KeV Adycitiaiimepts. ". , Statement Thanks. - Tho members of Jolm 1). llertolctto , Pdst,451,''aA. H.,of Lclilfihton, ccr.l.' ' t'i tl.nnk' tho citizens for tho cOnt I Ibu-, tlohs which they so liberally gavoUp en- j yWettioPostJojpurcliasa lings amlefijil, ! 'm4i?t.J'riie fpllowlng nro tho liamoS of tho doners and tho amounts contributed ..t i .... - l .ToluiBcalioM...S0 oorrank Tinny.... 2'w Mfrtes ItPtsilR. . 10 oo'.Iohn 8. I.cntz... U. II. I'ctcrs.... 10 ooiHi H. Whcalloy.. 1 CO Amos Itolgel.... 10(0 it. J.. notion). .. l w iM-custerinaciicrio oo.iv loSl&lffite" Mglknowntolho tra'Jo is Shoddy,- but on v. Horlfiiher ... Tho. Mautz.... ;. II. senile .... I. af. Lent lthooin lire.... .lohn Mukclby.. Tlim. Kcnicror.. (1. H. Mantz .... II. .1. Kiintz W.lJ.IIunvlcker J. J Freeman.. ft (0 n oo r. oo s oo r on P.. I. Klstler.. ItehrlR 1 oo A. F. Snyiler.... 1 (r) It. II. Mitsaclirau t oo n. Krcsco ...... l co n oo: Win. Keaboldt. . 1 0 B OP O. Ilouiili 1 (U . 1 00 1 110 1 00 1 (10 S po S on 1. J. Iier'K Ivi Slioemaker I. II. 11. Acker..- I-:. lohn Ijiurv l. i.. UaOCI Aaron Krum... ft or .1. II. uoikci ... s on & a ju l. J lagenbach . s on J. F. Jloultbron. j'oii J.W.Itaudcnbush o o- Paul Warner.... t 01 John i TtliiKer.... 1 oo J. T. Mrljiilcl., ft oo J)rfO.,Ttllnrni. 5 or Wm. Kciiicrer.. ft or. Daniel Ulenine.. a w, H. iimnlcker I). H. Hock 1 CO t 00 Henry DrLiscl. . r. r. Thomas... l on rrexlcr&Krchlie'rt; on .lona. Klstier ... ft or J.iTiNusbaum.v B or. DrLUOiZcmv ftoi W. F. Ilollnrd... H C. Trapp: n . V. Kemnfyer... W. II. Mellow el. l ro l 1X1 1 on 1 ,00 I oo 1 00 J. J. I'MUKlilS.-. it U JIMVMoitlllmer. 5 oi J, 8lilhke..,...r .J.W.Webb. 6 01 4 Mi M. o. iirvan...f. ,. Scltz liro.i....... B A. Weldaw iM:::::: ,LoW,ICt.'IIUS.... I. 8. Koch".....: J. V.A relent..., Tlio.s. I'ii-an.... It. U Sweeny... lr. Holplc....... Dr. Derliamcr . . W. W. Rowniiir. TlatclKI&CtnjIjli II. .H, lllank... . Ikii. licrtolct... .1. IlrounniUler. Al. HulTord .1. II. (ionilii-rt.. K. ltelinmltli... lwls Trainer... teub. Kcinercr. .Ins. II liex W. a Korh TIiomasKooni.. T. I). Clams Dr.W. W.l.'eber M. lUllmaii...... D.irlil Klibclts.. CM. Hnri-uy... 1'. J-elhriiKutti.. ItobcrtWalp.,.. llio (I. W. Ori)....: tro .1 (X 2 IS 2 Xi 2 V t a 2 0 2 2 Ot 2 a luiiics Wain.... 1 on U. Jl.WaeDaiiliil 1 oo il. yr. llowinan.. l f) l oo jaenu reteis.... VV. U Kutz 1 oo i oo Ulldine Hnyilcr.. W. II. Anthony.. 1 on 1 00 1 (fl 1 01 1 0(1 Alvln Miller..,.. K. W. CUIUS.... 1 . It. Krmcrer. . 2 m 2 10 Win Klilnicler... .V.J.I.It7i'iibHiCLT I no i or 2 (IT 2 U r.. il. ainriKHTj. . 1 00 icier jieun K. II. Snyder..... 1 on I IXI 1 oo 2 on 2 on i.. I. Kiitr....... P. I.. lllank :.. l m l ui 2 0" 2 III 2 0 2 Oi 2'or 2 2 IK 2 On O. A. Clauds ..v. W. II.Moulllirnp t (W l oi 1 10 l no 1 (XI l on I'. P. rii'miiKl.... I. S. Miller SafufflrHk'ller..! Vd ini Melnkain 1. A. Hank... D. liretney 1. Druinbnie.... l on 2 O 2 CO t co l no 2 01' II. .1. KWVr.... J. II. Lsel 1 On 2 on 2 on! 1 HI 1 ( IB m ll.JIejilt Iu amounts less than SI (ash Total amount S3U fo KXI'HXIJKD. Torn Muskets and i:milpmcnts....i.SHI.42 For U. H. Silk Vl'Mi ,:. --Olio 1VH . II. Silk Fliiir.... -torn loo ma I silk Tin 1-urii.inorili, l.uts una washes luvil.. 10 (o For 1 Telegraph. j. ;.n For l'xjcnses 1 W For Ilan Covers:: T-n For Fair (o Philadelphia and return a, 4.00 ITlntinK. statement..." .(..'.'. ft 00 Jlalaui'eliiliaiiilsor.I. b..Weljl. , 't. Total . tft&j a I certify that tho alKive statement of rivelpts nnd expenditures Is correct as per bookrfund 'vouchers, J. S. WUilll, IV C. Administrator's Notice. . Kstat of DAM HI. KIM'Stll-:. late of Frank llu two , Carbon county, P:i., dei "d. M-tiersoI !idiiilu!Mri.tlon on the estate ol Daniel Kresw, lalu o l lankliii lunnslitp, Cuboncounly, Pa.,,hao buen siauled In tliu limlol. signed, to w hum all pcrxons ludehti'd to said e.stato aro ieiiiested lomako paum-nt, uud Ihose liavliig elniins or demands will make (he same known xUllumldilnv. .1. (). Zi:il.V, Weissport, Pa. . Iimo is, isao-KO . Catarrh ely's CREaMBALM Gr rclirf nt once mid Cine ICoIil in Hcsil Catarrh. Hay Fever Xot a Liquid- SnujTov Powder Ficrfrcm inptri n A 'particle ajiplled liil" eaih nostril anil Is jiKreeable. l'rlre M ccnls al ilnicr,U!s; by mall, replttcrrd, on cents. Circulars flee. UI.Y lllioa., l)riiEt,lsts, Owego, N. Y. .Iv-lK-lsfft '- uoiiar per year, is me Twice of the Caiuiox '.v- I vocatk. Contains all tho 'tt uews i 1,10 eciv hiii m I 'JtJlei'psll"?ltl(,r3friim New York. Vashlnsion. the South, and oilier points, Tho only pa per In tho,colinly,at 1.1)0 per jcir. Yes! WeToldYouSo. r I What? Yhy,that- A. L. CAMPBElt'S, JKWEI.UY HTOItll, JCejt door to Clauss Ilro., the tailors; Hank Street, U'hlghton, Is headcpiartcrs for fatclies, Clock's ant Jewelry. REPAIRING- Keatly and promptly attended to at lowest prices. Call, examine eimd. ami learn prices, before purchasing elsewhere. Dec. 19, 18h5-ly. PaoF.S AflDRAL KILMER. RINBHAMTON. H.V. THE INVALIDS BENEFACTOR. Dlsooveror of Dr. Kilmer's iff t 5 nnuDi rrr Fpi i npupno b-ZLT ' rc7, I ' iTWainnT?)? auffhtera. Wives and Mothers, liai-lt jittckuco coiitnlims tZTEack kind Is also sold i 3 tint)1p. Femslo ltriiied v. , (Ulood ul SjfUmig 1 , Auluinn-I.rari:xt.i(LixalTTitintjgl V ac o Aiiolntment,(Eitnui -,50 t3TOr tho tbreo In ono Package gs.00. Booovers tbo "run-down;" bod-rlddcn" orshandonod." It PJlmlnatoi Humors and Wood Impurities that couso Porolula, tb m for I'cdiirto u4 .Eiioik u rU. Wonuav IIwKh uul wsruliMK jutla tmloitd. Dr, KUmBr treats Internal Tumor, Cuncer. . Lettora of Inoiilrv promptly answer imiotW On(d to nenlth?' Stmt Frre), BOIjD B1C AI.I4 DUCCGISTM. 'Origiial Cheap Cash Storp.' I i- -.- -i- -H1 L GREAT VARIETY IN NEW STYLES OF Boots, Shoes and' Slippers. Our Block of ilootn, Shoes mid Slippers !, l.-,rr,.r nmr ll.m. at anv ruvl,m limn. .i ft,- v...!.,... u..t n,.i!.. tn.:.1 cannot he Mtrpjsiod. .This if) wbut causes our sales to incrcaeuoily f j ,' ,.. , v,iir. ' , . ,, . o let no goodsgoliiltofourstjie that will not give satisfaction, wliidi are uiiilt uuinij ntiriMML vwvy pair 11 ;-mado (ntiretj ofilcalhcr. a-j J. T. NUSBAUM Opp. Public Square, Hank Street, I.oliluh ion, Pa. June 7, 18?4r. SATUftDAT, JtiLYS, 180. SPKCIAL 70TICE. rers"n making jwymenlrf lo this ollrce by mnnev orders r pnslnl notes will pleatamnlie ihem pnynhle .H i no n siSfPoBT 1'mst urricic, jhH ijt! ollice m uT a money order ollico Our Neighborhood In Brief. Tho I.uzcrno county Prohibition convention will bo held on the lCih of July, In Wllkesbarro fcycio to F13. Uoderer, under the Exchange Hotel, for a smooth s-havn aim a laslonablo hair cut. Jits. II. Stanley Goodwin, of South JMlilohem, i;ao ,er nnmmi party, About 150 invited guests were taken to Glen Onoko. ZjrU A. IJeltz. I.elilshton. can fur nish you with good fat chickens, 1 year old. - '' John Hecse, of Allcntow'iincd 1-1 years, has disappeared :from home. NYIieu las', heard from ho was with a gang of tramps. Silverware Finest assortmcrt of the uesi goods in the market, at. 13. II. Hold's, Maueh Chunk. Dr. Orlh, of Ilanraburg, recently removed a tumor which weighed nearly s!xty-llc pounds from tho stomach of a wcnian. When an article, is sold "no cure, no pay," why not try it'.' That is tlin way Jadw in's tar syrup for coughs, ami croup, is sold at Thomas' Giant Droncr, a workman luardato quarry a. Wind Gap, Noithampton county, was crushed and badly injured Saturday by a fall of earth. 37" Fur1 fine, all woolen pants, made lo order, from 8 up. Call at Jonas Somllielm's One l'riee Slar Clothing Mali, Mauch Chunk. lle.v. Charles K. Taylor, of Xew York, has accepted the asMslant rector ship of the Episcopal Church of the futility at Fountain fill, Xorthampton county. Xo wonder that people coniplaln of hard times when thev mv fifln fom ln.t. tie of cotigli syi up, no larger than a 25c uoiuc oi .iiuiwm s tar symp, hieh Is sold "no cure, no pay." Thomas sells It. .UastrVN'oi-kmaii l'owdeily Is d- vertUed to make an address at the Clan XaGael picnic at East Jlahanoy Junc tion on July flih. Mi-3. Fredeiiek Derr, of Taman.ii-, was seriously burned by her cIoIIks taking lire from a piece of burning woo.l taken fiom a b.ike oven an.l thrun-n on the ground near by. K5Full N'ieklo-srountel Unsay Harness at 10 an 1 upwards. I.aii blankets, Flj netts, Collar i. Whips, Ac, at very low prices, at Milton l'lory's, Heliport, Pa. The .Maueh Chunk Democrat pro fesse to have positive information' the ollU-csof the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company arc not to be moved from that place. For hamhome jewelry, wo'bllng rings, brooches, chains, eanings. lnlies sleeve and collar buttons. In the Ial03t artistic designs, call at K. II. Holil's, Jlaucli Chunk. I!ev. J). 1!.-Allirlght was senlonced aL lharliug Monday to pay a due of $,10 and cjsts for cruelty to Harry Kramer, an inmate of IJethauy Orphan Home atrfWoiuelaJorf, of which. Albright was forinerly Superintendent. Savo half your cough medicine bills by buylng.a L'oe bottle of Jadwln's tar synip, which contains !1 ounces, while no other cough syrupcoiitalns over 1 Sold at Tliomas' dnig store. William Silica, a Ltd of thirteen, son of liarlholomew Sllles, of Mauch Chunk street, broUn his right arm above the utUt while trying to jump over a hitching post. In Easton. The Post Olllee will he. closed on Monday, July 5th, between 8:30 a. m. aim iumo a. in., and from 1 p. m. to 5 P- m. J.uir.s p. Smith, 1'. M. Monday, the 5th, will lm observed as the national holiday. Tho bank nnd all tho leading stores will be closed. Notes falling due on lha 5ih must be at t tided lo to-day. (Saturday) 3rd Inst. It Is tho poor man's friend, but the nru man usea ir, aim; because it Is the best quality nnd largest bottle for the price, and is sold "no cure, no pay." Wo refer to Jadw in' tar syrup. Sold at 'I bonus'. , Charles P.iust Ian and Mlchaell.ynch were sentenced to an Immlsonmcnt of four anil three years respectively In r.aston l rlday for biutally boating Pat- nek Nol.m and his wife, u2TGreat Keductlon on account of the lateness of the season we have made the follow inn reductiuiu: Mens' suits worth -.", we will sell at belter ones mulh j.7,,10 we will sell at all woolen suits worth $11! wo will sell at SS.txi; a full line of boys an I children suits iu liko pioportlous from $2 up in 610. Call at Jonas Somllielm's One PrlcoStar Clothing Hall, Maueh Chunk. The Vosburg Tunnel of Hie I.ehlgh Valley, on tho Pennsylvania and Xew York division, was formally opened Saturday. It Is -1000 feet in length, and, cutting directly through tho neck of a monutaln, will save tho road a distance of neaily five miles. Work on the tunnel was begun In April, 1SJ. -t'lnuss ,& Bio. , Tho Tail ICW Of t 10SC justly celebrated $10 suiting3 on hand. MUOIartha WJietstouo was married Thursday morning, 2 ith nit., to Mr. J. 11. Irish, of .Mahanoy City, at the rusi- "leuriue s parents in 1 amaniia. The ccremouy was performed by itcv. A. V lietbtoueof lthlnebeck, an uncle of the bride, and was witnessed only by the Immediate families of the bride and groom. The couple left on a Korthe week emllng June i wire .rkfiJU tons -of coal slilpi 20, 1 hero .jtit tuns ui uui tho Lehigh Valley railroad, making a total to date of 3,641,000 ton,and allow ing an Increase hf 633,814 tons compared wltli tho same time last year. SSr-FOn KENT. A four roomed home and largo lot, hi Lehluhton, for I ?0- I l ''' 0" Mrs. Marsaret "C., wife of Hon. t Mlebacl Hoard, of Tainaqua, died at her home In that place on Saturday, after n protracted atitl allllctlng Illness. r. . , ..... uiiiumi vuunn iin;tj a. una 1 that thero are a number of cases of scarlet fever In that borough, In the neighborhood of West Hroadway. Sl'ittN-a orcKlNO. Large well Select ed new; .stock of V.A.tT I'APttis, lloitniAis, , UKCotiATjoN-g.. .(sample bopl iept out.) llest job bargains ever oiTered. . BAlirt Wl.s'uinv. sitAlica on sprlug rollers iiOc. and upwards. Paint- .1X0., PAt'IlIt 1IAN(11.-II alldKHAtlP. JIAK- tNo. Tho best work affair pilces. 4iIi,II, OIL, AVr.HILL,.,PAlNTt PUTTY AXn,Ut..gS. E.-F. I.UCKENUACH, -01 Droailwav, Jluuch Chunk, Pa. --Win. H. Montz's now' building, op- poslio th'e AdvocJate ollico, Is under rpof.and about ready for-Urn plasterers. Samuel. Seilci Is adding a wing to his brlcV store room next to tho Advo cate ollico. Mothers arc guilly of inhuman treatment when they allow babies to .suflenrorii "fhalTngs' aiid 'Cam get Dr. Hand's Chafing Powder, which will heal chafes in ono day. Fleshy people will find It a ready and sure relief. 25 cents. 1 - I.aillesl- .Those dull tired looksond feelings speak. 'volumes! Dr. Kilmer's 'leinaledieliieily corrects all conditions. iestores vigor and vitality and brings hack youthful bloom anJ beauty. Price 1.00. 0 botllcs 85,00, The Luzerne County Commissioners recently paid out $27.00 as bounties on uawKs, tuxes ami minks. A number of onryoung folks hao had their "foitunes.'1 told by the gypsies encamped along the Mahoning. I'lio incxt c'amp meeting of tho Aljeiitown Distilcj. Evangelical Church, win be held in 1 tiller s ' Glove, near Calasaitfpia, In .August. fat. Peter and Paul's school, of this boiougli, will hold a grand festival In i.inifern an's Glove, on Monday, July Oth. Adn is Ion 10 cents. Watennellons have put in an ap pearance. 40 cents will furnish about as much Colic-as.ono fellow can stand. Dr. C. T. Horn I.ehlghton anJ W. F. P.lery Weisspoit wish to state that they have at last found an artlelu thev can sell on Its merits. It is wl'.h plc.11 ura inoy guarantee to tuo public Acker's English ltcmedy as a sure and ncver- f.iillii'' cure for Asthma, Coughs. yllooplng Cough, Cronp, nnd all I.ung Troubles. It Is the standard remedy for Consumption. They have never found Its cjual. The Caibnn Iron Company has pui- ehased from cx-15tirge3s Philip Storm, of Catasauqua, llie loeomotlvo "J. W. iVdams" for use In shifting at their Murks in Pairvville. An excitlnggaineof ball was 'dayed last Saturday on tha gtounds In this UH.untrtj yu linj IIJKIHIS III i il IS loro'tigli belweeii the Wci,spcit jilne in 1 -jtliej Sintlngton ' Blue Stockings, ieyen Innings were played when rain borough an S' ;tut a stop to the game. Tho score stood 0 to 0. There aro scores ot ncrsons who are suffering from some form of blood dis order or skin disease, such as Scrofula, lioils, etc.. etu. Atler a nnietleal test. Dr. C. T. Horn Lehlgbton and W. F. Hlery Weisspoit, asseit tint Acker's Wood fclixlr will certain cure all such dl-eases, hieludlng Sypliillls and Rheu matism. ,It is not a pajent'nostruin.bul a scientliiu preparation. -Tliey guarantee it. rl : The-Wehneiali; Hotel, at Glen' Onoko, is-jiiider the' management of J. . Ivcs:U'ha hotel, 1st .owned by the Wahnclah Land an 1 Imniorrmcnt Companypf Majich plitink, the ofllecrs of whlcli are as follows: It. Pain Smith. President!:. 1, Siftters; Vice Pie.-i- dent ; Georj;,) WO-s3er. Secretary; L. II. IJarbef, TteasuiTfr. " - PliiltU. Couiioi.Asslsta'iitfSiri)erln. ttmdent tlie Kuzl(tnn I)lvi?jon of the ItI'ii!gli V-Mlev naiIi6addIe'd .atli.lsliome in Iiailcton Monday morning at about quarter past three o'clock. He lias been onllnoiUo l lie house only abjut three weeks suffering from a complication of diseases, 1 rT9"Say, my darling, don't you think I bad better get ni self measured for a wedding suit, if so. let us go lo Jonas sSondlielms One Price Star Clotliing Hail, Maueh Chunk, nnd I will get myself measured for ono of Ihelr impoited corkscrew suits, from SID, IP, 25 and ud. Xothlng to beat It. .Monday afternoon, Jolm Weaver, a boy employed as a winor at the East Mauch Chunk engine house, was run over by a coal train, anil fatally Injured, bjtbaims being cut oil and his legs terribly mangled. He Is a 6011 of the night watchman at the the engine house. Some one not having any fear of the law entered the residence of Fred. Uerlolette, Est., at Mauch Chunk, Monday afternoon, between 4 and 5 o' clock, and stole jewelry and cash lo the amount of about $100, Thero (s said to be a clue to tho paily who committed the lieft. Tho largest sr lection of gold watches for ladies and gentlemen of the latest and liuest designs, with peifect mechanism, then-font Insuring exacl lime, at E. II. Hold's. Maueh Chunk. Learn prices beforo purchasing else where. Xellle Piersou. .1 young eoloied girl of ll'ilkesbane, was taken suddenly III oirly last week, and, 011 Friday nlgnt,to all appearances slio died. Preparations were made for tho funeral, but Sunday nigiit tue supposed corpse came to life, and there was gieat consternation among the relatives ar.d fi lends. Miss Piersou sal I she had been dreaming all the. time sho was falling from a great height, and that when she landed on Uih ground site noke. Jlonday morning Miss Piersou was found dead In bed, having committed suicide In the night. S3TIch will eamobl noeh Mauch Chunk zuni Jonas Sondhelm gehen und inlr a all woolen $10 nnr.iig lassen on messen, das 1st derwolfelsto plotz In der ganze unigegend for klalder lo kaufer. Vergesst nlcht und geht sum Elnen Price Maldor Store, Slouch Chunk. c ? ' oome persons ara at a joss to deter- mine whether the Fourth o(. July Jills 1 was felt -for some distance. Three year will be celebrated on Saturday or! tracks Vent down with the cave Iu, on -Monday. Tha following will explain onepf whch were to trucks fontalB that qtiosiloii: When Hie rourth of Inn liimhpr n-nr.. a!,., .t.lK,uAt July, or any oilier legal holiday except Decoration Day, fall on Sunday, tbo Uw provide llsit It l.all be oW-ncd on the Monday following. Do-ora-ion UT ' excepted bv si-hl acr of Assembly, the celi-bi.ithm ln-n p on S it- llZll' Jonathan Klsller, of tho Carbon ITousc,ltilcnih adding another story and otherwise linpiovlng his hotel properly. Work nll( be commenced next week. . A number of our citizens ''took In" , . . 1 -r. 1 1 . tho excursion lo Mountain Fark last Saturdav oai.un.iajr. 0. h. Meytrs, late President Juclgo of-Northampton, wartnan-lcd Thursday afternoon 24tU ujt.'tto WIss Ujjlla Heck inan(.uig1itcr ofMr.. And Ms! (llt-ck-iiian,; ;TIi3jeeinony yas a -,4ulet:ohe, at the bride's home In Easton, only the families and a few friends being present. The bride and groom started on a wed- dinr; journey- ' j1 I)rr C. T.' Horn Lelilgliton and W. r. Blery Wcissnort. Would sneclallv reeommend to thd ladies Acker's Dys- popsia 1 auieis. as a laxative mey nave no equal. They aru guaranteed to cure Chronic Constlnalldn.i Dvsnensla. and nil diseases arising from a deranged stomach. Vt lthafrco,usH of the Tablets, SIck;neadac1ie'Ji Inmosslblc', , , A portloU of ourstreets were Illumi nated for the first time -on i-atuiday evening lust with tho new gasolinn lamps 20 of which were purchased by our town council. This,)? a .step, in, the right direction, but It would be still an Improvement If there were about double tho number of lamps yet we. with tho test of the people, feel grateful for even iinall favors. List of Letters. lteinainlhg "uncalled for In the Lehigh ton post ollice, for tliu month ending June SO. lSbti liackcr, Peter, Faust, Michael Koinerer, F. Allss Laury, Harvey, Lent, Jonas, Mertz, Sourie Mi?s Miller. Charles. Moycr, Isaac Mrs., Seeberger, C, Schwartz. O., Wagner, E. Miss Whitehead E. Mis? Wliltclica-I E., York, Llzzio A., Foiii:io.v. 11 reltenbach L., Persons calling for any of tha above letters will please say "Advertised." Jam i:s Pi Smith, P. M. SUBSCRIPII0H8 UEOEIVED From June l"th to July 1st, 18S0 for the Caubon Adyocate: Ur. 1t. I.eonaril, MaiichClitmk Dr. T. .1. bolt, .Mountain Top, Lcz. Co.. ltev. .1, II. Hartniitn, Ilanotcr, lit A. .1. l.ltzenberger, f;hlgtiton...j Jonathan Kistlir, Lehlglitou t'iias. '1 miner. I.elilKhlen Dr. .1. .M. KUllcr,lliineapolls, .Minn... r.s. liecli, I.ehlghtun Tih'h. dtuhley, I'liiBhtrm I.. J. Oirls-tniaii, I.ltt'o (iai ( h.-irli-s Klpp LchUliton.. DKtlcr,, row.iinensloi.... UUbUivn ICuit7, l.eiilghtoii, ('. A. Andreas, West Peint Chailes liM'll, Packertou , Chnrles Yen.ier, I.lilgbton losl.ih Knob, hast Weisspoit". V. A. (sw.-Uil, ISist Wclssport .- Cu urge j:app, Wclssport Wii.Tl. Miner, Weisspoit A II. Miri.I.ehluhloti Pranz Iludi.-rrr. U-hliditon U Uethenni I, Hay City. Mkh Dr. J. 0. Zeru. Wehspcit 1 00 1 00 1 or) I (O 1 on 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 to ro 1 00 23 3 00 2 ( 1 00 1 00 1 CO 1 Of" 1 00 1 (10 1 (10 1 CO Dislikes Sunday Papers. Rev. John F. Scott, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Slatlngton, created quite a solvation among bis hcarei3 at tho closo of his sermon Sun day morning. He. denounced Sunday newspapers In the most vigorous manner and cauiloned the members of bis" con gregation against reailing tbem or allot' -Ins Ihem- to enter their families. He brought with lilm- to the church n number of Sunday papers of Philadel phia and ailed attention 'to several articles which he said were Scandalous and unfit to enter the family on the. Sabbath day. He asserted that those puppravere almost a? great' ad otli Yrj the morals of the tdw'n as tho 'fOurtl-en hotels nnd saloons that aro In It. Seventh Annaal reunion. The Veterans 0. A. P.. of the Tivj Counties to Meet at Berwick. Tho "th Annual Iteunlon of the1 Five Counties' Veteran Assoeiatlou will be held this year at licrwlck on the 1'Jth of August. Tho citizen's of "that place' have ex tended a most cordial invitation to the Veteran Association to meet Willi them upon that day, which Is I he Centennial of tho foundation of the town, and help them celebrate the event. They prepared to entertain tho Association and its friends right royally, nnd jt is hoped that all the Veterans within the bounds of thu five counties whether ainilatcd with Grand Army Posts or nut, will give a hearty response "to this most gencro'usjiivltatlon. BaioBall. ' my.'1'' .J- '. On last Saturday afternoon about 30d .mu.1.11,.. ...t.. ... "Vi...... imi.-sriM an soiling game of base ball cm thitofl fair L'roiinds, between the bal( club of town'-jand'the Active club of t . 1 liolh clubs played well ,to, th'e'Plili and as usual our bjva did tho greatest slugging, in t)iu 2nd. liinhij; deorgQ Iteiclmrd stmt the ballpver tho race course for a home run. It was only through brilliant fielding of the visit- Ing club that the score was kept so Close. Curt Koons pitched an effective game, striking out 18 men of tbo visitors. Tom Gibson of tho visiting dub did tome neat work behind the bat. "Sam" Marshall, of Slatlngton umpired the game. The score follows: Catasauqua, 1 ;1 1 1 0 2 0 3 0 10 MMilguton, 4 -J 020010 0 0 Resolutions of Condolence. Wiii:hka8, It IiH3 pleased U10 "Great t;oiuinander" In his providence to re move fiom our midst, our comrade, Daniel Kresge. and WiiiMtiiAW, John I). Hertolctte Post, 4S1 G. A. Ii., has been been bereft of a loyal soi, a biare soldier, and a faithful mi-mber. Therefore bo It Jirtolced, That wo boy In humble submission to the will of llio "Mot High," whoso wnysaro mysterious and w boso works past tliullng out, and we exclaim, "Ho doelh all things well." llcKolreil, That ono copy of these resolutions bo sent to tho bereaved family of the diseased comrade, and another ropy to bo spread upon the records oi tile post, and be published In Camion Ahvocate." Hawked, That- the Charter of the Post be draped iu mourning for tilrly days. Wm. C. McCormlck 1 Alfred Whlttingbam Committee C. II. MncDanlel ) Csve-in on tho-I. V- RH. A cavc-iu oceurreil on the Hazletou bianch of the Lehigh Valley rallroat', between II and 4 o'clock on Wednpsday morning last. Tho cave-In Is at No. 8 breaker, Stockton, about two miles this side of Hazletou, and Is about .100 feet long and 150 broud.' When It occurred ' thero was n terrlhlAprnsli nn.l tlm cluvb u 1 by the falling In of tbo oarlh. Tho n'A in ! Uiod. ; 1 legrauii aim telephone w res. a met utetylhiug lhat was In the 1inijio.1t w -e mini -' aiely pip oik ' nv a nsw trwlitoa the cor h al Je of tbe caic- iiieY.ciiiiiy.weniuotynw ni one sujucn a book of 650 pagA, . TbtV cpuiu-l4or c(xU, Luckily the acclJeut was-dht- .... 'i.,..,,-V ' , n l i c .. re-i In lime to prevent any canailles Uie P'""1" r (.wrpc .V P'llas.irrch. 1 innmins 'r.iins. A large force of men ri1 AshnurstsndS, P. inplrertpn. Koanirn of tho Bowman Family. Alum! iro pi wins. Irom TuMiton. N'. .1., I.aton, Alluiiown, Muii.un v my. Wilkes bnrre, Wiinch I'hiiul! una lii.ini UalP.lielRli- bOlllllOll. IMf 1lllt.-4 llf 1h.. Itil,, J llf.l.V celelruti-d tho tutu lilulidiif ot JBlui !. liUWIimn. Ulu IIDfiil lift 1 faiiillv. In Ji L-miii 1 1 -u iionicsieau wncre i.e iiicu. ,1111 tlce win done to the irood thlnas bronehl b l"" ,"' stives and spread 011 u Iouk uhie, heailcd h 1 in ..i.ico lit-mt, Viomi.nT nt f family WouicuXiithu prima ot life,. bachelors nuU ohl inaldi.niarrlaneable j oung men maldi-iis, school boys and Kiil,midthcie(-nilt,bi'.blcji. sAy oiemlzallon was fornn-d bytlieetectlmi of lcmiUlJowin.intisc)iairiitiin,.A: lilltn. itianiecrctarj'.imd the nocossarj Ciinuiilite6. fliftprfccedliies hi detail amuibe publlshi! Ina painphlit for dislilbutlon among llie ai xius 1.11110 whs old uce, men alii iiiviuut'r.s. Jlr. Km. Deshlcr, nf Allcntown, who Is married tiiChiia.dniii'hleror.Siiah Powiiinn. liiarilcd to II. KelpQi-.iiiccH-cdj-eada history tit the Haw man ihiMy. .'JrJbeshlersis an attornej -al-law,1md la use inVdRh laiisv-'iKc-iii't product ot tin- Duwiflau fauil- y , -1111 cnei ij- nns iciiitcitd the tares 81110111 1 ifl wnuhi." nils very exaq-leut nnd ru h!stCrvonilcr'iriihclA tv.-t4Tvmiii.ii.iii r. ehiled.and will be published In the pamphlet 111 rijli- i p ' J-t r 1 1 A llji-tv Ikurmap till; cra'mlfatlibf bttho old eiMiiitleip.Vs'ottl.S daVs TTsllffiy, einl- 'U . . 1 . 1 1 1 1.1 1 1 . , njiu Mils, uiic m vitf tlfrt jolliers : A'lirlhiiniJton ciuiityt,ijbtlTi rdtVIiinlisdiit 1 owl lmmlrcd anil uioro years nno, when naliiiB wasiiiullstuibcd by tho rude hand of mnii. rills tally Pioneer although on tho best of ii-inis wuu me jumuiis, yii was irennenuy .Ibcni. . lip 'mi. f.-ri-cit'..!; ni-u, tlipi! loend his wile ami fanlilylo liaston for 1' e 1 - ul naiiuiiiy ins sol's were iii.ui 11.-11. lliu uiucst Jo ill I), llowiuau. the ueau oi tint family was married lo Maria jjaigarit ii s nariv iif-i-iiiiiiiinii was t hin of his fnllur Henry, clearing lands. fartnlnrr. trappliiBi univiiing, nsning, miming nnii .... ,rt!..v. .1. .... luuill. . , tllllMM- I red il !:ii hi lug ot four dauglittrs and eight sons, married as follows. Hlld f-litsslfiftl lift nnliitL. In mrr, .Catherine Intsnnatrlod with Joiuu Peters. Jacob imuried to Lesslc YYcJss. - . John r.-anin uinKey, "J H11IIIO Helmbacli, I IlclryTreichlcr. " .Tonus Andrews, KIlllcKoons.i l '.Susan Ixmlz. -" Daniel Kelper. Susan '.Iiiaas ' ' Daniel Sarah Henry 1 retcr ' Hebecca- i.etina t-cici-5. 11 1 Polly liomage, 1 Hebecca Kline. James. Dinkey. iieiuils losiuti it mill v iri-as. Ixiufsa Ilerkemaver. rr.o Uowmati family Is largely made up of nen iiccnpjintr positions 01 honor, 'met hate been the lmtiuments of det eloping ami bl' tllrlnij-In dtp nrf.)r.n tlinTiiiiiil t.Mnnurtf coal Iron ore, , ti m',sand ami mineral 1 irlving pmployincnt 10 many and shelter not to a few. miiiiiij mi., us lai-juiiu ii;i.'ii, iiiacilini-us, b.mkns. clcLtrlcl:tns. ni.-Liinrnifiircrs. nrln. tcrs. fanners, miners, merchants, doctors, hotel keepers, photographers, clerks, musi cians, teachers. and preachers, 'lhonias How man, son of Jacob liow man, reached the highest In the ladder, being a bishop of high slaudlng. and at present traveling In l.unipo In the Interest oi the church of his choice. , East Maach cfinnk Dots. Mr. Hugh Dugan.i of S.iyrc, was here-on n visit to his'partnts ddi'itlg lait week. The Onoko Cornet Hand h'avo se cured Prof. Diltcillne as a teacher. Mr. W. T. Ilooven, whb was taken suddenly III lat Saturday morning Is up' and about again. Miss Ida Jllller and her guest, Mrs. ISelle Klmcy, of Allcntown, enjoyed a vciy delightful drive through the Val ley last Sunday. The game of bali which was to have been played last Saturday, a Lehighton, was postponed until Monday, July 5th. -Al Drelsbachy of Elmiia, spent Sunday In town. The Upper Mauch Chunk Star Cor net Ba,pd were! serenading here .Friday evening. Mr. H. Fehr and wife, ,wrra visiting at Freen:asburg,durlng the week. - ,t, . .1 . ..- r.-. . -inc unoKo t-oinet iianu win nave a grand picnic here on July Oth. All aro cordially Invited. 1 The Water Co. are engaged laving pipes at the upper end of Centre street. 1 James Diver .died, on ,I)'rlday of hist week nnd wa3 hitcncd in'the Catholic cemetery op Sunday. Upwards of 0 children took their llrst communion in the Gei man -Catho lic Church last Sunday. . TJieglrls wero dressed n,w bite and he boyaAvOrtulaik suits. " .. Hampax. Poopl8,lnand oatof Town., Our Ueollht who lllHyillityp relntUes nr friends visiting tlienntiU-EreHlly obllue us by sepitliiH In their names nnd residence for publication under this heifil, Hnnoit.1 ' Ex-Sheriff-C W. LcnTz. ot Jlauch Chunk, tyas Jn town "Tuesday. ? Dr. J. 0, Kreamer, of ..Millport, spentTuvs'tlJif' In town. V. Ut. Clauss, of Muhlcnburg Col lege, and Al. 'Clauss, of Drlftbn, ' arc at homo qn a visit. t . . -Jlrs. Sir Clark, of Xesquehonlrtg, was' visiting her eon and daughter,,!'., 1-. mid Miss.Annle Clark,' onDank; Street. V" ' . "- . G..flJ.;-r: toCk'cr,- Is chcula'ti'ug among iyilcesbarre.frlenils tlils'wcekll.'. ,, llis Englc, of-Dlnsinan''Ferfy. 1's vlsititlglier-brothcr, .Wiu; Engle.'o'h Lchlgh street. 'ut -r-O. O. llowmau. of TrentonSN. J was thfe gueM of-Fred Leuctei. Vu fiaii" "street, duijug the week. - '-' ' ' Gcorgo Fey and bis sister Miss Mary, of Tamaojuawero "theguests of, ills. J"on. Klsller, ou'sunJay. I-rank JlcC.inn aud wife, ofLnns- ford, spent Sunday with V, V. Clark. Our. genial friend A. K. Letickcl, of Lehigh University, is. home for his summer vacation Mahoning Items. Mrs, Joseph Arner, of Tamafiua, Is visiting in the Valley. A' mistake was made In our Items last week. Children's Day will be cele brated In tho Evangelical church on Sumlay afternoon, Instead of Saturday evening, as reported last week. Ed. Uunsleker and family, of Le highton, spent Sunday at Xatbaii llal- llel s. An election for ofllecrs of the Centre Srjuare Stimlay School was held last Sunday and resulted a's follows: Super intendent, E. O. Jtothstein; Assistant SiipeilntendeiH.C. IL Seldle; Secretary, Ira li. beldlo; Librarian, J. II. Lon, acre; Organist, Emma L. Sfcidle; Treas urer, I). S. Longacrc: Deacons, Holmes l-rautz and David Longacrc. Frank Smith lost a valuable horse by death last week. - , . . Miss E. Lilly Arper returned homo from the Went Chester State Normal School on Friday, '-'" English sen ices will be held In the Evangelical church this (Saturday) eve-' mug, iiv uev. u. tt ..iiro5s. AH are Invited to attend. Report in a Valuablo "Land Enit- - .'Ex-Senalor (.'hatles It. Iluckalew, of Illoomsburj, irednesday inoming filed Ids report, at ll'llkesbarret as referee iu tbo ntso of li'lllliiiu Jenks vs. George 11. Markle, ll'illiara Lilly am) Highland Coal Company, mi action of -ejectment for thirty acies yf land lij For tuwn- snip, n part of the Nathan Heath Jrpt1' tif four hundred aerej.- Tlf5' land-in djspule Is very roluable. Tho ruferre ,n '"VOruf tha plaintiffs for 13 1-2 acre. The tesilmony in theeae makw nl for the .(ef.-mlai.t JJ. B. MorrUi, & I- oyc INTERNATIONAL LESSONSr nT niiv. r.'u. ifAiidnnAVKS. .canon 1 .J 'July 4 JKTKAKIl IIItTfTtWXD'lf A t". John !),JPlf. Ooldln Tcvf, Jtihn fj2,i Ti nn; XVudjrtA. D'.;,, Urn. lfuleir, tiijcrliifCa(S:'.?I,;Kmi of ltt'toe;.lIror lAtHli-a-i Jlnfl Ojllllec;'; Poltis Eilutc; iiiJiuka'. ' ' ' Jcs,tis if Mil in ,'J.criiisicrn. '.raipg hv one of the Temple gules lie saw 11 bliiTd man hogging.' Such a epoelacla was nor uncommon in tmt great, city, but it seems llmt Jesus took particular uoliftljrtlirainn'liTa .ivl- ?Src'tma I liiul been "blind.'from Ins .birtli.'.' Tho very fact that Jeus .notuod iiim was Eliflicient to make hint nil object of in terest lo Hifulii'liijosi wlinat (incc,jiL'(l,, Jtus as to the cause of thu maiiV bllnil- utSH. Ibe Jewit lleldjtliat men MjlibrrM ' piiitNlilnertl 'iti'ljnsWorld'lror' jlieir t?vil deedsapi) cyerv disease was supposed to be the initifs'liui'cnt for u sin. Cliildren wlioAveru-born (lofurmot were said lo sufleron nccounCtif thfcir irarent's sin, or forinTrbltimiiterJ bv tliinsclvts befuro birth. 'While tliet'bcllpved in tliQhtttc'r idea,(il i noh uroLbaldo, that, there, was any widespread helicfdn'tbe doctrino of trau'jnijjntioif of snniSf, lletc raf a man wliqaviisjior;!, :lliul,- a'nd ' Iienco"'tlieyv asked Christ n't ivhosd doonlay the sin in this ntemi . .. - . " T . Jesh? jvas.cnnlinUaUy ,tc.ieliing new.s: iruin. as wcnns giving new -applications to old'trnths. He constantly taught the' people thos higher anil"jinn.ier truths which lielouyto' HM-new 'Ckirigdom. which Ho had coma lo establish on earth. in tills case lie told them neither the man nor his parent sinned; but it offered an exi client opportunity for an exhibi tion of the goodness mul mercy nf God. Jesus announces that Ho must ilo Ilis work quickly, for.thc.niglit cometh when no man can work." " Il was a familiar' idea, with the .Tows thet llie saliva of one who was fasting was good for weak eyes, arid tlult clay re lict ed ocular We-do not know whether tlicsc ideas came to the mind of Christ at this time, but tie stooped down and miiiug saliva wilii dust, touched the ofej.of the hlin I man, nii.l thenioit hurt" "to tlio pool of Siloiiui tp twish it ofr, . .. 1- Wlicncvor Christ voluntarilly relieved suficring, lie gave the snO'crcr something to iio, bv winch to evidence his or her faith. When suflerers came nlul implored His aid, their coming was accepted cs such evidence. v . - The matt was cured, and tho news spread tlirpuglio,ut the eitv., It reached tho thief priests and rulers, ntid ho was quickly brought heforu ono of tlie syna gogue councils. Here nn Cxcitlug scene was enacted, in which different factions hoth discussed the situation. They questioned the man, hut getting no sat isfaction, sent for his parents. Fearing excommunication, they declined to tes tify, exeept hs to his being born blind, and that lie' was their son. ISut tliu mini himself stoutly defended his Sa.viqr ,and boldly maintained Ilis , divinity .At' length (life council iinrilv excoiiimuni-' cilted him, und .lib was Cast out from the synagogue. I.Es.iON THOfdllTS. 1. Jesus opened the eves of tho spirit ually blind. ' 2. If ,voti aru in moritldarkncss liavb ' faith in Christ. 8. He true to him who Iiuth saved. you. 1. Jebits is the light of the wcild. Teachers Fxatnlnations.trr- TaVY lliu teachers; txamiiiatlons 'for.lStO. In ilia 1.U11111) ut.t.urL'oii, will ue in-iu as iouowi East VVcissport, South I'ranl;lIu..s:iiool house, Augu-itlllh: 51 - : it ",i:u Iludiondale, Mr TacVe'r twff., AtfiJlist IDtii KockiMiit, tor l.i'hlh lu'p., Almost Mi. I'j-.sillatcn, lor Kidder tv.p., August li'tli. JIlllpoil. for Lower Towamciisliig tv.p., August 21st. - t PemisvUle, for Hast I'cnn tw p., August faith. -fitcmlcrstillc, for Towamciising tp., Aug. ustli. Pleasant Corner, for Mahoning twp.,Sept. I. luich'a Hotel, fur Peun 1' tv.n,.0ct,'jil.. i:a111lnatlou3 will cuiiiuicuie piiiuij lly at 3 a. in, Apriicniits-shoiiiacomi' pnnlurd Willi paper and li"licll 'IVachcrs-mtist be cxitm- liud luMhe district lit wlilfhilhe intend lb leach. Ao,cti not paislijrtii physioleiSyan Cl'lllhcntei; v.ill bo. ibstii d to tllosn 1; viiiBi.iyiui v:aiillll4liuu (1 Mjcleuc.' ' -J V exaiiihiailuit iu. --' v. -i.s.vtiiu-ji, (j-o. Sap'ti pT;JCKjMAKKlJT3. Iti-portr.1 up .-lao'':l?ick, by 'fin Hnven i ; Towad.'BjriWi,-ii,3r,S TliirilSffeet, 1 t'liij'ulclphltt, 41''" bj'Ugbt nu'd sold citfier, jJlr, jc'ash or hu marsui". ' ' ri.ila.ielph-.a, June SO, 1RFI5. , , li.L nulled It SJ's, Kxt...,....,-,t...t.r. ;....,inii U S Canenciu'.ii 12HI IT S 41,ji...;....;...Av:.jj. , II IJ' 112 ,' IVnniy lvanh( It'll ...V. Mi Ml; I'liilnlclphln 'A-TTi-iidliig U If 12 I2J Lehlnh Valley It It ; M H4 LvliltfKipnal iiNiivigiitinn.Cii.-.-. M".' i(if liuit. .NK?A-jihIliiV It H''Co.'jr.'tS--3JJ,v.1J few"Oi'iitrnl 54J 5IH Norlhern PnclfitfCanf....-...:. ?27 '271 "'"Iprchl nua -5'Jl Prcfion 'IVunfcontinentiil..,, .33J 3'i :L'i,li.n riytflu , ,i..51 Ml M'eilrrn Ucl'in 1 ..- -01- Mi JWest 1st II16 D5i l,on1svilln ,t XiifhvillB P.'l 423 (Silver. (Trades) , , 7G fu Rheumatism It f c cstablls?icd fact that Ilood's Bar saparilla has proven an Invaluable remedy In many severe cases of rheumatism, eftect- Inc temarkablo cures by Its powerful action In correcting tho acidity of tho blood, which Is tho oauso of tho disease, and purlfyln; and enriching tho vital fluid. U certainly fair to assume that what Hood's Sarsapaillla has done for otheis It will do for you. Therefore, It you sutler tho pains aud achca ot rheumatism, give wis potent remedy a fair trial. A Uosltlvo Cure "I ivas troubled very much with rheuma tism, in my Dips, ankles, and wrists. I could hardly walk, aud was confined to my oca a goou aeai oi urn tune. Jjelns rce ommecded to try Hood's Sarsaparllla, I took four bottles and am perfectly well. 1 cheerfully rceoinmeuil Hood's Barsaparllla as ono of tl:o , lctt,-Llood purillcrs In the world." W. V, Wodu, nioomington, 111. For Twenty Years 1 have been sfilictcd with rheumatism. Before 1S83 1 found 110 relief, but grew worse. I then began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and it did tno mere good than all tho other medicine, I ever had." II. T. Balcom, Shirley. J.'ass. "1 buffeted i,"cm. what tho doctors called musoular rhcu.aulism. I took Hood's Bar saparllla atj.d am cutlrely cured." J. V. A, ri-.occfooT, letter carrier, Chicago, m, Wo shall bo clad to send, freo of charge to all st ho may desire, obook containing many additional statements of cures ly Hood's Sarsaparilla Hold by all drugWits, $1 1 cx for f S. Mads only by a I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. I00ADo3O0 Ono- Dollar. ! ' -1 ' ,t Prln Mclal, tH, tS. I m rKBEKf "ran Ul W tfetPtUHila U Q B d , t. ;,. .., s, - , filial ,.D o PA S -to ... t; - Special Notice to Jr'arniers. noim,M!fwS.V,VJ,n,",u?r,nr,',,,fl,t' wf ns'A. )?m attention to a few facts concernlnit Ol'lt .1 1 1 1 i'."'- sl "" ,,c "llr mm 1,1 1'Utflng out our 1:001s this Pall luuiiY.vid 1 their our customers. a"" "' ,,H'" " 'vtlA1 iuaitlnn Us to do tiVcwall : ami pliaso AteVi'fM nun in 111c niim iivHiiauic lorm, to sucrre Knod ernpj and perfect ri ml. Ilv olis.'ri-ullmw !l !! neffl ,.Tu-!. te'.1,', t',t,nr ,0 riir- n.e ,C!,fl! W 'How w'lia the pint, i ",' ost "Yequlreto pn 1 cethobest rciultsatlhoterj lowest pos-. ble cdsl lo the farmer, lb base of mir Pliiw. P ha es are nnlmal bmies mixed Willi pure ehi-micds only, whlc ,111c ail realllv ovl d able ? .''V''-'';"4 "'V,1 "Y?M,V nil'rovcd rrfim Inst year. Thev tire a great res orcr 'a ml enricne? of p)t.1,,a. u'0!1 sllsi. y Ihelr use-joa will Increase your croin ati.f 1,1 Vk. tii-n mJ , ntu-n'-t .ii.iiuii.1i nuns: iy uicir use-joj win increase your croin a depends on the-clctnents thev conuin nml l-ai ll ei S 8 lOUlO IICVPI- lln.n,l nil snii.ll In u. bcrunbfc. 'i'S 'ymVA; . , "'!!'V.".H "A' . shM ieb that Is c Kiuintmec our rmwphntcs to bo free lrnm usidcts uuti iul, mk-i, as dirt, sand muck ashes, oyter shells, ground limestone, or anynduitettitlnn f nny 'il id to tVw T'm tho nrlce mA'.V T-1!0". 'initiates ot hUh grade, all hi flu.- dry .; ."lltlo , eont 7ni Br .'i..'.".'.'""- " 'L101' !." "I't'rt mt eunshb-ration In huviiig Pl niptiVih" A "citllliersueh n?.0. ,rm? S 'l'fr-PliospliHtc, whicii wo make nnii'.-, It Vdrti iif.will nnVvi a S n.''W""!1;0 soi1' lr cultivated muiir. Our g wdja'e made und-'r our own sViwnM.. Ion, which enables us lo speak of them in in,1tivo term 1. Pleaso try Ihem ai.a b t eoi Xced .1-.. '.' . JI ' .V. . .1 OUR JUMBO n,ywrr,m:.,.',!A1i,'1.lll,CK CV-!''t,lzer coiiPtliilnu all t!iefl"iiienls of plant-food, and has given pYice. ?M.oa; Try itl"' W""" 'I Fertilizer lei! to bo beatci!iPiuallty ind OUT- HERO PHOSPHATE !,3."ln I''her cradn and more lastliifc effects. This brand w 0 bellct e will come as near bciinr ffiilSSef icedl!8 fpSSd,'' a,,a iWJ U, Our Victor Standard Improved, Pries $35.00. U of a still higher irrade. and has no enual fur lli ninncv t u . ","l.,V''L."1,"rcrops nayo lvuioved. and in rciicciiu y :lsk mill il Til r nni t. .1 .:. ..v...,., ;. . ..v...,.. ..t tl I .1 uour.u apimcauon and a thorough test, uud fJ.FWrite. for Circulars to NEW June 20-m3 GREAT ALL OtJH .1 I.I - PAEiASOLM 1 I'M , "i u, rr iw G34 Plamilton El ' I 0 ' awtiy with niv IT. Gutji i rra - a SliSl KflflflV a wis u u QQciui&a i nave "mnue IHX'IJllPCU lOljilllC ill Mvithonooi the most FASIHONABhK as well as SUB STANTIAL lines of Ladies', Gents and Chjkkcns SUoos. Ladies American & French Kid $2. to $4. Ladies' and Childrens Spring Heel Shoes, All SizesI Ladies' Kid-Button Soes, $1.25 Up! Latest Styles Hats & Caps, AT LOWEST PRICES. ' A.t The "COEXnER STOEE." LEWIS WEISS BANK STREET, LEHICJIITON. PA. HATStn erjrjPEEFECT HEALTH tail I WelC. CS.iiiiiHIDIeuiiieui- CUKE FOR ucstion is liiuiulreil llie liver Inactive, or IheboiwI-u-oiHliiuldl -V.. . " . L-fT-.-.. 'nt boltzar uori6nt. will car 't uii-u iiiatuiti, lili hciiihiclie and l.vsicpal.i. It renu-1 l.tlC-i IUC IIOWC1S illHl eiuiblM llene of It reduces l-'cv ci', Coiiijlliu l.i'ioil, b bnahianletii I'lhsaiid mul Iniliiiiii.uilory I'l-kc:iHi-, mul Majusllv NiRt-HPRf anliP ' "i's."1"1 Ai'!,.ri,'.lli.'".'' AND cal, Kel'ahle, l"eR.nit, ' It almiilil be fo I ill OYSPEPSIA.tS mIicic. only by TA iiousonoiii. noiii lits every- I111AM CJ., Xew York. June Wr-Wl. !3i 1 - r h tun 'CSS so a H S' a MA fc s I S3 1 Hazletou people aro boping for n extension Cf the l:mtln Itouil in'lielr towr llie rcnil rutv to A iii!nrlei, oiiJV thn milcMfK'nt, now UUliU I I! Hi IUSJ lospliafesj! 1, outing - Per ('s Plroppliatcs ! .l..,.,.-il,... .t e. nr.t In gmi.11 il.ty of reitllliers-the quality ' I the mou valuable I'crtlf. m lllll.ll.T.-lUt-lll in mv unicio. PHOSPHATE ike poor land good und fund l.imi hVitpT rtr !,..... 1, 1 Wn w. mil I I.UOI'lia.U3 UI" lllUt;. rtf 1l.r,,....i 1 1 we tire satiiued (oablde by the result. Try them vi. uui 1 nuoiniaLua ui" 1111 ne recommend A. ARNER 8c SON, MAHONING, CAUIiON COUNTY. PA. BARGAINS. !' OVELTII.-B'INr Axil 0;- t St., Alltown. ntvpxl .jQ sf-?0 1 Vrr s 1. r t A. r-v V' , olil.ft;ck" aiitli amnnw lullv i i rt - A p. 1I8.VJ1 FARTHEST NORTH! THREE YEARS lURCTIC , SERVICE A.W.&ELT, Lleu't r. H. r ny C'oiniu.uiilinj; Ba7i.s9jltuu0f 18814. &! 'lun V..I. t!....l... I over ir,! ill 7,ir lonV n'nrt ' UXW"' ' Tim fh, rim " "" JJ.lliJ 1 anil Chi rta. Sold Oxly nr Si'nscrtii io.v. ' I ..."K'UiVitiioui voluniM, nt off with rcilun. !"-A-. Y. 4' ill ' UJ""" rea'WIft I '.tilnurablo alike for Ihe IhvIv nrinrnnn. 1 lyaawtt'' A Si'tcjAt, iocxr Wanted inevkiv '.'ITY AXDTOW.V. Charles Soribner'a Sona im w.L.i c. V13 ilroaaay, Xew Yoric. -The base of tbe soldiers' , ,,. . 'V Ma,"1 t-lpink It Expected tobeilo uu'l uivy- .11 u mnii nic i.iruicr must si rmiv tiin ui (Fl n a n tz n ci ij n m a ii a k: it.i l pi ninnHM H mnmm nmm (v.uiit. Miautll4U,H U- ex',idcj without sr4tiH;ns. jcr ioS4tifattor
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