ORIGINAL CHEAP CASH STORE ALMOST DAILY v lieur men ask whore tlifY shall Invest mon ey to et the lAnet returns. We know ot i better i)lpe tltn here. A saving (H 10, SO Mill 40 per cent, on qeiiernl inerelinmll.e Is rtinly h tm Investment. And this, too, on bright, new kxx1. Think ot It 1 Reflect I What a nice balance you will have on linnd nt the end ot each twelve months. The Wool Chalhes at 240 are n urent .attraction. Cream and Stripes and Klmucsot the very latest designs and colorings. They are simply rich and bask In the 8unshlne of Fashion. I I I I Another of the great wonders In onr Dress (loods department are the Btrlped Ilelgos at flic. They are W Inches wide, ot beautiful nhades and colors, which nlternate In graduated trlpes and flowers. The color combinations are Steel llround, Blue Stripes and lllack Flow. its, Light Drab Uround, l'lum Stripes and HlacK Flowers, Steel fl round, flreen Stripes and Flowers. II)' Mohair Glace, 23 Inches wide, 30c a yard. This material has a resembl ance ot Japanese Silk. The designs and color ings are lovely. 1H Inch stripes of Pink and and Light Brown and rearl and Light Drab, with I'earl Colored Vines Itun- nlng over the snrlacc I ' I Japanese Silk Drapery, 23c a yard. Just Hie thing for light airy curtains. i r 1 II InlheBlinll Jttazzio xazzieiu dki-autmknt. rnfantlle Kid Button Shoes, sixes 2 toS, 33c ayslr. These shoes are made from selected leather and are actually worth We. Men,'s Rubber Soled Tennis Slippers, Me. Boy's " " " " Youths ' " " " ?c. SS-onr large store Is brlstllnc with Burgalns, J. T. NUSBAU1YT, Flist Street, between South and riunf Streets, Lelilgliton, i'n. The Carbon Advocate SATURDAY. JlfAY 10. 1800 LOCAL EVENTS CUT UP. -Tlie re-elecllon of Prof. T. A. Snyder, NEWSY WllSSFOWT. Of tills Uiwn. as f'oimly Siipcilntendent of ,, ,tlimi.lew tftnimi Together by tli Public Srlinols, i a complete vindication 1 "Siioller." Tilings Hint will latere jtrn. of tlie vituperation anil almss hoapril njwm blm by the opposition tinting the canvas for UiP ofllec It is not likelv tint tln scbools would liave been pnrl ictilarlv Iiciip fllteil by the election of eitlinr of the other oandUlatPS teekliiK the office. TlinAmn oath, always a champion of tho public schools, believes the directors have -conclusively settled thn "smudge" campaign of abuse Hereafter let the fight bo on tho lino of merit. Tho following proRtnmme has been' airanced for tho Young l'eoplo's'SocIclv of tho Ucformed chrtrch. Monday ovcnlng, May 12: KoUtrUlon, Miss Magglo Millet ; instrumental solo, Miss Ida MantK; dia logue, Samuel Mlller.Uarrirt Fcnslcrniacher and Nettle Geggusj vocal duet. Misses Irwin and Itattdonbushjj-akc.tclilUlclianl Farron; reeltntloiu' JIiss;IIaltlc fTr.aln'cri vocal solo, 11. S. Dlehl. Aicori1ISl Infill! lion Is extended tho public to attend., Farmers and others about this section, are warned of tho approach of lajrflow sharo swindler who writes out a receipt for samples left for trial, and, In (6 doing, rites the body of tho paper with Ink tll!t will fade out, but gets lil vfctlm to vprt namo with Ink wllcb Is Imlellbtci ' AV-lien the words nboye tho signature lave failed, he fills In a promlsory note foY Whatever amount ho thinks desirable. One of the prlnelpal'fcaturcs of attrac tion at the base ball club's fair and festival will be a real steam locomotive pulline a train of passenger coaches, on a circular track. Don't ftil to see It, It please and amuse old and young. Willi the above will also bo exhibited a stationary engine, a perfect model of a large engine and running at full spceil. One of the constantly growlng.busInFss Astficlallon, will visit the charge In this houses In this town, we refer to t.ie enter place' on Sunday and discourse In Ms usual prising Opera Douse Store, run by K. G. (able manner. At. tho morning services tlie Zcrn, Is credited with an Invoice of ninety Holy Communion will be celebrated cases of shoes during the month of April, HVhstcr Campbell, the unfpriuaate Each case averages twonlf-fotir pairs, so youth who accidentally sho and, kl)pd the largo shoo sales of this popular sloro Ocftle Hiskey of Lcblcbton, last March, Mrs. Htoul, widow of the late Charles siont, f n" mthy reals esteemed resident of Franklin township, died Saturday at the rip old age of elghtv-elght years. In terment took placo on jlfonday, a large concourse of relatives and friends paying fWal tribute to a faithful christian and earnest friend. Deceased was tho mother of Mrs. Simon Walck, of Lehlgbton, Afler suffering for a long tlmo with a palnfulabccss In thcAhtoat, the affliction 6f WilllatlT Mlllholin were still further added to Monday by a paralytic stroke from which there Is little possibility of recovery,' Ills entire right side is dead and only a mlraclo will save him. Mr. Millhelm Is a married man and lives in Franklin township. fe- Wo regret to notb tho sellout illness of ijtnrv . FaUmgerv a well-known L. & S. telegraph operatortillvlng'ilierc. Members of. Washington Camp, 122, P. O. S. of A were In attendance at his bed side all tho past week, assisting and aiding his wife til nyety possible manner. Tho Intorlor'of the Krangeltcal Sunday school Is, tpbe remodelled and beautified : . .k . , . . to tncei-iiiD exigencies oi i no present. The committee having themattct In charge are Messrs. Itcv. I, J. Ilcltt, J. V. Heller, JohnViflller? It. T. Smawley and W. II. H'hlteheadi llandsomo I Cheap t Pronounced Verdicts of.pepple who Inspect the new line of nail papers, borders and celling decora t'jons on sale,at 1 lory's popular drug store. They must be seen td'be appreciated, Bo foro purchasing elsewhere don't full to sco litm. Hev. D. A, Medlar, presiding elder of East Pa., Conference of tho Evangelical can be readily estimated. It is within tho power of this (own to have an Industry located here that will give steady employment to a largo number of men at good wages. Wo liayo reference to the machine shop already talked of. Our was home from Fullerton over Sunday. Ills case will be tried by the Carbon coun ty courts In Juno. Uarber Herman is In ills new shop. It's a daisy, largo, roomy, well ventilated, light and metropolitan In appearance. The -The National Garment Cutler Com pany have opened a school In Thomas' monled citizens and property holders should J barber is the champIon-iKnlght of the building on SOUIU r irsi street wimra mpy uui m mm uppui'vumiy pass uy wiuioui I rii wl continue for me nexi tew monius. laKiuc uuvauiaKB vf iu ' (. Tlie young ladles of this town find the After a month of preparation 'tio hasp community surrounding should endeavor ball club will open their fair and festival In to take advantage of this opportunity to Gabct's nail on Friday oventng. Nothing become thoroughly proficient In the art Mill be left undone by tho committee to of cutting. The press In neighboring make lta plcbsurablo and financial success. towns speak in the highest teims Ot tho Elmer, a thirteen month old son of comDany and wo accordingly take pleasure Justus latcliiTe, of Second street, died In recommending them. Wednesday of Inflammation pf the lpngs, A fire originating among some old Interment will lake place from the house barrels containing rubbish In the basement on Saturday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. There are many pavements bn First street that badly need repairing, and If property owners don't attend to them the borough will have a chance to do It, and add ten per cent for collection. Wpseph Hcpi'ler, of Wllkpsbarr", who of Nnsbaum & Culton store, in Gabel's block, late Monday night, fortttnatly was discovered in time to prevent any serious damage. Members of the Lehigh Fire Company were first on tho scene and to them undoubtedly belongs the credit of preventing a terrible conflagration. The did the mason work on the Lehigh bridge, alarm of firo created great excitement and brought many people to the scene. An Iron fence in front of D. II. Straub's residence on Second street, greatly Improves tho same. Tho fence was furnished bv Howard Seaboldt, of town, who Is agent for Peters Bro., manu factures of fancy wrought Iron fences. Quite a number of orders are yet to be filled by progressive property holders who belleva in beautifying their homo. Much complaint Is beard on account of the nuisance created bv a gang ot young bloods who congregate on the Opera House corner almost every SuuJay evening, using coarse, vulgar and Insulting language, and who spit tobacco juice and tlnow peanut shells at passers-by. Will the "cop" keep his weather eye peeled and do something, Joseph Webb, of town, will ask how old yon are, where born and wheu, are you rich, poor, English, Irish or Dutch, what business or trade you follow, do you pay your honest debts, Ac, Ac. He Is the census enumerator and you must answer bis questions or be fined. Key. Semnel C. Hodge, of Princeton, N, J., will pteacb In the Presbyterian church on next Sunday morning and eye' ing. A most cordial invitation Is extended to the people to attend the services, Sunday school at 0(00 o'ejopk on Sunday morning. All ate welcome, Tlie elentlon of T. A. Snyder, of Le hlgbton, as superintendent ot the scbools of Carbon counlv, Is an evldenco of the esteem In which the directors ot tho county hold blm. We are glad to bo able to tender him our congra'.uladous. nazlelon Dally Xentlntl Leave your order wltn us for an all- wool suit made to order at $12, f 15, $'j5 and upward. All-wool pants made to order from (3 to $10. Fit and workman ship guaranteed at Sondhelm's Merchant Tailoring Hall, Mauoh Chunk, The correct grade for First street will be fixed next week In order that property holders along the thoroughfare can put In their curbing. Jacnby, of Allentown, will do the work, For Sale A Portlble Picture Gallery with camera box 1-2 slxe lens, gem tubes and 4 1-4 darlot tubes all thai behngs to It for 175,00. Rare chance. Address 3eo. It, Welch, Welssport. Pa, crossing tho river at this place, was killed in tho L. & S. wreck at Allentown on Wednesday. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran congre gation will VQto next Sunday morning on fiazoHif those diggings and don't you i gey--?! jsoiij - , Letters aro In the post office addressed to iohn iJelnbftrd,(;wga Melnhard, John Gottnser and Mary Reynolds'. If they are not called for In thirty days they will he sent to the dead letter office at Washington. Owing to Mie sudden illness of Rev. G. IK. Sandt, of the Luthern church, who re cently accepted a call to a oliarga at Wllkes barre. he was unable to preach his fare well sermon announced for last Sunday. Tito Intcnor of tlie5 port Allen nouse Is now receiving a thorough renovation. The rooms and hallways are being re papered and painted and work will soon be commenced on the outside. saac Fisher, r student in Ursinus College, Collcgevllle, Pa., will fill the pul pit In the Reformed church on Sunday morning and evening All are cordially Invited to attend. Rev. Wuchter, of Summit Hill, will be me new pasioi 01 tne .Lutheran congrega- tho question whether or not to build a two' U Ion In this place. The reverend gentle- storv addition to their church edifice. uiianes itaddltz, for some few years past a resident of Hokcndauqua has moved to this place with his family. He Is em ployed at tho Yalley round house. It Is linablo to drlvo over tho now bridge faster than a walk. Ditto to drive more than twenty head of cattle over It at the same time. If you ever Intend, expect or .propose man Is said to bo of pronounced ability. 'Buyers looking for new and nice de signs in wall paper, borders and celling decorations invariably go to Blery's popu lar drug store, Recently a young son of B. A. Kuhns, by mistake, drank wlntergreen oil. The prompt efforts of medical science saved him. Our obliging post-inistress, Miss making water service connection do so LVaglna, tho estimable daughter of P. J. now before the street Is macadamized. Tho grass In the Park might be cut without defacing the general .artistic beauty of the same. Think oyer it. Tho Lchlghton Iratcr Cqmpany aP'IU. vote on tho evening of Juno 21, tol crease their Indebtedness pne I'llce Only. We aro offering you $10,000 worth of reaoy-maue men's, boys' and. children's suits, and will saye you 5 on worth of clothing you buy of us. cither Klstler. spent Sunday In Schuylkill county. Prof. A. H. Bellx opuned his select school on Monday with a creditable attend ance. - Daniel Graver and wife, spent a few day's last week In Philadelphia. Miss Alda Marsh visited numerous Easlon friends tls week, ltuy Your Clothing From V. PKOl'LK WHO OOMK AMI) SO. Fenronal Ootslp utienl Ftoplt who Vlilt ind eon Ylnttlng. John Horn, of I.enlgliton, lias been visiting his nephew, Rev. A. P. Horn, dur ing the week Mr. H. was a resident of tills town many years ago. In 1830 he moved Ids family to Port Clinton where he resided until a year ago, when, after burr ing his wife he came back to Carbon and located in Lehlgbton. In the number ot years that John lias lived he falls to see good in any but the Democratic party, He once represented Schuylkill county, in (he Legislature. Summit Hill Items in Record. IK. E. Ash, of town, adjuster for the American Fire Insurance Company, of Philadelphia, was at Catasauqua tills week attending to the duties of Ills office in con ncctlon with tho silk mill disaster. The losses foot up $100,000 on machinery; $80, 000 on stock; $00,000 on building. Insur ance $300,000; of which amount the Amer ican has a fair share. Adam Turkls and 1VII1 Maurer, of Wllkesbarre, accompanied by P. F. Clark, Ed Campbell, J. W. Raudenbusb, nenry Nicholas, Henry Stuber and Crlt Coon, of town, made up a pleasant party to Tamaqua or Sunday. The genial Larry Tarlcton, of Weath crly, who Is spoken of as a County Coin mlsslonor aspirant, was shaking hands with 'friends hereabout on Saturday. After an absence of oyer a month the familiar figure of that staunch old Demo-4 crat A. C. Broadhcad, Is again seen at the Exchange. Three Lelilghton young men doing giddy Eastou tills week were Chas. Wagner, Jas. Yenser and Bob Heberllng. Saturday this office enjoyed a fraternal visit from E. II." Rauch, the veteian editor of the Mauch Chunk Democrat. JIss Ida Noll, of Bowmanstown, visited Mrs. John nummel, on Second street, last week. The genial Harry Sweeny, of Drlfton, was among the bevy of strangers in town on Saturday. Miss Emma Meyers, of Shlckshlnny, Is ylsltlng her sister Mrs. David Kreamer, on Bankway. -Jirs. John Bender and son Eddie, of Mauch Chunk, ylsltcd friends her on Saturday, Messrs. John S. Lenli and A. J. Dnr- llrig were In Philadelphia, this week on business. Dr. W. W. Rcberand Martin O'Hara circled around Easton's big Centennial on Monday. -D. B. Sigley, of Tits Timti-aatMa graced our sanetum-sanctorium Wednes day. Mrs. H. V. Marthlrqer, Jr., is ylsltlng her parents at Bethlehem. John Stark "took In" tlie Easton cen tennial on Tuesday, Miss Llasie Miller spent Tuesday with friends In Easton. THE COUNTY SCAT. Diamond Dust. The strong Catasauqua club came to town last Saturday determined and confi dent that ere the sun had sunk behind the mountains In the west Lchlgbton's scalp would be hanging to their belt and the town be In tears. They carfle.they saw.ani they were conquored, andneyer was "big head" more chagrined and disgusted. Bat, through It all the visitors conducted them selves In a quiet, orderly and respectable manner. Lehlgbton played their game with only five errors to Catasauqua's eighteen, and while the home hoys made phenomenal plays, the visitors made phe nomenal miss-plays, showing clearly that they lacked In nerve when tackled by a club of yery near or quite their own calibre. It A Loral Oatket of Live Happenings onml and Otherwise. The schools directors of Carbon, tepre tenting twenty-one districts and In number 105, assembled In tile Court House, Tnes day at one o'clock, pursuant to the adver tised call and In accordance with the law to elect a Superintendent of Public Schools for the three years ensuing. Prof. T, A, Snyder called the convention to order and U H. Barber, of Mauch Chunk, was made chairman; Thomas Arner, of Franklin and A. Y. Smith, of Lansford, were elected secretaries. The preliminary part of the business opened with roil call and correc ttoin. following which tho several candid atos were put In nomination in neat ad dresses setting forth their relative merits T. A. Snyder by Dr. O. T. Horn, of Le hlgbton; G. W. Hcmmlnger by Ben F, Kuehnor, of East Mauch Chunk; A. S, Bclsei by A. Y. Smith, of Lansford; P. H. McKabe by JKm. Bond, of Mauch Chunk township; J. J. Bevan by C. C. Fulton, of Mauch Chunk. The first ballot resulted In the ro-elcctlon of Piof. T. A.Snyder, of Lelilgliton the vote standing Snyder, (58; Ucisel, 15; Reran, 11; Hommlnger, 0; Mc Kabe, 0. To the continued call for "Sny' derl" the Superintendent rcsnondod In a lively add 1 ess calling for hatmony of action and concluding with a proper ackowltilg ment for the honor bestowed upon blm. After more than two weeks continuance the fair In the parochial school building closed on Thursday night. The manage ment of the affair was divided lino throe tables, vis: the Afattch Chunk table was In charge of Mrs. C. J. Sharkey and daugh ters; East Mauch Chunk table, Misses Sweeney, Gallagher, Magulre, McKlroj aud Mrs. Ryan; Uppar Mauch Chunk tab'e, Misses Hagerty and Love, Mrs. Kane and Mrs. Campbell. The merchants niado many liberal donations, including bed room suits, carpets, tables, chairs, Ac. and the patronage was wonderful. It is booed by reverend Father Bunce, that sufficient money has been raised to pay off the debt still resting on the school build Ing. W. Oliver Stangley, the murderer of Mrs. Walbert, still pursues the even tenor of his way. ne don't seem (o realize, or perhaps don't care as to the result. Ho Is allowed the free lorn of the jail, and as his epicurean tastes dlctato be "strikes" visi tors for olgars, candy, oysters, etc. It Is said that he is looking better nowlthan he did during his recent trial when his gaunt, skeleton-like appearance made him an ob ject of pity. Among tho many prominent people In town on Tuesday your correspondent noticed Hugh Ferry, of Audenried. Mr. Ferry is spoken of, in fact it Is pretty generally conceeded that ho will be re nominated by the Democrats for the State Assembly. Since his defeat two years ago ho has been working in the mines at Anden rled. Leadlns politicians say the contest for the Scnatorship Is practically settled that Hon. W. M. Rapsher will surely be nomi nated 011 the first ballot with big odds in bis favor. A local polltlolan here says he is ready to ba.ok his opinion with $100 or $200 that Mr. Rapsher will bo nominated by a large majority as stated. Rey. Archbishop Ryan, of Phlladel- pbla, will confer the right of confirmation on a large class of boys and girls In the church of the Immaculate Conception. this town, on the 20ti Instant. The Arch bishop Is recognized as one of tlie finest pulpit orators In Pennsylvania If not. tlie United States. It Is said that the St. Aloyslous T. A. B., will organize a baseball club. They CARBON COUNTY TIPS. IntemMlHg Item. Original and Otherwise . 9UM will Htnftd Heading. Jeansvllte, b ibe upper end of county, contrlCntw the following hi, sensational item to the world asnltna- currence In the swim of Its lower nem: "The latest excitement in this place waf caused. in mat portion ot town known as Sabastapol. A Hungarian known as "Edmund the Jew," beoame tlrled of married life and inado a bargain with a a fcllow-cottctryman to sell his sixteen year-old wife for one dollar. The parchas ercame from Hazlcton wltlia rfg for the woman ami tried to force her to go with him. She became frightened and fainted twice. Il'helher ho succeeded in getting her or not we were unable to learn." Tlie old homestead farm of thn Beu nlnger's containing 08 acres and lying along tho public road leading from Walnut port, opposlto Slatlngton, to Clierryvllle, has been pnrchascd by W- .V. Bcnnlnger, proprietor of the nurseries and Ilolslcln stock farm at li'alnutport. Ho paid $5,600 fot it. . The Co-partnership heretofore existing between O. H. Kcldel. of Normal KnnartL andC. Prutzman.of Lehigh Gap, with post oflice address at Lelilgliton, was dissolved on Monday, by tho former withdrawing nviu inu iirin. ineousiness win oe con tinued at Allentown. Victor Bowman and Lewis Bnlllpt. ad mlnlstrators of the John Balllcl estate will sell at public sale at the Bowmanstown Hotel on Saturday. Mav 24. e eht- tracts of vaiuaoie latin, this will bo a rare oppor tttnlty for Investors to make profitable pur chases. -Mn. TlauM rrvtnnc t T l,Il. died Tuesday, aged 60 years. Deceased icavos a husband and -four children to mourn Hie death of a kind wife and mother. llie Immediate, cause of death was a tumor nom wiucn sue suticred more than a year. Joseph Downs, aired 09 rears, nun of Liansioru s o ucsi residents, il eil on Kntnr day and jvas buried on Tuesday. For many sears he was stable boss for tho Le- nign company. Washlneton CamD. No. 210. P. f). s of A., of Audenried aro preparing for the ceicoraiion ot .Memorial Day. A grand sireei paracto win he the aitiaction. Gcoreo Henrv. of Llttla Ran. bad mm 01 ins uorses Killed on tlie u. & s, railroad wlills nrlvlnz over a tirlvato crosslnc re. cently with a load of railroad lies. Thomas Boyle, of Suinmil Hill, who wa3 recently lumrert 111 No. 0 breaker, d m on Saturday and was burled on Tuesday. ue was aRtd 2-1 years. Archbishop Rvan will on Sunday, the em insu, administer the sacrament of ron- firmatlon to 400 oersons in .St. l'.nrlrli' church, Audenried. Tho marrlazo of Mls9 Cora Van Dvke. of Weatherly. to John L. Fiek. of Mat.oh ('hunk. Is announced for Mav 91 si. You will Imd it on all News Stands. Buy a copy. Is questionable whether the base running "celler.l material -Donahue, of tho home team was ever fcefore equalled 0 ?onnf " McGlnl?7 Vya and others by any amateur nine It was daring In the ;n's U We can sell you a boy's suit from $1.25 $20 up to $10; men's suits from $4 up $20; G. A. It. suits from $0 up to $12. Our bovs' extreme, nothing like It was eyer seen In this town before, and it proved that we have excellent material In stock. The new players put "ginger" Into the whole clnb aud consequently Jennings ana O' Hara bad support all oyer the field. Every ckance was taken with the result that the visitor were out-played In every quarter. O'Hara, pitching under the most extreme dlffical- lies, Kept the visitors down to nine hits. while Cutler, evidently In good form, was hit uam by our heavy batters. Six hun- rtrcd people witnessed the came. Thev and could put up a rat'.llng good nine, -Win. J. O'Brian. a medical student In the Urlyerslty of Penna., at Philadelphia, spent spent several days last week with James J. Boyle. Esq.. while, on his way home to Sugar Notch, A wall-known Lshlghlon trio doing business at the County Seat on Wednesday were Mayor Relcbard, Road Commissioner Newhard and H. Bower, a prominent Re publican politician. Star Clothing Hall, lauch Chunk, Normal 8qunr Hrlertr. All tlio talk about a ghost holding 1111 .11 . . .1 1 .. ... . in , readv.n.ndo nr mndn In ni,W On. Prl .,,11. tn, 1 . f.. f , - ,, im r-,. c,.., " T" . uwciiiiib rcteiiuj ' -1 " .v..,w B,K.u, wu.o ....... iuui IU IUUIICCU VCXn vu.v .iviii vuvu.quuuai aiaiiuiuj . jumc:i ....J 1 T , .T ,, , , i , . . , '. , I nimnk 1-1 i . j ;,i 7 1 caieii uy uuscpiiiiunsiCKer,is oiuy so mueu u. v. p p , pilIll3 w vwu , mlea me ait b,,,,,. 0ne ulRht 1, tlie maller w vwt uoo uuii tatu wirutvu 111 at 1 iwvuctwua juiia. jieiuw we aunenu boiwiicnn's line Price Star Clothing Hall, mo score by innings: Mauch Chunk. liClilghtou, 10001320 x-13 Catasauqua, 0 2003000 O-fi ll'l... t .. ... 1.1 a I ............ ..i.n,-; Until Mna(T.r n.l. . . 1 " whi a uicilBaub A Happy Surprise. One ot the most dellehtful social n the history of this town wasnnle.isnntlc arranged and happily consummated plan to surprise Miss Emma, the accomplished daughter of our ostcemcd townsman Joseph Obert, on the occasion of her birtbdav an niversary -Monday evening. The arrange ments were In the bands of several nf lior most Inllmato friends, and the success of the affair proves thorn adepts in tho art. At tho proper tlmo she was spirited away by a subterfuge, and alt unconscious of tho arrangements perfecting for her surprise returned and walked Into the trap so skill fully set by loving friends. The surprise was complete In every particular, and after tho ripples of excitement had subsided, mirth, pleasant repartco, games, and music prevailed until a late hour, when the guests were escorted to tho large dining hall where they partook of a repast, rich In variety and excellence and Including all seasnnnhln delicacies. The large room was nlceto dtcorated and tho fragrance of flowers filled tho air with an ethereal sweetness, conspc uous being the delicate odor of the apple blossom of which each gentleman wore a neat &ottfemiferf, KnlRlitsof the dolden Kagle Tho General Parade and Recontlon Committee liaye about completed arrange ments which takes place In Plttsbnrg, on oiay sun anu zom. J ne assuiance already received from Commandrloa and Castles li different parts of the United States and Canada indicate a grand turn out of Order. uasiies anc lommanuries not having al ready reported, will please notify the Adjutant General and Secretary of the Genual Commute, E. T. White, M. D.,100 Bldwcll street, Alleghany, Pa., at once, that a place may be assigned them In the parade. They will also send the name and address of their aide selected. On Tuesday evening last, tho Mayor of Pittsburg, Hon, H. I, Gourley, became ail Eagle Knieht bv initiation In Lorena Castle. No. 131. The Louis E. Stlltz Commander was in attendance in full uniform. ' Supremo Chief R. Emoy Ennlss. last week, per Deputy Supremo Chiefs, institu ted Champion Castle, No. 5, of Alexandria, tr Vr n r i.. t . i. ir- Urand Chief II. X. ncwltt instituted Antiocli Castle, Mo. 4i, of Egg Harbor City. N. J last week. lloiviniiiiolimn Specials, George Henry of Llttlo Gap was haul ing ralhoad ties from said placo to Lehigh Gap on April 30th, while, crossing the rall load at'ehlsh Gap his two horses became stubborn and came to a standstill and investigated by one or our plucky young men with the result that the flickering light of a coal oil lamp sent out a wlerd glare from uno of tho windows. Later, at the could not bo compelled to leave tho tiapk, on Wednesday morning we glean the fol' ..m.i ..,.,.. vvM.w.M... ,MU l.ltlf.eMju lUHMlg UI 1HICCQI. Ui UUPWilf team, Killing uotli imrscs and wreeklng.tlie '.'.The blame of thoaccId wagon, ahoyo occmred on railroad. John Peters and wife, of Lehlgbton, were visiting friends at Flro Lino last Sunday. Tho dynamite factory fs now in opera tion. O. O. Bloso Is ngent for the,'jniklnf!pn, were unable to stop their tialn Economical Bone Fertilizer, . Ho'sold'2'1'4' has it may. those in the nelbl From Ibo Allentown Critic account of little lok in Mm,i.itnn i hour when spirits of the other world are tho L. & S. railroad accident In that city about a small lantern hecarrled at his belt. saId ' hoM communIofn ,w'-b ,l,,e JinK tons already this spring. In effect it was to show the home cluo the lwmc"wc? "?erveu luc u"n' bases, but tbev ,lldni I, .... ,.. wno. w"n tuey uiscoyereq we young man, '.The blame of tho- accident is saddled Droved a bnotnersnv fill til A avMilw minsMe the . Central upon tlie Terminal DeoDlewhoso em-lne whoso miffed ,,.m,u .. " a m of monkey business Is dangerous, and " ' I - ' . ' r I "I" A&b"MUU TIClU IAUUTU I mm, I ailwIdA 'am a Inlrn Initi 1 1st tham WW? xi fn 0 . In Xl.nenA ft 1 1 - , . , , " " I " U U 1 1J LIU tV VS-J M 1, 11 1 11 MIC 1W IM , fcv we ii.uim vicni nuu ui iuuid ui l 1 1 1 r 1 11 hi pi 1 vi n 1 r v vtu ha nv 1 .in woro uaviiiK a uy on. uiay uavis, oi ceiient playing of the home nine, -Lehigh Classls will meet in Ben-salem's Mauch Chunk, was the temporary engineer, Jennings Is lcarnlne Daeer banclnff. I church on Monday next and will contlnus and John MoNallv. of the same town, wan house tmlntln ri..i . a for three days. This Is a grand opnortun .. . . . . r ... .,5 v. i. I., ,h. .n ,1... ,n .,,. inojtreman. 'inoy c aim. however, that 1 (iotii. Timn !. , m ij "i i.w ... . - ' - ' -f 1 ... vvwo ,u KWU I innlll flf in nr.tr fhM An .ni ftr Ilia 1A tl.n 'jti-l.rTl.-rt .afn.it.1 . . . t I n,t.nn . . ..... . . I . .. nui. mm uii uitj 1 nucii o rci uown to "wiiiie-washng" 1 formed church, lie this I some visiting clnb. hborhood at Q'Hara, laboring under the most ad. -F. P. Wli,, at the time of tho accident, sav that nn I verso oondltlnna l nvarnlng wlilsllo was sounded by their reeled. Saturday's game showed him add onglpej no "down brakes" blown, and all Jennings to be the acquisition to the clnb Iteinornl I ' rf..: tTstOstopth, train were confined to long need!. Simmons keeps second bag In beauti ful shape. Safe, sure and reliable, base two doors below the CAimnv XiivorvrS a,i ., B ou mm anu Jennings Is a Utile t.nB .... l 1. 1 . ..i.it.i..., . fMnn. una iciuumi ma uoiauiieiliuujili iiuui I ,i...k ... ,, ... , ... , . ...U VII1."I'DI. ... I . ...... I Blunllitiv nn i ijuuuiiii.uiiain uu Luaia ui hi yesis;i Janerous office, where ho will be pleasnd to recuse steady work and good pay, at Sondhelm old friends ant' new wanting anything fp Msrcliafit Tailoring Hall, Jlanch Chunk. establishment Klstler's building opposite tle L.V. Rodad He Darling I loyo youl She prove Ilouses, to Wm. Rox's store on First stjrJW. it? no uome take a ride in wis nandsome two uoors Deiow me uahiion advocate equipment furnished by, David Ebbert, She Oh, James, your so kltul. The cards are out. A handsome line of new design baby coaches, with swinging attachment, just Ripelyed at Kernerer it Swartz's furniture store. Call and see thepi. Housewives find pleasure In buying first quality goods at the low prices pre vailing at II'. S. Kuhn' ilnrnnn nnvth Plrftt fttree.t. If vou want your house re-palntad "l,u ' "" canon ai vassar uollege or or papred It will save you money to Inter his line. llvtlroad Notes, The Lehigh Valley passenser trainmen will toon don tlieslr sntymnr uniforms. Tho coals will bo single breasted, and tho caps will bo of black silk, Instead of white as yree tylticatloiis For GlrW, A most piajsawortby movement U about to bo set on foot by Tie J.adlt' JlQtpt Jourtuitot Philadelphia. It proposes to give any young girl of 10 years or over who will send 1o it, between now and January A happy marriage consummtted on Sunday was that of Jflss Ella Y. Shoe maker, oi jjati 1'enn lownsnip to Frederick Nolhsieln, of tills place. Many friends ex tend hearty congratulation. Dennis Nolhsteln has located oue of his portable steam saw mills on Reuben Kemerer s rarm, on ill tie Mountain, E. O. Nolhsteln was at Summit Hill last Sunday and assisted In the exercises at the Reformed church. .Turn nf nnr fnlrptt (natilitnc Vnm .T l ne base running of Jennings, Smllh. Miller and JUary Mort. vlslleil I.ansfotd u tiara, Simmons, Albright and Tenser! friends Uu weea. showed a good bit of the tnrafesh." I Mrs. K. A. Nolhsteln has returned ' I . 1,l.l,i. .(.Inl.l. 1.1. J..,, II... ..t 1 nn uninlre 'iv9k1a.1' r,'irM i iniu i uii'ii,iuiim mm iuii mm m .triv. ,.i u.i a ... ... .. . . ronaoie munuerj. w,, u uurueu lUBiiome ..., n,i.. ...i,..i i.u..,i n n nnnrllo lil. t, . i.i'l'i'l n -..i ..i.ua.iiiuU1. 1 fnr unin weeks nasi, is rennrLinl as conva oiuuu guii n cuanca in we last Inning lescenl. n's popular stove heretofore. Tho change In tho stvlw cans isLitsQi, the. largest number of yearly sub :ct. was made at tho request of the trainmen, SCrlbers to the Journal, a 'complete edu view C. A. Goth. Otllce with Dr. Horn, on First street. A beautlfni line of new patterns In carpets always in stock at Kemerer & Swartj'a Fnmlttiro Hpuse, north First itreet, Lehlchton. William Clauss, late of Pierce's Bust, ness College, Philadelphia, holds a position With Coxe Bros., coal oparalors, Drlfton Lehigh Fire Company of town has been Invl'il to participate In Allentown's firemen parade on U'hit Monday. It you want to see one of the finest lines of Wall Paper ever made, call at I.uckenbach's Mauch Chunk. James Rex has improved, his First street residence by numerous additions, in. eluding a handsome bay window, Hell, the carpet manufacturer, ha; leased the Wam Rex property on Firs, itreet. - Full line of Ingrain and Brussels car pets at Henry Schwartz, on Bank st. Base Balls, Bats and Gloves at LiHjken- bach's Mauch Chunk. --Lehlgbton youngsters are wrestling With the measels. were hot and uncomfortable during the warm weather. The brakeman on the Altoona Division of Pennsylvania Railroad have asked for an increase of wages. Similar demands will bo maid by the conductors, eneiuemen and firemen of tho same division, The average cost of running passengr trains on American railroads one mile Is elcbty-four and three quarter cents; the revenue of the same train per mile is slight' ly oyer 100 cents. Amos H'aterbor, biakeman on the Yalley "furnace run," severly sprained his foot In jumping from his train at Cata sauqua Monday. The new schedule will go In effect on the L. & S, on Sunday wheu two nK-Sun. dav trains will be added between Scmntoff and New York. The electric headlight qn railroad onglnes is said to throw Jfa.ntys three. fourths of a mile. . . -The C. R. R, of N. J. 1 bonding a siding above Lehla.Ii Gap, lo be over Sihi feet long. LiauUnant Ueneral Louis E. Still z, last week, instituted two Castles In Wyom ing Territory aud oue In Nebraska. when eyery hope seemed dead. and conquered. l enser played the game of bis life, any other "-u"ucu cuicu anu piay on nrst were American college she may select. The phenomenal. education offered Includes every branch of 1 Jcauesvllle,tbe pride pt th, cp,aj region, study, with every expence paid, the Tlsus vefll5hior for two games on Decora, JowriHiI agreeing to educate the girl Irre- t,on 1)av' spectlve of tho time requlred;or the expense Uatleton, strengthened in avery quar- Involved, To this is also pinned a second I Kr Pava "all here on Saturday, Don't offer which gurantees to any clrl of 10 or mI" over who Will secure 1000 yearlv subscribers JSx-huerl ft Lenta presented the home beforo January 1st a full term of one year team with a ball and three bais. Tbanks. at Yassaror any other ptefcrred college, Relchard astonished the natives by with all expenses paid, thus making It ueayy inning and One playing generally. possible for any number of young girls to Simmons will "assist" Frank Weln- recelvo free educations at the best colleges ,aD(1 as a Knight of the Paint Biush. Ha took It I Judge Seldle and wifeyisited Phlladel phi for a few days last week. Any giil can enter Into the competition, and any such-can be thoroughly posted by simply writing to theTiiE Hour Jouiinai., 435 Arelt street, Philadelphia. - " rAY Ui Persons knowing themselves to li in deUtfld to this establishment for job work or subscription are requested to' pay up at once. It is unnecessary to say that' we need 'he money and must haye lu 1237 MA1II ON Ol'M SUI1&CHIITIOX lieOKB TKI.I.b PLAINLY THAT Ol'B EFF0HT8 TO -TLKASAltB Al'PJIEOtATtP. Earnest Wheatley makes a nobby little mascot and Is the pride of the club. iiazieton was "done up" by Jeanes- Villa on Saturday 0 to 3. Albright keeps third In a nicely cultlt vaicu condition, An addlton of 82, feet is to be built to the grand stand. Nusbaum Is getting on In good style at short. Lehlgbton goes to Catasauqna on the nib. -Blood, Twol ork on the Long Run water system id uun iu pruKTCfJ. There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the Ivory.' They are not, but like all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualifies, of the genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon having it. "Il sold everywhere, i i 2 I 25 I I 25 25 25 25 25 Tip IADIE S' HnB 1 JOURNAL. For May, i8qo. Price 10 Cents. Edited by Edward W. Bok. Mas. A. D. T. Wuitnfy. Coa Sti'art Whrklkr. Mrs. Frank I.kslir. H. V Wusikmn, M. D. Wmi I.k Tunc. Mary J. HoLMrs. Vf. NK E. IlOLLIDAY. AUCITSTA S. PRrSCOTT. - Mas. A G. I rwis. BOOARDVS. Ascutney Street Part VII. (liliinrated.) Both Sides The Line (Poem) Women in Business Life How to Choose Eye-Glasses Superstitions of the Chinese -Domestic Life In Egypt My Little Bo-Peep (Poem) -How to Take Care of Kid Gloves Farmer Bell's Bargain (lluitnud.) - The Amateur Camera a The Value of Etiquette The Master Key (Poem) Woman's Need of Exercise Ellen I.f. Garde. A South African Wedding (Illuunued.) W. P. Pond. What are Women Doing ? The Editor. The Young Man of To-Day Under My Study-Lamp t. DrWitt Talmace. Side-Talks with Girls Ruth Ashmore. Letters to Beth: No. VI Katk Tuvnatt Woods. A Wedding Outfit for $aoo Emma M. Iloor-ER. The Proper Care of Clothing - - ... . Helen Jay. The Life of a Busy Author - . Alice Au Tance CAMruF.LL, With portrait of Mrs. Kate Tsranlt Woodi. Is Literature a Trade ? Edward W. Bok. New Books on My Table Annie R. Ramsey. Latest Fashions (Illustrated by Vletor r. Newman ) Mrs. John W. lllSIIiir. Hints on Home-Dressmaking .... Emma M. Hooper. Jessie's Opportunity (illustrated.) - . Florence B. Halioweli, A May-Day Song (Poem) .... Laura E. Riciiaros. All About Flowers (Illustrated by W. Hamilton Gltnon.) Ehkn E. RexfOrd. Talks with the Doctor Laury MacIIenry. Practical Housekeeping Louisa KNArr. What To Do With the Left-Ovcrs l. L. Resurrection Dishes Mary J. SroFFoitn. Shining and " Doing-Up " Shirtn Aunt Millie. A Few Dainty Desserts -' . . . . Edith A. Grant. Artistic Needlework (Illustrated withdrawing.) - - Mary F. K.NAIT Phillida Chapters XV-XVII - . Maud Howe! On all Vaivs Stands. 10 Cents per Copy. Subscription $1.00 per rear. CURTIS PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, Pa. li. House Paintiug, Paper Hano- in and Decoratine:. Particular attention paid to all kinds of interior work. OFFICE: Dr. Horn's, Drug Store, Lehighton. 03 LxJ . CO SJCJ3 a w.a w a s c; h oj -w ' aH o o g w C O R T3 13 O -4 W 2 w sC H w O O K n 5. o a i i i 2 brzr .5 i a I .s S Tha imnortanea ot DnrUriDff the blood ean Dot be overestimated, tor without pure blool i rou cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every one needs a Cood medicine to purity, vitalize, and enrich lis blood, and wo ask you to try Head's DarMillor Sarsaparilla. It strengthens r BOUIIdl ,414 tuilda up the system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, walla It eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation ot the veritable remedies used giv to Hood's 8arparlUa pecul- -r- lfeof lr euratlre powers. No ItoOII othsrmedJclnebassueh a record of wonderful eurss. If you bave made up your mind to buy Hood's Barsaparflla do not be induced to take any other instead. It is a FecolUr Medicine, and is worthy your confldenea. Hood's BarsaparlUa Is sold by all drncgists. Prepared by C I, Hood U Co., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses Ono Dollar TOBACCO This standard brand of plug tobacco is acknowledged to be the best chew and the largest piece for the money in the mar ket. Vinco tin tag on ea(h lump. Its extensive sale for many years has established its reputation. There is nothing better. Try it. Foi sale by dealers and grocers. III 'HIM Kl.-' S I sfH iii g J .1 -AT- Fifty Cents Per Yard. The unqualified snrress and wonderful interest that lias nttnehed to our High. Glass Dress Goods has given them a large sale. We show Mohairs, French Side bands, Fancy Imported Stripes, Fine French Fluids, Fine French Casshneres and Cashmcros. 634 Hamilton St., Allentown. Milk Shake end if 01' ! Soda W Five Cents a Glass. Cooling, Healthful, Richjust the kind of 'a Summer drink that gratifies at the same time the thirst and taste. TpP Piipnin Sold by the plate. Parties, picnics and -i-L'" A v-CU Ha Frs-tivuis supplied at short niiticc. "-NUSBAUM & CULTON, Opp. the Park, Lehighton. (girHavo yuu rtad t'i Advocate
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