GreatReductlon WALL PAPER! WHITE 33LANBJS, From 5c. to 12o. per roll. ELEGANT GOLD PAPER, From 12c. to 50c. per roll. Fine Gilt Emteei Pa?crs( From 20c, to $1 per roll. Colored Borders at one-third the regular price. Gilt Borders and Decorations t half the usual price. "Window Shades, complete with spring roller, 38c. and up. A full and complete line oi Fringes from 14 to 75c. per yd Curtain Poles, complete at 40c. and upward. faints, Olli, "Varnish, Brushes find Palnt- tn Supplies a specialty. Taper hang Inc. PJaln and Decoratlyo House and Sign Fainting, Graining. ALT. WOUK UnAHAHTEKD A. Bayer, MlHm BANE ST., LEIIIGHTON. Estate Notice. Xttat ot JACOB SMITH, latooITowamenstnc Township, Carbon county, Ta., deceased. Jitters of administration having been granted to the onderslened In the abovo recited estate, B persons indebted to said estate are requested to sake Immediate payment, and those having lef&l claims will present the name without delay la roper order (or settlement to ABRAHAM SMITH, Administrator, VltuutCnnitr. Mahonlner twD..Caihou co..r.1. AS WE CLIP HUMOROSITIES. -HAVE YOU BEEN AT- Grimley's Carpi Store : Women aro naturally truthful, espccl- allr when they aro talking about another women that they don't like. Murk ntnnv u in inn crorcerv uusi-i . .. .. . . ... a.i..... t..i,.i.i. i. . vi He lias tlio agency lor Uie brst carpet-swocner in tlie world viz: UV31 fc '.1.". . IUV.UIJ V llVJ-.J l nWvu I w w stock of taffy and chewing gum to draw the Clcopatronage. Hli II, 1 ,'DId you go to church yesterdayi1" "No." "Why not?" "Well, my hearing Is so bad that there's no use In going. Can't understand what the preacher says." "By the way, Qulnby Is going to give a great speech to-night. He'll roajt the Ad ministration brown." "Is that so? I'll have to hear that." A cannon-ear Pat Gllmore. Dred lathe bane .Marrows. Bound to go up A magazine. A gato that never closes Bllllnsgate. An III word Sick. Dress the Hair 0F interestto farmers. .99 Ho has INGHAIN CARPET at 25 cents ; BRUSSELS at 50 cents a yard and up wards. A GOOD WINDOW SHADE, ready on roller, at 40 cents. Largest size Galvanized-hound Wash Tub, $1.60 ; second size, 1.2o ; third size, DOcst. He takes Carpet Rags in Exchange and deals honorably with all. BnoMea's Arnica Balvo. The Tjcst salvo In the world lor cuts, bruises, sores,ulcers,salt rlmem.f ever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chllblands, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re- lunued. 1'nco zoc. per dox, at i nomas'. J. M. GRIMLEY, 804 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENT0WN, PA, T his Attorney, li. it. VII Chunk, fa. march3l-6vC A GENTS WANTED ! ! To canvass for one of the largest, oldest estaousnea, utbi unuwjm hukooii TKSIn thn mnntrv. Most liberal terms. Bneoualled facilities. GENEVA NUU8K11Y. fettbllshed 1H8. W. & T. SMITH, GENEVA, B. Y. aprl4-teow SA liKSMDII WAKTED. Permanent positions I guaranteed with SALARY and EX- TENSES PAID. Any determined man can suo- f ted with us. Peculiar advantages to beginners. tck complete. Including many fast selling specialties. Outfit free. Address at once. (Name this paper) BKOWN BROTHEKS, KcmsnnTMEy, Rochester, N. Y. april 28 iia A skipping ropo has Just been patented In England which plays music, the act of turning the rope setting In motion a small musical box which Is fixed at the end of one of the handles. William Spencer entered Into his fourth matrimonial venture recently at the ago of 78, while his bride, aged 74, is In dulging In her sixth. Both are In robust health. They live at Shelbyyllle, Indiana. Bismarck received 101 plovers' eggs on his recent birthday. Plovers' eggs are a favorite delicacy with the Chancellor, and every year on his birthday a large number I aro sent him from the country. JU"rs. L. L. Sherman of Great Fallf, Montana, secured a divorce from her hus band recently, and Immediately married her lawyer. At the reception which fol lowed the wedding, her ex-husband was 'said to be one of the blithest dancers. Jraines For The .NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. A NERVE TONIC. Celery and Coco, tho prominent In. credlenu, are tho best and ar.fost Nerve Tonics. It strengthens and quiets the nervous system, curing Nervous Weakness, Hysteria, Sleep lessness, &e. AN ALTERATIVE. It drives out the poisonous humors of tho blood purifying and enriching 1 1, and so overcoming thosa diseases resulting from Impure or Impover ished blood. LAXATIVE. ActtngmUdlyrratturelyonthobouti-i It cures habitual constipation, and promotes a regular habit. Itstrenirth ens the stomach, and aids dlgnthn. DIURETIC. In Its composition the best and raot active dlurettesof thcMateriaMcdlca are combined scientifically with other effective remedies for diseases of the kidneys. It can be relied on to give quick relief and speedy euro. nandrada of taattmonlals have been repaired Tram persons who have need this remedy with temarkable benefit, bind for circular, tiring fall panloniars. Mil 11.00. told by Cntttltl. WELLS, RICHARDSON &CO., Prop's BURLINGTON, VT. With Ayer'a Hair Vigor. Its cleanll. noss, beneficial effects on tho scalp, and lasting perfume commend It for unl versal toilet Use. It keeps tho hair soft and silken, preserves Its color, prevents it from falling, and, it tho hair has become wcakpr thin, promotes a newgrowiu. "To restore the original color of my hair, which had turned prematurely cray, I used Ayer's Hair Vigor with en. tire success. I cheerfully testily to the Efficacy nf this nrcnaratton-." Mrs. P. H. David- son, Alexandria, La. O " I was afflicted somo threo years w itu scalp disease. My hair was falling out and what remained turned gray. 1 was induced to try Ayer's Hair Vigor, and In a few weeks the disease in my scalp disappeared and my hair resumed Its original color." (ltov.8. S. 81ms, Xastor u. u. uuurcu, oh. iiuiuiuu, auu. A fnw vAnrs nrra I suffored tho enttro loss of my lialr from tho effects of tettor. I hoped that after a time nature would repair tho loss, but I waited in vain. Many remedies wero suggested, none, however, with such proof of merit as Ayer's Hair Vigor, and I began to use It. The result was all I could have desired. A growth of hair soon came out all over my head, and grew to bo as soft and heavy as I over had, and ot a natural color, and flrmly et."-J. II. Pratt, Bpofford, Texas. Ayer's Hair Vigor, FAErAUKU HI Dr. J. C. Aver & Co., Lowell, Man, Bold by Druggists and Ptrfumsrs. i'm -v 1 WALL Wo Tell Yon Plainly that Simmons Liver Regulator will rid you of Dyspepsia, Headache, Constipation, and nil!...' '.. 't. .-ill l I DlHUUBUirMS. .11 will uruaiv up viiiiib rvuu fever and prevent their return, and is a complete antidote for all malarial poison yet entirely free from quinine or calomel. Try It. nnd you will he astonished at the good results of Simmons Liyer Regulator. Miss Kate Bishop, an actress in Aus tralia, wears a silver bracelet on her left arm night and day. Her only sister locked It there before, she sailed for America to get married. The ship went down with 'all bands and tho key Is with the drowned girl. Lawn balloons Is a novelty in games, and meant as cricket for ladles. Light balls and equally light bats are used Instead of the hard balls and heavy bats employed In cricket. No bowllug Is required, while stooping Is also rendered unnecessary, and a largo number can play It. A bird's nest was found recently In South Africa In a skull, probably that of somo unfortunate Kaffir. One portion of New Tailorin g Establishment! TO THE PEOPLE OF WEISSPORT mi VICIH1TY Tjpon Invitation from somo of the representative citizens of your town, I haye decided to open a Tailoring Establishment in Weissport. Jy knowledge of making Garments was gained principally In the City of New York. I am also h graduate of the Cutting Schools of that city. And after Years of practice In both Cutting and Making Custom Clothing in somo of the best houses in both New York and Philadelphia I thluk I mav assure vou that all work entrusted to-iny caro shall be equal at least to the best obtainable In your neighborhood. Mfr-aiVE MK A TRIAL2 Very Respectfully, JAMES OLIVER, 13 "WEEKS. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed curely wrapped, to any address In tho Unl ed States for threo months on receipt oi One Dollar. Liberal discount allowed to imslmntlf rs. agents and clubs Sample copras mailed free I Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, Hay 80,1885-ly Franklin Squarb, N. Y PATENTS!! FRAHKLiB II. HOUGH, Mini nr nf AtnM'imii Vnrmon MtPiiit VUHUllUJ Ut 111UU11UUU U. AU1V1&U 1UIUUU 825 F st., near U. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. C. All business before United Slates Pateut OBlce attended to for moderate fees, ratenis procureo in nm united Mtnies ana an I'Oruimi uoumnes. trade Warts ant Label! registered. Heiectea ippllcatlonn revived and prosecuted. Informa- ion nnu nuvice ni to outlining rumus i-utrer uuy mrnisneit wiiiioutcnarce. enu dkuicu ui Model for Fitters opinion as to vntentaniutv. Copies of patents furnished for 25c. eacn. tSf Correspondence solicited. I eor All new Spring Styles now in stock. All new goods in a new store. All old goods were sold out nt the skull had already fallen away, expos auction, Elept White Back Papers, 5e. 7c. 10c. and 12c. Per Piece. BROKE, Have opened up their immense, now stock of Spring and Sum- Elegant Gold Papers, 15c. and 30c. Per Piece. Eleorant M Mori Paiiers, I6c. and 1.00 Per Piece?. Pelts and Ingrains, 30c. and 60c. Per Piece. lng the hollow cavity of the head, when the I Cape wagtails in search of a sheltered and cosey place selected it for their nest. land, after giving an exhibition in Coat- mer Goods, including all that is new, novel and beautifuj in men, one of whom was his dlscared wife. YV OrBLGUB, VilSblUierUS, UOUKSd'O W8, a, . i a. J a 1 i" t. .t If. I ' I jkVivuiL juiciupieu lu ujtutc UU uut 1119 wiie i . t n n uneyiors, 5cc, (SC., which they will make-up in suits the latest style and best work manship observed at wonderfully low prices. I stuck to him, and while upbraiding him for lils unfaithfulness so belabored him that the police had to bo called to his assistance. Age U forgotten in dotage. Always full. Black Maria. Samples .and estimates sent free. Ex perienced workmen sent to all parts of 'the ty and country. All goods warranted free trosi arsenic, perfect, and full length. M. Merigan, 1223 MARKET ST., W..W8 Philadelphia. kidneys have failed to remove. Ayer's Sar- saparilla stimulates all the organs to a prop- per performance of their functions. 4i B O d " a eh EH W tg 1 rr r-2 & A last resort, McSwynny's. Few men ever caro to taste the rod. Jee lady's mite. Short and straight. Indifference always wins, especially with women. The man who succeeds himself Is a successful man. A gum band A crowd of dentists. Love in a cottage Is sweet, but try It first In a free stone front. Time flies when you're In a hurry; he sits still when you're not. The Golden Rule Ij to let others do unto you as you would be done by. Love laughs at locksmiths because 'It holds the combination. to 02 EH h .2 8 era tJ r a ti 2 S cJey to w rrl et r-t ins L. ' w w mat v M DO I b I i - I ft St o W M ft PS o w n3 O rH CO O I bought medicine in thirteen States, but I nothing helped me till I used Ely's Cream Balm. In four days I could hear as well tu ever. I am cured of catarrh as well. It is the best medicine ever used. Garrett Widrick, Hastings, N.Y. I could scarcely sneuk: it was almost Im possible to breathe through my nostrils. Using s (Jream Ualm a short lime the I troublo entlrelv disappeared. J. U. Tich- enor, Shoe Merchant. Elizabeth, N. J, The man who writes a beginning letter puts gall In his Ink. Cattle men mark their stock with a brand from the burning. Pillllcs makes strange bedfellows, but they don't get much sleep. It Is to bo presumed that the Chrltlan- Ued Indian are all Lo church people. There Is no place where' stylo counts so llttlo as in the lining of a pocketbook. "Dead man tell no tales," and dead men paint no pictures, or women either, as for that matter. it a young man teeis tnat his lire is a blank he should try to fill It out and have It sworn to. A Chicago woman has not spoken to her husband for three years, and he wants a divorce. If that Is not Ingratitude, what Is? Day after tbe wedding: "Harry, dear, now that we are married there should bo no secrets between us, so please hand me tbe bottle of hair dye you will nnd on my dressing table." "John, dear, do they play base ball by electricity?" "Wiry, oi course not. ii'tiat inaile you think of such a thing?" "Ob, nothing; only I saw In the paper that the Boston Baseball Club had paid (20,000 for a battery. Shake hand on all occasions. No surer way of rising. Simple politeness A bough of a tree. Always put off till to-morrow what jou don't care to do to-day, Tbe orchard Is a fruitful source of I profit. For happiness In this world there Is nothing like keeping up a light heart and owning a healthy liver. Tbe population of Texas Is bound to double up soon. Tbe watermelon season I has opened with a boom. Shorts ribs rigs.; AMAH UNACQUAINTED WITH TUB GEOGRAPHY OF THE COUNTRY, WILL OBTAI MUOH VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y. Its control position nnd closo connection wltn Eastern lines at Chicago and continuous Unas at terminal nointiis. West. Northwest, and South west, make It tho true mld-llnk In that transdontinantal chain of steel which unites the Atlantic and Pacific. Its main lines and branches include Chi cago, Jollet, Ottawa, LaSallo, Peorlu, Qonosoo, Mollne and Rock iBland, in Illinois; Davenport, Muscatlno, WnsUlucton, Fairfield, Ottumwa, Oskalooea, villo, Audubon, Harlan, Guthrio Centra and Council Bluffs, In Iowa; Gallatin, Trenton, Camoron, St. Josoph and Kansas City, in Missouri; Leavenworth and Atchison, in Kansas; Minneapolis and St. Paul, in Minnesota ; Water town and Sioux Falls in Dakota, and many other prosperous towns and cltloa. It also otters a OBOIOB OF ROUTES to and ft-ora tho Paclflo Coast and inter mediate placoB, nmklnc all transfers In Union depots. Fast Trains or rlno DAY COACHES, elearant DINING OARS, manTiiflcent PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING OARS, and (between Chicago, St. Joseph, Atchison and Kansas City) restful RECLINING CHAIR OARS, soats FREE to holdora or through Unit-class tickets. THE CHICAGO, KANSAS & NEBRASKA R'Y ICR EAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE) Extends west and southwest from Kansas City and St. Joseph to Fair bury, Nelson, Horton, Topoka, Uerington, Hutchinson, Wichita, Caldwell, and all points in Southern Nebraska Interior Kansas and boyond. Entire, passong-er equipment of the celebrated Pullman manufacture. Solidly bal lasted track or heavy steel rail, iron and stono bridges. All satety appliances and modern improvements. Commodious, well-built stations, Celerity, cer tainty, comfort and luxury assured. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is the favorlto between Chicago, Rook Island, Atchison, Kansas City, and Minneapolis and 8t. Paul. The tourist route to all Northern Summor Resorts. Its Water-town Branch traverses the most productive lands of the frrcat "wheat and dairy belt" of Northern Iowa, Southwestern Minnesota, and East Central Dakota. The Short Line via Seneca and Kankakee offers superior facilities to travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Council Blulfu, St. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, KanBoa City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. , For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or any desired information, apply toanyOou pon Ticket Office lathe United Status or Canada, or address C. ST. JOHN, Gtceral Xaaager. irvnaa 15" I 18 II Have a Lame Bock fit I W Feol Anv Weakness Jasteoorsend straight u you can to tho drug store ana insist on navinff wxu.jh jtajuuub HOP PLASTER IT WILL cure and never falls to slT6 Instant reUef. Prepared irom fresh Hops. Hemlock and ' Pino Balaam. Bold every. where. S5 cents, five for 91.00 or mailed free on receipt of nrlce. The Perfect lonof Planters Hop Plaster Co., Iloston. Suffer Any Pain Have Any Soreness DEATH TO PAINS AND ACHES MeeMm &hee. BlMmem HiEllesE U-II- -1 -.! v 7 a 3 V LUCRU8TA WALTON ! Uretheiesui ofanaturaleffrtofthesyete For Gents', Ladies, Youths and Children. Only the best makes jto expel the poisons which the liver OTTAWA, ILL., Hanufact- ) , UrrS Of -mmmmm ROAD CARTS. Bnt mads. pocilWelr. No Hotlon. Thett carta. Mil It furnf ih'd at nholak'Ia r rices lo buytn itx (owns fhers wt hro no eut. UnA for frta tUmtrtteti Batalotue. THE ABOVE IS OUR NO. O JOGGING CART. EVERY CART GUARANTEED. That Illnhway of Hationi, The lirond Atlantic, is over n btormv lluounlifnre. Yet blow the winds ever so Ilicrccly, and rule the waves ever si Ibftilrs carocn must man the good shipn, tutirisli win urnve mo pnssce, nnd commcrcm, and buyers must visit the centres of foreign trade and manufacture. Thai atrocious inal.uly, seasickness, together with colicky pa inn and much iuward uncasinest is ollen emlurcu wlicn liostcttcr s Stomach Bittern wouiil hnve forti'icd tho voyacert ui-aluat them. Sea captains, nnd in fact all suits nnu veteran travelers are ttcmiaintul I with Hie protective value of this estimable iireveiitlvo nnd remedy, and aro rarely unprovided uith it. Emigrants to the far t csi slmuitl use it as a snieananl aeainst malaria. Seek tho aid of the Bitters for dyspepsia, constipation, liver complaint. kidney troubles, and nil ailments that Impair the harmonious and vigorous action of the vital powers. Whole Oram for small Chickens. Much of the feeding of chickens Is of soft food. It Is easily picked by the little fel lows, and they can quickly fill their crons from a bag of wet meal thrown on the ground before them. This too rapid cat' lng Is one of the worst evils lu artificial feeding young chickens. They gorge them selyes, become surfeited and die, e haye found whole wheat grain much better, be ginning for two or threo days by breaking the qralns in two pieces, It does not mat ter, however, If the little fellow is forced to do this work himself. Ho will struggle with a wheat or oat grain two or three min utes, and at last, after a desperate struggle. swallow It. The very hardness of the whole grain keeps his food from compacting in his crop, H'e would not, however, feed whole com to very young chicks,' nor In deed corn ground into meal, as. their prin cipal diet. How Horses are Disabled. The hardest work on a farm Is that of a spasmodic nature, heavy- one day and light the next, or n hard day's work one day and nothing nt all to do the next. Horses whoso nerves become like Iron and which aro able I o stand almost anything In the way of wear and tear aro those which have an opportunity to lay out their strengll every day in the week. Sore shoulders weak limbs nnd many of the disorders that are found among horses arc tbe results of ten ot but short peilodsof too severe strains or of a day or n half day's work that was harder thau tlicv had been used to. There is danger at this season of imposing' hard tasks on teams; the roads being had, ind some of tho heaviest farm work needing Attention, There is no time in tho yeai vhat farmers can as little afford to get their horses out of shape as now, when every day's work may mean so many dollars and cents. Their Business Boumintr. Probably no one thing has cruised such n general revival of trade at T. D, Thomas Drug fatore ns their giving away to their customers of so manv dec trial bottles ol Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade Is simply enormous in this very valuable nrticle Irom the lact that it always cures and never disappoints. Cough, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and I uiitt diseases quickly cured. You can t jst it tcfure buying by getting a trial hot- lie irrc, large sue M. livery untile war ranted. BANK STREET, - - LEHIGHT0N, PA Has just opened an entire new line of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Comprising all the very latest styles in White Goods, Sa teens, Prints, Ginghams, MSTSGillCS, Seersuckers and Fancy Dress Patterns ofllic very best qualities at exceed ing low prices. Groceries, Provisions, Crockery ware, lassware, Wood and Willowware of the best makes at low figures. Cloths Cassimers, Hats, Boots, Shoes and ready made Clothing in great variety and at prices within the reach ol all purchasers prices hilly as low as the same goods can be bought lor at any other general store m this vicinity. Carpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures in great variety and of best quality at llock Bottom Prices. TJest quality of Flour and Feed at prices hilly ns low as the same articles can be purchased elsewhere. A car load or coarse salt has just been received the price has been marked down to the very lowest notch. All goods of the very best quality and are being sold at prices equally as low as the same goods can bought at any general store in tins secnon. Call and be convinced. Kesi)ctlully, July23:871y REIGEL. PLAIN AND FANCY urn mmm Bill Heads, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Statements, - Envelopes, Programmes, "Price Lists, Blanks of all Kinds, Wedding Stationery, Business Cards, Shipping Tags, Sale Bills, Ball Tickets, Circulars, &c. New presses, new type and excellent facilities enable us to do all kinds of Job Work, in the best style, and at extraordinary low prices. Mail orders receive immediate attention. at the lowest prices. You are bound to be pleased. OUR GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Is complete in every particular. The very latest novelties in Hats, Gaps, Neckwear, &c. DON'T FAIL TO CALL. Respectfully, Clauss & Bro., The Tailors, BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON. Strongest, Neatest and best Cart mttdO) Rides Easier THAN A BUGGY. CAY & SON, OTTAWA, ILL. RAINBOW RUPTURE Simple, safe, rellabU and aperfee not a Truss. Worn Dot and rrartenra tamctttnn. Amnii fn- ..I. cioniula from grateful auSarara cured bjlhl. arv l llanoe. Addraaa Central Medical and Surgical In'tMote 880 Locuat St, St. Louie. Mo. hwwuih. aires ail ainaa or aorfflaai na medical caaea. Weakening dlaeaiea andprt ana meaical caaea. Weakening dlteaaee vate t roublea in mala and female our apeel porn to yrrite aa before taking treatment eli Con.ultatlon ires ana invited? laltr. Be .wnrnare. All Drajtttiti, tic., too., and II u Sr. Sato. Arnold. Mad. Corp., Wo rrtpertd only tj D.loct ill. &8 1 1V Mnrcli 3l-m3 AFFLICTEDUNFORTUMATE AFTER ALL OTHERS FA1LC0N8ULT V 329 N. IJth8LTblowCillowhlll, Phils., Ps. ToTa'srperleneelnI18riCIALdlaeajee. Perm a nentlrreetorea those weakened breaxlylndUacretlonj Ac. Callorwrlto. Adrlce free snd strictly confiden tial. Hours ids. m; tills, sal 7 ta WsTcolngs, AjTSendaUmp far Book. March si-yi i AGENTS WAWTJtSJJ OlllQAQO, ILL, E. A. HOLBROOK, Oea'l Tick ti PaiYr Agvmt. TO SKUJ 'AN ENTIRELY NEWBOOK The most wonderfully complete collection ct the absolutely useful and practical which has ever been published In any nation on the globe. A marvel of every day value and actual money earning and money saving to every possessor. Hundreds upon hundreds ot beautiful and help ful ougravlngs. It extraordinary low price be yond competition Nothing In the whole history of the booK trade like It. Select something of real value to the people, and sales are sure. Agents looking for anew and first class book, write for full description and terms. 50 days' lime given Agents without capital, 80AM ilElX, & CO. THiuDtuiu, ra. ieblt-m6 Farm and Garden Notes, Save all your charcoal for the pics and chickens; It will keep them heUlhr. -liatsn Rood stock, give" Ibcm good care, and eee how soorj tliey will repay you. Give your crops the best cultivation possible Do not let the weeds rob tbem. Use Ibo best seeds of whatever kind yon plant, If vou would be Miccossful; tbe best aro nunc too cood Feeding In sheep husbandry is like any other problem In live stock However good the lirccil, ni'hout cood rare and feeding they must dt'gencintr. Dm hit; the agricultural discourage ments of the past few years many a farmer has found lib hogs llio most satisfactory produce he lias been able to place on tbe niatket. To get Ihccrcam quickly from milk, as soon as It Is drawn from the cow reduce Us temperature to about 45 degrees and keep It there, and In four or live hours all tbe cream will rise. Tho cream will be per fectly sweet and the skim milk will be of a very superior quality. If tbe cream Is to be made Into butter It should be kept at a tempcra'.ure of about OS degrees, and churned at a temperature of from 65 to 00 degrees. Tbe Idea that any method of feeding turnips to cows, either just before or just after milking, will save tbe next mess from being flavored, is a popular mistake, Heat' leg the milk will cause the flavor of tbe turnip to evaporate so that It will not affect tho butter made from It. But there are ob jectlons to this. The butter from milk thus treated will be soft, and tbo milk. If used as food, will baye a constipating effect which It did not befote possess. If hens are confined In somewhat nar row limits there Is a great advantage In ba.Yinr two runs to be used alternetely through the season. If possible these should be arranged so that a one-horse plow can bo Introduced and tbe ground be plowed or dragged over every time a change In quarters Is made. A few sowings of oats, dragged in, will keep the fowls busy scratching for the gram, anil what escapes them and grows will hn worth even more for green food. Milk l)le: for Laying Hem. l'leaso listen te the substance of an In structive Hltle siory lately told by a Canada editor: A neighbor whose hens, to our ex asperation, kept laying on when eggs were twenty-five cents a dozen, while ours per sistently laid off during the same season, on being questioned, reyealed the fact that his hens had a pailful of skimmed (perhaps' clabbered) milk each day, and no other drink. On comparing notes we found that our management of fowls was almost exactly alike, with the 'single milk differ ence a dlffeieuce that had put many a dollar to the credit sldu of his ledger, while ourt was left blank during tbe same period and this tliln had been going on for years, with the results always In favor of a milk diet. A good thing for poultv keepers wantlngeggs to remember. Do not hurry tbe cows from the pas ture. Sow turnip seed after, not before, a rain. It Is not too early to begin on your fair exhibits. Better baye whitewash than manure on tbe sills. -Try hard to keep the stable dr.T dnrlug JOB ROOMS, Bank Stxeet, Lehighton, Pa. IS HEADQUARTERS FOR GENERAL HARDWARE, ints, Varnishes, Glass, flliL KINDS OF COAL, OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Rank Street, Lehighton, Pa. KOCH & SHANKWEILER'S Great Spring Offerings ! BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! 250 child's pleated sOits from 4 to 12 years, only $1.00. Over 2000 Boys and children's Suits in all the latest styles, Corded, Pleated, Norfolk, at $1.50, $2.75 and $2.00. 225 All-wool Suits, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and up. . 5000 Men's Suits of all descriptions, make up any style, from $3.50 to $25.00. All of our own make. Over 1000 pair good strong working pants only $1.00. 500 Pair Roy's Knee Pants, fiom 4 to 13 years; 50, 75, 1.00. Extra Bargains in Our Custom De partment! Nearly everybody knows of the Popular HamS CaSSimere ol which wc have purchased over 50 STYLES at less than half the cost of manufacture. Suits to measure $15.00 ."worth from 18.00 to 20.00. Special Offerings of 15 styles in AU-TFool Goods suits made to order $10.00. Call soon as the Bargains will not last long. Hotel Allen Building. Centre Square, Allentown. damp dsjs Tbe poorest land grow weeds or briars. Is too yaUubls to .B3MOV A ff. smoym: I have removed my entire stock with an additional fresh supply of the more fashionable and seasonable Gents,Ladies & Ghildrens Shoes -CONSISTING OF- Ladies' Fine Kid and Spring Heel Shoes, of all grades and sizes, at the lowest prices in order to meet my competitors. I will not be undersold. My new stock is complete in ever)' particular. The old stock will lie closed out nt and below cost. A cordial invitation is extended to my lormer friends and patrons to call at my new store, one door above Sweeny's Corner Store. Respectfully, LEWIS WEISS, BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON. PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers