LADIES! Are you reckless enotuth to venture ? If eo nd two cent Id stump to the Mack i'ub IMna Co., C23 ruii TAl vVartdnton Street, tew Yoik, for una nt their beautiful illus trated " afltcn' liooUH." It in a novel, unique: and latcrvstlua work to every persoa of refinement. .... On, raaelpt of ten cents la stamp thoy will rend jpoatpab. a full act of their famous household (came "Vcrlm. Kif Jenjfunite they will also send a book eon I lining complete words i( "Tbo Mikado," and masks of Ita moat popular songs, together with ten cxtjnlrlte rliromo cards. QUINEPTUS! A Vry ploaHnj. lirmlclrcjrrhlKd aromatic e-rmpnnnd for dlra:nlelug tho '"I" of qnlnlne and other bitter rime, either solid or fluid. Price, 15Cratper Tint Untile. Prescribed by fionsaadeot pliirlnnaln Knrope and America. Formula accompanies every buttle. For Bale by Druggist. Mnnnfsctnrcd by The Academic Pharmaceutic Co., L0M10X AMI RETT IOIUC. 832336 WASHINGTON ST., NEW YORK CITY. R ELIXIR. An elec"! English pharmaceutic pmpar. ntlou for hinous, malarial and blood troubles ; the result of oror t'venty-41vo years of most omlneut solontinc nearch. . Approved by the highest medical authorities. In lit') In the hospitals in every part ot Kuropo. E3p-clally helpful ti ladles, children and people of sedentary haMts. Eutlrelyrosetable: free fromharmfuldruns. In Handsoms Packages, Pries 50 Cts. Treparcd solely by The Royhl Plthifirvhdeutid Co., LONDON AND NEW YORK, CueinUts 1t appointment to Iter Majesty thn Queen anl to tbo Koyal Family. NEW YORK MtAN'CIl: 132, 134 Charlton St ISO, ROYAL PILLS. Facie medicinal properties as Kot.ii, Euxin, In boies, 3J phis to box, for US cents. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUQQISTS. REMEMBER THE BIG FOURI Vinegar Bitters CORDIAL, ".J9 50c. Vinegar Sitters POWDERS, BO doses, 50c -Vinegar Bitters, ncwflylc.JPl.oo Vinegar Bitters, old style, hitter taste, $1.00 The World's Groat Blood Purlflor and Life Giving Principle. Only Temporaries Bitters Known. The r flTlli of u Century the Lending Family Medicine of the World. B. H. McDonald Drat? Co.. Proprietori SAN FRANCISCO akd NEW YOWL TUP inrFTH Are you interested In learn I Ilu OJUin. lug the truth concerning the Southern States soli, climate, people, soeial habits, etc..? Send IEN CENTC addressed to F. I'. Woodward, (formerly ot Pennsylvania) Southern lines, Mooro county, N. ft, and re eclve'copy of Southern Colonist. 4-21 ClauBs & Bro., The Tailors. n Letter jo the PnhVui : Goni) Clothing you can look nt with satisfaction, and nlwnys frcl a certain amount or pride when wearing them. To know that it fits, isstjlish and will wear well is another great satisfaction. We are determined to have nothing hut superior quality of goods in our i-s'uhlishnient no low qualities that we cannot re commend to the huycr. We ore still making those famous $U) All-Wool Suits which proved so satisfactory to all who purchased of them when we first commenced their make. TI'c make the same suit now, at the same price, ami the material ice use is as y itxl as ever. We also carry in stoc'iv a finer grade ol Cloths nmlCassimers which we have a great demand ior ; they range in price from $10. to $40. You will miss it if you fail to see our brand-new stock of Corkscrews, Worsteds ami Cassimers. They arc bound to prove satisfactory good fits, latest styles andlotv est prices you will find pre dominate here. Wc also carry in stock Gent's Furnishing Goods a'l the latest styles. We are continually adding new novel tit to this department In Ladies. (Jents and fMiilrl reus shoes, wo have everything tuitt is likely to be m demand We invite uau to call, feel in; sure ice win please you, 110 matter what you want. Very Respectfully, Clause & Bro., Bank Street, Lchighton, Pa. Ail Ope MISCELLANEOUS. A writer says tliat a woman. Is a si lent power In the land. To tills a cyni cal old bachelor editor responds: "That will be good news to thousands of hus bands." Undigested Food In the stomach devclopea an acid which stings the upper part of the throat and palate, causing "heartburn." It also evolves a gas which produces "wind on the stomach," and a feeling and ap pcaranco of distention In that organ after eating. For both this acidity and swelling llostettcr's Stomach Hitters Is a much better remedy than alkaline salts, like hartshorn and carbonate of soda. A wine glassf ul of the Hitters, af ter or before dinner, will be found to act as a reliable carminative or preven tive. Tills line specific for dyspepsia, both In Its acute and chronic form, also prevents and cures malarial fever, con stipation, liver complaint, kidney trou bles, nervousness and debility. Persons who observe In themselves a decllno of vigor should use this fine tonic without delay. "Shrouds!'' exclaimed an old lady who was listening to an old sea-captain's story, "what do tbey have) them at sea for?" "To bury dead calms In." Files! Pile" 1! Files I II Sure cure for blind, bleeding and Itching piles. One box has cured the worst case of 20 rears standhnr. No one need sufTcr five minutes after using William's Indian Pile Ointment. Itab- sorbs tumors, allays Itching of the pri vate parts, nothing else. Sold by drug cists and mailed on receipt of price, $1. William's Mfg. Co., Prop's., Cleveland, O. Sold at Thomas' ilrua store. Sailing under false colors A wo man who paints. "Il'hat Is the latest?" was askedof a wit. "Twelve P. 51.," was the curt icply. To Tonne Ladies. If your life Is made a burden owing to blackheads, pimples and other eruptions on the face marrinc vour beatitv and causing so much chagrin, it is no longer necessary to enaure it. Dr. 1-lagg's Family Ointment will certainly remove an sucu uicmisnes nnu leave your skin soft, smooth and beautiful. Sold by all druggists and mailed on receiptor price, 20c. Williams life. Co.. Prop's.. Cleveland, 0. Sold at Thomas' drug store. Shakespeare's tomb was visited dur ing last year by no fewer than 14,000 persons. A capital fellow The millionaire. What are Sopposatorlesl A. G. liosc. of New London. Conn.. writes: "Send me two bottles of your Kemp's Pile Supposatories by mail. Our druggist Is out. They are for a friend. I tried everything without help, but the StiDposatories cured me." Tho treatment Is new and within reacli of all, and would advise the af fected to give them a trial. For pamph lets on piles address Hox 205, Le Rov, N. Y. For sale In Lchlghton by Thom as, and In Welssport by IJIcry, at 50 ctt. per box. A Michigan farmer Is In bed from the effects of a thumping ho received In a hailstorm. Upside down A feather bed. We Caution All Against them. The unprecedented success and merit of Ely's Cream Halm a real cure for catarrh, hay fever and cold In the head has Induced many adventurers to place catarrh medicines bearing some re scmblence In appearance, style or name upon the market, in onlcr to trade upon the reputation of Ely's Cream Balm. Don't be deceived. Buy only Ely's Cream Balm. Many In your immediate locality will testify in highest commenda tion of It. A particle Is applied Into each nOStrll! tin rtfltn flrrPAhlA In Price 60 cents. People hire lawyers In some cases for two reasons. One Is for the settle ment of disputes and the other to dis pute settlements. Tired Languid Sail Exactly expresses the condition of thou sands of people at this season. The de pressive effects ot warm weather, and the weak condition of the. body, can only be corrected by the use of a reliable tonic and blood purifier like Flood's Sarsaparllla. Why suffer longer, when a remedy Is' so close at hand? Take Flood's Sarsaparllla now. It will give you untold wealth In health, strength, aud energy, A man In a passion rides a horse that runs away with III ui. PlirO lllonil U nli.nlfitntt. ,iw..... .... I.. order to enjoy perfect health. Hood's oursavaruia purines me blood and strengthens the system. I count no hours but bright ones I lie Ulal. Croup, whooping cough and bronchi s Immediately relieved liv Slillnl.'. Cure. Sold by Horn. Lehlelit nn. nml Blerv, irciSoit. cow -Is, was, or will be your ut. s'cr Cupid. That hacking riMmli l u ..,i.i.. cured by Shlloh's Cure. Wo guarantee It. Ur. i;. T. Horn. I.eli a itnn. nml Ulery, Wclssport. The bean Is said lo be a native of Egypt. Shlloh's Vltlltzer U u-littt i-n, ,.Ai.l ,. constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness, and nil symptoms of dyspepsia. Price in mm iu cents per Dome, sow by II . F. Hlery, ll'elssport, and Dr. C. Horn, Lehlghton. Three tilings that never agree: Two cats over one mouse, two wives In one house, and two lovers after one girl, Catarrh eured n.t . breath secured, by Shlloh's Catarrh unneuy. rnce 00 cents. Nasal Inlec tor free. Sold br Dr. C. T. Horn, Lc hlghton, and W.T. Hlery, ll'elssport. The unfortunate head of a famllv who fell Into a rat of hit water Is said to have been pa boiled. Many a young clil shuts herself nut from society because her face Is covered wiin pimples and blotches. All dlafVi.r. Ing humors are removed by purifying the Diooa nun Ayers Sarsaparllla. This remedy Is the safest and most reliable that can he used. Jl'hen one splits his sldi s with lany W. ter he should run until he gets a stitch In them, If you want a convenient, portable medical preparation, a purgative and tonic, that will purify the blood.sharpen -r. r.. .N,ihu,aiii inc Wlldie IT J"' "T,." of vln,,Jp Hltteri . "" ""j uoes ior nity cents. properties of Vinegar Hitters, which has "" "if "'3 jcoiamo worm s great family medicine. Olatlers take pleasureln the thought that this Is a world of nan. Uniform prices: irhat the tailor cnarjes ior lokllen' clothes. THE GREAT FOR lura DISEASE. VUIITAU0. Blttef M HA Hit U mmrtfcl W I T1 1 IU Trl W i tonru coated wtt or covered wftji brow fur , rin ( lbWk, tldet, or )Ut mUuken for RhewnaHsm Mir rtfVMh ! f runlcac and if W cntfUllona bovU aJtsntAteJ j cottrr nd Ut t hradab Iom of mcmorr. with a palrul tea Atloa tf hiving falltd to do toaittViitff which ougta to fcive ben don i (tcbllltl low spirits a tbkk, jvlUw rfMniKofUMikiaaadtraiadrycouf fcrj reft VtsaeMi th urine H szaetr and hlfk-coiorod. n4. If allowed to toad, depot in a aodimtat. SIMMONS UVCn RE8ULAT0R, TDBKLT VEGETAHLE, m urtcniu nam n Malaria. Constl nation. Iy.pepl Biliousness. Blek lloadaohe, Jaundloe, Kaaseat, Coue, Mental Depression, Bawel Complaints, Ste., Kto., Etc, Is ffcnenDy used In the South to srsust ths Tor. pld Lifer to a healthy aAkm. It acts without dlfturbanee to the system, diet or occupation. It regulates the liver, and causes ths bits to act as tht purr. The exec, ef bil belnc reraorad, a tonle eneert la produced and health b perfectly restored. The Regulator Is rivea with safety and ths happiest results to tas most cWUcats lafimt. For all dkeases la which a laxative, alter tlre or pnrgattre is neded It wui give ths mot perfect sadifaclion. The Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine la the World I f THERE IS BUT ONE SIMMONS X LIVER REGULATOR I Se that TtMi get Um gnoln. with the red Z oa front of Wrapper, prepared ooly by J. h.zeilin & CO., olm raorainoas, PHILADELPHIA, FA. For Newest Designs ami Most Fashionable Styles of DRESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, SILVERWARE, &c, &c. GO TO E. H. SNYDER, Bank Strcot, Lehlghton.. Gitods cuaroutced and prices as low us else where fur the same quality urgoodl. July IS, 1SS5 ly WM. DUFFY & SON, of East Mauch Chunk, are prepared lo do afl kinds of Plasterii & Ornamental M, at shortest notice. Orders by mall will r cetve prompt attention. Terms nm.ternU or good work. icul5tl LEWIS H. REHRIG, Slate Roofer. REPA1RIK0 promptly attended to at ihort notice and nn reasonable terms. WORK GUARANTEED. Address: riUNCE'S P. 0., Carbon County, Penn'a. aug2!My, CaiES WHIBI ALL ILSf tLHZ. BejttCPtif liHTrnn. TutCflFooal. I Uaalnmntx Bold br druccUu. fJf-3OI.lrrT(IN Till ETNKY.Iashlonsl.le SS3 IlooTandHiiiiK Makkr. Hank St. I.etitKhtun. All work warranted. Thla paper la kept on file nt the oQlce of OVERUSING -JnGENTS TIME8 BUILDING gggSU PHILADELPHIA. COIimniCO at Lowest Cash Rates rriCt "suilar-rAYER & SON'S MANUAL D. J. KISTLER He'pectlally annnnnes to the puhlle that he has onened a NKW 1.1 V Kit Y H r A lll.v: in eonn--otfon with his hotel, and Is i,reiiareil in jurnlsh Teams for Fanorals Wefliiuis or Bnsiucss Trips n .uuriK.i nonce ana ninsi lineraicerms. All orders left at tho "Car Um Houie"wlll receive oextthehotal IjehUlunn. lauZvl lAlIPlltS WdlltPfi loeanviiHs lor mieof Hie, 111 -Ilia lldlllCU Ua'et.nldesteslHMI.lie(l' llii.xt.lf nmin In Id.. pniiniM- aifitt lurntu IT.. '.il..l r..lll.l.. ll-l.... low, fSem-va Nursury. I'.stiitililii-il 18IU. W. ,v T. SMITH, tleueva. X, V. I r o w-tt Central Carriage 'Works Bank St., Lclilglilon, Ta.s Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c, if every description, in the inost lubltantlr1 manner, and at lowest Oash Prices Hepalilng Promptly Atlcntk-U to. TItEXLEH & KREIDLER, ' April 29, 1882 yl Proprietors. M. IIEILMAN, ' BANK STREET, Lehifrhton, Pt, Miller and Dealer In Flour and Feed. VtlKiDdiof OIIA1N COUallTand fcOLU EUUUIt UAKKCT IIATK8. I would respectfully Inform the citizen of this to supply tbem with all klnifa ot The Best of Goal From any mine, it cry IOr" EST PtllCiES. V. IIEILMAN 1. YOU WANT The Carbon Advocate ! $1. per year ; 50c. six months ; 25c. three Months. Pictures, Pictures, Pictures. I I T Copied and enlarged in all sizes from card to life size, viz OIL PORTRAITS, WATER COLORS, Pastels, Crayon, India Ink and Photographs. All work guaranteed or no pay. All we ask is a trial. Give us a call and be convinced. No. 105 N. 8th St Allentown, Pa. Franklin Santee, Manager, J. S. KREIDLER, AGT. Orders left at the Advocate Office will, receive prompt attention. IIH I B IP wan fane irs All the latest Stvles and Shades ! Best Qualities ! Lowest Prices ! Also a full and complete line of Pure Drugs and Medicnes! Choice Wines, Liquors, Cigars, & Tobacco ! Pcrserlption carefully compounded day or night, at W. F-JBiery's, Cor. White & Bridge sts. Weissport, The undersigned is prepared to furnish tho best Lehigh Coal, from Harleigh Colliery,- at the following low prices, by the Car, for cash only. Credit ten cents per ton extra: Stove - -Chestnut No. 1 Chestnut No. 2 Prices at the Mines 25cts. per ton Less. J. L. GABEL, -DEALER INr- HARDWARE LUMBER, COAL, &c., &c.f Opp. PUBLIC SQUARE, LEIlIGIITON, PENN'A WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE BEE HT EXAMIHIHq tSh? wmr i s o n s i m m: In c-ToriA7:i3s5i".no M w.n cv, r-. culv. P CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY By reason of its control position and cloeo relation to nil principal lines East nnd Vo3t,nt Initial r.nrt terminal points, constitutes tbo most impoitnnt raid-con tl nontallint in that evstem or throuj i tmnsportotlon which Invites nnd facili tates travel and tranio botwoan cities of tho Atlantic and PcclQc Corbts. It la also tho favorlto and best routJ to end from points EVst, Northeast end Boutheast, and corresponding points W est, Ii'orthWest r.nd Southwest. mi T 1 1- T .1 1 .. .. k , 1 .L I .. II .1 1 1 .1. I Ukl XfcUUiW lklUU OVOIfJUl IUUUUU9 111 Audubon, Harlan, Guthrla Centre rnd Council BJutls, in Iowa; Qnllatln, Trenton, Uaraoron and Kansas City, in Missouri; Leavenworth and Atchison, In K-tnsas; Albert Lea, Mlnnaapolls and 6t. Pnul, in Minnesota; Watertown in DjIi&Uv, aud hundreds of Intermediate cities, tov.r.e, vlUascs end stations. THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guarantees its patrons that sonso of personal security afforded by a solid, thoroughly billeted road-bod; smooth tracks or continuous cteel rnll;oub otantlallv built culverts and bridges; roUlnsr ttcck as near perfection as human skill can malro it; tho Barely appliances cf patent buffers, platforms and alr-brakos: and that exacting dlsciplluo which .bovci-rj tho practical onoratlon of all its trains. Ottisr specialties of this route aro Transfers at nil connecting Points In Union Depots, and the unsurpatecd ccmlorts and 'usuries of 'ts P.issenTor Equlpmont. Tho Fast Express Trains between Chlcnsro end the Mirsourl Elver ore com po3od of well ventllatod, finely upholstered Day Coaches. Magnificent. Pullman Paloco Sleepers of tbo latest "losigrn, and sumptuous Eininer Cars, in which elaborately cookod meals nr lolsurolv oaten, "good Dlnestlon wnttintr on Appetite, and Health on both." Between Chicago and Kcneas City and Atchison, aro also run the Celebrated Reclining Chair Cars. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE, Is the direct nnd fiwnritA llrtn rwtt.weiein Hhlraurn nnd Mlnneanolis and Bt. Paul. whore connections are mad in Union Donots for all points in tho Territories and British Provinces. Over this route. Past Express Trains are run to tho Btlll nnothop niRROT I.TMK. vtn. fiAnnm And KTankakee. lias been onened between Nowport Nowa rtlchmond, Cincinnati. Indianapolis, rnd Lofayotto end Council Bluffs. Kansas City, Minneapolis and 8t Paul end intermediate points. For detailed information soo Maps nnd Polders, obtainable as well as Tickets, nt nil principal Ticket Offices in tho United 6t.itc3 nnd C.-.r.ada; or R. R. CABLE. President and General Manager, Chicago. 'aijl'sulcasfis toaiUd to in.. tiiBQtlnci werorMtordtohrakhh Ji WSrf,"A2,?w,rM V,cw.iXs" or Mia "!!" .ur iirmim UVUll 11 Years la tanj I i ll i . . . w. . . , ,u.nj UUXUI, U 1 1. MIM Brou.kt u br Indlwratlan. i-o.iir, Orar-llrsta T1UAI. PACK AUK ritKK. with lllnrt'J r.tmihUt.Ao. THE BOYD Made wbollj of Chiliad Iron and llrMctuar Stefl, tto.tint l.i hnlUtlon of Koanoud. Walnut, Hurl and Oak. More thau ItjuuJ alrcadjr uaad. Cnat bat 11 UK can be used la any rravv. la Ir rb4 waur tUbt and bare larror proiert both rna a el and boiy from datnpn, moald and dacay and rrotn bur rowing aaJmaU and vermin. Taw. Vaults J"pt In stock apd aredr sale Duderlakerand Lmbalmer, AIo,. ,, to the uu-lm.tltij builue iompily ,uwd Gt?HBs Ef CRAVE U It 13 S o o o o o o ana borders s In Yard. Del. in Town $3.25 $3.50 3.35 3.25 2.15 3.60 3.50 2.40 GEOGRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL THI8 IWftl-, THAT THE JUl Uldlll .IIIO UUU Ult-UtlKO, MIUbVKU, jocauties, ana uuniiniT ena cbu- no mcst QCEiruDio route to wo llnlrotn. E. ST. JOHN, General Ticket and Passenger Agent, Chicago. . VvOail the liiiiKUkm ol nretcniiuui ni A iIIp furtht-M trwublcd, iinl all LJuncl Vff whoso onlr aim lli b.Btl their Y jimii. i.8 a evubitruu'TihAtll ICIjIIEU ttioiuaud. duti nvt ImtrK f wi h a teittion lu busintu, or cauipat orlnfonveiilrnra la inr wa. t'nui,di roft on aclrnu&e tiirtiical rrlnclnlri. llvdlm cnaalrflllanto tli Brat ol diswaj iti ostelfl. lnrfustiicali .VIIwithiMit drier. Thoiotur Vavua-daalmajliir lnifila of Iif arc riven hairir. Iha raal!i. baooraca ciwcrfiuaaj rapldlyratm both trtfifth aut TREATMENT. 0a tfo&tl II. TtraHoS. Xlxu, V HARRIS REMEDY CO., Hrc Chemut: 806 W. l-on'h Street. ST. Iouia. KO. BbouU ba naed In erery Inter meat. AtTurda punitive and ab. aoluts rcurlty aealiiat lUu crar rubtr. I rradr (r Immediate u and U pracilcally Indeairuct' tbl. Indoraeiland reromrufnded iy ITnderukera. imttry Aaao efaUoni and leadlug cltlrena rv erywherit. Maiiurncturetl oy Iba by VALENTINE fiPIIWAItTE. Fn.i.hln kla. or FtltSlTlilE. day nr ulghl, Buk tu, Lehlbtuu. 1 JO m A Creaking Hinge' I.Hitr.vnriil turns Irani, until oil isnimlled, after which it mores easily. When tho joints, or hinges, ot tho body arc stiffened nml inllained liy Itht-titnatlsm, tlicy can not 1m moved without causing the most excruciating pains. Ajit'h Snreaparitla, hy Its action mi the Muoil, relieves this rendition, and restores tiro Joints to good working erdcr. Arer's Ssrsaparill.i 1km rlToctcd, In our city, many nimt remarkahle cures, in coses which lialllnl the i-(Torts of the must exiL-ricnrcd ihysi-laiis. Were It necessary, I could ctvo tho names ol iiunr individuals who havu been cured hy taking this medicine In uiycase it has Worked wonders, ri-llovinj; uio of Rheumatism, after being irnublod with it for years. In this, and nil other diseases arising from impure lilnori, Ihcro v no remedy with n liii h I ntiiai quulntcd.tliat affords such relief ni Aycr's Sarsniarllla It. H. Lawrence, M. P., Dalliimire. Mil. Aycr's Sarsaparilla curcil mo of Gout and IMieuiiintism, when UMtldng else would. It has cradlrated ryerr trace of disease from iny nvnlrm. H. U. Short, Manager Hold Ucfmout, Lowell, Mass. I was, during many months, a sufferer from chronic ltlii-nmnt Inn. The disease arllii-ted inn prli-viiusly, in spite of all the remedies I rimld liiid, until 1 commenced iiHlng Ayrr's Snrsaparilta. I look sev eral Imttlrs of I his preparation, and was -Hmllly restored lo health. J. Fream. Independence, Vn. Ayer's Sarsaparllla, rrrnarrd ty Dr. J. C AyerlsPo., l.ctvrll.U.u. aula uyan urufjuu. rricc3i;sis bonus, sa, GIVEN AWAY! Ten thousand Babins are given yearly to the grave by not having Dr. Hand s Teeth ing Lotion on their gums when teething. SOMETHING NEW! Something Wondemful ! SOMETHING MAGICAL! To bathe the Baby's imms while teething, relieving all inflammation, swelling nnd pain. LOST! A good many night's rest "by not having Dr. Hand's Colic Cure, for it gives Baby comfort and sleep without stupefying or injuring it. No opiates. No constipation. Hand's Remedies for Chil dren sold by all Druggists. Laboratory at Scranton, Pa. D.-e. 5, 1KSS ly e.o.w. BUY AN ENGINE Until you have reen our circular ant prlci-s $260.00 lor la-Unrsa Power, to $550.' o Inr co. Horse Power. Knirlncs complete with irov. ernor. Pump. Henttr, Throttle Vnlto ami Slxhl FcuMMIniier l.ulirlo ilor. .Mure than loia) Inure. Semi Inr circular ulrlnit trstl. innnlalsfromerrrv Slate in the Union. Per fect sat I. faction gunrnntiil. MOH1IIS MAIMIINK WUKKS. llalUwIiKVlllo, N. Y. Mention this Paper maris. 8'. WRITE rOS) ClltCUUtR. a 2 Z Hi O o K O OS a a a a 2 5 -S3 8 IIOMia UOi IXIHM ch 1.1-1880 A Farm in the South. On tho Iiistallmeut Plau-60D. rer Month. Clerks, fimrc Ki-rpers, Mrcliamrs, Lu borers, ami People of every vocation, ran purchase a farm in the South and not leave their present employment until Ibey liavc paid for tho lauds and have hail It put iu a paying condition, five seres in gram will yield a net profit of nnn thousand did lars annually, aud any industrious median icor laborer" can save eunuch ol his wages every month to pay for and slartsurh lam. northern men are now lining this Why toil nn Irom year loyear without a future. 8avu a little every month and make litis sure Investment. There is nn risks like futn rnriMratinns and loan as socistinns ard saving banks. Try this. vour wire will help rou save the moner for the fake uf a home of her own. For further inlormallnn, address, Frank Woodward, Snpi., Northern Co-0jerative Colony, Raleigb, N. C. morl2-M A Land Of Grapes,Peaclies, Fiss.Pomgranites Those suffering with throat and lung troubles, should correspond at once with with the undersigned concerning Soiitta Pines Health Rosort. The highest known point In tho Long Leal nne Uellolthe bnuth. free Irom malaria. Many Northern people are now buildinr winler residences at the Tines. Reierence la given to II. K. Parker, El. United Opin ion, Urailtord, VI., L. A. Young. Ed Indtx, Lisbon, N Y , II. M. Harris, Ed llevulli. can. Glen Falls, N Y . II. P. Clsrk, Gener al Passenger Atient,229 Itroarfwav, N.York. SOUTHERN PINES RESORT CO., Principle Ollice, Raleigh, N. C. Msrchl3-I888. A Gift J fcVnit lfl cents pnslsgend we will iumII you Ilea a ryal, valuable, sample iiox ol eimis thai will put you In the way nf making more money at once, than aoylhiug else in America. Iloth sexes id all ages can live at home and work In sparetime, or all the time. Capital not required. We will start you. Immense pay sure for lliore who siarl at once. 8TINS0N A CO., Portland, Mnlue uov.2l.l88S, $1 13 "WEEKS. Th. POLICE QAZETTE will be mailed, aeruretr wrai.tied. to anr addrasi id Ike Unjted State fur three months on receipt uf ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed Ui postmasters, agents and clubs Bsmpla copies mailed free Address all orders to RICIIAItD K FOX, FasasLis Ec-tuur, N. t Ms, 3t, 1864 ly 5 I - " - 1 71 FARMERS' COLUMN.. Attention 1 Farmers! Wo respectfully request I lip farmers nhomay havounytlilng of Interest under this head to send It in, thereby making this department more of a "home liaturr. All articles not Intncshapeorrtdvcrtlsrniftits Inserted free of charge. (Eu. Aiivocatk. Trof. Orothe. Iirooklrn Board of Health says Hed Star Cou'rIi Cure is free from opiates, and higlily cdicacious. Twenty-live cents. The Farm in Jolv. Our hot sun and weather ripen grain and grass or al least bring it forward so that it is ready for the sevthe and tho sickle, mucli earlier in the season than in the climate of Kitrope. July is really tho first, and perhaps the most imiortant month. The great grass crop with which "the early nnd latter rains" has blessed millions of acres, is to bo cut, cured and harvested. Winter grain, over a great part of the country, is to be cut this month, while, at the same time when from any cause, short crops are anticipated or nro to he provided against, it is even now not too late to get in n crop of millet or of fodder oorn. July is seed time for plants of the turnip kind. There ars, indeed, cold, .heavy soilx, where Swedes need to be sown in June to make a crop, but gen erally the former half of tins month is early enough, while for those known as Knglish turnips, if sown the latter half, and up to the tenth of August, they will give good returns. There are weeily-helils that really need to Uo tliori.ny lily simimer-fullowcd before anything is done with them. In these tho plow must be kept going, nnd in light lands the weeds are destroyed at a sacrifice of nearly nil the organic mat ter, which must be kept replaced in some way. Hence, it is almost always belter to fallow with a root crop, sowing in drills ami giving thorough culture The fertilizer containing no weed tcoil, the cleaning of the land may be verv complete, and the soil will lie improved in fertility. Am. Aonicui.TUimr for July. A Wonderful Discovery. Consttmiilivcs nml all, who sillier from any allrction of the Throat and Limps, ran lind a certain cure in Dr. King's cw Discovery for Con.-iiiiipticm. i iioiiKiiius oi permanent cures verily the ii mil in nun eiilll-IOl-lil 1MI IllUfUCllie can show such a record of wonderful cures. Thousands of oiicchttM.-less Mili'crers now gratefully proclaim they owe their lives to thjs ew Discovery It will cost you nulling iiigituua trial. Free Trial Dottles at T. I). Thomas, Drug Store. Irge size, If 1.00. Trespass and Trespassers. Wild beasts, birda, and fishes, which have no owner, become the lawful prize of anyone who can kill or rapture them! often inhabit Jam! or water that is the subject of private ownership, and, by entering thereon without permission in search or pursuit of game, the sportsman becomes a trcspawer. Not only are thero in this country large tracts of un- enclosej land belonging either to the .Stale nr to private owners, win do not exclude the sportsman therefrom, but the 'custom of the country" in nioi-t localities is to permit him to enter on any "unposted" land in pursuit of game, subject only to liability for such damage as lie may cause lo the land itself. In regard to inclosed and cultivated lands such license by custom has lieen de nied. UKn the whole, it may bo said that the sportsman cannot claim any legal right to enter on private property in pursuit of game, based on the custom so io do. The right to hunt or tish on land or n utcr may bo founded on custom, prescription, grant, or license. A right oy grant may be given by tho State as the owner of game or lish in public lands or waters, or by tho private owners of real property. The right by grant re- liures a writing which, as the right to itill and carry away game on laud is a "license of profit," should be basal on siillicient consideration, and should be executed with the legal formality of a Iced oilaud. A verbal license is suflici- cut to justify an entry upon private property to shoot or fish, and it is good until revoked. Hut if the spurtmian remain on Hie land after his license to oo there has been revoked, or if, haxt.ij got leave to come upon the land for a epeeitied purpose, as to cross overit or to gather nuts, ur to eat his Itmeli, ho should proceed to hunt or full, hu would bic me a trespasser. Am, AcilticuLTUltlsr fob July. Simmons Liver Regulator is simple and harmless, and yet has proven itself a sovereign remedy for dyspepsia, eostiveness, sick headache, bilious colic, sour itotiach diarrhoia, biliousness and other like evils if a disordered liver and stomach. Livestock in Hiisnmmer. The midsummer season is not a trying one to live stock, except in limns of protracted drouth. Water must bo provided, but the quantity need not be great, and where it is low or has to be hauled, animals, except milch cows, should bo limited as to quantity. Milch cows should have corn-fodder cut up and fed green daily, if it is an object to keep up the (low of milk during drouths. This is also useful for mares with foals running at pasture, and a miderate quantity of grain and bran is always use ful for milk-giving stock. Lambs will probably need to lie weaned this month; watch the ewes, and draw the milk from all full udders every second or third day; give the lambs a handful or Iwo of oats nr bran daily. Tar the noses of all sheep to keep ofT the fly, and watch the feet for any indication of foot-rot. If suspected, clean out and dress with a solution of blue vitriol or carbolic acid. Am. AanicvLTUitlsT for July. After the most exhaustive practical teets in hospitals and elsewhere, the gold medal and certificate of highest merit were awarded lo St. Jacnlw Oi as (he lt luin-ciirtnr romcdv, at the Calcutta International Kthibilion KEYSTONE MALT WHISKEY H.eclallr Dlstlllmt far .ItrdlclnnI Use. THE BUI TOWICI UNEOUALEDIor CONMNwPTION WASTING DISEASES sad GENERAL DEBILITY. PERFECTS BISESTION. DTI. KDW U WAM.Iim. Sur geon In Clilff, Nstlone Guard i.r N.JMrilKl lit attention was call! I. vour K.r.tnna Mall Ulibssy by Mr. l.alor, Drarcbt, of Trwiton, art'l I have nwd a f.w buttles with far htt-r fffaet than any 1 hare had. 1 am rreomm.ndfaa vonr article in my practice, ana nnd It very estUfactory.' BXWASZ 07 DOT1TI088. 07 The nee.ln. s. th. Slnftl.r. .1 KISNSK t UK1USLSON TsMlalU ef Ba'.tlt. EISNER & MENDELSON, Sol.ArI.IMIh.U. R.) , 816, 318 and 320 Raet SL. PhiUdelj hi, Pa. For sale nt Dr. Horn's. THE CHAUTAUQUA ... Corn&Seed Planter. A ONE-HAND AUTOMATIC MACHINE. I April 4,1882. Lau (Feb, 21, 188S. All of Metal, Light. Strong-, Well Constructed and Elegantly Fainted. Plants Com (and pumpkin, seeds), Bean, eto. WORKS WtlX IN SODDT, Lt'MrT AND STONT OKOUMD. recoinmondod by Farmer ami Dealers In all sections. 1 no tinio saved In one day's use will pay lor IU RICE, - - 82.7B. Liberal discount to areata nnu mo irnne. Canvassers easily make 110.00 per day la the planting season. Send for circular and extra induco meats to agents and canraVscrs. Mention this pa per, ami address, ThBChaufcanqQapinntGCompsni JAMESTOWN, I. Y, YOU CAN'T BEAT THE LUSTER Because possessed ot fresh and aotlTe mexiU anal amenta for the core of piin and diaeasa. Prepared from the completo virtues of fresh Hope, Burrundj' Fitch and Owns. The greatest Btronglheiilnij plaster ever Invented. Apply one to Baokaohe. Crick. Ilaumstism, money Fains. Stitches. Bclatlca. Bora rThMtt. in any part, lcl or deep-seated. Curee instantly, soothoa and strengthens the tired musoiea. All ready to apply. Bold by dmar and country etorea, SSoents, S for $1.00. Mailed for prioo. Proprietors. HOP FIsASTEIl CO BMtn, lla-n. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Nowspnpar Advertising Bureau, IO Spruce St., New York. Send lOcte. for lOO-Pago Pamphlet. WITHOUT SUFFERING TT.ers of Onlnm. flrn ton hws.a Itint Tie T.tta E. Kuelcy's " Doubl CiiLonini or Gold" will core the worst csso of this terriblo habit in from three to five weeks (at home) Tvltlient unlTeire Inc. Unlike other eo called " pslaless antidotes," It contains not one iiartlrlr nr opium, or any of Its) preparations, and yet the patient, while rapidly rriiaclng his morphine down to ztothlntr. Is able to attend to his oidlnsry bv.tnrss nd enjoys life as ha has not done elnoc hosfnalnB; the Oplnm or Morphine Habits. Send for Fer on tho Opium Habit. KHKE, or for Dr. Leslie B. Keoley's new work. "Oplnm: Its Use. Abate and Care, aent free on application. It is the most completo and comprehensive work ever published on the sabject, and elves fall Instructions for self euro at home. Address, or csll oa THE LESLIE E: KOULET CO., OWIODT, lU. DRUNKENNESS! Cured la from three to nine days. DRAW-POKER The probabilities, with calcuUtlom. IVit manner ot playluif. UitTerence between a wlnnloj; and loilne irame clearly explained, khon Ing- why some habitually lose, liy Itlchanl Sturvla. many yrara game-kreeer In ChIcas;o, lSew Yurk ainl San TrancUco. No ama tuercan afford lu be without It. Send ilflv eenta to Franklin Publishing Co., "Mfl'SSfSS EN ONLY A QUICK, PERMANENT. CERTAIN CURE FOR Lost orFrtlliuEMnnhoort. Nervousness WenUnoss, JLaek of Strength, Vlcor or Development, SaaaedbrlndtftcretlOQ...loeaMa,eta BanafiUiaa artOarMnaoallr wlthla .month. Ko lMptloa AorQoacsarr. roitlv. lroof., rail dMcrtptioa aal ltterof aitvloe .ealwl .nvelOM.f re., OOE MEWOiii &)., P.O. Ur.w.r llOufl Jo. N.T. A Idfo Experience. Remarkable and quick curoa. Trial Packages. Bond stamp for Bealod particulars. Address Or. WARD A. CO. Louisiana, Mo. TOTT'S PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Th Oreatert Medical Trlnmyb. of tie Agt SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Zaaoruppetlte, Bowel eoailvci l'ala to the bead, wltU n dull sensation Id th. back Bart, l'alu under the shoalder. triad., Fallaea. after eatlor, wills avdis Incltaailoats exertion of body or salad, Iajttabllltjroftenisier, Iw spirit, Uh avr..llocfhKvln(Botlected .oaaedatr. Wearloe. Ulxxln.aa, Vlatt.rln at Ihs) licart. Dot btforeth ores, Ii.adack over tho rlikt ye, K.atl.saa.aa, with Stfal dreams, lllibf r colored Crla., u CONSTIPATION. TTJ1TM I'lLta ore .specially adapted to sacn eases, one dose effects such thana;n of foellnff as to astonish th. sufferer. They Imthis the Apiottt.,and cans, the body la Take a a He.U.iau. th. syat.ia la iiourlshail.aM iiythelrronlo Action on th. ulcfsUveOrKamaiH.BUlerattooljBar TUTTS HAlft &YE. Gxat Hats nr WuisKana nhanvAl in or ivutssjsna onaniea to a ibra slnela appllcaulon of Imrurt a tiatnral color, act an Sold by DrucsflU, or Gtvossr Black by a slneia application of nun use. it icap tnsl an taneoasl r. aejitbyexnreaetrD reoelntof e 1 . OfTloo, 44 Murray tst., Now York, fcfffl Hlahly KP-lll II Mi OPIUMi
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