& HOME DRUGGIST TESTIFIES. r'U.-t.tr tt liomo 1 rot ahray. the, best ts it tu Tit, but ve point proudly to (battel jt m crlirr raedlcluu La woa jer mull fich timveraal approboilcu tn Iti own city, ot, and oouut--, and. wcu; all people, as Ayer's Sarsapariila. SLo foUawtar httsr f rem ono of cur t t.sovu ilasssciuKtta Drugglttt thouid boot tateroci. to wary autforor i wmm essss v,r3 lbs I could r.ot more troia tho bod, or vrcts, without help. 1 tried several rtroe rtes without uiuoU It any relief, until 1 took AVER'S tUuaAl'AliU.LA, by the ueo or two bottles of vhi"U I was completely cored. litre sold lire quantities cf your Sahsa 1'ABlt.LA, aud It ftill retains lis xronderfu. popularity. Tbo many uouiblo cure3 It has Jffeeted in tulj vlclnitv convince ino that It Is tho tx.st blood uioiUguio ever ottered to tho jnhllo. L. F. lUauis." JJtvor St., BucUaca, 5Iau., May 13, 1AS2. SALT RHEll. cS'lSIl1 vsa for evar front ycati before his rciuoru to Lowell afflicted with Salt Rlicum tn Its worst form. Irs nletratieiu actually covered rioro than half tho surfaca of his tody and limbs, lie vr.u entirely eurod by Ave& s rtaiPAJHt.L.i.- See ertiticate la Ayer's Almiiarf tar 1EA3. rusrAiED cr Dp.J.C,Ayor&Co.,LowoHIMas3. fiold byaU Dro-eUts; CI, tlx bottles for S3. 25 YEARS IM USEo SYMPTOMS OF A Tjcsicfcippctltoa Uotvcla costive. Pain la tbr; bead, irltli a dull (sensation In tbo bad? part. Tain under tbo cbonlder MrMo, Fullness nftcr entitle, rlliindla. tn-Unatlon to exertion of body or mind, Xnitnfclllty of temper, Iiorrnplrlla, irltb. nfcrcjlnnof liitvlncnrclcctcd some duty, XYcnrlrnss, Dlzzlneeo, Fluttcrlnir at tbs neuiti Dots licforollio ores, lloadacbo ever tha riehc rye, Restlessness, vsltn r.tTUl dtenniD, HIzlily colorod Urine, and CONSTIPATION. SCTX'S i'lLI-3 arn especially adapted ftj orcli rates, otto tlnso cirects onoli a ehanff "OffoeHiiRnttonslcmlshtliosuircror. They InertnSe flto ,t jipetltcr.nd causa tho Ipd7t 'J'nUo on l'le4U1mii tbo rlcia Is Iionrloliri?.r-it bythi-lr Tonic Aciinu on tbd Digest IvoOrirans I traitlar tools aro fflrre mm dye. C kt Umh or WiiiMtEr.o ohnnged to a Cu, t Uuauc bT it tinRlo nppliontlon of NDrr.. Jt Imparlo a lmtm-af color, nets )n? nnWnfouMy. Sold liy Druj-jjlsts, or I - ly fxiwe'-ion mniilptof SI. i--C3,!J Murray St., flow Vork. err i tyfuLcssM'i1,,;- atk.l yctTM rsn corn iSilui.i tdfiiy. Tiuctt hiUlzTil i Tciloiisofiho ha I'M c.i.tr.ia!!nff clemfi ?'-?T?'rfi 9r-aEtrdnrcr!Trnb:.''j8n lh(trpt,,l1ccomcacl ce jrj) cn.1 ropkUypalrt 'jo'. sen , 17. . u-.! st, cv. 7 ouzs. zro. Osf traTor-ij p-.R3uMniNot.il Truc: HAIFliifiW fJi'PTflf?!- RELIEPA i ,rti- r. V.... r itlUJS? '".H"10 fcmro our fpwlaUy. H .iro to ti'i ut - Joi.1 mkluci treaUu.iu.koL(ir XiBBWiiuoa fcoj lawtedV IWutfACEHTSTOSat fatal STEAM as Lio!nj(lytj Territory Oaarantotid, A wefkb trinl of fft-lT0!?1' tlioueand per wat tlt liojtWnnherin Zzr v',u' viv ciuuioiiGenwmu taoncy. tHnsloinerit makes It n photiomlnnl i-uccoeioTr rr In' niiriv. K or xiittitTHiixi cirrtniar una ttrm or r.Rmjy W. WI. I o ot. I.UUIB, Croat dnmo.lle ftllllr? rttn Sir olreulir. FAJtlLy COFFtE llOASTtR CO.. ST. LOUIS, tia. For Kewesl tlesign nn'l Most' FaiUionalle Blylnof DRESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, GKOCEIUliS. PROVISIONS, SILVRRWAP.K, &c, &c. GO TO E. H. SNYDER, Bank Stroot, Lehifjchton. 0 "i.l utiuraiilet-d and pricoa liiir as ele l "e f ir thrMiue quality oft-codi. July 18, 1BP5 -y cr monlh tin llooua I CiaunLIlO mm' uur bTANUAitn immfE3c litum. sirmiv u lI v vrorit Uir SprinK and riaiunti-r Aildrvss J. 0,Mt CVitpv & i,:o(1 I'bUadolJ'Lla, duo i in at the J D I n ,i. . i uatyuu nuvuudie OFFICE FOR vi mm , i uneao nntins: ! ; Si' i'i It) CONSUMPTIVES. J lit ft 'vellJi r liainir been lieriaanet.llv if I r- .i'l iIUb, l'.mfuui)lloii, by : iiirl ifW. . li aiiil(MiitoinkeUii6ii' Liif n viflt.r. ri ihc inrane ot tart. Tti y 1 ""jLUM will mid a copy of tha i i . rTri-il. with Ilia dlwilun) lor "tK.iuif ttic wauiu wtilt-'li lliey I I , irr..rt'n.iaii, imi.u. t'on A ' - liit h. liinf . c J'arU.'a ' - ' V I i l. :i 'MM. 4 T t. A lI.G , ,Vl r,.... N.-ftl i..:t( ft Y !a.:i, a. rAlU.ifit 'JitmcuTodlwiMM. baf -vrr2rr iH 3tmtiiotuii4pii r.I? fiTJVTV'TJ Wi! frocthtiJ ln'llocrot.DS i ZJl Vt-S J V K'" tf to laim-graco, r t-M VroverbnilnworK. Avil. ARAC r "MfS'--"- .tpa'Al-Jl1" TOW "5 fefclfrSKil e'w.'. ;v." vat HISCHLLAMEOCa. Thoro a nly two occasions when a man Lkub ouj. ubax as aitodflus vll l.an he Is. TUo first b when bo runs for tho aldermanship of tits ward and: tho second when his wife sues him for a dlvotco. files I Pile.!! Piles!!! Sure euro for blind, bleeding and Itching piles. One bo;: Lm cured the worst case at 50 years 6tandln;. No ono neol suffrr fivo mlhufes nftcr using William's Indian Tile Ointment, ltab sorb3 tumors, allays Itching of tbo pri vate parts, nothing else. Sold by drug gists and nulled on receipt of price. SI. willUm's Mf . Co., Pron's., Crcvelaad, O. Sold at Thomas' drug stoic. It Is denied that JIlss Anna Dickin son will appear on the stage this cora hs season. If business levlvcslntbe Fall It won't be such a terrible year af ter all. if summer resort circular says: "Nobody dresses here." A sort of Af rican watering place. To Young Ladies. If your tlfe Is made a burden owing to blackheads, pimples and other eruptions on the faco marring your beauty and causing so much chagrin, It Is no louder neccmry to endure It. Dr. i'lagg's Family Ointment will certainly remove all such blemishes and leave your slcln soft, smooth and beautiful, bold by all druggists and mailed on receipt of price, 20c. Williams Mfg. Co., Trap's., Cleveland, O. Sold at Thomas' drug store. It is said that tho cholera never at tacks a man with a wife and five or more children. This would go to show that nature never hits a man when ho Is down. It Is easier to tell a lie than It Is to catch a fish. Boss Cold and Hoy Fever Are types of catarrh having peculiar symptoms. They are attended by an Inflamed condition of the lining mem brane of tho nostrils, tear-ducts and throat, affecting tho lungs. An acrid mucus Is secreted, tho discharge Is ac companied with a burning sensation. There are severe spasms of sneezing, frequent attacks of headache, watery and Inflamed eyes. Ely's Cream Balm Is a remedy founded on a correct diag nosis of diseases and can be depended upon. GO cents at druggists, or by mall. Send for circular. Ely liros., druggists, Owego, N. Y. 2w Norwich, Con., Is disturbed by the discovery of an Infant's body preserved In alcohol. Bodies of old folks, walk ing around and preserved tn tho same spirit, excite no comment. The question of tho hour what time Is it? Fcrsons who are past fifty will find Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Itemed) just about the medicine they need when they need a racdicinc at all. The ten years which follow that ago are full of dan gers which do not threaten younger men and women. This preparation gives tone to the system, gently expels Im purities and prevents the outcroppingof disease, the seeds of which may have been sown in cailier life. Why not live out all your days in health and "strength. Slexlco's Dnanclal condition leads to the susp'.uicu that there U a hack road to it from Canada, used by former citizens and emigrant financiers of the United States. When a man buys a clock ho gets plenty of tick. Tosst on all Bides Uy malaria, how tl nil we escape the dread Infection? Is the question whicl the denizens of fever and ague district: ask themselves. Tho answer come from former sufferers who for years ha cseap-'d the visitations of thepeilodh scourge, through tho protecting influ ence of Hostcttcr'i. Stomach Bitters. When the necessity forusingprcvcntlvi measures arises, use the means of pre vention at once. It regulates the liver, facilitates digestion and liberates im purities from the system, when sucl exist, fly promoting healthful action o the bowels and kldnc)s. Act early, li all regions where miasmatic vapor brei'd flif-casc, It Is absolutely npcessai; to hi provided with a safeguard, an this Is true, thoueh a fojoiiru in suel localities Is destined to be brief. ' one can afford to breathe malaria for short time. The liiltcrs is a Enwrei; specific for iheumatlsm, debility ai nervousness. Keep it cu hand. June 20, '85-ly. "He called moan ass 1" exclal an over-dressed, excited dude. "Well, you ain't one; your only a clothoj horse," soothingly replied a klndl cop. A girl should marry for protection Instead of for levenue only. Vital power Is Infused Into the sys tem, every organ regulated, every sc Cretlon purified, tho nerves of motlor and sensation strengthened, the braii refreshed, the appetite renewed, the di gestlon Improve 1 by tho Irrls'st le Vegetable llcstor.Uive, Dr. WulKer Vinegar Ilitteis. It docs not ehangi disease from one form to another I kills disease. Cincinnati drunkards carry a picci of rope with them. When they get toi full to walk they tio themselves to shad, trees and wait for a policeman. A man who abides In a ponllcntiar: is a law abiding citizen. Don't fill the system with quinine li the effort to prevent or euro fever am ague.' Ayer's Ague Cure is a far imr potent pre;ntivc and remedy, with tin advan age of leaving lu the body in poison i to produce dizziness, deafness npadne'ip. nnd mlinr .lUm-.liva I'l.. proprlo.or9 warrant it. -r-Tho proprietors of a new hair reme dy assert tha tha raco of bald headt will now entirely dlsapj oar. What w Hi the flies do for a skating rink then? Sam Jones, tho evangelist, says that "a german Is nothing but huggiug set to lnnsle." Scrofula diseases manifest themselves In the warm weather. Hood's tfarsapa rilla cleanses the. blood, and rcmoe every taint of scrofula, Wo o'flen hear of the manner in which a bank Is tun, -but for first-class No. 1 running the 'cashier Is the ono Ic observe. . A wicked llttle.boy say3 that'hdme witliout a mother would b.a -a solid pic nle all the week, Oeorge Campbell, Hopklnsvllle. Kv. says: "Burdock Blood Bitters Is the beat preparation for the blood and th , atomaclLCver manufactured." Ltr - . . wf a.nalr of lmirs wnnM 1 , , ' l, , 01 '-rs would DC SUre luvir inaieii is niaue in tteaveu, let mem get marrlod in a balloon. A mail who tome lime ago marr cd "an angel" aya It is about as complet.- n tilt Kiir.i tt nn.il.t... 1... - '" -v"' ' "'"'wc. I ha rdnf STOKE INfflE K1D1IEY Kxprlled afie ruling Or. Pay Id ICrnttedy'a "Favorite Reinrdy," Admit Tutu Wwki. Oiif of lb initjt rrtnnrVHbl nfea that ba ever been britiilit bi the mtticeid th pulilii! la that l Mr. .1. H. H-uch, nf atiine ltidjsc, Uleler cotinlv, JJ Y, Mr. Ueacli liml enirerfd Bincn 0!t. 1R, 1871, Imm tho prpspnee nf Rali-ultM nr Stnnn in thi rlalit lilHiiiy. Kn than coven pliv,ii-iuii.i ivcti rmplnvfil nt tUHfrent llmeit, b whem Mr. B'-Hrh piitt lMinlrrda "I dultaia Mr iik-iIhuI t'rHlnieiit. with only lfinilurjr relial from Ids nS"ny. I!y tlie nrscnt scbellfilinns of Ins fn.'nls lm n IndiuTil tn try Dr. Dnvld Ki'immly's 'ravorlia Kinpily," mid mp'riomvil i niiirHril fiiipmTHiiHant front llto first tiny bo Ihj;iu to life lit niedirlni. Oil tli t&th ol R.plinili.r be vol.lut a aiotui tt Uruo ai C'liild ho piiutil tliroiit;!. the nxtutal oli.iu nel Mr. IWcH ritirl-'n!ts a lonir Mttr to Ir. Kf nnily ny eivlnt t "It will nlny ai lohl Ui.fiitiire to rt'Cttmtni'iMl yitur Fn Miritu l!fnie''y' to tl-.se who nmv lie ulfor tuc; from ilituVu1t!ea of thn Kilni)s or lllad'lrr, nr any disorders a rising from on Itniotro flato of the bloo.1 " William McKnow. 124 Fnvatlo St., dl tlianrt. Mil., aiys. "! Iwllavo 'Fayoritrt nomidv' le r c'"f meilleine. Ills ilolni; inn more gtind than nn)lhinttl over irn'd, nni) I hiivi' Irni1 almost every llilne, lor I mil a inltVr fiom ifix-psla." WI1II0 "Fa imilo Iteniidy" a f(-eitl(! in Bioniiicli ohd I!lmldr illcasc, it Is equally vilimlile in i-afps of billon's nls.ir.lcrr, Col.silpallon cf the Dowels ami nil olasnof Ills nppaiently ItiBi'pariitjItf from the conttitttllon of wo men. Price f 1 11 bnltles, f5 8-11 lm 13 "WEEKS. Tho rOLICE 0A7.ETTE will U rasiW, aenirely wr ped, to uny ii'Mres in the United States for threo months on icteipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to M$tiun!itprs( Agents ami clubs Sxmplo cojiies mulled free. Addrean all orders to ItlCIIAUD IC. FOX, Fiiaski.in Square, N. V, May .10, 1835-Jy Picte! Picte! Pictures!! PICTURES Copied and Enlarged in all sizes from card to life size, viz: Oil Portraits, Water Colors, Pastols, Crayon, India Ink and Photos. AH work gnnrnutred or nn pny. All wu ask i.i a trial, (livu u 11 call - uud ho convinced. No. 105 North Eishth Strcot, ALLENTOWN, Pa. FKANKLIN S.VNTEB, Mnnagrr. J. S. KUr.ini.l.lt, Agent. ORDEl'S b ft ut tbo Raiui j Advi cite Oftlce will rect-ive nroniiit iittnilioii. Feb. 23- ly Beer Saloon mi Restaurant 1143 Vine St., Philadelphia. Donnis Gilbert, Propriotor. The Par Is runrlnhcd with choice- I'ljrurs Kredi I,:i- r, and other rt freithincuiK. lVr suns Irnin 1I10 l.ehlirh V.illfy riililnv Phlln dolnhla are respectfuil) Invltetl to irto toe a Call. IlEHMH U.LliEllT. .March !, 1-Ci-tr. wanted 2or:.r:;f,r,nfv;! isf A rp kO"NTmn hrttutrh (!arbn f.mn. Ui UJJ ,y wlth v.UAnLK WdftKS rou bl'in-i nt nrsisi-B- M UN aM) MKcitAMrfl wlm unlirjt ntdl nni! ni-el limn, yivinir ilu-ir iiri(r nt clalit: jirolit liberal, 'jy nml quick; nn roler to ui ntlcmt n c earlnu ISA i SO it wp. k wdo nr .linetl with the w.tk: only rnpftiil ' quired; wrln for part lcul.tr (t yon mnan Ini. nrf; mvf nue. trmlo r r-vluuf finpl y 111 lit nnl rr'erfiicrs PiiMser. 'althfr & ( Vn ciblli tu,Ntw otk Stock Fas'm, Crosso ilo, Wayno Co., Mich. SAVAGE & KAltNUJI, 1-ticritiEToaa. Pa"TM!re.IBOllCT. "IMPORTED Percheron Horses. Alt Stack Selected from tfiA tret nfdrM and ilflnii of Mtablislied reputation and registered in Uia ns4 j Aiaciican SlUU POCkl. ISLAND HO MP Is beautifully tltuatcd ct the hesd of (Jposeir It la th Detroit Klrer, ten miles below the City, and Is accessible by railroad and tleambcau intcrs not familiar with the location my call at clrj- oftce. 6i Catnpau Buildln", and on escort will accorripatry lem t tha farm. Send for catilonue, free by mVit mMiitwiiiwmh.jfr Nerve-Life and Vij Th's cut (hows tho llowtinl Electric AND Mnv'iiotic Shield as aiinllotl over the IC Id- lit) itund Nrrro-vltal cvntvrs. Tno only ap. rllauco lrmtls that ts ovvry part of tho UkIi. and tha i-nly ore needed to roitniTiiT crni Itl.tlli'T l)Itao It lioiiinnllitrii, ) p c p h 1 a . thf ivoip ees o( OF THE i CIlllllIII t oitii ni?Kt 1'.1iiiuk .Ion, lm 00 ten ) , amh ell. Ilia CUKCHOllil WouIl. iHMof the llriiiu Ut'lillal Orjuna Patented Fab, 85, JS70, TQUJiO MEK, frvm vory Indiscretion, lack ucrrc ivrco ana iui to aiuiu sireitgui, MlODl.E ACifiD MnNoftunlaCjVylgor, attribut ing It to tba proa-ruM of ycim. The MOTllEtlfWIFK ami St AID, Millcrtrigfroui, M'rnaie hukiim, .-icruH I'eouitj' auu, blue; ail' mulite, will find It ttic only cure. Tootie ami all nni tbattheStdcM giver nat ural aid til a natural vaj WITHOUT UltrOCISO tllK SJTOllXCIt. AVarrnllliid Ono VeorA untl llio liet npiiiuiii:u iiiuuct - .t.... 1.. .. n.itt.t.t. rf.itwii nn itvw lllUairttlOU I BIIipUltJt, Itllit.l. I O iHMI aleo Pamphlet for Ladl. only, Mid 011 rtwatpt of 6c, soaledt unsealed, VHEK. . American Galvanic Co., OFFICES 1 1X03 Clet ut (St., E-Stla. A BBSS FARMERS' COLUMN. 'What Is a Bight-Handed Man? A right-handed man is a man' who takes hold of a hoc, a rake, a spade or a fork, with the richt hand down, and tho left hand up, or nearest his body. A mau who habitually puts his left hand down, or, for Instance, the- man who places his right on tho lop of a opadc, and grasps the handle or shank with his left hand, ts a left-handed man. Aud so with an axe. A right-handed aud a left-handed man can work together In chopping down a tree. If they were both right-handed, or both left-handed, they could not do lhls,unles3 one chopped on one side of the tree, and the other on tho other side. And so It Is In loading earth or manure Into a v. agon. If the men stand faco to face, ono should bo left-handed, and tho othcrrlght-handed. In hoeing a row of com, the right handed man will walk on the leftside of tho row, while tho lcft-liandcd man will walk on the right side of It. When two men together undcrtako to pitch hay upon a wagon In tho field, ono should be alcft-handcdman.and the other a rlzht-haudcd man, and Mand face to face otherwise they will make awkward work of. There are men who say they can use one hand as naturally an tho other, hut It Is not common. As a ruin, wo think theio aro more left-handed men (In this sense), than right-handed men. In pitching bay or grain upon a wagon, the rlght-hauded man will pre fer to have tho wagon ihlvc so that tho row of cocks or shocks shall stand on tho left side of tho wagon. The differ ence between a handy man on a farm, nd an awkward one, is often duo to a want of ready perception of the differ ence between the right hand and the left, as here described. vim. vlji'fcttl- fttrfsi. A Groat Biscivoiy Mi. AVm. Thomas, ot Nowton, la.. says: "My wile lias been seriously affected with a cough for twenty-five ycars,and this spring more severely than over before. She had used many remedies without relief, and being urged to try Dr. Kins's New Discovery, did so, with most gratifying results. The first bottle relieved her very much, aud tho second bottle has absolutely cured her. She has not had so good health for thirty years." Trial bottles free at T. D. Thomas' drtu store. Largo size 1. Early bamb3 for tho Butchor. If you want early lambs, you must attend to the matter now. Twenty-two weeks is the average. Jlme. But it is necessary to select the ewes, and com- mcnce.to give better and moro stimulat Ing food, six months before you wish tho lambs. As a rule.you can get earlier lambs from ewes having moro or less Merino blood In them, than from most the English breeds of mutton sheep. But even, with these ewes, It is not alwayi an easy mat cr to get lamls in January and February. It is safe to select twice as many ewes as you wish to keep, for an early crop of lambs riicro is no lots In this. You can dis- lose of thoso not served, up to a given date, or keep them for a later crop. In our own experience, wo have found no .liiliculty in l.unbing.cvcn when wo have med rams of the largest breeds, such as ;he Cotswold. Tho seize of the head, between and about the eyes, has more to do with this matter, than the size of '.lie body. In selecting a ram, avoid 'argo beads. Then If you can got a breed distinguished for early maturity, md rapid fattening qualities, the name s of no consequence. There aro many neb breeds South Down, Hampshire own, Shropshire. Down, Oxford Down, eiceoter and Cotswold. You can not :o amiss. Yon want to select good, lirifty, healthy, fully matured ewes, nd feed Ihrm well. And tho tooner on commence to give them extra feed, if:er the first of August, the better. A c muge of pasture, especially from go-.d o better, and from better to best, Is leslrable. Give salt occasionally, and resh water every day. Xo matter how jod the pasture, provide some troughs, tud give each sheep a pound each, per lay. of oats, or peas, or beans, oil cake, ir corn, until all the ewes are served. losui'ii IlAitnis in Am. Agriculturist. Balmy Sleep. Tho Inili marlan of Mount St. Clements 'ollcge, llchoster, Maryland, writes that el Star Cough Cure has given much atisfaction in that Institution. In a o.vcre cac of consum'.ition It gave great brf, and after its use icstleas nights nd nlglit sweats disappeared. ' (rriculmral Fairs in 188.V Below will bo found a list of Agrlcul- ural Fairs to bo held In 1'ennsylvanla 11 1SS.1, which will he useful to persons proposing to exhibit at the Cation County Fair, who desire to attend other airs and wish to make up a circuit. I'lio tlate Is given when each will com mence, the duration being from three to four days each, with the exception of the Pennsylvania State Fair, which will continue for two weeks from Jho Srd of September, The list also gives the name of (he Secretary and tho place where each fair will be heR With joma exceptions the Secretaries reside In the places where the fairs will, be held, aud where tho residence Is differ ent, the post-olllce address of tho Secre tary will be found In parenthesis after his name, AURUst 31 Trfs'tnte CNlilUttlno. Williiini' ('love, It. it, '1 nomas, Meclmnlcsbun; I'a Sent. 8 ltrks Oounty I'air, Cjrin 1'. Vox. lti-.'.dlns, l'a. aopt. IS Haston (Northampton fount) ),W. Gibson Field, luislon, l'a. Sept. 15 Umeaster county, J,' 1!. Long Lancaster, l'n. ..,.. - Ve Sept. 15-Lebanon. county, C. ft. fmnlf.Lcb aunn, l'a, Sent, l6-i:intim'ii (SsliulUl!l muntyL 1, Applo-nitc, iMwiiaiiilOMliVltlntftnivii. l'a. ' bept. l5-.Trov, (Uradlord iw, U .M.t&ml. (Sylwuilu), Tioy, i'a. , Selt. l8-yo-nliig tounty-s 3. W.Tlali. TuukhaumH'k, P.i. bept, it Su quelianna county, II. A. Tit. worlli, Mnntnv. I'a. ' twpt. 22 -Utckaw-uuna comity,l),..M, Joinw, Hertinton. ln. " " fjWH. .M-jVnnwlwnla Mtal.lHlr, 1.-V. Setf.r(llurrIburK). futlmJelidila: , 8nt. us M-hiijiklll county. Oeii.lLYWcr, Ornliwbiuir. l'u. I Sept. 2S -ililgH county. L I', Becker, AI 1 lentomi, l'a. Htpt. 3j-llriiiltord county, I. A. Will. I Toniiudn I'a, Sopt. ) Northi'rn Columbia and Luzerne, C C. Lians. lljrwlck, IV. 1 Oct 0-Uu.ks -ouuty.J IV Cose, I)i)ls ; town, 10. 1 Oct b-Turbon or.naiv. r Baua' (Last . .Mil. vuauiw, .vuii,uu., .'4. H. H. PETEES' ffllTBii 'ffASa,!!!, AnooimcM to iiln on.btiners and Ilia clllaem penerollv Unit he Is ON' DECK" with ono of ll.o Largest au'd 111 'fit Faslilouublo citocxs nf Si Drina & 1. 1 Rl) le-of iO A it DOMESTIC nnuulartiired CLOTHS, C-ISSIMERES AND SUITINGS, over lieforo shown In thin a-ctioo. nml nt nrico. I'.i. Ihit defy roinpfllllon. None empioreii, nencd tin- nest nnleed in eyery rnt-e. Also, on liuinl a lull and Feshlouable lino OF GENTS' FUBNISniNG GOODS of newest styles, including Collars, CutTs, Neck-Ties, Hose, &c, &.c- De Hire you cat! and examine goods and prices before going elsewhere H. H. PETERS, The Tailor, POST-OF F1CF BU I LDING, Bank Street. - - L.ehighton. Penn'a. April IS, 1SS3 ly t- ' RatoliiF & Chubb, BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS, AND DEALERS IN- ICE CREAM, PEANUTS, &C. FRESH VI) & H1SCUITS every day. Delivered in town on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. EMQVAL! C. M. IS WEEN & SON' "Respectfully announce to tlieir removed into 1 heir New ? . . I . ... A I 1 L". i .1 A .1. sue tiieir KJiu oiiiiut, auu unit ot tuc Jj a ku iss l ana ti liar aELhUTJiD arouKy or Groceries, Provisions, Queensware, 'CARPETS & OIL CLOTHS, over brought to this borough. tho LOW Lb 1 . tall and see us, we guart.ntcc satisfaction. Remember, the NEW STORE, opposite the foot of Iron Street. C. LEWIS respectfully informs his many has removed his BOOT 'riW-LV' (M- y1 Ws1UWUniWM'JsulMalMl'WnaiWls3allw 1 s I - 1 - , ,-T,-, -, -rr-- , , , , L WIS WEISS, BAM Street, IIBIOL'IOk April 4. 18S5-IV r4lb a rp M? ca WHO IS UMACQUAI?rr D WITH THI bEB DV GKAMflNC wga5--Z - Ck-JiUwQO. ROOK ISLAND & PACIFSC RABLWAY Dvro-.-mof lticsit .1 posltlo-i nn-l V03t, .'Jiinit ai 41 l tarmui 1 Dan o, ccn"jiuuio t mt luijiui w 111. uiiu-l-i-i .lantJllmli la that rjvats-a ortlrouT'i troiioportrtlon which fnviteo end fnc -.tnn iTTrtl nnrl tT--iiflfi lint..-vn-i nit. tii cf tno Atlir.tlo end Pceiflo Co: Lta. 13 also tbo favorltannd heat ro-ati ti Contnoast. ana cor.-ccponainj tiointa XUJ ItOii IIJIIU UyOb 'ill II1WUUU, )I( IL- HJt III IIIIU UUll Wll.t.ilW, Vll.t-l.MU, Joltot. Ottr..Tj La8ain, I'oorlJ, Ganesoo, Mollno ond Rock Irlond. In Illinois; Uworino-T, Mj3-5itlno, WnsWnjton, Feli-fleld. Cttumvro. Orkclcocn West Ll.'jQrt7. Iowa City, Dsa Moims. ludlonobi, Wlntcrcet. Atlantic, Iinoxvillo, Andiiioo'i, Harlin, Quthrla Oantro tnd Council DIuflTs, In lotvpi Gallatin, Tront -n, Cameron nnU Kiua.ta Cay, ia K .nsi3: At03rt un, Minn3iDoita rna ) mota, a id liun'lroa3 of int 'rmorij.t j THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE buar?.ntQ"8 ito patrons tlr.t Ronso or Hrt.-01-riiitr 11 ili-.trtfl fftiri.hftil- Rmn.ith otmti-illv built calverta nni nri Isej; -human BUM Cin mako it; tue eatcty npijuance iBlcl oir-briiltoii; and t'nt oxaoinj dlsclpllno rfi.t.n-itrrt nf nil lr-a ITln. t Ir.'l V HtiM.tnlttafl I on'oomiao'-Pji nol-iw 11 Unlm Depots, a d tbo unsurprised ccinforts una -'usurlca of "to IJ ssunier liq llpmoit. . . ... . Tli-FjBtCnr siTcaln? ivitwoen rhlcntro rnd tho Missouri nivor ore com .ponodor vollvontil.it3d,flne v tipliolat rel DeyCoacbeu. Mcsniflccnt Pullman l'jlaco Blooporo of tha l itoat 'la-ign. and eumptuoun rinino Crrs, In wnirh ertaboratoly cookid meals nro leisurely oeten. "tjocd Efpcstlon wcltine on Appottto, and Ileslt'i on bptb." Botwoen Cuiccaro end ICanees City pnd Atonlojn, ojo 0.U0 run tbs Celobratod Itocllnlnj Ccclr Cars. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE. Is tho direct nnd f worlto )lno botvoon ln-r rvouadJ of Ia7-i cod Minnesota, rioa " iio,i.ti liomo a ntin . o-.hfir n" 1 lands betroan Uo -rrxirt Kovzn. II'cuion'l. B. VI 1 Couns 1 CI vT.i" j;anooa Cit',Liiu oanolia ond St Paul and intcrr.10dl.-to point3. For d-fllil Inform it ion boo Mupa and I'oltler, obtsinnblo c.t xieU to Tlokow. at 1 11 principal Tickot Offlc.a la tbo Unltoa Bt :ts end Cncdr.; cr by tul Jrcs.Ian; R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHW, Froildent tMtil Central Uanaccr, Chlcsso. General "Ickct a-J Pit'tnger Actnt. Chlctoo, Summer loil th Lord of worlcm-n ae workmansnlp andrlt is cusr- f host of friends that thev hnv Store Building nearly oppo- O . - 11 iney are now opening up one Our prices arc as LO W as M. SWEENY & SON. WEISS friends and customers that he AND SHOE STOI E Into ll.o NEW BUILDINO, nearli opposite his Old Sinnd, anil that he ts now reclvlrif ami openlnir up for their Insicctlon n icry larue ami fjshlonnUle line ot well-cclected Boots, Shoes, Gaitbks, Hats, Caps. UMBRELLAS, &c., lultnhle for SPRING anil SUMMER WEAR AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES ! nnn invites yon tn call and exnmlni floods nml learn 1 rices l.ct. r. pur chiflu: clown, re. r-ATlSF i". I'KIN'innll cues billy inmrinticil Vt nemenltwr, PIIK NI.W SlllRUni posite Hie hot of -A lit , STHFIT. CCOCRAPHV CP THIS OCUNTRV, WILL THIS r"AP. THAT TUB cloiorcl t!on to rllrrincir.cl lines rcttr ntl md from rolntg.Ei et. ,tcrt.eaot oncl y ctr, Kcnnwcct c na eotunvrenr. in iliMouri Itiyonworth nnrt Atchlcon, bt. i-tiui, in MitineEoin; wr.Tortov cities, towns, viLagtJs rnd ctatlcns. personal eccurlty ofTbrdod by n solid, trnctlcs ot rontiniioufl Eteel Tell: eub. rolling ptcck as npor perfection na wblcn povorr-'j tlio prnctlocl if tills rontt) ore 'rrnnafors tit Chloavo ond Minnoapolle CMl Bt Paul tho ir et dcelrccls route to tbo ' r interior ivnetn, Qonoco and KanktUtoo, hos fcoen ojxnerl llnclnnntl. ln-lToniinnlfr.. 1 nd Irfr vctto trul Cincinnati. JiylTaiiupolu A Spanish Tale. DonTruslHo, of Castile tva Messed with a bcut!Iul daushtcr named Dolo res. He was bent on compelling tier to marry Scncr D'Araceno; but tbo fair maiden revolted, and tbo threat of her father was uttered that, If slio did not yield to his commands, tho couvent of Santa Isabel would rccclvo another vo tary. Dolores yielded, but only to avoid tho convent; nnd to D'Araceno eho ex pressed herself as having no love or re spect for litra, and, when ho sought to Ulss her, tilth frantto strength she pushed him ntvay, nnd, with Hashing eyes and llerco specch,satd to him: "Sc- nor D Araccuc, It la decreed than lu two raontlu' time I shall bo your bride, and there's no other chotco left mo but a nun's cell. But mark mo well; until thn lav? binds tu lnjone, 110 kiss of thlno shall press my Hps, 110 embrace of Ihlno enfold me; I must bo left as free as nlr, to enjoy, as best I may, tbo llttlo tlnio that remains to mo cro I am bound In luted fcUvery. If I am not granted this I will find a way to cscapo thee, even If It bo my death. Shall It bo as I have said?" D'Araceno felt compelled to accede to her demand, but ho haughtily responded than when sho became bis wlfo sbo would repent of having shown her dis like. Ho hastily withdrew from her presence. Tho days flew drearily yet swiftly on. Ono sunny afternoon sho was seated In her father's garden, In a lovely spot, In a half-dreamy reverie, when suddenly sho was startled by hearing a volco cry out to her tenderly and soMy: Do'.orcst Dolores 1'' She started with a scream, nnd soon found herself In tho outstretched arms of Valenclo Loonata. 116 had heard rumors of her Intcn lc.l marriage, and had hastened to her side to rescue her from her dreadful fate. Their interview was that of ar dent lovers, and listening to Valenclo's promises, she declared to him that If he would save her from that fatal niarrlazo she would follow him even to the ends of thocarth. They agreed upon a meet ing the next day, when she would fly ivilli her lover away from her stem, re lentless father. Tho hour had arrived. Valenclo ap peared, having secured two horses sad dled and bridled. They rode away to a neighboring piJre, nnd wcro united in wedlock. Then they departed with all possible speed an ay along tho broad roul, northward. As day dawned, they heard rapid hoof-beats after them, and, casting a startled lcok behind, Dolores saw her father and D'Araceno pursuing them. A race of life and death began, but, alas, Dolores's horse stumbled and fell, and Valenclo, unwilling to desert her, sprang to her assistance. With rago and hato in their bosoms, the pursueis overtook them, and the Don haughtily cried: "Dolores, how Is It I find thee, the plighted bride of Senor D'Araccne, here at this hour with a btrangc.r?" "He Is no stranger to me, my father; It is Valenclo Lcouata, and he Is my husband." "Thy husband, foolish child; prate not to ine of husbands. The only one I shall ever know will ho the senor by my side, aud lie now bids thee, as his bride elect, to quit the arms of yonder man, and seek his own." Valoucio, clasping Dolores to his bosom, firmly declared her to be Ills wife, and beseeehod Don Truxillo to tnko back his cruel wo.ls, and let them depart In peace. The imperious Don, without a mo ment's hesitation, drew a pistol from liis belt and fired at the unfortunate youth, who fell at Ills bride's feet a corpse, while the, half frenzied, knelt bcsl Jo him. Coolly, he then gave orders lo Scnor D'Araceno to tako back bis bride; then, turning Ills horses, without nue glanc at his distracted daughter, he rode away. The scnor, dismounting, advanced to lie side ot tho stricken girl, saying cntly as he could: Scnorita, this Is but a sorry place for lire, and thy father has bidden inn con luci t ic luine. Wilt thou come?" Dolores's passionato grief had given place to a dull stupor, and she made no rcshtoncc to being conducted home. Prom that hour to the hour appointed for her bridal she was listless and un concerned. When the day came, she permitted them to array her In the gleaming robes and place tho costly jewels upon her neck and arms. Then, iihenallwas done, they bade her look hi the mirror, and with a start tbo then seemed to realiw for the first time what ill the bustle sly 11 i tio. I. When her at tend mt dcpartel from the room; she swiftly gllJod to a little cabinet, and oiuhlng a becret spring, a tiny drawer dew out. In which lay a gloaming dag ger scarce six Inches In length, with the little handle incrusted with gems. She coicc.iKd It in her ho-om, and then calmly aualiid tlio ceremony. Like a beautiful, stately marble statuo she stood while It was being performs.!. Onlv onco did sho raise her eyes, and then It was to encounter the stern, re lentless gaze of her father, beneath which her own quickly drooped. Tho br logroom turned, with outstretched hands, to greet his bride. As his dark detcj cd f.wo was bent ovcrher's, she z started back with a fierce, vengeful scream, and raised aloft her beautiful arm and clcn.'lie.l hand, In which tic tiny dagger now gleamed. In an In stant It was uplifted, and with all tho force passion 001111 Bummon to her, It was plunged into the heart of tho bride groom. Xear tho banks of the bright Raudal qulver, surrounded by roiuo of tho fair est scenery of smiling Spain, stands tho convent of Santa Isabel, Within Its walls thcro still lives a nun who, for twenty years, has never looked upon the bright orb of day, or tho beautiful scenery that surrounds the convent. Forty years lwve not pawed over her head, nnd yet It Is snowy whlto,wliIle In the strides, fasts and severest penalities now pastes the time of her who was mice tho beautiful and blooming Dolores Truxillo. SleeidMsntsi. Itcinuve the eaut by ivguUtiiiK the bowels, by t uabllalilns (tool dtgtfation and by ipiietiiig the n?rics with smu. nions Lucr 1'igulator. Try It, and you will soon know tb" blessing of koi d hc.dth and -cuod tlccp. THE GREAT j3KETjg FOE UVER MSEASE. SYMPTOMS? .rfiii. cuhaUo-witfuri rin ia Ike back. ikW, n wlatl milt ken for Khvomi-atrnt M-txratMiMlii ! f mp r-Ut tofnetime-a curva acdwu-eri t aac tortUgertwsi ihilency and acid eruAAiloMj t-wtUattenutelrcnMlv and Ut l bd ?!)( lost of fMmor-r, with a paisM m ution erf hiving UflM to -rlo sotM-ailng wfckk ta fcavel-Kttlcni dtUttT low Befits i ltiikktflUw arTtu:eo(tKciklnnd eyti adi-ycowftti rc kfineu, th urine I tuoty ad MsoLoMd aA at allowed to Mind, dcpotlu a aediioe-af SIMONS LIVER RESULATOft. rtmSXY VJEGKTABLK. ui imciuii srtcino rut Mnlnrln, Dyspepsia. Constipation. XllUousneas, hick Headache, Jnundloa, Nausea, Colin, Mental OopreAalon, lionet Complaint. Ktc, KtCvKto., Is naenlly used ta the Soutl) to amuse th Toe piii Liver to a healthy aclion. It acta without disturbance ta the SYittm, diet or occupation. It reRUlutes tho IdTer, aad c.iuici the bile to act as Use puree. The eicesi or bile being removed, a tonlo oaS is produced aud heiliK Is perfcedy restored. The Itoryulator ii rtvm with a&falY aad tha liapjilest results 10 the raott deHcate infant. For all'dueases la which a laxAtlve, nlterav tlvo or purgative. Is needed it will give the most perfect tatisfaclion. Tha Cheapest, Purest nnd Dest i'amity Medicine la the World! p- THERE IS BUT ONE SIWMONS X LIVER REGULATOR I See that vou get the genuine with lh red Z oa front of Wrapper, prepared only by J. H.ZEILIN & CO., sole raoraiatou, PHILADELPHIA, PA. REMOVAL! JDr. C.T.Horn, nespcotfuliy announoes to his customers and the people generally tl.athe lias removed his DltUCI Sl'Ulti: from Leuckel's llulldlnic to his new store room opposite the Public Squaro Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa., vchern bo villi be pleased to receive friend, and tho public and supply them with I'me Drugs & Medicines, Faucy and Toilet Articles, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, Stationery & Choice Cigars. together nlth a fine lino of latest designs la Wall Paper AND DecorationS, at fiowcst Trices. Persons can also obtain Kre (Masses nnd Spectacles, properly ad. tuHted to their slirht at reasonable prleis. Prescriptions coiapouacod with caro day or n'Klit. notr-cmber, Tllli OENTKAIi DKUO Store, Koh. i.-yl Uu. (. T. 1101111. I A M 1 Claims a speelally, a nd WAR A I I UAV I H. A II II IT 1 11 N A I lni 1 i-'ntlJlESTUAl) (JKKTIKIOAT. US and all kinds of LAN 11 SCltll'T ImiukM amlStild. I.nruo Stock, and HUliot Prlcca paid. Ilo you rnnt 10 sell or buy? If a, wrltti to A. A. TlillAIAS, Attorney at Law, Washlnirton, D. O. fan, S-tfs. Central Carriage Works Hunk St., Lchigliton, Pa., Are prcparod to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c., 1 if every description, In tho most substantial manner, nnd at I.uneit Cash Prices I Itcpiili liig I'loinptlj Allrmled ' TlIKXIiEK & KHEIDI.Kn, April '.'3, issi yl Proprietors. WM. DUFFY & SOK, of East Mnuch Chunk, are prepared tn do all kinds of & Ornamental fort, at shortest notice. OnUrs l.y mall will r cetvn prompt attention. Terms nioderata or giuulivork. senlitf MANHOOD Keslored. A Kentlrman harinir Inneeently rontiacted the hohlt of self abuse In hla youth, and In consennrnce sullered all tha nurrora of Sexual incapacity. Lost Man hood, Physical Peiiy, 'leneral Prostration, eto , will, out of rttapithy for his fellow sullenr. mall Iree 1111 reelpe by which he was finally cured. Addrers In confidence J. IV. PINKUY.si Cedar St., Now Vorlc. dec. ST ly M.nnro money than at anything atsa by taking an aiccney for tbo best selllnic Look out llealnners susceed arand. ly. None lull. Terms free. Hailitt ll.-Mist Portland, Maine. dec0-ly No Patf nt No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors In the United Stats. Canada and Kurope, at reduced rates. With oar principal office located la Washington, directly oppotlto the Unltfcl Stat. Paleol Ufflce, we are able to attend to all patent business vrltb frester promptD. and da spatoli and tit t.ti ooit than other patent at torners who are at a distance from Wash. Inicion. and who have, ihsrefbre, tn employ associate attorneys." We make preliminary eiamlnatluns and furnish opinion, as t pa. teuubllliy, treo of ehariie, and all who are intetested in new Inventions and patenla are Invited to rend for a copy ol our "(Inlde fur obtaining Patenir.'i which I. sent free to any a ldreis. and contain. ooii lets Inetruo. tions how 10 obtain patents and other valna. I.le mutter. We refer to the Oerman-Amer. I lem naiionui llank wasblngton, I). 0. 1 tb Itnyal Swe.lljh. Norwealan and llaolib Lena I Hons. at Washington! lion. Jos. I'assy. late tlhlel .lustloe l). S, Court of Ulalmsi to the ! OUlelalt or the IJ. 8 patent Offlse, and to ' Senators and Members of Congress from every Sma, Aililrw.i I.OI'ia niOOKRh CO.. Bo lienors ol Patents and Attornaysstl.aw 1.. Ilroll Hall, Uu,; WaaaiNOTOK, U. 1, R'TPTTIR'ES""'1 hr " astrlirent J A 1J Lotion Powder Kale, sure, euro St. 00 lly mall with full dirre. ! Hons. o.kiI. tor 3 oent slainn, I't'KTkllll,, to) Mith Avenue, New York. dectT-ly T rr T-l T- -Tv a TtTmrt . ( who desire to , double tbalr pr . " -u'l. -v lUTUtiuciiiKn no ui new KOOUS. In nspe., siide -o all fainlllea. will addrisslur lull i.HHt-uisre LALTII POOD Conraxv. ' - " ' -. .. . T. . I , . Ct . iT ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers