J. T, NUSBAUM, OF THE " Ori&inal Cheap Cash Store," respectfully announces to hia friends and the puMic (hat he has just received his Eptthg and Summer stock of Dress Goods, Cempriilnr; among other Novelties Black Cashmeres & Alpacas, Silks and Satins, Japanese Silks, Mohair Suitings, Dobige Suitings. Cabpets and Oil Cloths, ISbbts, Shoes., CHINA, GLASS ani QUEENSWARE ! Ac, Sec. which, as usual, are all offering at knock down prices. Respectfully, J. T. NUSBAUM, Opposite the Public Square, Lehighton, Pa. sept. 18-yl SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1881. Local and -Personal. X?-When you have got an old horse tliut hus passed the market period apply a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure anil the result will be marvelous. Read the advert'soment. The largest assortment of cashmeres ever brought to town are exhibited at the Origin al Cheap Cash store, of J. T, Nusbaum. SSr Post Office Building, Lehighton, Pa. Now is your chance, and I make bold to say that ills tho best you ever had, to buy Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ac. I am fully equipped for the Bpring trade, and can oiler vou a greater variety, a better article, and a lower prlee than any house in this section. Ladles, if you want nice fitting shoes for yourselves or your little girls, I can please you in every respect I mean busines, and am prepared to back my assertions. Respectfully, Lnwi3 Weirs. .Testimonials will appear in this paper from time to time Irom reliable people, and most of the parties testilying living in clyracuse where D. R. V. G. Dyspepsia Re'nedy is prapjred and can be relied up on. Guaranteed by all Druggists to give satisfaction or money refunded. Try it. SEJU Dr. C. T. Horn, at the Central Drug store, sells warranted vcgetablo and lower weds. Buy only ouch, and avoid vexation from failure of crops. tejjlf you wanta nice sinooth.easy shavo your hair cut or shampooing, go to i-ranz Hoederer's Saloon, under tho Exchange Ho tel. He will fix you right, and don't you forget it. acFor fine stationery, envelopes, ao count books, memorandum books, pens, pen cils, school books, wall paper, and Intact anything that you want outside of dry goods, groceries and provisions, call at Lncken- hach's. 2 doors below tho Broadway IIouso, Maucti Chunk, and you can get it, cheap and good. S2a-Tlio proprietors of Kendall's Spavin Cure challenge the whole world to produce its equal as a cure for rheumatism or any other deep seated pain. It stands without a rival. r UltiTRn States Mir Free. All persons Bending their address on it ostal card to Heneral l'asseneer Agenl, u. li. .V IJ. lilt., C licngo, III., will receive, free of ail oliarEe, mi elegant folder and complete County Map of the United Statti. We udvUe readers lo send in their applications at oucc, and se cure a valuaDie and niinusoinn nocumeui It is the mott con plete map cow out. Housekeepers desiring to decorate their homes, should not fail to call on Dr. C. T. Horn, at the popular Central Drug store, ijenignion, anu examine nis uranium iUckot W A 1j Li r A FEU, before making pur chases ehewhere. feS-Akroa Ohio, May 7th, 1880. Some three years ago I had a horse become very lame Irom a spavin, I treated it with Ken dall's Spavin Cure with marked success, since then I have sold a great many bottles and have heard of cures resulting from its use. i am irank to say i can cneeriuiiy recommended it an honest remedy. I re main Yours truly, A. M. Armctiung. Read the advertisement. Now receiving and opening a very large and lashionable assortment of inerch ant tailoring goods, ci mprismg a full linn of the very latest styles ol cloths, cassimeres nna suitings, oi me nest foreign ami domes tio manufacture, suitable for spring and sum mer wear, which I am prepared to make up fashionably and substantially at prices fully as low as at any other establishment in the country. Call and be convinced of the truth oi my statements. Respectfully, H. II. Pf.tkbs, Agent, P. 0. Building, Lehighton, Penn'a WANTED, by June 1st, the loan of 6300 for two yeais, for which First Judg ment on good real estate will be given, and 6 per cent, interest. For particulars apply at this office. mav7-St J. T. Nusbsum, of the Original Cheap store, nas juit arrived Irom tho city with a fine line of carpets and oil cloths. gj.Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and sliver ware lor sale, ana repairing done at Haga man's Store, Weissport. '25-yl. ffiSJ-Lydia E. Finkham's Voidable Com pound doubtless ranks first us a curative agentln all diseases pi the procreatlve sys tem, deianeratlon of tho kidneys, irritation of the bladder, unlnary calculi, Ac, Ac. oena to Airs, Jjyaia u, I'lnkham, 233 West- cm Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. Wo ere Informed thai it is the intention of our merchants to close their places business during the entire day on Monday, May 30 Decoration Day, We have yet to learn of any movement tendingtotbe prop er observance of the day and tbe decoration of the gravel of our dead comrades. Who will move In the matter? For tho week ending on the ?th Inst, 145,487 tons of coal were transported over the Lehigh Valley railroad, making a total for the season of 2,256,142 tons, an increase of 508,107 tons as compared with same tiro last year. Wm. Biery, formerly of the-Weissport Planing Mill, now superintendent of tho Catasauqua Sash and Blind Manufactory, was in town over Bunday, looking hale and hearty as eyor. At Pottaville, Tuesday, the jury In the case or Samuel Garrett, Senior Commission, er of Schuylkill county, charged with em bezzling the county funds, rendered a ver dict ol not guilty, the county to pay thi costs, The Governor Tuesday appointed How ard J, Reeder, of Easton, additional Law Judge of the Third Judicial District, created by the act of tbe Legislature at the present session, and the Senate confirmed tha ap pointment. The Shenandoah Bunday ii'ewt tayi that miners wages will average about $12 per month Robert Gromsn, an old citizen of South Cm 7 - wn.ui.u- That "stinking ditch," between the railroad and Bank street, bas already com menced lis summer Work, thero being sever al cases of malarial fever on Bank street this week, and there is not the slightest doubt but that the disease emanates from that source. Wo are informod by dno of our physicians that Unless that ditch and swamp Is Immediately and properly drained, per sons any way susceptible to this disease, will have to moye from the neighborhood or die. Still our borough authorities lack the nerve to take action in the matter, fjentlenien, do your duty or resign your offices we want men for action not for or nament. Tbo health of our people demands the removal of this pestilential stench pat. Let there be action at once 1 Mrs. M. C. Trcxler, of this borough, was engaged slicing dried beef Wednesday evening, when the knife slipped, and enter ed the left wrist, severing the arteries. The operation of taking up the injured arteries was a painful one. We trust sbo may speedily recover. In the case of John Schmldt,who killed Monroe Seltzer at McKeansburg, Schuylkill county, several Weeks ago during an slt r cation provoked by Seltzer, the Jury Tues day at Pottaville returned a verdit of justi fiable homicide. Edward, al las "Pickle," Lynch has been arrested at Easton for felonious assault upon Mrs. Drieabach, living at that place, on Sat urday night A number of the residenlsof Weissport, being dissatisfied with the recent appoint ment of W. II. Knecht as postmaster of that borough, send and receive their mail mat ter by the way of Lehighton. It is tho i tention of the dissatisfied parties lo unlfo a youth, and provide blm with a bit. the mall matter, to bo carried between Weissport and Lehishton. If tlv6,rreset In- . ' ' Ji ' cumrjent should ue coniuiliemn omce, Semi annual diviffehd nd U. S. taxes, havwenjWclared as fol lows; Allcntown'NaJioiTal Bank, Allen town, 4 per cent; TJaston National Bi nk, Easton, 5 per cent; First National, Easton, per cent; National Bank of Catasauqua, 1 per cent; Lehigh Valley National Beth lehem, 4 per cent. For the five days ending on the 6th Inst., there. were 107,027 tons of coal ship ped over the Lehigh fc Susquehanna rail road, making for the season a total of 1,409, 7C0 tons, and showing an increase, as com pared Willi same lime last year, of 233,10(1 tons. This Is a most beautiful time of vear to rive through nur'mniintain passesand val leys, and David Ebbert's popular livery the lace to hire your teams at the lowest charges. , Jumes G. Roads, a well-known mining nd railroad engineer, died suddenly at Potlsville on Sunday. Mrs. John Kane, of Scronton, agtd 19 ears, attempted to kindle afire with coal oil on Monday, and received burns that will result fatally. John Tighe, while riding on a coal frain asrending No. 22 plane, on tho Pennsyl vania Coal Company's railroad, Tuesday, near Piltston, fell from a car and received fatal injuries. The Grand Council of Pennsylvania, mproved Order of Red Men, convened in Norrittown Tuesday. Out of 212 tribes in tho Slate 200. ore represented. Ihe session will continue several days. There will be a total eclipse of the moon, visible in this country, Juno 11th and 12th. The Allcntown National bank has con verted all its six per cent, bonds into three and a half per cents. You should never hesitate, to encourage on enterprise that lends toward tha un building of tho community in which you reside. The Chapman Slate Company recently slilpp-d three car-b ads of roofing slate lo Pueblo, Colorado. Tbe Irelght on the lot amounted to $1,1 00, or about $10 per square. Mr. Soyre, of Bethlehem 6tecl works, as made arrangements for the investment I of$l,000,0U0 in mw steel works at B'ira- ingham, Ala., and will erect the neceiea'ry buildings this summer. The Culntvisra Railroad announces divi dends of three and one-half per tent on the preferred stocks payable May 18. rim libel buiI of ex-Congressman Ryon against J. H. Zerby, editor of tbe Mlners- villo Scuiltill Republican, was settled Fri day before going to trial, Mr. Zerby will publish Mr. Ryon'sdenlal thathe ever mis used tho franking privilege, and will also publish his own retmctlou -di the statement against II) on. Robert Edwards, aged 16 years, was killed by striking a bridge while ndlug on a freight train near Girardville, Schuylkill county, Friday morning. If you want to save some hard earned money, buy the "on time" railroad watches of E. II. Hohl, Susquehanna street, Mauch lillUUK. The Good Templars will hold a grand lemonstration on the public square, this borough, some time in July. Speakers to be present Rov. Hart, Mrs. Partlngton,and other noted temperance advocates. Jamos Fonuessy was killed in the Green Ridge Colliery, near 8cranton,on Fri day night. Dennis Malotie died at Scranton, on Monday morning, from injuries received in Ihe mines a week before. A wire rope is being made by the Haz ard Manufacturing Company that will mea sure one mile in length and weigh twenty- lour tons. It will be used at Gordon Planes, BcuuyUtm county. And now we hear the name of Mr, Samuel Rickcrt, of Summit Hill, mentioned among the leading Democrats lor the nomi nation, at the coming county convention, for the position of County Treasurer. Mr. Wjlliam Zehner is beautifying hia property on Bank street by the erection of a neat new fence and laying down a new pavement. We are pleased to state that our son, William, injured last week, still lives, and that his medicinal attendants have hopes that his life will b spared. He Is still very weak from loss of blood, and sullen much paiu in his head. At 6:30 p. m. Thursday the thermometer stood at 90 degrees in our sanctum. The Conference of the Eyangelical Lutheran church, held hera during the week, was largely attended. The business transactions was not of a public character. Itellgloim Note. Methodist Episcopal Ohurch-O. W. North, Pastor. Services Sunday, May 15th, at 10.S0 a- m. Subject, "Our Sympathizing High Priest" Servlees at 7.8)" p. m. Subject 'Pilate's Presentation ef Jesus." Quarterly meeting In tbe Lehighton Evan. geucai unurch. Presiding Elder, O. K, Pebr, of Allentown, will preach at 10 a.m., S and 7.&0 p, m. Communion servlees In tbe afternoon. All welcome. 13. J. Smoyer. Pastor. Zios'a RxroniiiD Oucacn, J. H. Ilartman pastor, l-reachlog at JO a, m., Sermon, In utrumu, a p. m., oanaay school. 7:30 p. m., sermon, In English. A cordial welcome to all EVAKOELICA'. UHDttCH.WKiearOBT. E. J . aimer, rastor. o-ciocic a. m., ny tho Pastor. Sunday Sohool at x p.m. tjigmn prstcWnga 7.M p.m. From theConnty Seat. C. E. Butler, son of R. O. Butler, and Theodore Kampman, two of the most ex perienced clerks in the Passenger Depart ment of the L. V. R. Hi Co., tendered their resignations, which were accepted, on Sat urday last They contemplate going west, soon, thus complying with Greely'a advice. "Young man, go west" John Taylor Is milting down a first- class pavement in front of his residence on West Broadway, Which when completed will be undoubtedly permanent, we ad vise hia Immediate neighbors to do like wise. Nicholas Rommel, has lately Put new sleepers under his dwelling bouse oa West Broadway; the old onea were much decay ed, and a change evidently necessary. E. R. Slewera has removed his office into neatly fitted rooms Immediately oppo site hia former office, and two doors above Ihe LI ret .National Bank, Broadway. The fruit trees on the lots In the rear of Brick Row, West Broadway, lire now In full bloom, and aro Interesting to the lovers of the beautiful, for they just now present an Eden-like appearance, and while look ing upon me trees ciotncd in their perfec tion, and listening to the sweet notes of the feathered songsters, we almost imagine that we are standing on enchanted ground. E. C. Remmel has accepted a position as clerk In the Passenger Department of the L. V. R. R. Co., and entered upon his duties on Monday morning. Mrs. Sallle Fister, widow of James Fis ter, deceased, is liavhig the millinery shop, lately occupied by Mrs. Wm. P. Simpson, remodeled, and will soon commence the millinery business. The Switchback cars will commence running on Monday, the 16th Inst., by the MunfordlBros., as heretofore. MunfordlBros., as ben Weyte glad to 1 Uettrllng, who has 'erysipelas In the left learn that James W. been suH'erinc willi left eve for tha tisit few days, is much better, and hojw he may soon ue entirely wen. At the reunion of Knapp's Battery last July, Josiah Connelly was severely injured Mae mature discbarge of a cannon while ding in firine a salute, as the procession was marching through town, resulting in the loss of his eyesight and Injuring his right arm, so that it became necessary to havo it amputated, which was done by doc tors DeYoung, Erwin and Leouard, assisted by Charles Olt, one of our young medical students, on Wednesday last. He is doing as well as can be expected. The arm was amputated near the shoulder. Poor, unfor tunate fellow, we deeply feel for him in his deplorable condition. The extremely hot weather which has so suddenly made its appearance, has rath er a weakening effect upon tbosa .who are constitutionally tired, and no douCt if con tinued a few days longer, will cause a statu iede to tbe sea shore, or to tho "Switzer land of America." Let them come -the more tho merrier. Big Creek Item. , Diphtheria has made Its oppearatico at Pine Run, In the family of Alvin May; two l his children are down with the disease. Ihey ara attended bv Dr. Senile, of Lehich ton, uuder whoso medical skill we hope to see them 6oon restored. Thero are also sev eral cases of diphtheria in Loue Hun vet. Mr. Monroe Ziegeufuss, of near Weissport, lost two children by diphtheria; one was interred ou bunday, and the other on Mon day last, at the Weissport cemetpry. Pa rents are to blame, lo a certain extent, fur tne aeains oi so many of the children that uave occurred the past lew mouths. A lit tle nrecnution should be taken when Ibis disease breaks out in a locality, but instead of thip, whenever a funeral occurs many unwise parents are euro to be there with. their children, even Ifthev must travel 3 or 4 miles, and what else can be cxp-cted but that the children lake it, and that it will be curried over the wliola tuwnship in a short time. This is a fuct that cannot be denied. As long as parents will run to such places wnere inis uiseaso is we need not ue sur prised if we hear of several funerals every week for some time lo come. Wednesday, 4lh inst., we were Informed of another case that proved lulul m tho family of Alvin May, of Pine Run, which occurred the dav previous at 11 o'clock; the child was iuter led nt St. Paul's on Fridsv mornlnir last. Another child in the family of Hurry West is ujbii uuwii wiiu uie Fame uisease. a-Robert Miller, of East Wfissport, wa . o.,,.jg .i icnua nvivi uu iuimuv a wee. Joseph P. Kemerer sold a horse to Na than Lefller, of East Weissport, last wee . Tho supervisors of Towamencinfr Inwn, ship, have put up index boards at alt cross r aus in me township. A good idea. Potatoes are in demand at present nf mif pwees. It is creatlv feared Hint tlin FAVprnl frosts we have had this and last week lias entirely allied our fruit ciop. Oats is slowly curiilnc un. The cool weather kept it buck. Some fields of rye ale good, while oth era agmn aro poor. Tho ereater narl of tho potnlm-i mn piuuieu ur our larmors lurt ween, out are In no nuiry to plant corn lor (car of the frost. Pasture is very poor for this lime of the year, REVhan. Since mv last letter another victim nf uipnineiia lias been odded to tha list, in the persuu oi .cnu iienng, a young adopted uuuguier oi jiarry -Hertz, ol nne Kun llev earthly career ended on Saturday altei nuou. iier remains were taken to their last resting place in tbo Union Cemetery nearSuydei's church, in Lower Towainen. sing, on Tuesday nmruing. The child was 0 fara and 4 months old. The following named nemonti vifdtoil this place during the week : Miss Otto and air. reler hchweibentz, of Mauch Chunk; Mr. Gabel and wife, of Lehighton, and also ur. u. a. Jlom. Who IB attendlor cavernl diphtheretin patients at Pi-ie Run; Rev. G. . oross, iiaumer and wife, of Parrvi ville; Miss Emma Kchrig, Elumbetb Yengst, Mr. Snyder, of St. Louis, Martin iseco. Delano, L: E. Wills, and Ed, Reber, of Weissport. aud Mrs. J. Graver, nf uiaungiuij. Mr. Thomas J. Bolt, who had gone to Indiana to attend collsce. found when ha arnveu mere mat the school was over crowded lo such an extent that no room could be found for him. He then decided to leturn home, where be is at present. We were unable to learn what he iniends to loiiow now, The weather has been very warm Ibe im&L lew navs. IDS lliermometnr 1ml enlpH wu degrees in the shade on Wednesday, Mr. James Brown, of near Beltzville, is oi present lying in a critical coudltion, and i-wr uupes ure enieriaineu lor his recovery Ue is attended to Dr. Chas. German, of Lo- "S"i uuuer wnoso medical skill we nope soon to hear of hia complete restora uuu uj ueauu. Mr. Henry Neeb, of this place, one dav last week lost a borBe by death. Considerabla corn was planted by our IBIUICII IUI9 WI'CK. Our supervisors for this end of Frank lin repaired the road at this place on Tues day last. Grass Is growing very (Jowly for want u laiu. Oats and rye are suffering considerably on account of the drouth. Wheat is slowly coming up. Rain is wished for. All of the fruit trees, excepting tbe peach, are in full bloom. Many peaches were frozen during the severe winter. Frank J. Held, of this place, will make necesary improvements upon his buildings shortly. Joseph Gi aver, of this place, has been luuiipoecu tne past lew weeks. There is some talk of trying lo establish tv uujco at tnis piece, provided a suits ble room can be procured. Paul Boyer, of this place, purchased '""js luuiosui tne u. u. a I. company, ,u, ?v, anu itiu run two ooau mis sum mer. Mrs. II. Snyder, of Millport, hai been owning wuu irienos me past week. The National Cloth Mills at Reading have been enlarged and will produce 10,000 yards of cloth per week. An artesian well bas been sunk TOO feet at toe aucas uounty Almsdouse in an un saiisiactory sesreu lor water. Four acres of ground have been purchased la Reading by Ihe Penn Hardwsr rv,m. pny, of that city, upou which new works 1 will be built -Ivnntr'l Educational Inatllnllon, The East Pennsylvania Conference! of the Evangelical Association In conference as sembled at Millersburg this spring) located an educational institution In the city of Reading. A series of resolutions, setting forth tbe plan upon which the school Is to be started, was adopted by conference, and Bishop Bowman, Revs. I. K. Knerr, J, C. Hornbergcr, S. S. Chubb, 8. C. Breyfogel, W. K. Weiand and A. M. Stlrk, and Messrs. , G. Mobn an.d F. G. Boas were appointed committed to examine said plan. The above named committco met Monday fternoon last, In the 8th Street Church, at Reading, and organized by electing Bishop T. Bowman President; Rev, I. E. Knerr Vice-President, and Rov. W. It. Wieand as Secretary. On motion of S. S. Chubblt was Jlctolvctl, That the school be opened on 16th of August, 1881, and have a summer term of eight weeks, a fall term often weeks, a winter term of ten weeks and a spring te rm oftwelye weeks. As the committee was not sufficiently In formed respecting the qualifications, Ac, of the applicants for tho position of principal In structor; therefore Muolvcd. That each member of the com mittee make inquiries respecting tbe quali fications and terms of such parties as may be available for the position, invite propos als for the same, etc., aud report at our next meeting which Is to be held at the same place, on the 30th of May, at 1 p.m. Revs. I. E. Knerr, 8. S. Chubb, S. 0. Breyfogel and Messrs. J. G. Mohn and F. G. Boas were appointed a sub-committee to secure a suitable location for the school, The friends of the cause of education throughout this conference ere manifesting considerable Interest in this new project, and the indications that tho enterprise will be eminently successful aro bright and en couraging. A number of young men have also already ignified their iutcnliou of entering the school as soon as opened. Such as desire to glye this school their Influence and suppdn, cither as teachers or pupils, orotberwlse, are Invited to corres pond with the President or Secretary of the Committee. Address, W. K. Wieand, Allen town, Pa. Wild Creek Iottiiia;N. Mr. Georee Havdt, who has been, con fined to his bed for the past several months, s on nis ieet again. Mr. Amandas Itlbler paid us a flvlne visit on Bunduv last. We are alwavs pleas ed to see bim, . Jac. Cortrizht. of 81atinctnn. was en- joying himtell fishing for trout at Wild Ureek un Saturday last. -Mrs. Lucy A Greene, of Lehlehton. for merly of this place, Is visiting friends and relatives here, Miss Catherine Distler left for Penn Haven Junction on Sunday lust, where she intends to abide for some lime. John Distler aud John Greene", who have been out searching employment, re. turned several daya since, and "now Mr. imuer uas struct out again with new cour age. -Picklne wintercreen leaves is a creat business at present, but though leaves are scare some men are earning good wages pieiiiog mem. Mr. William Moser. who hnB been con fined to bed for tho last several days, isut present under the medical treatment of Dr. II. Clay McCormick," of Monroe county. Henry Haydt wa3' away peeling bark i uueoday Jjel. Oa arriving home lor dinner be found tbatouu ol bis pigo bud died during his absence. Henry Kuukel aud a friend of his. both from TiuchsWIIe, have been enjoying them selves fishing lor trout, at Wild Creek; they lelt rejoicing in their good luck. Daniel Heinev. of Monroe count v. pam us a nying visit on Tuesday last. e are always pleased to see him. We nre inaeed verv sorrv fnr Mr. W. W. JNIortliiiner, of Lehighton, who met with such a sad accident on the L. V. railroad, Tuesday of last week. We hopo God may gram, uia recovery. Mrs. M area let Hitner. who has bean confiued to bed for sc vet ill days, on account in a iuvr, is at present unuer tne medical treatment ol ur. J. U. lvreamer,ot Milliort, UliGO. VcUport liehiki Etta C, a bright and nromlsine dauch ter of A. A. Hatch, depaitcd this life on Wednesday of lust neck. luneral seivlees took place ou iatuiday, conducted by Rey. i. miner. Prof. U. A Gordon favored the people f this place with a mueic lantern exhihi. lion, in the School Hull, Monday evening, uiui-u w loo amusement oi tne young folks, A pleasant party of friends nnseil Thursday evening at the residence of fliram ijenn, in celebrating his 3Ulh birlbday. A goodly number were present on the occa sion. Hiram Rickcrt has elegantly improved his residence in East Weissport. which at- uueia uiieuuon. Miss Emma Kistler, who taught the primary school bore during the winter, lelt ior urn iiiiiiersviiie oiate normal School on iuomiay last. W. C. Keck, the well-known and en terprisine salesman for the firm of A. R McCoweu & Co., Philadelphia, moved his luniuy iu toe ueutz resideuce last week, Our publlo schools closed on Friday of last week. -TheP ost office headquarters at Knecht': present a very luvorable aspect. The man agement of the office is uunVrlh In, mo. diate control of Ike Ux, who is well qualified uuu attiitiui nihl, LUB UUSinCSS. TIlA 0Ytf-ll baIo! eA1,nnl ship of Prpf. J. F. Snyder, opened on Mon - day last The number of students now l attendance average about 40. F Wm. Biery, formerly of this place, Bow of Catasauqua, is stopping with friends here. Mrs. Frank Boyd, of Bethlehem, is the guest ui v, u. oemie, Alfred Wittingbam, while endeavoring to snoot a nog one day ibis week, acciden tally shot Georee. a vouncr son off!. Jr. Me.. Daniel, the shot lodging in the child's low er limb. The child was engaged al play In tho yard adjoining. The wound however Is not serious, but sufficient to warn nennU Ln be more careful in handling such dangN uui weapon!, yOINT, Tlie Welktport P. M. On Monday last, when the post-offiiewas removed In our place, the American flag was hoisted, I suppose in order to cover up me low down trickery that was resorted to in obtaining the appointment of the unac ceptable post master tbat has been forced upon us. That be is unacceptable is proven from the fact, that tbe 'principal business men of our place, In order to protect their rights and the secrets pertaining to their own business, have joined together, hired a mail carrier, and are now doing their business at the Lehighton office. Tbe citizens of our place ingeneral, had no more privilege al lowed them In theselection of W. H. Knecht for our post master than the Czar of Russia or the Chiueseof California. Is that Repub licanism ; is it justice, or is it an Imposition upon the citizens of our - '.ace? A RircBLiciK, Weissport, Pa., May 10, 1881. The shaft for silver ore at Indlintown Gap, Lebanon county, has been sunk eighty lecu A calf weighing 121 pounds was recently born on tbe farm of Mr. John Snell.m York John Shelnfuss. a German nedler. com ml'.d suieide on Brownstowa, Lancaster county, on Tuesday. Edward Frill, a farmer, livln? near Read Ing, committed suicide on Monday by shoot- lug- Nearly forty sheep bjvre died recently In "' uxiord, iiaesier county, oi an uu uuira uncase. Iio Coal Trade. Tho anthracite coal trade, says Monday's Philadelphia Ledger, holds fairly Up. The half time working at the mines has brought supply and demand so nearly together that prices are quite satisfactory as between sell ers and buyers. The demand during the past week was quite active, and the supply i full, without being plethoric, for all sires but egg coal, which is soiling moderately, but hardly , to the extent of production. This, however, is the season of the year that this particular -size of coal is in ad vance of the demand. The agreed-upon half working for aome weeks to come It is believed will fully adjust the differences note'd as now existing. Egg coal Is mostly used for domestic purposes, for which the demand will commence in early summer to be stowed away for next winter. There is some little dissatisfaction that half time Working does not reduce the average full time anthracite production one-half. The Intimation that this discrepancy results from the want of good faith on the part of some of the companies It Is said is not en tirely correct, that In the main all the com' panies maintain good faith one with an other. The differences noticed are tracea ble mainly to individual operators, some of whom are furnished with more cars than others. .Tho orders for coal are about equal to the supply ou hand, hence there are no changes in prices. The JUi'iier'i Journal, of Potlsville, soya I "The New York and Eastern trade has bsen rather weak since our last reyiew, but the Philadelphia trade has been good for all sices except egg. The stock on band is very light, notwithstand ing the daily shipments from the mines have been large. The programme for May commenced last week, has had a beneficial effect, from tbe fact that it reassures the doubters of tbe perfect harmony existing among tho leading producing interests, and makes it apparent that last year's plan of operations is io be continued. This assur ance, taken In' connection with the on- nouncement of no advance in prices for May, has given a stimulus to purchasers, which, In the Philadelphia market at least, has absorbed pretty much nil the coal sent forward." For the seven days ending April 30 last, 24,000 cars were moved over the Lehigh and Susquehanna division of that coal route; the number of cars named carry- ng 122,614 tons of coal, the largest tonnago n any one week in the blstor.? of the road. Tht Engineering and Mining Journal, of Soturday last, says! "The effort to bring about a curtailment production this week was unsuccessful, but it resulted in a plan to work but half time during the remaining three weeks of this month. Some compa nies, from having a more desirable class of coal, and others, probably, from having given buyers somo special advantages, have been able to book a sufficient number of orders to peimil them to run full time dur ing the month. This, however, is tbe ex ception to the rule. The weakness appears to be in the free-burning coals, which are in liberal supply compared to the market de mands. Wall street seems to have forgot ten the impending ruin that was prophe sied a few weeks ago, and all tho informa tion distributed there now is of n character lo inspire confidence in the belief that the companies will find difficulties In meeting the demands for coal, and that much high er prices will be realized. The bulls little think whit a realization of, such prophecies means. If the mines were driven to their full copacity for the next three years at this rate, they would fully yield 100,000,000 tous of coal, and, even at tbo present prices for coal, would earn fabulous profits. It Is clear lo every observer, however, that, If the companies mine coal during three-fourths of all of the'working days of the year, they ill produce all, and most probably more than the country will take at current rates, There are dull and active seasons, and neither should have undue Inlluence on buyers and miners of coal, or dealers in the securities of the companies. An average must be taken, and nothing but the aggre gates of production and income to be reach ed at the end of the year should be taken Into consideration. There is at tho present time a very fair business doing for this sea son of the year, but it is far from a "boom." Prices are remarkably well maintained, but still there are concessions made in many quarters. There is a stroug desire shown in all quarters to prevent a disruption of the combination, and the trivial shortcomings of some are permitted to pass.by with but casual notice rather than have the trade up set by tbe appearance of discord. A very important feature to the anthracite trade is the low price of bituminous coal, and its likelihood to absorb largely the steam coal order" The total tdnnageof anthrarite conl from all the regions for the week ending April 30. as reported bv the several carrvina com- Vanies, amounted to 723,034 tons, against 407,563 tons in the corresponding week last year, an increase of 315,471 tons. The to tal amount of anthracite mined for the year is P,031,330 tons, egajnst 7,875,916 tons fof the same period last year, an increase of 1,155,414 tons. L9 am and lea lloueen Munsed. Between four and five o'clock Tuesday afternoon our people wero startled by the cry of fire. Proceeding to the scene we found it to bs the barn of John Hank, the baker on Bank street The flames rushed through the building with great fury, soon complete ly enveloping the barn and the adjoining Icehouse of Frank Leibenguth. Mr. Jos. Obert with his fire engine and some of the Lehigh boys with tbe truck were promptly on hand, and, with the help of our citizens, worked with a will on the surrounding property, confining tbe flames to the build ings above mentioned, wblch were com pletely destroyed. Mr. Hauk lost In addi tion to bis buildings bis stock of ice, and the contents of the barn, including bay, straw, coal and several sets of kuutts. Dr. Pharo sayed Mr. Hauk's pigs from the stable by prompt action. There was no Insurance on the property destroyed. The fire created considerable excitement among the people owning properly and living in the vicinity and is another "call" to them to introduce a good water supply, and procure suitable apparatus for the extinguishing qj fires. The Little Giant, broken last winter, is still unfit for service, although the boys are making an effort to get it fixed. Cost Mauch Chunk Note. Miss Lizzie Struthers has opened a pri vate school in the publlo school building. Her terms are 50 cents a month. Miss Liz zie is an excellent teacher, and takes great interest in teaching school, and does this in order to give the poorer class of children an education. Those who send their children will never regret it Chief Burgess Arndt has Issued an or der prohibiting cows, mules and hogs to ruii at large within tbe borough limits. Mr, A. says he will see tbat this order Is strictly enforced, aud we trust he will. K B. Byingtou, General Passenger Agent of the Lehigh Valley railroad, now boarding at tbe Mansion House, will In a few daya occupy the late Daniel Kalbfus' property in this borough. J. C. L. Patrick Kearney was killed on Saturday by an explosion of gas In the central shaft ot tha Delaware, Lackawanna and Western mines. May ScMDepartat. By C. S. W. May 1. LukeXVI, 19-31. TUle The Rich Man and Lazarus. Topio The Punishment of Selfishness. Central Truth.-All is lost If the soul Is lost, Golden Text The wicked Is driven away iu his Wickedness, hut tbe righteous hath hope In bis death. Prof, xiv, 32. The Rich Fool LiZARUS Fifth rags. 8crcity. Poverty. Affliction. Death. Here Had Coitly apparel. Jauxury. Riches. Health. Death. Hereafter Had. Torment. Comfort. Hell. Heaven. Anxiety. Rest. Scarcity. Plenty. Probationers. Characters. TWQ Setups. A " U States. Places. Changes. Lesson TiiougaT. Sox Reuimbeb. The Miins Ann Mediums Uskd to Cokvet Instruction to Infant Classes. jj. By adaptation ot voice and manner to what Is said. "Manner Is to matter as powder to ball," and Infant scholars are al most us much iinpretsel with the manner In which a thing Is ssld, as with the matter of what is said. It Is said of George Whit field that by saying the single word "Mes opotamia," he could move a congregation lo tears, and Rlstora, by the magic power of her voice, her expressive face, and ber na tural gestures, could move a congregation to laughter or to tears at will, and all this, when speaking in an unknown tongue. By a properly adapted voice and manner, the most lifeless and uninteresting subjects brought before the class can be made inter esting and instructive. To properly adapt your voice and manner lo what is said, you must have perfect freedom of Voice, action and manner; you must be a real, live, standing, walking, energetic, magnetic teacher. Avoid talking very loud; talk just loud enough to be distinctly heard by the whole class; if you talk too loud it will havo the tendency ol making the class noisy. To hear a pleasing echo speak pleasantly, never speak in a scolding, fret ful manner. Tbe little girl said, "I don't understand that gentleman; he don't talk like gentlemen iu rooms." Accompany the teaching with gestures adapted to assist in presenting the truth more vividly; when you,speak of the sun point toward the sun; when you speak of heaven, point upward; when you speak of a little boy show bow little ) and when you allude to a tree, speak as if you bad a tree before them. Acts are necessary in order to Vivid description and allegory. One of the teacher's best accom plishments is knowing how to talk with children, not simplify to thero; he must learn lo talk like children flexible and various, with agility and nimblcnese. Teach ever as merry as you can, for no one delights in a sorrowful man. One of the best things an infant class teacher can do in order to be Interesting and successful is To Learn To Chirp Itight. "Dotitoir liiktdc Out." Rev. Henry Morgan says ho has ofdererl two sets of type and engaged two of the largest printing houses in Boston to print the next edition of "Boston Inside Out," up to 20,000. Over 1000 agents are canvassing ior the work, ou ministers and nearly 1000 students. They lia've the profits, as the book is for reform and not for gain. But few books have met With more di verse criticisms, and a more checkered fate. Attempts were made lo suvnresa it but fail ed. Suits were brought against Mr. Mor gan. Morgan Chapel was attached for $10,000, but the suits were non-suited Gamblers "pooled their Issues" to "Turn Morgan Inside Out," but withdrew their stakes. Leading papers and ministers have expressed opposite opinions. Those who have praised, have not praised by halves. They make the Author a John the Baptist, a Jonan crying against tne sins or modern Nir.evoh. Mr. Morgan thinks itlhecrown- ing reiorm effort of bis life. He expects to print a 100,000 volumes. Address, Rev. Henry Morgan, Boston. A Ilandaomo Pape? The Illustrated Scientific aVetcs for Mar is bejore us, looking handsomer, If possible, lhan any of the preceding Issues. Since its change of publishers last January, this magazine nas improved witn each succeed ine number. The present issue of tbe Il lustrated Scientific Xeios is overflowing' wilh handsome engravings and interesting and instructive matter. Among the various subjects illustrated in this issue is a snperj) specimen of cut glass ware; an exhaustive article on asphaltum, and jts use in streets and pavements; a new and Ingenious baud-car, shown in opera tion; a new steel steamer for use iu shallow rivers: tbe new J obert telescope, and an in teresting paper on physics without appar atus, also fully illustrated. Every number contains thrty-two pages full of engravings of nove'ties In science and the useful arts. To be bad of all news dealers, or bv mall of the publishers', Munn k Co., 37 Park Row, New York, at $1.50 per annum; single copies, 15 cents. STATE mvs, American Merioo sheen from Vermont are being introduced into Washington coun ty in large hocks. An effort to establish a publlo library In Monongahela City Is being made by several puDiio spirited aniens. Car) Mink, of Mansfield.Ohio, committed suicide in Pittsburg en Monday by hanging niraseu on a picicet lence. ue had $40 In nis pockets. Dr. John Honteiyif WeldoiMontgomery county, who disappeared from that place not long since, after swindling bis neighbors out 01 tuuu, nas sailed ior turope. It was rumored at Korristown Monday that Splelman and his brother, who aresns- pecten 01 ine murder 01 oainuel Clugston, at Valley Forge, have been arrested at New York and locked op. Since denied. Hon. James O. Blaine bas purchased nity-nve ocresolcoal land In iorward town ship, Washington county, at $90 per acre, jur. main aireauy owneo large coal prop erties In Washington county. Charles O.Fife, a commercial traveller, while in Johnstown on Monday night, seized and kissed Miss Jessie Covsr.who was passing him on the street. He was fined $26 because of it Mrs. Jonathan Piefer, of Jackson town ship, Lebanon county, was called upon bya brother. Jew days ago whom she bad not seen for forty-five years. The brother Uvea at Carlisle. Each thought the other cJead. Tbe grand council of Pennsylvania Imp. 0. of R. M. opined last Tuesday morn ing In Musie ball Norristqw,a, A procession, composed of Tecumseh and Beater tribes, of Norrlstown, and tbe grand council head ed by tbe Norrittown cornet band, made a street parade before tbe opening of the coun cil. Out of the 242 tribes in tbe state, 200 are represented. The session will onutlnue several days, and are not open te tbe pub' lie. Karl Mink, of Pittsburg, was found hanging by the neck to a fence on tbe South Bide last Monday morning, stiff and rigid la death. Hie feet were resting on the ground, and his position-showed that in order to strangle himself be had lifted his feet from tbe earth in ordsr thst Ids full weight could rest no tbe handkerchief that held bim to the fence. The man was well dressed, bore an Intelligent countenance, bad a well-filled purse, and was sober when Jast seen rear the place of his death. He n opposed to nave oorne irora. uansneia. Important 10 Traveler. Srtcut Ixocckukxts are offered 70a by the jiuiuxoTOx Route It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found cite whore in this issue. I,1ST Of PATENTS (1 ranted by the UnltedStatei to cltlzens'ortlils State( for the week ending May 10, 1881, furn ished for the OAnnos Advocate, front the Law and Patent otSce of J, McO. Perkinc, 809 Li street, Washington, D. O. W. O. Allison. Phllndelnhln. lOeelrln lamp support u. w. uartu, Philadelphia, padlock. L. Brady, Philadelphia, tmwer hammer. J, II. Colfmau, Philadelphia, door check, J. J. DeKlnder. Philadelphia, dlachanr. ing bilge water. J. W. rarrell, Philadelphia, can nozzle. J. M. Buuman, Pittsburg, cream pitcher, J. M. Carnahan, Bells Camp, lamp. B. Corwin, Plensantvllle.shot case. J. O. Ebkin, Pittsburg,-fi Wi wheel, R. P. Garud, Norriatown, railway switch. A. Gillian, Pittsburg, harness saddfc A. O. Graneer A J. II. Cnlllm .r, vmi,. delphla, gas apparutus. u. m. jieoier, .New Uastlo, sash holder. J. Kershaw. Philadelphia, rat nleklnir machine G. S. Lewis. Philadelphia. Twrf.,m,l caustic soda. II. McElroV. Philadelnhin. slpom furnace. H. Landls, Reading, boy's stilt J LetzkUS. Allegheny, manhlnn fnrKaHit. Ing truck bars. W. C. Lutz, Brtllnrd, railway tio. J. W. Mcltec, Bradford, band wheel. A. J. Ncllis, Pittsburgh, spring tooth har row. W. II. Phillll. l'illlmrff. ,rltr rrt Joint. U. JJ. Richards, Philadelphia, bearing for shafts. G. J. A S. J. Shimer, Milton, culler head. A. P. Steinmever. Philadelnhin. nilehnn. delier. W. Temple, Bellefonte, piston packing. J. E. Weaver, evanoratinc nan and anna- ratus. 2 patents. J. W. Wilt Warrior's. Mark, saw etllnir machine. Lehtglitoii OTurltcte COHMfiCTKD W'lCKirr.-V. Flour, no sack n tv. Uuokwheat flour per sack a oo Corn, per bushel jo Oats, perbushol 5 Mixed Chop, per cwt 1 85 Middlings, poront i an (Jorn Ohop i 35 iiran, per cwt 1 20 Butter. per pound n Eifgs, per dozen 15 iiaui, per ponuu 13 Lard, nsr pound , 11 ?nouiuers, per pound ,, g Potatoes, per bushel jjr Stock ."TlurKct. Closing prices of DeIIaven & Towssend, stock, Oovernment and Gold Third Street, Phila., May 12. 40 South lf-81. mji asked 133 atked U2 asked 116 asked U. S. 8"s 1881 iei bid U. S. Uurrency, trs 131 bid U- S. 6's,18Sl, new IViyt bid U. s. 4H, new mjz bid U. S. 4'snew 117 bid Pennsranla It. H es?i bid Phlla. & Reading It. R. WX bid Lehigh Valley It K.... bid Lehigh Coal&Nav. Co. . t6 bid mil asked ttji asked 28J- asked asked asked asked atked asked asked asked 40 185W 63 21 41U 7 eo unueu uo'sor w. .1 183 bid Northern Central It. 11. bin hid Hestonvlllc Pass, ll.lt. 22 bid Pitts. Tit. & Butf. 11. R. 21 bid Central Transportation. 41 bid nonuern I'acinoconi... tsyz bid asked asked asked Prerd 77JjJ bid North Pcnna. R. K 69 Lid Phlla. k Eria R. H HJU hid 2S asked Silver, (Trades,) W bid asked MARRIED. REISER LOVE. At-the restriimen or lh nriue'S lather, at Jlokondauqua. Lehigh county, Pa.,on Thursday, May 4th. by Rev. James A. Little, Mr. Frank II. Ktlserind MlssMattie, daughter of Mr. Win. Love, all of Hokendauqua. LOWLB-BROWN. On tho Hth tilt., liv HOT. A. UKIIUUIUUIUH, XJ.irUJ J . lMfOT tlUil Miss Sarah R. Brown, both of Parry vllle. CORRELL OKRUEK.-On the 1st Inst, uy me Bume, unas. uorreu anu iuiss raran x cnu, vjuruer, uuin ui est A'enn, rscnuyi klll county. ' ' WEAVER ANDREAS. On thesaraeday, bv tbo same. Wclllnurton I) wen,T. nt fc. KrunSBttck, and Mlfs Klanna Andreas, of ZIEOENFUSS OHltlSTMAN. On the 7th Inst, by the same. David E, KieKenfuse, of Lower Towamenslng.Carto'i county, and iuiss Auieiiu iurifiiinan, 01 x.iuruu town ship, Monroe county. BUCK HOUPT. On tha 27th or March, by Rey. J. li Freeman, Wilson Buck and Miss Annie lloupt, both orL. Towainenslng. EMERY IU EH I.. On the 24th ult, by the same, Milton E. Emery, of Weissport, and Sallle M, Dlehl. of Lehighton. DIED. STEIGERWALT. On the 11 Ih ult. In East Penn, Fannie O., wife or Tllxh. W.Stelner wall, aged 87 years, 4 months and 9 days. HOU8ER. On the Hth nit. In West Penn, Henry Houser, aged 69 years, 7 months and 21 da) s. DREYER.-On the 18th ult , In East Penn, George Edgar, son or Charles and Tenlllla Ilreyer, aged 1 year and 8 days. HILL On tho 2Sth ult, In West Penn, Bar- tuu, duii u, Lev, uuu .Liyuia Ann 11111, aged 4 months and 18 days. WJ511RSTE1N. On the 2nd Inst, ln Mahon ing, Henry Wehrstaln, aged 42 years 0 months and 8 days. PRICE On the Uh Inst, ln West Penn. America Prlee, aged 74 years, 4 months and 3 days. MOYER. In Weissport, on the 12th ultimo. Aqullla S., infant son of George and Emma Moyer, aged 8 years, 7 mos. and t days. KUNKLE. At Long Run, on the Hth ult, Emma Ursula, Infant daughter of llures and Susan Kuukle, aged 2 1 ears, 2 months UUU lu U1LJB. KLOTZ. In Towamenslnr. on th. 2A.I ult Prlscllla, Infant daughter or Levi &. Sallle &uq mou, agea 1 yr., 1 mo. and 20 days. SOLT. At Hlg Creek, on the 24th ult, David cult, ugeu yean, t munins anu 27 uays. KUOMER. At Long Run, two children of irwiu uuu luuruia jvromer, unaries uan'i, aed 1 J ears, 8 months and 6 days, aud Jos. Irwin, aged 2 years anil 8 months, both were Durieu in one gr.ve. MAY. At Pine linn, on tha ard tnsi.. n.n Joseph, son of Alvin and IlarrletMay, aged yvuis, O UIUUIUS BUU 0 uaf s. IUISCUED FKOil DEATH. Tbe following statement of Wm.J. rnm.h Un, of Somerville, Mass.,ls so remarkable that we beg to ask for it the attention of our read ers ue sat s . in ine laii ot isro 1 was tak en with a violent blekdibq or thk i.Trivna. followed by a severe couch. I soon began to lose my appetite and flush. I was so weak at one time mat 1 eouia not leave my bed. in the summer of 1877 1 was admitted to tha City Hospital. Whlletherethedoetorssald I bad a hole in my left lung as big as a half dollar. I expended over a hundred dollars in doctors and medicine. I was so far gone at one time a report went around that I was dead. I gave uu nope, uui a iricnu toia me or lilt. WM HALL'S IJALSAM FOR THE I.IINdR. I laughed at my friends, thinking that my case was Incurable, but I got a bottle to ratief; them, when, to my surprise and gratification, I commenced to ieel better. My hope, once dead, began to revive, and to-day I reel In bet ter spirits than I have the past three years. 1 write this hoping you will publlih It, so tbat every one afflicted with Diseased Lungs will be Induced to take DIt. WM. HALL S IJALSAM FOR THK LT'NQS, and becon vnlced that CONSUMPTION Can be Cured. 1 nave taaen two Dottles and can positively say ilia iv una uuuo uiuro goou man an in other medicines 1 have taken since my sick ness. My oouzh has almost entlrelv .limn. nearedandl shall soon be able to go to work." Sold by A, J. Lcxuno, Lehighton, and all uruggisis. ueo. 19, isnu-yioow IlENltPS rAItBOLIC SALVE. Tbe BEST SALVE tn the world for Outs, urumi, nures, uicers, can jtneum, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Ohllblalns, Oorns, and all kinds of Skin Eruptions, Freckles and Pim ples. The Salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction ln every case or money refunded, He sure you get HENRY'S UAltUOLIU SALVE, as all others are but Imitations. Prloe 25 cents. For sale by all llrugglst everywhere. Deo. 13, 1580-yleow ERRORS OP YOUTH. A Oentleman whi suffered for years from N eryous DE UI UTY-PJIKM ATU 1112 DECAY and all the effects of youthful IndeuieMop, will for the sake ot suffering; buaiaulty. send free to all who need It, Ibe recipe aud directions lor mablag the simple remedy bv which be was oiped. Sufferers wl-hiug to profit by the ad vertlser experience can do so by adilreHsmg in perlect twiliaeuco. JOU1B oauEN, An.SJ-Tia : Cedar Street, N. V. RED HOUSE rOWDERS Are the only Horse and Poultry Powders that Sive universal satisfaction. If the Powders o not give satisfaction, the Druggist will re. turn your money. Dec, 18, 1880 yleow To Consumptives. The advertiser, havtaar been permanently ear. eu ot thai orraa dlBease, Coasumpilon, by a simple icniedv. Is anxious to make known le bia fe low-ttiUtuiera tbe means ot eure. To all who desire it, be wlli'nend a copy eJ the pre soi iptton tuett itreeol easigtl, w.ta thedliee Uon.for prepsrmf end using- the same, wldcu ther win Hud a sua cimr. far coxsusmiost, AsiiniA BuOtcuiTI. Ae. PartieewisblncUie frescrlptlou. will please addreo. Hey E. a, WIL&ON. 194 Street, Wllhamstursn. KewYerc JsuSltut Agtsti Wsstsi. Big Pay, L:ght Work. Steady Employment Hsmplea tree. "Ad Are's, U. L. BYEN. Ho. 41 KA&3AU Btteet Ntw Vork, Jas.em rjWE SLATINUTOtt PLANING Mtti AND' Cabinet Ware Factor- .i!t SLATINOTON. JOHN HALLiET,- Propr., riAfil (Vi l Vlmlsaii aleaa ..V r,Un 1 1 t' A t. OhIC aD(1 HftrJWuoO Llliintr. anil Urtniriua pal-ed tb wlCcutt) Huy HUeunt of ofileu fot DresseD Lumbelt OF AI.X, KINDS. Doors, Sa'slies, Blinds ShutlciV,- Mouldings, Caljlnct Wafc, &crf With f roinptness. Brackets Made to Order4.- The Machlncrr in all nfilr Mid of tlin limit onrl' most Improved kind. I emptor nouo but th bentvommen.tirto well BrawiDed and iroorj ma terial, nntl nm thei f fore able to jruat untoe cutlro fliiiactlou to all who niav larur tne with a call. Ordcts t mail promptly attended to. My clinxces flin moderate, torini cagh, or tnteicstf charged alter tMrty days. QlVB MB A CXL. . ... T. I . . ,. I, . their advantage to hnvt mclnir, 1-loor J3oanls lloors, i-asiies, hutiers, o., Ac, msdeatthl'i Uayl JOHN BALLIKTV THE BEST Of COAL, The undersigned If norf prepared to (ffpply the vety best LATT1MER COAL at the fol. lowing LOW PRICES FOR CASH : Dellv'd-'t No. 20hestnut, by thecaf..., 52 7' No. 1 Chestnut, by the car.,.., , a 74 Stove, by the car ,1 400' lly the single ton, Zi cents per ton Additional J . L . GABEL, Dealer In General IIardware, &c, Opposite the Public Square. BANK STREET, LKIIIOIIJON, PA. nov.30.II7l' MILTON A, WEISS, CARRIAGE BUILDER, Eank Street, Lehighton. REPAIRING Or all description promptly attended te at the' most reasonable prlees. 47 All Work guaranteed, and patronage' II rc8Dcctfully solicited, Uan.2s.yf CARBON ADVOCATE PLAIN AND FANCY BOOBJOBPRINTMHOM BANKW AY, a snort distance atmrf the Lehigh Valley R.R. Depot, LEHIGHTON, PA. Wo are now fully prepared to executo every description or PRINTING, from a Visiting; Cart to a kp Poster! Posters, 'Handbills, Shipping Tagiy Cards, Bill Heads; Letter Ileadsy - IVo'te Heads, Envelopes, Pamphlets,- Ac, &c, ln Best Manner, at t Reasonable Prices fM C !t furnlthed trre. with fall iatnio tSIl I t,0D forconductJnff tbemoBtproflttol I Vs ijustuesw I lint my oua cn eugage m - 1 do b j nine s is eo easr to Jeam.and oar I us true tluna are o simple and Dlmu tliat ituy i n can mate great pro tin (mm tie very eurt. Noon odn lad bo 14 wilting io work. Women & BuocsKfnt at mou, Boys mid gin- cma earn largo ucut. Many hare uaae over one nandred dolarsliiaMnIe iri ek, Nothing Ilk It erar known before. AH wIioeLKUKeareeurpntctlat toe i-aw and rapidity wttU which ibe uro able to make money. You o a engage la lhi tonal duriuK vour epare time at meat pro ill ' You do not have to tnvm any capital In it. Wo take ail tbe risk". Those who m-ed rend money should writfi to as at once. All nruUked tree.' a tidier TltTJ b & CO., Auftoata, Maine. OcU2,IS0-ly PILES Of all klnda.TU.M0R8,dlsebar get of 1UOOD or uiucos.one all diseanes of the KECTUtI e.0KKJr and porfrctly cuied by a simple and soothing JICM 1SDY. foriotoraiatlon addrrae Bit 1, i'AHKItiCO.XJ AIUlt-JV, V. -jssolutu)! notTce. The co-partnership heretofore' extstlnsr tV twetn V. 15. Kemerer and Leis Keraerer, doing business In Franklla two,, under Ihe Arm name or W, E. Kemerer t JJro., has been dissolved by mutual oonsent. The business will hereafter be carrisd on by the under-' signed, on a strictly cash baslss W, K. ICKMEREB. Franklin twp., apr. l.-w. AGENTS FALSE GODS, WANT K To Sell nr F. S. DOnniNS. lale of Yokohama. .Til. pan. A New work ol matchless Interest. describing the Strange Hupcrstttlens of Hea- men nations in all parts ana ages 01 ine world. Tbe only volume ever Issued cover ing this great subject. Contains a thousand laCtS BTRaKOER THAN F1CTIOK the WltfT Imaginations ol Idolators concerning Uarrr and SriHiTa, tho JIestimt of Mam, with all Strange lirllers, Legends, Customs, forms of Worship, Temples, Shrines, Sacrifices, eta. connected therewith. Is Illustrated ana bound in CHiQtri style. A Tkolt WoaEB' ret Hook, certain tosell mxnifaiLT. Poi sample pages, term s,tc, address HUIlliAItEr UltUS., 723 Chestnut St , Phtladsiphla, aprll lS.-wt. III tho Court or t'ouimou Picas of Curbtm County. PLEASE TAKE MOTII1E, That the Hoard of Directors of the KNTEHPH1SB HU1I.D1NO AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, of EAST MATJOIIU11UNK Carbon county, Pa., have this 23rd day of April, A D. last, filed a petition asklnx for a DISSOLUTION UP SAID ASSOCIATION, and If nosuf-' flclsnt cause bo shown to Ihe contrary on or" before the first day of next Term, to-wtt, ther thirteenth day or Jane, A. II. 1611, the Court will grant the petition and make the decree1 asked for. Uy the Ocurt, OEO. W. ESSEB. may 7, Ult-wi, f ictbgiutaryv f 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers