n!k&Hftrai II. V. MOKTIflMKtl, r.Diion wnioiiTON.rA.s SATUMAT. DECEMBER 10, 1879. Intel men ore. All that U demanded by publishers It that the general public appre rfatfi their eflbrttto conduct the business of making papers, by legitimate honora ble business methods, and that the princi ples and opinions of the editors are not for sale at advertising rates." Horn Robert Klota will please accept our thanks for favors received. Thursday next will be Christmas Bay, smd the Cabbok Advocats gives a hearty greeting and ft MERRY CHRISTMAS to its numerous friends and patrons. The suituf the vrldoir01ivcragatntex Senator Cameron, In Washington, has been continued until the January term, plaintiff being allowed tor proceed in the Case without printing the record. Among the duties of the census takers of next' year; says an exchango; will be to ascertain the amount of the agricultural pro duction of the country. Tho Superintendent therefore urgently recommends that farmers prepare themselves In advance to give the needed Information promptly. Those of our subscribers who, on refer enco to the direction tabs on thilr popcrs.find themselves Indebted to us for subscription will confer a favor by making Immediate poymont. Our terms are very low, and in order to conduct our paper successfully we must receive prompt pny. In all cases where we mall bills, we must charge tho credit rate, viz: $1.2. Remit now and save 25 cents. Here are the two meanest men on re cord! The owners of n clothing making firm in Boston employ thirty-five girls, who, from their poor earnings contributed $22 on Thanksgiving Pay and gave each of tho two members of the firm a pretty album, oc eupylng n half hour In gcttinz ready and making the presentation. The two mean fellows took the gifts with ready smiles, and on pay-day deducted from the wages of the girls time money for tho half hour they had occupied in giving the albums. Tho Potlttown Evening CAronW,speak ing for that locality, thinks resumption of specie, payments is on accomplished laot It says in proof of the fact that "from De ccmber 1st, 1878, to November 50th, 1879. Mr. A. W. Jones, the paymaster of the Phil' kdelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Com pany, paid out for labor In gold and silver the sum of $2,787,000. During eleyen months of the present year tho Miners' Ka tional Bank of Pottsville paid out, over its counter, in gold and silver, $388,135 ; tb Pennsylvania National, $381,000) the CoV' crnment National $40,000, And the State De' posits Bank, $150,000 making a total of $3, 756,135 in gold and silver put into circuln tion among tho people of this region in one year." Ontho22dof November the adminis trators to the estate of tho late J. B. Ms Creary filed a bill of complaint in the suit brought by tho Central Railroad Company ot New Jersey against the Lehigh an Wilkesbarre Oal Company,- the petitioners claiming in brief that the receivers of tho company E. W. Clark, R. Williamson ami W. II. Tilllnghast had obtained less money for their coal than a similar article was soli for by other companies, mid that the con tract with Charles Tarrisli for operating th company's mines was not to tho advuntogi of the company. Tho case cainciipfor hear ing Friday last before Jurigo McKcnnan, of tho jlnited States Circuit Court. After ar gument the Judge refused all the prayers of petitioners save tho right to appear bcloro a master. General Orant arrived In Philadelphia, Tuesday morning, and had a reception from the citizens which was a magnificent clim ax to the ovations he has received In his progress across tho American continent. When the General arrived at the railway depot ho was met and formally welcomed by Mayor Btokley, and replied In a few words. He was then taken In a carriage to his place In the procession, which formed on Broad street, and moved over tho route as published. The procession, which occupied more than four hours In passing a given point, comprised United States troops and marines, militia of Pennsylvania, New Jcr sey and Delaware j Grand Army Posts of Philadelphia and State, New Jersey, Mary, land, Delaware and tho District of Colum bia) Civic Associations, Political Clubs, Trade Organizations, Employes of Public Offices, Letter Carriers, and Firemen of Philadelphia and other cities. The decora lions af the buildings along the route, espc cially on Broad, Market and Chcstnutslrccts, surpassed even those of the Centennial year, Triumphial arches In fiont of Independence Hall and at several other points, added to the superb display. Immcnso throngs ofpeO' pie, numbering in the aggregate several hundred thousands, llued tho route of tho parade, and cheered to the echo as General Grant passed. After tho General hnl returned to Broad street, by way of Chestnut, ho reviewed the procession from the League House as it countermarched along that street. During the day business was entirely suspended, and flags were hung irom private residences in all parts of the city. In tho evening General and Mrs, Grant were entertained at a private dinner at tho residence of Mr. George W. Childs. The party consisted of General and Mrs. U. S. Grant, General W. T. Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Childs, Hon. Hamilton Fi.b Miss Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Drcxcl, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Paul, Hon. Adolph E. Borie and Mrs. Borie, Mrs. General Sheri dan, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Augustus Sain Hon. J. Donald Cameron and Mrs. Camer on, Dr. and Mrs. J. M. DaCosta, Mr. J, Morgan, of London, Hon. George S. Bout- well, Hon. John Welsh, Hon. George M. Robeson, Hon. Edwards Pierrepont, Mr. U, S.Grant, Jr. Tho dinner was followed by an informal reception, which was attended by prominent citizens from different parts of the country. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE. a) recess. It Has lit first agreed to also re port the marshals deficiency appropriation bill, but it having liefer! ascertained that tho Republicans Intended to antagonize It, It was tho'tglit best to keep It back until after the holiday recces) rather than clianco a political discussion. The temper of tho committee now is to report the army bill with the same restrictive clauses of the use of the army at the polls, ea were In the bill which President Hayes signed. It Is not thought that any riders will be attached to any of the other bills, but that an attempt will be made to pass them as separate' bills, which it is expected of course the President will veto. Society has fairly opened .its doors during the week, and It la delightful to meet again so many old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Horatio King gave the opening card reception of the season, and the classic old borne was filled to overflowing with one of the most distin guished companies eyer gathered together In our city. This was not one of the old time literary reunions (so well known and high ly enjoyed by thousands) but was a select assemblage of friends invited for social and musical enjoyment, and for the purpose of meeting Mr. King's nelce, a contralto singer of great power who is now on a bridal visit to her relations in Washington. Martha Morrison, net King, was married Novemlicr 26, in Portland, Me., and left immediately with her husband for the Capital, where both have received much attention, and especially the fair singer, whoso volco is a very well-spring of pleasure. Acgcst, New Advcrtiscmcnts.- jrEUISTKIl'S KOTKEr Notice It hVehy Riven thai the i(6otors, Administrators and Unardlank hereinafter named have (lied their respective accounts of the fulItHjltlH estates in the Ktttllter's Office at Mducli Chunk. In and for the Countv of Jdri'Otl, which accounts have been allowed by ftfew AdVertisclncnts. SHERIFF'S SALES Of Vnlunblo Real Estate. the lteglsteri will be presented to the Judges or the Orphans' Court on MONDAY, the 15th ilayof JANUAIIY, 1SW, at 2 o'clock IS M., fnr ennnrmntlnn I Second and final account of Peter llartz, ad ministrator or me estate or Epnriatn nat tier, deceased. Filed Jana Oth. 1SJ9. The tint and final account of AnnaOllson, late AnnaiuoKenna. naministratrix oi tne estate or I'at rick McKenna. deceased. Filed October IB. 1RIU. Tin first and flnal account of Oeores W. warnlte, administrator of the estate of Charles Warnke, deceased. Filed Novem ber Z9th, 1879. First and final account of Pallltn V. Weaver". aumimsiraior oi me estate oi nusaaxry ueccasea. i ilea ucionor :in. isiv. Flrlt nml final nctnunt nf .1 II. Twendle. &(T. minlstrator of tho estate of Lewis Sehnauf- er.flp.een.tefl. Flletl IVnvpmher lalhj 1B70. First and Snal account of Thomas Meniere?, administrator or tne estate ot Oliver xrren elier. doceased. First anil final aceonnt ol llenrv Hover Ex. ecutor oi tne estate oi jonatoan koid, ae- ccaseo. 11EI1NARD PHILLIPS, fiealster. Mauch Chunk, Dee. 13, 1879-wt The elegantly Illustrated and deeply in teresting book of travel and history, by John Russcl Young, "Around the world with Gen. Grant," which Is being published in 20 parts by the American News Co., will now in a few weeks be completed. It em braces, in detail the Grant tour, commenc ing at Philadelphia, in 1877, and terminat ing at that city the present week. The work has no political signification, is not a lau dation of Grant I but is a faithful record of the Incidents of the trip and of tho political and social cmuims of many nations on the globe. It will also be found to be not only one of the most interesting but at the sjmo timo one of tho most In structivo books of tho kind ever published In this country. W. D. Harrinjton, of this borough, is the ouly agent lor its sale in Carbon county. The Greenbackers of the country, nl though comparatively lew in numbers, says the Philadelphia Ledger, hold tho balance of power In many Western districts, which accounts for the manner in which some lie- publican and Democratic members trom tho West dance to their piping. Tho Greenback- cm have in fact, a mucn larger representa tion In Congress man ineir nuiuuere wuum entitle them to, if it were not for coalitions, whercbv thev determined the choice of representatives between ths two party can didates. If Democrats and ll-publicans in tho West hod been true to their own princi ples, ln.te.itl of attempting to buy en'Pty ad Tantages by sacrificing them, wo sh.iuld have had fewer schemes of inflation Ixifoi.1 the pr6ent session of Congress. An exami nation of the returns of elections generally shows that tho member who introduces a Greenback bill comes from a doubtful dis trict whete-the Grccnbnckcrs hold the cast ing vote. Such a man though nominally a Democrat or Republican, in reality repre- aanla In. mvn sr.lfi.ali 1 ntprpstl- Speakltig of the practice among news papers of publishing free notices for shows and lectures, the Tnnekt. ( Kan.) Capital very truthfully remarks, and it fits just as well castas wet: 'The-pexplc pay a great deal of money to cheap, iwiiiunngi ciiurncir.a frauds who travel as professional amuse- meut mokers, ami if the press had more tenso and did less truckling such frauds Antilil iiAt l,f.nl Hin romdfl nl tlipv (1(1. Often to save a few dollars worth of advertising, the entertainment is lauded and praised without stinl.wben it ought to bo denounced as a cheap swindle. The advertising col umns of a paper are the means by which the publlo are Informed, for the benefit of he advertiser, ni wnai uo naa w wun wr w ell. Tha space is sold at so much pcrsiuare, fit i a mutual one between the ... t 1. I. vprtiscrana tne iiuuiisiierus . i uv.wrvi. he merchant and Ida- customer. The pub- isher who feels called upon to commeud .i.t I A..dl-vlnilv OflvartlSlnfr. ii tho sa'ue position tho merchant would who would undertake to give a oertin- ... - J I.i no.ptf niirc'UlSCr if a dollar's worth of goods. 'J lie puuiisucr us a right to Insist iin the editorial and i ..rl.t. .iw.U!nnru tn lha. C T IHIUIH v I I - - -' " D ' ' ntluence of the- advertising columns, and i asserting Mr InderK-ifdent opinions un ..1 II l..tHm.nl. da it ,nm Ma UUIIP Clilfimi ,n wp I general publlo a kfeneGk (hut ought to . ;al.l Wtk lu.Tif-VA bll cilltnrfl anil ublishers are as reasonable and as o&nsid rate of the rights and feelings of those who -tlrnnlat lhir offlce as other clavH of bus- Our Letter from Wnl.lnj;ton. Our Country's progress. Cheap and conveni ent Transportation the chief aid to ourprcs ent Prosperity. The Federal Election laics. 11'Ay tee may be likely to hate a sliorl Scs tion. Society Chips, etc. WAsniKQTOx, D. C, Dee. 13, 187S. The chief of the bureau of statistics, has sent to tho printer a report on the iuternal commerce of the United States, in the prep aration of which ho has been engaged for more than a year. This report embodies the results of an extensive investigation of commercial and transportation affairs various parts of the country. The habits o! tho people of this country have in their so cial and commercial interests becomo con formed to tho exigencies of railroad trans portation. New trade currents have thus been formed, and iir many cases there has been an entire pvival of the course of trade. These changes and developments have been largely the result of tho facilities for the di rect shipment of merchandise over connect ing roads and for direct traffic with foreign ports. The growth of manufacturing indus tries throughout the Middle, Western and Northwestern Stales has also tended to pro duce important changes in the course of our internal commerce. Seven-eights of the sur plus products of the trans-Mississippi States north of tho State of Arkansas now cross the Mississippi river on railroads at and be tween St. Louis, Mis., and St. Paul, Minn., and are transported directly east to markets in this country and in foreign countries. During tho year 1878T the eastward ship ments from St. Louis, by rail, exceeded the southern shipments from that city by the Mississippi riyer. Tho cities of St. Louis and Now Orleans wero formerly closely identified in almost all their trade interests, but they ore now sharply at rivalry with re spect to the trade nf Southern Missouri, Arkansas, Northern Louisiana, and a large part of the trade of Texas. Tho fourprinci pal east and west trunk lines leading from the Atlantic seaboard witlt their western connections to Chicago, St. Louis, Louisvillo and Cincinnati, now constitutes tho most important avenues of commerce in this country, and the trade currents which pass over them largely influence the course of our foreign trade with respect to the ports at which foreign goods are Imported and domestic products are exported. This great east and west current of trado has led to a radical change in tho course of tho trade of States situated couth of tho Ohio river and south of the Stato of Missouri. Tho cities of St. Louis, Louisville and Cincinnati now enntributo at least two-thirds of the trade of thoo States in general merchandise and iave ,'bereforo, becomo their chief commer cial enti.Tots. For this trade theso cities compete nct.'vely with XIobile.New Orleans, and Galveston. In tho aggregate St. Louis, Louisville, and Cincinnati greatly surpass Mobile, New Orleans, and Galveston in population. Influences have been nt work to hasten a decision of the United States Supreme Court upon the case pending before it involving the constitutionality of the Federal election laws. It is now said that the decision will be pronounced in January, and there is a rumor that the Supreme Judges have at ready made up their minds upon the ques tion. This rumor is that Justices Clifford, Field, Bradley and Harlan hold that the election laws are unconstitutional, while tha Chief Justice and Messrs. Strong, Milter and Swayne will affirm tho constitutional ity of the laws Justice Hunt being oft' the bench, temporarily at least, this would make a tie, and result in maintaining the laws. Wltethtr this reiiorted division of the Court be correct or not, the decision will be filial with both parties, ami is apparently the policy of Congress to await the decision and let it settle tho question Congress failed to dispose of. Tho unusual activity of the House Com mittee on appropriations is said to have been the result of an Important conference had with its members by Speaker Randall. The Speaker told the committee that he was lat.'.ified from the drift of sentiment among members that there would be neither tariff or n'i.ancial legislation at this session and that If the committee of appropriations was up with the wort.- ' there was no good reason why Congress louId not adjourn by the 1st of May next. The commutee com elded with' the' Bpeaker, and decided that they would try and' get three of the appro priation bills through Ufore the Coi-giies-on,- OUR WASHINGTON srECIAIy. Washington, D. C, Dec. 18, 1879. Nothing remarkable has transpired in the Congressional arena as yet, and there is little probability of any very exciting times until ufter the holiday recess at least. Tho first hard Work of Congress upon assembling in December is to consider tho subject of a re cess, and the settlement of that question Is about the only accomplished fact so far this session. Unless some change in tho pro- Liumme Is mado necessary, there Is to bo an adjournment from tho 19th instant to Janu ary Oth two weeks. It is understood that three of tho appropriation bills the Pen sions, Fortifications and Military Academy will be ready and pass the House by (ho time fixed. Many members favored a short er recess, but tho prevailing disposition was to allow time enough for the distant Con gressmen to return homo and cat Christinas turkey with their families. Perhaps it is because I havn't any family, or any turkey either, that this strikes me as an extremely Inconsiderate proceeding, in Yi'ew of the fact that a majority of the member have but just come in from the enjoyment of Thanksgiv ing dinners in the bosom of their families. Yet it is not likely that the material inter ests of the country would greatly suffer if the session were a continued succession of recesses from now till warm weather. Tho House comntlttco raised to consider the subject of changing tho mode of counting tho electoral vote for President and Vice President have prepared a bill which they wish to have take tho placo of tho ono now pending In the Senate. Tho main features in which this bill will differ from tho Senate bill which, I believe, was drawn by the lato Senator Morton-'clate to disputed votes The House bill provides that if a disputo arises in any State as to which set of electors has licen chosen, tho case shall bu submitted to tho highest judicial tribunal of the State for its decision, and tha decision shall bo conclusive unless both Houses of Congress agree to reject it, Tho Senate bill provides that in a similar case the subject shall be referred to whatovcr State tribunal the State aw may direct, tho decision f that tribunal to bo final. It can bo said In favor of the Houso bill that it Is hardly probable that both Houses of Congress would ogrco to override the decision of the highest court of ony State, even though the decision should be adverse to tho political opinions ami de sires of a majority of both Houses. For ex ample, a decision of the New York Court of Ap-ieals would probably bo sustained in one or both branches of Congress in any case, though it is true that the Electoral Commis sion, in the list count, failed to recognize a decision of the Supreme Court of Florida in reference to the vote of that Stale. Among the rumors going round is one that the Democrats will attempt to put a bill through this winter retiring General Shcr mun on full iay. Tho idea is to give Penn sylvania and Hancock a little prominence. Ohio has had quite honors enough, llau cock, being tho senior Mnjor General, can get up a step if Congress should retire Sher man and continue the rank of General. It is is3ible, even by net of Congress, to place him at the head of the army. My inform ant says that one object of this course is to put Hancock out Of tho way of the Demo cratic iioliticians for President. How such a course would put him out of the truy Is mora than I can say. Perhaps the Demo crats will moke him promise never to be President. It isn't nerctteary. Tlicfe SHERIFF'S SALES Of YaluaMo Real Estate. Br Tlrtno of nnndrr writs of Lev A. in Kacus. FlKRl FACIAK. VKmriOKl XXPONAB IftSUfMl OUt ot I tie Court ct Uuiuiuou PJfiui of Ctirbou Couu tv, and to lue directed, there will bo expose rau.icsul at ihe Court Llutt-r. in the iioivuirn oi oinnca vuunt, in imiq iriuDir, on Saturday, January 3rd, 1880, at 1:30 o'clock r. u.i ebarp. THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES: All thftt certain Int or piece of pronnd Hnat v ml, bounded and described a- follow! Beein- niugatao6t in a imbllc road leading Irom woLi-fciiort t 1'ine HtraraD thence alonr enii load itnd by land oi Augustus lietner. norm forty live and tfarre-aaarter dourer, enst twen- tyiiine perch ton post In tald load; thenco t.louff on naid rod and by laud of Thomas Wane, north stxlr-thtee and onehu f deirieeit, east ttilrietm aud Mm n-tentbs perthet to a poet In said road i thence by land of Thomas Wa k. north flttvuuYen itearees. eant seven T one perches to the mltfdie ot a pui'l.o loadj thence br land of Charles Miller sooth eixieen cejirbes we-t thitty eigln pel dies aud one ball ta a Txmt: thince uv land uf Thomas Doiwmd. south fortv-tlnte and one half ti careen; east Uity-three undone hall perches to tue place of Degmiungt coduiiu.uk FOURTEEN AOltES ANU SlXTY'-FIVE r& ROUES. more or less. The improvements thoroon arc a ONE AND ONE HALF RTORV FRAME D W E LLI1N 0 i H0TJ3E. ftixtecn br twcntrtwo feet, frame barn twenty two oy tuiriv leei unn oui uunaings. 8e sed and taken In.o execution as the prop eny oi uuwaru wait. I a, and Vkh. Hxi iesifed out of .the Court of (Jo mm on Pleas of Oar boh Co u hi v. and to ine directed, there will be exposed at I'ut.llo Sale, aiinuiwuri Jioroei in meuorougnoi aiauon Uhunlr, Id eald Cotfntj, on Saturday, December 20, 1879, at 1)4 o'clock r, w.; fharp, TUB rOIiLOWINO PIIOPERTIES S All that certain tractor ttleco ni land. itn. ate In Iower Townruenaiiiff Townstdp, In the County oT Carbon, and HtAte of Pfon-.ylTiii.ia. Lei? ubiiiic ownr tueuce DT IQDU Ol uuas. Kinti-. and nartlr bTlatid nf .!iin n. nvAti. awe Ik, south oue and onehnlr degrees, eat tweuiyfoJr pennea to a flinlOLM thence by lindof John ID Gruenswelir Month' eiohn and a naTx uejrrees w. at iwentyix perch' ff to a stone i thcuco ly tbo same noiih one nml oun. qairu-r (lecreea, west twi-ntv lour perChe to a ljiuo i luuuiu ittLiv uj ivawie n lino uuu purt r br Charles Kloti'n Und north htT.inv a ml a half decrees, oast twenty six poichei and a nairio ma iiucu ot Degmuiutr, comaiDiDV THREE ACRES AND OWE HUNJIED AND FOUTY-rOUri 1EUCUE more or less. The ImprJYerne nts thereon nH'ar TWOSTOltY DWELLING HOUSE, nark atone afid Wtrt ffatne. seventeen brnlne. teen feet; Prme Kitchen attached MXietn hv tweiaty-two feeti Frame SUo.e, tweutylour oy i nut j ievt, aim uutouuojnga. VUI alUlAMttlfi New Adveifiscments. Dr, Charles T. Horn TRACT NO S AlltHAt tertaln Meiuu&ira or Tenement ami Tract or l'ltce of LLND. situate lu Lower Tow.ioicniuirTow ship, Cat bon county, Stile OX I'nnBTiviiuiUt ueginniufr bvhh cr, iupiico uy land ot i onrad M eh tiara, now J, u. ZiMpcutn-, south ihrco decrees und one quarter, west oue Iinnit.ed and thieo SBi-ches tn uhita on If. sunth forty de?.eci we.t sixty nine perches and three-qoaitors to a stou-. ttoaih eghty.lx devieesf Cit tweuty.elht peichea und one bi't to a stotie theuo, br Und oi Fredemk Hoyei-, now mcu Kdiird lima, nortn uvh ae cites, west forty ourche to a tlne.nortu twen. trthiee and (uie-hait dcyrees. fat thlrtv one percnos ami mroe quarters to a piuo, uonu Mtveutr-clatit dounua and oue.hatf. east liltv perche hn.l oue hdll to a pine, no.lh ieTOu de grees and one 1-alf, cast thirty-threw p6rt he to a piue. uintii luiiiV'inuD ueitiecs went iniTiv' one nciches to a chestnut oatc. south seveutv dye digrecs and onehaif, west one bundled and six perches to a post. outh Jouitccn de trees aud onehalt east ILirtv noichoa ttf n Iiost; ttieuce south eltfiiyen degrees, west tiUv soven perchua to u. inuail o'ne. uoith four dotrcei. nest sixty one peichea and oue-ha I 10 a aiouo i ineuce norm oigiuy-scTon ut grt e4. eiKL ono hundreo tfnA twelTu oercnes. lo u stone, noitb three degiees west twemyflre perches to a ione) ihencfl vv land ot U.iv d Ureensweg, north UKh uneven ntfrrees ana one half outoiiohandn'd and twenty perches to a post, south fifty. nine decree j. Cjat, tUfeo perches aud three-quarters to the pi tfee ol ue guiuiaj;, vouuiuing is very little sense In tho whole rumor. Presi dent Hayes would never eign the bill retir ing Sherman, for they are tho closest of friends, and ho would never eigrt the bill making Hancock General of thef Army while tli cio was an Ohio soldier in the field; All of us Ohio fellows know that. Tho Washington JUsf mado a furlotfs and almost indecent assault upon Secretary Mo Crary, In opjositiuu to his confirmation to the circuit judgeship. Mr. Hutchlns is doubt less proud of hji intlueuco, as indicate! by the result a unanimous confirmation by the Senate, every Democratic Senotor voting aye with the Republicans. There is no doubt that tho Secretary, or Judge McCrary as ho now bo called, is a inau of fairness and abil ity, just the particular kind of ability f too, well fitting him for tho possitlon, Tho Democrats could not expect a better appoint ment, from their standpoint, at the hands nf sn administration opposed to them political ly. The new judjje Is as little likely to take politics into the administration of llfs office as any man in the fango of possible" appoint ment. The confirmation of c.x-Senalorltarn-sey as his successor secures a Katlstactory ad ministration of the War Department. Don Pedro. ALSUr- A1t tint certa'n lot or ptoce of around situate In irankllu township, Curbon county lVnovl vaultt, bounded und decrl bed aa fo lown.to wit: bcfiouiug nt a post, thence by land of John Uilham, north twenty six aud one half decrees. west one nuuoxeu anu st-Toieeii ieet u a mm; thrt-e ami one nulf degrees, ojit fllty feet to a post: thence by the same, f oath twenty .six and one-half dogrees, eaBt one bundled and. seven teen leet to a p bu tuence aionr a propose) roud soma sixty imeo auu ooo nai agrees, west fifty leet to tho place ot betfuiuau, con- uiiuing FIVE inOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY SQUARE FEET. The Impravemeuts thereon are a TWO STORY FRAME DtVELLINQ HOUSE ttventr br twentv-slx f&et and oulbulldlnas. seized aud taken into elocution as the prop erty oi uuuueu udutucr. -ALSO, All that certain lot or p'eco of ground situate In FroiiK lu lovtU'iMii, carbon touuty, I'eun-' syU aula, bounded auu dtsedbed & lollow to wit: betfinulng ot a stomi tltfuco by I ana of Jacob ZclceufUKS. south ilftytli.ee and one halt oemccs. wwi eico; uuu iwoieuina percues 10 a stono i t iieu co west clevcu perches 10 a rtone thftu'n iiv 11ih moiiih bOUlli Hiztv.MX acirreeita weat twenty bine iercbes to t siune theuce by uiiidof Jmnh M.irkiuv. no th fitU'.rour anu ono-halt deifioes.wes. Jour aud outt-hit perches to a pott, theme the name so at It elKiry-llveand tluee-fourUiMcegrees, west thiit -five and ono halt peiches tou post, theoce bh l.ind ot John O.ewine. north ehrht debtees, west fourteen perches to the loldd e ol a public road lo-d.ng irom L,ong nun to ire nuuseoi soiomon want: thence in Mild roud and by land ot Johu 1. btile, north iwentv-two und ihreolourth de. tzrecs, last tllly tl vo perches to a po t ou sold loud; th. nceuy lho fauie In a u a uni: san. roud, noi tli eighty. three dcicreca, eat thtity peicnea or inere.mouu 'i iue juuciiuu ui h crosH Ton 4; thence by I aim 01 b.-l.-mon Walk thooee south thriv two o 'greet ifsi six pei ihuHtoaduud hitch theuce oy land ol Jucob Zfigenlus-, i-outh lortr MX Uourees wett hx tieiches to pU.o of bcffiuuiug coaiulnititf TEN ACItKS, more or less. The Improvements thereon aro a TWO-hTORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE sixteen b twenty feet and necessary outbid! i litis. Bcizea nan Laic 0 11 111 o execution as tne proner tyo. AukUtus Valck. A ALaOj All lU t certain lot or p-ece of rround. nl 1 uate on 11 houthwaid Mile of West ttrixidwiiy, 111 melioroiiKh, ofMauch Chunk tircinuid, and liumhered, iu Ue pin or plot of Lota 1 ia out 111 tlittb'ock kiiowna-t Fiiizinif t'n now. Numlici Five rontftiuiii m Iiont or breadth ou West llrouJway, afuieald twenty feet Have unu one halt inches more or lets bein the distance bet ween tho wetderu wall of the house creetetl on IjCt MiroLer Four aud tne eastern wall 01 the house erected ou Lot Nuinoer six, aud ex teiLdncHOuthwirdlvPl that breadth between pat U el Unei, running thtoujrti the the tentre ot the wails aioie-a-u, and at right angles with Wet Biottilway a tores 10. Tu Thousand and Nluctvfcct to land ot the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Coixp-ny, aud wostwaroly bv Lot umuur ix. The Improvements thereon are a TWO-STOnV BRICK DWELLING IIOUK, FIFTV-5IX ACUESy more of lesl Se.xcd and (ofceh Irilo executloif as .he prop. uriy o oiuuvr uiuunsweix All that ceVtafn lot (rr piecAof ffrimnd situate ou the south sliJ of White street, lu tne vl.iujco uf bummtt ntll. Carbou conutv. Htuteof 1'euu. st Ivaida, nuuibertd in tne plan or plot thereof eliihtv-sif, contauiiiiK n irom or 1 teudtu jii bald White Street thirty feet, and exienumg tuence houiuwbju one nuuurvu uuu iwvui). tlTu feet to a iWeutv feet wide nlhr -.lUoUed on the ntith by White St.. eat try lot Number enemy-eight, eoniu by saia alley, auu west by I'tue iree 1 be Improvements thereon aro a Two-stor DOUBLE FRAME DWELLING U USE, Twenty.elnht by Thirtv-two Keot : Fr.tme BUble, Twelve by 'iwtlvo cerf and cfh r Outbuildint's, Seized and oken Into execution as therrop eity 01 tjuanes uoyiQ -ALO, All that certain Lot or Piece of Ground, situate In tho village of utmnlt Hill, In the towushlnofMuuch Chunk. County of tjar bun Mate ol Pennsylvania, nuuabervd In a certain irian or ulut of said vlllaue which bydivcrs.iruod conveyances und assurunces In the Uw be come vesica in &amuei itccnert, nuinoer Thirty-eight, containing lu lront or breadth alonir tho buck ol thti Mauch Chunk and Summit Hill Railroad thirty feet, and ex tending thenco southwardly of that breadth between parallel lines at right unglcswlth said Railroad tracic, onehundred una twemy tlvo leet, bounded northwardly, by the s.nd summit 11111 anu .uuucu liiuiik ituuruuu1 casiwnrdly by lot Number Forty In said plan, southwardly bv lauds of the Lelihih Coal aniJ Navigutlon Company, and westward y oy lot Twenty feet two incite wide by thirty feet ceeti. w 1th a two-story Frttme amutmn. slxteeu br tweuir sit ft-et wuli out bn'ldluif. rielcedaud taken iuro exeeuUOJ as the prop. eny ei jouu xieiui. Wanted Sherman A Co.. Marshall. Mich., want an agent In this county at once, at a salary of $10(1 per monlh and expenses paid, rorlull jtjtrticulara address as above nor.H-ly New Advertisements. The First National Bank or Lo hi hton. The ANNUAL ELECTION of SEVEN niltECTOKBof this Hank will he held at tha HanUiDK House, on TI'K-1AY, JANIT AKY lath. 180, bitwren the hours of ONE nud THREE o'clock, p. 1. 1. W. W. HOWMAN. Cashier, Lehlghton, Dee. 30, 1879,w3. NOTICE TO TAX COLLNCTORS. Mxucif Cue he, Dm IT, 1870. The Ooucty Com oi In I oners hereby Kite no tice to allTax Coll dors that they will be lu session from the 20th to the 31st imt,, tn order -AtSO- A that certain tract or vieee 6f land, situ atolnl'uun Fftiest lowushlo. Carbou count v, FeuuSylvanla. de pnated us lot io. 1, on tuo Bdstwurillr sidt vt u nrtvute road laid iot br lue BTJUior mrroi. 101 11a usr uuu cuuTcoiencu in common With the owners and ccnpaiitoi thi-NUd odjo uinv lots co taimug iu iron t or orena 11 ou a no roau ruiy-iwo peruues ouu teudinir thence easiwurilr ol thai width l.e twf en oarrailei dues ut rlrht as it Its. lu leuctli uruepttionenuiiiiiea ma iweuiv-mue percue ooiintieu weiwaruiy oy lue s.ii(r roua, wen .iardli und antwamtr bv lands 111 the i.nrinn tee mimed of WWtou iior. and aoutbwariliy uy tot not z, coutiuuiuR FIFT ACREf more or lets, 'ibe lmpiovements thereon area ONE AMD A IfALV-STOHY FRAME HOUSE. sixteen br twenty four feei. fiame kitchen at tached twelve ty fuuiteen feet, frame stable tonren by thlrty.two teet, auu out buildlLfrs. Seised and taaen into execution as the Drop -AtSO, All that ertaln lot or piece of land rltuate i.n the oath si do ot BoTilH street, in the TlHstje of Upper Mauch Cbualt, In the borouita of MauchCnuux. caibou rouuty. feuBMyivania, numbrea lu tne nlan or ulitL thereof evelitr foar, conuialuff Tn fiout or ore Hit li on sjld atreeL nitv leei. and extenniiiK tiitac sooth wardot tnit width on- hundred and fortv.two feet ai.k lLrhes.011 the eatl Hue tbereol. anu oue honored and forty feet ou the went hue toereorto lanJs of the Lehigh Cod and Nvi- it lion I'ompituy. ooundou north by bouth street, 4ht try lot Number frevfntv-th e so tta uyisua vi iuo aia Lniri uoai aua xiuviffa two uttinpany, sua west oj 101 .nuuiocr aer The Improvements thereon are a TWO STORY FRAME D'WJSLtfNG HOUSE with basement eighteen by thtrty' six" feet, and outbul!dinaa. Seized and taken Into execution as the prop erty ui ucurKB voui, uy J W. RAUDENBUSH, Bherlff, AiaucavouuK uec iu 1&7V, tt te give them an opportunity to make their exonerations. The resolution renulrlntr Tax Collectors to make their exunerathinr In thrl current year, on or about the alstday ofDc cember will te strictly adhered to. By order of County Comratsslonsrf' H. K SOHWAUTZ; Clerk. dsMo-fw. )sl a mouth guaranteed, fix a day -cB1B1 tt home mado by th induitiloui. JZJMM Canltal not requited 1 we will start 1 rou. Men. women, im.tm and irls make money faster at work for nstbsn atanr thin else. The work is lirht snd D.easaoLand uch si anrona can k right aU Tnose who are wis who aeu this notice will send ua their ad dresses at once and see for themselves. CMtty Outfit and te mi tree Now is the litncv 1 hose already at Wora are laylna- up larire eunia of innnef. AddrstS TXIUti A CO.. Auusta, Uaia, Jsis7.-iy Is Coming, and if you want GOODS fo the Go to mmim where you will find a full line Of Fnncy Goods suitable for Pres ents, such as Toys, Picture Books, D lis, nil sizes, Games, &c., also; articles suitable for the older people, such as l'ancy Sta tionery Fancy Glassware, Silk Handkerchiefs, large variety. very iine and large assortment ol Jewelry, ccc., Ladies and Gent s1 1 ics, Bows, Sib. In addition to the above we have the usual full line of Undeiwcar, Wools, Notions, &c, Ladies' Skirts, Children's Knit Caps and Coats, Gloves, Mits, &c. -Now Is Youu Best 11.MK ! Irom a large and well selected as sortment YOU CAN BUY CHRISTMAS GIFTS ata moder ate outlay and the household be supplied to make every orfe Merry and Happy. Don't forget the place Wliefitlcy's Fancy' Sore', ncit to the F. O., Bank btrcet, Lclnghton, Fa. Wotild nfinot?nto Cnthi r'ui)la (hut he hV purchased irunf MllS. A. O. PETER, th. CE$T"ltAL DRUG STORE iXlctiYi Block," Bank St., Lehighton, Pa., IUtImk refitted und refilled theentlt lUeV he can ofTer DftUGS AND Stfictly fresh Tlie Cry is Still fkdj 0110 The Cash System TlaoroiigMy Esidorscd. (Jur constaiit influx of new patroils afrd larjjclv increased trade 19 the best evidence we can offer iii favor of flic Cash System Crowds of customers, who make their purchases daily at the ORIGINAL CHEAP CASH STORE, can testifv to its merits. and to keep our iricreaccf We have in consequence thereof 1 thoroughly overhauled otir entire stock of W1N1LR DRY GOODS, WOOLENS, ROOTS,-SHOES, &cM and have placed the same at such astonishingly lotf phecs that will insure ready sale. We therefore offer to-day Special Bargains in Black Silks. Special Bargains in Black Caslimcresiv Special Bargains in Black Alpacas. s Special Bargains in Colored Cashmeres. Special Bargains in Ladies Suitings, in all the Popular Shades at from 10 cts. per yard upwards. Special Bargains in Shawls and Coatings. Special Bargains, irt White and Colored Blankets. Special Bargains in Cassimeres. Special Bargains in Boots and Shoes. P. S. It is a ftfet -tfell worth rerpumbo.-'iiTrf, that a for largo niimbor of out patrons who hafe bf(nmn HPitUHlnted wlili us nml who stfll do ihclr traillnir at our More, h.ive heroine acttunlnted with ua through tho medium or tl.9 Press; and, as wo aifrertlso vtryUigcly through the boat channels, wo never auvmise a itarK-un unicss wo nave 11 iu oner. Call early if you would secure real Bargains Respectfully, J. T. NUSBAUM & S'ONf r Lehighton, Pcnn a. Oct. 4.-ylcra. SPECIAL OFrnn.-Ttf any one who subscribes now, ant sends us SI.75. wo will s6ftd umbtr 1 ulri)-8ix lu the plan aforesaid. Tio la provomenta thcroou ai 0 a Two Mory ERAM& OWHLLINO AND STORE UOVBK, Twrntyflr by Twenty cuht Feet, aud Oat UJUU11 k Seized and ttken Into execution us the croo ertyot wi.it ii A.ner, defouduut, aud Uai uuvitairuu, jerOTenuuu -ALSO,- At) tho-tfi two certain lot or tileren of laud ri.tuaiuiu ttuu liu luwiibhlp larui'U Conuty b.uuueu and dotcilutMl an lonowa 1 One ol ttieui ovelitUin wta pout, Iheiico by Uud uf WnlUiu Uiil njiLuo.irui,v Ijumuduuo-huu dtvitedeabi oQenunuioU uuu tiitv-ouo itct 10 a pusi , ltio-co uyiauuortvi iiuru, sju.u ix uuu uie uuu uerftcuaeiini.ixtv'Ie r lu u p rt, tneuce bi tie iK-coud ileactluu lut boutti cijetjty.tuur uu.i oue. bait t.tRrot, vrot uuo iiuuueii auu Atiyuuo. i.iruin iar viuo u i'u8 i import d rui X UUU OUt)UU I UitflUU.i WB'l ttXy MX illH lO ho p MW uT bvHiUttiiiK. coutmum THOUSAND, KIMj IIUKDKEU An . thoioL-tmddtsciibed lot being immbereJ in u.iulmudj bv . Ti Hum, .so, i, naviit u iioui uf Miylv fet t to becou'l BUft us tiid uuwn ima.upioi, cnu ex4iuoiiii 01 mui wmiu 111 duinli oiiohuuoitHi una r-uty niiitt xeet tu lauo uf i.eki iiorii. bounded ou un uuiiu by lot o. au. ou'iho weal uy at-cuuU atioeu oj tbo ouutU uy 101 io. ti. uua nu uid oat uy iuo ur&t uus Hcnbed lo . 'I he Improvement thereon aro a TWO-STOilYKKAME DWELLING HOUSE mxteen by twenty leet uud ont builumgs. Heiied and taken tato exeoutlou as the nroD- etyoiu.i-uuir. ALSO. All that aertain Lot or Tiece of LAND, a tu ate on ire 80iH.iw.tnU? mde ol West itraad W4t,iaine uoroavuoi aiaucu i'iiauu. ruruuu Juuty, ronusyivdui. uetiuuiog t ne unriu i-Uiioaruerot lot of ground s la br luUeutum djU-d jilarcii ti A. i. IM to Utorrffl I unit ; Uieocoby line or said w-t ui-auwuy norm lui-LV.tivtt dBiirreH cunt tlilrtv feet t thpnuo ut ngUi nutria wiih cold Hue ttuuih forty Uvt da UioS tast ono huuuied aud titty ItHii .bcuto Mimblu.tyitVtdvKrueii eBt imrty feet lit tho houth corner tt tneauld Lou uud nortn toity. dvadeftrees, wet ono tiundioa aud hity leet to me ijico 01 uvgiauing. ALSO. All tliat certain Lot or I'lcco of LAND, slin atu ou tlie touth tilde ot " eut Broadway, in tbo uon'usn 01 jioucu uuuuk mureruia, uumueieu lu ti e pUu 01 piut thaieof l'wi iluuured aud t-oiiyftevrn, cuiiuinmR m iront or ure .un uu nn.u utu aDioudWMV t&ntv leet. ami extend. lor thenco MiutbwarU uu huudieU and nt-v 1 etioingn bireet, twnnaeu noun uy wci. llitxc wuy, ej by I)t tin nberTwu Manured uiu Forty tlft. soutu oy llijru uttet't.nnd mchi uy XfUt uiuvci 1 nu 41UUUICU UUU XVII U1UU. TRACT NO X All thftseTfto coutiffoons Lots or PJreenof (IHUUiMJ, Bitauteon tbo -uuinw.idly lde ol We&t Hiojdwut. lu Itii Buronrh ol Muuch Cbu.tk afoiesald. with all fh lhfildiuca erecteU tlie 1 eon, cout.h.iut la fiout ur bieudtli on the aid street alxli- It-el. uud ettottdiuK Ibouc MtutawarAly ut (hit breudth between paruliel l.nea at nabt nnglf with suM Wt-ta Ifioad war lu lenjetb or depth one bumlfed andtlity teet't bounded uoubwahlly br ald Writ itioadwvy, ou the tra-twurdl' aud soatnwaidly hues oylund of tlnjLeUlKOUo.il .udNarlga tion Company, and weutwaruH" Irr land ut ChaIea Aitixi elmer, bem tne aaie premises whioii Jobn inuk and Murv M hU wife oy need dated tho 7ih day of Junuaiy, A. D. Idt3. BeiEed ana taken Into execution as the prop, ertyolaimoa Meut r and to bu sold by J. W. UAUDENHUSH, Sheriff MiuciChhnk, Not. 29, 1379. 1880. Increased. In Sizoa Y0UTH,S) -OA WEEKLY PAPER rOR -V --1 the ComDanlon free to January Ist.i 1800, and give a full yenrr subscription from that date. Vol. 53, Elogantly Illustrated. Sfamilyx UUJJ1IUUUUU anil Purr, AUo rio'rsc nml Cnttl. ponilerf.IttrDt Mel'-' cinc3, iiruines, soapf. uomw, j-eriumcrieF, KjKiiiKCt, Uliamuiii Skins. Vlnt und LltlUiin ftir Ateillcal Purpoc. Ullf, I.umfi's nml Fltturei,l)jrcainir,Chole. Otuitrf, l'.es n0 Tcbicco. spec tacle., Trujici, Nursing lloUlec,' Violin String, ami a lull line ot Willi Paiier nml llonlen ftt th. owJt rrtei. Prencrlptlons cartfOllT compounded and prompt attention glreil iu dtcrjr trancn or tn. Luslnesf. continuance of the ttatronnn heretolor. cxtemleil to I Ills cataolUhmcntls rupectlultjr solicited, And trtiuractlon uuoranteed. tept.13, 187a.-iy. ua. u. 1 . iiunn . JlirORTAIST ANXOUSCEMEXTt l'OST OFFiO'B llUILDlrfO iClironTON, 1A., ltl tlie Largest and" Alosi .ziensi7e biock oi HATS; CAPS, &c. ever ofTcrcd In this borough. Marine; rnr-'. chuscil my Stuck In tho Eastern nod other IManuT'ictorlcs curly in the season and ata1 snvlnjc nl 10 to 15 per centum cm the present Aiiraiiccd i.nccs, i am prcpnrcu in oner ezf tnordliinrT Inducements to my customer,. Special attention has keen given to the selee lion 01 Fall and Wirffct Boots ! nnd I Invito mynumcrousTfrlenda'and patron 10 call anu examine my siuck ueiure inumnuj inoir iiurcnase eirowncre, ns 1 am prepareu Kiro spccl.11 inducements UK to all UASir i(ui!ASi;its. Jiemcmberj- LEWIS WEISS I'ost.Offlce UnllJIiiK, LehUhtonj -P.. Sept. 20. HOLIDAY GOODS!! The mnlCr.Mgr.otl rrttinf her nine le thanks to tho iieoolo of Lehighton nnd viclDttv for the liberal prttroVK?! extended toherwbil' loca' led in tlint jdnce.' nnd ropt ctfully infoirarf tbem that pj has HKMOVKD to ttie 1 ew nnd o egii.t8tCr-nnom. VIVIi UuORS UKLOW ItAOKSTttKRT.tin Susquehanna St., M'h Chunky whero -ho wMl bo jdrased In meet her old?, friends. Bho has Jun rccelvotl a Now Stock of NotionsiFancy Goods, Comprlnlnc UJlIJKnWKAlt, IlUltl.IN AND UKUMANrCTiVlM WOOI. IIOiXKUY, Int. porliMt and t omctic UM ltOlDKUV, lilllDtiNrt, OL0V1S3. and a larce vnne'v of tho lsewest De.litna lu Fancy Goods atntnble for HOLIDAY PRESENTS f Together wlih a Itrire' yar.otr of Goods tint penernllv U-ut in atiy 6tZ t atom In town. It von no not eo wliot roa want victor h and f wilt art it for rou ebiro nt pitronago u so' lie. ted cndRatiotacilnn gtuiAuiecd. Mrs. C. MscMrscli.y. Sunuehanua Street. 5th Rtoro boior Itaeft Ht.r nor. SMI MA UOIT CitUNK;' DANIEL WIEAND,- ' It aims to tic a favorite Id every family looked for eagerly by the young folks, and read with interest by the older. Its purpose is to interest while it amuses s'to be judicious, practical, sensible, and to have really permanent worth, while it attracts for the hour. It is handsomely illustrated by the best artists, and has for its contributors some of the most attractive writers in the country. Among these are James T. Fields, E. P. Whipple, , Dinah Muloch Crallc. Kebecca ilardlncr Dnrlsj IfffP. llama. l.Hnn. T.nnl.A M. AlfntK Loulso Chandler Sfoolton. l)r. Uenrr I. Boirdltch. O. A. SteDhens. The variety and worth of its contents will make it a repository of the choicest in all Its details, nl tho 1 literature; a library of .tales, travels, adventure, history and biography : a"Companion" , I'atronnire rcspcetfullj for the school, the study and the fireside. It will give satlsraction Kimrft..tccd. J 0 I Deo 6, iSiO.yl Harriet Tteecher fitowe, v. a arutTiinuBe. oara .vinier ueuo Serial Stories, Stories for Girls, stirring i nios ot Aavonture, Letters of Foreign Travel, Brilliant Sketches, Poems, Subscription Price, $1 76. Specimen copies sent free. Please mention in what paper you read this advertisement. Address YOUTH'S COMPANION, Boston, Matf. Editorials on Gurront Evonts. Two Hundred Short Stories, Valuable Papors on Health, Anecdotos and Incidents, Carl!iages,Wagons,Slcighs,&6 coknkh or DANK AM) IKON- .STI.EETS? t.Kl.KUITO.V. Pcnna., Respectfully announces to his friends and that public, that ho is prepared to liulld all des cription, of UAHHIAOIaS, SI'HINQ WAGONS. SI.KHJ1IS, ke In the Litest nnd Most Approved -tles, at Prices Hilly as loir as the hwuo cn tie ohuln- ed elsewhere. Kunranteelnn; the hest Seasoned IMalerlnl and mot fiulistnutlal workmanship, 1'artlcular atuntlon (riven to REPAIRING rprv ljin,,t Prl. ly solicited and perfect iiArr. wieand. von Conghai Coldri llronrhltlai lloomcneaa, TIclillnB orDrjnemof tho Tin oat. Bore Throat, Cold In the Ileod. Croup, Indnenxa. WllooplnffConsh, Cold In the llowcla, Antlnnatlo Cousha, and rcllcfof Consumptlvco. Dn. UltOTTNISa Is a resuiaf frraduato of tnedldco, a bUlUul phirraacldt. and a thoroUcTh chaubt Ills a h C." (Cou.-h aud. Cold) Cordial Is not the re auHcf xuerochance.butoflon? adentiGo research In chcinlctr7 and rnedlclno. as Is plainly eecn by tao rapidity of IU action and Its unparalleled elllcacy, Tho cipcnso In Its manufacture 1 at least., ilmtt as gTcat as Hut ot any 6thcr medlclco upon tho market, and yet it Is rold at tho exceedingly low rrlco of 50c. rff-ffanlMd bottles (for a aliort time Only) 2.j its. aiflSTETTEfcv XV. CIIA3iriO? 111 tonNIMl, HI. Proprietor, 11 17 Arch fltrect, Philadelphia, Ta. &000 PLAN. Cmbl.1ic.ii4p.rU.f m.nywil.rs fn nu. ...I aura ha t.aiy .rt.m.f. uf c.plul, wllh .Klliut ln.us.m.B. lj.it. proai. dl.ldwl iro l.M.a ...uliullU la 1I...M. ClrrulM. llb f nl I .1" UmiIM. now allr.n la .lock 4a.llnK.,Bi.ll4fr. CrriiD liirpHowlo become Itlchand OillUrVillX Watch sent free. U. 8. Agency, Motfirt wfnans, Md. nor. 2)..m Oil a Uonih and expenses ffasranti-e4 'o S? ' AxrnU. oututfiee. uifaw S:('o,AU, OlSTi. MAINE. C7"7'B at ye.tr ahd expenses to airents. Out ? ' ' ' fit free. Address P. O. V1UKEBY, AUffUSia, juaine. nor. v.-4w, QOUllT PUOCCAIHATIO,. VIIEREAR, the Hon. SamuklS. DntitEK, l'resttient oi tne ai.uki jinnciai intirici. comKsed of Aloproe. and Tarton count ler.and U. Leonard and Ohtt'lef Mcendsen, Inquires, juciko-oi tne uominoni'ieasoiuarDnn county, am by virtue of their iifflees. Justices of the urpnans uuuri, uounvi uer anu iBi-uiiiivr and lieneralJail I loll very, and the Court of (luarter Sessions or the Peace of said county ol Carbon, have Issurd their precept to me, Tor holdlnir a ( 'curt or Quarter Sessions of the Heacc, fnurt of (Jommoti Pleas, and tlcnirt or Uier and Terminer, and tleueral .Tall Deiitr. try, and (Indians' Uourr, for the puroseof trying lsu s In criminal cases, and the trans acting : other business of said (lourts, at 'he Court lloosi'i In tlie borouiih of Mauch ( 'hunk, on Monday, the l'iih day of January, 18S0, to continue ttru trceks. KfWIOE Is therercfe hereby nlven to tho Coroner Justices or the Peace, and the Constables nf the said County of Carbon, that they may be then and there at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of the said day, with their rolls, records. Inquis itions and remembrances, to do thoso things which to their olfices are appertaining, aud also thosa that are bound by reoofrulZHnce to prosecute and Kite evidence aR.ilnt persons charged with the .commission of offenses, to A Ad nt'Hixr."- too to oo a mouth ziir Ag'uo Teachem aud aulen. ha lln rarMilV UuuK. Its o irlvo.'ed fiouteuta or 1 o.e and t'oetrir bv asi run nanl -ntnnia nlaiunt illiialvurlii,. inrt nrtl.tin uiimIibx matte U a w'eicoino tfueet In vvt-ry I Dun', juirociucrou ur jno jj uier, ii u. The new editions nd tedueed pneeaof onr beautifullr UI istrtt'etl works, wit . brat terma and quick aalea are roauona wlir live aaents colu uioney lu ibelr sale. A tingle atrent ha aola ot er T,ioi oniitea. K. 11, Tltl.A'1 , Mo Itroid ww. w Vwk tne, no. 4 lirunille as shall ha tust. nircti under ml hand at Mauch Chunk, In said county, lleceml-rr tlli, 1879. Ood save tho Commonw tilth. J V. HAUI1ENI1USII, Sheriff. Mauch Chunk, Dec. 8, 1879. QAUriON itiaWAIttf. Vhere4s, certain r'epofts have been put In circulation ilamanlnic to the character of the undersigned as a cltlitn, I hereby glre notice that I will bandsomelyrewanlany person who will give proof as to the parties circulating such reports. JOSKP 1 8FAB01.DT. Lehighton, Dec. 6, 1 879-3 . rjo Whom It may Concern. The Anderslgneif hereby gives nfttlce to all whom Itinay concern, that he has loanad to Hand Eckert, nf Towameu.lng township, Caibun counly. Pa.. Two Horses, One Kurm Wagon ami one I'alrof llnb-slels. ami hereby forbids all persons meddling with the tame under penalty of the law. JOSEPH J. OliniRTMAN, Tswamen'lng twp.. Dee. e, 1IT-n. JMIIKISTIUTOIt'S SAI.K Of Yalttable Real Estate. Hrvirtneof an order of the Orohan V Conrt of Cailmu C'nunlv tho unilerplKUi d A'troluie. tra'or of the llate ol JOill V. HU l Z. lato of MAHONH.O rOWNtflllP.O.Iton C.uilty. rtnu.ylvunta iiecraien wilt aell at uude Bale. .. thu pieunsM. ou Saturday, December 2T, 1879, commencing nt OVE n'cloci P. M.. the follow. Ins ihrcrilied vdtfible UKAr. baTATK, to witt All that certain TRACT or PIECE OF LAND, altnate In MahonitiB Townahlo nforosnll. and lioiinned v mm'a "f tieoree w, Urniaiiach, Jacou Cunfv'r and Xahnnlug Creek, loutalulug 11 Acres nnd 145 Torches, bo the aume more er less, all of whfch Is unicr a good .tale ot cultivation. The Improvements thereon are 4 Two. HIiry III) luui'iiwuuiu n.'uuu iKn unn-i. . ahont ) br no feet, uud nih r nntbulldraga. with an Orchard of Ibune Fiiit Trees. Tonus v III 'if mails known at the timo and placoofaiio.br , TIIOMAS Iionv, Admlditrtor Of the Katate of Jorhua K.otz, deo'd. Xlaheaing t p . Kov. .', U.S. off... a rn S A stout baekbono Is as essential tn physical health as to political consistency. For weak' ness ol the tiaclc and dlsordersol the liver and kidneys, tho tonic and moderate dietetic act Ion ofthe Ulttcrs is tlioooo thing needful. lte-. member tlrat the stomach Is the mainstay of ttcTJ other orirnn, ahd that by Invigorating the digestion by this preimratlon, the spinal cohiinn and all Its dependencies are strength' ened. For Hosteller's ALMANAC forlSSO apply to1 Druggists nnd Dealers generally. JJI0U AS ABSOLUTELY Sufe and Brilliant Light, Usd Straub & Harrar's 9 I 0 TrcmonT IHowsE, WASHINGTON, D.C. This popular Hotel has been entirely refit ted, having accommodations for SCO guests, and will continue to be tho ouly Kirst-CIass House In the city at moderate rates. Terms, (2 W per day. t'reo Omnibus At Depots. ocu-tf F. V. mix Proprietor. ppOUSALEOKIU.NT. jj-jj AriflgWy located two, Story DOUU1.1. FIIAMK Hi itlS Hand STAllI.fi, sltuaten In tho llDHUUtlll OF PAKUVVllaLR kept at present ns a lloa ding Hnuso by Mrr. Wlnilinar, late residence or Christian Maurer For further particulars, applr to DANIEL WENTZ or. - ParryvHl Pa. TlIE rAMILY iAYOniTE BURNING OIL i jTi9 ASK F01f STItAUD A- IIAHnAR'S STAIUKEOIL! Aug. 16-m3 The nndotlgned s nolt pfepared" lo sflpply" the very best I.ATTlMfclt COAI. at the fol' lowing IaOW PitlOES FOU CASH: At Yard I Dellv'd, No. s Chestnut, per ton,., J oo I 13 30 No. 1 Chestnut, per ton,., 3 bo I 3 30 Stove, per ton 3 ti 3 J. L. GAB EL, Dealer lu GENEItAL IlAHDW'AItE, &C, 6ppos1tethe Publleequsre, BANK STREET, I.KHIflKTOX, PA. raT,S,tJ
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