r Advertising Ra'es. For Legal Nottoog. The following price foi lifcal advents- tig has been adopted by Sa OAltnriK Advocate. 4 00 4 00 Charter Notices -Auditor's Notices -Commissioner's Notices Divorce Notices Administrator's Notices Executor's Nollce - 4 00 - 4 00 3 00 3 00 The Carbon Advocate, An iNllRPKSflllSXl FAMILY NBWgrAtKU Pllb iwied every Saturday in iiWiicnto rarbonConntv, Pennsylvania, ny $1,00 a Year in Advance. INDEPENDENT" Live and Let Live." $1.26 when not paid in Advance. Other legal advcitislngwlll bo charged for by the square. H. V. ortm:r, Jr., Publisher, . Professional & Business Cards. Horace Heydt, ATTORNEY AT tAW, NOTARY PUBLIC, Office iThe Room recently occupied by V. M. Rapshor. BANK STREET, - - LEHIOHTON. PA. Hay ha consulted In English and German. july -ly W. M. Rapahor, ATTORNEY asd COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND DISTRICT ATTORNEY, First door abore tlio Mansion House, MATJOH CHUNK, .... PENN'A. Real Kstata nnd Collection Airenev. Will Bnv , awl Sell Ileal Estate. Conveyancing neatly done. Cellcruons promptly made. Settling Estates 01 May uu consuneu in HOT. 22-yl VOL. XVII., No 2. Loliighton, Carbon County, Penna., November 24, 1888. Single Copies 5 Cents. Weissport Business Directory, -JJUtANiaiX HOUSE, EAST WEISSPORT, PENN'A. This. house ofTcrs first-class accorr.tnodatlons to the permanent boarder and transient Ktiest, Panic prices, only One Dollar per day. nug7-iy John EKliltin, rropnetor. 'Oscar Christman, v WHISSrOUT, I'A. Livery and Exchanqc Stuhlcs. Hest accommodation to agent ami travellers utoll m.rt rrtlAn-rnnli nnlora iirnnillllvntteHUPtl TO, Give me a trial. mav2My Cit1ent3 u specialty. O. V. Kleintop, Instructor in Music, Hoebtns' American Classical Methods a special ty. Terms moderate. mig 14-tt W. G. M. Seiple, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, SOUTH STREET, - - - LEHIOHTON. May.be consulted In English and German. rtpeciai attention given to uynecology. The - Weissport - Bakery, 0. W. LAURY, PROPRIETOR. Delivers Fresh llread und Cakes In Vr'eissport, lehighton and vicinities every day. In the store I have a Flno Lino of Confectionery tor the Holiday Trade. Sunday schools and fes tivals annulled at lowest prices. dec3-cm. THE Ofjtick nouns from 6 to 9 r. 61, ' mar. 3t-yl 4.. S. RaTJonold,"D. D. S Fort Allen Hou Weissport, Carton "County, Penna., Henry h riBtman, Proprietor, The nubile Is resneethiliy Informed that this well-know house lias been lefltted and Improved to a first rate, and able to furnish me very uesi aceominouniions oi an kiiuis A FINE POOL ROOM. in nnnnnrtlnn wllli the hotel Is a FINE TOOL ROOM handsomely tiueu up. jpi o, j Removes Paint anil Grease from Woolens, Silks, Satins, Cashmeres. Laces.urapos, &e. Ily the use of CLEANINK Clothing of any Material, Car pels, Lap Robes, Car riage Cushions, Trim mines Ac, can tin n u 1 r. k 1 v cleaned of tllrt, grease or paint without In jury. It Is without an equal for removing dandruff, freckles, sunburn, tan, &c. 25 Cents a llotlle. Trado Supplied by the Proprietor Dr. T. E. Davis, Summit Hill. For Sale by T. D. THOMAS, Lehighton. Over Canal Bridie E. Weissnorl A'tfCil Orricm-Ovcr J. W. Raudcnbush' Liquor Store, BANK STREET, LEUIOHTON. dentistry In all Its branches. Teeth Extracted without Pain. Uas administered when requested. Office Days WEDNESDAY of each week. P. O. addiess, ALLENTOWN, Jan 3-yi Ictilsli county. r.t. F. I. SMITH, D. D. S., Office opposite the Opera House, Pa Bank Street, Zeh,'t ton, DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Killing and making artificial dentures a special ty. local anesthetics used. Uas administered and Teeth Fxtracted WITH OUT PAIN. OFFICE HOURS: From ft . nr., to t2 m from l p. m., to s p. m., from 7 p. m to 8 p. in. Consultations In English or German Oct 15-87 ly-"-" ' DR. G. T. FOX 172 Main Street, Bath, Pa. AT KABIOlf, SWAN HOTKL, TOKSDAYB. at allkxtown, american hotkttiiubsnav atSakoob, Broadway house, Mondays. At Bath, Wednesdays' and Saturdays. Offlce Hours From o a. m. to 4 p. in. Practice limited to uncases or tno 5 UNDERTAKER AND DEALER IN FURNITURE, PARLOR SUITES, BED ROOM SUITES, Sc.. &c. Prices the very lowest, ijuawy oi goods tho best,, "Satisfaction guaranteed In every particular. Caskbts, Coffins and Shrouds Wo ha'e a full line which we will furnish at the lowest possiuio prices. Flour, Feed, &c, Of the choicest quality at very reasnnableprlces. Call ana ne convinced. JOSEPH P. REX, Aprl4-iy EAST WUIHSrUKT. Goal, Goal, Goa Eye.Ear, Nose & Throat trAiso, iteiraction oi ine Kyes lor tne aajust- mem oi glasses. 9 3 I havo Just oiwiieil a Coal "Yak! In connection Willi lll uuivt in iiiiiigi w constantly he found all sizes oi the BEST, OF COAL at nrlees Fully as Iiw as the Lowest. Give me a trial and bo Convinced. HENRY CHRISTMAN, Fort Allen Housu, iKeisspor Kalrbanks Standard Scales in Connection August as, -im AM) Horse Doctor, Office: Garfion House, Bank St. LgWeHIou TUc Cream of all Books of Adventuri 1 condenskd into One Volume. Disfiasos of Horse nnri Pattln. HEROES 8UCCESSEULLY TREATED. Special and Particular Attention paid to LAME1TES3 :-: SPAVINS, "Splints, Ringbone, And all diseases prevalent among Domesticated 1 DAHING 1 DEEDS Animals, Ilorse and Cattle Powdeis Prepared Suit able for each Case. lisultatlon FreeCharges Moderate. Ca.,3 SWITOHBAOK LEANZTNJi witch-Ml Goili Cure . ,i.A,A.t..it.in n,wi anivpiH rpmrdv 111 the olid Coughs, Colds. Cloup, lloarsenes. Whoop ing cough, Inlluenra, Sore I nroai, c. t rj n. FOR WHOSE BENEFIT Price, Twenty-Five Cents. GO TO SWEENY'S "Corner Store" !rF O RD Bottled Gherkins. Sweet Pick- es, Chow-Chow, Onions, Table Sauce, Horse-radish, .Cauliflow er, Catsup, Mixed Pickles, Cel ery Sauce, and all kinds of choice Jellies and table necessaries. In Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, &.c, ll'o lead, both In low prices and quality of nnmU flnr l.irn-n st neb Is (llsnl.ive.rt toad- .... in I vantaere. an Item wmcn purcnasers win certainly greatly appreciate. REMEMBER THE Corner Stoue,! LEHIGHT0N; PA. Its peculiar efflcncr Is due . ns much to the process and NOTHING gum in compounding as to itfci-r the Ingredients themselves. like, i 'jako it in time. Itchccks diseases lnllio outset, or If they be advanced wilt prove a potent cure. So Home stali lie flout It It takes tho place of n. doctor aud rostly pre scriptions. All who lead sedentary lhca will Dud It tho bcstDrevcntlvo at nnd curefor Indigestion, Constipation, Headache, Itlllousness, l'tles nnd Slcntal Kepresslon, No loss of time, no Interference with business while taking. For children it Is most In nocent and harmless. No danger from exposure niter taking. Cures Colic, Dl arrliron, JJowet Complaints, ITovorlsh ncss niul reverlsli Colds. Invalids nnd delicate persons will llnd It tho mildest Apcrlentnnd Tonlotheycanuso. Allttle taken at night Insures refreshing sleep and a natural evacuation of the bowels. A little taken 'In tho morning sharpens the appctlto, cleanses the stomach aud sweetens the breath.- A WniSICIAVS OPINION. "'I have been practicing medicine for twenty years and nave neter be-i able to put up a vegetable compound lh! would, like Simmons Liver Rcpilatoi prompdy and effectively move the Liver to action, and at the same time aid (instead of weak ening) the digestive and assimilative powers of the system." L. M. Hihtoh, M.D., Washington, Atk. Marks of Genuineness t Look for tho red Trade-Mark on front of Wrapper, and the Seal and Blgnature of J. H. .ellln & Co., in red, on the side. Take no other. E. F. Lttckbnbach PLAIN AND DECORATIVE PAPER HANG ING, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING , AND GRAINING. . Competent "workmen Sent to any part of the' county. It HADQU AKTEPS FOR Wall Pauers, Borders &Becorations. Ijtrgc nssottment, and the latest stjles. Boois, Stationery Fancy Goods WINDOW SHADES, .i All grade". Shade making and puttlng'up promptly attended to. Paints, Oil, Varnish,. Putty, Brushes & general Painters' Supplies. No. 61 Broadway Manch dim Pa Helnw the Broadway House, Money made easy manufactur ing Rubber Stamps.Send for price list of outfits, to J. F. W Dorma.i, No.21T East German St., naltl more.Md..U.S.A -OcL2Cm Tho undeislaned announces to the citizens of Lcbiebton and tho surrounding country that he lias opened a shop for thn Repair of Machinery! H. A. BELTS, JUSTICE OP THE PEACE, AGENT FOR FIRST-CLASS Fire, Life & Live Stock Insurance Such as Agilculiural Implements, Sharpen ing Lawn Mowers, Grinding Planer Knives, li,Uivri,tliii-1.'iilvp4. KMsKisrs. &o.; Steam Fit- tine and Pump Work, and manufacturing Grain Fans, Farm Rollers, Root Cutters, &c. All work guaranteed tit tho lowest prices. W. G. iVIITCHELL In Rear of Gabel's Hardware . Store. LEHIGHTON, Penna. April5. IV T ' : ! TAKEN IN TIME 1 Husband (first nlglit after returning from wedding tout) -I'm coins down tothe club to-night, lovp, and as I haven't seen the ilios forn long lime, I may be lafe, so Jou peedn't wait up for me ' Wife (who had been warned by her mother Hint Ihls crisis In the matrimonial blstory was sure to nrrlyo sooner or later) As yon hayo never left pie alono befote, llear, slnco our nralrlafic, Iain afraid I would feel very lonely hi your absence, so I think 1 will ro to-the theatlc. If you 'are homo before mc on need not watt up for I can let myself In with tho latch key. 11. Uut you cannot ro to tho theatre un attended, my loye. IK I will Hot be unattended. Cousin Jack Is home from his yatchitig cruise, 1 will call nni til tu and ak him to bo my es cort. If ho isn't In I will' find somebody else. You needn't worry about me, dear. H. (who used to bo dreadfully jealous of Cousin Jack) Your cousin Jack Is home then? 11'. Yes. And you reedn't tear that 1 shall be dull In his company. Jack Is very enlcrtalnlng, you Ijnow, H. (after pondering awhile) On second thought 1 don't think I'll go to tho club, love. ' ' , W. (demurely On second thought 1 don't think I'll go to tho theatre, dear. , SUE HELPED HIM OUT. An unkind story, even If Hue, was told mo while I was In lJnglaud of a young lady who man led a stuttering man, The joung man was undoubtedly a slu'- torlug of tho most positive order, fori havo heard him go through Iparoti sins to get out simple 'Good morning I' The lady.whom ho subsequently man led was of an cml ncntly practical turn of mind. No maiden modesty or bashf ulness cloyed her methods. She spoke to the point aud never left a thought unexpressed if she deemed It perti After lie had called upon her some three or four times she decided that It was about time for her to know' his Intentions. So the next time he called, after they had seated themselves as usual on tho sofa, she said quietly but firmly: 'Mr. Smith, I am very much flattered by the Interest jou have taken In me, and the flowers you havo just given me are very pretty, but I feel that I should pot bo doing my ditty If I delayed any longer asking you what vonr intentions are. IPhlther do these attentions and presents lead?' Young Mr. Smith rose to his feet and a blush rose to his cheek, IIo essayed to speak, for a moment his Hps aud tongue seemed paralyzed. Then he managed to get out 'M-M-M-M-M-y d-d-d-d-d-d' but ho could got no further. The d might have stood for any uumber of words, but illss Smith, justifiably perhaps, Interpreted if to stand-for darling and the youth's acute embarrassment to a.modest confusion In making a formal proposal. Anyway, she took Mr. Smith by the hand and, looking into his eyes, exclaimed: 'Mr. Smith, I appreciate your cmbarrasament, but I upderstand what you wish to say. You lnaj speak to papa, and If he approves so do I.' They were mauled .V few moths latcr.but Jr. Smith has never explained statlsfac- torily to his friends whether he studied In to matrimony of his own free will or against it. IAXA00R AXADORi Cures Liver Complaint, Bilious Affec tions, uoss oi Appetite, Sick eadache,btck Stomach, Gid diness, Costlve-nesSjDyspensIa, Kldnevtroublo and all delicate Femalo Com plaints. Sold overy whore. Price 25 cents. DREXEIiVpLOGNE Fragrant 1 Hp Lasting! The Leading Perfume forthe Toilet and Handkerchief. Sold by all dealers. Prico 25 ots. Ja telecranh and telenhono m-mnntlv at. lei.ueu io uperauoui Kitiiuuy l'eriormeu PRANK P. DIEHL, . NORTH STREET, , Practical B1acksniith& Horscshoer Is prepared to do all wotk In his line In the best manner nnd at the lowest prices, rieasocitll. novaa-so-iy. FACKERTON HOTEL, Mill way between Manch Chunk & Lchigliton, LEOPOLD MEYKlt, PROP'lt, PACKERTON, - . - TiixNi. This well-known Hotel Is admirably refitted, and iius too uest uceoiiuuouiiiiuns tor permanent anu transient boarders. Excellent Tables and the very best Liquors. Stables attached, septs-yl MANSION HOUSE Opposite L. fc 8. Depot, BANK STREET, - - LEHIGHTON, C. H. HOM, PROPRIETOR. This house otters flrst'-elass accommodations tor transient and permanent boarders. It has been newiy rennwim amis uepsrtmenis. ana is locat- ea in boroi iudi tlgars. tiia i,i mimr tiiK-piiiiires of ail ttie hero ex plorers and frontier lighters Willi inaians.oui- 1 - n,.,l .villi ImuttlA. nVfV Hlir WtlO O CDUIltrV. Irimi thn earliest times to tlio present. Lives and exploits of DeSoto, L:.Salle.StundIsh,I!oone, lr.K.tn,, iinwu- ('rnfktt. liiiule. Houston. Car- ion, Custer, California Joe. Wild Hill. Ilultalo mil nn,,--la hllts nml Ci-nnk. creut Inillai! chiefs, and scores of others. Splendidly illus trated wltli o nno engraving, abtoh ,"-"'ru, iinvni eeii.aiui ueats anvtninc to sen. urn tor pavments nllonvd Agents slioit of fund it Vjv?i 1'iin ni.. ltnv tAti.. lMillailelnhla.' " ' feblMm PATENTS!! "FRAMLIB H. HOUGH, Solicitor ot American & Foreian PateuU l)2.r) V st.. near V. S. I'atcnt Ofliee, WASHINGTON, D. C. All business before United States Patent Olllce attended to for moderate lees. Patents procured ,i.a iinttmi Ntiii.., sLiict nil Fureiirn Countries. trade MnrU ant Laitli registered. Rejected o..nii-itln,,u rAvlvffl mid iirnHeeiitetl. Inforinn- tlnn nnd advice as to obtaining Patents cheeiv lullv furnished without charge. . Send Sketch or Model for FrtKK opinion as to patentability. Copies of patents furnished or 25c. encn. 3T Correspondence solicited. ojio Special attention ot Farmers and others Is tailed to the liberal terms oitereu ny ino iii-.iuvr COUNTV MUTUAL LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE COMPANY, for which I am the agent for this County and neighborhood. Real Estate Asencv, Ee.al Estate Bought &SoU. Collections Promptly Made. Bank Street, Lehighton, Penna. aoe21,fJ-tf Dress the Hair WithAyer's Hair Vigor. Ita cleanli ness, beneficial effects on the scalp, and looting rverfume commend it for uni- uoraai toilet use. It keeps the hair soft and silken, preserves its color, prevents it from falling, and, If the hair has become weakbr thin, promotes a new growth. "To restore the original color of my . i.!- i,i,i, 1,11,1 turned nreinaturelv pray, I used Ayer's Hair Vigor with en tire success. I cheerfully testify to the Efficacy of this preparation." Mrs. P, H. David son, Alexandria, La. Lehighton Businesa Direotory. V Inn, hnil.se ill town. furniture always on hand. ed In one ot the most plcturesoue portions of the ougn, lerms moderate, rr- -mo UAlt is plied witu w enijicest Wines, Liquors and apr jj-yi T. J. BRETNEY Xespectfully announces to tho Merchants of 1 nlghton and others that he Is now prepared to At all kinds ot Hauling or Freight, Express A i -r, lau28-83 1UATTEK AND OAGGAGE .r (!iru'Al)T7 llnttV Hi li IttlleKt fUUll- 1'rlees very low. m a l-irriiltM. Sjloon and Restaurant. Bank W . Street. Fresh Imager always on tap. Oys- n season, iiroii in uuu cu us. ESRANG'S SHAVING SALOON, opposite the ADVOCATE Offick, Is headquarters for shavlngand haircutling. tgars touacco soiu GO TO FRS. RODUUER, nnder the Exchange Hotel, Hank Btreet, for a smooth shave or a tashlonablo hair cut. tf Closed on Sunday's. Roeder iiatrvonie, cures iiauumn, RELIARLEJEWFLEKi orp. ruuno square, AL. CAMPBELL, Jeweler and Bank Street, Lehighton, Penna. Respectfully Invites the attention of Ids friends amlthe citizen generally io ins nnmeinc . new stock of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewely, at Prices that defy competition. It will pay you to call and Inspect niy sWck before purchasing elsewhere. REPAIRING Promptly done at lowest charge, and all work guaranteed, uoii'i ronci me race. SIGN OF THE BIG WATCH, Uank St.,' Lehighton. cDermber 17,o37ly out was T was afflicted some three years with scalp disease. My hair was falllni .,. ..matnnil turned p-rAV. J induced to try Ayer-s nan v igur, in a few weeks the disease in my scalp disappeared and my- hair resumed Its original color."-Kev.)"S. 8. Sims, Pastor U, 13. Church, St. Bernlce, Ind. " A few years ago I suffered the entire loss of my "hair from the effects of tetter. I hoped that after a time nature would f- inn tint I waited in vain. Many remedies wero suggested, none, however, with such proof of merit as Ayer's Hair Vigor, and I began to use it, The result was all I could have desired, froof of merit as I began to use it. could have desired. A growth of hair soon came out all over niv head, and crew to be as soft and heavy as I over had, and ot a natural color; and firmly set."-J. H. Tratt, Spofford, Texas. Ayer's Hair Vigor WOODEN TOOTHPICKS. A toothpick factory is one of the flourish ing woodworking establlsments at Habor Springs, .Mich., and It is one of the largest factories of the kind in the country. White -bitch is exclusively used In the manufac ture of the toothpicks, and about 7,600,000 of the handy little splinters are turned out daily, The logs are sawed up into bolts each as Inches In length, then thoroughly steauied and cut up lute long ribbons, three inches In width, and these ribbons, eight and ten of them at a time, are run tnorouj thn toothnick machinery, coining out at the other end, the pcrfact pieces falling 1l to ihe basket, the basket, the broken pieces ai;d refuse falling into auolhijr. Tho picks are packed Into boxes, 1500 In a box-, glils, mostly comely looking young squabs and are then packed into casos and finally into big boxes, ready for shipment to all p ins of the world. Tlio while birch tooth picks are very neat aud clean in appearance sweet to the taste and tbero la a wide mar ket for tl. em. The goods sell at the factory at 1.00 it case of 160,000 picks, uf 100 small boxes each coutaiulng 1&00, and tho small boxes retail at five cents each, or 300 picks for omi cent, at which rate almost every- qody can afford to take a fresh toothpick after each meal. SALVATION Oil Price only SB ci Sold by all druggist!. Will relievo Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swelings,F,'uises,LumbagofSprains, Headache, Toothache, Sores, aurns, Wounds, Cuts, Scalds, Backache, Frostbites. Chapped Hands and Face, Gout, or any bodily pain or ailment. nucwLANGE'S PLUGS, Thn Great lobaccoAn It tlttY tldote. Price 10 Ctt. At all aruggtett. 'iHE DAY OF GRATITUDE. MAltVU. IlltlNK. O! day o.I special prayer and praise, When grateful hearts to Ood we raise For mercies which so freely now From-HW bright throne for men below, Dear day, glad day. how best may we MaKo thy swift hours moreblesscdjic? Ah! let us' to the Father turn Awl "Im lug kindness" from H'lm Icain, And then to all His whlshes true, Tho work He loved, we'll try to do. Aro there no sorrowing near .it hand? Aro theio no waiting ones who stand Without our doors no eyes where .tears Betray the heait's sad griefs nnd fears'.' Then let us weep with them awhle, Till sympathy brings back a smile To tho sad faces, and their eyes Turn to the sunshine In tho skies, And feel tho shadow s less and less As grow s our warmth of tenderness. Thus will thine h urs, dear day of love Aud prayer and praise to (lod above, More blessed be for man below. And bring to Christ more near, we. know. So welcome, thou Thanksgh Ing Day! Roll all our selllsh thoughtsawav, And malte us loving, kind and true, Christ's loye onrgulile in all we do. I hate them all pmtid, cold, unjust. Jlost of all I hate him his brother bill they shall pay dear for overy word If I have power to wreak my vengeance.'' She rose, and with whlto face and gleam Ihg eyes paced tho floor, tearing Into strips tho letter she had just read. Shs would never forget that lino morn ing when crushed and vengeful, she crepl away, like a black shadow, from the door of Hartley Villa, . 'Mnurlee,rwo have a neighbor," said Elena, ono day In September. "Tho pretty collage Is occupied at last, Jfrs. Hnrlo is the tenant's name a widow, and such a lovely woman," "All I you have seen her?'' "Vcs; I was passing, and she stood near the gate) my scarf raught on a spray In the hedge, and she assisted me to disengage It. She Is so beautiful, with the all and grace of a duchess." "Why, yon are enthusiastic," said her brother, smiling. "I must be. You will not wonder when- yon see her," replied Elena. "She will bo at church to-morrow. I never saw a face so sad and sweet, so pure and perfect; and she is but little older than myself, Eyes of deepest violet, Maurice, and wavlue,bronze hair, and a smile that creeps straight to your heart. I could not refrain from com menting on her youthful appearance, even In the sablo garments sho wears. 'Yes,' she said, 1 have been a widow but a few months, aud a wife, less than a year.' Sho lives there with a companion and her ser vants; wo must mako friends with Iter, Maurico." .Vamk'o smiled, and made a careless answer; lull lie looked eagerly for the stranger the next day at church. When he saw her In her black robes, with Iter pure, sweet face, and air of devotion, he fell a strange emotion he could not keep his gazo from her. How fair she was, with the delicate flush on her cheeks, the droop ine, dark-lashed eyes, and shining hair, ll'hen shnsang, he thought, she resembled St, Cecilia; and even after ho had reached his home, his thoughts wero all of her. Elena Hartley and the young widow be came firm friends; Jrs. Earlo did not par ticipate In social gayctlcs, otcourso, but she drove often and rode horseback superbly; I and when she Indulged in the latter past- time, handsome .Maurice often accompan ied her. Hon, Jr. Harry V. Morthimer - -HANK NTREK r. J1 00 Per Year In Advanoo ' lleslnrttcitlslug medium in thornunty. Kvery description of Plain aiid Fancy JOB PRINTING l very low prices. We do lint hesitate tp'say that we nro better cqnpiicd than any other printing establishment in this section to do first-class Job-work, In all Its branches, at low prices. 1 w rt m. w i i i, iU m r n " X r: r to hi Philad'a for A.C.YATES &Oo., SIXTH & CHESTNUT, LEDOEH nUIIilHNG. Scpt.B, 18SS. .. When r.lshup Hcher's fambfiS mlssioV ary hymn, 'From Greenland's -fcyjfom tains,' which he wrote In &4 'wh'cnih' Ctsylon, first reached this country, ladjlft Charleston was much impressed wltlWe' beauty of it, and was particularly anxious to find a tunc suited to It. She Tansackcd her music in vain, and then chancing to re member that in a bank down ihe 'street was a young clerk who had considerable reputation as a Musical genius, nlie sent her son with the hymn to the clerk with the request that he write a tune to fit It. -In just half an hour tlio boy came' back with the hymn, and the melody thus dashed off in hot haste Is to-day sung all overfill? world and Is Inseparably connected' with the hymn. The young bank clerk was f.owell Mason. Fatal Neglect The breaking of tho smallest wheel in .a mainniniilli nicttirv.if not repaired or renlac- Sho was a woman of means; that was wl ,. 0 WMtro ng -apeck of evident by the elegant-appointments of her . , ... .wp tUaiMia., maChlneiV of a watch- Wero people as thoughtful to re palrtlicirbmken health on the first approach nfdifcase, as tho owner is to mend his machinery, they would escape jndescriable suffering, and ofleu death. Slight causes home and the lavish gifts she made in the name of charity; she was rarely learned I and accomplished, and of dellcaterclino- ment; she possessed the art of pleaslng,and made friends of every one. In the spring she put on toucln-s of whlto HER YBNGEANCE. IIV GU1NKIIVH.- i It was a solemn, sad-faccd group that oc cupied the morning room of Hartley Villa early one flno day; an elderly woman of arUtocratic mien, a darkly handsome young man and a slender girl. The last wore tlio plainest traces of grief, for her cheeks wero wan and her eyes dark circled; once in awhile her sensative Hps quivered, and sho clasped and unclasped her hands In a nervous way. "To think wo could not eyen look upon his faco," sho said quaveringly. "Hurled In a strange land with only one mourner to attend hlin oh, Marvin, my brother, if we had only known." 'Ij not give wa' so, Elena," said Mrs. Hartle. "It could not lie the fever was contagious and Immediate burial neccs saij." "And we thought he would be with us this week Instead, only that sad letter from -from his wife." Her yoke faltered over the last words, ami a faint flush dyed her checks; her mother sat erect with dilated nostrils. "I cannot recosnize her as such lie was nnd to. wed her," she said. "For hi sake o would have tpleratcd her. though we shrunk from the meeting; but now -now ff- FBEFABED BY Dr. J. C. Aver - Co., Lowell, Boll by Druggists snd Perfumcri, J Mas. vet y reasonable prices- ny pr ornndonrlraep all orders he hopes to merit a shareot pubt Ic ion ace. Residence- corner ot Plue and Iron eei, inignton. rdors left at Sweeny & Son s Sorner Store I recelde prompt attedtlou' ur. 11, St V. .1. nRETNEY. Contractor anil BnlUer. (Next door to Reuben Fenstermacher'sl LEniOU STREET, LEHIOHTON. ly. mllll CARBON ADVOCATE OFFICE, Hank JL street, plain and taney jou priming a ipeei- ADVOC ATE vno uuiiui 1.1 jr.,. i,,.uv. For Newest Designs and Most Styles of Fnshlonab1'" T W, RAUDENDUSH.nank street, wholesale J , dealer 111 cnoicc brandies, wines, &c. dealer In choice nrands ot whiskies, gin, raironage souciwmi, Our Churches. ETHOD1BT EPISCOPAL. South Bank street, vices P.m. M1 bund ay Schuol KnnrtHv eer vices at 10 a. n.. and 7.30 ft. services, io a. in., (Herman), 7.30 p. ln (Euk- -a-. nEFORMKD, Leuigii street, aunaay services Xb at 10 a. m., (Uerman), 7 JO p. m., (English), buuaay scituui p. m. THVANOELI0AL, South street, Sunday services av lu a. ni., tueruiuuj, j.p. iu. Sunday school 3 p. m. A. S. KtiM:, Pastor CATHOLIC, comer Northampton ana. coal streets, services every Sunday -morning and I evening. Rev. Hammauke Pastor. DRESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. SILVERWARE, &c, &c GO TO R. H. SNYDER, Bank Street, Lehighton. Goods guaranteed aud pricis as low els. whete for lh6ame quality of goods. July 18, 1885-ly It ttaii Cowper Is pionotinced Cooper. Flavlanus established lbs first choir at Antloch. A sea cf seltzer water lias been dis covered under'Saratoga, N. Y. The oldest known manuscript is part of tho Iliad, found In upper Egypt. The largest artificial basin for docking and repairing the hulls of ships in the U, S. is being completed at Newport News Va. It Is 600 feet long, 130 feet wide, with a depth of 25 feet over the sill at high tide, It is furnished with pumps that can empty it In two and a half hours. TRADE Weissport Planing Mill, MANUFACTURER OF Window and Doom Frames, Doors, Shutters, Winds, Sashes, Mouldincs, Brackets, AND DEALER I!H WANTED AGENTS pat TfTT nunWWS !UDU-lUiw...w . I . tsp n n ti 1 T V 'Kim n rfimn imm. - I JI4 MM va ' w SOMETHING HEW t'laus and specifications, aud probable cost ot butldlnss. furnished upon application. All work ltmdrinr promptly attended to Unukh the sun. wmcn iving sMiio mon never heard of a clothes unr that requires xocuvtues keener wants It. Sample seut by mall. 6 feet for 5 ets., i leeuuroucw. riipn a....-. ... WANi BU ri'U TII1H COPNTV. Auurras, mm MAM it. BOND & CO.. Maiiufartuiiug Agent ,. v .1 . .1.. .... Ana-,.M i.tpn. Rilarvanu ex- Dw? ' .S.y X, UViiiSrVnT siflifaet on penses, or wjiuiubsiwi. .. ir !.nvnirt to customers and agents, . vv rite tm- f,,.rii,tlv fnr terms. State age. Address It- O. UI1AB- - W,, 1 o South Penn Square, rhladelphla renna. aug. ii sw. Shingles, Pailings, Hemlock' Lumber, &c, &c Subscribe forth Advocate. I Very Lowest PHceS w m r " on r- RM-dypaIN FOR MAN AND BEAST. x o w V m 5. 3 JNiA o 2. S 5T r-s v35 o 8 t -n m 3 o fvT 8 1 g. g- g V.I r 5 S to JL 2 I s G S V g S a. 1 1-vV' 5 1 ' t I Eg ? p e- e o and lavender with her mourning, and looked lovlier than ever, lly that time Maurice Hartley was'at her feet, m'ctaph .orlcally,spoaklng. And how delicately she .encouragod him how she fanned his loye into mad adoration by the witching spell of Iter beauty and every art.. she. possessed. He was her lover her slave ;ncvcr did man love, woman with stronger passion than bound the heart and soul of Maurice Hart ley. At last ho avowed his love-, and waited with beating heart for her answer; she looked at him with cold e; ps, and then smiled scornfully. "I am glad success is mine," she said. "I came hero to win your loye, Maurice Hait ley, and now I shall go away hoping my memory wili ever torture you. I be lieve you aro a man who loves deeply; If so, tu yengeance Is more complete." "Vengeance!" ho gasped. "Yes. I am not Mrs. Earle, but Justine Hartley, your brother's widow." Then she told him of the day sho had come to his homo and overheard the cruel words that drove her thence, and how sho had vowed venj;eanco, trusting to her tare beauty and charms lo aid her, Sho thought he would creep abashei from her preseace, but Instead he faced her boldly. "You speak falsely," liesaid. "Sou are not tlio woman Marvin married," "I am; I can nroye ill" slip answered, yet dismayed at his words. " H'hat do you mean?" "We have her portrait, she was a poor glrl,a gambler's daughter coarse-featured, Inmiodeslly-clad woman." "I do not.imderslaud," faltered Justine. a speculator, ami l sup- will sometimes derange the digcslivcorgans, on whose healthy action the health of the whole system so much depends, and feverish blood, headaches, and consumption jtstlf, set in.- The wiso person will at once urrest the cause of'these unhealthy svmp,toms,resojting to that" world-funied remedy! I)r. icrce's Golden Medical Discovery, which purine's, tho'.blood and ''cures livelr disease Of'-nll druggists. - rf'1 A man who formerly acted as- fireman to a locomotlvo refers to his recollections of that time as tender reminiscences. Answer This Question. Nu. Why do so many people we sec iriiiindlw seem to prefer to suffer antf be made nilsei aMe by Indigestion, Constipa tion, Dixjiineis, Loss of Appetite, Coming Up of the Food, Yellow Skin, when for .75 ecu l-We will mII thorn Stiilolv's System Vi!ili.r, giuiraiUi cd to' cure them, Sold by T. D. Thomas, l.i higliliui, . Biery,Weifs-fmri- ' ' Ail "accessory after tim fact," William Henry, is nothing more nor less than a common every day newspaper reporter. SUiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Shiloh's Cal.inli Iti'inoily, a marvelous cure for catarrh, iliiihihi-ria canker mouth, ami hend-ailie. Willi oadSi buttle there is .in ingenious niisil in.u-eijir lor iiie-mor siiircfni trrntmcnt f ll'"-o complaints without extra chargj'. l'nt-i.-a),ooUlrby T. I). TliOma-s l.cliijjlilnii, W. Illcry, Veiss port. A building lot In an Kwt Endrayina bears tills sign: "Drop a cartload of dirt In this lot and see it (ill up." Kuplnre euro guaranteed by Dr. J. II. Mayer mi Arch hlieet, rinla. Ease id once, no opera tluu or business delay. Tliousands cured. Send for circulars. MY , , t - ' A Jcilne senilis has discovered, lhat Mv father was that Marvin Is dead, I feel that we may Ig- 0,ed Ulal ,va3 ,vhat yon meant but tho nore the claim." picture; lei me see It." 'Did the wtlto aught to imply that she t s at my home," he sald;and anhour Intended to visit us?" asked the yomie illter r,mr people were looking upon a wo man. . man's portrait at Hartley Ilia, a portrait, ,,,,, i nremivllle. and oilier ma "No; and I will give her lo uiideistand ,. bo., MPS ani ,Met iowol-hung l .,. ,, arAnerlinciilliiir with U, I. t. ...... 1... ... I . . "' " , . .- in my rcpiy inav n is ,uui, my iuwumuh n. I si,oulders. receive her-now or at any future lime. jfa,(.ni0sclla Etta, a noted Paris ... . w. . ,,.. liml llost,ivo clIre for "She must feel, very sad," tald hlena ,... ...i.i ,i.. wi,i0w. "Can you not n,i9rr. .llnlitherla. canker- mouth, and sympathetically. understand? -Man In sent this out of a head-ache, .Shiloh's catarrh rented. "Oil, yes, I suppose so; hit-, I ilaie say, , ., f ullsci,ie(, and she married him for position. A gambler s ,hal ile maiie ms nving daughter-ou, wnai was mo poor '" ci,anco, to mislead you. It was wrong of i.vi,iL,.,(m. Ilien- Weis--iKirt, thinking of?" him. but he was always doing those things. ; 3 And a coarsu creBtuie, without any ,ln .i.,,,.,,!,, t0 .wk you and then enjoy Willatd l'erkln of Waterbury Coon beauty to recommend her," said Maurice. onnsternatlon wlicn he arrived. And has recivml tho trophy anpually given to . . ,, . i. !.i 4 . . - . I .. 1 tj- lr.-r. A . . "I oil are ngui, luouu-r sue nmi nu,, ,011 d d not understand, ami 1 now una Heaviest meiuoer m mo r, . nn.,i,i 1 know it was Mademoiselle EtU soclatlon of ihe Slate. .Ur. Perkins weighs you condemned." 'Ob, how could we know that Marvin's wife was such a lovely woman," said Ele na, embracing her. Justine looked at Afaurlce; would ha not think her a cruel, vengeful woman after How could he know she loved him? could not, come here. 1 wouiu not, nayo r.iei a brought into daily contact with ji woman of her stamp undoubtedly an adventur ess." "I did not admire iter portrait,' Elena, "but sho may haye been charming." What! witli such bold eyes and a coarse said very spruce sawdust is an excellent; jubslitute for sand lit making common mortar for plastering houses. Ho lias used It In mak- sent this out of a head-ache, Shiloh's catarrh rented , A. wrote of my father Nasal injector free with each TMittle. Use 1 f itifyou deMro health and sweet bre.ath. Ing at the game of r,() eei.ts. Sold by T. P.. Thomas, 43.1 pounds. There's notlilng llko leather, excepting, of courso tlto upper crust of the "rc-img wifo's first pie. ' "". mouth, she has the faco and taste In dress gIie t sofl t0 ,,,s Ma nmi rage,i i,er . f -tnr-A- l'.irr Marvin was Hlffltll. I 01 a vaio oiuiiv.. wv, w , , ated he was always rather weak. "ForclVe- me," said she: and when be "irell, his death relieves us of all re- ciaiped her hand he knew that her heart sponslbility in that direction," said Mrs. as h,Si anJ Umt j1Pr venceauce would Hartley. "1.01 us iorSei. 't'p"'" ayu wrecked her life as well as his own. - .Tha frultg of tSSenslon are misalliance. 1 snail respoun w kiku An English admiral, says; "It is true, the life-eayingbervieoof Ainerica is not equated anywhere in (lie world." It iialso true that Ayer's Cherry I'eetoral saycH.iwinnually, ihiusnnd of lives. InvaliiaBlerin sudden colds, throat and lung troubles. - po doubt That woman again. marble, and has had the gem set cutting in a heavy oh ring. Lapidaries say that though such finds are unusual, this Is by no means the first on re did gtaudma and there my duty ends. must never come hero." "You are right."' jald Jatirico "Let her remain In her own sphere." So the subject was dismissed, and a cold, ly-formal letter sent over the water to the vouns widow of Marvin Hartley. Riramre to sav. when she received it, she cord In tha room of a Hotel but a few miles -Child-Why, mamma from Hartley Villa. She read it with a live to be 100 year old? gleam in bereyes and a curl of her lips. Mamma Yes, dear, she was never sick "Sol they think Hits Is the end," she In her life, said aloud. "They do not know ths spirit "Didn't have to take medlelno?" of the gambler's daughter. They do not "No" know how, weary and sad, I sought them, The next day. trusting to find sympathy, and on the very Child Oh 1 doctor, I beard such a funny threshold of their home was arrested by the thing about my grandma, yesterday, words that stunned me into silence; how I Family rbyslclan What was that? -. ..wi the while thev stabbed me by thalr . "She never took any asdlclne an' she . "7 .n.;ne,i hitter tnnh lived to be lpo years old." UUCl tlWlU.) Hl ' ' - - ------ Dayld Wtngrove, a marble woikcrof put up In family jars. Baltimore, not long since found a valuable -'Meantlme'-that ono when another diamond Imbedded In a big block of Italian fellow lugged off your girl. without Ths Verdict Unanimop.1. V. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus, Ind., testi fies; "1 cau recommend Electric Bitters us the very Iwst remedy. Every bottle sold lias given relief In every case. One man look six bottles, aiid was cured of Rheuma tism of 10 years' standing," Abraham Hare, druggist, llellvile, Ohio, afiirnis; "The beit selling medicine I haye over handled in my 20 years' csperienre. is Electric Bitters." Thousands of thers have added their tostl nionv, o that tha verdict is unanimous that Electric Hitters do cure all jli.etisepf the Liver, Kidneys or JUoou. voir " "" Ur a Irattle at T. D. Thomas' Drug store. It seems hardly fair to ask a person t !ly downrlgnt weil on an upright puwo. Ituarautoed. fid fuUhtatffMrd.wuen i-18 ritlladelphU, r, i m:k uox v&h J)-'
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