Society Meetings. ISFISITO OAlTLlt, No. 78, A. O. K. OF TI1E M. C. 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, In Ite berli llall. Lehtfrhton, at 7;30 o'clock r. H, W. K. Bennlnger, H. K. U. 1 8. B. Ollhatu. e. K. ft. a. DEADEN IltJTTKN 1,01)0. No. 68S, I. O. O.T.. meets every Tneedav evening, at 8 o'clock, In Ruber's Hall. Alfred Heck, ti. U.i N. II. Ilebor, Secretary. JtlTUCHKN TBtDK. No. S3i. Imfi. O. nf II. M., meets In Keller's Hull eve.y Hntnrtay. II. L. Ganglia, Baehem i O, W. Delhi. C. ot It. Pono rooA TRlnK, No. 171, Imp. o. II. M., im-et on Wednesday evening ot each week, at 7:.K o'clock. In Tnlillo School llall, Welssnurt, I'a. C. W, Schwab, 8. Jac. llrontr. C. of 11. X.MUonTON LoDOtt, No. 234. K. of 1.. mcota on Friday evenlnRS, In Itebefa llall. at7:ro o'oloos . It. Qanmcr, O. O, T. it. listens, K. of 11. and 6, AtlvcrtlNln? Kntes. We denim tt to bo distinctly nndorstood that tio advertisements will lie Inserted In the col umn ot tiieUaiidon Aiivocatr that maybe -esetved from unknown parties or nrros unless accompanied with tho (lull, Tbe following are nr OSLT terms. AdvertlsomontB for 1 year, per Inch each Insertion 10 Cts. " Six Mouths, por Inch each Insertion t.ll'ta. , Three Months. 20 CM. " Loss than three months, first Inser tion (I, each subsequent. Insertion 15 Cts. Local notices 10 eents per lino. n. V. MOnTIlIMEtl, Publisher. J FIIANKMN L.USII, rnVSICIAN AND bUROKON, (late Itctident Htytician cf llirrUlmrg Hospital). Office t Next door to the Union Church, WEISiPOllT, PA. IV Ppectal atlentlon riven to tho Diseases ot Women. Consultiitlon in English and Uerman. Aug. 18, 18,,-om" Qll. BUWAKO IJUOWIV, SUItOEON DENH8T, Of the Pennsylvania Dental College. Philadel phia, has opened an office In LEIIIOIITON, on BIIOA D 8THEET. next door to Snyder's store. All work warranted satisfactory. IAUQKINO OAS used for the painless ex- traction ct Teeth. auk. n, 1877-yl E. 11. S1KWERS, DISTIlIOr ATTOItNEY A COUNSELLOR AT UK, OFFICE, No.'S, Mansion Uoase, MAUCn CHUNK. TA. Settling Estates, Filing Accounts and Orphans nnnri ITjmmca n snoRlattv. Trial ot CnuC9 caretnilv attended to. Legal transactions in English and German. Jau 9. fete Awtnti. 8AT0RDAY MORNING, SEPT. 29, 1877. Local and Personal. OT1CE TO CREDITORS? IN All nersons knowing themselves to be mdsbt t-u uj lub iniu nrui ui or..upir.u E uaiikl. llAYh urtliA aiviinn M will h. n Bi'iut In tlta bauds of a collector. . L. iIap.i:!,. Sept. 16. IH7-3W. Lchlahton. Pa. BSIf you find a X (cross) itlbtl VUU1 lltllllUUll LUIS UillJUl . r. HinrninpR r.nnr.vnnr an nanrin- 3 V 1 A? ? J 1 ,1 , nnn is iivhp nin. n,nti r.nn.r. wo T ll. O 1 IietMl LIIU IIltlUHV. nil iiimisit UtUllU. -Milkmen visit watering places at -Borrowed books.oiclit to be liome- -Thaukscivlnfr will be the next pub ic holiday. There are 25 boarders In tbe Lelilgli ounty prison. Sixty-six persons are now confined n me eastern lni . The Eastnn Grays contcmDlate aisini; a riuu team. Now Is the time to experiment on he free use ot printer's Ink. Snipe shooting Is in order, but portsmen report tbe birds scarce. Judge Laury, of Laury's Station, alses radishes twenty-seven Indies Large Prime Oysters at V. T. irady'a this week, at $1.20 per 100, LJiiuru. A Corry (Pa.) manufacturing com. any nas just sent a cargo ot its goods unitia. New styles of fall winter boots. hoes and gaiters, at T. D. Claues' very neap ror casn. The manufacture of brooms has een Introduced Into the Northampton umv Drison. Tho mellow haze of autumn al- uu w ama.ico u liiii iivrri. iiiiiiiiiimiiiv nd ui lands. Col. Hendrick n. Wright's petition I b,Wl) slcnera. Fall ant" winter styles of hats and aps, ror men ana uoy's wear, at T. D. , " J w VOW VMa jllill3l On the Northampton county noor ouse farm the yield of potatoes tho resent season amounted to 17 JO bush. -Dr. C. T. Horn, was In town i is oiii menus, ue returned to Haiti ore wenneuiav. j . David Ebbert can still be found iiinir ii mil n n mo nuarti uni iiimiIdIi ig teams at very low prices to all who Call at this offlee and see specimens i jou printing, we nave just added our original stock. Mr. J. A. Horn Is nurslnc a verv inK leading from the Weissport bridge i int) u. v. it. it., a snort time ago. T. D. Clauss. the tailor. Is now rn ...o mil mm VTIULCI ;UUU, BUCI1 nnesicioius.caasiinerpa nmi mi nira bleb be Is prepared to make up In test styles at very low prices for cash If you want a clock, watch or sew machine properly repaired please h m, itacaman's store, ivunsviiie mruodated. 0 If you need anythlnc In the nrlnt g line, It will pay you to call at this i lancy joo printing at low prices. -J . K. Itlckert has still a few of thns gible lots In Ktckertstown to dispose j --"- guuu me call and see him lie is also eu. uum.ivcu.iuujut;! auu coal at tue 1 rates. Ilavo you prepared anything for exhibition at tho annual county fair, commencing on Oct. 0 ? Those who want to work on the Stroudsburg nnd Bethlehem Railroad have to And their own tools and recclvo only tl per day. Large store shades made and letter ed to order on short notice by Lueken bach, 2 doors below Droadway IIouso Mauch Chunk. Tho sale of tand8, &e.t on tho Fair Grounds, will take placo Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. If you wish to secure a stand be on hand as abovo stated. The miners' meeting at Plttston on Wednesday, called to consider tho offer of ten per cent, advance in wages, de termined to Indefinitely postpone- the resumption ot work. Whllo growling at her husband the other day a New York woman was struck by lightning and instantly killed. Cut this paragraph out and paste it on your wife's looking glass. Llko beautiful Jewels In brazen setting are handsome features upon a face marred by signs of blood poisoning. Tho great purifier of the blood Is Dr. Hull's Blood Mixture. A counterfeit 5 hill on tho First National Bank of Tamaqua has appear ed. It so well executed that the best course Is to refuso all ?5 bills of that bank until tho method of detection can be Accurately ascertained. Quail shooting will begin on the 15th of October and will last till De cember 15th-not on the 1st of October as has been erroneously published In a synopsis of tho gamo laws by somo of our exchanges. James Fatzlnger, Jr., the express driver ot this borough, on Monday last mase nis appearance 011 tno street witn new and very handsome wagon, built for him by our popular young friends, Messrs. Trexler&Co., Central Carriage Works, of this place. Once more we stato for the Inform ation of all concerned that we dn not publish marriage notices unless accom panied by a responsible name. We re ceived a postal card on Wednesday from Hokendauqua bearing no signature, and consequently decline publishing notice. -Portions of the skeleton of an an- ediluvian animal of largo size have been found by some workmen whilst digging In the suburb of Hazteton. They were Imbedded In shale about ten feet below the surface. The bones are chiefly vertebra;, and the work has been suspended until scientific assistance Is obtained. The annual meeting of tho Thom as Iron Company was held on the 11th Inst. The stockholders unanimously re-elected the following directors for the ensuing year :. David Thomas, Samuel Thomas, Benjamin G. Clarke, Wm. W. Marsh, John T. Knight, Chas. Stewait, Daniel ltunkle. The mental condition of Allen C. Laros the poisoner, now In Jail at Eas ton under the sentence of death, Is this week being Inquired Into by a coranils. slon nppoliiteJ by Judge Meyers. Up on their report will, In all probability, depend his fate. The day for his exe- ntlon, fixed uy tho Uuvenior, Is the 22d of October. The Jury In the IToehnn murder trial, at Norrlstown, retired for delibera tion a few minutes before six o'clock. Monday evening, and at five minute before nine returned with n verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree. The court granted a motion nf the pris oner's counsel for arrest of Judgment and appointed October 15th to liesr the argument iu support of It. Agreeably to a call of the rommlt- ee, the miners of tho Lehleh and Wllkesbarre CoalCompany met atSucar Notch Tuesday morning to reconsider the action taken at the meeting last week upon Charles Parrlsh's offer of an absolute ten per cent, advance, About 3,000 mlnerb were present. They agreed to accept the offer, and resumed Wednesday. John Boardenbender nnd Lewis Eckcrt, repair men on the Ilazleton dt vision of the Lehigh Valley ltailroad, were arrested on Monday for stealing a yeaning eair on Saturday last, belong' Ing to Patrick Judge, of Mt. Pleasint. They were observed skinning tt over a log, They were xubsequently discover ed, recognized and arrested. On being brought before Esquire Huberts, that metal required them to give bail In the sum of $500 each for their appearance to answer. iiazieton uaily Sentinel. When to Shoot Gamp.. Squirrels can be bhot between July 1st and Jan uary iki ; rauuns uetween Uctober 15th and December 15th. It Is forbidden to hunt rabbits with ferrets. No one shall bunt wild geese or ducks with any net, device or gun, other than a gun that Is shot from arm's length. Plover may be killed from August 15th to Jauuary Ut ; woodcock troin July 4th to January 1st j quail or Virginia panriuges uetween uciooer lot 11 and December 14th : pheasant prairie chick- ens from October 1st to January 1st ; reeu uirus in oeptemuer, uctober and November. Class in Music Our readers will notice the card of Miss Fincher, In an other column. She comes highly rec ommended from her late home In Ilazle ton, where for two years she had been teaching a large class of pupils. At the late exhibition given by St. Gabriel's schools, at that place, she had entire control of tho musical department, nnd acquitted herself in a manner that eli cited univeraal.applause. aud was very highly complimented' by the press. So soon as a class Is formed here and in Welosport. Miss Fincher will attend pupils at their residences on tuo days each week. Parties desiring to give ineir ouuuien lessons, uy leaving word at this nllice, will be called upon at their residences. Where you suffer a cold to go un checked, you act as unwUelv as a man who permits his well or tonne to be continuously poisoned. You can always find relief In Dr. Haas' Expectorant, for ur uv ceuis. Read the advertisements In to-day's jiuper. 11 win pay you lor me nice, Meeting of the Seconil Conference of the fjiltliermi Synod of Pennsyl Tnnla. On Tuesday of last weelc tho Lutheran body met In semi-annual convention In Hen Salem Church, East Penn township. Carbon county. This chtirch and charge, now under tho care of llov. W. II. Btrauss, aro nltuatod In the beauti ful MulionlUfT Vallojr.l) lnu Immediately west of Lclilglitnu snd north of tho Dine Itldire. Most bt the members of this conlrretico reside in the Lehigh Valicy, and the membership contains at present fllty clerical names, with theirlar delegates. The church was beautifully and tastefully decorated with flowers snd oyer greens In honor ot the occa-ion. Above the pulpit, surmounting a floral cross, was the word Welcome," In lorae letters, which expressed the cordial trellncs with which the Conference) was nrected ou tbe part ot the good people. The firt session was opened at 2 r. M., in the regular lltnrRlo torm ot tho church. The tint question whlcn occuplod tho atfntlou ot the Conference was tho question whetberthe term ot thepiosidoncy ot ynod should be extended betond Its present limits, and the president should rieyoto his entlro time and energy to the duties of his olhce. Most ot the meinoers seem ed to be on the stflrmatiyn side ot tho question, desiring to have m re effective supervision In me nuuirs 01 ine ay uou auu me cmigiuvutious At 7 o'clock In the evening the capictous church, vith galleries on tnreo sides, was well tilled with the member of Hie congiegxtion. Hov. K A. liauer. of llozletan, who had been their pastor for twenty nine yei rs. preached on the text 1 "My beloved bretnern, no ye stead. fa-t, uumovable, slwavs abounding In the woik of tho Led, forasmuch as o know that your labor is not in vain." x i;or. xvipi. Alter 01 luihnc tonchinirlv tihls lone D.stoiateamoiiir this people hrvery nbly expounded and aponed Uls ten unaei ine louowiug ueuns, i, ah ui. mnnttlnn to fttorulfasinegs lu lellulon. 2. All ad') growth in Christian life 3. How g.owin in oieiy must growoucui irueiiun. s. finally. the motive to bucIi steadfastness and gmwtu. The entire discourse was uenvered without notes, auu in me cnoicesi language, showiutr mat tho preacher Is a perfect master ol tho itenuan The choir, uuder tho leadership of the organ IsL .Mr, JSothsteln, had maae special prepara tion to contuouto to the interest of the occasion! and thus with attentive heaters, lino sermon, hearty singing, tho services proved highly edl. tying. Tbe firs' matter occupying the attention of the bony on Wednesday morning was ihesupply of vacant congregations The persideut report ed that the charges of Kn-tou, cnerryville, Moore township ami Lehlghton, vacant at the last meeting have all been supplied with per. muneut pastois With tbe huge congregation In t'iaiotield and the smaller one stllisio.ll! Centre, the contiguous Union chutchwascon nected to form a permanent charge Bey. D. Kuutz, of Nazareth, has signified Ins Intention, In accordance with the request ot Conference, to icsign the last named cnurge. Key. u. A. Ilruegal, postor of tbe Cherryvllle charae. received permission to supply tempor arily tho ihurcu at Peunnville, belonging tu tue Lehlghton ch.nge. Tno vacant congregations at Wcathcrly and Itocaport, Pa., weie committed for a supply of servii es to tho euro of ltevs. K. A. Bauer and W. MacKcrnugle. II v resolution, the Towsmenslng. Cherryvllle and Petcrsvlil" congiegations were conbtitutcd one charge, those of Moore township. Little Moore township and dtone church formed Into another Beports by the pastors concernedjn reference to the division ot their charges and the forma tion ot new ones wete called lor and iesonded to to the effect that gruduul progress is being made in thi. difficult worj. Thouhief obstacles lu Us way seem lobe on the one band the stiong attachments between cougreaations aud their present pjstors, as nell ss betweeu the congre gations themseies andou the otter hundiue want ut means to suppoit additional pastors. The smod hu ving I ecommeudi-il to Cuuiei enco tho holding of Uiiuday tichoul conventions, it was unanimously lesulv, d that such a conven tion be held within this district, and that th pastors ot the congiegations in Uethlchcm. with the superintendents of their t-iunduy acuoo.s, constitutua committee to make tbe neceNsaiv preporulioiti for the hodlng ot the same. An Kbglish Lutheran congregation being In progiersof formation iu Mluerstown. and de siring the aia und uood will of tno Qciman con. giecriitiuu thcr.'.it wus texolved thai the young ikiuu.uuuiiuu ill) euuuuruguu lo go on in lis com m-nduble euterorise. aud that the udvice bt mveutothe parent cougiegutlon to allow the young Uotlc teiuporanly to hold i's services in tbe oiu ebuich at such times us are not occupied UJ II ID. UC1111UU Bet UTS. fhe t.crvne.4 Wednesday evening were even mote impel, uttenoetl than Ihoseot thoovenlug betoie. It was subject of lemsrk umoau'the inumbctH ol iho Cunierejce. tblj outpouring . f tuo people to near 1110 pleaching o, tlto uusuet. Tbe altar service was conducted bv llov c J. lyoouei i und llev. W. Itatli preached tho nermou. 'lhe lext m Cor. HI. s, II, afforded tbe tneiiie: " Tho uioryof tt.e Miulrtry " 1 bis otUco was suown to be 'VloriuuV for uie following nmiu leftsonsi 1. Because It is the oinco, nut ot ine -leuer" out ot me ispint j. heuuube tt bieache-, tbe righteousness, notot toe law, but ot faitll In Christ. 3. Because It la not to oedono uway, lUe tho 'mlnlsti alien" to the old covenant, but ''remuinotu" to the end of time, luu otscouiso wus ueutereu in a very nnpicsflvo manner, una was attentively leceiv. id by bolh ministers unit couvretrunon Tills being the last public service of this meet- lor. IhePrtSideut too this occasion Inrplnrn tbauKs to the menibeis oztbo cougiegation tor thtlr kutd una liberal entertainment ot the members of Conference. The beuuliful moon light eveuiugs -during the wee adtfed not a little to the p erxurexof ihls meeting, i ho eutijet'tol cousideiatlou before conference ut the bestiiu ou Thursday uomiog was tbe metes ou "The cull ol a minister lo u congrega tion." The ltrst and second theses bavlug been discussed ma fuinier meeting, the third was now takiii up, which reaus usfol.owai It is t"o duiv ot lhe lougregution to secure for ltoeif tuoabnudautpreuening ot the Uospel, and the titaueut udniinisirutions oi tha sucrumentM." under this It was truthfully staled that the custom of having pteuoiniig ouly every four wee-is iu u cungient.tliiu may havo beeu uelcn. sibie in loimer tours when our churcuea were poor aud pastors too few to no otherwise but that uuuer present ciicumstances no cougreau llou rhould bo a-itlstlid without at ieuit one set vlco every Nui.d.ii. And tit inrM-innio iim ssciaiueut i f the Lord's bjpper, Lulher was quoird as saying that a Chimtlan siinjid com niuue, ut the very least, tour times a year. N bile two sucieeduig theses were being dis cussed, tlio hour tor the nuul udjourumei.t ar rived, and tuls pleasant and protaab e tneellua came to its cose ut II o'c.ock on Thursday uiumlug. This meeting was the occasion of dispelling from lhe minus of mjuyiucmutrsot Couterence tbe widely spread but eirnneuus idea that the dueller bcliiuu the Bine Mouuialns are inostiy iuui viuiiiL, aim ,,i utuiuu lilt) HgU 1U eOUOli luu and refinement, and esporiaiiy those of ibeir ueighbura living south of the mouutain. fho flno tat ins of tbe Mahoning Valley, tbe pianos and oreans In a large nuinuer ot families aim a select tcnool at one ot its cross road, speatsot better ihtugs tbau what Is usually Imagined as existing "behind the Blue iluuu tains." I'bu delegates weia all hmhly pleased w.lh the country und tho people. The next ur spring meeting of Conference, by hivltuiion of llev. k. A. Ztogeutuss, will lake place lu bis church at Bam, Morthampton county. V'afiiiffon Ktwi. From Maucli Chunk. Tha fact that Ihey are busily at worklm irovlng their diltl grouuus neai East .tiuuch ;hUllk. does UOt looK US If the TJ. H. tomes lis.r weie hoou to exchange their nreseni. nu-aiii, for Lehlghton. At Monday afternoon's lonet.'nv if ft, Deaiocratio Cuunty Committee. Mr. Harry K. l'aeker wus c--oen ciislnnsii. ami 11. 1,: Sthwsrz secrctaiy, for Iho euaulugyeur. There is bnt lime dtlntr In real eniaiA trans actions, and lo consequence buslueBs at the Becoidei'aOftloeis rathei dull. .Accordlns-10 rumor Mr. i-v t ti..,i. r,n oontluueui chzrge of tho Mansion House as HiuiniiiiH,u,, 1 ue our auo uuusru looms lioweter wlil be conducted by Mr. D. L. Ureeu. wuo nas leased iho s-ime. Tue reauisr term ol Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Teimlitei. etc, win convene on Mou. dayavieea. lhe second week 01 the term tbe. gturiiia 011 October 1 etb.l Is set uslue lor the triul of civil tuns. Accoidlng to a reo ntlon passed ntTues. day's sejsioL ct the Board of county Commls. sluuers, As-easors will not be paid for a. ten. at the polls on eiectlo.i day.thelr presence bei.-g no longer requlieu by faw Uetreuch ineut being now in u der comtahles services ut Ibe po Is will also be dlepoud with. Thero are iu oe no more " pickiugs." Mr. Daniol of this place, on last Tuesday evening wed Miss Alice Merrick, of Upper AUucli Chang. Bey 11. T. Vlncvnltyiui me knot, i he leiutuuy over. Me. Ksser veiv sensibly took his bnde Ui h'a Usee hireet' ie.l. deuce . wheie lhe " happy coupte" received the cuegratulatiousol fneutfs. nj wcro Berenuaed by me PhoiU'x Carnet Band i.TP" '.a". ?lturdav Hon. Allen Crale and lady, enlertatiiea a larce paity at the " Oleu." and ou Wednesday ulght Hiey haJ a rousiUK" gat bet ing at their 1 o-ideuce. K -The Athenajum" report soon to resume their rvgul tr ioeetius,bui of evening aoclabies I besr noi a walaper. Tbe lost boy Hagcrty was found at Wilkes baire, -Now Is tbo tlmo when the fashionable sprig ta.ts bis laoy love 10 ine woods-to bunt tern. The Coal Trade. Wo have very little chango to report In tho situation of tho anthracite coal trade. Tho sources of tho supply ot coal continue tho same as at the date of our last weekly reportnamely the Bcbnylklll and Lehigh regions. The north ern coal fields are comparatively tinpiodnctlvo, though it is expected that the dlftorennes be tween M r. Parrlsb, tho president of the Lehigh nnd Wllkeabarre Cosl romnany, and the men In biseuiploy there WIU bo speedily adjusted end work fully resumed. Themnierahaveocmand. od, snd do still demand, an advance of 25 cents, and II r. Pamsh, we are lnformeii, had conced ed n advance of 10 cents on which oner work may be resumed ere this paragraph roiches our reaneis. To the euent that production la In creased in tho Wyoming reelon will the tonnage ol the Lehlgo Navigation ami its connection no Improved. The Lehlgn Valley ltailroad reports a steadily tnoieased coal lonnaire. snd will bo fnrthei advantaged on coal resumption In tho Wyoming region. ThorecelptsatPeith Amboy show durlnt lust wee on Increase, with a fur toer slight reduction of stock; on nana. 1 his Is well, snd proves a demand for coal In excess ot its production. Tbe Schuylkill coal realou, through the Beading Baliroad and tho Brhnyl klll Canal, continues to pour eacn succeeding week au immense tounnre Into the market. For tbe week ending on Hatnrdsy evening last September Si. tbe shipments were lltt.ouotons, against 163 491 tons in the corresponding week last rear. Of Ibis amount 88,000 tuns went to Port lttchmend and In tbesametlme8l,0J0tons were shipped thence. During tbe week the Beading coal nnd Iron Company produced 93.000 tons, snd for tbe nineteen days of the current moDth 3 8 600 tons. This large tonnsge. It Is es tlraated. will be swelled during tbe remainder of tuo tnenth tonnageiegatootovcr4J0,0o0tonB. or fully up to the production ot the month of Anrast. A most favorable lealure connected, with this heavy pi o luction Is the steady reduc tion, month by month, ot tho stock of coal on baud. Publto Ledger, .d ondaj. The folio vlng table shows tho quantity of coal shloped over tbe Lehigh Valley Bailruad tor the week ene.lng Sept. 22nd. 1877 and tor the year as compared v,ltb the same time last year i Regions Promt Week. Year Wyoming 5,139 u 785,972 is lluzlelon C2.6Z3 09 1,614.1116 15 Upper J,ehlgh 27 19 670 19 lieaver Meadow I7,"s 19 439,678 00 Mshillioy, 17 463,218 00 MauoaChuuk fi,sod 13 Total 108,693 19 S.316,S6109 Last Year 93,i93 11 2,9.4. b 17 Increase.. 13,51)2 07 412,345 11 Decrease ,,, HBPOKT OF COAL transported over Lehigh A snsqu-hanna Division. Central 11 It. of New Jersey, fur 9 days ending Sept 21, 1877 1 Shipped from 1 Total week. To dale. Wyoming 2,550 is 8711,707 08 Upper Lehigh 7.816 09 1S7.66J 111 " " M.8.K.&C0. 2.013 17 S.2I9 18 Bearer Meadow ,, 9,824 10 283,267 09 tsauoy Hun uranch 7,579 17 1V2.976 03 llazletun 208 11 5 918 00 Mauch Chunk 17,414 10 348,197 12 Uazurdvllle. 12,278 19 Total 47.1 6 J 12 7909,415 10 Previously lepoi led... 1,802,254 18 Total to date I 009.415 10 bametlmolastyeai.... 1.S77 5i9 01 Increase 31,856 09 Decrease Democratic County Convention. The attendance at Monday's County conven tion, especially in view of the fact that bat a single nomination was to be made, was o strong leminderof tbe more prosperous days of Dem ocracy, so large was the ciowd congregated. Although the convention wonldnot meet before about the hoar of noon, some of the delegations were alrcadr on the spot at any early bonr bence much ot tbe Interim waa devoted to wlte pulling, so called. Up to about It o'clock. Mr, Meehan's chances tor the nomination were the belter of the two candidate., but shortly before tbe convention wus ca led to order, it was evi dent that Mr. Slewers had gsined the lnsido track. At about noon, lion. It. Leonard, chair. man of the retiring County Committee, called tbe convention to order and shortly thereafter apennanant oro-an zarlou was effected by toe -tiv,.i',u ui iuo lunumiiit umuerBi 1 resiurm, Jos. Lynn i Vice Presidents. N, M lieiford and Charles Murray 1 Secretaries, A. II, Bowmau and Con. O'Bonnell. Thus constituted, the credentials of the delegations weie called lor and presented. Froin gumtmt Hill ivto delega tions hsvinip presented tliemiolves, and Lower Towamensinv being objecied to.u committee onciedentlals tJobn ts Lenta, N. St. Helfurd uuu ununos aiurrayi was uppointed by the ebulr. aud while the committee waa yet In ses siou, tuo convention too a recess for dinner. Ou iii-asneniullngat2)t o'clock p m.,inodcci. SiOll of the eomiiittlen n rrfrtctiMnl wn . uouncetl. and In cmn-equence toe hummlt Hill ueieg-muu oesuou ny air. z'. i-. liuuea, wita t rew, and the Luwer Towamensmg deiegatlou wcroeustulnesl. Nominations bein then declared In order, the names ot Messrs. P, J, Mcebsn and K B. Mew er were ureseiiteu: utter which, on motion the nominations closed 1 but betoie proceeding to bilh-t, John Craig and jo. Lynn were appoint ed delegates 10 the next Demucratio State Con vention. The routine ot the convention being uow naisueu. ine necessary ballot 10 a-oertsin who should be the party's nominee foe the Dis trict Attorneyship was taken, us follows 1 Slewers . 34 1 Meehan . . 28 Tbo former was thereupon declared the chosen cantudute, Ou motion the nomination was mado uuuuimuus. AOjournou. Fruitless Interview. A committee representing the mining engineers, pump runners and firemen employed lu the collieries of the Dela ware and Hudson canal com nan v. at Carbondale, at the head of the Lacka wanna valley, waited on the presideut of the company, Mr. Thomas Dickson, In Scranton, Monday, to asceitain It the company would make some com promise with the operatives, who have oeen mie two months. Mr. Dickson. who postponed a visit to New Yotk for the purposu of granting the committee an audience, received them very kindly, but Informed them that If work would be resumed it must be by the men themselves, as the company had no terms to offer. Tlio ruining machinery of the Delaware and Hudson company at Carbondale has been Idle since the, Inauguration of the strike, and ma or tue mines nave accumulated quantities of water, so that It will take some titue to place (hem In working order once more. The miners, although they had no control over the matter, it knln , I, . . 1. .. , ... , uciiit sun vvuitk ut a eemruiu urgumzn, tinn. realize that thn Blnnnanu nf Mm mine pumps at that and other points nas materially injured their prospects; 1 al. . 111 ... . . and they will doubtless be pleased to see the mine machinery at work once more. It Is expected that the Interview with President Dickson will be the means of startine the numns. and uro bably, hastening a resumption of active milling operations at lhe several collier ies 01 ine iieiaware and Hudson com pany. This corporation has a large quantity of coal on hand at Ilonesdale, and the general inanaRer.Col, V. Young, states that until that Is disDosed of there will be no anxiety to commence working the mines. The collieries ot the Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern railroad have not vet resumed despite the strouc military nrotentlon on hand. The men seem strongly utiited and the odium which attaches to the name ol a black ec still holds them back. It would seem as if starvation has less terrors for them than resumnt- iou under tbe existing state of affairs Special Notice There will be a concreuatlonal meet Ing In the 1st l'resbyterion Church of tins ooroiich, on Wednesday evenlnc October 8d, Immediately after the usual prayer n.eeiing,fur the purpose of elect ing tnree trustees and such-other bnsl nesi as niBy bo brought before the meeting. uy order of tbe Hoard, ruiLLir Milleii, tjic'y Republican Count)' Convention. Tbe convention waa called to order by tho. chairman of the county committee at Ilk a. m, Wednesday last. On motion 8. W. Hudson, ot Packer, was elected President, and Messrs. Drnckenmlller and Soil, Vice-Presidents and D. A. Scuddor and E. Mi lloylo. Secretaries. Tho credentials ot tho delegates were called and presented. Mr. Drnckenmlller moved that the county committee bo appointed the first thing after the recess. The convention re-osscmblcd at Ik n. m. On motion, Tifgliman Arncr, K Moll. Bovloand J, K. Blckert wero appointed tho Congressional conferees 1 and Thomas Kt-merer, Hon. V. M. llapslicr and W- Lilly as Senatorial conferees. Nominations for District Attorney being In order, D. K. Morrow uomlcatod Joseph M. (1. Kalbfns, aud Mr. llagamsn named J. S. Looso, who arose and declined tbo nomination. Tho nomination nf Ml. Kalhfim wuhl on vnn. tlon. mado by acclamation. lue loiiowinic commtlieo on resolutions woro then appointed .Messrs. Iiotio. Druokeumiller, WhlluiiKham Hagaman and Beynon uen. cnas. Aiongnt ami n w, iiuason were ppotnteu Delegates to the state convention, lhe county commlttca luvinir been annnlnted. Mr. Kalbrus was called for, and. In a brief ncecti, thanked the convention forttienomi nation, and pledging htmseir, If elected, to a isnuiui uiscnariro 01 nis unties, lie was nil. lowed by uen. Albrlsht. who enoko In his usual eloquent mannei. The committee on reaolu ttoiia then reported the following The Tlcnnhllcans of Carbon connlv In convon. tlon assembled, hereby assert tnolr unfaltering anneieuce to me itepaoucan principles, and re iterate their antagonism to lhe beresiea ot tbe Democratic party und dectarei 1st. That we demand a stronger protective po.lcylnonr Tariff laws. To the Amencau mechanic, artisan and laborer belong tbe Am erican market for all that they can produco we behove thut such a policy would give them more pay as well as moie employment. 2nd. Thst we believe in an honest currency, and that a uromtse to nay lssned by the irflyrrn. ment of the Untied states shall, purchase Just as mucn oicao. meat, domes ana tue neotssa rieB ol life as a o-old dollar will. 3rd. 'I hat tbe mecbanla and laborer have our sympathy In tho present struggle. We will nan wiiii ncuriioit sausiacuon any legislative ucunn vnat wui tenu 10 aueviate tneir con dition, and at the same tlmo Insure therlahts ot all uuder the Constitution and laws. 4 That We cordially enthuse tbe nominees ot the into Republican State Convention, and win give mem a nearty support in novemoer next at the polls. otn That we will do au In our nower to se. cure tbe eloctton of Mr. Josenh M. O. Kalbfns, to-tlay nominated for District Attorney. We can upon all ilepnbiicans in the county to rally to his support, and Invito aU honest, law.abid. Ing and law-loving democrats to vote with us for him. lie onght and, we beltevo, will be elected. 6th. That we heartily endorse the course of tbe Hon. W. M. ltapsherin the Legislature. He has proven an energeUo and haid-worktng member, and as such he should reoeiye the thanks otitis coustitucnts Uh, lost we look with distrust upon the Southern policy ot the ailnilnlsiiution.but truat that the sauguinary expectations of those who sustain It may not oe disappointed. 8th. That we are not impit-ssed with the wisdom ot the policy ot the President as to wiiHt is cauea civil nervice reiorm. un motion of Mr. DruckemiUer tho Conven tlou adjourned stne die. Hog Disease, An epidemic disease is razing amouc the hogs in this locality, and quite number have died. During the week Frederick Drlnkman has lost two, and William Seabold, Thomas Fatb. John bchwartz ana others one each, and Mr, tegley, of tho welghlock, five within a weeK or two, bays tun Doylcstown Democrat : The attack comes on aulle suaaeniy, ana quicxiy terminates fatal ly. The Illness first manifests Itself by the animal refusing to cat. In a short tlmo the snout besins to swell and be come inflamed, the body dilates and turns uiue, and death quickly results. Almost as soon as attacked the weak ness In the hind quarters Is so meat mat ine animal is compelled lo drae itseir aiong, auu 13 tnue in a measure made altogether helpless. It is sup po-ed that tho disease is an affection ot the spine, causing partial paralysis of the limbs. Many remedies have been tried, but as yet no cure has been dis covered. If you intend to take shares In tbe new building and Loan Association, ot this borough, read the advertisement In another column, and do aa therein re quested. John' Brennan, of Illg Mine Run, was lcuocKeu down by a train near UI rardsvllle, and most horribly mancled, Tue-day afternoon. lie died tbe same evening. Dbatii An Infant of Joseph Rex. of this borough, died on last Thursday ana win oe uunca on Sunday (to-mor row), at il p. ni. Funeral services by llev, J. iv. Kiieer in the Evangelical church, weiisport. Rev. Frol. Horn of Allentown.wlll preach In the Lutheran Church, of this place, to-morrow (Sunday) morning at 10 o'clock In German, and at 7 in the evenlug In the Euglish language. All are invited to attend. D G. Yuen cling, the well-known brewer, of Pottsvllle. died about 8 o' clock Thursday morning last. Deceas ed was seized with a paralytic stroke on Tuesday morning of last week, while descending the stairs. jppn unknown man, In attempting rio board a passlug coal train at lllack Creek Junction, Tuesday morning, fell to the ground, the train passing over his legs, nearly severing them from his body. Ho was sent to Weatherly, where he received the necessary medi cal attention. j Arrangements are making for a R"""! Military and Fireaien's parade to i'"""0 ""'ur,"i iuuie- I Hall tint ll f a I rlat 'Pit c nrr . day, Oct. il, (fair day). Tho pro gramme will be published next week. The members of the Lehigh Hook & Ladder Lo. are requeued to be in at tendance at the regular meeting on Monday evening, Oct. Ut, In full force. Asloiilslilnir Success. It Is the duty of every person who lias used Ros cuke 8 ukhuan bYliui' to let its won derful qualities he known to their fricuds la curing Consumption, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and In fact nil throat nnd lung diseases. No person can use It without Immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any case, and we consider It the duty of all Druugists to recojitueud It to the poor dying consumptlip, at least to try one bottle, as 40.0UO dozen bottles were sold lat year, and no one case where It failed was reported. Such a medicine as the (iEHUAN .Svnur cannot be ton widely known. Ask your UrtiL'il about It, Simple Hollies to try sold at 10 cents. Regular size 75 cents. For sale by A. J. Duillug, DIED, atlTII.-.ln this bornuffh. on tbs lnst.. i-ussu Ehtautth. caufrhter of l'sul and lary Outh, axeu 5 e .rb. 1 tnouth and J days. 110M. On the Jut mat., In tin. tioroajh, Mary Anno 'Jasie, dauvhter ot J. A, and Caroline uom, stp-sj s years, z moniu. snu t usy Closing Frices of DeIIaven & Town- send, stock, uovcrnment and uoia 40 South Third Street.Tlilladetphla, Septombet 27th 1877. II.H.s's. tfuti iinu hut' lints asked tl. H. 5-20'a, 1865 J..S.'.4 bid ICS, asked V. S. B-Ws, 1817 .Hil'i hid I07t, asked o, H..V20',I809 IttiH bid 118)1 asked U.S. lO-to's m bid I'wi, asked U.H. currency, e's 121 bid I2iH asked U.H.t'IS8i. new 107 bid 17. nstd U.H. Vs. new 10.1 bid io-,, asked tj. S4'sncw 10214 bit 103 asked 231, bid asked I'htla. fe Heading II. It lh bid Inlt askid Uhlgh Valley It. B. , 4ns hid 41 asked I oblgh Coal A: Nnv. Co.... 1st, bid inti ssked Unltetl Companies of N. J, 117t bid I'.S asked l'itts..ntusv..1tnun-. n. n. tm bni i astiCtt I'hlla. t Krle It. It OH Did lo asked Hoithern Central It. It.... l'l md l'."t asked Hestonvllla Pass. R.It. Co. 16 bid ( listed aoid imii. bid uuu. ssk d Special Notices. N. Black liills, H;s!S Book, cnntalnlnsr fall Jnfm motion of tbo coun try, with maps nnd llluration8, will to wnt free to ever one nenrting $i.oifor Hixmomhs DUbscrlption to tho DAKOTA HERALD. Tlio II e it alu Is n lat an 32coiuinn Joui ual, ami in lin ed witn entertain tat? read in matter, tmthori. tf mal ana nelctcd. It Is a Western J nnnnil ol Western Idea. Bpeclmtn copv ent free, Tbree months with Uooc for ",' ctn, i the prioo of tho Book alone ts 75 opii I. Addrotw, tin; iiEitALU. Yankton, Dakota. Sept. 22, 1877 m3 BLEMI8DE3 UPON TUB FKIXIVIN'H COUNTENANCE, If of a comptoxlouul na tare, speedilv vanish whon OLliMSS hDIj l'lIUn HUAF Is nsed to obllteruto them. I'lu plea. Blotches. Ilonghnoss. Redness and Tun aro Invariably banished uy this lcconipurabie claii tying agent. Emotive ailments, surer, cuts, bruises, scalds, and other affections and Injuries of the cuticle are IlKowlso removed by lu yULl'IIUlt BATHS nave long been ro. nowned as tho best remedy for skin diseases, rheumatism and gout. OLBNNM hULVll U It "OAV Is In everv respect an, and far cheaper. Br opening the porps. and promoting a vlfforons supertlclal circulation, thlsexcelleut article couirlbutes to tue health ot tho on Uro system aa well as to that ot the cuticle. Slneo Its tntrmluctton topubllo notice It hits repeated lY been commended by profession and press and lew external specifics have won such 'golden opinions" among all clashes. It pi evema nbuoxious diseases as well as remedies them, and disinfects cloth In gaud linen Impreg nated with disease, Dandruff is entire) eradi cated by It, and its uto Is, on tbatf account., grcaily to bo desiderated by persons wtmo hair Is Ihiumug out In consequence ol dryness of the scalp. Ihose who havo used ointments and liquids without avail for the cure of eruptions of nnotiRtmatp character, will find, if tbovtry It, that GLENN "n SULlMlUUhOAP lemove scorhntlo complaints irremediable by less em caclous means, und proven ta tho recurrence of such disorders. told by Druggists, Grocers and Fancv Goods Deulets, l'rlce. 25o. per caka 1 Box (3 cukes) 7fia, seat bv mall, prepaid, on receipt of price. C. N. CitlTTENTO-S, rrop'r. 7 blxili Avenue. New Vnrk IIILL'3 HAIR AND WUISKEB DTE, BlflCk or Brown, 6(o. July?, 13.7. s IIEUIFE'S SsVlE. Br vlrtne nf A writ of Vrtc. TZx. Issnnd nnt of the Contt ot Common fleas ot Carbon County, and to mo directed, tbere will do exposed to publlo sale at the Court House In the Uorough ol Maucli Chunk, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1877. at One o'clock P. M All that certain TRACT OR PIECK OP LAND, sltnate In Franklin Township, In the Conntr of Catbon, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fallows, uy witi HefrlnuliiK at a stone. Iheuoe by land ot Daniel Krum soatlt tblriy.throe decrees, east one hundred snd ouo perches to the middle or the Polio Toco Creek i thence up in said Creek norib seventy one do. irrees. eust six perches i thence north fifty three and a bait desrees, eist six perche! ttience north thirteen and a quarter decrees, east ten pi rches t thenoe bv other land ot said Daniel Solt north tltlrty-twoanit a bolt degrees, west forty.flve perches to a stone In the middle of a pubiio road leading trom Malls Iron works towards Ltury's Forge north ntty.ntao des reea, case two perches t thence by land of said Dan't Molt nor'h thirty .thiee dexreos, west fifty seven Serches to a stone thence by tho same south ftv-seven dearees, west twenty two perches and eiKht-teutha to tbo placo ot bopnnlug, contalumg. FOURTEEN ACHE3 and TEN PEItClIES, more or less. The Improvements thereon oonslstotaTwn. Mory IlltICK DWELMKU IIOUHli witl Basement twenty.three by tweuti-etultv feet, bwlss Darn thirty by forty-five feet. Pig my twelve oy twenty-three feet, and other out buildings. Seized and talrcn Into execution as the nrop erty of Joseph areenswelg, and to be sold by J. W. B ADDEVBDSII. Sheriff. Sheriff's Offlee, Mauch Chunk, uept 22, 1877. gHEItlFFS SALE. Jlr virtue of a writ of fieri facias, Issnolont of tbe Court of Common Pleas of Carbon county and tome directed, tbeio will be exposed ut pabllo sale at tbe Court lloute. 3Iancu Cbtmic. Carbon county State of reiuislvauta, on MONDAY. OCTOBER 8th, 1877, t ON & o'olocfc p. ra.( tbe loilowlng real estate described na t&llowa, to wit i All tbiit certain U)T OU riEOE OF LAND, rJtuate lu Kast Ponn town ship Carbon county, bounded and described as fobowai liealnumtf at r Htoue, tbeuce bv laud ot Wll lam J. MuiitU south Buty-Hi'vuu degieea, west eleven perobbs to a stone, i bence by tno name north twenty, three degree, west" percbo to a slono in iho nubllo road ladlnir from went rennivill ti bcbDylVlll oonntyt tbenco uiouir tu Bala roid soma Biiiy-Bevun oecreeu, wenoneperon to a itoneln said roHd i tueocebr land ol William J. rUmith north twenty-ttireo degree, wtot eljtateen percnes to a stoue tbence uortb tdxtv sereu dotnees. eai twelve peicbe to a stone iu a public roaa leadlns from Lebubtou to t'enns vllle i thenoe in and along suia road routii twenty. tbree deftrees, euei twenty-five nercnei to tbe pi ae of beirmnlup', containing ouo acre aud one hundred and thlrty.thiee perches.stritt measure. 'i ne improremenii t hereon oonsm ot a large TWOSTOUY HOTEL UUILDING, thirty-two feet deepbvflJty feet tn front, to which la attached a TWO-STOHY k'HAMK KIiCUilN twenty by tweutr-two feeL On tbo It tut floor and In the same building ottbebotel Is a rood sued oTOUfcj uoo t well ads o ted for the mercbantile business, and aio a wsrehouso attachtd fourteen by sixeeuu teeu There are also TWO L,A.tOi-; bTAHLKS ad. Jaceut to the property and belonictng to it, one is luinjf'iivo uy iurivvwu iuut m uiiUCUUUUS and tb other thirtyolr by fortronu leet. Alto a W AGON HuUBli uiuo by fourteen feet, pi jr oiv icu ut uitcru met uuu inurr uuiuuuuius. Beitoo nnd taken into execution ns tbe prop erty of Henry Notbteiu, suu to be sold bv J. W. ItAUDf.NUUoli. 8 lit-ii IT. 8berifls Office, Moucb L'buuic. bept. 1:, UTJ. Wo Will nuul one auone-nalIJ,not io VlO Will most bfantlfol new Cbromos, lu Fieuchoil oo.or ever seen for II 00 They are mounted in 8 x 10 blacr enamel and gold initu, val opentuff, aud out-fit anrthtng now btfoiu tint pubilr. atutctlon iruuruntcu I. Two samo.&tforSS centJ. or six for 4ceuU. bend lOeeuts for crjnd .Huiiated caialocuo wiiU chruiuo of Moonlight on thn Itbme, or 20eenw for two 1.8iidsonns and inlta Lilies on blau, grou id. J.liATlIAM fe CO 4.M WasblnuioD Htieet. Iloston, Muss. Ueitdu.uaittw for CUi-o-mos KuirruTiiws and Art A Works lJuae,77-J 3 0 A rOrtUflG. The undersigned bsvlng beenapnolnted. by tbe orphans i oart ct Caiu-.n c uutv. Aul.Uir tomaite uutribuiiou ot tl e fuud m the luiima of Theodore McCoimiclc, AuuilnlMiato.' of thn Kstaieot UernaruMcLoiinicK.deo'd. w.ilntleuu to tbe duties oi hlsnupoluimeut ut tbeOftlotivf Allen Craig. Ksq, in Msucli Chuuv. on Tue. day. tbe 23rd uay of October, 1677 at b Vlo k A. M.. whoa auu wheie ulj paiiles iiiifresteU uiHyatttuid. J'. 1'. i.U.NdSTUKKr. bepi. !, ri Auditor. E"" ii. svni:u, " Ladies' Fancy Dress Goods Dry Goods, Grocorios, Sta, Bank Street, Leuiouton,;Pa. r rices as loir u elsewhere, and coo. is a war ranted ss represented. Jmrll, l?T7-8m JOII mtNTINO at tbe Teryiowetpi1eo at, T11U CAliBON AI1VUOAT OH'ICK. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers