Advertising Rates. 1 htf Ucsir 'It to be distinctly understood h t no advertisements will bo Inserted In lie column! of Tub Carbon Advocate th may be received from unknown parties or Brim unless accompanied try llio wan. The following are our only terms i I1SF. SQUIRE (10 L1XK3,), i year, each liseitlon...; 10 cts. 51 mimtljs, each insertion 15 cts. three months, each Insertion 20 cts. boas than three months, first Insertion 51 1 each subsequent insertion 25 cts. Local notices 10 cents lcr line. II. V. MOKTKIMEIt, Publisher. A. J.lffo$ser5 i anufscturer ot and Sealer In STOVES, RANGES AUD HEATERS, Tin and' Sheet-Iron Ware and General House FnniisMng Goods. ltooriNn mui sroirriNO dono at short notice and at Lowest Cash Trices. I am the authorized ap.ei t for the Sale of the follonln"-MRST-CLAHS STOVES . THE SILVKIl 4 OOLD MEDAL COOK. TJ1K LIUHTH0U8E COOK. THE MAYFLOWER IIA.VGK, TJIE SUN8HINE RANGE and IheNEW ANCHOR HEATER, and am Selling them VEIIV I'HEA P tor Cash. verv klndnl SI OVEC! RATES and FIRE URIi KH aeptconatantlyjm hand. Stoke on SOUTH Street, few dnurs above Bank St., LEUIOHTON. rntioniae solicited 8.. tlilaciion guaranteed. Oit 6-yl A. U. MOSHEIl. Central Carriage Works, lianli St.. Lehigliton, Pa., Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, ' Spring Wagon, &c, Or every description, In the most substantial manner, and at Lowest Cash Prices. Repairing l'roiiipiiv Attended to. TREXLER & KREIDLER, April 2, 1879 yl Proprietors. QAKBOJi ADVOCATE JOU PKLNTIKG OFFICE, I.EDIOKTON. TA. Kvery description of Printing, from a Visiting Card to a Poster. ; CUIUS. lltl.L UEADU, LETTER HEADS, ' -'NOTEHEADS. 81'ATEMKNTS. ritOUltAMMJIS, POSTERS, . nAND DILLS, DODGERS, CIRCULARS, 8HirPlNO TAO, . KNVSLOFL-S, rAMFULETS, 11Y.LAWS, AC, AC. Done In the best manner, at very Lowest Prices. We a-e nieoared to do work at as cheap rates as'nv cfllro in I he htato t.iat ueals houtstly will I . customers. OUR MOTTO IS dlioap, Prompt & Reliable, f MnlfT b jmall rcclve prompt attention, jyirinio IIiiiiiu M.dt llread ! WHY OO HUNGRY! When yon can Duy 0k. l.oumI,. ninjl .i,s iiicau FIVE LOAVES FOIt 25 (JESTS I 1. v7. O'SEAL, tlio pnpnlsr llread andi'ak ui'i,"it LrmKniiiu'iti nmeet ihe wants brsted Hume dado nuea ' to Five Lnavi") fnrTwenty-flvoCts. Cash. Raisin C eo nut bcotrii, Diop cream nni . tni-r Auii,oniv Ti'it tVtit per Dnicn. I, ..ill Out for tliti Wagon t At MAUfH OMU"- K. on Tuesdav, Thursilsy atdKifturd v Muiiona.. LEHIUIirONandV. iii-4 .PORT every After- no'Miexient rruny. fEKMS STltlOTLY CASH I P-tronann nllcltcd I. W. O'NEAL, roitEi Opposite Ft! st National Jl-inK. nprtl v Rn . tn-ei, Leiiighton ra. Important to Farmers ! 1 The underslglgfled rails the attention! of Farmers and oiheis ti Iho lact that ha Is now Slauuluoturln, In ronnecioii with HONE MKnL, a superior article of CNiipcr-Phosphiitc ! Uuarantccd to be Made from PICK HI) RAW BONES, which Is far superior to any other now In the market It Is a Purely Bone Fertilizer ! I respectfully ask lint a fair and honest t'Uiof IY I'lit) PiIAFE be uiaile. Ido nut et.ilni that homceiathle .loses will work w.itid rr, but rro mi til l a lliu-ial appllcatl n and a thurough test, and 1 am Limited to a Idu by Ihe rerull. For further particulars, address A. ARNER, Nm i . it n PA. Aug M-wu 1.500 TO iOjA YaiAH. t.rlituMOtt my in your u ru loca uy, u 'UW. Woineu do a well n, men. Wmv unit) more thttn tde Miaua l itiuu nitovc. Nin.noc u ml. to makt mo rj ad. our cnu j iuo woik. you eu uiBsin from i ceuU to 12 an htur viIkvoi. lux .oureveinmiua KU4ie tlaeti the Oiul ii. Jt oU u-ubiiiif to iry tue uunntuta. Noilnuif hkint tor tuuuer uiuiua evrrMTeitHl tMri'iie. Uu4iuet v!tAit au't itinctiy louor 'tl HHie . it iou wanvtolcuoMT nil about tle bti ni lug bu-luew be lore the pqbt.e teud u'our ddrewnAtl wa wl I ffiid tou full pir tictttrH iad private rrma tree , aarupeaworia $ alo fr you can then t ake up your uiiurt lorioarteK Adurt uEUlluli bTilttiuN H. V. MotiTitiMER, Proprietor." VOL. VHL.V.N6-' 4. . Railrdacl1 Guide: plIIliA.-A 11EADIN IXAlLItAOD. Arrangom'entof Paerjger Trains. NOVEMBER lOTtt. 18T. Trains leave ALLEN TOWN as follows! (VIA PRRKIOMKN BAILIIOAU). For Philadelphia, at M:3J, CM, 11,40. sum., and 5 SI p. tn. SUNDAYS. For Philadelphia at ' a. m..a.M a. m. IVIA KABf rENNA. OIIANCU.) Forrten1lng,5.5o, a.OMi m 12.10. 4.30 and 05 ForilarrlaDnrg.5 50,9.06 a. m 12.10.4.J0 ands.os p. m. For Lancaster and Colombia, 5 50. 8.05 a.m. and 4.30 n. m SUNDAYS For Readmit, Harrlauurg, and way points, .M p. m. (Via, Betuleiibu.) For Philadelphia fron 1, V. Depot 4.4S, e.i!. s tl a. m ,I2."3.6.41, B.-4 p. m. Huiiuay 4.W p. tn. For Philadelphia Irom L AS. Deput s4Sa. m., 12.04, s.:3. 6-50 p. m. . Trains FOR ALLE.VTOWN leave as follows: I VIA l'KllKlOMEN KAILBOAD.) Leaverhiladelphla, 7.40 a.m., l.ou, 1.20 -net 5.33 p. ni. SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 8." n.m. and 3 II p.m. (VIA BAST 1-ENNA. BtlASCII.l Leavo Re.dlng 7.S9 10.20 a. m.,2.W. 3.55, and.l5 p.m. Leave Hanlsburg, 5 16, 8 05 and 9.55. a. m., 1.45 anil 4.00 p. ra. I.oavo Lancaster, 8.0.1 a. in.. 1.00 and 3.50 p. m. LeateColuuibla ;.55a.m 1.05 and 2.40 p. m. SUNDAYS. Leave Reading. 7.20 a.m. Leave HairUnuia. 5 2 ' a.m. IVIA IIETIILEUEM.) Leave illndclonla 7 00. b 16, 9.45. S.J0, 5.I5 Boon. in, Nuudav 3m m., 8.0n p. m. Trains maikeu thus ) run to and rrnm depot 9tti and Oroou streets, Philadelphia other tralnntoa llrom Broad street depot. Tialns Via Betaieiiem" run to ai,n irom uuib d., Demit, except tuoae marked 11. TnoG.41 n. in and 5.55 1. m. tialnsfrom Allen, ton ii, ami the 7.4 1 a.m and 5.1 p.m. trains from Plilladelpiua, uao through cars to and trouiPhlladelpma.; R WOOT1KtI. Oenf ml Manaatr, O O. HANCOCK. Oen'l rarf.4 TlcM AUtnt. nov. 15 Hotels and Saloons. Eating and Drinking SALOON, Lewis J. Chuistman, Prop'r. This well-kept and eicellantly fitted up Sa loon Is located three doors above Clauss' tailoring Store, on . HANK STREET, LEHIflHTON, Pa, Bertcncr & Enirlcr's Philadelphia Ilcer al ways on Top. tjhoiee t!lgat.s, and all kinds or Itelreehincnts In Season. Kno Lunch etcry Satiirdar MIit. Patronage solicited. May 17 1870-ly Astor Place Hotel. EUROPEAN PLAN. Astor rince, 3d Ate. a. d Stlt Street, (OrrosiTB Coopan Inbtitutb.) NEW YORK, Best Location In tho Ulty. Elevated Rail road and live other lines puss the door. Rooms 60 cts. to 2 per Day. My the Week ti and upwards. Aprll0.ui0 UI'EN AiiU aiuiti. NATIONAL HOTELT COIt'l'I,ANIT St., near Ilrondwa-, NEW YOBK. IlOTi IIKISS & TOND. Proprietors. Oil tlio I'-uropouli l'lull. m n.,i.,iTnnt rait unA Luncli Room at lachcd aro nnsirpossed for cheapness and ox- cellrueeot teivice, Kroiussicta to szper ust, 13 to Bin per weclc. Couveiilcnt .to all I"? and City R llrouds. NEW FURNITUltli., JOHN F. IIALBACII, Instructor of Music, (Piano, Organ, Voice and Theory.) LKIIIGUTOKrA. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. hi. ,,Ua nnak hluhlv of his ability as a teacher. Alttnloum Chronicle. Ho Is well tiuallfted for his calling Cati- tauqua VlipaUh. H. at... lie is a worioy on-iio inJ"tui ' lOj. lint', hnd the n eusureof list ening to his rendition ot the Old Masters and iters i oharmod wltlj his touch and execution. Sole agent Tor the J. & C. Fischer Piano ; and, also. MASON & HAML.1N and tICT HAVEN t;irs. uuuAftst. For particulars, terms, &o.. Address, ' JOHN1MIAI.I1AUH. Aug. 2, 187.-ly. Lehlghton, Pa. THE TOLEDO BLADE. NASBY'S PAPER. vrsll auUscrlhe for any oth. BEFORE YOU or pjnvr send tor a pecllueiicoi yoITH! TOLKDO BLADE. It is a .Mammolli Eial.l 1'ase Weekly Paper f sliiv-tour Columns HUM wiin ojreiunv ,ire. o iie.i reauiuir niaiier 01 miwo.. i.u t.iuoui pejdeluul paitaol the United States SPECIAL FEATUitES. All the Departmen a which have made The ULAliF. ai ponular all oterthe United stutea. ttil ne einil'rlvconiinuoil. naiueiyi Tn-Pop ularL ttcra ol t.iot Hiallninilalied Democratic UuIltlCl II. ..EV PETROLEUM V NASBT. Which are written ixirosa. Tins Ulaub. our HOUcEiioui DEi'ABTMENT. a rich deposlt'.ry ol praeticd llitormatloi. upon aubj ct o!inteiet In ery hnme i a Youno peoi-le's Depabt. uest t a Re Ig ens Deoartment embrae ngthe tteekly ,-untiay school Lcaoui tjliariulna Ponryi the llrtahtesl Wit auit Humor; Tub 11E8T ToiiIE8.tin!nunl and selected i akswebb to I'oiiiiEepo.sDENTS.auu in, uiesi ewa itoiii all part, ot the ttor d. TUB ulaub clrcal ites larirelv in cveiv Mate- and Teiritor in the Union and is eveiywhoro recnunised a. the .araest and 11E yr KKWs asu FAMILY PAP i:ll pub Isned uuy whom Tiv It and you will neve wiliiualv oe without it A oiuoir the now teatuies for this winter are a series of A ndersonville Prison Sketches, ov one who woe there A new Serial Bf ry was commenced Nov. I4ih. Anotber one will com. luenco in Jannurv. . TKHM-Mlu 'le copy, per yi ar ISO1! five copies.. l,75-acli ten or more copies I ',6. esch and an extta copv with ever club ol ten, soocimen coole- aem tree, heudfnrone Ad. drui.1 TOLEDO It LADE, 1'uJeuo, Ohio. Fifty Thousand Books For Sale nt Hair Price. Wo are now offering to the public, postaae prepaid, at ONK.XI ALF the reolsr prlce-.flity Ihonasnd volumes ot choice books, comnilslna lii-iorr Uio raohy, Ficilon. Poeirv. Humor. Jtedicai.ReUgioiudSoienttOo Works.cditIons of utamtaii. Autboro etc.. etc. These books aro 'elected by our M r. Locke (Nasbvlirom Ihe shelves oi toe leading publisher of the conn, try, e all NEW and FRESH and are the 1DEMICAI. KDITIOMS hsud'ed by there bill bookseller'. We have mailed thousaudsof taeae books to al oart of the country, aud every lions at-nt am la M AilltAN I El) to tie , XAOTLV A- ItKPRESKNrED and to Rite E.N lilt K SATISFACTION, CATALOGUES FREE. A'o have limit el a luigeaiid couunete caU loueof our Jlutika. ..rrau el br nibJecUaDO on flMiirontiuu will toatl ccpie frveto aur nd cretv-. e tiiull ol-u e raa 10 afiit. free iieci iiu'uco' iraol He ULAUU wineveraKke.. tudo otbrwiso tin- n a id t nt tlieiuaeilve und fnenda. Addrea TOIbJHJ MUAUK.'iOicoo.uiiio. Risloy's "Witch Hazle Oures Heada'he, Burn', Sprains, Wounds, t!uis. Rl,euinailsm. Toothache. K.irache. etc.. etc. Warranted equal Inquallty toauy made, at half the price. Out Uottlea 3o. Pint Dottlea SOo Havevonr druggist order, If b has not In stock CIIA11LE8 V. U18LEY, Wbolenls Urujrtt 64 OortUn'lU St, New ' K , . . .'-'hi.. ' ' -- cards; Hoot a ii it Shoe MnUera. , 01laton'nretney,n Itran's building, "auk strest. IlonfwipromllyIllftf work rarron(d. Attorneys. gAM. K., OILHAM, ATTORNEY AT 1AW, OFFICE ! 2ml Story, 1st dbor above "Carbon House," ' HANK Street,, LEHldllTON, PENN'A Collection's and all o'ther Lc'sal business cni trusted to mo will receive prompt attention. .......a.,, le.n 1 -4- J-OIIN KLINE, ATTORNEY AT, LAW, Office I Corner Susquehanna and Race streets MAUCU CHUNK, PA. JplyTMy J-OUN I). 11EUT0LETTE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSKLLOR AT Ij'AW, Office i Room 2. Ground Floor Mansion House t MAUCH CHUNK, .PA. May be eonsnltcd'ln German. bia25 ly P. I. LOSUSTItEET, ATTORNEY AT LAW Levsn's llulldlng, ANK STREET. LISIIIOHTON. PA. December lG-6m. i Vjy HI. llAl'SIIKIl, ATIOIINKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. DakeStbiet,LebiobtoX,Pa.' Real Estate and Collection Aceocv , Willnuvand Bell Kttata. Convejamlng .leatly done Col actions promptly made. Settling Katates of D sdeats a .peclalty. Slav be coasulted In Knllah nd Herman. Nov. 22. J AS. R. STUUTlIKIlS, ATTORN CY AT LAWf Offlce : 2d floor of Hhoad's Hall, Jllnuolt Chunk, Pa. All business entrusted to him will be promptly itteoded to. . ' May 27, ly. p J. J1F.EIIAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE No. 3, Scccnd Floor, OAK II ALL, MAUOiI OIIUNK, Pemita. tfVCan b" rensultedln German. rJan9. Justices and Insurance. WOM AS KEiHEIll.R, CONVEYANUKll, AND SKNERAL INSURANCE AGENT The Mlowlnn Companies are Represented: LERAN )N MUTUAL FIRE, REAIIirtO MUTUAL FIRE, WYOMING FIRE. POrTSVlLLi: FIRE. LEHIOh FIRE, and the TRAV ELER? ACCIDENT INSUHANCIS, Afso Pennst-lvanlt and Mutual Homo Thief Detecllveand Inurauie c;inpany. Marcn29.i873 ruoa. kemerer, -gUItNAHD rillLLll'S, Oountt Boildibo, MAUOII CHUNK, Pa. Fire Insurance Agent. V PQtPJIES In SAFE Companies only, at Reasonable Rates Aug. 23-yl LBIN STOLLE, Notary Public & Conveyancer, Fire an! Life Iusnrance Apt, MAUOII CHUNK, PA. S- Business transacted In English and Ueiman. Aug.23l Physicians and Dentists. Slatington Dental Office, Established 1870. Artiflcial Teeth Made to Restore tie Original Contour of Lips & ClieeKs. Dr. L, Cammell. Filling Teeth jl Specialtt. oct. 4-ly TB. Y. A COUTUIUIIT, SURGEON DENTIST, Tenders his professional services to tlio peo ple of Mauch Chunk, LchiguUm, Wcissjwrt, l'ackerton and vicinity. OFFICE: Opposite the Broadway House BROADWAY, MAUCH CHUNK, Ta. Fresh Laughing Gas.always on haniU AU work guaraulced satisfactory. aiig2-yl ' w. W. KEUEIt, 31. I)., EAST TENN, Carbon Countv, ra. 1 Residence.. ..from 7 a. m. to 10 a. m . HOURS, ami 11 noon to 10 p. m. l parryviue ..irom iu a.m. to 12 noon Mar be consulted In the Qerman Lanaosge. P. O. Address LeUlahton. Not. 50,-yl yfT A. D1SRIIAMKK, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Spsalal attention paid to Chroule Dlsaaias. Offlea: 8outh East corner Iron and 2nd sta Le- hlghton. I'a. April 3. 1875. o HAS. T. IIOilN, M. U., OFFICE 1 OVER It A. l'ETEU'S DRUO STORE, BANK ST., LEHIQHTON, PA. General practice attended to, and SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVEN TO DISEASES OF WOMEN marai .yl JSq- U. ItEHEU, M. U. V. B Examining Surgeon, rRACTICINO PHYSICIAN andSOtiOEON, Oiricaj uank Street, IllutE's I1LOCK. Leciah tou. Pa. slay be consulted la tho Derm n Lauguage. Nov, DIl. J. G I). SIEOEItT & SONS' WOULD RENOWNED Angostura Bitters. An article of over Fifty fears' Standing. IbUmost lmlcorptlnr tnnlc la Juttlycel braienior iu exuuimia iutoe auu cxiraQiui narr Mkdicinal virtaea. it improve! the appetite and core dyspepsia, iiii-rliiisr. anil fiTr and aaue. No cocktail or mixed drluk 1 iierfect with- oat it, otcaa'C It prevonu too eau tuetit 01 mi $uhotu tioaurt. nnniM nt rflrtlflcatAa of anme of the moat em! nent ihrit Una and cbemlau of the world, r sard m ir ! wholeaomeueaii and polity are plSCIM 1Q 40CJI vox. Sod brthpnnrtol iriocera. drnsslsU i quor dealer J W. IIANCOX.oole Aetit and 110 tit tor i &haU.B,M Droadway, 2iew York ik, a Has INDEPENDENT-" LEIII6HTON, CARBON COUNTY, C . "i rpilli SLAILNOTOA PLANING MILL AND Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATINGTON. JOHN BALLIET, Propr.; Dcolaln nil tlndi and sites of iMne, Hemlock Oak and JIaid Wooa Lumocr, ami istiowpie pared to execute utiy araeuut of ordcia for DresseD Lambclt OF ALL, KINDS. Doors, Sashes, Winds, Shiittorv, Mouldings, Cabinet Ware, &c, With Promptness. , Brackets Made to Order. The Mflcbfnerr in nil now and of thr hem nml most ImpruveU klmln. I einuloy none but tlio beat workmen, uhc well Rrannii ami irnni ma tcrliti, and am lliei eforeublu to puat antce on tiro aatittfoctlun to all who mavlavor me with a call. Orders by inntl piouipily attended to. Mv CDHrpes are moderate t terms ca&b., or interest charged alter thirty days. GIVE ME A CALL, ft?" Those enquired In ilniblmtr win flnriiti t their advantage to lutve Hiding, Floor Hoards Doors, Naslics, hutiera, Ac., &.. mudeatthl Fsctorv. w ay lOJI JOHN B A LLI ET. "WHAT HANDSOME GOODS! AND WHAT A SPLENDID VARIETY ! Is the I'alversal Verdict of all who Examine the New, Fresh Spring Stock of Cloths, Gassimeres, Vestiiigs & Snitinss. For MEN'S, BOY'S and YOUTH'S WKAR, lust receive.! nt tho WJSROHANT TAILOR. INO STORE 1 F II. II. PETERS, Agent, POST OFFICE BU1LDINO, The Popular Clothing House IN LEHIOllTON. Every Department Is full and completo with the Latest Novelties. "Perfect Fits and Lowest Prices" the motto H. H. PETERU, Agt E. F. LUCKENBACU, Two Doors Below tho "Bioodway House MAUCH CHUNK, PA. Dealer in all Patterns of rialn Ld Fanu Wsall Eapei'Sj Window Shades, Paints & Painters' Supplies, LOWEST CASII riJICDS. No Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors in tho United States, Canada and Europe, at reduced rates. Willi our principal office located in Washington, directly opposite the United States Patent Office, we are ablo to attend to all potent business with greater promptness and des patch and at less cost tliati other patent at torneys who nro at a distance from Wash ington, and who have, thclcfore, to employ " associate attorneys." Wo mnl.- nrelilniimi-v examinations and furnish opinions as to palcntablity, free of charge, and nil who ore interested in new inventions and patents are Invited to send for a copy of our "Guide, for obtaining Patents." which is sentfreo to onv address, and contains completo instiuclious how to obtain patents and other valuable matter. Wo refer to tho German-American National Bank, Washington, D.C.: tho Roval Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Legations. nt Washington! Hon. Jos. Casey, lato Chief UUSIIW U. O. VUlirt Ul I.IUII119, 10 IHO UU1C1U13 of the U. S. Patent Office, mid to Senators un d embers of Congress from every State, Aiuiress: l.uuis uauumi x cu., solici tors of Patents and Attorneys at Law, LcDroit uuuuing, tvAsitiNOTOx, v.u. uec.'z PILES Of all kinds. TU MORS, dl'char ices of JUOOD or mucus end all diseases of the Ith'CTUAl quickly and perfeftly cnied bv a simple and sooinmir iicjir.iJT. ronaiormauon anai.B. JIU J. l-'Alll'.lt E l-U. Ti AUU vt.. M X. rJ.iVlU UUIIEUT'S Livery & Sale Stables UANIC STItEGT.LKIIIGIITON, Pa PAST TROTTING HORSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES, And positively I-OWKR PRICES thau any oiner x.ivcry in tuo uoaaiy I..riAand h.andaoma Carrlairea for Fanera purpoaes and Weodluas. DAVID EliUKKT NOV. 22 1S7X IIUSUANU'S Calciiccd Magnesia. Foub Fiest PusMtnu Medals Awarded, If ore agreeable to the Taste, and Smaller Dose than other Magnesia. For sale In Clovernment btamped Bottles, at DznggiaU and Country tttoies, and bv T. J. HUSBAND, Jr., p. t-ITZS PHILADELPHIA MEAT MARKET ! Daiili Street, I.elilghlon, CHARLES K1PP, PnorBiETOB. Charles Klpp desires to call attention of his friends and i uitomers to the fact that lie has opened A MEAT MAHKhT opposite the puuiio oquare. nana streei, euigiuun, ra, where may bo found at all times The Rest Fresh Meats In season. Beef, Lamb, Veal, Sausage, Ro lotrna. he. Terms AS UHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Patronage sollclte.1 ..... n.i , rill . v AUK, evij. OHAS. KIPP. Uy sendtngSSeents.wlth age hlght, looioroieyes anu nair, you win ro flTt.T? r Ulv h. rfiirn m.ll it mrrMt Itta. tureoTourfuture'hu.bandorwIle, with nam nddalsofmarrlaae. Address . W. FOX, Box II WnyH'jli Live and Let Live." PA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1879. aiOLIilE ITJAKING DRCID. I soo Miss Moll when morning dew Is on the growing heather, When oat she trips, with milking pall, In spring or summer weather. I ro Mis Moll nt noontide's glow What charms tho maid possesses I When seated 'nedth the treed that shade Tho rare gold of'her tresses. Iter little hands play In and out, While she tho flax Is spinning j What lad In all tho country but 1 Would think her wortn'thewltinlngl I see my love at evening tluio When through Iho lattice peeplngj I hear the music of her song, Which sets my heart to leaping. The kettle sings upon tho hearth, The summer's day Is ended ; I catch a Rllmpse of dimpled arms And snowy apron blended. My Molllc, as she rolls and pats Her cakes of pearly whiteness! What luscious food for him who tastes Their sweet and fairy lightness I 'TIs lovely Molllo making bread Her cheeks llko any roses To me tho lassie so employed Her sweettst charm discloses. A Misty Night's Adventure Ono evenincJiboUtnyearaco. I was stand ing 011 tho corner ofCtb avetiue and SGtli street. It was about 1 1 o'clock, and a heavy mist was fullino.thougb tho nlnht was warm. i was about to take a down car, when I waa accosted by a tall, broad-shouldered, fine- looking man, who called mo by name, but whoso identity I could not fix in my mind, though I know I had seen him before. ratsey, old boy, how nro you ?" said he, grasping and heartily shaking my hand. " I'm glad to sco you, Tat, really. Come, tako a walk with me up town. The night isn't particularly Inviting, old boy, nor is it terribly severe. Cornel" Why I should take a walk with a man whom I couldn't "place." at that hour, and on sucli a night, I didu't ask myself and can't answer even now. Tcrliaps it was the man's manner of sjwech, earnest and per emptory, his commanding rather than solic iting tones, that caused mo to think ho had some kind ufnnaffairon hand which he did not wish to "give away," and that a com- pauion would bo desirable. Something In fluenced mo at any rate; for, with a "Come on I" to him, and without asking his name or anything concerning him, Imping to "pluce" him by my own efforts nt retrospec tion, I turned mid started off with him up the avenue mentioned. His pace, though not n hurried one, was, as earnest ns Ills speech. Ho put his feet down as if lie had something to walk for,and ic talked commonplaces in a crisp an, 1 solid tone, so to speak. In abitrt, there .was noth. ng of the idler in his walk, and nothing ol" the sleepy-head in his talk. I walked along beside iilm, wondering, as I walked, what was up, of course, imagin ing all sorts of things. Wo walked till we reached Central Turk, having "dropped in" onco on tho way, nt his invitation, to par take ot the inevitable "invigorator," when I scanned my midnight companion closely not lor a mental inventory of his apparel, but to "tako in tho situation" ih respect to his sobrictv. If I wnsnnyjiidgo and I thought I was ho was as "straight as a string," as free from tho influence of liquor os a lamp-post, and standing as firm, while his eyes shone Willi a light as clear and bright as health and vivacity could impart. I have thought of that light since I should have more closely observed it then it was a glare. Wo entered the park. I was now an in voluntary, I may say, a mechanical accom paniment, and nothing more--he walking and talking as usual, putting his foot down as firmly and speaking as earnestly, though dwelling not for a moment on nnv onu ton ic, broaching and disposing of ono in less than that time, and taking up another. My curiosity In regard to my companion and his " mission" was now only exceeded by my desiro to bo " in at the death," as it wcro to " sco the thing out." " Who the dcuoo is this man t" For the life of mo I couldn't " place" him, though I had worked the. " rctrosiect" to the best of my ability. "What is his lay I" "How will It end I" "Ho isn't drunk." "Ho isn't a lunatic" "It's mighty queer, any how." Such were n few of the questions and remarks mutually asked and made by myself as I was drawn along beside tlio tall unknown "drawn," that's what it was, for I was impelled by some strange influence to keep alongside my companion, whether I would or not. In fact, it didu't occur to me not to proceed further with him. In such cases, I fancy, it never does occur to one to attempt to break the spell upon him the "spell" ojierates to the contrary, I suppose. Well, on we went through Ihe mist and darkness opaqueness, let mo say; for, though " lost to sight," there was a moon above us, according to tho almanac, and it was not dark, a, dull gray, ghostly sort of light pervading until"tho lake" was reach ed, when iny companion incontinently scat ed himself, pulling mo down. beside him a physical rUbrt on his part, and not one of altract!on, magnetic or otherwise, No sooner were we seated than he spoke or the gray mist, as if for the first time no ticing it, and went on to remark upon mists in general, it not this one in jiarlic- ular. He discussed mitts for two minutes, per haps, when he dropped tho subjoct as one- well, too moist, perhaps, ormay be too "dry," At all events, he dismissed the mist with out ceremony, and, lor the first time since we set out on our walk, spoke not for the space iif lorty seconds. Suddenly be broke the silence with a remark that came I nun his lips as suddenly as the flash and report of a gun, aud, if not 60 sounding as the report, quite as startling to me "I'atseyt" (I neyershall forget how short, sharp and decisive was the pronunciation of my christian name) "lire you fond of sen. sationsf I ell yon we'll create uuo In the morning, you bell When they find tubolli laid out here, dead as herrings, K the- morning, I lather think there'll be some thing of a sensation eh ?' He paused, then, aud it dawned upon me that my oomiwniiiii was a lunalte. And . . i when, the uext moment, X mtwm bt. right , hand a good sited revolver nolle of your j utuo, vt put aflUu.-tbo brtud sunht $1.00 If of conviction, so to speak, forced itself upon me that my position was a ticklish, if not a perilous ono. A cold sweat started out all over me the condition which .conduced to that sweat saved my life, perhaps; for the opposite, which would have prompted me lo spring to my feet and fly, would very likely havo precipitated matters to a serious if not fatal conclusion. My hair stood up, I am certain, and my tongue cleaved to tho roof of my mouth as if glued there, while my heart beat the."tattoo" on my ribs. I suppose you think I was frightened. Well, you have been mistaken before now, without doubt; and you might be now but you ore not. I was frightened and don't you forget It! Out there in tho dark at midnight, in a cold, gray, ghostly mist that looked like the shroud of nil things earthly, seated beside a powerful fellow, who coolly suggested n "sensation" of n ttartllng and tragical na ture, strengthening his suggestion by tlio production of a murderous looking revolver I yes, I was frightened, aud don't care who knows it I "I shall shoot you first, Patsey I" was the next remark of my friend (I), and how crisp and firm tho uttenincol "Then I shall shoot myself I The sensation In the morn ing will be tremendous, my boy I" His right hand moved my eyes were glued upon it and something I had to do, or something lie would do,most certn!nly,and cause a "sensation In tho morning.'-' Re trieving my tongue (minus tho skin, I am certain) from tho roof of my month, I man aged to moisten it sufficiently to speak in a husky voice: " Cully, don't shoot, os that will bring the park police upon us, who will carry us to the station-house, and spoil the morning sensa tion. See it?" " Sound as a nut," said my friend immcd- iately,and,puttingnway hisrevolver,brought out a largo knife, which ho opened, show ing a wicked-looking blade six inches in length. The thought, thi 1 1 was about to bo hack- eh to pieces caused a sickening chill to run through me. I would have preferred being shot. " This will do better, Tatsey. It is silent and sure. I will stab you to tho heart, or cut your throat, just as you prefer," he said, In n tono that was blood-freezing from its liabolical earnestness and calmness. ' That is better than the pistol,my friend," said I, "but I hate blood. I propose some thing better than either,- let us both drop ourscl'-cs in the lako here. There'll bo a -sensation, sure, when they fish us out. What dovousav?" I got to my feet without being hindered, my sensational friend rising also. "A good idea, Patsey," said he, at once. It is better thou the knife or pistol. Can you swim 1" " Not a stroke," said I. It was a lie but,uudcrthe circumstances, excusable, I think. Hal hul good I Nor I, Tatsey never could get the stroke. We'll walk in hand in hand give me your hand, Patsey." " I'll do It," said I, quickly "that just suits mo exactly. But, now tho thing is set tled, let's go am) have ono good square drink, Cully a parting drink to all tho world and, tho rest of mankind and then we'll come back and walk in here, and sink nut of Bight and trouble together. I'm willing ami anxious" tho mental reservation was "to get that drink and get aw'oy from you." He met mu like a trump card. " I'll do it, Patsoy come on. A parting drink to all tho world, and then we'll go to sleep in these quiet waters." " Not if I knuw myself I" I mentally ex claimed, and started nway, my sensational friend gmsptng my elbow und accompany ing mo his grip was a tight one, lo. "You must not deceive ine, Patsey," said ho the moment we moved away. "If you do, I have the knife ami pistol. You and 1 nro booked for the Unknown, and tho boat leaves shortly." " Decelvo you, my dear fellow 1" said I, as if deeply wounded in feelings, though struck by a happy thought," as I felt "never fear. Why, when you hailed me thinking of getting out of this into the other world, and I was going down to tho river to jump In. I didn't think of this lake it is much more genteel. Now, let that settle it, my dear fellow." It did. He expressed himself satisfied, and gave vent to nothing more that implied loubt on his part. I set out to reach the "Mount St. Vincent," but missed the way in the thick gray mist, and fetched up on 6th avenue at 110th street, I knew of a place some ten blocks up there. If I could only reach it, I felt certain I could cludo my companion; and I walked for it as Wcs ton lor the belt. I reached it, and in less than five minutes my sensational friend who bad known me for an hour or so (he mu.t have known me formerly) knew me no more that night, nor has bo known me since. I suppose the fellow had the '.'jams" and while I don't wish to havo to do with onj more such, late at night In the Park, yet I can't help thinking how more Iractablo lie was, though with brain adrift, than a "mus, sy lush" would have been. An invitation to "take a walk" at or about midnight I do not now acce .t, unless I can "place" my mull. "Patsey" Fitzokralp, Formerly of the lato Chris. O'Connor' staff. JSVio Fori Clipper. ItlTSSIA-tf JUSTICU In the Government of Volhynia, Russia, justice appears to be administered after a very-peculiarfaahionr- Thn wife of a-well- j . . jj i i ir.- iun i ... ii. i . i oi me uisirict whii ii tuuipitiiu. nuiu.i. uci , , , , , , . ' ... . .. .1 ,.' ,. ...? .:.,. !....; ,, ? ,t, cold without food until she had nearly died of starvation. He had bound her stark naked tn a post iu the street and requested tho aaaers-by to strike ber, which he did himself each time they refused to do so' The brute, had, even fastened her down to the ground and in such a pmitiuil had heap ed stones aud heavy weights upon bur body until one of her arms had been hrjiken. When tho wjfe'a ucvusatum was bruught be-1 fore the tribunal, the look fright 'and 1 did'Sot appear to answer the charge and neither his abtenc nor viiliupt of Court prevented the learned , JuJgv fiaxn (tyiuing ' i. .- t Jt.u Jl.un """"'-"" " " '.V,. W.S found "Nut guiltj, on the pla mat nn wife.taB'fr , tho husband ha tu pert t&. to b.t a Year if Paid in Advance. not paid in advance, $1,25. his wife if ho so chooses, and it cannot bo permitted to a wife to ignore the authority of her husband. On the following day the husband, emboldened through the generous acquittal by his Peers turned the tables on bis better-half by bringing acounler com plaint ogain't her before the same Court, which promptly declared against tho un fortunate woman, and by its salutary judg ment she wus actually flogged publicly there and then on the spot, In tho m st shameful manner. A SPANISH TA1U. Don Truxlllo, of Castile, was blessed with a beautiful daughter named Dolores. He was bent on compelling her to marry Sennr D' Araccne; hut tho fair maiden revolted, and the threat of her father was uttered that, if she did not yield lo his commands, tho convent of Santa Isabel would receive another votary, Dolores yielded, but only to avoid the convent) and to D' Araccne she expressed herself os having no love or re spect for him, and, when he sought' to kiss her, with frantic strengtli she pushed hiui away, and, with flashing eyes and fierce speech, said to him ! "Sennr D' Aracene, it is decreed that in two months' time I shall bo your bride, and there is no other choice left me but a nun's cell. But mark me well, until the law hinds us in one, no kiss of thine shall press my lips, no embrace ol thino enfold me; I must be left as free as air, to enjoy as best I may tho little lime that remains to mo, ere I am bound in hated slavery. If I am not. granted this, I wilt find a way to escape thee, even if it bo my death. Shall it be as I havo said ?" D' Aracene felt compelled to accede to her demand, but ho haughtily responded that when sho became bis wife she would repent having shown her dislike. He hastily withdrew from her presence. Tho days flew drearily yet swiftly on. Ono sunny afternoon, she was scaled in her lather's garden, in a loyely spot, in a half dreamy reverie, whn,uddcnly she wos startled by hearing a voice cry out to her tenderly,4nd softly i 'Dolores 1 Dolores 1" She started with a slight scream, arid soon found herself in tlio outstretched arms of Valencia Leonata. Ho had heard rumors of her intended marriage, ami had hastened to her sido lo rescue her from her dreadful fate. Their interview wos that of ardent lovers, and listening to Valctit'io's promises, she declared to him that if ho would rescue her from her dread ful marriage sho would follow him even to the ends of tlio earth. They agreed UKn u meeting the next day, when slia would Uy willi her lover away from her stem, re lentless father. The hour arrived. Valeucio appeared, having secured two horses saddled and bridled. They rode away to a neighboring parde, and were united in wedlock. Then they departed with all possible speed away along the broad road, northward. As day dawned, they heard rapid hoof beats alter them, and, casting a startled look behind, Dolores buw her father and D' Aracene pur suing them. A race of life and death began, but nlnsl Dolores's horse stumbled and fell, and Valcncio.unwllliiigto desert hcr,sprang to her assistance. With rngo and hale In their bosoms, the pursuers overtook them, aud the Don haughtily cried : "Dolores, how is it I find thee, tho plight ed bride of Senor D' Aracene, here at this hour with a stranger?" "He is no stranger to me, my lather ; it is Vulcncio Leonata, and he is my husband." 'Thy husband, foolish child; pruto not to mo of husbands. The only one I shull ever know will be the senor by my sideaiud he now bills thee, us his bride elect, to quit the arms of yonder man, aud seek his own.' Valeucio, clasping Dolores to his bosom, firmly declared her to be his wife, und bc sceched Don Truxillo to take back Ins cruel words, and let lli'-m depart in ieace. The iuiierious Don, without a moment's hesitation, drew a pistol from his belt and fired at the unfortunate youth, who fell ut his bride's feet' a corpse, while she, half frenzied, knelt beside him. Coolly, he then gave orders lo Senor D' Aracene to take back his bride; then, turning Ills horse, without one glance at hisdistractcd daughter,he rodo away The senor, dismounting, advanced to the Bide of the stricken girl, saying gently as he could : "Senorita, thlsisbuta sorry place for thee, and thy father has bidden me conduct tlieo home. Wilt thou come?" Dilore.' passionate grief had given place to a dull stupor, and sho made no resistance to being conducted home. From that hour to the hour appoiutcd for her bridal she was listless and unconcerned. When tho day came, she permitted them to array her In tiie gleaming robes and place tho costly jewels upon her neck and arms. Thcn,whcn all was done, they bade her look in the mir ror, and with a start she seemed to realize for the first time what all tho bustle sign) lied. When her attendant depot ted from the room, she swiftly glided to a little cabi net, and touching a secret spring, a tiny drawer flew out, in which lay a gleaming dogger scarce six Inches in length, with the handle incrusted with gems. Sho concealed it in her bosom, and then calmly awaited the ceremony. Like a stately marble statue the stood while it was being jierformed. Only onco did she raise her eyes, aud then It was lo encounter the siern, relentless gaze of her father beneath which her own quickly ilnxijied. The bridegroom turned, with outstretched bands, to greet his bride. As his dark, detested face was bent over tier's, she started back with a fierce, vengeful scream, and raised aloft her beautiful arm and clenched hand, In which the tiny dag ger now gleamed. In an instant it was up- K' t' lifted, aud with all tho force passion could , . , , . , summon to her, it was plunged into the I heart of the bridegroom Near the banks of the brightUuadalqulver surrounded by some of the fairest, scenery of smiling Spain, stands Ihe convent of Santa Isabel. Within ils walls there still lives a' "nuu who, lor twenty years has never looked upon Ihe bright orb of boy, or the beautiful scenery that surrounds the convent. Forly years have not yet passed over hefheadi aud yer it is snowy whita.whlie in the fasU and tevemt pnains now passta Ihe time nf livr ho was ouch the beautiful and blooming Duloraa Truxillo. In tli room of a railroad depot In Iowa, ii Mm RUIowing placard ef the 4on a hind iJm dasntb-r " itiia Maokwtt i U msnm uingi II J...-.i Unw I iijP ,liPV ,HV llt u JuL. . BlJW kl. it ; it i , ,auW up y-.i ti The Carbon Advocate. And Independent Family Newspaper Published evory SATURDAY, tn ,,.Lehighton, Carbon Co., IV, by lunrtT v. moRTiii-ticn. omcB-rAKWAY, a short dlataaics abort the Lehigh Valley It. R. Depot. Terms: $1.00 per Annum in Adyance. btert DEocnrmo.t orrtAts akd rAttr Jo"b Printing AT VERY LOW PlIICES. GEN. IXmtXINO. The celebrated Gen. Durfllng wcs origin ally a tailor. On finishing his apprentice ship he had the ambition to see Berlin. Al he was obliged to puss tho Elbe in a boat, and had no money to pay the expense, the passage was refused bim. Stung with thil affront, he disdained a trade that so nar rowed his circumstances, and, throwing his wallet into the river, he enlisted for a so). dler. In that capacity he made rapid ad vauecs; he soon gained the esteem of his comrades, afterword ot his officers, and last ly rl the Elector, his master. That grea Prince, who loved war, who had made him self a proficient In that science, and who wos compelled to study It, rapidly advanc ed A man, who hi great military knowledge addsil all the virtues of a citizen. Dorfling was, after so;no time, promoted to the rank of Field Marshal, and in that capacity cam up to every idea that could be formed of a man, who, from a common soldie, rose by his merit to bo n General. A fortune so extraordinary excited tho jealousy of many who had not those abilities to recommend them to notice. Some even went so far al tn say, that though Dorfling was a great man, he had not lost the air of his original profession. "Yes," replied he, one day, lo those who bantered him, "it is true that I have been a tailor, and have cut out cloth ; but now (puttiug his hand on the hilt of Ills sword) I use this Instrument, with which I will cut off the ears of any man who dares to sieak ill of ins.'- Berlin Herald. TIIlS AND XI I AT. Tho tonguo of tho real belle nover told slander. The owner of a foul tonguo is olten chicken hearted. Those who put money Into telephone stocks make a sound investment. As Eneland has her hands full, we ad vise her to paws on the Irish question. "Where do paragraphers go when they die?" asks the Houston Kcwu. "From the gay lo the grave," replies the New York llorW. Mark Twain says he sometimes makes excellent Impromptu speeches, but he re quires a few weeks to prepare them. Peter Zabncskawatschiyera recently fell dead. It Is believed he accidentally swal lowed his name while trying to speak it. A lady on horseback bears about the samo relation tn the horse ns docs the hat to her head. Stuck on to ono sido respectively of the horse and head, both threaten to fall off on the slightest provocation. Tom Scott receives a salary of?25,000 a year. For this reason wo believe mo stories of his Intended resignation, on nccount of poor health, are unfounded. No person could afford to have pour health on that salary. A rural Texon who had not seen the bell punch went into a saloon in Dallas and tried a, little "rock and rye." The bell eoundeil aud the customer set down his giM in astonishment and salds "Lookoy hero, Mister, what have I done that you should call a policeman ?" "Well, Pa trick 'asked tho doctor, "how do you feel to-day?" "Och, doctor, dear, I enjoy very poor health intirely. The rheu matics aro very dislrcssin', indadc; when I go to sialic I lay awake all night, and my toes is swelled as big as a goose heu's egg; so whin I stand up I full down Immejit." A would-bo editor wos advised onco to try the effect of his writings upon the folks al hnme, without confessing its authorship. His mother fell asleep, hissi.lergtoaiicd.lus brother asked hi in. to shut up, and at lust his wife tapjied him on the shoulder with the sweetest Hssiblc, "Won't that do 1" A condemned munlcrcr at Sinlthport Pa., has taken to writing and publishing poetry. So much fur driving even a crimi nal to despair. Tho wretch did not do this until Iho Bnunl of Pardons had. finally re fused to Interfere in his case. As they say iu the novels ho is determined lo sell his life as dearly as ssible. Tho 6tory Is told of a clcigyman, who, after preaching an interesting fcrmon on tho "Recognition of friends in heaven." ho was accosted by u hearer, who said : "I liked that sermon, and I now wish you would preach another on the recognizing of ieople in this world. I have been attending your .hurch three years, and not five persons in tho congregation have so much as bowed to me In all that time." Vucoimldcrcd Trifle. An ill wind always finds something to blow about. Grant Weighs 171 pounds. He bus gained several poundasinco he was a weigh. A little girl was puzzling herself about her transference from. heaven to this mun dane sphere, and questioned her mother! "Did the angels have a funeral when I came nway?" "I presume there was no funeral," replied tho mother. "Well," said the child, "I presume they all felt bad." If it weren't for skates and frog poBdi the boys of this country would have no bumps to feel of. Husbands never their wive with "smiles" on their lips j they wipe thorn off before they get home. When a womnn promenades the streets leadlns a doz il looka as if she couldn't get anything else on her string. "Comm ii 'aw Is founded on common sense. 6ti ute law is made by crngress." When John II y moved Into Ohio ho knew just what he was about. It Is abso lutely Impossible to keep an Ohm man out of offlrea great while at a time. Mr. 8tandlug Bear, the distinguished Indian, heard Joseph Cook lecture the other day. "Heap smart man, said Mr, Bear at the close of the lecture. "Talkce, talks tslkee. Big sound. Who tvlnd him up?'' "No," said Mr. Conk when he heord of It, the Indian cannot be civilized. Ho fj an infernal brute, and I can proye it." Postmaster General Key is about to Is sue an order prohibiting the placing nf stain ia upside down on tellers. Several postmasters have recently been seriously in juiwl while trying to stand on their beads to cancel stamps In this manner. Caiuu it lid lifted. The main uauw of nervousness is Indiges tion, and that is caused by weakness of the stonuoh. No .pne oau hv sound nerves and yuod health without using Hop B.tters to trng")in tlK stoimipb. o ;v 'tie blood, and kp MM irinar and klliK - re, lo carry off tV &r pftt!..u i i . er of tile tJ p ni cmmuII i . c. vj- .1, yer( Aug iv iui, v. W'-twi,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers