PLAIN AND FANCY OF INTEREST TO FARMERS. Cheapest Place in the Valley to Purchase Bill Heads, Note Heads, -Letter Heads, f Statements, ""'"Envelopes, Programmes, Price Lists, Blanks of all Hinds, Wedding Stationery, Business Cards, Shipping Tags, Sale Bills, Ball Tickets, Circulars, &c. A Rtprlm for tht Ctndtmtd. Wretched men And women lone con detuned to inffer the tortures of dyspepsia. mis Oiled with new hope after a few doses I of Hostetter't Stomach Bittrt. Thli bud- dine Iiodo bloosoini lulo the fruition of certainty, if the Hitters li persisted In. It I brines a reprieve to an uyspcuiics wno i seek Iti aid. Flatulence, heart-burn. Inking at the pit of the stomach between meals, the nervous tremors and Insomnia of which chronic indicesllon is the partnt, CO mm n -IS AT- Nvr presics. new type and excellent facilities enable us to do ill kinds of Job Work, in the best style, and at extraordinary disappear with their hateful progenitor. m aiuus(ui ....... I Most bentficent of ttouiachlesl who can l " 1 f vMMn.VA immaillhtn flffjinPAtl .... n tk.t It. mt ,i n n j tl raw TJIICBS. 1UUU uiucii iuw,ii liunwuiwi. ...... "CMBOi ADY0CA1B" JOB BOOMS, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. a a uji wrs HEADQUARTERS FOR GENERAL HARDWARE, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, AiL KINDS OF COAL, a OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. wonder that in to many Instances it awakens crateful eloquence In those who, benefitted by it, speak voluntarily in lis ne- uchalf. It requires a erephlc pen to des cribe the torments of dyspepsia, but In uianr of the testimonials received by the proprietors of the Bitters, these are por trayed with vivid truthfulness. Const Ipa Jon. biliousness, muscular debllltv. malari al fevers and rheumatism are relieved by It. EIHMLOTAIi! EMOTAEit iibmovm: I haTe reraoTed my entire stock with an additional ;fre.$h, supply of the more fashionable and seasonabla ints, Ladies & Childrens Shoes CON3I8TIHO or Ladjes' Fine Kid and Spring Heel Shoes, 'of all grades and sires, at the lowest prices in order '.." to meet my- competitors. I will not be undersold. My new stock is complete in every particular. The old stock will be closed out at and below cost. A cordial invitation is extended to my lormer friends und patrons to call at my new store, one door abova Sweeny's Corner Store. Respectfully, Among the Sheep. Tht wisdom of providing shelter against cold storms and chilly winds hat been made apparent, even In the more southern exposures. The old Idea that sheep do not require drink aud that their wool will ketp lliem warm without shelter Is an exploded one. Extia cart during the winter season in way of both feed and shelter payt In the Ion run. and mutt be given If bait results ia wool and mutton are obtained. Bear In mind the fact that theep thrlvt much better In dry than In wet seasons, and provide whta It Is practicable, high, dry locations for winter quarters. Low damp places are bad for all animals, and I especially so for sheep. On the subject of feed for sheep, parties arly the anlmaii that are to have lambt m the spring, Itural New Yorker has giv en some sound advlct, In which occurs the following; Cottonseed is not disirable food far any brtedlng animal, for the sufficient retina that Its effects encourage ibortlon. Again, fine foods are not suit- able for theep, which masticate their food most thoroughly. Corn and other car- jenaceout foods are also not good for sheep except in small quantities. Sheep are irarroly clothed ind do not require so mncb cat bonaceeus food at other animals do. 1'hey are kept for wool and lambs, chiefly. And as the wool contains 10 per cent, of nitrogen and phosphoric acid are required, Hence, clever, as pasture and hay, should be the main feeding for sheep, and braa tnd oats, with a little corn only, should furnish the grain food. Three pounds if jood clover hay and four ounces of mixed bran, oat and buckwheat weuld keep a sheep of 100 ptunds' weight In good con- dltioa, along wiltt at much oat and pta ittaw as It will eat. Joseph F. Rex's, EAST WEISSPORT. Carbon County, Penna. UNDERTAKE R ! Funeral attended with promptness, and Shrouds, Kaskcts oi Coffins furnished ut lowest prices. ALSO. DEALER IX FLOUR, FEED, &c, &c, of the choicest and best quality at reasonable prices. Remember. JOSEPH Jb It MX, Near Canal Bridge, East Weissport, Ta. aprl7-l AS WE CLIP HUMOROSITIES Lords are not much thought of In this country; but counts have a great deal to do with American ballot-boxes. -It Is the feeblest moustache, as well as the sickliest child that gets the most fond ling. And somehow or other they need It too. Il'e hear occasionally of civil engineers but how Is It wo never hear ol civil brake-men? -One doesn't notice that a car window Is anything like au oyster until lie try! to open It. -When a man goes tothe halr-dicsser's in warm weather lie takes a short cut. -Il'lieu tliu leaves begin to turn When the Icachea looks up to see who Is study Ini; his lesson. A flash of lightening has some striking characteristics. -It takes u long time for a woman to et into Hie thirties, but when she dues gel there she slays. IWAOQUAlrTTED WITH TUB OEOOHAPHT or THE COTJWTIIT, WILfc OBTAD' MUCH VALUABLE IKrORMATIOW rBOM A STUDY Or TXITS MAP Or THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RT. Its contra! noeltlon and closs connection with Eastern line at Chlearro and continuous lines at terminal points, Wost, Northwest, and South west, males tt ths true raid-link In that transcontinental chain, of steel -which unites ths Atbtntlo and Pacific. Its main lines and branches Include Chi cago, Jouti, untwt, laamiB, reons, uenoteo, imoiins ana hock isi&na, in, Illinois; uavsnport, Muscatine, wssmnirton, irairnnia.uttumwa.09icaioosa, wast Liberty, Iowa City, Des Moines, Indlanola, wraloraot, Atlantic, Knox Tllla, Audubon, Harlan. Guthrie Contra and Council Bluffs, in Iowa; Gallatin. Trenton, Cameron, 8C Joseph and Kansas City, In Missouri ; Lenvonwortb and Atchison, In Kansas; Minneapolis and at. Paul, in Minnesota; Water town and Sioux Falls In Dakota, and many other DrosDerouo towns and. cities. It also offers a CHOICB OF ROUTES to and from the Pacific Coast and Inter- LEWIS WEISS, BANK STREET, LRHIGHTON. PA. ssr.U-yt JPaines ompound For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. MERVE TONC. Celery and Coca, the prominent la fiedlentc, are the beet and ureal Kerr Tonics. It strengthens and quiets the nervous system, ourinj nervous Weakneas, Hysteria, Bleep leeentm, Ac. MM ALTERATIVE. It drives out the poisonous humors ef the blood purifjfnj and enriching It, and so overcoming thoa dlwuuat resulting rrota UsBore or Ismtr, lined blood. LAXATIVE. ActlncmlldlTbutsarelrontheDowtti It cures bkbltual constipation, r.a pntmotesareralar habit. Ilstningt)i ens the stomaek, sad aids tUrektlrn. DIURETIC. In its ootopadtlon the best and Boat actlvedlantleeortheUatenaUedloa tie combined eelenUacellj with other effective retaedlet for dtieeiei of the kidneys. It can be relied on 10 (Ire quick relief and sceedr cure. Readndj c taMiaonUli hen bM hmItM bm Mnou who hire md thli nnedj with WMiftih)hMat. SeaJoelneUn,(Mef fill pwtUttUn. Mm tl.M. ttU Yf SnasMe. WELLS, RICHARDSON CO., Prop's UBLnroToir.vr. A Word About Alfalfa. Alfalfa Is a pe.tnnlal plant, which flourishes best.ln warm climates and deep, I rich soils; the roots grew loug and large, and when ence established In a favorable I location an Immense amount of fodder will be produced for several years. It succeeds I admirably in California, where its leng tap I root teems to defy drought, and Is especially well adapted ts onr southern states; bnt Is I it lot suited to a hard pan or close com- I pact clay soil or thin lands, but delights In I soils where Us long lap roots meet with nt I abstraction. There It no better plant! known for producing a large amonnt of fodder for telling purpostt from a small acrta of ground adapted to Its growth, and it Is also nted for hay, although owing to the woody fibre of Itt item it It not tqnal to red clover. It hat been grown to tome exttnt Is the northtrn states, and even In Canada, but btlng of southern orlgli Its best results are to be expected In warm, dry I I climates on tolls adapted to ltt habits. Tht teed can be had from almotl any seeds man, and the qnottd price Is fifteen cents per pound. If town broadcatt the land thonld be rich, well prtsared and free I from wttds, otherwise the plant! art liable to be ovtrrus and killed out, for Its first growth from the seed Is not a vigorous one. nd for this reason many put It in drills from ont to two ftet apart, so that the wetdt can be kept down until the plantt liava Raised the mastery and are able to I I take care of themselves. nlacai. maxm? all transfers in union denote. 1- H3t Trains of Una DAY COAOHB8, eleg-ant DININQ CABS, mao-nlflcont PULLMAN PALACE BLBHPINO CABH. and (between Chicago, St. Joseph. Atchison and Kansas City) restful BKOLlMNa CEUUA CAiUJ, seats FRKK to holders of throucb. nrst-oiaas nueie. THE CHICAGO. KANSAS & NEBRASKA R'Y (GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE) Kxtands Tfoat and southwest from Kansas City and St. Joseph to Fair bury. Nelson. Eorton, Topeka, Berlnirton, Hutchinson, Wichita, CaHtvell, Idcos. All oalotv lUllt stations. Colo: THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE and modern Improvements. Commodious, woll-b Baictj, comron ana luxury assuroa. jpllances ri.ty.cor- Is ths favorite between Cnlcasro, Rock Island, Atchison. Kansas City, and J Minneapolis and St. Paul. Ths tourist routo to all Northern Summer Resorts, ts watertown Branch traverses the most productive lands of tho great "wheat and dairy belt" of Northern Iowa, Southwestern Minnesota, and Eost- cantrai uaao. . . . . , , Tno onort une via aeneca ana ivaxiKaKeo ouora superior mciuuua w uitvei between Clnolnnatl. Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Council Bluffs, St. Joseph. Atcmson, Leavenworta, Kansas vuty,AiiunapoiiB, ana oi. raw. For Tickets, Maps, roldera, or any desired Information, apply to any Cou pon Ticket Office intne urutsa staves or vanaaa, oraaorssa E. ST. JOHN, E. A. HOLBROOK Stssral Kaa&zer. CKIOAOO, ILL. Oen'l Ticket &Pjss' Agon BBST EiaLISH TfTSf BARRELS THE ITHACA CUM DAMASCUS STEEL BARRELS, S IE ST SHWJTINQ GUN MADE. IsSsMK tJlbeTTmtrar.Linumn.IUeaaeA. "Q tfSMa fca. tell TiMtoalM Oaapmilta Sf V" Bolls, iiiiiiiilcu, iiimi,, ritiuwurm, tetter. and all uiiicr nuiiiluUliiiiisuf Umimi rc blojt, ire cured uy lloit it surMiiurillu. -The man who was ashamed to look his watch lu the face probably got It ou lick. -Civilly is dear to everybody, anu jet it costs nobody anything. Cupid Is tliu yieatesl slay-belle lu the world. A man mny be a smoker, and yet his dear lit le wife may not allow him tu smoke bjr. llecause church bells somvi mes have wedding rings, it dues ne follow that the; are married. Caille uie dumb beasts, but by getting t jcettiir iu large numbers they make them selves herd. 1 was troubled villi chronic catarrh ami a licriiiK in my lieail, was very drat ui nines, hud ilisclmrircs 1mm my ears, :tii wis unablu to breailie tliuiigli my nose, lie iore tliu second buttle ut hi. 's Cream Ualui was exliauatcil 1 was cured, and to-day en ju) tuund litalili. C. J.Corum, FiiM Alana gvr riiiluilululiia ruulisliiug Hoiui', l a. Is lost ''I feel very much out ot place what the Voukers man said when he a good position. A llurllngton mother has miraculously cured her yuuiigt-st hopeful uf tuiuklug b the laying un uf bauds. The man who called another a dog, apologized by saylni; he did not do it purp- ously. "Out on the flyl" Is now the cry of ths lufuilaled bald-headed cltiren. (Jetting sun-struck isarathersummaiy fashion of disposing of a man. "Soled aiialu," remarked the cobbler, as he repaired an old pail of boots, Bucklen's Arnica salve. The best salve In the world tor cuu, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhueiii, fever sores tetter, chapped hands, chilblands, corns, and all skin eruptions, aud positively cures piles, ur no pay required. It is guaranteed to give pcrlect satisfaction, or money re funded. 1'rice -'X. per bux, at lhomas . Everybody in the church, except tht new pastor himself, seemed to enjoy when lie lost the place in bis rnaauscrlpi, and while hunting for it spoke of "Esau who sold his message for a birth of pot' right." 'I trust your daughter is not one ol those lame, spiritless sort of girls that sometimes apply to us for situations, and are too bashful to Mil tliem,' said a shop keeper to a father who was seeking emploj meni for one of his chlldien. 'air, ho re piled indignantly, uiy daughter has reu iiasr.' That settled it. Two gentlemen, while at a party, were eagerly walchjug a good-looking lady commanding presence. 'Is she married!" 'I don't know for certain,' was the reply Out I'll bet she is. I overheard her tell a man a few moments ago to stop bother ing her, aud uo woman would talk tba, nay at a part to any one except her hus band.' raTU. rut. hica Kid, lUMtealM OmpMMlld Oleo Hmrd Shooting Cum at Lone Banco a Speo laity. ITHACA CUN CO, - - ITHACA, N. Y. S. A. BSLTZ. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Jef . .Aqeot Foit riKrr-cTJLW Fire, Life" & Live StOGt Insuance '- CompaaitBS. SOoXTt OTTAWA, ILL, ROAD CASTS. MU W hnl't M .Mali iwm Hfm la tovli talh rM I'll t1 Beeelal attention of Farmers sal 'tiled to the llbrral termscltered br t COUNTY MUTUAL 1,1 VK STOCK IMiUII- ANCE CUMI'ANY.rorwhlehlaatattareatttr uie uouaij ana aeicuDoruooa. Regl '.Estate Agency. Real Estate Bought & Soil Collections Promptly M&de. Sank Struct, Lebightex, Paut. est,t74f Oa tkt Country Kotd Saying It not alvayt economy. r-utntienest cannot be jcicKea Into a I saw. Walnutt are the latest wrinkle for fat tening turkeys. Remote the tetdt before feeding pump-1 I kins to ca tie. The tare way to gtt good rank cowt is I I to ralst them. Wattr cattle frequently or ltt them I THK ABOVE 19 OUR NO. JOGGING CART. EVERY CART GUARANTEED. J CeSjaM tBaMti VeatMt ud beet CartBJ I Slii AL. CAMPBELL, Jew Ar aiu WatcWer, Bank Street, "Leliighton, JF;nni. Xtspectf nlly lnrltes the attcnrloB et kit trltaat and the elUient Kenerally to bit ' -tt new stock ol Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewely, THAN A IUQQY. CAY tt SOI OTTAWA. ILL. 4 1 83cOPP0SITE L. & S. DEPOT,-f BANK STREET, - - LEHIGHTON, P Haa juit opened an entire new line of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! hart frte acctts to It. I .. u.i !. .4i. j mi.!- -Dampsestita peat producer of die rapnuig " " iu WUKO WOOB, OR- ! east amonc poultry. tens, xtxiuzm, wmgnams, EdllllliS, QQorsucicera and Pnt all farm machinery and tools IntolPanCV AJX9B FatterilS 01 the TCrt best qualities at eXCCed- first rats order duilnc leisure heart this jjng ow prices. -Dr. salmon, chief of the bureau of in- Grocrie, Provision, Crockery ware, lasswaro, duttry, tayt that pleuro-pntumosla among Wood and WlllOWWar of the belt make at 1W figures, cattle no longer exists west ef tkt A lie- pii.l T3re.n n. at.-. ji v ghany Mountains. i n ?; ' T a ! y- Tht deTtlepraent of wheat productlen aawuts viutuiug i Bii.uv iaMci,T auu . uuics itiumii uie rcncil ; in Dakota bat been truly wonderful. The ot all purcnaiers prices iuuy at low ai uie came goods can be j area ttwn to tprin whtat for the 1887 bought for at any other general store in this vicinity. acre,; and thV TmhTo'xwZ'Z Carpet.. Oil-clotliB, Lamp, and Fixture in great bushels, or nearly doubit tht production variety ana oi Desi quouiy ai xock uouom rnces. of 1880, sr utarty ont-seytnth of tht en- Best quality of Flour a&d Peed at prices iully as low as the I," same articles can be purchased eleewhere. I t- Jli 1.1 . a car ioaa oi conns mmiz nas just oeen receiraa tnt price has been marked down to the Terr loweit notch. All goods of the very best quality and are being sold at prices NTED WA IBLt AX ENTIRELY NE W BOOK tt rrlees that del: to call and lnsjiec fT competition, tt will pay EEPAIRING Promptly done at lowest smarts, aai ta guarauteed. Don't Bfcl tbe Place. 8 ixaKK7ir;oss IGN OP THE BIO WATCH, Bank StIbjdiitj The meet wonderfullr cinDlcte collection oi tbe absolutely useful and eractlcal which ba eier been puullsbed In any nation on the glebe. jl inarrei oi eferr aaj mm ana aciuai mone rtrnlnx and money string te every possessor imnareae upen nunarcat oi Deauuiiu ana neip iui .ngi.iiiiEs. i ciw.vruiuaiy low price Dtf yond competition. Nothing In the whole blstor of the boon trade like It. Kelect sonulhlnv oi real Tame la tne people, ana sales are sure Agents looking tor anew and first class book, write lor full description and terme. to days IHJASl libllmi time eWen Aeente without canltAl. MKI.L i CO. TmLADKLl-Bta. 1-a. Tts Cream- of all Boots of Adrentnrt CaxDBStss uno OXS TOLUKS. PIONEER I DARING HEROES I DEEDS. The thrilling ad restarts ef all tbe here ex. plorers and frontier lighters with Indiana, out laws and wild beastt, oer onr whole countrr, Iromthe earliest tlmee to the creeeat. Urea and eiDlolts of DeSoto. ISaUe.Htaniiiih.liAnnr Kenton, Ilrady, Crockett. Bowie. Houston. Car son. Luster, California Joe. wild CIU. Hoffalo .1. Llil. .nrf I'nwtV t ..hi-. nilL Generals Miles and Craak. chiefs, and teoree of others, splendidly niui urm tnooa. asd .twau sorsblif to tell. Time m great Indian enu Wanted ert of funds, IzeltCBtat is Texts. Greet excitement hat been caused In tbe vicinltr of Paris. Tex., br the remarket,! ecoreryofiir. J. e. Corie, who was . equally as low as the same goods can bought at any general store ill. head: er.rrbodr .aid he" was drlnV o, 'm tlllS Section. (JaU and be COnYlUOl. Jonsumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King's N'ew Uiscorary was sent him: Finding re- lef, he bought a large bottle and a box ol I Ur. King's New Life Pills; by the time lit had tsken two boxes of Pills and two bottles if the Diseorery, he was well and had gained in flesh thirty-six peundt. irtal bottles of this Wonderful Ditcorerr lor Coostusplioa fret atT. X). Tkomat' drug I 4.or July2a-87ly Ic8pctfully, AMOS REIGEL. well Tana and Oardta Notes. Keep yeur stock up, fesd them and regularly. W bta breaking la yeuag colli pat them betide fast walking horsss. The first few lessois will make a lasting impression en them. it saouia not be attempted ts keep I geett and ducks where waterls net accessi ble. Milk, potatoes, meal and other feed for twine ihenld be Jed to thesa directly aikcr eaixiajc. Exercise care In buying grass tttd to set tin v wnica it pure, soaecaa antra t sow wetdt. -feasant s4m4 tbt f umm ATo- " Tbe Sttte tub Utet enry ttse sad aerer Jeta go W hob.' Liesche's Burglar-Proof Sash Lock AND AUTOMATIC? WINDOW HOLDER. Gkespesi Wrwaeit sat oaly Pnxtloal Atrtomotio Lack sad KoMsr h fto Ksrfcst It U tbe only Stsh Lock rn the mitket that etrtoen tbv unsracslon. it Is made of U aheatla uon. and ctnnrt be hroben. It It so tocotej and oosstrsexad that It ts lmpootbta for a tbUJ to control tt froia fco ootsldf, tt,d Is ihsofitert CuretaNl'icot, It lsAato nuIc fa setioc, be U axUsj ta &th the moment ft ts closed, acd holdlcK the window at asy eloralton ot tiled. ItlseonallnaUmjiecta toccrds acdwetahta. I am on my second buttle ot El's Creati lialin. beinir a suH'crerlriini catarrh since ivas a I'liild, but with tills mtdiciue 1 am be ing cured. Win L Day ton, Uruoklyn 'Precious green' the emerald. Cupid Is always shoollug and forever makinj Mrs. Tills cold snap is accounted for. quicksilver trust has been formed, and course mercury went up. A collecting agency in New York run by women exclusively, whch teems '.o disprove the adage, a woman's work it ueyer dun. ot 'llackmetack," a lasting and fragran. perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. Hold b Ur. Horn, Lelii' l Uiery , Weissport. Take a dollar a dap for your walk If you cau tcet no more. llave a reserve force that will come out when you need It. I'be bune.1 man who diet poor it rich If be only holds his own. rihUoh't Cure will immediately reliere (.roup, i hooping Cougu aud isronclilti. auKl by Ur. Hum, Lctiighlou, aud Biery, tVeibsitort J Carta AdvcGate ! ! ! 11 . . . ... rl i Ann get an ino including Intorulns New ...,l W. jl.liiTtnn lot- ters. You bttter Join me. It Is the clii'tlH'it, and llKST wi-ekly piu"r In the Lehlali Vallcv. Try It. Only $1 a Year. Circulntlrn, 1,000 ! Carpels of Eyeiy Descriptions! ngrain to Finest Brusiils at prices lower than the lowest. HavlnE a DKS1UN MIM.TIPI.IKK wc are eo- amen in M'li uy nA.iii'j.r. vcr oiuiRiHruir- li). uy mi iu:iiim a nioiu ia rereriii ed earirtcil, so Hint you know Just exactly uluil you me busing. We nlo cHrry a COMPJ.I'TK LINK OF FINE at vi;nv miw rr.u;i. iniik St root, Li'hightdn, Pcnna. aprlllBUT IV Hop Plaster ApeenlUrendmieeNsfhleembliiAUonofSooth" Ins, paln-kllllng a strencthsntng ngenta Fresh Ilept, Hemlock Gam and Pine Osltsui. Tain, soreness and weekneae In the bulc. rld, kldneje, ehMt, ehoulder, neat or llmbe, are oil Inetnntly rellev1idred. Bwtet, frh. reliable and nTer-ranlnr-wa r rnnted the bet plneter known. Bold erery wher. rrlcesvt.i 0 for St. Hailed for )rtoe. IIOI' 1-tASTElt CO., rnprielara, l!u.toa. CatarrM -J- - -tUOtT. 'HAYFtVER HAY- FEVER Vint will Sim Minify, 'I line, I (tin, Iroi.uli', AND Wll.LCUIIK Catarrl- ELV'S CREAM BALK A particle applied inioeaen nmirnaiiii iiikih nhle. l'rli e so eenls nt drul5ts; by mail, regis lered, 60 cent. r.l.V ItltOrt., DniBBlHls. is). rrenwlch, ttrert. New lor. ixi-.-iwi AYERS & SOOVILL VEHICLES. HIGH GRADE, LOW PRICES WE MANUFACTURE HEARSES, CARRIAGES, PHAETON3 AND BUGGIES. 'rices asd Catalogue! tunt on application, SPECIAL lisducoments to large Buyers. SAYERS & SCOViLL, V. SCHWARTZ, UNDERTAKER ! ! AND DKAI.KK IN UltNlTUltE, PARLOR SUITKS, 13 KD ROOM SUITES, Ac, which ho Is selllns at lowest prlees. AO Druacln.. SSe . Sne.. ani t" rrprawl onlj by Br.Setb Axoald. Ui. Corp., Mroac4il.JUI. Society taya one tblng, and nature tayt another; It taket a great deal of grace to be ablt to Gear prane. Any kind of an honest job Is better tba j uo job at all. Croup, W hooping Couch and Eroacaitis immediately relieved by bhileh't Cure .ld by Dr. liorn, Lehihten, aud Biery Veissiurt. ban Sin hat many toult, but a lie It a die that dls them all. l'assioa Is a bad counsellor, sad geaar ally a bid speaker. That hacking cvuh can be ts quickly cured by bhilub's Cure. S e guarantee it. Sold by Ur. llors, Lehibton, and Hiery, Weueport. Only those who make cleaa money and do cleau things wlu success. The dissanolutiueiit of manhood suc ceeds to tbe delusion of youth. You will never have a friend If you must have oue without fallliuu. iEEIITS WANTED. : OUT, or complicated mechanism to c oat of iter. It Is ucufced la the most arttsao manner aaa CMkeawtth screws to match. II It attnettr and oe ffti u design. It Is what yoa tare bean looktea (orrorrears. Saaple eomplatelor coewtadow mitiel coreutot 0 Ota. Uataops. Xxaolaetoied by J. R. CLANCY, Syracuse, N ltt JtettoatUt Basse, Are you made mlierabls by Indjjeetion, Conttiiiatiou, Uiuluew, Iami of Appetite, Yellow Skiu? Shiloh's Vitiliztr it positiit cure. Sold by Dr. Horn, Lehighten, aad iliery, Weissport. Catarrh cured, health and tweet breath secured, bySlilluh'tCatarru Kennedy. 1'rice 60 cents. A'aaal Injector tree. Sold by Dr. lloru, Lehiglilon, aud Iliery, Weusporl. There's a great difference bttweea sa egg and a riding horse,'1 remarked tht Snake Editor. 'I suppose so, replied the llorsn Kdltor; but w bat difference ds ya reftr to In particular?' 'An egg Is of ns use when it's addled.' For that pain of yourt get a Hop Pluttr laid apply. You'll rati bsttw U-awraw. The Cheapest and The Best FAMILY NEWSPAPER Printed in Carbon connty IS THE CARBON fl Hdvocate rnrrusuED ax LEBIGJJTON, PENNA., Xtery flatsrday, and delivered by mall W all parts of tbe Country at the SMALL SUA! OF $1.00 a Year. )- eoxTAixs bach wtir Broadbrim's N. V. Letters, latarcttlnx Corrttpoadtncii frost WasMon anQ Philafleliiliia. All tht latest and most Important Local and General News, both Foreign and Domestic. Take It and Bead It ! ONLT $1.00 A Year Dennis jNothstein AGKST FOlt THE C. & G. COOPER A CO 'S Traotlon Engintj has tbe least gearing. Is Hie 8TUOX0IUT aad afOSTCOXVRXIBtfT in uso. Tnr.iK VmuATixn Threshlnrj Machine imrmitrt'd lo the best rcauiisouiHinaoie Pony and StasHdri Saw Mil!. ! WIND BNCINH (or DrlrlBE Machinery and Tuniplng tTater! The MKADOW KlXa MOWKlt & ItEATBB mil STANDAB .IAT1NU TOOLS. DENNIS NOTHSTEIN Normal Sauare, Pa. uilv !'T-ly D. LANGELL'S ASTHMA AND CATARRH REMEDY. Ibiviui; stmsded 10 years between life a i'i th w th Asthma or Phthisic, treated minenl pbyslclaus, and recelrlnc M benelLZ was coinpellcd during tbe last tyeart of ay 111 icsh to sit ou ray clialr day ana alabt ula( tor breath. Mv tuKerlnts were beyeaa deaerlt ' Inn. In despair I exiierlmrnted astaytell ky 'OinrHiuiiillnKrooti and herbs aad Inhabit tbe medicine thusobtalned. I fortunately dlseorereA this WoNiip.nrui.Cunx rou Asthma ahdCa rARiui, warranted to reliere tbr most atubber ase ot Ahthma in Kiva Mihuti, to tbat Us niitlentcan lie down to rest and sleep comfert iMy. Pleae read the following condense ei tracts from unsolicited testimonials, all ere entdate: Oliver V. It. Holmes, San Jose, Cal.. wrltst 1 Dnd the remedy all and even more tbaa res resented. I receive instantaneous relief." K. M. Carson, A. M Warren, Kan..wrltea "Wns treated by eminent physicians otthli rsas. try and (lermanyi tried the climate ef lferrat itutes nothing afforded relief like Tour pre pars- '""'it. Phelps, T. M., flrlces, Ohio, writes : "af. ered ultb Asthma 40 years. Your medietas Is : nilmites does more lor uie than the most teal .ent iilnslclan did for me in three years." . C. l'llinploii, Joilrt, 111., writes: "Send Cs tarrli Itenirrty at once. Cannot set alonf wits. ut It. I find It to he one ot the meet valaakls iipdlclnes I have ever tried." We have many other hearty testimonials tf runt or relief, and In order that all snf erers fnua Vsthma, Catarrh, Hay Fever, and klnre4 ! .enscH muy have an opiwrlunltjr of tettlijr Ut vnlunnftlip ltemedv we will send te any adireet ItlAI, l'ACKAOfi KHKK OF CHAROK. Tl falls to keep It do not permit Met .ell vim some worthless lmltatlun by kls res I'lentlne It to he Just as eood, hut send alresuy mu. Write your name and aridres plainly. tililresi. J. ZIMMUKMAN & CO, rrops,. Whntes:ile DrueRlsls. Wooater, Wayne Ce., O. size box hv mall St.OO. lulyHy iAINBOW RUPTURE fdM imrK.arntUbleandaNrtMtreuiM. It U ot n 1 rusa. Vtra bar mi huai mml K mane forKOIMn. 8nd for elmlar wita lS looiaU from eralafml ivfrerara esr4 krtfcia Ilanc4. AHdrmOentrAlSteSioalaxiaattxeaeA a.tliute03Ui.oeiistat,at tnatmest eiraa all kind, .f emtnt nnialleaUaaa Waakaatae SlHaW ium' t trovblea la aula aa4 kaifa ear neatakr B ire to.wrha aa batora liilVa tiwtValiwwhem - ojuultatloa free aad iBVftad. $1 13 "WEEKS. i ;i i; i ' The POLICE GAZETTE will be milled, -I'lirely wrprd, to any eilHrtta ia tbe Cal d Bta'lrs for three sinnlhl on rrreipt sf One Dollar. Liberal ditoount liluwed In pnet mi Horsy Hen's and elilhs 8sple cnpiet nailed Inm. ddrie ill orders In RicrurtP k. fox, Ust S0,188J,ly Fsaxkuh fs)as, If. T- PATENTS!! FRAHKLIB H. HOUGH. Solicitor or American & Forelw Patents 026 F St., near U. 8. Pateat Oftta, WASHINGTON, D. & All bntlness he tore United States rates! Oatee attended to for moderate free. Pateau prumi In the United States and all Foreign Cotitrtet. irtdi Mtrki k4 UMt reclttered. XefeeUd applications retired acidproseeate4. taferam tlnn and tdvlre aa to obtalnlnf FatenUehee. fullv furnUhed without charer. Send MkettSi e Model for Fsxa opinion as to rateatabllltv. Copies of patents fsralthrd fee Sfte. eseb. 3rCorrespiDdeBee sal I cite. lees ABDME-w rax rvmitnzm, 1 H. V. Morthimer, Jr., uswaX0tf.r4. cnf FUHIimm.'H Will send tfai apoJkafStSI mE,ttWRiiiuwCp( SeedS" FAW & GARDEN IJEHEim & REQUISITE FbfLTHK & REQUISITE.) M.WI GARDEN .I...--I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers