H. V. MORTIJ S1ER, ' LEIII9IITON, l'A.t SATVBDAY MORNINII MAY 8, J87S. Falsifying. Although ".election -day" la yojt lurk ing In tbe far distance, wo already find accredited parjtyorgans trying tp do jtlielr level best In attempting to gain pccesslons by misrepresentations. To this end the late ordering of militia to ttio turbulent mining districts by the (Governor, Is severely commented upon iy the Democratlo press. That Jbo Executive should be censured for doing its bo lias, is Incomprehensible to 11s .on tho theory that "the nd Justifies tlio means" or that "all Is fair In politics. No llnpartlal mind can gainsay the necessity and policy of the Governor's action. All right thinking men will agree with us that the presence of troops was rendered necessary to prevent vio lence. Nor was tho Governor's action In any senso precipitate In fact bo re sisted until a longer forbearance would have ceased to bo a virtue, yet Is ho .censured censuicd for having done h is .duty t Hot only this, but the attempt Is mado to secure tbe votes of tbe min ing population by a gioss misrepresen tation of facts. In fact the Governor Is represented as In armed league with Republican capitalists, against unof fending Democratic laborers 1 To show the fallacy of tho statement, and the wilful perversion of truth, It is but nec essary to point to the .fact that the prin cipal among the operators In the An thracite region are, nominally, Demo prats. We 6ay nominally, for if they were tho "Simon Fures" they are rep resented to be, they would Jiardly dare to oppress their friends. It aught were needed to repute tlo charge, this should suulce. Yet wo venture to assert that, .ere many rnqntps, these very same "cpaf magnates" will ask tho support of their duped fellpyv -citizens, tp assist in tbe election of their candidate, and that the generqus. injners will grant it pf course facts. Probably no measures pyer passed, or contemplated by Congress, have raised such a-torni fit pppular excitement as the passage of tho Civil Rights, and the attempted enactment ot tho Force Rill, The one was enacted, the other defeat- pa ; tno design or uotp, however, wa8 the fame. They wero looked upon as decidedly the measures most calculated to perpetuate Republican party-rule. Tho ono as best calculated to Bfioure to them tho unanimous support of tho colored race, white the enact meat of the other would have enabled them to stifle all manifestations of op. position by'the exerciso of military In terference, pretexts for which, If, want ing could bave been maqufacturnd to order. Happily tho fear of President Grant's personal anplratlons proved stronger than tho dictates of party-poll py. The bill was lost, and the country thereby saved frprn the consequences of the most Incqultous scheme ever concol ted. We havo always had our n)Jsglv. lugs as tq the many rumors In crcp)a. tlon concerning Southern outrage;, con sequently could never be persuaded to invest in the article or give It currency through our columns. And we are heartily glad webavo done so. Had we done otherwise, we wquld, to-day, bo conscious of having unwittingly assisted at tho meanest piece of V-nnvprv ftvpr nttp.mntjil In fhn nnnnlaN pf this country. Rut, why multiply words, when we may safely leave tho subject to tho Judgment of the unblas ed reader ? It Is for their perusal that we annex tho following, hoping that, considering the source It emanates from, they will take It for what It may be worth : Mr. Win. D. Kelley, of Pennsylva nia, the well-known Radical member who left Washington shortly after tl,e adjournment of Congress for Florida, with a view to recruit his health, return Thursday, and left Friday morn 'ing for Philadelphia, Altlqngl he spent the most of the tlmo he was ab sent lu Florida, the Judge travelled ex tensively through tho States at Georgia, North and South Carolina, apd Vlrglu la, keeping, as ho says. hU eyes and ears open tb ascertain for himself the condition of affairs In the South. Avoid ing tho Phlladeli bla palace cars, while travelllog, he mingled freely with thp people, black and white, questioning them upon their condition, their wants, and their expectations. As a result of jits observations and researches. Judge Kelley fajs that ho found every part of (he South visited by him extremely def pressed. The financial legislation o the last Congress, ho says, Is driving thp South Into lusolvency, and not until Its repeal by a uew Congress will there he niiv recuperation In that section. Touching thooutrage business Judge Kelley ttates.tlmt the reports which )ave been received here are not only gross exaggerations, but In many cases delll ei&te falsehoods." "In all my fourteen years In Congress,'1 said Mr. Kclley,'-t the only vote I reuret havlug given was that (pf the. Force pl last session." So lar as be could appertain, thero was no pecaslop for suci a measure In the South, llo converse' with negroes of every grade,. and thp universal testimony s that where a colored mauls Industrl. ou?, minds his owu business, and avoids, whiskey, be Is not only prosperous, but is rapidly accumulating property. "It woji oniy wnen 1 rcacuea uio political centres, such as Columbia, 8. 0., apd mingled with tho negroes, who have mado politics a trade, tlmt;I heard com- filatnts against the whites, anil In near y every Instance Investigation showed tlio same to ue unrounneil." "wnar, th,oputh wapts," says Mr. Kelley, "Js money, Ja a trie case Willi a large number of people nt the North who aro out of work and And difficult to make ends meet, the Southern peoplp feel that thero Is something wrong, and not knowing exactly what It Is they attri bute It to the radical rule of the Repub lican party." Judge Kelley took par ticular pains to ascertain whether thero wasany foundation for the stories of a new rebellion In the South. Question lug the negroes and tho whites, the conenrrent testimony was that such a supposition was an absurdity. The negroes laughed at the Idea of their be ing reduced to slavery again, should tho old Southern ex-slaveholders come Into power. As fqr the Civil Rights Rill, wo have yet to notice the first practical benefit resulting therefrom, to the colored man. If not Intended for a sham In Its incep tion, It certainly has proven such In reality. Tho Secretary of tho Treasury on tho 1st ot May, Instant, i-sued a call tor the redemption ot $5,000,000 of 5-20 bonds of 1802, to be paid on the 1st day of August, at tho United States Treasury, at which date interest cease All the amount called 'is n coupon bonds. $W-No. 17401 to No. 18700, both inclusive, 100 So. wm to No. 18100. both Inclusive, 500 No. 22W1 to Nn. 25O0U. botli inclusive. jura j$o. yittu 10 no. iokou, 00m inclusive Says the .Metropolitan, our esteemed Chief Magistrate, Guy. Tildeu, although a man ot weight Intellectually, s not at all a ponderous person physically considered, We believe ho brings down tbe scale at about ono hundred and thirty pounds, hut the Canal Ring are said to entertain mucli tlio same view of him that tho body did of the mule. "How much did he welgh,eh?" said tho boy. "Well, I only weighed one of his hind legs, an.l I calculate that weighed about 7,000 pounds!" Judge Brqpks, of lliu United States District Court at Vmngtqn, 14. C, In pharglng tho Grand Jury Tuesday, said that the Civil Rights bill, "In its criminal aspect, whjc), was tho only shape In which It could como before the Grand Jury, was unconstitutional and void." .Judge Morrelles, of tho United States District Court for Eastern Texas also charging the Grand Jury Tuesday respecting tho Civil Rights bill, presoea 1110 opinion mac ail persons havo "a legal right to board and lodg ng at lqns, transportation In public ponyeyar.ces and entrance, lu theatres, but they do not thereby acquire any so. clal rights, and added: "To hold that a conductor ot a railroad train cannot assign a special car to ladies and chil dren and their attendants, to the exclu ston of all ethers, provided tho other passengers are furnished with other cars, with all necessary facilities for traveling, would be to stab social rights. privileges and Immunities." A Valuable Uook. The Political, Perianal and Property Jtiahtt of PUieenqfthe Uniteii StatesHow ia exercise and how tgpreterve themt by Theophilus Parsons,LL, D. Sonet JJrolhers d) 0), Philadelphia, Pa, A careful perusal ot this work will convey an adequate understanding all legal questions arising In publla and private life, for it gives a clear explana tion of those universally recognized principals, on which aro based all ox (sting laws enacted to secure us in the enjoyment ot our rights and privileges, That every one should be well in. formed concerning the rights and duties pf tho citizen, Is of tbo greatest luipor tiiiico In this country where he parttct pates so freely and so directly la tbe affairs ot government. This volume will prove of great value to the statesman and to lawyers, and canppc uui 00 eminently userm to the ctizcn of every class and calling. lhe ability, accuracy and long ex. perlence ot the author as a law wr and teacher, are a sufficient gunraut mat tno worn is one ot merit ami use fullness. Tlio language of the author Is simple, ho eliminates from It those abstruse phrases so common In most law books and brings his subjects with in the comprehension of those unlearn ed In tho law. IJIs explanation ot the causes which led to the framing and adoption ot the Constitution ot the United States, and IU principles and purposes, Is alond well worth the cqst of the volume to every one who aspires to the fall en enjoyment of tho privileges guaranteed him by the Supretnp Law of. the laud. Tho yatt amount qt useful knowledge, the excellent forms, tbe rules for the organization, and' procedure ot deliber ative bodies ifnd the glossary of law terms in common use make this work one of great popular value. The Legislature qt Connecticut met and organized Wednesday. Tho mes bago nt Governor Ingersnll recommends a revision of the Statu Constitution, op proves the Centennial celebration, and recommends action for its aid, condemns the Federal action In Loulsauua, de clares that time has dispelled thtt dan gerous Illusion that tint business of the country needs tbe stimulus of more tils c red I fed currency, and looks t o patleut Industry as (ho true source ot prosperi ty. lifts. Ex-Presldtmt Lincoln, who has been spending the Winter In the South for th J benefit ot her health, has re turned tp Chicago. Tho rVows. Tho Dubllo dent stotement for May 1 shows a decrease of $3,825,300. n. M. Atkinson, tho new 'Commis sioner of IVnslous, was sworn into olll ce on Saturday. The commission of D; S. Gllzer, as Postmaster at Shamokln, Pa., was signed Tuesday by the Presldeut. Tho proprietor of a hotel at Corning, . Y.. has had to nay t800 and costs to a married woman ot that place.iXor selling liquor to her husband. Tho Mllesburg foundry, machine shops, grist mill and wagon shops at uuesourg, in centre county, i'ft., wore burned Wednesday. Loss, $40,000. Later reports from tho Interior of Alcblgan represent the prospects for an abundance wheat harvest is much better than three weeks ago, and-really good. Nearly CO clerks, mostly women, were discharged from tho Treosury Depart ment in Washington on Saturday, on account of the exhaustion ot an appro priation. At Lexington, Ky., a few days ago, the Court of Common Pleas was ad journed by tho judge for thirty minutes to witness tho entry into the town of Ralley'scircuso procession. Tho Internal revenuo receipts for Apr! wero $7,032,031. The receipts tor the first fqu.- months ot this year wero t3,530,0Qt In expess of the receipts lor tno corresponding period or tti4 The i&crctary of tho treasury will soil i5.000.000 in cold during the month of .Uay as follows: $1,1)00.000 on the first and third Thursdays, and .$1,000, QOO on tlio second apd ' fourth Thurs.- days respectively. Plymouth Church had a great acces. slpn of new converts on Sunday, There were one hundred and live or them by couut; and of this large number eighty fwo wero women and only twenty three were men. , ' At Lebanon, TU,; the Jury In the case ot uatuel Dougherty, charged with the murder of George Major, Chief Rurgess of Mahanoy City, on October Slst.came into couit on Saturday morii lug with a verdict ot not guilty. The delegation of Sioux chiefs who are to negotiate fpr the surrender oft he Black llliu reservation, are expected almost daily in Washington, All the principal chiefs qf the nation, Including Red Cloud and Spotted tall, are. Ip the party. General Splniur, In reply to.n letter. asking him for ft contribution In old. jpf tbe Mecklenborg Uttitennial, ,has.,seqt a check for ten dollars, with, a notu, stating that he leaves his olUco, poor man, which is tho reason no eaitnut send a moio suitable amount. . , A wonmn died n Philadelphia re cently who weighed more thai six hun dred pounds. For t)litcen years, 'sho has been ped-rlduen, being unable-to carry her weight around. Dylpgidn a room In qn ijpper l)our, It vvqs with great dlflcu.!ty that the body was re moved. - 1 Tho frost has dono very' llttlo per ceptible damage to the crops, in' tlid West, but it inn, it is thought dimin ished t(i6 possibility of a grass-hopper year. Tho sevcrp weather of the past season has been productive of good, es pecially In Kansas- There Is always a silver (luging to the darkest cloud. A convention to favor a' speedy union between tho Uulted States und Canada Is to bo held lu tfuffqlo on tho 4th of July this year. It Is anticipated by those who are moving III tho mat ter that such arrangements may be made as shall bring about the amalga nation bpfore Centennial day In 1870. To any one, however acquainted with the temper ot popular opinion 011 tills subject In the must Influential sections uuldq musl appear hopeless, at least tor many years. A despatch from Pottsvllle says thero is no pro.spect of any settlement between the miners and operators by tho 15th of this month, as reported. The mines show no signs of yielding, Special po licemen coutuue to guard tho miners, pumps and branch railroads, but,thougb occasional tioublo Is report d, It Is not of a serious nature. It Is said that the Scranton and Wllko-tburo miners, who have been working for long time, wll this week send tlOO.,000 tor dis tribution aumug (ho strikers in the Sohuylkill region.. Pottsvllle, May 5. Last night at 11 o'cjocl; the breaker Uen Franklin, a col liery a( Douty vllle, near Shamokln, was destroyed by fire. The colliery was owned apd worked by Douty & Rotn gardner. As It has been working dur ing the strike, It Is supposed to be till work pf Incendiaries. The loss Is $1,00,- 000. Two hundred men a,nd, bpys are throwu out of employment, which wilt be severely felt by then), us It is one at a few In the region giving employment, and no work Is to bo had elsewure. This Is tho first Instance ot a colliery being burued since the strike was Inaugurate ed At Glrardvlllo a special englim, with Suof rluteudent Alhausuu, ot Ma hanoy Branch, Railroad, aboard, was stoued, the wiudows broken, and the engineer had a, narrow escape. Somuyw' Chpiiahs. During 'the present year there will bp discharged I r 0111 the soldiers' orpban s.c.hpol lu the state 527 children by reason ot such scholars having peached, tho age of sixteen years, at which tlmo the law requires their discharge. But that num ber will doubtless largely be made up by new admission, provided for by a law passed by the legislature last' win ter.. It says: AH the children of de ceased soldiers, who, were formerly iesl dents ot this state, apd enl (ed, Into the service of the United ?ta,tes, in regi ments belonging to other states, and died In said kervlco, such children, now residents of this state, and the children of deceased, dlstitute, or premanently distbledboldlersor sailors, whether born after or before January 1, 1800, shall bo admitted into tho soldiers' orphans schools, on tbo same condition as the orphans of deceased soldiers aud sail ors are now admitted. The miners at Sawyer's Works noar Wllkesbarre, Pa., last week, voted un animously not to rosumo work until tho bals of 1874 Is granted thorn. In tho mean tlmo several outrages by tho. miners havo occurred. . On Thursday last Constable Casey and Policeman Rlbsenner, on going to Plymouth town ship to lavy upon tho goods of James Connell. were resisted and fired upon, both being dangerously wounded. Sheriff Klrkendnll at onco collected a posso armed with rlllcs, and went ta tbo scene or tno snooting, rue posso took the houso by storm. Several shots were fired from the Inside, but no ono wns bit. On Monday a riot occur red at Mashannon mines, near Osceola, Clearfield county, l'enn. l wo olllcers wero shot. The troops havo not been withdrawn, and recent events Indicate that vigorous measures will be required to subdue the lawless spirit and pre vent other murders. At Oshkosh, Wis , a firo broke out ot 1:30 P. M., on Wednesday tho 28th ult., at Morgan Brothers' Mill, on the north bank of tho river In Oshkosh, Wis. A high wind provalled at tho time, and tho flames swept od ward with irresistible force. Tho Bockwlth bouse, Adam's Hotel, nil the newspaper offi ces, the Harding Opera IIouso, Post office, Universalis!" Church, and neaily all of tho business portion ot the city am gone. A dozen saw and shipglo mills on Sawdust avenue and millions of feet of lumber and a hundred houses were destroyed. The burned district Is VA mjlcs Iqng and halt a mite wde. Qn the north side there is not a dry gqods store standing, Over 200 resi dences, large and small, were burned, and over 100 stores, hotels, banks, &p, The Opera housu a valuable structure, costing nearly f 100,000, ami the finest; In Wisconsin optslde ot Milwaukee, was destroyed. Two men were killed and other fatal palamlties wpro report ed. Tho pecuniary loss is variously estimated, the latest estlmato S2,qOQ, 000. Hundreds of families aro homo less. At night women and children wero lying about tho streets, or roam lug around In search of a place for shelter." Gangs of despe'iadoes were prowling about seeking plunder. 1 ney succeeded In inspiring the greatest ter ror, and tlio citizens oiganiied fur mu tual protection. The police were powerless to suppress iheui, or to quiet 1110 rears or outrage. Cosine Prices of DbIIaven & Towns- OLUUtl, UUVIIUMJGMK null ,v,.'ll 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia, May 0, 1873 u. 8,;b', 1631 . U. S. 5 20, IWt . 21 bid. 10k bid. 1723 bid. 1U14 bid. 21 asked. 10T lihfted. V. S. 6'iO, IBIU .' 11,, asked, 20 ufktd U. C 5 20,1805 , V. S 5 20, 1805 J, k J, mil. 6 lM bid 2JJ iUi hid. 2 asked. V.8.,6 2U,lsqT , U. H. &-20, itsoi , U. S. 1IM0 ll. , Currency, fi'e U. 8. .V 8l, l)ew Pennsylvania K. K. I'MU. t Heading K 58 Bfked. i-j.12 hi.i. 17 K asked. 2l' hid. 1S2 bid. &1 bid. 23U asked. 10 asked. 61 asked II. i.d. ouvi .imeu, 0211 asked. lulju'Valley lUllrotd Vi l-ld. SI hid. ijihlfU Coal g flav. uo. Uulttnt Companies of N. J. l-.S9.Vf Ml. U.iKl . . . ' . .16 hid. Silver . . . b bid. 1 I'i HMKe 1 IbyZ asked li asked. Now Advertisements. J All persons are hereby fmiitd.lon from trespassing 011 the land oi tno au scribersi lu Parivvltlo Borough, frank' lilt and l'enn Fmreit townships, to (Wh or hunt on our land Qn pain of P-r&seou tluu .According to law. DANI.. WliN'TZ & SQN. Parryvllle Uorough, Hay 0th, 1875 Uv, ;!'S at - S,BJ: a S32 S's'sa S.J. t. q 6- -7 S !: S-4 53.2 S. J ; gjj'S ri f5 J3 " O "si fl-i as tea fi k- o-c S r 9 JSS5 SkTOTIOlS Is hereby glren that nn qprAllcailon will be made 011 Wednesday, June 3nd, 75. to Samuel a flrMhnp. lr,iiMnt. JmlMuf the CoUrt OfCoiD moo Pleas for the County of Carbon, under the Act or Assembly or too uommouwea.;m or i-enn. sylraula, eutltled 'An Act to prorlde for the In enrnoratlos aud Ileirulatlon of certain Corpora- of an inteuded corporstlouto he called, "Tbe Car ti inw.' BDDroYea ADru 'jin. is 11 iur vua uunnor bon County Industrial Society," the character aiw object or wnicn is, ine encouragement an develcpiuent of the affrlcultuxal and various lu- iiuT.rim euierorises 01 uarovu wiuuu, auu iui r Carbon Couuty, and for thue purposes to haAo, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said Act nf As sembly. W.M. UAl'SHKll SiUcltOr. May llt,lS7S -1-w A OKNTrl WASTED fur tbe OENTrl WASTED fur tbe CENTENNIAL or THI Usltel CUttr A IxMik for eery American dells everyliere at sight, 1-arniers, Teaclers, fituJenls, utw)trs. Merchants. School lllrectors. Mtliufacture S, Mechanics., Shlppexs. rowi oflesrnluK, and men who i-an only reail, old and younir. all want It for everyilay refrreoee and use, Knows toe gratia result of the , Eirst Hundredyearsofthe Republic Krerybody buys It, and Agentt wakefroui 9100 to 8400 a niimth. fend 1'ir circular. Address, 4. U. MoCUIlDY &. CO., 1-iiUllsliers 1'bllapelphla, i'a Cinclunattl, Ohio; Cblcaeo, ill nIIIUIItOltl'. KTMIUtlLlK. L Manufacturer of and Dealer In all kinds of Household and Kitchen FURNITURE, Next to llomlg & Ilofford's Carrlagi Jauufactory, Bank Street, Lohigliton, Pa. Blcgant Pnrlur Units, llandsoine aeiliroom Sets, Sellinff very Cheap for Cash Examine before purchasing eUewhere Having had an ulperlenco of twenty years in the UNDERTAKING Business, I am prepared to furnish all kinds ot" G'OKKIiVti and (MSKKTS on short nutlce, iud attend to all business lu this line In such a uauuer as win give entire satisfaction, on very rc-ufou ablo ttriuj. rationago sollclteo. TUt;o. KEMEKER. March 27, 1?7VU i? o ar s PS s 0 -3 Si c5 s . al 2 New Advertisements. " jV, v. mmrwuAMs TURUINIS WstteF Wheel Wm fflf clrrt, 4 yp.v rjo, and rut to work In the II. S. Patent Ofllce, I). C, and has iirnveil to bo the belt. 10 tfzea made, l'rlces lower tlun any other flritclau Wheel Pamphlet free. Address N . F. BTJnNII AIT, YOSU, PA. ftlJEA WEKK to Agentito lell in artlfle V IJiaUtihleat llour. I'ronta Immense. Tack ana free. Address DUCK EYE M'F'Q CO., Marlon, Ohio. AGENTS. DiVI! Hi Article to be sold Da?i ertleodldlr. Prime necessity In ererr family. Ladles make large comralstlnns In sewing. Agents report tm meuse sates. Artlelo lluht, eleeanth imt ud: clr culars Rlren free to help sales. Write at once to Jas. M. Stewart, Franklin, Mass. Bom -as-S iS .2d a sa A V ' s-Sc a h; 31 2& Has 5ao u. 4 OS'0 . 9 ?.T.I9w 3 sr. kt uSl JSZ B . .2. lU-TsSasaf ?is5Bs?-4-cr. tit iili o (t?On Pr d-iy nt home. Terms free WW H VAW Address Oioiii HTi.vaqK & Co. oriianu, amine. A WEEK Ruarnnteed to Male and Fe male Agents, In their locality, rosls NOTHIMIto try It. PasllculirsFree. I. 0. V1CKEHV & Co., Augusta, Me. Most Extraordinary Terms of -4dvertMog are offer' d Id the Btite of PENNSYLVANIA! Sand for list of jiipors and schedule of rates. At! dress GEO. P. BOWELL & CO. Advertising Agents, NO. 41 PAIIK HOW, NKW YOItlC llirrn ya Kcitor or this Piper, jpew Goods ! IV'cw Prices 1 Laury & Peters Have iustiecelved a very largo and ele gant stock of Spring and Summer. ITT comprising plain and fancy loths, Cii-istineresaiid Vestings, tor men's and boys' wear, which thty are prepared to umlcu up in tint most fa hlomtblo style?, ut reasonable prices and-oii short notice. Ladles', Gent's ai.d Children's Boots,-Shoes, Gaiters. ciipiprising a splendid stock of all kinds, iiijimiliictuiett especially lor mo uaue of this locality. of the l itest and iikvU fashionable make, always on hand, at low figures. Fi?"Agents for t)ie Acme Shirt the best fitting garment ever made.- Leave your Measurp fur them. LAURY & PETERS, Merchant Tailors, P. O. Building, Lehlghton, Pa. calls tbe attention of the ladles to the fact that liols noy upenlpg (in Immense stock of the latest btytes of pringincss Also, constantly on ho.nd a full line ot Dry Goods, . Oil Cloths, Groceries, Provisions, Glassware, Queenswa.ro, &c, all ot which be will sell a( prices fully as low as goods of sa.me quality can be bought for In any other t-toro in the. county. Remember the Place I P. P, ItENTZ, Opposito Eaglo Hotel, Bank Street, Lohigliton. By purchasing your Groceries 1 Provisions At the New Store of E. H. RHODES, Opposite the "Carbon Advocate," of- uco UAHUHAVi .enigmon, v A full line of Choice, fresh Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Molassos. Spices, Dried Fruits, JHo. 1. Mackerel, Kerosene Oil, Tobaccos, &c, &c, All of which are warranted nf (list-class quality, and sold VElty; uilKAl' FOR CASUI The hiiiheat marktt price allowed for Cutter, Eggs, aud Country Produce generally lu Exchang for Goods. A trial resDcctfullv solicited. April 10th, 1-y. E. II. RHODES. lYoung Men WUo aro out of Employment, Young Men About Engaging In Business, Young Men Who wish to prepare for Advanced Po suions, Young Men Who wish to prepare for Business, Life, can and superior advantages at CRITTENDEN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE-, 1 131 Chestnut 8 1. cor, of latli, rniLA.DE&pniA. ESTABLUniD 1814 ' In'COHPORAIID 1855 The longest Established, the Best Or. ganlzed, the Most Fraetlcal and the Most Largely Attended Commercial College lu the city. jUhny of our leading and most sua ccssful merchants and business men are among IU graduates. Numerous applications are received from business bouses for its students to fill Htniton8. The Qualifications for business gain ed hero have proved a foitune to hun dreds of young men. Superior Instruct Hons, given In BQOK KEEPING In all its branches, as praotlaed by tha Accountings and Business Men, Incluiis Ing Wholesale, Itetall, Jobbing. Mqpu. facturing, Importing, Conimlsslup, Com, pany Speculating Buslnais;alsti Pomes and Foreign Shipping, Heal Estate, Joint Stock Company, Banking Busi ness, &o. Also, PENMANSUIP, a free, rapid and beautiful style. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS, the best short ant rapid methods in ac tual use, .BUSINESS PRACTICE, Business Forms, Commercial Law, &c, &c. There are no vacations. Students ro, celved at any time, and charged only for the Course which they enter, and not for the time required to complete It. SEND FOB CIUCULAB. Crittenden's Bonk Keeping IIouso Edition, and The Crittenden Commer cial Arithmetic and Business Manual, Forty-ilflh Thousand, for sale at tho College, or will be mailed on receipt of price Jddress J. GROESBECK, Principal. Krock dfc Co.. Bread Bakers, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.? Near the Exchange Hotel. We nre also prepared to suddIv our friends and the citizens in general with Bread and Cakes, of Superior Quality, Fresh every1 Day. Wedding and Fancy Cakes. We have always on hand a fiiio sfock ot Fqro Candies aud Confecons, which we sell at tbe very lowest prices ICE CREAM Every Satur day Evening. Fresh COUNTRY BUTTER at tho regular niakret prices. D. KRQCK & CO., BANK Street, Lohigliton, F. Beeia-yl JItESSED AND LIVE HOC! The enderstaned respectfully Informs the citizens of Carbon and adjoining counties, that lie, Is now prepared ta supply them with Dressed or Live Hogs at all times, at prices fully as low as, they can bo boucht for elsewhere. Also. Smoked Hams, Bolognp and Saussage, ni wnniesaio ana Ketau. tar Orders will be promptly fllle4, and Hogs shipped to auy point at the shortest notice. JOSEPH OBERTj Hank Street, Lehlghton, Pa. Sep. 10. i87-Vyl liliATCUliKY'S ImproTfd PUODM. nun uoiip. run!' is tbe aeknowteKod aCANDAHD cr lbs mrkat Ktr hinnt. m tlliX ,.rdlt.lh.l.t niuTo J fur tbu least mor- Attention is Id- riled to UladhteJ ' ImproTed Uracktt, the Drop Check ValTe, hicb caa be witbitrawu without dlsturblog tbe Joints, aud th6 copper chamber which" nerer cracks, scales or rusts, will last a lifetime. For sale bj dealers and the trade aenerallT. In order to be sura mat you get UUtcblejr'e Ifunp, be careful and see that It has in J trade mark aa abore. lr you do not know where to buy, descriptive circa, lura, tojelhar with the naraeand address or the igeut nearest you, wl'l be prom pity furnished by iddrefcilog, with stain p, CHASs e. BLATCHIEY, MANUFACTURER. 600 Commerce Bt , I'nU , . vliU, Pa. March a, '7o-in W. EACHES, Contractor & Builder, LKIIIQIlTOM, rEN-N'i. Plans and Specifications For alt kinds of Buildings made at tha shortest notice. NO c n A H G E s Made for Plans and Specifications when the contract la awarded to the under signed. A. Y. EACHES. Juue 14, 18T3l-yl 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers