ORIGIMAL CHEAP GASH STORE ! WE H AVK just contracted for thirty dozen Infantile Kid Hutton Shoes, part of which will be shipped next week. The price will be 33c a pair. Al though the lot is largo wo leel sure that thoy will last but n short time, and in order to let nil our patrons have a chance of securing some of them we ad vertise them now. Men's Goat Russet Shoes, made wholly of leather, $?tU6. Should be $3.00. Boy's Goat Busset Shoes, made wholly of leather, $1.55. Ought to be $2.00. New styles of Men's Four Ply Linen Collars are among the Gent's Furnishings. Gent's Fancy Outing Shirts made of Fine French Flannel at $1.25 and $1.00. Have you heard of this be fore? A complete Decorated Toilet Set for $7.25. Jar, Ewer nnd liason, Soap Tray, Comb Tray, Mug, Pitcher & Chamber. Another supply ot Gold nnd Silver Bead Necklaces in single and double strands has been opened. J. T. NUSBAUM, .Flint Street, between Smith ana Hum Streets, Leliiuliton, The Carbon Advocate SATUKDAY. JUIA. 12 1800. GOSSIPING GATHERINGS. Tlio Valley Company will build a more commodious building at the north sldo of the Central bridge at tho upperend of towu, for Its telephone and watchman. We thought this necessary for some time past from the bay window propensity of the genial Eryc. The new building will have two rooms and be B0x20 feet. Wa are always moro Uimi pleased to receive the news, but writers must sign their names, not for publication, but as a guarantee of good fatth. For falling to do thlb a lively bitch of local news from East renn Is thrown In the waste basket. We want your nows, but sign your name. In an amateur shooting contest hc t.toen "Kigby" Campbell, V. P. Clatk, Thos. Nusbattm and Jim Stanton, Monday, "lllghy" was done up, only scoring one point out of a posslblo twelve. We knew It, he couldn't shoot tlra right side of a barn rflonr with colored glasses. Albert Hinlcel, lives at Jamestown, a suburb of tbls city, One evening re cently he was carrying a bucketful of boiling lint water to the second floor when lie slipped nnd fell, tho water falling on top of hltn. lie was badly scalded, but is getting alright again. While shooting off a Itoman candlo on the evening of the Fourth, the hind end of the cdncern went off and feyerely burned Earnest Wliestley's right arm from the wrist to tho shoulder. The. pain was In tense, but the little mascot bore It bravely. A ride through our beautiful valleys, with their Interesting history of the past, Is more than delightful. Tho famous Ma iioulng and wonderful Toho Poco should not be missed. Teams can be hired cheaply at Ehbert's livery on North street. The scraggy appearance of the Park is said to be caused by tho fertile condition of the soil. Imagine a badly kept garden With grass grown walks and you hava a picture of tho Park. A crack shooter named K'est, of Easton, on Saturday morning started In to lueak twenty-five glass balls with Laf. fichoch, of town. IIo came out winner only one point. Tho north end of Second street Is being graded. The hill will be reduced about five feet at the top and the base will be consid erably filled In. Altogether It will improve the thoroughfare. Francis Bowman, of ttin south end, n brakeman on a I.ehtgli Valley "coaley," was caught by the edge of a landslide, at I.aury's one night recently and badly bruised. While lighting a cigar the other night iuo Are crept up Into Lewis Werner's handsome chestnut brown muslacho and completely destroyed the capillary sub fltanee. Clarence S. Weiss, of town, filled the pulpit of the M. K. church at Parryyllle on Suuday evening. In the morning of the same day lie discoursed at Bowmanstown. Frank Welnland will paint Joseph Oberl's dwelling on First street, occupied by Mrs. Mary Ycnter. The building has been remodelled and greatly Improved, Charlie Wagner will represent I.ehlgh Council, No. 101, Jr. O. U. A. M., at tho State Council session which convenes at Wllllamsport on the ICth Inst. The 111 kept appearance of the Park Is not conducive lo the general attractiveness of the town. Why not cut the grass and clean out the guttoi ? We can't help bnt say, cut the grass in ho Park. As It Is now It certainly reflect! no credit on the town. Its scraggy appear. anee is disgusting. The stockholders of the I.ehlgliton Water Company will elect now directors at their annual meeting on Monday, 14th instant. There will be an Important meeting of MaJ. Klolz Cnmiuandery, In Gavel's Hall tonight. Make It a point to be there, The salary of Secretary Lents, of the Borough Council, was Incensed at a late meeting from $15 to $00 per annum. A threo per ceut semi annual dividend bis been declared by the First National JUnk, payable on and after July 15 An Immense stock of new spring styles in Wall Pauer and Window Shades at J.uckenbacli's, Mm-.cIi Chunk. If you want lo see one of the lloest Hues of 11'all Paper ever made, call at J.uckenbach's Jfiuieli Chunk. Tho foundation walls for a subslnntlal frame dwelling house are now up ou ltd, Hehtnldl's lot ou Second street. A bright little girl baby at the borne of John J ' Kulz comes too late to be counted by the census enumerator. The Gunuanla Siengeihund will hold their regular meeting at the .luinlon IIqum next Monday evening. -For Sale-II. A. Belt, of First street, has a number of flue une yrar old chickens fur sale cheap. Full line of Imnalu and Brussels ear pets at, Henry SchnarU, llauU at. Tobias Urn will build a frame dwell jDg ootue on north btcond street. THE COUNTY SEAT. A I..wl rkit of Live llnttpeHlnc I'" roiinlnmt Oltierwlno. John Brighton, of Armbrnster's JTotel, ! -mid to lie quite seilously 111. The county Jal! contains but eltsht prisoners some serving time and others waiting for trial. Elmer Leyan, of Philadelphia, spent Sunday with the Sheriff and his family on West Jlroadwa'y. Associate Judge Samuel B Price Is spending tho warm summor weeks at his old home In Upper Lehigh. John Kline who used to llye here, hut Is now of Beth1eh;ni, Is talked off as a Legislative candidate In Northampton county. It Is said that Lansford Is the only town In the county that pays no stato tax. Considering tilings generally them must be something wrong in the returns. II. W. Cortilght.of Mnucb Cliunk.Pa., lias Ins pretty cottage, near Lake Hopal coig station almost completed. It Is re ported that he has disposed of Halscy Island for ir,000. Dover, N. J., Index. Stanley, the murderer, thinks the Corut and lawyers are fooling mound too long with his caso. However, hn seems to be quite anxious for the August special court to convene when argument for a new trial will ho made. The State Teachers Association In session hero Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week was largely at tended by the teachers. Interesting pro crams wcro dally recited to large audiences in the Opora House. Prof. James J. Ueyan has been re elected principal of our public schools at a salary of $1100ayear. Mr. Bevan Is recog nized as an excellent teacher and the In crease In his salary Is merited by reason of the excellent work he does. Kev. f. A. Bunce, lector of the Church of the Immaculate Conceptlon,will leavo on Wcdndsday, July 10, on a trip to Europe. He will be accompanied by his brother, Patrick Bunce, of Philadelphia and together thoy will visit their aged parents In Ireland, Sam Cortrlght Is out $114 oh his Fourth of July splurge. He gave the people a good time and now ttiey ought to pony up the balance of the boodle to pay for the music. He has issued a letter In which he says that it will be his last effort for the next fiyo years. Tho contract for the new span to the ast Mauch Chunk bridge was given out some weeks ago with the understanding that It bo completed in ninety days from that date. Il'ork has however not yet been commenced and there Is now some talk of building a walk to the side of the structure. About tho most ridiculous thing of the season was the Issuance this week of warrants by a lower end justice of the peace for the arrest of a number of well- known Democratic politicians who are charged by Chailey Kline, of East Jaucb Chunk, with bribery and corruption, Kline Is a harmless sort of a fellow always maglning himself a great politician out for office, and was refused warrants here on account of his peculiar bent of mind. He has been made a "guy" by those who know him on account of these peculiar characteristic. There is entirely nothing In the charges and the wonder Is that any squire could he found to give him warrants, Wednesday the District Attorney had the papers, but all the police and constables in the county wero too busy to find time to servo them. It (lives IT Fourth Flare. It will be a disapptntraent to many to learn that the population of Lehlghton will not much exceed 2000, though that figure giyes us a total inciease of more than 1000 since the census of 1880. The Advocatr Itself was misled. )t iras our opinion, based on the number of votrs, that the population would reach at least 8500 to 4000, This puts us about fourth place in the county, Mauch Chunk, Lansford and Weatherly leading with more than .1000 each, Contract to Macwlaii Awarded. At a special meeting of the Borough Council on Tuesday evening Coon, Oabel & Co., were awarded tho contract, over several other bidders, to macadam First street from Sweeny's Corner to the north end. The figures are $2.10 per lineal foot, and the specifications call for a roadway of crushed stones, twelve inches deep In centre and ten inches on the sides. Work will Immediately be commenced and the road finished by sometime In October. This Is a saying of 89 cents per foot on the Telford system of macadam which means total of about $3000 In the cost. Keep Your Eye on It, The rumor current for the past week or more to the effect that the Lehigh Wagon Works is liable to remove Its factory from tills place to Walnutport may prove true. Parties at the latter place haye raised a big bonus and arc anxious to have the estab lishment locate there. When it Is remem- dcrcd that the company employs twenty' live to thirty men and lias a large, eubstan tlal and steadily growing tiade their an' xtety to secure so promising plant Is not to be wondered at. The proper thing to do under the circumstances is for our men who have money and Influence to exert themselves In behalf of the town and peo ple and see that the Lehigh ll'agon Works continues with us. Now is the time tp art move at once. Dog Days: Thursday, 17th, will mark the beginning of what Is known as the "dog days," which precede and follow the heliacal rising of the star Slrlus In the constellation of the Greater Dog. The extreme heat ot this season of the year, although to us palpably the effect of tho continued high position of the sun, was connected by ancients with the appearance ot this star In the morning. They considered the dog star as rasing and gave Hie time the appellation of tho Dog Days. The liability of dogs to rabies In consequence of the heat of the season was connected with the same star, though there was nothing but accident In the collusion and they butchered these animals without mercy. The season lasts until August 28th 12 days. Jt Is generally regarded as an unhealthy period ot the year. Knight, of tho Oolilen Kugle. The following newly elected officers of Onader. Iluetten Castle, No. 316, of town, were Installed by District Grand Chief IT. V. Morthimer, Jr., and staff: Itwt Clilel-C. T. Hnnenloiu. Noble Olilet A. J. MUeuberger. Vlev Chief Thomas Stvartz. lllili rrlest-Wlllmliti Wllk. Venerable rfeimit Frederick Btalil. Matter fit Iteeords-F. F. Hell. Olerk of rseliiuer Henry ZelKler, Keeper ot Kxelitajiwr Samuel Stiller, Sir Herald-George Oekerhouwr. Worthy BarU-aus, Kimew. Worthy Cnawiberiaiii-Heiiry Holler. tyulaii - Kamiiel (Ira vet, Kaqulre-4:iiarlm Seliafler. h'lrn Uuwdnnutu WUllein l-auu. tecond (turilinu Olimln B. Belli. Trustees Bmuuel Graver, Jotaa Stark, Cha. L. BclU. VKOl'I.K WHO COMB ANI OO. I'ernonnl Oonlp about People who Visit unit ico n Visiting-. Charley liandenlmsh, of New York Cltv. is botm on a vara. C. A. Harding ami wile spent several days last week In New York City. Mrs. Charles Moore, of Second street. Is visiting friends at Baltimore, Md. John Obert and family, of Second street, visited Tamaqua friends Sunday. James Stanton, of Itochester, N. Y., Is registered at tho Exchange tbls week. J. F. Snyder, a popular Mountain Top merchant, was a prominent visitor In town this week. Miss Ella Heberllng, of Philadelphia, s spending the warm summer mouths at homo on Second street. Big hearted Thomas Fagau with his family, of Kaslou. wcro guests of telatlyes and friends here dm lug the week. Mrs. George Cassldy and children, of Canon City, Colorado, are guests of It, L. Sweeny, on south First street. M. A. ll'eiss, manager of tho Lehigh Valley Biscuit Co., Allentown, was here Tuesday In tho Interest ot tho firm. Miss Jennie Nothsteln, of Bethlehem, is enjoying a pleasant visit to Mr. nad Mrs. C. A. Harding, on lion street. Mrs. W. I. Peters, of Second street, has returned from a two week's visit lo friends nt Shamokin and other places. J. F. Breslin, ouo of Summit Hill's solid and substantial citizens and an old soldier, closed digits with Lelilghtonlans this week. David McKennaand J no. Emack, two of Slatington's solid citizens, spent the glorious Fourth with William McDowell, of town. Charles Trexler, of Allentown, and Ben. Il'ehr and wife, ot Allentown, spent a few daj s last week with M. C. Trexler and family on Mahoning street. A very pleasant gentleman in town over the Fourth was Mr. Simmons, of Stockton, father ot James Simmons, of the Lebighlon Base Ball club. He Is a pleasant and agreeable gentleman, a native of western England and has been In this country forty years. t,ot Itewaril James Berger, of East Welssport, on .Monday morning last loit a pocket book containing $.11 the demonlnatlon being $10, four $5 and one $1. The book also contained several receipts. The finder will receive a reward of f." by re turning it to tho owner. Ilaillv Beaten. Iteuben Kunkle, of Long ltun, is a pug nacious young fellow of about twenty-two years who has made a iccord for himself that will be placed on file In 'Squire Bella's court. He cruelly beat and bruised an old gray headed German named Wellh, who works with the greasers In the Packer ton yards, one night leccntly. The old man had a warrant issued for the young blood and he had a hearing last night. The Court should handle hlra without gloyes, There is entirely too much of this hoodlum brutality. It must be stopped I $liort Distance Telephone. Joseph Obert who Is always doing some thing to Improve and facilitate the s) stem of business in his large curing and smoking establishment has just added a short dis tance telephone, ft is connected with the Central Ilallroad office at the north end, and he expects shortly to also run a wire to the Valley depot. A reporter who was at the 'phone on Tuesday found It clear and distinct and a model of pcrfectness. A dozen men like Mr. Obert. who believe In going forward, would make tbls town shake Itself. A Wedding an fb,e Tapis. The cards are out announcing the approaching marriage of our popular young townsman Thomas J. Nusbaimi, of the "Original Cheap Cash Store," of this city, and Miss Carrie I. Delbert, an estimable young lady of our sister town, H'eissport, The ceremony will be performed In Trinity Evangelical Lutheran church, on the corner of Third and Iron streets, at ten o'clock on the niornln? of Tuesday, July 22. Following the ceremony a reception will be held at their residence on south First street. Ilappllv Wedded. A pretty marriage solemlnlzed in Trinity Lutheran church on Sunday evening was that of Miss Lizzie, daughter of Fred E. .Miller, of town, to John Stark, of Easton. Rev. J, H. Kuder tied the nuptual knot In the presence of a large circle of relatives and friends. Following the perempny the young couple spent the evening at the home of the bride's parents on First street. They will make their home at Easton where they will immediately go to house keeping. They have the best wishes of H)any friends for a happy journey through llffl. Ir. Horn Tteilen. At the meeting of the Lehlghton School Board on Monday evening, Dr. C. T. Horn tendered his resignation, which was accepted with I egret. The doctor lias been a member ot the Board for nine consecu tive years whch speaks for itself. Latterly his business Interests have so multiplied that be has been unable to glye school matters In general the attention they de serve consequently the above action. His successor will e elected tc-nlght, and if he be a man as csrsctentous In the ills charge of his duties as Dr. Horn has been, Uie school wpn't suffer. Our Now l'rlncliml. On Monday evening last Prof. A. F. Kraap, or copiay, i.eiiign county, was elected principal of the Lehlghton public schools at a salary M $100 per month . Mr. Kraap was principal of tbaCoplay schools for a period of fourteen years, ana for one term was connected with the schools of Emlenton, Pa. lie comes here with an excellent record as a thoroughly first-class teacher In eyery lespect. He Is pleasant In conversation and commadlng In figure and will no doubt soon win a warm place n the estimation of our people. pled guddeulr. "In the midst of life we are In death." Suddenly Wednesday night about ten o'clock Mrs. Theodore Kemercr, Sr., of north First street, was stricken with death resultant from a dropsical affection of the heart. Slio was a daughter of Jonathan and Christiana Hamm, well-to do farm folks ot Lynn township, Lehigh county. When only elxteen years of age she joined tho Beformed chnrch to which she has closely adhered all her life, being a firm phrlstfan and earnest disciple of 11 lm who lias called her hence, She was born on the 0th day of January, 182S, and In 1S0 was united n holy wedlock to Theodora Keni prer. Three children were born to them, Oeorge, Orlando and Theodore.all of whom survive. She was an affectfppate mother, a good wife and kind neighbor, and her sudden and unexpected death has cauier) muoli sorrow among a large olrele of rela tives aud friends lo whom the Advoi atk extends sincere sympathy. luterment will take place on ilendsy afternoon at l o'clock CARBON COUNTY TIP'S Interesting Items, Original and OlherwUe That will ttml llemllttr. A Presbyterian church at Andenrled is arranging for a Coney Island excursion on August in. The old Buck .Mountain colliery at McGlnly P, 0 is again in operation to tli joy of the miners in that place. S. II. Blttner, of Weatherly, has been appointed mall carrier between that place and McGInty to succeed J. K. Van Horn Tho Intense humidity on Tuesday knocked out seven men four Hungarians on tho labor gang and three blacksmiths employed In the Packerton shops. Alice Schmidt, is the tbirtcen-year-old daughter of Farmer Schmidt, of Quakako, Saturday she was so badly gored by a wild bull that her condition Is quite critical. A man named Andrews, of Ashfleld, employed in the shops at Packerton on Monday had tho fingers of his right hand caught In a mortising machine and so badly lascerated thai the amputation of three fingers was necessary, The Mansion House at Lansford Is bo Ing remodelled and beautified according to plans and specifications furnished by M. L. Keagle, an architect of Milton. When finished it will be one of the prettiest hotels in this section. Landlord Bittner Is a first rato fellow and knows how to cater to the wants of his patrons. Mahoning Items, marriages will be Twp solemnized shortly. -n. B. Arner has just painted Ellas Bex's house. Miss Mary Klstler, of Mlnniapolis, is visiting in the Valley. -Miss Kate Fensterma -her, of Lehigh ton, spent the week In the Valley. Our farmers are bnslly engaged with their haying and harvesting. The crops arc very good. John Htjlsler of I.ewlatown, and Chas. Nowbaker, of Danville, were the guosts of Anion Arner, last week. The trustees of the .Normal Square school and church property are erecting a new dwelling house. I.. II. Nothsteln has the contract. -Last Saturday a game of base ball was played heio between the Jlahonlng Club and the Lehlghton Juniors, which resulted In a ylctory for the home club by a score of 10 to 8. llowmnnttown Special. Edwin Cliristman Is tho happy "dad' of a brand new baby girl. Samuel Field Is nursing a sore hand caused by a rattlesnake bite. -A young son of Joseph Sbaff while playing with dvnamitc caps on the Fourth accidentally exploded one of them ant? had the thumb and index finger blown off. Thomas Blose, of Hazard, lost a valu able cow by death, recently, and the benev olent people of the neighborhood subset Ibed onough money to buy htm another one. Two weeks ago a son of .John Fenster macher fell from a load of hay and broke both arms ; the fractures wero reduced by Pr, Holben, of Slatlngton, and the boy Is doing as well as can be expected. The new organ In St. John's church was dedicated last Sunday. A large num ber of people were present on the occasion, especially In the morning, the building was filled to Its utmost capacity. Itev. Kuhns Who- served the Lutheian congregation twenty years ago, preached a very able ser mon in the morning. Dr. Brendle, of Bethlehem, occupied the pulpit In theafter nson and evening. He discoursed in the English language In the afternoon and In German In the evening. District President Stocker, of Mauch Chunk, installed the following newly elect ed officers of Camp 20, P. O, S. of A., of tbls place, last Saturday evening! Past president, Roger Brown; president, O. O. Blose; vice president, Falton J. Blose; master of forms and ceremonies, Albert Brown; conductor, E. A. Boyer; recording secretary, Victor E. Brown) assistant re cording secretary.An'broseNoll; treasurer, H. M. Maldenwald, chaplain, Penn Bow man; inner guard, George Shafer; outer guard, Tllghman Lower; right sentinel, Josiah Beidelman; left sentinel, David Blose; trustees, Henry Guldner. The Dis trict President urged the brethern of Camp SO to attend the institution of a new Camp at Lehlghton, on Saturday eyenlng.July 12. F. O. S. of A. Camp. If everything goes well there will be a big time here Saturday evening, on the occa sion of the institution of a Camp of P. O, S, of A. in this place. District President Stocker, of Mauch Chunk, and others bleb. in tho order together with large delegations from sister Camps In the Valley will par ticipate. The charter application contains the signatures of about forty-five residents and the outlook for a large and flourishing Camp Is very bright. The meetings will be held in Gahel's Hall. Tho following program and route ot parade has been arranged: All upper end Camps will form on First street, right resting on North street; lower end Camps will form on First street. Carriages with Officials. Band. Tamaqua Cammandery. Tamaqua 2 Camps, Band. Weatherly Camp. Band. Nesquehonlng Camp. Band. Mauch Chunk Camp. Band. Slatlngton Camp. Prum Corps. Welssport Camp. Parryville Camp. Band. Mantzvllle Camp. Band. Lehlghton Camp Bottle of parade up North to Second St. out 2nd to Qclre down Qchrp to 1st, down 1st to ron up Iron to 2nd, out 2nd lo South, up South to 3rd, out 3rd to North down North to 2nd, out 2nd to South, down South to 1st, Hall Teachers' Kxatnliiatloiii, The Carbon county teachers' egamlua' lions for 1800 will be held as follows: Kait Weliipert, for Fnnklln Township and inuopeuaeub uismci, mefluuy, juij IB. Iludsondtle, tor Pucker Tawmhlp, Thursday, UUIJ It. ltockport, for Lehigh and Lausanne Town Dipt, Wednesday, Auguu is. kat HaYto, for Kidder Towmhlp, Thursday, August 14. Fleatani Corner, for Mahoning Towmhlp, Knit Ftnn, Tor J4ait Penn To.wn.ihlp, Thun dar. Aucuit 21. ' Millport, for Lower Tawapjentlng Towmhlp, Saturdav, August 28. StemlersTllle, for Upper Towamenslnic Town, ship, Tuesday, August 29. stony OreeK School House, for Penn Forest Township, riaturday. September S. Lehlghton. (Special Eiaininatlon), Saturday, September p, ' All applicants iputt hp examined In the District In which they Intend to teach un less written permission to do otherwise be granted by the board of dlreotors desiring to employ such teachers. No certificates will he granted tpapnllcanti under Pf years pfage, npr to applicants who have not made a careful study of one or more of tie best works on teaching. All applicants having a full one (1) on last year's certifi cate nee 1 not be examined in such branches this year. References as to character will i be required of all applicants not known to I the Superintendent. I T. A. hsiypitB, c. bup't. HASH HAM,. nosn O'Hara Is a worker. McUarvey is splendid. Albright Is playing goiMl. Jennings Is back wld us agin. Simmons is a lmrn ball player. Chambers Is playing great ball. Yenscr Is the youngest nun In the club. Enthusiasm don't abate one whit. The Ashley Rose Buds play hern on Saturday. It's getting to be a sure thing when Chambers goes to bat. The Cigarmakers and Tailors will have a "go" on Monday morning. There Is considerable useless profanity which a man with a club could prevent. Get him. ltothermal struck out thirteen of the Jeancsyillc men In the morning came on the Fourth. Chtlstiuan, of the Macungle club, is a now player. In the words of the grand stand "he's a daisy." An amusing game of basn ball between the married and single men will como off early Saturday morning. Take our word for it, there will bo some great raps. Lehlghton did Jeanesvllle for two more straight games on the Fourth. The morning game stood 5 to 4 and the after noon game ft to 2. Both games were witnessed by large crowds. Out on n Serenade. On Monday evening about forty mem bers of the Germania Sanzcibund. of town loaded themselves into two of David Ebbert's big 'busses and were taken to Franklin township where they entertained Commissioner nenry Miller and George Enzlati with some of their choicest selec tions. In turn Messrs Miller and Knzlan extended the good right hand of fellowship and gave them a reval reception one which they will remember for a good long time on account of Its pleasantness. Itallroad Items. President Wilbur, of the Lehigh Val ley, says that his company owns 030 loco motives and 48,070 cars of all kinds and has no car trusts. The length of lines cm braced in the Lehigh Valley Svstem, when the roads of the Lehigh Valley Railway Company, under construction, arc com pleted, will be nine hundred and forty (940) miles, without Including second tracks and sidings. No. 040 is a new freight engine that was turned out of the Ilazleton shops this week. It Is a ten wheeler, with cylinders 20x20 Inches. Local Notice. An encouragelng sign of the times In the rewarkabte growth of schools impart ing technical knowledge, qualifying for the practical duties of life. An instance of this unprecedented success is the Prickett Col lege of Commerce) formerly Bryant ASlrat ton), Philadelphia, located In the handsome new "Glrard Building," Broad and Chest nut Streets. While the. value of the build ing is one million dollars, the training in business and shorthand given y this Col lege is worth more than dollars to any young man or woman desiring to make a succes sful start in business life. The ftlnrlgiia Fourth, Lehlghton had on Its holiday attire last Friday all the prominent business houses and many private residences being gayly decorated with flags and bunting In honor of tho occasion. The threatening weather kept many hundreds away,yet by the noon day hour the town was filled with strangers from points all along the Valley, who wero bent on properly celebrating the 114.h birthday anniversary of the United States and seeing the grand demonstration under the auspices of Lehigh Council, No. 101, Jr. O. U. A. Mi At one o'clock tho par ade formed in the following order and moved over the principal streets: Joseph S. Webb. Chief Marshal. Aides V, A. Wagner. II. A. Delfenderfer. FJlt.T nivmox. Carriages and Speakers, G. A B. Drum Corns. John Bertoletto Post,484,G. A.R.Lehlghton JJrnm Uoips. Malaska Council, 4, Phiillpsbuig, N.J. No Surrender Council, 103, Calasanqua, skconij mvisiojf. Black Creek Council, til. ll'eatherly. Cherry Council, Cherryvllle. Jr. O. U. A. Mi, Band, Slatlngton. Star Lodge Council, G8, Slatlngton. Champion Council, Aquashlcola. Nesquehonlng Band. Mt. Plsgali Council, 123, Mauch Chunk. TllinU WVISION. Oak Grove Council, 357. Pleasant Comer, jvurcq uoitncti, ivunkieiown. "Arlon Cornet Band. Lehigh Council, 101, Lehlghton. Pioneer Band. Lecha Wonk Haymakers Asso., Allentown. Six hundred paraders were In line, and as they moved over the route the wildest enthusiasm was eylnced, Te brlaht nnl forms and the mat ic set the heart lopul sating with patriotism which was quickened by the shooting of crackers, etc. Follow Ing the parade Rev. W. It. Covert spoke interestingly to an audience in the Opeia House which was presided oyer by G. W, Morthimer. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev, G. W. Dungan, and followed s,t Intervals with excellent mnslc by Alton Cornet Band Taken all In all, it was the liyliest day Lehlghton has eyer had, and In the future the glorious Fourth should not go by default. In the evening the display of fire-works, while not grand, was quite creditable. notps AI.ONU thy. nop"ve. The Haymakers, of Allentown, occas onca mticii hilarity by their grotesque make-up. Among the genial spirits who made up the happy crowd were ex-Sheriff Rabenold, John ll'eller, Milt. Amey and Cort. Boas. Here's opr rake. flip Commandery of Mt. Plsgah Council attracted attention by their graceful evolu Hons, and were the cream-de la-cream of the parade. The bright uniforms of the Jr. O. IT. A M., Band, otSlatington.caugbt everybody's eye as Ihelr excellent musical 'selections paught the ear. They can play. Welcome, Jr. O. U. A. J.," was the wording of a pretty banner swung across tho street by Kemerei and Swartz, tho fur nlture dealers at the north end. The commute, W. J. Heberllng, Ed. Dltterline, William McCormlck, Joe Ben net and G. W. -Vortbliner, desetvp the, thanks of the people for lnl work done, bnt the credit of the day is due to Lehigh, No. 101. Long may she wave. Arion Cornet lluml, of town, hlowed. their sweetest selections, Ifev. W. 11. Covert, who spoke on tl o occasion, is of commanding figure, and an eloquent speaker with a Joke ever reaoy iu exposition. Ills audience, though not large.iuade up in intelligence what it lacked numerically, and thev were all well pleased. lUl'lli, UimiHii. On the 28th day of June, in East Penn, Isaac, husband of Leah Uiu der, aged 7ii years, 7 months and 10 days. Mki'oki.. on the guddayof July, in East Penn, Ida. daughter of Charles and Kin allne Meuget, aged M yems, t umuilia aud 4 tUrt. NEWSY WEI8SPOBT. T.nral .Tiimhliu Strung Together by the "Stroller." Tlilnc Hint will Internet you. Daniel Graver was at Allentown on Tuesday. H'elssport pays Its prtnelpal of eehools .V. per month and its primary teacher Quartetly conference will he observed by the Evangelical congtegatlon on Sun day, 27th Inst. J. B. Follweller has tnken up a real denco In his ptotty new homo on Fltst street, Union Hill. IraltcrKgge and sister, Miss KHa, of Allentown, were guests of 'Squire John S, Miller and family this week. The public school building is being handsomely ro-paintcd prior to the opening of the school term on Monday, August 95, District President Stocker. of Mattel Chunk.wlll install tho new olltccrs of Camp 122, P. O. S. of A., on Monday evening, 21st instant. In the tall new shade trees will he planted In tho Park. What disposition will bo made of the present massive trees is not known. The suggestion of the "Sti oiler" that John S. Miller would make a, good Jury Commissioner, meets witli general approval by Republicans, J. F. Snyder, of iVountalu Top, at one time principal of our public schools and a Justice of the Peace of Frankllr. township, was a familiar llguro on our streets during tho week. It is thought that W. F. Biery, who Is a lively Democrat, may he a dark horse In the Senatorial contest In Carbon. Blery Is a young man of considerable ability and has hosts of friends who will back him. Dr. W, L. Kulz, Druggist Biery, Con tractor Horn, Chas. Goth and Ed. Letller. will make up a happy crowd wno expect to enjoy a week's camping out with the usual auxiliary of bugs, rheumatism, Ac, some' time In the near future. I ho handsomely remodelled Sunday scnooi room of the Evangelical church will bo dedicated with appropriate exercises ou bunday, 20th Inst. Special services will bo held morning, afternoon and evening, to which the public is cordially Invited. Frank Schlegel, of Mauch Chunk, a recent graduate ftom the Schuylkill Sem inary, Fredericksburg. Pa., will fill the pulpit in tho Evangelical church next Sun day morning and evening, In the absence of the pastor, who will officiate at Quarterly conference In the Big Creek church. Revs. J. J.- Reilz, of town, F. K. Fchr, of Parryville; A. M. Sauipsel, Lehlghton, and 1. F. Heisicr, Mauch Chunk, the com mittee on camp meeting arrangements for the district, had a meeting Tuesday, In this place, and drew up a plan of program. The neetlng will bo held at Bowmanstown, commencing the first week In August. At a meeting of Council on Monday evening a resolution was agreed to that property owners be compelled to repair or lay new pavements as the caso may be. Thirty days time Is given to comply with this rule after which the borough will do tho work am", collect for It with a percent- e for trouble. There will be no back sliding on this. Get a move on youiself. Will Nut Tench Here. -li5 liattle S. Muschlitz who who was recently re elected teacher of the Girls, Secondary school of this placo has resigned and accepted a similar position at Slatlng ton at a salary of $37 a month. Miss Muschlitz is an excellent teacher and gave entire satisfaction to both our School Board and patrons. We are sorry to lose her. What Is Lehlghtnn's loss however will be Slatington's gain and wo wish for her abundant success. MAititn:i. KiiKitTH IluNSioKUit On the 28th day of June, by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Oliver O. Ebuits, of Mahoning ami Miss Ellen Hunsickcr. of West Penn. GwtUKlt Akniit. On thefilhday of July. by the same, jlose.s A. Getbcr and Miss hla Ki Arndt, both of West Penn. Staiik Mu.i.Eit. On theCth day of July, ny itev. .1. n. Kuder, John r . Staik, of Easton and Miss Lizzie Miller, of Le hlghton. A LhiIv's Perfect Companion 1'aini.kss ClllMUURTM, a new hook by Dr. John II. Dye, one ot New York's most cklllful physicians, shows that pi In It not necessary in ehlhlhlith, hut results from causes easily under stood libit overcome. It clearly proves that any woman may heenme a mother vtitliout suffering any pain whatever. It also tells how lo over come and prevent morning sickness, swelled limbs, and all other evils iitteiullug pregnancy. It is reliable and highly endorsed by physicians everyw here as the wife's Inte pilvato compan ion. Cut this out: It will save you great pain, aud possibly your life. Send two-cent stump for pesorlpthc circulars, testliiuiiilals.aiut contldci' tlal letter sent In sealed envelope. Address, I' rank I nomas & t o., runusiiers, naitimore' Uiirvlanil, There are many white soaps, each represented to-be "just as good as the Ivory," They. are not, but like all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon having it. 'Tis sold everywhere, A riV.'Pd to uuhvass for the aalwofnur iHJl'i 1 D Home drown Niinery tWiwfc. WANTED. Most Liberal '1'enim. Unequalled rarllltles. One of the largest, oldest established and bunt known nurseries In the country. Address W. & T. HsilTll, (!nevu Nureeiy, (leueva N. Y.Ksmhllsiied In 110 -1-1 Notice to Builders, Sealed nroixwil will he received until Kite P.M., July isfli, WW, for the erection o Thii lllocks oiDouble Homes for (he 2ml It. and! i.. Association oi lansioni, in the lloroimh i( uunlonl. OariMHi emuily. i. runs ami speci. lUatlmii n Iw rn on api'llnuUm. Tlie Hoard rerHii tin' rlnlit Ui rtltx-t kiiv uuil all Iil4, . II. noi.T.INflHIl. IW. Jiilj ia,M'J Miml.iKl, I'a. Dividend Notice, A irflul-wuiual illu.k-ml ..r TllUlii: 1'Klt CENT. 1'HyRlile oil hihI iifu i Jl'I.Y 15, 10. Iw Imii ileflaii. tv Hi 'Irsl Nulii lul Haul. lllk. I lhlKlili'it' JMt. . hKMMl'.l . l usliti-r. RIGKETT COLLEGE tiiKAim iuubii ; COMMERCE UNO SCHOOL or IIILAUKLrill THE LCADINQ SCHOOL OF 3411.. Opera so Fine Shoes for man's worn mndo in TCnngnvoo, Dongoln nnd Cnlf-skin. All sizes nnd widths. Our lenders in Ladies nnd MisscRhoes nre mndo by Hough & Ford, J. IT. Smith & Co., Wolfe Shoe MT g Co., and others, in Opcrn and Common Hen so styles. All widths. Our stock of Low Shoes in Onera's, Oxford nnd Newport Ties is complete. Wo can show you all the different colors and styles in these goods nt prices that do nil the tnlkintr. If in need of anything in our line call nround, examine stock nnd prices. E. MOST At the Lowest Prices ! IN THE LINK OF Bed Room and Parlor Buits, Handsome Carpets and Hug's, Latest iStyle Baby Carriages WILL BFi FOUND AT ScSiw anzs First Street, Don't fail to cnll nnd inspect our linndsome lino of the new est nnd nicest things in the above line to be found anywhere in Larbon county, nnd nil nt very AT Excelsior Carpet "Works, NORTH FIRST STRSET, I.EHIGHTON, IS T1IK l-'.APK TO BUY Finest Ingrain and Brussels Carpet The at the lowest prices. 30 different na Rugs nnd Brush Mats in handsome assortment.-, 'Manufacturing RaG OARPET n specialty. F. P. HEIL KEMERER & SWARTZ. NORTH FIRST STREET, Constantly receive and have in ment ni ail riungs new, nice nnd antique in oom and Lounges, Reclining Chairs, Sideboards, (Cc. Our Line of CARPETS Comprises many new and hnndsomc patterns in different ouali- ties at prices that in nil cases defy competition, Tu be convinced drop in nnd inspect our goods and ask for the prices. Baby Carriages. We have them in combinntion style swing, jumper, cradle and l:l. ii :,, 'pi, : i:i.i .i:r 1 . .. moigii, mi iii mm, 4 mui- i ii - though wc have tho cheaper WA. CKTKKH, Saloon ami UfMutmiiit, Hank . Strwl. Krv-.ll Ijiiki HhiHS.mi ti. -it Aeaaon. Diop In ami atM. iu. umu VIIOTOUKAPll G.VLLl'.KY, l'eriuauiHiily lr.iit-il .i . Diih.i, i , Cauiuela HC Yafti (.i.i,i-, M i-i. tm, , , 5ffe rn rv noi.h.nts rou ltfh scholarship -mm II PALMS BUSBRIESS COLLEGE M 1709 Chtnut St.. P1IILADA., PA. (BothS.jM.) Po.Illon for Graduate., Tim. vr 3lu4ui... Ileal liuulpped. llrtU ouraeofMuilr. Otreulutfn. Urea urn. Ibuniw. aTHavc vou Head Slioe Store." UlilADQUAUTERS YOU Lilly, Brackett & Co., Taylor & Carr, L. A. Crossett, LM. Reynolds & Co Croxton, Wood & Co. G. ZERN. tor ehio-hton. lowest prices. 5 Q 3 4) " S t .DC 0 a a 3 .2d 5 J? o s g k a -z. - cs o s fc'S'O -3 p. a.t! J) w o S r a . o w w y . s p O rn n-t L. y o a 4-1 5 s"aW a 3 8 r oO-o CD . a r a w s.s rt a a S Si 'E !S Bhh m O a .a S u a S u m THE patterns to select from. Smyr of all kinds nicely executed at this office. Prices low. stock n full and complete assort- Parlor Suites. i mm; tiiueroncc in tnc nrice. grades for those who want them. Attention' At rbbbi's Ily llit .liiftl bottle, by 1-4 nd 1-adoi. lHHtltlM, B.ul Iii jo,,er( o. Bt joi,!., 1JK . a. ll.,ii-. -!ir,.arHIn ran aJways u """ m-m Ml i, vUUN, oppose lb " i h t, u Ueadquwtor for 11 ' '""Uic nl .hantpoolnjr. Call i it in. the Advocate I
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