OONCLDITKD FROM PIIWS PACE wero married tti the f prlne. It was lie, my husband, Theodore Manton, who, five years 020, carried Bran down tn the aea tl&t, for he had grown too old and feeble to walk without pain. There, m I told yon before, Bran died) with Ma hend la my lap, and Theodore mado his grave on the little liluff we always called ' Baved.CralR a.Bran.' A part nf etcry year we (till pas at my old home, and my white haired father has found new friends and his dearest companions la two wild, sturdy boy. PARAGBAL'lIIC. Gold hairpin') are now worn by tome ladios. The James Lick monument Is being made In Montreal. Pittsburg has nbout twice ns many lawyers piauticlng at Its bar as In 1878. The Alumni of Tola College re aiding in California have formed a Yale Club for the Pacific const. One of the present panel of Grand Jurymen In Allegheny county lias Just been arrested for participating in the July riots at Pittsburg. Miners from Wllkesbarro and Bcrauton and surrounding ccuntry are making tueir way into mo scnuyiitin coal region 111 searcu of work. The population of DuUols City, a flourishing place In the Clarion oil dis trict, Is now 1810, an increase of SO per cent witlAn the past twelve months. Ex-Governor Tilden Is to sail from Europe for America on the 13th of Oc tober, ind expects to reach New York tomn time between the 20th and 24tu of '.be same month. TI10 Cologne Gazette states that the Princess Mary, eldest daughter of rnnce treucricic cnaries 01 rrussia, has been betrothed to the hereditary ITlnco of bcuautnburg-Llppe, Prince Ibrahim, fourth son of the Ehedlve of Egypt, Is In England, where lie Is preparing 10 enter the Army School at Woolwich. He Is about eigli teen years old, and speaks English well Princess Charlotte, of Germany, is shortly to be married to the Prince of aielnlogcn, and her good grandmother, Queen Victoria, will, It Is reported, go 10 uernn 10 wituess lite ceremony. General Crook says that the In dtans are getting along splendidly since Crazy Horto's death, their camps being quuer man American villages. At the quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge of English Freemas ons, held a short time ouo, a grant of iuuu (tsuuuj to the India relief fund was voted. An unusally large pilgrimage to Mecca Is expected this year. The great feast of the Mohammedans takes place 011 the 14th of December, and on the Jlth of December next the pilgrims will leave Jeddah on their returu home wards. General Garibaldi, The London Lancet says, has made a more than usually satisfactory recovery from his last attack or rheumatoid arthritis. He Is now entirely free from pain, and can prosecute his favorite pursuits without fatiguo. K Iv At Private Sale. THE UNDERSHINED offera at ITlvate Kale a Vaiuitle Fanning I'ropertv, Mtu. ateil ID BEAVEll 11UJ. VALl-KY. II a. oeninir Township, Caroou Louiitv. l'a , 2h miles trom Munch Chunk, anil 2 miles fiotn l.chlgh. tup, containing IS Acres, about 5 seres ot waich are clean-il and under a high statu of inillvu Hon, the balance bi Ink limber Land Tho Iin. pr-iTcnieuiB thereon are u 2 stury Fi-umo Dwe.i. luR IIouko icx'.'i tuet. with Kitchen attached, one stable, end other ueces&irv Outuuildini'si also, an Orchaul containing- about 1UJ Choice lTuit Trees toniurlfliig Apple, rejr, 1'eacb jnd cherry 'Ireea o! various kimle Ibis propeitr. beinir situated near Manch Chunk anil LehlKt.ton, would make It a dosha, bio place for any rue wishliiR io eng.ico lu the Frjit unsliiess. the demaiid for ttuek In the above places belutc always ooil and reailzlncr best of prices. Heaver Ituu Creek BWs thiouch the pioperty. Toaav person wishing to Invest in RealEs talo tUl offers an oppoitunlty seldom to be met with. For tur her particulars ajtolv at tun oclce, or to the owner oi' the premises. illiAKY TUCKER. Kept 1. ItTT-Imoa. T 0 Whom It May Concern. AH fierpons are herehir fnrhlil m1rt1ln(r with one canal boat, (t o. i.) two mules, two sclso! hrness four boat lines. Ac,, now In possession of BAVIDHOilAKl'Klt.ol Fianklln township, Caiboncnunty, l'a., the eaid ocunierated uiti. eles having been purchased by mo. and belue lay pioperty until further notice. . V.M.. 11. ANTHONY, Sept IV 1S'7.W l'sckcitou Pa. T 0 Whom It Jlny Concern. Atlpersontare hereby forbid meddlin with ?1J?,A SfAllES years old, and onoTwo liomo KOX. IVAUUN loaned by tho undersipncd to JOSEPH tCKUAItT of lowamensiiiito" u. tlilp. Carbon county, Fa., ai the tamo are my property until farther notlre .... . J AMEs ZBIGENFUoH. Bept. IS, UTT.w3 L. Tomiieimiijc twp. rpo 1TU0J1 IT MAY COXCEKX. " AH persons aro herehy forbid med'tlln with the Housvhold ana Kltchm Furul uie. eic, i.ow In the powasion or DAVID tcIlliFFjSU. o fcrank'in towushlp, c.rbou county, ra.. the saiiie haTluc brea puicassed by mo for a cou. snleralion lu uouey paid, and a aiy r- perly. bept. 15. 1877 y 3 Lehihton. Fa. SSIUXEE'S XOTICE Notice I, hereby irtre n that FtUDOLFII nulf lllJLaud rXIZAUETIl HIS lie. ot MA110.N. 1NO Townhiv, Caibon County, r by a 101. uut.ry Ueed of AKtieument, berrlnir Onto the llthnoyof AUQUST, li,;7, atsigned 11 their prouerty-Real, I'eihonal, and Miiwl-to the undei sinned, lor the beueUtnl their creditors All persuns, then fore, indebted to add party will lume payineut wilhln blX A Eh' ICS tioin theoatolierHf io the suld Ahmsi ee and thoie iiayimr legal claims will p. esse present them lor settlement to . , TIIOS. 8, OEL'K. Asslrnee. sept. l,U77-w Ijihighton. Pa. aniluistrutor's Notice. lrtiutioii ujx.u Uioo4tfltoof Aqulia IU ert. laio orttio VoiuujcUol Wei v port, cariwa couutr, l'a., ueo'd, lUTt) bea frrauted to the uLderttlga All person kuuwlug tl.emwjive m i.el... debtod Ui o-tiu etttate wlii njuku Immediate xy. meut and (Uue Imrlnnc tu whl reeut tUeiu Hknhv liOYicit. AaiuUiletrator. Welssport, Bept. 22, l,7tW s ALE OF STANDS, &c. Notice Is herehy riven, thst thA PATlRnv COUN I'Y INDUhTIUAL bOLIEl Y will e'l on Monday. OClOQKlt Itl, ISH.at TllllLl! P. ou the Fair Urounds, to I he hiche.t bid. ceia This anordsarare cuaucoto ur,iesde- -sm.ujb a yrvuiau.o oasmfls ounoc ine sglr. J A. uva, President. W. M. TUrsUEn, Pecrttary, Rept.ifcwj Lauds For Sale. 160,000 ACRES IN SOIIUItVCKl HilNlllliri. fflritjtAM Rtjwtr Farms. cxent.entlAaTicnltTl ral Undo, and the best Tonacco icc'cuin thi' west snort winter, no eTasMicnnera, oraer. Ir ortrtr. rood market una u healthy country. Low Trior I Ion Credit I Frra tiansnoi-tatlen Irnm Br. Ixrall to tho lands farnlsned pnrehseirs. For Inrther in lonnatloa. address A. I,. DKANK. Land Com. ralselonrr St. Lonls & Pan Franciseo Hallwav eompmr. n. w. cor. jruiaona wainuscurecis, Bt. Loult, Mo. Ann. 11,1877-lm FRED. KELLEY Announces to tho people of Lehf anion and vlcln liy lust ne is prcpareu io supply tucui with every arllo.o or UouHcrurnlshlnr; Tinware, At very lowot prices I also. Roofing and Spouting, in ail in orancnoB, piUIIIUUV llllBUUftl b Ul prices tally sa low an the lowest. Give me a can. TOnE: Opiw'tp tho Pnblle Sqmre. TIANK BTllKKT, LEUianTON. l'A. Jnly il. 'ir.iy u n d& it State Management And tn dally opsratlon over 37 years. FOR 1 TCES., OCT. IG ami 2, 1S77. KENTUCKY STATE ALLOTMENT OP $67,925 In Prizes ! 1 I'rlrecf .... 115,0001 a, i I ria ui . . , o,wv 1 I'rlieor 6.00,1 1 IM. r.t 2..VI0 1 I'rlwof Sim 18i9 Other Pllies amounting to . 41.925J r. 'Whole. Tickets, 81.00 1 SO Whole Ticket ror 813 1 luu iikit,uu. Chsrtered for E ncatioml Institutlona Un der f.'haitnr mi iinstnoneinent can ever occur. All prlies paid In luil. OfflHal Hit of ilrann .... I .. . . - . ,n v IIaw.1.1 V Kitn anu L.omsviiie ununerioirrnai. Circulaia contHlmntr tu I pai tleulars free. Address S 1 91 MOM 8 dD UIOIC1NMON Mflnafni,i, ,lfne. 72 3,1 rt. LonllTllifl. Kr. nrsimlioi' Allotments on toe 15th aud list pays oi every monta oumig uie year, pep, o ,m Inventions and Patents T. C. WOODWARD, Attorney aud Counsellor at Lmt IK) J 8th St, N. V.'.. (1". O. Lock Box 171) Wall, lneton, D. C. Late Examlner.in Ch'cf United Stntes Patent Umce lemLer or tne unr or in supremo Court ot the United State Patent Law practice is the Patent office AND THE UOUltTS A SPECIALTY. PATENTS obtainod m the Unit' d states. Can ada, England, iri-at.ee, ueimjuy, itussin liclgium Iuly. Ac. TtrvRKENCCS! Tlon. V. It. AllUon. V. 8. Sen. atorj Gov. a. J. Kirkvcod, U H. Kenati.it Jnnco Win. Lousliridite. i-M. (' t Juslieo Samuel Miuor. u. a. oupiemo uoun; lion, jimies liar, 1 in. lz.eci etjirr Inter o t Justico J. F. Dillon U. a. Circuit Court; Jndgo 11 I. U. c!hi1;l Chairmau Appeal Hoard Patent omco Col. T .m, vail, 3UO naiiwiiy Man aervict uoti j. jil, JleOrxi, Ex Buu'r int. itev.i Judne E. U Humnrtim. M. Ci lion, ae.irira W. McCrary Hrcretary ct Wuri Loi. L. D Iugorso 1, ChiCKgo rost. oih, o is,, CENTRAL CARRIAGE I SLEIGH WORKS, Oppoiltn T. D. Clauss', Bank St., Lcliigliton, Fn. Is prepared to manufacture any deacrip tiou oi Carriages, Buggies Sleighs, Spring Wagons, &c. Repairing Promptly Attended to rjp"AU work done st this eitabllshmest Is suarantecd to be of the very best material and workmanship, end the prices fully oa low as tho same articles can be purchased elsewhere. Special Inducements tffcred to strictly cnu customers. M. C. TnEXLK'l. II. H KHKIDLEU, P. C. MACS, July:i,lt77. THE SEASIDE LIBRARY CIIOICB noOKS no lonrer lor the few onlr. The bi st standard novels within the r-ach of ev.ry one. iioo.a usually soin irom f l to 12 yiveu luucnauKcu auu uuaormke .1 lor 1U nua ZJ eeuis. 1. HAST LYNME, By Mrs TJenry Wood. (Double No.) :oo. JU1IIM ItAljll AA. UC9T., Jly HISS Muloo 2 e. 3. JAN H EYltU. By charlotte Jlroute, (Double No , , too . A UUMAN.IIATEH, charle Ueade's new novel 0c 0. 1 iik uL,,cii. jmes veiue's latest l'e. It. L A bT DAYSOFPOlP15II,llyBll rer 10c I- Aimw uvsiiiu, uy urarBB L.1101. (UOd ll No.) SOO S. TnB AltUNDUl. MOIIO. By Maiy l roll Il iy 100 a OLD MYDDHI.TO.N'S MONEY. By Mary Cecil llav ice, 10. Tllli WO.AN IN WUIl'E.Uv Wl.kle uouiiis s ,c, 11. Till! MILL ON Til K KLOS3. Uy lleo. Kllot 20c. a. ilir.AUblllUAt DUAJUll. liy AU ihony Trollope 200, 11 A HItlNOESBOPTUUI.E, By William lUark :oj, 14 TUB IiKAD SLC11E1. By WUklo Col. Ins ire, 16 BOMOLA, By QeoiKu Eliot. iDouh.e "" SOo 10. Sill". r.i,ui,iu Al lltr, NOltltl POLE AD PIELI) OF ICE. lu one lion.. By Ju es Write , ifc, 17. HIDDEN PEltlLs, By Maty Cecil Hay 10c 19. BAllilAltA'.'i llltmmv By Aineili ji. tWMrua inc. 19. A TEltHlaUb, 'IiSMPPAriON By coaries lleude loe. 2J. OI.UOUmoall'Y MlOl By lhsr.es Dlesees ,,, 2j, 21. FOUL PLAY. Bv cluries itcade 100. 112. JUNAVII WU't! By Wll-t- Colllis.! 2UC w ,11c quints licuicy. liy 3iary bwi, ,,uj , , 20c For tola by all Boiki-ellers aud Newsdoa.ers, oraeut, pba'aa:e j rensid onrrceintof price, by ny.onne unvnn 1. ,.. SULU ' Aajr. i. m. sa w ronk. SULPHUR SOAP. Patented July 11th, 1871. TOE MOST WONPKItFUl.LT Effective nExtoriial Remedy EVER DI3COVEHED t A Skin like Monumental Al abaster may be attained by using uienn s suipliur Soap. Try it, ladies. It is a genuine beau tifier, and very economical. This Soap safely and cer tainly removes cutaneous eruptions by opening the pores whose obstruction was the cause of tho difficulty. Test and you will endorse it. Beinsf RTK)wfitil DKOPonizKn. msir:rECTAvr nnacou.NTiiii IHH1TANT. vet entirety 1ihiiii. t it iKi'ittvely curfd uli 1 cal msiiAaEd OF TAU 8KIN an it uy magic. It thorouohlr blench the rntlclo end PER. M A N KN f L 11 ..A U TIKI KM Til K Of I M . rLEXlUN wiMj a Cfitointv unknown tu uiir Ost.cle ever inreuted fur taut pu poe. ItlsemDhaMoillr the romedr for BGAi.Ds unit HTIHN', lntttiitlv removlneall noremiH wi nout puiu. una t tree ting a tare lu every lu. An a rrOTfritive and remeriirfnr OOUT nnil HUKUilATIM. ita CO ecu mie real.v wuiider- rul. It 1b a sure nrpventivn nf all rtlsMnen (Tint rth cou unicntcHl bv coming in contact with ine poruu Hucti a lien. viQ. HPRA1NH. imill-VHanrt CUT9 &ra cnretl wlih uuiamuffceriaiuty. Itrtmnvea DANDUUFP. and nrevenM the hair from falling tff or tutulnjr prenjut.iro.y It comnietelr DISINFECTS CLOTniffQ. from the vlclf'ionm or poritun, that hj becomo lmuieuiifltcd witti dlieatw, Glenn's Sulphur Soap Is a SPECIFIC In thoso OBNOXIOUS SH UAhKs. which 1 aye bon treated hcretiloro with "Sulphur Ointment" h.tvlutrthoailvau. taso ot lieilipr CLEAN. J NOKFISNUIVU aud UlINJUillUUSlO CLUl'UlfiU, SULPHUR BATHS. The tieneflc's.1 rpsnltn of Rnlnbnr Tlslha are ton well known to inquire cu mine nr. The fffectaof GLKSN'i HULl'lltTU SOAP 1n the Dm. ait iruiy eiecir.cat, cumvieieu' iiroior muff 1 ffeaslve accuiuu!ution and Uinrougnlr iiurifvtLg t& entire eurfflte ot the body, in fact 11, U i..e King of Suss lor uatatng uad Toi let purpoiea. mitRCTIONh. For Diseases of the 8ktn btliorrt'eljanUaipl. a tolclc In i her before re tlnrff, al'owlnir it to r main over nigur. For BcMUBflUd llarn apply thi) .atht-i freely to the cfleo cd uurta. mid the fire and tuiii wvlbuie luuved imrnfitlatelv. I-'or (Jout, Utieum-ttUut Himlua lirul e and ntt apply colli veil s-slur tod with a p-tfoittr aofuilou. Fir Oi l bore and U ltd a it ib iuvalutbie. Ue Ire ly am a (Otioi. Fur n p;evtLtive la Uin xlous UteaoenMftit-onir KidaH wtnth. uxtcraal ly and by ;ueclUu. IT VaII.3. Glenn's Sulphur Soap IS CHEERFULLY EKDOnED BY THE ilKUIOXt, FKAfKlt-AlTV. Beware of Imititions ! ASK FOIt Glenn's Sulphur Soap! TAKE NO OTIIkn. Price 25 cts. per Cake Ono Box (3 Cakes), GO Cts. For Sale Ererjwlicro, by Druggists, (iroicr, and Fancy Ucods Dealers. Bent hr mail, prep 1 Id. on reerlutof price ana 5 veuis vsiia tur cueu uiae. C. N. CRITTENTONi Prop'r, No. 7 Sixth Atchdj, Sew York. Fall Styles! Low Prices I MRS. M. GUTH, Fashionable Milliner! IThlto i-t., Wclssport, l'a., Reepectfutlv announces to theladlQsof Weiss, ort and the snnoundlng coui'tiy, that sho has Jii't returned trim tho city, and la no receivmg au Ifetncnao Block of FA IiK AND WlXTXR Millinery GoodS coitraisLso Hats, Bonnets, Trimmings, Notions, &c, Of the Lntet Sty'es, and which she prepared to ecl to her patrona and friends at prices so low as vo ue penccuy asiouismuar. Alio, a tell assortment of I SWITCHES- And all other goods ncuallv kept In a flret-oiass iuiiun ery store. LADIES' OWN IT AIR OE tJP IO OR- Vlli at tee 7ery lowest poeaimo prices. Call and eztmlne Goods and Fitcos beforo puicnastngeiBewiiere. Mns. lVr.OUTH, Sept 1, 1877 3m. Weissport. l'a Variety Headquarters. -T-T MAY NOT BTC OKN Kit ALLY KNOWN. nut 11 is a fact iieyeitheless. that yon can ertCANXKD bAl.MO.V and LOliSTUH, -AllDtNr.-i. CLAAIM, ULAM bODi'. and all tho odds aud ends that go to make ut a First-Class Lunch, -AT P. T. BRADY'S. You can a'so (ret at the same esttblishment, an tur aiAAuanu uit&ULa 01 Smoking' nnd CIiottIiis' Tnboccos, And a toll line of PIPES, CIGARS. Ac. In the Mnle Line, he has VIOLIN STniFOS, BOVS, HOSIN, and I1AIIUONICA& SHEET 1IUSIC and MUSIC 11UOK3, o( all the Latett PopolarlAlrs, procured at short notice. A Full Line of Stationery HOOKS, MAGAZINES, &c. Call and nam ine the SEASIDE LI 11 1! A II Y. for tlrst dust ri'iidlnff. at 10 und Vi cents per uuoic. uee(.'iiMio4iio,nuii tuoiupeis. HOUSE-KEEPERS Wlnhine to mnWe tliefr EscItpn and C1ne look Hi aim iniy eimuiu viijuuio -ue,lj: i j uiena en mr 111 11 ourio n. in m uiult ent colorr. II inches wllound one yurd m jengiu. at luwrnn peruozun bucuiu, wuicu cuu vino uo procurcu oi T. T. BRADV:S Popular Vlace, LtNPEQMAN'a Block, DANK STREET, LEUlattTON. Sept. 1, 1877 tf. The RUSSO TURKISH AGENTS WANTED I for this Cmnotrliemive, t-uocibly llluirflted Ili-toiy of tli pit-Kent luoiueutii m stniKule In the Kni 1U a ecu ate Ma I'd I'uns and many lkoant F.NOuAVi.sGrj are 0 Hneciul Ivutu-e, It IT BU lUtAPlIIU .iIlHrOltYnf e whl HUIL try, with llitoiic and lieMJUpthe Sketches ot Iht? nrlmitive ru.innpM i.icturpinun riibioniit aurt dumen tc life oi the Couuntnnl8. I)e ttcribes the UUAllhUIj MASS AUIlrs OK CltltlVf lANrt in Uuiuisila t thp Huouii-UL TUitKlsil ATBOC1TIE8 lu other places ; t ho ujii lsiim ol I ho m in Jleizat7oviua. It ivi the tsTUti:la KATTLKrt Btld i H.dLUNO lKClbE.T3 Of tlili Wft' nuo in ci e tuoat tuctLa iuv mid (ixcittnirwuiK or the uko Agent uie nine ot promrt aud remiy B'uct. rrosmcLUH uooiniiow reiuiy. A oo a u flit 8 wuutei lor OQrOUANl) COM ui.N a l ivx riiudiMsuruN ieprei.eut.ug 150 Distinct Books ral, Uroraphirl. lliurtal. lie tgiuuj aiuf tipctliaueous WorkH, with birt. Title aud De HUr'tUlflll Of riiC 1 1 IlftOlC. MlMVltllGll I'rtt'B Mid uptclni'!! I lurttiutloiiH. atu4 nia'e fr wttiK j rotfpecius wuen an biugie voqab lau aibo ou oar T11NK TJ miai?C Bnullh nnd AMltiT JJ -""" (irnnun, Prolcalant and Calliollc, With Invaluably Illustrated Aids diul Superb Umdlnirs. t4iilr no styles, sinterlor to a.l otr or vua indiifpeQi'aoie to evtry t jiuiiy. tieu ar" 1 1 ee. AdJreoa JOHN. E POl'THUifcCO, PiiblUherai Sept.l, JWT ritlLADlTLieaiA E. F. LUCKEXBACH, ritliSCO, HOUSE AXU SIGX PAINTER, And Dealer in all Patterns of Plain A Fancy Wall Papers And Window Blinds, Two Doors Ilf low the "Hroa,lHSy Hons.," MAUCII CHUNK, PA. lin.S7.jr QlUKLtS illOEHLICH, Cor. ot lllOM and I Ellian Streets. l.EUIOII TON, Pa., dealer in Choice llranda ot Family FLOUR, FEED ArPLES, POTATOES, Ac, Ile.prrtfaU announces tn hsCusionneia and ine pun ic acueimiy inst on anu siierjAlsu. AH1 lal 1877. lie will aell for I on only or ou THIlll'Y 11 YStileinoiisitile D-rt.M. and In. teres'. lil lie cotraed ou a I bll a hot sett.eu at tne expiration oi s , a s i ia a. CT AH art:c es warranted to be as tepreaent eu, j auvuaip, su itnpu. cnAULBH yKOEULICH. lJecrabeTSt.Wl JK. IMCKr.RT Opnoslto L. , & S. Depot, On the East Wcissport Canal Bank nespctrnllrlnfotni the citizens of this wrinl. ty that 'okeepHconstflli Iron hsnd nnilHI J.L at tho X O fFr .M AKKliT PUIOEB, tho Very 1IU3T ililAiSS 01 ALSO DEALER IH FOR BUILDING AND OT1IEU PURPOuTiB which he ens ran toes to bo Thoroughly Seasoned, AND Wnicn UK IS NOWfSELLINO AT TUB VBUY LOWEST RATES. Coal! Coal WnOLESAI.B and RETAIL, at the LOWEST CASH PRICKS. lie baa a a number of very eHaibly located ISiiiMiifig.'X.ots Tn nTnTTT'TlTBrprtWftT t. , , rr. .... which he wlli Bell on lery i.usy lerma. Aug V. J, K. I1ICKERT. $777! Is mt eiellr earned In these tlmra, hut it ot n be untie m three month bv an v one nf either mT.m nnr nirt nf the nntintrv. wht im will nor tn worr stead ly i't tho emplnym'-nt that we lurn ih. u wt'ok in vour owtj town. Yim need not bo away irom home over night. Yon can give ynnr who e titno to the work or only vonr epare moment. It to-ts nothing' to trv the bnMineHs. Terras and 15 ontflt free. Add re as, at once. II. HAIXTT A CO., icufyi- rortland. Molne. (iilOo QOR BdarSXHlEmtileliyArvnta h seiunsronri'i Chromns 111 arnns. 1'lrturp and t:hrnma Cntd.-. l'O Samples worth fl sent p3. tpuid lur 76 cts. juu'trutea i'aiaio"nis i',e itei. j. n. uui roiiD'B bo.s, boston. Established la: 0.1 feba-y T UOillAS KOOXS ho a aii n ndlnlnmv Counllo-. that ho has pur -hned the entue l.itircHt ami Hock oi II. U ui;VAlWAY in ihemUIQIlTUN Corn Broom Manufactory, located in the Boron ch ot Lehichton. Carbon Connly. Pu , and th t be is prepared io fill all oia rn emru-iea 10 mm wnn ine Very Host Qucllty of II rooms at the LOWEST POSSIBLE .LIVING PHICE. A trial i- Tofnootttillv oliclte-t nnd entli o aal' lafnctlon uuatai teoil juauur ctory in tne iiacment or inn v.u'cy uonse," oj poHiio mo iiomcu vnuey int. oeDoi Feb. M, 1678. THOMAS KOOXS. IIClLsflA. & CO., BANK STREET. Lehighton. Pa.. KILLERS and Dealets In Flmiei&Feecilo All Kind of nrtAirt nouoiiTsmi ROLOat JlIiUUljAll JIAlUi.U.1' l(STt.S. We wonld. also, lesoectin Ir Inform onreitt. rns that we oto how lulijr urejiaK'U to bUP- From any Mluo desired at VEttT LOWEST PRICES. M. I1EILMAN & CO. July: -JEUIGItTOiN IIAKEltr. The nnderslnnrd announces to the citizens of Leldrhcun, WeUi-port nnd the ruiruuitdiuir ueiMhtwi hooa. that uo i now f nllv prepu.d u Bread, Cakes & Prclzels Everv Momlurat Who'esi o and Ketnti, ut the iuwo.li pnet'f. ixo uiaatea fpecia ly oi U'eiltlliigr nnd Fam) Cakes. ric-Nlcs and al other rattle supplied with the Choicest Made Ice Cream, in larse or small qaantMe on short notice and a reawtnnble flttutej. A'ao. alwaya ou band a large diuck ui nil kiihih oi CANDIES. NUTS. FRUITS, Ac, at Wholes. no aud Retail. Patronage solicited. J. W. O'NEIL. april Syl DMi'g PUcet, Lenlajhtop Pa, aJ " "V tire it chance to make mon. ' 1 v e. Itvoucfin'tPTtuoiHoLi TbI2B Cl" KpL KfHt tiNnckft. We mI y tJL VBaSueedu peison In ever r towu toukeitu tcrlpt otisforttie inrtrettt, chenpo.it and ten II lutiaui family public mon in tim wotd. Any one c n become a Kii(ce4"tul HKcnt Iho irot eleir nt works t art viveu fiee to ub-crtoere. Tlie pileo U so iow that aimot everioody t-u -itcnbe. One aei t rciwrti mikluur over tis m a week. A 1 dy i;ent reiKiita tnkluir oierX) ubsc libera in ten uayy. an who 'tigni:e mace m'tney tiibu You can cevnte all Tour i me to the uu mess r only vonr upare time You neei nnl auay liom houin live i' might. Youcim do It as well as otherM, tni 1 part ic ui rn, uirection andUruia freo Elesint and eipeiiKive Outfit flee If j on want oruflUb e woi c stud as y ur address ut omv- It co"ts not rutin to try trio buunehA. lSf one who emrtves t-ilLi to milte trit-at ar. Addreta "The People's Journal Portlund, u muc. Aug. ia. ioi -i i w nun as Rep as tuk Flame of a Volcano, nw wlilla Ha th.. Hiail mnu nn l.lii-1.1u hum lock, can bochuntccil to a elo Ions brown or luatroui black by a single application ut HILL'S INSTANTANEOUS Hair and Whisker Dye. Sold br Druprlsts at SO Cents per Box. July 7, li77-tr JSSIGSEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is heiehv glren thai JOS. . WEBB ami OA ril A'H.N. -..his Wlle,ottbeHOHOUUir OF LKlllti UTON. Uarbou C uiiiy, fa., by a To!unti.ry Deed i.t Alniuent. beir'ns dito the! it iturof AUQU-T. It77.aaslj:u-a all Ihelr u oi ert lleil, l'erso al aud Mlel l the nm eisiane.1, for the benefit ot ibeir creditir All per-ona ttierefore. ud"litn.i toral i i nnr willmste li.jra, in within BIX lil K- tiom the date hei'eul to tne .aid Aaalroee, and tliue hatiuiz teg I claims will please present theni lur aeilleineat to TllO.H. 8. BECK. A'llfrner. Kept. 1. 18TT w LeiUht4in. l'a. Manbattan OIL Company, OF NEW YOKE. r.nlirlcailiiff nnil Illuminating' Oils. Wai. N MAnCUH."nnomS?. Verehaiita' Ex channe,TIIIltuaud WALNUT btreeia, fit a ilel'ilm fu. Nov. 5.. 174. WAN'l'KU the buslnesmeu to know that tocr cause. JOU 1'K1N'II.0 d'nnchiarat cmnox ADVtcaTE Ofilce tuos st n etbar plaee Is th . midst, tit mm. rV SLATINGTON PLAXVING MILL AKD Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATINGT05. JOHN BALLIET, Proprietor, Deals In all kinds and sites ct rins, Hemlock Oak and Hard Wood Lumber, and is sows: pared to executo anr anount ot orders lor BresseBgLumbeR OF ALL KINDS. Doors, Snslics, Blinds, Slinttoiv, Mouldings, Cabinet Ware, Ac, With Promptness. Brackets Made to Order. The Machinery Is all new and of tha best and mnst Improved kinds. I emoloy none but th heat workmen, une well nea.-toned and icood ma tcrUI. and am thei eforo able to frnai ante entlrs soii!actlon to all who tnavfavor me with a call. Orriero dy mail piomptly attended to. My cburpes are moiteratei terms cash, or Interest vuargeu uicr uiriy oays. GIVE MEA CALL. IV Those endued In Bmldtna; will find II ti their advimuco to huve elding, Floor Boards, ..... , . VuHiiUHVl UVl, UI1UO lssUI x iu(r, MaylOyl JOHN RALLIKT. Jour .B.m'JBajBL JM VI -5 3 3 O Cl. CD Rcbcr's Block. -Nollce.- To the Public- A. J. ' 'J "WWf-.ILUU. r v. o r uroiiy urnjf andMediflinn n "cum-s U10CK1 JSOPirVnn RimnAV. i wioior, fii. .w.,u-1Bt, iloor aDove M. IL Charch. a.j. Durllng. our popular Dior. tM't. hnvlnc cliiiensM -wih thM ..... f rirh- It tm V. s.i j . . 4 (JCmrWjlITlft'nrr TSTtns. lv n . .. . VWIIIII, nut ed Pncos At A. J. Durlinc's Drue Storn. yon can col vnnr Prnsei..r.n. , .. fwcipeiuomixundedrfCuratelvAselPntiiii.!! At A T T...l . . . a . . . . DUtJOnnfl PltP-cnnriiTrraxi wnn Ifiy On ffftlllnir ti4nl a mistakes from mcomnetent nniat&ii v... v mow uui! uroimio wiin ir.s ons hands. M U lliat tl.lanHM f tVL.m vwi. . InBt nni I'nrlnmn T nn tittnr rttn,n .HUVAuau I, i.iiiis tfe urn My SAW XUB It .U Wwa " 25c. and 60c. pei hottle. 1(Vf llvi T a"t at. . . tSfilte 1 IOtAh. fnr fin i T M A TTWll 4. ..4 Bll Dt A. J. TITTIIT.T-Vs'l a f.Ma. u H - ua gH'lC, sUU KUllin b jcry iow price. inra i tvni raver i wa Paper At A. J, DUItLIKQ'a Dm. Ktnrm NKW STYLES luat rpcnlv.l at nrMtt i w DUOED PltlUKH. Call anj Examine. Wh(rVif hn MTWVttlna urr... I, ...... V- that EVKltY ARTrOT.K. rwin.ht.tvi. nniti uo auuuu jd tne AiarKets. A . T TVms-1 l n lU. T- t a 1 and CALIFORNIA URANnTwa rT r imt asAAUUIIV. Ill, 1 UYE VVrTTJaTTITa T.K.. t-n Pmi n iri.-ntn. ... i .T. - r t ni.ici'i A nj Li Cal L 1 ttuuoriviiutuiui i'urposea. li.STABT.Ifi II Eft fiIMinRE&(ll..Aff.vHfifT,nw Sncewoi s to Cinrmx, uoeitsa & Co., 629 F St.. Wasliinfrfnn. Ti.H AHER1CAX AND FORBMSX PATEITTS. grauled. So too tot making preUnunary ex OBloe, , fcxtt-nsions hel. re ConrreM. Infrtime osi tuit 1 A Mr II LnT VT diXTT I'AOXS. U. H. COUItTtAND UEFAHTMENTS. United htaiett. Vnwt ot Claims. Court of Com - I" oin vuiLn in ius nuuicuirj lAiui.ui lu aair--tu..H a v) nisiuauil ViaiUI. DUULIICIU flallU iaao cicvuuto ueiiariinenu. A RBEAB4 OF PAT AND nOUSTT. hive no anowledge. write full history ot sei vice, aud stiitu amount of oar and bouoti' n- cAauiiustiiuu, win Kirrn yun uw. PENftlOXI. rnpiuiedor injured in tbe late war. bow eve aminp aiu iniormauon wm oe rumiinea xree. UNJTtP bTATES OENkUAL LAND OFEICR. vaiiment oi me interior. OLD UOf.NTT LAXD WABEAVTS. Hie la't Report of the Comnmfloner of th stiuctious to nei feet them. tit lnwveiaind clerkH. By reason of eritT or t rand many attorney alto.iiHrs hae beeu tun suspended will b olid piuper papem ou app .cation to us. a i u n w iih raen ii n iin hu innwim n biiibtti lor return piMtaice shiold e sent us. auciotaeaor Luinesa. Address, P.O. Box 44. G1LM0RE A CO., IRiiataoton. D. WAaiilitrros, D.O..N0Tember:t. 18Jt & vOl, oi tmsriij-. nRnnnti n. n. nnirc. unsQier 01 ine national uetrooolltau lian ICU. . 10,0 ,1 HUSINK89 MEN AND OTUEUS IN WANT OP JOB MtltiTINO OP ANY DKSCKI1T.11J3, WILL IlMlTIIKCAllllON AlJVOCATK OPPICK TUh BLHT aa CHEAP. E"T l'LACE IN TITS COUNTY. GIVE OH A TK1AI, AD Stf OKTIitEP.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers