Onlf Tcmpcranco Hitters Knamu 4 (Vo other jnrdlrlno known to cltoctui anyporiroi t.'ia Mood ot dccp-Buatod iliecafca. Mllltoim boar testimony tolls iron-, qorful curatlro effect. It In a purely Vegetable Preparation, mado from tho natlvo herbs nnd roots ot Call, fornla, the medicinal piupfrtlea of valch aw It romoven tho caimo of dlacaRO, and tho natlont recovers hi health. U U tlio icront Illnml Purifier and LUoslrlnit Principle ; a tluitlo roraetlvo and Tonic; a perfect ltcnovator and Intigorator o the aretora. Never heforo la the Mslury of the worlahM a rnedlon hocn compounded possess ing tho power, of VlMHOAn Hitters In healing .uu mtiv 1, DTUIJ .IIBUUDU II1BU IB I, tit lOa Tlio Allorntlvc, Opulent, Diaphoretic, Countm-lrrltant, Knclorlfle, Antl-llllloiis, Sol vest, Diuretic and Tonle properties of Vikkoak JliTTeni oxcocd thojo of any othor inedlnlno In the world. No toron crm tafco IIicBittibs accord Injr to directions' and remain long unwell, provi ded their bonoa aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs hwu uufuimmo point qi repair. IIIIIoub, Itcmllteiit, intermittent and Jlalarial l'ovcrs, are prevalent throughout tho United States, particularly In the valleys of our great i Ivers and their vast tributaries during tha Bamraer and Autumn, especially daring seasons of nnnsnal hent and dryness Thono Fevera aro Invariably accompanied by extenslro 4f ranpt'incnt of tho stomach, liver and bowels. In their treatment, a pnqnttlva, exerting a powerful luflaonco upon tneso or gans. Is absolutely necossjiry. Thoro Ik no iitlinrtlc for tho purpose eqnal to Dr. J. Walker'. Viuman Hitters, as It n 111 speedily remove tho dark-colored viscid, matter with, which tho bowels wo landed, at tho same tlmo stimulating tho accretions of tha liver, and generally restoring tho healthy f unc. tlons of tho dlposlfvo organs. I'ortlty tlio body ngnlnet disease by pu rifying all Its fluids with VmEOAn Bittehs. No epidemic can toko bold of, a uvstein thus foraarnicd. It Invlcorntos tlio Stomach and stimulates tho torpid Liver and Bowels, cleans lnfr the blood of all impurities, imparting life and vigor to tho frame, and carrying off with out the old ot Calomel, or other minerals, all poisonous matter from the system. I)lcplii or iulncsilnn, Head, ache, Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight, nnfw of thp Chest, Pneumonia, Dlzzinem, llad Trustors the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, l'alpltiv. tlon of the Heart, and a hundred other pain ful symptoms, are at onco rcllevod by Vikb VrrrEits. Cor luflnminnlnry raid Chronic Ttheumatlsm, Oout, Neuralfrla, Diseases of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, tho Bitters have no equal. In these, as In all constitu, tlonal Diseases, Walker's Vinegar Hitters has shown its groat curativo powers In the most obstinate, and Introctablo cases. jnuclimilcnl llhenscs Persons en saged in Paints and Mlnorals, 6uch as Plumb cm. Typesetters, Gold-beaters, and Illners, as they ndvanae in life, aro sulijrtt to Paralysis of the novels. To guard ncalnst this, tako occasional doses of ViNEOin BiTTErs. Skin nismiscH, Scrofula, Halt Rheum, Ulcers, Swellings, Itaples, Pustules, Bolls, Carbuncles, King-worms, Scald-head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Kcurfs, Wscoloratlons, Humors and diseases of thoKkln.of whatever name or natui e, aro literally dug up and car ried out of the system la n, short tune by tho usoof tho Bitters. l'ln, Tape ami oilier "IVorins.lurt. Ing in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. No sys tem of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthel mintics, will tree the system from worms like VlNFXHR lllTTESS. PIchnjIck, Scarlet Fovcr, Mumps, TVhooptng Cough, and all children's diseases may be mado less sovero by keeping tha bowels open with mild doses of the Bitters, l'or Fcmnlo Complaint, la young Or old, married or single, ot tho duwn of wo manhood, or tho turn o life, this Bitters has no equal. OlenHso tlio Vitiated RIoorl when Its impurities burst through tho skin In Erup tions Or Kores ; clnnnRrt it when nhstmeted and sluggish in tho reins ; cleanse it when it 1,1 siujiwi in ino cms ; cieansa it wiicii it fouj : your fffjfags will toll you when, and. e health ot tho system will follow. In coiK'liiMom dlvotiwBlttersatrlal, la luu, me II It ViU speak for itself. One bottle l a better guaranteo or its merits than a lengthy adver tisement. Arouuil oxcl, bottle are full directions printed la dUTcrcnt languages. Jt. II. ItlcDonniaOrusr Co., Proprietors, -gaa Fpmciwo. Cal., nd K. ISl fc fc Washington fcu, V-r, Cnauton HL, Xuw York. Sold by all Dealers awl Jlnigrlsts, Rata m ez? U ely-s lunMlflMLM nrnnsos tlio II nil. Allays Inlliim tiint Ion Itrsturrti tlx Scnsoof Tnsto iiullIU':(riiit; I (iiilck I'd If I l)0llhi Cum. A particle Mspiilied inloeach nostril nn' is ugreeable In use. Price 50 rents bv inni' or nt ilrnuiifH Send lur circular. CbY lirmTIIlCUS. JJnutgUts, Owm, if. V. JylS.ISSJ. PANK STRKET. Lehighton, Pa. MIILlJJt pnd Ucaleis m Flour and Feed. 4UKudtot I1UAIN BOUGHT Ami feOLU IIEOPLAU JIABKKT UATEB Wo would, also, eipcctlullr Inform onrelti ens that we aro now fully pieparcd to uv Iv tbcm with The Best of Coal 1'rmq euy Silo dMtredafVEn i,vi:st vmvr.a. if. UKILMAN tfc VO. Jqli IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THE SUNNY SO UTIT, Orif )"u think (if Chanting your Location, ft will repjy you mutiy tliouand fu. To Invent Five Cents a ' In a baniple Copy of W'StfUthcrn Colonist, OoB oflhe prettiest, brightest, and most Vnlertalning publications In the Southern SUtei, It is full n( timely information. Addfesj, SOVTUEIth COLONIST. JyllW. Southern Pines, N.C. XKT A "Kf T1 "FIT) The Dime of any A -MV, n tflic,ec Willi Uuiire, lliifK Keck. Valuable iufor inalltii FUEK. Addrs. with stamp. F W. COOK Ji CO , 85 Bond Bt., Clave, 'Ul1. Auz. 15. The Stands and. Oilier Privileges Of H' Fslr Grounds will be iliinoied ol to the bifhutt cud best bidden at the Public Bale tube held on the Fair Ground, at TWO o'clock 1, on Saturday, Sept. 2Gth, 1085, at which lime and plane all ivrtnns lrtr filed r inviP4laltDd. JKr-NOTR'E: A'l matl tlaiids uiunllv el. ol un.l during ( Fair will lA-i'ivvly not U allowed, ne bul the iwrinintnt Hands id which mi f have Ln reetm by Hie ncify)wi " sold, ulIo' t be tor FOing Cnarhet, shows, ei , will n.'t tmerfcre with (be JUfruitj" em un.l ElWEN JlAVKI,6ccrtUry. "Original .QUeap Cash Store.' Wo are Prepared ibr tho PKESERVING SEASON ! With a large Mock ol StQUO Juta, Stono Crooks, Jelly Tumhlors, Mason's Fruit Jars, Cedar Stcnncvs, and Iron Bound Oak Wine Kegs. Alto, a full lino of the Best and Purest Spices, at prices that rannat be touched by our competitors. J.T. NUSBAUM, Opp. Public aiBaro, Bank Htrect, Ijhlgli ton. Pa, Juno T, lesi-ly. SATUUOAY, AUGUST 82, 1885. . i -SrKCIAIi JWICR-Peraons maklmr poynienta lo this nffico by money orders or postal notes will pleste make tlicm psvalile at tho WsistroRT Post OrriCK, as lh I,c hltihtuu odice is hot a money order olllco Our NoighborhQod in Brief. "Th now that the school ma'am begins to remember Sho's drawing rmltc near to the month of September, And having cloyed herself through the VIK'lltllUI, p Kbe views its conclusion wllli much irlbu latiou. She feels so. much haiipler, healthier, stronger. Stsp wMmsllic season would last a month longer, An 111 nshes1'11' 5lt Pn ,hc V,iarIcalCh- No doubt, when Ihey think pt (t, echo her wishes, ' The squirrel shooting season opens September 1st, Some of the pavements nlong lljink street should ho attended to at once. ' llaivcst Home services will be held in the licforincd church, this borough, on Sunday, Sept, 0, A number of Lchlghtonlans were In attendance at tho plc-nlc In Drlcsbach's grove, in Mahoning, qh last Saturday. Go to I'rs. Itodercr, under the Lxrhango Hotel, for a smooth shave and a fasionablp hair cut. John Williams, of Citnsauqua, and folm Thomas, of Ifokcndatiqua, sailed last week tp visit relatives in New South Wales. The many friends of Jfr, Thopias ICemerer will he pained to loar-n that ho lias been indisposed for several weeks past. Hoys and girls, brush up, ECt slates. books, &c, In will soon bo time lor school. Miller & Son, contractors, aro erect ing a large two-story frame dwelling uuusu ior august l alters, on South Le high street. A number of the slate nuafrips In and around Slatlngton were Hooded to such an extend by the rpoant r5jn3 w orii nan to lie ausnenuad for a few davs Win- will onr,,,, r,..l .1 money by buylnc small bottles of cou-'h j iiuji upilio PJ J.KlWill'S t.-ir synip contains double the quantity of any other. Sold nt Thomas'. A bulbllns tn he used as a alnnklnir factory is nearly ready for ocrumimv nt Souderton. It will employ about 100 persons, and business will bo started this fall. Sportsmen ncedinc! a fine mm fit- hunting, can bo accommodated at I'.bbccke s hardware store.liOd Hamilton street, Allcntown. at nilccs lower than ever before. 2"Handsomo gold watches at E. II. Hold's, Mauch Chunlc Stony Creek, which emtdlos Into the Schuylkill a short dlstaneo above the point from which water is taken for Xorrlstuwn, was covered on Sunday with carcasses of flsjt, WllV mV n. lllr- lirlnn , y . i'..-v iui ,1 small bottle of niedleinn ulmn v,.... '"irK,Cr b0lt, 'w t,le f,!l I'l''"'' Jd- ..... iai yiiii is me largest Dottle in market. Sold at Th Gabriel Avino stabbed mill f.itnlK- wounded Oaltano Mariano during a spree at the Italian shantlas at Mount carbon, behuylklll countv. nn Kuml.v evening. C:Invlsablo iolnt l iu ,n. , J ...u uvo, 1 1,11 road watch.,l nt v it ui.n- Mauch Chunk, Always roadV D.-ivid Khlierl In iitrnlsli pxcellant teams at low nrlce for funerals, pleasure or business pur poses. Livery on Xorth street, first ouuning below becond street. ISO mlstakn abnnt ll l.l.,.li syrup is above and beyond any other remedy for coughs and colds m woll as iuu Miijusi, uuuie ior tne money. Sold at I' drug establishment. Element U. I'ariaman and a daughti r oi i.corgo bliappell, both deaf mutes, were married by .1 deaf mute clerrrvman. who was assisted by another similarly iiiuiuien, in snoemalvcrsville, JJerks county, on Saturday, - - ; ...w-,,...,, uil-lllliu 1U1I1- road Uatches, at U. II. Hold's, Mauch milium, Doctor P, h. Rticliard.l' J. Rlnnirh ind J. Mcltun Kllno Iiavobcpi) appointed me memcai examiners forLcliL-b rnnntv. under tho pension laws, nnd tlin n1tA of meeting Jias been changed from Eastpn m n nullum o. Cluuss cfiBro,, The Tail- ors, still have a low of thnsr. justly celebrated $10 suitiiiKs on imnu. Por the week ending Ane. 15 thern Here 153,777 tons of coal sblmwil nver tho L, V, Itlt,. making a total for tha year of 3,$P0,5S9 tons, showing a ie, iireaje, as compared with the same time last year, pf 71.0D3 tons. 5Sfr"For A fnivl ttnlnl, nn tnV IV Hohl'g, Mauch Chunk. J. W. Itaudenbush 1 livery to D. J, Kistler. The Utter gentleman has taken possession, and Is prepared u furnish teams at short nntiw. at reasonabba prices, Llvcrv on North street, neiEt to tho "Cxrbon House," iW'At Privnto Sale A 6ecorul - hand Cairincro antl Spring Wagon. Cheap. Ap ply at Advocate office. Thomas Dniry. a miner, while landing near btxttlcr's colliery, Mooslc, on Saturday, waiting for tho rain to stop, was struck by lightning and In stantly killod. A fellow.workwan who was standing with him escaped, receiv ing only a slight shock. ..!Srlr?,r a ,e0(J c,ock Co to E. H, Hohl e, Mauch t'huiik. Vou can nosi tjveh' jive aisr'. The Ucmocratlc dcleealo elections In thij.several district, of this county, will be held on Saturday, September 12th, and tho County convention on Mondav. the 14rti. Tl.n nnlv nniocr. in nominate candidates (or are rrothorc , - v.,vu. otary and Sheriff. ThcLchlgbton, baso-baU club crossed batR with the Wolssport nine, at the lat ter place, last Saturday afternoon, The game was one-sided Lchlghton COj Wclssport 0, The Lchlghton nine will play the East Mauoh, Chunk Club pn their grounds to-morrow (Saturday). B3?,An all-wool import ed Corkscrew Suit for only $22, at the popular tailoring establishment of II H Peters. Hon. John 1). Guthrie, twice Mayor of rittsburg, a member of the State Constitutional Convention and for many years Special Agent of tho Unltqd States Treasury, died atCrc3?on, Pa., Monday, after a brief illness, Deceased was 78 years of age, Ladles, see tho pretty gold watches at E, H. Hohl's, Mauch Chunk. -A down cars of an empty tclilgji Valley Ifallroad coal train wcro wrecked at the Front street crossing, Allenlown, oaiuruay morning. Tho cars wero completely demolished and scattered over the tracks. A broken axle was the cause. The damage Is $S0O0. G35-WALL PAPER BAItGAINS urown u.tei; paper, 0 cts, and upwards. i niio " " u ots. anil Gilt " 25 cts. and in small lots, as low as 5 cents for white oacn paper, IS. 1 Lvcieeniiach. 01 Broadway, Maucji Chunk. On Sunday last, a daughter of Mr. Llewllyn Hold, stepped on a piece of broken glass and cut tho inper jualeolar artery. She mado a narrow escape from bleeding to death before surgical aid arrived, u o aro pleased to state that she is now doing well under tho care of Dr, Selple, flgrTI. II. Peters, at the Post-office building, Lehigh ton, will make you an. all wool suit lor only $10 cash, il you order now. Thc Arion Cpmet I)a.nd will hold a fair and festival in Llndcrman's" Hall, commencing on Wednesday evening, Sept. 0th,and closing on Saturday even iug, tlio lgtji, The following articles will bo contested for,l gold wtitoh. 1 gold necklace, I gold ring and a conduc tor s laiitorn, A nupiher of bands from neighboring towns have been invited to participate, and refreshments of all kinds will be furnished at low prices in the hall. Give the Arion boys a lift on the occasion, "Weak as a cat" from this terrible cold. Well, don't grumble when it is your fault and not ours, fpr we used Jadwin's tar syrup and was cured. Why don't you try It, you run no risk for it Is sold "no enw, no pay," and is tho largest bottle on the market for the money. Thomas selh It. A few days ago a son of Mr. Tilgh. Itemaley.ofl'ackcrton, fractured his right arm, near the wrist. Jlp Is doing well under the treatment of Dr. W, G, M. Selple, of town. We must this week congratulntn our esteemed friend, Prof. T. M. Ualliet, on his election as City Superintendent of the Heading schools at a salary of $',000 per annum. The Times and Dis patch, of the 12th Inst., photographs tho Professor as follows: "He is about -J',! years of jigo, of small stature, but com. pactly built. Ills lialris black.sprinkled with gray, anil he wears a Mack mous. tache, neutly trimmed. HulsanatUc of Lehigh county, was educated nt Franklin and Marshall College, was Professor of Classics in the Keystone State Normal School, and superintend ent of the jmbllc schools of Carbon county. He has also held various posi tions In other educational Institutions, and of late has been lecturing In differ ent htates on educational methods. He Is an energetic, enthusiastic v.orkcr.and will labor to advance our schools to a high standard, J'rpf, Jialljct is unmar ried," The 200 yard foot race between John E. Tisdalo of Canada, and Thos. Ilrennan 0f Tamaqua, for $1,000, at Itlttervlllc, Tuesday, ended In a fizzle. About 1,000 persons wcro present, but TIsdale failed to appear, William E, Harding, who represented liicbard K. Fox, declared Urennan winner. Tho second camp meeting of the Evangalleal AnsocUtion of Lehigh county commences on Monday next, Aug. 24th, in the woods of Messrs. Croll & Long, near liallletsvllle, North liltelialj tsp, Tho camp will be under the general supervision of tho Presiding Elder of that Dlstilct, and tha prospects are very favorable for a largo and Inter esting meeting, Upon recommendation of congrhss. man Sowdcn Pension Commissioner Illack last wecK commissioned Dr. F. J. mougii ana ur. I'. L. lick-nurd, of AUsntown, and Dr. Molton J. Kline, of Outhsville, as pension examining sur geons for Lehigh district. Tho former board had Its place of meeting at Easton, but under tho new arrangement It will henceforth meet In Allcntown. Tho finest line of sporting goods in Ebbecko's hard store. All kinds of guns and fowling pieces, as alto ammunition. See advertisement In another column, In attempting to leap from amor, ins: train pf coal cars going down Mahanoy plane, Monday evening, Titos, Morin, aged twelve years, fell under the wheels and had one leg cut off. the other broken and ft foot crushed, He died from his injuries. -A Delano despatch of the 17th says, an elopement is agitating the social circles of Dutch Hlll.a suburb of Tama qua. John Speck, aged forty years, who has a wife and four children, has departed and was accompanied in his night by Mrs. Mary Sellau, n married woman, aged between flfty.five and six, ty jrcars, who has resided near Dutch Hill for some time. Speck has been leading rather a wayward lifo for an ex, tended period, thereby causing his family much trouble. He carried away with him money obtained Jn a question able manner, Mrs. Sellan, who has a somewhat shady reputation, robbed her husband of his earnings to tho extent of about $500, It Is believed tho eloping --u"i"v gum; in i-iiuaueipnia, Thieves entered tho house of Dr, btout, ol liethlehem, early on Sunday morning.and after securing goods valued At f mm ft 1 P.f stilts . 1.1 v. iu ri ju iiej arrei. leaMne lo 'iiMjra onpn anil iiia rt i,mr,.n . ... . 1 11 1. j " ""'""b " lulJiea!l' Tlio Coroner's Inquest touching tlio ,i.t. i.. death of the twelve miners who were hv pa, on TllPSdav 6f last .n,, ,i. rnlllr-rv t Moeatimua wn .jJJ tZj. ti, -""--v- . -v . .. .. vpm r nt f nn 111 rv i-h Hint f iirKiinn Conrad, the mine boss, was guilty pf negligence In allowing the men to enter the mine when tho fan was not working A fire In Hazlcton Tuesday after noon completely destroyed four large stables and two dwelling houses In portion of tho town known as thp liowery, on West Walnut street. The fire originated In a stable belonging to. Mrs. John Boyle. Tho dwelling houses, were owned by Louis Zell. During the progress of the fire Christian May, a young boy, fell off tho roof of a house across tho street and Is, perhaps, fatally Injured. Tho loss Is estimated at $3,000. All the ootlcrles In the Schuylkill district wcro Idle on Snturday owing to the large number of employes, absent a! being tho feast of the Assump tlon of tho Virgin Mary In, the Catholic Church, U. G. Messlnger, aged 22 years, of Nazareth, was fatally Injured on Satur day by attempting to board a train as it was moving. He was snueejtcd between the car and platform and died soon after ward, Over ten thousand boys are affected by tho now law prohlbltliHj the employ ment of boys under the age of fourteen years Inside the coal mines, chiefly In L,uzcrnc, sciiuyikin, caibon and.Nort,u un;berland counties. -On Sunday morning next the He formed congregations will hold their harvest home service in Welssport. Ser vices in the German language "The Eye will be Greeted by all tho Fruits of the Earth," On Sunday evening this congregation will hold a memorial scr, vice for u. S. Grant. Let every soldier come and join in tills service in respect towards their departed hero. All are cordially invited tp attend both services, J. E. Freeman, pastor, J. F. Iieiger, will sell at public sale, at the Exchange hotel, in Mils, borough, on Wednesday next, some -40 young and valuable Kansas horses. Tho sale will commence at ono o'clock, and will offer a raro chanpe for farmers find others to purchase horses at a reasonable llgtue. 1 ou will attend. The Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Sunday School of Lcbitjljlon, Pa., wljl picr.lo at Men Onoko on Tuesday, Aug, g.'ith. Trains will leave Lehightpn, via Lehigh Valley Itjt,, for the Glen at 8:50 a, jn, i ictiirnliig, leave the Glen at 0:0,5, Fare, children 20 cents, adults 30. AH aro cordially Invited tp join In and have a pleasant day, -The liev, James A. Little has been absent from Hokend.iuipia on a two weeks' varation,en joying tho.scn breezes and ocean waves near the Nurrows,Stat- en Island. Mr, Little lias jipw returned and resumed f til! piisturnl Nork with his Ilokondauqua. Fern Dale, lronton and Lock lildge congregations, A game of ball will be played at Last Mauoh Chunk to-day (Saturday) between the East Mttueh Chunk and Lelilghton clubs. The contest will bo for the championship pf Cipbon.county and will no doubt piove to be the most Interesting and exciting ganio ever played In this county, as Lphlghton will do Its best to rotnn the championship, and East Mauch Chunk w) (jo likewise in order tp win baol; that which, it lpat on the. -1th of July. Mr. Elnicr 1', Keisor, of Iho Uroad way Hotel, Mauch Chunk, will be marfiod during tfio comlne, fall to Miss Grace II, Pultz, formerly of J'ougli- keepsic, now of Philadelphia, Mary Hurd Cortrlght, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan W Cortrlght, of liroadway, Mauch Chunk, died at twp o'clock Monday afternoon. John JS. Bertolotte Ppst, O. A. R meets every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Reber's Jlnll, until further notice. A full iiltendnnee of comrades is requested as liusmeM (,f importance will bebruughtbeforelhoPoit. lly order, Ah. WIHTWSOHAM, Alj. Teachers' Examinations tor the school year, commencing Jnne, lKo, will ho held as follows: For 1.0V.-CT rowaniensliii?, at Millport, Sat. unlay, August sy, For East I'cmi township, at J'enimllle, For Upper Towaincnslnfr. at Stcinjcrsyllle, hutmilay, bepti pilierfi. I'or MuiionliiR tou tishlp, at I'Jcassnt Corner, haturda, September is, l or I'cnn Forest Jtiwiislilp. at Koch'3 School icuic, otiutiiiiiy, wuniuer J, Examinations will bo In wWtlnir. Applicants will bo examined in Physio, logy and Hygiene, Teacher' must be examined q tha d striots In which thev intend to teach. Exceptions will be mado only for satisfactory reasons, Ex. animations will begin at- D a, m, Atound FJcasant Corner, A dunce came pff at the hotel of J, T. McDanieJ's, last Saturday evening, Those present enjoyed a very pjeasaut evening, skipping the light fantastlo toe. Everything passed off quietly. J, 11. Longacro spent last Sunday wjtn friends In Schuylkill county. P. J, Kistler, of Welssport, spent last tjunaay in this place. Lehlgbtonians "too In" the pic nlc at Dreisbach's grove last Saturday. Every body should subscribe for the Advocate, $1,00, pne year, 60 cents, 0 month, 25 cents 8 months. Give It a three months trial and you can't help BUt being pleased, Josei-h, Towamensing Items. Tho Uowman's Sunday School pic nic was largely attended last Satnrday, Co. Supt, T. A. Snyder and Prpf. J. , Snyder, of Weisspprt, were present and delivered very able addresses, The gross receipts were $102.00, The Lehigh Gap Band received new uniforms last Friday. Simon Hloso has bis real estate on sale. Persons wishing to. buy the tawa should call on him at oner, Mr. Nimspn, of East Pcnn, raised 1014 shocks pf grain this year. Mr, Urobst, pf East Penn, assisted In har vesting the kajne. A harvest sermon was preached by Rev. PapieJ, of Nuaje'b, Northampton county, In St. John's church, to a well filled bouse, last Sunday, The Lehigh Gap Select School opened last Monday, for a two months' lcrlu- I Wilson Zlecenfugg visited Lentz's ' SundaySchool last Sunday, and dcliv- 1. erea au a.Mress to tho s, houl, uri-'ini; u ti"-Mw limn; -luuitrua to.-Min- dayfc'.t:i. Cciisrrs. . ,n i.-;.i. ... , ,, . . .... Peoplo In and outof Town. ' frEmiM J!l' py."'' hi tlleir uaiiu aiKlrt-sldeiice for ' """" Jl--"-' ,.. -,,, . 1 -'mm ttuu 11 11-tuii, ui unnuui 1 ii. Is visiting Mrs. M. A. Weiss. iM. O, Kuntz was on a business trip to Hio coal tegtoni this week. Cietn. N, Kuntz, ol Philadelphia, Is In town seeing his many fle.n,ds, Sirs. Louisa Stocker and her sou George were at Easton this week. Miss Maine Kearney.of Philadelphia, (s the guest of Miss Mary Ebbsrt. i--Miss Carrie Koons, of Allcntown, Is sojourning with Mrs, Ma,ry Buchman, on Lohlgh stieet, MUa Hattlo F-cnstcrmachor, of Al lcntown, Is visiting Mrs. John S. Lcntz, on Northampton street. Henry Kostenbadcr, ot Scranton, was In town on Wednesday and matlc us a very pleasant call. .Miss Em;a, Sackett, of Will;os birre, was visiting Miss Mary Smith, on Lehigh street, during t(ie week, .The irrepressible Harry Clauss was crushing hear' at Catasauqga, and Easton last week, Eh, ' Any Mrs, Getty and Harry p. Knob lauch, of Philadelphia, arc the guests of Owen Klotzand family, on south Lehigh street. Miss Carrie and Alice Cple, of A lentown, and Misses Annie andFrauccs Colo, of Mauch Chunk, wcro in tpwn on Monday. Misses Minnio and Lolilc Bpwcr, estimable young ladies of Catasauqua, aro stopping with. Miss Lollle Cluuss, on Bank street. Mrs. Harry Sweeny, of Driftpn, and Miss Pattlson, of Wllkesbarre, are the guests of C, M, Sweeny and wjfc, on Bunk street. Miss Bessie Wcrtz, an accomplished young lady of Newark, N. J., and Miss Minnie Boyer, of Allcntown, arc tho guests of Miss Minnie Peters, on Bank street, Fair Flay Demanded. Ed. Caiujon Advocate: Xlrar Sir; If I may judge from the action of the County Committee nt its meeting last Monday, I must conclude that all Demo crat? at this end of the co. are good for s to vote and roll up a Democratic major ity, I refer to the action of the Com mittee In selecting three persons fropi the upper ond as d.eloc.atO'i to the State Coiivcnllpn. Without any disparage ment of the three gentlemen selected, 1 think we have, men at this end jt(st as competent to represent the county in the Statp Convention as any of those se lected. Further, when the Committee decided to send J. W. Maloy, they should also, If only out of courtesy.have made Hon. John Craig a representative to that convention. Mr. Craig polled much tlio larger vote last fall, thus proving that tho people held him in higher estimate than tjiny dill the hon. geutlcman from Lunsford. Another mistake) was the. not appointing a tllprpugh representative man as a menu her of tho State Committee. WbllisMr. F. L, Iicber is all right as an earnest young Democrat, he requires ago and experience to lit him for so Important a position as a member of the ppmQcralte Mate Committee. If tho twp qr three Individuals, who think they can run the poll tips of tho enmity and compel Demo crats to vote as the please, don't call halt, they may find themselves re rv sc- tcrelij Itft at the election polls. I speak advisedly, when I say the Democrats at the lower end are determined, to have Faui P1.A.Y, The Ccal Trade. The nnthracito coal trade, according to jast AlGmtay's Philadelphia ledger. continues to exhibit the same feeling of depression that has been prevalent throughout tha summer, The coal companies are mining more than the markflt can by any possibility take, and hence the suggestions are more strongly matio mat tpe output must bo curtailed. Tho opposition to tho policy so btaadlly maintained by the Lackawanna Com pany it Is thought may now be ocr- comc, and tho indications arc that the coal combinations may he brought to an agreement for tho restriction of the. September output. There aro some hints about higher prices, hut theio are received with n filing of Incredulity Circular rates may bo advanced for September, but this, t is anjtted, will have no effect upon the actual figures realized. The companies are selling for whatever they can get, being careful not 10 iet any actual Buyer escape, so long as concessions in rates may hold hltn. This will probably continue to bo the rule, no matter what figures may be put into new circulars, until somo posb tlve form of restriction reduces the vast surplus stpok that is awaiting sale. Close observers of the situation say that a positive restriction to the extent of probably one million tons is necessary to put the trade In healthy condition and to sectjre tho working off of part of tho excessive snpplias, Killed the Woman and Elmself. Andrew Ondn, a Polish miner, resid ing at Nafiticoke, Monday shot and fatally wounded Amelia Tomaskl, the wife of the man with whpm he boarded, and then killed himself. Oudu has been boardipg with the Tomaskl family for about two years and for 6orae time has bee.a on terms of intimacy with Mrs, Tomaskl, The husband knew of this. but as Ondu gave his wholo earnings to the support of the family and threatened to slioot him if be made any trouble be submitted. Mr?, Tomseki seemed in fatuated jvith her young lover, although lio has flva children. In the frequent quarrels which ensued she always sided with Ondu, Once Tomaskl had Ondu arreted, but Mrs. Tomaskl rushed to the bck-up and attempted to break the door down to get blm out. Sunday night Tomaskl had a quarrel with Ondu and. the lattr beat him. Monday morn ing hp ordered Ondu out of tho bouse, but he refused to go unless Mrs. Tomaskl would go with him. Tomaski then started ont ot the house to get a Con stable to hT Ondu. arrested, leaving the pair alone In the house, A few minutes fttr the neighbors heard two shots li quick succession. They ran to tho hftu", but fond the door locked. Breaking it open they fowjd the two lying on the floor, locked In each other's arms, Ondu still grasped a pistol and both had nlLil-nhnt mni, in th !hroa,; ws dead, the ball bay- Illtr ln(il n Itl.ll f. 1 finn -oa a n A 1 -wl .....I 'i',"--"""" 11 III,- 11 11. , i-tma .UI U. ., a a h. tn - oi;!i ill - neck ana hei ra irrotatli, . - - - " ". recwery is n'r- J - , .' I DomocratioCcnntv Moetintr. Pursuant to call reprcsenUitlves of tbe ' Democracy assembled at the County Meeting held at the Court House, in Mauch Cluinlt. nn MnmUv 1..I. Th. -.- --r-v---j - meeting was called to pydw by Qvotgi! W. Esr, Eio.. chairman of the County Committee, and Hon. W. M, Iiansher was chosen chairman oi the meeting: in . f 11 -1 1...1....L- 1 .u- assemblage for the honor. The f ing were the Vice Presidents. J. D, Woodrlng, Levi Hatleman, A. J. Dur ling, John J, Gallajjbcr and, James Sweeney; Secretaries, E. 1L liaueh, II. B. Smith and J. W. Maloy, AUout the only business before the meeting was the appointment of a new County Com mittee, officers to hold thn delegate elec tions and to name the date for holding the same and the Convention. For tho ensuing year the following gontleir.Bq compose tho co.vjjfi'r ooMMiTTcr.i 4uliMf!l,-lIuj!h Ferry, Terd. Kltuer, Jns, feaver j Jlforfow.-Vm. Co?Ie, Tinnk Mo- I' nddin. llios. Martin. p Naueh Chunk. Vlillip Radcr, James An- pf-iuellcr, Peter Duann. fait f n.-A. , StelRcrwalt, H. 3. Helntilo- men. Jolith Andtca. frinin.-F. I riCHCf.Uenryatlllcr.rhlllp alp. idiir, ,y.J. n. Wooclring. John T Hoi- comb, Conrad Hoilnian, fflWfr s.- lTunk Wertet, Sefornls Hank, l-ranzWerlirt, tantarit, -Frank (leister, Andrew Mc-Hngh, J 1-. Mulhcnnt t()i4iiinn.-i.iis rilcklner. Ed. rrtynmn, , Liu.KeiiuvU.v. r .tAj1.-Aiitlony toll, Henry Frit:, Tatrlck Kene. feicV;0"' w' 11 Uuu L Toicamjniiny.-jolin Koaknbader. Airon Ktrolil.lleurysiiercr. Mahontnq.J ll .rner, J. D, Unltinan, Wallace Sewell. .Vow t'4ui, 1W irarj.-jnhn rtorarael, Jolin coiinay. Welder MuUtm. liaueh Chmli.Vnd Huid. H. ti. Sivurtf.Fred. Mil er. kri. (Vmrnv A'Moiitftoniiy.-jucob Buss. John Donahue, . 1'atilekMcWillllns. 1 fMtr.-J. H, Oearlnlrt, It. Kenbpn Ktelnpr. W. Htewnrt, f "F'llflrt, a. 11, (lenrce Ilnlnn. Bqninan, Alfred Merll, forrvvif. P. i Bojcr, Christian Itapp, James Wairner. fmn Fornt.-Frank Smith. Jus Su.finit Hi;'. James 8wceny, Win, Ntica. Solomon lilcltert. Towaminnng. Paul Kresgo, M. Cl(tlstnas, J . C. Beer. Wiathtrty, Jacob Miller. John Lanrt.m, Adainllabel. 1 II c(.tiflr(.-E. If, Everltt, F. J. Kast, Oliver J-.I.ECTIQN- oFricnns, Tho frdjowlpf? aro (jio ofllccrs appointed to hold tlio Delegate elections In the seM-ral illstrlcts-rthc drat immed bclnc the Juilue and the othms Ipspoctprs: Audenrttd.J. J. Hojle, .Iai. Perrv, K.lwjrd Klndleln. Dtarcr Miatlow. Mantis McCalfertJ, lltich Hueeney, Michael Martin. hatt Mawh Chunk -I'utrlcK r.nirll.tb, Plus Mcliurlblur, Jacob Ketrer, Eait Pc7in. Iliomas.Schaller, 11. Su-gi r, J. I. Andreas. finjn, v. H.riciber, Q.J. Jk-ldt. Dnnli-1 Kie?KC. KUdtr North. A. Breithniipt.D.U.McI.aud, Frank Scallv A'nWi-r South. Kmery Ul'tz, Frank Wl'inet, C linrlrs Wcrnet. Lantford Philip 1'ortz, John Dugan, Chas. .oiijatine.-.Jolinl'nttcrs, Pat. Cunningham, Levi Wetzel. l.thigh. Daniel Cannon, Mr. Klshbamth, .fumes t'aiiuun. Lthintoon. Paul Wagner, G. B. M. Slockcr, John l"?cli. L 7'oroinrni(ny. Peter Wcld.l, J. Schwartz. Samuel Zem-enttiss. Mahoning, Frank mi.ltli, Mues Miller, Chat. Helille. .Vauc Chunk, Ut Il'ord. r.Il hcnslnger, J. J. Itlivle. .losoiih MnifiT. " .Vou h Chunk, id Ward. IM. Kelley, C. Bel- ley, Charles Werucka. .YfijutAonliij: John tlutler, FelK Mctlorry, ,ioepli hleppliizer. Packer. 1). I,, stcvait, Isaap Sillier. J, C. isiuuer. Purlreilon.W. V. Brodltcad, A. A. Walk, W. Leo Slllcs. fariyiiiHr, Jacob mines, C, M, Saeger.W. Bamford. rrn;i Furc(f. Levi Kiielmcr, i:t)P3 Koch, Summit llill'.v. X.Cannon, Sam'l, Motzer. .lolin -MfDIon. ToKamenting. BenJ. Beer, T. A. Snyder. HenJ. Oreen. tVcalhtrly. Levi Hart?, D. It. Young, John liarnty. Il'eiiioori. Milton Florj-, John C, Artier, v. K. liecd. 4 resolution was adopted to hold the the delegate elections on Saturday,Sept, 12th, and the convention pn Mpnd.iy, bppt, l-ltu, A special committop w resolutions v,-as appointed as folloiys; F, I(. Upper, John -V, CJiinn, J, 0, JJerr,, James Sweeney, M, Q, Kromer and E, 11 liaueh, whoso report was as follows, wiucu was iinaiuruou'iiy auopleiu The Deinoorats pf Darhon county as sembled In their annual county meet ing do declare as follows: 1st. That wo reaffirm thn declaration of principles as ennunciatei! by the Na tional Jjamocraue t;onvenuon at Ufil oago, in July, 18S1. 2nd. It is with a feeling of public pride that wo noto the fact that tho government 01 the Unitpd States Is again ill the hands of the Democracy. 3rd. In Grover Cleveland tho peonlu have a practical common sense Presl- ilcnt, and ono who has thus far per formed hli duties honestly and Imparti ally. The policy of tho executive is to be commended by all good citizens for it secures untp them the blessings of an nonest, practical government. 1111. iv e commenil the Administra tion of Gov. If. E. Pattlsop, He has been faithful to tlja interests of the peo ple fit the Commonwealth. His impar tial exercise of the veto power merits the praise of all men. 5th, The time for the curtailment and resistance to the encroachment of con sclousless monopolies lias arrived. These corporations arn tco daring, and daily are trampling the rights of the citizens under foot in flagrant violation of the fundamental Jaw of the State, 0th. We demand a Just and equitable reformation In the present obnoxious, unjust and discriminating tariff. And to the end that this declaration may not bo misunderstood we mean such a modi fication of the tariff as to make raw ma terial dtity free, and a reduction of the dtjtles on the necessaries of life to the lowest posslbla figure, 7th. Tho ltcpublicans have in M, A. Quay as their candidate for Stato Treas urer the very incarnation nf all that Is evil In politics. Wb denounce this of fensive attempt of the Republicans to hoiit the abettor of bribers and nubile malefactors, Into Important State office as an outrage witnont & parallel, lie is the tool of corporations and bis (lection would ba hailed as a triumph of the monopolists. 8tb. In the death of Gen. II. S. Grant the country lost its most valiant and heroic defender and son. To bis be reaved family the Democracy nf Carbon county expresses its most heartfelt sym pathy, 0th. We commend the Hon. J, B. Storm as a faithful and honest member of Congrcis: and the non. J. D. Biddis as a fearless and upright Senator, and further lie commend as faithful legisla tors our representatives Col. John Craiz and J. W. Malloy, 10th. The thanks of the Demryjarv of Carbon county are due to G. W. Esscr and Michael Ctssidy as chairman and secretary of the Democratla County CommitWe, for the great and untiring services rendered during the 'iweyea contest of IBM, At the close of the meeting Hon. W. M. Bapsher made a. yery interesting ad dress which was listened to with, at tention, and tjje meeting adjotif ued, The County Committee in tfc tea-J noon e!otd E, n. Raucb, p, G, Ronse and J, W. Maloy as representatives to tho State Convntlon, which meets in Tlnrrii.r , n. w,i, in.t nn.i 1.- t Heber as member o"f the Stato Commit- ' ... , - lv t;,U county. A Hoard of Trido baa b-y iiomocrauo tonntr hmmub. HiTaaEoucsi camp McstlnR. . The northern iKirtion nf Allenttiwii ,lilt-,t l...n,,..httn..l i .. . ;...!.... .. .. ' )!1? Urcilit, .Miiuch Chunk. Ilalotob. ,,, .11.. rr 1 it.,,,. , . ' hltu H.1V011 Mid WUK'iKbiirrc chan-in ...111 1...I I .. T- 1. r. .. ' , MYhnnr w;..' -...I w..t.. :... i andd'ro-tly uppo-tito Lchlghton, coin-1 ; hicnrlmr Mi nuy, Aug. 31 raid coiiiim.-1 Intr until l-'richv ceiiini Hent. .1 Ink.-. I Ui 01 guou vraier WP ground. Arrangement lia,vo'heen, m,ndo with tho Lehigh Vnlloy R. 1, Co., who will stoo tho iollovviiig train their new engine house, i JJchighton: U11 ttuiiu, cos a.m., V-.U a. m-, and 6:.'!u p, tn, Doiyn trains. 7:13 a. m., 10.03 a. n., and 6:23 p. 111. A pontoon foot bridgv will Us cm structed across Ilia riycr nt that point, thus aflbrding ciisy am to the Cnmp, which Is within of a mile from, said Nnl. 'Jcnts can be rented at the following rates: Tents 12x12 without floor, $2.o0: 12x12 with flW, 'W.2S; 12x12 wi(h floor and bunk, fa.76. Uocx boarding cnn'bo had nt the fill lowing rattn: Seasui tjcketi, 13 meals, f 2,30; day (Met, 70 ppnts; einglo meals, 30 cents, Fof tenia Of further Information, ap ply to Rev. O. W. Gross, I-ei-jght-ui. P.i. Tho servlcfcj will bo conducted in both the English and Geiman languages. Drowned in a Mino A accident occurred Thursday, 13lh Injt., In No. 5 slope, at Tresckow, by which Evan Owens, a, miner, met with a terrible dcati), He,hisepn ETan Owens, the boss, and two othera weie engaged (n timbering in the aecond lift yh,en the boltptn of the first lift fell in, letting a, large body of water down on them, The watpi rose quickly in the lift and the men clung to the timbers for safety. Their fellow-workmen threw ropes to thcoi and a!! yturo rescued but Owens, Who became oxhastod and was drowned. 1 he unfortunate man was married and loaves several children. List tf Jnrorj Drown to serve at tbo October (arm., ISM, ol our CqntV Coqrt, to ba held in Mauch Chun,k, commencing tho second Moudy of Qclohsr at ulno n'clccU In tl.e firenoon : nmsn JURHB3 Ab, ugene, upeialor, Est Mauch Chunk. Baucr.Eliyeu, merchant, F. Mauch Chunk. Brobst, Francij, carpenter, Summit I J all. Cole, DoiniiiIck,mincr, Jeanjyijle. Firry, Mike, laliorar. AMdpnricil. Could, Jeremiah, clerk, I'ackerlon. Grill, Nicholas, Renlleman, Lowar Towa tneailnz. Harlinau, Joseph, laborer, Franklin. llarlau,qeore.carpeuler,3nd Ward Mauch Chuuk. Harrold, M. K., clork.Beayer 4featlow. Fyeql(npr, pavd, cuRtneer, tyeallierly. Kreulry, Daniel, farmer, Malionlng. Krcsge, Nathan, carpenter, Fr.nklin. Miller, Aaron, policeman, Mauch Chunk. Q'Dopnell, Frank, minor, Aurienrird. itueso, Thoiuaa, tailor, Lansfonl. Sehairer, John, farmer Lohlgh. Stout, M. J., jeweler, Summit SinyarJ, 4aies, farner, Malioniqg. Snyder, jr., Soloinoq, agt, l( Towamonsing., Moaes, foruer, L Towameusing. Sifried, Pavid, hiacksniitl). Loliigliton. iatson, Sylvester, laborer, Kidder. Yhlto, William, clerk, Mauch Chunk. I'KTIT JUIIUIIS. Millvlllo, Uobeit, clerk, Kaat Munch Chunk HernLoiaer, Frod, tailor, K Muuch Chunk. IfeunehuU', K. W.,tiinmlh, E M'ch Chuuk. lleok, T. S., clerk, l.eliighton. Iloyle, Neal, miner, Summit Jfill. Braucli, Hicbarilgutlemau,U'cK(jiehoqingI Hornosko, N. J., jeweler, Mauch C'huqk. llrlel, Joseph, gentleman, Wcatherly Campbell, Jamos, hrakemau, M'ch Chunk. Coll, Thonias, ii)lqer, IJjaver f.(oadow. Dolon, Georgo, watchman, Packertoq. rioerins, Adolph,wati:hinau,K M'ch Chunk. IJberts, Frank, butoher, Summit Hill. IJuaiicc, P.ioliarJ, supt, Ifosiuolioniug. Ilvsqt, Khac, iHiner, AU'loqrici). VflrH, Ifobort, i)lir,sri rieavcr Meadow. Fit?pntripk, JUlrjc!;, puintor, Woatherly. Prant, J. 3 , foreman, Ividdor, Gpgsui, I,owit, oomlqotor, ehightoq. Gjnder, Jsssp, Itbofer, F,ast Pcnq. Uarkiqs, John, labtrrr, banaford. Horn, Win., rentleman, Lchlghton. JIunsicker, Jubqifar'"or, Sfalionin. Jenkins, Job, farmer, Paokej, hTunkle, Tilgh., carpcnlor, Woatherly. liilllet, Paul, laborer, Id W, M'ch Chunk. Merrick, O., blackemith, 5 W.M'ch Chunk. Mllheun, John, laborer, li Tovmonsing. Moser, A. carpenter, Satqinit Hill. MtCqo, ponuia, miner. Summit Hill. Meaghtn, Patrick, tanner, Itocaport. Moyer, B, J., carpontrr, Woathorly. Ilobcr, Frank geqtjeipan, Franklin. Ilebolt, Michael, laborer. Sumnit Jlill. Riibrlg, A., blacksmith, Packurlon. Itess, J, J'., merchant, Heaver Meadow. Schmidt, Jolork, 1st W, Muuch dmnlf. Sepsluger, Kli, shoemaker, Jfaqch Oh'ink. Schwartz, Jacob, farmer, Jy T"w?lnasins. Shin, John, painter, Suinii)it IJill. Schrolver.Cbrisliau, farmer, Summit Hill Schocli, William, fariqer, Franklin. Scheridan, O., conductor, M-tucb Chunk Seidlc, Chute, inerphant, Mahoulnj. Sweeney, ., meichant, 5 Mauch Chuqk. Verii, Joseph, tailor, Wcalherly. Wbeldin, Jchn P., miner, Lansford. Wcntz, Addisot), laborer, Parryyllle. THVIK3I JCOBS. Beer, Jonas C, farmer, Towamenslng. be van, James, teacher, Audenned. Jlayle, Charles, laborer, lyausford. Burns, John, laborer, Lehigh. Clark, t'F, gentleman, pehighton. Pick, Joseph, brakerqan, L'blghton. DufTf, A D, conductor, E Mauch Chunk. PePrehn, Wm, Rentletnan, E M'ch Chunk. L'nglebard, II, laborer, Weather), Fritr, Jona laborer, Lehigh. Frarman, panitl, mason, Lausanne, Gerbarl, 8imoq P, laborer, Wnatbcrly, Garrlty, jr, John, iierqan, Vtftberly. Hinger, Anthony, mason, TolU)ensing. Kishbaucb, W,cltk, Fast Mauch Chunk. Kltpplnger, h F, castleosan, Lbightoo. KeJIey, Micb;e), miner, Beaver Meadow. Ifrause, KoUrt, labour, Lansfofa), Ivetnaly, f,af, paipepter, Packttloo. Mulhatrn, Jarnei, bottler, L;ansford. McLaud, D C, laborer, Kidder. McCormick, W C, machinist, Lebighton. McCaulay, J, Qreinan, past Mauch Chuuk Iforlb, Frank, laborer, fiaayer Meadow, PaUrs, 3 F, teacher, j'racklis. FolJnck, Jaba, Ijlacksaiitb, Laniford. llader, P, gaqtlemaD, Rjst Maucb Chunk. Bhrig, F.euben, (ijVRtr, Jowamenslng. Rayrerth, Edtrani.'buekfter, Lebigbton. Saqdal, Q, elark, lit W, Mauch Chunk. Smnh. Jm, laborer, Penn Forest. Jtockhoun, J W, shoemaker, B Meadow. Siif.thar, S, laborer, 1st W.Maucb Chuuk. Eeriu, sr., D, laborer, L ToaraantDg Gbsmakar, Panie, farmer, atk Ponn. Veals, Wm, bartender, Bearer ifdow. Williamson, P , Ubfcr, LebigbtoiJ. WhiitingLain, AI,gcptloi)sq, V,'el.Kirt. WeU, Parti), moulder, Wealherly. Ze.i-r, Rlasius, laborer, L Towameca og. Jeff. M. Kebrig has disjvjael uf his ni-waaTl fru.t ataal to I'aul Waijacr aal Ui'. it: fis:-i;:j usr, Three Peculiarities. .rii "ViiV' . . v"--. j' . wnvv i.-vvuuiiiivs. uauiciv 1 The combination of the various, uinedlai agents used, Tho pt-oport lonlnwhleh the rnotst bcibs, barks, etc., aro mixed. Tho pre-ccss. by which the ic'lvo medicinal prapjlcs aro secure. I. 2ds Tho Is alncdlclne ol HnutV4;! strength and curntlvo power, which cfiect. c iirca toiOte uneri'i.Hlrd. These peculiarlai Qotvt exclusively to Hood's SarsaparlUa, and nrq Unknown to Others Hiiod' Snrsararllla lsYrcrarM with t Brealest skill ami cro. 1 y pbarmaclsli 0 education ami Iour experience, fence it Is a mt-JIclno worthy of entire contidopec, tycn sillier fn-nl rcrodila, salt rheum, or any flls case cf the blood, dyspepsia, rbllloojncsi, Jlck headael.'e or kidney end liver cpmplatnU, catnrrh or. I1eutn.1t Ism, do not fall tq try Hood's Sarsaparilla " I recommend Hood's SnM.iparllla to all my friends tlio best VIor1 purifier oi( caith." Wm. OAFr, druggist, Ilamlltpn, O. " Hood's Sarsaparilla hzn ,oif cu taa f jcrof. tilous humor, and dona m worlds ct good otherwise." C A. Aitlfotii," Arnold, Mc A book containing many addlljf jsl stater rncpts of cures wU ba sent to all V'bo desire. Hooc)'s Sarsaparilla, 3ol4 by nH ilrunglsts. 81 : six for $5. Madoi only by C. MIOOI) Si CO., Lowell, Mass. , IOO Dosoa Onq polarT WHAT IS mrSPEPSIA?J 7-1 Among1 th9 many symptoni of Dyspepsia op indigestion tho most prominent; W Vai riable appetite; fqintjgriRWinB1 feeling' "at pit of the stomach, with unsatisfied craving? for food; hearthurn, feeljngr o? weight and. wind in tha stom-i ach, bad breath, bacj tSSto It the mouth, o spirits, general prostration, headache, and Constipation. There is no form of dlseas.o moro prevalent than Pyspspi.o.s and pone so pecul-i iar to the high-living- and rapn Id-eating American people, Alcohol and tobacco producq Pysnepsia; also, bad air, rapid, eating, etc. BURDQCK BLOOD JITTERS will cure tho wors tjase, by regulating' the bowelsi and toning1 up tho digestivq organs, Sold, everywhere. For Sheriff, nny p. j.kvan, ol Kmnkliii townnhlp, fiibieit to tha riilen of the llciiioi rtic toi)instinK colli vcntioiv ,'iit.'J2-t.c. For Prothonotany. i:i-VK. HAl'KK, of l" -Muuch Chunk, will bn a can didate for the nomination forl'roihono Inry, Mibjcot lo liulcs of thcDemocratlo N'omlnallug Convetitlon. Aug 1, SJw For Prothonotary, FIIAXK 1', f?KM.Mi:L, nf l.ehighlon, I'n., will bo a candidate; fur the nomination for I'rotlionolnry and Clerk nf Giiifts, a JC Deinocratic Cuimty Convention, mibiect to tin- rules of the party. jul v-1 1-t. c. WB Wlhh PAY f2 00 A DAY to a reliable party, lady or !,.,.r.iaii, it. n-,uit u,,,v,4 (ilf uur pun .icilioiis. Any pprsan a plying lor tlii. iiMsltinii, wli'i Manuot call cn ua neraon my, iiitist sp uq inpipcronii llilch w II ' rr.liuncil), and nlun names of 3 rcannn liiblo buainass men as reference. AddreaJ filler I ublnlimn Co., KM Wabnh Ave.. Chlrami. 111. fuly Jl. JSg. DANIEL WIBAND, Curiiagcs.Wajroiis.SJeigliB, &q iiask ami man sTitnirrs, LKIIIIIUVON, riKl., Particular attention glvrp tu REPAIRING In (11 IK detail!, at the very I.oweit Prices, ratroumra retpectfully egllcjted apd ytf fort aatl, fiction suaranteed. Jonlf, H ly. HAN. VIEAKI), TO ADVERTISERS, An ailverliiier hn for many years bas Hied all cl . nf newipapera, write! : "f prefar your Sn.rcT Ljst lor the resjon tblt, while but few persons i)i apy particular town aubm-ribe fur a plajj mtdiurn or large efly pre)ily, pipe put nf ten eubierlbe q tbelr local paii'ir, and the tenth oa bor rowa it frnin fill neighbor." This list con tain, 96; Daily and Weekly paper divided into titalea and aectioni, and nll bo lent free on application.' Gaoisi r. ItQTf Lt t Co , 1,0 Eprue St., V. y, LAND ! i (Jlalma- epalalty. STEAD OKKTIpffl all tlnrlof rANn SCniP LouaUk and aold. SUSl'ENllKII ENTHIEH. HAND. PATi Corrc (ponlee oilclted. A. A. THOMAS. Attorney at .Mr, lloom at. Cloud Oulldl Iny. Wtthliislon. 1.U. er. ' STOCK UA8KZT8. RerorUI up b ISo'olocV, by S Haren A Tqi)'i,.ea3,Baoeri,No. 39 B Tiilrd EUmI. Philadelphia. Stocai bought gold either for rkh or on niawn rMaitl:a, Au-. 1, 18. bid ukxl V SJ'a. Ext lilt J U S Currenrr rVi j: US 41, nf , .. ...IJi JIS us- n ui Pennaylrania R II ,.' ..IS ji Phllidelphla A Baadlre p. fl Ill ill Uhigh Valley RH :.. .. n i Lehigh Cal aV tfavjgatioa Co. . W Huff. if. Y. A Ph la.-R R Co. . A 41 New Jrr Or.tral... .. ..... itl m :i al 31 40 J BS3 orinern r'Hcir.n Com.. ., 2IJ " ' Erafd'..' iai Oregon Trar,(Cininental 3 Union Paeifie .' 101 Wealerri Bcion 70J Weat Sbore In, iJ fjouiayiiu it Xaabvill if Silver. (Tradtu f. men. SniVE.-On the 7th Inm , lu BeTfr Hun, EllMl-Mh, wife of Aaron Khlyp, asel UU years, 4 mon'ba aprl tf tUy. ' UKEVF'K,! I" fi'i the pih Inat , at Wbi B1.1.-, Ka'haii M. Lievfodc.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers