'Original Ohcap Cash Store T -Look and compare our price, will. n D STHIlllKH A WK MB'. Z. '. , I $15: flno l'rlnco Albert suits from $13 to ! Town Gossip as It Is Told to Our Special So UTSSS rlbnCS UOWn! 20;nnocasslmcr8uttsirora8tofil5;and a iuii assortment ui an mu mveaw oiyiua ui i TO THE COUNTY DEMOCRACY couhty seat correspondence. Tlio backward season lias forced prices sutts nt equally low prices will bo found at down lr DltESS GOODS, and now bar- Sondhelm's One Price Star Clothing Hall, M lli.llr ornnriltnn unrli ntlmr In Mauch Chunk. (Mir store: 11HAUTIFUL I'lilNTlII) LAWNH. Only 4c. Per Yard. HUNTINGS. AT HALF VAI.UK- 8c., IOC., 12c, and 14c. per Yard. 87 INCH TENNIS SKIKT1NU, Light, Cool, Strong! l'ast Color, 23c. per Yard. 22 INCH FINK NUNS VF.II.INO, In Salmon, Unlit Blue, rink. 20c. per Yatd. 40 Inch UntoitT Scarlkt Fhekch CAsnMKnr. Fine and Hoft Finish, at 75c. per Yard. (HSENADINE3 AT HALF VAI.UIC 20e:, 28c. aud 30e. 20 INCH silEPHEHlM PLAID, Fine, and two-thirds Wool.atsoc. per Yard, J. T. NUSBAUM, Opposite Public Square, Hank Street, Lehighton. June 7. 18S4-1 SPECIAL NOTICE Persons making payments tn tills nfllca dv money orders or postal notes To-morrow (Sunday) evening, Child ren's Day will bo observed In the Reformed church on Lehigh street. The teachers and scholars have been tndefatlglble In their efforts toward a proper observant of the event and tbo out come may he looked for as a grund success. An exchange says that "If country editors would publish the names of sub scribers who take, read and enjov, and are gratified by, but neglect to pay for. their homo papers, tho reputation of most com munities for moral honesty would deprccl ato twenty percent. Of course you will, what? Why hlro your teams of David Ebbert, the popular North street liveryman. Prices are very low and turn outs aro the very best. A drive through ourvalloys Is delightful, you should Indulge to eorrectly appreciate It. The admission price to tho commence ment exercises of ouf nubile schools on III please make them payable at tiie WEISS- ment exercises ot our pumic scnoois on POltr post OFFICE, as the Lehighton Ofllce Is Saturday evening, 10th Inst., will bo ten run a money uruer umuw j , . , -i,,.,. i mado necessary to defray exponses of hall We hope the people will turn out well. A. A. Hatch, of East Wclssport,Is tho agent lor a very handsome, well-bound photograph album. One of tho prettiest and most substantial that wo have seen In some time. The price Is only $1.0C. You want to get one. tf. The Lchlghton baso ball club will go The Carbon Advocate SATURDAY, JUNE 0. 1888 Current Event3 Epitomized. An exchange says of the smart fellow: Ho. comes Into the ofllce with cunning, leering smile, says something ho considers to Mauch ohnnk on Saturday to play baU very funny that he has been conjuring in his llttlo brain for weoks, and. expects to see tbo outcome published In our next. He leans his arm on a galley ot live type, puts his moist hands on the polished parts of the press, reads what copy his eyes can grasp, comments on your customers whoso job printing ho may see piled or drying and finally makes a smart remark about the scissors being tho assistant editor. D fa him; of course, every town has a couple of such fellows. Excuse us, but the water question will fores Itself up before us. IKcll, some of you lucky folks who happen to be tho possessors of more than your share of filthy lucre refuse to contribute, and why? Simply because you can't see your way t'lear to make ten or twenty per cent. ; Is It not co? now own and be honest. Well, jou ought to be ashamed of yourselves but we don't suppose you are. How Is It? One of our popular young farmer friends residing near Beaver Bun was "held up" by a highwayman or some such fellow one night recently while on his way home and in a lonely part of tho road. Fortunately, the night was dark and our young friend managed to elude the would be robbery. C. H. Horn, the popular, enterprising and go-aheadatlve proprietor of the Mansion House, has put in a new solid walnut bar, In tho rear of which Is a French plate glass mirror. The room Is fitted up in elegant style and Is unquestionably tho finest room of the kind in Carbon county or the Lehigh Valley. According to the Record, Summit Hill will ask for a borough charter at the October term of court. Why In tho name of common sense a lively 2000 town like Summit Hill should be kept in township clothes Is more than wd can understand. The attention of the people of Summit Hill, Lansford and vicinity is directed to the fact that George F. Huntzlnger, of tho popular Switchback Restaurant, Is author Ized by us to receive subscriptions and moneys for the CAnnoN Advocate. We are making all-wool suits to order from $12 up $40; we would be pleased to have you call and leave your order with us, by so doing you will save at least $5 on each suit. Call at Sondhelm's One Price Star Clothing JIall, Jfaucb Chunk. Hisses Mamie Gabe! and Mary Drelbcl bles; Messrs. Francis Bachman and Ed. Kuntz, aro the members of our high school graduating class. The commencement exercises will be held In WIeand's' Opera House on the 10th instant. In tho rear of Rhoade's general store is a beautiful field of German Clover, the property C. B. Weiss, who would be much pleased If the miserable wretches of huma nity who have been stealing It, would not do so some more. Your boys need new suits to make them look neat and stylish we have 1500 suits for boys at tho lowest cash price and can savo you 25 per cent on every suit. Call at Sondhelm's One Price Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. Rev. Dr. J. A. Little, of Hokendauqua, who has ministered to that congregation for about twenty years, starts for Europe this month to attend as a delegate from America tho great Presbyterian Council In '.ondon. Now, look here; some of you folks who havo money ealtod down, why don't you help ' the artesian well project? It Is practicable and safe and will pay big returns. Subscribers to this paper who are In arrears we would be pleased to sco liquidate their accounts, ll'e must have tho money to meet the expenses of our business, The new Lutheran Church at Kresge vllle, Monroe Co., will be dedicated next .Sunday, A number of ministers are ex ported to take part In tho serviees. The Gazette last week exhibited some with the club at that place. An Interest Ing game can bo looked for. A large dele gatlon should accompany tho home team by all means. The 'Weatherly Herald, of last week, was all In pink, and a regular town boomer. It showed considerable enterprise on tho part of Brother Rlnker. It roust certainly have been appreciated by Wcatherlyldcs. What do you think of Coal street? Big improvement, eh, over what it was for the past teu years; nicely graded and otherwlso improved Itsa thing the residents of tho thoroughfare can feel proud of. Rey. Al. Reber, of Cressona, Schuyl kill county, has been elected pastor of Zlon's Reformed church, on Lehigh street. Tho gentleman Is highly spoken of as an .able discourses Lost Howard. A young dog, answering to thu name of Knight; height about seven Inches; color black with red face. The dog strayed from the farm of R. B. Dlchl, near Big Creek on Saturday a week ago. Any one returning the dog to this office or the above will be suitably rewarded. List of Letters Remaining uncalled for in the Lehigh ton, Pa., Post-office, for tho week ending June 2, 1888. France, Owen I Kratz, M. W. House, Miss Emma Laubarh, Frank I.. Kerne rer, Mrs. Mary 1 Lenz, .1. o. FOUElo.v. Lenz, Leo. Persons calling for any of the aboye letters will please say "advertised." James P. Smith, P. M. Mahoning Items. Tho supervisor Is repairing the roads at nresent. Two now school houses are to bo built in this township this year. Charles Lippiticott, of Scranton, spent Sunday In the Valley. Augustus Rex, has set out a peach orchard of 1000 trees. William Miller, departed this life last Friday. The funeral took place in St John's church, Tuesday. The New Jfahonlng Sunday School will hold Its picnic on Saturday, Juno 10th In the afternoon and evening. Dash, potior. An Infant child of John Rchrlg is re ported as being seriously HI. Jonathan Thomas and wife, of Ashley, were guests of Frank Laury. It Is a girl. Consequently our friend , F. Moj er Is muchlv exuberant. John S. Laury and family left on Sun day evening for Denver Colorado. Daniel Graver, of Mountain Top, was among the visitors In town this week. Tho Grand Jury's attention Is directed to tho bridge across tho canal at this place. Roy. G. W. Sandt and family moyed to town this week. We extend a hearty welcome. David Clauss and family, of Lehigh county, were the guests of John Sillier over Sunday. Constable Illram P. Levan, of Frank lin, was on a business trip to ll'eatherly last Tuesday. Our genial friend F. L. Rebcr, of tho Philadelphia Mint, spent Sunday with tho folks at home. John Hcllci smlleth some more because his good wifu hath presented him with a bouncing baby girl. Messrs. John Henry and Albert Buck no Monday evening entertained the Graver family on Whlto street with cholco musical selections. To the young lady who presented tho 'Stroller" with a flower: Thanks. Our bashfulness prevented an expression of our appreciation at the time. On Sunday evening, June 17, Child. ren's Day will be appropriately observed In the Lutheran and Reformed church. All are welcome on tho occasion. An order of Tontl will bo instituted here soon. A similar organization flourish es at Lehlchton. Thoso fully acquainted with the object of the order speak highly of It. Rey. S. B. Brown of the Evangelical congregation was in attendance Tuesday and Wednesday at the Ministerial Sunday school convention In session at Mauch Chunk. The now school director effecte'd an or ganlzation on Monday evening by the election of the following officers: Presl dent, Leo JWlls; secretary, H. C. Trapp; treasurer, Reuben Musselmau. The following letters remain In P. O, at this place uncalled for: S. H. Sanderson, Choen, Miss Tlllie Boyer, W. H. Zim merman. Persons calling for any of the letters will please say "advertised." Communion services will bo observed In tho Evangelical church on Sunday morn. ing; Presiding Elder C. K. Fchr, of the' Pottsvillc District, will officiate at both morning and evening services. All aro in ylted. Just so soon as our worthy town counclimen make up their mind to lay crossing from Blcry's drug store to the Eyerltt House, just so soon will the hearts of the gang on the corner palpitate with joy almost to bursting. Oh, let us havo the crossing 1 On last Saturday cyenlng by tho Rev. Abraham Bartholomew, of Lehighton, Miss Amanda Albright, an estimable young lady of town, and Sylvester Snyder, ot Franklin township, wero united In the holy bonds of matrimony. We extend to the young couple our hearty congratulations and best wishes for a prosperous and successful yoyagi through life. iLehigiitoii Wants the Next Democratic County Conyentton Wall Paper, Wall Paper, at Sc., 6c, 7c, 8c, 10c. Gold Papers at 10c., 12c, 15c, 20c, 25c 30c. to COc. E. F. Luokenuacii, 01 Broadway, Mauch Chunk. Personal Mention. Mrs. Harry Perrine Is sojourning with the folks at home. H'. II. Berlin, and wife of Ailentown spent Sunday In town. Jlss Eliza Barthold, of Slatlngton spent Sunday In town. Dr. J. C. Creamer, of Aquashlcola, was In town Wednesdry. D. A. Horn, was on a business trip to Mauch Chunk, Saturday. JVrs. George Sawyer, of Bank street was at Hazleton this week. Tho jovial Jon. KIstler was seeing Ta maqua friends on Monday. Jr. W. Bowman, was on a business trip to Brooklyn Saturday. Charles D. Clauss, Is home from, Muhlenberg college, Ailentown. Capt. W. I. Counor, of East Mauch Chunk, was In town Tuesday. Mr. L. L. Babcock, of Hazleton, was visiting friends in town over Sunday. Rev. A. P. Horn, of Summit Hill, was among the visitors in town this week. Miss Luara Weidaw, spent a few days this week with Mauch Chunk friends. Miss Emma Helntleman, of Slatlngton, Is visiting South Lehigh street friends. Howard Seaboldt, of Iron street, busi ness tripped it to New York City on Tuesday. Hon. John Craig, of Lehigh Gap, made us a pleasant call Tuesday after noon. . Mrs. J. L. Gahel and daughter Mamie spent several day this week at Phlladol phla. The Switch Back Schedule. Trains leave Switch-Back Depot, Jfauch Chunk, 8 30, 10 10, 11 37 A. M., 2 20, 3 45, 5 35 P. M. Sundays 1 50, 2 15, P. M. Leave Summit Hill, 0 40, 12 20, A. M, 20, 4 35, 0 10. P. M. Sundays 3 00, 4 00, P. M. A Card of Thanks. On behalf of Carbon Castle, No. Ill, K G. E., the undersigned committee desire, In this public way, to recognize the services of Rey. A. S. Kline lor the appropriate and eloquent sermon delivered In the Ebenezer Evangelical church, on Sunday, June SrJ to the members of said order, and we here. by hcartllv thank the rey. gentleman his kindness. HOIIACE IlEYDT, 1 m T. A. Snyder, W. G. M. Seii'lh r Committee. C. Jr. Bowek, C. T. Houn, OPINIONS OF PROMINENT DEMOCRATS. In plain words and to tho point, for we like to be candid, Lehighton wants the next Democratic county convention. That we aro entitled to this consideration by reason of tho fact that Lehighton Is tho banner Democratic town In the county there can legltlmatly bo no disputing. All Democrats will at once admit this, and that should en I It tho convention should meet here For the accommodation of delegates, candidates and all others who might flock hereon that day wo have four large and commodious hotels and a number of well conducted restaurants; for convention purposes we havo a largo hall with scaling capacity for six or seven hundred people. Tho building Is located within easy reach of tho Lehigh Valley and Jersey Central railroads, In the centre of the town, is well ventilated and lighted and in all respects suited for tho holding of an enthusiastic assemblage of Carbon county Democrats. Twon'y to twenty-five passenger trains arrive and leave tho town dally, this certainty -should fford aroplo convenience for visitors to come and go; all trains make connections and stop at stations along the line with but ono or two exceptions. Let the convention como hero and Lohlghlon Deiuoctaty will tendered them a rousing reception that will do their hearts and conscience good. Hon ored In this respect tho Democracy would be spurcd on and the result next November would show the appreciation of our people. Among the prominent and conspicuous Democrats who have been interviewed on the subject we glvo tho following expres sions: Dr. .em, of Wcissport, a prominent Democrat, and an ex-assemblyman, would 'like to see it at Lehighton, although haye- Ing no particular preference. It might be a good thing however." Burgess Graver, of Wolssport, a leading merchant and at one time merchantllo ap praiser of Carbon county, believes "that Lchlghton Is fairly entitled to it." P. F. Clark, tho Bank street rcstaurantcr, says: "It Is no more than right that Le highton should have the convention being the second largest town and the leading Democratic borough in the county; the ac commodattons, too are all right." D. S. Mehrkam, of Mchrkam & Son, leading merchants, of town, who last year was favorably mentioned for Register and Recorder, favors this place "because wo have ample accommodations for so Import, ant a gathering." Constable Levan, of Franklin, a leading Democrat and a candidate for sheriff heart! ly "favors tho plan aud thinks that It would be a commendable Idea." Henry C. Trapp, of Welssport, a leading young Democrat, member or county com. mlttce and a Bchool director, favors the projoct and "thinks it would bo a good Idea to change place of holding the to Lehighton." County Auditor Paul Wagner, of North street, favors the plan of bringing the convention here and concurs heartily with the sentiment of many Democrats whose expressions are unavoidably crowded out, Tlmel7 Toples Pithily Written Up by Vcr- i SaUlO QttiUlSt. Argument couit was In session on M'ednesday. Tho work of arching the creek Is al most completed. Court conyenes next week. All ye jurors, forget not this. H. S. Rlnker, of the Herald, Jl'cather- ly, circulated hore this week. Dr. Dolcimp and S. R, Gilliam were visitors In town on Wednesday. Sheriff and Dr. Rabenold were In town Wednesday on business of Importance. It Is said that MrGlnley and Hartct, 'oung men ol town, will on Sunday leave for Denver, Colorado. Tho Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire men will hold a festival and fair In Carey's hall, on the hill, from June 27 to 20, Inclusive. Amongst Mauch Chunk people Pro- thonotary Esser's re-nomlnatlon Is favor ably talked off. Hp Is ccitnlnly a number ono official. Among the cases coming up next week will be Commonwealth vs. Hugh McClaf- fcrty, who will bo tried for shooting his mother. Defendant claim shooting was accidental. A grand fair and festival under tho auspices of the Lutheran Sunday school was held at East Mauch Chunk on Thurs day and Friday evenings. It Is said to have been much of a success. The Carbon County .Verchants' Pro tective Association will meet in Register and Recorder Handwork's office at ten o'clock on Tuesday morning to transact Important business matters. Our baseball club will cross bats with the Lehighton nine on the East Maucll Chunk ball field this Saturday after noon. The visiting club Is the strongestln tho league so look for some cood ball playing. Argument was heard Wednesday In the contest between tho cltixcus of Wcathcrlv and Lausanne township, as to tho advisl bllity of building a load from the former place to Buck Mountain. The case will bo submitted to court next week. The Brotherhood of Locoinotivo Fire men, of Mauch Chunk, have on exhibition In the window of E. n. Hold's Jewolry Store, a heavy solid 14 karet gold watch artlsticly engraved, it is tho finest watch ever put up to be chanced off In this state. Tickets only 25c. The Weathcrly Herald of last week says of our District Attorney: "After the usual ceremony In the' cemetery about 000 persons gathered In the rink building to listen to the orator of tho day, Hon. Win. M. Rapshcr, or Mauch Chunk, who In a plain, practical talk addressed the audience touching prlnclpaly on the good merits of tho Grand Army organization and why cyery man who shouldered a musket should be a member. Also, gave a common sense view of tho pension question. Both sub jects wero of practical Interest and value to the members, their friends and their adherents. . He was very favorably com- FOR KNIGHTS OF LABOR, Items of Industrial Importance Olcanei for the Masses. Kvery workman Is or ought to he a labor union in himself always striving to obtain the bent wages paid in his particular branch of industry, The section hands on the Missouri Pacific at Nebraska City, Neb., have struck against a reduction from $1.50 to $1.25 n day. Employes in a cooper shop at that place have also struck on tliogioiiml that they could not make $1 a day, There are 1(13 cignr factories in California where only white men are em ployed, and 1 14 factorie where none hut Chinamen can get work. Of the former 1 13 are in Sim Francisco and Oakland, and there are 11 1 ( Iiinco placis in tho nunc cities. The men employed at the Sheldon Axle Works, Wllkcsllarre, on the machines known as rammers, were notified of a reduc tion of one cent per set, c(iial to . thirty to tliiitvcight cents In wages per day. TJic.v complain liter will not he able to earn their board. Tho Slatiiiglou Railroad Company, with a capital Mock of $20,000, was granted a charter nt the State Department. Tho line will extend from a point on tho Schuyl kill and Lehigh Railroad, in Lehigh county, to a point near Walnut port, in Northampton county, eight miles. California is like every other place. Tho San Francisco Report nays: "If a man come hither without capital, and unprepared to wait, or If lie he poorly equipped with knowledge or handicapped by had habits, he will find the fight for life as hard here as anywhere, and harder." The ciinimittco of the Amalgamated Association completed tho scale of wages on Monday governing all the workmen in roll ing and steel mills. The wages of the workmen have been some what revised, but the scale for boiling remains the same, $5.50 prr ton, nn a two cent card, and the wages of the nlher men an? fixed according to this basis. convention racntcd upon." PLAIN AND FANCY Bill Heads, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Programmes, Price Lists, Blanks of all Kinds, . Wedding Stationery, 'Business Cards, Shipping Tags, Sale Bills, Ball Tickets, Circulars, &c. Now presses, new typo and excellent facilities enable' us to do nil kinds of Job Work, in the best style, and at extraordinary low prices. Mail orders receive immediate attention. "CAM HIVOCOT' JOB ROOMS, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. The wonderful bargains at the Millinery Stores of : MM. iWo eWTJLTOJV, . Lehighton and Weissport. Finest Goods ! Latest Styles ! and Lowest Prices ! in Hats, Bonnets, Notions, and Dressmaking. State News P. 1). Glbbs, editor of the Ailentown Critic, died Monday, IIo was 4S ears old. Seersucker coats and vests for $1 at Sondhelm's Onn Prico Star Clothing ITall, Mauch Chunk. J. II. Uroos, a ploneer of the oil region, Decoration Day in WeatherlT. and onro. :i l.rnmtiipiit uml wealthy real Among many other things that Hon. W. .,., .ncelllRlo, M .ii.i n. Titus. M. Rapsher said in his Decoration Day ynie Jfonday. IIo WM a a promInent Mason. for J Acxnowledvements. The following subscriptions for the Cah- iion Advocatk have been lecelyed since last report: D. DIelil. Franklin townslilo Mrs. Sertoli, 1'lymoutli Meeting, l'a esquelionln; Miss Nora Clark Lelilehton.. lark, isesfii Krwln Karver, I'arryvlUe 1''. Klenn I Hirer. Lehlchton I). II. Ila ntz. Paukerton J. K. Lone, Ailentown Lewi Wehr. Andreas P. O uon. it. Leonard, itiaui'ii uiiuiik. Miss Jennie Stevers. Sclefrleu's Ilrldee I 00 Hev. tMlurns, l'ackerton SO Prof. .1. 1.. I'otteicer. Wcatherlv I 00 John Itussel, Lehighton.., so josrnu rnmiiKur, i.eniKiiuin i w nr. j. v. nreanier. Amiasiiiooia 1 uo Prof. J. M. ltoberiH, LehlKhton 1 00 Ainanilin Itemaley, l'ackerton l 00 l'crd. Kriesh, lchlghton t 00 James M. Nothsteln, lchlghton 1 00 .Tlinmna ITnfrnn nm1 wtfo r,f Vn.lnn more of Its rare enterprise by publishing spent ,a8t Sn1, wUh Jmneslown rolatves and friends. the jury list which anpearcd in our col- Inmns oyer a month ago. Henry Grayer, of South Lehigh street, Is muchly over joyed. Ills good wife hav ing presented htm with a handsome baby ono day this week-. HeY. J.. H. Kuder preached a very Im pressive and interesting sermon to a large audience in the Lutheran church on last Sunday eyenlng. Samuel It. Mecces, of John D. Berto h tle Post, 484, O. A. It., this place, died t t - r 1 "TP i 1 . I I , , , I ' '"""""S i Kuder. of Lehigh street, this week. Miss Kmma I.entz, of South Uank street, was calling on Mauch Chunk rela tlves Tuesday. Mrs. John Luce, of Philadelphia, Is sojourning with Samuel Graver and family, on North Dank street. Qus. Kurtz, who Is employed by .Vontz & Dick, at Audenried, was home with his family over Sunday. Itoy. Hiram Kuder and wife, of Ilarrlsbur, were the guests of Hey. J. II One of our old farmer friends who makes it a point to watch tha weather says that the month of May was the wettest since 1640. Iley. C. E. Bartholomew, will occupy II pulpit In the Cressona, S, liujlkill co:mty,Iteformed church, this summer. Work has been commenced on the I wenty foot addition to tho L. & S. rail load depot at this end ot town, If you want a room carpetsd, or bed room or parlor furnished, call at Kemcrer A Swartz, Lehighton. Kemerer & Swaitz, Bank street, is headquarters for bed room and parlor suits. Prices the lowest. A reliable watchmaker; D. S. Bock, opposite the Public Sauare. A 0x0 Dougherday Model Press for sale cheap. Apply at this ofllce, Goto Val. Schwartz's for all kinds ot furniture. Prices very low. Full line of Ingrain and Brussels car pets at T. Schwartz, on Bank street, tf Miss Jennie Best an estimable and pleasant young lady who for the past year resided here, left for her home at Walnut- port ou Tuesday. Don't Fay 838 00 to a Philadelphia firm for a gold watch when you can saye $10 by buvlng it of E. II Hold, Wo sell you a patent 14 karat gentle man's gold watch beautifully engraved stem wind, with a full jeweled, Elgin Waltbam or Hampden movement with patent regulator and pateut stem winding works all the latest Improvments In hunt ting or open face containing all the latest Improvments that can be contrived by mechanical Ingenuity, thereby Insuring correct time. This Is the best American watch at the lowest Price ever before offered on this continent. In appearance they are equal to a $73 watch and are guaranteed to give the same satisfaction in time-keeping qualities durability and service. Call and see and jud for yourself at . H. HoUl's, Mauch Chuuk. ,91 oo ,. 1 00 ,. 1 00 .. 1 00 , 1 00 ,. 1 00 .. 1 00 . 1 00 1 00 S 00 Bqntblets from Farryyllle- The furnace Is still Idle; not so wi(h the foifndry, however. Robert Pettlt, Is now nicely located in bis new shop on Main street. Burgess KIstler, the popular merchant, speaks of doing a rushing business, Ulldlne Snydcr, has erected a bridge across the Cieek leads to "Snyder's Park." 1 here was a picnic at Jtast I'enn, on Sunday and many of our folks were in attendance. Unfortunately for our little borough the population, owing to business stagna. tlon, Is rapidly decreasing. Let us here from you every week, OIp Dave. Dip Dave, Programme. The following Interesting programme has been arranged by the teachers of tho Reformed Sunday school for the observance of Children's Day In the Reformed church on Sunday evening, June 10. All are cordially Invited to attend. Hinging by the School Welcome To-day Scripture Lesson Prayer Opening address Feast ol llowers.A. Dreenwald Bolo and chorus Queen of the Vear Choi A basket ot dasles Kva Frltilnger Song-We are dasles Eight Girls As this Is the mouth ot roses Hernia Farren Bolo-A Roso-Htid Katie Farren Only a Child ...Mary Fenstermacb.fr Motion Song ..Four Girls and Four Boy Scripture Versei Fountains Eight Fuplls Singing by the School..., ..The Fountain ot Life Dandelions Frank Wleand Solo-Glylug and Kectjlvlug Sadie Weidaw Address Iter. Thomas Reber Floral Emblems Six Girls Singing -Gather the Children In. ., .Infant Class I bring to the feasta Lily ...Daisy Horn Duet Good Night. . . . Irene Fenstermacher and Emma Kooni Chorui-MlipaU ,.uy tha Choi Kn Jktlou Bjlht Pastor oration at Weatherly, Is the following: I am generally opposed to favoritism and class legislation, because It is not In harmony with the genius and spirit of true democracy, nor with the principles so elo. quently set forth In the Declaration of In dependence, nor with the Constitution of the United States. Therefore Congress has made an unjust discrimination botween our soUters; every time it has given a pen slon to an army or nayy officer, or to his widow, not for disability, but as a mere gratuity, when under similar circumstances aprlyalesoldierorhis widow were ruled out. There are thousands of pensioners upon the books, to army and navy officers, and their widows, ranging from one thousand to five thousand dollar? per annum, accord ing to -tho rank of the officer. I should ycry much llko to have somo able opponent to pensions for aged and disabled private soldiers, or their widows, explain the jus. tlce of this unfair discrimination, and why It is that the widows of the private soldiers, twno carrieu mo musKeis. ana uiu tue ac tual sbqotlug and endured the severest hardships of the war), are not equally as well entitled to a proportionate pension when they die, as tha widows of the Major Generals, who drew big pay and held high office all their lives. I never herad any one attempt to explain this. And do you re member the trying times whon the very life of the Republic hung tremblingly in the balance, now me people or all classes urged us to enlist for the war promises were profuse that money should be no object, and that all soldiers, their widows and or phans should be generously taken care of by a grateful people and nation. But look at the contrast now, wlien a small pension of eight dollars per month Is proposed for old worn-out soldiers, that cannot work any longer, the loudest howl Is raised by rue newspapers irom one end ol mo coun try to tne oilier, witu all sorts ot unkind and unpatriotic Insinuations to make the measure odious, by calling It a pauper pen sion uiu, tuat it costs too mucn and all sucn tuff. Now that they feel safe, they meas. ure patriotism with paltry dollars. This Is not the same tune that they used to whlstlo wnen tney were, looking lor substitutes, Frederick Bohing, married, employed at the Uuthlehem Iron Company's, works, aged 00 years, was killed ou the North Penn Railroad by being struck by the Buffa lo express on the 4th inst. Jame) Nelr, leadci of a gang of thieves and burglars, whs havu operated for up wards of a year In the farming sections south of Pottslvllle was Alonday sentenced to six months' impiisoument. The houc of Mary Brcunan. in thu Sixth ward. Ailentown was raided Jfonday oy the police Since thu expiration of her license iiis. lirennan has been selling liquor In open defiance of the law on Sun day, as well as during the week. Mrs Brcu nan and daughter were put under 10X) ball. Jacob Mlekluy, supposed to be the old! est resident of I.ehlgli county, died on Saturday afternoon, about four miles north ot Alleiitotvu, lu mi nincii-nilli year, lie descended from a family that fled from Alsace to escape religious persecution. Ills father w.is a vnunteer during Hie famous whUky insurrection in Pennsylvania. Mr. Mlckley served In the war of 1812, and was the last survivor In Lehigh county of that struggle. He had tho full use of nil his faculties until thu cml. Teachers' Examinations For ISCS.wlll be held as follonss WclMoorL Ilorouirh on Thursday. June 14 Summit lllll lor Mauch Chunk township on Mon- ,1:1V. .Ililv East Maui'li Chunk on Tuesday, June 19. Marion Harland. The celebrated uilhorcss, so highly es teemed by the women of America, says on pages 103 and 415 of her popular work "Kvc's Daughter's; or, Common Kense for Maid, Wife and Mother:'' "Knr the aching hack (diotild it he slow in recovering its normal strength an Allcock'o Porous Plaster is an excellent comforter, eonibin. ing the sensation or the sustained pressure of a strong warm hand with certain tonic vitalities developed in the wealing. It should he kent over the teat of uneasiness for several days in obstinate case, for per haps a fortnight." "For pain in the hack wear Allcock'd Porous Plaster constantly, renewing as it wears off. TliU is nn invalu able support when the weight on the small of the back becomes heavy nnd the aching incessant." The Adelphians. The abovo is the name of the latest society organized in this town, composed altogether of young ladles of tha grammer school and several younger members of tho high school. This society meets at the homes of its members and hold Its meetings secret session on Monday ovenlng,of each week. In opening the meetings, besides song by tho socletv, and scripture reading by the President, each" member is required to give the pass-word to the President In a whis per. Tho purpose of tho society is intellec tual Improvement, and the cultivation of politeness. At a meeting held this week at the home of Miss Clara Kuntz (onn of its members,) a splendid programme was rendered, Miss Ella Ebbert, President; and Miss JVabel Wheatley acting as Secre tary. There were fifteen members present, and a visitor who was also in attendauco by request, says that promptitude and des patch In which business was conducted, as well as the rendition of tho good program me, would do cicdlt to societies In this town composed of much older heads than ilia members or tno Aiicipnians. u, s. w. lirst-elnss City Milliner always employed, nnd satisfaction given. All goods guaranteed apr2l GOODS! We are showing a choice line of Dress Goods and (Tavnitures for Commencements in Cream and White Faille Francaise, Radamas, Surahs, Mories, : , Henriettas, Cassimers, Albatross, ' Wool Grenadine, Silk Warp Gypsy Cloth, 42 Inch Wide Chantilly Lace, 42 Inch Wide Embroidered Swiss Flouncings, 42 Inch Wide Embroidered Pique " Silk Gimp, Metal Gimp and Waist Garnitures. 634 Hamilton Street, Ailentown, Penn'a. October 30 1R87- Wcatherk Borough ou Haturday, June si. iuiHiuin jiuromrn ou Ainiuiav. .nine 1'HiTyvlllollorouuhnn Tuesday, June 20, line '& Wednesday, end yet it deceives some people.but not the soldier nor bis friends. Why don't the newspapers call the generals and their wld ows. who draw bis pensions, paupers? lu all fairness x am unable to see why the 'widow ol a common soldier who faithfully served his country In her hour of need, is not lust as good, and Is not In equity aud law just as much entitled to a proportion ate pension as '.uo widow of a Major gen eral or an Admiral. But our statesmen have been giving the pensions to one class and not tho other. Tills Is undemocratic and un-American. Let us treat our pri vate soldiers and our officers of tho army proportionately alike, and apply the same principles to their widows. This Is only me oia ruia or iair piay. And besides an tins this pittance of a pension for the common soldier is refused him at times, when the Treasury of the United btates is overflowing with money, and the talents of our statesmen are strained to devise a scheme to get the surplus money out of the Treasury Into circulation. The President urges with croat earnest ness that unless some speedy plan Is devised to cet the surplus out. and into circulation. that it will bankrupt and ruin the whole country, l ou may draw your own con elusions. These are a few practical and appropriate points to consider when we annually strew tho graves of our fellow comrades with flowers. Audenried, for Hanks township on juue it. Maueli Chuuk llorough on I'i'kl;iy,Jut!c su Lehighton llorough ou Saturday. June 30. iat wcissiwii lor rniiiKiui iuwu?uii uu Mon day, Auir. 6. Hitdcuudalc for Packer township on Tuesday, Aua. 7 Itockport for Lehigh 'and liusunne townships on wcunesuav, auk. s. East Haven for Kidder township on Thursday, auk. v. rlvasant Corner for Malionlug township on Haturday. Kxig. 11. East Penn for East I'enn township on Tuesday. Auir. ii - Mllhiort for Lower Towatnenslng township on Thursday, a tier. 10. Btcmlcravllle, for UpiwrToHamenslug township ou Haturvav. Aul'. is. Stony Creek Schoul House for Penn townshln. Saturday. Auir. A. Lelilghtou (Special Examination), lilghtou Kept v.. Forest Saturday Remember that our assortment of all- wool Scotch suits at $10 are the best In this yalley. You can saye your day's wages by caning ai sonaneim's una rricestar Ulntn- ing liall, Alaucn Uliunk. lew Prices for Job Work. We take pleasure Is calling attention .to one fact, viz: We are now equipped wl;h the latest styles of type and the fastest run' nlng presses which enable us to turnout at very short notice and In the best style Job work of all kinds at prices exceedingly low. Please remember this, prices ten to twenty-nve per cent, less than elsewhere 600 Seersucker coats and vesta from tl up lo $3. at Sondhelm's Ono Pries Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. Pleasant Corner Items. -Daniel Slgllu was visiting Kresgovllle friends. Iteuben Fritz was the euest of Frank Lauchnor, on Sunday. John T. McDanlels and wife were at Jamestown last Sunday. J. T. AfcDanlel disposed of his snrlne wagon to a party at Weatherly. Quite a number of our voim? folks visited the vypsles at Lehighton. -Frank Lauchnor and Heniv Anion Mosser "took in" the picnic at Pennsyllle. Owen Klotz and daughters, of Lehigh- ton, spent Sunday with filnuds In the Valley. Jfr. Lrivis Stelgerwalt and family, of Quakake Valley, spent Sunday with nainan iieinsumn. James E. jlfcDanlel's visit to Summit Hill on Mondav nlcht was a surnrlsa tn !& treat many oi uis menus, Seldle and Gorman are now prepared to fill orders at sboit notice. Their fence ! machine proves satisfactory. , Since the people of this place and vl! i clulty aro convinced that J. C. Meltilcr, means business, give him plenty of work. ; tus muter, A. 11. seldle, who has a thorough trade is working to perfection. ; We noticed In the Ti-uth that a crand time was coming off at the Eagle Hotel, neaiani corner, tome nmein June, mnca people wonder what date. We give them the date, June 22nd. The sixtieth birthday of J, T, McDanlel of the Kagle Hotel for the past twenty-two ears. A cordial In vitation is extended to all. Thaiidkvs. Normal Square Squlbi. John jrcCIean, will run a barb wire fence around his farm property. . Jrs. Kate Xothsteln, was at Philadel phia last week bujlrg In new goods. L. Freyman and wife, of Weatherly, were the guests of I). N'othstein on Sun day. A. F. Oldt, Is now located at Fre Liue with Dennis Xothstcln's portable steam engine. Sirs. Henry Buck, of ll'eatherly, was tho guest of Owen Smith and family, dur ing tho past week. Our popular friend Dennis Xothsteln, was on a business trip to the county scat during tho past week. The genial Al. Mantz with tluco Le highton friends, passed through here on Sunday. They were extremely jolly. We are sony to note the critical Illness of H'llson itemaley and trust that a beno ficent Ituler may decreo his recovery soqn. Everybody out this way reads the An- VOCATK. U is inn lies'. wecKiy in me county. Told, Just received lrom Hoston, an immense stock of the genu ine Knight of Lnhor Shoes, which we arc selling at $2.50 and S3. Warranted solid calf leather. Clauss & Bro., the Tailors, sole agents for Carhon county. Our stock of hand made shoes cannot he heat by any dealer in. the county. New Advertisements, Bovs vou must urce Tour, parents to bring you to Sondhelm's One Price Star Clothing Hall. Mauch Chunk, for your suits as we causeli you a nobby suit for less morey than you can get them elsewhere, ana each boy will get a present. '8 Sarsaparilla Is a peculiar medicine, and Is carefully pro pared by competent pharmacists. The com bination and proportion of Sarsaparilla, Dan delion, MandraKc, Yellow Dock, and other remedial agents is exclusively peculiar to Hood's Sarsaparilla, giving It strength and curative power superior to other prepa rations. A trial will convince you of Its great medicinal value, Hood's Barsaparllla Purifies tho Blood creates and sharpens the appetite, stimulates the digestion, and gives strength to every organ ot the body, It cures tho most severe eases ot Scrofula, Bilt Itlicum, Bolls, Pimples, and all other affoctions caused by Impure blood, Dyspepsia, Ulllousnesi, Headache, Kidney and Liver Complaints, Catarrh, Rheu matism, and that extreme tired feeling. " flood's Sarsaparilla has helped me mora for eattrrh and Impure blood than anything else I ever used," A. Hall, Syracuse, N. Y. Croatos an Appotito " I used nood's Sirsaparllla to cleanse my blood and tone up my system. It gave me a good appetite and seemod tn build me over." B. M. HALS, Lima, Ohio. "I took Hood's Aarsaparllla for eanCerous humor, and It began to act unlike anything else. It cured the humor, and sfemed to tone up the whole body and give me new Ule." J. F. Nixoy, Cambrldgeport, Mass. Send for book giving statements of cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla BOdbrkUdruRlttf. HiiiiforfJ. mpuodonlT by P. I. HOOD CO. ApothMUid, Lowell, JJtu. IOO Doses Ono Dollar ii Hi' CAMBRIDGE HOOFINl. GO. iiANi'r.uTtitnus ov ITEEL RQOFIN fa A STANDING PATENT SEAM. A1n Plain Rolled, (lnmi;iitd,Crinip4Ml YAp. nnd Be&drJ Iron I ton una Siding nd -iIIdj. kaUmsdlKUiu rjr county, bi'ini for ctttalotfus ma eaiuplM, imm. l''ltKNX'H SATHKN Choice Novelties and Spec al Colorings. We ate showing very choice and new things in French Sateen; all the odd, antique shades and lints of silk are reproduced in these exoulslte Sateens of the best French manufacture. See our goods before ordering from samples which often repsesents styles carried from other seasons. WHITE SIAItSKIIJ.ES Ql'II.TK. We are offering extra values In soft Imported Muisellles Quilts, In Egyptian aud Chinese patterns, at prices which we are sure are away below tho pi ices formerly asked for the same goods, We also havo a complete lino of Crochet Quilts. HKXWKTC'A CLOTHS IN NKW COI.OItS.-Jloautiful finish, soft and elegant fot easy draping, unequalled for tho price. In Springandstaploshadai; Navy, Green, (hirnct, Tan, lllaek, Cream, Drown, ilodo. LADIES CASSIJIEHK. This now and fashionable fabric is one of the most desirable materials for ladles wear this season. Being Av Inches wide It cijts to good ad vantage and maki't a rich dress at small expentft. Call and see them. Opposite American Hotel,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers