tin Si: SHERIFF'S SALE PIiLjrABLE PROPERTY. &vrrtifa'wtltot Ven. tra?etii. jasned ntt or tht Court of, Umrem 1'leesor Uarl-on eoasiiy Pennaylvanl. and to ma directed, thei vrlllbe expose tetwblte aato, at the :uRT UOUSK, ta Ike Horough or Stanch Uhieerxen t tHDAY, JANUARY Hlb, 1884. i'ctock pv m. the following described if, to wit t .MmVaU that certain M or riece or OftdtNDl situate on tin northwardly itrie nf tMlroiti StreM.ln tha Vlllad ofriammll Jim, uiniiy oi uarnon. nnu citato i i-cnn ylvanle, rfurnbe red Three In the J' I an or 1101 mereor, eoMa'nws; in ironi or vruautii on laid Railroad itreet thirty () teat, and In length or depth at right anttlci rrom said Jlallroad (treat, one hundred and twenty-five lilt) feet) bounded northwardly by a certain twenty feet wide alley or8lrcet,castwardlyby Lot Numtwr Four, sonthwirdly by Railroad atraet ,afnresatd, and westnardly by Lnl Number Two, The Improvements thereon contlat of a Two. Story Frame Buliillns; (House and Btore)i ST W M feet, with Kitchen, 1 by 18 feat, and other Outbulldlnga. HO. 2. All that certain Iot or 1'loca of OltOUNI), lltuate on tha northwardly aide or the aforesaid twenty (20) feet wide alley or street, In the Village of Hummlt Hill, I'ounty of fJatbc.n, and State or I'annaylyanla. bclnir .rlria Eastern one-hair of Lot Number Two (!l) In tha Plan or I'lot thereof, containing In front or breadth on laid twenty (TO) leel wide alley forty-five (IS) feet, and in length or deoth, northward nt tlaht angles from raid twenty (ill) feet wide alley, mUly-flve ir.t) feet! bounded on the north by Lot No. Four (I), on the eaat by IOt No. ElKht (s) or the orlulnal Dint, on the luuth bv raid twenty (201 feet wide alley, and on the welt by the other jjhalT.oraald No. Two (3). I .The Improvements thereon consist of a Two.Stcry lionble Frame H3uso,2l by SO feat. 3rd. 8 Alt' those Two certain Tracti or ! rfecel of 1. AND. situate partly In Mahon. i lnfrand.paxily,ln JMauch Chunk Townihlpi. In the said County of Carbon. nndStoto of j'ennsyivania. nounocu ana ucserincii as ioi Iowa, to wit: Tha one or them beginning at a atone,' thence by land of Umwi Kemerer oath ilxty.one and one-half (OIK) dcKTcei, eaat twenty-nine (St) perches to n atone ; thence 1v land of Daniel Miller north twenty-two (2J) degrees, weat ono hundred and eighteen (118) perches to a atone; thence by land of Curneliua ltiirnee north seventy-two T3) degrera, east twenty-nine (20) perches ta a alone ( thence by lend or James Murphy oath twenty-two (22) decrees, east one hun dred and eighteen (18 perchca to the place of beginning, containing 21 Aorca and 62 Perches, .strict ,mea;ure. .And the otherof them ls. -t ginning at a atone, thence by land of Cornel- ln.hlt.ena amilh r.nip.rmi, 1711 Hirii weat twenty-tour and one-hall (24J4) perches to a atone! thence by the same south elirh---"teen-OS) deRB.Ttaet twenty-four (21) lurches to a atone; thence by land ol .Taa. Murphy north aerenty-fuur (74) ileirreea. enat twenty IX (20) perches to a atuna ; thence by land r lonn Aioi-auxniin norin iweniy-iwu (Kj ue Krerf, weat twenty-four perches to tha place l tf beginning, containing (L43Acites,and;i20 Perches, strict meaiure. Relied and taken Intoexerutlon ns (lie pro- lejij di Quean jhciiuk-d, nn 10 oe soiu uy CIIAS. W. I.ENTZ, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Mauch Chunk, Pa., ) .UeeeinberMth, 1S83-W3 SHERIFF'S SALE Of ValnalJls REAL ESTATE fly virtue or a writ of IVn. Erponct, Itaued nt of the Court or Common PIuhs or Carbon county, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, there will bo exposed to public sale, at tho COURT HOUati, In the llurougb ol Mauch Chunk, Pa., on v MONDAY.i JANUARY Htb, 1884. at rO tt'elock p m., the following described property, to wit: All those Two continuous Tracts or Plecca of LAN II, situate In the Township of JUn- noniny, in ine i;ouniyoi uarnon, unii Mato uf-Pennsylvania, boundod and described nt ouowt, to wil ; BO. 1. Beginning at n aton corner at the Junction of lands ol John Cnnler and F, 1. Semrael(now Wallace Slewed), Ihencenlong irqui ui .lanu iunior nnu oinura rouill eigll- y-elght and one lmlt(MU) decrees, neat ino liunored (too) iwrchca to a stono onrner; thence along lands of Wilson llnuirli and treonce Ileilinan south three (S)dexrees. vast one hundred and eleven and one-hnlr(lll!) perches to a stono on n public rnnd leading Iroin Ihlghton to Pleasant Corner; thence .In and along aald road north elghty five. and ont-bulr (Sj) degs, east eighty (su) perches o jnjt t vu cam rouu; iiience along me hereinafter deacritied nremlsea south seven. teen and three-quarters (U?) degreea, eaat lortv-twoand a halWI2U) lurches to a atone: t hence along tho same weat nrtren(l5)!ierrhoa to a atone; ttienco along the aaniesouth titty. even(n)degrees,rlxiy.elght(8)pen'hrstoa t ine; t hence along lands of 1). C Monte tort y twn and a quarter W4) degrees enst. thirty iSO) perches to a stone ; thence alum lands lit ienry Lango northelghty and one-hall (80') degreea, uist ninety three anl seven-tenths (KJMi ) parches tu a whlto ouk ; thence two and nne-hair('.4)dcgrccs west, ninety (00) perches to a stui ealong lino ol t P. Svmtnel f now WallaceSlewelll: thence Alonir the same north eighty-seven and one-hair (8"H) degs., eajt nine and seven tenths f9 7-l) peichis to asione; thenar alopg tjie aame north three (1) degrees, west one liundrcd and ten (110 perches to the place of keglunlng, contalulng " i07 Acres and 02 Perohes. K0. 2. Beginning at a stone In tho road leading from Lehlghton to Pleasant Corner, thence north eighty-eight (88) degrees, east eighty ((0) perohes to a slnna ; thence along am roau aouui vixiecn (10) uegrecs, eaat !wrty-lWOf42) nercllt'S to a sluna mi ttia Hrat described traet; thetice along the aamo weat fitly (M) perches to a atone; thenco along fame south aixty (6l) denrccN weat alxtv (00) iTicun ,u iiusv, nnu aiting inn same wem twentv-flve tierehes til a aliine IlirnH nnrth along the lino or II, O. Monti and Alosea licx lity-alght and three-quarters (080 degrees, west slxiy.alx (OJi perches to the p.aceol be- B.uuiutj, VVHIIIUIIlg 30 -Acres and 128 Perches, ftrlet measure. The imnrovements nnslst nf a Twn and n Hair Mory Stone House. 28 by U2leet; also, a One Story Frame House, 2u by 22 Kct.nnd other OutbulMlngs. Salted and taken Into execution aa the pro- Jl VI 4UUU OIBUIl, BOU U UO SOIU DJ CHAS. W. LENTZ, Mherlfr. Sheriff's Office, Mauch Chunk, Pa., ) December 14th, 1883 ws SHERIFF'S SALE Of VALUABLE PROPERTY. ft M nf -I , Ar f- - -.' Issaed out of the Court of Common Pleas of uarmn county, pa,, ami to me directed, there rlU be exieaed to puldlo sale, nt the Court xiaaie, in me xwrougn ei juaucn Chunk, on MONDAY. JANUARY Htb, 1881. at 1 o'clock p. m., the following deacrlbed yrvpvtlji w nil, ; Alt that eertaln Let or Piece of OTitltlNIl altuate on tbe south aide of llrond Street. In the Village of Heaver Meadow, County of usnwi,iiKiiii.Ht)i i cnnryivania, containing .In front or breadth on aald aireetlurty feel and all Inches (I0U leet), and extending thence OHIO, in parallel tinea at rlvlil anglea with said street, nlnety.three (ta)feet to a twenty feet wide alley; bounded on the north bv said Jlread street t east by Lot No. .now or late property or Odd Fellows Society t weat by Lot No. , and south by said alley. ALSO, all that certain LOVor PIECE rf unuuiiii. suuaieon me souin atdeur aald Twenty root Wide Alley. In the aald Village f Heaver Meadow. Uuuntv of (lartum. ami State Pennaylvanla, containing In front or unwm on ine saia aiiey tony (40) reet, ana extending thence Booth of that width ninety. ave (14) net, to grounda now or late of Le high Valley Bailroad Company; bounded Berth by aald alley; eaat by grounda now or late of E. II. Kir It Co.; south by ground now . - a,u I . - J H.llllUMI UVUIWI1I, and west by Lot or part of Lot No. . Seised and taken Into execution as tha pnpmj vi n. . unyon, and to be sold by OKAS. W. LENTZ, Sheriff. Shariri Omee, Manch Chunk. Pa,, 1 ltceember 14lb, 1883 ws Tho First National Bank or LEHioiiTorr. The Aaneal Election for Seven Directors f this Hank will be he'd at the Hanking w,nb,, v UAH X Ol 11, UO' tween tbe hours of 1 and 8 o'clock P.M. . v. ... f w uuwman, Cas i er, lehlghton, Ueo. IS, 1883. I 1'Kin Claims a specially, and WA1I. I kN I I BANTS. A II II ITION A L alii ivilMMPSTl'AI) lIHIIt lPllljT. ZS and all kinds of LANK SoTllPT bVTuIht and sold largO Stock, and Highest Prices paid, lio yna want to sell or buy J Jf to. write to A. A. THOMAS, Attorney at Law. wuhlDfton, D.O. Jan.o-tfc To Whom it May Conoern. All persona are forbid meddling with Two MULKS now In the poasesdon of JOSEPH 11. HEXDEL, of tbe lloroagn cf WcliiiKiri, Uarbaa Uoeaty. Pa, aa Ihe aame are my property, and loaned by me to him during BI pleasure. PERBY WANNEMAUilER. Hakeadaaqna, Ltblgh County ra. Daeeaiber l, liax-iwi "Original Choap Cash StOro." We wish Yon alt a Happy and Prosperous New Year I Our Ohrlltmae Trade baa been very heayy, S3tne days over-balancing those of last year. Although our salel Were heavy we stilt baya a nice line ol llolklay Ooods. Th ta who hay recelred Ohrlatmai pres ent! and baye not glyen any, may return lh eompllraent by airing a Hew Year present. All those who Intend giving New lear 1'reienti will And our stock of Holiday Uoods the largest, by far, to select from. N. n. Open to-nlgbt and erery evening until t-Ji o'clock. J. T. NUSBAUM, Opp. Pnblla Square, Bank Street, Lehigh tan, Pa. June t, lMJ-ly. Ii (Smhtm &xtmxte. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1833. SPECIAL NOTICE. Persons making payments In this office by money orders or postal nntes will plesse make tbetn payable at the WiissrottT Tost Orricx, as tho Le hlghton office is hot a money orJer offico with bills to those who arc indebted to us l'or SubBoription, Advertising or Job Work, residing in this vicinity, nnd trust that they will meet with n prompt res ponse to their demands. To thosn rc-"v biding nt n distance we will mnil bills, 1 and expect immediate rctunis.Xr2 S Our Neighborhood in Brief. TtlR KKW Trin'S WKLCOJIK, Ring, bells, rinct fir Hie King Is here; Ulng, liells, rlngl lortlio glad New Year, tin mniinta his throne with n smiling face, Ilia scepter lifts with tnojestin grace. Ring for the jny bis advent brings; Ring fur Ilia linppy songs be sings; Ring for the promise aweet and Irue With which we gladden our hearts anew. The new-born year Is a happy fellow, Ilia ynice is aweet, and low, anil mellow, With lite Ghriatmas holly tils head Is crowned. Willi Hie Christmas blessings we'll wrap htm round. Then ring, bells, ring! forthetiynustlay The Past lies silent, the Present is gay; King out your merriest, cneer niter cheer, To welenme the birth of the Happy New YenrI Mauv 1). Urins.. A HAPPY NEW YEAR1 Practice writing 18S4. Swear nil" next Tuesday. Now the average young man will com. mence to keep a diary. Wcatherly is to have a Sons of Vetcr ana Poat. S33-GO TO ROSEIIERY'S. IN ODERT'o BUILDING FUR AN EASY SHAVE, An addition of several inches of annw on Chrlitmns day has made' the alelglilng through thia section first clais. 5iyFrc8h Oysters Raw or Stewed ran be obtained at h. A. Wehr's. Dank Stroet. daily. Horry V. Mnrlbimer, jr., of Philadel phia, is at home spending the holidays with his parents. The 8unday school festivals of the various churches passed off very succcess. fully and pleasantly. SCr-Ladies and gents gold and silver watches a specialty, at Deals i-Co's. P. 0. building, Weissporl. W. A. Grayer, of Penobscot, and Jacob Drone, of Ashley, Luzerne county, wcra in town Christinas day, visiting among their old friends Thomas Dciberl, of Franklin, while engsged coupling cars, at Mauch Chunk hat Saturday, had hia head caught between tha bumpers and badly maahed. Don't buy Jewelry till you have seen the elegant stuck at Dents k Co's, P, 0. building, Wetrsiort. lou ran get a first-rate joke on the editor of this paper by paying him the amount of your subscription pr other in debtedneason New Year's dov. Try HI ST-A new lotol CLOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELRY just received at S. II AG A mak a istore, Lehlghton, r. AN OLD NURSE SAYS; Acker'e Eng ixn liemeiiv is hkst lor coughs, crnitpa, :llphtheria,or bronchitis. Sold hy Dr. C.T. Horn, Lehighton, E, A. Horn, Weiasport. January 1st being a legal holiday the Hanks will be closed, hence if you have a note tailing due on that day you must at' tend to tho mailer on Monday -the day previous Judge Scely having rilled lhat hard rider is an intoxicating drink the keepers of many unlicensed places In Wayne coun ly who have been Belling it are in fear and trembling. iiirHolIdav R-wika and fancv roods lust opened at astonishingly low prices. Do not fan to see our suick beiore purchasing Jv F. Lttckenback, CI Broadway, Mauch Chunk. The Rev. Dr. Stern, Jewish Rabbi, ol Wilkcsbarre, favors Sunday worship end Is endeavoring to counteract the prejudices nl some n( his race agalust that aud other Christian customs. The boring of the Vosburg tunnel on the Lehigh Valley Railroad has already gone through with 1,800 feet. The tunnel will be 3,800 feet long. Ilia illuminated by electric light. r.Uvou wanta nlee.imnoth.easv shave vour hair cut or shampooing, go to Franx Roederer's Saloon, under the Exchange Hn- iii. e win nx you right, and don't you lorge. it. Best make of Horse Shoe Nnils for 2()cts a pound by tlie box at J. L. Uabel 8 A jury has obliged Buckingham town ship, Wayne county, to pay $2,500 damages to Mary Jane Cole on account of injuries which she received in driving on a public road that wai not in proper repair. &9.A Farm ofll8 acrei with a bouie on it, and about ft acres cleared, for sale cheap or In exchange for town property Three miles from Mauch Chunk. Address v. m. tupahcr, Lehlghton, Ta, CitiseniofEastSlroudsburg have sub scribed f 1250 and guarantee to raise the fund to $20,000 for tbe erection of a new court bouse if the county will let tho build Ingboputup In thst borough, Instead of Btroudshurg, theniuuly town. aaf The voice of the ieope. No familv Dyn were ever io pulur aa the Dimm-iil uvea, iliey neyer lall. The black Is fa superior to logwood. The other colore ate , " """"'Sou i Co , llur 1 llual,,n Vl brilliant. n... r.:-...l r irr t,... ........ i , . ' . . " - " ' "'""o" enjoyen "' vurmnias on crutches. A few days previous lie hod occasion lo visit the hay loft, when ha stepped In a break in Ihe aud attempted tooummll auicide by cutting floor and severely sprained and bruised his hit throat. Friends ittctfeded in Iruatrat leg. We are pleased to tute that he is Ira- Ing a latal reiult, and placed him under re foylng. itraint. Shaw declares that he will try it The people rf Mahoning who are ilia-' again aa soon as he cau get lheopairtui.ity. satisfied with their teachers ought lo petition He says he has had enough (.flbis life, tha school board to pay belter wages next The salary of. me ul the i lady l.achara year, Borne of their teaeheri art worth Ij tho schools ol Brooklyn bat been raised wore Jy than they get. ' uvm $1,800 lo $:.T00. In comformily wltll an oM and till lib ed custom ntlf town carrier will, wait upon hr patrons with a handsomely printed Sew Year's Address, and he hopes lhat he will be reteive4 pleatanttjr and lib erally. The upseltlng nfa ileigb al Mlllvlllt, a fjw miles from Calawitsa, threw a Urge party down an embankment, seriously In- j'trlng James Urnme, Charles Imslchwellsr, Caroline Green, Mary Iteislar and Willie Sltdelt. When others are suffering drop word of kindness and sympathy. If they a'e suffering from a told, give them Dr. Bull's Cough Syrop; lew tlosei of this valuable remedy will afford Instant rlief,aod a twenty-Eve cent bottle will cure tbe worst cough. A notice was posted up Sunday night by tbe Thomss Iron Company, of Hoken- dauqua, and tbe Crane Iron Company, at Calasauqua, that a general reduction of ten per cant. In wagea would go into efeit January 1. Lewis' Best White Lead at $7.01) a hundred at J. L. Gnbel's, for cash. Charles II. Derr, of Mauch Chunk, a soldier of the late rebellion and a member nl Chapman Post, died in that borough on Friday evening last, aged 39 yean. The body was taken to Eatton for interment on Monday last. "I D0NT FEEL WELU" The itom. ach is out ol order; neglactel, that means ohronio dyspepsia. You should lake Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets and avoid this terrible disease. Sold by C.T. Horn, Leblgblon, and F. A Horn, Weissporl. Christmas morning about one o'clock Emanuel Rollch,aged fifty years, a wealthy farmer and horse dealer, residing at New Media, Columbia county, was found dead at a hotel at Iho Lehigh Vuliey Depot at Mount Carmcl, with his forehead and face frightfully injured. It is the general opinion lhat he wni murdered. Notlco has been given for the closing. indefinitely, ol the Philadelphia and Read ing Coal and Iron Comnany rail mill in Reading on January 1. Three hundred hands will be thrown uutof employment. The caused assigned Is dullness in the iron trade. This mill makes the lareer Part of the raits used by tbe Pbiladeluhta and Reading Railroad Company. Ready mixed paints at S. L. Gabel's for $1.25 per gallon. W. II. Hildebrand, an Easton justice of the ieace, was dangerously injured bv Howard Mt-Intefra while attempting to pr.dect n boy from the latter's brutality a fjw days ago. In an address to the Dauphin county Teachers' Institute Gov. Paulson favored an increase in the number nl high echnnls,nnd remarked lhat the apread f crime waa proof of the necessity of closer attention lo moml training in theachoola. &a.Klnd render pause for a moment and think carefully over this. You will find lhat the pnijie'r pmco to buy tha cheap est harness, collars, blankets, ropes, wnips mi'l nil iirriaillint! to Hie Wnrklllf i-arli nn. pleasure elnlhra of horses, la at the store of Milton riory, Weissport. "Beautiful snow" is now classed ns a poem of passion ," aa it rouses an editor's pHsion every lime ho opens his mall and fin is Ironr.ine b Jwenly contributions on beuuiiful .nnwU Yea, indeed ilia a laiem ofpoMlnn. Biit'lt' ideates our livervman David. Ebbert, ou Norlh street, because ll creates such an immense demand for his hundsonieiycutters." Try it, terms reaaon- ble. ' - Supt. T.'M. Balliel lectured belore the Tea.-hera' Initiates at Pottaville and Wtlkrsbarre laat week. A large crowd attended the handicap foil race at Lee Park, nn Tueaday. In tbe first race, James Turner, of Philadelphia: John Thomaa and Tmmaa Gallagher, of Wilkrabarre. were enntestents. Turner won by three feet, amid much excitement In tils' second rare Turner waa defeated by John Ilcrmn of Wilkebarre. 10d. to 4()d. nails ot J. L. Gabel's for only $3.00 per keg. Locks $2.75 per doz. For the week ending on the 22nd Inat., there were 8(1,770 lone of coal trane- p.irled over the Lehigh Valley railroad, making a total to date of 33(1.852 lotia, a decreaae of 118,321 tons as ..-nmpared with same date laat year Peggy Gallagher was run over at Tomaqiin Tuesday morning on the Jersey Central Railroad by a north-botiud passen ger train and fatally Injured. She ped dled notioni from town to town. She was making her way to some of the mining lowm, fell nn tbe track and, being Intoxi cate. I, waa unable to yet up. Her home. If alio has any, is unknown. She was forty nine years of age. Sam Rosebery, Ihe barber, spent hia Christmas at his home in Philadelphia. Miss Mary Hoppes, of Bethlehem, daughter of the late George Hoppes, at one time proprietor of tbe Mansion House, Mauch Chunk, died In Bethlehem on Chrlstmna morning. She was shortly to be wedded to a Mr. O. W. Walker. Pure Linseed Oil, at J, L. Gabel's, G8 cents per gal lon lor casli The school dircetora of Kidder district after hiring their teachers at $30 per month found that their finances permitted them to pay more, and they at once raised the sal aries to $35. This la an act or generosity that is worthy of Imitation. David Lowry, a fttrnaceman In the employ of Ihe Crane Iron Company for a number of yesn, met with a sad accident, which resulted in his instant death Wed- nesday noon. Lnwry was on Ihe lopofNo.' 3 Furnace, and In taking bold of the rope to start the hoist Inst his balance and fell to tbe bottom, a distance of sixty feet, etrik log the ore barrows with nia head breaking hia neck and f.-aciuring hia akull. Tbe Coroner waa summoned and a verdict to the above effect wai rendered, Allenlown Daily Critic The County Commtaaionari have ap pointed Mr. Joel Zelgenfuae, of Lower Towameoatog, Mercbantlle Appraiser for 1851. One of Ihe Interesting features of Ihe M. E. Sunday school entertainment, was n little sjieicli by Miss Katie Durlingelccted fiom the kwiis of that well and lavorably known Poet and Humorist, the celebrated JWIyboymarcut, of Philadelphia. Daunt Shuw while visiting his lister at Miluesvtlle. Luierue county, after bur nwiug a raxor Wednesday lur the purpose of sbavtug himself, went iuto Ibe kitchen Tbe salary of the Scran ton letler car riers hai been Increase from $001) In fcfiJQ. Frjghtened by tbe contact of tha car pole wllh their hind lega two etreet car hnrsetrfeadailaa'teatn of four, In Bcrar. tin, broke loose, ran npoo the Dataware and Lackawanna Railroad, fell through a trestle bridge and were killed. Our esteemed friend Mr. V. M. Van Llew, of Philadelphia, wltb bis family, are pending tbe holidays with jclatlvea and frlendi In lown. A Ore In William Penn, Schuylkill County, Tuesday night, destrojed two blocks of tenement houses owned by the William Penn Coal Company, and val ued at $3000. Never tttrrnplcroTTiatlon with a backing coughf It creates a bad impression. Better inveat a quarter of a dollar In a hot tl e of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup aud cure it. A man known as "Dick tha Puddler." and Dyde Bright fought a terrible prise fight of eighty-seven nundi, near Wllkea Wire, Tuesday, for $200 a side. Tbe Pud dler waa declared tho victor. A. R. Harris' tnlllineryand lancy store, at No. 230 Lackawanna Ayenne, Scran too, was completely destroyed by Bra early Wed n cad ay morning. The Ion ia about $18,000 and Hie Insurance $8500. The wedding of John Gaberl.of Upp-r Mauch Chunk, and Miaa Carrie Lennan of Sbatnoktn, wai solemnized on Saturday evening, at tbe residence of the bride's til ler, Mrs. P. Stah, Upper Mauch Chunk, tbo Rev. J. Llndenstruth, pallor of Ihe Lutheran cburch,performing)lbe ceremony. Good Readme for Boyi andGlrli. Tht Kalci'lMcope, a monthly magatlne of pure and entertaining reading lor Ameri can youth, will make ill appearance about January 15, 1884. Ha publisher! promise Ihe beat journal of Its clan ever published for the price, 50 cents a year. Sample copiea gratia. An agent ia wanted In every county in the United States. Address Tux KaLiiDoicon, York, Pa. A Perfect "Oem." The following "gem" we clip from last Frday's Mauch Chunk Times: Tho semi-annual lore feast of the Drunkards, recently held in Epbrata, Ta., Included, among other ceremonies, the washing of each others feet by V0 men and 140 women, of a feast of bread and butter anlmut'on nup, with a regular cnmmun ion service alter, und of a sermon, prayer and singing of hymns. Tho idea of a "love feast" of Drukkaxus Is original with the editor ol Ihe Times. Wants Coxe to be a Candidate. There is a growing leeliug in Wilkes, bsrre among Democrats to try and prevail upon Eckley B. Coxe to lwonalder hia de termination to decline a renomlnalinn. The fsadtr,rx Chairman Bogerl's piper, in an editorial says: "We cannot help joining with thereat in the deaire that Mr. Coxe may yet be able to make audi arrangement of hia priyate concerns a a will permit of hia giving the public and tbe paity the benefit of hia eervirea lor another term. Hew Road to the Coal Regions.. An Easl'in despatch of Friday last save, the attorneys of the Pennsylvania, Slating ton and Hew England Railroad Company finished aying oil' nil claims against the company, either in the Sheriff's hands or In thoe ot individuals. A contract has been signed with C. C. Campbell of New York, who gives ample bond to build the road through from Slatingtnn, Pa., to Pino la land, N. J., wiihiu sixty working days, af ter which the company will thoroughly equip the Hue. The line will be Che short est from Iheonthracilecudl and slate region of Pennsylvania to the Hudson iibove New York city, and will hayu the best of con nections with thd New England Statea About twenty miles of eteel raila are laid. A Widow'! Claim. In 1880, August Reinhart. while walking near the lhigh canal, in South Enatnn, at night, f -1 1 into the water and waa drowned His widow sued the borough, because, at she alleged, the batik was not protected. Thecals waa first heard before arbitratora, who found fur the borough. An appeal waa entered and the cuse tried by a jury, which found five dollars damages. Think ing that ton light a sum lorn human life, it new trial waa aaked for fttid obtained, at which a verdict of $1,200 was rendered. Tbe borough was now dissatisfied and ap pealed lo the Supreme Court, which set side the award and ordered a new trial. This has fust been concluded before Judge Schuyler, who, after listening tntheevi dence and remarks of counsel, announced that the case need not go to the jury; the plaintiff had failed in its case and the Court would order a vrdlet for Ihe bor ough. Counsel for plaintiff talk of going to tbe Supreme Court. Sis Creek Items. A Hurry Naw Yxar In all. Valentine Shoenberger and Lewli Kemerer shot a catamount last Saturday, Sleigh riding is the Ulk of the day by most of our farmers. Mrs, Louis Moyer died Isst week; the funeral was held on Monday last at the St. Paul's church. A child of Francis Sloyer died Isst week and wai buried lu the St. Paul's cemetery. Mr. Jacob Hottenitein, of Tine Run, wit msrried to Mht Mary Loiett, of Wild Creek, last week. Mr. Edward Graver severely Injured bla thumb while putting up a wagon ahed A certain butcher, while killing an ox for a farmer In thia community, the ox got tbe advantage of him and rose with the butcher on bla back facing tbe tail. Next time be ahould put a aaddlo on before going to work. Tbe Big Creek ecbool bad a pelllng bee, but it was uniucceaaful, the teacher be. ing absent. He tayt he ate too much tour krout and ould not attend. The teaehert of Franklin met at Reber't ecbool house and organised a literary to ciely. The following officert were elected t President. C. A. Buck; Vico president, 8. L. Snyder Critic, E. II. Mooneyj Secretary, Jamea Boyar, They will meet every Tuet- day evening. We wiab them tuccesa. JiMta. Matrimony at Andennai Cbriittnss dsy turned out to be a matrl monial field day at St- Patrick's church here. Mr. Thomss Herron and Mlu Mary Ferry bolh of Yorktown, took a sleigh ride intodnuble harness; Mr. John Cannon, of Locust Gap, and Miss Bridget Earley, of Heaver Meadow, joined hinds fur belter or for worse; and Mr. John McIlugb,'fEber vale, aud Miaa Rose Shields, of Beaver Meadow, vowexl to cherish, love anil obey lor tbe rest ol their natural liyea. Rev. T. J. Marrow, wllh true clerical celerity, launched tbrm forth into the aeaofexiwct aut bliss wheuce no btcbalorof either icx returnetb. The Woods around here are lull o almiliar game, wounded by Cupid's darts, and inspired by belief in the old ada je," Misery lures company,", they are 'pairing ufr to seek bribe balm of Gibed. May Ihe brave and fair adrantureia eoj y a Happy New Year and many returns of n t the occasion to much as-the aeaaoe.. JKa n Speaker. raektrtos Letter. Wo have two Sunday Schools In this place, one under the auspices of the M. E. church they bold their terylcea in the church Banday afternoon Samuel Merit,. Supt) Tbos. Iretbaway Assistant the oth er, called a Unloar school, held in the old school houte,rrk Avenue; John McKelyey Supt.) John Bohn, Asst; both are well at tended, well conducted, and are doing good work. On Christinas Eye we accepted an Invitation to be present at their regular Chrlstmaa feitlvitle; entering we found the room artistically festooned, a ataglng at the rear end large enough to hold Ihe entire school, In Ihe centre front a large areb bearing au inscription "Merry Christ mat to all," nn each tide ware two unaller archei,var which werethewordi ''Wei come;" flanking each of these were two large tree", loaded duwn with gifts. The exercises were opened by the Superintend ent, Mr. Marts; then singing by Ihe aehool. "All If alt the Power of Jeaua name)" pray er by the Paator, Rev. B. F. Powell; then, an add rest ot welcome by Mlaa Grace Hampton, every word -was clearly aud dia tlnctlr uttered, and, with the ease of man ner that kept Ibe audience perfectly quiet and attentive; ahe received quite an encore at the close; a Christmss carol wtt finely rendered by the school; after which an ad dress by Rev. R. D. Naylor, pastor of the East Mauch Chunk church; a happy vein ot humor pervaded bis remarks, and ll seemed Inn bad that he had to be to brief owing to the coming of Santa Claut, who waa then at the door. Here he cimes, and sura ennugb,wbat appeared to be a veritable Sinta Clans, came marching up the title and np nn the ttage. It ia Impossible to describe the cooiternatian nl the little ones, though every precaution had been taken: however it waa soon overcome and quiet reitored, after a few cheering words 8anta Claul began tbe distribution uf the gifts, everyone, old and young, went kindly ro membcred; after this n Christmas anthem wai rendered by the aehool; a brief addre't, by Paator rowel); benediction by Rev, Naylor, and tho dismission by tbe superin tendent. It wai an evening's enjoyment long to be remembered by the little ontt everything passed off yery pleasantly. We could find no fault, but would suggest, for the consideration of those who have charge of such gntherings,thit it would be in better taste and more essentially a Sunday school affair, if pa rente or others who have Cbriit- mat gifta for loved onrt to giye them t home and not bring tbeir presentation on uch occasions. On Cbristtnai night the Union school assembled in the old school house. Tbe room was tastefully leslooned; on tbe right as you came in, were the words "Glory to God in tbe Highest;" on the left "Peace on Earth and good will to men," all in large gilt letters; in tho centte of tbe platlorm front, a large arch, over which were the words "Welcome;" on each tide of this was a large tree, loaded with gifts. Promptly at eight o'clock AaiU Supt., John Bohn, opined the exercises; atnginc by the aehool, "Tell the Good Newt," led by Mr. Everett; prayer by Mr. Bohn; then tinging by Ihe ichool "Awake, Awake;" reading of tbe Scriptures by tho ecliwl; alter thia an in structive address to the children by John Hagen; followed by tinging "Merry, Merry Christmas;" then the distribution of gifts; each scholar getting a package of candy and a book. Supt. McKelvey then addressed the aehool; the exerctaea were closed by iloglng "We are Drifting Away" This school is in a prosperous condition and de serves tbe recognition and assistance it re ceives. The same programme ol giving family gifts was observed in Ibil icbuol. Mr. William Butler, uf Mauch Chunk, was to be present and address the school but, owing to tbe storm, wai detained at home, Axox. TromPtrryvllle. The childrcn't entertainment on Chrlit- maa night was really a matter uf treat con gratulation to tbe managers. The pro gramme was very happily arranged, and not a jar or halt waa felt during the two hours and a hall excercises,. Miss Llziie Ilowman officiated ai the organ. Tbo singing thrnuitli the evening by the follow ing persona waa charming: Miaes Sneger, Illnianand Thomaa, toprann; Miss Diiftr, alto; Mr. George Bowman, baaa, and Prof, Reinhart, tenor. That typical young American, Guy Peters, made the opening addreaa, followed in amootb rotation by a seriea of pleasant pieces and dialogues, thst showed good training; in which also tbe youths, Kindt, McConnell and Fields, and the Miaaei Conyghim and nthera are worth mentioning. Tbe "Dutchntam" deaerved a better tet-up tbtn it received. Harry Peters ahowed conalderable action. The etumpepeech by McConnell, greatly ilir red Ihe audience. The female tutlrigiit done nicely. The fussy old lady wailing for the train with the troublesome boy was well acted; and to say Ihe leaat all were well trained. Tbe inimitable liegro char acter waa presented in a aide splitting man' ner by Robert Petlit, jr. In presenting tbe popular tide of the female suffrage quit tlon he was rose to tho occasion two feet free from Ihe platform. His wife thesharer of bit agony was a silent, yet impressive wit new. The ac reaming babies, yelling aud' ience end earnest oration wound up the entertainment in a manner which again ehnwed lhat tbe arrangement was well planned. The whole evening wn in toxicatlng In iti pleasant effecta thai we are all going to tee the minstre'a, coming oaiuraay evening, jacobus. Time ii Koney. Time and money will be saved by keep ing Kidney-Wort in the house. It is an invaluable remedy for all disorders of the kidneys, llyer and bowels and for all di seases arising from obstructions or these or gans. It has cured many obstinate cases after hundreds of dollars hai been paid to physicians without obtaining relief. It etirea constipation, piles, blliousuess and all kindred disorders. Keen It by you. Another Deceptive Wife. A Jeraey Ciiy, N. J., depateh of tbe 24th lost, ttytt "Victor Kleaa, a pattern-male , arrived from Austria about two yean ago and located at Mauch Chunk. Hit four teen year old daughter accompanied him Laat July be tent for his wife, and ahe wrote back tbat there wai a fine young mechanic in love with tbe daughter and de tired In marry her. She aiked the husband to tend inoiiey to defray the young man's passage, aa it would be to pleasant to have a traveling companion during the long journey, Kless tent Ihe money for both. The young man wai Enierick Berkley, and he Ii now in prison in Jersey City charged with grand larceny. He waa the paramour of Mrs. Kless, and three weeki ago he and hit mlitreu fled from Mauch Chunk, and located lu Greenville, this county, Seckley I and Mrs. Kless were recognised by a friend I of the deserted husband, and the latter cime on and procured a warrant for grand , larceny against Seckley, who waa captured laat night. I John Faga, ot Mauoh Chunk, broke) tbe thumb of bit right band on Moodiv 'tilt. Now Advertisements.. r. ATt) iEi sr Sendua your uddresa-and we Will mail yon FUIJE OF ClIAIlUi: Sample and Desttlptlve Illustrations (if KURSHEEDIU Fataioaable Specialties! l.aoea, ItTtohlniiMJralds. Embroideries and other STANDAitn AnnciES. 'Address Tho Kurshoodt MTg Co., New York City. Mention this paper. dtrto-wt 2!s3 i BjlfSSSa?! illflii Hiss SSba CAIN Health andHappiness. ? DQ AS OTHERS y&OKF BAYEDOKL Axo your Kidneys disordered? KUnej Wort brought mo front my jrraTC, m it weK,rterlhd beou irirei. up Lr I31fjt doctor tn Dtroit," IL W. IYKraa2tM(KL&alcrItbUch. Aro your nerves weak? "Elanry Wurt rurvl mo from neron eaknffwr &a.rtcr I was not Miwtcri to 1 1 TtV-Mr. M. IL. D. Godwin, EO. ClinttU 2lonitor Cl-JYel&nd, U. Havo you Bright's Disease? . "Kidney won en red m hen Ttvr water watiuti Uke c&&fc nd tUin Ilk blnod." Frank Wilion.rcftlxxiy.MMS. Suf f oring" from Diabetes ? MKlilndyWort ljtIiniostrucceMfuIremetly 1 hars erer uod. GItm almost iminoxiuta relief." vr turnip u UAUou, aouicton, vt. Havo you Liver Complaint? "KldnryAVortcuml mo cf chroula Linr Ulsoaies after Xnraycd to die,' . uonry wara, iato vol. C3inx.it. uuara.r. i. Is your Back laxno and acliing? Kidney.Wort,(l bottle) currd tuo vhen I waito Utae 1 liad to roll out of heU.M j 'iaiunaeiiuivTanKee. wis. Hp-vo you Kidnoy Disease? MIU JneyT ort maAo me itound In llrrr and kldwya atter yoara of casucrciwlul dtvtorlnp. Its worth 910 box." Sini'i liodtfes, WUllamttown, Mat Va. Are you Constipatod? "KldnerVort r&nses raT Taruatlonit aiiiienrod me aitor 18 yuan us cf other mofllrlnen.' Havo you Malaria? "KldaeT.Wort ha dono better than any other remedy X iiaro Tcr tued in ry practire." i s aba IWa vw iiwusu Mi v( Aro you Bilious? mdnrvAVnrt ruvn dono me mora trood than tBT other moody I Iibto ever taken.1' lira. J. T. Ualloway. Elk Flat, Orecron. Are you tormented "with Piles? pllee. IJr. W. O. Kline recomiticnded It to mo." Ooo. ii. llont, Cainior 11. iUnk, Jlyersiown, Ta. Are you Rheumatism racked? 'ICIdney.Wort cuivd rue, after 1 wns citvn Up to die by physicians and 1 hid t utTvml thirty j cart.' iUbrlJp Mtlcoliu, Wert Bath, Xalno. Ladies, aro you Bufforing? TTIri nv.Vnrt nircd tna of noillr truuulra of seTertUjeariBtndltitr. !any friemti tine and nralae It." ilri. IL Lamoreaux, Ikle I llottc, Vt. If you "would Banish Disease ana gam iieaitn, xaue The blood Cleawoci. Executor's Notice. Estate of t'or.oMON Stbiokrwalt UecenvcU IaCtters Tpntsvnentnrv on tho ottato of Sol omnn telierw lit, ltft of East Hcnn Town ahlp, Carbon tJounty, lenna., ileceasd, hove rreen trranieu in nnfiirerwau, rcBiuinK In Weet Pnn Tovrnslilp. CSchuylkUl Oniintv, I'enna,, to nhmn nil persons intlobtrd lo fa til estate Are requested to make payment, onl those bar Inn; claims or 1etnntls will make the sume kouwn wthotit del ty, to MOSKS sNTKIUKItWArr, Kxcmtor, or to rrtKVMAN & ICiepub. his Att'ya. December 2i,l8S1-w8" VALUABLE FARM At Privato Sale ! The nnrterslarnert nifrrs at l'rlvate Sale, hia vnluahlo Kami, situate In FHA.NKI.1N towwsiiii', rarhnn ll.iutitv, la., aimi one and unehalf ntliea trntn the lttrtittirli ul Welsannrt, on the intullo roaJ leading tn ttresKeviiie, ooaiaininie 46 ACRES, 35 Acra s of which are cleared and under a aKOoii state nt etittiration. the hulance ne Inir. In Youi.p Chratuut Tlmtx-r, lmumlcd by lands or Ainus Suit, Jaeub Sx,hu und Tlios. Konns. Tho Improvements thereon consist or a i wuanaa.oau siurv Plank Dwelling Houso, 18X11 reet, with Twn Story Wlnif 14 x 1C irri, ana jtiicntn ixte tei, iianK nam, 30 x it reet, Wiiiron Ilnnae, 14 x -'il teet, limn IJrlh. Dhl-ken lliinsx, tlvg Piabla anduther necessary ottttitilldlna'S. There Is n fine L A lit t K ) HUII A H 1) or Choice Krult Treca, drape and other vine' on the nronerty, and a Ann yvrll or Kever falling water clore to inn linuH., 1 his tironertv otTers a fine a r.lianeo to a mandesl rlnir to secure a comrnrtuhle home on easy terms, APiny on ine rrtnnisf to Wat. fcUOKI-iNHII.L, frxnUlln twi., I'a, Weissport P. O. Dee.S2.18S2.tr4 Applicants for License. I,ltof Appllean's ror Tavern, Hcrlanrnnt and l.tquor atoto licenses at January Term cfUourt, lit) I; TAVEUNS. Lewis Arrahruster, 1st ward Mauch Chunk lllKhtnan K. i'ehr, " " Joseph Stnldt, " " " .I.S.Kelser, " " " Ucorge WotHfrlntr, Sd ward " " A. I', Oluuir, Lohlnlilou JJornugh Jatharlno Each, " " Thomas Manlz, " " Philip Ita-ler, tAtt MsueU Cnunk tlorouxh John F. Ujan, Kast Mauch UhunK Ifjrough Ed. McCleidy, taat Msucu L'banlc Henry Trapp, Weissport JiotouKh Francis Ijiilry, Lansfortl liomuzli Francis J.Stilulds, Jamsa MeUiuty, " " Ua.ld M. Williams, " " llelUMrUlnly, " " Joseph Vent, Weatherly Borough I'aiiier Mclaer, " " Jatuca R. Purcell, " " lvl llarta. " " Jurlah Htoincl " " lillillne rjoyder, I'trryvllle Ilorouuh J. T MellHDtel. Mabunlntr Township Frank .Sloeker, MuhonlnK Townahlp Leupold Meyer, I'nckerion Ulstrlci fatrlck liertnott, NcaixuehonlnK District Jamea Smith. " Jacob Heat, " " Patrick Meehan, IhlKh Townahlp Ellas Frits, Jlaucn Ullunk Tonoshlp Tln.ulhy llajan, ' James Hweeuey. " ' ' Auiandus llachtnan, ' " " P.J. lloyte, LausanneTownshlp Aaron rJtrohl, Lower Towauienslnj; Twn Froil. Wlssler, ' Wallaci llhoadi, " " 8. II. Anlt'ony, " ' " Nathan Memier.Towimrnalnir Township Thomas A. .Snyder, Tuwaturnslng Township David ilelti, Franklin 't'uwnshlp. KESTAUKANTS. John J. Mdltnloy, 1st ward Mauch Ohunlc John D, Miller. Lchlghtou Uoruugh A. K. Miller, " liicb 11. Wlddoss, 11 ! Wilson A. Peters, " " Fred, K. Miller, " " Mar.arel Mulliearn, Lansford Ilorough Patrick McKenna, " Jacob Slruussbcrger, Weissport Jlorough 'llionias Watklns, NtsiuehiinltiK IHsiricl John F. Jllecktey, I.thlih Townslilp ltobt, A. Motive, Maucu Uliuuk Township I.1QUOK STOllKd. iTatharlne Sharkey, Mauch Chunk IlorouitE Ojilr Me ser, teatherly horouah John Lluusnbcrger. Wcatbvrly llmough Mrs, Mary Uatuiibell, I.atisforil llorougti James (Jannon, ielilirli Township Anthony IJull, Lulilu Township Mary Jirogan. llauka Tuwnilili Uaisarine il alloy, Mauch UUunk Township oeohqe v. kssi:r. Dee. ti, 1IU. Prvthoootarr. text! ' 2 i J e E5 ItitoMetters Jtemalnlng uncalled for tn Ibe Pott Of Ace at this place, Dee. 2T, 1 fiS3 1 Almrrr Jtinios F., I Marklo.v, Kmmi, llitrgrr, Hylvanm, Miller, Mlaa Jean, Il.iwinan.Hrnla,. Miller, Solomon, Itmman, Jenii!. Miller, Alex, Dtiin, Otlrn L , Vetets. llwin, Oumberti, Kalharti Kehrla. Jnntis, Humbert, James, I lies; x-mma, J., Deary, II. H., Hnviler. D.J,, HuniiRkcr. M.J, I Se'sir. John, Jnurs, K. Ii., j.Slgiiu. I3uan, Keutf-rer. Mry, Bni'Wk ilenry, Ktiu,Eil. K, j Wolf, fltr. IjiDftliigk, Mnn I Wider, iinmi Wllhelm, Onlins. Fenw$ ealttog for any of tha nboyo let' trrs will ptuse 'by a'ativerttsetl." 'S. J. StlURT,, Ass't r. Nf. iMAItlUUlt, VAUOHX DonillE OnTurav af ntmn, Deremher 35, by Rnv, J, A, l.ltlle, of lltikentlHUqiia, John Vaughn, pi rorn Dale, Ijelilh unnnty, IVnnsylvatila(nd Miaa Christina Double, formerly of llok entlanqtia, STOCK MAHKET3. flennrted nn bi 12 nVlwk, byIe Haven Jt Tiiwiiseinl,nauker.,Ni'. 3(1 8 Third Street, I'l.'illdi'lpliia. Btncka bought .ami aold either or rsah or on martin. Phitadtlnh-ji. Dae. 211. 18S.1. bid asked IT Klt'a. Ext......... ............... ...... 10! - 0 8 Currency 132 1.S2J U 8 4h, new 1)4 114 1241 1244 I'l-ntiaylviinin H 11 SR aH riillirlcltiliia .V Ilr-oilli.K 11 H 27 27g r.ihlirli Vallev Hit 71 72 L'IiIkIi Coal ,V Navigation Co 441 United N J It It i Cannl Co 1U4 4 Nnrthern (,'enlrnl It It C - 80 tWj Hestnnville rasa. H ft C 10 17 iiuir. n. y. & riiiia. it n c lift iu N'ew Jersey Central 83 R3f Northern failtie Com 2Sa 211 " " Pref d S41 S51 N'ortli Pennsylvania U It C8 Philadelphia Iie It It 11 10! Silver. (Trudeal 88 DO Fall &; Winter! H. H. Petebs' Merchant - Tailoring KSTAUniSHMEiNT, Poat (Ifflco Hutldlng, opp. Puhlle Stjuare Bank Strcot, Lehighton. A full line of OENTS' FUItNISIIINU UOODS, at Lowest Prices. tnar-fji THE SUN. NEW YORK, 1884. , Aliout sixty million coplrsof ThkSun have gorieuui ot our csiaonantneni tiuring ine pan twelve months, irvi.tt where lo naste end to end all the columns oral! Thb erNa printed and sold lust year you would iret a eonllnuus strip or interesting iniorniatton, cnuimon senso, wis tlom, sound doctrine, and anno wit lonir enough 10 reach rrmn Printing House square to the top orMount llopcrnlcus in the moon then b.H-k to Printing lloure pquare, und then three quartern oflhe way back lo the moon attain. Hot 'I'ltitSDN la written forthelnlinbltanta ortheearih, thin same strip 01 Intelllireuce would alnlle the globe twonty.suven or twentj'i'Ulit lltnus. Kevcry liuyernrn copy orTimSrvdurlng the past year has spent only one hourorer it, 'inn 11 ins trite or ins Kruiiot ttuer i,as stent annttiei lour, this newspaner In 133 has aT inrtled the human ruuu thirteen years of atrndv readlna. nlirht and iliiv. ll la only by llitle calculatlnna like these mar you cm form any i.ien nt ine circulation ortho most popular of American newspaper?, or ot Its Influence -n thu oplnlona and actions or American men and women. TitK SDN Is. and will continue to be, a new, in per which telle Ihe truth without rear or consequences, which acta at the facte no matter bow much the process coats, which presents the news or tbe world without waste d words and In the moat realdo shape, which le working with all Its heart Tor the eau.e ol honest Kovernment, and which thenrore be lieves that the ltepubllcan party must no, and must go In this coming year of our Lord ISM. If rou know Tuts Srir. you like It alreadv. and you will read It with accustomed dili gence ami prom (luring wnai is sure to ne the most Interesting ycrln Its history. If you do not know Tuts Scis, ll Is high lime to act Iato the sunshine. Terms to Mall Snbicrtben, The several edition nt TimSoa are sect by tnatl, imstpald, as rollows: liAli,V0 renti n month, a year; with rMinday edition, IT SUNDAY Kluht pigcr. Thia edition riirnlihce thecurreni mwa or the world, special articles or exceptional lolereat to ercrvbody, mid literary rerlewa or new h.ioka or the highest merit, el a year. WliUKI.Y l a year. Einht pagva ofthe lit ft matter ol the dally Isaitea; an Agricul tural ilrinrtment of unequalled value, special market reports, and literary, aclen tide, and domestlo Intelligence inakeTHK Wkiwlv Sua the newspaper for the term er's household. To clubs or ten wltn I0 an extra copy rree. Address I. W. ENOLAND, Publisher. Tue8u,N. V Olty. WM. DUPPY & SOU, of East Mauch Chunk, are prepared lo do all kinds of Plasterii & Ornamental Wori, it shortest notice. Orders by mail will re vive prompt attention. Terms moderate fir Rood, work, aeplMf No Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors In tbe Unite,! States Canada and Kurope, at reduced rates. With our principal offlco located In Washington, directly opposite the United Statea Patent omee, we are able to altind to all patent huslncaa wllh greater promptness and de- apateh and at leu cost than other patent at. torneyi who aro at n distance from Wash ington, and who bare, therefore, to employ " assoclato attorneys." We make preliminary examinations and furnish o4niona as lo la tenlablllty, tree of charge, and all who are Interested in new Inventions and patents are Invited to send Tor a copy o our "Outde for obtaining Patents," which la aenl free lo any addrres, aud contains eonitdMe Inatruc lions how to obtain patent! and other valua ble matter. 'Vo refor to the fiarman-Amrr-Icau National Hank Washington, D. O, f the loyal R wallah. .Norwegian and Datilhiira tluna. at Waanlngtuat Hon. Jos. Casey, late tlhlel JiiBilce U.S. t'rutri nl Ulalms: m the Omclala or tha V. M patent (I31ee, and to tieiialors nnd Menibcra or Oongreaa from every htate, Addrc.at J.OUltf riAOOKlt K L'O Be Helton ot Patents ant Attnmeaet I.aw.Le Dtolt IlstUIng W-iemaiim, I). U, ll 1 1 ORTHB BlrOODJ Positivtr Curd ron meuma ECIAHq ILBASQ. AnlnfnlllMatemailTfiirl all dl'casce f the (Mil anllllunl,tiu Teller, ' JUDfrworni, berofnla,, ItrTalperaa, rimplea Ulnteliea. and lathe lst Itemed! l Erteirit f E KS? SSI I rail 1,'emalM Coni-1 tilnrntw and Vfm. U4 neiek K ba.ii cured! diseases er Ihw.SxMeL and JcjuiiivTvrtfba V other rcmiUlea havJ: ruticu. DQ pot let your Drops- VtW1, I0" W ra4 sornetliliig else, Viut If bo iu Jpot It, andf will not aend fir It, wtKa ti M. m J vrmiencH It lo you ty aiptcM, prepaid, on, wteit of prlca. r a I n 1 1, eofl Vrfit tca o f Hh mi me I hi & vnin w lilL Ll Bfnm rt V P w T' 1 1 1 1 1 T.t miv Rt nf In P Inammntory or Acutu, VhcuiuatUin, irhyureJsu. .Threo lo Cvo botavj will euro riralpehwt id ,iti wont iuru. , torrupt and nutting Ulcers. I .ronr Ii r'-c liott'.ci aro TTtvrantod. ta cnttf Unycaac of !- lineum. ...Flva Vi cisht bottlca frill ware- tlo won1 Icaio of Scrofula. Pmm imi tn tartr month-? pf Rfteirnatlrl Kynip will cum pny voto of Chroulo r.)irnmaHim (of tweuty years' auujlpg. I Ifyonllnvoccna!ittcr for years, and baTrl isedalltha lcmcalei you conm jicavofiwun n livall, do pot ba dlscourftcsd, for J..baainatl yrnp. will euro you. Price. 1.00 per lotUe O barOafor IW0. r.cn-i for our pamphlet or i catiwuuiais, euv KIIEUM ATIC B YKT7T CO . r.ochclcr,y;Y. Failing That is what a great many people are doing. They don't know just what is the matter, but they have a combination of pains and aches, and each month they grow worse. The only sure remedy yet found is Brown's Iron Bitters, and this by rapid and thorough assimilation with the blood purifies and enriches it, and rich, strong blood flowing to every part of the system repairs the wasted tissues, drives out disease and gives health and strength. This is why Brown's Iron Bitters will cure kidney and liver diseases, consumption, rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, mala ria, intermittent fevers, &c. 03 S. rca St., Baltimore Nov. t8, i88i. I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and for several weeks could eat nothing and was growing weaker every , dayV I tried Brown's Iron Bitters, and am happy to say I now have a good appetite, nnd am getting stronger. Jos. McCawlev, Brown's Iron Bitters, is not a drink and does not. contain whiskey. It is the only preparation of Iron that causes no injurious cf-. iects. Get the genuine.. Don't be imposed oa withj imitations. rou imi aicd rsAG?. For mom ths-ifttbu-tlofrtcenturTtlia I Mexican ftfnai artf; Llnlmruthaoueen known Uilnllllona ull fjvtlr thownrklaa ItliHJ otilv tafo rolhmoa for tha relief of I accidents nnu nam. ll is a tuucucina nboro prloo nntt pmiao Uie beat at ttn hind. For every fottu of uctuluiU pain MEXICAN 1 Mnstancr Ltnlmont Is wltbont an ermal 1 sa peiietraice urui suia inuaeie ic Baiioo of pntn una lnflarnmatlon Imnoa- nine very none maxanrr mo eonunu- Iaioieu 1 meat oct n upon jinmnn xiea.'iaHi thnUrntoCrpntlon croeonsllv wonder- IfuL ThoUesican MUSTANG ILInlmont Is needed Irr aomeboirr in leveiybonso. Every day bring nowc of 91110 Rfpay oa bii nvitis ffuiu or unru subdued, ot rlseuinntXo snartyr ro Btorewl. or a valuable, liorre or ox I aared by tha healing power uf Ibia LINIMENT which rpeedllr cares cccU o.Dxnezits; ef the HUMAN Avmi n nhanmatlsm. HireIIrrir, SlInT Joints, rontraeteol Jtlnselee, Jlnrnal na neeuae, vata, arnttii nnu Bnralns, l'olaouona llllre and htlnsre, ftlfTUeae, I.inrne.., OIU Norec,tncrr,l'roatbltc,ClillliUlis. owrv i,riAva, vurtt !rsasi, riiutyi Indeed evevjr form ef czAerual t'.U- KA -. iinui minoni iruv, Vor tbo IIUDTB C3S1T10X It cures Sprain, Sivluuy, fctllT Joluta, rcuaatri ITaraeaa Kores. Hoof III aaes, root Hot, tx-revr tt nnu. Scab, Hollow Ham, Ncnitclire, Vlud raUai SpaTin, Ttirtiak, Itlnaboue, uia rtorea, J-oll iivtl, turn upon I dikii aim avorjr ouirr aiiiiieiis la tvhlch (ha aeourutnia ut the Stable nnd block Yanl are liable. Tbej Mexican Jrluataner Z.lnluicntt alwara enrea anrl never ilUappoiuUS buuiih, pwiurut THE BESS OF ALL POB MAST 03 EH&STe 2 THE I I OF ALL 1 umwmit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers