H. Y. -Morthimee, Proprietor. INDEPENDENT" Live aM Let Live;" $1.00 a Year if Paid in Advance. LEHIGnTONi OAKBON COUNTY, PENN'A; SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE S, 1877. Subscribers out of County, $1.20 CARDS. Filrlikture Warehouse. , V. Sehwarti, Bau,k street, dealer in all Mnit of Furniture. Cotflmriadtto order. . , . Bddt ailii Shoe Blaltels. Clinton Bratnay, in Levhn'M buildingf Bank street. Ml ordtiri promptly Jilltd work warranted. P. LONGSTItEET, A.TTOBWEY AT LA.W, Ilext door to tha " CartonlHouse.' BAKU STREET. LEnlQHTON. PA. SMtmber IMm. "XT M. HARSHER, .ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, B&ftK Strut, LEHIanTON, PA. Real Estate and Collection Agency. Will Bar and Ball Ural Kstate. Conveyancing neatly done Col. tactions promptly made'. Settling Estates of De ttdents a specialty. May be consulted In Knllsh d Herman. Ncv.22. JAS. Il. STnUliaKIlSi ATTORNEY AT LAY, ' lS- Offlco': 2d floor of Rhoad'sIIHH, Marion Ohunlt, Pa. . All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. , MaT2T, ly. -QANIEIi ICALBPltS, ATTdBNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, JIauoIv Chunk, Pa. Jabfflc. aboye Dolon's Jewelry Store, Uroad way JKO. D. IEB10LITE. Jl8. S. LOOSE gnaTOiiETTB ct LodsE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Orrici Corner of Susquehanba and 11 roadway! , MAticn biiUNnj pis.-u. Can bo consulted In Qermaa. July 21 1ST X , , , ATTORNEY AT LAW; Next DooftdtflrA National Sack, jlAUCU CUUNK, PA. Ji3Can rw ronHultdd In Herman. f Jan9. A. DELTZ, (j JUSTICE OP THE PliACE, bsert's Building, bAnk-sI, Lunonios: Conveyancing, Collecting and nil ctt.cr busU hess connected with the office promptly attend id to., I A be1, A'geit lo? the Purchase and Bale of Beal Estate. i AprUll-yl rjlIIOMASJS. tlECICj 'JUSTICE OF TIIE4EAdE, " r M1K eftJiijtJlrtcntanTON, Pai , Cenreyanelnic'Collcctlnir and all business icon- acted with the office promptly attended to. V. ' .IVAzent for, first-class lusurance Companies,, ana tusks or an Unas taaen on the, most liberal karma Jan. t), 1875. j-y a. tiEKii AniKii, m. !., . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Epselat attention paid to Chronic Diseases. , Office: South East corner Iron ana" 2nd sts Lb hlrhton. Pa. April 3, 1S75. Ni, D. REDERl prActicinq physician and surgeon, pfflce, Vint Street, next door above the Postofflce; Lehlxhton, Pa. Office Hours ParryTllle' each day rom 10 to 12 o'clock; remainder of day atofllreln L.nlj-hton. Not-23,'i2 "ffi a.M. SEii'Ms, physician and burgeon. Next to E. Hi 8njrder :oro, DANK BT., LEHIOHTON, rENN'A. N.UABpeclal attention given to the" Cure ot Bait Hheura, 4c. , & on 13-y TirottiAS kemerrr. CONVEYANCER,. AND . GENERAL IS8URANCE AGENT The Mowing Companies are Represented! ljBflAN )N MUTUAL FJR13, REAWNO. MUTUAL 1'lltE, WYOMtNO 1'IltE, POTTSViLLE FIRE, . . . iliUHHJIi I'lllE.anatrmTll.W ELERa ACCIDENT INSUItANOE, , Also penuiylvaull and Mutnal llorao Thief Detective and In.urauce oompanr, March 29. W7J. TIIOS. KUJIEItER. QIDEON KOSTCSfltAUEtt, 9 OxiiiBT NbaB tub .LEmbu Vallit nousb, Bankway, LehigHton, Pa., lapfeoaxM ttj make urE-sizn PORTRAITS OF PEUONS FROM PllOTOORAl'llh In the moat artistic manner, equal tn all reioocti to -Kel j:ngravlngi. Hemukcan xoeclaltvof KNLAItUINU PjllTIlAlTSUK llhOKASKD PKHs-ONS fiom typoict al kinds. Cbaiee. very moderate alidpatrouaae aoln-itej. my 12 JAVIlTEnilCUT'S Livery &ale Stables OA NIC Ka'ltEET.MillHillTO.N, Ia PAST TROTTING HORSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES, And pWltVelyLOWER PRICES than any other Livery In the Co jnty. Irrgeino, Imndjlorae Carrlac'ea for rimcl-sl Sor?Jtl87X dm!V DAVID EUBERT. ?iSB,I.f.EJ.? MKN.XND OTirKllS1 w NA5T,9Pon PRINTING OF ANY DESORfl'TION. WILL HNB iTUBi DAltUON "lIVOOA VU BitoaatclUeaaao trvlee, can srer. a pension bv JmttUg to JOII KIRIATBIOK. CainbridSJ otaa- Apr. 2-im Railroad Guide. N OUT II l'ENNA. U.A1L.UOAU . PnsanirprR fnr Phtlnrtplnliln will lnnrfi T.phlffh. ton as follows t &!47a. m., via. L. V. arrlvo at Phlla. at C:13 a m. .112 a. in. via L. V. ' Hi 0 a.m. 11U7 p. m. via L. V. " " 2 I0D. ra. !:S p. m. via L. A S. " " 5:11 u. in. 0::9p.m. vlaL. V. " " Dl50p. in. JitiunnnK, leavoricpotat Perks ana Ameri can St.. Phlla., ot 8:15 unit 0:43 n m.; 2:1F, p. iu. Jan. 1, 1817. ELLIS (Jl.AllK. AKent. plIILA. & HEAUINU ItAlLIlOAOl Arrangement of TasscDger Trains. WAY SIBT, l?77. Trains leave AL L EM'O WN a s follows t (VIA rKRKIOMO BIHNCll.l For Philadelphia, at t'.Oi', li.Ui. o.m., 3.15 and 6 33 p. ii. SUNDAYS. For rblladelphli nt 3.21 d. tn. (VIA EASl' 1'I XUA. UUANCIl.) For lie iilliitt. 1 2.W, 3.Su, 8.V a in., 12.13, 2.10, 4.30 and 9 05 p.m. For U.llllHUnrK. I 2 30, 5.C0, 8.53 a. 111.. 12.13, 4 30 ami 0 3 p.m. For Lancaster and Columbia, 5 S3, 8.35 turn, and 4 30 p m IDoos not ran on Alnutl.iyq . MJNDAYS. ror Iteadlno:. 2 30 a m. and 9 03 p m. For llurriaburg, 2.30 n.m, and o 03 n.m; Trains Foil ALLIl.N'i o WN leave ns follows: (VIA rKUKIOMEX UBANCII.) Leave Fhlladclphtn, 7.31 u. in., 1.0J, 1.30 jna 5.15 p. m., SUNDAY'S. Loavo Phll.idcIphi-1. 8.o . m. (VIA EAST. l'ENNA. Bit ASCII ) . Leavo Deauins. 7.4 1. 7.41, 1 J.33 a m., 4.00, 0.10 f nil 10.30 ilil Leave llarilsburp:, 5 2), B.IOa. m., 2.00.' 3.57 and 7.5,1 p. m. Leavo Lancaster, 8 JO n.m 12.55 and 3.45 p.m. Leaie Columbia 8.00 n. m 1.00 and 3.25 p.m. SUNDAYS. Leave TieaOInjr. 7.35 n.m. Leave llarrl-.uuiu, 5.20 a.m. Trains mnil,ceil thus () run to and from fiepo 0th and (Jrceu street-, PlillnootphU, other trains to a d Irom Droid street dep.it. Tno 0.V) . m nnd s.53 p. m. trains from Allen, town, and the 7.30 n.m and 0.15 p.m. tinins from Plulndf ipnia, hao through cats to and troui Phlladolpnia. J. E. WOOTTEN. . , ueueral Manager. Q. O, HANCOCK, am'l Ticket Agent. QAUBON ADVOCATE CHEAP JOB PRINTIIVG OFFICE, LEHIOHTON, PA. Kvery description of rnntlng, from a Visiting Card to a Poster. CARDS, DILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, MOTE HEADS. STATEMENTS, , rRoaiiAMi rOSl'ERS, .. . HAND DILLS, fjODOERS, CIRCULARS, SUirPINQ TAOS, ENVELOIJEc3,J PAMPHLETS, BY-LAWS; 40., &C. Dond In the boat manner, at very Lowest Trices. Wo are nreparod to do work at as cheip ratea asi'iiv ofllr-o in the State Uat deals hontstly with Us customers. OUR MOTTO IS Ohe'apj Prompt & Reliable. nrordefs by mall receive projnjuemlon. H9. C. do TSC1UKSCHKY, Nearly opposite Durltue's DruR storo, SANK STREET, LEIIIGHTON, Ta. Cnlis lho nttentlbn ot iho Ladles of Lehighton nstorttncnt'of0 1110 8,18 kccp3 " fnU Berlin & Germantown "Wool, ISIPORTED AND DOMESTIC UMBROID ERIEd, Urtl'IONS, RIBBONS, Ladies' and Children's Hosej OEIinitX FRUITS LIMBEUOER 4 SWITZER CHEESE, CANDIES. CoNrrCTIONS nnd n vnrlctvof other in files nut usually kepi lu any other ttocr In Lclitxiitoii. A share ot publio patronage Is toUcltcd, and eautuction KuaiautOed. Jan. 20io3 A Good Family Metlicino SWAYSB'S Tar and Sarsaparilla Pills. SIT IIEAOACIIK, I.anpour and Melan choly Kuerallyaprliirtromniueorderod htom. ech, cosiiveno-eorulori ld liver. Eiehmay be jlWHlily reiuiived bvl)r Swavne's Tnr l-iils. which sliinulato the uver and etomach to n ho iihv nttluu lu reiiioiluii ml bid uusucsa, and ptoducing tegular evncuuttoua of the ttine.a. LIVER COMPLAINT, that dreaded dlneise from which somnuyfior. eons turtii, l.i (icqjemiy thecauxeof Headache, Iiullgestlon and Djspepala, is speedily rcUeved. and are olteu permanently cined uy theiru.e. FvTenninuiteu niovented hythe useot iheio hnu.piniU rills, astliey earn olf. through tbe blood, tho Impuiitk lrom which they oilte. ror COsriVilNE&s there isuoihliiiso effectual as Swayno's Tar and Sarsaparilla Tills. They aro pa'ely vepctable, and net (penally ouihol.l.tros lllno liossor calomel, without an' linurceu is uoni tuklnir. K''fS Tnimoms in a'l commnnlcatlnns, ll'l adelphlo. No cliargo lor advi c. bent hr live box i" "fort-i 4"'M' l'rlC0 :5 ceu'" box' ask Youiiuuucaivr for them. QUARI,LS I'KOEllMCH, Cor. of IKON and LEHIOn Streets, LEHian. TON, Pa.dealer in Choice Brands ot Family FLOUR, FEED, APPLES, POTATOES, &e., ItespectfuUT annonacesto his Customers and the nubile ueuerally that on and alter JAN U. ?e..?lni VA u lespouslhle nrtiee. and In. tie SXlVfi"?? ''"! "ot tettledat the expiration of b nd 3) da, s. edTpaa'go' tobe " 'ctn"ot Db,r,IlW,Qtn4KLB8 'BOB"""!. New Advertisdmentsi THE LUNGS! CONSUMPTION! Th'" rttstrcefling nnd dangerous oomplalnt and Ita premonitory Dymp'oiita, ceirlccU'tl couch, nifflit BwentP, boarenesf, wftnlnp 11 '8h, tcver m rmanontlv cured by "Dr. Swoyno'aCoinpouiiil fciyrni) of Wild Cliorrv' HllOlSCHITIH A prrmoiiitor ot rulnionary Con eu nipt i on. is clmrnctcrlzed hy cat an 1 or In fl animation of the mucous tnonutrHiio of the air nanu-es, with cough and cxnect oration j nhnrt brt'Oth, HoaiK'noss pain"! in the chest. For all i ronctval a flection s, eoro throat, loss of oiCc( coughs, IR. SWAYNli'S COM POUHD Syrup o Wild Cherry IS A SOVEREIGN REMEDY. irernorrhoaet or spitting blooiU rony proceed from the larjnx, truchia bronchia or lungs, nnd nnse from various causes, as undue physical exertion, plethora, or fullness or the Vessel, weak lungN.overntrntningofthe volco snppre.Hi cd evacuation, obstruction of (tie spleen or liv er, etc. Dr.. Swayno's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry rtrlkei nt th root of disease by purifying the biocd. restoring the iiveranO kidneys to healthy action, Invigorating the m rvous syHtcni. The only standard lemody for hemorrhnro, brouuhini ami nil pulmo.iaty ccmp nmt, Cen suinptlTis or those niedisposei lu we ik lunga; ould not full to us a this ureat vegetable rem tdv. Its marvelous power, not iuy over cohump. tion but over every chronic til ease wf.erea pradnnl nltenttlve notion id ueeoed. Under Its u&ctliecouuh Is looseueit, tho night sweat! di minis., tae pain subsides, tho pul-o.ieturua to its natural hiandaid, tho stomach is improved m Uh power to digest end at-Birullate thetood. nnd every organ hnsn purer nun bettei quality blood mippiidto It. out of which nowiecrea tire and piabtic material is maue. SAVED HIS LIFE. A REM A Bt K AB5 1.E CURE! Wra that of Edward II. Ham son, Engineer at Oeorgo sweeny's Totlety, tan Uldgo Avenue, rhl.adeiphia. Ho hud n violent Citizb, nlgiit Hweats. Boro thiott, great weakucHs, pit nt oif. fcrcut time., n pint of i loot',, cave up all hope of recovery, lhrough tbo mo of Dr, ttwanne's WxlaVherrySvruit" became a noundand healthy man, und renin ins sn to thU day. although over twenl y years have elapsed Biuco ui wan cm ed. lMUOiC ONK DOLIiAH. Klx boltles t5. If your driifgl&t ur stoi e temper does not sell ttj we will forwaid halt dozen, licieht paid, to uny ad dress, ou receipt ot price. 1'ItEPAIlED ONLY BT DR. SWAlTVlj & SOIV, 330 N. Sixth Street. Phllailclilhin. Sold by al l'roiulncnt Druggists, Itching Piles ! PILES, PILES, ITCHING PILE0, Positively Cured by tho uso of SWAYNE'S OINTMENT. Home Testimony: I was sorelv afflicted with ono of the most dls tiesslngot all cifcasei I'rurltua or I rnngo, or moiecouimf.iilv.iiiown as Itclilnir Piles Ihe ltcnliiK Ht times was almost mtiderablo Increas ed oy .ciatchlng, ana not unfrcquently become quite eoi e. I bouaht a box of " Swavne's Olntmont " Its uso cave qnlcit relief, nud In a short time made a pel fret- cure, lean now sleep undisturbed, anil I woiud ntlvlso all who are sutrerilig with this dlslrohlng(oiiplHlnt toproeure' hwuyno's Ointment" ot once. I had tncd piescnp.lons almost Innumorjble, without finding any perm uuout relief. JOs W. CHltloT. . . , Firm rf Roedel & Christ. DQOtand shoo House, 344 Noilli second strcct, Philadelphia. SKIN DISEASES. SWAYNE'S AI.LHHALING OlNTilKNT l;.a.l.0..a..enecln,il0 '1KTTER, ITCH. SALT RIII.UM, fcOALU HEAD. ERYSIPELAS BAUUKR'S ITCH. IlLll BLOTCHES, ALL h(JAI,Y, CRUB'IY. CUTANEOUS ERUP t'lO.NS. Peiiectlv .afe and harmless: oveu on the most tenter infant. Price 50 cents; 3 boxes for 11.25. bent oy m.il to any addrceson receipt of prtco. Sulu by ail the leading Druggists, Prepared only by OR. SWAYSC & SOX, 330 Nortu Sixth-st., Philadelphia; : : use jADORNj LONDON I HairColor Restore : HAIni FOB BESTOmxa : GRAY HAIR To Its Natural Vitality and Color. HERE IS "THE PROOF or Its Superior Excellence'. Bead this Homo Certificate, testified to by" Edward 1). OarriBdes. ouo of tho luoht enmpe. tent Drugg sis and flu mist, in Philadelphia, a man whoso veracity none can doubt i I am iiapiy to add ray tcetnnOUT to th6 great value of the " luiinu Hulr Co or Restorer." which u suired my lia.r t or Its original oarki ot. or, nd the huo apucar. to be permanent. I no Mttihfted that Him priparatioi la nothing liken rt.e. but opeiatcs upm tho socrellona. It la also n bcuutUul hair Urewlng. nud promote! tho rowih. 1 purcluaed th r.t bott.s trom Eu, . Uonlguea. uiuirget Tenth and Cuatof.t who cnu alto tcatliv my hair was veil' gray when I commenced its uae. 'H"9. MILLER, 1 ,4, '."J3" Nl 2""lh-at.. Philadelphia. Dlt. SWATKE & son.-ltespeoted iMendi: I have tie uleaaure to Inform jou that many of iiiy iicquainiance, Mra Ml ler, la delighted with tno toictssot your Ixindou Color Hair ltestoi. ef- vJ.r Dn!r was 'ailing rapidly nnd qm.e gray. The color has ho-n testorwl, and the fall, lug out entirely Hopped by its ue. U B. UAltlllOUUS. .. Drngglat Cor. Teutli and Coatea sta.. Phlla. All that art can accomplish In beautifying, ftri'iiK'hcnlusr. Ibtckeulngandadoiningtbenalr la effected Dv ulu "indon I lair Color Restor er." It stimulates and forcea a new growth i If giav reetorea its pjtnral color, and tenders It llky ana beautiful j curia oandrutTi keep, tho t-calii clean, cool and heathy. All druglats s-il it. Price 75 centsi six bottles, It. Sent hy exprea to auy address. SWAYNE SON, m N. Sixth at. Philad'a, SOLE PROPRIETORS. Fop Salo hy all DrutrglKta. July , lew rt MY mOTIIElt'S BIBisE. sj gcouge Bancroft oriffitii. That hUlslle cot again I sec. Sweet thoughts lllto rosos round It twimj 5ty mother there on bended kneo Clasped tho holy book now prizM as mind, Her reverent eyes were ral.ed nbovot Like saint, aho breathed the evening jlrayer. Ono gentle nana Id trml?resk iovr) Laid ou her darling's golden hair. Oh for that touch upon my tirow As when I knelt besides her chair I Would that this heart Wire gulloicss now I I'd fondlv ll"p that slmp'e prayer. Her precious book I liold to night ; Homo's plcldrcd walls agiln t viewl All lit by memory's mellowed light, And broken links of love renew. Bright facos by the flrertdo glow. ino sourness cloth o'er tnble spread With trembling accents, mild and low, Tho word of God Is slowly real Then earnest plea and sweet " good.nlgbi All lmier now within my ear, As praiso of coral i'.epth so bright In echoing, pearly 'ehcll we hear. I Slip the clasp. Lo I promise rare Within the vnlnmn rimU mi- . And eeo I her book.raark lying there i n Drings her sainted piosenco nigh. O golden words ! oil book divine I Pen cannnt tnll hnw ornnii ihnn nr. . And wholly mine yea, wholly thine, - y Hide, balm, and strength lo f9lntlng heart I Too Late For The Train. A DOMESTIC EXPERIENCE. When I reached tho depot, Mi-. Mdtl and Ills wife gazed with unspeakablo disappointment at the receding train, which was lust rolllnc away from tho bridge switch nt the ratn of a thousand miles a minute. The first Impulse was to run after it, but as the train wns out of sight and whistling for Sagestown before they could act upon tho Impulse, they remained In tho carrlago and dis consolately turned the horses heads homeward. " It all eomes of having to wait for a woman to get ready," Mr. Mitn broke the silence with, very grimly. " I was ready before you were," re plied his wife. " Great Heavens i" cried Mr. Man, in iirepresslble Impatience, Jerking the horses' jaws out of place, "Just listen to that I And I sat in the buggy ten minutes, ye'lilne at you to come alone Until the whole neighborhood heard me." " Yes," acquiesced Mrs. Man, with the provoking placidity which no ono tan assume but a woman, " and every time I started down stairs you sent mo back for something you had"forgotten." Mr. Mm groaned. " Tills Is too much to bear, when everybody knows that if I was going to Europe, I would Just rush Into the house, put ou a clean shirt, gf-ab up my grip-sack, rind fly, while you would want nt least sis months for preliminary preparations, and then dwndle around the whole day of starting until every train bad left town. Well, the upshot of the matter was, that tho Mans should put oft their visit to Aurora until the next week, rind It was agreed that each one should get him or herself ready and go down to the tinln nud go.nnd the one who failed to get ready should be lelt. Tlw day of tho match came round In due time. The train was to go at 10.30 and Mr. Man alter attending to his business, went home at 0 45. " Now, then," ho shouted, " only tlireo quaitcrs of an hour to tiatn time. Fly around ; a fair field and no favors, you kiiow." And away they flew. Mr. Man bug led Into that room and rushed through that tine, nnd dived into ono closet after another with inconceivable rapidity, chuckling under his breath all the time to think how cheap Mrs. Man would feel when he slatted olf alone. He stopped on his way up stairs' to pull off his heavy bftots to save time. For the same reason he pulled off his coat as lie ran through tho dining-room and hung It on a corner of a stiver closet. Then he pulled oft his vest as lie rtished through tha hall nnd tossedlt on a hook In the kat.rack, and by the time, lie reached his own room he was ready to plunge Into his clean clothes. He pulled out a bureau drawer and began to paw at tlie things like a Scotch terrier after a rat. " Eleanor I" ho shrieked, " where are my ehltts 1" "In Jour bureau drawer,"' calmly replied Mrs. Man, who was standing placidly before a glass, 'deliberately coaxing a refnetory crimp Into place. " yll, by thunder, Inuy ain't I" Shouted Mf Man.allUIeauuoyed, "I've emptied everything out of the draw er, and there Iffn'trf thing In It I ever aw before " Mrs. Man stepped back a few paces' field hfr head on one side, nnd ufter satUfjIns herself that the crliip would do, and weald stay where she pat It.re plled : " These things nil ecnttereij around 6A the floor are mine. Probably you haven't been looking In your own drawer." " I don't 6ee," testily observed Mr, Man, " why you couKlu't have put my things out for me when you had noth lng else to do all the morning." " Because," said Mrs. Mnn, settling herself Into an additional article of rai ment with awful deliberation, "nobody puts mine out for me. A fair field and no favors, my dear." Mr. Mau plunged into his shirt like a bull at a red flag. " Foul I" be shouted, In malicious triumph. " No buttons on the neck I" ' Pecnuse," said Mrs. Man, sweetly, after a deliberate state at tho fidgeting, Impatient man, during which sho hut toned her dress nnd put eleven pins where tt.ey would do the most good, ''because you hnvo got tho shirt on wrong side out." When Mr. Man slid out of tho shirt bo began to sweat. He dropped tho shirt tlireo times beforo ho got it on, nnd while It was over his head lie heard the clobk strlko ten. When his head came through ho saw Mrs. Man coax ing tho end and bows of Her necktie. " Where's my bhltt studs ?" ho crledi Mrs. Man went otlt Into nnotherrdora and presently came back with her gloves and hat and saw Mr. Man em ptying nil tho boxes ho could And In nnd ttbtjut the bureau. Then sho said : " In tho shirt you took off." Mis. Man put on her gloves whllo Mr. Marl haunted up and dowii tho room for his oUff.buttons. "Eleanor," he snarled at last, "1 believe you, inust know whero the but tons ari 1" , " I haven't seen them," said tllo lady settling her hat ; " didn't you lay them down on the window-sill in tho Sitting room last night ?" Mr. Man remembered, ahd went down stalrS bn the run. lie stepped on ono of his boots and was immediately land ed In the hall at the foot of the stairs with neatness atid dispatch. " Ate you nearly ready; Algernon?" asked tho wife ot the family, sweetly, leaning over the banisters. Tho unhappy man groaned. " Can't ybu throw rue down that other boot ?" he asked. Mrs. Man pityingly kicked it ddwh td him. " My valise ?" he Inquired, as lid tugged nway at his boot. "Up In your, dressing-room," she ttii swered. " Packed ?" " I don't know j unless you packed1 It yourself,probably not j" she replied, with her hand on the door nob ; "I had hardly time to pack my own." She was passing out the gate, when the door opened aud ho shouted : "Whero In tho nniuo of goodness did you put uly vest ? It hits all the money in It." " You throw It on tlib Hat-rnck,"slifa called back ; " good-bye, dear." Before Ehe got to the cornet df tho streit slie was hailed again. " Eleanor I Eleanor I Eleanor Man i Did you ware off my coat ?" She paused nnd turned, nfter signal ing tho street car to stop, and cried : " You threw It on the silver-closet." And the street car engulted her grace ful figure and she was seen no more. But the neighbors say that they heard Mr. Man chasing up and dewn the house, rushing out nt the front door every now and then, nud shrieking up the deseited streets ntter the uncon scious Mrs. Marl, to know whero his hat was, and where She put the valise key, and It he had any clean socks and undershirts, aud that there wasn't n linen collar In the houso; And when ho went away at last, he left the kitchen door, side door aud front door, nil tho downstair windows, and the front gato wide open. And the loungers nuuut the depot yesterday were somewhat amused, Just as tho train was pulling out of sight down In the yard, to see a flushed perspiring man, with his hat 6n sideways, his vest buttoned two buttons too high, tils cuffs unbuttoned and neck tie Uylng, and his grlp.sack flying operi and shut like a demented shutter on n March night, nnd a dour-key In his hand, dash wildly across the track, glaring In dejected, Impotent, wrathful mortification, at the departing trial, and shaking his trembling Bit nt a pretty woman who was throwing Hisses at lilm from the rear platforni ot the last car. A Curious Calculation. It is neserted by eclentlDa writers, iays an Irish newspaper, that the num. ber of persons who have existed ou our globe since the beginning ot time amounts to Cfl,C27,843,237,07.'5.230. These flgdres, wheu divided' by 3,01)5,. 000 tho number of square leagues on the globo-leaves 11,320,080,733 Square miles of land, which, being divided as before, glfes 1,421,020,075 persons to each sgunro mile. If we reduco these miles' to square, rooMs, the number will be 1,853,174,000,000, which, divided in like manner, will give 2,373 inhabitants' to each square rood, and these bding reduced to' ten feet will give nbout five persons to eacli square foot of terra flrina. It will thus be perceived that our earth is a vri't cemetery. On eacti rood ot it 1,233 human beings He buried, each rood being scatcely suffi cient for ten graves, with each grave containing 128 per-ons. Tha whole surface of our globe, therefore, ha"s beet! dug over i2a limes tn liurv Its dead, "If you would ba immortal, turn tramp," said he, with a leer in his eyo nnd a piece of pie In his mouth. "But how would that help' me to' be immort al"" Inquired ils generous entertainer. "My friend," replied the ragged but philosophical visitor, can't you seu that the tramp Is. the only man who lives nil ways?' And slipping a biscuit Into his coat tall pocket, he started anew on his endless course. He had made a' hearty meal at a restaurant, and, rising up, ho said to tho cashier; "I declare, If I haven't forgotten my wallet." The cashier fired up, and hurled big words at him for full three minutes before pausing for breath. When a chance came the stranger continued: "But I have fifty dollars here tn my vest pocket." The cashier couldn't smile to save b!m. BKIEFLETS. .In French they call picnics "Plquo NlqucSi" A Pittsburg tlrin has an English order for locomotive Jacket Iron. The Boston Flower Mission hns be gun Its work for the present seas in. New York City has, it is said, an excess of 10,000 marriageable wonlen. Newark, N. J., has been success fully experimenting with street steam bars. Florida Is not a wheat country.blit Is said to bo as good a corn State ns IIIN nols. A Hartford firm has a contract tn furrilsh a thousand dozen axes to tho Indians. Northampton Cd., PA., will hold Its annual fair at Nazareth on tho 2d of OctbUer. At Lebanon, Pa., thero are four generations of the same family residing lu one houso, -A Schweitzer cheese factory is the latest addition to tho manufacturing In terests of Beading. It is stated that there ate at present 70,000 spindles silent In tho Belfast, Ireland, linen trade district. In tlio dortherii district of Berks county, tlio wages paid laborers barely average CO cent3 per day. About 3000 brook trout havo Just been placed in the Streams of Berks county, Pennsylvania. .-An exchange remarks that parasols nro like lonves of bread the smaller they are tile mote they cost. IIopo, Warren county, N. J., prides Itself on a willow tteo whoso truhk IS nbout forty feet In clrcumfrence. Eight hundred tons of new Iron aro to be laid along the line of tho New Jersey Southern Ballroad thissoison. An exchange knowingly remarks t " It would be n painfully silent world It people talked as little as tliey thought." In Dumfries, Scotland, tho other day, n punch bowl, once the property of the poet llnbert Burns, was bold for teh guineas. Atlanta, Ga., is so trodbled wltll false we'ights and measures that a special Government agent has been ap pointed to examino nil lu Use thero. , There tire said to be over twenty uvn thousand sheep In Amwcll town, ship, Washington county, this State. Two thousand died there this winter. The Cumberland county (N. J.) Freeholders practlco economy these hard times, by cdtting down their ad vertising bills and voting themselves a sumptuous banquet. Tho Chinese at the Janesburg (Monmouth county, N. J.,) shirt fac tory have built a house for themselves nfter n " Celestlril1" model, nnd tho major part of them liavo formed a Sun day school. An authentic, original painting of Miles Slnndlsh, the redoubtable captairi of the Puritans, has just been secured by Captan Harrison, of Plymouth, Mass., who picked it up In il second hand furniture storo. ' In Massachusetts they no longer speak of a man having a " white ele phant on his hands," they allude to' htm as having s " Hoosae Tunnel on his hands," which, to the average! Massachusetts mind, is far more Intelli gible. An Adrian (Michigan) man learn ed a trick from Cymbellne. Desiring to escape from his creditors, lie hut himself In a trdnk and had this latter checked to a neighboring town. He was discovered lust as lie was being puc ou tlio train. Dialogue between tho-Sultan and an naed.olllcer, beut by ytars and long services lu the field: "Sire, I am too! worn out to re-enter the service." "That need not Interfere, I will give you a position where you will havo' nothing to do I will maku you pay master. Now York street urchins a'fa nW, selling "alligator plant," a species of oak branch, with corrugate J bark stand ing out all rtround like a series of "angle irons." These curious twigs; resembling In' many respects little alli gators, come by steauur" from Florida. A bill passed by the Missouri lfc'gls lature certainly makes a serious busi ness of tho grossbopper scourge, aud fur the war that has been made on it nil able-bodied male persons between l'i and CO of years' ag6 artf to be drafted Uf two days In each week during the spring months' of the year, those who refuse to respond forfeiting a dollar fur each absence. What are ye danclrig around fur?" inquired a bootblack yesterday of a boy acquaintance whofe face was covered with smiles, aud who was executing i double shuffle. "Glory 'null fur ouo day!" replied tho lad, Jumping still higher, "Cow got into tho garden tuts morning ami tramped every bed Uat as yer hat, and I won't have to pull a weed this summer?" Two Mexicans, while drinking in a shop at Almaleu, Cal., began discuss ing their claims to good birth, and Anal ly proposed to comiaro blood; so each cut slightly the other's hand and com pared their blood, oil In a friendly spirit. A scuffle for the knUe, how ever, followed, which ended In a quar rel, nud ono of the men drew a razor, and, bending down his antagonist's bead, drew tho weapon across his face twice, lufllctltig two fearful wouudj. The question of aristocratlu superiority must now be left to a court.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers