-Imagination hoot run riot In tan deooration. To the Japanese Is also attributed the invention of the folding tan. Those used in Egypt, India, China, Greece and Italy all appear to bo nude of feathers arranged In halt circles or in the form ot a pheasant's tall, but all appear stiff and unchanged In form. But it Is only in ths Western world that the tan became an article of histori cal Importance. In Europe it has play, ed no unimportant and ns laoonapiuuous part in ths affairs of men. It has been a veritable Instrument ot war, none- tho less effective because used quietly in hs hands of women. From the time'ot Cmsar to the Cru sades it appears to have been used as a part of the religious ceremonial,' as an instrument ot worship and very little as a domes Ua article. Even now the -deacons ot tho Oreek Church receive a fan upon being ordained, to remind them that they are expected to keep Intrusive Insects from annoying the superior priests in the performance of tholr sa cred duties. It Is hot too extravagant to say that civilization is in a way epitomized by tha fan. On It were first recorded the' legends Of mythology, then aniocjf the Arabians and Christians' ths religious spirit finds expression, while later on the spirit of love and chivalry Id shown by tho inscriptions. In tho seventeenth century fans were made oi enormous sire. This style was gradually super seded by the opposite slid they beosms almost Unperooptlblst The riotous extravagance ot the French Court In ths days before the Revolution showed Itself In fan as In-other tilnjri. Marie Antoinette was p reseated with 'S fan sold to be the most' beautiful and certainly the most costly Cue ever mads; Thirty thousand dollars wssv congealed in this luxurious trifle. When the Revo lution came on partisan ladles Inscribed on their fans " Vive le Kol " ttr "Vive le Nation," according as their prejudices ware royal or republican. And ad there was anotfwtdtlon of Sim.' pllclty for time the elaborate1 fans of Mario Antoinette gavs place to simple devices appropriate to a republican court. But the simplicity did not last long, for soon this luxury, barbaric In many respects, ot the Napoleonic court revived the practices ot ths former reglmo and fans partook ot ths new rich, ness ot spirit. The lost prominent appear&noe of the fan as a factor In history was when ths Dey of Algiers insulted the French Con sul by touching' or striking Md oh ths' cheek. This was Immediately followed by the occupation of th country by ths French snd its conquest sad snnsutlooi Joaqala MllleTs Homo. All alone, with himself ss his only company, up among the high cliffs Just outside ths town ot Oakland, Cat, Joa quin Miller, ths poet ot the Sierras, la passing his days. " What is there to attract one her r he recently wrote to a friend who wanted to travel 8,000 miles to visit him. 'Noth ing, absolutely nothing, except centi pedes, scorpions sad tarantulas, and they're not the best company for a city, bred man, for whatever they put their fset on they poison. Bnt I like It. I Just turn Uts rooks up he'rs over, then I plant s tree or build s fence, and once la great while I writs. Keep Sway trom ms stay where you axe, snd whse I want ypo and ths rest ot the world 14 History ot tho XJrBoss, A monument to ths lifeboat now stands at South Shields, said to be the lifeboat's birthplace. In IT89, th ship A'dfscturs was wrecked off the Tytie srtd s oomral Us was formed to consider ths Blatter of providing a llfaboet. Th models eats. mlttsd by Henry Orssthesd, s bostv bullder, snd try William WouJdhavs, s Journeyman painter, wors selected by the eomralttss tor use. Whether Would hav or aresthead wss ths actual to van tor is a moot point i but locally Wouldhav is looksd upon ss ths author of ths model. Ths saraes of both men ar gives oa tb memorial. Tho finst occasion oa which thlpsrrscksd ortnr wss 14 try means ot a Ufsbest Vas oa Joss 89, 1TM. IMirtl prgsaa ta Catrolioo. JJalf a contury sgo, birr! organs wfs ts bs hssrd la saany chttTshos. A hti?v rsl gsBsrslly "ooetafass4"' elfbt tttssst faf barrels wars tfe most tsttt were rnsds. Ths duties of ths " organist - wsrs then wultsttly sttsplshey wstw SOBBasd to teraUf 4fe atadl. TSS" bsrrtl twgsa hd Jbstr ess 4nMr Vi modern UsHiixs s&aUur i It MA 4 TAKE FOR RHEUMATISM IG0UT, BACKACHE, PalM In tho SUs, .tha Chest aed the Joints. Neuralgia, , Sprains, mo., eta, ths I H PORTED 4js" h uniinni'. r n no nun T1IH EXPELUI FIT IB AND Witt EVER BS' Hi BEST. UNSUALED REMEDY. and Boal Oeneral Hospital it VltanS ' and manr otnera. TtMrf with M M.An tha Tmna-tal Css VsMlltttii TtitimoUl est cf Ticuiiill I Turrorous. lu., Jan. S9, ttt I tee t. Onset our sisters, suffering from Bboa- EaUsm for raara, could find nothing to oar r tost yoer Anehor Pain Krpellcr. ScaoOf. S1STKBS DB NOTRE DiXM. ! BO Oenta a bottlo. I or kost DRuaaisra, or diiieot most F. AD. RICHTER & CO., i SIO J3roa4watf, Xw Ter. sj ran lrsiAis awasizd, f REE Books about other Anchor R SWCiet Ml AsplKSlMd. It It tafes4attil. BSsVeiaui, rciutM. BSfaaS aad CSr.lnotBt. I PUiXAllELI-lllAj THC LCADINa SCHCO'. HH SCHOOt. or BOoMEMOHD Oroataaef iCi aincS uijoj rlwia. tasavYaar SroSfbr Circular. lr One rftH" tm UBvfft'I' CUCe I II DtlJsa 4ta4 1 luo4si m Wpsrior rsaftdc rlU fmAma .tOSl I f AtftW la tuk ItKslKir kUtvbor. Oalj llMia wi wrx tS)lst MC.B tMkl Ssarw est tb chftM, All fosi bare l la rerjuni U t lkw X fsxxUs tbOM WsVO fftllrOV BJtsVaf ATI UnRtWai-- ss7 if rtrtis. answ th ims.II tmA ft tb kUsV Mt?s. Tk Mlowiar syert f4r tk ttrspir.t.(M sU rwSacsMl ts) Ut tbl ifttstii ftst ef lu Voik XlHk tHr4. its tiso sysskM, u Urff frfja W will also ? you kfn. cn mttais IYid fta ! 1 0 U l luf, tnm Ik tttn.w4iK omt mI ; BstisTWrtts) w.1 W My U TpxeJkTfH AUt, U. UAiaUaTT CO Ba H tiO, rostkAjrb, IsUurs OR MEN ONLY! kssu of Body udattaiVKfosrti ran htSxmuh ia Old ar a (msa Mlm muMtwm wwa w ws s rsv uj ,oun HEW I 'Haiti Wstefcl Worth rB10t.UaJ WAlLlian tt. world tlmkttntr. WatTUitadlwMvr. OLID OOLD SsUmtilC MMsj. Boilt UtUta'tBtlMi ttwmt with work aitsf W Mtw VatlUt), OSt rilMstsm VaUSi ItMsllIt Mb BSTCSir sa TWe, lorvtatar wick at kn vtJubir tutftiuouMiieisii it CSl. TkM MKDlSaS. AA wall aTitisi walA. 01 fWs?. All ths) work otl 4atU tkow wkat w MQaTtM to the who Jl'-r Ui ralaavbta trad tow, wblok twMa fbryesrs wbaa at itAttatl, ta ku w axo rapaM. W mi all npnu, fraif bt, att. Aftat ran knoV atl. If yoa woniJ flka to rl t work for at. Taa aa his firon 0SO to AGO per wack and upward Addraaa taClaaoa ft Co. liax dIS. rorlJund. Ualn a dob 7 50 if ewnrii! Stop thai HaWnhjE and Spitllnz. I will give Fifty Dollars lor a case of 0 Urrh,Coldiin .the Head, Deatness, Say TtytT, Affected EyeBlnht.l Asthma or Throat Trouble. I cannot cure with my Beacon Light Catarrh Cure, Send on dollar to my postotUce address for n belli. I will mall It to you at my expense. 'Ko.7 XTvr Cored withaTtare EoUlaS. HENKY A. ZOBBI3T, 1M 1-3 Exchange St.' Ocnevs, W.T. S-l-one vear. mi ft sot surttou u -,0(I tott 19 SOUat sioioonua ac a-ioa- am In ta rwrro snj nrptm nomlaia jnoa n ptrs 'snex nss Itsaol jnj' pai 'ocjCum WOJ)0 Wruaoa jtwrvj pniaon otJJ- ia perBdaJd uaaq arq Ipsowi SPU in utqi) oaistr jq eoJ jojarpoui srm trmo osre nvo .scarraa aood pes 'ssorpps tut oi oaj suss q nut ssxoea IP racxtrm jo tuonnns lot aaiqatastdUO The Best Remedy fit this norld, ears 3- Boflssrr of Cvrtauj, VL1 t raster aaaur nsare -icxuo, pwass str i vsovaax BliaAkad 1 rtl&llr Dortilsad torso vsaraaioa r Ctt, nis not bad any symptoms t snsoon toeuiooo dolus ui u Hmsaf, DinanuT uaua iw a. Harvoua Prostratlort ouratt OaooBas, K. Y. Jans, 1 I wss Botsbla ta do anTthlnsr for Ifl tnontao. was ccoassd to bsd most ot the Urn. souldaV utxarasssp. wusKnervotiiariaaizs7uisi.s eoald not walk from tb ho uso to th rarOsn, I wis all tin down ty what tbe doe tor calls Barron prostration." Ho meolelne eeta4 ts Hp m. Tba I took Fsitor Hoe nix Merro raila and now I can est and sleep and .civ ns Ker stnxiCaTspeUs.csn ao my faouuworx asaa. an tit tnsn out (oruusacu roooraiussa so taa nil aiiffapaM Dr. 0. T. Horn, agt, Letiightom I M more of thia. Rather Ram i nlrss nore (.r.tjjufnrUMj ttcha wiu crctn alip oa we rect Tift, "COLCHESTES" EDCBEK CO. tiff ihoo vrlta laia of bel Unnl srlin ruMto it, . iu t ti. r-tA urras tJsi nUag. .r. i . -r.4. 4 v. C-il fw tbe "Calebwisr ' "AOKS15IVS COUNTERS.' JOSH 1- tEHir, WholeiU Aasmfc 4IRET4IL3T RtinTl deslsrs otn bar their namsi tBtvrtal ber onsppllostloo. mariT, uao-ri Piles! PilesI Pilesl Vrsys Culver! fila Bupotltstr, i. ts our lot Ttrj forts ot fuss, Interns! or mistm), Ittbln or fclssdlrn. an4 lout staQOrui ess, aUsssm fxllsd. Try It. svsa It vou bsris rallod Wib nry other rttssdy. ThUteMSeta tsry tt Ssoashapsd, asy tv apply, ssis, xsu as rjiaa, aad roasssM ststt sdviBtare ovr ela ia ana saivss- rDTiicans usa la tfisIrtHMV . OlT It a trial and you will U rsllevaS sal soaraeea. U yoor drnMlst dote not ksep rsl Itjgr you. ssad lor TTby mill. Price, MOssM aWXAadrsts, . . . aUmnjt w 0. yssrr. roeifS. iiiSat tt issssslsl Vsttsss. ' aaastaAf lst- CgaJBTOPW wuuiTiasBaD pt 1 owlW
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