IS HEADUUARTERS POB - GENERAL HARDWARE, Paints, Varnishes, Oiass, ALL KINDS OF COAL, OPS. PU I IC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehighton, An I have "made away" with my prepared FALL IndiSDutable AND 11 with one of the most FASHIONABLE as well as SUB STANTIAL lines of adies', Gent's and Children's Shoes. Ladies' and Children's Spring Heel Shoes, All Sizes Ladies American & French Kid $2. to $4. dents' Fine Shoe TO Wypl Ladies' Kid-Button Shoes, $1.25 Up ! . I atest Styles Hats and Caps, AT LOWEST LEWIS WEISS, BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON. PA. mM. 1 Vlvl 7 fomboun For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. Office of ilUUIICldlDi Rochester, N. Y., May 12, 1884. It having been for some time urged as an argument against the se of malt liqnors, that they were unfit for use by reason of ad alterations, we beg to state that the Lager lieer manufactured by us is a Pure, Healthful, Unadulterated article. For the Invalid and the Nursing Mother as well as for those who simply use it as a beverage, it is a light and nourishing stim ulant Lager Beer has accomplished much for the canso of tem perance, in weaning many from the use of the stronger drinks, and thousands all over the land cheerfully testify to its wonderful affects in building up the Enfeebled Constitution. An analysis of our Beer has been made by Professor Lattimorc of the Rochester University, a gentleman whose name is sufficient gunrant ee of the accuracy of any statement he may make, Wc ean also produce the affidavit of Mr. Frederick llodeckor, our head brewer, which must certainly set at rest all doubts that might exist in the mind of any person. Furthermore, wo will pay $1000 to any one proving thai our abatements and claims arc not entirely true. Very Respectfully, The Rochester Brewing Co. . Of the ROCHESTER BOTTLING HOUSE, Lehighton. ALSO, AGENT FOIt he Rochester Brewing Co.'s LAGER BEER. H. A. BELTZ, JUSTICE OP THE PEACE, AGENT FOR FIItST-CLASS Fire, Life & Live Stock Insurance Special attention of Farmers and others Is lfed to thn liberal termsoffercd by tho 1 E11K8 COUNTY MUTUAL I.I VK STOCK ISUlt- ANCE COMPANY, for which I uni the acent lor tut county and neighborhood. Real Estate Agency, Real Estate Bought & Sold. Collections Promptly Made. Bank Street, Lehighton, Penna. a3LT' AL. CAMPBELL, . Jeweler anil ffjtctoato. Bank Street, Lehighton, i'nna. tUf peetfnlly tortus tbe attention of bis frleuds od lb citizens generally to his lmraeuse new (took of Watohes, Clocks, Silverware, Jewely, , M Meat that defy competition. It will pay yon gHjsjjjnd aspect my stock before purchasing REPAIRING reu)Mly done it lowest chart,' and all work ttiranttd, ;:" Mt Fomet tie Place. itON OF THE BIG WATCH, Bunk St., Lehighton. ' "tMwtxrir,a any 3a. old slock and am now fully for the una D PRICES. A I1ERVE TOHIO. Celery and Coca, tho prominent In gredients, arc Ihc best and sr.l'ett Nerve Tonics. It rtrengthens and quiets tlio nervous system, curing Nervous Weakness, Hysteria, Sleep lessness. AH ALTERATIVE. It'drivcs out tho poisonous humors of tho blood purifying ond enriching it, and so overcoming thoso diseases resulting from Impure or Impover ished blood. LAXATIVE. ActtngmildlybutEurclyonlhebowds It cures habitual constipation, and promotesaregular habit. ItHrengtli ens tho stomach, and aids digestion. A DIURETIC. In Its composition the best and moit actlvedlurctlcsofthcMaleriaMcdlca ore combined scientifically wlthothcr effective remedies for diseases of tho , kidneys. It can bo relied on to givo quicK rcuei anu speeuy cure. IIundrcdsGf testimonials hare been rceciTOl from persona whobaTe uod this remedy with remarkable benefit. Uendf or circulars, fiiviog -fall particulars. Fric. $1.00. Coll by Drogglit.. WELLS, RICHARDSON &CO., Prop's BURLINGTON. VT. OTTAWA, ILL., Utumfact , , , crvr of ROAD CARTS. JiU nude, rotltluly. o llutlon. Tlicxs carts ill L rumnU'J it holti It? fticet to burn In tvm rh we no nsiei.t. - wan tor lUutuitc4 FtUlogut, THE ABOVE IS OUR NO. G JOGGING CART. EVERY CART GUARANTEED. macs Easier THAN A BUGGY. CAY s OTTAWA, ELL. AGENTS , ENTIRELY WANTED NEWBOOK AN The most unnderfullv p. 'mnlctA rnllpptinn nf the absolutely useful and practical which has ever uvcu iiuuusuvu many uniion ouinngione. A marvel of every day value and actual money -.w uiuti auu iiiuiicjr aaviui; ii every tu.9rbSor Hundreds unon hhndieris nf beautiful nri hcln fill engravinirs. Its extraordinary low iirlca be vnni pompetltlnn NolhiiiKln the wlinln history of thobooK trade like It. ?Wt something ol real vdiue to innpeupie, anu sales are sure Acents looklnpr for a new and first class boon. writ for full description and terms, so days' time given Agents without capital. SOU! MEIiL & CO., Sr, Louis, Mo., The Cream of all Ecoks of Aflveatnre COTDKSEO IXTO OSE VOLUar. PIONEER DARING ANU HEROES DEEDS. The thriillnif AdvenrtirM nf nil thn hprnv. Elorers and frontier fighters with Indians, out iws and wild beasts. oer oiu- whole country, Mum luv c-aiiics IIU1C9 in IUD ITCSCUl. laves and exploits of DeSoto, iJiSalle, fauindlsh.Boone, Kenton, Ilrady, Crockett. Howie. Houston, Car son, Custer, California Joe, Wild BUI.IluSalo Bill, Generals Miles and Crook, great IndUn chiefs, and scores of others. Splendidly illus trated with 2X Ooa engrarlntr. Agents wanted. Low priced, and beat anything to sell. Time for payments allowed A tents short of funds. rLAMTT FUB. CO., Pox Jam.. Tilldelphla or Cone usioi. l fthis-tn OP INTEREST TO FARMERS. Teaco on Entth Awaits Hint countless nnny of martjrs, .ilioso ranks aru I'ousUiiitly lecniltml frun ho victims of nciyousncss ntnl iiprvnu Jlscnscs. Tlic prlco of tlio boon Is ti system .illc courso of llostcltcr's Stomach Hitters. tlio finest .mil must Rental of tonic ncrvtnc pursued with leasonablo persistence. Knsler, plcasantcr and safer this than to swasli tlio vlcluaiiluQ acnartincnt Willi pseudo-tonics, alcoholic or thoroyersc, heel extracts, nerve foods, narcotics," sedatives and uolsons In disguise. "Tlrml Nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep," is the provl- lentlal recuperant of weak nerves, nnd.thh jluriuus franchise being usually tho conic- indices of sound digestion and Increased visor, the great stomachic which msiir. s ooth isfrodttcllvo also of repose at the re quired time. Xot unrcfieshcd anaken the Individual who uses it, but vigorous, clear headed and tranquil. Vao the Dlltcre nso in fever -ami nsuc, iluuni.ui, in, k. -nev troubles, constlpall jii ami blli.ouaiiui) Hotel for February. Wo do not wish to dlscourago beginners in small liult growing or -iay ituvthlm: which will prevent any who arc so Inclined from starting a small fruit plot. On tin contrary, we wish to Impress it upon tin iiilmls of all our renders, that success In tliia lino is easily within their reach. l)m 'we also Wish to say with equal emphasis, that the beginner should read about his uuslncss and be able to enter It with some .legrce of Intelligence. It is an indisputable fact that the man vho knows most about his wolk will, If he attends to it, be Hie most successful. It is equally true that It Is a grcatIcal cbcipei for him to learn fiom tho tecorded cijperl once of others, than It is to secure tho in- forication by his own elforts In the Held. II' Irult Is grown for sale, it Is manifestly or the interest of the grower lo get as laigu a crop as possible, while If H is grown fui tamuy Use, it is u pieasuie anil an encour- taeuient to obtain a good yield. A good crop will not only save tho expense of buy- ng fruit dtulng the season, but will stiuiu- .ite Hie glower to put forth efforts to which may nlvo a still higher degree of success in future operations. One of the perplexing points for tho farmer who wishes to grow small friti:s merely for home use, is to determine lion many plants to set. Il'liile only an approxi mate estimate can be made, wo would, for an ordinary family, set at least four hun dred strawberry plants, and lifiy each of tho black and red rasubeiry and blackberry. iiier tue mst season, (during wiiiea "very Ittle fruit should bo ex pec cd or be allowed to grow If It sets),- these plains should, if on ood land and well cared for, yield a liberal jupply of fruit from the time of the qarhest strawberries until grapes and the l.iryer rults arc abundant. Probably In a' 'ma jority of cases tills number o plants woui'd yield quitoa burplus of fruit for canning. I'lie aiea of ground requls-if will vary fiom twelve to twenty rods according to the dls .ance apart at which tlio vlaut3areset, and lie varieties which are grown, though they cm be made- to occupy considerable less space If It is necessary to closely economize land. Tho small plot which Is designed to sup ply tlio family with beirlcs In limit" Season hould bo long and narrow and the rows, should bu far enough apart to admit of eul- lyation. with a horse. This will great!) lighten the labor of caring for the iiiants. If set in this manner tlieto will not bo half .he danger that they will be neglected, as here would if they aro put in slio'it rows itnl close toaethcr. This fact multitudes ol armers and amateur fruit growers have earned by costly and laborious experience. Uid If weeds get started it Is but little work .0 destroy them by horsepower compaicd i ith that wh ch s r quied if only hand in - .dement can boused. It Is also impoitam i) ha ie the tows peifectly stiaiglit. Tins vill allow close cultivation, save a great leal of hand work, and lvo the berry patch t neat appVaranee. Dm ing this month an examination of the mall fruit catalogues should be made so hat a decision can be reached .as to what l vanted, and orders can be sent In season to eeurc prompt attention. It is not well lo 'jo tot eager t secure now soils, but it is -quail.) unwise to retain old vaiieties mere y becauso they were once popular. Udo not by any means follow that a vaiietv 'lice at theUicad will remain there. Alain iluds which weio'once largely giown have o en d scarded, ami. some which arc now opular will ere long give place lo still .noro popular sons. Il'liile some kinds. uceeed over so w ide an arcd. and in such diversity of soils, that a practical test in one's own vicinity is the only sure method jf determining whether they will be protl, .iole, others li.ivo a much moro limlud range "and in certain sections are not aorihy of a tilal. Upon tuls and otli r mpoitant points a great deal can he learn ed from catalogues and fiom horticultural iiooks and papers. Is Consainutlau Incurable? Head the following: Mr." CJI. Monis, Newark, Ark., says: "W'u duwd with AL cefSof hiings, ;ind fricndu and physicam renounced me un Incurable Consumptive Began taklng'Ur. King's New Discover) for Qonaimiptluii, am now on my third bot tle, and able to oversee the work on my liirin. It'- Is the finest medicine ever made.'1 Josse Jllddlewnrt, Decatur, Ol io, sayfj "Had it not been fjr Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doct ors v Am now in best of health." Trf it. Trial bottles of this Wonderful D.scovery for Consuraptio . free atT. D. Thomas' drug or j. Farm Notsi. There Is no- benefit m keeplair too iiiucu siock. -ituais, smnioa auimais, or those that 6efini to eat all they can 'gel without gaining in.slre, should be got rid of. Many losses occur from beeping un profitable stock on haud loo loiui. An animal that does not show tbe effects of good treatment In a few weeks will be no better In as many mouths. If you hvre trees !tablo to wlnte.- thaw ing, and so to having bark split, pick the snow about tbem and In November track a thin strip of board on the south side, to re-J Rium till spnnlr. Subscrlb$ud read tbe Cabbo Ativo Oate. - Drop your bad habits aud'tbtrr cannot lower you. Cheapest Place in the Joseph F. Rex's., BAST WBISSPORT. Carbon County, Penha. UNDERTAKER ! ' Funerals nttendeel with promptness, rind Shrouds, Knskcts 01 Coffins furnished at lowest prices. ACSO, DEALER IN FLOUR, FEED, -&c, &c of the choicest and best qunlitv at JOSUHPH Near Gnnal Bridge, East Weissport, Ta. ji;acquai;it;i:d with the onoanArnY or in conthy, will oBTAir- VALUABLE IKFOIIMATIOIJ TBOM A STUDY OP THIS MAP or THE QmOAQQ, ROCK E8LAKSD & PAGlFiC R'Y. It3 contral position and closo connection with Eastern lines ct Ohlca-ro and continuous liuoa at tanninnl points, West, Nortliwost, and South vrest, inalio it tho truo mid-Mnli In that trnnscontlnent&l chr.ln of 8tcol vhlch uultos ttao Atlnntlo and Pacliic. Its moin lines and brnncbes Include Cht enro, Jollot, Cittvwa, LoSollo, Peoria, Goneaoo, Mclino nsd Rock Island, In nilnols: Davenport, Muscatine, Washington, Tulrilrld, Ottumwa, Oalialoosa, West Liberty, Iowa CitT, Deo Molncg, Indlancla, Wlntcrsot, Atlo-ntlQ, Knos ville, Audubon, Harlan, Cuthrlo Centra and OounCil Eluflb, In Iowa; Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron, St. Joseph and Kancao City, in Missouri ; Loavonwortli and Atchlscn, In Kensaaj Ivlinneapollo and St. Paul, lnlllcnesota; Watnr toun and SIouk Falls In Dakota, and many other prosperous towns and citlos. It. also offers a CHOICE CvMIOUTEIS to and from tho Pacific Cccst and lntcr raefllato place j, raahlnrj oil transforu In Union doiiots. Past Trains of flno BLEEPING OAKS, nnd (between Chicago, city) restr.ii RncLiNiNQ chaib oars first-class tickets. TUE KANSAS & EBKASKA R'Y (GREAT ROCK 1SLATJD ROUTE) Extends west and southwest from Kansas City and St. Joseph to Fair bury, Nolson, Hprton, TopetR, norington, Hutchinson, Wichita, Caldwell and all points in Southern llobraslia Inr.rrtor Iiansao and boyond. Entlrt passonger ocuHooiont uf the colobvcted IJullman manufacturo. Solidly bal lasted tract of heavy steel rail. Iron nud stono brldrrcB. All cal'oty appliances and modern'fcnprovamei-rt.3. Cornmodlous, well-built stations. Colority, cor tainty, comfort and luxury CKStucd. e FAsyaoys albprt lea routes Is tho fttvoritS botween Cnicarjo, Ilocl: Island, Atchison, Kansas City, and Mlnnoapolis and Bt. Paul. Tna to:irlst routo to- all Northom Gutnracr Itcoorts. Its Wntcrtown 'BrsjicU tra-crsaa tho r-iost productlvo lands of tho preat "wheatond dairy bolt" of northern Iowa, South western Minnesota, and riost Central Dakota. Tho Short Llno ViaBonooa nnd Kankakoeofforr. superior facilities to travel bRtwoon Cincinnati, IndHinanolls, Lafttyottu, and Council Bluffs, St, Joseph, Atchlcon. Leavonworth, "Kansas City, JAlnnoanolis, and Ct. Paul. For Tickets, Maps, holders, or any dosirod inforr- .t'.on, apply to any Cou pon.TicUctOfllco In tho United Staten or Canada, or address E. ST. JOHN, . Goacral ulinaser. O ! I IC,C O, BEST EHGLISH TWIST riNQ 51 B 1 , ,1 ,.' w. - Cloco Karcichcotln?: 'Cuno STHACA CUM CO.j a BANK STREET, - ' Has just opqnccl an .entire new Hne of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS'! Comprising all tho very latest styles in Whito." Goods?, Sa teens, Prints, ainglianiR, KfflSiL'flS, .Seersuckers ahc r'aucy JJrefss iJar.erns ol ing -low price. Groceries, Proxisicns, T7T7.-k.3 ,"l XATill w uuu ii ii vviuuwwaiB i mi- in'fti' iiiunee tit iavi ngurfSi Cloths Cassimers, Hats, Boots,. Shaea and I eady made Clothing in great- variety and at prices within the reiiVlr ol" all purchasers pvitis fully as low as the same goods can. hi bought for at any ether geneial store in this vicinity; Carpets, Oil-clotlis, Lamps and Fixtures in great variety and of best quality at Rock Bottom Prices. Hest quality of Flour and same articles can ue purchased A car load ol coarse salt has just been received-r-the. price has been marked down to the very lowest -notch. All goods of tho .very best quality and are being sold at prices equally as low as the same goods can bought at any general store m tins section. Lall and be convinced. lteeppctlully, J..ly23.SHy &K0S JSEIGEL. " The llttia a orte enrf t'; s Burgiar IS AMD AUTOMATIC nd only Praotloal I t.s,i Valley to Purchase 70S reasonable prices. Kcmcniber, Fo MUX. aprl7-ly St. JoEcnl?. Atchison npd Kansas to holders of Uirough soars FBEIl . p. A. E-SOI.KROOK, HjL,. '3c ! Tickst ftPcu' Agent. THE BTHAOAGUEfl DAMASCUS STFL BARRELS, GUIi KADE. .w.hUh, bUlWfd ct Lonn Panco a Gpcclr.lty. 7HAQA, N. Ya - LEHIGHTON, PA uic very best ipiujilies nt exceed Crockery ware,, lassware. f .!. I .. I Feed at prices iully the. eisqwncre. and never Uto bo Ws Uy .- - Proof Sash WINDOW HOLDER; Autdraallo Lock and Kdder F fJio Marfcat K-'aS83B.rv li b th 0EI7 3(ib lyceb i a tia rnailrs b that jtlwen-ii-jMn:fici!on. It ! taujs of Uallllo fiorj, 'ood t?;ir.t I tbro&ca. Iti3 sa looited euii cotsuoclcd t' li i- isyoeslbtefof sublet to cootrol it irota too outeld aoliaauol8tly Burshr-lToof, It la An to-'? in ttlrTl. hoih Tr-Vln, twit Fih Kn Tnnmpntl :ec3.&adbold!cfi' ihe-wTndaw at uvfiieratirjnda- N'fl Wl'.AJ'. OUT, sr conplicttod rruxtcnltm to eetoatof r. ,T, ItistiaU&odfa tlio rcojt atUtUo icjbnoruuS ,.i.inlT,-i'Ur.OfCTrwn:ub. It is surectlre sod or i x wn:sl :l lelj-4. It Is wtit you karu boen rookios f i i-'r tnnrs. flwrjplo ccmplcfotor osowlsdow tnsllnq rcipt t ( Q eta. lasumpa, iitcafvtsiod by J. R. CLANCYi EyracaafV Ha Uestloa ttU tpax. AS WE CLIP HUMOIiOSiTIES. Though ypnrs bring with them wisdom, yet there Is ono lesson the aged seldom learn, namely, tho management of youth ful feelings. Ago is head, youth all heart; age reason". 1 out li is under t Do dominion of hope. A pair of blight eyes with a dozen lances sutllces lo subdue a man and to en lave 111 in, and to Inflame, to tuakohimever lorget; they dazzle -him so that the past be comes stielghtwaj dim lo him; and go si prizes them that ho would give all his life to possess them. Arc you made miserable bv Indigestion. Constipation, DizzinebM, Loss of Appetite lctlow Sltin? fcliiloli 's Vililizcr is positive jure, bold by Dr. Horn, Lehighton, am tilery, Weissport. If you desire to be held wise, be so w Ise is to hold )ottr tongue. A person, seldom cares to bo tickled twice with tho same feather. l lie crutcli ot timu accomplishes more than the cluu ot ilcrclucs. -An idle reason lessens tho weight ol the good ones you have before. Adylce is like castor oil; easy enough to ttivc but hard enough to take. When supply and demand cease to pla) Values completely disappear. Eucklon's Arnica salvo. Tho best salve In the world lor cuts bruises, sores,ulcers,salt lhuein, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chllblands, (.urns and all skin eruptions, and positively cure piles, or uo pay required. It isguaranteci. to give perfect satisfaction, or money r tiiiuled. I'rico 26c. per box, at Thomas'. Truth is a rock latgo enough for all stand on. Successful treachery Is ioise thai; honest defeat. l'lain words make the" most ornanicn tal sentences. A ulso man Is uot" inr)tilsitlva about llih us Impertinent. Silence is a Held which Is sowed by on and owned dy another. In older to show our grandeur don' reduce your fellow-being. Cracked eartheuwaro should never he used for cookitu put po&cs. Iho true iiauge of a man's woith is tin ctiy.i of his fclluw-mcu. "Ilackmctaek," a lastingand fragrai perluine. l'ncu -o and 60 cents. Nild l IJr. liorn, l.eliiylitun,anil lllcry, Weissport. Would you lesneet jourself, keen your heart and body clean. H'ould you nexcr bo told a lie, do not ask a personal question. ould you enjoy quiet content, do away with airs and pretences. Ihjie Is no uaitUuiar honor in doing only what other men li.iye One ungrateful man docs an Injury ah who stand In need of aid. (food-will, liko a good name, is got b many actions anu lost by one, Error of opinion may be tolerated when reasou U left lice to combat it (.'roup, .Whooping Lough and Hronchitit iiiimcuiutcly leiicved oy (sluloh's (Jun .-.old liy 111. liuin, I.ehiyliKin, and liicry lVeii:orl. Go6d-will, like a Rood name, is got bj many actions ami lost by one. Error ot opinion may be tolerated when reason is left 1(5 combat It. Kings will bu lj rants from nollcy when subjects are lebels I rum pilueiple. A tea m'ado of lettuce leaves has been recommended for wakeltilness. In waiilng forncliielationstodiedon'i wait so long as lose ail yuur energy. That what ueoiAi Imag tie to have makes them ituppier lliau they own. To the cynic: If jou desire lo couiposi a satire write down jour own doings. Would you have good health, go out in ilie suushiue. 'Sickness is woisc than freckles. .Vc, Catarrh cureU, lie.iiiu nnd sweet breath cci.ieii, liy&liiloh'dcatiirilt JUnud. Price u cents. iusal Jnjcclur iree. SuldbyUr. lurli, Lehiglitoii, anU liiery, Weipor"t. Tim most ruinurkublu curis of tcrofulv 11 record li,io peon aeionipllii-d liy Hood i i-rs-jpai'ill.i: Try it. oolil b.. all Uruggista Xothlng shows greater abjectness ol p'irit than a haughty demcdiior toward 111 .eiiors. - It Is a good tiling that all souls are not of a size, as iher would bo no large ones. ' Fortune' often rewards with interest uuse wUo havu tlio luliuiico to wait fo'i ifer. Uo not be guided by the impulse of t)n uouient, but by your" best cultifred judg. nent; Jltu love- to hear their power, bui ijvuaii extieiiiu disrelish to bo told of then ' loty. ' Would you have others. t icspect your piuious, bold and never disown I hem) our elf. I liayo had catarrli for twenty vcars, and wt-ed all kiilii nf rHnwilii'ri.-wliiiniit. rl,M' ;fr Siiutli, U)iiggibt,'ol jliulf I-ulU. recoriiJ fclv s Vieani iiulm.. ilie eUicA vi ue lust ippiR-atioii w.mui.iglial, it nlluc i,o Inuulii.itioii uild the i.eii moililiii; nn iciiil us cltar Ub a boll Ouu boltW ha oi.u uiuso iiiucu good llitilJ jiui couvinteu la Uio will elleci u peiiiaiieul cure. It li outluug, plL-awiil iii.U vuy lo apply, and I .r. hgi nige us i.bu ,y all bttUi-iero. Ueu, a-ul, LlttiB i-.illi-, Y. Whosever sbeakeih . of another's fall ,nigs with pieasuie, shall hear .of his own ,tllh shame. Let filendshlp sently creep to a height; ..f it rushes, to it, it may soon r.uu Itself out of breath. , T-Thlhklncmenjirealwajs critics. There n hut a short step to lake to.mako a critic ,i stickler. k- . If ono tells.You that the world has hardtn.ed his heart do. not believe, him; ha ws born; hard-hearted. . Many wen claim to"bq -.flru) fn their principles, whenvTHahy tbey.aro only obstl nato in tbelr prejudices. . : ' Ingratitude Is, of all .crimes, when in ourselves wo-accoant- the most venial In others, the tuost 'unpardonable. If you wish' to Vetaln the" color In strawberries' do n6t allow1 them to to cue In conUH 'with' piytttr, or tin.' It tafces courage nowdays to-b pious j certain people pickle (heir piety in order to keep It for use when needed, Consult with him that Is wise .and of sound judgment, and ae.ek to be Instructed' by one better than thyself, rather than to follow thine own Inventions, A moderate undemanding, with dill gent and well-directed application, will go much farther than a more lively genius at tended with that impatience and Inatten tion wbloh too oftn accompany quick parts. Tbe couraga ewlcus, the coward dotes. The fall of a leaf is a whisper to the living. A good conscience is tbe best divinity. Judge cbariuble'snd act kindly to each other. Bean er beaten. 1 1Mb m Carlion Advocate ! ! ! And get all the latest news, ' Including fntcreulng Now Vnrk nnd Washlnctton let ters. You bettor join me. ' It Is the cheapest, largest nnd UEST weekly piper In the Lchlcli Valley. Try it. Only $1 a Year. Uiroulatin, 1,000! Hop Plaster A pecnlUr ftndicesfut oomblnatlon of S 00 1 h Ins, paln-kllllng Cl strengthening aBnts Frcshllops, Hemlock Gam and Tlno JUliam. rain, Bormows and weakness In tho bnok, fide, kidneys chest, ehoulder, neck or limbs, aro all Instantly relieved and circrt. Sweet, fresh, relifvble nnd neTOr-falUnflr-wn I mnted the b8tplnttr known. Bo:d every wher1. PrJeefSetjn 5 for SI. Mliodforirlce. HOI I'lVSTrH CO., Proprietor J oft ton. Vou ATlil Suit Mont , lime, ' .tin, 'rouble, AMI Wlt.LCt IIK Cat-a rr H U) U i. if fbver' CBEAH BALM A nnrtllA InTnfunh nostril and li "rp( ali. Trlco W) rents at ilrus'ii.sts: hv iiiall.u'Kis l. ri-il, m coins. i.i. niiwn., imucbi.- is. t-ii-enwlch. street. New York. Oet-S-tWx sruis! HS8H6BA0E,L0WP,niIGES. WE MANUFACTURE HEARSES, .CARRIAGES, PHAETONS' AfiD BUGGIES. ?ricsa and Catalojncs rent on application. ??EC!'iL InJuccKir.ta to larga Buyers. J AYERS & OOOVf LL, All nnjjtrlt, Vc WV:.. and $1 10, lr-ptred only bf The Cheapest and The Best FAMILY NEWSPAPER .... f Printed in Carton coanty : r .IS THE y.:.;-,0DyQCATE t.. rUCLISHCD at' LEHIGHTON, PENNA., Every Saturdayyand delivered hv marl to all paris'of.tlio Country at, the s t. , ;SALI 3TJM 9K . $1.00alTeair; -(o OONTNS A.qn wppk . t. : . - - -v v -- Broadbrim?3. N. Xattcr3, , - : . ' '. . ' .. v.-.- - Intercstlnc Oorrpondcne fronl ..til t ' All th.e latest and wostlra?omnt Local and Ceperal ITews, both, Foreign v ' ' "and Poniejtle. Take It. 'and Head It ! $1.00.AYbar- & seev L 1 s Wm!im mm ADDRESS .TSB fDfiySnEE. . H. V, Morihimer, Jr., r.ErntJHTOK. FA. V. SCHWARTZ, UNDERTAKER ! ! AND DCAI.GK 1ST - FURNITURE, PARLOR- SU1TJ4S, BED ROOM SUITES, A., wbloh he Is selling at lowest pries, CarpBtings of Every Descriptions! Ingrain to Finest Brussral at prices lower than the lowest. Having a DUSttlX MUi.TlPMKU we aro en- allied to kpII by HAMI'l.l'; very Satisfactor ily, liy till method a room fi represent ed carpeted, so that you know Just exactly what oti me. buying. We aho curry a COMl'J.I'.TI! LINK OF I'lVK ' CAltl'KIS at V15KY LOW TUIC'ltS. Bank. Street, Lehighton, Ponna. anrll 16 87-lv Dennis INothstein AOUJJT F0U Till! 0. & G. COOPER &. CO '3 Traotion Engine has the lfait gearing, Is the fTiu)xnr.aT and MOST CONVENIENT hi use. Vtim.TiNo Threshing Blaohine laranteed lo clvo best rcsuusouiuuiauio Pony and MM Saw Mills WIND ENC INE for Drlvlui; Maclilnory and r,.nipliiK Wator; Tin' MKVlJOW KINO jiowm: & nuAPEit lid HTANIIA It i) .iAYINU TUOIjS. DENNIS NOTHSTEIN Normal Sauare, Pa. u 'V Je"-ly LL'S AND Ua llrj lru"-'leil w years t'otwrcn Ut and eitliwth Asiiima or l'llililsn. t rented by liliitent pInijH-l.iii', :iml I'l-- i-i i mi Ih tctl,I ii i-nnpi lied durliiu tin' I. .t ;.i in it my iM ies t' sit mi iu -ii.i.r l.t .uio l -it Hspn (or liivnth. Mv ki;ii-iiiiK- n-ie In nnd iliMcrip Clm. In iloipaii- I piHiilhieiitMl on in siif by loinpniiitilliiK roid and hrrbs unit nifi.'iiitt tliu iiedlelni' tlinsoblnllied. 1 forlilnuu IvUlsciiveint dlN WO.NIIKltl'UI.ClJIil' l oll ASMIMA .!!( rfli:ii, warranted to rviletc tin- ni st v utinrn ise of Asi iiMA in 1'IVE MiNi'UH. sci Ilia! tho utli'iit can He ilimn In n-t and -.Uvy con tnrt ihly. 11cae read the fullimhiv niiiieinul ex raits frinit uiKuilritcil testiiHuiilnit, all of ro untdate: Oliver V. U. Iliihnes, Sun Jdm-, ('ill., writes "1 find tlio reniedviill and i'in more than rep resented, I receive inl.ililiiiii'tW u llef." K. JI. Carson, A. M Warren, Kiin..ri-tes-"Was treated by einliii'ntllnslr.uiiif thlseiiun. trvand (ierniany: tried me climate ol dilieitnt ot.iles uothliiK alloi-ded icilelllki' lour ililiiru lion." I. , it. l'liclpi. I'. !.. flriws.Olilo.wiltes: "Huf ered with Asthnia -tnjeai. Your luedleinc In i minutes dni'v ninri luruu' tin' most eml lent pht!clnn did forme In tin ee ears." II. C. l'lliiintoii, .loMit, 111., writes: "Send Ca tarrh IJeinrtlvnt oiiei". ( anni't wt iilbnp wllli nit It, -I fltMl ltti lie-one flf live uiast valuable inidieiiies 1 huvcewrtiitsl." Wehim many other hearty testimonials of cure or reUet,iliid In outer that aHmifteiPrs fiinn stliina, Catarrh, liny l'ever. and kindred dl leaiu.s mav h.ive an Djipoitiiiiltv nf testing the vjlne of the lb-iiiedv wo will send to nnr address rillAI. l'At'KAClU I'liKU OF CIIAlKir. It Miiirdruxiiist falls In keep it do not permit him c.sell vou soma, worthless ImliHlinn byhisreii e?eiitinz It to be Just ns com I, hut send directly ous. Write vimr iiume nnd addtexs plainly. Address, .1. ZIMMI'.ltMAX & CO., Props,. Wtidlesuh; DruRSlsts. Wiiosler, Wayne Co., O. site box bv mall 81.00. ulv2ly RAINBOW RUPTURE RVM.& Elnpln, Mfc, rsltubl and a rfo rttalnei It Is not a Trut. orn liar ana Meht and iu f orKotten. bnJ fur circular Wih ttl. hvmliiln from Kraiefnl iuHcrcri cured trlhhap IIUiico, AililreMCcntralMfCltCBl and Burgical "i.',,,',V,'t? 020 twill su St Loul. , M . t-blltrul treatmant ain all kind, of inrctcal nnr, luodleal ca) Weakraln; dineawig andprt tata troublea in male and female our inaoioltr 11a to irritant before taking treutnuJtBlsoKWo. tsiuultaUon frea and trvlted. 13 "W E 7il ."K S . ;n; Tho rOLICK GAZETTE will be mailed, eeurely wry ped, to any address in t)ie Uoi ed States fur three, months nil teeeirt of One Dollar. Liberal riiaennnt slhiwpd In postmasters, agents nd clubs Sample 'copies, mailed free Address all urders l" RI0I1AUD K FOX, May 30, FmNKI.IS Fqoabc, N. Y. PATENTS!! FRAMLiS H. HOUGH. Solicitor of AmeriBau-S ForejsiU'Patents 025 F st., near U. S. Tatont Office, WASHINGTON', D. C. Afl business before United JStates.ratent OBce attended tofm liiMeratefees. Patents procured In the United stateH and all ForelmuSountrlei. iradt MarLi and Labtlt reslstered. Itelected appllcatiiins revived und prosecuted. Iuforrjut tlon and advice as In obtaining Patents cheer fully furnished without cliflrKe". Sind Kketch or Moijel for l'nrot'inioiijasjo Patentability, Copies of patents. fiiqilnliei tor S9c, eaoh. tSOorrespondenco solicited. "v icor fr'.unfW'.-ufn AST& 3 if s W I H 1 $1 1 I 1 rrs mm A-LKlBraOCOi,. SSk' .VOW :SEE0SMEH: 7&9(0Bn.M 55T. I tbUT ( r rn 4X1U1A, ftin,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers