n. v. i on mm mi, EDITOR LBIIiailTON, PA.: SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE S, 1877. Fletcher Harper, junior member oC the original firm of Harper Brothers, died In New York Tuesday, aged 73. The Republican State Central Cow raltteo met In Ilarrlsburg Tuesday, and decided to hold tlio next State, Conven tion lu that city on the 29th ot August. The County Court; at Scranton, a year ago, appointed auditors to make an audit ottho finances of Luzerne county during Iho past seven years. Theso auditors liavo completed their task. A telegram from Scranton says "It reveals a record of official dishonesty unparalled in the records ot the pre vious history of the county, and shows how the commissioners, treasurers, sheriffs, clerks, and others havo stolen boldly largo sums from the Treasury." The thefts were committed by means ot false contracts, tlio alteration of records and figures, the retention of taxes and other devices. It Is estimated tlia. the Amount stolen is 100,000, ono-lialf of which Is positively proved. Ono ex treasurer, three commissioners, and an ex-auditor and a clerk, convicted of such rascalities, aro already lu prison, and the people aro determined, If possi ble, to send ,other delinquents to the same place. Our Philadelphia Letter. rulLADELTUIA, Pa , May 30, 1877. DEin Advocate. Deoomtiou Day Is being observed by decorating the craves of tho Blue and tbe Dray. " No use being a Monitor, now adays," nld a uisiimkibuu suuouiuuy, mo oiucr uay. tie cause you only get.biown up like a Turk any way," Quite an amusing jlncldent happened at the Zoological Gardens, ouo clay last ween. A party of ladles and gentlemen were visiting tbe abode of the monkies. when one ot these agile cilttors reached ont from tbo cnee and pulled a bud lrom off tbe new spring hat of one of tbe ladles. Straw hats and ulsters wero seen on tbo streets dnilnc tbo cold weather ot last week General Grant had a grand reception on his arrival In England, and deservedly so, A few dars since a sensational Journal ol this cltv bad an article which Intimated that tbe sword of tbe great commander was soon to bo drawn lu tao cause of Turkey. Huch will doubtless bo tbo vase on manksgmng aay ana lw ewortl will most likely bo a carving knite. As shad rocs disappear. June roses will ap pear. Sheriff Tlandenonsh his and will haTomnnv- applications from morbidly inclined individuals who woald like to bo present and witness the execution ui me " AlOilies." It will soon be time to dodge for tbo shady Bide, of the street. London has 7CO0 miles of streets and them xporo to follow as new avenues are constantly The Bundar law is belni? rio-tiHc m nfnrn,i. That is to say as far as front doors are concern, en i lor thirsty patrons of Ouiubrenlus And no dimCUltV in naVlliJ? tlmlr riavnMnna uTirt tlmli. five cent pieoes for all tbe lagor they may de. sire or think they require. The time approaches when om folks will have to close. In tbelr houses and Uvo in tbe back rroms of tbe same. Gono to tbe sea shore you know 1 f - full many a gom ot purest ray serene tho dark: unfatbomed caves of Ocean bear. Full many a rose is born to blush unseen and waste ivs aweeuiess" on yours truly, so MAUCUTIO. THE NEWS. A Bcianton negro caught a white man in ma wife's bed tbe other night and beat him so ..cvcioiy iuai u iuuu result is not improbable, Mrs. Phoebe Snnnlee. nf Mnnlmrnnn, nnn tv. committed suicide by hanging on 'Friday and the fear that eho would become totally blind disordered her mind. Herman Kramer, night clerk at tho Ex. change hotel, Woomsburg, Columbia county, baa been arretted for attempting to destroy tbe Hotel by setting u on Are. A loss of 8,(00 was buiimudu mime nine ago oy a partial destruc. tlon ot tne hotel. -Johnny Britten is the name of aa eight year old rittsburg pickpocket. Ifohas been in tlio habit or ingeniously slipping up behind ladles ana inserting his hand into tbelr pockets and removing all tbo valuables thorcfrom, lie Is under arrest for tho last ofl'euso. Jamea H. TTAtrnn fi men vahn lalm ,n lint I from Hudson L'lty, New York, uudeitook to Set awav with tout), wtitch bo snatched from iobert Fletcher, who wat' making a deposit lu the (xm Exchange Hank, Philadelphia, short ly after two o'clock taturdav afternoon. He was immediately captured, taken to tbe Ceu. tral station and placed under f 3..S0 bonds to ap fear at court. A. Scranton lamplighter named Hill, whoso clothes were saturated with kerosene anil whoso pockets contained matches, set the latter afire -while getting ont of a wagon tbo other day. In a moment ho was in tho centre ot flames, wit! lu tl "rh h uiuiaeu uut Kcl uie wairon on 11,11 Too . . , .1 v Mueneueu, out n hi iujuidu lunu lun IV agon. Now Advertisements. T 0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. All persona are hereby notified not to meddle with oi 1IUOWN HARli. now in imasesnlon of AUGUS r OSWALD, ot fraukilu Township, carbon County, Pa., as tho same Is my proper, ty until further notice. t JOSEPH F. REX. June 5, 1877 3w DUI.1IEU. frealdent Julgo of tbe Coart ol hSTOr S"0" 'ouniy, ON TIIK .rlHftn& ?F JHIiKi 78?7' ,or a '-'barter for the ift'lT0N?'V " I'fhlghtou. a Ileuellclal and lteneyo eat Association, acrordlng to the Act of Junes. UTT-aw Attorney. MOLLY MAGUIRES. ALLAN riNKERTON'S great book. THE MOLLY MAaUUUM AND THE DKTEC TIVKH. Is now toady for Agents unu Snbacilb era. It Is one of the most wonderful and absorb, lug books ever written. A large, elcgautly bound volume, nearly sou pages, and 48 Intense ly Interesting engravings, l'rlco 12.60. Tbe easiest and quickest boo to sell ever Been. r oe terms, circulars and territory, aitdi est . . w- CARLK'loft A CO.. June S, 1877 tw. I'nbllsbers. JAMES. E. OPLINGER Announces to tbe cltltens ot Carbon County that bo has Just opened a Wagon Manufactory, IN EAST WEISSrOItT, A short dlsUnco above Nathan Bynders Store, and tbat he is prepared to build SPUING AND TItUCK WAGOXS of the very beat Seasoned Matorlal. at prices fully as low as the same can bo obtained ut any mauufactorr in tbe country. ltcpalnug promptly attended to at lowest lutes. l-atroMge is respectfully eouolted. andaatls faction in nrlos and workinananlp guaranteed. Don't forget the plaoe Near Ballon Buy. der'a store, in East wtUspoit Vx , , , J. E. OPLINGER. June a, isr7-)m. Now Advertisements. jgllERIFF'S SALE Of Yalnalblo Real Estato. tit Tlrtnn of a writ of Fieri Factab lesnod ont ol the Court of Comriion l'leas ol Caibon Coun ty, nntl to me directed, thero will be exposed nt pnono Bnio nil iuo court jaoubo m iuo ajuiuubu ot Mauch Chun 1c, on Monday, Juno 18th, 1877, at Ono o'clock P.M.. All that certain messuage, tenements, BLAST FURNACES, Tract a nnd Lota of LAND, described as foltotfft, 10 wit: . la eltuato in tlio Boronph of rarrvriUo, in tho couiuvoi uaruon, nna wraio oi i-cnnaviviima, bonnded na To lows i On t lie south by the Lehigh Canal, on the west by land late of Ant'w Or a v. er, on the north and eant by other lands ot Btild Cnrbnn Iron Company and by tho i'obo Toco or uir uieen, coniaimng SIXTY.FIVE ACRES, mnronrlcufl. nnrtlv cleared and nnder Cnltlva tlon, and pnrtly Woodland. Three Anthracite BLAST FURNACES ! Two of them Stone Stacks, bclnc No. 1 and No. 2 ; No. 3 Is tin Iron Stncic, (No. 1 Fumare has n cnpncny oi aDoui nido -rnouBanu ions oi riff Metal ver annnmi No. 2 about Eleven Thousand 'Ions per annum, and No, 3 about Twelve thousand Tons per annum), with the necessary nt.acnments, such as Stock ilonscs, Hotstlnff Houses with tho necessary Hoisting Fixtures, Cast Homes Hot Ula-t Ovens, Boil, ers und lloilcr Houses, and three btone Enplno nouses wnn stationary Engines, l'umpa ami It lost Fixtures: dimensions of said Enclno Houses and Power lilast EnelneB as follows! No. 1 En cine Honscfor No. 1 FurnaoB U twentv. six by thirty, seven feet.three etorles high, slate rooi ! mo Bintionary niasi Mgme in saia uooso, for No. 1 Furnace, is about Two Hundred I torso Power. No. 2 Enclno House, for No. 2 Furnace, is twenty-cicht by iorty feet; alo throe storloH high, elate roof the Btatlonary uiabt n.ugiuuiu hub rouao, inr run, l'urnaoe, Is about Two Hundred nnd Fifty Horso Power. No. 3 Engine House, for No. 3 Furnace, is twenty.niue by forty-five feet, nlpo three Btories htRh. slnterooft ton Stationary Englno In this building, for No. 3 Furnace, Is about Four Hun dred Horse Power. One Machine fehop and Wator-Wheol House, twenty-six by forty one feet, three stories high, frame filled In with brick ; ono Plank Blacksmith shop, with three tire-places, twenty by tlity feet! ono stone Lo- comouve uoufo, iweniy-nme oy ioriy-Bix leei Ono Cinder Locomotive House, plank, fourteen bynfty-flve and a half feet i one nlankCarlle palr House, twenty-three by forty-sovon feet j one Oil House, twelve Tiv twentv-fonr feet. Flank j one plank Carpenter Shop, twenty by Qlrty-two feet i one Rope, Tackling and Supply House, twelvo by sixteen feet; ono Iteecrvofr circular, ammeter thirtyseven leet, covered with slate roof, also Railroad Sldlncs, Treat ling and other Improvements. NUOIUKH 3. Also, fituate in said Boron eh of Parryrllle. and adjolntne the above lauds and lands ot Jacob Shecklcr. Charles Ileltord. Harrison Wentz, Anthony Detmyor, Jacob Peters, Den- msuuuman, anu lite iono i woorjJig ureeK, and others, containing ONE nUNDUED and FORTY ACRES moro or less, mostly cleared and In a (rood state of cultivation. Wlth'n the bounds of this tract of land is located the town ol Parryville. A number of the lots In said town, with the im provements theieon, are owned by individual owners, and aro excepted and reserved to the ownerb thereof, as uppears by mortenpo Riven by said Caibou Iron company to Qeortro Rud dle and R. a R Jtler, Trustees, dated the tlr-t day of January. A. D. 18 ft. recorded In tho ofllco lor recording of deeds, in and for the County ot Carbon, in deed book No, 7, paae 675, fco, out the improvements thereon, late tbo property of cum iuruuu iiuu juiupnuy, are us iuiiuwh t ON MAIN (late Parry) STREET. On lot No. 1, one Frame Dwelling IJoubo two stories hieh. twenty-en by twentv-live feet, wlrh nt tachmcnts foutteen by sixteen feet, and Kitch en attached fourteen by twelve feet. On lots Nos SO, 31 and 32, one doable twobtory Plank House on each lot, to wit ; Three Double Houses twenty four by thirty-two feet each, n itb Kite be 1)8 attached ten by twelve feet. On lot No. 10, one single two-story Plonk Houso sixteen by twenty-lour feet, with Kitchen at tach oil ten by twelve feet- On lota Nos. 12 and 13, one Block of Four Houses, plank, two utories htRh, pi i ty-four by sixteen feet, Kitchen at tached to each houso, ten by twelve feet, on lots No?. 17, 18. 19, 20 and 21, ono double two story P nnk Houso on each lot. to wit t Five Double Houses tlnrty.two by twenty-four leet, with Basement Kitchens. On lot No. U, one single two-story Plank House fourteen bv six teeu feet. Kitchen attached ten by twelve feet. On lota Nos. 10 and 16. ono block one and one-l.alf-story. Plank (salted for four dwellings), sixteen by Bixty-f our feet i Kitchen attached to each dwelling, ten bv twelve feet. On lots Nos. 61, CI and (13. ono donble two-story Plank House on each lot, to wlti Three Double louses, ttiirty-two by sixteen feet Kitchen attached to each house, twelve by fourteen feet. ON OAK STREET.-OnlotNo.97, one sin clo two story Plank Houso sixteen by eighteen feet, with Kitchen attached ten by ten leet. ON CENTRE BTREET. On lot No. 81, one, single two-story Plank IJoubo thlriv by twen-ty-two leet, with Kitchen attached fourteen by eighteen feet. On lots Nos. 39 and 40. one sin glo two story Frnino House twenty -three by thirty-two feet, attachments fourteen by eight een feet, and Kitchen attached twelve by four teen feet t also, stable lourtet-n by flxteen feet, and Ice Houso sixteen by sixteen feet. ON MARIA BTREET. On lots Nos. 45,48 and 47, one double two-story Plank House on each lot. to wit: Three Double Houses thirty two by twenty four feet, with Basement Kitrh- cue. Ou lot No. 33, two double tno-story Plank jiuiiBui luinv-iwu uy iwemyiour ieer Willi Basement Kitchens. tf.N" MAIN STREET. Lots not numbered, ono iwo-Ptory Brick OrUce. twentv-six bv thir. ty.fom' feet J one two-etorv Stone nouto, forty by forty eet; Kitchen attached, seventeen by twenty f6."t i ouo two story Plank House, twenty by nycuty-four feeii one Fiaino House, one and one hJ if story high, sixteen by thirty feet j one two storv double Plunk 1 Ioukp, tweu-ty-four by thlrty-.wo eeti Kitchen attached io ouo uweumg, ten vy i " civo irci, i uuo j. iuuio Stable, Wagon Uoust and Brick Hhed attach cd. tiftvbv slTtvfonr .'eet i one Stone Stable. thirty nine by feeventy.tjvo eeti one Stone FARM BUILDIKGS. One tWMtOfv Plonk House, twentr by thirty ioci. xianeujfiti jvueaen i one iramo uar.i. Stone liaacuimt, torty by llltvflvo feet i one lioard oson House, twentythree by twenty. hi left, with tne necessary Outnousea to tne tozeffolug buildiuifs. NUJIIIEIt 3, Also, situate la tbe Iloroutli of Fanyrtlle. nud mllolnluir the laat named premises, and ou land of Dennis Baumau, contauilug FIFTY-FOUR TEHCHES, more or Ipsa. The ItnDrovementa on whloh are a two story Double l'laulc House, twcuty.four by tblnv.eix teet t a Btaolo, twelve by lourteeu feet, and a felaugbtcr House, twelve by sixteen feet. NUSI11I2U 4. Also, situate lu said Borough of ParryvlUe and anjoliilnff landa of Bald Cat bon Iron com. pany detaiomted above aa No. 1, lands of John Ziegenfua, Joel Wentz. Deuals Uauman, late Au irew Graver, and the Poho I'oco or Ills creelc, conuunluK. EIGHTEEN ACRES, wore or less, this being Woodland. KUUUBU 5. Bltuate In tho TownahlD of Mahontoir. inthn county Bforeauld. adjoining on tt.e lllvvr l.e uimu, uu.uuuaui iue i.e.iigu vaney tuiiroaa Company, Inoatrd between tbe Lehigh mver and Uio Iblgh Valley Itallroad, ceutululag EIGUTi'-NINE TEnOUES, ruoreor lea. The Improvements thereon Is a' jiaunweiuuK onu one ifuuroao 'itoos besje.. Now AdvortisemontB. NU51UBU O. Ono Ilowo Truss HAIL110AD BRISOB acrosa tbe I.ehtgh Itlver nt PnrrvvlUei length of Mid Bridge la TUIIHH UUND11UD AND KIGUTY-TlIItEE PKET. Width of same la TWENTY-ONK I?EET. wcaiher-boardcd on both sides and covcrod with a slate root Felzedand taken Into execution as the prop, city ot tho Carbon Iron Company, and to bo sold by J. W. ItAUDENBUail, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. MauchCliunk,Nay3i, 1877. J gHEMFFS SALE Of Valuable Real Estate. By virtue of n writ of Vert. Ex. Issued out of tho Court of Common Picas of Carbon County, and tomofllrecled, thero wilt be exposed to pub lic sale at tho Court House, In tho Borough of Mauch Chunk, on Monday, Juno 18th, 1877, at One o'clock P. M All that certain LOT OU PIECE OF GROUND, situate In thetloroutrh ot Lehltrhton, lato Ma honing Township, Cnrbon County, PennsTl van in, bonnded and described tiB follows, to witt Beginning at ft stono in a publlo read lending from J.ehlffhton to Mahonint? Valley, thence north elajhtv-elght deprees, east nine perches to a stone j thence north thlity-four de jtrees, west three perches to a stone t thence north one device, west ten decrees and six tenths to n poH t tccoco bv land of Daniel East man pouth seventy detrrees, west eleven nor chet ano four tenthi to a stone t thence by land late of Thomas Koone, south seventy decrees, east ten perches to tho placo ot beginning, con taming ONE 11 UNBRED AND SEVEN PERCHES more or less, Tho Improvements thereon consist of a Two Storv Frome DWELLING HOUsE, twenty by thirty feet, a Frarao Stable twenty four bv twcntV'four feet, Pig Sty, Chicken House and other outbuildings. Poized and taken into execution an the prop erty of Phaon ulauss. and to bo sold by J W. ItAUDENBUSH, Sheriff. sheriffs Ofllco, ) Mauch ChunK, May 31, 1877. 5 gUERIFFS SALE Of Valuable Eeal Estate, By virtue of a writ of Ven. Ex. issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Carbon County, and to me directed, there will be exposed to publlo sale at tho Court House in tho' Borough ot Maucn Chunk, on Monday, Juno 18th, 1877, at Ono o'clock P. M., All that certain TRACT OR PIECE OF LAND, sltnato In Franklin Township, In the Connty of Carbon, and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a stone, thence by laud of Daniel Krura south thirty-three decrees, east one hunched and one perches to the middle ot tbo Poho Poco Creek; ihenco np in said Creek north seventy-one de grees, east fir perches i thence north fifty thiee and a half degree?, east sli. perches i thence north thirteen and a quarter des-rees, east ten perches f thence by other land of said Daniel Bolt north thirty-twoandahalfderrees, wet forty. rive perches to a stone in tho middle of a publlo road leading f i nra M aria Iron works townrds Laury's Forge.north fllty-nlno degrees, east two perches i thence by land of eitd Dan'i Bolt north thirty-thi ee decrees, west fif ty-t,eveu Serenes to a stone j thence by the same south fly-geven degrees, west twenty-two perches and eight-tenths to the place ot beginning, containing FOUKTEEN ACRES and TEN PEKCHE3, more or less. The Imnrovementa thereon consist of a Two- Story BUICK DWELLING HOUSE with Basement twoutv-three by twenty-eight feet, Swiss Barn tnirty bv forty-fire feet. Pig Sty twelve by twenty-three feet, and other out buildings. Seized and taken into execution as the prop erty ot Joseph Oreenswelg, and to be sold by J. W. BAUDENBUSII, Sheriff. Sheriff's OiQce, ) Mauch ChUDk, May 31, 11, 1977. JSSIGJiEE'S SALE. By virtue of nn order of the Cnurt of Com mon Pleas of Carbon County, the following HEAL ESTATE, belonclng to WILLI AM A. ZEItiENFUS at the dato of his assignment, will be offered for sle on the premises, In the TOWNSHIP of Fit AN KLIN, in the said County, on Monday, Juno 4th, 1877, At 2 o'clock P. M, AU that certain m&ssuage, or Three Tracts of Lund, situate in tho TOWNSHIP of FltANK LIN. In said County of Carbon, Pa., as follows, to wit t FIB6T. All that certain Lot or Piece ot Land, bonnded bv lands of Edward Weiss, Thomas Dorwoit. Daniel Sensincer and Daniel Solt. containing 3 Acres and 120 Perches, more or jess. Second. All that certain Tract of Land, lying along the Publlo Itoad leading from Weissport to the Pino swamp, and containing 15 square serenes, more or less. Tfirp. All thnt Tract ot Land, hounded by lands of Sarah Frltzlngef and a publlo road, containing v. rercuo, uioru or less. The Improvements thereon are a DWELL INO HOUHE. 19x24 feet i a STAULK, 16x26 icei, ana oiuer ouiuunuiaas. TE11MR f-Ono-thlrd of the purchase money to bo l aid down at snle i one tfdrd lu 0 months from con 0 rm at ion of sate, and one-third in a year from said confirmation, with interest on mounpamuaiance iruiu ouiu uoiimmaiion. H, P LEV AN, Assignee, Ac By tho Count THOtf. ICEMEBEIt.Prothonotory. ifay 12, 3t. E XECUTOK'S SAL1J PERSONAL PROPERTY. n: nnlcralirued, Executor of tho estato of ALijUl nUCKMAK. laieot tne BOItOUUlI of LKUIG'IU0 1, Carbon Oiuntr. I'd., deu'd, mil oiler at i-'ubllo olo, on the premlaoa, ou Wednesday, Juno 6, 1877, Coraencln at 10 oWCk A. M .tho foUowlne articles ot Pergonal IToisrty, w " ' One OMNinUB. 1 new Phaeton Carriage. ! new square Ilox Buegr. 1 Ioule-at ed car. rlage. one falllng.toi) Bukkv. eoyeriu P Wagon,, I BugiT. I HuckuoaTd, WnWla. j?0"'". Bpoifea lor carriage maklno; i lot ol 17oi. etnaleHetot Ilarnrsa. llorae llianketa, auu a variety of other uitlilea too numerous to men. Uon. Terms will he made known at time ot Bale Vj THOMAS KKMEnEM, Agent for J1AIIV L. UUCKMAN. Kiecutnx. May 59. 1877. Fee Itcdiiced. tntlro Cost $55. ratent Office Fee In advance, balance .20 wlllila s months atlor 1'uient allowed. Ad. vice and examination free. lUteota Hold. J. VA.VOK hllWIS & CO., May 5-m3 Wnaliiuctou, D. C. V IT ED, a purchaser for a Vkolcr & Wilson 1EWINO MAOUIMi l uta xrAlboy Oallatlhla Offloe. JEGISTElt'S NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that the Executors, AdmmlBtratorn and Guardians hereinafter nam. cd havonled their respective accounts ol the fcllowlnp; estates In tho lleglstcr'a OlQco. at Mauch Chunk, In and tor tho County of Carbon which Recounts havo boon Bllowed by the Heat iter, will be presented to the Judges of the Orpbans' Court on Monday, tlio lltli day of Juuo next, at 10 o'clock A.M., for confirmation : First and final account ot Alfred WlilttlnRham, aumlnlstraiorot the estate of Joseph Miller, doe'd. Filed Maroh 20, 1877. First and final account ot IW. II. Fenner, ad ministrator of tho estato of Joseph Fenner, deo'd. Filed March 22nd. 1877. First and flnni occodnt ot ItenrvZelloer and B. C. Miller, executors of tne estato of Beaben Zollncr, ileo'd. Filed April 3rd, 1877, First and final account of John Drltrhton, ad. mlnlstrator of the estato ot uustavus Uartly, deo'd. Filed April 4th, 1877. Third account of Geo. B. Newton and William Heed, administrators ot the CBtato of J. O. cleaver, lato ot the borough of Mauch Chunk, deo'd. Filed April Oth, 1877. First and final account of D. It. Keller, admin. utrator of the estate of Jacob Backort, dec'U. Filed April 26tb, 1877. First and final account of Joseph Ilelney and lly. Belts, administrators of thn ostate of Daniel Beltz, dee'd. Filed April 23th, 1877. First and final account of Geo. Maurer, guard. Ian of Emmnllno Price, late Kmmallno Millor. ono of the 'heirs of Solomon Miller, lato of Mauch ChunK twp , dee'd. lied May 1st. Tho account ot Ooo. Ruddle, administrator of the estate ot Thomas Shields, dee'd. Filed May 4th, 1877. First and final account of A. II. Tobias, admin istrator ot tho eBtato ot Leah 9prowl, dee'd. Filed May 4th, 1877. First and final account of A. Hi Tobias, admin. lstiator of the estato of James McBrldo, dee'd. Filed May sth, 1877. First and final account of Wm. Iteed. guardian of Mary. Urldget, Anna. Michael and Finncls Tree, ciiUdrcu and heirs of Lawrence Tree, aeceasod. First and final account ot Benjamin Beer, ad ministrator ot tho ostate of D. J. Griffiths, deceased. First and final acconnt ot Wm, lit Montz, ad mlnlstrator ot tho estate ot Jos. Monlz, dec'U. First and final account of Thomas Solt & Folly Fath. administrators of the estate of Authony Fath, deceased. BEBNABD PniLLIPS, Becorder. Mauch Chunk, May i:. 1877. VISIT P. T. BRADY'S C3-3.-A.3STX3 Variety Headquarters, In Lindebman'b Block, FOR FINE CIGARS, AND Choice Smoking Tobaccos From 7 cts. up to 60 cts. per Package. JUST RECEIVED: An Invoice of the NEW COMBINATION CI. GAB IIOLDKIt nnd l'll'i:. only s cts.. and a new lot ot FANCY PIPES, f lorn 23 cents npwards. DOUBLE SIZE TIN TOBACCO BOXES. ELEGANT FINE CU 1 . 5 and 10 cts. on ounce STATIONERY of all kinds. Colored Envel opes 15 cents, Whito 18 cents per package. Note. Foolscap and Legal Cap Writing Pa pers. Ask to look at the Gentleman's PERFECT LETTER WRITE K, only 30 cents. New York and Philadelphia Dally and Weekly Paners BAKE HALL BATS AND GUIDE?. LAKESIDE LIBRARY, MAGAZINES, BONO BOOKS. &c. SARDINES Auarter boxes 25o., half boxes 33o. Special Agent for QOODYE All's POCKET GYMNASIUM. LARGE AND ( OMMODIOUS (BILLIARD BOOM ATTACHED. We take this opportunity of stating that all our dltr-jrent departments are separate, en. abling us to accitinmodato all nur customora to a better advaniaee tnan wo formerly could m our old place ot business llesppctfulrr. I. T. BRADY, 70. CD C3 O crq o s CO Roller's Block, Banket,,, tchlglifon. Notice To the Public A. J. DtJR UNO'S Family Drug and Medicine Store, (In Dr. Reber's Blockl. is OPliN on SUNDAYS from 8 to 10 o'clock A. M., 1 to 2 fc s to 1 V, M. Kosldenco-lst door above M. E. Church, A.J. Durllnov our popular Ditig'. gist, "having dispensed with the services of a clerk," Is behind the Counter Dealing' ont and Compounding Nice, Pure, Fresh, Unadulterated Medicines for the Biok and Afflicted, at Reduc ed Prices. At A. J. Durllng's Drug Store, you can get your Prescriptions and Family BeelpesCompounded accurately &. aclentlfically. At A. J. Durllog's old established DRUG and PRESCRIPTION STOKE, you can rely on getting a Strlotly rure Article. No mistakes from incompetent assistants, as be dis penses ami prepares with his own hands, It Is just splendid I What? Why that Now Perfume I got at DURLING'S Drug Store. Ills own make up he calls it " MY OWN " 25o. and SOo. per bottle. 1000 lbs. Pure Caustlo Soda, or Salted Potash, for SOAP MAKING, just recelv. ed at A, J. DURLING'S Drug Store, and selling at a very low price. Wall Paper f Wall Paper I Wall Paper' At A. J. DURLING'S Drug Store. NEW STYLES Just received at Greatly RE DUCED P1IICES. Call and Examine). A. J. Durllng, our popular Drug gist, having an experience of 17 Years,- knows whereof he apeaka, when ho says he guarantees that EVERY' ARTICLE bought at his1 D HUG STORE is of the PUREST and BEST that can be found in tho Markets, A. J. Durling, the Druggist, has Juat received a Fresh Invoice of Flue FRENCH and CALIFORNIA BRANDIES, OLD HOL LAND GIN. OLD RVE WHISKIES. Import ed POUT and SHERRY WINKS. Domestls CLINTON and other GRAPE WINES for Medlciual and Sacramental Purposes. TO WUOM IT MAY CONCEKX. All persons aro hereby forbid med dling with any of tne following described artl cloa ol Persoual Property, loaned by the under, signed to FRANK P. BOYER, of Panyviilo lloiough. Carbon Co.. Pa., vln 1 Bav Horse t llay Mare, 1 llnudlo Cow, 3 Shoata, 1 Bntchi rd b'lirlno' Wagoua, t Carriage, I Skellet, I Light lloaled. Scales and all Butchering Tools one GilmZitone. 1 sausage Maehlue, 1 Cntting.box, a Tm Kettles. 4 sets Harness. 1 cook stove whh Utensils, and a variety of other Houae. HnA and KliClten Furniture, as tbe same la my S?oo tV. UANIKL W KNTN V pSy vllle. May IMWws -gJXECUTUIX'.S NOTICE. ESTATE OF BEESE WATKINS, DEO'D, Letters Testamentary on tie taUte of Reese Ijinatoiu. Carbon Co , I'tuiia,, o'eo'd, have been J raute to Soaannah Waiklua. ot tne Rorough afon said, to whom all persons Indebted to said Ustai" aro requested io make payment, and those iiavinjf. utaiua or dtroanda will make known the 1-, LaniierO, May IS) WfV I Exwumr, mM -Of- At tho Original Cheap Gash f tore. Tho Bottom Knocked Out or Everything, ana Everybody Happy t Itave Just returned from NEW YORK with an unusual assortment of FANCY and BTAFUf IlRY GOODS, Ac. and having for their motto ' QUICK bakes and SUAIX rnorrre," tney ire da? termlned to move THEIR ENTIRE S TOOK QUICKLY at prices that will aatoolsh tao people WE OFFER TO-DAY : 8 OOO Yards Choice Styles nf CALICOES at eb cents nor Yard. Lot ot Splendid CTINrSriAMa at 8 cents per Yard. MUSLINS. SHEETING1, TICKINGS, DENIMS and SHIRTINOOHSJ VOITS. nt POPULAR PRICES. FANCY DRFSS GOODE at Lowost Prices KLKOANT PLAIDS ac 10, 12)4 nnd 18 cents. BLACK ALPACAS reduced 20 per cent. BEST VALUE ALT PACA ever offered at 25 cents per 1 ard. IILACK SILKS AIVD MOURNING GOODS AtVeryOroatlv Roc'uceil Prlcies. WHITE OOODS-several Job lots mnch bel trrogularprlW HAMBURG EUGIKGS at trom 5 cents per yard and pupwards. TRIMMINGS auu NOTIONS m large variety nnd at lowost piiccs. Now lino of Illick .Bilk Fringes, Worsted and Cotton' Fringes. Velvet Ribbons, I.noes, xs ow Ruchmgs, Neck Wear, blifc HandkcrchlerB, Collars, Cnffa." nnd Gloves. Best Value CORSETS at 33 cents. Largo assortment of SHAWLS at Reduced: Prices. Speelnl Bargains In Cltttlls nnd Casslmeres, for lit en's tlnd Boys' AV.estr. CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS at Reduced Prices. Oil Cloth at from 40 cents a yard and upwards' PERFECTION ItV THE SIIiRT TRADE. Colored Shirts at 75c. tl and ti.23. White Dres stilrls at fl, 11.15, ti 40. I1.-50. IT.65. We Invite' special attention to KEEP'S FINE DREmS SIIIRls aa being made of the best Warasutta Mua-' llui3plv extra quality Linen Bosoms and Culls, warranted to ntlperrectlf, at the following re markably low prices : Partly Mado at 11.25 per shirt: Unlaundned at ii.50 per shirr; Laundry Finished at tl.D) per fjhlrt. , tVOtjr stock Is well nsortcd and consl'ts of almost everything. , Reliable Goods, and plenty of them. Truthful representations! honest dealing with nil, a thorough knowledge of nur business.' by Jndiclous purchases. AND KNOWING WHERE TO BUY to the BEST ADVANTAGE, enablos us to sell SO low. Polite and agiocablo attention to onr easterners, and a Wlllinmesa t make It pleasant wbrlhor you buy or not CASH OUR BASIS. We buy andsell forCASII. and our customers get the benefit ot It. Prices of cash honses are. and well can pe, lower thaxr long-time houses can afford to sell. The lowest living rrotlton everyfnlng we sail, and aeon.' tinned effort to koep our prices under tiioso of our competitors. Call early and secura Beslf Bargains. Respectfully,. J. T. NUSllAUM & SON, Original Cheap Cash Store LiNDEitMAN's Block, opposite Public Square, LEHiQIlTON, PA, Dress Suits, Youths' Suits, W, mmmw Made up from the Best Material, In the Latest Styles, and perfect FItaf Qnarr anteed, at LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH I ALSO, TREMENDOUS SLAUGHTER IN THE PRICES Ot' OJUUOa UCllLUlOj J-LtlUO -laJJ' UlliU Jt UU VO O.' Ui AllOAAAlJy Goods; rp"0 a andexammeGcodsandPncesbeforomakmg'yonrpJfcbaaefeVaewbera. T. D. CLAUSS, Merchant Taflof, , ' 2nd door above the Publl Square) BANK STREET, Letjlghtori' JUST RECEIYED AT GERMAF&!' ' Store In SemmePs New Block, opposite Lehlghton-, Pa. if ah m mmm fbiges i Successor to D. Bbbk &' Co., At tli' 66 Mammoth JStore5?5? Opposite' the L. & S, Depot, B-ANK Street Respectfully announces to his oustomer,and friend's1 thatJ ho is daily receiving additions to his stock' of- LADIES-' DRESS and DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and PROVISfONSV QTJEENSWAREi &c, &c, &o. Alsdi just received a car load of LIVERPOOI SAILV which I am soiling at Bottom Prides. SALT' FISH a Specialty.- ggfIf you really' d'esiro fo lcriow howlarge an amount of Goods you can get for a Bmall sum of Ready Money,' you should not fail to give me' a call before making your' purchases elsewhere. Don't forget tne Mammotn Stor'e, opp. fi.S.Deuot,- May 0, 1870-yl LEHIOnTON, PENN'A. Weissport Planing Mill & Lumltar fie... Respectfully annonnco to Carpenters.-Ballders. Contractors and'otliers, that barlpaT eomplaisa1 their NEW MILLH, taey are now prepared.to supply them.tat VJSHV LOWKST PRIOS;if ltr eTery.descrlption ot , , Such as Siding, Ploor Boards, Boors, Sash,-Blind's', Snuf- ters, Moldings, Brackets, Cabinet "Waro, &o.,i &o.j. On the Sborteet Notice. Oar Machinery la all New and ot the'Most Approred Kind, ao'th'it w' htre no besliailon In Onarunlelnir rerlcot Balislactlon to all who may lavor ns witb their ardera., It yon bays not lime to call and select what yon want, send year orders and Iheywlllbafillad promptly, and at as low prices as though you were present. Glye us a Trial, and sou will be convinced o( what we say. SOfibilON tTpAtfJ&a D. if. ALBRIGHT, WM. BIERY. JOHN BIERT. Offlce'anJ Jlltl, nearly opposlto'.the Port Allen Houw, WEISSPORT, Cutout ounty, rnn, June 10, JOTft-fi ttiiAm AMBIT JUL STILES Business Suits Soys' guffs.- an ikuBMBB ifrbcjeor AND TOR LadieS-, Gerrt's1,. Misses Touths and- Children. Manuftctarfed e'pfessty for him, and to suit the near of this section All warranted to be as represented' and sold at- Bottom Prices ! P. A GERMAN, the Publlo SquafeVBANK STREET,' nmr.U-Tl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers