MISCELLAHEODS. " a ' Wertf frniF nlitniM t Iftnlti hnVn hnn eonlpaperraliil llnil uh.t should 1)0 '(lie XoTuetKiliip'ijinliiln all the luteal lo- oaj, iews. Only 51.H0 a year, i A rough diamond - a cuuvict breaking atonea. - - . j "XDVICE TO MOTIIEBS. Atrryhti illslurU-d at nlglit an. I broken of your rest by a tick child sulfrriug abd'cry )ttt with fl in of cutting teellif If o, tend it unco and get a bo'Ulo ol Mas, Wisisuivr's EnoTlitxa Sfv.ur ivn Culumas Tkktuino. H'lUfklMs ii Incalculable, tl will relieve Hi Kililt(e ai'ifrerers Immediately. iJepenil rincin'Yly-niolher, there is no mistake about -. iJiUi It vires,riysenery and ilinrrht-ea.rrgu-J1.lM Ihe stomach and bowels, rurss wind tiw.M(lii'the gums.redilrVs inflammation anil iJvrsHbrSe 'and energy In life whole avs smv Mkh. Wixai.nw'tt Simnuxn Srnur roil CmrdrV XaniiilaO ia pltraBanlto'the tittle e,nd Is the fir acflptlon of title ol llio oJ.JtAt and lx"et female physicians and purses Id. the Untied States, and la for sale tyr a)l druggist tlironghuut the world. I'rlce 25.centa a bntlle. The biggest cabbage heads ere not al ways the bt-st, but they hare the largest hearts Watches wero first made In Germany In 1177. On Thirty Days Trial. , Tn Votraic Usi.t Co., Marshall, Mich., Ill aend Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro Vill ain Cets and Electric Appliances ou trial lor thirty days to men (young or old) who am afflicted with nervous debility, lost vi tality and kindred troubles', guaranteeing speedy and complete restoration of health and manly ylgor. N. B. No risk ia incur red, as, thirty days' trial la allowed, J.ly II Is related of Sydney Smith that on entering a drawing mom In a West End mansion he found it lined with mirrors on alf aides. Finding himself reflected in ev.ery.dli;cti(in,Jie sald-he-suppusrd he was ut a meeting of the e'ergy, and their acemtd to be a very respectable attendance. ELECTRICITY 01 oil the known Electro-Galvanic Appliances at lie present day It'is now conceded by the Medical Fra ternity and'Blcctrfelans generally, Hint the AnierhpnGalvauicCo's How a no Siimuis are the best, possessing Intrinsic Electrical merits, aa one shield or appliance can be fitted to uny pari of the body, which ia not true Of any other. Bee advertisement in another column of this paper.- Electric Ga idle. t-Our br.ilns ore seventy year clocks. The angle, oflifawinris them Up once for all, then closes the case and gives the key into the hand of the angel of tho ressurrec tion. Don't BplUUie Kilk. "There is 'no use crying oyer spilled milk,'' snys the old saw. If you are not on ly bald,but have no life in the roots of your hair; there ia no use crying over that, 'eith er. Tk9 both time and ynuracll by tho forelock whlc there ia a forelock left. . Ap ply Parker's Hair Balsam to your Ipijr be fore mattera. get worse. It will arrcsf the falling off ofyourhoir and restore its. origi nal color, gloss and soltners: It is a x:rfect dre-ajng withal, clean, richly perfumed, cools and heals tho scalp, Nauolcon, crowned himsell while nt M Ian with Charleu'agne's iron erowu, It is now in the possession of Ktng Uuinbeit. A deail bea' The hursted drum. Ubk AOKKa'a EsoliSu rtsjuny for On S'imptiou. S-.ld by Dr. C. T. Ifirn.Le hightnn, and E. A. Horn, Weisspor . fhey have built a Umple in Benore', in India, to n lot of sacred monkeys. A Butler man in Springfield, M.ua., U wearing a straw hat, which ho is not lo change, until the General Is elected again. Attorney-General Brewster is described aa wearing yellow pants', a brocaded vest, a great ruby breast pin, u tremendous collar and lace frills at the wrists. LADIES SHOULD ItEMEM BEIt,a beau tiful complexion results Iron", using Acker's Blood Elixer. Bofd by' Dr.1 Horn, Lehigh ton, and E. A. Horn, Weissjiort. Somo'wi men's destiny la'to love down, xeusloglv. pityingly. , ' ' Friends are won by thoao.who beliave In winning. A masked ball weeping behind your handkerchief. " then eary.. babo tho catches. the mumps. RATHER TOO LONG, After Twenty Yeara ott the Wrong Side of Life a Virginian Tnrni tho Tablet. "How lung old you sal?" ' Twenty years, 1 said. Up to Hie ttme 1 mentioned I bad aulfeied Irum a iltsenied liver for twenty years," said a(r. T. linn cock, of ttlelinionil, Va.,lmlf sadly, astliiiuitli thinking ol that detapldated section of his lite. "At times L ntufost wished It had pleased Providence to limit the liver from the human anatomy-" ' "Had enough twenty years of that sort of thlniii" responded the listener. "W hat was the upshot of It?" "Tho upshot was that some llincauo I went down to Scott's druic store In this clly.iind Bought onool HENSUN'.SOAFClNt: POR OUS 1'IiASTEItS, appltedIV and' was ro llevcd In n few hours, and noi now as sound as iv though ray Jtrcr were made or India rubK!r." llonron's unlike the old f.islilemd kind of plasters act promptly. Look for tho wont UAPOl.Vi:, wlilch Is cat In tho gcnulte. Price 2) cents, Scabury &rIuhn ton, Chcm Ists, Now York. , c - p, J SI: B S S . AYBR'S Sarsaparilla la n highly ronvntrnll rxtrnct of Snrsapurllla mid other lilooil-purlfylno; rooln, niinblnrd with Iodide of roliis eluni ami Iron, and la the safest, most rell nble, mid most economical blood-purlfler that can bu used. It Inratlably expels all blood. iKitson's from tho system, enjlches and renews the blood, and restores Its lltallzTug power. It la tho-best known remedy-for-Scrofula nnil nil Scrofulous Conipliilnts, Eryelp rlas, Kczcinn,- ltlngworni, ltlotrliea, Sores, Holts, Tumors, nnil Eruptions of tho Skin, na nlso for all disorders caused, by a thin and Impoverished, or corrupted, conditioner the blood, such as lthcmnntlain, NeiirHlgln, Itlimiinntlc Ooul, General Debility, nnil Scrofulotia Cntarxh. Inflammatory Rfieumallsm Cured. "AvnK'a SAiis.trAliiu.A has cured ma pf, tho Inltnininntory Itlieiimntlain, with ihlch 1 lmvo sutrcrcd for many jcars. W. II. JIoW." Durham, Ia., March 2, lfS2. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowoll,Mas9. Sold by all Drngglsts J 51, six bottles for S5. WHOISU-ACQUI-,TCO W,1M TMC OIOORAPHV C VHlSOOUN- twv wat r.ct ay cxamininq this mapthat tms H CK3ES WHIBt AIL (ISC FAILS. $1 TtMtCoochHvruivTMtpairood. H Uselntlme. Holdbydruirclsts. f-St)niNTON IHI ETNKY, fashionable lli-A jiouT nno nutiK ,uakkk, jliinKal Lcliltiton. All work warranted. ffiir Subscribe for and read th(5 CAuhon Advocate It confains all the latest, local news rip to the time 61 goin to prcss. N Pile Mn Its ss i M ? pes Hi II h Si fl FS " P2 'll'ii' (9 nn cos 2 002 ?E ST S s a - THE i,iA (JQfJob Printing neatly, cheaply and promptly execut ed at this office. Give us a trial and be convinced. EA.dvocate IS TIIEBEST MEDIUM. FOR. Local:, Advertising IN CAHBOS BOUNTY;' ' t vf Send for Itatcs,fcvliiclLvill l3e found, very moderate. Joh printing of every 'description. Illustrated Sale Bills A SPECIALTY. At Lojv Prices. iwKHrlll 1 CQICAGO.ROCKISLAiiD&PACIFICR' Pr the centra position or iU line, connects tho liast and tho West by thu horf est route, and car ries passengers, without change of oars, between l nicano and Kansiut City, Council Elufls, IiCaven worth, Atchison, Minneapolis and tit. Paul. It connect in Union Eepots with all tho principal lines of road between tho Atlantic and the Facirlo Oceans. Its equipment li unrivaled and magniil cent, being composed of Moat Comfortable and Kcautirul Pay Coaches, Mujrulflcent Ilorton llo clininc Chair Cars. Pullman's Prettiest Palace Sleeping Cars, and the Best Lino of Dininjr Cars m tha World. Three Trains between Chlcaeo and xlissouri River Points. Two Trains between Chi cac and Ulnneapolia and St. Paul, via the Famous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE.' A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and KflnV.a Kec.nas recently bscn opened between Ztichinond, Norrolk.NewportNews, Chattanooffa.Atlnnta.Au- fusta, Nashville. Louiavlllo, Lexington, Cincinnati, ndlonapolls and Lafayette, and Omaha. Minneap olis and St. Paul and intermediate poluts. Airrhroush Possensera Tiavtl on Fast Er press ..TlftMt.sI0S.Baloat Principal Ticket QffieMtn the United States and Canada. Baprgaffe chocked through and rates of faro al ways aa low as competitors that oner less advaul tages. For detailed Information, set the Maps and FoldJ dra of tha GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Tlokot Ollioe, or oddresj R. R. CABLE, E.ST. JOHN, u Vloe l'ru. It UmI rtr, ntn'lTtu4rmi.i5t. CHICACO. Nerve-Life and Vigor era m 2 - ff 2 ( This cut fhowo the Howard Electric AND MsiKiictic Shield 3 ifAil ...-,i... u.. E 1st lie j i oml Ncrvo-vllal jillanco mcilo that nts ot-ry part of tho body, anil the only one needed ta rosiTiviLY cunE ICIdncylllHcasa It lo uiuntlMii, is y s i o i 1 u , the worst cAses ot Somlnul M'onk' ItCfrHf 2iIxlinuB tlOII, IlllllOtPU- cy, and nil Ills cuecM and Wcuk-iicKkoftheVrliio Gcuttul OrtrmiH. rntentcd Feb. , 18T0.) YOUXO MEK. from cnrlv Indiscretion, lack nerve force and fall to nltaiu strength. HIIlDi.E-AGKI) JI1!,T often lack ylgor, attrlbnt It to tho proyre 'I of yeara. Tho MOTIIEU, WIFH and MAID, snffcrlngfrom Female Weakness, Ncronf Debility und other ail ments, will find It the only clue. To i"ie and all wo say that the Shield gtves a nat ural aid In n natural wny WITHOUT DHUGOIXa THE STOMACH. IVnrrnntcd Olio Vcar, and tlio beat niiillunco litndc. Illastrated rniphlct, TIIIIEE TYPES OF MEN, nlso ramphlet fur Ludlcs only, tent on receipt or Oc, scaled; unsealed, 1'JtKK. American Galvanic Co., OF THE m ( ioEoi 1103 Chemiut M., l'lilla. Eomethina; for alUhe' Frabhefi. Her. it. H. Poltall, D. 1)., editor of the Toon itclhottiit, says edltrtflally, lb the November (ISfrf) rltiriftier r'hl palwri "We l.aTiWs(t,nfirirTetTtiWVHadfea"lWt' and believe thaf, bj" a'lHnrdujfh t nottraa'"tr Irealiiieol, It wilfalilittst efery curt 'of Vo larrh. Mlnlstrrs, as a class, afi niictH: with head and thrnat' troubles, nndTfilifHi'' seems more irvalent'lhatl ever."' Wfr-'cVfrt-not reenfmnend Ely's Cream Balnf 166 hlgfn ly," Kot a liquid nora anufn Aripliod to nosttili Willi Hie (InRer.""' '"" ''-.- Many a wmiiati mho diiea nntikpnnr tho multiplication table, l.bloicsn Mligur'l In eocieljr. H . f . , The tbreadf of a. aldrl-ili' jencrully.' cnugblby tbe eye of th reader,- '' . i In. paying a dollar, lor albotllo of ,1i1j win'a Tar Bvrupy you reeoivea box'frflajlri viii.'fQul Vlvp :8UHijebi-.riUr making, it,, Thilinils'sella'lt' ' " ' 'l1 H '' W -' -lTe' 'blrsilhg oTa liotiso'ta 'oodhcssr( The honors i htidse la 'hnspll'aflty. ' tha rirnamentof a:'"h6use iX cleanlihca's'. iThe liaiploesa'ofVlmlls6' ronl'cntnieriU' '" "v ' A ring polllleinri la Ilko onb Who "pro crastlnaleall's always slnfo 'Willi 'li'frri.1 '' ThO Ifop riasi& will cure ' Back 'AchoJ1 and all oilier pains Instantly, 25 'cta.Nraly, at druggists. rMuch of a youiigiian's surcess In life. depciula on.lils.telet'tion nl aiitner, - . NO LQNOKB, A QUKSUON ofopinlona we euaratitoe etyery bux of Arker'a nyspep' sia Tablots. Priro 25u. ,aud 60o, Sold by Dr. ltiirn, ,Lolilglitoii,.aiid E. A. Jlornc Weissjiort. i , . - . i Ilendrjcki lsald to, b tnoro.confiilcnt tha n ever Unit Ihq, (udf ticket wlll be, ro. nouilialifl. - ,. . -rOjien yjur eyca-apd not your rhouth when maklnBupyour mini! what ktni .of, cough rnedc!no you aro going, to, lake jf you don't wish to make opium .eaters of ynur wives and chllijrenr Slop pour)ng down all kinds of, cough. .remedies,, end liso .ladwln'L Tine Tar Syrup. For , sale at Thomas' drug store. .... , , The dude's absorblne pastime, is look ing at bis feet through the wrong cud ofau' opera glass. .in.- Cbovp. Whqopinq Couou, and, even Asthma immediately relieved by, ckerV iiiigllsh Itomcdy. , Solij uuiler. .guarantee, by Dr. Horn, IiChlghtou, .and ii, A Uo'rr, Welssport. " ' ' ' r i. .,. ! r- . 11. - , It Is reported that Herbert 8pencer's works aro appearing In Japaucse, Tho ea bix legends, will bo less iutelligi bio, than ever. Tho Good Die Young, was once an ac cepted poetic soutiincnt, but recent discov eries show the author of It to bo, In errpr, Tho good, for they pro the wise, live, to a K"iu urn age, mm use jauw, lira lar oyrup whenever troubled ntb culdi or,..cough For Sale at Thomas' drug store, u 11 is condense I: Family and Divorce (nlo one tune one and call it Chicago. Geo. Andrews', overseer of the. JViwell tiarpel Corporation,' wus for twenty , years before his removal 'to Lowjlj, allllcted with' sill rhcfim ln its worst form. Its ulcsra' lions actually covered inure than fialf tho surface of his body ami limbs. lie was en tirely cu'red by; Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Seo certllieato in Ayer's Almanac for 18S3. A North Carolina man named Comfnrt cjnimitli-il .suicide because his g.irwent back on dim. It must have lieen a queer gtrl who wouldn't take comfort in getting .married. '' Enrich and revitalize ths blood by using Brown's Iron BUlers. ' ':' U-ll hsnid Jhat' Sullivan, iho pugilist, tjiends his money as fust .as he make; (i This makes no dllTorance, however, as he oin always strike a' friend for moro. "Cbarlot'evilliV, VS.--Mr.'d.ril.'l'lornian, Tresident of the People's Hank, test! fl.-s ti the value of Brown's Iron .Bitiers. for.re lieving Indigestion. , .. -., , . A brunette flirt ia Jjke.Cantaln Eada sbo 1 UiN!CS3ful wjth Jier jfl eyes.,,,, i You have, tried everyllilig .for ypur Juart disease? , No. sir,, V'l"W,ino to show you Dr. Graycs' Heart Iteijulutir, been In market SO.years, great many, go,idte)tl monials from'ils uso. Only $1 per botlleat yoar driielsts'. ' A man on the' 'cars having several thousand dollars In' greenbacks tn his pos session, and featlng'Ui'go to sleep silting in his seat,nn account of seeing some suspicious indiviiliials in his neighborhood', slyly slip, ped his money into'th'o Bib'le belonging tn tho train, and on tho following morning woke up to find" his 'capital gone, and to learn that ihe men who siept with the cash In their pockets hadn't lost' a cent. This fable teaches us that, white It Is a good thing to bo Just sharp enough, Ills vefy dangerous to bo loo smir't, and that when, lh smorl nyri getsleft'.ho Is the nnst cilos sally left 'man that ever was left. suggested that Mpnslgnnr Capel his tlireo lectures on Jqrriugc, FARMERS' GOLUMI.' Kitcheand.MarJet Pardenv . Xhqugh th,e. season preynnta outside work with most of our readers, there is Do month .wbcc-omnthljig mny pot be dose- to save limp ln.spr.jng-, , , ,A trnr-ien;r4'athJD lhe,reiotn oi"eccd time and harvest," isjshpwn by;.-th) largn amouptuf labor Jind expense, ho1 pills forth, before, rcsultsain, bo aecuroit.. -.1X11 wotlc Is' largejy.-ono pfpreparatlon. JIuch .can-' be ilons n.iw tsare.tijne n tbe bu.iy.duys of sjiring. The successful gardeners are tlnso whoao.prepara.toryi work Jl, most' complete. ,The nioit Important ,irork of the. garden at this season. iai .The, Accumula (Ion of-Mshure. Mouure ls."firsl last, and all tha Urns " Ihn f.iim.la. jllon of. prjiflwbla garderung. iWhllo all else is dormant the heap of fertilizing material, should bo growing. ..All-home sources should bo made the. most of. Horses should,, If possible, Do bedded with lenyes, lor the.sako nftbc- manure pllo. , If .-cattle, aro feij on corn, (odder, by all meant Cut. it, II not for the gowl of the animals, ut least for th'aV'Kf'the fiHimire. -ArVabge 'to' hav the chamber slops, and all klt.cben .rcfuso nbt.needod. by pigs pr poultry, go lo (he pi? I -Tho Toullry llouo lean Imjvirlant source of manure. Jt slinuld.be cleaned at least once a wee u. n llio fowls arn niiinernus aud tbe room small, a daily clconin'g will pay In the benefit to tho fowls. The dro pings may bo added (o the -manure' heap or -kep t sepcrate in a dry place lor' special crops. i - Manure from oulsulo 'fnusl usuolly be purchased by market gardeners. It. Is well to contract lor the year with livery stablca anj.otbers.- Whenovera load of "truck' goea 16 the market; the wagon shoulil bring back. a load of manure of some kind .Fertilizing materials, other thau from the stable, aro to lo had , in all largo towns Where there is A-brewery, Ibo spent hofs r-garded ns ValiiaDle- lis Btable1'rn!mlire, should bo secured. The refuse of tanneries and slaughter houses will make a vuluable 'addition to tho heap. Wherever there ate manufacturers of horn, bone, or whalobunc, securo the refuse and look into the vulue'o'f other wastes. - The manure pile should be so large thai It call not get chilled through. When It becomes hot, it must be tdrned to prevent bnrning'or,,flre fartglng." Build up ILi heap anew, breaking up all lumps, and li such a manlier that -the outside portions will be on the inside 'if the new heap. Other preparatory nmtlers. Overhaul and repair the touts and.- implements, mid have dupiiciti-aor pjrjs liable to wear nut or break, such as pln)V .points,, cultivator teeth, etc If more' sashes aro, needed for botb'-.'ds, purchaso them in ample, lime. Hi nio 'made app'iuucs. -Markers ol various sizes should bo mude. A good wooden leel for llu-garden line, Is belter than the poor iron ones usually sold. Make I stock ol window boxes for sowing seeds respectfully announces that he has bought out MRS. RUPERT'S NEWS DEPOT, together with goocMrill, &c, and will immediately Remoye his entire business to the premises formerly occupied by her, where he hopes for a continuance of past patronage, pledging himself to do the utmost in his power to serye the wants of the people conscientiously and punctually. vuj-LssLuiiuj uu liaiiu an assortment 01 IB Mwsic, Music Jink9 pMi llaily and Weekly laicrs9 JSBafiik J32ok$9 aHI kgnnalN ol iationery9 CfluistBiias Card9 erap lictwres, Card ami Sci'ap All5HEBBas9 ARtg'BajIa A1Iibbbbb9 JPlBOtgTagBEa AlBBBBflg, BISSIjID, IfiVEBUBR J Bank Street, Leliigiitoii; SPfii va. - f i . ho'; island nruvide a stock of Hats, i ." i - - In starting tho Store Business wc set down the rule 'I ' . :Z:rTu Smaxl Profits:;; ;TricCntimtirjgf it'Vtnd 'fTnding'thnt thc.mottp. ns nh:nctnal experiment, cinmchtt);'8upceB " , , fill, vo have cnlnrgod upon tliejsamc and, made it V iV-!j.r UR(ER " bALES AND bMALLER 1 RGEldB- lu tho" ulC. . rals or Slmllow Ihixes, are much used -us soKiiig's'i-iiils, lit be sturled in hotbed iijd iuiwhii.1i lolraus plant ymuig svedliii;s. -jlaipli, soap, und -cther boxes finm tin slore,ean be bought-very cheap,1 lnif i-iic-li w HiiuakEvwitea-eiil apurl, two ir t r e lUts. Monling to. tho depth of the box Three jucj.s is amply deep enough' for the lUts, aud tor & number of uses, I wo luche is sullicient. Soil for hot beds. If a surply has not been ael-ured, lake advaiitage of Ihe li it thaw, and phicu mi ample stock of ra ng (H soil lii ihe cellar, or under some she! .ier where it will n.it freeze. Hoi beds. lr Ilia majority of plants, i hese should be ready and the seeds sow ix weeks before Ihe plunls can bo set nut in the garden. In the wanner States thev will be wunled Ibis rin-nlh. Seeds' Watch advertisements, ni:d send for catalogues, and us soon as they are al baud, decide what seeds must be purchased, aud order at once. There is an advantage in this tn buyer and seller. Care of stored crops. Hi aides preparing for next season's work. It is necessary to care for tho stored crops. These are chli lly roots and ccler'v". irroois are, un'ortuuu ly,slored in Ihe iioueo cellar, keep its lem pa-ature down to Vfilily four degrees. Use lie m uiieler. and when It shows that t e'emderaturo Is too high, open the Win- dons. Roots and celery in trenches. Storing roots, etc., In trenei es, divided bv earth partitions into' pits ol a lew bushels each, is preferable to storing in the cellar. When cold weather a -Is ir, these uced a final c erlng of eighteen Inihes or two feet of s- 1 rounde) up so as to sheil, water. In inuny localities Ibis )a u-it peeiled beforo tbe pres ent month. Celery, If covered too soon, will licut and decay. Leaves, straw, or marsh hay, are used for tbe covering, which should bo slight at first, and finally a fo t or more thick. We usually lay Iannis roof- wise oyer this covering, to facilitate getting .out the celery, when the trenches are oyer ej with snow. Am. Aqriculturitt for Jan uary. Orchard and Nursery, Tha first duly here is to take care of whal we lave. Eeo that fences and gates are so cure. In those unfortunate localities where animals aro "free commoners" allowed to run 1 1 the road, theto hall-starved four leggel trinips will take advantage of deep snows and gi over an ordinary lenco browsd upon the twigs of an orchard. Rabbit! and mice will continue to do mischief; When the siidtf is deep and has a ilhrhtcriut.rabbitaran reach llio towtr branches of tfeea.anlj pruno tbfujiftersa "system" not given In (he books. Traps and shot guns will convert a nuisance into a savory dinner, Rubbing the trunks o, .younc treea wilb fresh meat or smearing them with blood will keep of! rabbits. I'ack the snow while light around tha base of the trees, tn repel mice, Fruit in the cellar of thedwelling. Open the windowa whenever there is no danger of freezing.' Tlie,.ve.ntilaliim Is important to the Impairs, end low temperature pro I mgs the keeping of the fruit. risnlingntxlKirliig If fruit treesare to bo set nut next spring, much of the work may be done now un pspcr, make a pUn, ol the oichard, select the varieties and Indira.! the place (or esrh. In choosing fruit fur -market, have but few kinds. . Root grading In nurseries Is carried ori now, the stocks and scions btlug placed un der cover last laW mvm'i"m aH' f --rtltloribV lor'tlle Aui eijp. ply 01 e dollar year. it' i Not yet satisfied, Wc move up and boldly assert our claim Largest Sates I Smallest Profit, And b licve wc can safely assert it without fear of contradiction, and proveit byifacts , and, figures to all who will conic and try us and our prices. Uome and trjjr.'i'Li "" ' Very' respectfully, Ti-MS l3 1 Tf you are loolcing for a ilace to purchase ' ' DEU&S AND MIBICMS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Stationery, Cigars, Or Tia FBBiiegti; vi" Wall Fapor sun&flS Borders, Remember, that place is at the l'OPULAR DRUG S'fORB df-iSa , iieiiiL'W if) 1J J0 B SRa V Ja IN LulUalLLI Otrnosite. Carbon House, BANK ' Vr'e'et. I " t 1 IT -"' :o:- A full supply of Pure Wines and Liquors for Medi cinal" Purposes. ; ricsciiptions very carc.liilly compounded, day or night. - . -- Remember, Dr. C. T. HORN'S Popular Drug Store; WEiWESflfc ,15 B.-88S-4. AYe desire to say to our friends and the public in general, that we have on hand the J. ingest and most . Complete Stock of Goods OF ANY TailorinG EstafclisiuneiiT -, in this section of the County, comprising Cloths, Cassimeres, OVERCOATINGS, Plain and Fancy Suiting's, Which wo will put up for you in our usual FIRST-CLASS STYLE, Thereby giving you, as no always, do Best Fitting:, Best Trimmea and Best Matle CLOTHING IN LEHIGHTON. e havo also just received from tho Manufacturers a Iarge Stock ol Newest Styles of Ladles, Gents and Uhlldren'a t J !2j27 L J . v t li Gem$3?wa'n islsisig Goods, tyci9 All of whtch wc arc now oflering a Unprecedently Low Prices ! Very Respectfully, MERCHANT TAILORS.'i i . i ' il i '. " r . Bank St., Leliig'hton, Pa. ' Maroh21, 1883-yl .! - We Know what we are Saying" we state that we arc Selling Goods as Cheap as the Cheapest, and, -therefore, inecial attention to the following articles suitable lor Holiday Presents; ... x ailles" llaml Satchels nn.l Pure. Oasf s, iIesV 'ork aiues. lHsserte.1 Mpof the ITnltnl Stales, (a'spy aity.ror emiaren Wiicn invite special Manilsom Frlna. Xmas an.t New Year Car.ls. Albams. Tone ue ,.Mti ft ,TOn.? V5 """"J Kl.-pV.Ul.lW AMU and Toy UHa, fancy M UWIdrens'SchOJlllags, lukstanJs, Jtc, &c. 11'4-itT A fine assortment of Lamp and Lamp Fixtures, varying in price from $L2 to SW.QO, together with a largtivarietv of Fancy and Useful Articles suitable lor nui.'ivx. BIRTHDAY FIIESENTS. AVc have also, always on hand a full assortment of ' . Pure Drug's, Patent Medicines, Wall Paper and ti!L crs, Stationery, School Supplies, &c, &c, all ot tliipli will be sold at the yery lowest cash price. - Call and sec goods and learn prices hefore making purchases elsewhere.; r; 4. J1 Prescriptions very carclully compounded, day or night. E: A. HORN, Weissporf; REMEMBER THE PLACE, -. tii , r mm .it x i'tMi- MayetU.ltSS, Patronage invited;" am-' 0 . !. rH-"S:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers