, Advertising Rates. We desire t to be distinctly understood that' no advertisements will bo Ihsertod lu the columns or Tni Carbom Adviioatk that in jr bo re wived from unknown parties or rms unless accompanied by tlio cash. Tho fallowing aro our oxly lermsi nm 8Q0AUIC (10 Limes), One year, each Insertion 10 els. Bin months, each Insertion 31 cts. Thrco mouths, each Insertion........... 20 cts. Less than tlircrt months, first Insertion 1 1 each subsequent Insertion 2S cts. The Carbon Advocate. An Indoyoadont Tan IIt owsrspor PnUtihed every . A'lt'l.uAi, in Lehlghtou, Cuihou i,o.jl'n by riARKV V. niOItXI3litlt.lt. OrPlCB-BA.VR.WAV, a iboiNt il itsuco be.T (ba Leblnli Valler r It- LopoU Terms: $1.00 per Aiiniua m Aa; II. V. Mortiiimer, Jun'r, Publisher. INDEPENDENT" Live and Let Live." 1.00 a Year if Fnid in Adynnco. Evnnt DBscnrenoN on rtiis a d txsct JT o"b I r in tincr at viiiit low rmcui-s Local notice 1(1 cents lier line. II. V. MiiKTiilJlRRt jr., Publisher. VOL. XII.. No M. LEIIIGHTON, CAHBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1884 If not paid in advance, $1.2o, Attorneys & Counsellors. rp a. sNYiunt, ATTOHNKY AT tAff. OrncB-Uorneror Hank Street & Uonkway, 3ml bulldln above tho Carbon Advocate Printing I ltd ce. My t, IMS-ins LnnioiiTorr, -yy M. KAFSKKIt, Vl'TUUNEY AND COUNSELtOIl AT LAW, DASsSmtT.LiniiiBTON.PA. R1 i..tl,.ni1 rinlbictlan AuAhev Wlllltuvind 'II tUal Kstste Oonvejanclnir orally dons t"ol- ! etlnnx protrpttr made. .Lining t.staies oi ii f lant 1 pclaltv. ila.v b. consulted I" I ntllfb a dutrinnn. fl". Physicians and Dentists. D It. W. W. HEBEU PIIYsKSIA ANb SUROEON, bank strei:t, Lttinmrrox. OFFICE Hours at 1'arijvHIo From 0a.m., lo Vi m. dully. May be consulted In tho Ennllsh or Ocrmnn Lansuane. Slay 17. '81. A. liKKHAMUIt, M !., PHYSICIAN AND SCIIGKOV Special slb-ntton paid to Chronic tMjMscn. Office: South Hast corner Iron no n i (dr., t.o Hshten.Pa. April 3, 1675. II. UEUEIt, 31. I). V. 8 tSxumlnlnR Rnrrrenn, PRAtJTtOISQ ritYSIUIAN and SO HGI30N, Drricit; jjauk street, lumen's iilock, LrhiKli tou, ra. May be cansaitcd In the Ocrm n Language. Nnv. 3'. D K. C. W. 110WKII, PHYSIOIAN AND sunanoN. May Ira consulted In ihn Herman or Unijllsh !a"KUii?o. ntnw "Lpnoslte Darling's Drus store, llANK St., Lelilgliton. I'a. Jan. l!-y W. A, Cortright, D.D.&, OFFICE : Opposite the " tsrnailway House," Mauch Chunk, Pa. Patterns have tho hem-lit of the litest lm. reovaments In iuo-hinli.il appliances und ho nest, rnetho Is oriri-atuicni In all surirical eases. ANJESTIIEI'IH admlnlMcmt II dr.lred. irposid'.le, persons residing uutsidu tif Maaoh Unanlt should m ike engaa-i'mcnts by mall. 1S8V1 QARBON HOUSE, J. W. KAUDKfJIIU.SH, PliOPRIETOK, Hank St., f.wuauTo.v, I'a. The Oaibon House Mirers (Irst-elass accom modations to tlo Travodnif public, lioir Una by the IHy or Week on Ueasouablo Tonns. llholc. Clgarm Wines and l.lnuors alwayon band. Uond Sheds and Stables, wlih nltcr 11 fo UoJtters, attaehe.l. A iiril 10-yl, jp.VCKEItTO.N HOTKI.. JJMwa, between Mauch Chunk & Lehighton LEOPOLD MEYER, PnorRiarou, Paekerton, Ponn'a. TV Is well known hotel Is admirably refitted, nind h ts the hestaccoiniooilaihtns lor in-mian-ent and transient hi-irdcrs. Ksiollent ifttde undthtivurjr best liqaors. AUo Hue Ftahlcs attachol, Sept. 10-yl. Mauch Chunk House, Susquehanna Street, Mauch Uhunk.'l'cnoa., T. F Ei:ill(, I'riipilt'lor. When vlsltlnir at iho INiunty Seat this Hotel will round in be Hrd-clHss In every res", pect. VVIieS. I.lqu rs, l.ltuer Hcer. 1 'itfars nnd other Itelrcsh.iienis of purest qu.ilitv at the liar. Terms very moderate. 1 1 fiinsjo Solicited. S0.H. !K, 18S.1 Beer Saloon and Manrant, 1H3 Vina St., rhiladelptSa. Dennis Gilbert, Proprietor. The Par Is runrtshed wlih cholco (Mears. Frenh Iviifrr, and other rclrcshiuents. Per suns Irom the l.chlith Valley vlsltlnir. I'hlla deltihla aru respectfully Invited in Kie n all, lla.i.Nts UiLDElir. Jlareli a, 131-tf. Livery &, Sale Stables i SAN It TlttCIiir.LilUtllUllTOM, Pn PAST TROT TING HORSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES. nd poalUyety. WWnn IUIICE3 than any other Livery lu the County. Lar.Toaiut hmdnoaio Carjlazes for Funeral trooaand Woildluis. DAVID I20UKUT toT.'J2. ISTi J, V. RAUUENHUH RARnet(uUy annoanwd tn the puMlo that he lias m.nod ft NKW LIVKItV iSTA II In onn-etlon with hla Uuttl, and Is prepared to fur oUt Twins fur en shortest notleonnit motU ltbcraHerraa. All orders. I ft ai the t'tUrlvm Houte" will rroclre p"otapt fttteailon. Stable vu North S'reet, Bxt the hutel. Ijohluhton. au22 1 r. A. Tinman, Fnllsllrr or American and Foreign Plents, Washlnktton. IMI, All baslness oonnected wlih Patents, whether before tba Patent Otllce nr the Courts, pountly atteade.1 to. No charge made un less a patent Is ecured. Sent Tor circular. ri--5S0!.lNTON Iin fc-rvKY. lashl.ma ble 11.3 " UooTand Hiiok Makkh, Hank St., JeniKlilon. ah wur warruiuvti, . n I r- nittmift Bne,lAllv. nmt U'A 1r I AN 1 1 kn is. a it n It 1 11 n a J ii iiiiMKsrr.Aii i'kk i irii'AT- N nml allkllii'I ir I.AMISIUtlPT hmnrht An I tdd. I. irxo Stu.'k, and lllKht Prices inld. Iin you wim 10 oll or buy t If sn, write tn A, A THOMAS, Attorney at Law, mm, Send to. forno'tas. and r -eelve free.u ristly hnx.f Keod which " II h-dii you to more money rUht away than any hlnic else In ihls wnriu. nil, hi ei iter ae, au -oee i irorn nmt hour The t.mad y In inrlnne opens be fore the workers, atwli t lysue. Atu ce tddrtis, TRCK A v0., i-ortland Me, 1; ess ?m3saf ntr .1 Spring 'H J i most Fashionable Novelties in SriiiNG and Summer MILLINERY GOODS Ooinptlaini n Ltrso Assortment of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Feathers. Flowers, Plumes, Tips, Laces, &c., ToRetber with n full llni nf TRIMMING GOODS of tho mnst beantiUil iletcrip liou In Iim foniiil iiiiywliero, nnd a OIIEAl' n they cm pnsvibly be roI.1, O.ill ami nee fur yinr.M'lven, anil be !ini vltiuol that my stock is its Ure 113 the l.irgebt, iqual to tbv b;-bt, und as cheap as nt nuy cither (Htablishtueiit in this section. Mrs. E. PATH, April 10m3 &c, S.c. Our Young Ladies and Gentlemen call bolnrn purrhaainir elcwhere, as they will Tuwil AT III) HUM l'ltlCl:S. OH .Post Office Anrii s. isn-iy Beady for Sp est. Mis Mill SSL 1 ! BnOilii, Tin and lieet Iron fare, Hon$3 FnriiMiini Goods, k, k Is now offering extraordinary bargains i'or Cash ! Ho Is tho only Attent liuown lor tho sale or the Bessemer, Sunshine, Othello, New Champion and Apollo Itanges ; Montour, a ighthouse, Excelaior Penn, and Eclipse Cook Stoves; the Princeton, Early Buwn, Belmont and Real Double Heaters, with a va riety of othor Square and Round Heaters, All of which ho is now offering at tho Very Lowest Prices Also, on hind everv kind ol STOVE URATE and I IdE 11IUOKS. Dealer mall tho best makes urPU.MPj, Roofiing and Spouting, Prompt and Cheap. Store on SOUTH Street, a few Patronage livitcd; sa lsfaetlon Kuarantccd. Ho ! For New Goods ! . M. SWIMY & S01 Have received an enormous stock of OIIOICE GOOPS, comprising IIbbeis ami Mmrs; h3b9 Groceries, Queensvvare, etc. Old Post-Office Building, Bank St. Lehighton. BEHDFOi? ffSsH jrrjlALDOX KSr&Vk. Sis 4 ft circular "tfC.AKaiil&'v' onr Oont Fnrc 1838. Established MARYIH Marvin's Is the only Pafe wllh absolutely dry filling. Marvip'a I the only Safe havinc; he"tnni!ur,nd srnove". Improvement. Marylns la the only Safe havine a rnntinuous pnjcetlnc flange on the hinge side of door. ' Marvin's Is'tho only Safe in whlen Iho door and frame are ii.ter-lnoked at all milnts. Mnrvn' Is tho only Safe in which tbe door jolnls will nm and cauuot open ami spread bv th upimn of bent. Marvin'a is the only Safe tbeback of which cannot ba removed with a common screw.driver. Iteinember that no other make ot lUnrvin s tongue nnd groove improvement, or the "solid forged frame with sliding back-plate." Call and examine. Marvin Safe Co., G23 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Agent, AUDEEW SITE, Near Ju. & S. Depot, Lehighton, Pa. March , UHm1 Btyies S Mrs. Fath Recsctpmlly announces ' to her lady friends that I'lieliri lino liicf rtitriirr1 M""- J yuVoni New Y'ork with a New and Splendid line of the very Latest and Bank Street, Lehighton, 2 ml door In low thn XI. E Church. .0 Tho un Icrslgned calls tho nttcnllen or his many friends and patrons to his Largo and fashionable Stock of Consisting; or s AND Drevcry description nnd Stylo In the Market, Including a special lino or Lady's Fine Shoes Also, a full line of Umbrellas, Parasols, Hats, Caps- will find It tn Ihelr advantage to tlve him nnd tho HE.-jT SELLCTI.U STOCK In BAM Street, LEHICIHT01I 3James Walp, Successor to A. V, MOSSElt, Manufacturur ef and Dealer in all kinds of Stoves Ranges, Heaters, doors above Bank Street. Juno 30, 1S8:-U Read Vhat a Patient says of ii: "TlinFaitliiPslTHircliased from ton !n Ananifc to to ma iuut cuuluilvnly thnt "wlillu tticre ii is nope.'' iiiey uiu iiifctr worK (ar lie utmost cxpccUtlona.for IcertHlnlr dli rt lliat tl liabltcif HJUHTEEM i'UAim ION could be completely pcttt'ii under con Iho cxceedinalv short llmo nftwn mnntha cati aisnroMm that no fjliemfdeBtr will kct nine o:n ilolllC nil lh.it I run In xflillnty in Din en-nn Wl.l.'ll Vill KIIFAl V rniwn an liminflnlnl n mtim.ltr.t AboTOeitractfro-noleUordattKl W.Va Deo 23,1E21 730 rauilles aro preparocl oca soM oalr hj tbft HARRIS nniVJEDY CO. UPC CHEMISTS, 208KH,IOth.St. QT. LOUIS. MO. Ca3 V&Xs tseitatst S3, t3 catla 53, tttto cealls 1 4G Tears. 1884. SAFES. of Safe has even the equivalent Thomas' Drug Store. if fia e o m s S li M CD eg, CD a. O 5 (-5 s w 3 -M s y P Hay Pover Is a lype or ca tarrh hiivinu' pt- ciillara mptmn. It Is nttcnlctl by nn intliitnoil con illtlun il tlio tin. In ir tiK-niltrano of ilio nostril: tear lupt?, nnil threat n It p c t int; tho I imiJf. An ncrM inucii; I??et reled the (llFclinrut 13 iicno inn ti nteit w iiurnint! sens iu Inn, TIhto oro U.SA. sovorc fpnnni8 of noe Ki nn. ir acne, a wnlcrv and hiflaii.cd Halo ol I he eyes, Elv'i Cr'ntYi Ttnlin ts a renipilv fnMiidcd nn n. I'orrcet dhmno'ls ol this disease anil cm be dei-o'idcil upon, fio reins at dru-'Ulsts. fOc. In mull. Sjinple bottle I v mall lOcts. Ei.v lluii".. nruKKlsts, Owil'o, 2it Y. ileo-'-l-vl J- (JON VEYANUER. AND 3F.NERAL INSUItAKOE AGEHT The following Companies are Uepresentedi LiKlJAN )S MU I'UALl'inU. UBAIUNO MUTUAL 2?IIJB, WYOMI&0 Firtc. rorravii.i.u nnii, LKItlQIi lTnK.sudthe TRAVELERS AUHIDLNT INMUlfANOE Also r.innvlvanli and Atunial Ho.'o Thlej etec lvoand ln-uraneo Uompativ. Marcu:3.1S73 ' TU08. KHMBRCn. dOLD! ror thnwo'klm; class. Send Mcts for posiaue, and no will mall you ee.ari'jal, valuable boxorramnlu goods that will put jmi In the waynrmnklni; more money lu a few iiajs ihiin von ever IhouL'ht i osslble at nnv business. Capltnl nm required. Wo will start you. You can work all tho tlmeor in sinue llmiMinlv. Tho wml; Is universally adanied to both s .res youna and old. You can aslly earn In in 60 eenls to $5 to every i-venlntr That all lit irnntwiirlt may lest the business, we mako this Hniurallelcd idler I to all who are nut wen sausmu we will send n to i ay tor Iho tri.uld- ol nrltlnau Full arllculars, ,11. reel Inns, etc., s nt Tree Fori ones will ho made by those who ulve tjiclr whole llmo tn work. I treat success nbsnliitplvMirp. llnn't delay. Stan now. Address SrtMinN St ro . I'artland, .Maine. dcel6.1y Dr. C.T. Horn, Central Drug Store, Opposlto tho " Oarboa House," Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa., Keeps a full supply or Pure Drugs & Medicines, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Stationery & Choice Cigars. Choiro Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes I'liwni'limia very caiefully com jinuudeil, day ur night. ALSO. Just received, an Immer.so stock ol Newest and most Popular Designs In Wall Papers AND . Borders, which ho Is offering at Trlecs rally as low as tho same qualities and Patterns can begot In the Cities. If you are about redecorating your horr.o, call and see styles and learn tho prices beroro purchasing elsewhere. Retbcraber, THE UENTHAL IHtUU Store, Feh.S.-T Dr. ('. T. HORN. A f PMRld """'"d ror the Lives or all the AlTPiIi 1 1 I'ri'ldcnis or the V. 8. The uuiJ" largest, handsomest, best bu..k eycr sold ror less than twice our price. The laslesi selllni; b'.ok In America lmimnse pri'llttloaKeiils. All lotelllant icn,le want It. Anyonoean Ijeeouie n suocesslul aKnt Terms iree. IUilkit Hook t:o, I'.inlniid, Maine. ilecll-yl FOR SALE BY GILLS01T, BSHJAUU ts CO., Beat Estate and Loan Apfis, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Mony L-'aneil, I Information as to Far us . r Sale, Gov't k Hit. Lands Bus i.e.. Ch.noM.. Cheerfully furnished Mtb , im-eortf. ' 0UB KIND OF MAN.. Br uur.i v. rtiLET. Tho kind of man forynu and tno Ho faces tho world utilllnchlngly, AnJ smiles, a long as tho world resists, With a knuckled filth and fores like Csts Ho lives tho lifo ho is preaching nf , And loves where most is the need ol loyoj Ills voire is clear to I lie deaf man's ears, And his face sublime through tho btiud man's tears; Tho light shines out where the clouJs were dim; And tho widows prayers go up for Mm; The latch is dirked nt the hovel door, And tho sick mini eees tho sun onra more, And out o'er Ihe batren field ho tecs Spring blossoms and waving trees Peeling, as only Ihe dying may, That Ond's own servant lias eninn that way, Smoothing tho path lis it still winds on Through the golden gain where his loved hnvo gone, II. Tl.e kind of man for mo and you; However little of worth we do He credits full, and abides in trust That time will teai li us how more is just. He walks abroad, and he meets all kinds Of querulous and uneasy minds, And, sympathizing, he shares the pain Of the doubts that rack us, heart and bruin; Ami, knowing tills, as we grasp his hand, Wo are surely coming to understand! Helooks on sin with pitying eyes ll'en as the Lord, since raradise Llee, should wo lead, though our sins should glow Asscnrlet, they shall bo as white ns snow And feeling still, with a grief half glad. That the b.id are good as Ihe gnnd are bad, He strikes straight out for the Right and lie is The kind of man for you and mcl THE MAGNETIC BOUNCES 'They call us Rcientifia men cruel,' sviii Dr Khigmnin. ns wo sat on the nf ter-ileek ol tbe steamer, wntcbinp; thesun Mill: over tbe 1 infant mountains ol Spain, "ami I'm afraid il's only too (me. For my one part. Imuat plead guilty to pev ernl detds which v.ere rtallv very crutl and one nt least, which might fairly be called tlonmigut ti.ilbiirimR. "Indeed!'" lejoined I, looking nt (he worthy professor's broad jolly face, the v ry mcture of kindness and good humor. "Well, if nuy duo but yourself hid told me thnl.IItrr Profe.sor,I should not have lnlieed n word of it " "It Ih true, however,'' laughed good Miduwe Klnp;ujun, whoso plump, sniil- iny visuge looked just like n reflection of her husband's; "und uow that von hnvo c,iuftS3td, Friedricb, yon nre bound to do penance by telliuc tba whole story yoiirs-tlf." "So be it," answered the doctor, with jiviil grin. "You must know, then, rutin l-err, that uhnut leu years ago, lie- lorcl had Gretchen litre to look after me, I was veiy loud ot running Irmii onoout-ol.tbe-way-cmuitrv to nuothcr.aiid etu y iug nil manner of slraugo places nnd Htmngo people. Kn I thought it n great piecu of luck uhen I got an appointment a medical (illicerto theGtrmnu legation at Teheran, for I had never been iu Persia yet, nnd I thought this a flue chance of seeing wb.tl it was like. "But when I did nco what it was like I can't say I was very much pleased with it, idler nil. Tho journey through west ern Persia from Tabriz wns simply nn endless succession of llio unst nnc.mi fnrUblu rides Imaginable upon extreme, ly bad horses nver somo of the. wors' ro.uls In the world; ami, in addition to this, wu had the certainty uf getting wet nnil buugry nnd dirty regularly every day.mpplnnented by a slrong probabili ty of being robbed auil murdered at nuy moment. Ami even when I got lo Teheran nt last, I did not fiud it much of an im provement. For the flrt week, what with Ibo bent nnd Iho dirt niidthebid smells, ami ihe constant worry of brush ing nway dust that was just as thick us ever flvo minutes later, and tho excite ment of being bitten nil night long by every in-ect that cimeoutof tho ark, I wns moro ele-nd tbnu alive. 'If there had been anything to see or to do Ibero it wouldn't liavo been quite so bad. Hut one couldn't go out by d tv lor tear of tho sun, or by night for fo r of being robbed, s'abbjd, or eaten up by prowling street dogs. 'As for the city itself, it struck mans by far tho most fillhy nnd utterly unin teresting placn that I have yet seen, which was a great deal for any man tn say who had been all across western Asia; ami the sublime shah, when I Was admitted Into bis nngntt presence, turned out to be n greasy Utile man In big spectacles, who looked much more like a Uwyer's clerk (ban a king. ' 'Bat tho greatest nnisince of nil wero tbe beggars, who seemed to be ns count less as ocnsts; and of all the beggars the worst by far were tboso rascals whom yon must hnye seeu for yourself when you were in the east, pretending to be pilgrims aud begging money from every body ou tho strength of their being 'holy' men holy pigs, r.itherl "I've seen these fellows in m.tny rlif- feront countries and tinder many differ ent names ns marabouts in North Africa, drvisbe iu central Aln. fakirs in India; but I never saw tlem anything like ns had as (bey were nt Teheran. You 0'tuldn't show your faoa out of doors without bavin awarms of them around yon in a moment, all clamoring for money, aud that, too, unt as if they were asking it ns a favor, hot demanding it like downright r libera. And. in leed, they were not a bit heller, and many of them n great deal worse. "Now, it happened that a few rHys f ler I first arrived I had a visit f om a " T ,, 7 ' Ho bad lived there- ecrctal German engineer IntLosLah'a service. year?, ft&el knew tho .language aud habits of lbs Persians as well ns it he had bseit oua of thein himselr; and sn, like a good lellmv that he was, ho gave mo nil the informa tion he could tbiuk of about the ways of the place, S3 that I shouldn't get in to any scrape through my inexperience. "Among other things ho warned me that I'd be likely to hnvo a great deal of trouble with these pilgrim-beggars. lie said It was common trick of their3 to find out bcme Europenu who had lately arrived, sit down at bis door, and rofuso lo go away till bo gave them some mone.i ; In tho meantime they would keep up such a hideous honllus nud screeching that any one would soon bo glad to pay to get rid of them. "As for elrlylug them awny, any man who ventured to lay n finger ou them would be inslautly murdered by the rab. bio of the town, no that they were very awkward customers in every way. "This gave mo nu idea, I saw plainly euongh that to pay bjnc'tfiuail to ane of thcho rogues would only Uy mo open to be preyed upon by a bumlrid more. Ho I m.tele up my mind to give the first that canio suub n lesion ns would make oil the rest glad to leave we alone. "I bad not long to wait for nn oppor tunity. Tho very next morning n, tall lean, ragged, elirty-lookiug scare-crow, with one eye and n face like a monkey, came and squatted ou my porch, an nouncing his determination to stay there till 1 gaye him some money, and attempt ing to spur my charity by yelling out nt (bo top of his voice various scraps of tlio korau. "1 bore it ns best I might until mid. day, when, ns I hue! expected, the rascal took a nop, nnd then I commenced oper ations in my turn. "I was makiug some experiments iu tdtctricity just then, nnd had brought with me fioin Europe a very powerlu' tltclrio battery, I bitched the wiro lo tho metal cup that tbe ftllow- held iu bis bnud for alius, nnd gave him a Might shock, just enough to nwako hiui. "Then I told bun once more to be off, and, as ho .van beginning to answer im pndetitly, I let him have it iu real enrucst with Ihe whole strength of the battery. "Oh, if you had only seen him! He flew he.d over bee Is right down the stops into the street, and rolled over nnd over in Iho dut, kicking, roatiuguud shriek ing tike a madman. "His metal cup, with all Ihe money that he Lad bfggod that luomng, tum bled out of bis hand, and i passing boy promptly snatched it up and ran off wilh it; nud wbnt with that aud tbo two teeth which ho knecked out iu bis (all, it was r iiber a bad moruiug's work for my fiieml. 'JIv wife always says it was vry cruel of me, nud perhaps it was. Hun ever, my cruelly bad at least one good result, for I was never troubled ngaiu by him nr any other beggars, bo loutf ns I re mained nt Teheran " "CROWDED OUT." "I vhnstrcntetiii a stutuetnl manner." he b-gonyestetdav, ns bo halted a police man on Gratiot street. "H ive the boys been after yon again?" "No, der pnya vahs all right, it yalis a young man who makes, n fool ot mo He conies into my blace two or three weeks ago und sajs bo vahs n society re porter mit ii bap. r. D l vims nil right. If anypody likes my societj Idont bounce him nudt." "What did he waul?" "Vhtil, py-und py he says to file; Mister uurteriiuiintr, now you like me to say in der biper dot your daughttr ICitio glf a baity list vheek und eatery tings vhns lovetv liko Boston Etyle? Vbell, I feels tickled dot my Kitie vhas to ho iu der bipers, uud I set oop der pier." "Nopody sees. After awhile der re p irter cnnifs aronmlt nnd tells me dot it Wus growded out He Itels vry sorry, lint lie oen't In lu it, und py-unel-py h auys: 'Mr Oudt-rdutiker, how yon lilc me say in der rape'r d t your vbifo vhns in Toledo on a visit nilt friends?" Vnell, I like dot. My vhife vhas home mil der kitchen, but it looks vhell in der baptr dot bo goes off on a Wait," 'Aud you set np the beoi?'' "Yei. I like him lo mike a fine notice, but it do.ui' come ondt in de bluer. He comes nronudt in a few days und suys it vhas grnaded oudt, but he vhns sorry und can't help it. I vhas madt, hut py-nud-py ho says: 'Mr. Ouderduukor, bow you like tno say dot yon gif a oofl'oe mit your palatial reM elenco.tind dot it vhas der most recherche aifalr of der seasib?' Vhell, I always have snuio cnflVe for preakfast, nud if der vhas somo recherche around here I like some iu uiy family. I buys taxes uurl vhas ns good as nuypody. 1 1 Ulls him to go nhea I mit his item, uud he Qlls oop mit peer und g'ei off." "And it didn't ome ou'?'' "Not an im1i( lie vhas a sbwiudler. I fituud oudt be vhas a house painter. Yon see how yon can fool a mau vheu you tickles him ahust right." ' Well, he's so much ahead." "iliypo bo vhas, hut in a day or two ho will come pack for some more peer. Den I shall tlx an item like elis; 'Our fellow-townsmin. Sir. Oaderdunker, who vhas In Detroit ten years nud bays his taxes, can mop soraepody all o.ifcr der floor, nnd preak bis bones, und black his eyes, und step on him in such recherche Myle ns heals Iioston all to pieces in der middle of I it vheek!" ALawer's Opinion, cf Intsrejt ts All .1. A. Tawney, esq , a leading attorney nf Winona, Minn., writes: "After using it lor more than Ihren years, I lake great p'eas are in staling that I regard Dr. King's New Discovery for L'onsumpliiin, as tho best trninly in Ihe world forniilelis nod ml, Is. I' has never tailed ti cure the nihil ipvpm mid I have had, a. 'id luvariably relieves iiiiifliii in in- cue.b 'j rial Hollies n nu. sure ruro lor all throat ' ZT ""If?'"'"' ""I 1 r"? Hi ' Advertise in tbe Aivxnvn. AN 0E3TIIIATE OEOAN. Inn small oeiuruh, at a little village near Brighton, where the cougregnliou could notuOurd to pay nu orgauist, thiy recently bought a self.aotiug organ, .1 compact tnslrumeul, and well suited lo the purpose, aud constructed to piny forty different tunes. Tho sexton had instructions how to set it r.oing, nnd how to slop ftjbutuuforlunately, ho for got the latter part of his busincts, aud alter singing tho first four verses of a hymn before tbe sermon, tho organ could not ba stopped, and it continued playing two verses more; then, just ns (he clergyman completed tho words ''Let ns pray," the orgau clicked nud started a fresh tune. The minister sat it out pa tiently, and then retiewed his Inlrodtio tory words, "Let na pray,''- when click went tho organ, nud sUrled off ou nn other tune. The sexton aud the others continued tbelr exertions 'lo fiud out the spring, but no man could put a Htop to it; so they got four of tbe stoniest men in mo cnurcn to shoulder the perverse InRlvnmeiit, nnd they cairied it down the centre ai.sle of tho church, playing away into tho churchyard, where it continued clicking and playing nwav until the whole forty Innes were flnMW. The following rnploil rrom tho Lowell Daily Courier, epoaks well n( nn article mode in (heir city. "Iloml's SarsaparilU Is f.istRrnwing inln us'.nnd doing much good. This Is nn (patent medicine,' but n prepi ra tion of a standard article for sppeifio diseases and its effect is slid to uo very marked. The testimonials which (hey give are bona fide, Irnm pirties who havo used thn prep aralton,r,iid elieerlnlly give their testimony nslnPsworlh. Those tifflleled with scro fula, biliousness or cenernl dehililv, should try this remedy. Hood .t Co., aro carelul and experienced pharmacists, aud their preparations can bo relied on." TSOTJBIi'S EXrECTUD. Btruggliug surgeon. "No. dear, I can not go calling wilh yon to-night." His wile "But ysu promised that you would." "I know it, dear, but our finances nre vory low nud I must not loso a chanceH to got a fee." But what ohnnco will yon or? No patients hnvo sent lo you for a week," "I know it. dear, but I expect tn bo. summoned for a very importnut surgioil cnie, pi-rhaps n broken leg, b' foro tho evening is nver." "Where lo?" ' 'Across the way. Jim. Drown over there is house cleaning, and 1 just saw Mr. Drown going home with a step ladder." Subscribe for ami read the Advocate it contains all tbe latest local news np to the tiuia of going to pros". Off for the summer- flvnnel. An oprra rI.iss tho ouo taken bo tween tho acta. Can a sorrel team bo sot down as a pnir nf rod drawers. Never civo up? vou ran find a reined v fr TI'irt I)i-i.o, pvptv one who hn tried Pr. fSraves' Heart Regulator eay it U a suro cure. Tho bandits of thn West are known ns rnid agents, In the East Iheynio bank presidents. It takes a long lima for a woman to gel into the thirllrs, but when sho docs gt there she slays! A clertyman docs not uecesiarilv pray for lettuce when he says nt the la ble; "Let us pray." OUArtANTnr.n to cure a cold or conih Aeker'.relehriilnl Encllsh Hemelv. Sold hv Dr O T Horn, Lehighton, aim E A Horn, Weiss port. A bicycle rider iR slid to be like n South American rilatp, becunso ho is al ways on tbo brink of reyolntion. It is a qiestlon whether it is belter to tnllc iu church, as metubOM of lb clmir do, or go to sleep, like the oldest deacon. ITsr ACKrn's rixiir.'sn nr.MEnv for Con sumpil.iti. S.,1,1 hv t)r. f! T Horn, Le highton, and 13. A. Horn, Weisport. Did it ever occur to yon why a law. yer in conducttug a disputed will one Is like n Inptsi performei? Well.it is br. ctuso lie files through tbo heir with Iho greatest nf fccs. lion. O W. Ilavsiltl. Waterloo. lonrn.n member or the Siato L-nLlaliiro, kep Br. 1 lacidn Oil. tho ereit ihIii eur. nn iIia ram. II v s!ii'lf,niii! savshorooshl'rs It Ihe greatret remedy ever used fr bodily nilments. "N." 'aid Hrnwn lo Rihinnn wilh n sth, "I haven't got change fur a five, but I should liko to have It for a chan ge." It may seem singular, hut it is ntv erlhelcss true, that n woman can slnnd squirelv in Pennsylvania aud yet be In a New Jer'ey. HUNDREDS Write Ihey owe their life and present cnod health In Acker's Encllsh Remedy fur Onsumntlon, Omehs, Colds. Ac. Sold by r.. T, Horn, Lehighton, and E. A. Horn. Woisspnrt, A Virginia girl married n tramp who turned out to be a Duke. We've no pliy (or her. Slie should lnye known what ho wns before she mirrled him, Elllli asks; "Will you pleaso sei d ' mo a receipt for a nice home made pie?" Ye, Edit Ii, we will send the r.-ceipt in the very first mail niter wo receive the pie. Offering candy to an elephant Is liko offering marriage to an old maid. She may turn up her nose, but she occeplB It all the same, Tho demand for napVln-rngs made of wood grown at Walter Scott's home, Abbottsford, Ih proving a great drain on the forests of Maine. Don't let any one convince Von that these ptlns around ynilr heart are not heart dl sase, Ibev rf. lo md .l-Uy bm procure. Dr. Graves' Heart Regulator, 30 years have proved Its Value. "Wo need more Insane asjlnms in Ibis country!" ixcliims phiUutbr pi-t who has eviileuily been crowded out in some mysterious manner. "The mini who whis'lrs need never he feared," said a philosopher, hut nt the time ht mida Ihl-i asettton "Sweet Vio lets" lud not bco i written. Now is the tints of y ar when the newly fl,dged pradmta he ttates between becoamg an editor right off or going as waiter In a Bummer hotel, 'JT2 THE GR2AT GERMAfl REIViEDY FOR PA!.! Hl iflras ml cttrti tlllEUlUTISa, Nouralala, Gclntica, Lunbsjo, isAcnAcciri, ntniictE, icoEiria, SORE THROAT, QUISBV, uwrbttso J(j Coreset Cuts, tniza rr.osTnrxns, Xai aU ether tiMllf tcLta. and tiuiuk nm cr;;T3 a kiiui. R Mtirtlinrnr-tat, ail T)aJ. v Liri.3.uua la II Uti,-ui.a. 5h9Caa:o3A.7oce!crC:. (2ui, I. A. V IcrftC) Buitlaion, UX, l.D. X. For Something Very Nice in the Way of Ladies', Geutjs an 1 Children's BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, QO TO Peter Hoim, opposite the rublh) Sqnare, BANK Street, Lehighton, where you will lnd n t.aro and 1'nsblonnblo tfti-ckto teleot from nt Lowest (Jash i'rlocs. Also, Ladles' and Ucnt'j Boots anil Slices Male to Onto on short notice. Rest Material nnd Work, mun'ldp Hiiaranlecd. I'rlfcs, are fully a Low as elsewhere, Your patronage Is ver cordially Inrlttd. MaylO-tud hp.? Hi. of If . f"3 r!5" -p o) O .. I . . c to " I t. ) eStsWrT-ir: aar-.cip-0 s up 5pi ( Be ) Hi H-nt. W4K mi tt & ! ' sr- SM a- b i V I kV Health and Slappiness. yf Mf? DO S OTHERS C?&OZrJ HAVE DOilE. Aro your Kidneys disordered? -Kldnoy Wort bruuslit mo frciu , y eriuvo uit wi.i-a,nltcrl liaU Own lreit on I y 13 1 -pt.lotloi in Uutrcit." ii. U'.Doviraui.lIochnraj.Jciiia.Hl.U. Aro your norves wk? "Eldat'V Tj't rtiiivl f .it i n. n i i. iiUnM-1 c..nft r I at not ix-wr'ul 1 j II ," 1 t )f. El. V Havo you Brigrht'o Disease0 "Kiir.er .o- c cirpd i la whe 1 my vucr u juwJ liko cLcSa xuii lacn liko bld." Suf f orinff from Diabote3 ? "Kiinjy-Wor:tJtaaino!.6iu lrci:t I havo OTtr usuO. UlYttt olno t ft .;.tp i.itj r in Dr. l'Jiillln u Jioltou, lion w tun, Yt. Havo you Livor Complaint? "Uldncy-A-'ort cured uoc. ciroiaa L.r otter li'mjod to Vic," Hciuy Y.tra, bio C.J. c:.:iI ii.Cuar(J,K.T. Is your Back Jaino nnd rxliingr? 'Iutlncy-Wort,tl bctt.t) cured n.o irhui X was so Umo X tod to icll crt ot l C U. 'iol..ajc, Tlwautcc, Via. Havo you Elidnoy Discr? 'lIlncy-Y7crtri.'w3ojaoffi)ui llilltcrau I k la. a niter yoars nf r.oucrt mful i torJofr. its woriU Aro you Constipated? Tddnty-Vort cauaos eary ova' a' o a and cured do alter 13 J'Carj vu cf v hov in- un ne.' II J&on I'.drcLdU, tu Alboas, Yt, Havo you Malaria? inJ!n?y-ort has dono un rt r nny other remedy IUayo ever used lir t rrr- .ir " Dr,iiii CUr"' bwLUl ncr0' Vt Aro you BUioua? 'TniacT-Tcrt lma dene mo r. -jcvI la ony other rctucdy J In to e.rr t itun.' lire. J. X, UcIUa, ay, X2' Hat, Crccoo. Aro you tormontcd xrith Pilo-? 'Kidmsy-Yort permanent I j c f I i cf uj(,uu.c Vllca. VrVr. ( 111 no rrcc:r. ir i 1 i i " Geo. U, Hun:, Cablucr lu Lit Ujcr ,wq, To, Aro you Rheumatism racked? U dnij7ort curt a ue.Bfurl w , .v. i up to tUo ty i hyslcians nnd 1 1 m mil- p ) tu.i a lUbrldo Jl-icUi, . l 6 tt I ulna. Ladies, nro you fsuffarinpr? "Kittnryoic curtd Iiio tf i t k. J" of MTeralywarattiriU" iiaiiTf - ' . It," XX. Lcmoia .- .a uuic VU If you 'would Bacl i ad cin Ho 1.1- T' rae Tuts UbOou Cleanbgr. SKIN CURE. CATARRH CURE, COUGH CUR, BLOOD CURE. FOR 8ALC DY T1IOS, I). TII0MA8. AnenK Tanlrd Tor ni. ouiio riiuion nl hi lu. l'ubll.bil nt J, frusta, his home UutkcH.' handsoio- s . ct.eiiKSt, best, ity tbe renowt.cd lusl -and hloKrapher. Oul. t'onw.-ll, h e lit T (iarnebl. publlsho.1 by u. nutsol i tin-1 i y nlbers by CO.POJ. (Imsells rv ry b x k k ' lubllih-il in this wnri-i; onuv airrn s d seillnj; tllly dally. Agin s aru m,n.'i.- d tunes. All new beaui . rs sin e, - hi';K i chance Tor ilnti,. n-itu mm. bv y u enl the first du. ion. a n . si i.i.r , . I'lirllenlnrs Iree. fltltor Sird S.i n e - I poslace, et '.. on rra i uiHi. hum r- n elu Una larfo i.ropei.u b. ..k m, . s t. , , unble i line. AI LI .s iv JutiellSn Auku-ii, i, .1 Caut:ct3Fsrme:s&:; o IUIU'OiiN 11,, , .j , .4 KiJiiKri Wtit 11 1 1 . , , , line III! re,i un im( i,,i , . e T'lAO Vai.k. ui,,i I , save ii.iiin.e-iueni lets. (Jaulo.ui-iiiviniir, ii.,bu-Iriiorrr ii m n . Isbe-I iree hy ,Ui'Baa. d Pr i A. 4 N Kt.t.lS Olllll'A N I'li-'i-' I AISO. .Ml'na Nulila' .llBuai,.! ii. ., J-, It arrow., Aitl't SMwli, O'mVI n.ir, .1 SRBiaMBMiiieanaiH; BLIl!il!9Slll(i!tllaiitlttfli1 Iwtjlfjsroiqiw I jjj 'MP;"'':'''1 1! I Ji!jOTtoiiiisa30I'Jlf W I airlivl!; Mm. I .aVCi.?l'JKWaK Km Oradcis, M,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers