II. V. MOtlTIlIHER, EDITOR LKIIIQIITON, PA.: SATORDAT MORNINQ, JAN. 27, 1877. The Comptroller of the Currency lias called for reports showing the con dition of the national tanks tit tho close of business on Saturday, January 20. A. telegram from Washington In forms us that the Banking and Curren. cy Commutes of tho House have re ported against the repeal of the 10 per cent tax on State bank circulation. Tho new count of the Florida voto for electors, mado by the returning board In compliance with an act of the legislature, fools up Tllden 24,484 votes, nayes 24,340 from tho face of the returns. A. declsslon In the case of tho Gov ernment ngnlnt the Centennial Board of finance, Involving the return of $1, 500,00 appropriated by Congress for tho International Exhibition, was an nounced In the United States Circuit Court at Phlladclphta.on Friday. The decision of Justice Strong was In favor of tho payment of the stockholders, to the amount of their subscriptions, be fore refunding the amount of the ap propriation by Congrcs. It takes the ground that tho payment of the sub scrlptions Is tho returning of bo much capital, and not the -distribution of "profits" ns defined In the law making tho appropriation. Tho case will be appealed and decided Anally by the Supreme Court. It Is thought that, un der this declsslon, about 80 per cent, of tho subscriptions will bo returned. Last week our Washington lotter, mailed Tuesday, reached this office Sat urday morhlug, this week It has not put In Its appearance up to time of go ing to press. Is the letter being "bull- doied" In the post-ofllco department, or bow Is It ? John II. McPhorson, Democrat, was elected U. S. Senator for the six years' term by the New Jersey Legisla ture In joint convention Wednesday. Tho vote stood: McPherson, 41; Court- Jandt Parker, 18; George M. Kobeson il; Frellnghuysen, 10, Phelps, 1. New Yorkers are trying to Chris tlanlze the denizens of Wall street that city, If they succeed in the effort, then Indeed, shall wo conclude that the day of Mlllinleum has come. We would like them to try their hand on Uaxter & Co., at an early day, they eadly need repentance. '7 At the close of the year ending September 80, 1370, tbero were In the state hospital, at Danville 184 men and 127 women, or a total of 311. The average weekly cost of each patient was $4.71. The present amount of nccora modatlon Is for 350 males, nnd by crowding, J120 females; total, 470. THE NEWS. A large meeting of citizens was held In Harrisburg Tuesday evening, Hon. Francis Jordan presiding, at which resolutions .were adopted urging the passage of the bill now pending In Congress for the settlement of the Electoral difficulty. Similar resolutions were adopted at a meeting of citizens held In Faneull Hall, Boston, at which Mayor Prince presided. Tho argument of Senator Conkllng Tuesday in favor of the Electoral bill Is said to have been the grandest effort of his life. Says a correspondent from Washington: "In the opinion of many old habitues of the Scnato galleries It was the greatest speech ever delivered In the new Senate chamber, and a Domocratlo (Congressman, who Is an able lawyer and a cultivated critic, de clared that in his opinion it was unsur passed oven by tho memorable argu ments of Webster and Clay in the old Senate Chamber." Vehy Useful io Every One. Is no other way can a person get back so large a profit for a very little money, as to expend It In learning what to do, when to do It, and how to do It In other words, to have his brains help his hands. Here Is one way to do this Tho small saving or extra production of less than half a cent a day, or 3 cents a week, will now procure a large, bcautl ful, cheap, Journal, for all of 1877, splendidly Illustrated, with over COO fine original Engravings, and over a Thousand Columns of tho very best, plain, practical, trustworthy Informs tlon about the every day In-door and out-dcor work and comfort of every home, in Country, Tillage, and City. This Information Is not prepared by mere scribblers, but by a largo force of Intelligent working men and women, whu know what they write about, and they are assisted by many others, who furnish Information from their .own practice and observation. Such a Jour nal Is tbo American Agriculturist, so named because started 85 years ago as a rural Journal, but since greatly en larged and Improved to suit the dally wants of etery man, woman and child In Cily, Country, and Village for the Farmer and Gardener, the Merchant and Mechanic, the Professional Man Indeed, all classes. It is packed full of useful Information that every one ought have. Many single Hints and sug gestions will repay more than a whole year's cost of the paper. Its original engraved plans tor oulldlngs and im provements, with details of cost, etc.. and common-sonse directions, are worth far more than a majority or the costly works on architecture. Great care Is exercised to have overy line In the pa per reliable. Its constant, persistent, and full exposure of a multitude of humbugs and swindles, are alone worth far more than Its cost, and have saved to Its readers and to the country mil lions of dollars that would havo gonu into tho hands of sharpers, The De partment lor Housekeepers and Chil dren are very useful and entertaining. In short, the American Agriculturist is full of good things, and ought lo be In overy house In the land. The circula tion is bo large that the Publishers can supply It a little above the cost of the printing paper or $1.00 a year, sent post-paid; or four copies $5.40. Take our advice and send your subscription lor lb77 (Vol. 30) to Orange Judd company, S4S urnatlwny, JSew York lou will nnd It pay, and pay well. Hubbard Bros., have sent us ad vance sheets of a new work, now in course of publication by them, entitled : "The Centennial Exposition, Desert bed aud Illustrated, being a concise and grapblo description of this grand enterprise, commemorative of the First Centenuary of American Indepen dence." The work Is printed from new and clear type on good heavy paper, and Is profusely Illustrated with por traits of prominent Centennial niana gcrs and views of the choicest articles on exhibition. This work has been carefully complied from official sources by J. S, Ingram. Persons desiring territory for the sale of this Important book should address. Hubbard Bros., Philadelphia, i'a., witnout delay. Speaking of the Electoral bill the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin remarks "Two of the Justices will be Republl cans and two Democrats. To what party belongs the fifth can not bo sus pec ted." All tho nine Justices of tho Supreme Court but the venerable Clif ford were Republicans aud were ap pointed by the administrations of Lin coin and Grant It ought not to be hard to guess the fifth judicial member of the electoral committee will also be a He publican. None of these Itepubllcan Judges have made any sign of party change except in the moderate and cor stitutlonM decisions of the Supreme Court, but the democrats will accept them as arbitrators of this dispute with out regard to their present or past par ty relations, or their political views, real or Imaginary. If tee country can not trust this tribunal for a fair count of the honest vctes then no other alter native remalDg but submission to fraud or an appeal to arms. HarrUburg l'a- tlot. After an all night session of the U, S. Senate on Wednesday, the Elec toral bill, at an early hour Thursday morning, was put to a vote on Its final passage, with the followlug gratifying result : For tho bill, 47 ; against It, 17. Our Philadelphia Letter. Fhlla., Pa., Jan. 21th, 1877. Dkab ADVOCATE i One of the Institutions of this great city, Is the American District Tele- graph Company. It, yon havo a packs bo or a meiaage which you may wish to send to any part of tno city, their fleet-tooled messengers are ever ready to attend to the same, aud with promptness and reliability. Never mind what the Donr may be, ol day or night, these trusty heralds will respond to your call, whether yon wish to sf nd tor a doctor or anybody elso, or even to assist In extinguishing a tire should that destructive element visit your premises. Now there may be one thing which makes these messenger boys so faithful, and that Is this t it they do well and ober their onion to the strict letter of the law, they are sure to be commend' od, and promotion la a thing that Is rot far off, and theiefore aure totollow. As a sample, I take pleasure In sending you a oopyof "Qeneial Oiders, Ko. 5," Issued by the American District To egraph Co , on January JUL. 1877 1 " To the following named Messenger lloya Stephen Kelly, No. 263, P. J. Hhruodei, fo. 12a. Ileury lloullace, -No. 2u7, hare been favorably reported for Ihe faithful performance of duty In tho sti let and exact ob servance of tbelr Instructions In the delivery of circulars, and are hereby complimented by the Company therefor. A copy of this order wlU be posted one week In each District office, and one copy furnished to each of the abore-named mes sengers. (Signed) W. M. Kassox, Qei, Man.' Boutwoll will have to say farewoll to the Sen ate, but I guess, he thinks It's about aa welL 'Sour graphs I" A lightning calculator Is aald to be a man who conntahu drinks. Madam, your husband la winking at my daughter," aald an old lady to Mr. BInga' better halt, "Why he Isn't." responded Mrs. 11.. " It' only an afiection of the eye be has." "Oh I' alahed the Irate mother, " I thought 'twaa an affection of the heart," We hare had a little more snow by way of change Stoker la np again for Mayor, and the other mau Is named Caven. One thing suie, onoc tbein will have to caw-In when the election oyer. Yours, briefly, MaBcuna A .nttlnftn n.m.j! tifcttm TA.a V . ........ held for trial on a cbarge of committing a felon. Ions assault upon tho perron of a little girl aged twelve years, named Eliza A. King, at Altoona last week. The IlanvlllA ln(tlllipnAf i... MvA.nl . the churches In that town are In a bad financial condition, and that one of them Is likely to be old by the sheriff. John A. J.nlrlna. wifn tirt -It Attllrirnn n. aiding near IIonedle, were recently poisoned by eating a plo that had been cooked lu an Im. perfectly glazed piste. KBlA RtAmlflr. lUTAil 1 J arFtv1 tn TT... risonrn Monday, on ansoiclon of hating poison. ikI her ate p mother and lour children. The parents are expected to recover. The Delaware nnd Hudson Canal Company baa removed all tho machinery from It shops nijucouu iu( ioi.aruonunie wnero repairs IO lis rolling stock will bo made hereafter. The tax collector of ArchhsM. T.iivatoi. County, stays so long In Canada that his bonds men aro becoming anxious about him. lie Is a defaulter in the round sum of (111,000. Four sisters named Stark are Imprisoned at Snnburv charged with stealing bioonsnu aau aaae. The marks sing like larks fiom the third story of the court himse where they are peiched awaitlngjnatlce. The RAJltin RAntltiAl .r. th-rh.ml.al anil. ysls of the stomschs of tho murderor J.aro cost me coumv sow. Tnis turn waa awarded nv ex. porta, and the county commissioners regard It b uigu.pnoca jtnoiwego. The supreme court of this state has reccnt IV decided that tbo son has an Interest winch may he insured In thn lira tit his father, nnlhn ground that under the law of the stale, aa of other states, the son Is liable for tho father's support A man named Thomas Farrell while lntox. lcated was latally stabbed bv a man nam?d Voreacre. at Cheater, on Mouday ulght. JMr rell hod wandered into tbe wiong house, and scared Mrs. Foreacre, and her boabantl killed bUD lUMUUVT. The county oommlsslone' a of Luzerne coun ty have Instructed the assessors to increase tho valuation of aU taxable property tweuty.hve per cent. How tho assessors msy do this and yet live up to their offlolal oaths would puzzle wiuwi uiib u assessor. The Sunbury Osteite says two Northum. berland county farmers bad a Olspato about a va uuiiu- coat nouse wnicn, wnn too pay 01 at torneys they hired to assl.t them, cost them 1 101 apiece. It Is luoHy that litigation la so costly, otherwise there wontd probably be mora The Taman.ua Courier says the Tamaqna rolling mill is to co Into omieration nr-in with a force of eighty men, ou the manufacture of cotton bale hoop Iron, nine tons of which It Is proposed to turn out dally. One biUet train will bo employed single tarn, aud a hoop tram uuuyie mru. The Dickson mannlacturlng company of Bcrauton. Pennsylvania, are building six loco motives for the Michigan Central railroad com pany, and aro also rebuilding seventeen for the Deleware, Laokawanna and Western and four for the Albany and Huequehanna roads. This win keep tueir 101 eo employed uutu spring. A woman at West rittston. named Parish, assisted by her servant girl Ilrldgec Martin, was a-nl'tY. of tho horrible crime of mittlne- the bare body of a child, four years old, upon a red hot stove In pnnishineat for some trivial fault. Tbo two brutlan creature; have bean arrested anu wiu do uieu ana panisaeu zor tueir mon mm urjme. The Reaalng railroad company have a most thorough streas ol economy. Manager Woot ten no longer wipes his locomotives. lie dis charged IAJ wipers three months airo nud ceased to purchaao cotton waste Alter a tnnl ol two ana a quarter millions mileago he Unils tils on gines are In good working condition as usual, ana no nas eaveii su per aay. During the celebration of ma-a at St. John's church. Pittstoii, 011 Hundav. .Michaol lloriau fell f.int!nu and died almost Immediately at the pastoral ru'iuciico aaioiniliK. wnere he was cat rlcd. The services uroceedod wlthouL Inter. unliun. lew nf the Mnnrrstrat 011 hetni awnrn that one of their number bod been 50 suddenly Eurumonou 10 uie unseen woiio. The Miners' Journal says a sham Schuylkill conuty tanner allowed taxes te accumulate on tract 01 and he owned uutu ther ulnnunted to S70. When the commla-lonera sold the laud, in default of payment, ne bought It Inlorsio. This tioweied mm so that ho tried the game airain on Wednetdav. but an envious nelvhuor out nis iana up vi f-Hsi. uius compelling nim to par mo xuii aujouub ui uis uuuuq ueucy. Ephralm lluschelpcck of Upper Pittston mnde indecent proposals to a young woman' nameu oiaiy jnnneg 111 wnicn ano reseuiea wnn proper spirit, wneu tho rcoundrel drew his re volvcr aud tired upon her. The ball from tho piaiol euteted her chin making a frightful wouiiu. is uoos noi. speatt we,iiuE.uio.ueiKU. borhood that Ilusche'pock eUll goos aryuud un rractice makes perfect witness Schuylkill county ciluunat practice 1 January 4. Oscar At'uora strucK jooepu iioaaru w,tn a oinn. llokarti died the same day. Jan. 5. M'Cord Sur. rendered himself and was JsUed. Jun.7. atruo bin was found ugainst him for murder. Jan. 22 he waa called foi ttlai;a Jury wat empanelled In as minulea; the lawiois occupied about 6 hours pro and con: the Jut y took ouo hour, and maue mausiuiBUier. An unnatural wretch named Mver tumM hia two child! cu. bova aged 10 and 13 yeai a. into rue sirceia 01 peranum sueitcriesg. lie nag just oeeu reicasvu iiuui u icru, iu urisuu ior cruuiiv to them, aud evidently ueeus to be put la ms pureauou wun some more potent medicine. With all the talk about the tuliorv ana whin. ping post as inefficient method of administer. any punishment could bo more exactly adapted The Pettsvtlle Chronicle aavs t "Mrs. ITnn ora Lyuch, lor tho lost thirty years a resident 01 iiecKscuersviue, uieu ut mat piace on Hun. n7. &C LUH YffV UIU UIU U UlUD.V.nilm TMI. Her huabaud was a ilrtttlsii soldier and nartia.' losted iu the battle of Waterloo. Mrs Lynch accomuonled his regiment as cook, and was preseui, iu mar, i-Jsuiy, ui, mu uaciie wnicn ruveu mo uuriuui vt.iivuicuu. iuu oia la ir retained her mental Doweta until thn tfut ana many were the tales she could relate of that campaign, ouo leaves ioriy-iwo great grand children." The Mercer county frrand Inrv rneentlv made the lotluwlng tctrtbio lepoitt "We have TUlttxl the county poor bouso 111 a body and dud eignw.nve lumaitM, uieteui witnout suuicicnt clothing and bedding for their comfort, there tielnar but four or five good beds in the hiiii-tA. and two of the beat reserved lor the directors. Thenrison aeparuneut la lu a terrlhlv flnriv and unhealthy condition The ldiotlo depart ment la In a Hill worse aud more tlltny condi tion, not tit lor brutes, aud tuocn lets for unfor tunate huinau boiugs. We theft-lore recommend our honorab.e Judges to appoint a committee of five good cltlxua to Investigate the condition and repott the same to tne court." We have received the January number of LKisUBK Uouita;a hauu&omo mammoth is pare (01 oulumus) family paper, ailed with literature senai and abort stonea, sketches, poetry, wit humor.&o., o. Itis eateruinlog. amusing and instructive, and la one of the cheapest papers the smouut ana quality of matter considered thit we have aoen. The pi ice is 11.23 per year, Including aa premium a genuluo tlnellnesteei enslaving. called'Tho Mltlieriess llalrn,"pitnt ed on 21r plate paper, which the publishers claim superior In point of merit aud att lactlve. uea to any premium ever offered by any other paper in the country, and ts alone worth tha money asked for both. I bo publishers, J L. Patten & Co., 102 William at., New York, author ize us to say, that in order to introduce the pa. per m this viilnity they make a speoul offer to every oue of our readers to send them the paper a '-trial trip" of four months, post-paid.com. menclug with, the January number for U eta, Our readers who avail themselves ol this offer will, we feel certain, thank us for havuig called their attention to it. Tbo publishers of Lruairug nouns would like to employ some ouo lu every place to canvass for this paper. E F. LtCKENBACH, fresco, house: And bxqx PAINTER, And Dealer in all Patterns of rialn & Fanoy Wall Papers And Window Blinds, Two Doors Below the "Broadway IToaao," MAUOfl OIIUNK, PA. Jan. 27-y A SWixiUEo. The imblic are cautioned a ffati)tt a taruaced acouDilie. vrho turui up tiret iu oue pait ol the country and then iu auotiier, repieAfuiiog aiuitcu at uur ar?iu tor mu iiiui tret tMi Mewupaper called Home and lteude, which la Dublutied t Oeurae Bltoaon A Co. Poitmni. WAlne. He irtvei recetpu pnrportluK tn Mime from ihn nnhllahera. bnL lie iiiul ttiein p noted hlmtli, and aUus to tbein first one Lmt one (fiea another. To mo of hitdapea no proiniftaj iraineu curoinos or xrarapa on iaiu tinm. Jia clianirps him name and locality al moUdaliy, Tnenanieabe baa been opxa.lnf under aie Lewta Hrket. Otiarlea Lewla, and Ltm Oifiik. Ttna fellow Iim a fiuadrd and onen&nipi and uodgeaj be is ayoanit man and tk umooiii tilker. Let tue puDlio beware of Mm. aud let tbeoi alwava look wlili gtjSDlctoa on toe cjinvBertorauy pabll cation wtio ofleraitlor leu tnauthepablaiird price, asd wfto offer to tUrow la framed pictures and other Koods not offered in tUe paper. In learlPK a place, toe ecuuntirei mwara lorcou to par nis ooaru'blll. JIei.1 usIdc a reeelDt now wltiifleorHtiuon fc tsou nnuied acrpsa toe end. The ptlce of tbe paper li per year for tne Weekly edition, aud tl ner rear for the Monthlr. but be will rmmUe to eud the Weekly fur one year Ivr wentr fire cents 1! he can't get any mote. Noif Advertiserments. )UBLIC SALE Of a Valoablo Grist MillProperty ! ! The nndralimrw1 will saII at. PntdlA RnlA. An the Premises. In fBANEUN Township. Car. txin County, l'a., about tbreo miles K ast of tho Welstport Railroad Depot, In what la known as mo vie vtctk vaiiey. on Tuesday, February 13, 1877, commenclnjr at ONK o'ctoc't P. M.. all tnatcer taln ntarAnnaiAal t Valn.ihU r iMTi aa above, contairlnff FIFTV-EIOHI A0HK8. more or lent, about ira Acrcw of which arACinnr. oa ana unaer a cooa etio or cultivation, ana -n utikiuva tlUUHUlU XADklJn.1V LAtllt AJJO lmprorrmcnts tnereon are a zh story Frame Grist MUl, 32x40 ft., having a permanent Water Supply, and being situated lu a thrlvlnsr farmimr section la now doing a large Custom TTMei to any onedeslr. i lng to go into the Milling business this litiT offera an opportunity seldom to be met Eta-withi az-story j-'hame bivisiUKa llUUHR.24xvareet. with Tfllrhen at. tjirhMLUxlSfeeti a SAW ail LT. in mind Hun. rung order t Stable, 20 x SO feet, and other Out- linllillnffs. I nis propeny is siiuai ou anont a uuaner 01 a mUofrom the "CcntennJall Blslo Quarrv."now producmg some or tne D'Jst mato in the country, and tho probabilities arethat thoielaBlateon this La-aA alto. TKlt.Ma KASY, and -will be made known at timo bl-.u place of sal?, by ISAAC LEVAN. Franklin iwp., Jan. :t). 1977-ts jyj-RS. C. do TSCIURSCI1KY, Nearly opposite Darling's Drag store, 3ANK STREET, liEHIGHTON, Pa. Calls tho attention of the Ladles of Lehlffhton and vicinity to Uie fact tbat she keeps a full assortment of Berlin & Ge rmantown "Wool, IMPOBTBU AN1 DOMESTIC EMBROID. EIIIKS, NfiTIONS, ItlDBONS, Ladies' and-Children's Hose, GERnrAN FRUITS, LIMBBUOEn & SWITZER CUEESE, CANDIES, CONFECTIONS nnd a variety of other articles not usually kept In any other etoer In Lchlghton. A share of ptiljlio patronage Is solicited, and ssusiucuou gua rameeu. jny.wna N ewspaper Advertising Agents GEO.P.ROWELL&Co. 41 Park Row, N. Y. They bavo the aatlefnctton ot controlllniTtho moHt extemtlve and complete advertising con nectli.n whtcb tun ever been eecuied, aud oue whicu won la uo bitdlv pofeible in hiiv otber (couniry -uui tnis. Tney navo aucceeueu in worvt. lair uowu a co dd dx DuaiaosH into so Lnarousu. ly a systematic methott tbat no chance in the uow f paper system 01 America can escape nouue, wbllo tue widest information upon all topic lu. teres tin to advertisers la ptared readily at the dlsiKtaal of tbe public. Kit rue t from .New Yoi It 2li,Junel.l$;B. Scud for a Circular. Jan. 20. 1877-W3 inrSBAUM & SON'S Crraiul Cr,EAAVC13 liAIaXS OP In order to reduce our largo Btock, which was recently bought for cash, wo will offer our entire assortment of Woolens, Fancy Dress Goods Sliams, &c, &c, at a Great Sacrillco ! A few of the Gigantic Bargains : JobI.ot of Calicoes at 5. J1 and 6K cents per yard. Elegant Line of llest Calicoes at 8 rcnta por yanl. Lot nt Qinghams. Fast Colors, at 8 cents per yard. Mnsllna at from 4 centa per yard npwards. Ho?! Valne Cotton Flannel nt 8 conts per janj. ir-4Hhecting at 29 cents per yard, usual price 83 cenfs. FANCY DlfESM PLAIDS at 10 cents, worth IScrnta. I1LAOK and COLORED ALFAOAS at 20 cents per yard. I'OI'I.IN ALPAC AH at Ccenta per yard, usual price a cents. Black Casnrnfre at 7 centa, worth f I On. lllaox Casbmei eat 11.00 per yard, worth f 1.80. LADI EH' HEAVER SACfXtJEIN O at 82-30 per yard, worth t.U. BEhT CO US F.TS at 35 wnis Pplendld WHITE BLANKETS at 18.00 por pair, nsnalprloe 13.81 H. Gent's Underwear at from 8S cents per pair upwards. MEN'S WOOLEN JACKKTB at very low figures. Gent's Oolorod Chlnta Shirts at 75 cents each. IIANDSOM E DUUBLB SHAWLS at f8.7S, Worth 8.7S. Single Shawls aa low as 71 cents. N.n.-Rneclal In.-ucemonts in HOUSE FURNISH1NO GOODS, sneb as OtTEEJIHWAnE. CARPETS, OIL CLOrilS, Ac. t If you would save time and money, call early and secure best Bargains. ItespoctfuD, J. T. Nusbattm & Son, "Original Cheap Cash Store," Sommel's Block. LEHIGHTON, PA. GERMAN'S GERMAN'S GERMAN'S GERMAN'S GRAND DEPOT FOR BOOTS AND SHOES, GRAND DEPOT FOR BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS, 18 8PLENMDLY STOCKED WITH IS SPLENDIDLY STOCKED WITH SHOES, snoES, SHOES, GAITERS, GAITERS, GAITERS, for inn LADIES. FOB TIIK LAD 1KB, i'OK THE LADIES. FOR TnU GENTLEMEN, FOR THE GB.VTLEMKN, FOR THE GENTLEMEN. For the Children, Vnr thn Hhliilrftn. Ibaveboutrht lnrgvly for cash each lota as must sell qulahv, because they are fresh and saav aonnble, and Just what the nooplo are looking for, and because they aro ao Positively, Comparatively, Superlatlvsly LOW PRICED. Positively, Comparatively, Superlatively LOW PlllCED. P. A. GERMAN, Store In Semmel's New Block, opposite the PnMfe Sqaate, BANE STREET, Lohlghtot), P. mar.ll-vl UDITOU'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned, appointed Auditor by toe orphans' Contt ot Cdibon Connty to examine and resettle the aci count of George B. Newton and William Reed, Administrators, Ac of John O. Clonver. dee'd, and make distribution ot the fund remslnlng In their handa, will attend to the dutlos of bis an. polntment on MnnJav, JANUAIIV Tub. W7, at Ten o'clock A.Sl..at bta nfflne In the BoronEh of Manch Chanki, fa, when and whero all per, sons Interested mar appear. AL.1.KN u ll a til, Auditor. Manch Chunk. Deo 53. 1178.W4 rjillE SLATINGTON PLANING MILL AND Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATINGTON. JOHN BALLIET, Proprietor, Deals in all kinds and sties ot line, Ilemloct, Oak and Hard Wood Lumber, and Is now pie- BresseD LumbeR OF ALL KINDS. Doors, Sashes, Winds, Sliuttciy, Slouldlng, Cabinet lYaro, &c, With Promptness. Brackets Made to Order. Tlie Macnlnerr is all now and of the best and most l id pro too kintis. I employ none mil tna best workmen, tue well seasoned and irood ma terlat, and am therefore ablo to guarantee entire satisfaction to all who may favor mo with a sail. Orders Of inail promptly attended to. Mr cnarfrcs are moderate t terms ca&n. or la teres t caargwu wier vuixij a ay a. GIVE MBA CALI. CiT Those enjraKed la BmldlnR will find It to their advantage to have biding. Floor Hoards. Doors, basues, bhutters, fcc, dtc, ojade at this May lOyl JOHN BALT.IET. New Advertisomonts. 1)3H5ISTKAT0R8 SALE Of Valuable Real Estate. The nnderslirned. Aamlnlstrstor of the Estate of JosKi'it uiLLKit.u tool ilia iiouonnii OF WKiaroitT. Carbon County, l'a.. dee'd. wut oner nij ruuiiu raici vu uio viuivoe, uu Saturday, Feb'y 17tb, 1877, oommenclnpr at ONK o'clock F. M.. all that eer tun LEU pari ox a certain hh or Pioco of Qrouud, fit n ate m the Boroush of Welssport. containing lu tront on White B.roet. S3 feet, and extendi n in tinnth tn Canal street 165 feet i honndtd nn thefcouthwsdt br said White Btrcet, on the nurtuwest or 101 no 01 ou me uormoast uy said Canal btreot. ana on tbe suulhua t br the otber hall ot said lot, It tieiog the nonhwrU)fit htir part of tbe lot marked in tne Oeneral Town Plan of aiid llorooa-b ot Weiss oort. The lm. rrovciucui mnwu md i niorr t VHAMC DWKLL1NO HOUhlS lSzM ft teet, witn llaaement Kitchen i Stable is leet. and otber Ontbnl dlairs. Ibe lot 1. vlanttd ntn nutnoer 01 unoioo i-tuii ireea, and tne re 1 anerer-lallluc apruia of pure water on tne premises, i erm. mu ye uiaue auowa at time and place uf Hale nr AtFUUD WHlTTIKailAM, AOQ'r. flumrt, jiuwr I "77. TTENTION, CITIZENS I ow Prices for Everyone. JUST RECEIVED. AT AARON FRIEDMAN'S Ready-made Clothing Store, LEHIOII Street, 2nd iloor from the Corner tl iron street, lkiiiuutun. i'a., an eiegaua BtocKot WINTEll BTYLEb 0( Men's Suits, Youths' Suits, Boys' Suits, Overcoats, &c. Together with a larire assortment ot QENTLB- me'8 FunsisiiiNo aoooa, HATS, CAf S, GLOVES, BOOTS, SIIOE.1 and HORSE BLANKETS, all ol which helaaelllnK very Lowest Prices. Patronage respectfully solicited. Don't forget the place : Second door from Iron street, on tbo West side of Leblgh street, Lehigh ton, Fa. AARON FRIEDMAN. Deo. 2, 1S70 mS JK. RICHERT, Opposite L. & S. Depot, On the East Weissport Canal Bank ItesneclfnllT Inform, the eltlaena of thta Tlclnl tr that ne keens oonatantlr on hand and a tLLK nt the LOWEST MAltKKT rillCES, the Terr ji i.r) i uiukjxua oi Four cs&iFeed. ALSO DEALER IN FOB BCILDINO AND OTHER rUIU'OoBS which he Kuaranteea lo bo Tlioroughly Seasoned, AND WHICH HE IS NOWI3 ELLIN O AT THE VEUY LOWEST RATES. Ooal 2 Coal I WHOLESALE and RETAIL, at the LOWEST CASH TRICKS. He has a a number ot Ttry elloblj located In RICKEnTSTOWN. Pranklln Township wnica ne wui peu on very -7 enna. ftU(t. 9. J. K, B1CKEHT, -JyJ" IIEILRIAN & CO., BANE BTEEET, lebighton, Pa., MILLERS and Dealers In Four & ITeesl, AUKindiof OUAIN BOUGHT and BOLD At We would, also. lesDectfollr Inform ourcltt sens that we are now fully prenaiedto bUP- i ll X U1CIU W1LU Me&t of Coal From any Mine desired at VEI1V LOWEST PRICES. if. IIEILMAN & CO. Jnly a. T UOH1AS KOON9 Itef Dectf nUr announces to Ibe citlaena ei Cat non ana aajoiniufftoanues, uai ue nas par ehaed the entire laterest and stock ol if. C laisvAWAY m tne iuiuuTOix Corn Broom Manufactory located In the Borough ot Lehixhton, Carbon County, r... and tbat he la prepared to fill all urut ! ciiLTusteu to uita wiui wo Yory Best (Jualltv of Brooms at the DO WEST r-OSSIBLE LIVING PRICB. A trial la reapeetlully elleltel and .utile aaf Mannfact4irr In the Cement of the ''Valler Honae," oppoalto the Leblah Valley 11 R. depot. Feb. X. 16J6. Til 0MA8 KOONB. TIYIDEND NOTICE. At a meeting of the Directors of Ihe First Na. tlonal llank ofLehlchton. held on thefithlnaL. a Beinl-Auuual DiT:deud of Three per cent, waa w. W. BOWMAX, Ctialer. Janoary H. l7J.wJ PEOTECT YOUR BUILDINGS WLlch may be done wlLd one-ffarth tbe usual expense, by nsioffoiir PATENT SLATE PAINT, MIXED IlKADT fOR U8E. Flro-Proof, Watcr-Prdof, Bu.rablr, Economical, ami Ornamental. A roof rotv be covered with a Terr ctaeatr ihinple, and fay aprytoatron otTtttsslaceijeiuado to last fxoni '20 to US years. Old roofs cm bo patched and coated, look) rig. macn better, and. in sunn longer inan ssrw amosies waoa up slate, for One-Third the Cost of Ecshiugliogr. Theexnenso of afatlnr new salnrls la onlr abont tno cost olelmplyiajnngtheo. Abe pain Us FlRK-rEoOF atratnst sparks or flylnff rsnaera.aa muy be easily tested by any one. IT STOPS EVERY BEAK, and for tin or Iron has no eonal. aalt expand.' by beat, contracts by cold, and NKTirt cucxs norseaiea. Boots covered wito Tar Bheaihln Frltean be madewater.tlxhtat a small exnenaa and preserved for many years. i nis mate i-aini la EXTREMELY CHEAP. Two iraLlons will oorer a hundred sonara teeC o! sbmgle roof, wbt.e on tin. Iron, felt, matcbsdi boards, or any smooth tnrface. from two qoarta to one gallon are required to 10Q sonaro oet of nurxare, ana auoonirn me tr rub nas a Jteayy body it ts easily aprlied with a bralu No Tar Is used In tills Composition,. therefot e It neither cracks In Winter nor ran In Hummer. unaecarea snincles it fills np the noiessnov pores, snd Rlrea a new mbsuntlal roof tbat will last for ears, curled or warpd sblnjrlealtv brines Co their places, and keeps them there. It fills np all holes In Felt room. sUps tbo leakaJ and although a slow dry sr. rain does not af fect It a fewlionra after ai plying. As nearly an paiuiBuiaii ar uiaca coduiutak, do suro yoo obtain our GnauixK article, which (for1 ahlnftlo roofs) Is CHOCOLATE COLOR. when first appliod, chanKuc in about a month' to a n nltoi m atate color, and la to all Intent and purposes slatz. On TIN ROOFS our red color is nsnally preferred, as one coal la equal to fire of any ordinary past, For BRICK WALLS our BBioiiT bid Is the only reliable Blat. Paint ever introauced that will effectually preyeot da mpneas from penetrating and Olaooloruiff the plaster. These paints are a.ao largely naed on ont hooae. and fences, or as a priming coat on fine bunnlnra. Our only colore are Chocoiaii. Hkd, Btiairr lUnandOniNot NEW YORK CASH fHICE tlSF- s Oallons, oan and box (j to la ' ke 9 60 so " bait Barrel IS 00 40 " one barrel 10 00 We bare m atook. ot onr awn raannfactnre. roonna materlala. etc., at tn tollewlng lw prlces t looo rolls extia Rubber Aoofisa; at t cent per square foot. Ot we will furnish Rnbner Booflna. Natla. Caps, and Mate Paint for an entire new root, at 4 H rents per square foot. lOOO UAltHKLH SLATE TLOCR, pet Bbl.83. 20uo rolls :-pir Tarred RooSig Fait, at lk ots . per square foot. 3000 rolU 3 ply Taired Booing Felt, at 1H eta. per square lout. uo rolls Tarred 6beathl&ai at li cent par square toot. moo gallons fine Enamel Faint, mixed, ready for use, on inaldo or ontalde work, at 3 por gaU Ion. bend tor sample card of coloi a. All orders nin.t be acoooanled with the money or- sallalaetory cur relerenoes. No. froooa shipped C O. IX. unless express chaicw are anaranteed. Sample oMtn aollcited. N. Y. SLATE PAINT COMPANY, 103 t 104 MAIDEN LANE, Mew York. Not. II. am. BE LP ORB THIS HATTER, Broadway, Mauch Chunk, lias just opened a sp)endld atnek of HATS and. and CAl'B, ot tho Laleai tftrlea. He baa also on hand a full line ot CJlovsl JFMr AT rillOEa LOWEll THAN EVEIt. afuchtl-n IAS, SELFOUQ.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers