too. Bnokltn't Atnloa Salve. TIM BK8T Sftlre tu the world for cut, b runes, iere, ulcers, salt rheum, fever tan, tetter, sbantiad hnnd. olillblaliu corns and all skin eratfNM, and positively cures piles, pr no pay required. It 1 frasranteeil to give perteet satu motion, or money raunuea. 11 led. I'rioe 21 rents per It druggist. For sale by kbuk Never forget that pigs in clover enjoy themselyo and grow. Forced toLenve Home. Over CO people were forced to leave llielr homes vesterdav to call for a free trial pack- Lane's Family Medicine. If your blood U bad, your liver and kidneys out of order, if fbu are constipated and haye head ache and an unsightly complexion, don't fall to call on any druggist to-day for & free ample of this grand remedy. The ladies praise it. Everyone likes it. Large sited package 60 cents. If the oil Is dry, cover seeds deeper than when It is moist. Aek Your. FrlemU About It. tour distressing cough can he cured. We know" it because Kemp's Balsam within the past few years has cured so many coughs und colds In this community. Its reni.lika Me sale has been won entirely by its genu ine merit. Ask some friend who has used it what he thinks of Kemp's B.ilsnin. There is no medicine so pure, none bo effective. Large bottles 60c and $1.00 at all druggists. Sample bottle free. The man who would he a leader must never keep tbe procession waiting. a) as 1 11 Electric Jllttera. Tills remedy Is becoming so well known and so popular as to need ot no special mention. All who have used Electric Kilters sine the same song ot praise. A purer medicine does not ex ist and ft Is guaranteed to all that Is claimed Kiectrlo Bitters will cure nil dlseasespt the liver and kidneys, will Temove pimples, boils, salt rheum ana other nUectlons caused by impute bloods Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malaria fevers.- or cure ot headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bittcrs-Entfre satisfaction guaran teed, or money refunded.-Prlce Bocents per bottle at JIBBER'S Urugstoie. All the reward love ever asks is the privilege of doing its best. Shlloh's Consumption Cure. This Is hevond Question the most success ful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a fair itases Invariably cure the worst cases of cough, croup, and Bronchitis, while it's mn,Wfi-l MMvess In tlift cure of Lonslllnl) tlon is without a parallel in the history of medicine. Since it's ttrst discovery u nas been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medicine can stand. If you have a cough' we earnestly ask you to try it. trlce-10 cents, 60 cents, and $1.00. If vbor Jungs are sore, chest or back lame, use Shlloh's Porous Plaster. Sold at Blerj's or Thomas' drug stores. Many people never accomplish much because they never plan for much. Ihm Doctor and Postmaster. Were talking about a case of serious Illness, due to a oeglectd cold and rapidly going Into Consumption, which was prompt ly cured by rutltan Cough and Consumption Cure. Price 2ft cents. RxnarUneehtt shown tufferersnlth Dyspepsia. jBlllioBinsjs ana Idver Complaint, In fact "tUisaies, arising-from a disordered system bat nothing equals Dr. Lee's Liver ir Keif It emulator for far these troubles. Try it, Trial bottles '(nomas' arug store. In a street car just before 0 o'clock: He Iamverry sorry to ciowd you, Miss DeJPitt, but Miss DeWItt Don't sneak of it. There is really no room for apelogy. Miles' Nerve and Liver rills. An imDortant discovery. They act on the liver, stomach and bowels through ill nerves. A new nrincinle. They epeedly I. ! 1 ..... ...... knit tiln .A.nirl lil,Q 1 1 IT. VUtVUillUU9UCS9, UOU wa.c. ,u.f.i. ...v., and .constipation Splendid for men, women and children. Smallest, mildest, surest. 30 doses for 25 cents. Samples free at . T. D Thomas and W. F. Bierys Drug Store. Much of a youne ruan'o success In life deends on bis selection of a fattier lU' law. Tlie World's Fair. The excitement caused this great event is scarcely equated by that produced by the Brut discovery of Dr. Miles the Hestora- Ut Nervine. It speedily cures nervous nroatratl. change of life. naln. dullness and confusion In head, fits, sleeplessness tbe blues, neuralgtr, palpitation, monthly pains, etc. C. W. Snow & Co., of Syracuse, N. x.'. Talbott and JUoss, ot Ureensburij, Ind., and A. W. Blackburn, of Wooster, O., crvr tbat The JNervme Bells better than anything we ever sold, and gives universal satisfaction." Dr. Miles' new illustrated treatise on the Nervec and Heart and trial .bottles free af Biery or Thomas' drug store. Never place so much commence In your minister as to sleep during sermon. Every man should have a cood opinion of himself. He mar find It bard to per suade other people to preform this arduous duty for him. Captain Courteny. Says: IPhile on tbe coast of Africa I had three men sick with malarial fever. I cured them with is tbe greatest blood purityer I ever saw. 1 always keep them in my medicine ckest.-Ship Naulilans, .Baltimore. Broiled meats should never be taken up on a cold platter, and they should not be salted until after they are broiled, Internal Ingenuity, Oeald Karaelj dsvlse more excruciating tortures than those ef whlsh you see the evidences In the fnoeofarfcaumatloor neuralgic mfferer. The agonies are the consequence of nut checking a jhaumatlo or neuralglo attack at the outset. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters hat leen found by sklllfalmadUal practlonera to possess not only remedial, but defensive efilcasy, whre those ""iwt wuuButfjr iu luwiu is exmuueu. !.ny.VOT "iiw.ur ivnueuoy to mem 18 exiuuiteu. wvw M.IWUWI, vuau vuiuiujou. uuimoBiunssie not only in contlnuanoe, but In iaolated doses The Wood Is depurated thoroughly form the juauuiuc virus, ana ine nerves, slightly Ira pnrgtAjipsa, saved from ultimate and dlretul throsesny this benign, saving medicine, which ia.vwis esuiuiu maraea emcaoy tor malaria, kldaey complaints, dyipepsla, consumption and If you always do good as you have opportunity, you will never be Idle. .Cold, cough, coffin is what philosopher term 'a logical Eermenr."fWiB .... K .l.i,, lo follow the other; but by curing the cold with .do e of Ayer-s Cherry Pectorial, the cougu will be stopped and the coffin not needed just at present. rFhen jou take jour fishing tackle to a.dried-up river-bed, It's carrying tbe thing to an ex-stream. "Did your girl ever refuse you or ever wj o oeiore she finally consented?" No, mui. oiuce we ye ueen married she says noth mg eue." ah AWKward Break.-" Ji'ell, I called u ju jaouoen last mght and broke lb lc."How emfortunale when Ice Is so hard to replace.' r- cuiitu me. west was there n hrA to bear la tbe penitentiary?" Discharged prisoner the piano practice of the Super lntcndent'i wife, umy uis imance.-The man's a brute imeaienea to put a Head on me. ""And youiei me opportunity slip? you foolish Large growing trees should not be I planted In small yards. The old rule Is to plant corn when the -apple tree Is In blossom, .a. wise itrmer learns from bit mu takes aa well as from bis suoeets. A r?v I m jaxpemtve iasie.fiinltbers Ever taUrwpbi? Brooson-Yas. Smither. Wiat kind of a taste is it? Pronson Ex- THE JUBILEE OF THE 8PARROW8. Ob, what la this tumult and atlr and commotion' Asd what are the Sinn rows all talking alx.utf Sf, why do they bfwknti and nod to each other? Do they fear that some one Uielr aeoret will out) Twai early this morning I met a gay party All busily ohat'rnur way down by the brook i Each bird to tbe other some news was relating, And they never ao mueu as gave me a look. Tray, what Is this matter that seems to Important! On, do you not know, sir, and cannot you say Why each little heart's In a whirl of emotion. And throbs us a lear on a inau, winay aayr TIS that they're expecting a host of relations, All bright, merry cousin from woodland and mere, And strangers from-over the surf boating ocean, Bo blithesome and chipper, and full ot wild cheer. And this seems the reason the little brown spar row Is glad when the long, dreary winter Is o'er, For spring on her wings bears the wealth ot the tropica. And scatters profusion from bill top to shore. Philadelphia Telephone. Shoes That Must Not lie Worn. If ft wan going on 'board a yacht wishes to generate in his host an incli nation to "have at hitn" with tho first oudgel that comes to hand lot him wear shoes In which thero are rough naus. A non-yachting writer has expressed the opinion that the chief occupation of a yacht's crew la that or holystoning newts, Certain It is that oil most pleasure craft they show a deal of labor and aro the especial pride of the owners. The right shoes to wear are low ones of canvas or soft leather, with soles of rubber or felt. Wet decks ore almost to be compared with banana peels, and without rubber or felt soles one is sure to be uiicomrort- able and more or less sore or bruised. For southern cruising white flannel clothes may be substituted for the con ventional navy blue. Now York Trib- uno' Nice for the Fatlent. Chinese dootors are very particular about the distinction being very strictly kept up between phyfcians and surgeons, and would not trespass on one another's ground for the world; but this delicacy of feeling has n rather disastrous effect on tho patient's pocket sometimes. A Chinese gentleman was struck by an ar row, which remained fast in his body. A surgeon was sent for, and, modestly requesting his foe should be paid In ad vance, he broke off the protruding bit of the arrow, leaving the point imbedded In the wretched man's body. He refused to extract it, "because," he said, "med ical etiquette forbids it. The case is clearly one for a physician, since the arrow Is inside the bodyl" Chicago Herald. A Tried Cure for Insomnia. . Every night, at an early bed time, take a five grain pill of asafetlda be careful to take no strong medicine after 8 o'clock in the afternoon; half an hour before getting into bed take a hot foot bath, Let the water be as hot as can be borne at first, and add a little very hot water as it cools. Be sure to keep well covered up, and to have the feet in the water for a full half hour. A month of this treat ment, under the moBt adverso circum stances, completely oured the Insomnia of a friend, who had run the entire gamut of narcotlos, stimulants, eating before retiring and tiring himself out. -Ladies Home Journal, Types Versus Poetry, Managing Editor What was it that young fellow wanted? 1 Boy hi sonnet entitled "Dolly's Dimples," and It got into the paper headed "Dolly's Pimples," and that he wants it explained, as It got him into trouble with some' thing he called his feeansay, Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. A Simple Method of Wooing Sleep Take a brisk out of door walk juat be fore going to bed, no talk after coming in, and do not retire hungry. If the walk fails to superinduce sleep, a dish of ice cream will almost inYariably be an agreeable and beneficial speciac-Cor. Chicago Tribune. As to Surface Roads. "I have about come to the conclusion that a surface road is a misnomer." "How do you make that out?" "Because nothing short of an investi gating committee will bring anything regarding their affairs to the (surface," New York World. Not for Iler. "These interminable newspaper dis cussions on 'the. coming man' make me weary, remarked Miss Ann Teek. "Whyr askea Mrs. Uazzam. "Because my experience teaches me that no such thing exists." Harper's Bazar, lie Was Posted. Mr. Tomale (to Jimmy, who has boon permitted to dino with the company) Will you have a piece of chicken, Jim my? Jimmy After tho dog yanked it all over the back yard? Not much 1 Epoch, lie Cauie to Terms. "I'll have the last word," shrieked an angry wife who was scolding hur hus band, "though I should die for it." "Pray take it, my dear, on your own terms and welcome," was his qulot but irritating reply. New i ork Herald. Popular lSngltalt-women. One of the local prints has been hold i lug au cjduuuu w ueciuu ynu iud lilt three most popular women In England, ing an election to decide who aro the The result is in favor of tho Princess of Wales, the Baroness Bnrdett-Coutta and Miss Ellen Terry. London Letter. Another Compliment Gone Wroug, Mr. Middlings Awfully smart dance this, isn't It? Miss Prettypert Yes,- indeed. After talking to so many clever people it' quite a pleasant ohange to coins aeross somebody like you. Chatter. IT' wflUof t0ry of attempted, made him famous. Is 00 years old. His name Is plain Thomas Brown and he Is a polloe magistrate, Coat of Uallroad Dining, It is said that ono of the great trunk line railroads deliberately provides for a loss of many thousands of dollars a year upon the meals served in its dlnine cars. and charges the loss to the advertising account, in run Knowledge that the talk sucli prodigal outlay will create Is good as that amount of money's worth in printers inK. A friend told me that, as An illustration of how the loss is occa sioned, he bad for breakfast In one of those care, one day in April, a trout 8une bird and n bowl of s'trawberrii - 1 aaa ow- besides coffee, rolls, butter and a glass of milk. The meal coat dollar, and his wife told him she oould not buy any ono of the principal dishes is me manteis ror mat Bum 01 money, Chatter. There la said to bo a plant in Arabia Wltll flnWftni nf llHtrVif. vull.iw nml xi.titt weds wlUch are like black beans, ah3 tbead, diled and powdered and taken in small doees, cause a person to dance about au4 beliave like a luuaUo till U beootnee exhausted and fallt avleep. When he awakes he has uot the aiualleet retnembrauoe ol hie ridiculous behavior. Ths flafij u cajjled jt J 'bjUKhg plaut' SWEEPING PRICE REDUCTIONS P vrifnrrinrr In rnvrV TTtlfMPI S . , Yi . . i niii'q llfillnrq tn n hie o.tnolc Wf I tllll S I-011llI8 IU 11 UlfJ SlUl.1V, in I n I GREAT JUNE SALE. Sweeping Price Reductions! A mre chance to get Vino Cloth ing far below regular prices. A. G. YATES & CO., 6th and Chestnut St. (Ledger Building.) 13th and Chestnut St. .onry; Miller, WEISSPORT LANING - MILL. JIANtJFAOTUHEB OF Window and Door Frame?, Doors, Shutters, window rashes, Mouldings, Brackets-, AND DEALER IN 11 Kinfls of DressGfl Lnnlier Shingles, Failings, Hemlock Lumber, &c. &C. Very Lowest Prices. ; J GO TO SWEENY'S "Corner Store" Bottled Gherkins, ,-uv -et Pick- os, Lihow-Uhow, Onions, table Sauce, Horse-radiBh, (7auliflov- er, Cataiip, Mixed Pickles, Cel ery oauce, and all kinds ot choice Jellies jind table necessaries. In Dry,1 Goods, Groceries, Queensware &c. Il'e lead, both in low prices and quality o goods. Our large stock Is displayed to da vantage, an item which purchasers wil certainly greatly appreciate. REMEMBER THE Corner Store, LEHIGHT0N PA. e. f. ltjcioe nbach, 1'I.AIN AND DECORATIVE PAPER HANG ING. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING AND GRAINING. Competent workmen sent to any part of me county. inunquAKTERs for- Wall Papers. Borflers & Decorationa Largs aseoilmeiit, and the latest styles. 1n Cltn linnniiTT "Pn unit flnwlnl OlUUUllUl Y. I'ilUUV UUUUu WINDOW SHADES All grades, Shade making and promptly attended to. puttliiK up I 'nmts, Oil, Vnrnish, Putty. Uiustips & general lJamtera' Supplies. No. 61 Broaaway Mancli Cbnik. Pa. Rein w the Broadway House. sale bills printed at this office at. lowest prices. AL. CAMPBELL, Jeweler ani Vatctnabr,; i Kl Bank Street, I.ehighton, Anna. liesiwtfnlly liivltesthe attention ot bis Irlendj uuuuie uiiicene generally to nij immense new stock ot Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewely, St Prices that del: o cell and innpeci competition. It 1U pay you t my stoek betore Durehssinir grow itere. REPAIRING Promptly done at lowest charge, and all work guarameea. Don't Fowl Ibe Place. SION OP THE BIG WATOH, Bank St Lehighton. Dec 18 18KT. Piles! Piles! Piles! . j a vuiiEiHi i ne uuneiory. a sure cure for even form of Pilu in71r..,i i? Vn.v'U I i ... .raMai. I t..i , lUtilnu ui bleeding, ana long standliu f 11 ii ..ever tailed. Try It, even ir you lte tailed mm einv nUier remedy. Thliftiinoai tui i 'urihap.-d. i-dH tu apply, safe, ntat and I. an, .in,! ihui",!, etvry advantage over oint imuta and ealvee Physii sns use Tn their priit lee. Give it a trial and you will be relieved and i-oiuim-cd. It joui diuegiat doen not keen it oi Kei it tui mi, seua lor ITlj mail, Price, serau a Box Ad.lle-.-i, AHOBKW II FHKl I-iiiastn l'a sxhl Hr N B Kebei L P Horn, aim 1 L rnoma.i.u. U-liighton a Porter, these Bhoes an blackened with WolfrsACMEBIacking HnmM. ti,m with eUan water, and tbev will bo beiatlftUv polished. You wiUetra four quarter "r Uuatlrael Uythewaj, I'orUr, tell yuurLHery stl,le (rtemla that It la tbe lit Urciiny la tn.woria. rvetneaun Aik for Pik-Ron, which Mill. STAIN OLD A HEW FURNITURE bill. STAtN OLA AND CH.NAWARC At ILL STAtN TINWARE Vamtsh at the BUM0 timet Ml LI STAtN TOUR OlO BASKET D VIU- STAIN OAST'S COACM AND ON 4T tAft kit TMnOUIN A H1HT THAT OKI WOLFF A RANDOLPH, PhUlwlelphle. E3 Thp Pyanfpit Rlnnri PuriiiP.ri J3 This Ore nt (icrnian Medlelno Is thaff. cheapest and licet. 128 doses of HI' 1'IIUlt HITTERS fort 1.00, less man m one cent a dose. It will cure the Q worse ciiBesoi sain uiseasc, n-uui a comuiou nlnnile on tho faoe Itlto that awful disease Scrotula.iy f I SULPIIUIt BITTHltS Is thoJr I be8t medicine to use In all " I cases of such stubborn niuwyo,,,. jjhl j deep seated diseases. OoffmyRn,oui HI not over Utko ffot order. Use BLUE PILLS ,?ioters if If ormerairy,theyaredead""i',,; ' lithe purest and KBlBJa; us0 1 medicine ever made. yffSnlnW frt I aX3SyDolniii yo Ifl aliltntnni.n? lavnnr MfLTO Unable tOWnlk. Or I I iireath font nnittvare flat ou your bach. 1 1 offensive? onrJ'biitgeteomoat once,ltl 1 1 stomach Is outwlll euro you. bulphur lot order, use uitters is I lauLPirnn. Jr,t.. -r i,.,,. t...i. tz III, IIIVllllll'M i. rif.iiii. w. amrristtsw - r:s vr ."."..'M v" j-"v ib yuur ursrteringaro boou inauc vtvii uy lne thlck.ifita use. Kemcmhcr what you ropy, clo-read here, It rnny eie your ony.c uy. i orsrnro, k nas saveii iiunureus. Don't wait until lo-inorrow, Try a Bottle To-day 1 Am von low-enlrlted and weak. I ror suffering from the exo'sei-a of I rvouthi' If so. SULPHUR HITTERS! Fwlll cure you. I Boston. Mass.. for het medical work iiubllshcd? Jndigestion T S notonly a dlstresalnf? complaint, of 1 Itself, but, by causing tho blood to become depraved and the system en feebled, is the parent of innumerable maladies. That Ayor's Sarsaparllla Is the best cure for InillRestion, even when complicated with Liver Complaint, is proved by tbe following testimony from Mrs. Joseph L,aUe, ot urocKway Centre, Mich,: "Liver comolaint and indlcestion made my life a burden and came near ending my existence. For more than lour years i sunerea untoiu i4uu waa reduced almost to a skeleton, auu hardly had strength to drag myself about. All kinds of food distressed me, and only the most delicate could bo digested at all. Within the time mentioned several tdiYfdnianR treated me without Etvtlisrte- llef. Nothing tbat I took seemed to do nnv tiermnnent pnml until 1 coniuienceu the use of Ayer's Sarsaparllla, which has nroduccd wonderful results. Soon after commencing to take the Sarsapa rllla I could see an improvement in my onndltlnn. Mr nnnetita beznn to return and with It came the ability to ingesi all the food taken, my strength im proved each day, and after a few months of faithful attention to your Hirertlrvna. I found mvself a well woman, able to attena to an nouseuuiu duties. The medicine has given me a new lease of life." Ayer's Sarsaparllla, Q PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. Aver & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price 1 i ail bottles, t5. Worth tS a bottle. If You Have N appetite, Indle-eatlon, FIntuIence, Melt Headache, "all run iloitu." lua in hi 9 las Ileau, you mil una the remedy you need.. Ther tone rip tho nuk stomach and build up tho riagslnt; eueralee. Hurrorera from mental or pliyeleal overvf ook will find relief from tbein. Nicely etiKarooaledi SOIJ J3V33RrWHEKE. Ttx firt aud onh oomUttad lUttad QUlg Out at ire and &triiUiuiu2 op rasters mBrrelloni cmblntlun ot medical agents I1UU -.atil, s,eJUtlU.'v, 1 1UU DIUUO, Ukl (tiCUi nrepxred auj spread on mufcUu, 11 teltly tu jiut oa. flew KcgleUid rfoeU I'AIN. tvaenetM. laUetai uiutjou or Weitknvtl. Le3thsr rfceniit Uiiuoic, uuu&ttr hn roc&tdm hoTf cmaed, fluids mdtantly tu tbe al!-jxwrful awll cinalcroDertiaaof the Uoa Pliiiitfcr. The prU nr wonderfultr fctJtheoM, vualUftl and restored to beuth nu vifjur UOP never bt rn er IrHute. Are vaea by tbouuaas of peupi iu ery walk of life. M YOVJi ATTENTlOb-Dex't ut as deJer iooi you iuio lakuis e euttetituM or umtauue. All geoalne Hop rlUji how the priHH-wtoni eljutdre. HOPPLASTEHCO .FHOfHirroBS UOKTON. If You Have CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS SCROFULA COUQHorGOLD Throat Affection Wasting of Flesh Or any DUea$ irhere ffte Threat and Zungt art Inflamed, Lack of Btrngt7i or ATerv PomrTi you can b rtUeved and Cured b SCOTT'S EMULSION PURE CODLIVER OIL With Hypophosphltoa. PALATABLE AS MILK. JHHfer Scott't EmuUlon. and Itt no Blonatlon or satleltadOH induce you f ateept a substitute Sold by oil Druggists. BOOTT & BOWHE.Chcmlato, N.Y. AXLE GREASE BEST IS THE WOULD. Tuweei-laequithntitiBre unsurpeeMJ mctuall7 UUiloaLhimt -ufltlll tiL'.V'l'lM:. & OH 8.LLL ijY jji Al-tKMiiatltAI-H, uti 4ft Res! uiuni AN OFfENlNQ ROSEBUD. Wlmt will it t? ' 'Tie a hitA onleroee buafi ffrowinK, A tlnvamlnelKler thing, With It irrequ,, fringed eJtJiowiit The falnteettlDg of a pink fhih, Sowing At kiss ot'the welcome Rprlng What will it her What will It be? With an exquisite grace and bearing. In timid ret trusuul away, On the ellru curved atem 'tie sharing The balmy breath of the fotu.t ind7 daring The gaze ot the ferv M iln) What will It Ih -J What will It ho! I can etttrh but a doubtfttLfelpaniing (Bo little the petnls ehow ), Thro' the eoarce cleft sepal. Reeimn 7 Like lightest bonds, If the bouud heitrt'u dreatuliig In foldings ot flame or snow. What will it liH? What will It 1T In the day of Its full tide splendor, ; A marvel or beauty fair, With its soft bonds riven, render The richest red of a warm heart, tender And sweet with an Incense rare? What will It be? What will It be In tbe time of its full displaying The secrets ite petals hold ' Will it show, in sunshine swaying, The purest white of a rich heart, spraying Its aneets from a boeoin cold? What will It be? What will It be? f To the bud on the rose bush blowing ;t; I whisper a tender line, And Its close veiled petals, glowing, An answer send In a soft blush, knowing The wish In the whisper tlna What will It be - Oustavua Harknes In Philadelphia Ledger. DUTCHESS COUNTY'S GIG CAVERN. An Interesting Hole In tho Ground Near the lToot of Mount Itleu. Near the eastern boundary of Dutchess county, almost in the shadow of Mount Riga, is one of the greatest natural won ders of the state. It is a cavo or ltassago- way into the mountain, which is called Cave Hill, and its depth has never been known. Its opening resembles ix roughly cut doorway into a groat rock. A di minutive stream of water trickles down the mountain and into this opening, which would soem the only agency by which bucIi a tunnel could have been worn into the rock, but the size of the cave some distance within precludes the idea of its having been made by so small a stream. The opening is just largo enough for one person to enter, aim the way is a rough and dangerous one. The rocks aro covered with a slimy substance that makes every foot of the way slippery and treacherous. After much cautious mov ing and squeezing through the narrow opening the party came to n largo dome Bhaped place, which, in the gleani of the torches, resembled a small ice palace, while drops of water constantly fell from some unseen place. Tho way leading into the cave is on a sharp downward incline, and some of the spaces are very large, many of them being about five feet wide and fifty feet high, and, look ing up through the dim light of the torches, dozens of ugly looking rocks seem suspended from the glittering arches by very slender hangings, and the sight is uot calculated to produce a home like feeling. The party followed this dark hole in the mountain for nearly half a mile, occasionally Btoppmg to ex plore niches and apartments on either side that suggested the story of the cata combs. Finally the amateur explorers caino to a precipice from which nothing but dark ness could be distinguished. One of the party dropped a Btone into tho darkness, and the time that expired before itstruck anything seemed almost as long as it takes a stone to reach the river wheu dropped from the Poughkeepsie bridge, and when it did strike there was a. pecu liar rattle and a sound like a much larger stone falling into a pond. Almost on tho edge of this precipice are two names cut into the rock. The' are J. C. Dayton and D. O. Dakin, both dated 1S10.' Other names are cut In tlto rocK nearer tno opening of the cave, one as lately as 1875. The cave is without doubt perfectly na tural. Looking up from its deepest re cess it looks as though thero had once been a narrow chasm like that throng! which parts of the Ausablo river winds through the Adirondacks, and that the rocks had met at the top, thus closing the chasm and sending huge rocks down partially filling the opening and leaving a treacherous footpath through it till There are stories and legends con nected with this cave which havo never appeared in print, although some of the people that live in the mountain are thoroughly familiar with them. Som New York explorers ouco visited the cave, and ono of the party, a young woman, became frightened alter enter ing and nearly lost her life beforo she could be rescued. About twenty years ago a Btranger inquired from the wood men where tho cave was. When shown the opening ho exclaimed, "Ah, 'tis mine! 'tis mine!" and at once prepared to enter It In search of hidden treasure, which he said was there. The loor man was insane, and in his wanderings had beard of this strange place, and at once associated it in his mind with untold fortunes, just as Insano men nearly always do. He built a hut ou tho hill side near the cavo and went every day into its gloomy depths and crawled about, ofteu without light, even in the winter. In tills weary way ho wore his life away, and was found by some hunt era one day dying in his cabin and still raving for his gold in the cave. The mountain into which the strangi channel extends is ono of the wildest in Dutchess county. It is covered with white birch trees so thickly set that one can hardly pass through. Many of the trees are dead, and the reporter, not par ticularly muscular, easily broke off sev eral of them with an ordinary push. Poughkeepsie News Press. A Land Without. Debt, Happy Heligoland! Tbe population o: this tiny but favored isle now number ing 8,500 souls is reported to be increu ing; so is the revenue, which amounts to 4,205. More satisfactory still, this flour ishing possession had at the close of 188U absolutely 119 liabilities beyond a sum of 10, and even "that was only outstanding because the aooouut was somehow pre sented too late for payment within the year. Altogether, Heligoland sets excellent example to its neighbors, and this is tbe more noticeable because there was a time when it fared far otherwise. In noting with just pride that his Mib jects are "content and orderly," Uov emor Barkly expreMee a hope that tlm evil days of debt and iiolitical discon tent, of which the reports of Bome of his predecessor drew so dismal a picture, aro ended forever. Like a prudent ruler, however, he reminds the Heligulunders that the prosperity of their tight hide island, depending as it does ou miinmo vial tors, (s necessarily precanuiiH, and expjemes his determination tu k-.-p u sufficient gum in reserve tonji-. t tln-m-tious contingency of "a bad batlnuK ecu son." Loudon Telegraph. No Atflduvltn. Crofton, naturalist and geologist, buy tha,t tllre was darkueaa over tho wurlil fora ipaca of 600 yeuis dunua the forma tiun of the earth, with flitsheb of light ning aud iieala of thunder at lutervius of five minute. You t-a bellevu tliia or not, jubt aa you happen to feel about it. Mr. Crofton has no affidavits to publish. -Detroit free Prew. Milk Shake and ttv r 1 . a rive teiiis 'oolinjv, HoaltMul, Rich just Hie kind of .1 Summer drink that gratifies at the same time the thirst and taste. 'TlH ',,V l"all Parties, picnics and III l festivals supplied at short notice. (T NUSBAUM& CULTON, 0pp. the Park, Lehighton. mm FIRST STREET, - 1 las jtist opened an entire new line of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Comprising all the very lntesr, styles, in White Goods, Sa toous, Prints, Ginghams, MAl'SCiHCS, Seersuckers and Fancy Dress Patterns ot'tlie very best qualities at exeeed ing low priees. Groceries, Provisions, Crockoiy ware, Glassware, Wood and Willowware Cloths Cassimers, Hats, mado Clothing in great variety and at priees with the roach of all purchasers prices fully as low as the same goods can be lought, lor at any other general Carpets. Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures in great variety and of best quality at Hock Best, quality ot Flour and Feed at prices Jully as low as the ,ame articles can be purchased A car load ol coarse salt has just been received the price y heen marked down to the very lowest notch. All goods of the very best quality and ate being sold at pricf s qually as low as the same goods can bought at any general sloie n this section. Call and be convinced. liesiiectfully. Tnly 823-71 CLOTHIERS, We have made extensive preparations for the Spring Business in Men'1', Boys' and Children's Clothing. Our guaranteed qualit ies and the- lowest prices are making our store the preferred plnce for those who wish to save time Mothers', Attention, j (li-rr :mno CMillilrcii' Hulls now ready. Ages 1 tn if. iai-H. our pxpei icMii't' in uoyi auu Utile l!us tJlulliiiiK shows iliat If we can art the at tentlnn ut the inothi'i-sthatttiU cimulnur store. We lutf pietly and line nialtjilal, pretty anil noM'l shapes, ami tire inai.ins a creiiit to our j l.lllle I!os' I'liitnniK I'epamiient. we n.uea uiupli'te line 01 a-piete suits, and a line stiee-. linn ut . ersi'v and Kilt Hulls, we Mail our C.lillilien's Stilts froni Sl.ooup. Men's Suits. We are sliowlng tills season oer no I.eailliig Sljli'N, (lur aim Is 10 coiulnne tlie Best ilake lUIi Die LnueKt 1'ilees. liveiylitHly In need of clothing, conilngtn town,.! Islmlteil to visit oul- Large Clothing Kstabllsli-1 lueiit. w u Know mat 11m nine si spent win ue terv iirolltahlo. (let ouf prices belovo bujIiiB nu J'oii win save money uy bo uoing. r 1 Custom Department. This depaitment lacks nothing to satisfy the tastes and Ideas ot the most critical ot men. Our line of Spring Trouserings and Huttings Is larger anil more seieci man eer heen oeiore. Kvei'MhliiK Is I" teadluess with all the modern laCIIIIH'S IO giuililllirv uiisiiiuiissru wulhltlHIl' i.i., nt mid 1 11 s i. A snec ai lealuie Is the veiV 111 1 ikltl"! iiiirm m 131 . ..-n ihci f-u n. pi ivrs ' ..r U. I.. u .11. ....! ... I tliat will he fouiul lilt'hl) altractne. CDUTI A I 1 U'eat Invention l'atent Slilrt Waists. The OrC'l"-J 1 1 Waist does ana entirely with the sew Imr on of bu .. 1.1. .... mitiwinlile belt, which is cu.Uv ttii.-pn nft uiien tlie wab.t Is washed. itml on the belt, touseouently cannot be toin oil UeliiK pUIn In speech and sincere In our olleiings, we lecrmn.. i.d cni.ds as thej leallv are and quote you tlie very lowest , price. Hotel Allen Building, Allentown, Vn Largest 1 - - I I II 11 1 HI 1 x. a.. 1 it .a 'n 1 v. &7 1 r sT DTfAOQUAItf TED WITH THE OEOOHAPHY Or TUT CO0KTny, WILL OBTAIN MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION THOM A STUDY Or THIS MAP Or THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY, Including main Hn UlOHniiprillun. .Tit branches and . ' - 't AbUUbO bo Direct Routs ptturnwa, OtikalooHa, Dea Moinea.Wlnteraet, Audubon Jlarlan, mid Council ... iw v. it mniiraiiuuilil UI1U rum, 11. Ji.....i.3w.ii WftUll liUWII and Sioux Fulls, iu DAKOTA Cameron, St. Joseph, und Kanaas City, In MISSOURI Omaha, Palrbury, and Nelson, in NEBRASKA Horton, Topelca, Ilutohinaon, Wichita, llelleville, Abilene, CaldweU, In KAN SAB- Porni Creek, Kiugtlsher, Port Itrno, In the INDIAN TERRITORY and Colorado Sprlnsra, Denver, Pueblo, In COLORADO. FREE fiefillnlnar Chair Cars to and from Ohioairo, Caldwell, Ilutohluson. and Dodge City, and Palaco Sleep ing Caru between Qhluaero, Wiohlta, and Hutchinson. Tmvoraos new and vast areas of rloli farmlntr and grazing- lands, arlbrding the best faollltiea of intercommunication to all towns and oltlea oast and weat, northwest and southwoet of Chicago, and Paolno and transooeaulc Soaporta. MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS, Leading all competitors In eplnndor of equipment, oool, well ventilated, and tree ft-prn duet. Through Ooaobes, Pullman Sleeirs, FRKK Recliulng Innt. it.. outur utLTHi anu leuai. ui iuisiuurt wvun Uea uolnes, c North Platte, ana rui t'ltlilornla Uxcuratbns dully, with Lab.e, Ogdon, Portland. Loa An I, IN la to and rrum piue's I'oau, .....( ouncii B.uirs, ana omana, wttu Free Reclining Chair Car to Neb., and hot wean Obloago and Colorado Springs, Denver, , via at. J one nu, or Kansas uity und Topeks. Splendid Dining nlshint? meals at Haosonabla noorsl wan! nf Mii. .ri iHvw ums, and Buenlc Qraudeura of Colorado. VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE, Solid Expreps Trains dally between wiin rnmjuun nocuinuif tjuair L;ard ( Kitnmm t'lly TUrough Chair Car and Sleeper between Peoria, tjpirit liake, and Blouic VullM, vtii Rock Inland. Tha Favorite Llnu to HiiKatotie. Wuter- town, t.loux Falls, and tho Summer Resorts and liununif unci Fibhtng Oiuunds ot tho NortbweHt THli SHOUT LlNfc) VIA RKNKCA AND KANKAKEE off.irs tarilitiee to tuvi-l between Ciui-iniiati, IndiauapoliH, Lafttyotto, and Council Ulultti. hi Joseph, At. Insun Uuvuii wortb, Ktumun Olty.Mwuespolie, uud St. Paul "rcketa.MapB.Foldera.ordastiiuforPMkUon, apply to say Ticket Omce in tho u nlted States or Canada, or address E. ST. JOHN. JOHN SEBASTIAN, 0urai Xuutfst. UHIOAQO, IV U Sta'i 1 sst ft ?aw. AguU. Soda Water : r- u i ti nss. - LEHIGHTON, Pa ol'tlie best makes at low figures. BootB, bhoes and Eeady- store in this vicinity. Bottom Prices. elsewhere. A.MOSREI(EL. and money. What we Owe the Boys. Anything new and attractive In Urns' & YniilhH' Stills you are sine lo find by looking ovei our newlaiite Spring Stock. Condi niation Suits a great specially, made In tin- latent stales anil ol ine newest lanni s, sin-n us nne uorksi ren.H lit waie, worsted anil neat mixtures In all grades annul sp itlcuiill l'rlces. Spring Overcoats. Tilts season our Siirliiu (ercfats are of the lln obi Merchant l.uinring, auu force themseive into popular f.u or on account ot the Ion mices A coat that doeauol laeh auv of the neat, and fashionable points for 112. A good stj lislt coat as low as o. Gents Furnishings. Our general stock of Furnishings piesentsthls season a coiupicin iuiiuieiii 111 an depart ments. Kveiv iinaitinable article on hand, t'er. cole SMrts, OlievfiTt Slilrts (gieatost novelty of the season) $1.25 ami JUKI: llalMIose 3 pair for ibc. ; 3 Linen Collars for So. ; 2 pair Linen Cuffs iorac.: isciivcn fl i iiieni iseaiu urawers. auio. 1 mn.l Wtrn nitl.'lu Mllal... m ta r. Unlu. ' Ilersti 111 os. line Umbrellas, latest novelties III j I'ancy and l-'idl DiessKhhts, nien's Dress anu 1 jjnvillK . loves, isiitv uupe miners m.. 1 e 11- Mold Co ars aim 1 1111s, jeweii v, iik Hani ker- . ..I....... .null., ti I1.1t .mi 11 an. tH7.. ..... M-iiit-js. mi iiiriiii 1 mini Jim mini 11 .s..u..- W13AH we nave got it. Mother's Friend It Is stlimlled i ue uiuious are riv eltlier in weoiipg. wiisinngor ironing. Koch 8c Shankweiler, Clothing House in Lehigh Valley oitcnslon Enet and WeBt of tha IW U . h.U U.VBM, WVmVM. to and from CUlcafro, Jollut. Ottawa, . t. 1 i iff uiuiutf uars ua CHOICE! OF and San Francisco. The DIRHC . . . . , ,i n ... . . . . . , Ch vi ..ill, a.iiiut(&MJiin uiim oi. i i.i, E) to and from thoeo points and . .1 l 1 I . .. 1 ( ' 1 11:. . , 1 .iiy ueiween uiuoago, to and tVnm Halt CAUTION Mb r vviiit tatf. M M It ban his iim' And prior stnirtpfti on not tons. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Flue Calf ami laced Waterproof Grain TIia flscellenoA find wearlnff Dualities of this iho cannot be better shown than by the itrong endona- mentsof It thousands of constant wearers. $"00 faemitne UnmUaewtHl, an elegant and 5'1 s.A.00 . Ilaml-nexred 'elt. A flne calf 6bu4 uneaualled for t3 Id and durability SO. CO Uoodrear Welt u t" atanaara artsi ,50 I'ollceinHu mioc NllA ,s.nllenl man famiort ettV All made In Congress, Uuttoa aud Laco. $3&$2 SHOES LAFr?.2s, have been most faYoriMj fetelred lnce lotroduca anil lue recent mi iui cm. u.n ... . to hqv thocs eoUt at these prices. . At your Dealer, anrt If he cautt uDplrjrou nnl direct to factory enclosing adrertlwd prfca, or 0,U,rf,5frJ1,A8 Brockton, Muii Adam Mehrltam &on, Agents, I.UIIUIUTON. (-1v circulation is growing LLX because we furnifih nil the lntost local news in the lipst stylp. (S'ample us q Favorite Singer Sewing Machine. HIGH ARM $25.00. Each Machine has a drop leaf, fancy cover, two large drawers, with nickel tings, and a full set of Attachments, equal to any Sin eet Machine told from $40 to $60 by Canvassers. A trial in your home be fore payment is asked. Buy direct of the Manu facturers and save scents' profits besides getting certificates of wanantee for five years. Send for testimonials to Co-operative Sewing Maohlna Co., 269 S. nth St., Philadelphia, Pa. ATARRH We have a remedy that will CURE CATARRH. BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. Our faith Uo urnnn that we will ietul treatment oo trial. Send for Treatise and full particulars. Address, The Hall Chemical Co.. 3860 ralrmoutit Ay., Phlla., P CAN bo CURED. w .ill SEND FREE by m.ll a larce TRIAL BOTTLE; . treatise on Epilepsy. DON'T SUFFER ANY LONGER I Clre Post Of fice. State and County, and Age plainly Address, THE HALL CHEMICAL CO.. 386o Faltmount Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. fltlltlS G0ENQ ON rOKMkKT ncouei h world. orld. Out icUuiiiar untquaUed, and to Introduct at oMrtor wd wt will tndriii to OKI t-lRlOH In scb iKtlltf Mtbov. Onlj thoa who writ to ui t one cm Diakt lurt tb chtnet All you btro to do la tcturnitto $how our good to tbosarho call rour ntlfboori ind thoit round you. Tfc ba "yfoninr of this ndratUitaMai howi tha tmiU and of tho Tha followlnf cot rTti iht oppcunoct of tt rtduetd t about accoa. 1 th fiftieth rit of Iti bulk. It U t"nd,doufcl Ult , At Ian c U f7. Wo will alio how 70a how o k rw.m Hn tattlOidtr t lAAit. from lb urt,wltb. can mk ut xpiiltoc Utttar writ tl one. Wo pay AllaipKM cbarf ai. Ira, H. HALLSTT W B S flOTQSU.tro UjUXM, Addraii, ely's catarrh Cream Balml Cleanaei the Nasal I'atsages, Allays Fain ana Inflammation. Iteals the Soros Beitorea tbe Sense of Tatte and Smell. THY THE CUIiIi,$!kY"F-EVEft A paitlcle is amilled into each nostril and 13 agreeable. I'nee CO cents at tlrugBists, Uy mall, lenlstered, oocts. UI.Y IlltOTHlSRS, 60 Warien St., New York august 17, 1B89 For LOSTorFAILlNO! Qeseral and KKKV0U8 1 onrii arjEBttrfxi Weakntia of Body and Hind, Eaacta 01 Liron or umiiu in umor ioYousf SoVBoSf. una.., """l"s;si iSffArm.VK&VBWJ ii.oi' oataiitii liona TKUTMINT Bnsila la a it. Ub Ititlfr rron 60 fitttts and Wrvlsn CMstrlaa Hrita than. LiHCrlbll. But. iplaBatlaa aad preotaaaaltfdttaaiadlrrea. uit cmc Meoical oo., uofcaLo, n. y. THE POLICE GAZETTE la tlie only Illustrated paper In the woild containing all the latest sensational and sport ing news. No saloon keeper, barber or club room can afford to be without It. it always makea Irlends wherer It goei Mailed to any addresa In the United States, becurely wrapped, 13 weeks furl!. nenu live ceiui iur sample vupy. Richard K. Fox, Franklin Square, New York City S a?- AtBaS-iiL J,.jji,,?j I'llll.ADtl.l'illA.l'A lMiatouo nooperatloB 11 loius of tuna (ruui uuslueea anon priioun. ed la. c uiab'dtij others wanted. Bend fort Ircular. CURE GUARANTEED. onwuSuraftis. QU NEW I rata WatLtiH IBH.IL. falcbin tha world Pariacl Both Udiaa and tasT tU Wttb worka And caaaa at auat taluc OKI MBaoaia acb locaJitv ran aaenr aba rrae. tonthar ith oar isrc d VAlttAbla titia etllaiiiclialil iautipleo. Tbaia aAmtlaa.aa wIJ a th wftlLii. am A-ee. All tht wark tan nad du U i ah what wa od roa to thoa who cU-fOH mcuja And Qcirhburaand thoo about tou tbaialwart ratulra vaiuabla t raaa for o, n hlcb holda for raara whtD onca aunad. i rbt.B ma Ai twiAMl W uay all aipraAa, (taibt, ato Afta tlrD tTOUl HBO l. Kit 11 iur avatk nd inanili A A An. a. vua wmiu Uk to ro to work ror oa. tou cam Subscribe for the Advovute. Slop tlmt HbwUie ami Spilling, I will give Fifty Qollara fpr a case of f 4 tarrb, Cold In tlie Head, Deafness, Hay Fever, Affected Eye Slulit. Asthma or Tl.tuat Trouble, J cannot cure with my Ueaoon Light Catarrh Cure. Send one dollar to tuy ijostutHre addresa for a bottle. I will mail It to you at my experjae. Hay l'eer Cured srtli Threo liottles. IIENUY A. JSQBHI8T, 184 1-2 KKdiange St. Geneya, N 2-1 -one year. ADAH UACIIBB ' JOHN EACHEs 0ONTRA0TOR8, T.ehigbton, Carhpn county, Pa , Keji-ttully Inform the public that they are prepartui do all Klnda of BnildiDK and Plnraliiiiii Wort a iuitiug iu Mth 1 ubt, ClOMit, ic 1 at very lowest prices and In tbe beat poa aible maimer. Eetiuialea cheerfully lorn bed on application, 293,-, Illy r n m T-m mm only! LJr. core
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers