0 SATURDAY, KOVKMBKR t, IH1. Local and Personal. "tniian brpaHMtnl," Wathinyitn, D. C.I m anxious to IntroJuee Dr. Bull') Cough Bjrrup among mv Indians, having Ulrd it jnjsell for tovferkk month, and think It ons of tht finest remedies I ever found. I Mar you, It ti the only thing tbat fever relieved ms of protracted cough, brought on by exposure while on the Bloux Commission Uit year. A. 0. Books. Agent for Tone and U. 8. Comraisilonef. M. Knoll, merchant Ulior of Wilkes bans, failed on Saturday for $10,000 due mostly to Kew York end Philadelphia credi tor. On n execution luued by his broth ers, hit ple of business U In the BheritTi hands. Thomas Lyons, of Bellevue, Lackawan tia county, was killed on Thursday of last week, by an accidental fall. JSeT-Th largeit stock of fine gold watches fct E. II. Itobl'e.Maucb Chunk. Prices guaranteed to be lower than they can be boutht for elsewhere.. Miss Mary Oflliouse, of BilTenrille, Northampton county, has been made hope lessly Insane by fright. Scott Knapp, of Ashland, Schuylkill county, killed a buck near that place a fen days airee that weighed 1(18 pounds. jSS-For a elean share, a fashionable hair tut, shsmpoonlng, or anvthlneiti the line hair dressing, call on R. B. Widdoss, op posite the public squaro, Bank street, Le hlghtoo. Insuranco sharks had $To,000 In risks Upon the life of Alexander Buck, Who died at Frackrille, Schuylkill couuty.a few days go. The Hev. Jsmes A. Little, for about thirteen years the prospered pastor of the Iliiktndauqua Presbyterian congregation, has returned from a vacation Jaunt In-Central New York, revisiting former parishion ers at Utlca and Canastota. 33S-Before ordering your full and winter suits and overcuats, yuu should not fail to tlron into the Post Office buildnie. in this borough, and examine the new and elegant assortment of latest novelties In cloths, casslmeres, suitings and overcoatings now opening, and which the undersigned is pre pared to make up in the very latest style and most durable manner at prices fully as low as the same material and workmanship can be obtained elsewhere. Call and be sunvluood. Respectfully, II. II. pKtxsjt, Agent, P. O. Building, Lehighton, l'enn'a, After the Kingar express ran off the track of the North Venn. Railroad at Sell ersville oh Friday, fatally injuring John Welsh, the engineer, the passengers mud Up a purse for bis family. A h-lter com mending the bravery uf the engineer and his Bremen, Deo. IJulitl, was sent to the ofli cars of the road. Ifjulf you wantn nice smooth,easy shave your hair cut or shampooing, go to Frani Roederer's Saloon, under the Kxrhange lin tel, lie will fix you right, and don't you forget it. Soma lady of this town should take the agency for that popularam! Hatful book "Praetieiil Hotirltrer," issued by Buck- eve Publishing Co., Minneapolis, Mini. Every limine keeper nefds a copy. Aridn the publishers for terms. Commissions large. 4w. fejuGlueks, Watches, Jewelry and silver Ware for sale, and repairing done at lluga man's Store, Weissirt. J5-yl. te.8tnoko "The Round Head Cigars:, the best S enl ei?r in town. Try them. rsaleby J. W. Raudenbiish, at the "Car bon House." 31 tr. For tli week endlugnn the 2'Jth uit., there were 129,33 tons of coat shipped over the It. V. R. It., making a total uf 5.K5S.505 tons for the season io that dale, showing an Increase of 2.085,014 tons as compared with s.i mo time last year. Highest cash prices paid for hides and skins by F. J. Grtisnierj npxi,iite (Jar lion House, agent for Win. A. Grnsmer & Co. 4fTU best alid cheapest books may he had at Luckrnbach's, St Broadway, Miuch Chunk. Among the works he of irs for sale are the f illowlrtgi Acme blog fxphy: II stati'lard luniks by Maraulcy, Carlyla and others, bound in one volume, 40 cents. Lives -or Chaucer, Spencer, Mil ton, Cowper and Soiithey, 1 volume, 50 tents. Lives of IJe Foe, Johnson,. Gold smith, Scott and 'ftiSt'.keray, 1 volume, 40 rents. You tie's nihil Concordance $2. The works of Fli vioiis Josephtis, $2. A novel event is (Hllouneed to take place in Douglaesvllle, Berks county, on 6-iturdsy afternoon, November 12. A Isrge number ot persons Wlttl were duped into purchasing and taking nut pnlicicsln grave- ' yard Insuranco companies have become tired of paying the exorbitant and very fr fluent assessments, and have determined to sjome together, form a parade headed by a band of music, and burn their policies. Sensible at last. jaf-We notice that a numlier of oeir neo- dlo go to Dr. J. A. Msyeri at Maurh Chunk, t- get beautiful seta of terili J the Dr., as an operator, is unexcelled hy any other in this region, which fact Is appreciate.! by the pub lic, jyau i j JBeTW invite the attention iff our read ers to the advertisement of the Buckeye M'fg Co j i Marioti, Ohio, in another column. They offer rare inducemeuta to earn an lionet living. The formal opening of the Adelaide ilk mills at Alleutown will take place on TliUradsyi November IT, and the ceremon lea Will be on a scale cottililehturate With the Importance of the affair. Rev. Dr. Whitehead.of the Church ofthe Nativity South Bethlehem ,haa announced to his congregation his decision to accept the Bishopric of Pittsburg, to Which bo was re cently elected. feS.E. II. Hohl. Msueh Chunk, has in creased his stock of watches, clocks, jewelry and silverware, so that he has the finest and most select assortment its the county. If vtrtl Will only call and see his slock, bis price are sure to suit you. A large black bear weighing 250 pounds was killed by an engine ott tho Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad, below Lehigh Gap, on Thursday of last week. It is supposed that bruin came down flora the mountains In March of water. Abram K. Wh!tner,aged48 years, died at PotUvllI on Sunday night of Brigbl'i disease of the kidneys. He was teller in the Miners' National Bank for a number of years, a prominent Mason, and the District Deputy Grand High Priest of that juris diction. A childrens temperance meeting will be held in tb First Presbyterian church, of this borough, on Sunday afternoon Beit, at SHi o'clock. Tb meeting will be address ed by prominent speakers. All are cordial ly invited to attend. Stewart Garrison, convicted the other 4at of tnanslaDgblerj Was sentenced by Judge Myers, at Eaton,Mnnday morning to an Imprisonment of eltyen year and six month) In the Eastern Penitentlsry, An execution was Issued Monday at th suit of Ario Pardee against the Allen- town Rolling Mill Company, for $1,348,068. Tho result may bs a change of ownership in the works. The heaviest and steadiest rain we have bad here lo many months continued dur' Ing Monday and several following days. The general remark Is that th rain will continue) to do good if it should continue for ws IJgirThewe ot biit subscrib ers Retting tno ADVOCATE through the mail will please refer to the direction tab, note their indebtedness, and remit the amount. In all cases where we have to send bilk $1.25 will be charged to cover expenses of postage, etc. Froi tkeJMy Seat. James Stage, allaa nappy Jim, who baa been for several months engineering lb heating fnrnaooa at tba Mansion Trevor Harris, of Wllkesbarr, was kill ed by a fall or coal In th Empire Mint at that place Tuesday afternoon. -There Is a smallpox scare la Wllkea- barre, the teacher In the Third school dls trict being down with th disease and many of her scholars having been exposed. The Sons of Temperance held Ire-un ion, at Philadelphia, th other sight, and Judge Ashman, of the Orphans1 ecurt, In the course of his address, declared that "liq uor dealers were not to bo set down exactly as enemies of temperance reform. They wer on an average a pretty good et of men. They were only th out-growth of a public sentiment in favor of tb selling of liquor They only supplied the publlo demand." Ha then bitterly denounced as tba greatest foes of temperance, the sleek, fat, respectable citisens who handed about Win at their dinners and balls, and yet Were lha loudest In crying down the saloons For the 8 days ending on the 31st uit., there were 135,725 tons of coal shipped over the L. A S. R. R.,making a total for the sea son of 3,765,953 tons, showing an Increase of 810,305 tons a compared With tht same time last year. XSfK big bargain for gentlemen A fine white dress shirt for fifty cents, at the Orig inal Cheap Cash Store, On Monday Rev. O. Mi Spargrovo.a iTesbyterian minlster.commilted suicide in the West Pcnn Hospital, Pittsburg. Smallpox prevails loan alarming ex tent in PitUton. There are at present over 100 cases In the town. The disease first ap peared early In the summer among the poor er classes, aod its progress Was aided by a dispute between the borough authorities and the Poor Board concerning tb responsibil ity lor the sick. Owing lo this difficulty the bodies of those who had died from the ma lady were permitted to remain uhburied for several days. The many friends of Jonas Horn, of lha Mansion House, this place, will be sorry to lea rn that he is ly i ng severely I ud is posed Daisv, youngest daughter of Mr. E. Uibblcr, is very ill with malarial-typhoid lever. Hon. Win. M. Rapsher. Hon. W. 11, Souden and Cant. E. II. Rauch will address the people of Lower Townmensing, at Lew is Uracil's hotel, Millport, this evening, 4th Inst., and at Nathan Steinler's hotel, Stem- lersvilte. Saturday evening, 5th inst. Let there be a rousing rally of the Democracy. Remember Hon. W. M. Rapsher will speak on both occasions. per FOR SALE. The undersigned have a new piuuu-bux two-sealed carriage, suited lor one'or two horses, and one nearly new two oeatrd carriage the front seat can be taken out or loll in either of them at plea sure. Either one of these carriages will be mid at a very low figure, as we have use fur but one. " Apply to MINER BROTHERS, 49.4 Weissport, Pa. Kpiirlul tMtllHttUlt. Ludiesaro respectfully invited to call and examine my elegant assortment of shoes and gaiters, 'just received from the muiiu lacturers, which for quality, beauty of style and finish are unsurpassed, and which I have placed at lower prices than ever be fore reached. Repectftilly, J. T. NcjBiVX, Original Cheap Cash Store. It Ml I.tmera Remaining uncalled for at the Lehighton post office Nov. 1 1 Th Coal Trttde. Th condition ofth anthracite coal trad was never, says Monday's LtJqtr. within our recollection, reported more favorable at this season of the year than Just now. Th demand for coal la unabated, and. notwlth- Houso tendered hU resignation on Toes- ,Undng la, production Is some three mil day last, wblob was promptlyand sheer- ion, otiODt in ,dTlince 0f it year's inp fttlly acopta, leaving Urn "square on pir , for 1 are d,nr on th In bis muscle, and as sari's as llf and as cress, as well from the West as (r.m th bsppy as ever" East. And as the hlnderance to an increased fan Armbrhtter, who generally keeps production of coal is kept up by a great lsck np with the tihier, gave a froesour kront of wstor at the mines, It dues not seem lunch on last Tnesday evsning to bis I probable that there will be such an increase friends. In th supply of cost as will materially "Sour krttlll tl bully) tour kruut Is fine, bring down prices. At all the coal centres ws Know lor w eat 11 an in lime. u, orders for coal are creatly in excess 01 David Tteh&tn, wbo has been absent thk bower khit capabilv of the dealers to for sbveral tUonths visiting bis friends in supply, Should there be, however, Judh an Europe and recruiting bis health, is ex- early supply of water as to remove the pros pected horde this week. out complaint from drouth, there is litllo It is the oplbion of many that it is ren to "T that the production orroal about time Ibat tb borough anlhoritis aa"DS " remainder ur J"" ttn'1 put aora. restraint upon ths manner in through th. coming winter will mbre than whieh our yoUtU celebrate lh.lastcv.n- equal th. current demand. Admitting that ing of tho month of October. Ho on. lh 'e"f dem"td '"J00 Z, T .. . ... . ... . greater than the ususl aVerags annual In- ObJedU to them observing it a, a. a boll- , ' n8W day or enjoying themselves In a proper and h w. manner, bnt do object and protect against 1(J wMm lU fied of nou,llmeh lh,t them being allowed to do as they please priwJ M mon Ilely ,0 ady(inco lU(u, nth. With other people's property.or ndnng.r erwiM for Jttn Th(J ,roh m4nu. ma ana limn 01 peaceioi ciiwens uy re- f,tttUre demand furoosl holds well up, and, ndnvlng ttoor Step add pull iug obstacles in their way. Wo bopb to sea nn imi provenlent in this direction, voluntarily! if not lorclbly. Shy and et Bold eho'ngb Hats. Short and yet totog enough Lifei Blow and ytt fleet enough Timet -'Bound and yet free enough Water. Dry and yet wet enough The toper 1 Right and yet wrong etlotigh. War; Strong and yet weak enough The will. Distaut and jel hear enough Small P01' Nutral and yet actlVb enough Nitro gen. Warm and yet oold enough Aueo- tion. Small abd yet life enough An Au om. Young and yet old enough r-olato bugs. Soft and yot hard fibdngh The heart --Repulsive and jfeUttratitlve enough Bum. in the opinion of those well Informed, will even exceed the demand for tho year 1881. Looairlg It) th future, there la no pursuit that for the next five or six years promises better than that of the coat and Iron. A de mand for Iron and steel makes a demand for coil to hianufacture It and demand for many other things necessary lo the trans porlstion of all elo. The coal trade iri the past hkl been more or less precarious ; it is subject to ouforstch vicissitudes, and; re quiring large capital a It docs, when the turn of the 'market is Against it the lots is Spt to b rapid and great. The lafit four or fire years has had thuch of the Unfavorable tb contend with from one cause or ailothert the present and pust year; nhllothcy have not shown lorgcly of direct money profit, have rJ&veftlikless, in their experience, taught tbat which Is worth more than mere money j thBy have brought trt practical use a more coi reel knowledge ol the business. The cohtbfnptiun Of coal Is ctlmntril as doubling every Jecsde j that is. If the pro due'lldfi In 1881 shall ba 27,500,000 tons, It Is fair to estimate- that of 188? will be 55,- 000;t)6o tons. The committees uf the Lehigh Vild and yet tame enough The tD,l Schuylkill Coal Bxctiangcs held a meet- skunk, Light yet heavy ehotlgh The atmo. sphere. Smooth arid yet rough feuougli Tb tongue. Onen and tcI closed enough A spoudn. Rich and yet poor enongh- The mli-er. Intelligent nnd yot Ignofnnl enough Mam -Safo and yet dangerous (Jnongh Arsenic High and yet low enough Tho clouds. Scarce and yet plenty enough Mid: night visits -Presetving nnd yet destroyiiig enough Oxygen. Jc&TICI; ndrews; James Bxlliet, Mary Bust, Laura ttorgcr. Jacob inuer Joseph Bsrr, Solomon Drrmel, Eliso (Ger.) Druriibor, llenrv mportnnt lo 'frcltclSer Section CLXl of the school law saya: Any teacher who absents himself from the institute of his county without a good reason may have his want of professional spirit and icul indicteil hy a lower mark nn his certifi cate in practice of teaching, than ho would otherwise have received." In view of the ne law, passed by our last legislature, as published in last week's Anvocars, there is no reason for any teach e r to be absent even a day. W hope our County Superintendent will follow the slrct letter ofthe law in this matter. Hrilman, John Kreitl, Ufo. II. Kistler, Abraham Leitz, John Morris, Win. M. Mankey, Fredejie Shoemaker, Fyelta Bmet, I. V. Webb, Mrs. Hiram Persons railing for any of the above will lease say "advertised." H. II . PETERS, P. M. Pnckcrtott ttlpili;. James Long. Master Machinist at tl.e our shops bure, having nlitained n patent on tho improvement to bis punching ma chine, la now making arruugeineiits to introdt.ee it throughout the State Tho machine in r.o-.v perfect; tbo ono in uso here has given excellent satifaction and is a model or workmiitialiip. The ma chine in full working order can be seen at any time by culling on tbe iuyoutur at I'ackerton. Rumor has it that Oeorgc Hurl?man, operator at Bethlehem, has been appoint- iVetqueliutilrUf Kcreculngai. ihg on Friday sTlenioon at the oflice of llie Leltlgh Coal and ftvllUo'u dumpnHy, It was resolved that 110 chdngn In prices would be recoinmi-ned for November la the line and City and harbor trade; The' Lo tligb line prices at MaicH CI1UI1II fttll be as follows: Lump, $3; brolfcn and fg, 2 75; stove and small etovo, $2 FS; clutnul, 2. R0; do. Ko. 3,$1 SO. The Lehigh city prices at Mauch Chunk wilt be:Lump,$3. 15; broken and ccg, $3; stova and small stove, $3 10; chestnut,- $2 Si) clte'itnut, Vo. 2,1 75. The llfle anil city friccs of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal n'n.l iron Compsay for wlute ssh og ut Bcliuj ikill Haven will he ; Lump ami siCHiiihoat, $3; broken arid egg, fi 75; shive ond snmll atnve $2 85; rhcbtuut Ko. I, $2 AO; clicbllit't No. 2, $2 50; pea No. 1, ti (15; p& No: j; II 40. A slight change will bo iiiadb In Eastern prices, ns rod nh roal ut Port Rich mond will Ijoadvaiicd 20 cents to J3 t)0, d(V stove 15 cents to it US, ami Lorbvrry sto-o 15 cents to l.50. The fc,imc relulirijchjiW win oe miioe ui i.liz.iueilipoij.,. The total tonnage of nnihruci rrWl from all the regions fur the w.fk ending Oct. 22, us reported by the several carrying comparo ics, amountrd to 033,710 tuns', against 053, 708 tons in ljiocuri'fiondiii!( week last year, decreato of 2(S,05d tons The tolnlaniiiuiit ofanthraHtt JWitied tor life year li 22,483; 321 lons,ngainsl 1S,J!U,CU1 Ilks forthosiim,e puriod last year an iuereaso of 3,'J05,03O tons. Democrats, M & Rememlier ! Editor Cariok Adtooatii It was Joe Lynn, ofthe jr. C. Democrat, who in the fnl of 1871, under the guise ojffa. Democrat, published from his printing oflice a most scurril ous political sheet, a short time before the election deribuiic- iiig and opposing the regular Democratic county ticket and grossly misrepresenting and abusing sllcli oiu arid stedfast Democratsof Hon. A. G. Brod head, Hon. Allen Craig, Cbl. S. Crnig, T. D. Claussi Reub. Zeigenfuss and otllersi and through his political treachery, with tho aid of some of his willing tools, succeeded in de feating D. Clauss for Trea surer and Col. John Craig for Associate Judgd It was Joe Lynn who pub lished iri his Mdiich Chunk Democrat, October 10, 1871, a Venomous arid bitter attack upon the lntti Hdn. Asa Pacl erj ono of the purest arid most respected Democrats of Car bon county, in an article head' ed: "Judp-e Packer and the Lehigh University." It was Joe Lynn, of Hid M. C. Democrats Vvho sb basely betrayed the Democratic patty of Carbon county in 1871, that it became necessary td estab1 Iiah an independent Demo cratic paper in which the de mocracy could put their trust, It was Joe Lynn, of tho M. O. Democrat, whb published arid made the vilest and most uncalled for personal attacks upon Chales McGill, C. J. Murray Jas. Sweeney, Hon Jahles A. Harveyj Thos. Mul lcry, .Daniel Brislin, John J. Gallagher and other promm the ed night deapntcber at that point, if so, the appointment is an excellent oue. Mr, Harleman U a sou of Samuel Harlcmao, despntcber at Wentbeily. Engine 3G3, H-:il Creek, built by David Clark, Muster leohanio of Hr it- ton shops, passed throngb here on its way to lerth Amboy. The engine is the first one of a class designed and built for Mr. Patruk Liv.lcr has been to Philadelphia during the weelt , hi which placo he purchased a l.irge atock of win ter gndhi. Mr. James Len-mou icturtu d home hftcr i three vcars lny in California. He reports good Units ill tbe Golden Slate. Mr. Hugh Cullrn arrived Lome the Amboy DivUJpn to be used on the Saturday, from iAadvillo, Col., hale and Conernllllalldttv Are Nuw In order. The Altoona (l'u.) TViiuae, ofEriday of last week, says: At 8 n'clifk last evening Rev. M. N. Cornelius, of the First Presbyte rian church, uniteil in tbe holy bonds of matrimony, Dr. E. S. Miller and Miss Nel lie M. Durborrow. Tbe ceremony was per formed at tbe residence of the bride, on Eleventh avenue, in the presence of a large number of invited guests. After the eon elusion ofthe ceremony a collation Was served and tbe presents, which included a large number of handsome snd vsluablesr tides, were exhibited. The groom, who is well known to our citisens, is a young phy sician who has already gained an enviable place in his profession. During his rest- denci in this city he has gathered around him many warm friends who will bo glad to hesr ofthe important step he has taken. The bride lias for a long time been one uf our most successful teachers in the public schoo!s,baving only resigned recently. She is a young ladyof varied accompliabraents, and will bling true christian virtues to her aid ill the boftio in which she will preside. The young couple will go to housekeeping at once. We extend our congratulations, and hope that their lives may ba long and happy. Tbe numerous friends ofthe doctor, wbo, by the way was a student of our friend, N D. Keber,in this place, join with us In con gratulating the young pair and bidding tbem Qodspee4 on their journey through life. fast freight traius. The new Forwarding ofjee is heitig pushed to completion as rapidly as pos sible. The plasterers are now at nrk. Mr. Noouemacher.of Eofct Mauch Chunk, has the contract for tbe plastering. Samuel Satnsel for many years em ployed as carpenter at the oar shops, be came so enfeebled from disease and old age that he was compelled to relinquish bis dully toil. Roth himself and wife. have been in ill health for the last year or two. The aged couplu have gone to live with their daughter at South E-tstou, Tne many fri-nds of John liuhu are glad to know tie has secured a more lu crative position with the O. It. R. of N. J. at I'hlllipsliurK. Mr. llohu was a res ident of Packcrton for several years and dommauded tbe rtspect ot ull wbo knew him. in tbe employ of tbe Company at tbeir ear shops, altera tew weeks hickncKS died at tbe Boarding Uouto of Mr. McDuniel on Saturday ereniug, Funeral services were held Mondaj afternoon, utter which the remains were taken to Lehighton Cemetery for interment. The decased wa-. burn at Dovlestown, ltuoks county, In 1810; be was a resident of New Jersey for several years; be leaves no family bis wife and only daughter baviug died some years ago. anon. Paokrrton, Oct. 27. Tbe Emerr block, at Bradford; was badly damaged by fire at an early bonr Vfednes- dav morning, ine duiiuici is ownea or Hosetler ft Keyser, who loose $1090. Tba other losses are t J. W. Humphrey ft Co oil well supplies, $1000 1 Dsvld YTbitestone, tobacconist, $800) Morris snd Gunther,bar bers, $800 1 Crawford's Keystone Restaur ant, $100) Page ft Hubbard, physicians, $300 jO. II. Colion, real estate agent, $240 j jMonomy sign uonipany, 35U. Toe Awn vi 7 jutgnn imiming, slightly damaged also. adjoining, was Wul.ultB i - if T, ! er i m - J I Eh la and Reading Railroad ear Inspector, ad both bis legs cut off at the hips by being run over by severs! cars attached to a push- log engine at ins new depot In Heading His recovery is considered improbable He was 28 years old and unmsrfied. Benjamin Chambers, Jr., a prominent young lawyer of Cbantbersburx, cotnniillad suicide on Sunday by shooting Tba im' palling cause of tbe ad is onkoewn hearty. Mr. James Beilly, from Hnuto, paid ns a visit on Sunday, anil he reports the Democracy iu that section solid for tho whole ticket. Mr. Itichurd Sniitham,- of Tamanqua, was iu town on Wednesday; Mr. P. F. Clark was at Bastou, on Tuesday, cn business. Mr. Rickert. tb.3 Democratic camiii didate for County Treasurer, was here iaat wecls oa a Tisit to see bis friends. He left thoroughly satisfied with his prospects iu this place. Mr. Hicliirt has been a life-long Democrat, sad be will get tbe hearty support of every Demo crat in the district, as he well deserves. -The "Czette's" blowing about dis satisfaction among tbe Iriih is all non sense. Tbey xre for the ticket, aud noth ing but the whole ticket Wo bear of a -Mown Soliday, for a number of years Kood feeling existing auioug tho Demo: eratio citizens in all parts of the county, which will be tho means of making littlo Carbon the banner county of tbe State This district contemplates a larger Dem- ocratlo majority than it baa given iu any previous years. Let us rally once again. J. C. Wild Creett Item The new arrival at Joseph Kleintop's Is a boy, and not a girl, as it was stated in jour last issne. -Miss Sibylla Smith is at present em ployed at H. Kunkle's. Mr. Henry Ueydt, of this place, is bnsily engaged in building a new dwell ing bouse The welcome rain promises a raise In our wells. Mrs. Mary Wlldennan, of this place wbo has been sick for tbe past few days, is at present in a healthful condition. Mr. John 0. Distler, of this place who is employed at Paekerton, paid ns a visit on Sunday last. Come again- Mr. Perry Smith, wbo bai been suf fering with the typhoid fever, appears now to be much better. Mrs. Levins Cbrist'nan.near Trach ville, wbo baa been confined to her bed, Lower Toiraraenalngr Items. Samuel Straup is convalescing under the medical treatment of Dr. Dreinig, of Bethlehem. Mr. J. Balllet, the merchant of Bow man, has just returned from the city with a good supply of dry goods, bought at auction prioes, and which he is dispos ing of at very low figures, Customers will therefore find it to tbeir advantage to examine his goods before purchasing elsewhere. Tbe St John's Reformed congrega tion, of tbis place, celebrated tbe Lord's Supper, last Sunday morning, at hi If past nine o'clock. Quite a number of communicants kneeled before the alter, Rev. Freeman preached an Impressive sermon. Whooping-conRh is raging to a great extent among tbe children in this vicin ity, and therefore preventing many from attenoing ech6oL Wm. Rornig and John Balllet bsve been planting shade trees in front of their dwellings tbis week. Coxraizscx. The PotUtown Mills, st PottstoWn. were suiforing with typhoid fever, is now in nearly stopped Wednesday by a mass of i(j.,aAt A,Miinn Rti tioa kwi, ,e' that crowded Into the turbine wheel, an itfpMitea condition. Bbe has been Tlllrl.lwo tloani, ot M.ttd e1. , under tbe treatment of Dr. Krtamer 1,4,0 from the wheel, sod a" greater cruant- News' li' ttii Dlaes has beeu vrrv tty was losf. scares for the ptQ few teks, exeptlng I W. L. Radio, aged about 40 years', wss politics, to which tba writer does sot j crushed between cars at Harrisburg Sunday wit) to near.- OnoOk and died fa a short time. with John J. Gallagher's name irinted John 67. Gallagher, le democratic candidate for county commissioner losing 53 votes thereby, whicli, ttere not counted for him being decided irregular." It was Joe Lynttj bf the ili & Democrats Who made ah nsulting personal attack upon ReV. Father Heitleli, pastor of the German" Catholic church of East Mhuch Chunkt It Was this satne-Joe Lynn who a few years ago cridcavors ed to betray tlie deihocracy of the county by trying to get up mixed ticket ol democrats and republicans. It Was Joe Lytlrij ofthe M. O. Democrat, who but several years ago was sat upon by the democratic convention of old North amption county for try ing to foment trouble and dis sension in that assemblage. It is this same Joe Lynn who has been castine cold water upon the present county ticket, furnishing information to the Qazeitc to be used a- gainst democrats, and is secret y working for its defeat ahd for the success of the republi can ticket, sititpiy because he cannot use certain candidates or exact pledges from them for lis own personal interest and profit and Who now, like puling, babyish treacherous political .demagogue, returns to his vomit, and ot the 11th liour, through the medium of postal cards, shows his des picable littleness td the utter disgust of every one. Democrats; dd rtot be de ceived by anything that eiiien' ates from Joe Lynri, trie poll tical soirtersaultist ofthe comi ty, but gird on your armor arid fight until election day' with greater energy, vigor and per severance than ever. Thank fortune that time sets all things right ; a day of retribution is coining that Will bo far more searching and. withering to such political apostates than Bclicdict Arnold, the traitor- fiver experienced. Having sacrificed every particle of hou or ahd political principle, he will be kicked into that iusig' niflcance which his continuous traitbrous conduct So richly merits ; let him be so branded and ftiarked ttmt nc may do us no injury herealter. JLt is useless to' waist further amu nitioii on such a political "dead duck." When Gov. A. H. Itceder turned traitor to the democratic party, in the Buch' anan campaign', it wiis iihme djately telegraphed to State Chairman, Col. John W. For; ney, who sent the following laconic reply : " Let him g who' in thunder is Andrew H. Reeder 1" Who will mourn for the insignificant loss ot Joe Lynn 1 Not one ! oo Report At School. From OotoSsr loth to November lit, 1IS1. KntnDsr of school days 10 Huwuvr viunri icianai wn m aaiaiuu... tv Number or schools closed by rssson of teaoheis' absence..,, ....s- 0V Number of days lost by rssson of teachers ausfDoe.... .....a.....,..,....,....... w Ticarjnaita. Number of teseksrt employed males, 1 iciuaics, v., ,,,.... I Whole number 6J pupils rirolted-males', IS II icniaies, xu... ...., ...va versus dsny.atttrdsnee In males, IBS; females, lev., Average dallv attendance In alt thasebools maies, it; lemaies, Ti ,lf Number of i-uplls In High school males, S5; ferdntes, 31 .-48 AveraKS dally attendanoe In High school, males; It) lemalcs, 14 it Number or popllS In Orsramer school,- .. males, i:j female!, 20.. 37 Averaira daily a-.tendaitie lb Orammar scnom roaiep, u; lemaies, is, h Nuutieror pupils In InterusdUte school malbs,M: females, tl t) Average ii-tlly altrndanoe In Intetraedlate -males, 2 ramaiQS.XU... il or l,Unlls Id. KroDitdarv NO. 1 males, U; females. 31 (2 veraas oauj aiienuaeee in No.f-maler,aTi females, 2J ", ivuimes. 41.................... A'vafnn flallV atln,lanA In Hcnnrfa1r No. f rhal.r 5t. f.m.l-d m .. en" Nhmber or pupils in Secondary No a .. males, zi; fcmalei, ti arcrin oaiiv aii&nonnfta in necanoarv No, 2-mdlpA, i; remalrs, Si U Numbed ufpupils In Prl&ary No. 1 males, rerrjie daUr attendance In Primary Ne. uinie, (II 12 -males. 91! r.in.l.i. Itt SO numocr ol nnpils In Primary No; 8 , males, 23: females. 60 83 Aferase ilallv attnncianrM In Prlniaev No. . - uiaics, ivj lauiaica. si.... iu From the above flaUreS: t Infer that It would not be expedient to discontinue tbi Sercnlh School lor the present. Ill this con nection, I alio desire to add, that sloes I have siumed charge bf the schools, ai your Prln. elpal, J have carried Into effect the resolution f tbe Board with raferenea to nromotlno'the Grammar school lotd the lilnh school, the Intermediate Into the Orammar, etc., as the above figures will show. In dolrg this I have tzperlenced no very serloos dlffloulty. It only Ktves me more work In my own room, In fact occupying my wnole time, and giving me as Well a fair attendance td the High school. Under the clrcumstanees It war, no douht, amove In tbe right direction. The sohoola are all In a prosperous condition, and tbe scholars are Improving. All of which Is respectfully submitted to the Board of Directors. U. E. Onirrm, Principal. Iteport Is accepted by the Board ami order. ed to be filed. Bar. A. IUBTnoLoiEW, President. Attest: W. M. IUrsusR, Seoretory. 'i'iilrly Dars Trial. We will send Ilr.Dvs's eelehrated Electro. Voltalo Kelts and other Eloctrlo Annllancea on trial for so days to younic men and older pereous who are aflilcied with Nervous lie. blllty, Lost Vltaltty,aie.,i;uaranteelogspeody relief and complete restoration of vhrorand manhood. Alaufor ttheumatlsm, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Liver and Kidney difficulties, hun tures. and manv other diseases. lllnsteati,d pamphlet sent free. Address Tollala.,lfelt Co Marshall, MlSU. ent Irish deltifacrats in county iroih' time to lime, It was' Joe Lynn, of the M. 0. Democrat, who during the campaign of T. I). Clauss for County Treasurer; allowed the tegular, democratic' ticket, wlueii was printed and paid for by the chairman of the county committee, severa! days before the election to get into the frauds of prominent Mauch Chunk republicans; who got up a bogus democrat ic 'ticket, counterfeiting the democratic lieaditigj and cir culated them throilghoitt the county, doing serious harm to the party. It was this same Joe Lynn who published the most bare laced lies and libels about the lion. Robert Klotzj rttertiber of congress fr6m this district, king to defeat him but failed, and was compelled, in shame, in open court to retract and prdnpunce. the Same false and untruthful, to his utter humiliation It was this saine Joe Lynn who endeavored to weaken and break down the deirio'crat-i ic party, by openly advocating the withdrawal for president ial candidate of that noble and talented democratic war-horse cx-Gov. Seymour, of N. Y. just on the eve of an important presidential election. It was this same Joe iynn who soundly abused William Wagner, Edwd. Raber, J3. F, Kleppinger, Bernard Phillips, II. E. Swartz, E. P. Williams J. P. Rowland and other dem ocrats, and who for years has been trying to sow dissension in tho democratic party ofthe county, and has persistently refused to support the regula democratic county ticket in liis paper, besides striving always to get up feuds and disaffe&s tions among the democrats o: Mauch Chunk as well as the county generally. It was Joe Lynn, of the Mi O. Democrat, who bitterly op posed thfi election of Philip Itader and John Brown the regularly nominated democrat ic candidates for poor directors, ,i"rT.i!rnJbe' (justed & we TUU J4UU UUg UO civil I if tickets printed and circulated I "Will "WTQ. Compare your ticket with this before Yotins; it : State Treasurer, Oraie Noble. Associate Judge, Ha rryE.Pa2ker County Treasurer samuelRickert. Register & Recorder H, E. SWARTZ, Commissioners, JOHN J. GALLAGHER EDWIN SENSINGER Auditors, Samuel Zeigenfuss, J.- W, Hunter.- DOn't let then! cheat with Bogus Tickets, Examine carefully.- Ddn' HEN (IT'S rATlBOLIO rULVE. Tfie BEST SALVE In the world for Oats, Uralses, Mores, Ulcers, Bait Khcuro, Tetter, Chapped Hamls, Chilblains, Corns, and all klruls or Skin Eruptions, Freckles and Pim ples. The Halve Is itusrantoed to xlro perfect satisfaction In erery etisa nr msney reluct e-k lie ears JOU eat HENRY'S OAUHU1IO BAUVK, as ail others are but Imitations, i'rloe Si cents. everjwhere. Fur sole bv Dee, Is, ltsivjlt-otv all flrtiKulst Wl Medicine Qaality not Quantity is me OTesUiDponaiicej mnm Knowledge and Expsnence to CtF rectly Precaro and Dispense the sanity At At J. DURLING'S rortJLAR Mi & Family Mk Store,- Bank Street,- Lfclrightofi, Ton oan alTCSvs rolv npon hi rare and Un ettlni STHfcf ulterated Drugs and Medicines L,chlffltan .tlarkets UoaniBCTaD Vimr. Flour tier sack nnskwheat flour Der sack Corn, per bnshet Uats, per bushel nizeu unopi per cut MUdllnrl. uer ewt Corn Chop i ni. ii. nrn, per cni....i till. till , Uutter.Der nonnd per dosen Ham, per pound Lint, per pound Shoulders, per pound Potatoes, per buihal ; Ho' . tl li , ooue 51 00 , 1 Ti ; J64 . i so ,1 10 1 11 Utricle ntauci. Closing prices of DiHavkx k TovxsxaD otoek, bovernnicnt and Oold 40 South Third Street. Phils., Nov. 3, 1681. U. 8. ft, 18U Ext 101 bid VM V. 8. Currency, 0's 130 bid 131 u-a. o i.iBJU, new, cxi.ici old ioi V. S. new lis lid 113'-i U. s.t'snew no bid lit', PennSfanla It. It tsli bid 01 Pblla, Si Read Ina; It. It. bid 3 IK I.ehlKh Valler It. It.... 1)J bid e3 I.ehlKh Ooitl&Nav.Co.. 485? bid 47 United Co'so! N. j s Eld lliji torinern uenirai k. it. bus bid m lestontllte Pass. II. It. sot? hl.l Pitts. Tit. & Bun. It. R. 1V bid -a Uontral Transportttori.4 1 bid l' norihern raoinocam..,33X bid sou " " Irerd.. 81 bid l North Peon. R. Tl.. Phil. Erlo n. n Silver, (Trades,)..., , SOU bid , 30 bid 21 VOX bid BOX asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked as&ed asked askrd asked asked asked asked asked asked 3MIIRIF.D. ECK KENNKT. On the Sth nit h Ttn-r n, unriiiuiBQiDir, Augustus COK, Ol lasi Penn. f?ftrl,nn pnnntv an,l KTIt, T.will. T. Kennol, of Sehnecksvllle, Eehlih co.. Pa. LAUKV KEIPER. On tbe Sth uit.. by the wv, ikKrroy Jaurj auu lutss .uea A. Ketper. both or Welsstwrt. B At,LIET MILTjER. 'tn tie lsth u'lU.bv tne same. John II. Balllet and Miss Sarah Miller, both of Mahoning-. DEIIEER BAUIIMAN On- the l'tth nit.. dj me same, jonn J. ushier, or Millport and Miss Julia Dachtnsn, or East Penn. SOUAEFFER-UAMPBELT On the 20th uit,, bv the same, Adam W. Sehs-efier, of AvojnuuB sou tuns rannie ai. uaoipDsii,OI DIED. REIIRIO.HIIX. On the 7th alt.. In East rvun, muiam iiarnson, son or Wilson Rehrfg-and Kate Hill, aged 6 months and I days. it.- SHELHAMEn -Onlhe 18th Jilt., In West vim, amsftii, who oi samuei aneiaamer. I.EIBY. On the same day, In West Penn Mary joaneue, uauKUier or rrankiio ant Sarah A. V. Eelby, aged U dajs. QOMMERY. On the trdnltlnMshonlsr, near louikiivub, xjouisa a., wite oi ooith mon aomtnerr. sued 63 rears, t months and as aays. RKgC'fjED FftOX DEATn. lie, The followln lln.of Somerrll itStemectot Wm.J.Oonah- Mass., is so remarkable that we beg to ask lor It the attention of onr read- trs Ha save t " In tbe fall of 1170 1 was tak en with a violent blxsdiso or tbk luxos. lonowoa oy a sarere ooogn. i soon oeuan to lose mv aouetlte and flesh. I was so weak at one time that tha mmmeror 1BTT I Wi Hospital, w nne there tne colors said l ns. I expended over a hundred dollars In doctors and medicine. I was So far cost at one time : I could not leave my bei.- Ii VaS admitted to tee CJl; hsi a bole In tnj left lung a lltf as a half dollar, a report wept around that I was dead. I save up hope, but a friend toll me of lilt. WM. HALE'S BALSAM TO It THE LlUNOS. lausbed at ray friends, ttnnllotf that my ease was Incurable, but I .got a bottle lo satisfy mem, wnen, eo my surprise anu araiiiioaiin: dead, began to revive, and to-day Ifeel lo!l." ter spirits man i nave sue put mree ytars. i wrns t)ts copiniyon win puqmn it, so tbat every one afflicted with Ufseasad Longs Mill Km InfnAAt In laVa fli? VO M If A V.T.H BAIjSAM FUH THE H'NUB, and be con. voiced that CONSUMPTION Can be Cured I have taken two bottles and can poilllrely w tnfti IE n nnm mnrfl rnui inu ail in. her lnedtolnes I have takes since my stole - ncsS. My eouxh has alaot. entirely dlsap- neareaana 1 snail s-.on do aoie logo io worx." Sold by A. J. Dcauso, Lehighton, and all druggists. Dee, IS. IMO-yloow KKI) HOUSE PUHUER8 Are the onlvIforsa and Poti'ltrv. Powder's that viva nnlrersal s'stlsfaelfon. -If tha Povdsrs do not kLvo satufHtlon, the Druirsrlst will re turn your money. ucs. f , isso yieow New Advertisements. Ti,Y.5nT.TlTli,B.QsVoDuB.V;.n,iEfo?s. UiX. UVUUIUUU n,ps copy of that wonderful paper, Tn would add aotorsa, nnLllahad &t Washington. II. I). It eAntalBS stories of the War, damp Life, Scenes fronf tbe Eattlelleld, and a Iboqisnd thlnK of In terest lo our country's ilefenderf. Il contains all tbe Laws and, Instructions relating to! Pensions and llountyfor 8old,ers and their heirs. Eight pages, rorty columns, weeily. ta year. Sample free. Address Wokvb An aoLDtrn, iiox SM, waihisgtoa, 11. V. Nor. sysi-Jw. "VTOTICE TO HOLDERS CP Carbon County Bonds. At s meatrna; 6f tfe County Oommlseloners bold on Wednesday, OctobarttiU, 181. It was resoleed that tb whole County bonded In. dsbtedness shall be )ld oft. . Therefore In aecordanoe with established rules, tha numbers wara drawn and will ba paid by tba County Treasurer, In the follow. ugrvuiuou. Nos. 168, 154, 176, 17il7Cf 160, 162, 175, 178, 164, 171, 158, 172. i Holders of above bonds' are" requested to make their demands' before Decern bar 31st, as no Interest will be paid after tbat date. By order of County Unmmltsloners. 11. E.BWAKlZ,Clerfc Nov. f,1Uf. ' nURI.INrf. carries the laraest slock t'A v" 1 .iriui in r.9 is tne county. DUKL1NM lias an elegsnt stock Of DIUIO. OIKTiJ SUMlhltS; FANCY and, TOI LET AltTtCLILd fur thlrttdlcl as well as tne gents. ntlRLINft makes 1IOR1E anif OATTLir POWUEH3 a specially HlsitS voire exrxr. lenst. In the drujt business klreS htm' a it rot advantage In that llut. THUS-IKS. BUl'PI IKTEIIS anrlliRAUEs: always a' Inrgo stook en hand. WWrS and LirJ t'OllS. both fore rn and. doritestlo,. He lins nOlIu onUrnlje Wtue and oheap; WALL-PAPEHS and RORDERS the largest assortment In t)wn. Oo to UUIILINM'8 with your prrs'cnp. Uonl. OotoDURLINO'S fur your Pateui Mcdloftes. Oo fo DtlRLINO'S for your ranffyett'cUriC ftrmari Mil nrinaiaftn irjm niniiii for your Hone and CAUIo Powders. I.INU'J (ug. lS-yt. Jlbe' Carbon Advooatb one year for $1, and Kendall' Horse Book as a premiurii. AOIHM WANIID tor the nest and Fastest Selling Ptetorlftl Books and Bibles. Prices reoucea 9a per cenr. rtauouai ruuitsninff Co., Philadelphia, Pa'. marfr-ms $2s .WklctiM. 8tmWla.n S.H.TrhlttMUttInatIec ICwMs. IralUilon roliltC.Jtoltattoldtll.'UtMrxwi 'ftmlbtlf friaTiriipsjeiiUtlTptin-'- Vftlnstblt teUotrrt. TktmptC.il.MMMttt)t.N.Y' Janury,lMl.yl rpiIE SIATIIXUTON PL AN IN Mlllf Cainei Ware Factory if SLATIXG10X. JOHN BALLIET,- Propr.j Deftla ln ftl't kinds anr! sti?os of ritto. IlmloAk' Oak Hud Jt&ri Wood LmnDor, ftml iiuoVe. pared t6 oieouto atiy Muotuit of ordora lor Drcssel) LumTboJl OF ALli KINDS. Doorss Saslies, llllnds, SliuttciV, Monldlngs, Cabinet IVnro, Sic, With proinptnoss'. Brackets Made io Order"; The Machinery.! all new and it the best and inat linnrovoil kinds. I emolov none but tbo best workmen, nee well aeanoned and eood tns tertal, ond am therefore able to guarantee entire eatisfactlon to all whomay favor mewtth acalu rt-rin-. ft ma, I ni.rn.ll. affAl.rtAil A Itl charccs are rnmicrotn: terms cash, or Interest! charged alter ttilrty days. GIVE ME A CALL, nr Those enrasxd In Buildlna will find Ht. 1 heir advitntage to luvo BIfllSR, floor Biurets Doors, saslies, bhntters, to., Sc.', made at tht Factory. . . Aiay juuft iiiiiiuict. NERYOUS DEBILI Yi A CDItE GUARANTEED, Tir. "K. CI! WKR-TS MBRVK and 11R1M TilKAT- MEAT,t.fpAclfloiOi UyBterU, Dlaziiicsir, Con. lUIBItWB, MCaVUUQ UMUUOiWDUUl Plnge iioD, Losaot Memory, rpeiiaft on haw, impcu. tency, lDTnlauurr I'mltwioiis, rreiuuturo oltl Age, cauufcU by over exrt on. eeUnlmne. or OTex-lndoiceTii, whtcli Ihcb to mlserv fleoar aito; (leath. One box win care recent cares. KfcCh box onntufntt One moDtti'4 treatiBtrnis One dolitir a uox. or eix loxe for five tlolHra t nut br man prepio on receipt oi pnee. wo ratir in tee six torei to eare any caso With iaflh nrder ieceivet bv usfovMr boxea, accomntD. ea Kim ore aonart . wo Tin etnu ub rurenjs-. er onr written cuarantep to return .tne moncr II the treatment flora not effect r cure. )aar uteeaJaetlunlT wnen the treatment )ordTt nd direct from m. JOHN O WEST A CO., Sole Priprfeton. 181 A uff W. Vnrttiinn street. CnicjRO, sit if n KLINSico, ph'.lsdelf hie. Wholesale Arrests sent JiVSMr A o.ui. AlJUa' ldcnt Uarfleld, A.eomplele, faithful history from cradle to grave, by the eminent blogrspher, Ool rem. well. Introduction by Hie Excellency, John I). Wnp . DovernorofMassaehusetts. Jlooks a)l ready fur delivery. An elegantly tllni. trated volume. Endorsed adllton, Liberal terms. Agents take orders (orlromsi to to copies dally. Outsells any other bonk ten lo' one, Axants never made etioney so fast. Tho; bonk sells Itself. Ejfirlenco not necessary Failure unknown, .All make Immense pro? fits. Private teyml frse. OEUKCIE 8TIN&0T & CO, oct. 16.1m. Portland, Main. REPOUt OP THE COXDITIOX ot the FtBST NATIONAL BANK, at trtblghtcn, In the Ststa of PennsylanU,it the close of t allows, October 1st, 1SJI usotmcr-s. Loans snd dlsoounts Orerdrafls. 17. S. Bonds to seeurs clrculetion . . Other stocks, bondi,an t iaortj:ej. , Do frors' approewd recrTS scvots . Uns from other National rUnks , . . Due from State Osp,1fs and Otnkers, , Rsst estate, furnltu're. snd flslures. . Current expenses and tsifspeld . , Cheeks and other euh Items . . . Bllls.of cthr tnk Fraclf- ot taper eurreDcy,nlekels, aod Monlw, ,' tie . .KM uaaer sous lUdafantlen Fund with U. 8. Trrssu. yy (5 percent, of circulation) total t iu slums. Capital stock paid In Surplus food ...,. Uniltf Wed profits . . . . Natl- nal Vaulc notes ou'.statrd nt Ilirldeods Unpaid Indlrldiul l-Klts subjeet to ebuck OcrtlfleJ ehcels Un toother atioDst Oauks . , tJ,M4.3f 1W 00 Ie,oi:o.t)0 SHOW) ,'9 S S3 -.07 t.iillt VtS.tl 1U6I m siors S,0MJS isoaoo JTJ.OO . iII9,t 1.09 . trsnnm 7 600IO . ,td .16 . ti;a xa lt-7 60 . TS4o0. xi:i tJ5.W Tots) e.,tu3.l-0 stiXt o ytmisylMAto'. OMis'y V Cation, ss I, W. f ItuvmspaebU-r or the abore-r-'tnii'd lank, dn lerau)y inri-er' ihst thn sboeeetsUmei't Is trne to the ttt of my lt.cvuiiaud UlUf. W.'W. Uun'UN,Ubler. Snbscrltwt snffswvrn before me this 10th day of OcUbcr,' 16SI. IIIOS. 8. ItKCK, Kotery PuWIi-. CvrtvX A tWit i Tbos Kejnerer. tt. Y. rfaf& and A. J. Ourliitf, Iilrectora. Oct If', its). ptxeeutors' Xo'tco, letters testamentary on tbe eitats of Sam." usl Hartman. late oft ranklln Towniblp.t.!ar bon County, Ha-,decM, have burn itrauied to the undcrsiiined, o wbora all persons indebt ed lo tha said estate aro retfuf itod to utaks iw;iiicui wuuiu a, nwa, aim wiijivfavua navinr ci avtns; claims of demands will make koowa' is tha same without delav 10 UdvKY iiuxcH, trsfutor.. Welisport, Oct. u, lHI w?V &LMJot: r nti,iTtdaii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers