NortH CaroliilA Tenant Farmers WHY PAY HIGH REITS ! Why bo Subject to LAte and Eakly Fhosts? "Which Kill Your Young Plants ana Injure Your Crops. Head tlio Terms loTcnnnt rnriiicrs Given by North Carolina Land OlTllClfi. Tlie Immigration Hurcau or North Caro lrm tioro .t chnrifd romo lot rovril farms ftr rent to Northern tenant formers on llio ful. lowing conitltlji s. willed lire Hits tcru.s orrcnt clmrgoil In S ate: 1st, OK UN AND UKASS FAUSt. Tho laral owner fuml-lics land, houses anil pays all taxes ami'S ..I li:iirmln;; houses, s'ahlc nnil biilWl g. Trio truant fartnor furnishes lioncs, ton) ami labor, an I recolvcs TWO 1111111)3 f)V UIKJl'S. Tlio tenant farmer Is allowed free of rent iranli-n anil vegetable patclics Jlti Is also allowed to raise stock. Iioif ntvt clilcUriu ami receive all irocjeils trom 1 1 f.ilo of tlieni, 2nd, TtiflVCfO, UII.MX AMI OR ftS FAIIMS. Tho laiiil.nwncr lurrilslics loinl, houses ami ays all 'taxes ami isim-isof Improving Jiomra, stnlitijt nnl bnllillnirs. Tlie tenant farmer furnishes hoisc-. tools and labor, rrrelrln. Thrrclourtlis of the to. Iiacconmt rwo.ililnlsoftli" (tralnenn'S. Tlio tenant 'armer Is allowcil Iron of rent as In tlio above roeiiMonnl turn No 1. srii. Ton u;ro, OtlAl.V and oiiaps 1'AItMS. 'Itio Jainl-ovrticr furnishes lawl, hoases, foert fur hors"S, tools, rei.itrfnt' ami keeping In order -f toots and pays all taxes. Tho icnnnt farmer furnishes nil Hi" inniiiiil labor; receiving Omvlialf of nil crops, 'The tenant farmer receives fr o of rent as In tho flr.t tnentloneil f.iri N t. 4lli, COTTON, OltAIN AKDTOI1AC CO KAUMS. Rented cxai-'lv on aun'tcrins as the atoro Tobacco, (Irnlnand tirass Farm No 3; or If tenant farroo- furnlshe hurst ami tools, ho receives Two llilnls of the rjln And Throc-fuurttis of the cottcn. Advantages of Locating in North Cap.juna. CLIMATE. While tlio cold Is not rose. Yero, the totnperflturo of mid. summer Is not execsstro or trylnir as farther Norlh. r seasons are lontfi-r, and therefore our crop nre not killed by lato or early frosts, THE SOU. Is ora vorlct of compositions clayey, uravoll limestone, s'a to, sanity loam, etc. IhisurcatvarlciyofsollsaMl III" uilldncssand ailvantaKtu or ellm.iW willac count for tho variety ol ii'mIuims. SOCIETY. No section In tho Union has better ticcutcd laws. Tlubles.-! ofi.illl. Ical, civil ami religious lllterly aro mi where more fully protected than In N. O. IN UI.NEltAf.. Tho creat fertility of our lands, the mildness of our climate, Ireo from tho scorcMni: and nltlnrlntr I tofih South and tlio extreme cold mid ol the North ko to show Kurili (hitolln.i I. surely tho most favored npiculiiiMl sjclloti In Am.rloa, Naturo has lot only kIvpii ns the ndrantnKcs of pro lucin, hut 11 has pro vldoduswltli witcr-piwcr tn wurk tip what the soil produces for us, I solicit correspondence from tenant firm, rs In tho Northern and New Unitland Stnt'S I will furnish person low rate rotind.tilp transportlon from Jlusio-i, Now Yorli or Hal tlmoro to Norlh t nrollna. sh as to uivo ihem an opportunity of slicing tho larms that me offeroU for rent. All farms advertised by us for rent have dwelling-houses mul out-tullillnas on iln to Jielnis a regular ciaployn of tho Airihul tnral Department ofNorlh Unrolnia, I mak' no cbartro for Information ulviu or srrvicts rendered pcrs ns scckl'iit homes In tho Mate I will be pleased to rurnkhdesi-rlplliol sts of land; offered for salo In N'ortli Carolina, to all periom nho will write me, JNO. T. PATRICK, Stale hmmlm Asent, RALE 1(3 II, N. C. T.bruarr 18, HJIH TI-IE Carbon Advocate ,lfl THE BEST MEDIUM FOR Local. Advertising" IN CAMION COUNTY. job Printing ftYirjrdeecrtiAlon, KISOSLtAUEOUS. "Bni'l'1 " Kst" Hears out rats, mic13e. "Itougli on t.'nriii," for corns, tunion.a lie, Thin poople. "tVVlls' llealllt Itonower" re (lures hraltU nnd yl;ir(ruris dyspsjisia, Sec, "RouijIi on Tonlliaclis," Instant relief, lie rV,fl? who w.mlil retain freshnosj iln I vlvaelty il.ui't fall to try "Wells Health flcnower." 'nucliij.iaib'(," great kidney anil urln ary cure. Til", roadies, nnls.lied bugs, rals, mice, clenrcil nut by 'niinli-on Uata" Ho "Rmijjh on Cnuglii" troclifs, IJej llrjitMSSe I'ur rhlldreii slow In ilovelopment, puny anil ridicule, usa "Wells' Health Itenewer" "Riu;h on Dentist" Tioth Towder Try It ll.i Nervous weiiknrss, tlyspspsla', fexunfcio hllltv cured by "Wells' Health Heiiewer SI Mother Swan'a Worm Syrup, for fever tslinei, woriiK, constlpilt"ii lusleless 25n SUnuing, IrrllBllon, nil kidney nnd sit In nry punplalnls cured by "Uili'hit pillii" $1 Nlqht swel. fever, chills, malaria, dya jiiia, cured by "Wells' Health Uenover'' Mv luisliand (writes a Tmtr ) Is three Mines tlm man sliico' usiii "Wells' Health lio newer." If jnu are fullne. broken, worn nut nnd tie'vnus, usu "Wells' llenltli Itenewer" $1 Prevalence of kldn-'y rnmplalnt in America! 'Ducl.ll paiba i' u quick, imiii .Ieto cure. 1$. Is is n colli day when the chuuk ofice doesn't get left, A small soul lias plenty of elbow-room i:i a nnrrow minded man. Spnug" calto Is cako that is liuilo ttilk b trniwo 1 'ss. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Aro yen ilUttirJ'od at night and broken nf your rest by n bi.-k child siifTniie and cry Hilt wild lMin nl i-iiilliii; l.i'tlt? II sh. semi nt iiiioe and uet a Imtllr f Milt WtKI,"W's s-ii erma fyia'p run ('mi.nitr.N Tketiiiso I ik nlili' t Ilieali'ilHlile. ll will rellftt Ihf p.r Utile siillt-rer iniim-iliHtely. Dcpfiid n putt it, mothers, (hero is tin mistako about it. It cures dysentery mid -lliirrhoeii, rexii lales the stnm-u-h nnd Imwi-Is, cures wind i-olie. snfit-ns tho zums, reduces inllmiua tion and ;;lve ttn and eneriry In the whole svsiem. Mas. Wisstivv's tSooTiiixii Syiiup r in Tsktiiino i plensmii to Hie insle, aim is tho liiHfcrllill.ili of ono of the ohleat and te-sl fencilH iiurs'S and pbysi cirios in the Uuiieil .Slutes, mid is for p.ilc by nil drni'alsts tlirij;liout tlm world. l'ric 2j c ntsn bi.tllf. ZO-Iy Tho man wiihoiii u luluro Tho .lock broker. .'he longest riijjn in history Tho dil u 'C. Uny Fovor and Kosc Cold. I can ii-i'Miiiiiieiid V y'a 1'ieoui Hilm to rtlu- all n'is"tiM MiUWIiiu; ir,ini II wc Cdd Hlcl llav IVi'tr I have been a (r.-ut sullcrel Ir-Oil Iheo l-.oilallits Mild hlivo lle1 il. I l.iiic ite mii.i-mlMl it to many of my Iri.-ml-i hit (ItilHt rll, nnd ill all I'.tte.H wheic they have u, ed tli llilm Ireely tliov h:n heeii i'uriil T Kt-iiny, dry gouds mu l-llNlll, ItllHCII, N Y Host sititii-,l wi-ii ilmiij well, aid leave, ilhcra to talk of you as they pUee. llulwer Wrfj perfecily tifilr; there is n cell i id us lull. It is mollified into as siiiineiit. .heir .intLo u ci-'lon. TiCions i.i fev'ple ho nail it oir live tinolj mite n iln by Joos. I'l'i. f 1 1 1 1 1 d.lhi-u ly i n!wtr ;,i:erav.iitd l,y imii. i t -M K'llin'v Wnrt is ill" itn-ut ri-nietly I'-r II iillectoiiis .l Ihls kind It iii-l-4 as a ii lit.o I'li'hai tic, piouiiiti-s a bi-aliiiy iictimi nl Hit iie ffUtl, h.w.ii. iitMl heal- the llillilll-il iirluoc. It luiHctireil hundred nl ci, t wln-rc all nih-r reiiitilits ntol epplicitiiit. h i.o l.iiu-d. H -til by hII driuiats. The tune nl tl, Iris cmiio wlioi. evi-ry i-A i-roini .i'iii i a i-hilliti' t"ir r in tioiiiiii iii.iii with al ill nn .-;ii'!i tirm and only a punched niuio ill Ins perjuiuii triamrv. ZccUcn'a Arnica Cairo Tho It si 1-uiy,. hi tho wnt-id fir cuts bruiites, g ue, ulcers, r 1 1 rhuni. (ever smes, btler, lllllipcl Inillils, chillillllnls, Cntln'. mid till akin i riiptniii. mid pisinvely run piles, nr tin py r quired. It In UHtiinlecil imro'e ert.-et eiitibictiiiii, or iimtit-y rc fiind.-l l'licn Jfi cent p r b-a. Knrtululv 1 I) 'riminas Tiiriiiic i ml .t until by tho em when tiny inviic him in t.tUo n tlr nl . You cm wijsieil u ibaii b.-nl by iliewi, h s nr. oiicii nut. IEQ-Kiili.1 nut Inrilie season.', ol uks., Ktnckiii' tind all'111-it Cl I tJJ SUCi-es.l II 1 1 1 C-ilnrcd Willi Dl.tlimin! Dye. I-ii hi .nalile en.,is. O-tly IHM ul tin,-- is Well., IticliuriUnt .t'C -, II tr nntou, Vt. It i. taid that slci-1 pens aro g nernH) in tde nf I he linett utul iim,t c illy sli-.-l. Nn i no wmil I think it oiler tri lui; In ki"it h s iiaino in a bniel rettisier. Cimrr. Wiio-ii'u ('ot-nil, and even A-lhin.i imihuliulcly leli -tiil by AckcrV lteinedy. d.thl under Kuitrin,tr. Iiv Dr. Ilnrn, Ijehight uud E A lli.rn, Wclltltt. A muiiiin spanking a baby with mm hai, il and living to write pnetry with the "llier. Ijbnrs under groat literary ilieadyan lilies, -EI.ECT1IICITY. 01 nil ii.o known Electro Galvanic Apidiauces at the present lay It is imtv cnnwle.l bv the Medical l'ru. leruily nii.l i;ieclnciain K-m-rally, that the American G ilvaiiti: Cn's IIhwauu Snihi.ns am tho biMt, .uessin Elt-iltiu.1 merits, us into shield nr iiiplianeo can b, tilted In any part of the body, which is lint true nf any other. See advertise nt in another column nl this paper.- Ktcine Cu tcllt. General Grant is now convinced lliul parents c-mtint b- liHiiMroful In keeping their rlnl Iron nut nil' Ilia street. Cninc In Ellll'pu in get Innlrifil is llle litest fatliioiiabla crazj n lining tho 'too- tnos." Acker's Celebrated Enal'sli fur (,-iib-, t;.ilij. hii.I C-iniiiiiiiiiin. Snld l.o us nil II llriillee liy l)r llnrll, Leliilumi and E A Ilnrn, Weisrl. The diiivery of North America, par ticularly nf that pi. Mi.. u therenf named Ciitniila, was an un ill nol blessing to the uw inrk bank swindler. -Ktery fnriiier si. mild nt least havo m.e eoniy paper, mid l hit jh) sltnild bo the Alil'iieiTV tel. .It ,k.i.i..,..a ..II it... I..,..., .-,.i,i,i u,t ,, Mir., in cal news. Only H) Hi) u jear. It is it very iiiujiii net in n divorce liw. yer to I'nll.iwu wedding ptrlv torliur.-li for the piir of dUtributiiis his cards. EllUrriONS. EOriES, I-unples, Rhen innliim ore but indlintnra of iiuinirn 1.I,,1 Acker's III. mil Elixer Is Ihu fi.l I bv Dr Horn, Lehighlor., and E A Horn, ,, cirMii i. Nn man eyer offended his own con science, but firet or last It was reyengwl uu.n him for It. Aluoliilely Um best Pomm Tlasler ever mode. The Jf Ptiuler Is iimnse. nf rnsit iiiips, ihiititis iiml liuuM We-ik Bick, Side Ache, Soro CheH, ami ll uius are speedily cured by its us. Apply one Only 2J cents at any drug store. Joseph was the strailitest man on rennl, becdiue I'haraoh nude lilm a ruler. Thsire r r greater dailtht than In Im rBflMWfir stfmerity and selr exsmimtinn. Diwrs ami depriat iwone, an In s ' Iim fwllnf h4 mi alum nf a sli.di.w. Ilnweyer Ihliita may sut. m evil t-titig W smm, amino gewj thing is a fa I Iti re. If Yu wH Issirn self mastery, beln by y'eldmg yetirseU to the ouo Great Ms.i.r. m PKOF. try ' ABa2J:alCa:o roa SPERMATORRHEA IMPOTENCE J3VToetod for over O jroara uso In tiiou taula o cCsQOfs. 1 ce TRIAL PACKAGE. tt KEnrors debiutt, orsftoiii wetkoe" n&l 4 cisf, n4 bamcrcraa " cur d!tftit tkSlna tUfinil phyelolABi, itwU Ton joutkAil iuJlturos tlott t9 tttc lnAnfva& nnd rrrf trkla worfc. T lirt trnirw lt wbtlc tnT can ira mrs in jwr -ij r tfm. AoU bclnj InpoKl cq by rreu-tttou cllm At c iter nnw-iica t r tVtH trraMr-t. ttAt our trt rlrcw r tul trlU vitVagi tr.t k-irn ItnpcriKt fuu Mm tnklng treat iicnt cltxmticrfl lake a rrrool that bm cartj tltouMBl. dud Coct not la tcrftrti vlth attention to hvl uom of cm rin cr Iimos tcntnce Fo"t-l mi Ml ftitlfln frtrclrtlc, Orowln In ntor nnd muta tion. Direct fipTUraUvatntha fAltrdlMr4- nikketlta ppa 0.lhj. 1 ho Qklural fnni iinini'i lag naniMiowiTie lm urn rcitortvi. Ihl fit trait Inc element! tf lllQ tltctl lltTO t'fa fwt4 am chen 1 --. Tho fallest bMvr.ri flhcerrel ttil sLa HtThbOirtK ftrtMmtoosltti TfH CTS.H'I'er, A jwi'ii k It by nwll. . COlDtM 001 0( nocDSei t"i flit FARMERS' COLUMN. EEKO ADDRESS HAItril3 REMEDY CO.,M'P(j ChonHt!, EUDM Nor lb 10th St., Kt. I.onls, Mo. Cr.c tioanrs Tr.uTuur, $3 1 5 m.hths,. i S u:mi U Paynes' Antomatic Mm Ci Saw-Hill. (3 Ot'Il LKADE2. Wo offer nn C to 10 It. r. Automatic, Spark-Arrcst-top, Mounted l'ortalilo rnjrlne, with Mill. JO ft. carTlope, I2 ft. trne'e nt:d xiays, 2 eimnltnneoua bver set hoad-l)1orl:s, C'j-lach mbor, 3 changca luoUi aawycr con'-rola foi it.lever and lieoil-blockt from ono position. GO loch aolid raw, it. o-iiivu l iny iiciunr, feed-btltn, canMionks, sw.ijre, tli-htcuur, cto. ltlsc complete for oporallnii, C1100 on cars. JCa cliio on sklila, tlnO lem. JinKlno will burn slabs li om tho aaw twu to cluht feet long anil keep up ale-nil. peiui lor c-oiainpiio x. I II. U l'AYNE tS: MINS, , IMnniirnrtiiri-rii nil atvll-n AlltO. Innlle llin-lnrsfroill 2IOu(10 H. 1'. tjliaUinrr, piinevo.nml baneera. Uluiirn, H. v., uos Ui7. AKDftEW SIIIVE. Danl: ftreet, Ajaut for li'hljlumi and vicinity, "bALTH! lui. r. r. v.i:rs m.hvi; am, nuns 'iiu'AT.U'vr. -riirnn.t.lTlf.ol.irllii 'la I) zr-iun O-uvhII. im.KIM, r.y v iis In nrnlRln. IlMi1sifl.-,N.Tr.i. rrt M..n rmn.-. Of tm ii"' Pf lr.t"iii or lotwo, WttUffii'iii, Hct.til Ds tir f nn. Sn ffilUK of V Hrtln t-ir 'it in luxnnMy nd .esjtl'tist mmiiiiTr, d rr ni Ontli rrnituro ulrt A, HHiifimOin. Istirirt P -war In CltI-?rB4X. lnvoluniair Irnonai nnd bjie'ini'it -rrlian rnuscil by ovr-sfti iln f tltfl tmln, tir-niiir on vrHinIti ri'fo. l-ic-itttrisriMitiilnaonti nmnth-j trftm-iit CI n-'t.irilxUxtt f. r $3.nttitkjruiillpt9- JZ CUAUATITu CIU DO:CE3 f-r rr rt o. 7ti r Hi or'pr rr-tr .1 liy tV it2 'rm p( Ktiii mitM wiili $3, ivl 1 nc ml tlm nnrchetm-r rop lit mii Kiimittit-f i r- nn 1 1 numt-r If tlotutmout dj It t (T I 1 It l-ll"- (tllsllHl.ll 4 l4l'r- I filth -T HiSM 11 t, KV.'imX.'WS 22Mi .nttn'.t.r''IV..f)!i.M-i,p, "1 ? T tr-UVnt it Tfiriis.bl9 Ifluful I'liril. r. It lr.-nn1.ilBj- B 'iin m fl'ndrfhi-, t'tiBKlIrtntltin, l'arl!io I hit Mtln Utll. 1 1 1 1 r-'ii-r u; n rn li-t .f VI tntm. Uosniri-na-ri it (or S tuiun. CISHER & MEMDJILCOri, f ?.V.n.Mi'JM. nircrsUa, Cal. Tho Cr cl! cttrcsi ' V!l t thTrTyibtfnl crlouaor t aouT-htJiil nnt f Jha 'V7, Cl3t:inlr,l'l:is(.ia ;CJ cts, rsirer2jc,Mor J rioo Gr-l'Ij.l ' p lC.,ccntir3 '!cJ, ir?j cr etpe.b; m, wHinp PiTisi.v'fVA. S-fei.Tcj.flMfia Tii JSliv In olaitri olth 1 Wont, Akin act! liones, rtor. lcUUr ImpntfofT, drRcla caknri. UoaorrLeer, SjithUfS fmi iifn.n.-Ui Af.'cr tion. ficlcntiflc trfotmeiit j valo rikI enrt rcmeilkf. DirormltiM Trcatwl. Call or write for list of quMl-orn to be tinm-ered ly tlioso tleciring treatment by laaii, rtTfr"ti) nt.rrlu from nrp nftouM scnil tliclr adttrti9, Viaa'l lecra Komethlu? ta thrlr lTA&tiKe. It It not Iriu.. Af-4iTit Or. r. I r.alUr.CV, rm'tand r!ir-fin ta(Urnr fctral Slrd. ft R'irtr. Ict.tKi.tV, D'O Lo?ut t St. Lnnlt, Successor to l)r. UutU'DIrreiiiary. LiUltshtd 80 Irsrst. cot tjiy ittv Aprriitn. filOO to ftOO tor mo. itiatlchfMltitMirtljriititl St IlUtni'r, ftlliKiim jilttl EtfC'tml- ltltttlVill lltl'tVtil'id Write w J. C. Jlvl urlj v t'u. i'uiLiucipuia, i'a. THE COMPLETE,.. U houk Na ctlltk-n. Naw tnndintrs. Nw lilu-.utions 0 from new ilanpm, suju-ri'i;. i.'0-tcn op. bame Ijw price. Adip-! to till classM. neil at miriit, Atrent rluln biff work, 1'xCELl.ENTl EKJli, The handiumett proi pectus erer iiut, Applv now. It ha jLf'". C hkb rs jn & Co., 66 North i'h St. Philidel- phu. IU. A-w ouier ltiii4 new buuk-ti aa J IiiLles. Central Carriage Worlds, iiimk St., Lehighton, Pa., Are prepared to Manufacture Carnages, Euggics, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c, I If every description, In tho most substantlsl manner, and at I.ortcst Cash I'rlccs Itriialrln? l'l-auijitly Attended to TltnXLEU & KltEIDLKR, April it, 1SS2 yl Proprietors. No Patr nt No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors In tho United States OauaJaand Kuropc.nt reduced rates, with our principal office located In Washington, directly upposlto tlio Unltod States Patent Ulllce, 'o are utile to attend to all patent I. mines, with itreatir prmnptno-s nnd ile simicli and in le.s v.. si than other patent at. tornes who aro at n illmani-u tioin Wash, lnirion, and who hate, Mu-relore, to employ "us'neliloaitorne)s ' We make preliminary exaiiiinaitnns and luruish opinions as to .a teiitnbilliy, Ireo ufeliarun. mid all who are Interested in new Inventions and intuits are Invited intend lor a cipv id our ''tlulde for ubtnlnliiK I'oteiiis,' )il ti Is lent Ine 10 uuy a idress. and contains conn tete Instruo turn liov to obtain paletiis and other valua ble in.itier. i'u reltr to tlio Oeriiian.Atoer loan Nntlonul llanK Wiishb Kton. U. (). : the lloyjl Swedish. -Nomeaiau nmf Hat I'h'Li'ua tlnus. at V-l'bliiKton t Hon. ,1ns. (lascy, lato lllilol .lusllco U. S. t'nuri nl Olaltns; to the Dinoluls or tho U. ti I'atent Ollice, and to Senators and Meinbors of Utngress from every Stale, Address: I.OTUH lUnaKIl d CO., Bo lleltiirs nt Patents and Attorneys at J.anr.I-e llrolt Uulhllint U'AmiMiTus. II, 'I. WM. DUFFY & SON, of East jMauch Chun.., i aro prepared o iln all kinds of Plasteriua & Ornamental fort, at shortest notice. Orders by mall will re reivo prompt attention. Terms inn.lrrato or rih-1 wnrlc. aetilitf Job Printing neatly, cheaply und promptly executed at this office ! CuO REWARD 1. 1 bv paid for.auy Grain Vim o( Mtnti alia t.u . anil Imk mucb G ruin ui tM-wl lui'iii-iliiy at.uur I'litci)'' WONAIKH Oral ii and Ha. I hvuanitori-iiaRarT-iwr,wi.icb neuHtrrtulhtp' lie si a low nrlri. fisxnjl t circular mitl prlo if k. tliinrfet-mtn Ainafica. AlrhiUt,rishun,T. t.ttlit.! AGENTS I WANTED FOR THE BACK-WOODSMEN. Thetnnst coptirtrit'nff ntrratWe ofeatlv iKtrder lifocvcr wrts tn A lioimnsa f t uul Atr-tits nn.l upli-n li.i tturtor for Iletrlnnert. Airci-w sra now sfHuiR 1 1 t.i u bnoka per dt . V am an Arnt In every f. n. Sn i f jt d-rini n.l cirrul.iri fnre. The W K. DIDBLE PUB CO., Cino, irintUO. ARtMTQ"''" w h" lnft jnittT (1V9iss.ll I OfrittrlllntNrtlrti-Pitt.nnrHiiUitlrrqBlri-tl.rPfirts VOd Ut after mid. UflUL KAK'I.'O LO Sl luta 81., b. V. rpTstflElTKTTSitr nrtotiao. A certain cure. Notexp,n"rtvf'. Three mnntlis' tnatnient In ono parkogc. Omt for Cold In imp Ilntd, Ilftiducho, DiMlwea". 1Ih- Fpvcr, Ac I'myceuts. liynllDruKl-ii.oriy innll. li T. HAZlSL'llNX:, Wurrcn.Pi WHO t5U'-rOJ-,"Tt5 wiiM TH1 UtOOPAPMY TMiaCOU-i" TM Vi ILL Eft OV CcAMiNiNO THiBMAF THAT THf CE1ICAG0. ROCK ISLAND & PAGIFiC R'l I(y tlia cent ml poult ton or i liae, connects tbo jjftsi, ana uio vvcji ny uiu uocurni louio, oua cr rie passetiBCra, -wilLout chrnxo of cam, tclv"jtiQ Cbioaga ancl Kaanan Olty, Council I3U-i(j, Leaicn worib, Atchliton, Llmneapolla and at, Pcul. Jt courcct in Uuion Uepoto isiih nil tlio pnuclpal lmci ot road between tho Atlantic and tbo Pa-mo Jceani. lio cqulpmcut U imrivnlnd tad mabuid rcut, being composed of 3Cot Coir. "ot'tabU nnd Beautiful Uiy Coachoe, J&bgnJficciit Xlorton Ile cllnlDC Chair Cars, Jullman'd Prettiest raliee Bleeping Cars, end tbo ituot Lin a ot Dining C.tro In the World. U hrco Tralni between nnd Missouri Ulvcr rointo. Tw a TrAina Ix-twcta Cbi csao and iltnacnpoha und tit. Paul, via tUo iTauioua "ALDinT LEA ROUTE." A New rxiA Ulroot llD?,vla Oenccaand lanka lochasroceutly b cn oponed lietwcti-i Kichm..tu riori'ol.H'ovr'portNowa Chittanooga, Atlmiti, AT4 puBta.Wnshviilo.IiOUlavilIa, LcsliiffiofltC.T-crint.' ladianapolla and Xjitfiyette, ami Oiu;lu, rimuap. 0II1 and Bt. Paul aud lntormi-ol ito pototn. All Throucli l aaaeucra Travel oa I'aat Jfliprca. Trims. Ticuctafor cal siit r.ll nrtnelpil TlcUct Offlcli. tha United Utatc-i aad Cans la. Caffgifjo checked tlirouah and rates of fixe cl. ways as lowaa oompotitcrs that oifer leia oJviJ tajxos. for detailed Information, cat tlio Her- md Told jtsoftho GREAT ROCK ISLAND At your nearsst Ticket Offlcs, or address K. R. CABLE, E. ST. J J UN, vi Yk-l're. & Gca'l II Y'r. Ora l TltU tt Tasi. A JU CHICAGO. NervB-Un andigor This cut shows the Howard Electric AND Magnetic Shield ri? applied over the Kltl- !.- Jiejnonurvefvo-viial VU centers. Tno an. pllanco mado thai B'8 "cry part of fr' y the body, and the If a. ti t52A n on0 ncciicd to r tlM H Rip fC?r h rosmvEiT our.K OF THE i- yiHjites IJiL ll HOW READY. 7mAs ORDER EARLY. THE ti-LUSTRATCD OQRAPHEGA 1884. 1884. 200 uhlih v tl 1 t-'Sl'i IIIV .1 ri "AflK MfCH'M f 0.. PRJCE ONE DOLLAR. Itrontaln setlili-e f r everybody. Its narca Inturui-tiwl 1. it I met MHJI a-i -ld. It wVhko mtrvtctuLJo t" llio b-r.or, ll.o tlerpjninn, the ItwvLT, tlio Editor, tho Mutt i-man, tie htuder.t, ttij I'utit'cum. ilia iloiclumt. ilm Mcrbai.Ic r.ndtu tti ' School J Joy who Utuua to lay tho fmindatlon of an hotictt character and iceKa lor laoOiU 10 imtturn 11 f tor, , frHi3 nioGRAPrncAXi aitkxial. 10 A BOOK OP TO-DAY. VTlthln Its lull's may Lo found nearly PORTRAITS, EoViffl who Vavo cxerJml nnd aro still exortlog potest lull i ncea In vari oa Oheciione. Wlilio pretnilneil'ly an American I nltUratton, trsnlng principally of II 31 r ft I N'J' .till: III 41ANS, It contAli.s tlio iiortralts ili'tlivm tr tl.e rao t'lSOHlNUWa' I Ultul liA.S ofibe nire. lt p)asoi ninilllnrizo tlio rcailrr wills Ihu Ji'iilurcH antl llio llv N.iri.rom liicut t'i'..t.'noit nutl Uiivrnt nctl ItlllCI'., ItlCIUDCI'M of tin llllltl- cli, Malfi-nioii. Wi.ri'lorM. tion iinrts. Coiia:roi.aiiiteti Ciovirnoiii, ;niiilatcrtit liallroud Uluziinti-u. Ailms, i:Ulloi, EIImi i Inn. llllOMillllCrH. I-ni'tw, liiiriitu si, AiIyocuCon, li'lsli At; I tit t .. (lit nl t li a, I n . Jll IXVh, 1'llllHlltliropll.lN, Oralora, ItlnlmpH, mitl ntliers III alt tlio unions MuIUu of life, .131.llD.Na A!L POSSIBLE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES, AMOSro WHOM WE MAY VENT10!. BLAI'K. Altl'IIIIIt. MollON l.l), IH ltll, MOUUli-dNi PLDWKlt. lOllMUNDst I.ISi OI.N. SAB1H.UUT- siiiin.MAN. Tii.iitN. iiknumcks. iiol- MA!., UlUAN, I'.VVXK au4 HOtULKy. EVERY BIOCRAPMSCAL SKETCH IS ACCOMPANIED BY A FAITHFUL AND LIFE-LIKE POfiTRAIT, Oit'io I 'taid Prote.i 11 1-, iilietlier T.i IsenriiUaBa, Preelivipili b, C n.yr..4i.iloti.lUis, INplVu or ilethixji'l.. will Ci d miintii,' tl e rnniLtooi. rharac- .ai1. THE BiOGRAPHiCAL ANNUAL many lam'lur t . res tho owner of which lisve cmleurel tin in-elvi s to tbou.anils of their fellow inon, Tito livisof the PROMINENT WOMEfj S-TSK.S this Hiuviualiy Iiiti-rctii i te't ni c i.-iilinu i n cour4'i" eiil ii - ii ui t u r.stllinr, ml will riot. vtnee the re on r 1' ut u men lien a boblo lattoluQ tud lu.u Uj id II u'lj lu fu tii It. If you ivni.t 1 1., r.i i e i . ah nil th the fsees and to a ea or t' o in- ii 1 1 i i nuti ii utilise name li.vo bseo in fa n lur ui.u, inil , f I . i opj uf TUB BIOGJkual ronltry Questions Answered. 1 rl 1 I 1 1 i J rra 1 m ma JeL .rati, baa., ir1 rosiTivELT cur.i M .mneuisvusu s & s. v ii iiiii.tnisi) J it y t t o p I a . .1 IHU IU1C! kllCVB Ul n Seminal Wcalc. nets. Bxliuua- lion, IlllllOtOIV el', and efl ?!. if caseuand Wcalc- cN.of thollrlno Cjlclittal OrrruitH. fratcntcd Feb. C5, 1ST0. n-ao-, YOriTa HEN, from early Indiscretion, lack nerve forco and fall to attain strength. HlDDuE-AGnn JIE:i often lack vigor, atltlba. lng It to tho progress of years. Tlio IlOTIinrt, XTWr. and MAID, tnCcrlngfrom Tomato Weakness, Nervous Debility and other ail ments, will find It the only cure. To one nnd all we say that tho Shield gives a nat ural aid In a natural wav WITHOUT DRUGGING THE STOMACH. V.'.-irr.mlcd Oito Year, and llio best r.pplluiico made. Illustrated Pamphlet, THREE TYPES OP MEN, clso Pamphlet for Ladle only, sent on receipt of Cc, sealed; unsealed, FUEE. American Galvanic Co., OFFICES: 110U Clicsitnut St., I'lillaT Scot poelnald on rrrrlpt of ONI! I) (It, LAI. X.. UZ-Ol-xril CD., 1-uV.hberi, -- 03 VMto Ctrcst, tMfrXotli. j or FiKi.n. Cnot.itn, so nAtt.Kn Honr. Can the Prah ie Farmer give, lissome ilirectinna fur treatment ol so called chicken clinlera? Our fowls liove tlio slow sort a kind nl rmicli ami llirnwlni- niticmls from llie, fro fluent anil loose evacuations linger alolit lor a week nr more. Tlio nature of the ilisoafe, praventinti, nnil cure, how far con tagious, etc , wn would like to learn about, it. s. m., Schuyler, Neb. From the description given I think that the "slow klntl" ol chicken cholera Is nothing nmro or less than run p; hut y mi will think that qtillo enouth brforc you get through with it. With the single exception of cholera, roup kills more loivls, old and yininc, overy year than all other diseases put together, ntnl Is almost as much dread ed by pnnllry.ralsera as tlio cholera itself. Concerning the naturo nf tho disease Stod dard sttye: 'nmip Is n disea6e of tho lining mcmbraiio of tho beak, exlendlnj.lioivever, to llio whole head ami tluoat, Ihrmijli the tear durt to the eye, nnil flnnlly oireclmg tlio wholo mnslllutlnn. In fatal cares death ensues In Irom two to eight days after llio specific symptoms of roup show thcmelvcs, and cases that nro not treated aro generally fatal whenever the malady appears nl an epidemic in its revere lorm.' Iloiip comes from neglected colds, amine exposure to cold nnd wet, roosting in draughts, from keeping fowls In tlainp.datk, filthy. Ill ventilated houses, n cenerat ills regard of oil sanilary laws.nml llio disease inav S'imclliiio bo develop -d by atmospheric conditions not fully understood. It"Ui is conlagioujj it Is communicated from ono fowl to nnotlier by contact with tho discharge from the nn'trils nnd eyes nnd iloiibtlesa llio germs of llie disease are carried by the air from ono llnek to another. For this reason roup can not always be prevented, but tho poultry. keeper wlm avoids all the known causes of iliseauo and Inkc3 proper sanitary precautions: when the roup is in his immediate neighborhood, will havo little caus.i to frnr Il.eyen though it iictujllv pi ti a I'oiithold among his llnek Under such ciinditions llio dlceaso is usually ofa mild type and easily controlled lltaket in hand at the very nulsol. The first synip loins nl roup -hoarteness, sneizing, and slight running at the nostrils am the ssme as thoso of a common cold, nnd ch.selv re -emlilo thosi ofn "cold In Um heitd" in the li'im in subject. In tho second stagn nl the disease the discharge float the ma'ril th clt'Mis, and becomes very offensive, and t'n ees and head nflictid more or lees. In till third ami la-t slage the head rwei's, utvrs foini in the mouth and throal, and soin 'times around the eyes, tho nicli:e ftl the comb turns black, and tho mnl di. When tho roup first makes its ap peartnee in n ll ck, while it Is sllll In the fir't stag", is tho time to handle it easily nnd surely. Civo each ono of tlio nU'eded fiwls a dessert spuotiful t,f castor oil at ni jht, nnd for a week nflerwnrds leed the whole Ilotdt on cooked loud well scafoncd Willi pepper and pulverized charcoal; a Is. give Douglass' mixture lu the drnli. Wlrltewanh nnd tliiltif.ct the hnu-e, and thoroughly cleaiite and disinfect 'lio feed tr.iugha and drinking voxels. In inos oj'es this ciiirfc will euro tho nfll clcd bin'r nud prevent the iprrad of the disease. It the icti'ii'l staga sepcrate the sick from 111 w -II and pr"tTed with tho cleaning alio ilia iifecllng. Give the eick the dose if citr oil, und nllirward the ''Gerit.r.n Hiup Pills," iicrordlng to ill rif linns. Gi.. the aj p irenlly well lowla tho pepper,char coil, nud Douglass, mixture dully i..r i wvk, or while tt e disease remains on thi premise.'; also give the 'Gentian Itoup IMI" accoidtng p directions. Alter tin disease reaches the third stage tlio lowl h n d worth iloatoriitg, and the most elleelivc Ireatinenl is t cut tho head off und bur thi. whole carca's. Always tiBo care tn ll iti'llltm rmtpy lowis; for should the dis chargj froi the nostrils or eyes,or the mat tor from the iilceia, get in it cut or sciatch on the hand', the consequences might tc sjriojs. Frdirie Farmer. Ssvcrsl Uses of Rhubarb. Tho broad leaves aud acid .talks are now to be found in almost every kitchen gar den, or should be; but after they have con tributed In the rarly spring loward the making of a few pies and tarls, they are gem rally allowed to grow rank and go to reed for the rest nf the season. It limy be Inlerotlng In some of the renders ol the Frairic Farmer to know that the pie plant has the peculiarity of taking ny flavor ami imparting none, Una quality makes it n very valuable addition to pies and saucis to eke out when expensive fi lilts are used. A delightful and healthy summer drink run be made by pnsdng mil the juice and nweelening with sugar or syrup. Very nice jellies nnd preserves can be made fn m it, coding but tho trouble and the A j-llv clonely imitating that from nutnees eiiti bo mad thus: Out up the stalks nnd simmer until s.'lt, without sugar and with out water; Btriiin out the juice, measure it. on. 1 put il link lulu the kettle with the rin I of a leuinii (the thin yellow p.utonly; und a few sticks of cinnamon! boil tvvcittv tiiliiuies, then strain again Ihroutth a flin- net hag. Uetttrn It once more to he kettle. uu-t when il conies to a add an equal weight nf ii;.iT,whii'b. vuil havo previously utea.ured and havo had healing by the side nf the fire. (Il is always best to have the sugr l"t lor jellies.) L-t it boll un pnci'titid puitr as sunn as possible into your g aas'S Dipping Intn hot water will p.e vent ineir itrcHKiug wueu iHiuriu, jelly iutu them. the hoi An Auswer Waatad. Cm any um bring us a cose of kidney or liver complaint that Electric Milters will not speedily cure? We say they cannot, as thousands nf cases already permanently cured and who re dally recommending Elcrtrin Bitters, will prove. Brlghl's di. case, diabetes, weak hark. or urinary coin plaint quickly cured. Tuey purify the blond, reiiiilsle the bowels, and act directly on tne diseased parts. Every buttle guar anteed. Fur sale at 50c a bottle by T. Dlo Thomas. "IIelgljhoI"saidaIrs. Sprigglni, "I see lhatl"i!rpMMr,WilliiB lias did in testate. J ullus (aid high liyln, would ruin his iur.anls." Said Julia tn Albert, hold up her pet dog; "Isn't It a rfeet little lovenfa dug!" "Yes." said Albert, "quite aud affaire du cur." Subscribe for llio Carbon Advocate only f 1 a year ! Extrems Tired Fesllnp;, A 1a.Iv tells us" the Urn b-ittlo lias done niv daughter a groat ileal of g'-l, hr f-l di not dUi.ea her now, iiiirdneealieMiIlvr fniin that ettrtme tired fttKmf which she did before, taking IIm' Sarsaimrilla." A rewind bottle ellaote.1 a cure, tin ether prrtmreli.111 cumins suell a mncentrallvn ol vitshifngjeuriohing (wilylngand Invig orating properties as Hood's B.risparllla. Business is still booming at the STAR. Our man; customers will kindly accept our thanks for the; liberal manner in which they have patronized us. To those wliodo not patronize us yet. but have such an object in view, we, here, publicly proclaim that thtty will be treated fair and honorably, that we will not overcharge them in n single item, but on the contrary, will offer them decided bai gains in many things without employing the so-called Leadek System, where a certain lino ofgood aro sold 'at or below cost and double prices charged on others. TO all we would say that wo are holding our trade with our customers and are constantly adding new ones, but still we have room for moro and cordially invite you to try us. Have decided bargains in Home-made Carpets, Floor Oil Cloth, &c "We lead the county in Sugar. Our Stock and Prices of COFFEES are unrivalled: No trouble to show goods. Very respectfully, S y j-1 u 3 Sj The Clark's Gove Guano Company Prioo Li3t 1884, per 2000 lbs., in Sack3 200 lba. eaoh. FULL STRENCmTEERTILIZERS For Field Crops and General Application. (IfAnASTFP.n AxAMBte: i; ANALYSIS! 33aV State Fertilizer. Ammonia. (MI3,) 3 to 4 Wallahlo I'ln splmrle Acl',.... 10 to 13 I'olnsh (KSO) actual i to 3 Detail Price In Nov ork, ito per ton. Unicorn Am. Sup:r Phosphate. I Ammonia, (Nil?.) Slfto 3 i ..vallahle i'hosphorlo Acid,.... tii to 10 I Pi.lash, (ICi(i actual 214 to 3 Itetall I'rlcoluNow York, (Si per ton King Phillip Alkaline Guano. I Ammonia. IV, to a ... . J Avnllahlo I'horpliorlo Ae.d 6Uto AWAHSis. i t.,.(U2()), ttctual 3 to Itetall I'rlce In Now Yurk, $30 per ton por ct iorct per ct perct per ct per ct per ct per at por ct The Great rianet Formula) of CONCENTRATED MAHUSEfJ, combine lu i Formulas the many nuccis.ry articles In ui. Great. Planet Brand. uj;iS FOftMIII.A t Ammonia, (NII3) 4 to 6 perct vimiaoio i itospnoric riciu, t to b per s& 'otash, (KIO), actual, 0 to 11 perct RMIII.A t A 'A." ?, For I'otatoes, Hups, Toinatots, Peas, Corn, Melons, Dians, As paragus, Cncntobcra, Ilerrlcs. Vims, Orchards, Uraln, Uugar Cane, -c, Itetall price In N. Y., SIS ft ten. O TT A nANTKKD Analtbis: I'OriMt'IjA ( Ammonia. (M113) S to I per tt A vu liatite I'liosphorle Acid, Ii to 8 ner at. ,'iasu. puj, uciuai.,.. i b apsrsv For Tobacco. Cablmge, Onions, Cauliflowers, Turnips, fee. itetall 1'rice In New York. ,15 per ton. TKltMS O..SU. OHMt'LA ( Ami 1. i,u Wo have secured the Agency for the above Celebrated Phosphates, and will now take orders, and in season will have a constant supply on hand. Call and examine samples or write for circulars. IFe will accept agents, to whom we will assign districts, and are pre pared to make liberal arrangements with them. ANDREW SHIYE, Agent for Carbon, Monroo, Schuylkill and Lehigh Counties, Fa. OFflCE in' Seta's EjiliiBi-'Tlic Apiliiral Iijleieit Bepm, k. u.k ,, ,b.i.5 ALTH A 99 W-ASHIiN G-TOIISr. ID. C. Sworn Suteiptitn List 70,000. MiteH ly W. H. HALE, M. D. This is a large eig'lit page, forty column, monthly paper, ancl is "devoted to everything pertaining to Health and Home, Marriage, Social Science, Domestic Medicine, Science, Literature, Art, Economy, Cookery, Hints on Health, Dietetics, and every realm of Modern Science and tends to improve health, prevent disease, purify morals, aud make home happy. Addhess- Subscription Price, 50 Cents Per Year. Wv Health and Houces'IJ WASHINGTON, D. C. Spring Styles for 1884 have Arrived ! est ajjijinir.siB. LLJf CO tl glU-tUUi' JIJ uJH JSC il 111 iyNj Arc now prepared to furnish their customers and the people with the Newest and most Fashionable makes of Foreign nnd Domestic Cloths, Oassimeres and Suitings, which they will make up in the Latest Styles and most Durable Manner at unusually Low Prices. With a lorcc ot experienced workmen and a tremendous stock to, vo arc prepared to offer inducement unexcelled byany other ESTABLISHMENT in the COUNTY. Wo cordially invite YOU to call and inspect our Goods and learn Prices beforo mailing jour purchases elsewhere. In all cases wo guarantee Best IForkmanship, Best Material, V the Lowest Prices and Perfect Fits.'' Respectfully, . Clauss & Bro., The Taijojg Masses,,. . ' - ' BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON, :RA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers