SATURDAY, MAY 19, I8S3. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Al. Leurkel siicnt Sunday In town with hl( parents. ' The chicken po has made Its appear anco atSlatlngttin. A slight frost visited this section during Wednesda'y'n'Rht, Ifilli Inst. The,nipleyees nfthe Ii1ilgh Wagon Co., are worVlnn 12 h.uirsaday. Mr. and Mrs. Jaceli Unmgjnt Mountain Top, spent Sundsy at WelssiH.rt. The trestle work along the h. Sc S. rail road al Weissport, Is being repaired. Mri.'O.vAlexander, nf Philadelphia. Is the pifitof lira. II. V. Morthlmer. .ST-lJiiri's Vcillncsand Bunting In the lstrll shades, at Ntistiaurn'a. Ornuntl was broken at Catasatltviia last week for (ha erection of a new We'sli church Jos. Keinliart, of Parryvllle, birlcd child last Sunday, which died of scarlet ferer. Otif ynune; friend C N. Kuntx spent last Thursday eveuing with friends in Allentown. Mr. Thomas Kemerer hs erected neat Iron fence around his urc-perty on Bank etroet Oeo. Repp Is laying a subs'antlal stone pavement In front of his resilience, on While street, Weissport. A Tour year old daughter of U.S. Rink r, of Weallicrly.died on Tuesday afternoon of membranous croup. "SES-lilutralcd Book nfCafro Birds mailed fir 3 cent ainnip. Binu Finn C-, 237 South 8th St., Philadelphia. It Is a girl, and it came last Satup'.y night, consequently our young friend Will Brinkmau is happy. C. D. Thomas, of Slalington, brother ni our popular young druggist T. D. Thomas, was in town over Sunday. The Lehigh Valley railroad company is preparing to erect a new iron bridge across the Lehigh at Glenn Onokn. The L. & S. depot at Walnulport was broken lutnand robbed of about $1 In small bangenn Thursday ot last we-k. Djldine Snyder, f Parry vllle, has just bought a handsome 3 seat carringo from the works of Trexler Sc lCreidler, uf this bnr ough. Mr. Al. Kula and family, formerly of town now of Allentown, was visiting stT. D. Clatisa', on Bank street, during the fore part of the week. Mlsa Knlle Freudenberger, one ol Tamsqua'a niostaccnmpllshcd young Indies, was visiting at Mrs. Clins.T. Seifert, on 8outh street, during the week. pB-An increase of Cl-rks. Watches nnd Jewelry at Haguniau's store ainl a decline in prices. Please rail and see as we make no false statements in advertising. Three places in Old South n-lhlehetn were entered by burglars on baturdny night. The robbers did not succeed In getting any thing of value. J. II. Hotter, n clerk In the rcwiving da partment of the Pittsburg Post Oill.-e, win arrested Moriday tor defrauding the Depart ment. 33.F0R SALE, Several choice build sng lots, one in the boro;igh of I,ehIt:htoi and location. Apply at J. F. Hai.dacu'i., Music Store. M. Hellman .t Co., milters and dealer in fUur and feed, have put a new platform cpring wagon on the road for delivering goods, Irom Lehigh Wagon (Vs works. The miners and l.ih-trers of thn Din tnnnd Mine, Wilkesharre, oerated lit Charles I'jrrish St Cr.,weroon a strike lal Monday. ?jVlf you wanta nice niooth.easy shave trnttr hair cut or shampooing, go to l'r.iu Itoederera Saloon, under the Exchange Ho tel. lie will fix you right, ami don't you forget it, William Ahrent, an employee of the Bethtehem Iron Company, was burned lo death in a flue Mouday, which ho was cleaning The thirty first annual meeting of the the a el f lasJ ' Schuylkill County Bihltf Society ws helrf in I'.ittsvtlle Monday night. During ih year 911 bonks were distributed. &Q.Cheariest Fashion Maoazixr in the world, 1211 large pigs, i pngeit new inline, loot) engravings eirch ist-iie. HI) cents ko year; single epic 15 rents. bTiiAwuMuon A Cutanea, Stli Jfc Market Sts.. I'lnln. In stepping from htacuginc, at the Le high Valley depot, In town, on Monday noon, George Blank made u mis step unit no hit islorated his anklo joint. Joseph Obert litis lust put in a new 14 horse power engine, at a coil of $4000, inn bis but'eheriug establishment, from thew.irkt of Walter Gosh, of Blatiugton. Str-Gotn Ilacaman'a store, Lehighton, Pa., to' get the leading genuine American watches; aa ha deals in none of the foreign Imitation trash with which the people have been so extensively swindled. Tae Rev. Mrs. Stoddard has taken charge of (he Second Advent Church in Oil City. Sho ia the first woman preacher ver an in the nil country. John Heberling, died suddenly of hemorrhage, on Wednesday afternoon. !! had been afllicted with consumption for a long time past. He leaves a family. The law removing check and propria tory stamps will take effect July 1st, I8S3. Until then usa stamps nr you will have tn pay a fine of if 50. Stick tot in stamps. S.We invite the public, in general to call and examine our large stork of Carpet and prices, then mini-are with prices id other (would be cash) but Credit Houses. J. T. Nubbach Rev. A. r. Hun, who has just gradu sited at the Theological Seminary, Lincaa ter, was visiting friends ami relatives in and around town during the fore part of this week. While Jacob Kline, residing in South ' Wilkesbarre,waa stepping on a train Thurs day of last week on the Lehigh Valley Railroad he was thrown under the cars, and his body was cut in two. IS9fcE. F. Luckenbach, Oroadwar,Mauch Chunk, Is now opening lor the inkiwtio.i of his menus, me largest ttoca oi new nerigna in WALL PAl'EllSevcr teen In thia rutin tr, and I selling at very lowest prices. Miss Amanda Ball let, of Mahoning, who has been an art student In '.he Acad my of Fine Arts, of Philadelphia, for the past year, bus returned on' a summer vara tten. The Amtricaa AqrUuHuiift (English or German dltinn),nd the Cab mix Aiivkcaik will bo sent to any address on receipt of tw. dollars. The price of the Agriculturist U l.i, If you need a carriage for pleasure business or funeral purses, call at the popular livery of David Ehbert, on North street, lie will suit you at a reasonable rrlca. J Mr. Thns. L. Millport, ia a member of this year'a graduating class at the Kevstouo Stale Normal school nnd stsndi high In his class. The mniinenre- ment will be held on Thursday, June 21st. PtilUvilU has Inst one of lis mo-t promlaent alliens In the death of Mr John Ehlppen, who died at his residence In Ilia' boreugVi, u Saturdiv mriiln. He ws resident-' f the Alineis' Kationsl Bank, :ViJMj'rsold. 1- One now a Lafayel'e College, has been chosen tn deliver thn ('ra tion nn Decoration Day al Easloti. Mr, Ilcydt stands high In his class ami is a fine speaker. For the week ending nn the 12th Int., 8H,2-9 tons of coal was transiortcd over the L. V. IIR., making a total of 2,004,147 tons lo that date, and showing an Increase of 1(12,320, as compared with same time last vesr. jjSSI-Mra. Mnmle J. Mullen, fashionable dressmaker, at the Caunus Advocatf: of fice, this borough. I'er'ecl fits and work inanship guaranteed. Wax Flowers of all designs at lowest prices.- White Flowers lor funerals a specialty. Durglars effected on entrance into the Cilholie Church Ashtand,Schuylklll county Sunday night and carried nlf the alter de. coratlonsainl other articles, valued at over $1,001). Among the articles taken was a gold chalice, valued at $500. fair I have now on hsnd n lot of Light Single and Double Buggy Harne's and Heavy Train Harness, winch I will sell al a very reasonable price. Any style made to order on short notice. Yours. Sen , Mii.ton Flobv, Welsport, Pa. Forthe week ending on the 1 1 lis inst. there were 72,B2U tons of coal shlpie-d over the Lehigh ,t Susquehanna RR , making a total fir thtt year to that data ol l.5,'U,.H0 tons, an increase as compared with same time last year of 1 03.2 .1(1 tons. Uirnie X'-viti and John Mcguire, the former residing at Ashley nnd the latter ut Notch, lost their lives on the lOth iiibt.,ut Roberts Oo.'s mines, at Sugar Notch, by ben, crushed by falling mck Both men were young and uiintnrried. Our old Irieml Peter T. Brady, of-Reil Bink.N. J. formerly nf town, was here luring the week interviewing his many old friends. Pets looks well; the folks ol New Jersey evidently treat him as they should lo, for he i.i a jolly gooil fellow. Dr. J. A. Mayer, the practical Surgeon Dentist, of Broadwav, Miiueh Chunk, has had a practice ot over 20 J ears, and isprob ildy the oldest resident dentist in this val lev. The Dr's work speak for itself, and the fact that all rrlt'ral work In the region is given to htm is a smlicient guarantee of his superior ability as a Burgeon ueuust. The catalogue ot Lafayette college for HR2-83 ha jusl been i-sued There are 2S9 students in thn institution, 209 being from this State. New Jersey ciines next with 37, and New York with 10. Iwoure from South America. There aro 44 seniors. 75 juniors, and 82 freshmen. During Mrs. Langlry a visit to Scrnntnn on Friday a horrible looking effigy labeled Freddy" was tied to a fence kisi near th- car in which the Langtry troupis was stay ing. Two car porters threw the slTUv through the bark window of a store Trouble was prevented by the mlice. Q-Tm.KriinsK. "Hellol hello I! Who isilMarvt' "Jennie, lam rry that I could not come to your parly, but I had such a bad headacliH 1 was notable to do anything." "Why, Mary, you gel a la.ltle of Horn's Telephone Liniment, that will cure von in a few minutes." "All right; good bye." Sunday afternoon an eight year old son of Stephen Raph, lock tender in South Esston, was drowned in tho Lehigh Canal His homa was on the canal bank and he got out oi'the house without his parents no ticing his' dejiartiirc. While playing on the lock he fell in. The body was recovered. John E Metier, of Easton, died Satur lay night, aecd K7 years. He waa an 1812 wihlier, and his nVath leaves but two ot these iensinnen in that eeelinii of the State He was struck by h wagon some time ago. which doiilitle-s hastened Ihk death. He- leaves n family and hia estate goea to heirs somewhat reunite. B-sitrani's Comedy Ctmpiny witj give a M'rlormHee tn Concert Hall, Mauch Chunk, next Monday erening 2lt in',, lor the benetit of the Jr. O, li. A. M , upon which orrasioii will h prrenled the come d elta of "The LUtle Keliel," and the 2 ait comedy entitle! "Forbidden Fruit." A train will run 1- Lehighton nn-l vVcissp.rt after he iierforrnance. Admission 75. 50 and 35 cents. Isaiah Miller at onetime a prosperous butcher, resident nt Weissport, arrived ut le L. Sz S. det, in this borough, on the 5 p m tram tr.nn M.iucli Cnuiik, on Thurs day last, under the influence of I'rpor, and nOer stiiggermg around for a short time siit down on the end of the p'ntform and at a'aint half past six o'eIick died in constii (ion. Detectives Johnson and Simons, during the tuist week have raptured and laileil some ten or a dozen midnight inaiirauders in the neignh'irho.,d of the Itethlehem. Among the numt'er are hre. teltows who arecharc"-! with the Post Otllee robbery In this linreuglt, who give their name" as Trainur, Harris and Sullivan; the same fel lows being also chHriMM wuh tho rohtierv of a store al Summit Hill a short time ago. Henrv Jone, a cohered man, disturbed Ihe meeting of toe S.ilvalhn Armr, al Has ton, Saturday night and wna arrested. Some nionti's ago he was one or the miM acnv lormhers. He tiecime a backslider and Saturday niaht iodulg d in ton timcli had whisky.' While under its influence) he wendii his way to tho barracks and soon had siarted a quarrel. There was talk not long ago of making Jones n lieutenant and sending him down South, but ho wun'l go now. Of the two hundred and fifty s iloons In Wilkesharre not one whs oin Sund-v. tho law and nr'ter committee having put leieclfvesal wnrg. title csatunlav night the Mavor yielded to the Honor dealers and ordered all cigar stores to lie eloseil. No ilher bminfs was interfered with. Th action of the Liquor Dealers' Association has greatly enraged thecigar dealers, who have to a man declarnl their intention of ee. inglhnt the Sunday liquor law Is en- lorceit In ine luliire. Klr-A fresh arrival of choice fruits lust Lreceivrd at Wehr's confeclionary store, nu UiiiK street. Trices as low as the lowe.t, John Fawcelt, II veara eld, whose father has charge of the oil works at Mount Carlton waa drowned Friday night at No. 3 1,-ick, i-chiivlkill canal lee boy went tn the works earlv In the nftcruoon and after remaining with hia father a short time started nlf fishing Failing to return los father, with some of the neighlarra, went in search of him and found his bat llmtingon Ihe waler. His dead hodv svas shortly af terwards lakeM out. It is believed he fell in and being unable loswim could not help himself. In answer to a wilt of ta'ms cornn. Peter 15 1 lief pie. charged with Ihe killing of Mrs .Mary U II omell, was, le-hire lion. Judge Mauch 'liiink.ndnilUed lo Imil last Tuesday, In the sum of $2000. The teachers' examination for Mauch Chunk township will be held al Summit Hill, nn Friday, June sth. Fatally Hart by an Explosion. By n prematura explosion at Indian Bulge colliery, at Shenanil-'ah, Saturday afierniatn Michael O'Neil svas tatallv and John l-Ylland and John McCormlck were seriously injurtd. The men were working In a breurl, blasting i-oal. Three holes bad been drilled and the fuse placed In them ready In light. The fuse in one ol the holes svas accidentally lire.! by O'Ni-il'a. naked lamp and the explosion quickly f.loed, bringing down a largeqiiHiilitv ol lop tv a , (ailing on the ilire men, Q'Xril was ter ribly mutilated Hinl ranitet a,sidhly recover. The iilber Iwn sustain M terrible cuts und bruise, tail are not dangerously bint. O'Neil ia twenty-six years ol age aud unmarried. YartH WMe IItAir CAIiP MTS al froua KBjBansj Fnbllo School Entertainment. ' Our public schools closed a week ago. The term waa but eight months, but tho I work done In that time by most ol the i teachers reflects great credit nn the talent engaged In our Schools. At tho ojienlng of I tho term n new life innnnl in bo tnfosrd t..,.. -..i i -i - , , . . niiw sue neiniois, buu a reneweu inieivi taken by both pupils and parents. I During Ilia term several very fine enter tainments were given by the pupils which were largely atte tiled by parents and citi zens, the ball generally being crowded One nf these entertainments was given dur ing the winter,lti connection with the Local institute held here, and was pronounced by all to havo been one ol the mint Interesting features nf the institute. Teachers from other places expressed themselves as highly pleased with tho result of tho school work as shown by the exercises. Fur mine time tho principal.'nud tho oth er teachers have felt the need of having b,Kks of reference in the schools lo which pupils could have access during school fiouis. Such books as cncyclojiedlas, diitlonarles. histories, ia, ara utmost In dnqauislble, especially in n high school. The teachers concluded that the best and surest way ul precutlug these books was tu have the schools themselves raise the money tu purchase Ihcm by getting up an entertainment al the close of the term and charging admission in it. For sometime bdore the cose of the schools,!! brief perioil after school hours was devoted to the neces sary preparation lor it. Tho eutertuinmeut was held on last Saturday eveulDg Al though an admission uf 25 cunts was charged the hall was well filled. The programme consisted of itvn parts, the first part biing composed ol dialogues and recitations, Ihe last part of recitations and a comic drama entitled, "No Cure, No Pay." Allot the pupils did well, some nf them showing re markablevaseatid self aisscssoii. Although tho room svas full and the programme ex tended oyer tsvo hours, tho audience did not manifest Ihe least Weariness. Every part ot the ptogramme was enjoyed and all went away pleu-eit. Tho pupils I the schools ceituinly deserve Very great cred it for the diligence and rare with which they piepared their dillerent parts. No less credit is due to the teachers, when it is le tnembetrd that whilst the prepaialion tor such an entertainment requires laleir,tvhieh only those bin realize who hare done juch work, and that all of it was done nut ot school hours und was not at all a part of the work for which the teachers are paid. The large audience indicated that our citi zens appreciate, these cfl'jits. nf our teachers. The money realized from the sale ol tickets will be used to purchase books ol reference tor the schools. In all the o waa received $54 10. After deducting all necessary ex penses there will be about $42 left lor the purchase of books jOue uf the interesting leiituresot Ihe entertainment waa the pres entation of a very handsome gold pen and penholder by the high tclmol pupils to the Principal. The high school has made re markable advancement during the post year under the chaige ol Mr. T. A Snyder, tlie principal, und ho is justly held in high esteem by his pupils. It is expected that next year a uumlierof the pupils of the hign school will finish the course and wilt get diplomas and hold a commencement at tue end ol the tetlll. The Lehighton O-cbeslru tin ler the load erohip ol Dr 0. T. U-iru, enlivened the rxeiriaes ot the evening by h number ol rhoicw M-leeli'iiis of music The Orchestra ia rump wed ul I tits loilowitig well Known uiufticiaus ol L hightuii : Dr. C. T. Horn .'and Ibinaiiuel Krantz, fird violin ; J. J, Kmc. 2nd violin; Prof. J. F. Halhach, piano or yiolin; Fiedetick Hum, double 1i.; George Miller, clarouet; Simnel Kotteiibader, mmet ; W. II. iSciiulkc, troiu ixiiie Tne peiri(l,iiR reudeieil weie some of tile ni'iet diftifoli otorehesttal musir,nnd were icndeied so well as tu bring lorth Ihe higher-l ptal-, in lael, most ot our citizens seere nrprtse. al the proficiency they h-nl attained in so short a time. The voung men rinainly de-erve great credit and should receive all the encouragement ims sible from our citizens. Tho organizatieu was loiHied tor Ihe aole purpose of self cul ture in the art of urisin nu t lo enliven our town, amt it is the intention of the Orchrs t:n lo add more instruments at an tarlv date in order to make it cnnplete in n'A its aria That all were highly pleated with Ihe musio and the exercises in general could be eassly told by the many audible ex presstotis of satisfaction heard throughout the large nudiem-e. And all w re rouvineed that Leiiighioii had talent enough in her own town to get up a giaid entertainment. Big Creek Items. The Iti formed and Lutheran rongregi. lions, of this place, are making preparation to repair and paint their church, which was needed long ago. Big Creek is quite lively nt present on account of the slate hnsinei";'twn qiiarnea haventiened this spring, and llio third one is likely to open beloro long. This is the thing we ought to have had long ago; no doubt our place will profit by It. We hoiie the men that are tunning them will stick tn what they have mini begun, s-i thai it may not end as it did with the lormer compan ies Henry CbrUtman and wife of the Farmers' Hotel, Mauch Chunk, paesid through hereon Sunday, What has leconienf the young man wlm tn go over the Big Creek hil.T He itn't traveling that way anymore. The storm of last week don some dam age to some ol our larmers by throwing their lemvs down. Mr. Henry Graver, of LehlghUin, was through our place on Sunday, Mr. Oppliuger and wile, of Daniels, vllle, were Ihe guisla of George Buck ou Sunday last. Some ol the young folks f Beltzville were up Ihe Mahoning Valley Son. lav nn a pleasure tiip. Wo hoiie they enjoyed it. Henry Neeb, Jr.. formerly of Pma Run, now of Mauch Chunk, was home on a visit over Sunday. The wedding al Pine Run was well nt tended by Ihe young folks. They had Jolly tunes; gome i f them came back pretty svarm from the use of fire water. A iron Schnell ami wife were In Monroe county over Sunday visiting friends. Jacob Soil, aged Oft years, one of t.Jr 7 in! oldest citizens of Franklin, was burled Saturday last, at St. Paul's church J. A Graver svas In Cntasauoua on bllslii, sa hli-l Week. Samuel Kierts, ,.f We.tsj.irt, whs tn Pine Itun alter trout. We liopo he will trv Ids luck again, he will, perhaps, be mora SUClVMlltl J..SPI1U.. ANCIENT LAW MAKERS. Alaeit Tie ti-iuuiiig of Hit. F fib Ten tury, Ihe Htliahs, alter Ihe-r ret'iiieiit in G nil, uioler their Kiug.Pioiraiii ool liam .1 a baly of luwa tshlclt hivu fin.-e leeo Known usr-alir loll al III i lime Howe law m.kers knew I.e., Urfol .i i. '.' .l,MV.-ry whirl, work. I,n ml Iv w uli nn ure. law. -i,.i whicli a ai-nivel lnlh...iire,Ing ito.., Rleu .,,1 ( , Tho Lohigh Stove ft UanaraetnTiair Co- This company was organized and com menced business in this place about fourteen years ago, tho works being situate on the flats Wing between the L. V. and L. St S, R. It., a switch or side track from tho form cr road running up to the shops for the convenience of shipping Iron lo and manu factures from the works, which largely consist of cooking staves, heater) and ranges, as Ihe Hamo of the company Im plies. Among the favorites of the kitchen manufactured and shipped to many states aro the billowing! The Charm Range .Gold Medal Cook, Calypso Conk, and last, but by no means least, Is the Bksskmicr Cong, an entirely new model, finely finished with nickle trimmings and name plate. From the sample in the ware room which waa shown lo us by Mr. W. R. Butler, who kindly conducted us through the works, we Incline to the opinion thai this new candidate fur kitchen supremacy Is bound shortly t supercede a large number, at least, of its predecessors as n favorite Inthe kitchen. It will shortly be pushed into the market. In addition to the foregoing variety of cooking stoves, they minufarture a number uf heating stoves, among which the "Fire King" as an office stove has no superior In the market. In addition totheir manufacture of stores, Ihey furnish the American Sewing Machine Co., with a large amount ol easting) (or their machines, which with a contract for water closet iiots, containers, ele., keeps thlsj establishment running steadily all the year round. The employees making fairly good wages, which are paid to them every Sat urday afternoon, which fast of itself is an' inducement for the best workmen seeking employment with this company. As showing the capacity ol the works we may slato tbat tho boiler house Is IBxJO feet, with a large boiler built by Ode A Hellman, of Allentown, funinhing steam for u 25 horse power engine, which runs the machinery. There are two moulding rooms (111x75 aud 00x40 feet respectively. Ihe rupnla- a MrKeuzie-is 37 inches inside measure, and capable of turning out 10 tons. ol molten metal per day. All castings are passed through immense tumbling ma rhpies, wherein are placed several hundred weight of shot, which cleans tiff all sniwr tluitics, after which they ure finished on emery wheels. Ihe pattern room, whieh is on the second stury of the wo rehouse, is chock full of patterns used by the company in their', several manufactures; while the ware-room below contains several hundred finished stoves and castings ready fur ship ment. The officers of the company recently eleeled,;are President, R. F. Hnffbrd J Sec retary and Treasurer, Wm. R. Butler. Dl rectors Hon. Rout. Klntx, General Wm. Lillv, Chaa. 0. Skeer and Wm. R. Butler,ol Mauch Chunk, R. F. HofTord, Lehightuii, John L. Barber, Hazleton.and A. F. Peters. White Haven. The general ofllc- formerly at Bethlehem, is now iacatcd at the works, and a new brick building is in course nf erection to bo mcd fur Ibis purpose ; and it is an improvement long needed. About thirty men are now employed by this company, and ll Is expected that a ft n siilerable addition will be made In this force Jtlr. Wm. ft Butler, the newly elected'Sec retary and Treasurer, Is continually on the ground looking alter the i .terests of the concern. The policy nf tho company, we am assured, will be to furnish first eless work throughout. Everything will be carefully Impeetcd h-for allowed tn leaye the works, and wilh-lhe exceedingly favor able lueition, nothing but careful manage ment anil a reputation lor good work arc necessary to make this concern one of the leading industries of this busy valley. Tho Lohigh will porhaps object to Gowen'i nans. Dining the early part of Ih week there were in Icw York renewed rumors that Ihe Lehigh Coal and 'Navigation Compnnv would interimee in the Reading's lease ol the jersey Central The facta in the ase are Ihsee: Seyen years ago the Central road leased tho Lehigh and Susquehanna Division from the Lehigh Company. This road runs from Eiston to Scranton, through the Lehigh and Wyoming and inbi the Lackawanna coal regions. All the rial which reaches the main line to Ihe Central conies over this division, and without this feeder the Central conld not be leased as a coal road. The terms of the lease are 33 per cent or tho gross receipts tj the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company. The latter company, a ware of Mr. Gnwen'a strong affiliation in the Schuylkill regions. nave determined that there must be some assurance tbat he will not allow the Lehigh and Wilkesharre to suffer when hegets con trol of the Central. The Lehigh Company's lawyers are of the opinion that the Lehigh C panv'a projierty cannot bo sub-leased to the Reading without the former Com iwny'a consent. It is believed the inter ests f the Lehigh C.impcny will be pro tected In snrna satisfactory way, and that nn suit will be brought to prevent the consummation of Mr. Gnwen's desire In" gel hold of the Jersey road, but there is some anxiety on Ihe snhj.ct. High School Commencement at Andenried. On Thursday evening May loth the closing exercises or the' Andenried schools were heM. One of the pupils, Misa Mary E. Boyle, finished thecourso and received a diploma. Several members of the class left scIiimi before Ihe close, elso tho class would have been larger. The exercises consisted of recitations and dialogues h, pupils of the high school and an essay by Miss M try, E Boyle. At the close af the exercises the County Superintendent n kde u lew remarks explaining tho nature of schoolsaring that they wire nf-t institutions established to supairt men aud women wno could not earn a living in any other way,aa nuny people thought, lie said that schools nere for the benefit nf the children of the tax pa) cri and nobody bad a right lo make them so much patronage to give to friends. Mauy ieople find ault wiln directors lor employing only comiwlent teachers regtrd lesa ol their poverty. Evury men who in terce.lea for a jaior teacher and tries to se cure him a giaal cituallnu Is an enemy tn the children uf the scluads and taxpiyers. Suicide by Hanging. John Warg, a well-know citizen of audi Chunk committed suicide bv hang lug Tuesday, owing tj ilrrimndriiry over ill health. He wa liliy lim vears of auet anil leave t hub ami tm. cliil.lien. He lor a, e,v .ivt-tl at Frtemaosburg. He was head book kcriier lor the Lebmh Valley Road lor many years and Jailer tiai i --- - - - - - agent lor Ihu Lackawanna Oal and Iron Cvniauv, Ha was a member of the Preiby- teriau Church and a good ritisen. -M.i. Kate Nolh.te,,, ,..J rdurntd . v , , . r""" Iw" "rk cily, with another lot t,f new and fashionable millinery goods, and invites ihe ladh-i tu rull and the the ladies tu call I Lowrat cash prices. .... Ui,.... .i , wcal cash prnva. Owing In a press of advertising and ,,.. r ...atle.a the la, or. ol .imrafim, Report of the Lehighton Pnbllo Rehoolt. An effort has been made throughout the term tn raise the grade of the schools, and all pupils were required lo pass sn exami nation at least three degrees higher than last bo promoted. A week's exami nation was bald in each room by the teacher In charge and the principal, and will, hut few exceptions alt present were promoted to a higher grode. Onl those put ils thai were present al tho examination were pro- muled all others will remain In the grade they were tinting the wlnlef. The following is llie classification lor next year ! man rchool. The grado of the High School has been raised so tbat next year there will be class able tn complete the course of study auopteil by the various nigh 8chuolaofth ceunly in order to graduate. The following named scholars have passed tho required number uf studies tu entitle them to enter the Senior dais Thomas C. Beck, Emma Ktauis, Lizzie Ash. Ella Graver. f!.., Claussand Alice Manlz. s7mor Clau. Horace Raudenbush, niwij voaurs, i,uaries weiauil, JJiiima Schot-h. C. Com Charles Hank, William Horn, Frank Obert, Elmer Sehniale. Churl. irrxier. Webster lNoths'elu, William New nan, oy uiauss, Mary Hubert, Sophie Raudenbush, Tillte Seilert. D. Ca.- Lewis Dreibelheis, William Klinger, George Schullz, Lillio Reicbard, Minnie Pelera. Lizzie Miller. Emma Itun slt-ker. Anzie Matitz. Ella Petera. T-Toiom ,IIarlung,- Laura Weidaw, Florence Kuons. GUAltUAR SCHOOL. ' .A'XXtuut Tlainv Hlbbler. tt,e. TW.M.l- WisEila Heberling, Mary Smith, Mamie Gabel, Lillian Seminel, Mitlnn Held, Ed- waru iieiai, ci warn Mccormick, Frank Nusbaum, Edward Nusbaum. Udwanl ICtams, Edgsr Kuntz. S. CAxs.t. Oswillo Werl. Frnt.l. rni.. Charles Geiger, Martin Yonder, Harvey ..uKo, wttiiirs iiriini, Aoranain Wolle, Wilson Xander. Robert IIelu.rU,,., ti Obi, Charles Rapsher, Emma Waterbor.Ida Rehrlg, Alice Newhart, Ella Reicbard. Carrie Hough. Mary Albright, Ida Manlz, C, .Co.,1 -i- Pierr Trainer. Ainmdus tehrig, tdgar Noll. Willie Clauss, Allen Peters, Hattie Graver, Laura Trexler, Bessie Lcibenguth, Minnle.Slotit. Eniina Seaboldl, Vella Weiand. Aliro Geirtroa. tr-,, r.,iu. maclier, Amande Knons. IKTKRUKDIATK SCHOOL. i4 Elear Xan.ler. Aldu W..H Edward Hlbbler, Charlea Itaiideiibusli.-Iobn Ijeniz, Charlea Bowiiiau. Eiiimn Reilr Laura Miller, Ella Fink, Eninin Held. D. Ca.. Edward Houiz, Robert Strans berry, Joseph Drumbore. Milton llaiiU. Grnnville Clauss, Robert Hullenbaeb. Arthur Snyder. Albert Barthnb Sehultz, Wilson Weidaw.Elmer Reeil.Bertle uuriing, narry uauel, lila Kemerer, Tillie ttitua Tttlitt 9,.h.wtt. T'T I w. ucon AriM-irriSrSKS, Emma Fueherer, Er.iuia Ktains, Till'ie Kleintnp, Sallle Gabel. Emma Ftev. Ett Drissel, Clara Hunsicker. Ella Eblierl. V. aasn. John Heberling. Willie Beck, Pierce Gulh. Willie Ransher. Robbie Ijentr. Clara Geggua, Eddie Reichanl, Clement Brelnev, Lester Rehrlg, Frank Barllmlo. mew, Henry Hnntz. Oscar Heilman, David t.v-onirs, risus ocnocn, .Turner Jiehi, blla Albright, Laura Bellz, Emma Miller, Maud Wheatler. Jennie Geleer. V.iomy Williamson, Mamie ortwangter. BKCONnART SCHOOL. A. dtasn.. Cora Rex. Alice Bhineler. Alice Noth-tine, Laura Klotz, Ida William--oo, 4i a Berger, Ella Tiainer. Therna. frainer, Emma Ebbert. Ida Nothstiun.Ollie Kleintop. JS Cajt. Minnie Warner.Nora Trainer. Lilly Snsder, Gussie Schoeh. Luella. Reh. rig, Ida Irwin, Ella Shutnacher, Minnie t-rantz, Jennie Trexler, Susan Knecht, El vin John, Pierce Heiluian.Thomas Mortbl rner. Henry Moiiltrop, Charles Kleintop, lames lenser, Willie Ueltz.CaJviu Klinger, Willie Konnc. C. Caw Pierce Frv. Charles Vielhnwer. Harry Blank, Allin tiunsirker, t'harb-r Nothstein, George OeSerhouscr, Charles Ilex. I'rrslon Keiihner. Hark Keiilmer. Wilie Mullen. Wilson Walck.LesterSmith. Harry G-ggus, Minnie Mouitrop, Katie Driiinlair.lfnnnah Fna-lirh, George titrohmi iorner zensi-r, Annie lliuuenbush, lila Wert, Mrlha Snyder, Mary Walck, Lizzie Albright, Lillin Sleirher. Bertha Brocady, Ella Klinger, Saiah Bna-ady. ratUAkr .to 3. A. Clam Alice Gilbert, Lizzie Lentz, Bella Houtz, Ira Nothstein, Willie Nmh teln, Janiea Ehbert, Eddie Siaamheimcr, t! f t I. . .. .. .. .. i.mie oeiioco, Atiuie uarinniomew. it cca Longkaincr, Mary Farren, Clara IIelllllallLCI""l'oi''', ",r "onruo and t'arhon t-ouniles. Harry Warner. Robert- Blank. Emem. t. Wolck, Robert Traluer.Eugene Eisenhower, Themes O-'ker homer. li Co-s-s. Manila Frilzinger, Annie IlpK-adv, Ersula Benninger, Harry Woll, .name nneaney, tua ijealmltlt, Clara Kon'ns, Ella Walrk. Savilla Faust. Emma Wank, Sallie Mnrlhimer, Emma German, ma won, Annie Jlitz, Alice Woir, Carrie fbaif.Hattie Furren,EiidieIIartman, Charlie Moons, b'ldie Wallers, Jos-eph Froelich, C. Ctm. Allen Greenwald. Willi! Greenwald, Thornaa Webb, Levi Patterson, Harry Sba-ker, Asipau Rchullz, Ktgar Seilrr, Frank 8-nimcl, Eddie Peters, Gran ville Rnhrig, Blanche Kramer, Lizzie Beck, ueiuei i eiers, iiertna iioiienDacu, .UimH Fortwangler, Ellen Weiss, Irene Weidaw, Ella Hnntz, Katie Fenstermacher, Ualtie treiami, eiiiiuie .nrwnart. rRIMARV KO 2. A. Clots. Harry Xander, Harry Ohl, George Clauss, Charles Fautt.Eddie Gilbert, Harry Cumber!, Gmtave DeTschrschkv, tieroen r.ireniioiiner, rrana ociiwariztian Rehrig, Mattlo Horn, Hattie Geggus, Alice McCormiek. Anzie Trainer, Minervia Held, LUy Moullrop, Lily Froelich, RosaBeckeu dorf, Hophio Leoqard. B. Ctavi Jehu Kipp, George Klpp, Daniel Wallers. Daniel Frey, Willie Nulb stein.Tommy Hnntz, Adda Sehwene.Mumie Seinmel, Emma Walck. Eva Kntzincer. Emma Frilzinger, Anna Klinger, Marl ha Keiehel, Helen Xauder, Emma IVteiy, Amanda Rehrig, Mary Fensterinaeher C. Clan - Amanda Billman. Annie Graver, Carrie Barhman, Mary Bowman. uaura cerger, wiinn tveiaml, Clavlon Peters, Charles Hartman. John Tra'uer. Oliver Webb. Edward Albright, tlarrv Nils hauui, Freddy Rex, Wilmer Slranibcrrv, n.i i it .i ,. - ttiuovni eiartiter, Anson loillirop, ram art .to. I, A Cas-s Kate Gilbert, Emma Sutler. Ida Hehcriiug, Ida Buss, llattia Trexler, Martha Long, Annie Warner, Tnene llaltzer, Nellie Weiier, Sallie Miller, Jac. b Heuerling, Perov Frilzinger, Cyril Rehiig, Robert Kl'intop, Eugene Frilzinger, George Ritz, Frank Dreher. S Clam Daisy Horn, B-rtha Farren, Alio Blank, Arthur Held, Allie Reichanl, Harry Berger, Freddy Miller. "C. Cfdat. E-nmi Acker. lint tie Rex, Kuima Peters. Llllle (inintierl. Robert Stout. JauiM Wallers. Daniel Sehoch. " AlpuibttClau. KU.t Fu h era.l e Telerr, Mary Mulheain, Ilerih-t Kns, Alice Hontz. Hattie Trainer. Nettie Geggua, L'z zse Ueggus, Sallie Kriiui, Sarah Stellar, Mamie Drumbore, Clara Siinih, Emma B.iim. Mary Olewlne, Hally Froelich. Frank Lenlz, Robert Leniz, Charles Xander, Honlz. John Reichanl. Harrv liar tboloniew. Ella Webb, Laura Dreher, Rora Rehrig, Gross, Willie Hank, T. A. SsTiir.a, Principal- A Wosnded Burglar. Tha general store of Oeorgo W,, al l-reeman.biirg, was entered and robbed on Sunday night. The robbers gained an eulrance by battering down Ihe main d.air. ; The safe was blown oieii,but nn money was 'nuild.. v.ilmt I nt $1(10 Were atoleh. M I.v ni-'bl Thioons ol -l.r lu, gage loi-s er allh" Uuiou D.-it, in Belhle ' w" approat-httt uy n loan win, old L.t. - r 1 ' ,r "' s anoiatHim wmiii.ia ui, uiinoiitrii )nr-ll,lieiir toe ow i-i-nin bridge, and a. ketl lo tat taken to SI. Lukb Hn'piial. The loan wno was aiiiiinp-inieil ' !" ""' ""I1,'' by Clewed is wounded by a l.nllnl t lit ,i..l., ....uu. I... I .u ii T'TT'tT,'''1' irom ,-w iork, where his paieuta reside D-lecuvea S ns and ftomera re,.gn.ze. - " ,'K'il , i.-- l- -T ,I1 1-tB, Cars-ui, alias Smith, Yellow," etc., aa mi " jail b.r.l, who M-rve.1 a two year a sen . senile m 4 re n l-r sal. , yjl"'",'Z;'"r r ..'.'t. . b Mr. flacliniaii -,cvg. 11-I as a na r laken fnmi h,a a ,rv. 21 cesate a yard i2pwrd The Coal Trade. Navigation has fairly opened, tho lata vessels bare already begun their seasm, and the canals are fairly busy, the coal trade still tacks the animation that Itshniiht feel at this time In the year. There is no accumulation uf stocks at tidewater, Ihe aont companies are fully agreed upon the policy of restriction, and there is nut the slightest disasitlon to tempt purnhas- rt by cutting prices, yet the dealers ore still hold Ing oirand tho trade Is very dull. It Is true that a larger production of coal has been readily absorbed nnd that slocks have not Increased In view of this lu spile id this lirge Increased production. Nevertheless llie fact remains that nil tho large dealers find orders slack? and they fear that In the present condition nf tho Iron trade there Is no kriowiug how soon such u number t-f furnaces may go out nf blast as will materi ally cheek the demand for conl from Ibis !niirtant Industry. Twn have gone out In the Lehigh district for repairs, and It Isnnlv a question uf a few weeks more when others will also find this a good tinio in which to stop and put their furnaces In a enndith n to make Iron at less cost. The business during the past week has been slight in vol ume, and there has been a great deal of cutting on outside coals. Pihes in Bton are i ill down lo n jmlnt which ono would think ought to encourage purchasers, but there is an abundance of coal on hand to fill all orders. The Western markets are quiet, but the dump in freights, whicli is almost fifty cents a ton, ought to encourage free buying. The stocks on band are about the same as at the clns uf the preyieus week, the increased output being only 2 per CJiit greater during the week, though the total fur tho year already reaches 9,000,000 tons und is a million in excess uf that of last year. Phila. Prcn, 12fA. STOCK MARKETS Closing prices of Da Haven Sc Townsend, Bankers, No. 30 South Third Street, Phil adelphia. Stocks bought and sold oitliet for cash or tin margin. JPhilaJelplna, May IB. 1SS3. hid asked IT S3's.Ext 103 :3j 0 S Currency li' I2'J 13 iZ "aKxl 1 H34 U 8 4). new I 13 U 8 4' Iltl IVimsy lviiiiln R it Mi Phlladolpbia Sc Rending R It 27 Lehigh Valley It R f.f.l Lehigh Coal Sc Navigation Uo 44 11.14 II 11 J Sis 274 GiiJ 441 United N J R R Sc Canal Co 192 192i S7j Noilbern Central R R Co 50J Hcsmville Pas'. R R C. 13 Uulf. Pillsburg Sc West. Rlt C... 15 IS 152 35) 501 fill 67 HI J MI t'ent'al Traiiairlation C 3S Northern Pacific (aim Snj " Prefd 87i Ni rth Pennsylvania R R , filij Philadelphia' Erie R R 18 Silver, (Trades) US DI F. I). WEISS. At Lehighton. May 5th 18f3, Levi Weiss, aged 71 yean, si months and 19 days. BALTZER At Lehighton, May 8th, 1683, Annta C,chlhl ol Daniel ami uaruara Baltzer, aged 4 years, 10 mouths and 11 days. BALTZER. At Lehighton, on the 12th inst . Maggie, a child of Daniel iiml Bitrhtra Il-iltzer,aged 2 years, 10 months and 10 days. M A RTH I EN SEN. At Mauch Chunk,l2th inn., Maria, wile of August Ma'rthiensen, aged 25 years, 7 months and 27 days. New Advertisements. r A. SNTDKIt, ATTORNEY AT I. AW. OericE -Corner of Bank Street &. Bankwny, 2nd building above the Carbon Advocate Printing Offlec. May , lSSS-mt liKIiianTON. QODItT rK0(L.lMAT10N. WIl EKbASIhe Hon. Samcei, S. DREnrrt, Presittent ol tliu XLllld Juilto lit Illstrtcl. I Dnil i liar, ,u eeiei ecu on ... ... . nvn- t , i,r-., Jutbfes ol Coiinnon Pleas of Cariain cotintv aml bv virtue of thelrotnces. J stlcesoribo irphans' Court, t'ourt ufOyerand Terminer and tieneral Jail Dollrery, anil thu t.'ourt of llunrter Sessions of the 1'eaee or said county ofttarbon. have Issuetl their prtccpl to ine, bearing ate or April SOth, 1813, for holdlnv Court of (Quarter Seeslons of the Peacc,Court oi uonuntin iieas, ami si-iurt ot sijrcr itun Terminer, and tlenerat Jail Delivery, and tirohiitia' Court, for tho nuriiose of trylnir Is sues. In criminal cases, and the transacting ol oilier businessot sam t.onris, at ine uourt House, In the llorongh ot Maueli Chunk, un MONDAY, the llth day orjUrsK, l.a, at lc o'clock a. m., continue two weeks. NOTICE Is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of tho Peace, nnd tho Constables nt the said Uountv of Carbon, that they may be then and then) at g o'clock In the afternoon of the said day. Willi their runs, recorus, inquis itions and remembrances, lo do those things which to their otbees nro apiiertalnlng, and also those that are bound by recnitntzance to prosecute and give evidence against persons charged with the commission of offenses, to prosecute as shall be just. Given under my hand at Mauch Chnnk, In said County, May 10th, 1SS3. slod live the oturaonwealth. OH AS. W. LKNTZ, Sheriff. Mauch Chunk, May l'J, 1SW -te. A Common-sense Remedy, No more Rheunmtism, Gout, or Neuialgin. ImmediatB Relief Warranted, rcrmauent Cure Gnirantecfl. rive vearttttablithed and never known to fait tn at inale cate. acute or chron ic. Rrfer to alt prominent phyticiuni and dt ugglitt fvr the tianaing vj oiuiryuca. Secret ! TIIH ONT.Y II1SSOI.VER OF TIIC IMIISONtll'S URU) AUDI Wlllllll l:X. ISIS IN TUB lll.t-tlll tK KIltU.MATlU ANIittOUlY I'ATlENIri. SALICYLICA Is known as a rnminnn-serse remetlv. heotusa It strikes tllrecilt at the caust, of lfbe'imatlsin Uout ami Niuralgla, while so many so-cutled specifics ami suji- poaeil panaceas mil treat tocaiiy ine rueets. It h isb-en eoHoeded by eminent scientists that outward applications, such as rubbing with oils, ointments, liniments, an t soothing lotltin will not cradle.tle these diseases which are the result of the poisoning of the blood witn i.'rie iciu. fl Al.TRVLIRA works with marvelous ciTcet un tins at-lil, ami so ram.ves the itlir ler. it is now exciurireo useu nv an een nrartti physicians of America and Euroie. ttlaliesi tUilol Academy ol' Paris rei'irtl V'p r ceut of cures In three days. Remomber that SALICYLICA is a e rlaln cure for Rhesmatism, Goat and Neuralgia. The most Intense p Ins art eublujj almost In stauily. Uiva It a tilil Relief guaranteed or money retuuded. Thtuiatnis ul Icsttmonlals sent t n applica tion. 61 a Box 0 Boxes for 85. Sent by iu.t I on recelpl of money, AS YOt'lt lIHI'dOIST KOIt IT. Hul ds not be iloluded h.t.takin Imll . lions or subsinutes, o s eililiu itcoiu. uiaoile-l as -Jusl as t(taiO 1" lnsl-t no tha i. ...... t tu inn ntn, k. Kcuuiiioanu ins n-iu . nnioti timt w ,,,. 0arh box which Is guaranteed euttu eally pore under our sian.iure, an linli.p.u slide re il-lla to iniil'o suesns In tho neat. inoit, l ake uo other, or eml tu us Wuilibitriio v- I it. i I'm) rh tors. It? Broadway, cor. KaAitaSt., MaylVHly, NEW YOHK. TO WIIOW IT M V (OM I'ItS. All persons are lit retry forbid herb rhm or in wife, Ki 17. M ll-t Fr, o-t my K.I end I., aril without Jusl cause nr pro. r iatlun, 1 wll. luy no del.t. euouat. o.J by n y at-eoum aner tllia tiutoi rno imviua teiv aajiwaauwsu " I NEW AIlVEUTlSnMIOSTS. Songs never Sung. "How does that verso run? Something tike tins, isn't It? Tliero nro who touch the maalo slrlrir. And noisy lame Is rum! tu win thru I Alas I tor those who neter ring, Hill die wltli all their musiu In them. " "Yc, (bat's beautiful, tathetle and Hue." I eabl jour representative. "Ihe pou alludes i ycviov wnu uru Etimcnow ruptircsseil, anil never act llielr full allowance nfloy nnd air. Which reminds trio uf a Utter shonn nie tho ; other dav ly Iliat-ox h Co., of New York, signed by Mr. II. C. U iilinms, ol Chapman, .utito-t , u, i , u iiriioiiucui uuiiness man ui mat piaee, lie strut M "1 have snllero-l with itSthma for over 10 year-, ainl hail a lerillite attack in lleceiolnr itun .iiiiiiiirv, iiaa, i unruly know whit lr ptt-'l tnu to takePAiiKKii's'IoMf. 1 Obi ro. ainl l bo first ilny 1 look Im-r ilnsts. The t-llect astonirlicit me. nikhl 1 sicpt as II uothhiK was the mallei with me. i.n-. hate cter since. 1 have hail cuius ,1'co. but no iisthun. Jly I renihlng Is new as pi-tlect as II 1 tuiil never known that illnasn. lfjm ki uw i f any one wlm has nai limn tell bi o in my name that I'AitKati'a To.muwiiI euro It elen nltir lorty jears.' I here v-as n uiau vihocsciiiietl the hue of those whum thu pott lauienis." Thlsprc t.aratlnn.whirh.ha hercto'orcbrrn knoiin ns I'ALIttii's UimikiI Tunic will neroattcr ho mlv. ril,el and snbl under Ihu name ol Paukkii'm 'ionic Inasmuch aa dinger Is really an unimportant liiareiilcnt, a nil unprincipled ilrolers itre e. I'Smntly ite cclvlnu tli. 1 r tiistomcrs by siibstltuili g In ferior preparations uiitltr tlienuiue ul giuuer, we it I op the inlslenillUK wont. Theiels no change, huweter. In the prctinr- allon tlselr. nnil nil hnttlea ri-tnulnliiu- In Ihe honils ol il i-:t le re, wrapped uioler Hie naine of l'AliKilli'a anan Toiu coutoln the genu ine uiedlclnn II the tac-slinile slviiatuiu of itiacox & t;o. is at tho botluiutit the out side wrapper. Way t-tnl Annual Statement OF THU LEHIGHTON POOR DISTRICT PETER IIE1M, Treasurer. In account with Lehighton Poor District, for tho Yeartuil Ing May 1st, )S83t- Dlt. To Amount or implicate for H'S .. AiLuuut uf Supplement lur 1 ;,. SOTO 63 10 81 tJ.I 61 lly Exnne'allons DyO.'in'n lur Otllicilti S'.t CI Net amount of flupllcite, isss j 14 BO I o'uuiotitit rtt-elVMt i-om J. i', uutn Implicate- ISil tl S". To tinintiiit ite'd fioio t . M-iittartz, toro-er I reiisun r 49 04 To nmo int rtceivid I out N .tlisstr. Oveisetr oi 1'iur ol .Mnhonlug twp.. In .Mrs. Iluiiis1 txi etiSi s.... CO 00 Toamuunt received troiu S.tle ul M. AUlbonj'a Uouds 8 to OR. Henry Campbell, .1. P.. rclferorders. Henry t ampbt II. J if lur re- uiutnl ol .Mrs. Hu ns O hlihtrt. rent lur .Mir. .ttulhcatu .. F. ludnlir, rent lur Mrs. Miimoll .. .1 Ilartliulouiew. IsMitliuir N Fishur, Jus. eabolut. iiiirsitig Mis. ilur s ,. II. V. JMurililtner, pulbisbing Slat--. ment ISM-- Dr. W. a, l.trhumcr. uied services. .Mrs Wiln 4t Msier. hill toreblld uf M.S. .tluihearn I.evlna Sutuuilt, hlskeythi tl W. S Wiiitoruiutc, inerch.iniilse F. Shulir. boa dim iMulheaiu tliihl. A. D iUosser, rumlrtes Kev. .1. F. Freeman, reivieea luneral or 1 1. Wt Irs O. Wolf, moving Tdrs. jUuih-arn ,M. 1 1 el 1111.111 h Co, Hour and coal.... M. Hellman rent l-hann Snyder .... Peter nelin, six weeks board fur D. Weiss Wllllnin Kemerer, merchandise Vnl. Schwartz. culhn lur D VMlss... 12 00 1 tu to 18 60 it ee tu tu 3 08 2 00 1 60 '.U 21 CI lu t 00 4 3U ii co 3 0") e n 4 ia ir.7 w l oo l ei oo 4 IU 8 8(1 4 iu io ro Cliaa. I'liiteisuii.dlgaliiK aravo lur ll. wi-iss , Dr. I". H tlerinan, medical seriices, D. t els J. P Smith, niauioir duplicate 18s.'., J llcnntnvr, (Stewaitl.) buanl, ate, lur I'hiion .-ntder lohn llsrtholomew, uiaklna tlress. f.c , lor INnncy Hslor Jos. Zunu, cons nblc, services In HI. Anthony cise Polly SctiMiih. iiur.Ina I). Weirs .... .1. P. .Nusbaum, liio.chtti.ltse K. II. Snyder, inirct.iindlse J, la. tlivb.-l. i o.i I iim.M llat slier, sen ices rendered Hiring tear K.jFeiisiLrimicher, meiehniid so It, Iteek. n-loii, coal ami rnttillns: .... it. Ueckendurr. inorliig Mrs. etnytter, It. ittckeiiilurf. rent lur Mrs. Snjdor, 11. Ilt-cketidorl, one t. tu's salary .... David hhia rt, Hour, he Charles I'ntU-inin, dlaalng arate lor Mr. Hi-iiiiiii Mis. Ki. Dot sehlisehky, ruerouanoire lor.tlr. ilea ho Dr. W. A. liethaii-er, rnetl. reivlees.. Ur. W, t. t Sulple. nied. services. .. II. V. At. rth liner, or. or bo-iks, a.'-.. .. T.S. Deck, books nnd rtliil orders. .. It. A. Iteliz, relict orders I'clt-r Helm, hoo-p, shoes inemllng', Piter Iteim, tur b ardlng Mulhesrn child Irom April 1st loMaiob O.h, at $l,f u per tv. ek Peter Helm, rcrvlcu- to Mahoning twp. In .Mrs. Hums case Potcr ilclin. taking Musts Anthony tn Lehigh Connly Almshotire, In- t-ludtng railroad fare, carriage hire, ,c Poter Helm, attending lock. up Peter lit-lm, exptnses tol.chtgh tju. Almshouse, In I', Sndertase.... Peter Helm, one year's salary, to April 1st, IS83 Peter Helm, per cent, ea f 781 , al 2 I 42 SI 14 2 10 12 SO ii CO 8 .U S CO 1 64 1 1 1 J ro 8 85 :! 7J i DO 18 Oi 7 (0 2 10 14 .'0 21 00 6 00 CO 00 Peter llilai, an'di't'ois Ices', 15 t: 4 10 18 0 82 Halanee In hands of Tctcr nelm, Treasurer 1:0111 Tqm OJ We, tho nndcrslgncddnlyolected Auditors of the llorongh of Lehighton, do corttfy that tho foregoing account Is correct to tho best of our knowlodg-o and belief. W. I LONIl, P. M. VANLIHW. Auditors, May C, 18S3 wl Itesneetfully announces to the people of Trf- hlghton and Its vicinity, tl at he l now pre pared toiupply them nil It all kinds uf Household Furniture Manufae'nrel from Ihe ttest Seasoned Mate. rials at Prices fully as low as the rame article, ran bo l-nutrht lor els -wheru. Here are a few ol the Inducements offered P trior Set! at from 60 In 60 Walnut elaihie-lop nrcsing t-aso lleiiriaitn Suites. 3 nieces 440 to 445 Palmed lledneun sultts tiatulk) I'aneSeatui I'lialr". perstnro.... Cutnmon 1 hairs, per rat of S , tl and all oilier (lnfls equally cheap. In llils connection, I ileslrn to call the at. I01 tl m of llie lieopln to my ample f eltltles In THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS wlthrrNFW and 1IAM1SOMK I1KARS1", and a lull linort' ssKKTS and t'llf Fl.S. lam preat'et 0 attend promptly to all or. tiers In thn ll e al lotteit pi Ices. Patronaxe reriwrllullr sullclleil and Ihe most ample satlsruclt n guaranteed V. SCHWARTZ, ectll DANKStMLtblgbtoo. J". ITo IJ.ESAUSii5 Know That Brown's Iron Bitters will cure the worst case of dyspepsia. Will insure a hearty appetite and increased digestion. Cures general debility, and gives a new lease or life. Dispels nervous depression and low spirits. Restores an exhausted nurs ing mother to full strength and gives abundant sus tenance for her child. Strengthens the muscles and nerves.enriches the blood.. Overcomes weakness, wake fulness.and lack ofencrgy Keeps off all chills, fevers, and other malarial poison. Will infuse with new Ufa the weakest invalid. J7 Walker St., Baltimore, Dee. jSSi. For six years 1 hive been a great sufferer from Blood Disease, Dys-pepsi.-andConstipatlonfand became so dsbilitated that I could not retain anything on ny stomach, In fact, lifs had almost become a burdea. Finally, when hope had almost left ine, ray husband seeing Baowtr! Irom Bitteks advertised In the Japer, Induced me to give It a trial, am nov taking the third battle and have -tot felt so well la'sl years as I do at the present time. Mrs. U F. Gainst, Brown's Iron Bitters; will have a better tonic effect upon any one who needs "bracing up," than any medicine made. THS3 BES-3? OF ALL 3?0?, l31Uip B3AST. WlexcnjtfiIutil!3C7X.tnimenthaBbpen ul l;now:i t o nilllor-.B till over the world aa I S .;:') onJv calo rcllanco for tho roller of! juct.'Hieiii.'s rain paui. i& 13 a meaicanei r j riiKi. o -iri'ju tintt irntieo 1 11a iwiioi itas ....... w, UIW,VIMVtUUWIIS4jliUl -oiiTir. T.tnlmnrtf ta -w-HltoTit nt, nmtst 1 ' 1 :i.ic::-ulc.i ileiix cmI muscl to 1"t3 ttry bone tanliirjs tho contlcn vi'j'in of pain mi1 lntlmninoUon lmpos i r Hup. 1 'i ojl'ccl 1 r port Unman Fleali anfl itt im iirjto (.'rt-ntjci-.i eta cgually wonder- 'J.sUnirarr.t is reodoil l-j- rjamcb3(!7 In f every house livery tiny brings nown of 1 1 sie cg-rnyoi uu nv.Tltlsciuuar uars .'-?ubtlrietl, of rheiimntio mnrtyra re ef lorvsl, or a atnnblo liorsn or ox ittvit; Dy lua JtoauiiB powex oiuiu I UlSilllT eTjh'.sh erieedlly carers tracli allmcnta of line HLTUAN FLi:sU cs a r.:it,r.iaatiiuii nvxIUncss StlrT, j jalitrc, t-ntracn-tl juneclea. Burns 'si-uttl fralis, Cnt", Rrnlaoa and "Jetrsiniiij, I'nisancna Ultra itnrl "-.'Jtfiif;, f:t!-Titev3, J.nmeneea, Old JCsiron, trtrtri, I-'roattiltca. ClillbloJna. r.,oest Kl.spjes, Cnl-otl 23reitt nnd 'swuicsl ttery fois of cztentai ills .rje. It hent-j vitliowt cenrs. V or t!to lisoiTi (,'iiCAriw it cures P'tinlm, fiivsiii7', t?tllt Joints, ( i'c tss.!cr, TTnmcra tsorea, ZToof Dla iMtsrs, loot Hot, Scresr WoinsSeaSs, jeoilcri- Ilnrti, ricrarcliea, tVlnd jfjelliis O-iarit, Tlirnrh, Illnclione, rtni-ci. I'oll r.vll. Illtu nnaia iMhs f.-l!tt nit.l oTcry other ailment its vrttielt t!io occnpniita of liis 3.--,L!o nnd Btoclc Vard Are liable. "xho Eloxlcnn Uttalanrj X.lnlment rJvraTi carca nntt iiuver dlsaprioiata; raaiti3,r-C2iti"rol7t OP ALL r03 ISAK 03 3SAST. 0 ft DR. J. T3, tatti 111 HERTS wm Wires .Ite-s ,?'. s. W ,c iGHISl a psainvE cn:,i for Fir..'.iE compiautc TU remedy will act Id barmory wltit tlm Fo aalo svstem at all t!m?s, and also ImmnV.stely t'ponther.bdomlnid rnd uterlno muscle", sudra-s;orothcstonli"-dlhy rnd strong conititon. Pr. Uare'ibi's Vtertuo fatho'ieon v.ll cure faH !"I ct tho v-trah, Iuci.-tlica, Ciremclaflianta ilea r.n.1 Vlcerjtli't ot tun Vcmb, InclCentel llcrjirrha-a or l'looS.a-, IV'r-fnl, P u.prestctl enl Irrcsithr Menstruation, Kidney'.iliit, 1J irrrcacei rndfs cr pedally a2.sittl tott-o chA--i ctLl'.s. Genl for t.c3. lllettcntf iniu'v f rce'y r.nsworod. Ad.'.rcrs r.-i tbove, ror liyelttl-ti-irlsts. Nf.relro Plrerbottlr, CM cfro tsLSO. fa raro and tri V r Dr. Jlae clilsl'sUteilneCCaUcoa. TtiorooUiw- ' A. J. Durll I,', T MchloB, Ta. it f WANT "IMMEDIATELY! ?0 nior 901111a win t learn TKL.t:4itlAlllY ttntitt nliiiHtiiiiiiaj initir Ith Himp, hnperlntruiifnt UKlCUANTKLEGUAriiCO.tOberIlP, O, AVALsjikMBAri LES, nnrsnu rrsmir ri.torisi insiiw. t, iv. n-sl twa SehuolUS St is. S A.Wts woria. a. U Sle-WS. SH I CI KN J.CH.CI K. Co.. 6ts Clie.tnut SI . l-l.tlatirllOlU, Tm. Hpr.-i - bitAitutb&iwi TJlaHi. JW' a 1 ut Uouao tutOJ, .Jhw kt-. r.,i nurf . . 1 1.., KfH I ..I. . It tul ttut mvnd (if tlS""'. "t"r re rts ni ,,V W"n(!i tills ur-rr. "THE CEOT IQ CHCAPefiT." KCI.YES. TUDCCUCnebAtt'-mift nrssPnirtri ' 1 1 1 H.OI 1 1.1 IO f 'or.r Rnllm f!rrHiJltr tSalMsltoatt e'iu.11. ' Wrt elo.-rtlt.r! ISiu. 1-unnWs and Hrtees to Tna A.tUtniq & Taylor Co.. "-tseyt-l, ga, )v In )ii r nsy-t-sifftt .ci teir I JIm4 t l.tihr.', UrrsUwl . I .fa) MlUV f t.A, l4 KM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers