I: "Original Cheap Cash Store.' FlSIlFUUKIlY IN (IMIAT VAKIKTY,""" AND AT KKDUCKI) PltlCKS, TIllPUS HXTltACTS, HAMl'I.K HOTTMiS, F1V1! CUNTS. LAUGH HOTCT.KS WITH HPMNKI.IXO TOP, TWr.NTY-1'lVr. CliXTS. IN T1IH FOM.OWINO POPULAR ODOKS; lismeruldi. Jockey ("lull, Whlto Hose. Car nal inn Fink. Sew Jlnvvii Hav, Svvrct Vio let, YlantiYl.uiU', Lilly of the Viillcy, PrniiKlpnnnl, Mary Htuait, ltcll trope, Mary Anderson ami Wood Violet. WF. ALSO KEHI' TI1K rOI.I.OWIXOl Collates Extracts, Kirk's Zonlllin anl Neroll Colonic, Heart' (Irnnd Duchess CoIoruc, ilnvt's Herman Cnloitnc, Austen's Forest Flower Colonno, 8oolety limpid Cnlounc, Yellowstone l'ark Colonic, You and I Jloiiiiet Cologne. And a large stock ot Toi let Soaps. J. T. NUSBAUM. Opp. I'ubllc Square, Bank Street, Lclilnl -ton, Pa. . June T, 1884-ly. SATURDAY, SEPTEMUER 4, 18S0. SPKC1AL NOTICE. rersons inaklnn payments to this office, by money orders or postal notes will please make them payable at the WmtspoRT Post Orricit, as the Le hifhtun office is not a money order office ' Our Neighborhood In Brief. A I.lciuor Dealers' Protective As sociation was organized In this county last week, A Hungarian was killed at AVllkes barrc, last Sunday, whllo attempting to board a moving train, Itaymond Klstler, aged flvo years, was rim over by a wagon and killed, at Allentown, on Saturday. So far this year forty-five new build ings have been erected In Hangor.Nortli anipton county, at a cost of 1M,750. Samuel Jefferson, of Tainanua.agcd 104 years, died on Saturday. He was tlio oldest person In Schuylkill county. Willie (.raver, aged about ten years, while romping about tho school yard, Monday, fell and fractured his right arm. The State falrwlll bo licit! In Phlla tlclpbfa from the Otli to the 18th of Sep tember. About$lG,600 will bcawarded In premiums. Henry Graver, one day last week, found a common land turtle on lils premises In South Lclilgliton with "II. Y., 1777," cut on Its shell. The Mauch Chunk Standard lias cbanged hands. J. H. Gillespie Is now at the hclm,nnd he promises to steer the paper through tho troubled waters of journalism. A temperance meeting will be held on the public square this (Saturday) evening. Everybody is invited to at tend. The Hireling will be addressed by prominent speakers. The Lchlgb and Schuylkill coal ex changes at Its meeting In Philadelphia last Friday, concluded not to make any advance on the prices which have ruled for the past two months. For tiie week ending Aug. 28, there were 10(l,tt'fl tons of coal shipped over the Lehigh A'jtftoy railroad, making a total to date of 4,553,2 U tons.aud sliovv- Ingan Increase of 378,242 tons compared with same date last jear. Our young filend Geo. P. Miller is acquiring quite a reputation as a musi cian and frequently fills engagements with the various bands in this county. One day last week he accompanied the Uowmanstown hand to Danielsville. Davld.Cassldv, an old veteran of Hip late war, residing at Catusannua, in or der lo secure, sulUc'ient evidence to pro cure a pension, started on June 1st lo walk to Missouri. He says that by forced marches ho will reach home by October 1. Two strangfc men visited S. Haga inan's jewelry store, on Dank street, last Thursday and after examining his slock of gold watches concluded to purchase one, offering In payment a check for the amount, which Sir. Hagaman refused, doubting Us validity. Itls thought that the men aro "sharpers." Look out for them. , Tho German Catholic churches of East Mauch Chunk and Lclilgliton, will run an excursion from the former place lo tho 'Hljlng Sun Park, Philadelphia, mopping at all stations between Mauch Chunk and Uowmanstown, on Sept.Sth; fare for the round trip, 52.40; children, !!.w. 'Iraln leaves Lchlghton at 7:2(1 a. in. Hy the explosion of a lire damn in tho'Falrlawn mines, near Scranton, at eight o clock Monday morning, live miners wcro instantly killed and two dangerously Injured. This mlno has long been considered dangeious on ac count of tho rapidity with which the gas accumulates and tho Inadequacy of veutllntloii. Our public schools opened on JIoiv day with a fair attendance. Prior to the opening of the building the several rooms were thoroughly gleaned and dis infected, a heavy fire birt.lt In the heat ers which were kept up for several days. The directors deserve to be compliment ed for the precaution they have taken in this matter. Efforts are being made by the com missioners of Warren and Erie counties to cet up a State convention of the County Commissioners, to meet In Ilar llsburg, October 0, for the purpose of forming a revised tax law, or fixing up on a uniform practieo under existing laws, wttli power to transact any busi ness or duties of county commissioners, Miss M. h. Major, agraduatoof the National School of Elocution and Ora tory, will begin a course of instruction in elocution in Hcber's Hall, on Friday evening, Sept. 10th, at 8 o'clock. Tho course v. Ill consist of twenty lessonsjthc class meeting once a week. All persons Interested or desiring to join such a class, aro Invited to bo present at the first meetljig. Also, a juvenile class lo meet on Saturday afternoon, will proba bly be organized. Tho work of putting up the soldiers Monument, at Mauch Chunk, Is com pleted and will be unveiled Tuesday, September 28. The structure Is of white bronze, .manufactured at Ilridgeport Conn., 30 feet hi height, and has an nr tlticlal stono base of 15 feet, makin . total height of 51 teet. It Is very beau tlful, and is claimed to bo the neatest and most extensive soldiers' monument In the State. It Is the largest bronie structure ever made In this roun'.ry.and It stands at the most prou.uiciit place In iuc lunu, Lchlghtnii has a boronjh debt of only S2S0O.O0. The coming county fair promises to bo tho most successful ever held here. Work has been commenced on tho proposed new barb wire mill at Allen- In Trinity Lutheran church next Sun town. day w eek, September 12th. l!ev. J. S, There Is a possibility that Portland, Rennlngcr, of Slatington, will preach In Northampton cotinty,wlll haven nation- the morning. at bank. Engine Xo. 33, gonlg South, ran In- Tho Prothonotary of Lehigh county ' to the roar end of a coal train just be- has Issued 370 marriage licenses under low PnrryyUlc, about 11:30a. m.,Thurs- the new law. ) day. Passenger train, o. 2 was do- Samuel Seller will open his coal layed cne hour. yard, at tho upper end of Hank street, l!ev. Mr. Scott, of Slatington, will sometime soon. Tim Lutheran and Itcformcd Sun day schools, of Welssport, plcnlced In Llnderman's grove last Saturday. Daniel Wleand proposes to greatly Improve tho building on Hankway.form- crly occupied by the Amvocati: olllco. Typhoid fever has made Its appear ance In Slatington In a very malignant form. Several deaths have already oc curred. Tho Lutheran Mlnisleiiumof Penn sylvania lias during the past year aided forty-one young men In preparing for the ministry, at an expense of $0,000. Scarlet fever and diphtheria has been raging to an alarming extent at Ilokendauqun during the past six u ccks, Unt.eiijealhs liayo decurred, however. The Allentowri Hoard of Health arc making strenuous efforts to prevent the further spread of typhoid fevci, which has raged there so fatally for the past month. A charter was Issued from the State Department at Harnsburg, Wednesday, to the Lehigh Zinc ard lion Company, of South IJcthlchcm; capital stock, ? 180,000. John Kyle. Jr.. superintendent ol the Pioneer Silk Mill, at Allentown, died Tuesday, nged 20 years. Ills fath er was one of tho oldest silk manufac turers in America. Mrs. llobert Walp, of Packerton, was so unfortunate as to run a needle Into her arm one day last week. Dr. Seiple, of town, was sent for and suc ceeded In removing the needle. Milton Stauffer, of Central Valley, Lehigh county, on Saturday, had his foot caught In a switch while working It, and a train of cars Inflicted Injuiics from which he died a few days later. A. S. Sergent was arrested at Lans ford si few days ago. He absconded from Mahanoy Plane about a month ago taking with lilm p.iper3 and moneys be longing to the Methodist chuicii of that place. H'ednesdaythe sun of summer spread its rays over the hills for the last time in 18S0. Tho first day of autumn marks the beginning of schools, the commencement of the oyster season, and the close of the dog days. Rev. James A. Little, of Hoken dauqua, has accepted an invitation to re-dedicate thu Presbyterian church of Allentown, Sundav, September 5th; the pastor Itev. John F. Pollock being seri ously ill at Saratoga Springs. A Mrs. Woiman, of Allentown, committed suicide Monday by jumping in tho Lehigh river, near the rolling mill, at that place. Ill health is sup posed to. have been the cause. The body was recovered shortly afterward. A cheap disinfectant is made by taking one teaspoonful of nitrate of lead, dissolving In one quait of boiling water, four tcaspoonsfnls of common salt, dissolved in a bucket of cold water. mix both thoroughly and the disinfec tant Is ready for use. Our friend Dr. F. A. Itabonold, of Litzeniierg, Lehigh county, is a candi date for tho nomination of Sheriff in that county and we are reliably in formed tli.it his chances are excellent. Frank 'is a first-rate fellow and will make a good olllcer if elected. Itev. .Win. Major, pastor of the M. E. church, will deliver the third sermon of tho docttln.il series, on next Sabbath morning; topic, "How ran a sinner bo justified?" A deep interest is taken by many in this course of sermons, and all who can should go and hear them. It am powerful easy to discriminate between a wise man an a fanatic. De wise man belongs to jour party; de fan atic to de opposlshun. Hut everybody stands square on the subject when they say that David Kbbert hires out the best teams at the lowest rates. Livery on North street. Our neighbor, Jacob Dentlnger, at tended a meeting of hU lodge last Fri day evening, and on his return home found that he had some one else's hat or that some other fellow had got his, and now asks that the other fellow will come fuith and make a re-exchange of the same. He thinks his own hat fits him best. On Monday morning, at about 1 o' clock, llenjaniin Celluer, a young man about 20 years of age. son of Charles Zcllncr, residing about three-quarters of a mile below Slatington, died of coir supaijqn. oi cno bowels. The young man1 vA8 well and fayorably known here, nml his death will be greatly mourned. Quite a number of our citi zens wcro in attendance at the funeral on Thursday morning. e are lu receipt of the September number of Ehrlrlu? Faxldon Quarterly. It is replete with Interestingshort stories, prose ait Ides and poetry from the pens of some of the most gifted authors in the country. The fashion department has n correspondent In Paris, who who will furnish the latest news from the centre of fashion. It is Hie Intention of the publishers to make the Qnartelry to rank among the best popular magazines Among the recent publications of music we find but two songs published by Ign. Fischer, Toledo, O., that are really worthy of special mention Tenny son s "Jlrcak, Jlrcak, llreak, on Thu CuUl Gray Stones O i'enV'niusIo by the well-known Fred. II. Pease, and Long fellow s "Stay at Home My Heart and Jte.it," music by W. A. Ogden, an author whose works rank among the most popular of the present day. Price of each, 40c. Pennsylvania Is richer than most people give her credit for. The State geologist estimates that there aro in the coal distilct 5,000,000,000 Ions of coal that can bo actually mined and told. Natural gts is taking the place of coal lu maiiv places, and It looks as if tho natural gas district would be the center of the Iron, steel and glass Industries of tho country for a century to come. And by that time Pcmmhanla mav havi a W"1"1'" teiity-f!ve millions of ,"", v-.., v.. The Knights of tho Golden Eagle will observe the 1st of Octobel as the eleventh anniversary of tho founding of the order In this State. Harvest Ilonio services will ho held preach hi tho Presbyterian church In this borough, to-morrow (Sunday) after noon, at 2::10 o'clock. All aro cordially Invited to attend. A party of live went to the lllg Creek last Saturday night. Securing no fish, (hey jumped a fence Into Orlando Kern crcr's coin field ard carried off a num ber of cars of corn, for which they paid $2.00 apiece on Tuesday morning before 'Squire lleltz. Very dear corn. There Is nothing to prevent foreign ers who have compiled with the law as to residence, from being naturalized at anytime- In the year, but to qualify one to vote on ovember2nd It Is absolutely neccessary that hp. be naturalized not later than October 1st. Minor papers: wSlien-the applicant lias resided lu the country at least three years next preced ing his arrival at tho age of twenty. one, ho Is entitled to naturalization without a previous declaration of principles, providing ho has reslded-ln the United States flvo years, and In the Stato of Pennsylvania one year Immediately preceding his application. Attention, Hook ana Ladder Co 1 At the lequest of a number of tho old members of the Lehigh Hook and Lad der Co. and other citizens, I have con sented to reorganize said company. All those wishing to join will please call at the Caiihox Advocate olllce and sign the roll w ithout delay. H. V. Moimiqiiui, Sr. Sept. 2, 18S0. Parrvvlllo Events Itemized. Miss Annie Cunningham, of Coplay, visited friends in town last Sundav. Several of our town people who have been testing hy the sen for the past several weeks have returned home. An Infant child of TheodoroTcttlt was Interred in.tho M. E. cemetery lu Ibis place, Inst Monday, ltcvs. Wingert and Powell officiating. A large number of strangers aro to be constantly seen on our streets. Tills Is an evidence of Parryvillc's growing popularity. Daisy. Pleasant Corner Items, A large number of our young folks attended the East Penn picnic last Sat urday. Our amateur sportsmen will com mence theirdeadly work on the. innocent squirrel, no doubt, now that tho time has arrived when the law does not pro hibit the killing of them. A number of our young men are deeply engaged in thu heart crushing business. James McD.miel, accompanied by his sister, spent several days with Lans ford friends last week. Al.rnoxsus. Iliw Mahoning Events Epitomized. To-day (Saturday) is the time "our hojs" are having an exercise in perspir ing and answering questions teachers' examination. Misses Amanda ISalllet and Martha Sltler attended tho teachers' examina tion in East Penn township, Hoth hold certificates and are appointed teachers in the said township. Pi of. T. M. Halliet spent this week with his parents. G. K. Musselman, afler spending a month witli Scranton friends, has re turned home. Tho Xcw Mahoning Sunday School lias decideil to hold a picnic on Septem ber 11, in the afternoon and evening. Dash. Lower Towamonsirc Callings A child of Samuel Costenbader died of biimnier complaint on Thursday of last week. Fiances, a daughter of Mrs. Haup, of Allentown, formeily of this place.died of pneumonia. She was brought to this place for interment last Saturday. The mother being ill could not attend tho funeral. Flre-Lmo Sunday school will picnic In Craig's grove, near Jacob Svvartz's, on Saturday, Sept. nth. A comet baud has been engaged to furnish music for tho occasion, and all kinds of refresh incuts will be on hand. All aro lux Ited The grist mills at Aquashlcola and Lehigh Gap aro idle. Win. Ilelilerisconfined to the house nursing a sprained ankle. -Griffith Shindlerls building nn ad dition to his house. Samuel lloycr Is engaged In tho butchering business. Cox, Wcatherlv Items. 1 ho public schools of this place opened on Monday with a full corps of teachers and about six hundred pupil, Several of tho old teachera resigned, whose places were filled- by Miss Haile- man, of this place, Miss Deeliant, of Catawissa, and Miss Young, of Auden ricd. Humor has It that ll'ealheily is to have a new railway station, this fall, too. If there Is one town on the L. V. 1!. It. that has a poorer station than we have, It certainly cannot be the pride of tho town nor the idol ol the company. Let us have a depot commensurate with our business and lu Us design suitable for the town. While passenger engine Xo. 31, was taking an excursion party from Auden ried to Glen Summit, It run Into a truck placed on the track, near Hazlo Creek llrldge, and smashed her cow-catcher. It Is supposed that tho truck was placed on the track by some miscreant who It sceui3 feared neither God nor regarded man, Englno Xo. 332, "Mllllln." Is In the shops hero for a general overhauling. It was built at the Grant Locomotive Works and Is a giant engine. The men in the car shops have all been put pit contract work, and in the foundry somo were suipttndad lately, owing to the scarcity of work, Coal is moved here alwut as fast as usual at this time of the year. Mr. Stmllet. fnnm.i.w t .i, umi b,rt Hou has n-eepted ach-ikship j i.i wio la, uep.iiiui. ill. Ai PHA. unr WHocnro speaKs. ..As tho time for the election of dele gates and the nomination of candidates fot the various county offices draws nigh the usual excitement takes the place of the quietness that has prevailed all along, llolh tho upper nnd the lower end will produce thclrscveral candidates nnd no llttlo "excitement" Is antici pated. It has been tho rule of many lower eml Democrats In the past to sup port tho ticket as nominated by the county convention; whether they have been wise in so doing the past plainly shows, llcfore tho sj stem of rotation became the rule In our county politics we were w ell nnd ably represented, both In the halls of Congress nnd the Stato Legislature. It has been the custom of giving a man "two terms" whether ho has proved himself an honor In repre senting the affairs of the county or not. This habit, or custom, should be done away with; It reflects no credit upon the advanced nnd new ideas of the young Democracy; it smacks too much of tl'o system of spoils and will ultimately. de generate to a worse state of affairs. At the coming convention the usual num ber of candidates will bo present, con sequently due regard should be given to tho election, of delegates who aro, to represent the various election districts.. The delegates elected are supposed .to represent the sentiment of the district from which they come if they favor the system of rotation, if they recognize or fear to act as honest and conscientious Democrats by reason of what tho so called bosses may say or hayo said, it shows the weakness which controls them. In this county where the Democratic majority ranges from 400 to 500 tho party needs no boss, and he who attempts to pose as such should bo sum marily dealt with. A leader with fair, honest and conscientious principles, one w ho is not urged on by reason of self aggrandizement, Is what the Democracy wants lu every election district. When the party ranks aro purged of such as "aspire to boss," of those who "carry the Dutch vole in their pocket" and of tl lose who "control Irish voters In the upper cud," tho Democratic party with their new and advanced Ideas of Jeffer- sonlan simplicity will placo Carbon county in an advanced political position. Our town authorities should take all the precautions possible In order to pre vent tho spread of typhoid fever of which tiiere aro several cases reported here. It would not be unwise at a time like this, when the fever epidemic rage3 so fiercely in some of the neighboring towns, to organize a. Hoard of Health, and at once enforce tho sliiclest sanitary measures. This Is an Important matter and should receive the prompt attention of our town fathers. We have a joungman In this place, who since his advent here, some vears ago, has posed as a great leader In the lower end Democracy. Ho is a young man possessed of untiring zeal and en ergy (?) hi pushing forward the claims of the Democracy, he, no doubt, would hn willing to become a martyr in the causo of the Democracy should necessi ty demand it, going ilown with the fall of the party, gloiying In the f.-ietlhat he had done only that which is "good and great." Hut it is just this energy, this so-called display of ability that makes I-rank L. llcber objectionable to the Democracy here. He is at present hoid Inga position in theU. S. Mint, still the work thorn Is not so picsslngbut what lie finds time to see Ills many ('.') friends In tills section and make things solid for the Hon. Michael Cassldy. Just how solid lie makes things for the above named Individual, however, will be seen on the day of the convention, when I-rank shall hayo a mighty fall and Michael will open his eyes to the fact that ho is left. Parents, keep your eye on that daughter of jours; exercise your better judgment as a parent in allowing her to run the streets at all times of the day and night, fcvoiy night in tho wee! young glils can bo seen running up and down, over and across ourstreets. You may think that because H'elssport Is a small town, Its temptations are likewise limited. This is a mistake on your sido and you may live to rue it. Under the watchful eye of a parent we luvailably seo a "perfect liltlo lady," but bo lax lu your vigilance, careless in your ways, and seo how soon that "perfect little lady forgets heiself. As an evidence, which substantiates our assertions, we need only recall the recent exposure of so many Newark, X. J., joung girls, who have gone in "tho way of tho wick ed." Tills is an important matter ti parents, It concerns tho elernal as w.til as the earthly welfare of your daughters and tho safety of our land, for on the virtue of our women depends the future of our government. Parents nnd guard ians bo watchful, see that jour daugh ters are off the streets at night; by ex-, ercislng our authority now you mny be saved years of sorrow, ami your daugh ters f i om an eaily grave. Tho Prohibitionists and liepulill eans nro at logger heads here. Our most radical partisans aro beginning to real ize that the Piohlbitlon party must bo recognized now, If they do not wish to hao a rude awakening from their dreams after the day of election, by fee ing the Prohibition vote mniked at 00, 000 to 100,000. These figures aro not too large. If anything they could be raised a little higher; when wo consider the number of Hepublicaus whoarc tired of voting for Uoss Quay's candidates, and the number of dissatisfied Demo crats, wo find that tho above Hemes are not too largo Dissatisfied politicians of every stripe will find rest for a time under the banner of Prohibition, and if not recognized, In time, will seek pas tures new. So tho world moves along, and tho Prohibition party, under caro ful training, will ultimately prove lo bo tho gicat "knocker out" In polities. Quito an excitement prevailed hero at a lato hour Saturday night owing to a free light between some of our young bloods. Pioiupt measures should be taken by our town authorities to pre vent the peaceful slumbers of our citi zens being dlsturbud by those who In dulge too freely In that which Inebri ates. Our merchants will do well to ad vertise under thu head of "Wolssnort Uushmss Directory," us the circulation of the Advoc ati. is constantly iucreas- :.. .1.1 .. l.s columns al this lime w II uo tloi.bl Iiij. ,y Une'i., the aive. . People In and out of Town. Our people who may have rclathes or friends visiting tlicni V. Ill Kiratly olilbte us by sending In their names and residence for publication under tills head.-Kiirioii. ll'm. Zchner, of town, spcut last Sunday at Tamaqua. Daniel Graver, of Mountain Top, was in town Saturdaj W. A. Sltler, of Philadelphia, was In town Wednesday. Miss Ada Webb Is visiting relatives and friends In Philadelphia. J. A. Curt. Koons, of town, was doing New York city this week. .Miss Derr, of Heading, is visiting Miss Emma Obcrt, on Hank street. Oscar Hontz, of Uethlchem, was the guest of Al. Worsley this week. Frederick Hrlukman,of town, is on a combined business and pleasure trip to Vermont. Miss Lizzie Swindells, of Philadel phia, was visiting friends lc townduihig the week. Miss Eva Campbell, of Hethlehem, Is visiting Miss Carrie Drelbelbles, on Hank street.' Jack Harwig, the popular landlord if tho Horse Shoo hotel, was In town last Saturdaj'. Mrs. George Green, of Scranton, Is isltlng Thos. Green and famllv. on Hank street. .Mrs. Pelcr tlcim, of Northampton sticet. Is visiting relatives ami friends lu Philadelphia Miss Lulu Zehncr, an estimable young lady of tills place-, is sojourning with friends at Heading. Miss Emma Schuvler. has returned from a two weeks' visit amon" robitlve and friends at Tamaqua. Miss Nora Clark, of Ncsnuehonlni?. was visiting her sister Miss Annie, on Hank street, during the week. -Our popular youns friend Chailov Mctzgar, of Alden. Pa., while in town last Friday dfopped In to see us. Mrs. I rank Deimler. of Philadel phia, Is the guest of Misses Mary and .gsle Misbattin, on Hank street. Misses Mary and Amanda Klelntnn. of Slroudsburg, were visiting Charles Klelntop and family, on llankway, this w ceK. Hev. Georce Sandt and wife, nf Hock Island, 111,, wcro visltlnir W. W. Howmnn and famllv. on Hank strnot during the week. Our friend Jake Haudcnbush snent several days at Philadelphia and Atlantic City tills week. "What are the wild waves saying, Jake?" Mrs. Louisa Blocker, accomnanled by her son George, left Thursday for an extended visit to relatives and friends lu Port Washington, Ohio. Messrs. Gabel and Seaboldt. wbn. with their families have been driving through different parts of the State on a pleasure trip, returned home Wed nesday evening. Messrs. Griff. Mantz. John Hank. Eil. White, Dlldine Snyder, Al. Bar tholomew and Harry Stransberry, left Monday morning forSaylorsburg, where they w ill enjoy a ten days' camp-out. List of Letters Itemainiiig uncalled for In tho l.e- hlghtou Post-ollico for the month end ing August 31st, 1SS0 lleiuuT. Mrs. LI??lo Keehlhie, Jas. J. uuinian, i lias. ,ir, Kverett, Maillia.l VHimi,! At,,., sillier, l.enls Muster, 1". O. Mailt, 1. II, Miller, S.. I. Hitter, vnilotiehbv Dicker, .Miss Sara'li Snjdi r, David U:,!!; Milt.,,. ijoinlMTt, Henry (lemlieit, .ioseph liiuie, cny Koch, .Miss Aiuilo uiieuecK, ,ieii, Persons Pfllllnr fne n, f tl,n letters will pleasn say "advertised." JA.MKS i SMITH, 1'. M. Jos. Obcrt vs. The Borongh of Lch'ghton. Tho case of Joseph Obert vs. the Le hlghton Borough, in the matter of dam ages which Mr. Obert claims for the up setting of eeu-ral wagon loads of hay and for the Injury of one of his em ployees, some weeks ago, was heard be fore 'Squire Lenta:, on Northampton street, Monday evening. Tho several witnesses testified that tho gutter was in a bad condition and required careful diiiing In order to cross with a heavy load. The drivers of the te.mis which met with the upset testified that they iook njl the precaution possible In cross Ing the gutter, Ac, &c. Samuel Grav eraud Al Guth, witnesses for tho bor ough, testified that with careful drivln; the gutter could bosafelv crossed: Grav or claiming that be could cross it safely with a four hoise team, Ac. Mr. Ober is willing to pay cither ot these tw gentlemen ?23 if they can substantiate their claims according to tho testimony theygaio Monday evenin?. Tho evi dence was summed up and the argument heard, 'Squlro Leutz rcservlnir his d clslon until Wednesday, at which tlmo the plaintiff wu non-stilled. The Coaniry Shaken Up. A considerable of the United States was shaken by Friday evening's earth quake. Tho area over which the con vulsion extended Is much greater than umi uiiecicu uy ine shock of 1SS4. In that year the shock was not felt south of Washington, west of tho Alleghanie: or north of tho St. Lawrence. It wn the most severe close to the seaboard and in about this latitude. Tuesday nlcht's disturbance was felt as far south, aeemiling to the repoits at hum!, a: Alabama, and as far west as Chicago lToin still fuitlier west comes an In teresting account of a iihennnien.il water-burst from an artesian well, and from the Yellowstone region a report of an unaccountable awakenlngof ageyser that hail been doing iiolhirg of l.itc. tvrliaps our earthquake sliarp3 will be able to tell whether last Tuesday night's slioelt and theso occiirreness hud any. thing to do witii onu another. In the earthquake of 1SSI the vibration pasted from south lo north, according to tho most trustworthy observations; whllelho vibration Tuesday evening seemed to be from west to east. There Is n w idc difference, of opinion as to tho dur.itlnn ofthndlsttiibance. Tho duration to tho shock of 1SS4 was vailoiuly estimated at from 1 1-2 seconds to 1 1-2 minutes, the briefer limit being the ostlmato of tlic moro cxpeiieueed observers, The most impressive feature of the disnir banco of two years ago the character istic rumbling, like that which might bo produced by the grating together of masses of rook Is not mentioned in any of the accounts of Tuesday night's earthquake. The culmination of these shocks was at Cliai lesion, S. C, where three-fourths of the cily was destroyed, over ;i0 persons killed and fully 100 in. jen 1. '1 he totKl loss In that city is es- Beginning of School, The Teathtr, a brljilit eUmntloiia! Journal published by Kldrldfo & llro., l'hlladeldlila, comments lliuslyi When this number Tie 1'cathcr reaches Us renders, Hie school bell, whether hi fact or Idea, calling Its millions from rest to labor, will he soiiiiiltn through the length nnd brradlli of our land, What n liuriylng of little feet! What rinloes search es for unused books mid mislaid slates and pencils! What anxiety, what hopes, and what fears sway the little bundles of humanity! What anticipations of friendly greetings, what hopesof plcasiuesimalloji.df what promises to self ot future good, what Intentions to do better, what resoheslo battle for sucrcsslnoic strenuously than ever.crond and push each other lu the little mind. How liltlo we, as tcaeliels, know of child thought, how htlte credit we give for Its consistent, persistent adherence to lis naluiid self I How much we blame It for not iiinnlng and doh.g and thinking and feeling as we, bin kiowu nun and women, know nnd do mid think and feci! How little we lecOKidre the fart, that It acts, feels, and thinks according to the measure of Its required mental ability! Hut tlicscIiool-bcllilnK'Sttlic.tlicrwe under stand child nature or 1ml. Its call cannot he misunderstood, or disobeyed by teacher or pupil. The millions gather and the ineasuro of teaching will be doled out, hour by hour and day by day until the year shall have run Its course, and then, the account of stock, the reckoning! Hut how w 111 s on begin? If you arc satisfied with jour efforts, practices, and results. If you think thai there Is nothing lobe learned from the records ot the past, from the methods or principles of the great masters ot the ait, If ) on think that there Is noonelU Ins or dead, superior t( yourself, you. of course, will con tinue lo do as you have done. There Is ncllhcr hope nor lutiuily for you! Hut If jou have nude mistakes and there Is no one living who has not you will earnestly stilie to correct these errors, and start anew upon a patli.uol marked out by cmplikiuuor micss-work but by the skilled hands uf known surveyors. The path Is ilearly .shown. The finger-boards never point In the wrung direc tion. Thero are neither stiunhlliiK blocks nor pltf.ills In the way. There Is not a subject lu jour curriculum that will not bear lcexam- Inallon or rcincstl(ratlon in regard lo jouror any method of teaching It. There Is not a teacher living, who tests his methods by the known principles of the art, tli.lt Is not forced to conclude that there Is loom for improve ment. How will you begin your discipline, your school management will jou think of past lets of scverltyniideoiitlnue? WUIyoutlilnk of past acts of Injustice, dune bj jou to jour pupils nnd repeat incur.' Was there ever any net of tyranny or oppression done by jou simply because jou were the stronger or be cause jou held and luterpictcd both the law nnd the offence? Was evciy one tested by the (Joldcn iiile'.' Do jou not think that training Is essential In the foiiiuitnn of cliar- leter, and that repression by force, by bodily punishment is not a powerful clement In that training? We think th.it Solomon was en tirely right In Ids direction to train up a child hi tho way he .should go, so that he might con tinue therein when the jear.s come upon lilm but we nlsotlihik that Solomon was radically wrong when ho Intimated that the rod of cor rection was the one and only thing necessary lo drive away heart folly from a child and that child spoiling was the necessary .sequenic of roil sparing. If teachers would speak, we think that many of them would say that the onfy blot, thu darkest and heaviest that mrrs tho memory of the past Is tlieanger, the hate, the excitement thai attended and followed many ot those school punishments, l'ossil.ly parents, too, may have cause for much un spoken sorrow lu the thought that much of tho whipping of their children inkilit have been spared, It they had onlj understood child nature. The school-bell rings! The school-bell, a thing ot the past, Is associated with all the terrors of the old time regime. How It hur- 1 led the laggard fcetl What forebodings of evil In Its dismal tones, where the distance was toogreut to be covered Intliue to avoid late ncss! What self satisfaction hi its merry notes ;is we hurried up the sleps In llmot Hut how v.lil you begin, for will begun Is half done. Tho Coal Trado Active. There Is an active business doing In anthracite coal at present, tays tho Uecord, nnd the demand exceeds the supply. Operators are working much closer this year than Jast, and there Is no danger of an overproduction. Al though the indications for September's trade are fully equal to those of this period last year, still the limit of the output for the Philadelphia and Heading Coal and Iron Company is 500 000 tons below the amount allowed for last Sep tember s production. This will reduce stocks to a minimum. A possible ad vance of say 25 cents per ton Is looked for at tho meeting of general coal agents in New York, in view of the low rates ruling there as the result of tho antici pation of a heavy overproduction which has not been rullilled. Of Interest to Everybody. CrDGo to Frs. Hoderer, under the Exchange Hotel, for a smooth shave and a fasionable hair cut. Jay Gould denies the report that sharks in the North Hlver nod to him as he passes In his yacht. 27""E. H. Snyder and C. U. Hhoads Handle a vinegar guaranteed smelly pure, "The Alden Fruit." Try It. 2t What shocks tho virtuous spoilsmen about tills time Is to seo the good Pro hibitionists taking part li politics. d?BAimAiN'R In W.vi.i. Paimiks and Window Siiadi:s at Luckkn iiaciiV, (11 Broadway, .Mauch Chunk; urowns (i and cts., white o and 10 cts.. gilt 25 and 33 cts. How the Brooklyn bridge must sigh lo see so many fools Sscape! JfjyAfter the 1st of September Dan iel Wieand, the carriage builder, will re fuse all work until further notice, as lie proposes nuking extensive Improve ments on ills proptetj'. 2t. Cold water politics are in a fairway to wash the bloody shirt clean. Ulnuss (Crl3to,, The Tail ors, still have a lew of those justly celebrated 10 suitings on hand. The chestnut hell tolls mournfully at tacli issue of the campaign slip. Dr. C. T. Horn Lchlghton and .W F. Hlcry Welssport, would specially recommend to ine nuues ackci- s uys. pcpsla Tablets. As a laxative they have no equal. They are guaranteed to cure lliromc Lolistlpatlon, iijspejla, nntl al! diseases arising from a deranged stomach. Wit li a free use nf tho Tablets, aicK iieauaciie is impossible. Things aro not so warlike as they were In Mexico, Envoy Sedgwick ap peal's io ne a paeuicaior ot no mean proportions. There are scores ot persons wno are sintering irnni somo lorm ot blood dis order or skin disease, such as .Scrofula, llolls, etc., etc. After a practical test, Dr. C. T. Horn Lchlghton nnd W. F. Hlery Welssport, assert that Acker's Wood Elixir will certajnh cure all such diseases, including Syphillls and Illicit minium. It is nut a patent uostruin.biil a scientific preparation. They guarantee If Hlaine retires all the fellows who helped to wreck his chances in ISjU what is he going lo do for votes In 'US? Dr. ('. T. Horn Lehighton nnd W. F. Hlery Welssport wish to state that they liavo at last found an article they can sell on its merits. It Is with pleas ure they guarantee to the public Acker's English Remedy as a sure and never failing cure for Asthma, Conshs, Whoo'iing Cough. Croup, and nil Lung Troui'l, -, It is the standard r mclv for I .i ain'.i.n. Th' y hae ncv found Uj I ... ... INTERNATIONAL LESSONS. tlT Jir.V. r. II. IIAItOHEAVES. Lesion 11. SepitmbcrtMu jisfs thi: true vixi:. John 15, 1-10. Golden Text, John 15, 5. Time, Thursday evening, April 6th. Place, an upper room in Jerusalem. The lesson is a continuation of that memorable scene in the upper room nt Ji Titsalein, when Christ took leave of His disciples. The little conipnny had risen to go, hut .Tcuiis seemed imxious to say more to theni before lie took His I'mul departure, mid so Ilespokc to llicm ns tlicyMmxlnniuml Ilim. llis illii-triition was tit once beautiful nnd appropriate. Probably the house in which I hey were staying overlooked n vineyard, nnd the vines could be seen in the moonlight. It was now ten or eleven o'clock at night. Pointing to tlievincs, it maj' he, Jesus tells Hisdi.sclplos that in them tlicy see a good illustration of Iliimelf nnd His disciples. Tlicy were nil fmnilar with tho vine nnd its cultivation, and could readily ajipreciiilethe forcoof the simile, the v ine is tjie lifo of the brunches, from whence they draw their sustenanco nnd strength. As the branches-live in tho vino so they are able to bear good fruit; but if they are cutofl'from llje vine, tliev, soon wither and die amlure-cnxt'Oitt f the vineyard tohc burned. ChrKt'is the iruevine. llisdiscipIesarellie.brHnchcs. Each follower and each churrli is a branch. If welivein lilm and Hein us wesjinll bringlcirlh fruit. If wo forsake Christ we shall cease to have spiritual life, and will soon wither mid die and be east imttobcbiirnod. The true believer and follower of Christ is a living branch of a living vine. Although Jesus was about Iodic, Ho speaks of Himself us living, nnd going to live and give life for ever. He is still the living vine, and those who follow Ilim constantly receive life from Him. We livein Hini liv faitli and love nnd earnest deeds and" holy lives, As a vinedresser gives carefiil attention to the vines under his charge, so our Father constantly cares for us. The vinedresser prune's and cultures and trains the vines so us to make them pnMuce the largest quantity of the best fruit. So our Father is ever pruning us, removiiv; things not in harmony with Ilim, training us in many ways, preparing us according to I lis own purposes, so that we may be aide to bring forth large quan tities of the best fruits. Tills must have been very gratifying lo the disoiplesut that time, 'in the shadow of the coming ermilixion tlioy had the Divine assurance that their Master would ever live in than mid give them living aid nnd strength, as certainly as the branchesdrew life and nourishment from the vine down thcrcintlie garden. And then tlicy bad the further satisfaction of knowing that their Heavenly Father would watch over them and' care for them willi even greater thonghtfulncRS than the vinedresser would tend his vines. Comforting as this must havobeen to the disciple., it is much more so to us. In the midst of nn unbelieving genera tion, with atheism ami scepticism on all sides, it is a blessed thought that we are living in ChrUt, and He is living in us. Every day and every hour we may draw life from Ilim, nnd every lav and hour thoDivineFutlier is tenderly watching over us and carefully training us up according to His own "wisdom. LESION THOWillTS. 1. Christ is tho tiiui: vine. Heware of lulse noes. 2. True life is found only in this vine. 3. To lie cut oh" from it is death. 1. So live In it that you may bring fortli much fruit. TAKE1I OFF THE BAT, The Carbons, of East Mauch Chunk, aro anxious to play with tho Lansford Stars. The Arcadlas', of Welssport, cross bats w 1th the Welcomes', of E. Mauch Chunk, to-day (Saturday). Is it not rather premature for the Lansford baso ball club to lay claim to the championship of tho county? Rrinkinau's catching and throwing to bases is said to have been a very In teresting feature of tho Lausford-Le-hightnn game. The game of ball nt Lansford be tween the Stars and Levlston club closed at the end of the fourth inning for various reasons. Efforts aio being made to arrange for a series of three games between the Slatington Hints Stockings and the Le highton club for a purse of S50 or $100. Sohlatich, get your "chestnut register" In order. If the game of base ball at Slating ton between tho Hlue Stockings, of that place and the H'elssport club was played under the difficulties claimed by Welss port players, truly, Schlauch should pull his "Ilawthorno register," and tho Hlue Stocking juveniles should be called off. Fcbllo Debt Statement. The public ilrbt statement, Issued Wednes day afternoon at Washington, shows the ic dnctloii of the debt during August to bo f 1, uio is) i.iw and the total cash In tho treasury 5l7l,a;o,ii,71. Tho United States Treasurer reported the following balance: flold coin nml bullion, fVi,2li;,llS; silver dollars and l.ullion,.'ils,vo.l.is:i; fractional silver coln,?27,. IHIM'il ; United States notes, Mi.imiKi; na tional hank notes, f.-HS,on; national hank notes In process ot redemption, H'k;,tj2: de posits with national hank deiiosllorles. S12 Mt',j; tnliil,.V,11.tw.',!U. d rtlllcutes out. standing! (iold, STS,2.W,ia;i silver, JMV10,ttt ruireney, SI,4'VS,(W. Intel mil revenue re. o'Ipts for the day were S2?J,-i3i and customs ifi;ai.mt. The national banknotes received for redemption amounted in f a5,ovi. Three Peculiarities Hood's Sarsararllla, the great blood purlCei and roculatlng modlclno, Is characterized by three peculiarities, namely i Sst: 2d; 3d; The combination of tho arlous remedial agents used. Tl:a proportion In which tho roots, herbs, barks, etc., aro mixed. Tho process by which tho ncttvo medicinal properties aro secured. Tho result Is a medicine of unusual strength and curative power, which effects cures here tofore unequalled. Theso peculiarities belong exclusively to Ilood'j Sarsaparllla, and aro Unknown to Others Hood's BarsararlUa Is prepared with tho greatest skill end care, ly pharmacists of education and long experience. Hence it Is a mcdlchlo worthy of entire confidence. II j-ou suffer from scrofula, salt ihcum, or any dis ease of (ho Hood, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick beadacho, cr kidney cud liver complaints, catarrh or rheumatism, do not fall to try Hood's Sarsaparllla "I recommend Ilocd's Sarsaparllla to all ray friends rs Iho Lett blood yurlf.cr on earth." Wm. Gait, druggist, Hamilton, O. ' Hood's Sariaparllla has cured me .f icro. vlous humor, and dono wo worlds cf rood otlicovh." C. A. Aksoi.i, Arnold, Mo. A bock containing mscy sddUlunal ttatc meats ol cures will be cent to all who doslrc. Sold by nil dmpg'st.s. St six for $3. Mads only by a I. HOOD & CO., I well, Mass. 100 Doses Ono Dollar. Is'pw Advertisnici'.ts. For Assomblyman, AllTllUlt a HATCH, Of FI1.VNKLIN lwr., Subject to the Ilules of thu licpubllcoii N'm. ! hating Convention. t.c. RHPoitroi' thi: condition oi iiik lltnif rn. t'i tin.'i.. nit'.,. r-i... .,r I.,,.,...- August 27, lstsii i(iauui:il.T!, 11 III. .mil TVluroxl.if e . -i I. n. Overdrafts v?s to 1 ' K ll, I. t, ,.,.,, r.. ..!,-..,, !.,f In.. ...n..,.. Other stocks bonds and mortgage! ZsilM no mini ti iimeui7'.scrvcu!rcms, zi,w:i Zl Hue from other National Hanks..., o,GI7 .17 line from Slnlo Hanks and Hankers 3,W1 Pi .,r, . --,i.,n.-, miniiuiotiiiii iiMurcp. Ml Current f-xprnses.aml taxes sdd... Ki) Ti Hills of other ll.mks 6,:rjo 00 Fractional papcrcurreney, nickels, flllil ,,.,1. . ... Trade UMIais.;;. '.I'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 1M 00 bpeclc... , ,.,1 . 4 3'j m i.ejrai lenuer notes 2,100 00 Redemption fund with U. fi. Trenj- i, vim til lUJilHUli... ,HiO 1-9 Total MAniMTir.ii, Sutton 7i Capital slock paid lu Surplus fund Undivided profits... National H.itik notes outstanding.. 1) vli em smni.'ilil "5.000 00 S,7fO CO raw i7 07,801) 00 m to 87,(1,12 n a w SS .VI T.ISO 7S Individual dciKislts subject to check Cei tilled checks (ashler's clucks outstanding 'uoiu outer riaiioiiiu lmuKs...... Total.,..,..,..' Hf;it 74 Stjtk ok Pk.vnsvi.vania, Covkhv or ..l.lU., CS I 1. W. WJ Tlhwiiiiin. C-isliliir of 'llifV nlwivA- named bank.do solemnly svv ear tlmttlienbove statement Is true to the best of niyknowledgs iinil liellnf V w nnu-ln. r..l,iH. Subscribed Mini sworn In lixfiim tun Mil., Irff day of September, isstt, II. V. Jlonruutitn. 8r J(. 1". Counter Aitksti Tiios. KicsiEhEn, ) A. J. Dum.iyii, V . , C. II. SCII1I.B. 1 Directors. Building Lots for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale a number of Fine Building Lots I Nlnccly situated nn Union Hill, East Weiss- pui i, .u iovv puces nir ensn. A. V. HN'YIIKK. SeptcinberJ.Su'Cin Welssport, l'n. EXCURSION Gorman Catholio Churches, East Mancli Chunk & Lehighton, to thi: EHflE Sod Pari, PUIaflelpIiIa, Hy way of the L. . S. It. It., on Weflnestlay, Septemher 8, 1886. TltAlNS I.EAVH AS I'"OM.OV3s Lchlshtoii, 7r.D; I'airyville, 7:;i3j Hovvmans, 7:M. FA 1 112, 4W.10; Children, 5K.00., Wetapt Business Directory. j-yVUKY & smvnLL, THU WKISSIDltT HAKK1H. Fresh Hrcad and Cike.s everyday Delivered hi Lchluhton and Mauch Chunk ewry Tuc daj, Thursday and Saturday. fcjV1'lciilcs, rallies, Cuiiip-Mectliijni, Weildlnirs, Funerals supplied at shoit notice, nuKinl77-l)r JJUtANKUX HOISE, HAST WKISSr-OUT, I'ENN'A. This house offers fln.t-chiss accommodations to the permanent boarderand transient uiicot. Panic prices, only One Hollar per day. aug7-ly .Ions Himiuu, Proprietor. J)HATS, THE JEWELER. All Kinds of Jewelry! Mfloi Books and Stationery. aug.sut7,fiii-ly. JK. I'. ALFRED ANDREWS, voMEorj tiuc Fiir.iiciASH svnandif OppoMto Nathan Snyder's Store, BAST WEXSnPOBT. .Special attention clvcn to chroida diseases and Diseases of Women. nprn-Ciu JlRON F. SNYDER, FAST WKISSrOUT, PA., JlANUFACTUHKIl'S AO EXT FOIt Western Improved Washers American Wringers, , ALSO Bicycles of all Kinds! Old wheels will be loaned to parties dcslr. Ine to learn and who order wheels fioiu inc. Washers will be put oul on trial. MiutiriVfl satisfaction or no halo. augU-17 JOSEPH F. HEX, DF.Af.KIS IX Flour,. Feed & Furniture,. Tobaoos and Cigars, East Weissport, Penn'a., Invites Iho people nt Wclwiport nnd vicinity to call and examine his lurue nsoortment of Roods before purchasing elsewhere. Prices Low as the Lowest I nprill7-l!ti-lv. All the Latctt Styles nn 1 Shades I Beat Qualities ! Lovrett Prices 1 Pure Dris ana Medicines ! Choice Wines, Liquors, Tobaccoand Cigars. -x-N Persoription carefully compounded day or night, at 1 W. P. BIBKY'S, Cor White nnd Pridgo Sis., 'Wcisiipnrt. i Apnlu.lt9-lv.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers