Ex spurta TWIn-d fireman. A striking n flair A prlre fishl. Always under the lash The eye. A paying bnliis The rahirr'. Tlie roses will bloom In W time. A dead failure A deceased bnukrupt. tt9.The hens are preparing lor I!Hr lajlug for It. K to spcnk. Samentt llricld. The only objection we hart tnlheni lit her do not men It sqmrely. They go at It In a kind nf-round (about) wayibutweare ofthe opinion that this could hn remedied to a certain ex. tent b7 the Ufa ot oral. I). Itobert's Poultry 1'owdera. for It makes the hem net "on tho square" by laying doable yolked eggs. Ilia voice ia still for war Tbo Quaker's. Wlisl the piller said l tlie clay Do w ire. The gar and festive flics hare returned l town. The nine for a shaky base-boll player Quinine. f be went to the play of "flllrelte," Aud near an open window she sat, And liy so doing she there met The rate or all who rashly got So Imprudent. Sho saw a notloe In the weekly .far, 'ToeuroacoldUso Sines' Syrup of far,' (o I be want to her ilrngelst, ana tbers Invested with a single quarter In the article. JNowtfyou only hare occasion to see, How earnest and vehement she be When telling bow quickly and entirely. She was cured of the clld, ou said settee 'Twill surprise yom The time is almost here for cream-ale Inr the girls. Beer drinking, Is said to bo decreasing In England. Watered stock That In a- dry goods iouee after a fire. 10.lt Is said that there Is only one thine In the world that ia suro. namely death. We can nnwadd another sure thing Sines1 Syrup vi ar. lis aare 10 cwre n vougu or voia. A net that many are anxious to get In tothe Cabinet. Dnej a girl cudgel Iior braina every times she bangs her hair? Every new reformer threatens to knock the fluffing out of a ballot-boxes. 7A promising young- haa been named Tr. Tanner In hopes that It make him fait. Exchange, That might do Air some horsrs; bnt we had rather take our chances on a package ot M. B. Rnberta' Horse Powders, as they guarantee a healthy and vlgorout eon stltutlon, which Is essential for any horses speed and endurance. "That's a furgone conclusion ," aslhe fox aald when be lost his tail in a trap. A', man may sometimes, but rarely be a capital fellbsr without having a rent. A new London paper is called the Po liceman. It ought to be subscribed for in flubs. t3."0f all sad words of toncue or pen The saddest ore those, 'It might have been.' " The above quotation was forcibly brought to mind the other day by boarlns a young lSdy reina k that she would not now be 'I Tint with- Onnsnmpilon. ir she bad taken Sines' Syrup or Tar, Wild Cherry and Horebound, In November last, and cured her cold, as a friend others did. Fsre but false," as the conductor ob. served when the passenger tendered hi m a lead niekle. A-man has been found who has made some money out oflheraw. Ho borrowed from judge and left the country. O-We understand that all the farmers' horses In this socilon that are giving jr. II. Roberts' Horse Powders are able to plough from one thld to one-half moro acres per day than those that are glrrnany other, owing to their laxative, tonic, and purifying quali ties. We advlso all those that havo not used thorn to do sn. They aro not adulterated with bran or cake meal and sold by the pound, but are put up In neat packages from pure drugs and sold forSS cents by all druggists, A' rentleman on being asked why he did not treat hia lady after the performuiice replied "I havo done that once stew often." It fs a very easy matter for a person to bo In two places at the Fame time. One frequently hears of a man being in a strange country and home sick. Important tuTriivelera. Srseutt Isnuor.MrKTS nro nflereo: you by the mjiM.YOTOK Hubtr. It will pny vmi to ron their advertisement to bo found elso where iu this issue. The girl stood upon tho brown-stone stoop, Her lover by her side, Through the opeu.dnor. came the old man's boot And the lover took a slide. Now JTcrnoy Premium Wino. rhysielans state that the Port Wine that took, tlie premium at the Centennial, pro duced, and' ollered for salo by Mr. Alfred' Bpeer, of New Jersey, is a wino that can bo safely used for medicinal purposes, being pure and free from medication, and is more reliable than other Tort Winea. It is es pecially recommedded for weakly females and the aged. For sale by A. J. Purling and. I)r..C; T. Horn, Lchlghton; and Zero A ltapsher, Weibsport, Ya. i The streets of Cairo, Egypt, are to have their names inscribed in Arabic and French, ud the houses numbered. It will be the first Mussulman town with such indications. An Invaluable Article. Tho readers of the Argv havo nn doubt teen tbo advertise ment of Ely's Cream Balm iu another col umn. An article liko "Creum Bjlin" has long been desired, and now that it is within the reach of sull'i urs from Catarrh, Hay Fever, etc, there is evory reason to ucliete they will make the most of it. Dr. W. E. Buckmau, W. E. Hammaii, Druggist, and other Eastnnians have given it a tiial.aml all recommend it in- tho highost terms. Easts Pa., Daily Argun, Oct, 7 1879. We haye sold many gross of Ely's Cream Balm, and are gratified to bear fiom our ou.tomers the most flittering reports) be lieve it is un article of real merit. Bmllh Kline k Co., Wholesale Druggists, PhiU delnhia, P For sale in I,ehighton by A. J. Purling and 0. T. Horn M, U. A.milk-white, red-breasted robin is ex. citing considerable interest among cltliens ofSewickley, Pa., where she has been dis covered building a nest assisted by a male robin of normal color, save that be has a white, bead. Chicago Western Catholic The latest man vhn lia. hn m.A through the use of this valuable liniment is ir. jaraea A. Uonlan, Librarian of tSe Jtqllpwlng Is Mr. Conlau's Indorsement! Miox catholic Library Association, :: zo ueartwrn Blreet, Phimfrn Br, 1 A 10OA I wish t.-i Hd mv i. l!tA.,n , . I. - J - - . .. w . , t ,v IUO man. nrfit .T.k'. A.l ... - - - r - - .. . v. u., va o vfi, a, n UUIC IVT 1 11C U - rnatism. One bottle has cured me of this troublesome disease, which gave me a great deal of bother fur a long time; but thanks to the remedy I anv cured. This statement is uutouciiea oy any cue la it Interest. Jaur3 A. Corns, Librarian. Crying at weddings has gono out of fashion. Bnilling is the thing cow, and the bridegroom is not made to feel as though lie was a hsrd-heartcd pirate and buccaneer, who is ruthlessly destroying a happy home. Tbts fs a big improvement. -A cool rcveptlou An ice-cream fes tival. The tailor at the masthead is a tip-lop fellow, The fatbUuable shade this summer will be the shady tide of the street. Tho mau who expressed an opinion bad to pay charges clear through before the compeuy would take it. The C-isbox Anvociir will only cost T0u'l.OO a rear la advance, and theu you -will -jet un of Kendall's Jlorso Iljols Irce. FARMERS' COLUMN. FA It JI NOTES. Tho United States is the best market Canada has for horses. Tho quality of the feed regulates the quality of the manure heap. There Is slid to be some $15,000 invest ed the manufacture of olcrmargarine. A eixly-five-ycar-old tree on Belgrade Hill, Mc.,ia credited with an aggregate yield of 600 bushels of Baldwin apples. Mr. A. Johnson, Pulaski, Ky., killed a bronra turkey gobbler, eighteen months old that, according to aworn statement, weighed fifty five pnunds. To prevent sows from crashing their young nail' a board about one foot vride to the sides of the pen. The board must be put on like a shelf, so thatthe littto pigs can run under it to get out of tho way. The eropa that do best on rather sliS soil are potatoes, onions, celery, late cab bages all kinds. When well drained such soil will often produce good early cabbage. Thebcst runs for poultry are where grass and gravel are plontlful. Grass runs are of great value where they can be had, but they must be large if fowls have constant access to them or the grass will soon cease to grow At odd times during rainy days, etc., it will be profitable to look overthe machinery and utensils used in haying and harvesting, and see what needs to be boughtor mended, and thus be in readiness when the clover is to be cut or when the wheal ia ripe for the harvest. Oxen being naturally slow in their moveraeuts they will not bear hurrying in their work, and tbould be givon abundant time for feeding. A yoke of oxen can be kept with profit on most fartus of consider able size where three or more men with teams nro employed. The ground above the currants and gooseberries should be cultivated thoroughly and given a good mulch. The worms must be watched for, and upon their first appear ance apply White Hellebore, n Ublespoon ful to a pailful of water. Grafting is an operation that had better be done too late than too early. The best time is when the buds on the stock are swelling, and If necessary may be continued until tho trees are in full bloom. With the hsrd work of the month tho horses require the bc6t care, which includes carding and brushing. Too much coin feed now makes tho animals restless by pro ducing nn irritation of tho kin. A moder ate feed of green ryo will be very acceptable to horses and promote their health. If the land is not stony the shoes may he-removed from tho farm teams for a timoat least with benefit. It is best to set blackberry and rasp berry plants in early spring, but it may still be done. Some means of holding up the growing canes should be produced, aseithe single sltk a or trellises. The canes pro duced last year bear tho fruit, and the now onos are fruit next year. All suckors at a dlstanco from the rows, unless new p'anls are desired, should be considered as weeds and cut away. Tho strawberry bed should bo kept froe from weeds, and the soil loose aud mellow. Before hot weather apply a mulch, which will keep the iruit from tbo ground and preserve the soil iu a moist state. The white grub sometime makes sad work with the strawberry bed. A willed plant is an indication that its roots have been eaten off by the pest. Remove tho plant and search for the grub before jt gets to another plant. Tho tent caterpillars can be easily de stroyed if, when tboy are first seen to form tho web, you ascend the treob, where they are located, either after 6undown or early In the morning, and with an old glove on your hand just roll them in tho ,wob and squelch them. If there are any of these pests on the end of small twlga which trou ble you to reach, tie a cotton rag to the cud of a long stick, saturate it with kerosene oil and tit it on fire; apply this to the web and sure destruction is the result, and without injury to the tree. Corn planting it now the leading work throughout a broad area. It is a matter of common remark with those who observe the weather, that, tako one year with anoth er, tho 1st of June will find vegetation about equally advanced, no matter how backward the early part of the season may haye been. Corn land is to be put in. readiness as soon ss n.ay bo, but tht seod must not bo planted until Ihe soil is warm, wheu tho grain will start into vigorous gruwth at once. There is often serious loss from planting too early; the grain remains dormant, or rota In the ground. It it olten the case that a field planted in April will, in June, be far behind ono planted in the early days of May. Cows at pasture, as well as those kept in stables under the soiling system should haio an abundance of fresh, pure water, and be properly supplied with salt. This is considered to have a correctlvo effect upon the succulent food that might otherwise produce some disorder of the digestion. It is best not to let the cows feed entirely upon grass fur the first fo" days, but continue the hay and meal until the green feed ja more nmture. Thia caution applies still more strongly to the calves and young stock, which are especially' subject to Injury from overfeeding wftb succulent herbage. Farmers who are intending to soil their cows tbij year must get in a crop of spring rye as soon as possible. Many who soil thoir cattle'neglect this crop, or en tirely ignore it. Though spring rye does not produce very good rye or butter, yet It Is the first crop to follow winter rye, while ifa quantity of cottonseed meal is' used the quality of milk Is greatly imuroved and the quantity Increased. Rye, like fodder corn, it an imperfect food and does not contain nitrogenous food equal to tho amount re quired by the amount of starch and sugar which it carries. Cottonseed meal contains a large amount of nitrogenous matter, com pared with its starch and sugar; it also contains a large amouut of oil, thus forming a very important feed if it is dcsirod to economize either the ryo or corn fodder. By fteding a little cottonseed meal in the com biuatiou ne extract moie nutrition from the coltouseed meal than if it was fed alone. If You aro Slcli, ICeml the Kidney-Wort advertisement in another column, and it will explain to you the ra tional method of getting well. Kidney Wort will save you moro dector's bills than any other medicine known. Acting with specifio energy on the kidneys and liver, it cures the wuitt diseases caused by their de rangement. Use it at occe. In dry and li quid form. Either is equally efficient, the liquid is the easiest, but the dry it the most economical. Interior. Wanted 10,000 men, women and chil dren wanted to subscribe for the Carbon Auvousiv A premium given to each subscriber. A. Mosserj Manufacturer of and Dealer In STOVES, RANGES AND HEATERS, Tin and Sheet-roiTWarc ana General nonse Furaisnuig Goods. ROOrirm aud SPtHmnO done at short notice and at Lowest Cash Prices. Kverv fctafl of PTOVI5 ORATES ana TIKE dkiuus xa;t constantly on nana. Store on SOUTH Street, A few doors. above Bank St., LBIIIOnTON ratronna tollctted Bdtletiotton guarantied. Oct.t-yl A. U. MOS3KK. Central Carriage Works, Bank St., Loliighton, Fa., Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c, Of evsry description, In the most substantial manner, ana ai i,owesi unin trices. Bepalrlner Promptly Attended to. THEXLER & KREIDLEH, April so, 181 yl Proprietors. Ttespectfally announces to the people of Le hlghton and Its vicinity, that he Is now pre- lutreu 10 supply mora wun ail Kinua OI Household Furniture Manufactured from the best Seasoned Mate rials at Prices full v as low as the lameartteln. can be bought for elsewhero. Here are a few oi ine lnaucemenis onerea : Parlor Sets at from 450 to $90 Walnut Marble-top Dressing Case lied room Suites, 3 pieces JI0 to SM Painted Bedroom Suites (lstosio Dane Seated Uhalrs, persetof 0.... to Common Phalrs, per set of ( (1 &uu an oilier uooul cquuny cnoap. lit this connection, I desire to call the at tention of the people to my ample facilities In i III HiIbMI I I I I li-BmillMMiHl Pill THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS with a NEW and HANDSOME HEARSE, and a full llneof GASKETS and COFFINS, I am prepared to attend promptly to all er. dors In this line, at lowest prices. Patronage rerpectrully sullelted and the most ample satisfaction guaranteed. V. BC11WARTZ, 0tl2 BANK St., Iiehlehton. JMFOItTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! ILowis Weiss POST OFFICE DDILD1NG LEHIOHTOff, PA., has the Largest and Most Extensive Stock of HATS, CAPS. &o. ever offered In this borough, and to which I Invite the special attention of my customers and the publlo generally, as I am prepared to offer extraordinary Inducements In SrjIINO AND SUMMER, Boots, Sloes, Hats, Caps, k, and I Invite my numerous friends and patrons to oall and examine my stock before making their purchases elsewhere, as lam prepared 1?t fill?. .J'SS! JndticomentB to all 0A8H PUROIIASEKS. Ilemember. LEWIS WEISS l'ost-omce UBllding, Lehlchtcro, Pa. Sspt. JO. JOHN F. HALBACH, Instructor of Music, (Piano, Organ, Voice and Theory.) LEHIGIITOS, PA. Sale agent far the J. & C. Fischer Piano ; And dealer la all kinds of Pianos and Organs. " imu cu.jr. oiaio, jumoer. orioas. etc, taken In exchange. Sheet Music and books furnished on short notice. ror particulars, terms, &e.. Address, JOHN F. HALBACH, Aug I, li;-ly. Lehlghton, Pa, FHAZ J2 It. Axle (kease. Best In the world, Lasts longer than any other. Always la good oondlilon. Cures sores, cuts, bruises, and corns. Costs but lit tle more than the Imitations. Every package has the trade matk. Call for the genuine, and take no other. r.( Cbromo Cards, loo. ; or large, new Ohromo cards, tlrds and flowers t or 4 lovely aold and Silver Chromos, with name 10c, NAtaan Pkimtimo Co, Nassau, N. Y. year to A Bents, and eipruaeaT f Ooiattro". Address bwns &ro Autfa-U- Maine. 31 Ete. THE GREAT asal R1NREMEDI iron RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, BackachOf Soreness of iho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. N Preparation en earth equals 8t. Jurons On ai a safe, surr, ednplc and cheap Kxttmal Itemedj. A trial entails but the comparatively trlflleg outlay of 50 Cents, and every en euflr fng with pain can havo cheap and positive proof of its claims. Directions In Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DBUaOISTS AMD DBALHK3 IN MEDICINE. A. VOGEIER & CO., iJaKfmorc, ltd., V. S. Mareh S, MSl-Tl n EITIIER LIQUID OR DBT FORM That Acts nt the until o time on MM, THE BOWELS, AND THE SIBimiS. I WHY ARE WE SICK? nM., tt... Abecomt dogged or tonildt and pottonotw utfiut eiwuiuve cxyeitri naiifrmty WILL, SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, SPILES, CONSTIPATION, URINARY DISEASESrEMAI.E WEAKNESSES, AND NERVOUS DISORDERS, I by causing free getlon of thete organ and restoring their power to throic off dlteaie. Why suffer Illllons palm and aches! ITTliy tormented tilth Piles, Constipation! Why frightened over disordered Kldnoysl Why endure nerrons orslek headachest I Use IUDNEY-AVOttTaaJ rejoice In Health. It Is put up In Ptt Veretable Form. Intln Scans one package of which makes six quarts of medlcloe. Also lnliauld Form, very Concen trated, for those that cannot readily prepare It. nrlt acta with equal efileteney hi either form. I GET II OF YOUR DRUGGIST. TRICE, el.OO WELLS, RICIUBDSOX A Co., Trop's, ((Wills 1 send the dry post-paid.) ErsmCTOJ, TT. NEW REVISION AGENTS WANTED NEW TESTAMENT. As made by the most eminent scholars of England and America. Half Die price of corresponding English Edition. Large type, linen super-calendered paper, elegant bind Inc. A separata "Oomnrchenslve Ilistnrv or tho Itlhle and Its Translations," Including a full account ofthe New Kevlslon, glren to Bui-ncriuera. Rest ebanoe for aicents ever offered. Send stamp for pirtlculars at onee. THE HENRY BILL PUnLISUINO OO., April 53-vtO. Norwich, Conn. FATEHTS. Inventors will Advance their Interests by Emnlovlniran Experienced Attornev resident In Washington. I. A. Lehmann. Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washing ton, 1).'V., lias had years of sueeesaful Prac tice, and was formerly an Exemlner of fa tents In tho Patent Ufflcr. All business be fore the Courts or the Department promptly attended to. Fee contingent upon success. Send for Circular. April M-tf-cor. tlmliihlrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby riven that letters nfarl. ministration have been granted thn urNlAr- slgned on the estate of Henry Rnmaly. late of jjucr luwsweuFiuK owusiup,vjarDon coun ty, Pu., deo'd. All persons ludebted to raid esato will make payment within 30 days, and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to j. u. iwtsAjuEK, Administrator. Lower Towamentln, March 19, lSSl-ow. STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A vtclrm of youthful Imprudence caualng Premature Decay, Nervous Debility, Lost Man. hood, etc . baring tried In vain evory known xemedy4iaa discovered a simple aelf cure.wblch he will aend FREE to bla fetlow.aufferera. ad dress J. II. REEVES, 13 Chatham St, N. Y. Januarys), 1881-yl Cheap Variiis IN MISSISSIPPI. pS'ramSv"1 EXCHANOEat (10 and 1 i&KAUUL. Address A. BEERS . 8 Atlantlo Avenue, Dee-SI-ml Bbookltw, N( V. ti lwlcl' B'm,r,"'l, "Sate. wniu,i4iniij li" aCMSS. Imll4tloncnl4ti. toUdgoMtls. ChMMU mfi BSbMllnirpeiUllSInf. VUblS V. sfaosKloos Ins. Tkouptoa a Ce. m Suuo.1. y. January Sfl, 1841-jl $66 A 2S.EK onr own town. IS.M Outfit free. No risk-. Header. If you i wmcn persons of tin,. ... !l r. areas Pay all the S i iVm WLA."1 pariiouiars to H. JIaLLETT. J CO . Portland. Me. JonoM.lS $777 & Tear mnd ATnMniti Outfit free. Address P. O. VIOKEKY, Augusta, Maine! A. A. THOMAS. Corner Ninth and F Streets. Washington, 1. U., attends to Pen. slon and Back Pay. Bounty Claims collect ed. Contested Lind Claims, Mineral and Agricultural; attended-to before the Depart ment of the Interior and Supreme Court. Land Scrip and Additional Homesteads pur chased and sold. April S3-tt-cor. ggfThe Carbon Advocate one year for $1, and Kendall's Horse Book as a premium. FARMERS ere M AKINO If A UHlMfllCJ S25 to W per week telling MlUllIlU U ILLUSTRATED STOCK BOOK Because xvcev Faumeb aotcailt ecd it. It Is .the Latest and most Coutlicte work-ever Issued In America treating of Mors es, Cattle, Sheep, eto their breeds.breedlng. training, causes of disease, symptoms and remedies. 1000 pages too Illustrations. Hiqu tr endorsed by tuoh eminent authorities as the President, Vlee-Pres., and Seo'y- of Pa. College of Veterinary Surgery, Hon, J. w UadscSen, and others. II you desire profitable work, send at onoe for Poll particulars. Hl'UUARl) BRtW., W Chestnut St pill aeslphla, Ta. ,p,J tl. wt. LESSONS IN LOVE-MAKING. ADVICETO YOUNtI U1RLS WHO WISH TO FLEAS THEIlt BEAUX. Don't love too many atone time. Don't do your spooning in public. Recollect that a wedding ring on your finger is worth a good many of them in your mind. Try to find out by some -means whether your intended knows how to earn a decent living for two. Be seasonable; don't expect a man working for eight dol lars a week to furnish you with a reserved seat at the opera every other night. Don't be afraid to show the man of your choice that you love him provided, of course, that he loves you. Love is a double sided sort of concern, and both have a part to play. Don't try to bring too many suitors to your feet. They have feet as well as you have, and you may see one pair o; feet walking off from you some day you would bo very glad to call back. Keep your temper, if you expect your other-half-in-law to keep his. If he dosen't suit you, don't expect him to put up with your humors. Deal careiully with boshfu lovers ; lead them gradually to the point (ol proposal, o course), but don't let them suspect what you are at, or they might faint on your hands, or go crazy on the spot. It is said lovers' quarrels always end with kisses. This is partly true ; but if you are not carelul those little spats you indulge in may end in the kisses you covet being given to some other girl ! If it is possible try to suit your sisters, cousins, aunts grandfather, neighbors, friends and acquaintances when you happen to fall in love. If you can't suit them all, don't worry, for the thing has never been done yet. Don't imagine that a hus baud can live as a lover docs on kisses and moonlight He will come home to his liieals hungry as a bear, and any little knowledge of cook ery you can pick up during courtship is about the best provision you can make ior future happiness. Kemcmker that nature lias nut eveiy man under the necessity of having a mother, and that the latter is not in any way to blame if she is re garded as the bitter part of a sugar-coated matrimonial pill. If you feel in duty bound to be her sworn enemy, post pone this duty till you know something about her. Don't seek advise in love affairs from an old maid who has been crossed iu love, a bachelor who has been jilted, a woman who married her husband's pocket-book, or a man who happens to bo hen pecked. Don't confide in your girl friends ; to keep a secret in a love affair would kill them ; don't consult your minister; he'll have the mar riage fee in view. If you go to you family physician, he will say your liver is affected in ulace of your heart. If you must get instructions from somebody, why not ask your mother how she used to man age things with you father I True love didn't run any smoother in old times than it does to-day, and since she knows how it is herself, Ave can'l think, just now, of any better way to advise you. The foregoing are com piled from a column of rules prepared by the editress of the ladies' department ofthe N. Y, Saturday Press,- and may be followed with profit by all our girl readers. ! DROP IN AT THE Carbon Advo'cate OFFICE FOR Cheap Printing ! MILLINERY GOODS, Including Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Itlbbons, Feathers, Notions, and DRESS TRIMMINGS. NEW GOODS RECEIVED WEEKLY. All work done In the latest style, and most durable manner, at the lowest cash prices. STORE I at the Intersection of BANK STREET and BANKWAY, LEHIQHTON. PA, aprll SO, lm-yl. Brugs aadMedicines!T The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store If you want anything in the Drug lino at bottom prices, go to the Old and Reliable Drug Store, in Dr. N. B. Rober's Block, near tho Post Office, A. J. DUELING, Proprietor, Where von will nd a full and complete stock of Puro Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, &c. Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries. Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces. Puro Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and Sacramental purposes. Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety. Personal attention givon to the compounding of Physi cians and Family Prescriptions. Established 18G7.1 A. J. DURLING. Lfhlffbton. NoTniDra A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER, IKON I3ITTER3 aro highly recommended for ell diseases re q'llrinj a certain and efficient tonic; especially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite. Loss of Strength, Lark of Energy, tic. Knriches the blood, strengthens tha muscles, and givcs ncir life to the nerves. They act like a charm on tho digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Ztermv the Food, flclching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. TllO only Iron Preparation that -will not blacken the teeth or give heartache. Sold by all druggists. Write for tho A 11 C Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusinjj reading sent free. BKOAVN CHEMICAIi CO., Baltimore, Mil. Mo. BRATTLEBORO, VT. Largest Manufacturers of Reed Organs in the World ! ESTEY ORGANS ARE WARRANTED, AITS TUB Trf A KTJT A0TTJHEI!3 ABE RESFOKBIBLB. Be suro to Send for Illustrated Catalogue oeforG Pnrchasini FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS or XTNIPORM EXCELiLiENOEl, Xalelxt I Stsrlltslx t "V7".XTxitocl t SAVE 70ur UONET, write for Catalogue and PBICB LIST to Also SOIB Manufacturers of tan eelsbratad Poaxu Buoksoixp or BOOK WALTER MOTS! 3 Horuo ii 61 81 BEND FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET. CTa..T"n es Lf 1 &c Co., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. MISS M. S. SNYDER, Respectfully announces to her lady friends that she has just received a full line of the latest novelties in Spring & Summer Gio. Tlio Boston Buckboard Co., NEW HAVEN. CONN Effective, Simple, Durable antf Cheap. Compact) Substantial, Economical and Easily Managed. Onaxsmteod to work vrcll and Biro full pcrweur claimed. JUST THE THING FOE A PRIHTETQ OFFICE El-cry Former -who runs a Cotton Gin, Com Mill or Wood Saw, should havo one. see ova. how rnicEs. Power Eajus and Boiler (340 ' ' 260 " " " 383 " " " 440 WOajji AGENTS WANTED Vma Ixpiruvxirt Bitii.tm adjctusui to Boon nv inv nnnnr. A?f 'EliEOAJT I'll ES EXT. f laalaBsKlFKT'C.'aaH aHlftllB slnBwWHHjL) INT ALU ABLE TO Xriivrcrs," Clergymen, Fhya!clatiaV Editor, Bankers, Toaclien ITlcrcIiruirs. students: And all who rtadUocti CHEAPEST, STROHCESTr BEST: Bend tor desctlptlTO circular end Prtao list. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED " Address, IIAKEIt, I'ltATr &. CO., Bohoot FarnUhem, and dealers la eTetTtUng la ttM Book aadBtatlosur lino. , ' 10 Bona St., Now York. ' Bend SS cents tor our New Illustrated Cata logue, with orer 300 Illustrations ot educational and wclul articles. ' THE CREAT BVRLmGTOir ROUTE. ta?"No othor lino runs Three Tlrrough Pas senger Trains Dnily between Chicago, Dos Moines, Council Bluffs, Omaba. Lincoln. St, Joseph, Atchison, Topekn fthrt Knnsas Cltr, Direct connections for nil points In Kansas, Nebraska, rolorndo, Wyomlnif. Montana, Ne vada, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and California. Tho Shortest, Speediest nnd Most Comforta ble Route vlallannlbi.1 to Fort Scott. Donlson, Dallas, Houston, Austin. San Antonio, Galves ton and all points In Texas. The uncnualcd Inducements offered by this Mnc to Travelers nnd Tourist?, nro as follows: Tho celoliratcd Pullman (15-whcel) Pnlscn Bleeping Cars, run only on this Line. C, I). & S. Palace Drnwlnir-noom Cars, with Horton's ecllnlns Chairs. No eitra ohnrffo for Seats in Kccllnlnir Chairs. Tbo famous C. It. A Q. Pnlaeo DlniniCars. Gorgeous SmoUlnsr Cars fitted with JMcsrant nigh-naclted llattnn Ite volvlnj: Clwlrs for the cxclusivo use of first clais pacngx:rs. Steel Traclt nnd Superior Equipment, com bined with their Great Through Car Arrange ment, makoa this above all others, the fnvorito Itouto to tho South, South-West, and tho rr West. Try it, and you will find traveling a luxury Instead of a disromfort. Through Tloknts via tills Celebrated Lino for sale nt all offices in tho United Statos and Canada. All Information nbnut ItatPS of Fare. Sleep In Car Accommodations, Timo Tables, tc, will ho cheerfully clvcn liv applying to J. Q. A. BEAN. Oen'l Eastern Airont. 000 Washington St., Huston. Mass. nnd 317 llrondway, Now York. JAMES It. WOOD. (Jen. Pass. Art., Chleneo. T. J. FOTTElt, ben. Manaeor, Chicago. HOLlMN'S FADS CURE simply BY THE ONLY TRUE MALARIM Absorption. Tradk Uahk.' Jlolman'a Acne. Liver anil Stomncli i Acne. Liver anil Stomncli Imi-l?or MAI.AIUA. AgtJ, UVER and SrOilACll TBOff. flolmnn'a Speelnl Pad Adapted to old chronic cases. Prloe $3.00. Uolmau'a Spleen Belt For stuJiborn CHWB of Enlarged Splaan and nnylrldlng Liver and Stomach troubles. Prion $3.00. ITolmnn'B Inrnnt'a I'nd-For ailments ft Infants and children. Prion $l.M. Rolmnn' IlennI ld For KUnpy and Bladder Complaints. Prloe SJ.oo. Iloliuan'fl Ifterlim Fad For F.mrtl troiihlns. Trice tS.Ofl. nolman'a Abnorpf Iva Jlledlclnnl nd IMnster Tha beat plaster mule porous on rubber bsals. Price Sla. IIoImau'B Absorptive Medicinal foot 1'luMcra Fornutnbfeetanrtslag. glsh circulation. Price per pair tn. Absorption Salt Medicated Foot Daths For Colds, Obstructions and all rases where a foot bath Is reeded. Ter half lb. package, . For sale by all druggists or Kent by mall, goatnald, on receipt of prlre. The Absorptloo lit Is not "mailable'1 and must bo sent by Express at pnrchaaer'a expense. The success of Holniun' Fad has in spired Imitators who otter Pada similar In ronu and ODon to tho tods nouiAsr'a, saying, "They are tho same, fcn." B.waro of ail Boies Pads, only gotten up to sell on tha repu. tatlon of the genuine. See that each Tad bears tha green rXrtkTi DEVEscB frraupof the llolinan Pad Company with above Trade-Mark. If afflicted with chronlo ailments send a con cise description of eyraptoma, which will re ceive prompt and carelul attention. Dn IlOLMis's advice Is free. Full treatlsa sent frco on application. Address, m .... 1I01.3IAN PAD CO., (P. O. Box .112) U3 William Street, NawTortl , HAIR DTEls too safest and beat : acts Instui taneoualy, proddclna the moat natural shade of black orbrownidoas I D I rT nno nio not slain the sKimeasi nlSTADOnO oiy applied. A standard preparation : ravoriw upon every well p pointed tflllet for ladv or gentleman. Sold by all drutrcriata and liv piled by ail hair dreaaers. J. CTllSTAJX5Rp,r Kl William Slmt. yw VrrU. Xmmd&lata Xioliof from Astbsu. ml Hay rover. SCOTTISH THISTLE Medicinal Fumers! PATENTED DUC. SCth, 187S. . The Electric IJcht was a great rflsMvcrr, Wt 1 claim that tha Siolttsh Tkiiltt Mti(nt 7W ij is a greater one, owing to the great aniowat of suncring thay have relieved, and Ika cur.. thy ktra elfecteil.' I aulTcrcd fiom AalhnM Sr nfteen years In Scntlaiid and America and I tm now completely cireJ. I hac been slisdyiur taaa Inhaling process for rears, and as a result 1 aar give tke world fio MJicil Ftmert, Ua saaat etTective, and by far tUe cioit convenient presaea tlnn evar offered to tlw pnblk, for Astkna a4 Hay Fever, alaa Sore Tru-oat. Hoarseness freoa Coughs, Catarrh, Ilroncliltis, Neuralgia ti Dipt theria. Cure vorSors TJirun tvithlhcse FmJan and you will hear no rao.o ef Diphtheria. They are Invaluable for publi- rpcal.crs and singers. They are put tip irt fancy loaes, and ran ka carried In tlie pocket, ad usrrl at conventenea. If you cannot get them from rur Dorter, or Druggist, aend dir. t la the m.nufatluier, who will acad them to all parts of Ihe world, pctUga A child ran tha- TTn,r i. At. t have ta U smiilira. Pritt. 04 Dollmr f,r Ai. iiOltlllSON & SIMPSON, I'rcji'i-kud MannfarNrera, o. Tor Sal. by A. 3. DITF.LINQ, DROcjaiST L.h'Kttoo, Tl t, t-
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