A physician of considerable eml senco, In England, Dr. Henry Pigeon, writes to tlio London Lancet on his ireatmontof tbat scourge of many f am nios, scarlet fever. Ho says lie lias found sutplmr almost a sped Bo for the disease. He annolnts the patient twice daily with sulphurolutment, gives from five to ten. grains of sulphur in a little Jam three times a day, and hums sul phur In the room or the patient twice dally. lie says he bas given this treat ment extended trial for over two years, nnd that under It not one of Ills pa tients was more than eight days In mail ing a com pic tn recovery, although tlio cases wcro well marked, tlio surface skin on the arms coming away like the skin of a snake. Tho record of his statement in tho Lancet is republished ere, int to stimulate home doctoring AlWsSfcrenKtheilinKCordial It! tllft rnin nf nrnnnntirxtrl laoctn lint. 1 ah uiu great uiuuu iiunutT, tuiiN nynuuin uuu remove Pimplca aud Iluiuort on tho face. iteaaoii huouiu Toaon u mai u uioicuy, rougn oroiioi.l d ektn deteiids cutnclv noon iiu In tor- lmlcauiio.nud no outward application can ever uai-o i no utxecu Judgment or tho rooplo! Dminffthe pant oitrbt rcnlhopablio have carefully observed tho wonderful cure acoom plights! by ALLEN'S STItEXGTUENtNQ CORDIAU From its uo mmy an nfilicttM auffcrer hn been reritorod to peifpcthoaHharterhnvinff expended n sqiiII fortune In procur-iift medical advice and obtaining ooiponnus in menu niedtcinoi. Its medical properties aro alterative, tonic, polvent und din rot to. Ihero Unt iiisofMJ of tho human svtttem lor which allsn'b Btrbxgthen INo cordial cannot be used with pcrloct antety. Allen'sStrengtheningCordial WILL CUHB Scrofulous Humor. It will eradicate from the svstem cverr taint ol sciofula ami Scroiulou. llutnor. It lias per inatiouty cured thousands of hi-lpluss cases wucre an omcr Known i cmotuos laiieu. as a mode of treatment, cuppoitcil by evidence of Its efficiency which makes It worthy of consideration by physicians wbo have not given closo study to that node of treatment. The uso of sulphur in this and similar diseases wo are a waro Is not new, but an exclusive uso of sulphur Internally, oxtemally and for Inhalation, seems to be the specific adopted by Dr. Pigeon.. Tumors, Ulcers or Old Sores Are caused by an minora state of tho blood t RlRHilRfl 111R II Ddll IIlUlilllLrillV Willi All 1311 H Htreuict homos Cordial und the coiiipiul its will aisuppmr. . , Alien' StremrhcnlniE Cordial euros CONStl- rillON. nTHPKt'HIA. l-'AINTAKfli OP STOMACH It 18 iioi a aumuiuung uuicrs which creatui a uo tltlouii aypel.to. but a eeullo Tome, wmcli as sists natuio to restore the stomach to a healthy notion. No po. non aaflenng with Hour tuiimch, --bays ine jn. x. 03erver,ior tno Infl,eHll0'n t0w Duits.dco.. can tako threo 18tli : The, city was full of rumors last r.aaDiiiJl'Oarii.i curps Female week in regard to a duel Bald to have been fought between James Gordon Bennett, of the New Tork Herald, and Frederic W. May, growing out of a per sonal assault by the latter upon the for- iner. it appears now to oe pretty wen ascertained that a duel was fought on Monday, tho 8th, somewhere on the Maryland and Delaware State line, but whether any one was hurt still remains a mystery, as both parties have ab sconded. The Grand Jury of this city have been Investigating tho case, the law of this State furbldlng the citi zens to leave the State with tliu intent to light a duel. Dr. Charles Phelps, reported to be one nf the surgeons, was summoned as a witness, and, on refus ing to answer questions, was committed to prison. After being three days un- at. WAR m FTfi-lT PRTffRRJ B"- Successor to I). Book & Co., At the 66- SKsmimoth. Mtwvef Opposito the L. .& S Depot, BANK Street, Opposite the Pobllo Square. SOUTH STREET - LKmaHTON, Pa., Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware .And Dealer in all land tV HOOFING. SPOtJTINfl and jniUHNfl promptlv attended to at reavraablo charafvt. OT. 3U. BAMUH, UHAVJSH. Respectfully announces to his customers and friends that ho is daily receiving additions to his stock of LADIES' DRESS and DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE, &c, &c, &c. Also, just received a car load of LIVERPOOL SALT, Bread, Cakes & Pretzels which 1 am selling at liottora Trices. SALT PISH a Specialty. Ig" If you really desire to know how largo an amount THE SUN. 1877. MBW YOIIIC. 187 JQEHIGHTON 1UKE11Y. The nnderslon.ri RnnnnnAA. Jn thn Htlzenn nf Lchlffliton, Welssport and the sturoandlDR neighborhood, that ho In now tally prepared to supply thetu with I'llIMIS 1'RESlt Everr Mornln?.at Wholesale and lletAtl. at tho luwost pneojs. UQ lUttKB o lycciAliy ox Wedding' and Fancy Cakes, ricNlcs and all other Fartled supplied with the Choicest Made Icq Cream. Of Goods yOU Can get for a Small BUm Of Ready Money, lnlarie or araall quantum, on abort notice and i i t I i x ii io i , I a' rraaonnblo tlgures. Also, alwnye on hand a you siiouiu not laii to give mo a can oerore maKine your largoatocitoiaiikinaaor juiouaora ujouiniuiu, at Wholesale and Itetall. Tatronnge eollclted, ' ' J. Y. O'NKIC "nnn't frtrmo'l' ViQ "WT-iviVrtftVi C3tib n-n-n T. P. Q Tla nprllSyl BmSrStrcet, Lehlahton.Pa. MayC, 1870-yl LEniGUTON, PENN'A U'nnlfi.iiMtit It. nnm (llinftlV UhOIl tllQ rJlllRQ flf thcitu ojnipiamti iiiMgonuc! and etti iitlicni tlio wnitlfc wyutcro, nets upon tlio uotrctivo or gans niid allaya inflammntiou. At leu's siremi ueumg Cordial ha- ueve. failed to euro uicicntml Oiscusca, vain lu the uoiicj, ua it removes irom tlm Bytcm tho producing cauau.bnit Tlhoum ni-d r cald 1 od readily yield to tuo Kicat altcrutix e tfft-cts of itn n.udicitie. AUCU'8 l-lieiig.xitiiiUK uurujiu linn nuvur uciru kiiowuLofnll m friv.iit ticu.cdhtie relief iu nil dlHt'oacd ol tuu Kidueya nnd Urnaiy oiguun TbiB luedicme ckuhcuues ilio iiiuut piofouDti ut tontiouoi tho in edict 1 laujlty, inauy ot whom nroincBi-Tlbnig it to their patiouia. aiiL'h'h Miojcrthciuutf I oidiai acU aa doltuht fuily cu tlio tt'uder babe, tho most I'hcnlo lady ano iDiiriu oiu age, aa im iuu uuuk iiiuu ; iui Vartlng ho nth ui d vigor to I ho ncrvo4nnd hialu. blood voxels hoait und liver. Whcu Uiktu you can feel its nfoj'VH)g power course ibiougn every ai ten, dmroyiug all diHpast-a m tho blood nnd uIvuik hcnlth. i Iiu.icitv uud streucth to tho w nolo orKutuzanou A lieu 'i atiejctm-uiuir Cordial la ackuowlodc- cd by nil ouiiscaol Kop,oto be the boit uuu uioirellablu bloud imrdler m tho wo flu. It la n-uever fuiliuR lemedv aa.l eanburoded upuu. Unw mau vthousaudt uuon thous .uds have beeu Buatched u$ li wcro Jroiu tho biiulc ol tho gtavo u, ita uiiracuiom power, who wui nuner iroui Liver Uoiutilft.uirt. Uvaseit&ia. Diaoasua of too btomach, Kldneya. lioweta or II bidder when Volumes njlbt uoniita wituprooi irom an narts of tuu civillit'd wotld jo Drove that no re medy han ever been discovered m iho wholo der arrest, he was released on a writ of history oi medic uoihataetauopiomptiy. isveu 1 . . iniho woia'yca-eof tciofula u gool appetite. habeas corpus by Judge Dotioliuo, 011 the ground that he was not bound to an Bwcr questions that would tend to crltu Inate himself. The whole affair has only served to bring ridicule upon tho patties and contempt upon this mode of settling street quarrels nnd healing wounds of honor. There Is no dauger of tho duello being revived In this com munlty. Hon. J. P. WIckersham, Gtato Su. perlntendeut of public Instruction, gathered" from tho Centennial Educr tloual exhibit several suggestions which coiuj.loLodttfjjJtttm atieucth ona ucIIsujaUIoij lor exeroito, arc aure to follow Us nae. If iho boweln are costive, or heaohcho noconipaiuea thodieeaw, tho uso of Alleu' Ltver I'UlaulUro move it. Over eiKfltyena expencnco aud tho lncifutmig popularity of Alton's nicdicmt aro couciubivo prooi. I'rico tl (M por bottle, orelx bottloafort500. It our dnigtfistoi ftore-keeper doeaut.t huvo It, wo williurwaid half a dozen to auyftddro"a on receipt or ine price. x'reparou oniy uy. AMEUIOAN MEDICINE CO ST JOSEl'U.MO. 1 or ea:e by all Druggist. Weissport Planing Hill & Lnmbor'(Bo., TtenuncUullv ftnnonuco to rarurntera. Itnl'drra. Contrnctnrn nnd others, thit harlnt? mnlifK. their nkw MILL8, taey are now vreparcd.to supply them.iat VKUY LOWEST ritlOiSS, with evvry uuiviipiiuu ut Such as Siding, Floor Boards, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Shut ters, Moldings, Brackets, Cabinet Ware, &c, &c, On tho hbortcst Nottre. Our llnchtDPry ts all New and o! tho Moat' Approved Kinil. to that we h ivo no hesitation fn auaranlctTie rertect Pntlalactlnu to "11 who tna lavor in with thetr orcoi s. II von hnvo not tlnic to rail and aeioctwhat yon want. 'end yoarouleri nnd they will be filled jirinimiiv. Bin: m. o-s low prices nsiuou?n vou were prescoi. uive us a icmi, ana you will ue convinced of wlial we. say. SOLOMON TEAKEL, D. U. ALUIUGIIT, WM, 11IERY. JOHN I1IERT. OWce nnd Mill, nearly opposite the Fort Allen House. WEISSPOIIT. Cnrbon (jouiity, renna. juDe iu, ia(u-gi i .1 i i i nj i ii... i,i H to their patients a the very host ot alt remc he tlilnks may be applied to tue sciioo) d,esfor rifes. uandrodj ot iho most ramna system of Pennsylvania. Here are tbe conclusions : First. Tbat there Is too much power in local school boards. Second. The statu should aid district school boards In erecting and furnish ing district school houses. Third. The status ot the teacher ele vated, and greater privileges accorded liliu or tier. Fourth. More liberal support of nor mal schools. Fifth. A"broader and richer" course of study iu ele'mentary schools, what ever that may mean. Sixth. A closer supervision .from one central authority, as in Europe. Seventh. Greater encouragement to hlch schools, academies, and seminaries Eighth, A system of technical schools Ninth. Tho establishment at Harris liurc or Philadelphia "ot a state peda gogical museum" for the exhibition of school material. Allen's Pile Ointment, THE OltlGIVAL AND DCNUINR PREPARATION. The reputation ot Um Med'cino la now so wot t'HCftiii rinea mat iiihtui mir.ueuinen iu mo idimu cat profession throughout the Union recommend It to their patients u the very best ot all reme dies ior rues, uaunrouj or tno most pamnu canes of riles havo been cured by Its uso In u very short tlrao. No loethcluo has ever obtained n hlphcr or room deserving rcimtctiun tbjn Allen'a rile UlIUIIIUUl. AUeu'a Pile Ololmcnt ts a lemedv of universal ntirf uineBii wnuuuver an oil cerate talvo olut- mentor euihiocation la lequind in caeo of 11 urns, Hcaidtt, iiitstera, t?piains, Brut bos, Abra sions, Cuts. Ulcer. Halt Ktieum, roiter, ICczo ma. Kins Worm. Barber's Itch. Frosted Limbs. Chtlb aui9. Chapped Hlclu, t'over Illi-iori, lied ti)rcM(E)oro f eci unniou vt'guiauio i-uieiouuig, lit tea ot Insects. Ac. inero is no kiiuwu remeav inii cives sncn laittiiiir iwlldt iih Allen's Pilo Ointment. It Is a new, deluliilnl uud wondertnlrcrucdv designed anu warranted 10 kuperaeue an omcr uiniiueniH VHI (IIKr.DTITIMl. . Aliens Pilo Ointment la entirely dlffBrent from anr other OlDltuent in tho nvnolo world. perieciij" uarmio-s ior xno inioia or bkou; ibis coolluRund frraieful to tho burnliijrbrow.throb binRicmpiotandleer patohed vystcm; It will uunieii puiu aim unuv luimuiuiiuu iuuiu ruji'U y than auy cuiauvo compound In thn or In any oiner country. I'rice bo cents a box. or n x boxes for 1 2 00. jounliupffiator tnre-keeper noet not have lu wo will forwaid half a dozen to any address on receipt 01 price. ireparen ouiy uy AMERICAN MEDICINE CO. ST JOSEl'U 310. For oalo by all Drapplats. Iowa built only 11 miles of railroad last year, Meadvllle, Fa., fed 431 tramps last vcar at a cosi or ifoaiu. Allen's Liver Pills. rerfecrly tasteless, elecantly coated. Fur the euro ox an mBnrueram me sioinnru. i.i?tT iiuw e's. Kldnoyn. DljuUer. Morvous DieiisoM lli.d M. , . , I ocuc. consiipaiion, uosuveucs. jui11ko.uod. The epizootic has made Its appear- urapensia. aim all iiiiious Duieases, tucii us aneo anong horses in Franklin county, lu tms ssiaie. California never cullt so many miles of railway In one year as she did last year, and never developed so fast In all the great industries. A philosopher who went to a church where the people came In late said It was "tuo rasnion meio tor no body to go till everybody got thero.' "Is that a friend of yours?" asked c3 o o to 5 n a. -4- o C5 u o '8 a u CJ o 0 a a -4 a o o oi a , o s P3 C3 m O H at O WW n o PL, s o J ."t! " -r c o g 3 rd M r a 4i i-H n O -"5b' be s c o Change Yoisr Snrronndinp. AH wnntliirr FRUIT FAUMS. fisnedallv ndintiHi 10 tho cmwth of thn VlNK. whprti It 1 nn established buccosj nnd pit- LAUmK PUOFITa Tho land m nlao adapted to tho growth ux X UJICIIC. I t5HiB Aiiinua Olltl DUIUII (( III I I Hinu, V11UI1I. U1I1B1 HUU V rUCHHIIW, Mnnviiutiareas oi exconcnt virtii Alius, uumii aiujs ana f'Aiius.can now tmttoen. Tin! r.nfiATIOIv Unlv34 mPea south of PhdidMnhln. bv Itallroart. In - mil 1. ilrllshtrnl ell. mate and ft' tlio very doo a of Now York and I'hiiade'phia Markets. Another llailroad runs di xect to New Voik. ' Til r PIiAC'R ts already LAUdR, SUCCKSSFUIj AND PltOSPKHOU. Churches Schools, and other pilvdeaes are an cad v established. Also, manuiactorles ot Hhoen, ciothtuo: (ilaa. ESI raw uofHi1, R'iu mnur iumnn, ni which nnicroiiv inoiiuiurn ui iaiu-iy run yiucuru euipioyniuut. It hai bpon n IIKALTll ItEsOUT for aorao ycaia pat for people sufTennc from pulmonary at ffiptmnM- AnthmA. t'litnirh. Anne, nnd ifchi ltv 1 many thousand nave etitlrelv recovered. A now Uric It Hotel has Just been rooiplotcd. luutoet front, with bacic bmlding four stories 1'ltICK OF FAItU XAND lb.v l'KIt ACJtU, payable by installments, within tho period of fmirvenrs. Iu this climato planted out to vmea. ao acres count more tn&n HO acres further north. , , . ... . . . rersonflunacoinimea wun jjtuu urowiup.oan uecomo iamn:arwun u in a Biiormme on ac count ot mirrouiicttipn. YfVli ACUKS, OE ACRE, AND TOWN LOTS, In the town ot LandUvllle and Vlneland, aiwiorRsiu. wi.iiitt vim i n j? inn uoninnnini F:rnintiinn. vintiana can ue viBiLOti ni Bmn i e mease. A naner entninln2 full lufonantlon. will he sent uiou opnlloation to CUA ULKS K. LAND 1 8. VlN'KLAND. N. J . tree nf cost. tho ionowniff m nu exiracL ironi n neecripiion oi vinuisua, puunsnoa mine nun iuuk iki- All tho tarmera wero of tho well to do" tort. andiotnoof them, who have tarned their atten- tlm to ir-its (ud ictrket frirdeuiQfr, hove irrown rich, Tho oll la loam, varvmjr from audy tootayev, and mrfneo centlv uixlulatlng intersected with umall atretmannd occasional wet ineadow in which dejiosiu of po it or muck aro stored, nufficlentto fertilize the wholo upland nut rnrit niipr ii noa iifiuiiiih exiinkiarnii nr tin iiJLiirui ieiuiiLV. It it esrtaiiiiu one nf the most txttntive ferttU tractt. in an almott level position, and tUilabU condition for pleasant farming, thatvte knnwoftliit iideqf the Western pralrUt. Ve found $m qf the Adttt ji.. i.ir.. i.. r. .i V f. f.. ......... jurma aj'jjurcnttyjusiut jynnuwy jn wikwui ui tuna ttcutcu vj jviz,jyj vi uimiwuit jwn ago. IHO KPOlOSiBt wuum Bu:m uiat'iViT UU Uino ui iuis utjiiiijiuru iciiiiny. inn miuiubuuuuj is n marluc deiwlt, aud h11 through the noil wo tonad evidences or calcareous subtaiioes; generallr lnthoformoi luduratcd calcareous marl, thowlnic many distinct tormsof ancient shells, of the tprilnr lnrmntton i nnd thin mnrlv Rnbataiico 1 scattered al tlnoich tlio soil, iu n, verv commi nuted form, and In tho exact condition and most assimilated by such plants us the fanner dpslrcs to cultivate, juue w. iod. O c3 'i o (-, a aim CO b a p 4 P-. a o S to o S The different ydltlons of THE bUN during tno VB..yetF 3"1 ih0 Mm8 dunnBtho rear tnat baJutiiawod. Tno dally edition wl l ou woe davB be a alieet of four pases and on Son diva alicet er tlghttairoa,orMbroid co nninsf while tno woealj oilltloii will be a sheet of elrti pairea or the samii dlucnatons and character that are alreadr familiar to onr fn,-nd TUtra wl.J continue to be tho atrenuou advooitopf reform and retrenchment, and ot tno anoatltatlon of stHesmamhlp, wiadom, and intenttr tor hollow pxetenoe, lmbeclUtr and fraud In tho admlnlatnuoa of uabllo attain. It win contend for the froverntnent ol the iieoele by the people and for the people, aa opposed to government by frauds in the ballot box and lu ho counting ot votes, enforced by military vlo lence. It will endeavor to supply its rcadora -a bOdy nOW not far from inilltnnnf .nnl Willi tho most carcfut complete, trustworthy accounts of current events, nnd will employ for . . ,-voo a uuuinuj, uuu carriuuy BPiecieQ ata&T of renorters and onrrncrtvinrtnni., Tf. re ports from Washington, especially, will be fall, accurate, and learii ti i and It will donbtlosa contlnnt, to deserve aud enjoy the hatred of .unu nuu luuid uy viunueiuig ine rreasury or by n.nrplne what tbo law doos not glvo bom. While It will entlenvnr t. iti.Nt thnnfl dence ot the publio by defending the right, oi ..in iwi'icnKuiuM, mo uncroacomonis oi nnjus' tilled power j no prico or uw daily BUS will bo H cents o month oi M; yoar, poiii paid, or with tho bnnday edulon f7.7o a your. Tho HUxnAT edition alone, eight pages, tl S3 a year, post paid. 'the Weekly bus, oleht pages of so broad columns, will bo f nnrnheft ilutlug 187) at ,tlio " J VUl. WIS. II1UU. The benOIit nf thifl Inrirn r.Mlnnllnn f rnnr thn h I Iril i .nr. ' rau on eujiiTVii mamnt npclnbs. At tho saino tlmn, lfuny onr friends rnooautould Ine.Tteniliii, finr rl calaUon, we shall be grateful to tbem.aud every each person who Rendu lis tan fir mnr. .nliMrl b. ers Irom one place will be entitled to one copy ... w.u tut U1II19UU wiiuuub ciiargo. A L one dollar a year, postage paid, tho expenses ot pnper and printing are barely repaid i and, con sidering the size ol tno sheet and the q.ialitt- of Its contents, wo aro confident the people wilt consider Tim Weeklt bus the chenp-st news, paper published In the world, and we trust also uuuih i no very Dest. aciurcss, THE SUN, New York City, N. Y o3 n m ba JEDUCTION IX TRICE I THE CHEAPEST AND BEST I the iJAunianuno Daily and Weekly Patriot FOR 187T. TO All new and tO All tirfififlTit Kntianrthprai Tit. ewlug the subscriptions TUU DAILY PATTUOT Will bo Bent at the folio wing rates : wity iwr, iniBao prepaia.,,,,, copies (In club) " " , DISEASES OP IVHEISr, . t IIAIT Y ItELIEP to Younsr OBSTACLES Meu num the elltcts ot Errors ana AOUBesiauuriy juti.Miau- hood restored. Impediments lO to Sfarrluge removed. Now mot hod of treatment. New MATiUIAGE- llool.fl and circulars sent free in MMiiea envelopes. Atiaress HOW AUD ASSOCIATION, 419 ff. Ninth Bt.. l-hUadelpbia, Pa, An Instliutl'in having a hlph repUlMUOU lOr UUUUIUUIU tUUUUVH uuu ninco- p7 ro 12 00 7T SO 10 " j so uO vvi, j mr. uuu i vupvt i vear, oi eitnor Haiifbr's Monthly or ilAnraR'a nxz. THE WEEKLY PATRIOT Will bo sent at the following rates, 1 copy 1 year, postage prepaid tl 00 4 " " " - 6 ltniVVMnv i vuuy i year, ono j copy i vear oi eitncr XLA1U'KU' IUOXTUI.ToriIARPEtt'8 HA. ay a II tuigtnrnnpiinaM nn tuiiii J tn .a,iv d inaut a CltbUi tUlia HOUUllUlt: tyj lorenueroi Aiarpera puoncations. All orders mmt nn AcmmmaniAd hv th miiH viiuei vuciy ur poskuiuoc oroer. xtoTv is me rime 10 snoicTine. Get all tbe now Addresa, patiitot pnnrrotiTwri nn pecio iiarnaburg, I'ju W. LEACHES, Contractor 8c Builder, LEII1QUI0K, PENN'A. Flans and Spcclflcatlons roil ALL KINDS OP BUILDINGS MADE AT TILE SHORTEST NOTICE. NO OHAROES lUiulA for PLANS and BPBCIPICATIOKS wiien the contract la awarded to tho under signed. June It, 1873-71. A. TV. EACIIE9, AM. Conscipatiou, Inwiid Pllt dullness ot IUoikI to the ueaa, Acmity 01 the Moinacn, Nausea, jjeanuurn. liisuki ior ou, i?uiiuoHri oi Wemht lu tho to much, hour EructatlonsLSlnk. lnir ur F.uiteilusr at thn Pit of the tUnnmrh. HwimmiUK of tho Ilead, Ifuriled or Di 111 cult itreatniug. f inucnnK hi ine neart, i.uouingur buttjcattnictieuiiuiloun when in u liuiir oosture. DlmiieA ul VUlon, Dots ur Wrh I'tioro iho bight i ever or dull pain In tho Head. Dililcu.iy of PrcspiraUon, Yellowne-ui ot tno bkm and i-jyea, rum in mo wee. unesi, i. uiU8, uuu uua den l luhhen of Heat Jturnlnaoi iho Plenh. etc. Allen's IdVUK Pills may ulwaysbo rolled on as a aa found effectual lemedy, ana miv tw taken by both bcxi'h at all tlmi i with bcn flcial iouii,s, itr iui-ir usu ujo niyiu. uroiuuno Kirmig, llMtre alter iLutiuir InvAid Weakuess. L:m- guor W tot of Appetite, are at ouce removed hr iuouenuni vi pot- ft to tried I VO lust I iQem Tney always give teiiei. -I ALLEN'S LIVER PILLS Herniate tho or can a of the srstcm. re6tnrtiii fuuetloadl harmony aud securing tuu secretion ot Pie proper constituents of each urvau. Dy luuiritu.iuu iut i.vcr recrt'ics itnanoiieu pro 10 CENT. WET THE CHEAPEST & BEST! &"rKK I for the monev lender. In terest nald neml nnnuatlr In N. V. Excbanso. beennty 1 io I times tlin lnan in lanil alone, exclusive of the unlld. I lugs. iPrownt cash value bv sworn apprais ers.! no AUTtuHUluui. outer, j-u ritiuiouii morn nromnilv mot. Host of references irlven, I send stamp lor pirtlcnlare D.S II. JOHNS TON. Negotiator ot ilortKoco Loans, Ht. 1'aul, Minnesota. J,n.2Q.t dot a week Inyonrown town. Terms aod WUU t5 outfit free. II. II. IIALLETT & n New York centlemuu. Dolntini; to a unrtv who was salllnir down tlio street uooortwoof tlusoni.a. Thoutands of p V.A y . Jin . ,, . , "" who havenod iho.o Pills we ho ye "Can't tell till next baurday, returned hear tho llr-t roinuluint froui oue who has tr tbe individual addressed lent hint five dollars." The Chicago Trlliune estimates the tnuulclpal debts or Illinois at 4U mitt Ions, averaging 8 per cent. Interest, nnt cava Mu, hiirHnn U an licnw llmf noriioti of bill Iho lunirs rarhon. th hkin ...II l.nnn nf navln.. tliB nrlnnlnJl ho. iW.I.Pi" . k""e?' !!r,ne- et0-''",a roalviay " ,- . j ' rt . -, i tnuuiv u vuik.ii" . l,Ain fllinnlnn't. Tn finmn liwtiinf, I '1 he Baud, and nersons sublocted to(on.llim. the payment ot interest lias been Kiin,irsaud m.djoi. eiu.ihoMiivatn i.,.:,rr stonned. and tho effect ot the over- to lnjocilona, byuunia-two orthrooof Allen's 1 ,l,Vlmlnn AM !, liRn in rtonrpMnln 1V1''1'- "i" C'ljuj nainral dlsclmrpoi, and ,,.u,w...t, . - -.-. . by me oceuAiouai useoi mem nave rt'KUlur tuo value ui prune ny, rcvuui iircuai,u i unuu. and settlement, ana lius actually caused men to tell out their farms at a eacrl- fico aud move elsewhcro where the laud was not mortgaged so heavily." A Chicago actor's rendition ot Iago is thus spoken o( by a critic ; "lie does sot seem to think that Iago was the cold-blooded, bilious vidian tnat Air, Booth makes blm, but rather a sarcas tic, rollicking, cynical cues". A Toledo steamboat Captain, ou hearing ot the death ot Vanderbllt, dec orated his vessel cayiy vvmi tiags ana streamers, and blew the whistle all day long., lie said that tlio uomiLoaore bad once wronged him, uud cuu- uequeutly lie Jolt like celebrating. T. D. CJLAUSS, BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON, PA. cncjsioivi 3sac.A.x:E2 clothing, You caDselecl from ttio very best of Goods nnd get your Garments mado to lit like a glove In the Latest tusnlou. Iteady made Clothing Ladies', Misses', Gents', and Children's Gaiters, Hats, Caps, and Gentlemen's Furnlslilnc uooas in great variety auu at Knock-Down Trices KOlt CA8II. HT Cail and examine Goods and Pilces before purchasing clsonheto. T. D. CLAUSS, Morclmtit Tailor, 2nd doorabove the Tubllc Square, BANK STKEET, Lehlght on. $2500; aykail agents wanted on our urnnd Co ntbl nation JToa nociua. renreHeniintr 150 distinct BOOKS wanted everywhere, Tiik Biookst Tiilno livmi '1'IUEU. Bales made fruia this when all amglo lioous fall. Also. Apent wanted ou our MAU, Ntptfl.iwi' Pa Mll.V ltTllf.l.m- hnnerioe la all olheis. Willi lnvaluaolo Illustrated Aids and superb liindiugs. These hooks neai me World, ran particulars Ire. Aduross j utir. ij. I'un tu ,c uu., rummers, i'iiil, . O Augneta, Maine. Csrfri a Week to Aaouts. bamplea '? 4l'RGE. P. O. YICKKHY, a., n UBJ IhUUUIB. Afil'UM n.ul.u. V. u ... . 2)1 and terms tree. Tim n & Co- Augusta, sntnTCV irured. fuel saved, and heat f-ii.:,,.voereased by applying the Bplral Vjllliuncyst T,rit, 8en(i numnfor Circular (Willi le.umouuiai io lili.Nllv uutuiiu. CttllVUI Olini, I UII.UCII'UIH, . .. ucuaiouui useui iiu'm naro rt'iruiuronor In Ihti&ocawa their htrmnrtlienni!? unt uutiitlouftprluilpUM me txlnhltm, ever, dotse vtiii ami new mreinnn to tao lioweit, L.iTtr, Kidneys, etc, thut may be worn or depleted by In these TUU, a want that ftcleoce has ever failed to ttuiip y Is nt-curcd and thU la a thorouuh VUtpativotuat can bo civen lu saretv In cascu ot eiuptne lever, timall J'ot iCrysipo.ais "Yellows Vcver, tkuirltt uud Ijnhold I'evern. Wh-u the Mucin Uembraoo bccouie ulcerated, thto TUU act thoroughly, yet heal ulcerated und excoriate J iarta. They are made irom ex tractwtrom new JngtetUenU entirely vexe UOle. tupeilorlneveiyiMpoct to theordioary lKtTileraud ub8tauceioi thecomuiou u iver. lifted VHl, and hu.ea rale.certaln. aud uultoim nction. I'nce 35 cents a hot, or tds boxes for f2 ta If your dniffgvt or utoro keeper foe not nave thorn, wo will forward ball a dozen boxes to any addieas on receipt of the price. 1'n pared only by AMERICAN MEDICINE CO. ytf'i'5i,aDiiin(iLtuao.Ki I fiaiVSXaim US'. a(tn f.irtMsomp.?r?4 I pAl Uon. Ciorbs. LrojcLltb b ill Sr Vilsu if 31 ImbIV 41tstt.jut rrBrirnrrUtfirCracii'jjfrS3?) Ifhe bai cut rt It, I ill, ea receipt For Hale only by A. J- PURLING, DruftclBt, Hank Blreet, LehlEhton, I'a. Oct. SI. is::,w30. For sal by all Drajtf its. bT. Joscrii Mo. Deo. a, ma, ADYEETISING ! Sl.tVI.40 worth of spare In various newer a nor a distributed through thirty Biatea, will be Void jor.TOicsih. Accurals lusirtionsiruuautecd. A list ot the mpers, rIviuk daily uud weekly oircaiatlou and printed schedule of rates, sent free on application to GtO. 1. liOWliLL it CO.. Kewsnaper Adverilsina; Agonls, Mo. 41 1'ark How, Xew York. Kov 11, Hoi, QHAULES FltOEHLICH, Cor. ot IKON and LKHIQIt Streets. LEIIIOlt. TON, Fa., dealer In Choice lirands of S) K 12XTIU FINE Mixed Cards, witn name, too, posrpaia. uJ(wrauo MitKw.o.T, dKrjrjA MONTiFio Active Men Belllmc 9XJJJ our letter Convlns Book. Nonreaa or water ued. Bamnle cony worth 1-l.co rriw. 1 ena stamp ior circular kxckumuu N'iril i;u., vn 4iauisou anu iirz uearoorn ni-, unieaeo. nCMOIOMO No m.tter how slirhtly uls 1 L.I1OIUI1O aUled. Increases now nald. Advice aud t lrcuiaia fiee, T. mcMicuiel, At torney, 7V7 pansom at., t'uuaueipuia. Fnniilv ToT.OTTR- ivKKil. Co!onrer'1Iya,1"1'8 umpiesworth .... J w 1 whuwis sent 1 free, btikbon dc Co., Port- APPLES, POTATOES, &a., ItesptfuUy announces to his Customers snd tbe pubile Renerally that on and alter JAN U AH1 l.t. 1S77. he wilt sell for cash only or on TI1IUTY DAYS toietpouslulo parties, and In terest will be charaed on ail bUls not aettled at ine uxpiration o; s4o J J itaya. tV All articles warranted to be aa represent- ou. 1 uiruuaigu suimica. f'HAULEH FROBULICIL uecemuersi. jsio. f) (? KXTBA MIXED CAltDS. SO BTTUM. or 20 NtW 6lQ YEAll'a Caiuis. 10 Cents, postpaid. KAb. hi A ,t , ,,T1 f-O Ma. a. it IT ' ft r. Fine al lxed Cards, with name, I5c, postpaid 2S tor JOc A. Travera oi Co., North that- EPILEPSY OR FITS. Him bit an Nekvus. tho atmat Nerre Conqueror, cores Ivmleptlo 1 Its, Convul alon, kpapin( Bt. vltni Dnnoe, aud atl nerrous dueasrs: the only known pot tiro and sore cure for Epllepr. It has Ixn K'ntnl bT thouBflnila and Lis never been known to fall tn sluiclo caao. Incloss Manip tor circulars pi vine evidence ozenrea, Tnal nacksce tree. I'lfase eive name ot ex. prvaa odlco when orderlujr in edict uea. Also t-end nauira snd addreaea oi all pemoua anbject MJ CPIippUO I'll. A UIU MM n A. KICIiUU&S, Newspaper Advertising Agents. Geo. P. Rowell & Co 41 PARK ROW, N. Y. Therhare tho aatlafaetlon of controlling th I most extensile and complete advertialnKCOn nectlon which has ever been aeoured. aud oue which would be hardly poHhlble In any other couiiiry uu.uiis luey uarosucceeoeain worn, intr down a comnlox buaiuMa into so ihoransh, ly assstemutle method that no chacgulntbe newspaper system oi amenci can eacape notice, while the widest Information noon all tomea In. lerwtiof to adTf rtar Is placed readily at the disposal ol the public Kxtract from Jt ow York WAKTED, ererybody to know that fl.OOc&ah -KSTABLIStlUD JSCS. n.IOlftllE&Cft-.AtihvftRl-Jinw Bnxessoisto Ctuiiux, lloeiun & Co , fi29 F St.. Waslnno-tnn. T P. AMEBICJU AND 1DUEI0X PATEST8. nuu cuuuucuuk a icQcanaa. BDecia, aueuuoi uiiuci uiiiuuk iu juveuiious or I'aienu. skhi O rJJll- t uu 1 AHrilLET Or OIXTT l'iQF.S V. 8. COUUTS AND llEFABTUENTa. ine uxooauve uepartments. AIVEEABS Ol' PAT AXD-BOUNTT. vrtpa ami a.tntji anirnnf nf n gnd lumnf v d euuiiuauuii, win ud ictvut juu ulxj. mpiurodor injured In the late war, howeTt siamp anu lniorumuon wui ue lurnisnou iroo. United States Qenuul Land ofhicb. partment oi the interior, old bouxtt Land wabiunts. esuh tnr it, Am Monii Kir rl,ri at nvsD.V li.tra ed lawyora snd clerka mu u oLijeir uuiics hicia y tai . i. laiiiiinij tm n ui) attoinera have been thus susoeoded will and proper papers on appdeatlou to ua,- . ab w v uiviko iHj ten uuicM euix;i:nBiLii BbtUii lor return "poetaK shonld be sent us. - uoerai arrunjemeoiJ maae wiin attorney! aucuuscaui uuiiuooa. Address, GILM0KE & CO., P. O. Box 4 4. Washiiigton, D. V lUUinuiun. 1.V. . ilUI 11AJ UQ1 . lain. A HID U1CU1B U1D All D1U1UUIUE Ul V CUL1ID Utlll ai'iicAin inn ruuonnoiiifu ana niuiiru nr i uo., oi HU3 city. (jKfiitnR tt. n. wniTK. jasour or uie jNanouai aieiropoiiun nan ' SCIENTIFIC PARMER BOSTON, MASS. Relents Is knowledge! sclsotlfto Isknowlag. Can a butler tnotto be adoptsd In tba Interest or a pronull. cnlture. ICnterlng families In svery seetion, Nerer bas tt failed to gire satisfaction To the lobdllg.nt fanner, In all thiols practkal For tt treata of lbs doctrine of uses In mattera that psrtaln to tbs farni. Cannot vou afford to git. It a trial I For only 0ns Dotltr ayasr, A nd vonr nane and addreaa rlalnlv written. Stuck of monthly value will t. ruclxd, Kaabllnir you to profit from others' sxpsrUnes utuKi inav lueas turnea to use lrs money. Fire Copies, 19 cent each. BUSINESS MEN AND OTIIKR8 IN WANT OF JOll 1-ltlNTINU OF ANY DKSCKfniON, WILL IINUTUKOAHllON ADVOtlATK OFFICK Tilt HbST and CllKAP. KHT l'LACE IN TUB COUN1V. UIVE US A TlllAJ, AND Hit CONVINCKD. WA IT ED, a purchaser tor a Wheeler Wll MEWINU MAU11INB. (3) rsh Will b tjsu as una umos. TOll PlttNTINO at. the verr lowest prioe " THE CARBON ADVOOAT(0 1 FtOB,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers