; J. F. HALBACH, MusiC Dealer AND Instructor in Music LEHIGHTON", Ponna. A full line of all kimli of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Sheet Music, MUSIC BOOKS, &c, constantly ksnl on hand nt the Ware oom, ueur'lhe L, Sc 9. Depot. Sols Agent In Iho Lehigh Valley for Belming Pianos ! Calt.and.ee themj they havo no superior. Also, Agent for Woljor, Decker, onnor and J. P. Hale Pianos, AM various Mate of OHMS Instruction given at Pupil's residence on Piano, Organ, Voice and Theory. oc28 A Great Cause of Human Misery IS THE LOSS OF A Lecture on the Nnlure, Treatment and Jtallcal cure ofSemlnat weaknes", or Sperm, atorrhoa Induced by Soil-Abuse, Involuntary Kmlssluns, Impotency, Nevotis Debility, and l-npellmnts to MarrliK' irenerally ; Oon. sumption: Epilepsy and Fits ; Mental anil I'hyslonl Ino-ipaeliy, Stc-lly ItOIUiltT J. O ITI.VKKWKLt., M. D., author or tlo "Oroen Uook," &o. The world-renowned author. In this admir able Lecture, cleariy proves from his own ex perience that the awrul consequences of Sel ( Abuse may be effectually removed without cUnifcrotu surgical operations, bougies. In simulants, rings or sordlals; pointing out a node ol cure at once certain and oiretual, bv which every sullerer.no matter whit his con. illtlon tny be, may cure himself cheaply, privately nd radically. ta-Thti Itciure wtltprovea loon lothout mndt and fnoutanrfs. Sent under se il. In a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of six cents, or two post age stamps. Address Tlw CuivcrvTcll Medical Co., 41 Ann St., New York, N. Y ; Post nmeo Hox 4o. Oct. 7, 1832,lyr. An Old Soldier's EXPERIENCE. " Calvert, Texas, May 3, 1882. " I wish to oxprcss my appreciation ot tho valuable qualities ot Ayer's Cherry Pectoral as n cough remedy. " Whllo with Churchill's army, Just before the battle of Vlcksburg, I contracted a se vere cold, which terminated In ft dangerous cough. 1 found no relief till on our march wo camo to ft country store, where, on asking for some remedy, I was urged to try Avmi's ClIKllllV FlICTOUAL. "I did so, and was rapidly cured. Slnco then I havo kept the Pectohal constantly by me, for family use, and 1 havo found It to bo an Invaluable remedy for throat nml lung dlscnscB. J. W. Whitley." Thousands of testimonials certify to the prompt cure of all bronchial and lung nm-ctloiiB, by tho use of AvEn's Cunititv Pectoral. Being very palatable, tho young est children take It readily. ntcrArtED by Dr.J.C.Aycr&Co.,Lowoll,IVlass. Sold by all Druggists. WHO IS UNACQUAMTCO WITH THC CIC-CFIAPMY OF THIS OOUN TBT WILLStl BV IXAMININO THIS MAP THAT THI p Q mmBm Y M CIJBtS ; WHIM All llSt fAltS. llj f5l BestCong-n Hymn. TnflteetrootL IS UH Use In time. Bold by druggists. 2 rf.,TOIHMlliaiy rrSl)LlNTON BUETNEY, fashionable Kzt3 Boomnd Siiois .Makkii, Hank St., XehlKh'ton. All work warranted. MONEY IS MADE by Judicious Investments In Wall Street. Wo send FREE, to any address, full Information nf a avstnm of oueratlir bv which sums ot 10, S25, $100 or more often return largo proms. 'EDOATt BOOTAY & CO., 6 Wall Street, New York. nov.25-ru0 CHICAGOsROCKISL&HD&PACIFIC R' By the contra position of Its Hue, connects the aat and tho West by tlib ehortest route, and car rten passengers, without change of sari, between Chicago and Kansas City, Council 131ufTa. Leaven worth, AtchUon, Mtnueapolla and Bt. Paul. It conrote in Union Depots with all the principal line of road between the Atlantic nnd tho Pacific Ooeani. Its equipment la unrivaled and magnifi cent, being: composed of tloat Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coaohcs, Macniflaent liorton Re elinlnc Chair Can, Pullman's Prettiest Palaee Bleeplne Cars, and the liest Lino of Dining Cars In the World. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri Xllver Points. Two Trains between Chi cago and Minneapolis and SU Paul, via the Famous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE' A New and Direct Line, via Benecaand Kanka kee, haa recently ttsen opened between Richmond, Norfolk, Newport Newj. Chattanoosa, Atlanta, Au gusta, Nashville. Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati, Indian spoils and Lafayette, and Oman a, Minneap olis and St. Paul and intermediate points. All Through Passengers Travel on Past Express Trains. Tiokets for sale at all principal Ticket Offloes In the Unitod States and Canada. Baggage checked through and rates of fare al. ways as low as competitors that offer less advan tages. For detailed Information, get tho Maps and Fold Ors of the GREAT ROCIC ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Tioket Office, or nddresi R. R. GABLE, E, ST. JOHN, U TloePres. & Qeo'l U'K'r. Cen'l TSL & Pui. Agt. CHICAGO. " rrra or Mrirrf tit a jwt nimi 'tin vtihf :ii'iN( tti. KTt-ini mi vt. ltautllliir the Complexion . O.-lMOMf OF OTD LADIES. l-CHTA-It U tha brat MMMlsa t tb f v ihm I rrtr iAd,t no mm Mtbtr I LARA 1 OLliE i. EUOGO-1 1 (t.tl im i pUwuto io Add mj Mm to ttv tut f ihoN Buy Your Spring and Summer Groceries, Queensware, etc , AT C. M. SWilll & SOF! Old Post-Offlce Building, Bank St. Lehighton. mm Emm INDIAN B OODSYHUP I Cures all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bow els, Kidneys, Skin and Blood. Millions testi- Sfy to its efncaoy in healing the ahove named diseases, and pronounce it to be tho iTafls Mart. CEST rkmedy known to man. Guaranteed to Cure Dyspepsia. USTA GENTS WANTED Laboratory 77 West 3d St., New York City, Druggists'sell it. LYKHNS, DAuruiH 06., I'. Bit. Olarr Johnson: My botly wai llionilly rovrreil with Tetter, tor wlilch 1 conM pet no relief until I took vour INDIAN 11LOOU SYKIH', which liai circclujlly curoU m . 1 rccommeml It lilulily. KNOCK IIF.KQEU. By the Combined Treatment of EXCELSIOR RUPTURE PLASTER AND HEALING COMPOUND ! Foslttve evidence of Wonderful Curei sent on receipt of 3c. itsmp. Juljr J5-yl Address, F. If. SIEItRICK, Ojdenslurr, N. Y. PURGATIVE MISOELLAHEODB. -Ever Tanner should t least have one oojnty pafier, and that paper should be tho AdvuOaik, which contains all the latest lo cal news. Only $1.00 a rear. Barns genius has Invented a machine to plar pianos. This will give girls a dunce to help mother bang out the clothe, Monday afternoon. ADVICE To"mOTHEK8. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child aulferlng and cry- Ins with pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and get a bottle of Mrs. WiNat.ow'a Soothing Syrup for Cuilorkx Tkktiiino. Its vntuo Is Incalculable. l will relievo the uoor little sufferers immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there Is no mistake about it, It cures dysentery and diurrhoea.rcgu lates the stomach and bowels, cures wind collcsifleus the gums,rrLcestnflammatlun and gives lone and energy to the whole, sys tem. Mrs. Winsi.ow'h Soothiko Syrup rou CiilLnnKH Trktuino is pleasant to the taste, and is tho prescription of one ol the oldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States, and is for sate by all druggists throughout Ihe world. Price 25 cents a boltlc. "What madded me," said the man, "was nut that the goat chased me but that the sympathies of the lolks looking on were all against me." On Thirty Days Trial. Tits Voltaic Uklt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro Vol. las Belts and Electric Appliances on trial lor thirty days to men (young or old) who are afflicted with nervous debility, lust yi- (laity and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete restoration of health and manly vigor. K. B. No risk is incur red, as thirty days' trial is allowed, s.ly A scientist states that nightcaps are con ducire to sleep, but he fails to Inform i wide awake public whether they should be mixed or plain. Work Given Out. On receipt of your address we will mske an offer by which you can earn $3 to $7 evenings, at your home. Men, Women, Boys or Girls can do It. II. 0. WILKINSON & CO., 196 and 107 Fu'.ton Street, New York. VARIETIES. It Is quite 'possible to have n geulne feeling of love for a wealthy girl, because some rleli damsols nrt worth loving. Many men havo been sold en poor girls. Manufacturers of castor oil are trying to get up n ring te boost prices, and the baby which won't do nil it can to aid them eserves to bo dosed six times per week. A Minnesota farmer odvertised that If the man who had run away with his wife, wo children and J50O would return the young ones, he might keep the money and the wife. If it bo true that "there's nothing half so sweet in lite as love's young dream," It s equally true that there is nothing half so awful as an old and wornout love's night mare. Don't elulch at tho shadow and lose the substance, says a patent medicine adyer scmenl. liood advice. When you are falling dun't clutch at the air. Grab the back of you neck nnd let yourself down gently. It's rather embarrassing for a shop keeper to bo obliged to bluff a tax assessor on the valuation of his stock, and on being burned out that night have to face the man as chairman of an underwriter's committee on valuation. When the papers speak ot the infant industries ol the country they don't mean licking tho toes In the mouth or biting up on rubber rattles, although those are the principal Industries of the infant. Startling crimes are offreriucnt occur- rence now, and yet some people contend that the worjd Isn't any wurse than it used to bo. Terhaps. however, it only has a wurse way of showing its wickedness. They no logger shoot apples off the heads u leading lacles nn the variety stago. A supe fires a gunbchind the sccnet and a boy knocks the apple off with a feather duBter, and everything Is not only lovely but perfectly safe. If the cashier of a bank, doing busi ness on a capital of half a million, steals the bank funds and buys in tho stock nf the bank on the quiet, who's going to prosecute him. And now it is learned that army officers are overworked and discouraged. Eachodi cer has to boss anavcrage of eight men,aud it Is a killing task. By land or at sea, nut on the prairie, or in the crowded city, Ayer's Catharlin Pills are the best for purgative purposes, every where alike covenient, efficacious and safe For sluggish bowels, torpid liver, indiges tion, bad breath, flatulency, and sick head ache, they are a sure remedy. A Chicago mou has just received one rent damages from a man who ran away with his wife. lie was bound to be rccom penced for his loss. V'What is bred In the bone, will never out nf the flesh." But rheumatism, piles. nnlaria,constipatian and all other confluer.ls from derangements of the functions of the liver; kidneys and bowels will "out of the flesh" wlthout.fnil after Ihe thorough use o Kidney-Wort, the euro for all such diseases Gentlemen who are glowing gray will be glad to learn from a fashion paper tho the custom of inserting white hairs in dark fur has been abandoned." When your wile's health is bad, when vour children aro sickly, when you feel worn out, use Brown's Iron Bltterr, The snd eyed poet sings and sighs be muse there aro no birds in last years nests Such a man would howl for tho banana in the peel of the past. An Indiana nub has trapped thirty eight crows within a year, and set each fne loose with a bell on its neck. The crows .ire much tinkled over it. 'It i & The New Patent DUST-PROOF Stem Wfoflfoff Open acc Cas MANUFAOTUED BY THE American Watch Co. WALTHAM, MASS. This rase is formed in one one solid piece without joint orseum, opening In front only ihus avoiding the usual Cap, and securing greater strength and durability. These Watches are all open face. Tl bezel, into which on extra strong crystal lillcd with an' especially prepaied water proof cement, Is attached to the case b) M-rewing it thereon, and thus forms an uir Uglit Junction with the body of the caw vhicn is priMil against dust and moisture. To railroad men, travelers, miners, lun oermen and others who are almost coi tlantly exposed and who have to make fre- pient reference to the wttcb, these qualities iru of Ihe utmost Importance. Ilio Following Letters Tell Their Own Story ; " ViLoosTi.Gtonon, July 20,1882. ' I sold one of your Patent Dust Prool Cases about ten months ago, and the otbei .lay it came back to me with the request mako it wind easier. On examination found that the stem was rusty, and I In quired into the cause of it. The gentlenia luted to me that he was starting some saw logs that had lodged in the bend of the rlv er, ulien his chain caught In a bush and threw his watch into about twelve feet water, and he was about two hours finding it. When he got It out it was running and he thoughtall right. In about three months he found that the stem was hard to turn and cent it to me. 1 can say that Ihe watch is all that th mmpany claims for it and recommend it all railroad and mill men. B. W. BENTLY." "Ciintox, low, April 29, 1PB1. "I wish you would send me a spring fur the Win. Ellery Watch By the way this Ellery is a wstch I sold in your Screw Betel Case to a farmer last fall. The first of January he lost the watch in the woodi.and found It this week In about one foot of water. It had lain three mouths and over In snow and water, with but slight injury to the watch only a hair-spring. C. S. RAYMOND." The above were very severe tests, and demonstrate beyond u doubt, that fur any reasonable length of lime duriug which a, watch might be under wuter it would re ceive no injury whatever. Wo make these rases in both gold and silveMiid as a PERFECTLY DUST-PROOF nnti r It t vmt t n lir i msrm n . .. r I oir.ni-! uiuinu v A lull (JAbr., UUA1 . LENGE THE WORLD TO PRODUCE ITS 1 EQUAL. For sale by all first-class jewel-1 era. March 24, 1863-uiJ, FARMERS' COLUMN. Why They Call Him "Old Man." Yes, that's sadly so," said Jenkins, ''my hair is turning gray and falling out before its time. Use something? I would, but most hair restorers arcdongcrous." "Truo,1 answered his friend, "but Parkei's Hair Balsam is as harmless as it is eileclive, I've tried it, and know. Give tho Balsam show aid the boys will soon stop calling you 'Old Man Jenkins.' " It never, fails to restore tho original color to gray or faded hair. Richly perfumcd,nn elegant dressing, -Petitions against the affirmation,. In I'll of oath, in Parliament bill, flow into Westminster at an amazing rate largely from non conformists. When we disagree with another man as to tho details of an event there is a great deal of difference between history nnd mys tery or his story and my story . FOR' JTJST. CURES ( Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat. Swelling. Pnralnm llrulc lturnn, PculiH. Krt Ultcft, Aim ILL OTHER IIODIi-Y I-AMS 1.1U 1CIIFS. SoU by Drusclt ftFtd O.iOert erirrwbert. Firtj Ccots bolll. Dlrvcllonl la 11 LftnRui.fi. Tin: riuni.E' a. vmir.i.Ei: co. iva. Tuuu.M.kui UAJUHOrr. Jin., l, D.A THE GREAT CURE i K-M-E-U-M-A-T-I-S-5I Aaltla for all the calnful dlaeuei of tho KIDNEYS. LIVER AND BOWELS. I It cle&nsea tho yvtam of the acrid poison that o&osM tha dreadful aufibrlnff whloh only tna vicuma or rneumausm can re&uze- TUnUftANnft OP PAKFQ of tha worst forma ofthla terrible disease havo been quickly relieved, andlaanort umo . rcnrEUl LT UUKtU. raid 1 LIQUID r DRY, SOLD by D1U GGISTS. ury can na eem Dymwi. w &HlUJt a w., .uunininon, t THE TESTS OF 40 YEARS PROVE BEYOND DOUBT THAT Perry D avis s Pain Killer IS THE GREAT HEALTH KEEPER THE RELIEVER OF DISTRESS THE COMFORTER FOR PAIN THE ENEMY OF DISEASE AND A FRIEND OF THE FAMILY, WHICH SHOULD ALWAYS BE AT HAND. EVERY DRUGGIST keeps Perry Davis'sPain Killer Gonoral. In preparing the soil (ho selection of tho plow with which to do the work is an important matter. Our modern plows, with all their Improvements are not perfect. What we need Is a plow that turns the soil, crushes the clods and pulverizes them. We are compelled ot the present time to use harrows, and that, too, very often, In order to get the soil fine; but agriculture Is pro gressive, and nn doubt tho time will soon arrive when the whole of this laborious work will bo done at one operation Ex. President Wilder has raised a number of promising new strawberries by selecting In the first place some pistillate sort, as the Crescent, which possess extraordinary hard ness and productiveness, and crossing it with such high-flavored sorts as Duncan, Wilder and Triple Crown. He wants a ya nety adapted to a wido exteut of territory, like the Wilsou.with the highest excellence. lie adds that no plant is mere benefited than the strawberry by a constant supply of water, and his repeated advise is i "flle the strawberry water 1 water I water! and still a little more water I" Tho farmer who has had bad luck for two or threo seasons in succession should look well to sec that tho cause is not in the weather or season.but In decreased fertility lack of good cultivation, or lack uf drainage, It often happens that heavy soils, while new, are kept light and porous by the vegel able matter they contain. They aro also naturally underdrained In wooded countries by the channels made b decaying tree roots. As cultivation exposes tho soil to the sun ar.d air thevegelable matter disappears, At the same time the plow breaks up the natural drainage outlets, and the owner must lay liloorgo West. Eqnashcs forZHogs. A New York farmer has found Ihat an acre of tho Hubbard squash will fatten more hogs than any corn which could be raised on the same ground.und the squashes will keep through winter. He plants twenty feet apart each woy, which is thick enough, and little cultivation is required The crop is easily gathered, no digging bo ing required The plants are rampait growers, and are out of the way of bugs in a week, early in the season. The squashes are cracked and passed through a root cut ter, and the seeds are sold to dealers in Boston. From six to eight tons have been obtained from an acre, estimated by th wagon load. Where lie could sell only i part he fed his cows with the rest and sohl the seeds, and found this more profitable than to sell the squashes in market. Varieties cf Ccrn- The Massachusetts Ploughman says: Tin exhibits of seed corn made during Urn po1 uutumn indicate that the fjrmers aro alivi In the hrnorlance of imprnvinz this most important groin. While it is yet too early lo decide which quulity will eventually take the lead, it Is evident that at preseni tho eighrowed, long earcil yellow vorietles Ond the most favor. In this class there ore vfirintinnn. which have been produced by selection. Each grower having peculla id?as of his own, lie selects acrordlug to hi: Ideal ol perfection. Some select large sing! sars on small stock, others twin ears, Willi out regard to the size of the stalks ; others selcH the largest ears with the best kerneli and sllll others select the earliest, with bul Hale resard lo other qualities. These dif ferent methods of selection have milled in the production of variations in the direction sojeht bv each grower: thus proving ne yond a doubt that the fanner has it in his . . ., I!,!., .f 1.1. novfer to Improve me quanm-i in such direction as he may think best. The important question now seems to be: Wl.a aro tho most .leslroblc Jioinis w ue mi roved t At first thought it would seen that the twin cars would slaml ursi, nui careful observing farmers express an opinin aeuinst twin ears and give as a reasou that it is better to have one large ear on a smaii stalk than it Is to have two ears on a large stalk, one ol which will be very sure to r mnlium size and o ten ol an inienor nuahtv : and they argue that it is less luboi lo grow two small stalks containing iwn medium sited ears, ond the belief is ex lirnsed that, the weight of the stalk which produces two medium sized ears must be nearly equal In weight to the two a alk ihut have one largo ear each, the fodder o lniir. belnz smaller, will be eaten muni! more readilv. If each farmer rrn tlnues t" select seed according to his pa tlculir Idea, at a future period of Mine, comparison of the qualities of the diinn n variations euch has secured, will settle, a lent In a measure, which method ofselec tio i secures the most desirable qualities. HERE AT LAST. After Lode and Weary 'Waitlnfr Belief Is Brought to Those who Need it- "Well, Pat," said an Urango Physician to a cgtnplulnlnic tilth p.iltent euino years ago ' for Unit pain In your chest you had better go home and put on a mustard platter. 1 can't think this inlnulo of anything better, And by the way," added the doctor turning to a friend, "I with somebody would Invent a real iiood platter something actually helpful lor such cites as Pat's. Maybe Ihev will sometime, when Us too late tor mo to use It." When IlENSON'S OAPOINK rOIUlUS PL. ASTKIt was placed on the market about ten years ago the doctor's hope become a fact, llecaute of the rare medicinal virtues luberent lu It, Its rapid action and sure re sults, th Uapclne Is last displacing the slow acting plasters of former days, for all allec tlons to which a plaster Is ever applicable. Prlee U cents. In the middle of the genuine Is cat the word OAPUINE. Seibury tv Johnson, Oheuilsts, New York, April SS-lm Waste Prevented. A nlc pen should be made In two Ji visions, one under roof, and one without roof. The first should contain the trougl and bedding, and to the second the pigs ra co to sun themselves at leisure, and me th inmiiite should be made. Uuder these outshle nens should be kept plenty of straw, .n nl.utrlient. The straw should be changed once every month, and the pen should be cleaned every day or every ouie dav. Tha coulents of the outside pens should be thrown on the manure heap, and the bed In the Inside pen be mixed with the droppings cf the pigs. By this process farmer can make a load of the brst manure avejr. to every pig thot is raised ami fat. teoed. Pigs kept in this way will thrive much belter wilb the same rood than other wise, and the farmer himself will be much better satlsQed. Agriculturut. Fecundity of Swine. A sow under a year old, at St. Ives, Eng land, gavo birth a few months ago to the . . - i . it ,i - enormous number oi eignieeu tr... u- veloned plus. A half sister had previously ..rl..l flftv one pics within a year. Hit tint litter was seventeen, the second 18,and the third sixteen. A largo white sow at Cumberland gave twenty-three, pigs at a birth, eleven of which survived nnd grow well. At flv births previously, ihe same sow had farrowed nlnelylhree pigs. Amcri cull rk raisers had best send to England lor a few breeders, for with them In Ihelr styes, the country would gel rapidly popu lated with pigs, and the price ol iwm lau to a moderate figure. At present it is high considering our largo yields of the various sorts of grain throughout the land. -Icri. cufurut. The AnvoCATB l a year. I will now g-ire the people of Leliig-hton and yicinity a chance they never had before ; that is to BUY THEIR CARPETS at from 25 to 40 per cent. Cheaper than they were ever offered for. I will sell you for cash prices and for cash, a nice Cottao-e Carpet, 1 yard wide, for 23cts. and a good, neat, heavy Ingrain Carpet for 35cts., now being- sold elsewhere at 40 and 50 cents, and a fine, heavy, extra-super In grain for 73c, sold elsewhere by cash houses for SO to 95c. per yard, and a double extra. super, every thread wool (guaranteed), for 83c, sold elsewhere for 95c. and $1 ; also, a nice lot of STAIR and Home-made RAG CARRET at equally low prices. Remember this is at JLeJk$0tfon9 jPc. Come early nnd examine before purchasing elsewhere. I will guaran tee satisfaction or money refunded. All Carpet will be Out and Matched if so desired. IDS iegJSSs flfflit aad sss e l3 tie wm g fA.Ij!4 il at Jjowegt IPfl'ficeSj sssasa Sse ifosairaaH at tine if IB rag- ilore f i n i i m H s mm i of mm Opposite Carbon House, BANK Street, Theundersigned respectfully announces that he is now closing out his entire stock of Hats, Caps, Oil Cloths, &c., Wolfesvllle, N. C -Pr. I. C McUugh- 1'nsavii "I use! urown'i Iron timers wr vertigo and I now feel Ilka a new man." If you wish to secure Bargains, now is your Golden Opportunity, as the entire stock must positively be closed out before the 15th 'day of May, 1883, no reasonable offer will be refused. Remember, ' JOSEPH JONAS,- Ed. W. Feist, Manager, Obert's Building', B ANK Street, April 7, 1883, LEHIGHTON, PA. "Weissport, Perma., Keeps a full line of all the most popular Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Powders, Fancy Stationery, Toilette Articles, School Supplies, A IsalB Sfloek 1" W1B lBapeB' mnl borders, riOIIIMr DfinO AMH TAPII C Snclil I tss Trout Flie for nil Season. Cardial rlonllNU nUUO AINU IMVIXLLi Llim-rlcldlir-ttd Oil nnilltiwSilk. Linen ant . T t . t . . . t t ... .. 1 ... .1 ....... n T t. -..... tOU IjlUra. UC, vtry uutritji. mat, lain uM'iiiuicMi if, xj. ia ivfij w wub Is and nd Cot- -Celebrated Fresh Garden Seeds.- Choice Cigars, and a fine stock of Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. (jgjf5' Prescriptions very carciully compounded, day or night. Patronage invited. REMEMBEn THE l'LAOK, . . w Jii. A. J1URIN , W eissport, Pa. War (th, ISO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers