The Carbon Advocate: BrtlBl'S M YOrR life ,i iriciTiON, lv., -SATUKDAY. Al'lilLO, ipst wMiliti-.n athik i.i:iiiiiim(jn iworFia at - SIICOJIl) riawn MAfli MATTKII. At tliln rate, one almanac makes a pretty decent spring. .Josricis In Heading l known by nioi-u than one liair.p. Srr.lNa inlets unit wcatlicr prophets arc now hard at work. Now le Krinci try the jury on the In sanity flea tliej might erapn- OtJti monicii men Mioultl bear' In mmd that we are all satisfied to drink water. Sl.oclal to the Camion Aiivouatk. Wanted, n janitor; apply at the Equitable. Ufo Insurance Imlldliig, llroatlway, New York city. Salary $10,000 per annum. On llrbailway between Tine and Cedar streets U a huge building of granite, ttatrly and grand In It! ptopoi tlons, and ono of tho most striking and Imposing structures on that Imperial thoroughfare. It will not he many cars before Broadway will stand un rivalled by any great avenue In' the world for the costly crandeur of Its buildings, which are the stately offices of ttie merch ant princes of our land, of which New York Is the commercial queen. From tho This car stove, may go, but how Is It with he broken axle and rickety bridge? The beep tl'f ,uu fn the spring, tra la are not necesserlly presidential bees. O.s-e certain' effect of an Eroupean war would be a yery .notleable Increase In the 'death rate. '? UK .Republicans arq considerably ahead 'of the Democracy In the matter of presi dential booms. "It Is undoubtedly . cdttjlug to ex-Mayor Smith to Vr-mf mbcr 'that he hail "a finu da" to be railroaded Into private life. PniLAfetM'litA has opened an agzres slvc war on tl.o dives and gambling dens of that city, .and two or three of the dive keerp have to far been found guilty. j 11. l thfl liiiirdle rurnt have been handsome, j shutter, partlllqn.palirted.groi-r.d or stained lull wiU'iiiOT mere was or wuouir-r mprr. kuus wumuiv, ui uj u.u.-i uusu ucuon was ufil, thn gamblers craped unharmed, which may Interfere with tho view of the and Anthony Cotmtoek who'trled to en- Interior of nnY room where liquor Is sold, force tlii) law was denounced as orio1 of tho nor any cask, hottlo or other vessels in blackest villains unhung. Queer, Isn't It? windows of such rooms, aro permitted On tho trial thri late sheriff with an olll- under tho provisions of the bill. No liquor rial rccellit of 170,000 cash, came out of can bn sold In any other room other than olBco a bankrupt, and his Immediate pre- the first floor. deccssor Is In the same hid fix. Drooklyn No ward, borongli or township shall ha a Is fast emulating New York In tho svi'V.n more than ono license to each 200 assessed cscki.i.kncb of of her hoodie olllclals, and voters. Selling liquor to a mlnoror Intoxl In time, If she only Improves at her present cated person Is made a misdemeanor, pun rate, she may bo able to take the municipal Ishable by a fine of from $50 to $500, and cake. Imprisonment of from twenty to. jilncly A very nice youth belonging to a highly days. Tho admission of a minor Into n respectable family Injured his arm so that barroom or other place where liquor Is sold, amputation became necessary, and the unless accompanied by a parent or guardian, point at the Bowling Green where, the great shock to his nervous system was so severe Is made a misdemeanor, punishable by a tower of the Trod uca Exchange stands out luat n WM ft question for a time If tho boy line not exceeding $500 and Imprisonment In bold relief against tho sky to whero tho ,vas going to pull through. To assist and not exceeding one year. Officers are to be beautiful cross crowns the tapering spire ot care for him In his time of peril a steady, paid f 10 for each conviction for violations Grace Church, thero Is noUnnotlicr slruc- aetln,tea experienced nurse was procured, ot tho law reported by them in their dls tnro that In massive grandeur will compare amj sie through long weeks hovered over trlcts. with the Equitable Life Insurance building. tl0 80t UOy'8 coucli like an angel of mercy No license can bo granted for the sale of Front time to lime additions have been Lnj eventually the boy got well. Tho nurse, liquor In any place located within 400 feet made to It, but recently the most radical wns nol imeomdy to look upon, and sho of a public school house or place of rclig' change has' been effected and the new ad- carriej her thirty-seven summers with the Ions .meeting. Any person convicted for dltions, now almost completed, exceed the alrof a younger woman. The sliver streaks selling without a licence will be subject to size of the original building. Of this mag- n lcr g03sy Imlr added to, instead of dc- a flnq of not less than twlco the amount of nlflcent palace Thomas Cleary was janitor trading from her charms'. At any rale, the llcemso fee, but no more than $1000, and lie was at the same time, an Alde.rman when the boy recovered he was madly in and to Imprisonment fpr not moro than two of the City of New Y'ork, The revelations ovo w, s nurse and nothing would do years. Tho proposed . law fixes the" fee for of tho past week have materially modified h,ut ho must marry her. It was' In .vain Philadelphia,. Pittsburg .ami -Alleghany our views and enlightened us In regard to .i... Ids father ami mother went and nraved City, , at $500 1 far all other . otUes and .1.. Jl 1... ....I II. lit... f !. nHl.n ' ..... ..' . . I, I.. J-'ll. t..- . .. . 1. 1 ... f,-r. uiu uikhuj .urn icsyuiisiiiiiiy ui nir. umtu representing uiai inn lauy was aiinosMpny uuiujmus, vfilu,vlsll,Psj 1AXTON, New Advertisements, TitK sufferings from drought In Texas Increase dallyi In many localities water Is drawn In limited quantities for a distance of (en miles, nnd unless rain comes very soon tho people must desert their homes. of janitor and wc have taken a new de parture. In the olden lime we looked upon a janitor as a person who swept out offices, lusted off desks, who cleaned out spittoons and who found his most valuable perquis ites In the wasto paper basket which an ill-advised generosity allowed him to plun' ler. Hut If this sort of a janitor over xlsted he will now have to bo sought among the fossll(vcrous fragments of t,ho yonns nm, E:wc lllm suci, convincing proof TJ5 reduction In the public debt during llareli .irtncv-.tiWd to $I2,'H)8,407, and for the first nine months of the present fiscal year $70.U22,S24. The national debt to-day, huscasli In the treasury! Is $1,318,223,05?. The netcasli In the treasury Is $21,850,083, pr about $3,000,000 more than on March 1. ' !T, Y. rra)Uia Sun: "One of the chief raufes nnd reasons that may safely be dc- pended upeii to keep down the numbers of the Anarchist squad, big as Its voice Is and frightful as is its fiowslncss, Is the solid and sustaining fact that anybody who tries to be an Anarchist In this land of freedom Is a ja?kass. Now. the voice of the jackass Is like the sound of many waters; but he Is not formidable save as fcod waster and a kicker." A Tcnniui.E rxplosIon tock place In coal tfiaft No. 2, Savanna, Indian Territory, on the 5th Inst., by which nineteen miners lost their lives. The following ari the names of the victims: Miles Jariett, Dave Jones, Hugh Dooley, William Uarnes, Charles Parsons, Hcrt French, James Ward, James JleGlnnlss, Fred Hat!!, Thomas Haven, Mike Kelly, Thomas Daniels, (eo, Hill, Pat Glancy.l'.obert Miller, Pat Fagan. John Williams, Teter Ilcnald and William Hudson. .Sour months ago, one Francis Kcrner, Initially murdered his wife In Heading, and to hide all traces of his damnable crime placed the body hi bed and set fire to tho house,-which was deMrojeil alone with Its contents. Kerner had for many years made life a burden to his wife by his cruel nnd continued ill tieatmcut, and death her ns a relief from the Ills of the world At tho trial about ten days ago It was con clusively proven that Kcrner committed the deed, and to all right and honest think ing men and women he should have been found guilty of murder In the first degree uml sentenced Iodic; hut by some yiecul l.ulty (if the law a verdict of murder In the aecond degree was' rendered, and on Mon day he was sentenced to twelve years Imprisonment. and old enough to bo his mother, and he. not twenty. lie that had jiccn docile as my lady's lapdog before,- was now as rebel lious as a Commanche. nnd nothing but matrimony would cure hlrm He went to the family-minister and offered hlin a hun dred dollars to tic the knot, but the minis ter said he would not do It for a thousand. At last' they found Brother Fulton, and the . THE COU'JTY BOPEBINTENDEKCY. On Tuesday, the third day of May, 168". the school, directors of Carbon county will meet In the Court House, at Mauch Chunk, for the purpose of electing a County Super intendent of public schools. It behooves the directors to act wisely in this matter as It Is of considerable moment to the teachers and patrons ot the schools that a gentleman possessed of all the uccesary qualifications should bo elected to fill this very Important and responsible position. The law stlpu lates that tho person elected shall be pos sessed of scientific and literary acquire ments as well as of skill and experience In the art of teaching. The directors tdiould, consequently, not err In their choice of can dldatcsf.but be governed stilctly by tho let tor and spirit of the law In their selection llcnieniber, That on the County Superintendent de pends the success of our public school sys tem. That It is highly Important mid Impera tive that a man fitted by the necessary nt talmrients should hold the ollice. That egotism and conceit do not "Oil the bill." That at present. Prof. J. L. Fottclgcr, principal of the, Wratherly public schools, Is the favorite candidato with the directors, from the fact that hn Is eminently qualified to fill the position with much credit to the educational interests of the county. llurian age. or In remote country towns whose primitive barbarism has as yet been untouched by the advancing civilization of our cities. It is not many years since Thomas Geary auded from Ireland at Castle Garden, his earthly possessions being tied up In a faded cotton handkerchief; Ills clothes wcie of he kind worn by the poorest of the Irish peasantry; he had not a nickel in his pock ct, and as he strolled up Broadway, stop ping to take a good look at Trinity splrc,In his wildest dream he could scarcely have conceived that in tho not distant future he would be looked upon as one of the fathers of this great city, and his vote as American citizen, which was only worth fifty cents two weeks after he landed, as a New York Alderman, when a railroad franchise was up, would be worth ttie magnificent sum or twenty thousand dollars. While I write, on the table before mo Is a list of Mr. Geary's compatriots and coad jutors in the Board of Aldermen which has now become Immortal In Infamy. The names are suegestlvo and every one of them not convicted and In State's Prison Is now under indictment. The first on the list Is Thomas Geary, then come Itobcrt D. I.acy, Charles Dempscy, Michael Duffy, of Duffy vllle, Patrick Farley, Patrick Kenny, McCabe, Michael McLoughlln, Arthur J. McQuade, John C. O'Connor, John O'Nell and Charles II. Kellly. Mr. Geary, whose name heads this precious list, was not long in getting a job; the frelzecoat.tho brogues and baubeen gaye way to superfine broad cloth, patent leather and a shlney hat; the poor immigrant who considered himself well paid in Ireland at five or six pounds a year was not long in reaching a point where he tucked away thousand dollar bills in his old tin box as his grandfather did sods of turf outside of his cabin door In Wleklow, No sweeping or spittoon cleaning for Tho. Geary! Why, man, he was receiving a sal ary equal to that of the Governor of the State of New York ; yes, equal to that of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States! With this golden Influx of wealth came the tremendous possibilities of political advancement. The ward that Alderman Geary represented Is next to llio ward largely made up of banks, ollices .ind stores; within its lines millions of wealth are stored, and while It is the hive of busy, pushing thousands during the day, at night It is abandoned to policemen and janitors, the entire resident population being less than a thousand, though the abundant otes turned out by Its ballot-boxes hare frequently turned an election. In contra distinction of all the other Indicted Alder men, Thomas Geary took the stand in his own behalf, and the judge, jury and prose cuting attorney opened their eyes as lie told the story of tho thousand dollar bills ivhlch lie had tucked away in his old tin box. It staggered the jury so that they were coin VastiBCton Hem and Gossip. From our Special Correspondent.. Washington-. D. V. April fJ,"'8" Mil. IIMTOK. The Postmaster at Washington, who lias held onicc ever since the udmiiislintlon of President Arthur, nnd drawn the lucrative salary ot St.ow a Jear, Is getting ery uneas) lest in the early dava of the snrlnrr ho will lose that the knot should be tied at once,, that I Jliis much smwlit utter position, l'he rumor Is w TnoYAL pawef j 9 A. J. Litmus Column Como and sp.c my Stock of -., They are too well known to need any comment from me. Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel ot purity. trctiKtli aud w Imlcsotncncss. More economical tlntn ttie ordinal y kinds, nml cannot be sold In cmii petition with Hie liuiltltiule ot tow test, slioit veltrlit, alum or nlinsiiliate powder. Sold only In cans. Itovnl liaklnir Powder Cnmimiy, ion Wall Street, K. V, auc Jl-nitt Our High Grade What a iilertsurc it is to mount our Hiding, or follow behind our Walking Cultivator, and sec the splendid work they will do in a cornfield. - . . ;"... 7' ' iHi if tho pastor accepted the fee and mado hem happy. 10 from 37, how many? all wrong. While on tills subject there is another sum with the same kind of figures: Grovcr, .10; Frankle, 20. 20 from CO, how much? all right Hero is that old sinner, Doln Boucicault, leaves the wife w lib whom he has been liv ing thirty years and had six children, sev eral of them married, and takes a wife fifty years bis junior, and flaunts her In the face of New York. People turn out to sec him just as if he were not guilty of one of tho mot flagrant crimes of the centuVy. When Miss Durdett Couttslook to herself a young husband all the world got into a rage, as It the lady was not capable of attending to her own business and knowing just exactly what she wanted. The marriage has been most happv, and It may be that this Brook lyn Romeo has secured the experienced af fection of a mother with the romantic de votion of a wife. Twenty years hence Chloe will bo fifty-seven; Strlphon will be thirty-nine, will ho dare then to look over his nose when a pretty girl goes past the window? wc shall sec. It's a good old tough loye now-a-dajs that lasts twenty years. IlitoAnmuM. AH IMPORTANT DAY. Tuesday N.-Y. Ecentng Sun, speaking of the Inter-State Commerce blll.pertlucnt ly remiiks: "To-day Is a critical day with the railroads of the United States great and email. To-day an extraordinary piece rf patcrnM legislation goe.s Into effect OiU'mally Instituted for ttie relief of the Western farmer who thought their sub ftanee was tapped by the charges which the railroads made for carrying the produce uf the laud to a market, it is confessed, now that It Is become a law, that there Is no class of producers upon whom it Is likely to bear morn oppressively than upon the Western f.irnn-n. Tho waj of Congress are Inscrutable, and it will never tin clearly understood liow a legislative i.nd judicial body-deHvrrcd Itself of so paradoxical and contradictory a measure as the Inter-State Commerce bill Is now believed to be. We admit that great benefits will ensue from the abolition of the free pass system, from the compulsory. public-mien of tariffs, and from the abandonment of the commissions upon sales of piesmger tickets. But the damage to lesser properties In railroads atid the sgsrandlzriucut of the great corpora tlnni at tha i-xpruto of tho weaker will work grave Injustices. licstdes, the peopl generally w ill probably have to pay mora for trnrflrtntlon tian they had to pay be- Our State Capital Corresponaence. Special to the CAimo.s Atjvocatk. ArisiL C, 18S7. Upon the convening of the Legislature last January tlic several railroad companies made their regular distribution of free passes of the members of both Houses Many to the members were provided with passes over the Krlc road, good until June, and It Is natural to presume that many" legislators fondly pictured a pleasure jaunt to Niagara before tho expiiation of that date. However, during last week they were nil called In. There Is no effort made to conceal the manner In whlcl passes aro distributed. The agents of the companies have small desks in both Houses and aro yeiy open In their actions. Speak tug about recalling free passes bring to mind Callaghans corrcspodcnco with the Erie road: I,ast week Callaghan received a notice from the Pittsburg and Lake Diie Uoad that the annual pass he was supposed to have would not be good after April 1, ana requesting its return. The nostaze was not prepaid, aud Callaghan was com pelled to ulve the Postmaster a penny be fore he could get the precious letter. The Westmoreland member sat down and wrote the General Manaserof tho road the follow ing characteristic letter: HAlttitsnuuo, March 29, 18S7. W. C, Qulncy, General Manager Dearslr: Yours of the 22d at hand. Contents duly noted I did not intend at first to notice it, as I regarded my oatli of oillcn uiori precious man a raiiioau pass, xou snow a vciy polled to discharge them, ami for a time at generous spirit In giving passes to members least I liouias Geary Is safe. It Is morally of the Legislature. While I nm writln certain that even If he did bag twenty thousand of the swag he will never do so ;aln; but In view of the unsavory associa tions and unpleasant notoriety, I am nnxl- ous to see it Ills place lias become vacant, ind, I am expecting hourly to soothe ad-1 tcitisement "Wanted, a janitor " Bravo, bravlsslmo Cornelius Vanderbilt! He has presented to the Metropolitan Mus- um of Art, Ilosa Bonhcur's masterpiece The Horse Fair." For sixteen years it has hung In the Stewart mansion, and I this letter I see Peddrick, agent of the Pennsjlvania Urllroad Company, giving out passes to a page to distribute) among members. They say seeing is beliein 1 sec members take the passes from the page. I have received no passes, therefore your letter was unnecessary. In order to lift It from the Post Ollice I had lo pay an additional cent. Why you have added In jury to Insult I know net. As vou seem be generous I sincerely trust that you will be justj Your letter has subjected me to inrdly a mortal eyo outside of Judgo Hil- loss of time and money, and, being dis- that the 1'icsSdeiit lias Instructed the Postmaster (Jcncrnl to Inform him of all ttie Presidential postmasters holding over from tho last aihiiln- stratlon, with tho slew of calling for the l cogna tions of the some mo Itcrmbllcaus that their places may bo tilled by good and patient Demo crats. Thero tire over 2,10!) of theso offices with in tho I'lft ot the President, and the fact that all except 3.10 aro filled by sturdy Democrats makes It look as If President Clccluud Is a pretty good Democrat, no matter what has been charged to the contrary. The Interstate Commcrco Commlsloncrs are all here and havo by electing Judge Coolcy, chairman. The tlrst thing they did utter iisbemhlinj hi our snow enveloped city, after paying their respecrt to the Chief Executive, was to cull upon tho Secretary of the Interior aud be sworn Into ollice. Tho Comptroller of the Treasury has ruled that no ollleer of llio (lOvcriiiiicnt can draw pay for the olUce to which he Is appointed until ho takes .the prescribed oatli to suppoi t the Constitution ot the United States, and so tho Comitlsiucis diaw pay lor from last Thursday, and not from the time ot their appointment. Many people are asking whether fjie Commissioners will have to pay their railroad faro out of their salaries, or will have It paid of the appropriation for the rinuilu, expenses of tho Commission. The question is an important one us tho Commissioners will havo much traveling to do, and the railway lat e would be a pretty big Item to take tiom the 57,500 :i year salary, Tho best optulou seems to be I hat It will bo paid out of the uppiuprLitlon for the expenses if til 3 office. Commissioner of Agriculture, Colmaii, lias just returned from Louisiana, and Is delighted with his reception there and nilh the prospects of an increase In the yield of sugar, lie, says that he never knew what Hotitherii hospitality was until his trip south. He was tllued mid wined fiom tho time lie entered the boundaries ol thu Sunny South until .he lull them oil his return home, lie says that It lie Isns-strmstfiil as he expects to be hi the experiment '.oudtictud tinier his itireclloni trade ot the coun try will do revolutionizes, nuu mere will DC saving otto per cent, by the new drmwlon jiro- cess.1 When that day conies', wo intiV expect to have'not more than ten per cent, of adulteration In our suitar, nud.theio will btf uo necisslfy o.' riShllug or the iiiniexalloit ol utuu. Iheic has been a very heavy dischargo In the (iovernmeiit Printing lilllce this week neecsltiiteil parity by the reduction In woilt since tlicuirjoun, inentoICongiess and partly to make room for Appointment. Thuihschniges would havo been made earlier hut tor the fact that llio employees have been paid monthly owing to word lug of the law, which forbids the (ioveiniuont Printer draw-lug money from the Treasury oftener than once a mouth for the pay of the printers, and us Congiess did not adjourn until the -nil of March, the force hud to bo kept until the end ot the month, when the money could bo drawn to pay them. The discharged men mado about tluee weeks on Uncle Sum In that way. Here after, under iinarrangciiieiit between the (iovcrn incut Trliiler and Comptroller of the Treas ury tho printers will be paid every two weeks. One day this week live ducks were found lying dead at the base ot the Washington Monument One of theih was found cut neatly t.i two as It cleaved by a razor. It Is supposed that tin early luoinlm; belli',-cloudy tho ducks lost liiel com so and Mindly dashed against the. monu ment with such force us to be killed, mid tho one found cut in two struck the platinum point on the monument which cut It In twain. The ointhologlcul branch of the Agilctilttuiil Depart ment has on record numeiutis Instances of birds killed by dashing against lighthouses, aud has In its museum many rale species of birds killed in that way mid forwarded by the lighthouse keepers to the Dciiaitmeiit, but the adoie Is the lirsthliuuii Instance of liilds or Ion Is being Killed uy uasiiiiig:iguiiuiiue monument. 11. Wo arc prepared to meet the Grand Itush for Spring and Summer Clothing,. with one of the choicest nnd most complete assortments of Spring antf Summer Fabrics! ncluding all the very latest pat terns m seasonable assimers, Woorsteds, Corkscrews, &c., which we make-up in the latest nd most substantial styles at iricos that cannot be approached for cheapness by any merchant tailoriii" establishment in the .chilli Valley. "Remember, we positively lead in the Merchant 'ailoring Business ! Boots and Shoes and Slippers ! Wo have them for Gentlemen, iadies', Misses and Children, All sizes At all prices. We particularly call the attention of our Lady pations to the justly celebrated Morrow Shoe, un questionably the finest shoe in the market. Our Gent's Furnishing Department s complete in everv, particular: ind includes the latest anil most popular styles in Hats,Caps,Collars,Cuffs, and Gents Novelties. Uolore ymrclmshiiiLr. call and see our lanro jtint assortment Of Merchant Tailoring!: Goods ! '"'ur prices ato positively lower than the lowest. Very Respectfully , Glauss Ires., The Tailors. Dank Street, Lehiyhton, Pa. Dissolution Notioe. Tho partnership heretofore existing between I. lireuuer mill V. llicnner. ilnum bin ne under lite litsl name of M. & 1'. brettuer. I franklin two.. Carbon Co.. Pit., was dlsseheil on tho 1st ilay of April, 1837, by mutual content ji. iiu...ri!, l'. mtuN,Ni;ii. April 0, 1SS7-W3 ton's Immediate friends has ever been per mitted to look upon It. Henceforth tho name of Stewart and Hilton arc completely wiped out from its connection and it passes Into history for all comln; time as the Im perial sift of a Vanderbilt. it is only a little lime since ono member of tho family endowed one of tho finest hospitals In the criminated against hy r.iilioads in cciieral, I send you the follow ins hill, which you will please pay as scon as convenient. 1 place It at a low estimate. Indeed, when you take into cousldeiation the .amount of money I have paid for car fare. ..I fear very much, if lite Legislature dors J not tton spending so much time (lilln ,i)ll over tfie Dissolution Notice. Tlip l'aitncrshlti hcietofore exlstlmr between win. II. St'. l. Jiiner, lormeriyMiowiiasjiinei I tint hi-is. is this ilnv dissolved bv mutual u.nscllt 'I lie mime of the llrm wilt be known hereafter oa 1). -MlMJlvK WJ. . . - H.Sl. II. All.M.l, '' C. D. MIMllt. Wclssport March 1st. ItfT, IMar., 19, w Union, and another member added a hranch country on free passes, Instead of attending county, l'.i, hai been where poor mothers In the pel lis of child- to Its duties, 1 will have to walk .home to "J,";,",?!"? nil"' birth mlslit iceelvo as gooil meUlcal asslsl- 'W Estate Notioo. A "JVfnernf Attorney" on the estate of the late mas waicK, oi l run iliktin lowushio. .Carbon irranteu to l'ltAMl ance as any laily in tin' unit, it Is pretty evident now that each member of this fam ily will leave uoine grand monument behind him which shall pass his name with lies sing to generations yet unborn. I should judge that tho loss on the Stew art collection cannot bo short of half a million of dollais. The auction of the pic tures beinji over, Hip next in order Is my lady's wardrobe; nightcaps, stockings, un derwear and wigs. Ilravu, thrifty Judge Hilton. As executor you will no doubt make jour trust pay cent per cent, and while UMllietlcnlly your tasto may be riucs tioned in this novel sale, as a financier of dead men's estates you aro an unqualified success. The Investigation of the I.-gislativc Com. uilttea Into the affairs of the City of Ilrook lyu continues to disclose the most unsavory facts. It seems to make very little differ ence whether the Incumbent was a Demo crat or llepnbllcan, It was impossible to get at the gamblers. Iloth Dlstilct Attor neys, the present Incumbent a Democrat and his predecessor a ltcpubllcan, made loud professions ot what they were going to do. hut not a hair on a gambler's head was hurt, and It was publicly stated that each day after tho races a roll of a thousand Scotttlalc. It is certainly a heartrending sight to see a poor devil like, me go up to the ticket ollice and plank down the hard cash, and see an independent rich man ride free over all railroad lines. Why In the name of the first tramp that ever counted a cross-tie, such things are so I am at loss to know. If you object to the follow- Ing bill notify meat once: To llltlns letter fiom postolillce $ 01 lost In KctthiK change, 0; in read- uik teller ?- 33 oo Time lost in wi uiiik letter, er.'J: lime lost lu Bollloauliui how I could return a pass I never got, $13.31 13S 31 Taper, emilo-e. use or pen ami ink, 3 cents: posUne stamp, 2ceuts: time lost 111 posting, $75 75 05 Total SJ13 to Hoping to hoar from you soon, I remain yours, EnvvAiin Cali.aqiiax. If the High License bill now before the Pennsylvania Legislature becomes a law In the form In which It has been reported from the committee, the entrance of any hotel, tavern or saloon keeper Into his bar room with a light or the keeping of a light burning thero for nny purpose whatever, between midnight and 0 o'clock In the morning, or the mere opening or failure to close thedoorof his bar room between these afoioald Tomiiltiii and announces to the M.bliethat ill ncrxiiRH Indebted to b.ll(t estate lire tentlcstcd to nuke payment, ami llioc having claims or demiiiius win itiako known me same mm mini ue lay to J. .vieit. uusvice in i no i eace, ui j-riiiihuu iv. i., Hv order of l'K.VKCIS DOltWAKD, Attorney. March 2, 1887-Cw AT PRIVATE SALE ! An Improved I'Alt-M.vvlth DWI- I.I.1NO HOUHK, UN and all necessary niithiilltllui;, a never fjllllu: Sprint; ot Water, mid the lam I Is In all ex cellent state of cultivation Is offered at Private Sale. A largo orchard of eholeu fruit trees Apples, reaches unit Clienles. llm pioperty Is located In Carbon county. It Is very convenient to school house, ami about one mid a half mites fiom lhtllroail lcMit, nnd contains about SIXTY Al lti.n. Appiy in inn CAMION ADVOCATE OFFICE. March 25. 1IS7-U House anil Lot For Sale I The iindcrsliuied otters ids House and 1.01, sllliatu upposue II o CAltun.v Al VOOATK office, on Hank htrevt. LehliMi and the house Is n Two-Story 1'rame with Stone liascmciu. l or lunncr particulars call mi .JUll II. 11KMI1I1C. Or at the auvooatk Offick. jural cm, iMTHw- Publio Notioo The underslmicd would hereby nlve notice the public nun lie nan purenusen fore. The hi!) Is now a Uw, nnd It is not llk'ly la'- amended )n any if tf:t degree r to that the tiu reiyiscd li: tin I rt i;tat; ' r-n-n)lirn If Ihe'greate!' that ' ri tftJ i brou'lit It In to some Urooklyn olllcial who tween thcc hours need not be proved; tho X'fr. ft I C 'id It the hhtory of the ' l)t It where it would do the most good. 1 fact of the light being seen or the door be EcM U ui) JUi bciy.' lit were two Uuudrtd racing days to laz optu being evlJcnce. Noscieen, blind, the niiblio that he him purchased ot Cl.ailes Mil ler. Sr.. of WelsstHirt. Carbon eniiiitt. Ph.. the hours, will be a misdemeanor for which he I followliurartlelej, to ; lti Sliorses. i uevy butch ' ,, , ... ,,, erwHBOii, I ofd uiiu-her wiikoii, I buclt-bnard. 1 may uc juiiusm-a wmi n i.iiu as uigii us i sielsli. l hex oiuounie narness, i sei Mngie liar- $500 and a maximum Imprisonment of on ness, I can biue, 1 butcher block, I sausage .urn oi cnuiiiivni, tc tAsS" WHAT WE CLAIM ! WE CLAIM THAT OUR Royal Bone Superphosphate is the best Uhosphnte in the Stato for the money. It sella at $27.00 Per Ton! itMioiis Brand is equalled bv few surpassed by none. The prico U $35.00 Per Ton! AVe have been selling the above grades of Phosphates for tho past FIVE YEAKS. Our sales have increased every year. That shows what our Phosphates are. No other agents can sell you the above brands, except Reuben Kemerer, Our Sub-Agent. ALWAYS IN STOCK. ADAM MSHfiKAM & SON, GENBEAL AGENTS, Bank Street, Lehigliton, Pa. The McDaniel's Sulky Plow is a good one ; and so is my Corn I'lanter. Mowers, Tedders, Reapers and IIiiv Hake a full line. You need them and mine are the best Next vou ant Or perhaps, something like this : elsewhere and ele- Bit And if you do, you can also add at very little extra expense a To properly prepare your land you need a And to seed it again a P -AT THE Central Drug Store, OIT. THE rUBDIC SQIUUK, Rank Street, Lehighton, Ta. Is prepared for the SUM MIS It TRADE Ilk n fra.h lilil.lf t.t Drugs and Medicines, 'ChoiccWincslfc Li'qior&j Cigars, etc. I'rcscilptlons caicfiilljr compounded at all hours of tho day or night. Pull Lino of -a s n- tiT. mid nil Minis of choliner. &c uud Iipi-hIi lollari was inaiU MP nnd a messenger i year. The sale or delivery of liquors, be- idyes notice and vvaniliii;, that any iicrsoii mei has loaned iIuiIhk hU pleasure tolhesalj dim. Jl Her, will beUeainviuincenniniKio law. SEVOtiK WKIiPn WtUiport, il.r.U 17, 1SK Morvo-ev, Library & Stand Lamps, in all stales, and at all prices. Spectacles fitted to the eye aud satisfaction guaranteed. Hut vou must not i'orgct to use a quantity ol Ana in tins connection wc i . . . i migtit say tliat wc car. supply vou with an article that is much above the average grade gen orally s )ld bv other parties. While it is not necessary to show you more cuts this time, it is vet in season to mention that we have a full line ot Corn Shelters, Spring Tooth Harrows, Wheel- Barrows Feed Cutters, Barb Wire, Poultry Wire, And should not omit to mention Along with it. Nor PUMPS ! r Nor OILS! OILS! Nor SEEDS ! Low Prices mi Honest Dealii. :o:- A. J. Litzenberger, kl, lsl Door Below L & S. Depot, Ml Street, LeMeMoii, Fenna. March 11, 18S7- -3m .' II ANNOUNCEMENT. Still the Oldest Drug Store In Lower Carbon. The' oldest store and the "Newest" Medicines EgXo relics 1 nf antediluvian origin in that line. Hut wc will not lie in too great hahte; "the proof of the pudding is the eating" and when we are ready to open all enn tee fur themselves. Wc have been delaved hcvond expecta tion ; wc nre nt the mercy of our painter, and htisincwi is mi hrisk in the city, (hut our orders have not been filled as we expected ; we also find that we have n heavy contract on our hands, ni:c.VRE vk Aim r Tr.ttMlSKD to excel. JCxccIIeucc is our ntnlto, nnd with that in view we fcluill zealously aim to bring the "Oldest Drug Store" up to its original stnndard, as vhen in its pristine glory it was presided ovcrhy A. J, Durling,thcn the leading Pharmacist in Carbon County. After having been "laid on the slielP' for almost three years, It was witit great reluctance thnt wc forced ourselves to enter the business arena again. Our in firmities at first would have preferred otherwise, but circumstances so shaped themselves that it became really necessary for us to enter the field nnd continue the life of our earlier amliitimi. Under the stimulus of ihN virtue, we find our dormant energies reviving, ' nnd with a healthy brain, fully occupied nnd fully capable to do anything anil everything it did before, wo fear no failure. We aro ourselves again, taken dovrii from the shelf, dusted olfand ready to go it with as gootl a hand us any. I867-R8tars-1887. (3 ( 2j i . -IS HEADQUARTERS FOR- GENERAL HARDWARE ALL KINDS OF COAL, Sec. OPP. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. We have opened the largest line of Dress Goods ever Shown in this Valley ! Comprising the Latest Novelties in Woolen Dress Goods, Friese, Beaded Yelvet, Friese, Dotted, Striped and Plaids, Woolen Plaids And Stripes in Great Variety. We have made special efforts in our 50 Cent line, comprising Plaids, Striped and Plain. All the New Shades. H. GUTH & SON. 634 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Penn'a. October 30 Jsstt Jl.kycmr retttler forlbK J-iroMMcann' 03,fli Caution t H mil lU-ulers levomim-nil Inri-rli 3f hoe. luri-ttcr ro.Mli. in nnler to lupki. n I trtrer ptiillt. DilM Wllie ol 1st mil tasl.oe ln-wnti, or Imlt-tlonnwli cli ce knawieiifcuilirlr uwniiiierloilir i i.:t.-miilnj la lilllil Uii l It eirpuli'tlniM'f Uw iflntit. Nouo i.eiiulnu uuk-kB bi-ui In j llilx blnnip, JAEV3ES .T:rC::tl!tr, a J if u SHOE. lft l 8 w PRACTICAL HOESE-SHOEING- I Midd in ru.l tt, Otfrresa and i u Line' vlltl ,U lfUHU'll.ty, LMtnOlt iff itHni'-iiua now u nt luu Means & Co I 4 1.1m- .1 St, oiifjiaw. Our celeliralej faeturr iirmliiceii a isrci-r qnantlly rf Rjnctof ttiUkruilo iluin any oil-er fm-mry lu Ih HnrM. 1 hnuiulkili wliu wear Ihvni u III tril y.m tli rraxinirnnak llirm. JAII MT.ANr.' W'J SllOU fur IkijkU urappniacl.eU In ll.irabillu. full lines nt the above slioei (or tale by LEADING RETAILERS TlIltOUOHOUT THE U. S, Mar.tM-nl ThA tmrterslfrtieil. havlni' tioiislit the well-known I'AItHON HOUHK 11LACKHMITU STAND ot V. J. Seinincl, li.'li uroeiireil tlie services ot U. fl. llll.l.YADl). a Practical llor-Sliocr of Katon. All KliuU of CUSTOM WOKK neatly anil cheaply done. Horso-Shoeing a Spolatt.y. ! I'leaso rIvo us a cull and be convinced. It. J. HONOEN, Feb 19-Sm North Street, Lehighton. LANDS SF rrSKXI FOIl I'ublleiitlons. ' un maps, iifKcriuiiiK .iuiiueiu t. North lUKotii. Molilalia, Iilatio, WnslilnKtou ana oresoii, ine criiuieiit Uiuilsuntl Uiw friee ltallioud Jjiinls ; In the Niirttieru raeilTe Counlry THU 1IKST AlllllCL'l.TtltAU (IUAZIXO anil TIMUKll LANDS now oneii to bettlers . iniaHCtrv. dLAMllOltN. IaiiU Cum, N. I" It. It., St. Paul, Mlun. 4U-OH-f.-t) IS Wanted A gents to tell the Hew Book by Hon. JAMES G, BLAINE The Front iueitloin of tits day ably dtscujumby Aineiieu'x greatest unit most ktutendan rrleim Ixjw. 8tne In litne an enorniout bhIo. AKeuts slioulil npply uulek tiiKecttre rluilco ter rlti.rv. I'nr full iarlk'itl.irs liililn-si. Ill IIHAHIt IlltoTlIKItS, PutilUliers, TS Chfslnul Ureet, 1-hlUdi-lphhl. leljtMiT Subscribe now.
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