Tin unci in Mnnlh Priitfilinri J J.) Ill KUllll UUlUllllU. The Mint I'roduclivo Statu in tho thiion Ths Seaboard Air-Lino lYoiu No.JFOUti VA.,to HAM'.ltlit. SUTUKHANJ-INISS, CJUKUllTKli, MOU XT HOLLY, ' SIIULI.Y & UUTUKItFOHDTOJf, N". 0. OS r unequalled (tiducer.ients to Settlers Wishing to engage in Fanning nr Miinu Uctlirhur. , rflrclnifn, l'rult, Vegetable. Tohnrrn, Tim Jierund Mtiicr.il I.iiiiM lor sale or Iran? lit extremely low nra- G. iraatB Uiiexcellecl ! 1 Malaria! Alt wu-n'.s)ik'iits of Noilli Carolina lit pur -Iliv J.11I1R imil place wliiie under eultt' v.illoii.oiitlie.2cniiiMi(lAlr..luo l!oud, will bt-iiir.iii-liu.it ulll an uiium.iI pass, (or one war, over tin- mad on which located, mid i' .tivmely-low putc tickets lor tlu-lr fiiuiHIos ami Hut lliiim-d only oiie-halftlic regular iMlcsotiieljUitilufinu tho llr.st year 1 rc-sl-il -ni'i , on Irtilglitof vli.lt-iiiru rkmd retched ttiuvUI low rates on all nillHes o'f.naim f.u'tilro ntrd proniu t of Hie Turin. ' A.S o nlcnee of tlio iippreclnttriii In which tin' climate. IS held by Km Mii-in people, wo point to I mi Uu;l Unit tilt- liulclnt KiniiM.i, N. ('.. Is liiot lincrallv l-.ilinnlcd from t lie lifKlnnlii)! of winter itnlll l.ilo in tin- sprn.it Ijy pnifnlut'iit- people, -of llassacliii'setls, Now York mill 'ullicr Noilliciu Mnli-N. tilio give unii'iiillllcd endorsement ot tlii-tllniali' ami (hi! lu-ali ijlul'licnc'llti ilerlidl from u life In tin- Ions leaf pine, region. soniiiRnw I'l.MiS. in Moore comity, a Mutual spot on tlio HiiIcIkIi & Augusta. Air Mue, Is about uon ti-otabotullio sca,,and in H. i extreme-"Western limit of the. Iajiik Lent l ine lii-lt. Climate, exceedingly lliy, -pure and health, with splendid clear .writer, anil tlo' locality l pronounced, by the iho-t cinl miit .-t.iiirunVl-ilIi in till country to tiraiplmlr ulilv adapted lor pnnins In neaivli of niitli, nml c? iifcinlly Iu ritse orpnlmonar.v troubles. l,-iiif( Inn- very cheap, mid specially ml ipted to tlr.ipe Culture ami -J,nu I'arm Iinti ali sulk Culture. JlriVNT Itrtt.-LV, situated en tin' We.t lianU of tin- lii-.iiillfnl Catawba Klu-r, Is Just foul Im; lulo prominence, as both a Hummer anil Winter rcsOrt. The ei'iintry siiirouiidlii;.' possi-ssos Hue capabilities In being tlhibticd with lianl wn'ml tor nianiil.ietr.rini;, anil the Mill Is t'eejli-iit lor irnss, tirnln, Tobacco ami other lii-IU crops. ' Tho latitude along the. line ot rail inad cor responds wllti Unit of Middle franco and Italy, nml Is tempered t the mild Influences of the Hull St renin on the i:n-.t nml Ihc high inounlniii rnnxes In the West. Ihc uicmi an mial leinpeivti-re Is 5!. In fimiiini r 7;., and In Wluti r f..a. AVor-ua- nuliihl'r of fair davs per vrar ll3i.raliiyloti,iifitl cloudy ours only 4. These facts serve to snow the climate Is most excellent. l-eraiin - iiltli limited means can purchase land 01 tin" installment .plan, II so dcsticd, ami by smalt moiilhlv pavnieiils e-.n noon own a tarm In this delightful locality. All penspectors and settler can purchase tickets on special 01 iters, to beseemed by ai-pll.-atluii to the undersigned, at the following lerv low rates- I'KOMlST , -o ,. ? S3'. "M I 5 j To liny Hiatlon on f KiilclCliiltastounit 4 2d 7 70 n 7" 2 70 lialelsliftAiisusta " r. 70 9 20 tl 4 2o C.iri-llll.l U-llllill " 7 'ill 10 70 12 711 li 70 1'i-cljitit on hnuscliold cooils, ti any point on the line, per too lbs. rrom roiutsmouth, ll.iltluiore or Nevv Yolk, .T.c; lloston, 40-., ami letuni tickets can be piircliHscd at rates named above. Write to tin- iiiideislned for Seaboard Air-Mm-Hand flook, ulvliiij full iletnilcil lnfor m.itiim as to lands for sile, &e. The Mntli L'arollua htato Depaitnient of Aurlciiltiuo tsMorklnij In hearty ciMiiieratioii Willi this f-vslem of loads. ltoilte ot travel Is via "llav fane" Menmers (CheKapeake l!a), from llaltlinoic ilailv at 7 V. M. "Old Dominion" l.tne of Steamships. Irnui New York. Tuesdays, Thnisdavs ami Nalur.lays, at J r, M.titnil Ilostoil, by Mer eliants' iimlMliiera Line, on Weduesdasaiul S ilurdaVf-, at .1 1'. M to Noifolk, Va., con nectlm! there iltlUraliis of Seaboard Alrl.lno P. W. CLARK, Wllniluslmi, X. C. (Iciri Vrt. & l'ass. Agt. May i:, lsfi Gin, ?!rfm rFrrf jn rr - H I t n iT'i , ii - Tut ; I ? r f 3 r h 8 a " 2." ' S asv , fi r ' rr-5 p 5 . v's J .? .-sd Olauss & Bro., Tho Ta.lors. 1o the Public : Goon Cr.cmiiN'G you can look at with satisfaction, and always feel arcvtiih amount of pride when wearing them. To know that it fits, is stjlish and will wear well is another great satisfaction. We are determined to have nothing ut superior quality of goods in our establishment no low qualities that we cannot re coiumtnid to Ihu buyer. W'i are still making those famous $10. A1.1.-.W001. Suits which proved so satisllictory to all who purchased of them when we first commenced their make. Wf. mtihe the mme suit voir, at (he sumo fj''?, and the material ice use ifus ijnod as ever. We also carry in stoo-: it FiNKit Gi!A-i5'o! Cloths Cassimers we have a great demand lor ; they range in price from $10. 10 $40. You will miss it if you fit il to see our brand-new stock of Corkscrews, Worsteds and Cassimers. They tre bound to prove satisfactory good fits, latest styles and low est ric5 you will find pie dominate here. "VYp also cawy in stock Gent's Furnishing Goods all tne latest styles. We are continually adding new novol- ties to this department In Ladies, (ientsand Cliild rens shot's, we have everything that is likely to be in demand. 'e in rite ijuii to call, feel imj sure ice can jiltaso ijoii, uo matter what you want. Veri Iiesjiecftdli, CI miss & Bro., "Unuk Street, Lehihton. Pa. In Open Letter Tl-TAIIHII'I HIWii ll Pill II i WiWiWiyiWIUmfJUgll MISCELLANEOUS. llotilii'on h sliorl-sldliU'i ami wears tportnclM, (Joltiu nlong theSlmmt ho troll vfli llie foot of a very pretty young tally." "Awkfnl fellow," aahl fi, "ilou't you see? Ami yinuvearsprrtcliii tod." J!oI)liison stitileil sweelly at lie cotiteniplHti-d the Injured member. "1 beg your pardon, m.ntaiii," snld lie, "bill I (dnnild tieetl a inlerotconc to ec your foot" Tiles! I rilte !! Piles!! " Sure cure for blind, bleating nml itching piles. One box has cured the worst unso of 0 years standing, Ko ono need sttller tivc lnintttcs after iwlna William's Indian lilo Ointment. Hnb torhs tuniors, allays iteliliij? of the pri vate putts, notlilnR else, bold ljv drujj cists and mailed on leeclpt of prlee, fl. Wllll.un s SlfR. Co., I'lon's.. eioM-land, O. Sold at Tliomas' drm; store. A Santa Sloniea, Cnl., citizen picked a fine large watermelon In his garden, and invited sonie ftlends to help eat it. It was so ripe that it fell apatt at the1 first, stroke of the knife, and fiom Its re I, lit-c'ciispulparattlesnaltQ ra'scJ his head apd siu.vejed tho frightened cmnpaily. They ran, and he crawled out on the table, where he was killed. To Yotmg Ladios. If your life Is hiadc a bunion ow Iiir to blackheads pimples and otherertiptlons on the. face martin!: your beauty and causing fo lutieh tlminlil(it is-n'o loiluor necessary t cinluro .it. ' Dr. i lag; s (fntfiily Ointliicnt'w'ill certainly rmmive all bitch blcmislitis iind leave yottr skin soft, smooth ami beautiful. Sold by all druggists and mailed on receipt of price, 2()c. Williams Jlf'e. Co., Trap's., Cleveland, 0. Sold at Thomas' drug store., A UttlTalo new spaper is responsible for the statement that after a meeting the other evening lilshop Coxe said to a 'cporter:-"! should like to cortcct the proof sheet of my prayer. Vou news paper men and the pt Inters atu so un familiar with prayer that. you'io pretty ceitaln to bungle it up badly." To-Hl21itar.dTo-3Ionw Nieht and each day and night diiiing the week, jott can find at Illery's, elssport, and Thomas', J.ehlghton, Kemp's Supposa tories acknowledged to be the mo$l suc cessful treatment yet Introduced fot the cure of piles. Old sulfters from this distressing complaint arc at once re lieved nni 1 iu a short time a peiinanent cure established. Check the disease, in time by using; the mo-it elVe.ctite. reined. Price iiOc. Send address for pamphlet on pills. Ilox tillj, Le I!oy, X. Y. cow Sunday afternoon on Hoston Com mon Is not dull. On last Sunday there was an open-air prayer meeting, at which roughs jeered and mocked ono of the women, who spoke until she shed tears; then the Oermania band gave a concert, till J then the Young Men's Chtiatian Association held a praise service. Hay Fovar. Ely's Cream Halm was recommended to me by my druggist as a pievcntivo to hay fcyer. IlaVo been using it as ill ucted and have found it a specific for that much dreaded and loathsome di sease. For ten years or more I have oeen a great sufferer eacli year, lroui August Dth till fiost, ami have tried many alleged lemedles for its cure, but lily's ( ream llalm is the only prevent l e I have eer found. Hay fuver sufferers ought to know of Its efficacy. F. U. Aiiwworth, of F. 15. Aiuswortli & Co., 1'ublUhcrs, Indianapolis, Ind. Dr.Elscnhart of Chainbersburg, Pa., offeied his two little sons a cent ajlozcn f jr all the nails they would pick up on one block of a certain street, and another citizen made a like offer to another boy. The result was. that the Doctor's boys found 103 doiten and tho oilier boy 150 do.en nails. ll'hy will you cough when Slilloh's C ue will give Immediate relief? Price lite., .-.lie., $1. Sold by Dr. Horn, l.e hlo;hton. lllery, Welssport. Lieut. Urick.vedel of the -regular army, just teturned to Han Francisco from hunting Apaches, lias a picture he thinks much of. It is tliat of a jiiung unman, but Its beauty has been marred 3lnci ,ltstopneda bullet from an Apache's gun that was aimed straight at the young man's heart. Olad tidings liellef and curt- or throat and lung disease. Fontaine's Cure is guaranteed to euro a cold in 12 hours. Sold by C. T. Horn, Druggist. Mrs. Annie lintler of Hoston, jeal ous of her husband, decided to die, ami so soaised three bunches of matches in a tumbler of water and drank the decoc tion. She was very sick for a time, but a physician saved her. Ashma. lironchltis. Consumption. Fontaine's Cure rellexes a cold In li hours. Sold by C. T. Horn, Druggist. A 20-yeat old setter dog belonging to Alfred llennesse of Otis. Mas., died of oldagntheotherday. Uo had crossed the Atlantic witli his master sixteen times and had tiaelledovcr50,0Mmilcs. For dyspepsia and livcrcompl.ilnt.uu have a printed guarantee on every bot tle of Shiloh's Vitallzer. It never fails to cure. Sold by all druggists. A liojton newspaper tells of an o'd lady W hose wedding pros-nt to a happy pair was a couple of llaiiroiis, and the motto -'Fight on" neatly worked In colorud worstod$,n perforated card board. ( "Hackmetaek." a lasting, a fragrant pet fume. Pi it;,, -'5 f,u cents lllery, Weissport; Dr. iRn n, r.ehtshton. Mis Ilattio JIadsull w.n walchlnga game of base ball iu Plltslield, Mass., on Friday afternoon, when a foul bail struck her In the side, crushed some ribs, and injured her so that she may die. Disorders of the stomach. II kidneys, can he cured by restoring the blood to a healthy condition, through the vitalizing and cleansing action of Ayer's Sarsaparllla. It Is the safest, most powerful, and most highly concentrated uuerauve available io tne public. There Is at least one Know-Xothin In Uoslon, ami he owns a house, on which this sign hangs: "To Let Four rooms to an American family; $13 per. montii. .No foreigners need apply." Slilloh's ('atari h Ifemedy a positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria and canker tnottlh. Sold by lllery, Weisspott, an I Dr. Horn, l.ehlghlon The keeper of a convict camp near Lumpkin, (Ja., snys that among the eighty-six negio convicts (hlrly-llve are preachers and all are members of the church. A nasal Injector free with eseh bottle of Shiloh's Caliurh 1,'emeilv. Pi I PI fid i cents. Sold by UU'ry, Wolssport, ad I Horn, I.ehlgUton. There is veteran (ieorjlau In A marl cm who has llfteu children, Jiftylouo gr.utdehlldraii, and twentr-fonr great gmudchlldrn. "I wait all nut down, ami Hoal't Swjijrim piuyail -ut lite inmtMii I in Bled, writ httiidrtxls. of ivoplc. 'lukt I' now. a) s Id ' 1 CD 2 J s- e . L. .. trl tH - r K I 5 UO r H 3 2 3 C' 3 jrgeisgs' . 5 2 - - 3 ?2 O o '. 3 I o a cr ex. s a i- O O Z Fur Xctvesl Designs ami Must Fashionable Styles of UllESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, GROCEK1ES, PROVISIONS, SILVERWARE, &c, &c. GO TO E. H. SNYDER,, Bank Street, Lehighton. Giiorls i!iiflrunteid and (irtees ns low us clse- wlierii tor lliusmne quality of Eouds. July 18, ISSa ly WM. DUFFY & SON, of East Mnuch Chunk, are prepared to do nil kinds of Plasleril & Ornamental Work, at shortest notie.-. 0rder3 by 'mill will r eoive proiiiit utlcntiuD. Teiina moderate or gouilwurk. eeolSlf LEWIS H. REHR!G, Slafco Hoofer. EFI'AIUIKO promptly nttendi.d to at short iiotietf ami un reuonablo terms. WORK GUARANTEED. Aildres.-: PlilSCirS 1". 0., Cnibon Ooiinty, IVnn'a. auj29-ly. 1 (SlllS WIltCE AIL t'.Sl t AILS. hl Rt.tUonKl)l-jyriip. 'rn.tipstfOoO. yl ijtic-in iiniR. rtiini vy urtiirgi' ta. f-5S't).lTt)N HIir.TNKY,(nlilonitile llirJa Door and tiiion it akbii, Jianli St. i.oiiu'inun. aii none wiirriiiutni. Tib lmpcr ti Iiriit on filo at llic otnee of MbVERTISING TIMES BUILDING K st Prill ADELPHiA. CCTijJATE? iv.rif.wsmr.s iBvinmnc ?nzt COilWaiCO t UoweatCnr.li Rates rtlt-t asiUSiV-flYER & SOU'S rfillKUAL D. J. KISTLEIt .eppectlutly nninmncrs to tlin nubile that lio n.is omiioiI p NHW J.lVUltY STAIIIjK In conu-euon nil i ins hulcl. unil In iiri.i,ir.l in jiirnlsh Teams for Funerals Wwj or Business Trips on uliorlnst nolleoand inojt llbiiTfllcertnt. All orders lei tin tln"(Jurl, m lluum" mil nvelvc prouiia attention. Stable on .Norili Sircet, OUAl lilO UUIUI A.UIIIjll'iU. JII-V1 Central Carriage Worlrs Bunk Si., ljohightoit, Pa. Aro prcpnrcd to Munufacturo Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, Sec, if every dMcrlptlon, In tho most eubstantl) manner, noat I.n'.tet Cah l'rlcea Uepiiirhii,' 1'rdiHjiUy AlU-nded to V TlUlXLKlt & KltRIDLKIt, April 20, lSKyl rro-ifletuw. 31. JUULAJAN, DANK STRKET, LoUighton, Pa. Miller and Dealer In Eloiu- and Feed. HIKllHliuf OUAIN JJOL'UII J'uii.l OI.U "r:aul.M MAltKlil' Jt.VTKS I wmild rmjiuH-tully liifnnn tln citizen nf tlds ,uu.-iiiiu iiuiuivj -iimi i sin mm ureiiurca to bUpply tltwn with all kluiU ot The Best of Coal I'ronr auy mine, at vry f II .. I I Vf bi i "4 fi?fr' !! B S- Id 3 We have the finest assortment of Job Type and better Jobbing Facilities "than any other office in the county. Give us a call and be convinced. Oriers to mail receive pit attention. The Oarbon Advocate ! $1. per year; 50c. six months; 25c. three MODtk 'J'lie undfrsigned is prepured to furnish tho best Lehigh Coal, from 1 Itirleigh Colliery, at tho following low prices, by the Car, l'on casii only. Credit ten cents per ton extra: In Yard. Del. in Town Egg $3.25 $3.50 Stove - . - - - - 3.35 3.60 Chestnut No. 1 . - - - 3.25 3.50 Chestnut No. 2 - - - 2.15. 2.40 Prices at the Minos 25cts. per ton Less. J. L. GA BEL, . DEALER IN HARDWARE LUMBER, COAL, &c, &c, Opp. PUHl.IC SQU.A11E, LEIIIG1ITON', PENN'A I have "made away" with my oltl stock anil am now fully -pre pared for the pniur and Summer I n with one of the most FASHIONABLE as well as SUB STANTIAL lines of Ladies', Gents and Childrens Shoes. Ladies American & French Kid $2. to $4. Ladies' and Childrens Sming Heel Shoes, All Sizes' Ladies' Kid-Button Shoes, $1.25 Up ! Latest Styles Hats & Caps. AT LOWEST PRICES. Tlie "COENER STOEE." LEWIS WEISS EANK STREET, LE11IGIITON. PA. PATENTS f! rRANKLIN H. HOUGH, Solicitor of Amer. & Fo?-elft Patents, 02o F i,t., near U. S. Patent Oliioc, WASHIXGTOy, D.-C. All business lii-foiv United States I'ntent CHlU-c attoiiili-il to for iriiKlciatelt'i-s. I'sitenia pmi-urrd in t hp United Mliili-sauil ll foreign t.'niiiiliit Iraae Mnrks and Lcbtls icfiisii r eil. KejfCti'il ;iii!li';;llmri ivMM'd nml ms-rt-tited. fntni-ni.it inn and jutui i- aw tn'oli talniii;5 J'.iteiilm'lui rfullv fiirnlMiiMl wlll.iiut cliarzi-. Send Kkcleli or .Mudel tor l'lir.i: (iliiuUin as to I'atcnlaullitv. Xo Agpiicy In tlio II. S. iiossesRiis super ior facilttlcs, for ol)Utiriiuj riitcms or UAUi-rtHiiilng tlm ratentRliil Uy of Inventions. CmMi-n f iiatents furnlshi'd rr 2Cc. enoli. tJf (.'om'-iiondeiiM olicItt-d. Jeor. WANTED LADTtorl'enViXfim!; Ideality an did turn. Itefeicnee ruiiiired. I'eriu.ment nmltlon and cood wilarv. HAY & IlltO., l.'Harclay tit., N. . WHO II : OiJAOQUAIft rtO WITH TH3 SEC BY EXAMINING ROCEC SSLAWD a j- y 'VCcril,inl?SAtUrtLoa oo Vt MMi Hvroas-ra of Im outrul poslUon and close rolntton tor.ll principal lines Ecetpnd voit, Htlmtulnml tarmln.-.l polatd, contttuteid tbo most Important mld-ccnti-uontJlllnli in fuat ey3t?'U of ttroa?'i tnuijportatlon which Invites and ladlt-tal03t.-ivclniicl trifuo botwoou eitua of the Atlantic nnd Pcclflc Coasts. It la aU-.o tho fj,vo.-lf3 aziJ oost routo t.i rnd Iran points Erst, Nortlioost end SoutUoact, ii'irl co-.-;.:3rt.ntft:i3' pol ita W -Lt, Koi lhvct and Southwtdt. Tno Bock Intend oat an incl'idej m Its main line and branches, Chicago, Jollo:, OUrjva, Ij'iaVJs, Hcorl v Ocnesao, Moltno and Rock Island, In Illinois; )avonport, Mu.n-it.Inft, Wosliln?t.on, FeiiUcia, Ottumv.p. Ol.-cloota West Jitnovtv, I-Tva Cit', Das Moiii-j, IndiendlH, Wintrrret Atlcntlc, Kr.oxvlllo, AVKtii'io.1, Harlan, CKit.irio Cnt'n nnd Council Blults, In Iowa ; GrlUiln, Ti'.ri'.-)n, f '.it x-on an t K -hj i City, In Mteuoun; lei-vonworth nnd Atchison, la U Ji3 n; AlU.-t Lo i, I4innj-ii)j!'j inj Kt Paul, iu Miunoaota; Wctortovvn m Datioca, und l.uuUrodoor iatt raiuaUta cltict. io-,.r.s, vJmuoBund tttvticno. TS.E GREAT ROCK 58LAND ROUTE Guarantps it3 pitrona that nousa of personRl oecuj-ity aflbrded byatiolld, thorouThli.' b lU-jtsi road-bad; smooth track or continuous eteel rrll; smb ptantlill built o'alverts and Mrllsws; rullfnw etcck aa near porfoctlon aa liumq.ii aktll cn make It; the safety nppliuno.1 of patent buhera. plotlormo and alr-brikoa; uud tlwt exajiinj cUsclultno wluoB. govern tiio i:ractlcal operation of ill It trains. Otjr EpoeialtleB of this route no Tranereru ot nil oonneotlnjr points In Union Depots, outl tbo unaurpaiied comtorta and Hururlas of 't PMBsenw Kcjulpment. Tna TOet Enrt-jn Tmhw botwoen Oblcpao Mid tho Ulrsourl Iliver w-o com powdof vollveti'.ljUtc-d, fluo'v upbolgtfred DayC'cache3. VoBnlflcent Pullman Potoca ploc,iu.-3 in tho nto:t -leslgrn, and sumptuous r.inlnc Cars, In which qlaborp.toly cookea racal - cru loljuroiv ester, ''good 131fstion wpitinsr on Apnotltc,, nnd IloJt'i on both." Iiutw..cn Chloapo end Kui.cas City end AtcUl4jj, are ateo iim tha CaljratoJ Kociininj Ciwlr C..n-. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE,. Is tho dlreot and fvorito Ima between Chleaito Bud Minneapolis and St. Paul, Jhoro connwtlona nro mndj in Union Denote lor rJl points m tho a irvitcriea 11 .TrOU3H13 Of 1( rich yheat flelda ouu riioTuer ,ti" i..rVfirhi-r''.w,u via ooooem ana Couuefl Huffs. Ksnsoa City. Mint toud. Cam Foi' a.iiteS Taforiutfon uoa Mpa JP'rESu'1."? -Mslpal TicW OMttw ft. n. CARii.e, ",.' , m , 1... ...... ii--i.). J. Ap, I83VJ-1 -r-Gct the Auvocatf:. pippyrRypTUREgb SloiNft nfe. nlUb aaaJ 1 nun-feet retin". 't 8 riot a Trufa. Worn Dor nnd Nlul.t nn.l ii. Ask yoiirHrnri'! furlt. Visi. nre?lpil,?Ifr. a? ' Nurtli l'niit ' IMill.AOKI.l'.'llA, VA. GCOCRAPHV OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL TKI3 (AP. THAT THE & PAGBFSC RAtLWAV lias baen onaned d Ijafeyotf 0 r.nd ti rruooiHto point aut"Ui of? well en an to I una ve-xmia; cr K. ST. JOHN. iu. 1 dvUi .....I i':...r.wJfi)l, CUCJ90. I'liiuciisis. (Jra:l: I'rici- lltvlal, f.ei, Witt. kMii ifetos 1 I BtMM smpies, mi Atiil.Carlitine.lrs result frnmnilebllltnteil, liuiovcriht-il, or Impure condition of tlio blood. Ayer's Sntsflfmrillii prevents ntiil euros these, eruptions ami painful tumors, by removing their cause ! tlio only effect tint way of treat 1113 tin-in. . Ayer's Snrsaparilla tins jirovcntcd tlio usual eonrso of Ikiils, willed lutvo palnoil ntnl distressed tin' every seru-ioii for sev. oral years. O. Scales, riuiinllle, Mich. I was badly troubled with l'linplcs on tlio faeo; also with a discoloration of tho skin, which showed Itself iu ugly dark patclifi 2fo external treatment did tnnro than temporary good. Ayer's Sar 8uparll)a effected A Perfect Curo, and I have. not. been troubled nineo, T. Vi'. lloddy, ltlver St., Lowell, -Mass. I ivat troubled with Hulls, anil my health was much iliipnlied 1 bepin ttsltig Ayer's Parsnparllla, nnd, in duo time, tbo eruptions alt disappeared, and my health va3 completely restored. John H. Elltlns, Kdllor 6'litnlc'j Objereer, Albemarle, N. C. I was iroublod, for a Ion;; time, with a humor which nppcared on my face In ttly Pimples and ISIntclics Ayer's Par. saparilla cured me. IconsiilcrHthobe.it Diooii piiruier in tun worm. uuaric3 11. Smith, iorth Craftsbury, Vt. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is Bold by all druggists. Ask ior Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and do not bo persuaded to tako any other. Prepared liy Dr. J.C.Ay!rfiCo.,I.owcir,ltasi. PrlcnSl; six Iioltlcs, S3. N AWAY! Ten thousand Bnbins arc given yearly to the grave by not having Dr. Uanu s J ecth ing Lotion on their gums when teething. SOMETHING NEW! Something Wcnukuful ! SOMETHING MAGICAL! To bathe the Baby's gums wlnle teething, relieving nil inflammation, swelling and pain. LOST ! A good many night's rest by not having Dr. Hand's Colic Cure, for it gives Jiahy comfort and sleep without stupefying or injuring it. No opiates. No constipation. Hand's Remedies for Chil dren sold by all Druggists. Laboratory at Scranton, Pa. Dec. 5, lt85 ly 0 o.w. -D" NT- BUY AN ENGINE Until you liavo fern our rlri liliir mil pilces f.'VJ.UO lor 15-llnrra Power, to 5i0.' 0 lor r.o Homo Power, llnulncs eoinnli to v.lth gov ernor, I'uinp. Hunter, Tlimttln Vulie unit -stunt r ei-a-iH iiioipr i.uoneuor. .uoioiuiin looo 111 ie. S(-nl lor elreulur ulvlnis te?tl tnonliils from overy SMte In tlio Union, t'er leei sal if f:ieiton iriiiir.intel. SlUltKlS MAI1I1INK WUKKS. ltaUlnelllc, IS . Y. Mention thla Paper iniarl8-8ii 3 'J'inOUlO UOJ 31IUM MANUFACTURERS who liaetaed and de-tlieloestalilMitlicin-M'hes iiirain In a small av. or niiiellenl men eiiiiiiueiieliipt businefs can Irani of a place Nlll-rc llll'V e.lll iretaloe.ltiou. fl-eeinoelillierv tiaiHpiirlcd from either New llork or Haiti more fiee of cost and tlie full eo-(iierallon of a aiiun; i.iiuuiui i-iiiniiany. .uuiess Commissioner of Immigration. Inly 17, ltsotf. lt.vuilnii, X. 0 05 1 13 "W EEKS. Tlio TOLWAl (IA7.KTTV. will I-, mnilorl spcurely wrai.inii, to any adilrasa in Iht IT..I...I Ol. .4-- .1 ...... ! . . u mien oiuitra (uriurt'u uiuuinsun receiiu 01 ONE DOLLAR. Liberal disrount allowed to ivntniaslnrs, Ht;euts hud clubs Ssmpla copies maileij freo. Address all orders 10 men AIID K. VOX, Franklin Eqimbk. X. Y. Jfar 30, lSS5-ly' SODA WATI.lt 1 1 SODA WATPU hOIIA WATUK h()l)A WA'll:i! SODA wati:u J MOUA WATlilt 1 ( -AT- Dr. C. T. Horn's, 0 t:TitA 1, CK.S'TliAI. CUNTKAl, DHUO STOIiK. DlitKi S10UH. DKUii uroitu. I li.no the largest and most select stock of MEDICINES & CHEMICALS ever bronslit to town. 1 11U0 constantly carry In stock and offer for sale at pi lies that defy coins-tltluii a complete line of Wall Paper AM) DecoratioiiS, rrescilptlous carefully com pounded. SODA WATTlt 1 1 SODA WATEH SODA WA'il.K SODA WA'iHlt SODA WATUlt ) SODA WATlUt fctir'y 2.1V Ti'YZ 1'"ilr IT 'a" I 1 110 s a urlee of the CAiinoN Ali V vocatk. l ontaliu rill the n vnewk of tbo week ami In X)t'iolliiglellii'8fr)m Now .-York. Washington, tbo South, and oilier points. The only pa per 111 the louuty "l.oO pi jcar. . write ron cineuLR3 ! a at 1 in FARMERS' COLUMN 7' " 1 Attention! Farmers! VenKiilfiillyrfiiH-stHipfiiiiiiPisnl,oMav liau-anjtliiiiK nf iiiteii ! nml 1 tlds In i.l w st'liit It In. tlien liy iiihRIiik tills il- i-iiiltie tit ninreota "lioiur nali.re. All iirtiilis nut In the shape of ndvcrtliciiietils In-,' itiii tne of chaise. 1 n. Advooatk. Lato Chickens ana Tarkors. I.nle hatcliol younr; turkeys tlirive better for a few days tlian tbosc that come out e irly, and the snuie may be s iid of clucks; but in a sliort time tlu v IickIh to drotn without .umarent ruiin,.. tinl llm farmer's wife considers lic'ri-clf lucky if (lie raises one-lialf of the clucks, or one folirtli the voiuur tlirkovs. The nrincin.il cause of their loss is lice. As theso aro very small, they may not be seen at first and in afew dnvs' tinio tbev will m'nlil ply so rapidly,;is to number among tlie millions. A close nx-rimim-tlnn nverv day should bo madp, mid upon tlio first signs of debility, whether, .veru-jm, arc preseiu or not, iieauiicrnic treatipeut, Grease should never bo used on tlip bodies of fowls or chicks. It will kill young turkeys in a short time. It nmv be used carefully 011 the heads and nrotinil the vent, but on no other portion of tlio body. Ihero n no rcincdv a-rainst lice. so long as the coops or houses remain un clean. Hence the first thing to do is to t.iorouglily cleaiyind then w hitcwash the 11 !!!... ... , .. .. . nuns, ceilings, ami even tne lloor. This is best done by making a bucket of thin whiten ash, addinga toasiioonful of cathol ic acid to each bucket maile.and with a watering pot t.minklo it frcelv. in nrib.f that it may run Into all the cracks and crevices, pouring it also on the floor. Then follow with thick whitewash, and lay it on plentifully; with a brush, lie fore beginning to whitewash, remove all tilt It. Saturate roosts wilh coal-oil. mul In the nests place tobacco refuse. Then dust Jtuhach or Persian insect powder everywhere in tho house ami nests, und blow it fieely among the feathers of the adults and young ones. This may seem u.io peiformlnz lUiiteaiiamo.uitol'I.iiiei.. but it is nerctwnry, and should bo re- pt-atcd weekly. Vutmiii must be k,.,,f out of thii'lioiiseH and coons, and off the young tin keys and chicks, or tliev will pensli.i When fowlsare confined to vnrd. tl.n-r must Lo cleaned and siiaded.aml a clean. dry dust-Lath should always ho kept convenient, as by its use they keep them selves free of vermin, if tho houses and conns are clean. Tlie liberal use of in. sect powder will bo effi;cttial;if onco the lice are driven a war. Excitement in Texas. Great e.veilemenl li.m li., r....... 1 Ihe vicinity of Paris, Tcx.,bv tiu rcniitr -able recovery of .Mr. J. 1J. "dirlov, who was so heliib'ss In. ,.,nl,l n,,r i 1....1 or raise Iih head; everybody said lie was dvimr of (.'inistmii.iin'ii" " fri.ii i i.. , .'I". - " ot Dr. King s New Discovery was sent unit. J'lnning lelief, be bought a large liotlle and abox of Dr. King's New tAfc I'ills, by the time In! hail taken two boxes of Tills and two bottles of the Diseovcrv. he was well nnd bad iniim.,1 ;,, thirty-six pounds. TiiallJ.iltlesofllii.s Great Discovery for Consiimpliun free ul T. i). Thomas DriigSjtiirc. Look out for Sued Corn How. It is no exaggeration to sav tlint mil lions of dollars aro lost ever) year from wanting seed corn that will not grow. We tested a number of samples Just spring, of coin of our own growiii! and fiomsomcof tl.o best fanners in the neighborhood, and did not find one that was uniformly good. Home of tho ears from tlie outside of tho crib would be good, but those from tho inside would be poor. Fanners would sav, "I know good seed corn when I sco it, and will win rant this to grow;" but on totins it, more than half the kernels would not germinate. The trouble is not due so much to immaturity, as to tlie careless method of gathering and keeping the corn. If tho corn is thoroughly dry when put in the crib, and tiftenvaids kept dry, the chances aro Unit it will prove' good The growers of seed street-corn the late varieties of which are exceedingly dilli cult to euro properly, build narrow racks on which I lie cars are spread out for several ilay&or weeks. There is u genera I impression that corn for seud should be left growing till it is thoroughly matured. This is a mistake. I'ractically, it is far safer to cut corn for teed very early and let it linen iu tho shock, than to rim the risk of having it nipped by an early fril, orofhavinglho curing delayed by the shorter days and damp weather .of the lale season. Tlie first-poinUstnget.tho' corn thoroughly dry Lcfgw: putiiiiiei tho nib. And thin tlie crib fchoiil.li.iic' very narrow and wilh open slats at bot tom and tides and a good wide roof, to keep oil' driving rains. If all tlieto con ditions cannot be secured, tho only way wo can bo sure of good seed corn is to select the beat ears and lea vo tho husks attached to tho luts and tie them up in traces und hang tho trace in un airy barn or room for the winter. The few farmers who had tnch corn last spring, could get their own price fiu-it. Jlr. J. Ilwward Jiimeii, manager Stuck ert's I.ivery, Oil) N. Cth tlrtwt. I'liiladel phin, l'a., wiys: Alter trying all other lemeuics without relied, torn heavy cold on the chctl, aceom-Miniod by a kevcre cough, 1 used Jled Star Cough Cure, and 111 a very snort time v,.i entirely well. A little milk and meal will keVpthc calf growing. A tablcspoonful of clear lime water orarawogg put in tho milk ut every feed will euro scours in cuhe. Ensilage varies in quality- according to tlio material, of which it is oumpow.il and in Iho manner Iu which it i pre sen oil. Tho feathers uf chickous may bo until.!, A full-growu hen will yield when dead and plucked from two or three ounces of feathers. Bt. Jacobs OH is lu-onouncfd a liKkt extiaoiilloiir'-curt for rlieunmlittiu by Hon. James lUilun, ex-VIte Cbaueeltor, i,ji.is!!e, Ky, EEYSTOME ill MALT lxI W ?"SW V rfSTWVV 36$9k IfM 5S 1 h K 8' V V2s h 3 & M AaaSJS Si !rrrliiltv Dlsillled Tor .llvillrliiul t e. THE BEST TONIC 1 UNEgl.ALEDfnr CONSUMPTION WAS1ING DIEASFI and GENERAL DEDILIir. PERFECTS DIGESTION. Pit EDW I WAf.T.IN'O, fiur. Km fn Clitcf, National (Jiuint of N, J.,ilt(rtt '3Iv uttontlon wnn rnHsl M ywir Krjdtouo !1t Wlil-kny liy Mr. ! 4i lor, Inicftlt, nf Tntiton, ntnl I Invn tincil tl frvt 1 ii! tlm witli fur Utlrr rfTi-ct Oi'in imv t ImVft I ml. 1 mil iTrtmniioiKlfiirf our Hrltcle In iny Hue, uiul flml It ety Mtlsr.iotury," BEWAns cr witati:i:s. CjT1i r.rnuln hi ll fllunntnre el Ll IfffVVr TJ " il 1 1 Ann phi A tow- ra:si:silj of B:ttb. tt"- Ubi. ESSEK ,S; is M a ELS OK, (S,trtAt;, ill. fjrinel' S.) . 310, 318 and 320 lis.su St. Philadelphia, Pa. For sale at Dr. Ilorn's. CHAUTAUQUA LL1 Si .011 m MS THE mum A ONE-HAND AUTOMATIC MACHINE. W1 J April 4, 18S2. (Feb. 21, 1883. Ali 'orHetal, IIghf. Strb'ng1, Well Conatructed and Elegantly Painted. Plant3 Cora (and pumpkin seeds), Boans, etc. WOKKS WEI.I. IN 60DDY, LCMPT AND &TONV OKOUND. lllplily ircomracnded br Farmers und Dealers in all reetlons. 'iho tune saved hi 011c day's uso will pay for it. PRICE, - - S2.70.. l-ibeliil dlernunt to agents . ,t and tho trade. Canvas-rii-cueilv niiiko Jlo.OOuer day in tlio lilantlng season. Scud for circular and c.trn lndiico meictsto ngcnls and ennra- scrs. ThBlJhautanqnapiantBi'CJompan JAMESTOWN, N. Y. HV1 an.lll.aillc-. God .Mtn lou if latitCBl met irtrk.N-. r lite . h. l.i .Sin S40. KaVu li. Sim', a. - s.- ..I-.. -.'und ir 1. It! s-rr uj null mAiMon t. i.n.M,.. Coti.iiis, l-xin., r;ri v.'iite, rr.j. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line o advertising in Americaa papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Kownpapep Advertising Dureny, IO Spruco St., Now York. ' Sond lOeta. for IOO-P030 Pamphlet. 1U-7..1. V.MIWMAX, D.II. nTlfiltT'.t mS't) MLV 1 minium 1. , t 'ii.iir, 1 ri rt Tl li Ki'iiicniU'r thmNnttaplo art lot i; 1 fi 1 t:. m jnii JUilV d( iu) tinti'-il 1 ii(.t . rt H. VJIOAI ICiN.l1 m f. Aw. l.ill..-rt I). I V uyJillifM lot 1 rauUJ mimm mm Users of Opium, aro you awaro that Dr. Lcsilp 1!. Ki-vley's Docbm! Ciiuiitini; op Oou" will enro tlio wont cute of this terrlblo habit In from three to iho weeks (nt liomo) wttliout Hliller ii!S. Ualiko other so ail led " painless antidotes," It contains not ono particle of opium, ot any of its preparation!,, and yet tlie patient, wlille rnptclly riducing his mnniUltni down to nothlnir, Is nble to attend to Ids oitliniirv bullous arid enjoys )lf" as lio lias nntdoco lucc hcgmsini; tLo Opium or Morptiinu Habits. Send for F6ay on tho Opium Haliit. l'llKI!, or for llr. LeMIe E. Keeley'snuw work. "Opliim! lis Use. Iniso imd Cure,1 pent freo on a.ipllcslion. It ii Hip inoft coniplrte ii-ul fonvit'!iL'0.d3 work etcr pnblibod on lha subject, and lcs full instructions fur self curocthouio. Adilra or call on THE LESLIE L. Kiii'.LEY CO., DtrionT, III. Cured in froia'tbroo to nlno dr.-s. f I f T TT Hi-Mi r ncnrsf, hnt Ihone who write tn Ml) Is S'l.ion,Cu..roii.il, Msln-.nlllicreirn If. f I fl fre, full l!,rorm".tfon hIkiiiI woib whirli lIlBllll !l,Jfca" (!-. ami IfveKt limne.lliKl will pnjr Vl tJ JmlJj ibern from $.S 10 ir dr. Some tit 0 CArndilo.i.rS-'i'iliindiy Ilillier.ex, rmir.irorolil rnpllfll not rMilie.l Yuu rti MarlH fi e Thoe wh'i Hurt nl pneo ars aUoluteljr Mire of euu Utile lurtulies. All U new. S1 P SMI H?-1 "It-' 1'H roue t H 3 L e5- fcna e Lt e-'. tr u - mm mm mm ii m '" U. -5"-' lVfirrnittnl tli moet ii.-rfeet Forrs- I-m1 et-tfl-tltler Jrttliu .Ult nee. ,,.t f ,r ciicuiur. t 3 fgnu; yurk I;L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers