OEOT j New Adyerti80tqent3. -DEALERS IN- J.1 . ; i V i... i Mm "f i. . , J : Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, 1 Spectacles anl Eye Glasses, post orrioE building, "Weissport, Pemia- Repairing orU kind! promptly attended to at VERY Ittasonable Charges. It you need anything in our lino, give us a call before go ing elsewhere. Our Prices are as low as the lowest, and all Goods are warranted to be as represented. feb2-y Railroad Guide. & Arrangement of Passenger Trains. MAY 1884. Trams leave Allcntown as follows : (Via Perkiumen IIaiuioad.) For Philadelphia at M.C5, 0.10, 11.10 a. m., and s.lo p. p SUNDAYS. For Philadelphia at 5.00 a. m.and B.W p.m (Via East Pe Branch.) For TtesdlriR and Harrlsburg, COO. 8.(0 a. tn.. U.n, 4.3", and 8.05 p. m. Far Lancaster and Columbia, 0.C0, M0 a, in., ends So p. in. SUNDAYS. For Harrlsburg, and waypolnts, 7.35 a. m 8.06 p. tn For Philadelphia 13&a. m. Trains for Allsntown leave as follows : (Via I'KKKIOMKM Kailroad.) Leave Phllad'a. 4 3, 7.40 a. m. and 1.00, 1.36, l0, and t.isp. m. SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 8.30 a.m, J 30, M.M p. m. (Via East Pkhh. Branch.) Leave Reading, 7.30, 10 16 a. m., 2.00. 3.60, and it 15 u m. Leave liarrliburs, 12), 7.50, 9.50 a. tn., 1.45 and 4.UO p. m. Leave Lancaster, 1M a. m., 1.00 and (3.40 p. tn. Leave Columbia, 7.30 a. m , 1.10 and 3.4u p. tn. tr'rom King street Depot. SUNDAYS. Leave rteadlnir, .ou, tn., 6.00 p. m. .eavo tlanlHbur. 7.00 i. in., 4 0 p. m. Leave Philadelphia o 3u a. m , 3X0 p. ro. Trains via "I'erklomen Kallruoii" marked thus () run to and irora Depot. Ninth nnd Oreon streets, I'hlladelphlii, other trains to and from liroad street Depot. The 6.oo and 0.45 a. m. trains from Allen town, and the 1 35 and .MS p.m. train (rom Philadelphia, via I'erklon en Railroad, have through can to and I rom Philadelphia. J. Ii WOOTTEN, . . General Manager. CO. HANrOUK, llen'l Pw'r k Ticket Agent Mar 27th, Ml. REMOVED. W. &. M. Seiple, Physician & Snrgecn. Hat Removed his omen and Residence from Second St.tn SOUTH Street.ln thohulMlnir formerly occupied by A. J Dni.LKNMAVER. where ho will he pleated to ace his friend and patrons. Sra-OTFIOE ll"UKs: from 0 to 9 o'clock V. 21. March 81, 1883 m CASH GIVEN AWAY To SMOKERS of Blackwell'a Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. This Special Deposit Is to srnarnntee the raiment of the 25 premiums fully described In our former announcements. The premium, nil! be paid, no mattf r hovr mall the number of bags returned may be. OJfu Blntkirttrt Durham P'larr Co.. Catkitr tik Af Durham, Durhnm, J. C. Dbiij 8tK:-We hitWa you S.19MMXr, which rlea6 iUc nn Bpeciil prpoeit to par rremliimi for our rrartr tobacco bjr to N returned Deo. Uth. yuuntrulr J a OAltlt. I'retidfut Offif mftttt Ansifca IsirAnwiJ , iurhu.Jf C, Hay ll), 1834.) J, 8 CAR II, o.. fnf. piittite Hi P-rlnm Ti-bnreo Cn. TlrAR Rm:-1 have to aeknrmlecIrA rrrtMpt cf tU.W0 0O from yon. which w have ilicM uron BpecUl Deposit fnr the object you tate Vour truly, p. A WILEY. Cthler. If one res nice vithont rlcturt of HULL on th pack are. KXSt our other wwouncemeaU. Uswlatinx. by druggist, DANIEL WIEAND, Carriages,Wngons,Slcigh'8, &c ooansB or UA5K AMI IKON STREETS, LEinuiiTON, msi., FarUoular attention tlveo to I REPAIHlirG la all it details, at the very Lowest Prices, Ptroiiaa jeipectfuHjr toltctted and per Kt attiisiietian Kuaranteeii. Jan. 19, 84-ly. DAN. WIEAND, Legal Notice, TO HETTY KISTLEH, cf Vast Peon. Carbon oouniy. Pa , on ease ol divorce obialscl hy W. A, KIH.er, i.f 1'onu. dale, Ohio, In. Court or llummou Pleat ol jew j ail, on April iu, test June 11, 1IJHJ' ' A Bible Commentary. IIIahlT endorsed by representative men ol all ehnrchet Lowett inleedbouk publlthed, A(M.is WAMES k wrtlTLOOK, Hllltdale! HUb, WAQENTSVYANTJtlDLta- "Original Cheap Cash Storo.'f tCst (pie Cost your eyes about yon, read. , ana tee nuw niceiy tne eo. at the) if o. J3y .Buying for Cash Yon may liesiiro ortliBLatest aiidBest ! By Buying1 for Cash ton may Cotint on the Lowest Prices! Coietitioa Cant Toncli Us ! J. T. NUSBAUM, Opn. Pabllo Square, Bank Streot. Lehigh. tob, Pa. JuneT, HSi-ly. BATUIIDAY. JUIiY 12, 1884 SPKCIATj NOTICE. Persons making payments tn this office by money orders or postal notes wilt please make them payable at tho WsissrntiT Post Omen, as the Le- hlghton office is mot a money order offico Our Neishborhood In Brief. Why do the busy liltle ants Kirk up their tiny heels nnd rlance, With unditguisnl hllarityT Why do llieynuth with pretty pants Nmv round thrm catt n lurtlvn Blanco, Lest custard pies by some tnirchatice, Attempt faniiliarll7 What niton there elcnt r coodly cheer These tandwichps and kegs tif beer, Thefin pickled beets Bnd pies severe, winch timn wl Inuicklv dltunnearr What mean these signs? Dead low your ear The picnic tcasnn now is here, wan nil itt unilurily. The Struudtburg jail is empty. I.ehisutnn was well represented at Glen Onoko nn Din 4th. Counterfeit silver dollars bearing the date of 1881 are In circnlii'lon. (fiSfCull at the Novelty Store, next door to the AnvncATK tilliiw, for bargains! Cherries are selling at from five tneiglit cents per quart by hucksters nn our Mreetr. A. Shlve reports an unprecedented businets in agricultural implements. ayTho Mnnhattfti five cent cigar at tho News Dek.,pivesuniversal eatislncthn. T.J. Drctney is running a buggageatd express wagon. See his curd In uuotlier column. The Iron fence In frnnt of J. L. Cabel's resitenre nn Dank street looks beautilul la its new coat of point SSUOo to the Newt Depot for Sprar- no u looacco, anil gel a larm or piano lor a pre in ii in. Mist Bessie Evans, n very estimable ynutig lady ol Wcathcrly, was iu town on last Monday. Prof. William Ditlerline, of Matich Chunk, is ogaln to take charge nf the Pioneer Comet Band of Catasauqua. S3t- variety of hnokil. verv (dipnn. at. ine novelty oioro. next door to the Auvu. catk office. Mits Lillio Ilartman, of Allentnwn, l he guest of our young frirnd, Miss Floy Clauts, on Bunk street. -Miss Mnmlo M. Miller, an estimable voung lady of Philadelphia, is the guest ut Mrs. W. O. M. Seiple, nn South street. Stu24 tlipelt ol good nnle pnnpr and 25 enveliiies lor II) i-enlt nt thp Novelty Store. nest floor i 1 1)0 n D TOCATK Ullii'S. MltsTillio Seifert who has been visit ing at Tamaqua for the past several weeks returned home. on lost Saturday, The Inurtli passed oir very ouiotly in this borough and its surroundings. The lay closing with a severe rain torm,arcom punled hy llmnder end lightnii.g. fflrA new lotol CLOnitS. WATmirs nd .lEWELrtY jusl received nt S. HAOA Man s Btore, Lehlghlon. Pa. A balloon ascension ami foot race nn ho evening of the Fourth cnnsM consider nbie exellftnent and nmutoment. Wils beat his reord. Tho main shaft nf th new Woodward Colliery of the Delaware, Wtuwnnna and Western is down 650 feet Only two pumpi are uted. ACKER'S nLOOD ELIXER guaranleed will euro all kinds nl blood poisoning, tn.. herited or contracted. Fold bv Dr. Horn. r.-hightnn. nnd E A Horn, Weitsport. About twenty cars per shaft are mined at the New Dorrance Colliery of the Lehigh Vailey Coal Company in tho upper part of Wllletbarre. The Deceivers nf Hie, Reading railroad announce a dividend nf $ SO per share on thettnek of the East Penn. railroad, pavu ble Julv 15th. a-lf you wanla nice.tmnoth.patv shave vour hair cut or shampooing, go to Frani uoeoerer sriaioon, under the Exchange Hn el. He will fix vou riuht. and Hon'tvoi, forget it. ' -Our ynnng Iriend-George Welsh has pened a photograph gallery, on While street, Weirrport. He takes a flue "gem." 18 for 25 cents. Try him. It is expected that Ihe colliery In Lackawanna County, recently lented by the Hon. F. D. Collins, will be retdy wlihin u fortnight to begin ihipping (100 to 800 Ions a day. A Thorough Course of Acker's Blnd Elixir will remove nil Inint lr...,. ii.- blood. It ruret Scrofula. Uloern. n..ii. Pimples Sold by C. T. Horn, Loliightoti, and E A. Horn, Weisspirt. The Flrsl Natlinal B.ink nfLehlghbin. at lis teml annual meeting la it Tuetday, oeciarej a semi-iinnual iltviileud nf three percent., payable on and alter the 1Mb iusiant. Richard Johnsnn, who has been pros pecting for coal lor the Thmiut Cut Com pany nn Ihe mountain above Keeley Run Colliery, at Shenandoah, has discovered coal enough In tatt twenty years, A vein or coal has been tlrurk In Stroudithurg, eight feet thick and of fair quality, by air. Marine, who ran a drift lu the hillside about fifty or sixty feel Id, at a pitch of thirty-five tn forty degrees. jBB-We do not aim ''Averill" paint but we 6SM. it b-canse it hat Hood the tetl of ".?' "'fV" T!!.n, h- Fns,er- Cashier 2nd National Bank, Gen. Ruddle, em., and nth era. L. F. Lucksnbach, Broadway, Msuch Ckunk. New tenements tre going up about the Woodward shaft of the Delaware, Lacks wanna aod Western at Wilkes Barre, and when it is In operation thrro will be a seltleraest about there cf some Iboussnd people. Mrt. Chsrles Redets, of Pine Run, will tan icr Europe In tbe "Ce tie." from New York, this Saturday tnoruiug, for a three months lour, She will g, tu Carlshrue. In Baden, where she has a sister residing. Her iiiauy irleuds with her a ideatant trip. Sammy Hay wtrd, a young lad residing ai uing.ton, was struck by a locomotive ou lh n..i ,. T .... . ... "v...ic, tjtiaawanua it wettern Railroad ou Saturday, while he and hit y-unger brother were walking on Ihe track. His skull was crushed in and a piece or it pressed into tbe brain. He died in a abo'rl time afterwards. Miss Hannah McOee, wife of the l(a Owen McOer, or Upper Mauch Chunklied on Saturday evening at about nine o'clock and was buried In tho Catholic cemetery at Bast Maucb Chunk. She leaves two grown up daughters and one boy to mourn Ltr loss. For the week ending on Ihe 23th Inst., there were 205,(111 tons or coal trans ported over tbe Lehigh Valley railroad, making a total to date nl 3,095,085 tons, a decrrate or 399,485 loos as compared with tame time list yesr. Henry MearhntT, In a dispute with Postmaster Peters and Policeman Drum bore, on Moudsy last, bad a foot bmken while resisting ellurts to eject him from the post-ofllco building. He was takon on the 3 p. m., train to St. Luke's Hospltsl, at Bethlehem. 'SuFriedmann & Lanterjung are Ihe largest cutel-y manufacturers in the United States, and their goods are guaranteed to be Ont class in every respect and rqual to any In the msrkct. About 30 ill lie rent stylesnf their po.-ket knives and retort may be'teen at Ihe Newa Depot. They were bought at n bargain and are being retailed at about ordinary wholesale pnees. The much talked of game of base ball terminated disastrously to the Socials, on last Friday morning. The Sledgo Ham mer't succeeding In running Ihe score up to 44. some fine (?) playing was done by both nines. Socials earned runs, five) Sledge Hammer's 44. Our little friend Elmer Reed, who for tbe p itt month or to has been engaged In Ihe bolt making department, at Packerton, had his hand caught In the bel'llngnf the machinery on Monday, and pretty badly squened he can play around pretty llyely now. 0E3irH. H. Peters, at the Post-office building, Lehigh ton, will make you nn all wool suit lor only $10 cash, it you order now. John Stout, employed in J. W. Clark's stone quarry, Redlngton, while breaking stone at tho top of the quarry Monday af ternoon slipped and fell (o tho bottom, a distance nfsixty feet. Ho Is thought to le Ijlally injured. A heavy storm nf wind nnd rain parsed over this section on Inst Saturday night, tearing limbs from the trees, and shaking everything generally, and at Weissport so veral large trees were completely lorn up by the roots "Will you pleate tell me, Mr. Occult," asked his fnyorito niece, "why Masons wear a pin with a -G' In it!" "Certainly, nf dear," replied Oecullj "It is tho same with iennswitli horse?; a 'G' directs them to Ihe right." Ami this reminds us to re- mirk that tho right place to hire your h irtes and carriages Is at Dayld Ebbert's, North street, this borough. CST Only $10,00 cah for an ull-wool Suit at II. II. to-ia , x. uoi-umtu UUI1U111JJ, JLChlglltOll. Our young friend Dick Colburn cave us an exhibition of his skill as a bicyrlist one evening during the week. The nrln cipnl leats were that of tailing nP.'first on one side then nn the other. Persevere. Dick yon will nn doubt bo able to master tbo"bi" In a snort time. A letter from W. II, Edlnger, who left here somo lew years ago, reports lilt well . doing, ami gives kind regards to old friends. Ho is located Rlthe End of Canadian IV el Be Track West of the C. P. Mall Co.. AI b-rla, Canada. His opinion of that coun try la brief but pointed, thus "This is a h I ofa country," and then asks "would jou like a letter? By all means. Will. send in n lelterl Hg'T'Now is the time, and CLAUSS & H ft O., the place, if you want a nice fit ting all-woof, suit of clothes, made to order for only $10.00. Tommy Lcnlr, teller known as "Buf falo Bill." whs severely burned about the face while firing a rannon on the 4th of July. He was trying to tee the touch lode through the barrel, when a lighted match dropjied in it with the above result. Tom, next time you want to tee the touch hole throuch the barrel nt n loaded cannon, get a gool eized telescope anil view it through thai) It is far safer, we assure you. BSfThe rush still continue atCl.AUSS & Bnn.. for thosn handsomely-made, all-w o ol suits at 5IU.00. Call early if you wish to take advantage of this remarkably low price lor a suit made to order. Jacob Fetter, o Haslelon. aeed twenty years, accantpanictl by hit, brother ami a r.mi anion, went to Crystal Ridge dam, on Ihe outskirts of town, Wednesday after noon id last week, for the purpose, of lath Ing. They had been in the water about fifteen minutes when vounc Fetter a attacked by cramps. His companions at tempted lo leseue him, but before tbev reached him he had sunk, never to n... alive. The depth nf the water where he wa diowoed wat about fifteen feel. Plain Sjitukcr. Son, Take thy bett girl lo an ice cream parlor ml treat her. Thou mutt remember thai the climate it warm, and thai thy girl it alto the tame. Yes, my ton, when thou tlrt.t h .full. ... ...... ... -.-an ,,. ui.ii,. pany of Ihy Lrloyrd, during theto tultry '. '-fa- iio ilia ire cream is a great cooler, and will turely cool her. When Hunt artabnut it, get th belt, und Ihoii art probably uwire that Ihe beat cream ia keptbv Lew it Wehr, Bank Bl. Judge Elwell. tn the Com mnn TMena Court of Columbia county, has granted a rule against Ihe registration of Joseph L. usuer as practicing phy.Iciau in that coun ty. Tbe defendant had a diploma purport, ing lo be from the Missouri Medical Col lege, and this be accompanied with a certificate, said lo have been signed by the Secretary of the University ofPenniTlr.nl.. tilling that Ihe latter believed the diploma genuine, 'inn certificate did not form a part ol the record, and wat not indorsed by the Dean of the University, as the law directs. For these reasons the rule againat Bauer whs made absolute Phila., JJtconZ Sylvester Delany.who mule the dlsoov err of silver no his farm.ln Wayne County, nearly lw yearsag... ia .till putting in hit leisure time proij-rcling and he has had three ditiereut aseaya uf the tilver bearing rock made. The outcrop tbuwed four otincet pertouj ten feel larther in gave tix ounces per ton with a traco of gold. The ruck alto contamt 400 pounds ol lead per ton. A very rich deposit olocbre, four feet in thick teas, Ilea at lb bat of these; meUlt, Miss Metly, ot Csluiuqot, srlehlpg Miss Bertie Stiles, at Psckerlon'. Miss Eva Edlngtr,, an accomplished young lady of Btroudtburg, Ji yintlng at A.J. Purllng's, on Bank street. J. t- DreTbelbles and Mrs. Rttcilfle have greatly Improved their double dwel. Ting on Bank slreot,,by the erection of a liandsorno porch and a coat ofpilnt. On Tuesday afternoon, L. II. Nollnteln was .slating the roof or John Acher's witer closet, when the staging gave way and ha fell to the ground receiving some slight in juries. Wanledt A sensible method or spend ing the fourth of July. It must be patriotic, ol course, but It must be devoid of the dangers lo persons and property that lurk In the toy pittnl. The corner stone nf the Lutheran and Reformed church at Whitehall Station, Le high county, will bo laid to-morrow (Sun'' day) with appropriate services, both in tho Englith and German language Tho Union Foundry and Machine Co., of Catssauqua Is casting four iron columns daily for the Philadelphia Oas Works. They will cost $380 ami are to weigh 2500 pounds each A Bio TntKOl Every subscriber to the CinaoM AnyooATR who Immediately pays up orrearsges and one year In advance will receive free for one year Health and Himtt a largo 8"poge,40 column monthly paper, aevoteit to home matters. Step up. Miss Emma J. Reber has returned homo Irnm the Stale Normal School at Wesl Chester for the summer vacation; she was accompanied by Miss Llziie Reed who will tpend a few weeks here ss her guesU James McFadden, a boy fifteen years of age, living at Wllkesbarre, was shot through the hand by tho accidental dis charge ofa revolver. It it feared by his physician that lock jaw will result Irom the wound. Edward Elevens, a young boy aged thirteen years, was seriously stabbed on tho head by another boy named Jacob LooS, at Wllkesbarre, on Monday afternoon. There was a grudge between the boyt. The wound is considered a dangerous one. riof. C. A. Ritlcr, for two years past Principal of tho Packerton schools, has bsen appoluted principal of our tchnnlt. We think our School Board has shown consid erable wisdom in making thisappolntmentj Mr. Rltter Is a young man ol considerable ability and long experience in teaching, At Minersville, about two o'clock last Tuesday morning, a Are broke i.ut In the stable of Philip Housman, ami communi cated t three other stable,a cabinet-maker shop, and two houses, all ol which were destroyed. Loss, $10,000. The fire origl naled spontaneously from new hay. One day last week Sylvester Herman, of Cherry ville, went to pick some cherries, and while ud In the lop branches of a trco Intt his hold and fell to the ground below, breaking one of bis amis near the wrist. Erwln Newhart, of Lehigh Gap, aged fifteen years, employed as n boat hand on the Delaware canal, had his skull slightly iranureu on &aluritay last. The mlsdiap occured below Riegelavllle, and was caused by the kick of a niuio. Newhart was tent to bit homo. Rumor has it that the Republican! have secured Jos. Obert's largo atoro room for a meeting room, and will soon organise a Blaine nnd Logan club. If the ''bill" announcing the Inrmatlon of this club is indicative of tbe strength of tho party in town, 'tis vtry small, and presents n new departure in reform not profiluble to the poor printer. Yah I The Evangelical Lutheran Sunday school, of town, will give a grand excursion to the popular Luserno Gmve,on Saturday, August tllli. Bills of announcement will bo out next week. Th'a will be a grand opportunity for parties who wish to indulge in a day of real solid enjoyment. Rumor soys we are tn have a laundry at no distant day. It is a move in the right direction ami will no doubt be a suc cess. Bo mote it be. We dropped In to tho bottling establish ment nl T. J. Beck, nn Bank street, on Wednesday, and found Mr. Beck haul at ork preparing his carbonated beverages We sampled his new drink, "B ck'a soda," ami must say it ia simply delicious. -A enrrerpnnder.t or the Haslrton Plain Speaker, says: John Campbell, of Auden tied, has returned home alter serving eeven cars In Ihe Eastern penitentiary. Camp bell, it will be remembered, was indicted and found guilty in tho Carbon county courts iu 1877 as an accessory after the fact tn the murder ol ".lock boss" Ling Inn at Honcybrook in 18f3. He ia comparatively a young msn, although his nalr has grown completely gray since his Incarceration Would it not bo a good plan for our Borough Council to lake Immediate steps m to the cleaning up of all the rubbith and Hllh scattered in and nround'the alley,iud also to have the "stinking" ditch "running alnnjour borough front looked after? The cholera is spreading in Europei it may reach hera. "An ounce of prevention i worth a pound of cure" Gentlemen, do your dutyl -In Ihe Luterne county court, the cnun tel for Jilwln Botherat, recently cnnvirled of murder In the first degree for the killing of William Nicholeal Hatlrtou lu March last, made application Monday In court for n un trial lor the prisoner. In their bill of pariiculurs Iher hold tltt il, iv,, ured iu teveral particular.; that Ihe ver, diet wat againrt the weight of rvidence,and lhat new evidence material tn the pritoner'a delense has been discovered sinre the trial. The Court took the papers In the case and lixen Monday, July 21, lor the hetrlnir and argument. Should a new trial be reluied an appeal will be mane tu the Supreme Court. 1 Big Creek Items. rarmers are busy harvesting. Our yallev was visited with verv Dleas- ant showers during the week. Hay will be scarce this year. Tho sermon on Wednesday evenlnc was very acceptable to some of our youag men. Mr, Paul Buck his almost finished hit new barn. Mr. Fred Graver returned la f?t...n. qua on Thursday. Traehsville Is tbe plsca to search for reputation. -The grain looks rnatnlflcent In lhl. Y'ei"l7- Jiooioa. Death of Mrs. Caroline Belplo. Mrs Caroline Seipie, the wile of Conrad Seiple, at one lime landlord ofthe"Carbon II , r i . . - ....UK-, .i, ,, no, now proprietor of the Uprwr Lehigh Hotel, died Monday morn, ing at 8 u'clock or pneumonia. Deceased was sixty eeven years of age, and was the mnthrr r three tons and one daughter, all or whom are living She was ever known to v" - - c.HiM-r urn, an anej'ihniMle wile, and she will be greatly mi.d in the com. mutiny in winch ahe resided. Mr. Seiple rwl l.nillv 1... 11. -. .iL.. .r t,1. their sad bereavement. Tlia lunrral rorlrse i-r n..i. r .t.i..i. ... . ... . v.. w,-i uiiiHi, ai ivociocicnn weiines- .... .v. ... .,!..., aim ma remains were In lered in Vine stiret cemetery. Services u-r. mnitii-ll tw, I- - Y I . . , -. . - .. ftuo tivturierien. eauroa previous to tha Interment. Woltjport totter. Miss Era Shoemaker, of Elrondtburg, Is visiting frisod and relatives at Weiss port. Wetasport ll gaining Its old llmo repu tation again as the home of bruisers and nghtlng characters. It had a number of! set.loea sod knock downs during lb Week. Wo pity our Iriend J. S. Webb. By this time he should recognise Ibat no con fidenco Is to be placed in the fairness of mankind when they can mske a mess of fish .without going to the trouble to catch them, 0ar hsppy and eyer genial friend BberifTC. W. LenU was on a visit to Welts port on Tuesday. Charley was in quest of the man who said that he was so thin lhat he is likely to slip the meshes of the rocking chair unless he bad straightened burniidts and a knot in his neck. He found him and the affair was smlcably adjusted. Mittes Bella Nusbsum, Lilly Guth and Miss Stsger spent their glorious lourth st Audenried, the home of the latter lady. Attdenrled has a lot or nice young ladles nnd gentleman and as we all know that this Is leap year this vltlt might have had some other significance than the mere so clal lea tore. The Fourth has como and gone egaln, and nothing or unusual note occurred ex cept that a rew individuals who had Ico much benttno attempted to giro vent lo their pugillstio capacities. Or course they did not scare any one. Wo might alto mention that young Charley Miller prrt'y mu.di during the day entertained tho liltlo boys and glrla by shooting oil fire cracken, as be calls it, Charley took the cake. Much Interest Is manifested in the no tions of the Chicago Convention. Thur man"tho noblest Roman ol them all," would be a happy deliverance for tho Democratic parly. He is everything in honor, ability anil devotion to the cause of the people lha Blaine la not. He would be the grandctt, purest and mint complete platform, In him telf, that the great party of anti monopoly could present unto tho people. Typifies everything that Is democratic and pure in publio men and public teryico. If tb American people between him and Blaln would choose, the latter, then we would not giye much for American conscience and lor American morality. On Thursday evening at the residence of the bride, Alger Nimeon.of East Penn was married to Miss Emma Arner, of Weiss pert. The happy couple no doubt believe, with Carlvle, that "each sex has what tli other has noi; each completes the other.and is completed by the other, they are in noth ing alike, and tho happiness on I perfection of both depends upon each asking and re ceiylng from the other what tho other only can give." The happy couple left on Mon day morning for North Carolina, their fu ture home. We with them an abundance of success and much joy In their new rol as tutu and wife. Joaquin. Look Oat for Them. A new counterfeit J20 treasury nolo has made its appearance. It is of the 1875 series and bears Ihe signature of James Glllfillau, Treasurer. lis number ia 385,. 285. Thero are no treasury notes of the 1875 aeries bearing tho algnature of James Gilfillon, and Ibis is ono way thespurlou nolo can be detected. On the top the Im prlnt"Engravingand Printing," is omitted while the fibre paper is not used. The. nolo is n fair ono In appearance and might eatily deceive merchants or those bandliug money. Obituary Another old Soldier Done. Juuie-t II, Campbell, the watchmaker, for the putt five ycors resident on Bank, this borough, died of contumption on Monday afternoon laet, eged 60 vcara. Ho net born In Leesport, Berks county, Pa., Nov. 0, 1833. He worked in Allentown for a a number ol years, removing to this place about fivo years ago. Deceased served one year and nine months In Co. B, 190th Regt P. V., and altcrwards entered the regular army serving a three years term. He leayrt ii wife nnd seyen children to mourn their loss. He wss interred in the Calhol'o cemetery on Thursday forenoon. J&jui Mat in pace. SPECIAL NOTICE. There beinj; several hundred dollars standing on my books for subscription to 1110 lAltnox ADVOCATE, advcrtisiii!? nnd job work. I rcsnectfullv remiest tlinso.in. ueuieii to mane immciliato settlement by postal note or nionev order nuvable nt tho Weissport post office, or by draft or l.nnt, I 1 if.! .!. .uuow intting i-iiliuja iiuiiibb us will present them for settlement. Very respectfully, II. V. MOimilMER Sr. Teacher's Examinations. Teacher's examinations will be held ss follows t Franklin, Monday July 4th. Examinations will begin at 9 a. m. Teachers must be examined In the districts Iu which Ihey intend to teach. Exceptions will be made only for satisfactory reasons. T. A. Sxroitt, C. Supt. of Schools. Cheated the Gallows. The usually quiet liltle borough nf Mil lord, Pike county, was the teene Sunday evening of the wildest excitement, ranted by tho announcement that Genrgo Jaiob Schmidlln, the murderer nf Frank Hellr, had committed suicide. At eight o'clock Albert Helms, the jailer, saw him pacing his cell. At nine he entered the cell to shackle him and found Ihe prisoner sus pended from a hinge of the door, strangled. Belore lianglnj hjmielf Ihe murderer bad punctured his right arm one inch ubnye the elbow while lying on his bed. This l.sd bled profusely, but finally clotted, wh n, fearing death would not come, the doomed man tied a towel around hit neck and fastening Ihe end to the hinge jumped lr. m Ihe bed. The murder waa committed on May 12 last and Judge Seeley sentenced Schmidlln lo be hanged on June 30. Tl e Governor had not appointed a data hi Ue banging. Rednclntc Wages in the Reading Shops. The Reading Railroad Company baye reduced the waget ol their men in the forge at Seventh and Chestnut ttreet), Reading. Tha reduction is made at follows: Heaters and hammer men from t3.ll) tof2.25 jer Ion, tcraperj Iron) $1.88 to f 1.30 per day and the helpers from $1,75 to 1 1.40 per day. A' tlight reduction wss also made in tbe axle, makers' wsges. This is tbe second reduction, the first having been made In the lathe department of the machine thopa several weeks ago. 8ince the weekly sus pension! were commenced about 700 men bare been suspended "n ihe different de partment!, end it It now supposed the com pany prnpote rrdurinz wtset In order lhat the tutpended men may be given employ ment. A number were sect fnr Mouday The repair work In the dirferent.lrprtmeiit nas enormously increased since the sutiien- tioui.and it is believed all bands will be employs,! in a few weeks. All Ihe latest ntws both local and ed. torial up to the hour of going to press It lo ba found fa tbeet col-imoi, Ffuhlonahlo Wcddlntr. Wo nuticed last week the mtrrlsgeof Mr Alger Ntmson son of Charles Nlmson, esq, toMiEjnm& L. youngest daughter of John Arner, to). The ceremonies were performed st tho reslkepca of tbe bride's parents on White street, Weisiport, by Rev. Brugel, ol Cherry ville. A Urge number of friends were present, composed of relative and tcquaintauces of lha bridal party. Tb short services which thus united this happy couple, to liyo together as man and wire, during he Journey of life, were mott beau tiful and Impressive. After receiving the congratulations of the assemblage an ele gent repast was served. Everything tha could tempt the appetite and please th mott fastidious wat spread before the guestr, uii Monasy Isst they left ror their new home In North Carolina where they expect to go to house.keeping. Thus one by on are tho fair asughlers and manly sons lol lowing in the loot steps or those who have gone before, and taking tbelr places in tha arena of social and moral duty where to many fail and so few meet with absolute and uninterrupted success. Wo can bu add that it Is our sincere wish and hope lhat the days and years or the above happy couple, who nro thus united, may be smooth ann tranquil that they may enjoy abundance of sunshine nnd but little of clouds and darkness that life may be t them a season ot joy and peace, a delightful foreshadowing of tbat brighter and better world lhat awaits us all in the future. May angles of love desoand from above, And give them success and good cheer, Happiness, health, true friends and wealth, And never u cause for a tear. Drunkenness, or tho Liquor Habit, can b noredby administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can be given In a cun of coffeo or ten without the knowledge ot the person taking it, etiecting a ipeeny and permanent cure wuvtner tue patieui is a numerate drmkei or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands nl drunkards haye been made temperate mon who nave lubcii tile Oulden Specific in the! coffee without their knowledge, and to dnv believe they quit drinking of their own free win. no iiarmiui eiiects lesull Irom lit adminlitratlnn. Cures guaranteed. Circulars nuu testimonials sent free. Addrtts, GoLne.v Specific Co.. 185 lli.ee St., Cincinnati, O In tho Luray cavern, tho Riildore tnarku, "Now 1 will show you the crown my wonder ot nil," nud points to a litti circular depression iu the rock a perfect oiiaj ne.n ana there, to carry out th. illusion, ia n little wuitn eua. suiootl nud perfect In slnpo hs reality.' Thirc were three, but noma Taudul stole iL others. Tho ellv of Bamberc is first lo crno tioally apply the law against tbe public (iisiuruatico ot piano ilajliir at uutiuie ly hours tn tho case ot n clrl who, rjrent ly to the nnuojittieo of tho uein,ubors practised at uu open window. The cod prescribes a fine or adt qn to imprison uieni. j ne muntcipu court let the fai culprit ou with n dollar and costs. mnn. REESE. On the 3d inst., al Audenried Jano, wife of Win. D. Reese, aged 52 years, iu months and 1'J days DALY. On tho 3d inst., at Audenried Peter Daly, aged 70 years. xU.VIt III III). SCHMEAR LAMBERT. On Iho 1st inst , by the Rev. E. A. Buner, Mr. Johu Schmrar nnd Miss Anna Lambert, belli oi jcanesyine. NIMSON ARNER. On Ihe 3rd inst., at the residence of tho bride's father, Mr. John Arner, of Weissport , by Rev. G. A Bruegel, Alger Nimson, of Cranberry, N u .niut miss r.mma L. Arner, of Weiss port, r.i. STOCK MARKETS. Reported tip to 12 o'clock, by Do Haven inwiDen.l, Hankers, Hn. 3ii a Third Street Philadelphia. Stncat bought and sold enner lor cash or on mnrcin. Philadelphia, July 9th, 1SS4. bid asked I S3's. Ext 0112 1001 u n uurrency 0 3 127 - u S 45, now 1123 1 1 23 II8 4'i 120 12(1 Pennsylvania R R 52J 52; Philadelphia le P.e.idine R R i IU 11$ Liinign valley lilt r.4 611 li'hlgh Coal & Navigation Ci 40 4111 uuu. i. i. a num. K i; un -it -Ji Xew Jersey Central 551 55? Northern Pacilie Com 171 17J ' " Prefd 435 43J wregon Transcontinental 8 Pj Union Pacific 3IJ 31? Western Union 04 54 1 West Shore lals .10 39J Louisville, lc Nashville 25 2ft Silver. (Trades) 80 !I2 OOD'S HARSAPARILLA Is designed to meet tho vrants ofa largo por tion oi our pcoplo who arc cither too poor to employ a physician, or aro too far removed to easily call one, and a still larger class tvhoaro not side enough to rcqulio medical advice, and yet aro out cf sorts and r.ccd a mcdlclno to bui'.d them up, giro them an ap rctite, purify their Mood, and oil up the ma chinery ot their bodies so It wilt do Its duty wllltn'zlv. No other nrllclo takes hold of tho system and hits exactly tlio spot like HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA It works lileo magic, reaching every part of the human body tluoujli tho blood, giving to all renewed Ufa and energy. Mv friend, vou need not take our word. Ask your neighbor, who has just taken ono bottle. Ila will tell vou that ' It's Iho best dollar I ever Invested." T.CTANOV, K. n., Teh. 10, 1870. MnflRrta. t I. lloou & Cti.i Dear Sirs Although (neatly prejudiced against patent medicines in general, 1 was Induced, ftcnt tho excellent rcpoils I had licaul of your Sarsaparllla, to try n bottle, last December, f or dyspepsia nnd general ill ustration, and I have iccclvcd very ctatlfyliiK icstiltsfrom Its use. 1 am now using the second bottle, and consider It n very valuable remedy lor Indigestion and Its attendant tioublcs. luuiauuiy, P. C. CHURCHILL, (Tlrm of Carter ti Chmchlll.) CTA gentleman who Hntnnrt has been suffering from tho iJcttflfuand tanjvor 1ft PnnnrJ0 peculiar to this reason, ruuuut cays: "Hood's BAnsAi-AMLLA is rutunjj new llfo right Into me. I havo gained ten rounds slnco I began to take It." Has taken wo ooiucs. Hood's SAnsArAitiLLA Is sold by all drug gists. Price CI per bottle i six for C3. Pre pared by C. I. HOOD a CO., Lowell, Mass. CALL AT THE j NOVELTY STORE,! next to the Advocate offlet, Bankway, Lehighton Pa., Tor Gems' Underwear Hoie for un. dies. Oentlemert and Children, Japan, eto and other Poo k e t Handkerchief!. Suipeadert, Table cloiher. Ued Bnreails, Toweltand Toweling. tJonibt. Shoe Druihct. Hair llruihet, Feather Duller!. 'aprand hnvelones. tVns, Ali.umi, liar, uionlra', Accnrdeont, Knlrea ami Forkt, Pocket Kulvei, Huror Strap. Pint. Needlit, and a lame vartutv of other arllelea which we are telling at very lVnr Prieet iUU U.ldll. Call and he conrlnoed thatweareaell lUgKOOdltt a 1 mon (1 O Br July it .lllttf New Advertisements.. TDEPOnT OP THE CONDITION of J-V Mis FIRST NATIONAL BANK, at Uklgbtct), to theStile orPenntylranli,tt the cloMer Lutloeiit, June Seth, ltMt tuoiacu. toaca snd discount!. , . , , Urerdrsflf. ........ W.Mtlt CO JOU T5 0O0.U0 U. 9. Bonds to IMUre clnjulstlcn , , Other vtoekt, tondt, tad ravrtgipet. Due from approved rttcrve tseutt .. Hue from oiber National Hanks , . ' . baa from Btate Bunks snd Banker!, Heal rttsta. rurnltuni. and Ostunt. Cortent expenses and Uxet paid . Preuilauis paid ....... Chucks and fithercfttulUma . . , Ullls cf other Uaiiks frtcth rial pspercurrioey,nlcksls, and Mail", flle Url tender nctoi , , lt.tlmi.loo Fund with V. S. Trunin " l S" nt, of circulation) , m.traio 3C0I.TO 4 e.er eji.-ii 1.711.7 1 t,mou 43..S i.eju.oo 17I.M CTtati a 10J.UO ,S75CO Tolsl .232,t7J.M lusmmi. Capital stock paid In . . , , . , Surplus fund Undivided profit! , . . , J , , , National Hank notes ouutandlnz Ultldmids UopalJ . . tndlsldualdepo.ltisuh'ect to check. , tiiiatooiher .Miilo.nl Banks , , . Due to State Hints anil llinl-.n . Bills pajable l-.ooj.oo Total t2S2,C.CS State of Penntittanta, County ot Car6en, it t I, W. W Bowman, Uisbler of the abov-r.atiied bank, dn toleraiily ttrear that the above statement Is true to tho best or ray knowledge and tullef. W. Vf. 110WMAN,CaM.r. snbserlld and tworn lefsra ma tblt 3rd dy gf July, 18S4. TII03.3. UEOK, Not. Public. Correct Attest! 'I linn Kemerer, 15. IMIof ford, and J. I. Zcrn, Dlrcetors. July li. Mi. .. wivv-,-L'0 OES tult PEItSONS reaiilltiK throughout tho United States and Canada lor desertion, non-tuppurt, Intemper ance, cruelty, InruuipallDliliy, etc. Advice tree. Stale your oase and nduress ATTiiUNJifr WAKD, World JJulldlnir, 1S6T Uroudnay, New YoiU. July r-ly A CARD. Maucb. Chunk, Pa , Jane 0, 1891. Mr. JonN S. Miller, Kcporter Franklin Lodge, No. 2087, K ofl.,Wclssport, Pa,, Die.vn Sin I beg to ncknnwledze receipt ororder lor 2OO0. uniountor Insurance held Inyouri.odKO ly my Into husband, A. D. Pucker. 1 dielro to express my most earnest thanks for tho urompi adjustment ol this matter, also lor the true brotherly kindness shown ino by tho several members at the tlinoofiny husband's dentil. 1 trust I may miTuja uuij- anuruuniiu ineir Kinuncss, anti me Kreiii, uenent. to me anu mine in the Mark, estnnd saddest d.is that can ever befall n wirs and mother. I tako xrcat pleasure In com ntndlut; your Irutcrnul order to all 1 topic. moil truly jours, MAlty M. PAOKEH. July 12w3 Dividend Notice, Atn. reiular racoilnir of tho Director of ino ursi Hiitinn.it limn or Liihitchtnn, Semi. Annual DivKlend or timiki'. i...e en on the Capital Stock was dcclurod payabl VI. UUU U.IEI .IUIJ .11.11, ,03,, w. v. July 12, 1881-n:). 110WMAN, Ca.hlcr. H. J. BRBTNEY, rtecpectf.illy announces to tho meretmntsn Lehlxjiion and others that he Is prepared to Hauling of Freight, Express Matter and Baggage at very reasonable nrlecs. Itv nrnmnt n.t. t ntlon to all orders ho hones to merit n share of publlo patron.io. Ktsldcnce, corner of rniu uao iron aircct, i.oiiigntun. Pa. Orders lor hauling lort at 11. St. sweeny It. Run. Kln.n will -n....l..n ... ' ..-H ww.w.w n.i.ivv..(U I'lUUIJI. aiLVII.IUO, II. J. 1JHETNEY. July 12, 188l-3m. For Bargains in Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Notions, Ceirpets, Silverware, Queensware, Groceries, Jto., QO TO E. H. Snyder's Bank St., Lehighton May 10, H81- A. Norah Denjamln.h;-h.r- In tho tJnnrtof ton, Llbellant. 1 ofOarboni'ounty AXanly A. Dtnjaraln, He. 18 8. No. o' rjjunuoi. j April 1 , 1881. To MANI.Y A. IlENTAatlN rt..,,,i. Sin: You llr hnrel.r nMin..l It.-, II,. . Ol I'oilltnon Pleas of tnrhnn ITnnntv .ci piuiiuii nn-ue.an ninininii.il uv ittn mlssioncrln lllvuree.for the iurposeofluklnK ceedlni. The said Commissioner In oheiil eilCB to S.l 11 Ilium ntmenr. will inn.1 nil lies Interested on PIUIIAY. tbe Klrst liar or AIUIUST. a. Ii, mt, ntTUV o'clock a in.. inouuitg iii tno iiorniiirn nt aiauen utiutik. ra.. lor Iho nuriHiso of eiiiit nn win,m-n, a. said time nnd place you are reqitesiod to bt, present with your witnesses. 1 nEKTOI.EVTE, f!ommls)loner. Mauch Uhnnk, Pa.. July IstJ 1831. Soven Teaohora Wanted. Three male and four rem.iin tenei.e.. nn.. cd lor the liorouirli Schools of l.ebluhton Term 8 mouths. Esaiiilnntlon. July 7 18SI. ror rurttnrlnlorintlon api-ly to the mem bers of the Hoard of Dlreetors. t n v. o 1 "f sfJKD, Seoy Lehighton, Pa., July 3, lt81. For County Treasurer, GEORGE W. KEISER.of Wcntherlr. announces' himself as a candidate for the oflice of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of tho Democratic Nominating Convention. t,c II AP.PNTJJ WAMTPn Donm.K i I uuuiiiL lllllllliu QUHJK I o sell the Hrst AnriiKxTin itMurTTni.. .. BLAINE. AND LOGAN! Hp II. J. Hainsdell. Kin. tir. nrt.. male fritntl and renonal choice, and Hen i-eriey i-oore. lor is years nn otBocr of lha tl. 8. UonarcfS 6.0OU1 onlere.1 l,i.i. Ag'ntteoliilnz money. The people d a. stand ... i., urciium ilis me mottllKLianLK. 'll.Mrt.ICTK. iNTrilkSTtltll nn.t in.-,...- i.r KSTittTKii. It contain! C50 n.li Hl....i porlraitsjwlllbe flrttout. Soil Kuiio.t and i-ay HiKxest frotiis. IIkwakb ur unhuli. .AB.t.,...r,..0.?.r.,'?,r -'"' rite at onwi iM.ni 7M Chestnut I Street, I'lilladelnh a. 1. 8. n,.,,. a.. SrndJOc- for ont ani tavt line. $50.00 REWARD ! It hnvlnir been renortad that T lh. stxnid, hud shot a tramp, whu had been seen lolierliiK around iny premlsri In K.it I'enn tp.. l arwm i'o., r, in the early pari ot May last, arel at such rrimrt Is entirely un- ib1 "no "iiooui. any inniiaiion In lact, I lereby offer the above reward i..,nv .,-..nn ... oersont who will come forward nnd prove that I either klllod. wounded or rhot si any tueh iieri.mor any other, and any pcrsoii Klvlnic roblleily lottld report or rutiur af ter this date will he dralth with aeoonllnir to lw. U. . 1IAUEMS1AN. 17800 00 oasoo 6.(71.21 C7.ooo.00 141.60 ts.taj fi 7,511 tU l nro in dees 53J sii partsj 'yV fcHl" 1 J wfjj H, H. Peters, T Xl I O i f i s: r-J & 1 1 (( T f ITOGS! Very Moderate Prises and rerfoct ntt Is the motto of this Eitnellskuitnt. VOU are la Vlted lo Inspect goods. 11. II. PETE 1!S, Post Offlee Dulldlnj, BANK Etrest, April 29, 1831. Lehighton, Pa. Consumptives and Rheumatics, BO YOU MT RELIEF? If so, we call ollenllon to VINEfjAND, K. C, which hat Just been established. It is located on the Highest Known Point in the celebrated Pine Region of tho South, There ia NO Malaria, no Fogs, no Cause for Debility. MIXERAIj WATER, OF RARE MEDICINAL PROPERTIES. RELIEF ASSURED TO Consnmptives, Eheninatics anl For the purpose of allowing poople lo test the Merilt nf what we Claim for thia Clim ate, ItOU.N'D TRIP TICKETS aro Issued at very.greatly REDUCED RATES Irom every part of the North by applying to the Com missioner of Immigration, Raleigh, -N. C. As n further Inducement the undersicn- ed, who has just completed a COMMODI OUS BUILDING, will lurnish to Invalids Board at Half Rates for Ihe First Thirty Days. J. H. HARDIN, Vineland, Moore Co., N. C, recently ol Brooklyn, N. Y. opr2fi yl E. F. LIJCKEN11AC1I, DltALEH IN Wall Papers, Borders & Decorations, Eooto, Stationery, Fancy Ms. Window Shades & Fixtures, Latest Styles, made and put np, if desired. aints, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Brushes & general Painters' Supplies. lk 61 Broadway. Mancb Clinnlc, Pa., Itelow the Broadway Ilonso. IIIUILIIIAIV & CO., BANK STEEET. Lehiehton, Pa., itlLLUIts and Dealera tn Iomi Feed. All Kinds of a RAIN EOUOTITssd SOLD ItEOULAn UARKGT ItATKB. We weald, also, lespectmilr Inlorra enrelti sens that we ore now fully prepared to &UI rxii inera witn IBct of Coal PromscyMIn desired at VEIt LOWBST IMUCi:S. it. HEILMAN & CO, Joint Stato of North Carolina, AOEIOULTUrtAL DEPARTitBltT. ItiLTion, H, c, June 1Mb. llti. To the Ttople of the Northern, New TBgi land and No. th Weitern Btslen It It with deep regret we learn of the heavy lost yo tattslned by the frosts and lee Wednesday, Thursday and Frhiy nltthts, May lJth, 2th and SOth. At must oar State, Nobth Carolina, Escapes. Our tobaeoa plants are unhurt and urowlntf nicely. Drain and vrass crops are verv tatt NodarnKe winner. r done lo inoit otlleito veiretablesond frnlta. Wo are very detlroni of hatfnic Ihe taanV thouiandt ol acret of unoccupied find eettle'l with and eultlraled by Northern farmers add we can plfer you it climate exempt from lato and early In. in, Norih ivirolliia It wlihin fifteen hoars rids '.."". Xork- The vast rxontera of Ihe State wi exhibited lb Ihli eliy at i, ISU txpoiltlon Oilober IH toMih, ll IS my daty and pleasure lo lurn'sh Infer nation to peisons sectlni; tuimes In the State) Very Beiptetfully, Jno. T. Patrick, JttBS 1Mb, list w.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers