"Original Ohoap Cash Store" Spring-Time! Wn have this week opcncil the spring season with a itock of goods second to none In this part of the Lehlch Valley. Our stock contains a great variety of Fresh, Choke and Stylish Dry Good). Dress Goods, Notions, Carpels, OH Cloths, Dools and Shoes, Qucensware, &c, mark ed at prices which we guarantee to he low er than those of our competitors who claim to bo lowest In prices. Besides vlne the largest stock nt the smallest prices, we have man v new novult les not to be found elsewhere. Wo entered the principal markets with pUnty of ready cash, scoured them tlio rongly and skimmed the cream off all goods suitable for our trade, Space not permitting "f a fuller descript ion of our larae purchases, wo end by ex tending to all a most dordl.il Invitation to call and look through Hits the most magni ficent of all Spring stocks. J. T. NUSBAUM, Opposite Tufolle Square, B.ink Street, talilgluon. JunaT. 1881-ly. "THAT." The word "that" can probab ly be used more times con secutively, and correctly, than any other word in the English language. For instance : "that that that that gentleman used," is grammatically correct. It may be said with still great er propriety that the New High Arm Davis Vertical Feed Sew ing Machine can be used lor a greater variety of work, light and heavy, plain and ornament al, than any other machine known, and with perfect results. Geo. f . Nmbanm. Apt, Bank Street, Lehighton. The Carbon Advocate SATURDAY. JfAROH 2l. 185S OPECIAL NOTICE Persons making payments 10 mis nnice oj money oruers or postal nines will please mates them payable at tho WEISS l'OUT 10ST OFFICE, as tlio Lolilgliton Onii e Is nut a monev oruer onica Current Events Epitomlzod. Easton Is shortly to have a walking match. Hazleton Is to have a new Lehigh Valley-depot. Sneak thlevos are working successfully In some localities, We must haye two more snows to Oil up the predicted quoto. Keep your eye peeled for counteifel coins, from dimes on up. A reliable watchmaker; D. S. Dock, opposite tlie l'uullc square. Full line of Ingrain and Brussels car pets at V. Schwartz, on Bank street, tf I3ank street, this week, as usual every spring, Is knee deep with plain every day mud. Paints, oils, varnish, class and general painters supplies, at Luckonbach's, Mauch ununic. Leopold Meyer, of Fackerton, is sup plying a number of people in this place vtUu stone. For artistic pacer hanging and decorat ing call on is. If. MicKenuacli.ui uroaaway, Maucli uuunic, 1 The prettiest assortment of ladles gold watches in tnu section Is ulsplaveil at . H. Kohl's, Maucli CliUnk. Wantedl $4000 on first mortgage. Properly worth more than double the amount. Apply or address this oillce. lSlf If you miss those bargains In wall pa per just remember we advised you that we bad them. E. F. Luckenbach, Mauch Chunk. inillam Waterbor's smoke-house, on Lehigh stret. was robbed of considerable meat on Afonday night. The burglars were not strangers, evidently. We are pleased 'to note that our old friend (Pin. Hellman, is again about after being confined for quite a time with a seyere attack of rheumatiesin. Several town lots were sold at auction on Tuesday. TUey brought seventy-five to elzhty-flve dollars each. Located on the outskirts, the price Is about right. The grand elecutlonary and musical entertainment to be held in the new opera bouse Saturday evening promises to be a very successful event. Tlio programme as published last week is highly spoken or, Don't fall to go. Grater's brick yard will resumo opera tion on or about l lie luin 01 next montii Wedding rings at E. II. Uohi's, Mauch Chunk. Our prices for lob work are very low. Try us. And this Is Spring, beautiful spring. they say. Luzerne county now has Ml practicing physicians. A lax of SI for does: 2 for dog that are not dogs. A building boom will strike lift Ucthte- hem's this year. 701 llnuor licenses havobien granted In Luzerne county. Carbon county has loss than fifty prac ticing physicians. Luzerne. Pa., has a Duke of Welling ton K. 0. E. Cattle. : Influenza prevails alarmingly among horses at this season. Dr. Smith, the dentist, will soon be located In his new oUlcc. Slallncton was Incorporated as n borough In the year 1804. Pen Arcl'l Is to have a Tribe of Im proved Order of Red Men. Kutz. the tobacconist, has had tlio In terior of his store repainted. Carriages, for pleasure or funeral pur poses at Dayld Ebbcrt's livery. Miss M elite Major's grand entertain ment Saturday night don't miss It. Trexler & Kreldler are building a new wagon for Laury, tho Welssport baker. Immense stock of handsomo wedding presents at E. II. Hold's, Maueh Chunk. Pretty gold watches at reasonable prices at Dock's Jewelry Store Lehigh ton. Don't dotav In looking up the remnant wall paper counters at Luckeubach's,Mauch Chunk. Three rooms over S. Seller's hardware storo for rent. Suttabla for offices. Apply on tho premises. It Is said about town that Henry Miller, of ll'elssport, will erect a steam planing mill here. , For a dandy stock of watch chains and lockets and all kinds of jewelry g to E. H. rTohl's, Mauch Chunk. Mrs. Susan- Monahon, of Northampton street, was agreeably surprised Saturday evening by a number of her lady friends. Railroad men and others, If you want to see a fine display of elegant gold orsllvei watches go to E. II. Hohl's, Ifaucli Chunk. Sunday schools and libraries supplied at the lowest prices. Give us at call at E. i'. LiUCkenbacu s, ut uroaaway, iuaucn Chunk. We are a "little" crowded with adver tisements to-day, but the high character and frlskyuess of our news departments make up for wha. we lick In quantity. The Blttner Homo, at Slatlngton will he formally opened to the public on Thurs day, next. A cordial Invitation is extend ed by Mr. Blttner to the Advocate readers to attend. For S10 you can buy more honest read y-m ado clothing at Sondhelm's One Price Star Clothing Hall, Jaucb Chunk, than you can get elsewhere for $10, and don't you forget It. We are pleased to note that some parents are taking an Interest In the'school work of their children. They should also visit the schools more frequently and thus' give encouragement to both scholars and teachers. John Acker, on Bankway, Is prepared to meet all orders for first-class pumps. Mr. Acker has bad a number of years ex perience in this business and can guarantee full satisfaction. Look for annouueement In this paper later. According to a rumor current Mantz's brick stable on Bank street, will shortly bo converted In a coflJn manufactory. Such aud enterprise would undoubtedly prove profitable. V. Schwartz Is said to have the schemo In view. Judge Arnold of Philadelphia, In au elaborate opinion Monday declared the at tempt to collect taxeson furniture, watches and pleasure carriages clearly Illegal, the act of May 13, 18S7. haying abolished tho tax and all means of collecting it. Tho attention of tho people of Summit Hill. Lansford and vicinity Is directed to the fact that George K. Huntzinger, of tho popular Switchback Restaurant, Js author- izeu oy us to receive suuscnptions anu monevs for the CAitBOX Advocate. The coming spring and summer gives promise of many chinges In this locality; new dwellings are to ue erected; business enterprises aie to ue prolectea, ana alto gelher a genuine, full-fledged boom can be looked For. We are pleased to note this, Fred. Horlacher. will erect a lame bottling establishment and residence on the property opposite tho Valley House, en tiankwav, recently purchased by him. Mr. Horlacher Is a progressive citizen and we are pieaseu to count mm tmong our business men. The Advocate last weak contained more Interesting general local news thin all the other county papers combined. Considering that we were "Snowed-ln1 for ihree whole days we take a pardonable pleasure In calling the attention of our readers to this fact. Milton Florv, of East Welssport, has moved into the building next to Everett's Hotel. In Welssport, where he will be pleased to meet all old patrons and all oth ers desiring anything In the line of harness blankets, robes, bells, wtilps, Ac. Impair ing of all kinds promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. tf. It is foolish for any ono to have the face full of pimples, blothes, etc.. when Laxanor, tlie golden remedy can be bought for 25 cts, at any drug store. It Is better to laugh than be crying' rte- COUNTY SEAT CORRESPONDENCE, i OUR STROLLER AT WEI55P0RT, TImsljr Topics HtMly Written Up b? a Vor-c&tllo- QulUlst. Res A Bro., sport a beautiful new pair of horses. John Esch, of Armbruster's hotel, cir culated at Lehighton Tuesday. An open temperance meeting was held at East Mauch Chunk on Wednesday eye ing. Armhru9ter's hotel Is being supplied wllh electric bells. Uncle Low is bound to keep up with the times. George W. tlehl, a prpular and suc cessful pontrnclor and builder, residing al Lehighton, ciiculxli'd here Monday, Pi'rhaps it would be of Interest to our people to know that Williams the photo- raplicr, at Maucli 1 liunk still makes aiunet photo s atu.uu per uoz. The work of tearlnsr down and remov ing tho old L. & H. buildings goes steadily The freight depot Is completed and lie passenger deuot is now looked for. Mr. C. A. Rex with Mr. Cook were to Philadelphia and New York, this week bujlng in new spring and summer goods. ou can look for sometuing nice, watcii for announcement next week. The very, very latest political rumor Is tc.tho effect that Hugh McGarvev. the great labor agitator will be pushed for the Assembly by ills mends anu allies in tins county. Did ye hear anything diopl John Ltllv. of Indianapolis. Ind.. a brother of General William Lilly, of town, was struck by an L. & S. englno nearPack erton last Monday aud instantly killed. Deceased leaves a wife and four children. Ho was about sixty-flvc years of age. The resumption of work at the Nes- quehonlng mines Is complete. Muny of the strikers were unprovided for and especially the leaders. This ts only another means of the soulless corporations to down legiti mate effort on the part of the miners, to stay persecutlon. At the Coiner Store: Having purchas ed the business of Messrs. Treharn & Co., and having added almost au entire line of new goods, we are now prepared to offer to the public a choice line of dry goods, notions and groceries. We also have some great bargains lu odds and ends, which must be sold to make room 101 spring goods. You aro most respcctfullv Invited to call and Inspect our goods. iKllllams & Kauffman. 4t. Wahnetaha Castle. K. G. E.. was formally Instituted In Upper Maueh Chunk Friday evening last. The officers to talled: Past Uliler, J. W. smith; iS'oble Chief, W. J. Weaver; Vice Chief, John 0. Caske.v: High Priest-W. E. Beyan; Vener able Hermit, Charles Sewcll; Jfaslnr of Records, U. S. Grant Tobias; Clerk of Ex chequer, Amos Bradley; Keeper of Ex chequer. Charles Warncke, Sir Herald, Edwin Weyhentneyer; Worthy Bard.Llmer Faea: Worthv Chamberlain. Ernest Gross: Ensign, Harry L. Faga; Esquire, W. Wey- henmcyer: hirst (Juarusraan. is. a. Brad ley; Second Guardsman, Ilarry C. Loblen. Public Sale Registry. -Satnrdav. March 24th. on the premises In New Mahoning, by the administrators, valuable real estate of the late Solomon Gomery. The executors of the estate of Michael Gerber. dee'd., will soli on Jlfarch 31st, '8S, valuable real estate and personal property, on the premises In Jahonlng township. At the public house of John Weiss, In Franklin township, on the 29th, household furniture and live stock. . 1.1 f -! ,1 Me I aw. nriKu.lnrnimD us, The bricks manufactured by this firm cldedly ; and to enjoy your baby's laughing rank fully equal to any In the state The u uf- "u 1Ja,by, bill? , w,hlcV clay bed Is deep and ricn. W. D. Rishel, Is kept busy at his gallery west of public square. No vender for he makes good pictures at very low prices. Oulck sales and small profits. Bring the babies right along, and In the forenoon or right after a nap or not too late in the afternoon. 'I had rather be a kitten and cry mew' than groan all night and .icold all day with neuralga, when one Utile bottle of Salva tion Oil would make me gentle and well. Pussv. wouldn't you? Cousin, hoarseness, asthma or any Irrl tatlon of tux throat or bronchial tubes will be relieved bv lakineDr. Bull'sCongbSvrup It has cured thousands. Recommend it to your friend and neighbor. relieves the chief discomforts of babyhood without stuplfying the children. Prices 25 cents a bottle. At all druggists, Llit'of letters Remaining uncalled for In the Lehigh ton, I'a.. I'ost-Uluco, for the week endin March n, 18S5. Oreen, Mrs. John I Itnubennll, Nathan iieiscr, Jionroe . ssnyuer, Jiiss iauvy wsgner, in. Persons calling for any of the abov ietters will please say "advertised." J AMES i. sjiitk, r. 31. Ifsw Faint Company. A stock company recently formed at Little Gap, this county, have leased some 1200 or 1500 acres ef metallic paint land: the vein Is three to four feet thick and extends a distance of over four miles, with tunnel at Little Gap and engine above Millport. The company propose to build a large mill al Lehigh Gap, fit up the same with tbe latest improved machinery anu work the plant on a business basis. A number of our prominent townsmen are Interested In the enterprise. Tcwn Qcsslp &s it Is Told to Our Spiclal R potter. planing mill Is on n Woik at Snyder's biff lush. Mrs. People as Iney come and Gc. -W. H..Nnsbaum,of the 'Original Cheap Cash Store' spent several clays tins week in New York and Philadelphia, where he made large purchases of spring goods. -Miss Llllio Reichard. of the West Chester State Normal School, returned home Saturday for a few weeks vacation. -While In town Saturdayourold friends Jacob Brong and William Graver, of Jfountaln Top, dropped In to see us. Parryville Budget. Kobt. Bowman, ol Allentown. was here over Sunday. -John Montz and faruilr. of town, have- moved to (Keatherly. -Rey. J. S. Newhart. preached his first sermon here on snnuay to a laiga audience. Samuel Dunlan and famllv left for Sandy Run this week where they will In the future make their home. We extend best wishes for success. Wo are please to notethe convalesc ence of our obliging assistant post-mistress .uiss x into juaintora, who was connned lasz wek witna seyere cold. Bean Soap and the Soldiers. A goodly number, of the members of John D. Bertolette Post No. 434, G. A. R, and a few prlvato citizens, enjoyed geuulne old war-time bean soup at the Mansion House, on Saturday evening in honor of Post Commander, H. V. Mor thlmer. Sr., sixtieth birthday. The even ing was delightfully spent In recalling in cidents of the war times. Bertolette Posl has a membership of very near one hun dred and is in a prosperous condition Meetings are held In Rcber's Hall, on the second and tout t li ihursday ot each month. Mrs. Al. Clauss, a sister of mine host o the Mansion House, deserves praise for the manner in which tho soup was served That lady atrended to the cooking, etc. and the least that can be Slid, Is that the soup was excellent in every particular, which fully testifies to herabljlty at a tlrs'. class cook. Miss Sallle Christman is visiting William Meredith at Philadelphia. i Charles Schweitzer Is lying seriously 111 at his homo near Maria Furnace. David Lanry and wife and .Visa M. J. Lattry spent Monday with friends down tho Valley. Our cenlal une: Mend Mill Snvder ' cli ciliated 'inongst Slatlngton friends last sunuav. I Mrs. Cullon, our popular milliner, has received sptlng and summer goods. We adlso our lady friends to call. Misses L. A. Dogget and Miss Alice C. i Miller, of BliiRhainpton. X. Y.. arc visiting . the iallei s parents in this place. Tho Choral' Union, of which we ex pected so much, has disbanded. The final I ulndlng-up of Ita affairs took place Mon- ay evening. Robbie, an Infant son of John ltolnlz. li.. of East Weissnort. was burled at Slat lngton on Tuesday. Joseph Hex had charge of the funeral, Andrew Graver keeps In stock a full i and complete line of general store goods.' People who buy there say thoy always se cure big bargains. Last fall several boats Ivlnz along the canal were robbed of clothing, etc.; on Saturday while In tho vicinity of Long Run Frank Halm found tho misslns enods. Several parties are strongly suspected. The prospects of having a pavemonl from the canal bridge to the Franklin House are very encouraging. The citizens who have not aB yet contributed towards this proposed Improvement will, of course, divvy " up. An attempt was made earlv last Mon day morning to fite tho building, on White street, occupied by Dan Arncr and famllv. uags saturated with oil were thrown around promlscously. The fire was discovered, fortunately, before any serious damage resnlled, A Feature Hext Week. Hon. Wm. M. Rapshcr.of Mauch Chunk, lias been engaged by tts to write an elabor ate article on "The Public Lands and a RemeAy Auainst Land Grabbers to Pre- serte the Land for tile use of the. People." it will appear next week, watch for It, read It. FOR KNIGHTSJF LABOR. Items of Industrial Importance Gleaned for tlie Masses. There are 10,000 Knights of Labor In the Detroit district. The -Veadville. Pa., Glass Works aro Increasing their plant. President Compcrs, ol the Federation of Labor, has finished his Western lecture tour and rcporlslrade-unionlsm to Degrading. The emnloves of six clear factories of "New York city, numbering 1800 persons, are still out. It has been estimated that It would take from 1300 to 2100 days for one man to make a locomotive. Independent coke operators have-aeents In tho West securing coke contracts. This may lead to a war with the big operators. Blast furnaces In operation lu this country on March 1 had a weekly output of 117,6 iV tons, and those lu blast a capacity of 84,832 tons. The employes of the Scot Foundry at Beading, Pa., have lately been granted time and Quarter time for night work. -which the firm had previously refused to give. There Is i35.O0O.OO0 Invested In manu- factuilng ln Kansas $5,000,000 more than was Invested In lbeo. Six thousand hands find employment In the lead, zinc and coal mines. Tho business outlook for the coming season Is very encovjraging. Trade reports from the various sections anil states are all satisfactory. Business throughout this vallev elves promise ot a big boom. For the week ending jarch 17, there were shipped over the 1j. & b. division or the C. R. R..-of N. J.. 18.6S8 tons of coal. a total for the year to that date of 008,550 tons, an increase ot 07,vn as compared with same date last year. Tho Journal of United Labor this week publishes a three column article which at tacks Mnvor Hewitt, of New York Cltv. In strong terms. In effect it alleges that the mayor Is a friend, protector and a mi'mher of one of the "life supplying trusts." Mr. He (vltt In answer says: "Mr. Powderly. the vrlter of that article, simply lies. I know that this Is strong languago to apply to any man, but it it ts a man like rowder Iv who could write such a scurrilous article, I am ndt a member of any trust and I nev er nave been. I am opposed to trusts, and have so said in public. "I will thank Powderly for proof of hU statement. This valiant Knight also says that 1 denounced combinations of labor. but have been silent about combinations of 'capital. This is also untrue. I have said and now say, that tbe acts of the Ignorant rich and ignorant poor to Injure or paralyze tho business interests oflhe country are In violation of the fundamental privileges of humanity." Were all wise enough to heed this advice In season, a world ot suffering would be avoided. If you snlTer from Impure blood, scrofula, dyspepsia, biliousness, headache, take iAoril Aie tho best luuiitlis In which to purify your blood, Hood's Saisapa rllla is the best blood purlf lor, ay At ho "iln season dues tho huinun i system so m niucn need the aid of a re liable niedlclno like Hood's Barsaparllla, as now. The I impoverished condition of the blood, the weakening effects of tho long. cold winter, the lost appetite, and that tired feeling, all inako a good spring medicine abso lutely necessary. Hood's Sarsapirilla is peculiarly adapted for this purpose, and In creases In popularity every year. It Is the ideal sptlng medicine. ' I must say Hood's Sarsaparllla Is tlie best medicine I ever used. Last spring I had no arpolltc, and the least work I did fatigued nn ever so much. I bogan to take Hood's Sarsa parllla. and soon felt that I could do as much In a day as I had formerly done In a week. My appctlto Is voracious." Mns. M. V. IU. ahd, Atlantic City, N. J. N. B. If you decide' to tako Hood's Barsa parllla do not bo Induced to buy any other. HoocPs Sarsaparilla Come and snc our large stork. other )on't forpret to ask us when in our best-sewed patterns. The Great James Mean's 83-00 Shoe. Tlie Great Lilly-Braokett $3.00 Shoe. Tlie Great aM Best lea's $2.00 Shoe on Earth. rurliena, A Big Success. t'urlltne, the champion washing com pound of America, now being introduced in the State by A. F. Snyder, of Zern Snyder, Hans street, gives great promise of out ilvallln? all other competitions. This powder Is highly spoken of by housewives and others who find its use necessary In the quick and clean manipulation of heavy washings, uur progressive merchants, awake to the Interest and wants of their customers, will certainly keep It In stock. Il'hen you go to tho store this week, make It a point to ask for tbe great dirt destroyer, Purltene. 1. 0. 0. T. Supper. At tbe reeular weekly meeting of the I. O. G. T., la Reber's Hall, Friday evening last, a sumptuous repast was spread, after the regular business had been disposed 01, In honor of Her. J. rreeman and family, of Welssooit. and Rtv. Q. W. Gross and famllv. of town. The respective families have been hard workers In the cause of temperance and their departure from this locality is much regretted. Short and splci speeches were also lu order, and altogether, the svenlng will be long remembered by those who were present. Order of Services During Passion Week In Holy Trinity Luth eran church, this borough : rami aunuay, Anrll 35. 1BSS. Muhlenberg college sun day. Pteacblug morning and evening by Rev. C. I. Cooper.ot Allentown: atternoon rn-oDcnlne with appropriate services, ot Sunday school room after extensive Im provements. Monday evening Preaching fn German, by Rev. L. Llndenslruth, of Mauch Chunk. Tuesday evening Eng llih services by tbe pastor. Il'eduesday evsnlng Preaching In German by Rey. W. 11. atrausi. rnursuar evening juiiiion r tf rilrat in Ennllsb. Good Friday af ternoonConfirmation of Catechumens and rlc crenxratorv to the Holy Commun ion. Good Friday evening English pre paratory lenrtce and confirmation. Easter Sunday morning and evening I h lloly CommiBbjo. Service during the week Wla at 70, Merchant Tailoring. In this line the only safe way Is to call at our establishment and examine our large and well selected spring stock of Imported and domestic suitings and pantaloomngs. Our prices have been marked down tosmt the times: All-wool pants made to order at $4, $5, &0, $3 up to $10; all-wool suits made to order at lo. $20, $20 up to $40. Every garment will be guaranteed as regards fit and workmanship and our prices are positively fraru $3 to $7 lower on each sun than elsewhere, lau at aondiieinrs Ono Price Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. Mahoning Items. V. F. Neumoyer, Is building a summer house to his dwelling. I.sst Friday E. S. Hoppes moved his family to Stelnsville, Lehigh county. Mrs. Elmer Berger, of Freelaud, was visiting her father, Reuben Reinsmith, dur ing this week. IKhlle working on Dennis Nothsteln's saw-mill last week, A. F. Oldt had the misfortune to get oie of his fingers smashed. Next Sunday morning Rev. M. Slap ping, who filled the pulpit of St. John's church, during the Illness of Rev. A. Bartholomew, will preach his last sermon, Rev. Bartholomew being again Rble to preach, Op Sunday Miss Ellen K. Arner aud Charles F. Roth, were united lu matrimony by Roy. A. Bartholomew. They have my best wishes for success In life. I he young couple will begin housekeeping lu the course of a few weeks. Tho sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered to the Lutheran Con gregation of St. John's church on Easter Sunday by Rev. W. II. Strauss. At the same tiruo a class of ten catechumens will bo confirmed. On account of the heavy snow storm last week some of our schools were elose, It Is estimated that the work of opening the drifted roads during tho winter cost the township from S but) to giuuu. dash. Seven Cheap Excursions to the West Now is the time and the "tlurc.vr I'.ock 1 r-ANi" U the rontf. Take advantage of the scries of rheap excur sions to Kansas, Nebraska, Northwestern Iowa, --mnnesnia aim iiaxnta. leavimr 1 nicatro larcn 20. Anrll 3 and '-'5. Mav g and June 5 and If. iwiie. one iani lor 1110 roumi inp; uckims nri class, and good tor 30 days lor return passage. Do not fall to takeadvantane of this opportunity nou may never have such another, lie sine YjouniuKcisreau.MHijiiirAiiu. nut.-K isi.Aai) Pacific Railway, which has Its own lines to principal points In hU these Males. 1-or rates anu 11111 nariirutars. auuress 1. 1., Looinh. P. A. Mlddlu District, 111 South Ninth St. l'hllaUelphla. I'a.. or K. A. Ilolbrook, (). T and r. A..ChicoKo, 111. -$400 to loac on first mortgage. at this office. Apply See the new styles of Jewelry at Bock's Jewelry Store Lehighton. -810 will buy you an Indleo blue Grand Army suit, which will not fade, at Sond helm's One Price Star Clothing Hall, Jauch uuuuk. A class of twatity-flv catechumens will be confirmed In the North Welssport Luth eran church on Sunday morning. Rey. Erb will officiate. You are cordially In vited, Our line of $10 ready-made all-wool suits surpasses anything In tbe Valley; call and compare prices before purchasing else where.at Sondhelm's One Prise Star Cloth ing Hall, Mauch Chunk. 'Wall paptra were never o low as they ar now, and ar almost certain to go up In the early spring. See Luskenbaob, Mauch Chunk. PACKERTOH MOTES AND OPIHIOMS. Timely Topic: Interestingly Told by a Live ly S:ribe. John O. D. Lilly, who was killed on the C. R. R. just above the Packerton weigh scales, on Jonday morning, was well and favorably known by the older residents of this section; he wasamachinlst by -trade, and for a number of years was employed by the B. M R. R , Co., at Weatherly. During the war he was employed by the government lu purchasing engines and cars. Wednesday morning, after short services, the body was taken by his son to his home In Indianapolis for Interment, His brother. Gen. Wm. Llllv, Is very much prostrated, that having been very mucn at- lacnea. Tbe balance of a very Interesting letter Is crowded out. 10 will buv a man's all-wool Scotch cheviot or casslmere suit at Sondhelm's One Price Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. BABY BUNTING AGAIN. One of tlio stpiitpst lltpiiirv lilts of the season is the story ot "Baby Huntings or, the Alphabet of Love," by Laura Jean Llubey, which Is nt iresent b 111; nulillslicu in 1 10 cn inns nl 1HK. S'ew Youk Family Htoiiv Pai-kii. Tho miner conuiimng ine opening cnapiers 01 ims woouer- luiiv nnuuinr rni iriicm iiiineareu. un ma cewa stands this morning, the tremendous rush fer that number by tlie young ladles of the town shows c ear v that the tmb shcrs have struck ootianza. 1111: family m-oiiy i'AiKit is ior sa e bv all newsdealers, or will be sent to any uuuress lour momns, ixmiiKe irt't. lur ?i.u. Norman u Mnnro. lnuiisner, Ji ami .'G vanuo water street, New York. $10 will buy four good boys' suits at Sondhelm's One Price Star Clothing nail. Mauch Chunk. Just received an assorted lot of fine chamber setrat Wenner & Bowman's, 037 Hamilton street, Allentown. Call and see them, prices very low. Just received from Boston an immense stork of the genu ine Knight oi .Lnbor Shoes which we are selling at $2.50 and $3. Warranted solid cal leather. Clauss & Bro., the Tailors, sole agents for Carbon county. Our stock of hand made shoes cannot be beat by any dealer in the county. RoMbyalldmiorfjti. fit six for f A. Prepared only r C. I. HOOt) & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell. M&m. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar Solitby&lldrtiBKtiti. fl iliforps. rrepsredonljr by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecarlei, Lowell, Maat. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar M ffilHSKAffi & SOI. This wns our week for filling up our stock in EADY-MADE CLOTHING!! Complete from one end to the store men s 5ii.uu nuus you ever to see the best made, saw. Four different Men's Suits irom $6.00 up. Boy's Suits from $2,50 up to (5.00. o cu.m-i uH.a,wjia jl w xi Have opened up their immense new stock of Spring and Sum mer Goodn, including all that is new, novel and beautiful in Worsteds Cassimeres, Corkscrews, rOlieyiots, &c, &c, which they will make-up in suits the latest style and best work manship observed at wonderfully low prices. For Gents', Ladies, Youths and Children. Only the best makes at the lowest prices. You are bound to be pleased. OUR GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT complete in every particular. The very latest novelties in bq ff an Hats, yaps, n GCKwear, &c. DON'T PAIL TO CALL. Respectfully, Clauss & Bro., The Tailors, BANK STREET. LEHIGHTON". Dress - Te xtures for Spring ! The exhibit we roSfft this earlystase of the season is certainly unparalleled In this section, if tlie statements nrthe host Informed and entirely disintered judges are to he accepted. tine Cashmere, all-wool, in tlie latest colorings at oO cents a' yard All-Wool Henriettas, 4G inch wide, at $1.00 a '. .yard. Silk and Wool Henriettas, ;?8 inch wide, at $1.25 a yard. French Cassimers, f)0 inch wide at 88c, Light weight French Habit Cloths, o4 inch wide, : $l.Go a yard. In all the latest shades, numberlni; In all 85 shades. The following are a few: l'lum Terra Cotta, Mahosany. Copper, Indian lironze. Cardinal, Garnet, Nayy Marine, Pon gee Pink, Mode, Serpant, Chocolate, Myrtle, Ollyc, Gobelin, Ecru, Tussore, Grey,Stel, Heliotrope, ana more than anybody will.care lo rcau auout, NEW GOOD S AT THIS LOBE WAREHOUSE. 71 Hamilton Street, cam 634 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Penn'a. October 30 188' REX'S ARGHL ALLENTQ WN, PENNA, .li i a 11K G001. Ill this department we are now showing the most complete line to be found outside of the large cities; 46 inch Henrietta Cloths in all the latest colorings enough different shades to suit everybody. We oner them at 75 cents a yard, they are sold elsewhere at $1 a yard. We cannot duplicate them again at the same price. ' a. 46 inch Fine Serge something very durable for Spring wear; have them in about fifteen or more Shades; they are a Big Bar- at 70 cents a yard worth 90 cents. rroin 40 inch All-wool Cashmere, extra-fine and heavy usually sold at 75 cts. a yard, our price will be 60 cents ; twenty differ ent Shades all the newest. 50 pieces of FANCY SUITING in small Plaids and Checks, all wool, 38 ins. wide, will be closed out at 45 cents a yard; they are well worth 60c. BLACK CASHMERES and HENRI ETTA CLOTHS, our Spring importation is now m stock, and we guarantee to save you at least 10 per cent, if you buy from us. MJBW FMICJES for ton day on nil oiii IShick and Colored ItliitdaiiiiieN, Surahs, Moiree, etc., etc- Sebastopol Suitings, 40 inches wide, all wool, in Dark Shades only, a Bargain at 55 cents, never sold for less than 75 cts. heretofore. SATEENS a most complete line of all the latest designs in both French and Do mestic makes, that will be retailed at 12i cents to 35 cents a yard. Be sure ami look through our line selections. before making any Sjiith-Boykr. On the 17th Inst, by liey. A. llartholomety.Jamrs U. Bruit h and Miss Amelia Ann Iloyer, both of Ixer Towanienslnir. HlLiv AKDltKAS, On the 18th Hint., by the same, IMwln Illll and Ml Louisa A. Andreas, both ot West X'ean. Horn Abhek. On the same day, by the saiu, Charles F. Roth and Mlii Kllen K- Arne.,loth ot Mahonlne. $10 will buy two strong honest boys' suits, aged from thirteen to eighteen years, tbe likes of which cannot be purchased elsewhere for the sameprlce,fct Sondhelm's One Price Star Clothing Iiall, Mauch Chunk. -We are selling a big lot of wall caper below cost to make room for an Immense stock of new goods at Lukanbth's,Maucb Ohank. Largest Store and biggest Stock in tbe county. Full and complete assortment of Seasonable Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Notion Carpets, Groceries, eic. Goods bought in large lots for cash and Har ' gains can always be had. mmmmi LANDS tL lU 'A t ( ACRES OF FIRST-CLASS In Northern Wisconsin, Will tx Mid at eia.OO an acre, an tlm. to Annul Mctller.. Htctt oll-h.llbtnl ellmt I lOMorinunit waier oca mmrsei lauiimtt tieaur cmaiid lor labor at ou4 wavci. Furcbata now an ate abola at land, rull Information vita maaa, mpBTuia,jarnlhe4 PHKC iadrsM LAXD OOalUiaSIOjrEH. W. 0. n. n., Milwaukee, Wl. Opposite American Hotel, Marseilles Spreads the best Bargain of the season in this line only about 150 of them in stock and they won't be hero long at the price, only $1.18!' we consider them good value at $ 1.70 each. LACE QCKTAIN S. Bear in.mind that we have received a large line of Lace Curtains that will pay you to examine; wr know we can save you money, and at. the same time give you the very best valuk in town. BRAID and JET ORNAMENTS wt carry the best line to be found in this sec- m all the Newest and Best Styles. OliO IS K WAlttiaHOU&I!, 711 Hamilton Street, ALLENTOWN, P.
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