FARMERS' COLUMN. Dn Agricultural sVnlris Vaf 1 Jako Frin wo'iioi to la nettled by lor Ipoouor'a allusion to tlio While O.ikt, ami the butlneir which hii son Kit ttiit follows. He siiit, "I inws thare's more truth than poetry In what Mr. Spoon- rsays. The While O.fkj looks Jest as It ttsed to when I was a boy, aud, fir the life of me, I ifWt ere enny chance St Improve' ment. Yo sea, the cotrntry Is rooky, and the tla takes as nator.illy to white birches, pitch pine, ami scrub oaks as n duck does In water. If.e feller jo's a livltiatall,uplheicf he'a t In git It sailing wn-nl, ami clnrcoul, Nuthln eleeus.vs, nivt that don't much. Jf a Teller undertake to oloar up land, it eo-ti m ire than it rotnos to, tottel tho-stones out, i he can' plow,and.lf hwsoiva ryeor plants oorn, tha crop won't piy, without manure, and wh ere'e your m a n u re com I u g from w b c n yVre ten initra from the shore and tea weeJ, and haven't got anything but charcoal or wo.! to buy ft with T Ye see, It'a up-hill bnsineta for the While Oiks, and It la no Use to talk about the fairs doing the While Oikera enny Rood. Fact la, they don't en much, and It'a Just as well as If they did. A'nd Hain't much' better here in Ilooker town, lie knew Deacon Smith and Squire Blinker and them folks that had money plenty raiaed. better things than they used ,fc, aud took premiums, and they might maitn it pay, but ho had sent things to the air for several year, but never got a -ml cent for a projnlum. My wife, Polly, gits promfnnH on butter, bread, and bed qnllti,'enietlme,-anJ"Cnniea home so ro npthat there's no llvju' with her for a week niter the fair. But it don't seem to be for me to git an Milling In that line, and I have pretty ranch' mad up my mind that the" falrt'areVll talk and no cider.'" T Bukk Ml fn JtrtVemfitT yUif ricqn Aijrieulturut, Itotuilnt of "rop. Tit a well-planned system nf farming, the subject tifcmp-rolations should bo carefully ronildeifd, nsnmrnf the resentful elements of success in Its hicliesl anil best sense. It seems tn be the prevailing opinion llint the alternation p(v'rop.',s p systematic older, is a modern inveUMuii-tiiai m araMuiiiiy ele vclnped us a direct result of thnnpplications of science to the art of agriculture. The early writers on agriculture, even Iroin the tiroes of tho Orcein and Ronmis, have, how erer,n,uile uniformly urged the udvantoges of a succession of crops from' the teachius of experience. They were satisfied that a variety of crops grown in succession, all other conditions being equal, would give greater aggregatoyiold than could otherwise bo obtained. The reasons fur the success of the system could not, it is true, be given, but practical men were fullyagrced In urg ing its importance, and' mauy systems of rotation, moro or less perfect, were planned, aome of which- became the prevailing rule of farm practice in particular localities. That these practical rules of alternating crops nfdifTerenthabitsand modes ofgrowth are based on correct, but not fully explain ml, priueiples, has been shown by direct ex periment. Du. Milks, in the Apiculturitt tar November. JTAHItl NOTES In feeding stock the aim should always Be to feed exactly as much us can bo fed to the best advantage, and not just so much because your grandfather did. The dairyman who soils his cows, re lying mainly on meal, bran and oil cake, will not find his yield shrinking now like those of bia neighbors, who depend on pae turea. His expense, nf course, will be in crossed, but ho will havoa contiuuousyicld and higher prices as an nlriet. Sheep prnvidod with cotton-s-ed meal as an auxiliary feed are the best restorers of worn-out iasture9. The heaviest bunch of black grapes that lias ever been record A woijhl-d 23 pounds & ouuecs! length, 21 inches, aud width across the shoulders, 22 inches. The strongest known glue is that made from the skins and sounds of fishea.oiid the strongest of this class Is made In Lapland from the skin of a perch. Siting for gold leaf should always be pat on as thin as possible to prevent the gold from sinking into the site. It should have tact sufficient only to take the gold. A pound of bones contains as much phosphoric acid as 100 lilids of wheat. On many farms there are bone enough wasted to supply plmsphoric acid for all Ihe wheat continue I. t For killing grM and weeds on grvel walks there is noMiing better tliun umdr rately strong brlno One upplicutimi t not sufficient, but ii mini bo kept up -m;l-ently, and esHtcinlry ul'ier a rain. i There are a few cowsso iMiitliluled that their milk caiiuol U largely tniprnv-d,'iyth in quantity and qilsiny, by n rare fill atten tion to the wauls )f the animal. Good feed and a warm barn will go tmvatd acciun plishins this ilt-Mrub'n. r. --.l! Avery tli.n n-Hi .- .n-niih will ml make a g'Hi Hliixli.wu e it bus itod'plh, and an eilra heavy oat will ui-i rriuaiu briljlant, Im-suts it cannot set or harden through equally. A medium bet we, u the two will give the desired results. The term hybrid it nuita ioofelv ud by many hoiticulturieUiuid fanm-rs. Iftwo varieties nfone species are muled or crossed we get a variety-hybrid f IC two species of nino genus are crvsswl we get n siecies hy brid; If two species of different genera are accaaed, we get ageuus hybrid. Cuttings of currants and gooseberries should be made in the fall toon after frost, tied In bundles and lucked away in thu cellar or burled in a dry idarc and. covered with horse manqir uulil spring. They will then I tnund nlcvly calluuail aud ready to take, root aeeoon as 't. A paper said to bo proof galnt Sreand water U prepared in this wuyi After a mlx tare ol two-thirds ordinary piper pulp and onetMrd asbestos has been thoroughly in anriwrated, It is steeed in a solution of com mon salt and alum. It Is then made into paper, which fs finally coated with shellac yarnlth. AN OLD VO.HAN'N AliVICT. Aunt Rachel, writing to the Cincinnati Enquirer, sayar "When you feel unwell and think you must take medicine, for gondneaa' take 'get the beat.' If you need a remedy that will make you regular In your bslila, giee you a good nuturul appetite, make your sain clear and smooth, aud re. move all spots and blrmlshrs that indies ill. health, if you with to be free from rneiJ? tal deprcstlon,fretfu!neu, pecviihnejVialie fulncss and other diaordersuio Brown's Iron, Biltart," Neuralgia, Sprains, Tain tn tlio Unck rind Side. There Is nothing mere painful than these diseases; but tho pctn can bo removed and tho disease cured by us: ot Porry Davis' Pain Killer. Tills remedy Is not a chenp Renrlne or Petroleum product that must lo kept oway from llro or licnt to avoid dnncer of oxplosloii, nor la It nu untried experi ment that may do more harm llinn good. Pain Killer has been In constant use for forty years, and tho universal testimony from alt parts of tho world Is, It nevor folio. It not only effects ti permanent euro, but It relieves pain almost. Instantaneously. Dclng a purely vegetable remedy, It Is sofa la the hands ct tho meet Inexperienced. Tho record of curca by tho use of PAru would fiU volumes. Tho following stracts from letters received show what those who have tried It think i Eipir CaJ7, Ow&tonna, Tilnn., says About a year since my vlfe became subject to sevcru miflerinj? from rnei 'iimntlpm. Our WiB to -aim JLtlleb, which rpeediiy rwllc.-odber. Charles Powell writes from the Bailors' Home, London : I htiil i-eu muu-tod tbreo years with nenrsle-ta Fadviolantepapninof thqrtoniach. Tbo doctors at Wctmlnurr Hospital pave up my cat In dMnnlr. t trlM your Path Krtxttt, and It trae mo lnirnouhto relief, t Jiiia regained mr ttreujtn. and am bow ablo to follow mr usual occ.ip.Ulon. 0. n. Valwortb, Raco, Mo., writes : I oxi-rrliaced lmmeaiiu taltf Jrom psla ta the rtrte br tha um c f your Paw KlLLxn. E.Yorlcnayn: I M70 UBeil yo Jr PAt i Kru.fia for rheumatism, tnil h ire receli ed Bieat bencL Barton Bosnian says : Hare ucd lunt KjLtxn fer thirty years, a-d hive fouml it a mttir.failtrf remedy for rh8umtlm end lamcneca, IJr.Burdltt -writes : It nrtrrfatu toelTO relief Incfiees of rheumatism. PliU. Gilbert, Bomerset, Pa., writes : From cctiml U'c, I know jourPAiH Klt-ivn is the be-it med.cluo 1 cau p-t. II drujglsts keep Tain Kiiinn. Its prlco Is bo low that It Is within tho reach of alb and it will savo many times its erst tn doctors' bills. SSc, 00c. and 81.00 a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietor,-! Providenco, ft. I BE GREAT CURE '' FOB RHEUMATiSM As It U fbr aU diioftMfl of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS, It olo&nscs the uyTrtem of tho acrid potion that ciutcs tho dreadful Bulteriaar whloh only tho Tlotimt of Eheumatlsai can rsaUu, THOUSANDS OF CASES of ths worst forma of this teniblo dlaoaae have been quickly relleretl, in a ahort time PERFECTLY CURED. tuubadwnderfalsueoes,aad an Immense aale la every part of the Coon trr. In hun dreds of eases it has cared where all else had Mlod. Itls mild, but emoltnt, CEETAUf XN ITS ACTIO.V, but harmless In alt eases. CIt cleanses, Btrengrthena and ctveaNew life to all the Important organs of tho body. Tho natural action of tho Kldnera la restored. The Zaver is eloaneed of all disease, and the Bowels move freely and healthfully. In this waytho worst diseases are eradicated from the system, Aa it has been proved by thousands that la the most eJXBCtual remedy ror eleaneins the system of aU morbid seorotiona. X t should be used in every household as a SPRING MEDICINE. Always cures BTLIOU3NE3S, L0NSTC2A XI02T, and all rKT.TAT.TI Slatasetl. Is put up InDry TecetablaForm, in tin cans, eae paefcose ot which taakos Squorts mcdlclQe. Alio In UccltWorm, very Coneee trflted for ths conTcnlence of those who cannot readily pre pare it. Jtactiwithtqttal tfleiencyineithtrform. arr rrorYoro DncactiT. rnicz,i.oo WELM, EICIIAltDSOX A Ce., Prop's, OTOi tend the dry post-Miitl nrnttsOTOV, TT. USE HAZORINE ! SHAVING MADE EASY ! NO MORE DULL RAZORS! A late dlscovcrT. which has At onco gained a do scrvivl proiulucnoo from Its own merit. As au aid to Mmvlng-, It has nercr been vqa.iUod. It In ln-aliublo to ercrv one who ueea a Razor or 'deitres a tharp ketnjnstru ment for any purposo. RA20RINE. use of this uonderHil now.lcr, tho eil(-Q of tho .Kvrnetu razor may u im provfci. Tho roost wiry boint may bo reraovedfrotu the roost tender skin without pain or incon venience. RAZORINE. Hemoves all dread ol the individual use of the rasor. Any man posses-tlntr a beard, can by 'he use of this remarkablt dlicovery on his strap, removo hls beard with ease, comfort and celerity. Aetntt wanted In every town and county. .Send tor circular with tarios, &o. lly mall post-paid lor (0 cents.. Sample boxes, 25 cents. Address S. IUYJtOXI) & CO., 87 Vfirk How. KK1T YOniC OITV. ruay7 m3 WANTED GOLDEN AOBNTB POK TIIK DAWN Or, LtUHT OX TIIK (in bat Fuiunc In Oil llle, through the dirk tnlley. and In the 111b eterntil t hs s-on In the best thonirhta orlen-llnir nuthorsnnd seliolnrs. among whom are HIhop Simpson, Foster Wa ran. Hurst and Fuss. Joseph Cook, U.-echer, Talmaite, Dr, t'urrle, Dr. Moron Hr. .Mctlosh.lir, froj. by, Dr, l)U) Icr. (li-.i. I), Prentice, liean Sinn. ly, Whlitler, LongMlow, and uthers. The Mihjects irealuj nro t)eat,h Imtnortatlt), Mllienlnm and Second Advent, the Itesur Ju-lgmcnt, ttie l'unihuvaU of the Wicked, nnd the ltewird of Ihe HUhwou,. A rich least atealtslhe tesderotihli book. It contains the grandest though sot the world's greatest MUtbros, on subjects of tha most pro found foterest to everyone. Not ulooui) but brilliant. There is not a dull pave In the bonk. It la absolutely itHli.mii. rival Every lly will read It. School Tebehers,rtudents, Young Men iin-t I,.idn-e, lu-llng ns airenta for this book aromakln4Over(lu0auinth. Sells r.ili. (Lie airent sobl 77 first isdys, another ft In 8 dava. Ai.other U tn one dxy. anotaer Hand t Itlbles In 6 days, a lady sold Sin 10 b urs. Stcuro territory qutck. Also agents wanted fur t tie best llluai rated Revised New Testament, and ror the finest Family Dibits ever sold by agents. Send for olr-uUrs. 1'. V ZIKOLIUt &l U..015 Arch St., Phil, dslphla, i'a. 180 E. Adaus St., Chicago, 111. aug. 13-Zm. No Patf nt No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors In the United States Canada and Europe, at reduced rater. With our principal office located In Washington, directly opposite the United States Patent I Office, we are able to attend to all patent business witb greater promptnefS and de spatch and at less cost than other patent au torneys who are at a distance from Wash Int'ton; dI who hare, ihercToie, to employ 11 associate attorneys." We make preliminary examinations and furnish opinions as to ra tentabllliy, free of charge, and all Mho. aro Interested in new inventions aud r-atcnts'o'te invited to send for a copy ot our "Guide for obtaining Patents," which Is sent free to any address, and oontalns comi lele lnslrue tlous how to obtain patents nnd other valua bis matter. We rerer tltho (Ju-mn.Amer. lean National Dank, Washii gton, I). O.) the lloyal Swedish, Norwsalau and Danish LnKn. Hons, at Washington t Hon, Jus. Casey, lale Ohlet Justice U, S. Court Of Claims; to the Officials or the U. S. Patent I) Slew, aud to Senators and Members of Congress from every State. Address) LOUIS IMflQElt fc CO., So. lienors or ratenis ami Attorneys at Lis, lyy Droit llulldinir, Wabhixoton, I). O. hem It May 'Concern. Atl nersons are herehv forbid meddllnir with . II OWN llOHSi; loaned bv the under. Wslirne.1 tn tMLSUN 41a, iWl. bonlnjr Valley, I'a;. aa said horss Is Hie prop erly Ol ri'.tCUBWAIITWUUU. Sept. 17, 1981-wl MabcnlUK Twp., Pa. nr-sOUriTON BrtETN'EV.lashionable UtZlV llooTao.)MuoaMAcit,iMoaSt., l.ehl)(Btoa. All work itarrsoted. MannfaotUrer ot and Doaler in STOVES, BAHGES AHD HEATERS, Tin and SbeeMron fare and Genera House FiirnMM Goods. nOOFlNCt nml SPOWXINO )one at short notice and at Lowest Cash Trices. l-vervklndef STOVE ortATER and TIKE I1RICKH keit constantly on heud. Stohk on SOUTH Street, A few doors aoro Hank St., LISQIGUTON. ratrcnarj sollcltwt btisrao If n irnarnutei d. Oct-C-n A. i). UOSSUIl. WHY! WHY! Yon should go to Dr. C. T. Horn's UKNTllAL DRUG STORE, BECAUSE Ho personally attends to his business. He has the experience of medicine. Ho has the beat and purest Drugs and Chemlo.ils. He has one price to all. He has tho best goods for the least money. He has all the Popular Patent Medicines,. He has the host Horso and tlattle'Pow.ler. He has the beat wines and elaars. Ha keep tho best Old ltyo Whiskey lor medicinal porposea. He has the latest patterns in WAL.L PAPElt. He has a full line of Lamps and Lamp Fix lu es. He has a lull line of Toilet and Fancy Ar ticles. no buya and sells fos cash. Call and be convinced that the above rea sons are correct and oblige O. T. HORN, M. V,, Lnuckel's Block, Opposite the "Uurbon House." Sept. in, "MI'OltTAST ANNOUNCEMENT I l'OST OFFICE LTJILDING LEI1IGIITO.V, PA., has the Largest and Most llxteeslvo Sloek of ".sa- ia. UATS, CAPS, &o. evor offered In this borouah. and to which I Invite the speclM attention of my customers and the putllo generally, as I am prepared to uuer vAira.uruiuiirjr inuucemenis in JALhAND WINTER i, Hats, Caps, '&c- and I Invite my numerous rilendsand patrons to' call and examine my stock belore maklnc their purchases rlsowberr, as I am prepared to srlve speclsLJndnceraente to all UASH 1'UUU11A1-.KS. Ileniember, LKWIS WEISS Post.Offlce llulldlng, Lehlvhton, Pa. Sept. 20. Mm- Keepers anil Ota, Don't fall to buy your Champaigne Pear Cider, Lager Reer, Root Beer, Kectar, 0 Porter, &c, OF C. BOETTGER, TAMAQUA, Pa Ang. 13, ISSl-Iy. THE LATKST AND MOST WONDER FUL INVENTION I EDISON'S I n s t a n t a n o o u S TO THE PIANO OR ORGAN Dy which any Child or Person can play any of the ivpular Airs by note, at stent, wllh out STUDY, PREVIOUS PHAOTICB, or even JUasleal Talont. The Company will KOitFl-.l'r 41.00 'If any Child ten years old falls lo play A N YON E ofmir 1'oiiular Tunes on the PIANO. (MtHAN or MELDDEON within ONI. IlDUlt after recelvlna the Mus. Icand Instructlnns, provided said child can count, wltl) the figures before It, from 1 to 100 correctly. , 7 Pieces of Music, with Instruclions, Mailed to anv address on recelnt of tl 0. En. closo one-cent postage stamp tor Catalogue offunea. WAgeels wanted In every State and County In the Union. lidison Music Co,, US &C17 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sept. 17-41. $500 Reward I . WE will payiheabove reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Head, ache, IndUestfon, Constipation or Ooatlvencss we cannot cure with West's Liver Vegetable Pills, when the directions are strictly com plied with. They are purely Veieetable, and never fall to give satisfaction. SugarOoatod. Large boxes, containing SO Pills, 2i cents. For sale by all Urugalsis. llsnara of coun terfeits ahd Imitations. The genuine manu factured only by JOHN O. WhST fc CO , "The Pill Makers." 1S1 Ic U3 W. Mailnon St.. ChlesKO. Free trial nackaee sent bv mall prepaid on receipt 0T3 cent stamp. Smith Kline & Co., Wholesale Agents, A-minucinuiA, m, ail l. ss, ai-iy. JPAXJBSiraS. Inventors will Advanea their Interests by 1 Etnploylna an Experienced Attorney resident tn nashlngton. Ir. A. Lehmann, Solicitor of Amsrlcan and Foreign Patents. Washing ton, 1). U., haa had years of successful Prao- iice, anu waa lorinoriyan r-xeminer 01 fa- tents in the Patent Office. All business be. 1 fore the Conns or the Uapartment promptly riend for Circular. April -a-ti-cor. TARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of youthful imprudence jcaoaliur Premature Decay, Kervoua Debility, Loat Man. hood, eto, luting tried in vain every known rcnie.lT.tia discovered A simple sell cure .whlcii ha will send PR KB to hla feltow-anfferrrs, ad Cns J, 11. luorvis, U ChaUiam ku, V.I.' -January N, iHJ.yi 9 ISJ JBSSSSSSSSSSSHU cn 4x AtHaV IS respectfully announces to the people of L hlghton and Its vlolnltv. that ho Is now pre pared to supply them with all kinds of Household Furniture Manufactured from tho best Seasoned Mate. rials at Prices fully as lowas tuesaiaeartieie, can he taught lor elsewhere. Here are a few of tha Inducements offered : Parlor Sets at from . . eW to AM Walnut Dressing Case liedroom Suites, 3 pieces (40 to M Painted Dedrooin Sultn 1R to $10 Oano Seated Uhalrs, persotof .... s4 Uoininon lislrs, per ret of d (( ana an ouieruooua cqnan cucnii. In this eonneetlon. I desire tn call the at tention of the people to ray ample belittles In THE MDERTAKIK& BUSINESS with a NEW and HANDSOME HEARSE. and a full UneorOAbKKTS and COFFINS, 1 am prepared to attend promptly to all or- uera in mis line, at lowest prices. Patronaico rrrnectfnllv solicited and the most ample satisfaction guaranteed. V. SCHWARTZ, octl2 HANK St., Lehlghton. CARBON ADVOCATE rLAlJT AXD FANCY BOOKs JOB PRIOTG HOUSE BANK WAY, a short distance aboro the Leblith Valley It. It. Depot, LEHIGHTON, PA. We are now fully prepared to execute every description of PRINTING, irom a Visiting Carft to a Large Poster! Fosters, Handbills, -Dodgers, Circulars, Shipping Tags, Cards, . Dill Heads, 'I.. I, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes,' Statements, Programmes, Pamphlets, he, , &e., In Dost Manner, at Reasonable Prices ! JOHN F. IIALBACH, Instructor of Music, (Piano, Organ, Voice and Theory.) LEniOHTON, PA. Solo agent for the WEBER PIANOS and llii NEW ENQ LND OKOANS ; And dealer'lo all kinds ofPianosand Oreans. Terms low and easy. Slate, lumbor, bricks. etc., taaen in exenauge. Sheet Mu;lo and books furnished en short notice. - For particulars, terms, itc, Address, JOHN F. HALI1AOII, Ang 3, llTS-ly. Lehlghton, Pa. O a 7A s3S 1 -ot-,', -5 S.000 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE LIFE OF GARFIELD! His early lle andcareeras soldier and states, man; bis election and administration; his as sassination; his heroic struggle lor llfr; won aertui tneuicai treatiueDi; Dioou.poisoniDg; removal to Elberon: death, eto Profusely Illustrated. Splendid portrait of Oarfield, bis wife and rcuther; scene of the shooting; the sick ehamtert Uultaau in his cell; the surgeons, ana me caoinec. i ns only cnix. I'LKTa and adthkntio work. There Is a for. tune fur agents first In the field with ibis book. Outfit 66o Speak quick. Address. HUlillAltll DUOS., 723 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. oot.w4!;Ml- gjltfg "S 5sir .s--f .s t5aS8 hi C5 I . Co He. H J H a K-2.. r3BS erf"-, fee. fit: a. s la o.o t3 &rryrV A YEAK and eipentet to ISt?,1 Outfltfree. Address P, " O, VICKKKT, ACOU0TA, Jilu. APViRTissns hyaddressingtico. P, ItowitL fc Co , 10 Spruce St., New York, can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of Adver. titlnir In American Newspapers. -loo-page Pamphlet, S3 ets. oct2-wt dti n fi A WSB1C in vout TfeflftOaifltiree. tforia tiOUv wantabnilneaa at our own town. (1.00 riair. iteaoer if vou at wmcn persona of ' either ei can mate areal par all the ;Um? Jbjv work, write Tor partieniax. ia Jl. i UAtUTTT. Jt CO., PertUaOfe, JuusSS-l" miSCBLt.lNCOIiS. The recent exploration party ot Colcn I Morcer up the Spanish River, In Ontario, is laid tn bare discovered vast pine fores i containing upward of 21,006,000 feet of a superior quality of pins timber, with facil ities for getting It to the market equal to tho best. IiAae Sbitfcr was husking corn at Bare-- villo, Lancaster cobnty, on Friday of last week,whon he fell dead of heart disease, He was Sixty-five years old. Important to'fruvclern. BrXCUL iNDUOttUKXTS are offered von br the DDRLlaOTOx Hours. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found else- wnero in tins issue. "Uans, did I understand you lo aay' your wife waa laxy t" "Mebbo you uu dcrstoodt It dot I said so, shudge, but my mourn wasn't made for the English lank wage utij dot vas der reason. Vot I did saidt, shudge, voa dot mine Irou vat der kltidt of -a vowman dot vouldt rather put auf vill yesterday der York dot maybe some one dun'l vant to help her done to-morrow dedl," Jrnjo Jnicc. The art of fermenting the Oporto Orapo into wlno In this country has been brought to a greater degree of perfection by Mr. AN Ircd Spocr.of Patsiac, New Jersoy, than by any other person ) aud his wlno' is very popular as a ladles' wine, as well as for the communion table and for invalids. This wine Is for sale by our Druggists A. J. Durlinn and CT. Uorn.M. D..Lehieh- ton, and Zern Jc Kapslicr, Druggist, Weiss port, Pa. "Say, boy, ' railed a woman lo a bare foot lad, and admonlshlngly shaking a fore finger, "what are you throwing wator on that cat fur T" "The water wont hurt tho cats fur," replied the youth. The woman whose grammar w rebuked said shodldti't want any of his "sass." A World at (iootl. One of the most popular medicines now before the American public, is Hop Bitters. You tec It everywhere. People lake it with good effect. It builds them up. It is not at pleasant to the taste as some other Bittersjis It is not a whiskey drink. It is more like the old fashioned boncsct tea. that has done a world nl'g,.d. If you don't feel just right, try nop l)l iters.- uroa jcvs. The "utterlv utter" kind of talk has in fectcd Ihe street gamine, ono of whom, af ter picking up a more tlion usually flag rant cigar stump exclaimed to his friend, Jack, Ibis is quite too positively bully," Alter stiiTerin ' for years nnd Irvine hun dreds nf other so-called remedies, ioracldttv of Ihe stiimach aud iudigcstiou, without any beuefit.D. R. V. G. has riven m In stent relief. D. It. V. (1. will do nil claim ed fur it. S.G. Ladham, Imcal Editor, Syracuse Courier, Syracuse N. Y. Guaranteed by all druggists. An .impertinent fop made sport of an old farmer's lariie note, mouth and cars, but tho old tanner silenced him, saying i "Your note, mouth ami chin all had to be made small so that there'd be material left for your chek." Thave used yniir 1. It. Y. O. dypcpsin rrlnedy and recommend It for dvipen.ia and troubles urisintf from ft. N. U. Sullivan, M. I)., Mi-mpliia,.N. Y. Guaranteed by all drugUlt. . "Will you limn tne ten cents?" said one lycbrintc to another. "2Cn, not dime aw.irv of," wts the answer. That wa a ceiltsib'e answer, but it indicated that they were both in close quarters. (Milwaukee Sentinel. J That wonderful remedy for rheumatism. St. Jacob's Oil, haa been used bv a lire number ol people in tins city, ami wph effect truly marvelous. Frequent irpn Is aro mane wnere suneters nave neenatorl ed relief, and the sale is growiuc, largely The fort thut it is an external ri-mtdy. nun- mends it tc iiiiiuy who would hut otherwise think of going out of tho beaten truck to find a remcily. Squibs was asked what made .his fare sored. He said he hud been down South lor a while, and he supposed that's how ho g-1 so Florida complcxiou. Squibs is truth ful, of course. Wlint AIU You ) Is It si disordered liver giving you a yel low skin or costive bowelsj which have re. suited in distressing piles or do your kid neys refuse to preform their functions T If in, your system will so be clogged with poisons. Take a few doses of Kidney-Wort and you'll leel like n new man nature will throw olf every impediment and each organ will lie ready lor doty. Druggists sell both the dry and liquid. Jlmntvitle Tribune. The town crier A brand new infant. The' cino Hint sick politicians refer Sinecure. Profanity Isa disgusting habit of cuise itls. A little nut brown made A pranut in a roaster. A creditor's motto Xever put (' till to-morrow what can bo dunned to-day. It if in the. Welsh language lint they gtvo a word tn ths yys. Ooecanseea pick chewcr gallery almost any day in fiont of iiur public houses. Smelling salts have assisted nt moro re vivals than all the ministers put together. If you dou't feel able to harness a clam perhaps you could saddle rocks. A correspondent writes to know if be can secure a berth on board a courtship, A homely young girl has the consola tion of knowing that, II she Lives to bo forty, she'll be a pretty old girl. A man beat hit worthless wife to a jelly and got a position nest day as baggage smasher. The James boys are very successful at railroad brakeman. They not only break a train but every passenger on it. A recipe for lemon pie vaguely adds t "Then sit on a stove, and stir constantly." Just as If anything could sit on a stove with out stirring constantly. "Down front," exclaimed the men In tha back seats and three young gentelinen were seen to raise their fingers In an ab stracted manner to their upper lips. The old saw says. "Little bead, little wit) big head not a bit." Of course, the man with the big bead is dull it takes so lung to get anything through his head, Tha policeman had left his revolver at home, and he needed one to shoot a mad dog. In Ihe emergency be eiclsimed, "Great heavens, Is there a Texaa man pres. ent." A piper in a Northumbrsin town was once asked ir he could play "Within a Mile of Edinbro' Toon." "Within a mile J" ha exclaimed, "Wey, maun, I could play with in ten yards oo'U" The real dimensions of a man consists In the site of the moral shadow he casta. Ex. If that's the ease some people can go and hide themselves behind a match. A lot ol Boston girls ara going West in a bunch to get married. Poor boys, when you all skipped to tha plalni we thought you would be tafe, bu., alss I they're erf the trail. o -id if 3 O o HARDWARE In AIleiitowH, Where yon can bay Snyllilng usually kept lu a first-class Hardware Store at BOTTOM CAsurnicEst . Razors,, Fine Cutlery & Shears, fully Warranted. BCISSOES AND RAZORS GROUND AT SHORT NOTICE. ibii2 Chans'! Guns! slMsS ever and satisfaction guaranteed. AGENT3 FOR THE CELEBRATED e08iifh end Cliilled Flwse, (Every Plow given on Trial and Warranted.) JXO- Persons visiting Allontown by Rail will find this Ihe most convenient place to buy, at it is nearest tho Railroad Depots. A call solicited. Rcspoetfully, SIGN O FTHE BIG GUN, GOG Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. September 24th, 1881-yl o&dolsson Piano omp 9j AVill make, for the next 60 FSAJf $850 Square Grand orrryT T? Ol Moirnlficent rosowood case O t X ljxj Oro imtent cantante airratTcsj carved less nnd lyre, heavy serpentine nnd large t rencn uranu Action, uranu liainniers, in tact tenu to me iisriectiou 01 me instrument nas uoou XtTOtiR rnics ron this imbtumrmt noxxn ANnDKLtvanarj on no.inD ona tOA f OH AT Nitw Yunic. wiTn fink 1'iano Covin, Stool and Hook, twit sp'o.ll 'I'liis Pl&uo nlll b.i sent on test trial. Please order. Cahh sent with order will bo refunded logue. Every Instrument fully warranted ror -a-air -sxTrvrN ieo " j r ISf) and sold at Whulkhaiie FACTiiuv .rlcea. These PiHiiosinkdeono ol the vw flnctt displays at the Ccutenulal Eihlbl-lon, and wero unanlmiiuyly re. commended for tho II 10 ii ess-lIOKona. The Square, eniiUln our Ne Patent sealo, tho Itrentest loiprovctnent In the history of Piano niakiinc. The new patent sealo Uprlahls are tho vinkar in Amkuioa. Positively wo make tlio hnest liprlatit l'lanos, ot Die richest tono and xreniest durability. T ey nro recoiuniandeil ly the blithest musical authorities In the countrr. "vcr 11,000 lu usu, nnd not onk tuaaaTiSFiiio ruitciiASLii. All riaoosand UrR.ins sent on la days' test trial i ttgM rec if untaiiifactory. noti'i tall to writo us ncinre nuy. Inir. Positively no oHor the best bargains Hlano Catiilnrne mailed Iroe. Handsome Illus trated anil Descriptive Piano Catalogue of (0 pages mailed for Oc. stamp, Lvury i'lano fully nsrrantod fur years. " JUBILEE GROANS toned Parlor Onran ever ttTorcd tho-musleal pnlilie. Itcmilalna HVB CCTAVre, 1-ivnscts nf Jlecds, viz 1 Jleludla, Celeste, Diapason, Mtb-llnss and Ci Ustlna. Alio Fiflnn Beauli ful Slop: a8l'olloKS, vli: ,Il.lolla, O-iloste, (a charinliii? slop,) iilapason, SuA Bu.s, teho, Dulcet, Melodla.Vorto. O'-lesto-Porte, expression, TrebIe-Coitiler, (Wetliis. UaeF;l'oupler, Or and Organ, (nhlch throws on the ontiro puacr ol the Inurnment,) Klghl Knro Ktop.ind Swell, l.c'll Kncn Stop and lirand Swell. Jlolubt, 7U In i Ienlli, 47 In.; width, 2i In. , Wolfht, I oxed. 350 lbs. The casu Is of sollil walnut, veneered with choice woods, arid fs ol sti entirely new ami Ii- eutlful deslxn, elaborately carved, with puncls. mnsio closet, lamp s'and, tietworlr, &o, all eleir.tntly finbhed. l'oiises?os all tin latest and best Improvcmnnts, wllh ltrat power, depth, brilllJney and rvmp.itti'tlc quality of tono. Iirautltul solo etfeeisaud perrect stoi action. lieKUhif rolall price $'275. Ilur tcAoI.iaie ntl cat price to have It (olio tfucrcf, with stool and book, only tW .is ono orjrun sold sells o.hers. 1'namvjst.v mi nhVlA. Tiost larnu-K. Ko payment iniulicil until .roU have lully teslo l the orson In jutirown home. We send all i Irons nn 1.1 rfayi Irtl trial and pay rrelfrht both' witjs ir instrununt ts not tis represented. Positively, our ilruans cm tain no lloitus" sols of Leeds, or ' Dummj" stops, as do ir any others. We iniitta no mrrpresenlnitons, nnd Buorantce iionest and f.ilr rteiillnii.or no s.ln. fufjtcnrionlcd Info Jears. Oilier stjlesisi, S0, 457. 3. 7-, 475. tS5, etc. l)yi.itSltiOHOt.u,jirtDi;vEHvOnOAA has oivasTUU ruLLiisr aATtarAO-riox. Oran CJtnloguo mailed Iree. '." Factory Aki AVAitunocMS, C7ih St., and loth Are, TTT.,Ti"l1 TVfTTdTi"' aforfe-thlrd price. Cataloirue of 3 00 ohulca pleoes sent forSet OilJjIil. lLU3-y ftnip. This Catalogue liiolulea mint of tho popular uiuslo u tho d.iy and every variety of musical composition, by the best authors. Address, IiKMlELSSHON' VLVyO CO., P. 0. Hox 2059, Sen York Hly. Jujy 2.-mo. LIPElndDEATlEI- of JAMES A. GARFIELD" A corrert lllsl orr. or his I,He and run I'ariicniars ot 1110 assississtios ui our uinrij-re.i crdol noble man. iO V V.l XJjl JKti i)OK or 'inn I'resluent. A and critical reci' i'lt- r, l j t. cofrraFfeo. "i VPU. UlhfOllftl. IL01. CINCINNATI fUH. UU. , 174 V Tn Includlns; Hats, Ilonnets, Flowers, Ttlkbons, NEW GOODS RECEIVED WEEKLY. All work done in the latest style, and most durable manner, at tho lowest cssh prices. STORK l at the intersection of HANK STREET and BANK WAV, LEmoU'rON, PA, aprllso, liSl-yl. M m M mw A TRUE A PERFECT STRENGTHENED A SURE REVIVER IKON BITTKRS sro highly recommended for all dbeases re qnlrhiga certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter lr.illcntFiiKrs, Yant of Appetite, Loot cf Strenytli, Lack of iinerjy, etc Enriches the blood, strengthens tho muscles, and gives new life to tlio nerves. They act Hko a charm on the digestive organs, romoving all dyspeptic symptoms, such ns Tasting the Food, Belching, Heat in tht Stomach, Heartburn, etc Til o only Iron Preparation that will not blacken tlio teeth or give hcatlnolic. Bold by ail druggists. Write for tlio A B C Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading tent fret. BltOWN CIIEMICAIs CO., Baltimore, Md. i A. A. THOMAS, Uomer Ninth and P Streets. Washington, I). O., attends lo Pen sion and Pack Pay, bounty Claims collect ed. Omened f,n.d Claims, NIneral and Agricultural; attended to before the Depart ment of the Interior and Supreme Court. Land Scrip and Additional Homesteads par. ehassit and sold. Aurlt 23-tf-cur. 1 f f t- r CD i CO tn P3 Store days only, a Grand Offer of Piano for only $2-i5 ! elegantly finished SSTMxoa.l-SOoTAYits, full our new milrltt ovorstrunir scale, beautiful fancy moulding round case,lull Iron Fr.itnc, every iniroeuiont wuicn oau in anyway uuuuu. - send referenco Ifvou do not send monev nlih and freight charges pain: r-y us buthwajsif avo j cars, Our New SIVIo.TublleoOmanln Javanett Coie. called the OKI ENTAf. StvletH Is the handsoo.eU. tas'lest and sweetest t- A .... . o.v oaoKr.a riot .u i'iii-iih ok WJ l-fiio onK. Sauiplo Book by mall, St., Cincinnati, o. MISS M. S. SNYDEB, Itespcctfully announces to her lady friends thut she has jist received a ull line of the lutest novelties in' FALL & WINTER 9 Feathers, Notions, and DItESS TII1M Jll.VtlS TONIC DROP IN AT THE ft Larbon Advocate A a . I OFFICE FOR Cheap Printing ! AGEWf Q LMTED- 533 joHiiSOii EsyoiiVraa eoos oas. V.'rrn lasansciia SuFtvrS isresuata to Ooota oraruaiuun AN EliSCiAKT rfaKSENT. ISTALUABtETO iMxrycrt, CJ-crrfiiucti, rityatcIatMa Udltorn, I!aiUcri, v Xoacbcasf ItXcrchruits. Sliulcntat And all The read Boots. CHEAPEST, STflOt.CESt, BEST. Bond for dc3erlptivo clrcnlarnnd ITlca tot. COBRESPONDENOB SQULClTXa Address, nAIUCU, MUTT, CO., fiehoot fejmtrhers, and dealers la cvei7thina; in tW tjook and IStMloaery iuro. 19 nontl St., Koyr Tork. Send SS conts for our Now Illustrated Oat, logno, with over Soo IUUstrntlona ot oducatlonaj B&4 useful articles. TsHE oreat BURLINGTOlir ROUTE. STio trthor lino runs Three Through Pan Songcr Trains Daily btrtween Chlcnto, De Moines, Council Dltifls, Omaha, Lincoln, St. Joseph, Atchison, Topokn and KanEtui City. Direct connections for all points In Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyomlnp. Montana, Ne vndn. Now Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon And California. ,Tho Shortest, Speediest nndMostCnmfrtn bio Itouto vlalinnnllu'.t to Port Hcott, I)cnIson( Dallas, Houston, Austin, fan Antonio, Qalvcs ton and alt points In Texas. . . Tho iincqUfllcd indilecmcnta rffercd bythlaj Lino to Travelers nnd Tourists, are ni fotwwsi Tlio cclebratod Pullman UO-wheel) Palaeo Bleeping Cars, run only on thlt Une, C, 11. U O. Pnlnco Drnwlng-Itoora Carst with tlorton'sl ltccllnlnff Choirs. No extra cbarse for SSeai In Iteclinlnsf Chairs.. Tho famous. C. p. & Q. Pnlaeo Dlnlncr Curs, norgomia Smoking Cars tlttc-d with P.lecant Hlgli-nneiccd ltattnn Itc volvlnsr Chairs for the cxcluslvp uso of first clna pnsscnecrs. Btccl Track nnd Superior Equipment, eonv blued v.'ith their Great Tlm-.tiKh CarArranie mcnt, mnkeo ibis, above nil others, tho favorite) Itouto to tho South, South-Wcst, and ths Far West. Try It, and you will find travcllni; a luxury Instead of n discomfort. Throtiph Tickets via this Celebrated Mn for snlo nt all otliocs lu the United States nnd Canada. All Information nhmtt Hates nf Fnn Sleep intr Cur Arcnmmodatlono, Tlmo Tables, &c.j will be cheerfully elvrn-hj' applying to J. Q. A. DKAN, G-n'l Kastorn Asrent, aoa Wwhinfrtuii Ht.. Dt ston, Maa, nnd"dl7 Urn idwjty. New York. JAMES H. T700I). (ten. Paai. AiSt.. Chlear. T. J. PO'lTUIt, (jen, Uaaagct, Chicago. D. R.V. G. CURES Dyspepsia. MimM, Ksiif.ii And d troubles arhtnz therefrom. Bick Headache, Ui Eatin(, Aciiity ef the Flatulency, Livar aad Compbdot. Torpid treaa tut.i r. Inr.iacii. r t u it e y I. 1 v e r sg jConstlpatlc) Puas, I Arhc. I fit ii tha but aa iiacic aaa i.tmba. furifier la tho VorU. Cuaran Dnisisu lo jive pr- tcsdbya!1 feet satis, rsfuadad. 1 ic 1 n't? .Sctiou or raoDcjr j Try It. OurVltal- Tonic Eittars, tkt kest p pettier In the World. Call for theia, G D. p.V.C. Wff.Co., Prop's, SVKACUSt, N. Y New York Depot, 0. W. WltttUs, lis rdtca Hstst. aiftbissw saw wii,i,'ayiatw5ti?g.i8r- ii M M Island Roali!" Mtt Stands pre-eminent among Uie (treat Trunk lines of ttnt West for belDjt the most direct, quickest, and safest line connecting the crest Mitronolla, CUICAOtb and tto EasTsicy, KoaTn-EasTxax, Bopvuiax and Setms. EasTiav LiKXjB, which tenuloata there, with Ksirasa Citt, LivK!twoaiii, Atckisok, cocseit ULurra and Osiina, the oeuxiacut. cistcsi from which radiate EVERY LINE OF ROAD that penetrates ths Continent from the Uitsoorl JUTS to the Padno Slope. The CMcaEo, Ml Island & Pacific Eailw b ths only lice from Chicago owplnn track tato Eaasta. or which, by Its own rud, reaches the points avers named. Ko Taawsrras bv caaaiaeil Xokissimo cokhxotioksI Xo AwKtUuB la ut tnluaud or sm cteaa ears, as erery paiteiiaer ft carrieit in rttrmtt. titan and tenillaud toaeta, upon fatl Jtwprm Troint, Vat Cm of unrivaled macnlficeuce, FcLUiur gaiacx SLXxriva Cabs, end our owu world-samees ito Cars, upon which meal aro served of un earpanaed escellance, at Ihe low rate af tevrrt.riv Cxxts xacn. with ample Ume for beallhfal ePiovmeBt. Throosh Cart betveeo Calejujo, feoria, alUwnkag aad Muraoori laver polotsi and cioae conneottens at all pelnta of Inuraection with other roads. Urn ticket l nttforoti WW dlrtctiyle every idaaej of Importance In TfonsM. ebraika- BlMtflWs, VryomKr. Uh. Idaho. Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington Territory, Colorado, Arlsona and 5es As liberal arransemenu restardlnx btcjsca as aav other Itee.and rates of fan afweys as low ucompetf. tors, who fornlah hot a lllhe ef the comfort. rioas and tackle of sportsman frea. , . Tickets, maps acd foldera at all principal ticket offices tn the United btatcs aad Canada, R. R. CABLE, Tka frti't td Gb. UtDtftr, E, ST. JOHN, Oi. Tkt. sal rate it Cat OnOANSlHuseluletoarUreed only Piakos12Sdp. swlllus. Oat. tree. Aildress IlEATTT,'Vaehtnittoa,H. J. JMrdtcms Jri.rt. kiua 1-llla nitta Now ltlcti Il'.-inj, and ! c iiii'-U-My rliango tha blood In thec'itlres trn in t' -i ..n'lis. Anv person who will rin 1 1 ill - i-hnla-lif font 1 toISweeks mavl a ton' ti f 1 If i'i'i, if er.r.ha tiling liopo .ibte. f.-nlh n: I f 't 8 let'er stamps. A A', J OK -V A CO., Itoslon, Mass., farmrrlu J .t" - . flSEKTWAJffFD tlu Sloehliie on lurcnie i. Win tniiapalrof siocflnss,w.trllU!:'t, and 'XOn complete. In 20 mine tea.- It vni a so tot a urest variety of f aney voixfor ttbteh, there as always aready market SoiS fir ruvular and liru the Tvvomlily ltiilttlwsT e ' - Co.Sl'OU'ashUlvt;tL,IotvClitM. tasy T.Tl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers