The Carbon Advocate. Alt tNfJKPJfi NDKXT FAMILV NBVrSI'ArKK I"Ul) ninou every naiuruay in imignion, Carbon County, Pennsylvania, by Harry V. Morthimer, Jr HANK STREET. $1 00 For Year in Advance But Advertising medium In the county, Krery descrlptlou'ot rialn ftnd Fancy JOB PRINTING At very low prices. We. do not nositate to say mat we are ucner equppcu man any omer printing establishment In tills section to do first-class Job-work, In all Its branches, &t low prices. Professional & Business Cards. Horaoo Heydt, ATTORNKY AT LAW, OrriCKt-Tlie Boom recently occupied by W. M ltapsher. BANK STREET, - MCHtOHTON. PA May be consulted In EiieILiIi and German. July a-ty W. M Rapaher, ATTORNEY ao COUNSEUI-OR AT LAW, AND DISTRICT ATTORNEY, First door above the Mansion House, MAUC1I CHUNK, - TENN'A Real Estate and Collection Agency. Will T-uy and Sell Real Estate. Convcyancln neatly done. Collections promptly made. Settling Filiates pi IleejJents a specialty. May bo consulted In Kmiwi and ucrman. nov. a-ji H. V. Morthimor, Sr., NOTARY 1'OnMO. Orricn "Carbon Advocate" omce, BANK STREET. - I.EIIIOItTON. All business pertaining to the offlcc will receive prompt attention. mar. 10 O. V. Klointop, Instructor in Music, Roblilns' American Classical Methods n sncr lai ty. Terms moderate, aug It-tf THOMAS KEMSRER, CONVEYANCER AND General Fire & Life Insnrancs Aft The tallowing Companies are Represented! Lebanon Mutual Fire, Reading Mutual Fire, Wyoming Fire, PotUvltle Fire, Lehigh Fire, and the Travolors Accident Insurance. Also, Pennsylvania an 1 Mutual Horse Thief De tective and Insurance Company. mar-fi-yi W. G. tVI. Seiple. IMIYSIOIAN AND SUIKIF.ON. SOUTH STREET, - LEHIGHTON. Mav ho consulted In Kngllsh and ucrman. Special attention given to (Jyuccolngy. OrriCK Hocus j From 1J M. to 3 V. M.,and from o to 3 1 M, mar. at-yi P. A. Rabenold, D. D. S. BltANOit OKKICK : Over J. V. Raudcnbtish's t.liiiur Storo, D INK SritKUr, LEHIGHTON. Dentltlrvln all Its branches. Teeth Extracted without ('.tin. ua-t administered when requested. Offlco Days WEDNESDAY of eaeh week. I". O. address, LITZCMIKlt'i, J a-yl I'lilgh county, I'a. Cortright, D. D. S., Offick: Opp. the "Broadway House," BROADWAY, MAUCH CHUNK. Patients have tlie benefit of tin' latest Improve menU lu Mechanical Appliances and the Best Methods of Trcitiiient In all Surgical Cases. A.N'.tHTIIKriC administered U desired. If pos sible, persons residing outside of llaueh Chunk, should make arrangements by mall. JyH-yl EYE AND EAR. Dr. G. T. POX Visits Allentown regularly on THURSDAY of rack week, Practice limited to Diseases of the Eye aiid Ear. once at Ilaydcn't American Hotel, and Office Hours from A.M. to3::in I'. M. Also atlcmls to Ketraclion of the Kye (or the Proper adjustment of Onuses, anJ (or thu Relict and Cure n( Opti cal Defects. May also be consulted at hlsnfllcc In RATH, Wedue.iday and tUlurilay ot eaeh week, at II AN COR mi Monday, and at KASTOX on Tuesday ut ash week. Jan '-'- t CARSON HOUSE, J0NA1HAN KISTLEIt, I'ltOl'ItlF.TOIt, Dixie Stssst, LkIIIOIIT'IX. The Carbon House offers first-class accommoda tisas to the traveling public, llnatdiui: by the day or rrrek on reamuable terms. Clioleo C'lKurs, Wines aud Liquors aUa) on hand, tiond Sheds and MUbles, with very attentive Hostlers, at tached, nprio-yl PACKERTON HOTEL, Midway bet'vrccn Mauch Chunk & l.f bltfhton, LEOPOLD ritOr'R, PACKERTON, - Pmn. This well-known Hotel Is admirably refitted, and has Hit best accommodations for permanent and transient boarders. Excellent Tables ami the very best Liquors. Stables attached, sepln-yl MANSION HOUSE, Opposite I S. Depot, BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON, C. II. 1I0M, PnOPIHLTOR. This house tiers first-class accominod.itions (or transient ami permanent boarders. It has been newly reQttedlii all Its departments, and is locat ed lu one of tho most picturesque portions of the borough. Terms moderate, cfr- The II A R Is supplied with tho choicest Wines, Liquors and Clsars. Fresh Lager on Tan. aprll-yl W. A. PETERS Announces to his friends and tho public gener ally, that he has now open for their accommoda tion his new and handsomely furnished RESTAURANT, next door to the 1st National Bank, nANK ST., inicnion, aim uiai uu is now preparou to turn' Isll Flrst-U.iss Meals at Short Xoticel The Bar Is supplied with the best Wines, Fresh lacrr iiecr ami moice v;iirars. inn ure cnnuai y invited to calj, apr Vt-yt D. J. KISTLER Respectfully announces tn tho publlo I hat lie has (ipcned a NEW MVKItY STABLE. and Uut he Is now nrenarcd tn furnish Teams for Funerals, weduhilfs or Dullness Trips on the shortest no- lice ami most nner.ii irrins. uriiers letc at the "varoon nouse- win receive prompt attention. STABLES ON NORTH STREET, next the Hotel, Lahlghton. Janis-yl T. J. 1RETNEY RMpeetfully announces to lh Merchants n( f,e. niauuin nnu Minora tuai no is now prepared to an an ninusoi Hauling of Freight, Express Matter and Baggage at very reasnnahle prices. Br prompt attention to all orders he hni to merit fl share of piddle nxtmiiace. XfesM,nci corner of Pine and Iron street, Lehlrhion. ''".'"It at Hweeny ft Son's Porner Store t j purrvry W. A. $1.00 a Year in Advance. INDEPENDENT " Live and Let Live." $1.26 when not paid in Advance. VOL. XV., No. 21. Lehighton, Carbon County, Penna., April 9, 1887. Single Copies 5 Cents. . T" ' i I i . Sale Bills Printed at this Office. HEADQUARTER for JEWELS II. S. JSOCI&, Opposite the Carbon House, Bank Street, Lehigh' ton, Fenn'a., sells F ntilsna t eO li-e- lr-a ' and Jewelry, Cheaper on an average than can be bought any' 'where elso In the county. Call and ico. REPAIRING In all Its branches, neatly, cheaply and prompt' ly nucnucu lo. ALSO A FULL LINE OF School B joks AND Stationers Supplies november 2 ly LADIES! Do Yonr Own Dyelnc, at Home, with PEEK LESS DYES They will Dye eycrjthtnsr. They are sold evcry- wuere. rnco inc. a pacKafre so colors, jncy have no equal tor StreiiRth, BrlKhtness. Amount In l'.tckaifo or lor Fastness of Color, nr N'nn.fiul. ini; Qualities. They do not crock or smut. For sale by T. D. THOMAS, DrucKlst. ALL THE NEWS ! The Carbon Advocate. $1.00 Per Year. Single oples, FIVE Cents. Advertise in the Advocate. For Newegt Designs and Most Fashionable Styles of DRESS GOODS, DHY GOODS, GROCERIES, " PROVISIONS, SILVERWARE, &c, &c. GO TO R. n. SNYDER, Bank Street, Lehighton. Gha eusrsnteed nntl prices si low ss else where for the same quality iifcwdi. July IS, 1885 ly ANDREW BAYER, DEALER IN Wall Paper and Decorations, Window Shaica & Painters Supplies, Faper Hanging, House and Sign Pilntlnir, Caliominc and Oraininc Hank Street. I.ehlcliton. IVnii'i Oet. 30-Cm House und Lot for Sale One-halt It, 33 x 1(9 feet, situate on I.elili;h Street, near the New Round Houses, iiiion which Is erected a enod Two-siorv Frame House, IB x K feet. A never f.illlns Well of Pure Water, and a number ot choice Fruit Trees mid Vines on the Iit. A nlre Home lor a small family. 1 or terms, &c, call at the Cahiion Advocvik OOlee, Bank street. pine XG-ii Mean live at home, and nrike more money at work funis than :it nnytlitnc; else In the world. Capital not needed : yon are started free. Roth sexes: all aires. Anvonccmi do the work, tare earnings sure from first start. Costly outfit and terms free. Itctter not delay Costs you untlilnc tnseud us jour adiliensand linn mii; u jou are wise you win uo soar once II.IIali.ktt Co., Portland, Maine. decisis Weissprt Business Directory. JOSEPH F. KKX, DEALER IN Flour, Feed and Furniture, Tobaooa and Cigars, East Weissport, Penn'a., Invites the people n( Weissport and vicinity to call and examine his larze assortment of uoods before purchasing elscHherc Prioes Low as the Lowest ! nprlltMcw-iY. OKSTS WASTKJ) J TO SELL THE NEW Improvod Western Washers ! 40,000 Now in Use! And sales constantly Increasing. It insltlrrly leads them nil. liny no other. Wrlto tor terms. AAKON F. SNYDUU, Mlg's. AgL, augt3-ly Wclsport, Carbon Co , Pa. J-AOIIY & SEWELL, The Weissport Bakery, Fresh Dread and Cakes every day. Delivered In Ihluhton nnd Mauch Chunk every Tucsdaj, ThurNlay and Saturday, fir-Plcnlcs, Parties, Camp-Mcetlngs, Weddings, Funerals supplied at short notice. aueust?,87-ly TJWtAJiKLIN HOUSE, EAST WEISSPORT, PENN'A. This house offers first-class accommodations to the permanent boarder and transient guest. Tanle prices, only One Dollar per day. aug7-ly Johk ItKiinto, Proprietor. TREATS, THE JEHEI.ER. All Kinds of Jewelry ! School Boots asi Stationery. ufr.itf,Ti, Snyder&Son's PLANING MILL! East Weissport. Carton Conuty, Pa., Is the place to purchase, at the most reasonable prices, DRESSED LUMBER, ot all kinds, vll: Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Cabinet Ware, &c, &c. BRACKETS MADE TO ORDER. Till Mni-lllnAV U , annnlu , - j .. .... ..b ... n.., j icsi me chanics employed. All articles are miamtitccd of best seasoned material. Orders by mall re ceive prouiptattcutlon. Your patrouaKO Invited. "Wc have, also. In eotmeetlnn wllh the above business a COMMODIOUS STORK, where can always be found one of the largest and best as sortments of BY UUHDS, NOTIONS, oRiior.ntKs, rilOVlSIONH, OARPKTS, OIL CLOTHS. QUEKN.S'VARK woouware, ' hardware: . bouts. shoks, HATS AND CAPS, Hay, Straw, Flour and Feed, And In fact any and everything usually to be found in a strictly first-class Countrv Store. No matter what vnu want, iik font and wo run up 1 sou nt prices that will knock nil competition Mr Into tile shade. Call and sec us, and we will convince you id the. truthfulness of ourassertlon. Itemcmhcr the Place N. SNYDER & SON, East Weissport. Penna. January 1. 1887. SWEENY'S orner PineBt Porolean Dinner Sets: The Famous Selmont Shape. 103 Plrcos Rclinotit Dinner Sots )Vn rcrly Decoration. 00. 103 rieces Itclmont Dinner Sots j Elgin Decoration, ?20.00. 103 I'Iccps llclmoitt Dinner Sets tiler!. (If it Decornt Ion, $17.00. ii rieces Berlin Tea Sets; Hudson Decoration, $5.50. 41 1'iecM Merlin Tea Setj Cambridrp Ilecoratlnn, $0 25. 411'Irccs Berlin Tea Sctsj Fnlrmoimt Decora! lun, $0 50. 40 rieces White Granite Waie, Only $3.00. The above Good arc Guarrnlccd against .nizing nnu are oi tne best Uhtnnwar. C. M. Sweeny, & Son, The CORNER STORE, Victor Bowman, BOWMANSTOWN, DEALER IN DRYGOODS, NOTIONS Hats and Caps, CUCUMBER WOOD PUMPS, HARDWARE, ALL KINDS OF Lumber & Goal. Mirth 1J.181T-R3 Store JjTjgCOBSnU Card Ehecni'.ixr Knrilrii. ruiui, jr uTi At flrrrrts Hit tluUu . THK niARtm JU-fWELKR tO-BltTIMOlK. Kit. Red Star OUGHIURE rihtntutrlii' Tree from Opiate, Emetic on TjFoImoiu Cts. SAFE. SURE. 3ROMPT.l . AT DRUOniSTS XKO DEALERS. Ill aURLIS X. VtMELEB CO. BiLTISOEE. XD. TBE DBUMMER-BOY'S BUBIAL. ANONYMOUS. All day long tho storm oi battle through the surtiru valley sweut: All nlflit long Uio stars In beaven o'er the slain sad vlRlls kept O the ghastly upturned faces gleaming whltely tlirnugh the nlghtt 0 the heaps ol nianKled coises In that dim sepul chral light. Ono by one the pale stars faded, and at length the morning broke; But not one of nil the sleepers on that field of dentil awoke. Slowly passed tho golden hours of that long bright summer dny. And upon that field ot carnage still the dead uti. burled lay. Lay there stark and cold, byt pleading with n dumb, unceasing prnyei, For a Utile dust to hide them from tho staring sun and air. But the fucinau held possession of that hnrd-nnn battle-plain, In unholy wrath denying even burial to our slain. Onco again the night dropped round them, night so holy and so calm That the moonbeams liuihcd the spirit, llko tlic sound ol prayer or psalm. On n couch of trampled grasses, Just apart from all the icst, Lay a fair young boy, with small hands meekly folded on his bi cast, Death had touched him very gently, and he lay as If In sleep; Kvcn his mother scarco had shuddered at that slumber calm and deep. i roriismllcof wondrous sweetness lent a radi ance to the face. Ami the hand ol cunning sculptor could haye added naught bt grace. To the marble limbs so perfect In their passion less repose, Bobbed of all save matchless purity by hard. nn pitying foes. And the broken drum beside him all bis llfc.s short Mory told; How hp did his uuty bravely till tho death-tide o'erhlm rolled. Midnight came ith ebon garments and a diadem of stars, While right upward In tho zenith hung the fiery planet Mars. Hail;: a sound of stealthy footsteps and ot voices whispering low, Was It nothing but the young leaves, or the brooklet's murmuring flow? Clinging closely to each other, striving never to look round As they passed with silent shudder the pale corses on the gi ound, - Came two llltle maidens, slstcrs-wlth a light und hasty tread, Anda look ujion their faces, half of sorrow, half of dread. And they did not pause nor falter till, with throbbing hearts, they stood Where the drummer-boy was Ijlng In that par tial solitude. Tbey had brought some simple garments from their wardrobe a scanty utorc. And two heavy Iron shovels lu their slender hands they bore. Then they quickly knelt beside him, crushing back the pitying tears, Tor they had no time for weeping, nor for any girlish tears. And they robed the ley body, while no glow of maiden shame Changed the pallor of their foreheads to a flush of lambent Came. For their saintly hearts yearned o'er It In that hour of sorest need, And they felt that death was holy, and It sanctl. fled the deed. But they smiled nnd kissed each other w bn their new strange task was o'er, And tho form that lay before tlicm its uuwontcd garments wore. Then with slow and weary labor & small grave they hollowed out, And they lined It with the withered grass and leaves that lay about. But the day was sbwly breaking ere their holy work was done, And In crimson pomp the morning again herald ed the sun. And then those Utile maldens-thcy were chil dren of our foes laid the body of our drummer-boy to undis turbed rcposo. A Bit of Gossip. BT JiltS. V. 11UI1KE COLLINS. Sitting alone nt the open window In the soft. Kray twlliglit, JJctli Allison watched the etars come peeping shyly forth, tier face palo and thoughtful, lier large brown eyes full of sadness. Just outslilo the window, In the fragrant, dewy ganlen.two jnttng men were strolling leisurely up and down, smoking anil chat ting Hal Weston anil Leonard (irey. "I say, ten," Hal Weston began, after a brief silence, "have yon heard the news? No? Well, 1 am surprised. DMn't know that the Irrepressible Lawrence Leigh has gone down at last before the barbed arrows of the little blluil god? 'Tls true 'tis pity, and a pity 'tis 'tis true. Tes, mos ash, I heard It straight he's done for! En gagedIrrevocably engaged to Hiss Ger trude Lyell." "Yes?" Leonard Grey's tono was provoklngly nonchalant. "Well, and why shouldn't Lawrence Leigh engage himself to Miss Lyell If he want to, provided the lady herself It will Ing?" Hi'.'s Clark y ItsdigsEritlT. Lnr Dnin ru ra " by? Because, In honor, ho has no right to ask Miss Lyell to marry him, after the very pronounced attentions that ho has shown all summer to Miss Allison, that pale little music teacher. 1 lell you.Leon ard, It's a shame for a man of the world like Leigh to tilde with a woman's heart when the victim Is such a sweet, true, little woman as Miss Ucth Allison. If I were her brother now, or had any possible right I would certainly call Lawrence Leigh to account." "Out, Hal, I don't understand It. It Is totally unlike Lawrence to do an act of dis honor. What can he mean?" "It's plain enough to me, Intervened Hal Weston, sardonically. "You know Miss Lyell Is rich. She Is the only child of Lyell, the hanker, and will have a cool million. Lawrence Is. not poor, but be al ways had an eye to the main chance. 1 think the story It plain enuugh 'he who runs may read' only . mr ympatlir, go witn miss Allison, and' from the bottom of my heart I pity her." As the two young men sauntered away, Deth Allison pale to the very lips arose, and trembling like a leaf, made her escape from, the -room up-stalrt to her own apart' ment. Her hands were tightly clinched togeth er; In the depths of her dark eyes a look of heart-break; under her breath the was pontine brokenly 'Oh, Lawrencel Lawrence! How can 1 believe It? It does not teem possible. Yet' tho ttory must lie true, or Mr. Weston would not hare told his friend. Had 1 overhead a conversation between two wo men, 1 might have looked upon It as mere Ule talk; but men never Indulge In gossip, and I am forced to believe. If Mr. Wes ton had not pitied me," tho went on, tear ing up and down her room like a wild creature, "If lie had not dared to pity me,I might go to him and request a full explan ation. Uut I cannot. And I shall not let Lawrence Leigh exult over his conquest. 1 nave humiliated myself enough already, I will do so no more. Hereafter I will treat him with the coldness that he deserves I" She was poor, but not friendless by any means. Only a intislc-teachcr In Mrs. Winslowe's handsomo countrv house; but Mrs. Winslowe possessed no false pride, and treated Beth as an equal. He house was filled with guests that sninmer,and she had found pretty Miss Allison exceedingly uefiil as well as ornutntntal. Coining down stairs an hour later, all In white and corn color, with crimson popples In her corsage and In her dark hair, Ucth was met at tho entrance to the drawing room by a now arrival a tall, elegant man of middle age. One glance and the girl's hand was extended in cordial welcome. "Why, Mr. Warbitrton, when did yon anive?" she cried In real delight, for he w is an old friend of her dead father's, and had known Ucth all her life. II n 'drew her lutul thionsh his arm, and HI her out upon tho moonlit porch for if loftnnd.p'eai-anl chat. And all llie'tlm'e llei'li wasawate of I.awrenco Leigh's pres ence in thu itionil handsome, darkneyed Lawrence Leigh, who had been so devoted to her all summer, and who had almost' told her that he loved her; that dangerous, tacit taking for granted which has broken a woman's heart before now. . "Hut he shall not bicnk nilnnl" muttered Helh, defiantly, as she remembered. Alas! when did she ever forget? The evening passed away, and Beth marked with silent suffering how Lawrence Leigh scarcely left Miss Lyell's side for a moment. True, he had finally ventured Into Beth's vicinity, and once ho had asked her for a dance, but shn was engaged to Mr. War burton, and told Lawrence so very coolly; after which he troubled her no more. That was the most unpleasant evening of Beth Allison's whole life; but for pride's sake she kept up, determined that Hal Weton and Leonard Grey should not sus pect her suffering. And she succeeded so well that nal observed carelessly to his friend that he believed they had overestim ated the situation, or else Miss Allison was a flirt and did not need their sympathy. Day followed day In like manner. Mr. Warburton took possession of Beth; and Lawrence, after a few Ineffectual attempts at an understanding with bis perverse lady love, gayc up at last In despair. But as the lime passed, and tho pain In Beth's heart grew deeper aud harder to bear, her physical strength waned visibly, and It became evident to all that her health was falling. At last she resolved to go away. That very day she found Gertrude Lyell In the garden, reading a letter. The fair blonde face was flushed and lender; there eras a light In her soft blue eyes which Beth bad never teen there be fore. When the letter was perused, the beauti ful reader pressed, Jt to tier Hps. Then glancing up suddenly she taw standing be fore her. palo and silent, BctH Allison. Miss Lyell la-igbed a little constralpcdly. "I must look like a simpleton ,to you, Mis Allison," the cried llghtlv, "But tinder Uta circumstances, I think I am ex disable. My letter Is from Mr. Leigh!" she added, with a conscious blush. Some Impulse prompted Beth. She llft e.! bcr truthful eyes to the beautiful face before her. Tardon me, Miss Lyell," she began rapidly, "but are yon engaged to to " Miss Lyell laughed. "Why, of course! Has not Lawrence told you?" "He has never told me," returned Beth, with dignity, walking away as soon as the words were uttered. She found Mr. Warburton awaiting her In the house, and straightway Mr. War burton astonished Beth Allison with an offer of tnarr ,e. lie was very wealthy.and better than all, he was good; but Beth, who had never thought of him, tave as her father'a old friend, could only gaie Into hit kindly face with wide open, bewildered eyes. At last: "Mr. Warbnrton," the stammered, "you have surprised me more than I can tell! Will you wait until to-nlgbt before I answer you? I have a story to tell yon, but now I am engaged with my pupils. To-night" Mr. Warbnrton bowed. "To-nlgbt, then, my dear Miss Allison.' lie said, quietly. But somehow his klndlv heart vu heavy with a foreknowledge of i wbatblaantwer would be. ' e acre Beth est 8 the t Trllfgltt beside mm tho open window of Mrs. Wlnslowe't draw-ing-rooin, buried In deep thought. She wat turning over tho vexed problem which has daunted so many women what to do with her life her spoiled life. Could the marry Mr. If'arburton, and forget all about the man aha loved, who was falso and faithless? "I cannot!" tho moaned "Heaven help me, I cannot give him up! Oh, Lawrence! Lawrence V She lifted ber head. Lawrence Leigh ttood before her, pale and agitated, lie stooped and took her hand before the could prevent It. "Beth! For Heaven's take explain!" he cried. "You have inado me to unutterably wretched for the past three weeks; bnt I rould never get a chance to beg an explan ation. Beth, why liave you avoided me to that I have had no opportunity to tell you how I love you?" "Mr. Lelgh'l" Trembling with Indlgna tlon, she aroso and faced him. "How dare you! What would Miss Lyell say If the heard you?" He smiled. "Gertrude? Oh, the tent me here, nad It not been for her (kind, sympathetic little thing!) I would not havo found this oppor tunity la speak wllh you alone. You know that she la engaged to my brother Lance lot I" "Engaged to vour brother? Then that explains all." We draw a veil oyer the accne which fol-1 lowed. Perfect reconciliation between the lovers reconciliation which, though It brought pain to Mr. Warburton, ho was able to rejoice at tn his unselfishness, for their takes. He gave the bride a handsome dow ry, for the sake of her dead father, his formei friend. And Beth Allium Leigh declares that tho has changed her mind lu one re spectnamely, that thero are no gosslos outside the weaker sex: for a bit of mascu line gossip neatly spoiled two whole lives, -"I want an empty barrel of flour to make a hencoop for my bulldog," was the gtectlng a man gavo tn a Bank street grocer yesterday afternoon. -A philosopher who lud married an Ig- norantglrld used to call her "brown sugar," I'causc, he said, she was sweet, but un refined. -Minister (to boy who Is digging for worms) "Llttlo boy, don't you know that It Is wrong to woik on Sttndav, except In cases of necessity?'' Boy (going on with his dlgalng) "This Is a case of necessity. feller can't go llshln' 'thout bait." Coal Dealer: "Where's John?" Driver: He staid up to Mr. Brown's." Ccal Dealer: "Why on earth did ho do that? Doesn't he know we'ro short-handed?" Driver: "I suppose he does, sir, but he said Ihi was weighed In with his load, and he had an idea he belonged to Mr. Brown." -A poet sings, "How shall I paint my sweetheart?'' If she's black paint her while, by all means. FBEE 1RADE. The reduction of internal revenue and the taking iiil'of revenue stamps from 1'ruprict ary Medicines, no doubt has largely benefit ted consumers, as well its relieving the burd en of home manufacturers. Kupcciully ii- his the ( use witli Giieln's August I'lowbr and Hosciiki:'s Ueuman Syrup, ns the rc- luctioti ot thirty-six cunts per dozen, hits been added to increase the size of the bottles containing these remedies, thereby giving lUie-nllh more medicine in tho 7o cent size. The Auoust Flower for Dvepcpsia and Liver Complaint, nnd the German SYnur for Cough and Lung troubles, have perhaps, the largest salo of any medicines in the world. The advantage of Increased size of the bottles will be greatly appreciated by the sick and afflicted, in every tuwn and village in civil ized countries. Samplo bottles for 10 cents remain the tame size. The Graham boys report a hugh swal lowing. They say two king snaket under took to swallow a ground rattle. One commenced at bis head and the other at his tall. They swallowed until they met and then swallowed each other. An End to noie Scraping. Edward Shepherd, of Hurriibunr. 111.. Bays; "Having received to much benehtfrom Electric Bitters, I feel it my duty to let Kiiuering Humanity know it. jiave had a running sore on my leg for eight years; ray doctor, told me 1 would have to have the bone scraped or letr amputated. I used, in stead, threo bottles of Klectiic Bitten und seven boxes Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, and my leg is now souujana well. Electric Bitters are sold at fifty cents i bottle, and Bucklen'a Arnica Salve al '.'Sc. per box by T D. Thomas'. Everj thief would like to keep himself unspotted. "About tbe greatest, tall-bearer I know," said the farmer's boy, "Is our pea cock." Bncklen's Arnica Stive- The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sorcs,ulcers,salt rhuem.f ever sores, tetter, chapjicd hands, chllblands, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or uo pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded.' Pj-ico 25c. per box. al Thomas'. A girl may be like sugar for two reasons: Sbe may be tweet and the may be full of grit. Dr.I'rater't Magic Ointment A sure cure for all boils, burns, sore. cuts, flesh wounds, sore nipple, hard and toft corns, chapped lips and hands.. Price 50 ccnta. Sold by druggists. Williams M'f'g. Co., Trop's., Cleveland, O. Sold by T. Thsrsas, tho druggist. A poet begins an effusion: "One. of my boyish musings." Of course bis verses are wholly amusing. Dr. Fratier's Soot Bitters. Frazier's Boot Bitters aro not a dram shop beverage. But are strictly medicinal In every sense. They act strongly upon the liver and kidney, keep tbe bowels open and regular, cleanse the blood and system of every Impurity. At Thomas drug soiq uy druggists, SI. store. No true musician will verbally ask a girl to marry him. He will propose by note. Help! Help:: Hops. Burgundy Pitch and Gums com bined make the famous Hop Platters best and strongest plaster ever knowu. Multi tudes say to. "The prevailing yell baits at the ebln," reads a fashion note. Not even a veil can nra-vall over a woman', rhln. Fighting chants war tong. Io wiry men maka tba beet telegraph' 11 THE WirCH'8 PATE. A Crotl Prrjnllco of Old Times Mora Than Eqnalsd Mow. 2ot many decadet ago In this country, the people were excited over witchcraft Persons inspected were thrown Into the water; If not witches, they would drown If; tney were wllches, they would iwirn ashore, and would bo put to deathl In any event. they wcredootLed! Not many years ago if a perton were taken tick with advanced disorder of the kidneys, the physician would pronounce the disease Brlgbt't disease, and when to dic!arel, he regarded his retpomlt t'ltT at an end, for medical authority admitted that the disease was Incurable. When the physician found a patient Hint afflicted, be would say, "Oh.atllgbt attack of the kidneys; will be all right In a llltle while." He knew to the contrary. But If he could keep hit patient on hit hands for a row months, he knew be would derive n great revenue from hit catc, and then when tho disease had progressed to a certain stage, lie would state the facta and retire, exoner ated from all blame. But the eirorof supposing the-disease Incurable, bat swayed the public, mind, long after the fact has ceased to bev But public opinion hat been educated to the true status of the case by those who have discounted the Incurability theory, and the public recognizes and tesclOet to the fact that Warner't safe cure It a. specific for this dlseatc. TJilt hat been thown with thousands of testimonial. Upon referring to them. In. our filet we find that 5,000 reward will be given to any one who crn prove that so far as themami facturers know they are not genuine, and that hundreds of thousands similar In character could be published, If It were necessary. This condition of things Is vciy amusiny lo the Journalist, who looks upon all side of every question. Proof should be ecceptud by all, but prejudice fights proof fortnany years. It seems atrange that when a proprietary medicine Is doing tbe good that Warner't safo euro Is, that tho physicians do notpubzicly Indorse It. Many or them, we aro told, privately presctlbo It, as It is soliLby dealers In every part of the countiy. A few years ago, as stated, when a man had Brlght's disease, the doctor boldly announced it, because be thought it relieved him of responsibility. To-dav when ptomlnent people are dying (and hundreds of thousands of common people die of the same disease), wc are told that doctors disguise fact that it Is Brlght's disease of the kidneys and say they die of paralysis, of apoplexy, of pneumonia, of consumption, of general debility, of rheum atism, of heart disease, of blood poisoning, or some other of tho names of the direct effects of kidney disease. They are not the real disease Itself. We sometimes wonder If they avoid stat ing the real cause of disease for fear they will drive tho public Into patronage of the only scientific proprietary specific for kid ney diseases and the thousand and ono di seases that originate In inactive kidneys. We do not bellevo oyery advertisement we read. Some people perhaps may regard this article as an advertisement and will not believe it, but wo are can lid enough to say that wo believe the parties above men tioned have stated their case and proved It, and under such circumstances the public Is unwise If It is longer Influenced by advctie prejudice. Who ever sw a pillow slip and give tho counter pane? A close call the tailor's call to collect tho bill for them. Tho brass band that it continually blowing free, and never gets a pay job, it a tort of waistband. -Regular caller: "I'd like to tee vour father, Tommy, If he Isn't engaged." Tommy: "He Is; but what't the matter with Clara? She Isn't engaged," Passions aru likened best to floods and ttreams; tbe shallow murmmr, but tho deep are dumb. Lotta Is now worth over a million dol lars Phow I That's a Lotta money for to little a woman. T7bn Btby u slek, gar hr CwtorU, When ib iu a Child, tba cried for CMtorit, WTien sba Imcuds If U. h cloag to Cutoria, trbea alia had Children, aha gave them Cattosia Athma, Bronchitis, Consumption. Fon taine's Cure relieves a cold In 12 bours. Sold by C. T. Horn. Druggist. Hay Fever, Asthma. Immediate relief. Fontaine's Cure. For sale bv C. T. Horn. No Cttre No Pay. A new departure In medicine I Fontaine's Great Discovery re moves the cause of disease; namely, dis ease germs. This guarantee means some thingfor "Knowledge Is power." For sale at Dr. C. T. Horn's drug store. Quarrels are only pardonable when we wrangle with our own vlelousncss. The Rev. Geo. II. Thaver, of Bourbon, I ltd., says: "Botn myself an I wife owe our lives to Slilnlh'a Consumption Cure." Sold 'iy Dr. Horn, Lehighton, nnd Biery, Weiss port. He who makes a child happy re- eelves an enroro from the anscls In tbe gv'lcry. Areyoumado miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziuesti, Loss of Appetite, Yelow Skin? Shilnh's Vitilirer is potitire cure. Sold by Dr. Horn, Lehigliton, and Biery, Weiwjiort. One of the penalties of lying is the distrust of the liar wheu be sprakt the truth. Whv will ynu cough when Fhllob't Curo ill give immediate relief. Prico 10 et. 60 its. and $1. Sold by Dr. Horn. LehigL ton, and Biery, Wclenwrt. Tbe pain of life but tweetens death; the hardest labor brings the soundest tleep. nhilnb i Catarrh Remedr a tvuntlvKmit-n for Catarrh, DiptberU and Canker Mount. Sold byDr. Horn, Lehighton, and Biery, ivemiuri. Clroumstances are the rulert of the weak; tbry are but Instruments of tbe Itr. Remember that a reelected conch nav lead to consumption, and for that reckon m.v Dr. Scth Arnold's Cough Killer, the grea't potent remedv for all lung diseases, and von will at once obtain relief; For tale ly'sll drucgitlt. Price 'c 60c. and S1.0O bottle. Larger bottle are the cheapest. Phytic is necessary at tlra Tor Billions. ne, Cuttlveneai. c UreDr. Beth Ar- . Advertising Rates For Legal Notloes. The following prices for legal adverts Ing has been adopted by tbe CaiiboX Advocate. Charter Notices 64 CO Auditor's Notices - - - 4 00 Commissioner'! Notice - - 4 00 Divorce Notices - - 4 00 Administrator's Notices - 8 00 Executor's Nollce - 3 00 Othorlegal advertising will lw charged for by the square. S. V. llorthlmtr, Jr., Publisher. Re summons LIVER REGULATOR For all DlMaws of lU Kidneys, Stomach ani Sp'oos. line Thl purely Tree labia pre PAratfuo, now tn celebrated as a Famlljr Xtcdiclix, originated la the -Soudi la 1K38. h acts trcuUjr on ilia Diwl aa4 Ulilncya M oorraeU Dm cUnofiht Lixr.gadb.ilur. fore, the beat preparatory lncllclne, h.Mer iht tlcf M may Jfrort lo In. In aU common di, am it iU, urv. ftmUtml by any other med. da, effoct a speedy cur. Tho; Regulator U to admlnliter In as sondiiloaor thtjiim,and under no clrciim ; c It do barm. It win Imleor.t. litre a tljJl af wllx, but U no Intoxicating bevee aitc u lad to inumperaau Ul promote di Kxatlnn, tllMipate beatlacbe, and reoer. ally time up the ystetn. Th dose it anuU. not tui4euant,aadiu.Tinuttudoubid. Ho Ions of time, no lntar rtiptlon or atoppace of bnalucsa h0 uklog the Uerulitor. Children cnmplalnlnf of Colic. Headache, or Kick Btntnach, a tempoenful or raw will girt) rtlwt . . If taken occasionally br pa. ttenu exposed lo HAI.ARIA, ill eptl the poison and protect them from attack. a rirvsiciA.vs orcriox. I hT hnn practicing medicine for twenty Tears, aod have never been able to put up a vegetable compound thtt would, like Simmons Liver Rem ittor promptly ina effectively move the Llrer to ciiun, ana bk tne same time aid (instead br weak rain- the digestive and assimilative powers of Ibe system L.M. Hintoh, M. D .Wa.hinfton, Ark, SEE THAT TOIJGKT THE OEXUIXE. rnftvAaaD BY J. H. Zeilin & Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. E. Fa Ltjckenbach, DEALER IN WALL PAPERS, Borders & Decorations, Bools. Stationery, Fancy Goods. Window Shades & Fixtures, Lateat Styles, made and put up. if daiirte. Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Brushes & general Painters' Supplies. No. 61 Broaflwav Manch CM. Pa. Below the Broadway House, S WITHIN C. SHCIITLIBQE'S ACADEMY Tor Ycunj lien and Ecys. Hcdin, Pa 12 miles from I'hlladclnhla. Fixed nneoenver every expense, oven books, &c. o exl ra charg es. 'o Incidental expenses. " examination for admission. Twelve experienced teachers, all men, und all graduates. Special opi.ortunitlcs for apt students tn advance rarldiv. Bpeclal drill for dull aud backward boys, ratrons or students may select any studies or choose the re- eutar Lnetl mar Lngutn, riciciiunc, nutmegs, classical or Civil Engineering course. Student ntlpii nt v.k- dla Academy are now In Iluvnrd, Vale, Prince ton nnd ten other Colleen and I'ofvtechnlc Schools. to siuacnta sent in coiiego in 1K83, loin 1881, to In 183, 10 In im. A graduutlnp class every year In the commercial department. A Physical and Chemical Laboratory, (JvrnnnMimi nnd Mall Giound. 1SO0 vols, added In Library In IM3. Physical apparatus doubled In IU3. Media h.n seven churches and a temperance chattel which Droliihiis tho rule nf all Intnilr-.-itlne drlnkx. For ncwTlllustrated circular addrcrs the Principal and Proprietor. SWITHIN C. 8II0KT- Liuuc. a. ai.i (Harvard uraauate) airnta, pa. Auk. 7, 6-ly. Subscribe for the Advocate. Only $1 per Year. TtTjS" OMNTON BRETNKT. laihlonabU W rtiioT and Hnou Makbk, Dank nt. Lehlirhtoa. All workwarranttd. 1 EIAD 1HE Cartion Advocate ! ! ! Ami net all the, latest news, Including Interestlns New 1 York nnd Wuhlnton lot- ters. You batter join ma. It Is the cheapest, largnst and 11EST weekly ppcr in tbe Lehluh Vallev. Try It. Only $1 a Year. Circulation, l.OOO ! jSI. JIEIIjMAN, Bank Stiiket, LEincnTON, Pa., lllllcr and Dealer In Flour and Feed. All kinds of fllUIV ItOt'fiHT AND SOLD t ItECULAlt MARKET KATES. 1 would respectfully Inform the eltliens of tblt place and vtslnlty that I am fully prepared to supply them with all Muds ot The Best of Coal From any mine, at v fry lowest riucrs. jy21yl. M. HEILMAN. Goal, Goal, Goal. I hiva Jait opened a Coal Yard Is connection with my hotel In WEISSPORT where can constantly be found all sizes o! the Best c f Coal ! at prices fully s low as tfceloweati '-tWrfea trial and bo convinced. Henry Christman, Fort Allen House, Weissport. Ftlrboslti &tadrd Scales in Connect loo. Printer :e,:tMj5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers