F.ntered Renond Cln.n Matter at the Le lilgliton 1'ost-OfHoe. The Carbon Advocate I.HnlOHTON. l'HNNA. Hates for LeRnt Advertising t Charter Notices $ 4 00 Auditor's Notices 4 00 rommlssloner's Notice? - - - - 4 00 Divorce Notices 4 Oo Administrator's Notices - - 3 oo Kxecutor's Notices 8 oo SATURDAY, MAY 10. 1800. ltnnn Plrte Clrculntlon Larger than that of any Weekly Newspaper In the County. BROADBRIM'S B. Y, LETTER, Tho conspicuous failure of throe promt ncnt business men and well-known politi cians within the past few weeks suggests tli? question : Can business and politics be successfully run together? No three men In this community woro better known than ox-Governor Alonzo B. Cornell, Franklin Woodruff, of Brooklyn, and John F. riummei, of this city. Six months ago allot them were supposod to be gentlemon of ample fortune. Every one of them rated high on the Mercantile Register. Sixty days ago either one of them might haye drawn his check for a hundred thousand dollars, and it would have been cashed by any bank In the city; to-day two of them are bankrupts and the other has paltry judgments against him for a few hundred dollars. Goycrnor Alonzo B. Cornell was born to fortune. His father was one of tho richest men in the Stato, so rich that besides providing amply for his family he had enough left to found the Cornell In stitute at Ithaca, Jone of the most magnlfl' cent Institutions of learning In the United States. From his Infancy the Governor never knew want; his whole life has been mixed up with bankers, financiers and men of fortune. His name on the list of directors of a bank or Insurance company gave the Institution character and stand ing tone, and as a consequence he was much sought after. For several years he was Vice Frcsldont of the Western Union Telegraph company, and being on the In side ring of that gtgantlc monopoly he was supposed to have a finger In all the nice soft plums that float on the gilded surface of the Stock Market. At times when the bulls and bears met In deadly conflict a nod or a wink from Governor Cornell was worth a prince's ransom; his word was law and his judg ment Infallible. Perhaps he believed it himself; if he did ho was destined to haye a Very rude awakentm;. It Is just about eight years ago in tho early fall since the Goycrnor sat In his magnificent office In the Western Union Building. That morn ing Western Union sold on the market at 110 and was regularly paying its eight per cent per annum; before night It had tumbled ten points. The Goyernor looked a little blue; not very blue, but just blue enough. It was a mere bag of nails; that little fellow Gonld was trying tp do some thing, but he would soon get tired, and when they did go for him lhey'1 beat his brains out. The next morning saw the battle raging fiercer than ever, and so It continued for many days till the great stock fell forty points, and then the little wizard so fixed things that Governor Cornell was quietly elbowed out, his place as yico-prcsl dent was glyeu tooneof Mr.Gould's friends, has Infallible knowledge of the stock market was found to be a sham, for In the formation ot what was known as the blind pool, an organization of capital for the purpose of bulling the market, ho lost everything. The blind pool was a miser able failure,- and everybody connected with It went to the wall, the Governor with tho rest, Ue never recovered from the shock. Only a few years ago he was one of the most prominent politicians In the State, now his name Is neyer mentioned, and tho week before last a number of small judgments were taken against him Ills business losses are said to have affected his mind, and If it Is actually so he adds one more to the p'tiful wrecks that lino the shores of Wall street. In the Harrison campaign there was no no more a conspicuous figure than John F, Plummer. Mr. Plummer was the loading partner in one of foremost drygoods houses In New York, the specialty of which was satinets; for a long time bis house con trolled the market on certain lines of goods. lie was known In business circles as a hustler, and people generally knew when John F. Plummer was around During the Harrison campaign, he organ Ized business men's Harrison and Morton clubs, all oyer the city, and it was lie who originated the Idea of carrying the speakers and a baud around the streets on a big truck, stopping on the street corners or wherever they could get a crowd to give the people the true Republican gospel, and show them the advantages of the protection of American Industry. Mr. Plummer abandoned all business for the time and deyotrd himself exclusively to politics. He spent several thousand dollars In the fight, and when the battle was won his services wore overlooked, and he began to find out that politics, like the white man, was berry onsartln. He then began to look Into his business which he had neglected for seyeral mouths, and a few mornings after, his faithful partner with whom he had been associated for over a quarter of a century, skipped over to Canada that Paradise of American thieves, his books showing a de licit of one hundred and forty thousand dollars; and this with other business losses that he knew nothing of owing to his de votlon to politics has ruined him, and to day he Is a bankrupt without a dollar In world. Franklin Woodruff was also a wealth man who was desirous of distinguishing himself In politics, and as a stepping ston to political preferment, got himself elected chairman of the Kings County Republican Committee; and when It Is remembered that it was the pulling down of the Demo rratlc majority In Kiugs County, which rendered the election of Benjamin Jlarrl son possible, It will be seen that Mr. Wood ruff in the distribution of the political loaves and fishes was entitled to especial consld oration, but he received nothing. A pollt- ical rebellion was created by his leadership Ids party broke Into factions. The oppos Ing faction headed by a disreputable poll llclan, entered the market with boodle to buy votes, and In the midst of the fight bis business crash came, and he weqt to the board for two hundred thousand .dollars, Mr, Woodruff was the partner of the notor tous Frank Moulton, who with Theodore Tilton, tried to ruin the late Henry Ward Beccher, Moulton had been indicted for attempted frauds upon the Government, and through the Intercession of ift. Beacher the cases were compromised, and be escaped the penalty of his offenses. Woodruff al ways denied any knowledge of his partner's frauds; but he stood by Moulton all through tho BeecUer trial, and It Is a startling fact that almost every person connected with the persecution of Mr. Reecher has gone to ruin. Tilton Is wandering about, a sort of l terary bot, In Paris. Monlton died broken hearted and ruiufd seyeral years ago, and now his partner, who at one time was rated a millionaire, sinks into hopeless bankruotcy. Meanwhile the preparations are being hurried forward, for the erection of the magnificent afatuo which grateful Brooklyn erect to the memory of the great Plymouth pastor, and which shall hand down his name and fame to future generations. Sinco Mr. Cleveland retired from the office of President of the United States, ho has been leading a very quiet life here, fulfilling the duttes of a good citizen and attending rtrlctly to his business. Of course, his friends (and they are by no means few)have occasionally discussed the probability of his renomlnatlon In 1802. Mr. Cleveland himself has never discussed the question at nil, but the very mention of It, seemed like baking' a red rag at a wild bull, to Charles A, Dana, of tho Sun, and he has resorted to all sorts of disreputable attacks, to bring Mr. Cleveland Into contempt. As a potent factor In bis fight, be wroto a most virulent and untruthful article In defiance of all the facts of history to prove that fat men had nover done anything for the benefit of man kind. Their adlposo tissue was a fatal dis ease that disqualfled a man from accom plishing anything worthy; that the -President was gaining flesh at the rate of thirty pounds a month and was ti that ycry moment under the treatment of a noted specialist for the reduction of his fat, but with Utile hope that anything could be done for him. And right here was where the reportorlal liar put in bis fine work and nearly caused an earthquake. The same paper contained the following valuable items of news, presumably by the samo re porter or one equally enterprising and reli able: Henry Wattersou had been cleaned out of two thousand dollars by a lot of Brooklyn porker sharps, and that John L. Sulllyan, the sluggar, was attending a conntry exhibition of the manly art, and when the local knockor out Invited any of the audience to step up and be knocked out John L, took off his coat and offered to give htm a go. It Is hardly necessary vo say all of these were first-class reportorlal lies manufactured out of whole cloth simply for the purpose of contradicting them the next day. That Is what Is called newspaper enterprise by certain journals. The Inter ylew with ex-President Cleveland filled a couple of columes, but It had only fourteen shadowy lines of foundation. Yet in It there was enough to pierce the rhinoceros bide of Charles A. Dana. It was supposed that his hide was so thick that no arrow,or even a 3Innle ball would go through It, but tho reporter got him. Next day In c short paragraph he sprang on Mr, Cleye land with the venom of an angry cobra. The article was not long but there was poison enough In it to kill an army, When it was discovered next day that Cleveland had neyer used the language attributed to him. Dana was mad enough to eat his head off, but. he had put his foot in It and had to stand the racket. Another Interesting Item about Mr. Cleveland is that he steps Into a cheap barber shop on Park Row, waits his turn on a ten-cent shave, dusts his own coat, glyes his boots a free shine, etc. etc. It Is hardly conceivable that any lntulllgentcdltor of even the humblest sheet wouldglve room for such wreched twaddle, The simple facts are that the ex-President Is leading the life of a quiet gentleman, honored and respected by eyery one who knows him. His wife Is established jn beautiful home where she dispenses a liberal and gracious hospitality, and Inside of Its threshold no doubt he enjoys the happiest hours of his life. , A bomb has been dropped In the Fassett Committee now investigating the Mew York ofllcals, that one hundred and eighty thousand dollars had been raised by Dick Croker to put the present Mayor In tbe of' flee of Commissioner of Public Works.Ono McCann, Croker's brother-in-law, tells tbe story, and wo are promised rich develop' ments, UUOADUIUM A I.mlv's Perferl Companion rAiNi.BRS Cfm.nriHNi. ii mw Ih l lr. John II. Dye, oue oi New oi I; h ti.ost skillful physlclani, tlmws tli.il iHn l ii t nr. i -.-nry in childbirth, but icsiiIIh mm c: usficiih under stood and nvru'inu UilcnrlN piows Ihst HV omnn ma become .v mi ther without .uHering any pain vthaloei. It n'oti'lli how loever coine and prevent u.ormuR Icknes1, swelled limbs, and all other evils iuu ikIIhk pregnancy. It Is rellnblo and highly endorsed 1 physicians everywhere an the wife's tmepihute compan ion. Cut this m.ti it will nmp you great pain, and possibly j our life. Send tun-cent stamp tor pescrlptlve circulars. tCHtlmonlaKanil ronllden tlal letter sent In sealed am elope. Address, Frank Thomas K Co., l'uDlii.liuM, liaiumore' Maryland. 0WDER Absolutely Pure. This nowder never varies. A marvel of nurltv streinrth and whoiesomcness. More economlca man uie orunmry nuius. uuu uuiiuui uu buiuiii competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, aium or pnosimaie powuers. worn oniy III cans, ltoyai mukiiik i owuer company, 10 Wall Street. N. Y. linielB Their Fourteenth Itlrthday. This week A. C. Yates it Co. celebrate the Fourteenth Anniversary of tho estab- mem of their prosperous business In the Ledger unlldmg,Slxth and unestnut streets Philadelphia. As Is customary on these occasions tbe Ledger Buldlng Is rally dec orated, and the firm receives its friends and visators with a royal welcome. Strolling through tho spacious bulding one sees Aye floors filled with clothing for Men, uovs ana Children: anil gets an Idea of the immense business done by this popu lar house. An entire noor ot the Ledger Building Is required for the Bovs' and Chlldrens' Department, which Is the largest and most complete in Jr hlladelpnla. The "real and thrlvlnc business of this firm is the result of offering its custumers reliable clothing at the lowest prices, All the clothing they tell Is manufactured In their own workshops, and wherever the name of A, C. Yates it Co. Is known, It stands for good, honest clothing. This season they display a superb assort ment for Men, Boys and Children and one marvels at the cheapness of such neat stylish clothing. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Permanently located near Valley Depot, for Cabinets and family Rroups. Old pictures cop led amleularged. aual'yl gild's WHAT to BUY that is nSEFOL. Guaranteed Razor, Good Strap, Good Soap, Good Brush, Good Mug. Guaranteed Pocket Knives, Good Gold Pens. Good Medicines. THOMAS1 Golden Motar Pharmacy, Bank Sthekt, I.kuibiiton, Pkjjna. Prescriptions a Specially. Henry Miller WEJSSPORT PLANING MILL MANUFACTUUKR OF Window and Door Frame?, Doors, Shutters, Blnnis, ashes, Mouldings, Brackets AND HKAI.UR IN All KMs of Dressea Lmnlier Shingles, Failings, Hemlock Lumber, &c., &c. Dissolution of Co-Partnersnip. " I.K1UOIITON, I'll., May D, 1890. The cniuirttiersliln heretofore existing ho. tweeu Chillies I'rutznuvn ami C. II. Bridle, doing business nsC Prutznmti & Co., with postoflleo address lit I.elilRliton, Carbon county, I'll., was this day dissolved liy reason of C. fl. SK1DI.K VilliHirawniKironi uie unn. All nersmot Indebted to the said firm nro re quested to make payment to C. H. SKlDliL, Who is uwuorizeu to iiuiko nil collections. Tho business w 111 hereafter be conducted bv UHA. ruu i.ih an, at Aiiemown, ru. U. i ltd J AW AN, V. 11. SI'.l 1)1.15. Maylo,l8fio-vv3. GO TO FUS. ItODKItHll, undor the Exchange Hotel, Hank Hi reel, for a smooth sham or a fashionable hair cut. tsy Closed on Monday's Koeder's Hair tonic, cures Dandruff. Notice ! The Grass and Track Privilege of the Carbon County Industrial Society will be sold to the best and highest bidder, on their grounds, at Lehlghton, on May 17th, 1800, at 2 o'clock p. in. K. BAUER, Secretary. THE NEW To Whom it May Concern. Ithavtuc come to mv knowledge that some person or persons unknown tunic arc circulat ing reports defamatory to my character as to my honesty, vU: that I do not pay my board hilts at nuv nlace where I obtain board. Now. this Is to Rive notice that I clinllengp said parties to comeiornaiuaiiu prove tiiuir assertions im lu ten tlnjsfrom the uatp hereof, urreuilertliem selves liable to prosecution for slander. .JAMES HEUOHKH, Late of boston, It. r., now of Lehlghton, Carbon county, rn. juayo, ism. Lehighton Water Co. l.KHMHTON. PA., April 21, 1800. There will bo a meelinir of the stockholders of Thr I.KiiKiirniN Wat Kit Company lit (label's Hall, in the Borough ot Lehlghton, I'll., at Uluht o'clock I-. M., on HATUlfDA V, .JUNK 21st. 18!i0. for llio purpose of miiiiir oil an lNCUhAaK or INUKBTJCONKSS. liy order ot Ihu Board, .JOHN 8. I.ENTZ, President. Howard Seaboldt, Secretary. CLABMllTT GUTTER. The. establishment of abutting School In T.elilghton has been Instrumental in more fully arouslni; public sontlinent upon one vital question than has ever before been aroused, namely: " THK PltACTICAT, EDUCATION FOR WOMKN." Appealing to your most candid judg mcnt, parents, havo you educated your daughters in such a manner that they can earn a Rood, honest living by their own of forts, if such a thing should become neccs sary, for little do any of us know what is In store for us? It is a refined accomp iishmcnt for any lady to be ablo to look af ter her own clothing and sen that It Is made correctly and In becoming style, and thero la no education that prepares any lady for the responsibilities and duties of llfn equal to knowing how to construct her own clothing properly. It Is only tho second consideration coti' coming this life's goods. The first Is pre paring our food properly, and next is our clothing, and tills Is of the highest import ance to all, and might mean very much to some of otir readers. It is an attested fact that the Cutttug School is a harbinger of good wherever established, and the prlco of the thorough course of Instructions giy en Is merely nominal compared with Its great value which Is clearly demonstrated by the best judgment of some that havn already been doing good work with It, and we cordially welcome any ono to our In structlon ltooms to sea and Investigate for themselves. Space only permits us to give tho names of a few who take pleasure In speaking of its woith. PITTOUK & LAVEltY, ftenoral Agents, 1st Door above THOMAS' Drug Store, I.KHIGIITON, PA. Jti.KCKNRRRVit.i.E, Fa., Sept. 25, 'S'J. Messrs. Piltock A: tjavery Gentlemen : Uavlneatlonded your Culling School at Mauch Chunk, I must say that I was bichlv nlciised with the full and complete instructions given. Your system Is by far the best Hint has corao to my nolira, and I clicoilully commend it to others. Kcsprcll Lilly, ELLKNJ. HEBEULINO, Proposals. Sealed nronosals will be received to macada mize Bank street, from Mav 1 to is. 1S90. accord. Inn to specifications aud plans furnished bv the Borough Council, which can be seen by calling at the residence of the Secretary. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. MAIILON KEIOHAUl), Bulges . JOHN T. HUMMEL. Secretary. Special Important Notice. Property holders who have not as yet made water service connections on Bank street should do so at once and save considerable in the cost of the tame, from tho fact that after the thor oughfare has onco been macadamized according to mo piuus anu speciucaiious now wuu tne Borough Council It will necessitate Increased work and naturally a considerably inciihaheii ccst. Eery property holder should ceitalnly seo tiie-oirect impoi lance oriiinnnd makolhe service connection now as it would certnlnlv De objected to lifter the street Is macadamized to nave morn up unn re-iayi mereuy causing mi sightly crevices. May 1st, 1W0. BY OKDKU OP COUNCIL Important Notice. At a special nieetlngof the Lelilghton Borough Council held on Monday evening, April 28, 18C0, the following resolution was unanimously up- proved! i ltKSOL.YF.n. That everv eitlen on Bank street be required to put up a curb at such places wheie none are now In, from Dankway to Carbon ptreet, iiH'iuuui wuip s imimiug; suuicuiu in ne put In accoi dance with tlmn fixed on notice semyl on each and every property bolder. MAIILON KlilOIIAlU), Burgess. JOHN T 8EMM15L, Secretary. Piles! Piles! Piles! l'rcy's Universal Pile Himosltory. A sure cure for every form ot Piles, Internal or external, iicuiuk i uicuuiiib, mm luuu siauuiUK eases. Has neer failed. Try It, even If ou hae failed with every other remedy. This Supposl- ny, saie, neat and clean, and isisesses everv advantage over ottit. uieuis nuu saives. rnysicans use mi ne ruract- Ice. (Jive It u trial and you will be relieved and convinced. If your druggist does not keep it or get It for you, send for It uy mall, Price, 60 Cents a Box. Address. Andrew n. Fiikv, lAucaster. l'a. Bold uy or .N It, lteber. O. p. Horn, apd T. 1. Thomas. In Ililgbton, l'a.. Very Lowest Prices. AN 'JUSY WAV GET A GOLD WATCH. Only $1.00 n Week. We are now forming Clubs for Ike finest Gold, Gold-Filled and Silver Watches manu factured lor both Ladles and Gentleman. We put In these sjatchas a movement made by either of tbe (fallowing companies: Elgin, Waltham, Hampden, etc, to suit tho purclias r. A club for s gold watch at $40,00, consists of rorty members, anil eacn inemoerpays 11.00 a week. A drawing is made once a week, and the number whose name is drawn gets his watch immediately, lie still continuing to pay $1,00 a week until b has paid for it, at which time each and all forty members will bays re ceived and paid for bis watch. The last person to receive bis watch will be made a present n a handsome chain. OUR GUARANTEE. Every article bought from us must bo just as represented, and we are willing at any and all tunes to make good the failure of any article sold, to be as represented. This is the Best, Cheapest and most .Convenient way to buy a watch through our Co operative Club System. Wa elva a flrel class Elgin or Waltham stem winding and setting movement, which we guarantee for two years, The esse Is warrant ed, by a written guarantee to vwr lor twenty yean. The above is why we give you more for your money than any one else ami wny we are do in? the largest watch business In Ilia world We Ml) only first quality goods. Why not be an owner ol a Sold Watch whenever you have the chance to get one. Join the club at once, only $1.00 down and then $JJ0 week until tne waien isuaiu. I'leaia call or send me your name and ad dress aud J will call at your house and show you saraplei or if yon are ut a distance 1 will tend full particulars. Agent .wanUid very wberf. Write fw terms and olrtslsrs. CUA1MJS M UElIHIfi, F SJ) C'4TiO'i, P Maucii Chunk, Oct. 17, '8'J. Messrs. Pittock St Lavcry Dear Sirs ! You ask me what I think of thn Garment Cutter, and 1 led as u i could not speak nigh enough In its praise, . I have cut several patterns with it, and among them was tbe tea gown. Itwa just splendid, fitting so nicely cverynhore.and 1 lake pleasure In recommending It to nil my lady friends who desiro elegantly JittVng emme. x ours respecuuiiy, C. ESTELIjE IIACIIMAN. Mabcu Chunk, Pa., Oct. 10, '89 Sirs : I take pleasure in savlne that I am highly pleased with the National Garment Cutter, and with instructions given I found It not only very easy to learn, but perfectly roll able. I haye used it with excellent success. Yours, KATIE OTTIS. Mjiucb, Chunk, Oct. 15, 1889. Gentlemen ; I am very much nleascd with Ibe thorough instructions you gave in the use of tho Garment Cutter and also with tho cutler itsolf. havo tested it and find it all that you claim for it, Unlike other systems the cutting ofdranery and trimmings is made. -o simple a,nd the instructions for tbo making of Uie garments 85 piain mat any ono could learn, Wishing you success, BAIIA R. EIA Mil-en Chunk, Oct. 8th, 18811. Pittock .t Lavery Gentlemen : Having no previous experience In cutting and fitting be fore I learned to use the cutter, I felt a lilllo timid in undertaking to cut a jackot with your Bjsiem, dui i overcame my leouugs and 'tis a perfect fit In eyery way and I am perfectly satisfied with it. lean conscientiously recom mend your system to all ladies desiring porlect iniing guriiienia. lours iruiy, MAUD SMITH. Maucu Chunk, Pa., Oct. 9tb, 1889. Piltock ,t Lavery-Sirs ! While . taking courco of instructinna In your Cutting School nt niVfielfn Imuinn lii.f nnoU u!tl ,l.A I.. darts and ij fits jierfcctly without n single change of seams and am very much pleased with It. I ran heartily recommend It to any one uesinng a period system lor cutting any ining. spur!, respecuuiiy, MAGGIE KARIiKY. Mm'oii Chunk, Pa., Oct. litli. Garment Cutter Co., Gentlemen : Alter taking a few lessons with the Garment Cutter, I cut a basque that was a perfect fit without changing a seam. I think your system all that is claimed for it' Yours respertliilly, ANNIE WILKINSON. MOST BEAUTIFUL THING At the Lowest Prices ! IN THE LINE OF Bed Room and Parlor Suits, Handsome Carpets and Rug's, Latest Style Baby Carriages. WILL BE FOUND AT FurnitureStor First Street, Lehighton. Schwartz's Big Don't fail to call and inspect our handsome line of the new est and nicest things in the above line to be found nny where in Carbon county, and all at very lowest prices. Maccii Chunk, Pu., Oct. 12, 1BS9. Pittock & Lavery Gentlemen Having examined the National Garment Culler, I am wall pleased with it. I havo used tho Manic Scale, but find yours far suorior to it or any other I have ever examined. 1 am osoeoially pleased with its simplicity, and the fact that it cuts all kinds of clothing and full drapery and trimmings are advantages possessed by no other system J know of. Together with the instructions for making up garments it is con sldered perfect. Yours truly, KATE SWEENEY. Maucii Ciiunk, Pa., Oct. lSlli, 18M). Sirs: Having no previous kuowladgo of cutting in any way before I learned to use your system, I was very much pleasfd with the dlherent patterns I out. They were all a perfect fit without a single change of aeams. Then your Voice of Fashion makes It com plete authority for cutting all kinds of gar ments In tbe latest style. Wishing you the bep t of success, Uetpectfully, JOS1B KEFEU. Mil'ou Chuuk, Oct. lttli, 1880. Sirs: 1 novcr cut any clothing before I learned your system, I was very much pleased to know that I oould cute basque my self and haying it a perfect fit without any change as well as the larger girls. Yours truly, . JULIA STErtMEft. Miuou CHUNK, Pa., Oet. 21st, 1880. Gentlemen i I am very much pleased to tell you of the success I have had with your yttBjn. I haye out two bastjues and a'should er cape, and I have had splendid flu mah time. The ospe ewwded my expectation, and any one desiring parfaot Siting clothing should use tbe Garment Cutter. Yours respectfully, ESSIE 0ORKILL. Mauch Chunk, Pa., Oot. 15th, 188S. Qarmeot Cutter Co. Gentlemen : I am tak ing a aeurca of Instructions in garment cuttiog. I find it very simple and easy to understand. I have drafted and cut a basque for my sister and It fits perfectly. Alter taking a few les sens 1 have no trouble in drafting any kind of garment. lUspeetfully. LAURA P.KINKA1U Lehigh Valley R. R. Co. Arrangement of Passenger Trains. In Effect April 6th, 1890. I.KAVI3 LEHICUITON For Ualnvay.UlIzabelh.Newark and New York C.oa, 7.1", 9.lil, mid 11.12 n. in.; a 00, 6.29 and 8.01 p.m. - Kor Maminka Chunk and Uelvldere 0.06. 7.1T. 9.00 a.m.; 12.37 p 111. I'nr uiinuertviue anu l ronton u.uur,uu anu 11.1.' a.m.; 3.1X5 and B.29 p.m. l'nr Slntliiliton, Catasnuqua, Allentnwn, lleth leheni. Knston. l'hllade'nliia and nolnts Knnth T.17 and 11.12 a.m.; :i.ou, 5.29 and s.cil p in. l'or Heading ami liarristiurg 7.17, a.t7 ami 11.12 a. in.; 3.0c; and 8.01 p.m. Kor Itowmans, Lelvjgli Gap, Cherryford, Lau rv's, Whllo Hall, Coplay, Ifokendauqua and 1'leeilKUlHlnirK ('..57, 7.17, U.00 9.57 & 11.12 a. in.; 12J7, nnd B.29 p.m. FnrMniicliChtil'k 6.52,7.4.1,0.41 and 11.48 a.m.; I. 22, n.15, 5.r,o 7 .23, 8.10 and lo.ot p.m. For Weatherly i HozleWu 7.43, 9.41 and 11.48 a.m.; 3.15,5.30,7.23, 10.01 p.m. For Mahanoy City, Shenandoah and Ashland 7.43, 9.41 mid 11.43 a.m.; 3.15, 5.30 and 7.23 p.m. Kor Mt. Carmel nnd Shainokln 7.43 and 11.48 a.m.; 5.b0p.m. For New Jloston nnd I'ottsvllle 7.4.1,9.41 and II. 48 u.m.: 3.15 and 7.23 P.m. For White Haven, Wllkesbarm and Plttston 0.52, 7.4.1, 9.41 nnd 11.48 a.m.; 3.15, r...T0, 7.23 and 10 oi p.m. For Scranton c.r,2, 7.43, 9,41, and 11.48 n.in.; 3.15, 5.1.0 and 7.23 p.m. For Tunkhannock 11.48 a.m.; 5.30 & 7.23 and lo.iu p.m. ForOnegO, Auburn, Ithaca and Geneva 11.48 a.m.; lo.oi p.m. For Ijieeyvlllc. Towanda, Sayre. Waverly. Kl mli a, ltnchester, llullaln, N'tipira Fulls and the WW 11.48 a.m.; and 7.23 and 10.04 p.m. SUNHAY T1SAINH. For New York 6.27 and 9.00 a.m. ; B.2.1 p.m. For Philadelphia 3.57 p.m. For liaston and Interfnedlate Stations B.27, 9.00, a.m.; 3.B7. B.29 and 8.34 p in. I'm- Maucii Chunk 0.50 a.m,; 12.20, 3.15, CIO 9.07 and 10.04 p.m. For llnzlctiin 9.50 a.m.; 1220,3.15 & 10.01 p.m. l'or Mahanoy city and Shenandoah 12.20 and 3.15 p.m. For White Haven, Wllkes-Ilarre, l'lttston, Ttinkliannnck.Towntufa, Sayre, Ithaca, Geneva, Auburn, Flmira, ltnchester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and the West 10 01 p.m. .For fin ther particulars Inquire of Audits for Time Tables. E. 11. 1IYINGTON, Gen'l Pass. Auent, April B, '90, ly South Bethlehem, retina, Ex-SherifF Rabenold. SS4- N. fllh St AI.LKNIOWN, DENTISTRY, in an its urancucs. f resti gas always on hand. Tho patronago of the people Is solicited. Satisfaction gnarontced. 4-fi 00 ly the single bottle, by 1-4 nml 12 doz, funutltlea, ami In jobbers lots at .Jobbers pi (cub, Hood's Barsimrllla can always b hml, uly ESKANtTS HliAVINU HALOON. opposite the 'Advooatk Offick. Is headquarters for nuuviiig uuu jiuircuiuiiK. Ulnars ca iouucvu uiu O. A. CLAUSS, Olllco with Clauss Bros., First street, Lehlghton -ii'mE, Life and Accident ' INSURANCE. Only Frst-class Companies nre represented. Information cheerfully furnished. 4-1 y A (T-TiTCTS to canvass for tho sale of our flvij'jl'iollon,e (irmtn Nursery Stock. AVANTIiO. Most Liberal Terms. Uiiemi.Hkd facilities. One of the largest, oldest established and best known nurseries In the country. Address W. & T. Smith, Oeneva Nursery, Oeneva N. Y.Establlilied In l840-4-120t T1IK CAKBON ADVOCATE OFFICE, Bank street, plain and rancy Job printing u speci ly. AUV'ooatk one dollar per year In advance. GO TO SWEENY'S "Corner Store" Bottled Gherkins, mv et Pick les, Chow-Chow, Onions, Table Snnce, Horse-radish, Cauliflow er, Catsup, Mixed Pickles, Cel ery Sauce, and all kinds ofchoice Jellies and table necessaries. In Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware &c. H'o lead, both In low prices and quality o goods. Our large stock Is displayed to da vantage, an Item which purchasers wll certainly greatly appreciate. REMEMBER THE Corner Store, LEHIGHTON PA. TTT A. 1'IITKltH, Saloon and ltestaurant. Bank it i cweui. rresu umeruiwaysoiiutu. oys- u season. Drop In and seo us. novl2-ty AT THK-r- Contral Drug Store, Ol'P. TDK PUBLIC SQUAItK Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa., IB HEADQUAltTKItS FOlt Pure. Drugs and Medicines, t Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c, &c, Choice Wines and Liquors, Largest Assortment of Library Lamps ! Wall Paper and Decorations! Spectacles ! When you buy a pair of Shoes you want a good nt. But 11 you need Hl'lxri'ACl.ES It Is much morn tuiiioititnt that the KVK should be accommodated wll Ii correct lenses and a proper ly III Hug framn which will bring the lenses di rectly before Uie centre of the eye. If voubuy your spectacles at Dr. Horn's von will Unit the aimvo iioiuis properly niieuued l. PERSCRIPTlis CacMly Oomponndcd fiiE " GOOD ENOUGH "Fawm OIL "Opera House Shoe Stars" HEADQUARTERS FOR Lilly, Brackett & Co , Taylor & Carr, L. A, Crossett, L.M. Reynolds & Co., Fine Shoes for men's wear made in Kangaroo, longola and Calf-skin. All sizes and widths, Our leaders in Ladies nnd Misses Shoes are made by Hough & Ford, ' Croxton, Wood & Co. J. N. Smith & Co., Wolfe Shoo M'f'g Co., nnd others, in Opera and Common Sense styles. All widths. Our stock of Low Shoes in Opera's, Oxford and Newpovt Ties is complete. We can show you all the different colors nnd styles in these goods at prices that do all the talking. If in need of anything in our line call nrouiul, examine stock and prices. E. G. ZERN. Stoves, Tinware, Heaters and Ranges Tn Great Variety at Samuel Graver's Fopular Store, Bank Street. Roofing and Spouting n special ty. Stove repairs furnished on short notice Ueas onahle! E. F. Lucre nbach, PLAIN and DUCOKATIVK PAFKK 11ANO INO. HOUSE AND SIGN I'AINTINO AND (1KAININU. Competent workmen sent to any part ol lue county. AND GASOLINE CAN! MANI'rACTt'KFD BY fh6 Winfleld Mancfij Co., - Warren, a Every Family Should Have One No Dropping Oil on the Floor or Table No Faucet to leak or get knocked open t wte Contents or caitw Explosions. Vum inil Can close nnUviatically AIR TlG(T. No Liel.ei'i- No Kvuporutlop' AhB ACCO.i.TZlt SAff. A Unlverrc! I uj.lo'd Necessity O.aTjr. - V C-H33 TSEM. aiiNist' for Sale In Ili!ghton liy J, 1, Niulwum, L. ix'iueiiKuii) aim i. it. i nomas. rra mm m EMORY Mind windftriDf cjprd. Books m out rwaiiiiitf TtMtiauwUU (rout an part ut l tm iflut PnwfHMtut loT wwiw ui uu yui ici ion u riw. HEAPqUARTKRS FOR Wall Pacers, Borders & Decorations Ijirg: Auortment, and the latest style. Books. Stationery, Fancy Goods WINDOW SHADES. All gnules. Shade making and putting up Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty, lsrusnes ec general Painters' Supplies. No. 61 Broadway Mancb Cluok. Pa Below tbe Broadway Honse, 50 Reward! Slon that HawkM and Spitting. I will clve Fifty Dollars for a case of Ca- tarrli, Cold In tbe Ile.vl, Dcatnesj, Hay Feyer, Affected EyeSlght, Aslbma or Throat Trouble, I cannot cure with my Iieacon Light Catarrh Cure. Send one dollar to my postofllce address for a bottle. I wilt mall It to you at my expense, lluv Favor Cured with Threo llottlri nKNRT a. zonnisT. 184 1-2 Exchanue St. Oeneva, N.V. 2-l-one year. For Newest Designs and Most Faslilonsbl Stylti of DRFJSS GOODS. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, SILVERWARE, &c, &c. GO TO E. H. SNYDER, Bank Street, Lehlghton. Goods guaranteed and prices at low ti alia where lor the same unity of goods. July 18, 188S ly FOlt A SMOOTH EASY - SHAVE, AND A Stylish Haiu Cit, oo TO FRANK HERMAN the UAnnmt, Over the Canal lliidKC U. S. KRESGE, In the Old 1'ost Oflice Ilnlldlnj;. HAND-MADE BOOTS & SHOES a Specialty. Ilnnd-luade Uppers Supplied to the Trade. tJff-Ruv our $3.50 llaiul-made Slitw Tlie 1IKST. All kind of Kepalrlng Neatly, t'licnply nml nnd l'romptly attended lo. KJJANK HKIBEKT TltK 11A1II1KH, t'lider the Druu .store. Hthcplncefora SMOOTH-SUA VK AMI Stymsh Haiu Tit. (ilvo us a Call. M. O.Kvmtz. HIDES. SKINS. and TALLOW. Highest Trices Vald. HAIU - CUTTING AND SMOOTH SnAYING In I lie lery highest Style of Tonsorlal Art, At HORN'S SiiiViNO . . Saloon. Try Him! I I Mlimmi nrnritr UllLlUil r LUlt 1 1 IN LEADS THEM ALL IN NEWS. The ADVOCATE." BRIGHT, CLEAN, INDEPENDENT. Read It! R. J. HONCEN, tactical Wagon Builder. Repairing Neatly and Cheaply Done at Very Reasonable Prices. Oeueral Agent for the Gllbarth J'atent Adjust able Carriage l'ole, and Dealer In lliiggies nnd Carts. 1 Cnxli ltii3-ors rii to And tiny your Organs, I'luiins.Seulnpt .Machines, Wringers, Washing Machine's. Implements, Punips of nil kinds. It n 111 pay you lo get pi lees from niohefore luiylnur- I cnu save you money ADAM EACIIU3 JOHN EACIIES OONTRAOTORS. Lehighton, Carhon county, Pa-., Rospectfully Inform the public that they are prepared to do all kinds of BnilfliDE ana floral! Wori, Huch as putting In Uath Tntis, Closets, ic. at very lowest prices and In the best pos sible manner. Estimates cheerfully furn. hhed on application. ,S-20-3m Sale hills printed at this oflice at lewest prices. J. V. ItAUUKNUUSH. Bank street, wholesale ucmirr iu cpoicv uranus or huukics, t".iu, itr. iitlu A. T.w Yu.k. uraudlen, Mine, Sw. Rs- mrotiage soUolfed' Lehigh Go al & Hardware Go,, Seller's Corner, North First Street. We have heen piling up stock on our shelves and in our warehouse and revising prices to suit the times, and we arc now in a position to accommodate our customers and all others who will favor us with their orders, better thnn tver. While the first cost on many things in our line has material ity advanced, we haye been enabled to reduce our prices on sonip by reason oflarge and carelul buying, though in heavy iron goods such as Nails. Wire, &c., we had to go with the current. We have largely increased our lines and added many new ones. We have all you need in Oils, Building Hardware, Glass, Machinery, Paints and Shelf Hardware. We have the most complete line of Machinery Repairs and Seeds in the Lehigh Valley. Our prices are satisfactory, our goods should bp, and we try to malte ourselves so. Coal, Cement, Lime, Fertilizers, (Do, always on hand. GENTS FURNISHINGS. Big Stock. Seasonable Goods HATS, CAPS, Boots & Shoes.. TRUNKS, &c, Cassimeres, Worsteds, Corkscrews, Cheviots, &c, &c. Satisfaction. There is a good deal of satisfaction in being perfectly satisfied, and espec ially so In regards to what you wear. In this particular we invaiiably mor: than please our patrons. Our stock being large, varied and complete give? satisfaction in making a choice ol goods desired, while in stvle. finish and work manship our reputation speaks tar more eloquently tha.n word. Call on us for Spring and Summer Garments, Suits or parts of Suits. We guarantee per fect fits and finest workmanship. Clauss Bros., THE TAILORS, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. Ji L . IS HEADQUARTERS FOR- GENERAL HARDWARE, infs. VflrnishiiQ iwj HUillltUilUUg BfHWUB AXL KINDS OF COAL, OPS. PUBT4C SQUARE, Bank Street, Leliightoh, Pa JSTHave you Read the Advocate 1 JflR WflD If of n11 'kinds nicely executed UUflUnil at litis oflice. v ice s I( iv. . w I a Year is the price of the Advo cate for 52 weeks
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers