The Carbon Advocate . ...... i 'luUT0N pA SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 1883. nmOtlD) AT Til K LKUI011TON TOflT-OirriCK AS SJHOOKD CuARB MAIL M ATTIC U. Fon rnssiDKNT op tub Uhited States subject to the fiction of thoNdtlonal Demo- cratlc Convention, to bo held In 1802. a, 3. Randail, of Pennsylvania, the true pat riot, the able statesman, tho Incorruptlblo legislator, the skillful leader and the friend of tho people. Tho South remembers with affection and uratttude how ho stood br her In the dark days of reconstruction. Rich mond, Va., Whiff. There is some talk about MAicrao a seDerate county of the Fourth Legislative district and making Ilazleton the count; seat. Ifltb a small portion annexed to It from Schuylkill, Carbon and Columbia counties. Hazloton Plain Speaker. The County Seat of Carbon county Is al most centrally located and easy of access from any point In the county, so when we tar that Carbon county people will not be with the proposed scheme, wc strike It pret . ty squarely. A I.EADINO EDITORIAL AltTICLE IN TI1K ifauch Chunk Gazette of a late date refers to a young gentleman of Lehigh Cap as "an Unscrupulous young Democrat of the cop perhead stripe." The dazttte continues Its somewhat hear? article by Bavins: "It Is said that he took a picture of General Harrison and cut the blank paper off, and tied a rope around theGeneril's neck and attached It to his wagon, In which convey ance he carried the unterrlfled to tbe noils." The Gazette, we presume, takes advantage of a rnmor and Indulges In a broadside of vindictive partisan hale, for we have It from a very reliable source that there Is positively no truth In the affair. When Brother Obe dlah again basely libels the Intelligent cltl sens of a Demociatlc stronghold by refer ring to one of their number as being ol the copperhead stripe he should put his foot In Ms mouth to jlrown the echo. TIM SUI'KEMK COUIIT OR TliK STATE recently decided tho Mechanics' Lien Law of 18S7 unconstitutional. Tbe decision will affect hundreds, if not thousands, of suits now pending In tbe various county courts. Tbe act was passed at the last sf s slon of the Legislature ind related to tbe liens of mechanics and others upon build lnss. It was a supplement to the acts of 1830 and 1845 In relation to tho same sub' Ject and aye mechanics and laoorers ein ployed upon a building the rleht to file liens for wanes aealnst such building, a privilege not neretnfore enjoyed by them, It also provided that a sub-contractor, me chanic or laborer should file his claim, with In sixty days, and that a material man must, befor flllng his claim, have gtfen notice to the owner of the building or his representative within ten days after the material Is delivered on the premises. Un der this act the lien of tbe mechanic or laborer was to be first paid. The decision that the act is unconstitutional leaves the mechanics and laborers on buildings In tbe same position they were beforo tbo passage of the act which was gotten up in their bo- half. Exchange. BROADBRIM'S N. Y. LETTER. Once more Messrs Sutton & Kirbr, of tbe American Art Galleries, come to tbe front and lay New Tork under a fresh obligation for. one of the rarest and roost beautiful exhibitions that we have had lu this city for many a day. The American Art Galleries are not merely a place where fine jilcturres are hung for exhibition or sale; It Is an art school where each one as be enters receives an education In object teaching worth all the books that evei were written. or tue past row years we have frequently heard irotn tho press on the other side of the water of Vasselll Yerestchagln the prophet of the future In realistic art. "Who Is be?" people ask, "and on what grounds does he claim re cognltlonf" Some said, "He Is to Art what Wagner is to Music." But what ever he Is It Is apparent to you at a glance that art Is to htm a hard fact, and a very Hard fct a', that. The man would not turn on his heel U pleaso an emperor. Touhave jtot to accept his art as he sees It, or not accent It all. lie does not ask you If the pictures oliase you, but are they truePil Jerusalem that It was anything elso than a picture; never lost yoursolf, you never forgot your surroundings; you wore always In New York looking at Munkacsy's picture of Christ on Calvary" or "Christ beforo Pilate." IFith Yerestchagln Lis different. Tbe picture Is terrible In Its rcallt), but as I said before Yerestchagln Is not responsl ble for that; ho did not make the clrcum linens. In nnlv nalnts them. You look and look and you forget Yerestchagln1 and America and tho Art Galleries, and even tbe loquacious neighbors that disturb your peace. Tou havo passed down tho Via Dolorosa, over through the Valloj of Skulls, and you stand ou tho ruggod sides of Calvary and Jesus is on the Cross. The clamorous crowd cry out for blood; they huvo it; it pours In floods from the dying wretches suspended high up In the air. You look In tbe faces of tho crowd and only here and there you see a sign of human sympathy or pity; to the great body of tbo crowd tho savage show Is rather one of gratification, tho samo kind of enjoy tnent some human brutes derive when other human brutes or savage dogs tear each other to pieces. About tbo tombs of tbe prophets and saints he lingers with the devotion of a devotee. Tne most astonishing thing connected with this exhibition is that the artistic por lion of It should bo the work of one man How did ho flad time to do UP and when? for he Is not only an artist but a traveller, and he has been a soldier too, and a braye one. As an artist Yasselll Yerestchagln Mils the eye, for ho Is a Blrlklngly b&ndsoino man. Tbo exhibition Is full of interest, and I would earnestly adylse all friends visiting New York bv all means to take It In. Tbe Galleries are on 23rd Street near Broadway, and they arc filled with splen did pictures that I have not mentioned. There have been two sales here this week that would havo delsguted tbo heart of Mrs Toodles, Tbe personal estates of Joshua Jones and the late Mrs. Bammersley, now Duchess of Marlborough, passed under tbe auctioneer's hammer. Who Is Jones, any how? Why, don't you know Jones? IVeW, I'll tell you: Tbe original Jones was an honest grocer who retired from business fifty years ago wltb a comfortable fortune of $30,000. lie bought property out of the clly for $800, which in time became worth millions. He was a queer old Dick. lie had five children, three sons and two daughters. The sons were queerer than the father; they lived useless lives, they were all bachelors, but saved tbeir proper ty, and each brother that died left all be bad to tho survivor, though they never ltyed together, or hardly recognized each other while living. John Q. Jones had a beauil ful house on Fifth avenue, full of rare and costly things, and 'dying he left it to Josh ua. Joshua kept It up in first class style, and tho servants had a royal time as long as bo llyed; but he never lived there him self, having a suite of rooms at the Bre- vooit Iloose whero his eccentric ways made htm a terror; but as he paid a hundred dol lars a week ho was tolerated for years where a man with less money would have been sent to a lunatic asylum. He never made any acquaintances, and for months at a time never spoke a word to anyone. He died suddcnli a few months ago leaving no will, and now thirty-six of his poor rela tions who never expected a cent will gel several thousands each. Tho sale of the bric-a-brac of the Duch ess of Marlborought brought an immense crowd together, at the sale comprised many articles of veriu and art, that It would be baid to duplicate. There wero masnlHcent pieces of furniture of tbo relsn of Louts Le Grand, and beautiful old Goebllns worth a Prince's ransom. Many rate old vases and some verr fine pictures were in the collec tlon, i Megs that would have added Interest to the art gallery of any prince or noble man In the world. Why did not her lady ship carry them to Blenheim? Is It dossi ble that Ills Grace tbe Duke has been tak Ing a fresh flyer at bacarat or faro, or lias he been unlucky at Newmarket, Doncasttr or Epsom? Has the Derby damaged Ills Grace's bank account, or has be any bank account at all? or has he sunk the hundred and flftv thousand which his bride drew from her late husband's estate to pay tbe wedding expenses when she went away? The whole thing has a very strange look upo.l Us face It Is like Charles A. Surface in "Tbe School for Scandal," selllngall bib relations. The matter has made no end of gossip, and people are wondering what in she has done wltb all of hvr scratch as fresh as a daisy, and all the ex pensive details of bands, fireworks, torebns , regalia and Mags wero furnished on as liber al a scale as if they were just commencing the campaign, All sorts of guesses are now being uiado as to tho cause of the late Deniot ratio disaster, out Sunset Cox has given tho most sc'nsiblo and lucid education that I have vet heard, nd that Is, that tho Republicans had tho most voles. BROADBRIM. Borne and tbe Knights of Labor. The Catholic News has received from Its. Roman correspondent tho text of the reply scut br Cardinal Slmconl, Prefect of tho Propaganda, to Cardinal Gibbons: 'It is my duty to Inform your Eminence that fresh documents relative to the as sociation known as the Knlghts,of Labor, forwarded to this Sacred Congregation, were examined by It at the sitting of tbo 10th of August of the current year. After haying attentively studied tho whole sub ject, the Sacred Congregation has directed mo to reply that, so far as at present ap nears. the Association of tho Knights of Labor can for the moment be tolerated. Tho Sacred Congregation merely requires that tbe necessary modifications should bo Introduced In tho rules of the society to make cleat whatever might seem obscure or mi a tit uo interpreted in a oau senso. These modifications are required pattlcular- ly in passages of the preface to tho rules concerning local associations. And then tho words savoring of socialism and com munism must bo corrected In such a way that they shall only affirm the right con ferred by God on man of acquiring property, using legitimate means and respecting the proportionate rights of all others. I am most happy to inform your Holiness that the Sacred Congregation has highly ap proved ol tho American hierarchy to see I with us that In this and similar associations nothing should be secretcly Introduced which Is contrary to justice and morals, or not entirely conformable to the regulations regarding Masonic sect, U'lille confirming your Eminence In this excellent design in name of the Sacred Congregation, " I beg you to accept the asurance of our respect ful and devoted sentiment." Druggists, 25f ., Mo. and 91.00. Administrator's Notice. Estate of 1'ETETt KHUM.lHtoot Fiatiklln Town ship, Carbon county, r., deceased. Lettcr.of administration havlntr been izranted to tlio undersigned In tliu above recited estate. in persons indebted to said estate are requeued o nuikelminrdrntn nnvment. and those but Inn IcriiI claims ti III present the same without delay in proper nrurr lor seuicnieiu lu .iciHKrii KiiiiM. f Administrators. WcUsnbrt, Carbon co., l"a., or their Attorney 1IOKACK llliVUT, Esq., Lolilghton. Hard features every bungler can command; To draw true beauty shows a master's hand. DrydeNi THE outline illustrations of the Ivory Soap advertisements have created so much favorable comment, and the requests for copies been so numerous, we have, to meet the demand, bound in the form of a Drawing and Painting Book (size 6x9 inches) twenty-four of the most spirited and pleasing of the advertisements. Vc will send one of these books with a pad of twenty-four sheets of drawing pnper, post-paid, to any one who will mail us, according to directions below, fifteen Ivory Soap wrappers. Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati. FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS. Cut out tho center ploco of each wrapper and put thorn In the en velope with your totter, saying what you want, and give your address In full. So attention will be paid to requests for lirawing Hooks, etc., unless the venter places are in the envelope with the request. THAHKSQIVINO OCLAMAT10H, Our pastures have been clothed with flocks; our vallevs also have been cov ered over with corn. The.husbandman has gathered his crops, and his barns are filled with plenty. Labor has found employment and enjoyed In fair degree Its just reward. Our manufacturers have been reasonably maintained, and tho busy wheels of com merce have been fully employed. Pesti lence has been a stranger to us, and no ser ious epiaenuc nas uevasiaicu our noruers. 1 pi 11 , , Surely God bath crowned tho year with Ills HUSH JclCK6tS, L03tS . 1 rti. .1 . t j 1 I ' goouness, ana ins pains nave uroppeu iai ncss, nis bounty demands our pulse and His unmerited goodness calls for thanks giving." Let us, therefore, in devout acknowledge ment of his unnumbered benefits come to gether In our accustomed places of wor ship and about the hearth stones of the family, as recommended by the President of tbo United States, on Thursday, tho 29tb day of November, to render thanks for the blessings which wo have received and to In- oke the continuance of tbe divine favor for the time to come. Let tho day be one of jaduess. Let us refrain from our ordin nary avocations and employments and spend the time In the religious and social en joyments which befit tbe occasion, an.l which, whilst they honor God, bring com fort and enjoyment to ourselves. The people of our goodly commonwealth are no dtraneers to tbe observances of this day. Let the exceptional plenty of the year lead to more universal praise and thanksgiving. Let us also show our thank fulness by our charity and let not the min istrations of the day find full measure un til some act of kindness has brought cheer m a sorrowing heart or a smile to a care worn face. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of the State to be affixed, this 15th day of November in tho year of our Lord 1888,and of the commonwealth tbe 113th." (Signed) Jauiis A. Buaver. Ladies' Modjeskas, & Wraos. Ladies & Misses Jackets, Paglans, & Newmarkets. Childrens Coats in Great Variety. H.Guth&Son 638 Hamilton St., ALLEIMTOWN, PA. October 30 tMT WILL SAVE YOU DOLLARS ! As a Family Remedy Dr. Seth Arnold's COUGH KILLEU has no equal. Wo havo used It for tho put ten years, and can truly recommend It. Mrs. O. FllklD, Monte- sums, n. x. TOU LOOK lAJ J U USD J J tAjJb WM. RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER The dreat GERM or BACTERIA DESTROYER. To Cure Disease, Remove the Cause. rhvttcl&nt . bv Identlfte research, have iiltmvertvl that Germ or Baccilll commonly calird Microbe. use tauc ui uiscak. The MicrobbKulir CURES by dettrprtnr Ik microtia at the same lime ftirifitt tht tletd and tnildi up He tyiltm. Mr. Kadam has established ractory No. sin Philadelphia, Office at 8ia Arch Street. Invalids and persona suflerln? from CATARRH. BRONCHITI3,CONSUMPtION,MALARIA RHEUMATISM, Diseaaea or the Blood, etc., by writing or calling at above address, will receive circulars giving the history of the Micros KillzR and the cures It has made, Agencies will be estab lished In Pennsylvania, New jersey, Delaware. Ma ryland, and District of Columbia, which this ractory will supply. This Germicide Is A SURE RESTORATIVE TO HEALTH. 13 $1 WEEKS. Tbo POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, ecurely wrapped, to any add ram in tbe Unl cd Btntea for three months on receipt of One Dollar. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs Sample copies mailed free Atl dross all orders to RICHARD K. FOX. Ma 30,lR85-ly Franklin Squakic, N. Y Lumber.Lumbe r MARSH & ZBRN, WEISSPORT, - - PSNN'A offer for sale a Largo quantity of Sawed Lumber at extraordinary low prices. 25,000 feet Yellow Tine Flooring. 50,000 feet White Pine Boards. 50,000 feet tlerulock Boards. 10,000 feet Hemlock Seantllnu. A largo lot of 2 Inch Yellow Pine Plank, suitable for pavements or sidewalks A lot of firtti-class 2 Inch Yellow Pine Plank, for threshing floors or bridges. a. lot 01 una flank, Ac, Ac. This Lumber will be sold fully 23 per cent cheaper man it can uo obtained else where. Call on or address MAltSII & ZERN, Weissport, - - .R'lin'a oct.27-em. ' Qnssr People. An Extraordinary Exhibit byaiiodds TToll Crr-rrtrni-cf T Satin-lined throughout. $10. bTuM -t1 ail VJVerCOatS I $l2.and$15. IForth,$16. $18. and $20. The best value ever offered. ana If they are true.llkc a fatalist ho leaves . Jhe-resnrith God. As you entor the Rallory the first picture that greets yon is a mighty canvass cover lag the entire side of the room, descriptive of the triumphal entry of the Prince of Wles Into the sacred city of Delhi. No words candescrlbe tbe barbarous splendor of the pageant. The artist falrli royels in those brilliant colors which so charm the Oriental heart Tbe detail is wonderful and the attendant flguros are marvels of the painter' &t(. You could gaze on It for hours and each moment discover new beauties as you see them in tbe turn of the kaleidoscope. Mighty rugs from Perslau and Indian looms adorn the walls, and facing the picture of which I have spoken Is one of those realistic battle pieces for which Veraatcbagln Is so famous. With him there Is no toning down for effect War Is war, bitter, bloody, cruel, and he paints it for you just as ll is. As you gate on tbsse wild scenes of mortal pain, the cold chills creep over you; as you look on the suffering wretches you see them write In agony and almost hear tbem cry, and yon teallse that this Is war. The ground is littered with the dying and tbe dead, all around are fragments of rien In all stages of suffering and woe. Here Is a grim old Cossack from the Don, bis arm Is shattered, his swarthy face has on It the hues of death, but be sits there In ftriui silence, nncomplalnlng, and qulettt awaits the ' summons before the King of Kings and tbe Lord of Lords. verestcnagin never spares yon a pang, that Is no part of bis business; his business Is to mike" you understand what war means, ana tnis ne aoes in sucn an suectuai man ner that you can never forget It to your dy tpjl day. Looking at these war pictures yon would say this mau Is no poet. You are wronc, his soul is full of peotry but be paints facts. Ills Imagination neyer for a moment sets tbe better of his judgment When he paints "The Holy Family" Mary Is not clad In silks and velvets, she Is the wife of a poor carpenter who has a bard Struggle for his dally bread, and thecarpen ter of Bethlehem an'd Jerusalem to-day Is In no respect different from tbe carpenter f twenty centurlss ago. His tools are precisely in same, be works in tbe same slow and painful way, and this prophet of the brash aires you the plain matter of fact Jesus, he who grew up In the bouse of Joseph the carpenter, is before you. On of tbe most startling and reallstlo canvasses is "Christ on Calvary." Munkacsy's, great plcturejls still fresh In our memory. But Munkscsy's picture vr satisfied me. It was simply a pie- fur; you wtr aerer fetvulUdfor a raoaunt money. Among tbe various attractions of tbe week have been tbo Horse Show at Madi son Square Garden, and the Cbrysauthem um Show on the corner of 14th Street an Union Square. Both of these exhibitions have been patronized by tbe elite four bun dred which takes In all the blue blood In tho city. At tbe Horse Show many of tbe exhibits were entered by our best society ladles, and at tbe Chrysanthemum Show some of the loveliest flowers there were entered by lev en or eight figures. The equine exhibition was a noble one, though the trend of it seemed to be almost exclusively to fancy stock racers, humors, trotters, etc., as they occupied most of tbe stalls; darling little ponies looking nice enough to put in a glass case -vere there by the dozen; manyof them attended affet tlonately by their little mistresses and masters. Fine ladles in silks, satins and velvets, hung lovingly around their pets, looking longingly to the blue ribbons and medals, tbat were the rewards of superlot blood and breeding. The vast arena has been crowded all the woek, and a signifi cant feature of the advance in public estl uirllou of this kind of show is, tbat it costs quite as much to see a horse exhibition as to see a first class prize fight; this in itself speaks volumes. The Chrysanthemum Show is now a ieg' ular Institution here, and to the lovers of tbe beautiful In nature it Is most worthy of attention. Specimens ol this lovely Jnpa nese Bower have come to us trom all parts ol the country, revealing possibilities In floriculture hardly dreamed of before. We used to think the rose the queen of flowers but there Is scarcely a flower that grows but would pale In the presence of these wonderful plants, When I tell you tbat fifteen bundled dollars nas paid for a sin gle pot, and two thousand was offered and tefused for another, you may guess how thy rank In tbe royal family of flowers The American seedlings strangely enougb far surpass tbe lineal Japanese varieties, and If the Mikado really wishes am thing fine for tbs royal conservatory of Yeddo, he will have to send to New York for It. As might ba expected the Republicans hav painted New York and Erookly an ox cetdlngly bright vrmllllon for the past week. The young Chairman of tbe Repub lican Kings County Committee, Mr, Willis, receiving the lion's share of congratulation. Brooklyn celebrated Its ylctory on Jfondsy night by a procession and general glorifica tion that exceeded elen Its best efforts dur ing the campaign. Instead of showing signs of exhaustion aftsr Its lat sever fight; tbe rank and flU & up tc tb This is tho title ol the latest, and thi! moat cliiirmlnir book for little have ever seen. Its fubled. or stories, llgtittul, but the llluitratlons are simply Inv hihiisc at juvenile Urnianeut, but he shines with miique VAll'o fVoll SlllTC 3)5.50, S7.00, So.oU, ijplU.UU and the world lamed Usop, aud he tar outshines onlilir:ttMl litat-'irv liv IMa 1 nlml hi. Illustrations. e dresses up his birds, animals, I low in TinCC. Insects. Blunts, furies, cobllus. A-c lu irrotesiaue I t stjie nnu maKes mem reason, turn, ounce, ana $12. Very nobby, and extremely I Boys Overcoats Boy's lone Pant's Suits S3., $4., $5,50, $6.75 and $8 00 Boy's Short Pants' Suit $1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00 and 5.00. Boys Kilt Suits 2 to 5 years, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00 and 5. at 1.50, 2.00. 2.50, 3.V5, 4.00, 5.00 and on up. 450 Mens' Heavy Overcoats, from 34 to 44 breast measure, 3.75 ; worth 6.00. In FALL SUITS and OVERCOATS to measure, wo direct attention to our special Scotch Cheviots in many patterns, at $10., $12., $15 and on up. Surprising for value and character. Our PANTALOON Department contains over 300 different patterns. For style, ju&uy vuiiiuilUK awnes. so uio- l j l. lusely aud exnuisftoly illustrated will charm quaiy ,S;(?,",S7,,DS5X?,,W' . ,,. . , - . , young and old for Kenerations to come. Our GENTS FURNISHING Department is filled with new and seasonable goods- cut up all sorts ol the oddest pranks Imaginable, uiioruing iiintme aeiiKUi. as wen us excellent liKtructlon to tho young, alio issue ol his book "Oueer Peoule" has broueht a rterfect ovation ot praise from the brightest men In the land. ror msiancc, ueu. i;nuiou i. tisk says! "lb has set mv children wild with delimit." uud Col. litmell 11. Con well, the famous lecturer, says: "jion'i uena nie nnomer sucu a dook. ior l can' ?et ntv children to bed." The lamous statesman, dlnlomat. and wit. Sunset Cox, sas: "The Kweer Kapers are almply Incomparable," white the distinguished I ir Mmvurn , tiihii m:ivh, "iiiiw nnvR inn i!igiM. nation that belong in A'.ioo and Uncle ltenius." and the venerable, poet, Dr. ullver Wendell Uo rues, ttrltesi"! um sorry I hae not it nur sery lull of little folks to enjoy Its bright pictures anu siories. iUson'H tames are eniosed by old ana young and are quoted by the greatest orators aud surely tnese equally dimming stones, so lio The hale o( this Look will surely be enormous. It Is published by the well-known house ol HiiUDaid uros.. l'liiia.. ih caeo una Kansas l Ity. to whom any persons desiring un agency snouiu appiy. Typhoid fever is still raging to an alarming stale at Toyoslmntia Mills, Mon roe county. Already seventy cases have appeared with a mortality of thirteen per cent. The little villlage Is almost deserted by strancers on account ot the epidemic. City sportsmen at this time of the year Gen erally flock there to enjoy hunting, but' few have tint in an appearance. New Advertisements. !VS. I shirt, for tit, quality and price cannot bo matched, Try one no fit, no sale. Koch & Shankweiler, fine dress Hotel Allen Building, Centre Square, ALIiENTOWN ami A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned offers his Farm, sltnate lit Mahoning Valley. Carbon county, Pa., at private sale. Tbe Farm coutalns 80 acres, of which acres are cleared and under a high state ot cul tivation, the balance Is good timber land. The Improvements are a Two and a IlaU Story Stone Dwelling House, 31x26 feet wltb Frame Kitchen 16x34 feet, Cam 33x79 feet with all necessary outbuildings. Apply to Z. II. 0. HOM, On the rremljes. Sept. 16. 8S tt To Whom it May Concern. All persons are hereby forbid harboring or trusting my son John Longkamerer, las I will not be responstbe for any debts con tracted DJ mm. UHAB. OSOKAMEBEK, l'actertoa Oct. o, ibsh. aw CatarrH POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strecctb and v. holcsocieness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude ot low test, short weiKnu slum or rmosnnaie nowaers. cwia ln cans. Royal Baking Toivdsr Company, rEVERJfJai ELY'S CREAM. BALM. Cleanses tbe Nasal rassages, Allays Pain and Inflan matlon, IJjals the Sores, Reitotes the Senses of Taste and Smell, TKT THE CURE. VTaUBrrsst K.T. auc24-mll spNwtl . G. T. HORN, -AT THE Central Drug Store, OPP. THE TUBLIO SQUARE Bank Street, Lehightou, Pa., IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Drugs and Medicines, Pine Soaps, Brushes, &c, &c, Choice "Wines and Liquors, Largest Assortment of Library Lamps ! Wall Paper and Decorations! Spectacles ! When you buy a pair of Shoes you want a good 8U Bat If you need UPECTACLCS It Is much more lmponant that the EVK should be accommodated with correct lenses and a proper ly fittlDg frame which will bring the lenses di rectly before the centre ot the eye. If you buy your spectacles at Dr. Horn's you will find the above points properly attended to. PERSCRIPTIONS Carefully The Weekly Press, ' BHILADEU'UIA. - $1.00 One Year For One Dollar A Pure anil Purposeful Home Paper. A NEWS PArER With everv modern facility for obtaining the latest news. Perfectly equipped In mall.tele- graun, icicpnoues ana cauie service, cor respondents, local, national and foreign, Special dispatches from all Important nolnts, A REPUBLICAN PAPER, - Whoso trained editors present the v nhnses of polities with audi rlearnp! as to give practical aid to all voters. AN HISTORICAL PAPER, Which devotes sneclal attention to Hut tilth rrtounpubllshcd events of thegreat civil war. ure.u nui u.ii'ca. i lite ll uj tuiiuu ami tun federate ofllcers who sawwliat they tell, lorm nn iiivmuuuio war uornry. A LITERARY PAPER, Giving every week tho brightest and best Heiucuuus irum recent poeuy, mm entertain ing iicauniui siories uy eniiucni writers. A FARMER'S PAPER, Having tho best conducted agricultural page in America, uhere are uathered tho views ot progressive runners unci gHruoners the coun try over, itnonitll questions of crops, fruit, uaiuu, muiiry, mnu uuuuiligs, rw. A MERCHANT'S FAPE1U niUntr full rcnorts from the rtillsdelnhla New Vork, Chicago, aud other city markets, Prices aud shipments of grain, live-stock, provisions, groceries anu country produce. A WOMAN'S PAPER, Extending a helping hand to all women, them 1& devoted n full D.iLre In which show each other, under editorial guidance, "how to net married and how to kevn house.'1 In the most approved fashion. l'or those ho are forced to remain single and board, the way Is made pleasant. Krery woman reader lias a cuuubio iu tniK, A CHILDREN'S PAPER, games and entertainment for Instruction lu the ways ot mak With Winter little neonlt. Ing things and doing things. Summer ex cursions to the fields and woods, l'uules for tbe quick-witted, and plenty of prizes to make ine siow-nittea quicx, IMPOSTACT 0LT7EB1N3 AEEANOIMEHT, Ry special arrangement with all tho leading weekly and monthly perlodlcols of America, sub scriptions are taken lor anyone or more nf these Journals in connection with tho Weekly I'iieus at such low rates as virtually makes our great family paper ritiic to me suuwrincr ior one yetir. anmpie copies iuniisuvu jric ujiuuuiiicmiun, AuilU'SS, TnE PRESS COMPANY, Limited, Philadelphia, Pa Dr. H, B. REINOHL Graduate ot Fhlla. Dental College. DENTISTRY ! IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Personation of tbe Teeth a Specially. OFFICE HOURS From 8 a. m. to e p. m, OAS HALL, Market Siuwe, U&uch Chunk, BRANCH OFFICE: EAST - MAU OH - CHUNK Two Doors North of rost-OIHce. OFFICE HOURSi T to o o. in. and S Us I p. m April Jtwin- mm UJiRJ iKl Ju lAitlnlli fcJ For . if You Do U will see that We are Selling Ladies Shoes from $1.00 Up. Misses' Shoes from 85 Cents Up. Mens' Shoes from $ 1.00 Up. Mens' Boots from 1.85 Up. Boys Boots, we have them at all Prices. Rubber Boots,Lumbermau,Q Boots and Beayor boots at all prices. M n's oysa Suits from $5.00 on Up s, aa am m m m nd Uhildren s Suits at prices to suit everybody. And complete line of a CJIDMT9 URTDIllftWDJLU, NT'S FURNIS Oil Cloths, 3 B II HI i runKS. vaiicos, &c, & IING GOODS, Carpets, Ci Come and see us hefore purchasing else where. We can please you in style and prices. & SNYDER, Opera House Block, . LEHIGHTON, PA. HQUSEKEE PERS, Look Here! You will certainly find it to your advantage to buy where you have the largest, cheapest, best and newest stock of HEATERS, AND- HOUSEKEEPERS to select from. That place certainly be at WM. S. KUHN'S, Opposite the Valley Round House, North Bank Street. Make it a point to See the celebrated "Irving Range" before pur chasing any other. All makes and grades- of heaters on hand and furnished at short notice and at exceedingly low prices, PEMNGTON SEMINARY. FEMNINOION, N. J. 49th Year. On direct lino or It. It. from Lehlebloti. THOMAS 1IANI.ON. U. !.., frcadenl J Commended by Dr. McCosh. Kucells in be.ilth, discipline, home comforts aud scholarship. 3250 covers all expenses and extras but Art and Music. Catalogues very beautiful and complete. augl8-tt OAITTIOlXr Beware ot Fraud, u my name and tbe price arc stamped on the bottom of all mj advertised sbou bofore leaving tbo factory, which protect tlie wearcn anlntt lilKli prices and Inferior good. It a dealer OBI SOMETHING NEW UNDEaTnrscjr, which Kins tsolo moD ner heard of-a cxoTiteu t-urnthat requires noclotum riJ'ii. Kfery housekeeper, laundress and store- 6 eeuer wants tt. Rumple sent by mall, 8 feet for CU..12 feetforsocts. Fiiibtclass AGBNTri. WANTED fob Tilts eotJNTr. Address. hOB MAM K. UOJJD & CO.. Manufacturing Aeeut. Philadelphia, Pu., (Lock Box ws). JyJl. Stoves, Tinware, Heaters and :n m i jJouKia uoes as a rcauceu price, oil mjs ne uu mem nimout my name aaq prjcg pumpec aa the bottom, put him dowh u a traud, DOUGLAS D. J KISTLER Respectfully announces Ui the puhllo that lie baa ipeLeaa sew i.ivcuvriTAULK.andthutlie It low orenared to furnish Tenuis for rimfttl. Wfdd'ncs or nuslncss Trips on the shortest no cu mi, I most liberal terms. Orders left nf th "Corbot House" will receive prompt attention. Oi'.MlljiiS HUKTll BTKEKT, lext tho Hi.'e, Lehllhton. an22-vl A MODEL PRESS Wm do all your own mount or earn money printing- for oibers. your boy can run lu Outfits, wlthlTwj cost S3. tlO. S20. or more. according to die one as good aa another. In use all ovr the world. Full Information In a book oalled If our . torrtnt. Freewill samples ot Model press worn, upon ap- THE M00EL PRESS COMPANY, Um'd, 812 Arch ttrsst, Phllittlphl',.; Se what Is ssht aboil' The Model Press. My Model frtrt netted me lu three month over GCNTLCMBNa f Jiw.oo i neve; naa insiruciions in primiuir vv The only ealf BS BEASlXtlSfl Shoe smooth to.'(re, yet Iset jp and printed 10,000 deposit tickets. i?iSV.mRWjoatay Tress the day after I received ll.-l YV. L. iiOUOLAS 84 HilOE, the orifiiid and have made tuore than double, what my Model anon costlnc from it to $. .V. It. 1IUUUL,' Uread Men aaj mW W. La $3 SHOE. 00118 83.50 police snoE-woout isUK) worm ot woik an mv;o, i juouei TJ-. i Uailread Men and Letter Carriers " wr them.1 tress. It beats all. After three years' me I XltinKun, Knooih inside aa a lUnd-Sewed fehoe. No Taduorinnd n y Model I ress as rvod us uew lha -In Great Variety at- mnmMW M Dpnot.AU 2.ia wonulNairAM's; . . . . ... I ne Moaei rress Samuel Graver's Topular Store, Bank Street. Roofing and Spouting a special ty. Stove repairs fuinishcd on short notice. Prices Reasonable ! ! paTrousbt t W. JU, tbf t4 Bel u va wMaiiuuae o i beet la the world fur rvucu wari cna wear a man a year. i Ha SHOE FOR BOYS U DOUGLAS UXM YOUTirS School a ebauca to wear the best OS 1 fibooln lb wo tint A a tai AU maae in Congress, by your dealer, writ Button ood Lace. If not sold W. L. DOUGLAS, Drookton, Mnoc. A. MEHRKAM & SON, Agents. LHEICHTON PA.- Ii fully eijual tc the lareest and rostllest iu.v c'Jlues (or nno CfcirU and GENEltAI, 11U6IKKSS prlntlni!. Any smart boy can turn out hundred 'if dollars worth of woik everv vear. eren with lone of tbo smaller sires. Address. Tins Model Tress Co., Ltd., 012 Arch Street, mi13-)t rnn.ADEi.ruiA, Fa,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers